  • 1. WELCOME

2. THE WRIGHT BROTHERSE D W A R D T O M S I OA D V A N C E D A E R O D Y N A M I C S 3. CHILDHOODThe Wright brothers were two of seven children born to Milton wright. Wilbur wasborn near Millville Indiana, in 1867 and Orville in Dayton Ohio, in 1871. Thebrothers never married. In elementary school, Orville was given to mischief and wasonce expelled.Orville (left) and Wilbur (right) in 1876. 4. INVENTIONSInventing and building the world's first successfulairplaneMaking the first controlled, powered and sustainedheavier-than-air human flight, on December 17,1903The brothers developed their flying machine into thefirst practical fixed-wing aircraftThe Flyer, especially by 1905, was the first heavier-than-air, manned, powered, winged machine to flysuccessfully under full control, using aerodynamicprinciples developed by the Wright brothers andapplied since then on all practical airplanes. 5. WILBUR WRIGHTBORN- APRI L 16,1867DI ED-MAY 30,1912 (AGE 45) INTYPHOID FEVER1886 WINTER-ACCIDENTFAUGHT FORTHEIR PATENTRIGHTS UNTI LHI S DEATH 6. FACTS ABOUT WILBURPresented an independent personalityNever graduated from high schoolLoved to read and write!I have always thought I would like tobe a teacher.-Wilbur Wright 7. ORVILLE WRIGHTBorn August 19, 1871Died January 30, 1948( aged76) after his second heartattackStarted his own printingbusinessSold their company in 19151930- recieved the firstDaniel Guggenheim Medal1936- was elected a memberof the National Academy ofScience 8. FACTS ABOUT ORVILLEDeveloped an interest in technologyand science early in lifeMore of an inventor than WilburVery shy but a class clownNever graduated from high school 9. THE WEST SIDE NEWSPAPERIn 1889 the Wright Brothers started the West Side NewsIt was a weekly newspaper that Wilbur and Orville Wright published briefly in 1889and 1891 10. THE WRIGHT CYCLE COMPANYIn 1893 The WrightBrothers started a bicycleshop that allowed them torent and repair bicycles.Only 5 of the WrightBrothers bicyclesexist to this day. 11. THE BEGINNINGThe Wright Brothers developed their plans for a flying machine frombicycle concepts 12. Wright Flyer 1KITTY HAWK On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk,North Carolina, the Wright Flyer becamethe first powered, heavier-than-airmachine to achieve controlled, sustainedflight with a pilot aboard. 13. This is a picture of Orvillepiloting the Wright flyer 1at Kill Devil Hill 17th ofDecember 1903 and isgenerally accepted as thefirst powered flight .Wilbur can be seenwatching this historic flight.Two chain drivenpropellers can be seenconnected to a small singleengineHere is a picture of the first ever motoractually used while flying which was from theWright Brothers plane in the picture above. 14. This stopwatch was used to time theWright Brothers flights at KittyHawkThe first successful flight was 12seconds long and covered 120 feet 15. HUFFMAN PRAIRIETravel to Kitty Hawk was tediousThe Wright Brothers found a local cow pasturejust outside of Dayton where they could extendtheir experiments and practices 16. The farmer who owned HuffmanPrairie didnt not charge rent tothe brothers but he insisted thatthey make sure the farm animalswere out of the way first! 17. WRIGHT FLYER 2The Wright Flyer 2 worked wellHowever, Wilbur and Orville still found itdifficult to controlOn October 20, 1904 the Wright Brothersflew the first complete circle in an aircraftThe flight was 1 minute, 36 seconds andcovered 4,080 feet 18. WRIGHT FLYER 3The Wright Flyer 3 was much easier tocontrolThe Wright Brothers began to stay in theair for longer and longer periods of time 19. PICTURES OF FIRST FLIGHTF I R S T F L I G H T O F W R I G H TF L Y E R 1W R I G H T F L Y E R 3 20. BEFORE THE WRIGHTSOtto Lilienthal Built and flew gliders. Conducted his own lifttests through trial anderror. Had cambered wings witha fixed tail surface. Discovered to fly betterover flat surfaces by SirGeorge Cayley. Supported himself withupper arms. Control by shifting weightand swinging legs. 21. BEFORE THE WRIGHTSOtto LilienthalDesigned and built asmall engine.Custom glider forengine1896 Death due togusty dayControl System wastoo limitedDeath sparked theWrights interest inpowered mannedflight 22. WRIGHTS INSPIRATION"In 1896 we read in thedaily papers, or insome of themagazines, of theexperiments of OttoLilienthal, who wasmaking some glidingflights from the top of asmall hill in Germany.His death a few monthslater while making aglide off the hillincreased our interestin the subject, and webegan looking forbooks pertaining toflight." - Orville Wright,1920 (McFarland, p. 3)Otto Lilienthal's 1896 glider following hisfatal crash 23. THE WRIGHTSProblem withLilienthals glider wascontrol system Set to try to master controlproblemsWilbur observed howbirds turn Concluded that they changethe angle of the ends of theirwings Puzzled how to incorporatethis into a flying machine. 24. WING WARPINGWhen twisting acardboard box,Wilburdiscovered wingwarpingFirst tested thisidea of controlon a biplanekite.Wing Warping andBiplane Kite 25. WING WARPINGThe first longitudinal (roll) controlPrinciples led to the development of ailerons Hip cradle controlWould change the angle of attack of wingtips creating a liftdifferential the same way ailerons do.When satisfied with the performance of the biplanekite, they applied it to their first glider. 26. 1900 GLIDER 27. 1900 GLIDERUsed mainly as a kiteWinds either too light or too strongFurther tested wing warping through cords operated bypilot or from ground.Prone PositionReduced drag1 sq. ft. exposed instead of 5Would add a full HP when they tried for powered flight.Wilbur incorrectly believed that a tail was notnecessary. 28. 1900 GLIDERIncorporated a horizontal operating rudder (horizontalelevator) Placed in front of pilot Counterbalanced the movements of the center of pressure onthe wings. Also believed it would prevent a nosedive and crash like theone that killed Lilienthal. First canard design Labeled canard by French newspapers in 1906 due toresemblance of a duck.Used cambered wings as well Borrowed concept from Lilienthal and other predecessors. 29. 1901 GLIDER 30. 1901 GLIDERBuilt with much larger wing span and wingareaDue to 1900 glider producing less lift thanexpected.Stalled a few timesCanard created a parachute effect allowingfor safe landings.Strengthened Wilburs idea to use thecanard design. 31. 1901 GLIDER PROBLEMSSometimes failed to respond properly towing-warpingTurned opposite the direction intended andwent into descending spiral.Wrights called it well diggingLater cause became known as adverseyawIncrease in lift also creates induced dragProduced only about 1/3 the lift calculated.Up till now, used lift calculations fromLilienthal.Believed calculations were wrong so as aresult 32. WIND TUNNELCreated their own windtunnel Conducted their own lifttests. Found discrepancieswith Lilienthals data. Tested dozens ofminiature wings. Discovered that a long,narrow wing providesmore lift than a short,wide one (largeraspect ratio). Incorporated this intothird glider.Also, discovered theyneeded less camber. 33. 1902 GLIDER 34. 1902 GLIDER32 ft wing spanNarrower and longer that predecessorsAt first had dual fixed rear ruddersAttempt to prevent adverse yawWorked, but when attempting to level off from a turn,rudders caused turn to tighten and would also causewell diggingOrville visualized solution and decided on a single verticalrudder that was movableConnected to the wing warping systemFirst coupled ailerons and rudder systemFirst successful glider with control of all three axes 35. CONTROL PROBLEM SOLVEDForward elevator controlled pitchRear rudder controlled yawWing warping controlled rollSince they solved the problem ofcontrol they decided it was timeto add an engine 36. No engine lightenough backthenDesigned theirownCharles TaylormachinistFour stroke4 cylinder12 HPWRIGHT ENGINE 37. WRIGHT FLYER IDesigned and cuttheir own woodenpropellers Had no data onpropellers Determined that apropeller is essentiallya wing rotating in thevertical plane. More wind tunneltests Decided on twinpusher propellers.Counter-RotatingProps To cancel torque 38. FIRST POWERED MAN SUSTAINED FLIGHTUsed wooden rail system for launchesDec. 17 2003Later used weight-power catapultMade takeoffs easier and shorterReenactment of one of the Flyers flights 39. THE ENDINGIn 1905, the Wright Brothers experimentalperiod endedWith their third powered airplane, they nowroutinely made flights lasting severalminutesOn October 5, Wilbur made an amazingflight in which he circled the field 30times in 39 minutes for a total distance of24 1/2 miles

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