Page 1: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Predicting events from

physiological data while driving

Lei Wang

A thesis submitted for the degree of

Master of Computing at

The Australian National University

June 2015

Page 2: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

c© Lei Wang 2015

Page 3: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Except where otherwise indicated, this thesis is my own original work.

Lei Wang

3 June 2015

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I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided

me the possibility to complete this project. A special gratitude I give to my

supervisors, Prof. Tom Gedeon, Leana Copeland, and Christopher Chow,

whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped

me to coordinate my project especially in experiment conducting.

Furthermore I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation Xu-

anying Zhu, who help me lean the structure of stress model software.

A special thanks goes to my mum and dad, who encourage me to overcome

the difficulty in writing report. Thank you to my boyfriend, who cheers me

up when I feel frustrated. Last but not least, many thanks go the subjects of

the experiment, who spent their time participating in the experiment.


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This project investigated the feasibility of predicting road events by physio-

logical data while driving. Eleven subjects were asked to drive with driving

simulator in virtual city environment for 10 minutes. Galvanic skin responses

and electrocardiogram were measured during physiological monitoring. Be-

sides, their virtual world driving performances were recorded. With prepro-

cessing and analysis data collected in the experiment, a road-event-prediction

classifier was build by Extreme learning machine algorithm. K-fold cross

method was applied to validate this classifier.

From the statistical evaluation of the classification results this study found

that subjects’ physiological data have the ability to indicate the occurrences

of corresponding road events. The performance of the road-event- prediction

classifier not only suffers from inappropriate division of events into several

categories, but also suffers from imbalanced class distributions in datasets.

Moreover, there is correlation between the occurrence of serious incidents

and facial expression change.


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Acknowledgments iv

Abstract v

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Motivation and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Literature Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2.1 The Use of Physiological Data While Driving . . . . . . 3

1.2.2 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.3 Hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.4 Thesis outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Design of building the Road-event-prediction Classifier with GSR

and ECG data 7

2.1 Data Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2.2 Train the Classifier with Extreme Learning Machine . . . . . . . 8

2.3 Validate the Classifier with K-fold Cross Validation . . . . . . . 9

2.3.1 Motivation of Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.3.2 Cross Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.4 Architecture of building the Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Experiment 13

3.1 Previous Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.2 Experiment Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.2.1 Hardware and Software Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


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Contents vii

3.2.2 Parameter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3.2.3 Survey Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.3 Experiment Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.3.1 Experiment Subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.3.2 Experiment Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.4 Collected Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4 Data Preprocessing and Analysis 21

4.1 Data need to be Preprocessed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4.2 Data Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.1 Select Useful Subjects’ Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.2 Clean GSR and ECG data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

4.2.3 Filter and Normalize GSR and ECG Data . . . . . . . . . 24

4.2.4 Generate Features from GSR and ECG data . . . . . . . 26

4.2.5 Label Video Sequence Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.3 Train and Test the Classifier with Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.4 Predict Events with the Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

5 Results and Discussion 32

5.1 Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results and discussion . . 33

5.2.1 The comparison between prediction results and facial

expression change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.2.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6 Conclusion and Future Work 40

6.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

6.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

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viii Contents

Appendix A Participant Consent Form 44

Appendix B Survey Questionnaire 45

Appendix C Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab 47

Appendix D Independent Study Contract 50

Bibliography 53

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List of Figures

2.1 The architecture of building the classifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3.1 Experiment Hardware and software setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1 The GSR and ECG data figure for subject 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.2 The raw GSR data figure for subject 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4.3 The cleaned GSR figure for subject 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.4 The comparison between prediction results and facial expres-

sion change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

A.1 Participant Consent Form sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

B.1 Survey Questionnaire part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

B.2 Survey Questionnaire part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

B.3 Survey Questionnaire part 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

C.1 Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 1. . . . 47

C.2 Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 2. . . . 48

C.3 Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 3. . . . 49

D.1 Independent study contract part 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

D.2 Independent study contract part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


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List of Tables

3.1 NeuLog software experiment parameter setting. . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 ScreenRecorder software experiment parameter setting. . . . . 17

4.1 Features generation types and quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2 Event category and corresponding event tag for seven categories. 28

5.2 Counting table for six categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.1 Counting table for seven categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.3 Event category and corresponding event tag for four categories. 36

5.4 Counting table for four categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.5 Event category and corresponding event tag for three categories. 37

5.6 Counting table for three categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

5.7 Event category and corresponding event tag for two categories. 38

5.8 Counting table for two categories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


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Arb Arbitrary analog units. 17

ECG Electrocardiogram. 2

ELM Extreme Learning Machine. 5

FPS Frames Per Second. 17

GSR Galvanic skin response. 2

HF High frequency band. 27

HZ Hertz. 27

LF Low frequency band. 27

MATLAB Matrix laboratory. 22


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Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation and Objectives

The collection of valuable information on drivers’ behaviors contributes to the

development of intelligent vehicular systems that is able to interpret and deal

with different situations in traffic [Malta et al., 2008]. It is very vital whether a

driver can immediately make precise operation after perceiving dangers and

making correct decision in brain. The time between making correct decision

in brain and taking precise action is called reaction time [Evans, 2004]. For

most driver the reaction time is in the rage of 0.6 to 1 and is also highly de-

pended on the individual and mental state [Green, 2000]. Older drivers have

longer reaction time than young driver [Alm and Nilsson, 1995]. Some mental

state such as depression and fatigue would increase the reaction time [Burns

and Lansdown, 2000].

However, for most drivers, even they have detected that dangers, they cannot

take immediately actions such as braking or rotating steering wheel. In this

situation, if the driver’s reaction time even decreases only 1 second, it would

make a big difference on the stopping distance. When a driver is driving in

72 km/h, the stopping distance would decrease 2 meters and the probability

of collisions would be decrease to some extent [Davis, 2003]. If a car system

can percept the dangerous via drivers’ physiological data, it would be very

helpful to develop a safe driving system to help driver control the car when


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2 Introduction

the serious incident or accident happen.

When some dangers things happen to human, they would feel stressful and

some physiological data would well indicate how stressful they are [Pecchi-

nenda, 1996]. Stress can be defined as a body’s method of reacting to a chal-

lenge. As for human, stress typically describes a negative condition or a

positive condition that can have an impact on a person’s mental and physi-

cal [str]. The different road events or different traffic congestion levels can re-

sult in different conditions. For example, the events, like rushing to sidewalk

or smashing into a tree, result in negative condition. On the other hands,

the events, such as driving in a wide, straight and empty highway, lead to

positive conditions. For most drivers, they would react differently for such

different conditions. In the consequence, different road events would lead to

different stress level.

Some physiological data could reflect the individual’s stress level. In previ-

ous study, Dong P. Jang’s experiment has suggested that there are two kinds

of physiological data, galvanic skin response (GSR) and electrocardiogram

(ECG), which can be used as objective measures in monitoring the reaction

of non-phobic participants to virtual-world fear driving and flying, which is

set by different situations, such as driving in different traffic congestion level

and flying in different weather conditions [Jang et al., 2002]. Besides, in Chris-

tine and Fatma’s report, they list 21 references which are studying mapping

physiological signals to human emotions, which is elicited by a variety of

events, like easy or difficult memory task solving, Unpleasant or neutrality

film showing, and real life inductions and imagery [Lisetti and Nasoz, 2004].

In summary, this report aims at discussing the correlation between the phys-

iological data of driver and road events that driver meets. A rod-event-

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§1.2 Literature Survey 3

prediction classifier is suggested to map the physiological data and road

events. Before building this classifier, an experiment is required to be con-

ducted to collect data. After data preprocessing and analysis, some ma-

chine learning techniques are implemented to build and validate the classifier.

Based on the classification results, in the report the findings describe the fac-

tors, which affect the road-event-prediction classifier performance. Following

these findings, conclusions are drawn and a number of recommendations are

made to improve this project in the future.

1.2 Literature Survey

1.2.1 The Use of Physiological Data While Driving

Physiological monitoring has widely been used in virtual world and real

world driving tasks. In generally, physiological data is regarded as a met-

ric to assess driver’s irritation level [Malta et al., 2008]. As the different

road and traffic conditions would also affect driver’s stress level, physiolog-

ical data is considered for providing feedback about a driver’s state, which

can also be collected continuously without interrupting driver’s task perfor-

mance [Healey and Picard, 2005].

Dong P. Jang analyzed non-phobic participants’ physiological reaction to vir-

tual driving task. During the physiological monitoring galvanic skin re-

sponse, heart rate, and skin temperature were measured. In this study, it

has been found that galvanic skin response and heart rate variability can be

used to show arousal of participants, who were exposed to the virtual en-

vironment experience. Besides, these two physiological measures generally

returned to normal over time. The result of Dong P. Jang’ research suggest

that galvanic skin response and heart rate can be used as objective measures

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4 Introduction

which aim at monitoring the reaction of non-phobic participants to virtual

environment [Jang et al., 2002]. Moreover, when it comes to assess the emo-

tional state of participants, it would be helpful to refer to heart rate variability.

Jennifer A. Healey and Rosalind W. Picard have conducted an experiment

to collect physiological data during real world driving tasks, and have pre-

sented the methods for analyzing physiological data to determine a driver’s

relative stress level [Healey and Picard, 2005]. They recorded four kinds of

physiological data while drivers followed a set route through open roads in

the greater Boston area: electrocardiogram, electromyogram, galvanic skin

response, and respiration. After analyzing the results, they found for most

drivers their galvanic skin response and heart rate are highly correlated with

driver stress level. This finding indicated that physiological data are able to

be a metric of driver’s stress level. In the consequence, in the future it is pos-

sible to integrate physiological monitoring into car system.

In a multi-modal real world driving data collection and analysis research,

physiological data take part in estimating a driver’s irritation level [Malta

et al., 2008]. In this research, galvanic skin response is used to represent the

physiological state of driver. Physiological data is also used in the research

about the management of secondary tasks while real world driving [Collet

et al., 2009]. This research found that galvanic skin response and heart rate

shows that arousal level increase as a function of dual-task requirements, the

in-vehicle conversation eliciting the same strain as the remote conversation.

In a research about driving condition recognition, researcher used heart rate

variability to recognize different driving condition [Wang et al., 2010]. An

approach for real time stress trend detection is presented by using physi-

ological data in wearable computing systems for automotive drivers [Singh

et al., 2011]. The physiological the researcher used are galvanic skin response,

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§1.3 Hypothesis 5

photoplethysmogram, and heart rate.

1.2.2 Previous Work

Sharma [Sharma and Gedeon, 2014] and Xuanying [Zhu, 2014] have devel-

oped a computational model to evaluate subject’s stress in virtual environ-

ments. The main differences between Sharma’s work and Xuanying’s work

are shown on the type of physiological data they used to build the stress

model, the machine learning algorithm to build the stress classifier, and on

the experiment tasks, which is used for collecting physiological data. How-

ever, they use same methods to generate statistical features from physiological

data. These methods to generate statistical features from physiological data

are referred in this project. As Xuanying shows that Extreme Learning Ma-

chine(ELM) algorithm is efficient than traditional Artificial Neuron Network

algorithm, in this project, we choose Extreme Learning Machine algorithm to

build the road-event-prediction classifier. Besides, Lor [Lor, 2013] and Le [Le,

2013] have set up the hardware and software of driving simulator, so this

project would benefit from their work. Additionally, the author have con-

ducted the driving simulator experiment based on Lor and Le’s work before,

and the survey questionnaire is also referred to the past experiment survey


1.3 Hypothesis

We want to predict potentially hazardous situations by drivers’ GSR and ECG

data, so this report would present a method to map GSR and ECG data to

hazardous event level. Thus, a road-event-prediction classifier is required to

build to predict the events. Before building and validating the classifier, sev-

eral hypothesis need to be listed.

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6 Introduction

1) Subjects’ physiological data such as GSR and ECG, which is monitored

while they are driving in the virtual world, are able to indicate the occur-

rences of corresponding road events to some extent.

2) There should are some factors would affect the road-event-prediction clas-

sifier performance.

3) There would be correlation between the occurrence of serious incidents and

facial expression change.

1.4 Thesis outline

In this report, a design of building the road-event-prediction classifier with

GSR and ECG data is presented in chapter 2. According to the design, chap-

ter 3 shows the experiment to collected data for building the classifier, and

chapter 4 describes the methods to preprocess and analysis data collected in

the experiment. Finally, chapter 5 discusses the classification results with sta-

tistical evaluation, and chapter 6 draws the conclusion and makes a number

of recommendations for improving this project in the future.

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Chapter 2

Design of building the

Road-event-prediction Classifier

with GSR and ECG data

To generate the road-event prediction classifier with GSR and ECG data, basic

machine learning procedures should be followed with, which includes data

preparation, train the classifier, validate the classifier. This chapter describes

above three procedures in details so as to guide the experiment for chapter 3

and lay the foundation for the chapter 4 and chapter 5.

2.1 Data Preparation

Data preparation is a procedure to define the three main terms used in train-

ing the road-event-prediction classifier, which are the example, the features,

and the label. The example is also called the instance. For each example,

it might have several features but only have one label. In this project, each

example is a 4 seconds interval which is segmented with 50% overlap from

time sequence. The features are generated from GSR and ECG data. Since

each example is a 4 seconds interval, some statistical measures can be calcu-

lated from corresponding GSR and ECG data as features, such as minimum

value of this interval, maximum value of this interval, and mean value of this


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8 Design of building the Road-event-prediction Classifier with GSR and ECG data

interval [Sharma and Gedeon, 2014]. Corresponding label for each example

is a number which represents a unique road event or a road event category.

2.2 Train the Classifier with Extreme Learning Ma-


Basically, machine learning algorithm can be regarded as a box; The input

of this box is the features for one example; The output of this black box is

the predictive label. When there are a set of examples, it can be obtained a

set of predictive labels through the machine learning algorithm. Comparing

predictive labels with original labels, it can be found that some predictive la-

bels are same as original labels. That is what we exactly desire: more correct

predictive results. Thus, machine learning algorithm would do adjustment

on its inner parameter setting to reach this goal. That is the basic concept of

training the classifier.

Extreme learning machine is a kind of machine learning algorithm works for

single-hidden-layer feedforward neural networks [Huang et al., 2006]. There

are three layers in total: inutlayer, hidden layer, and output layer. The num-

ber of input neurons in input layer is equal to the number of features for each

example. In hidden layer, the number of hidden neurons is selected with

suggested number for ELM, such as 400 [Zhu, 2014]. The number of output

neurons is equal to the number of event category. One of the advantages of

ELM is that it is efficient in sequential learning. As the definition of the exam-

ples in this project, we find that training the road-event-prediction classifier

is a kind of sequential learning related problem, and choose ELM algorithm

to train the classifier would be a good choice.

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§2.3 Validate the Classifier with K-fold Cross Validation 9

2.3 Validate the Classifier with K-fold Cross Vali-


2.3.1 Motivation of Validation

As our objective is to develop a predictive model which can predict road

events based on GSR and ECG physiological data, we must have a way not

only to select the best model but also to assess the accuracy, reliability and

credibility of this model. More specifically, there are two fundamental prob-

lems we need to solve: model selection and performance estimation. Val-

idation techniques are motived by these two problems. In this chapter we

briefly describe five different validation techniques, and present the way to

solve those two problems in our project in details.

In model selection problem, almost invariably, all pattern recognition tech-

niques have one or more free parameters, such as the number of hidden units

or the number of hidden layers in Artificial Neuron Network. We concern

about How we can select the optimal user defined parameters or learning

algorithm for a given classification problem. In performance estimation prob-

lem, once we have chosen a model, we also have to consider how to estimate

its performance. Normally, the performance of a model is measured by true

error rate, which is the classifier’s error rate on the entire instances.

If it is possible that we can access to an infinite number of instances, we

could choose the model, which provides the lowest error rate on the entire

population and we could also estimate its performance by measuring the clas-

sifier’s error rate on the entire population, which is equal to the total number

of misclassifications on the entire population divide by the size of entire pop-

ulation. However, in practice only we can get a limit set of instances but not

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10Design of building the Road-event-prediction Classifier with GSR and ECG data

whole instances. If we still implement same method as before to select best

model and estimate performance of this model, there would be two funda-

mental problems. One is that the final model we select will normally overfit

the training data especially in a model that has amount of parameters. The

other problem is that the error rate we have estimated will be lower than the

true error rate [Efron and Gong, 1983].

2.3.2 Cross Validation

There are typically two kinds of Cross validation methods:leave-one cross val-

idation and k-fold cross validation. They are all a kind of resampling meth-

ods, which repeatedly use different split ways to train several models and test

corresponding models [Kohavi et al., 1995]. According to the different split

ways, different cross validation methods are named straightaway.

As for leave-one cross validation, assuming we have an initial data in N size,

which also means that there are N instances, we would repeatedly train model

for N times, and in t time we choose the t-th instance as testing set and the

rest is regarded as training set. After N times training, we would get N er-

ror rates for all iterations and the overall model performance. The biggest

advantage of leave-one-out cross validation is that it make good use of every

instance in an initial data. As for drawback, leave-one-our cross validation

is really expensive when an initial data has a huge size, that means we need

numerous iterations, and sometimes it also has some weird behavior. For

example, if there are minority instances in same class, when we select such

instance in one iteration as testing set and the rest instances as training data,

we might get 100% error rate since this instance cannot be classified correctly

by such kind of model which is trained by majority instances in other class.

In that case, the overall performance of the model on limit instances would

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§2.4 Architecture of building the Classifier 11

be not good as real performance of the model on whole instances.

In k-fold cross-validation, which is also called rotation estimation, we par-

tition the initial data into k subsets in equal size. We would repeatedly train

classifier in k times, and in t-th time we regard the t-th subset as testing set

and the rest as training set. After k times training, we get k error rates for

all iterations and the overall performance would be the average of the k error

rates. A common choice for k-fold cross validation is to define k equal to 10.

K-fold cross-validation is similar to random subsampling, but the former one

have a big advantage since all the examples in initial data definitely can be

used for both training and testing [Kohavi et al., 1995]. However, consider-

ing the attribute of random split, random subsampling cannot guarantee that.

Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of two cross validation meth-

ods, we choose k-fold cross validation method to validate the road-event-

prediction classifier with setting k equal to 10. The classifier would be the

model which have the best correct rate among others. In practical, the in-

put weights and output weights are recorded as the model, which is used to


2.4 Architecture of building the Classifier

In generally, there are basically three main steps to build the road-event clas-

sifier. The first step is to get the examples, the corresponding features, and

the corresponding tags ready. In chapter 4, it would introduce an experiment

to collect video data and physiological data, which serve for chapter 5.2 Data

preprocessing to obtain the examples, the corresponding features, and the

corresponding tags. The second step is to build ELM algorithm with con-

sidering the attributes of examples’ features and the attributes of examples’

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12Design of building the Road-event-prediction Classifier with GSR and ECG data

Figure 2.1: The architecture of building the classifier

tags. The final step is to organize ELM algorithm into k-fold cross valida-

tion with recording the best model. Besides, according the objective of this

project mentioned in chapter 1, we use the classifier to predict on new data

and observing the results with comparing the subjects’ facial expression from

video data. To sum up, the Figure 2.1 presents the architecture of building

the classifier.

2.5 Summary

In this chapter, it illustrates the architecture of building the road-event-prediction

classifier, which lead to the following experiment presented in chapter 3. Ac-

cording to the data preparation, the experiment aims at data collection for

generating necessary elements of building classifier. This chapter also lay

the foundation of data preprocessing in chapter 4 with the definition of the

examples, the features, and the tags.

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Chapter 3


The experiment results of data collection for training and testing a road-event-

prediction classifier are presented in this chapter. In chapter 1, it is introduced

that some physiological data, such as GSR and ECG, which are highly respon-

sive to the stressful events, can be took into account for developing the safe

driving alert system. To build the road-event-prediction classifier, which has

been shown in chapter 2, an experiment on a driving simulator is conducted

to collect data. The depth preprocessing and analysis of the collected data

is presented in chapter 4. Ethics approval to perform the experiment was

received from the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee.

3.1 Previous Work

The experiment introduced in this chapter is built upon previous experiments

developed by Lor [Lor, 2013] and Le [Le, 2013]. Benefited from their works, a

variety of problems about hardware and software are solved properly. Aim-

ing at building a realistic left-hand driving experiment environment, Lor set

up the hardware and software scheme. He has chosen a driving simulator

software, named City Car Driving, from several different driving simulator

software, within which the car type and traffic conditions can be modified

as well. Besides, Lor also has successfully built a left-hand virtual driving

environment by using mirroring software to flip the whole driving scene in


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14 Experiment

City Car Driving. With the aim to compare the participants’ physiological re-

sponse in different degree of driving simulation, Le proposes a solution to in-

tegrate the collection of physiological data into driving simulator experiment

developed by Lor. In Le’s work, she presents the details about collecting GSR

and ECG data with specific physiological sensors, gives the guidance about

setting up an experiment with maximizing the capacity for all equipment,

such as driving simulator, physiological sensors, web camera, and projector,

and mainly introduces the methods to pre-process the multiple data collected

from different equipments.

In this experiment, we still use the hardware and software structure of driv-

ing simulator as well as the way to collect GSR and ECG data. However, as

the aim of this experiment is aimed at collecting the GSR and ECG data with

corresponding virtual world driving scene and is not aimed at comparing

the participants’ response in different emulation as Le did, the survey ques-

tions, scenario, sequences, and procedure in this experiment are simplified.

Besides, considering the difficulty Le meets in her work, which is the syn-

chronization of physiological data and virtual world driving situation video

recording data, some minor adjustments in experiment setup are used to re-

duce this difficulty.

3.2 Experiment Setup

Before experiment conduct, it is necessary to set up the hardware and soft-

ware for driving simulator and physiological data collection. Survey ques-

tions also need to be well designed to serve for preprocessing physiological

data in next chapter. Moreover, we also have to take into account the impact

of experiment environment on bio-feedback, and choose an appropriate place

to tick out the factors, which would divert participants’ attention from exper-

Page 26: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§3.2 Experiment Setup 15

(a) A screenshot of physiological data collec-tion setup

(b) A photograph of driving simulator setup

Figure 3.1: Experiment Hardware and software setup

iments or make participants behave deliberately. Two computer monitors are

not arranged side by side so that participants cannot see his/her the real time

GSR and ECG data while driving.

3.2.1 Hardware and Software Setup

In this experiment, two personal computers are running synchronously. One

is to control the hardware and software of physiological data collection and

virtual world driving situation recording data collection as Figure 3.1(a) show-

ing; the other is to implement the hardware and software of driving simulator

so as to build a realistic left-hand driving experimental environment as Figure

3.1(b) showing.

On the data collection computer, besides mouse and keyboard there are

three hardware devices, which need to be well connected. There are two web

cameras, GSR and ECG sensors. The software for implementation, each web

camera is Amcap, which can broadcast the scene captured by web camera

in real-time. For these two web cameras, one is used to broadcast the par-

ticipants’ facial expression; the other is to broadcast the participants’ virtual

driving situation. Therefore, we put one web camera in front of participant,

Page 27: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

16 Experiment

and put the other web camera in front of the screen, which connects to the

computer of implementing driving simulator. We use the proprietary soft-

ware named NeuLog to implement NeuLog NUL217GSR and ECG sensors,

and we set the sampling rate for both GSR and ECG sensors to 5 sampling

points per second. In order to reduce the difficulty of synchronization pro-

cess, which is addressed in Le’s work, we decide use the screen recorder

named Screenrecorder to record a monitoring video as Figure 3.1(a) show-

ing, which not only does save the participants’ facial expression recording

and virtual world driving situation recording in one video but also can easily

trace the corresponding facial expression and virtual world driving situation

at a specific GSR and ECG value that the participant behaves.

When we implement driving simulator on another personal computer, for

the driving visual simulator part, we use a 1050 x 1680 pixel DELL monitor

to display the scene in the perspective of a driver as sitting in a car, which is

provided by the software named City Car Driving; for the driving operation

simulator part, we use Logitech G25 Racing wheel set to simulate car wheel,

gear, brake, accelerator and necessary operation components in a real car. An

auto-gear car with normal traffic condition is chosen in our virtual driving

environment: City Car Driving.

3.2.2 Parameter Setting

There are two software for collecting data. One is NeuLog software that

collects GSR and ECG data; The other is ScreenRecorder software that col-

lects participants’ facial expression recording, virtual world driving situation

recording, the real time GSR and ECG figure, and the real time digital clock

as Figure 3.1(a) showing. A summary about parameter setting for each soft-

ware is required. Table 3.1 shows the parameter setting for NeuLog software,

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§3.2 Experiment Setup 17

Experiment duration 10 minutesSampling rate 5 per secondGSR unites of measure ArbECG unites of measure ArbThe file suffix .csv

Table 3.1: NeuLog software experiment parameter setting.

Experiment duration at least 10 minutesFrame rate 25 FPSSound Record offThe file suffix .avi

Table 3.2: ScreenRecorder software experiment parameter setting.

and table 3.2 presents the parameter setting for ScreenRecorder software.

3.2.3 Survey Questionnaire

The pre-experiment and post-experiment questionnaire are designed in our

survey. Participants’ basic personal information, like name, age, and gender,

is asked in pre-experiment questionnaire. Besides, considering the influence

of real life driving experience and virtual driving experience, we also set a

several questions about it. Participants who have real life driving experience

are more familiar with the procedure of driving, such as turning on the car

engine, turning off hand break, shifting gear with pressing brake, and switch-

ing gear in right moment, so they would more focus on driving rather than

spend time on learning basic procedure of driving. We prefer to use the

data collected from experienced participants who are familiar with driving to

build our road-even-prediction classifier. Post-experiments survey question-

naire asks participants some questions about the virtual driving experience.

These feedbacks help us figure out whether participants take same attitude as

when they are driving in real life world. We would select the data from those

participants for further study. The pre- and post- experiment survey are give

Page 29: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

18 Experiment

in Appendix.

3.3 Experiment Conduct

3.3.1 Experiment Subjects

There are eleven subjects who participant in this experiment. The subjects are

chosen at random, and there are 6(54.5%) female and 5(45.5%) male. Their

average was 23.18 years with the range from 12 to 35 years of age. Most of

them do not have driving simulator experience but have driving experience.

In chapter 5.2.1, it introduces one condition of selecting useful data for train-

ing and testing road-event-prediction classifier. That condition is depends on

whether subjects have real life driving experience.

Basically, each subject has two tasks: file in survey questionnaire and play

driving simulator. While subject is playing driving simulator, we record the

GSR and ECG data, its facial expression change, and virtual world driving

performance. Experiment instructor does not interrupt subject, only if the

GSR and ECG sensor lost contact with subject. When the loexperiment in-

structor should recontact sensor to subject.

3.3.2 Experiment Procedure

Before conducting experiment, the experiment hardware and software need

to be setup and placed at appropriate locations in the room. Experiment in-

structor has to test the experiment hardware and software in order to make

every equipment work successfully. Besides, survey questionnaire sheet should

be printed. Experiment instructor give briefly expiration of tasks for each sub-

ject need to do but do not tell them the purpose of this experiment until at the

end of experiment. At the beginning of experience, written consent and pre-

experiment questionnaire should be filled in. Let subjects seat on the chair.

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§3.4 Collected Data 19

The seat is adjusted to a comfortable distance from the driving simulator con-

troller. Then experiment instructor attaches GSR and ECG sensors to subject

according to Le’s report. After that, a brief introduction on how to control

the vehicle by using driving simulator is given to subjects. Each subject can

have a few minutes to drive around the virtual city to practice how to control

the driving simulator. When the subject is ready to do experiment and ex-

periment hardware and software are set properly, experiment instructor turn

on recording software and let subjects start to experiment. Meanwhile, ex-

periment instructor should observe the real time GSR and ECG figure on the

monitor so as to take immediately measures when the temporary loss of GSR

data happens due to GSR sensor lost contact with the electrodes. When the

temporary loss of GSR data is found from the figure, experiment instructor

should immediately attach GSR sensor to the electrodes. After 10 minutes

past, GSR and ECG sensor stop recording automatically. Experiment instruc-

tor should stop screen recording immediately as well and take off the sensors

from subjects’ body. At the end of experiment, subjects need to fill in the

post-experiment questionnaire based on just driving simulator experience.

3.4 Collected Data

Finally, there are 11 sets of collected data. Each set includes two types data:

numerical data and video data. Numerical data includes GSR and ECG data.

Participants’ facial expression, virtual world driving situation, real time GSR

and ECG graph, and digital clock are contained in video data. The data

preprocessing and analysis would be presented in chapter 4.

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20 Experiment

3.5 Summary

The aim of this experiment is to collect the data for training and testing the

road-events-prediction classifier. Firstly, we set up the driving simulator with

the integration of physiological data collecting based on Lor and Le’s work,

and then change the way to store the multiple data collected from different

equipment. Secondly, survey questionary is designed to collect the basic per-

sonal information of participants and feedback for virtual driving experience.

Meanwhile, the experiment conduct that anticipates the experiment process

need to be designed with consideration the aim of our experiment, and emer-

gency measure, such as reconnect the sensors on participants, should be taken

to avoid the loss of data. Finally, we make our experiment with eleven partic-

ipants and collect two data sets for each participant. One is the raw arbitrary

GSR and ECG data; the other is the screen recording video data, which not

only does save the participants’ facial expression recording and virtual world

driving situation recording in one video but also can easily trace the corre-

sponding facial expression and virtual world driving situation at a specific

GSR and ECG value that a participant has.

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Chapter 4

Data Preprocessing and Analysis

In this chapter, the methods of data preprocessing and analysis are presented

in detail. The target data which are required to be processed is described

in chapter 4.1. Then the data preprocessing methods are discussed in chap-

ter 4.2. Besides, the implementation of training and testing the road-event-

prediction classifier is introduced in chapter 4.3. In the end, the way to

compare predicted results on new data with corresponding subjects’ facial

expression change is described in chapter 4.4.

4.1 Data need to be Preprocessed

There are two groups of data need to be preprocessed. One is for train-

ing and testing the road-event-prediction classifier, so there are two kinds of

data: video data and numerical data. Video data is used to label each exam-

ple with event tag; numerical data includes GSR and ECG data and is used

to generate several features for each example. The other group data is for

comparison between facial expression change and the prediction of the road-

event-prediction classifier with GSR and ECG data collected in last semester.

Thus there is only numerical data including GSR and ECG data need to be

preprocessed, but there is no need for event annotation. The same methods

are applied to preprocess numerical data for both groups. In generally, there

are two parts in data preprocessing: numerical data preprocessing and video


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22 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

data p’reprocessing. In numerical data preprocessing, there are two groups

of data, which are processed separately but in same methods.

4.2 Data Preprocessing

4.2.1 Select Useful Subjects’ Data

At the beginning of data preprocessing, it is necessary to review the GSR

and ECG figures for all subjects. We draw above figures in Matrix labora-

tory(MATLAB). After observing all figures, we find that only some subjects’

GSR data are keeping at maximum as Figure 4.1 showing. The reason be-

hind this phenomenon is that the temperature of finger skin is too low, or

that these subjects have excessive sweating on their fingers. As extremely

sweating subjects’ GSR data do not fluctuate for a long period of time, we

decide drop such subjects’ data. Among 11 subject’s data, we find there are 3

extremely sweating subjects. In the end, we keep 8 subjects’ data for further

data preprocessing.

4.2.2 Clean GSR and ECG data

After obtaining the useful subjects’ data, we need to clean their GSR and ECG

data. This process aims at dealing with the missing GSR data issue. In chap-

ter 4, it has mentioned that experiment instructor should continually observe

subjects’ real time GSR and ECG figure in order to take immediately mea-

sures when GSR or ECG data drop to 0. This phenomenon dues to that GSR

or ECG sensors cables lost contact with electrodes.

In this experiment, it only happens on GSR data when subjects try to avoid

incidents or accidents with extreme arm movements on steering wheel. With

extreme arm movements on steering wheel, the GSR sensors’ cables sometime

Page 34: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§4.2 Data Preprocessing 23

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30000








4x 10

4 Subject 7: The Arbitrary[Arb] GSR data

Sampling Index








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000−1000






5000Subject 7: The Arbitrary[Arb] ECG data

Sampling Index






G v


Figure 4.1: The GSR and ECG data figure for subject 7

tangle and stuck into the gap of steering wheel, but the GSR sensor electrodes

are still on subjects’ finger. Thus, GSR sensors cables lost contact with elec-

trodes and the real time GSR figure shows that GSR line drops dramatically to

0 as Figure 4.2 showing. Luckily, there are only short period of loss GSR data

time since experiment instructor has taken immediately measures to connect

GSR sensor cables to GSR sensor electrodes. Therefore, in this sector we only

consider how to deal with missing GSR data.

The solution of dealing with missing GSR data is based on statistical

method. Basically, there are three steps in this method. Firstly, the posi-

tions of missing GSR are required to be located precisely. We can roughly

locate the missing GSR data positions by observing their figures plotted by

MATLAB and find the precise positions by observing the data matrix loaded

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24 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30000








4x 10

4 Subject 4: The Arbitrary[Arb] GSR data

Sampling Index








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000−1000






5000Subject 4: The Arbitrary[Arb] ECG data

Sampling Index






G v


Figure 4.2: The raw GSR data figure for subject 4

in MATLAB. The missing GSR data area would include a period of time that

GSR data drops to 0 and increases to the pervious height. Secondly, the two

sides of the neighbors of missing GSR data area are also required to be lo-

cated properly. Finally, the missing GSR data is replaced with the mean of

the two sides of the neighbors of missing GSR data.

Take subject 4 GSR data for example, we has seen the raw GSR data in Figure

4.2, and after processing this GSR data with above method in MATLAB the

Figure 4.3, shows the processed results for subject 4 GSR data.

4.2.3 Filter and Normalize GSR and ECG Data

The aim of filtering GSR and ECG data is to eliminate the noisy. In this re-

search, we only consider eliminating high frequency noisy that is created by

sensors and cables. Nandita had discussed that the low frequency band of

ECG would provide more useful information to indicate stress [Sharma and

Gedeon, 2012]. How to eliminate the low frequency noisy but leave the useful

information is not a easy problem. Limited in the time, we only consider how

to eliminate high frequency noisy with a practical low-pass filter.

Page 36: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§4.2 Data Preprocessing 25

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 30000








4x 10

4 Subject 4: The Arbitrary[Arb] GSR data

Sampling Index








0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000−1000






5000Subject 4: The Arbitrary[Arb] ECG data

Sampling Index






G v


Figure 4.3: The cleaned GSR figure for subject 4

The low-pass filter implemented in this project is a simple moving average

low-pass filter. In mathematically, this low-pass filter is a procedure to re-

place each original data with the mean value in sequentially. The mean value

is calculated among this original data and several previous neighbors of this

original data. Therefore, it would eliminate the extreme change to some ex-

tent. The formula of a simple moving average low-pass filter is presented

in (4.1), where w is called window size and Xn is the current data. In this

project, window size is set to 4.

Xn =∑w−1

i=0 Xn−i


After filtering GSR and ECG data, normalization is required in order to elim-

inate the individual differences among subjects. It is obviously that different

subjects have different attributes on their physiological data. Some subjects

are more likely to stay calm but the others might be easy excited. These differ-

ences are also reflected on their physiological data. Thus, considering these

individual differences, we apply normalization on GSR and ECG data. For

each subject, we implement the formula (4.2) on both of GSR and ECG data

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26 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

to do normalization. In the formula, Xn is the current data; Xmin and Xmax are

the minimum data and maximum data among this subject’s data respectively.

In the end, for all subjects their GSR and ECG data are both in same range of

[-1, 1].

Xn =2(Xn − Xmin)

Xmax − Xmin− 1 (4.2)

4.2.4 Generate Features from GSR and ECG data

Based on the definitions of the examples and the features that are described

in chapter 3.1, we generate features from GSR and ECG data for the road-

event-prediction classifier. As mentioned in chapter 3.1, in this project, each

example is a 4 seconds interval, which is segmented with 50% overlap sequen-

tially. The features are generated from GSR and ECG data in each example.

Thus, there are basically three main steps to generate features from GSR and

ECG data.

Firstly, for each subject, the GSR and ECG data are required to be segmented

into several examples with the rule mentioned above. In this project, as the

sampling rate for both of GSR and ECG sensor is set to 5 sampling points

per second and the experiment duration for each subject is 10 minutes, there

are 3001 points in each GSR and ECG data including the base point. Since

each example is a 4 seconds interval, there are 20 points in each example.

The overlap is 50%, so the overlap segment is a 10 points segment. For each

example, it is defined with 20 points from GSR data and 20 points from ECG

data. The right neighbor of one example share 10 same points from GSR data

and 10 same points from ECG data. In the end, there are 299 examples for

each subject. Since there are 8 useful subjects’ data, there are 2392 examples

in total.

Page 38: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§4.2 Data Preprocessing 27

Secondly, for each example, we generate 27 features in total. In each exam-

ple, for GSR data, the gradient GSR data, and ECG data, each of them would

be used to generate 8 statistical features: minimum, maximum, median,

interquartile range, mean, standard deviation, variance, root mean square.

Those features can be calculated with inbuilt function in MATLAB. Thus,

there are 24 features for each example now. For ECG data, another three

features are generated: energy ration, low frequency band (LF), and high fre-

quency band (HF) [Sharma and Gedeon, 2012]. LF is in the range of [0.05HZ,

0.15HZ]; HF is in the range of [0.16HZ, 0.4HZ]. Energy ration is the result

from the total energy in LF divided by the total energy in HF. In the Table 4.1,

we make a summary about feature generation type.

Quantity Features Target Data

Minimum, Maximum,Median, GSR

8 Interquartile range, Standard deviation, Gradient of GSR

Mean, Root mean square ECG

Energy Ratio



Table 4.1: Features generation types and quantity

Finally, we form a feature matrix with all examples for all subjects, where

the size of feature matrix is 2391 by 27. Then the same normalization method

described in formula (5.2) is applied to each feature in this matrix in order to

eliminate the individual difference for features. The reason bind this normal-

ization aims at limiting each feature in same range of [-1, -1] and serving for

further classifier training stage.

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28 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

4.2.5 Label Video Sequence Data

The most important part in data preprocessing is video sequence data label-

ing. This procedure aims at labeling each example with proper event tag,

which is a number. There are three main steps to achieve this goal: define

event tags, synchronize video data and physiological data, and identigy event

in video data.

Firstly, we need to define every event tag. We refer to Le’s work to define

event category but rearrange the event tag according to the degree of serious

incident. In the Table 4.2, we show the definition of event tags.

Tag Event category

0 Normal driving

1 Near hit stationary object

2 Hit stationary object

3 Near hit car

4 Hit car

5 Near hit pedestrian

6 Hit pedestrian

Table 4.2: Event category and corresponding event tag for seven categories.

Secondly, video data and numerical physiological data are required to be

synchronized. This procedure has to match start time of video data with

start time of physiological data. Considering the delay of philological sensor,

the true physiological data, which is reflect the corresponding state showing

in video data, is a little bit behind the current video data. Thus, when we

observing the video data, after we find the GSR and ECG figure start to show

the data, we record the digital clock time as the start time. This start time is

Page 40: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§4.3 Train and Test the Classifier with Data 29

regarded as the base point in GSR and ECG data. Besides, each example in

video sequence data is defined by a 2 second interval with 0% overlap. By

this mean, the delay of philological data problem can be relaxed. Finally, we

build a table in excel, where the first column is the timeline of physiological

data, and the second column is the timeline of the digital clock time line

showing in video data. As playing the video, we observe the subject’ driving

performance in virtual world, make a judgment on the type of event category,

and fill the tag number in the third column in the excel table. This procedure

is important, because how correct you label the event would lead to how

reliable the classifier will be.

4.3 Train and Test the Classifier with Data

Before train and test the classifier, two kinds of data would be prepared: fea-

ture matrix and corresponding target label vector. In this project, we have

generated the feature matrix, where each row represents each example and

each column represents each feature. The size of the feature matrix we ob-

tained in this project is 2392 by 27. That means there are 2392 examples and

27 features for each example. The corresponding target label vector is ob-

tained in previous section, whose size is 2392 by 1. When these two kinds

of data are ready, we put them as input of ELM function, which is provided

as an open source in MATLAB. Besides, we set the hidden neuron number

as 400 and choose sigmod function as active function. This ELM function in

MATLAB would provide the prediction results. We modify this function in

order to obtain the input weight and output weight. The input weight and

output weight would be the necessary model parameters. The road-event-

classifier would use these specific model parameters. K-fold cross validation

is the main structure of training and testing the classifier. The detailed code

for training and testing the classifier is presented in Appendix.

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30 Data Preprocessing and Analysis

4.4 Predict Events with the Classifier

As obtained the road-event-prediction classifier, now we can use this classifier

to predict the events on new data, which was collected in the last semester. We

use same data preprocessing method to acquire the final feature matrix. There

are 30 subject’s data in total, but there are only 26 useful subjects’ data. The

sampling rate of GSR and ECG data is 10HZ, for each subject the experiment

time is 5 minutes. Then use the classifier to predict the event tags. Based

on the predicted event tags, we play the video and observe corresponding

subjects’ facial expression, to see whether subjects’ facial expression change

when the predicted serious incident occurs. It would be the easiest way to

make a comparison between predicted events and subjects’ facial expression

recorded in the video that when we open a video player to play the video, we

could put the bar chart, which is plotted based on the predict result, under

the bottom of play bar and adjust the bar chart length as same as the play bar.

The Figure 4.4 is the screenshot about how to make a comparison based on

human observation.

4.5 Summary

Data preprocessing methods have been discussed in this chapter. The road-

event-prediction classifier is trained with ELM algorithm and is tested by

k-fold cross validation approach. The way to compare the predited results on

new data with subjects’ facial expression change is presented.

Page 42: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§4.5 Summary 31

Figure 4.4: The comparison between prediction results and facial expressionchange

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Chapter 5

Results and Discussion

This chapter shows the road-event-prediction results based on the classifier

built and validated with the methods described in chapter 3 with the data ob-

tained from the experiment presented in chapter 2. Additionally, this chap-

ter also investigates the factors that affect the performance of road-event-

prediction classifier. The relationship between road event occurrence and

subject’ facial expression change is also discussed.

5.1 Objectives

This project aims to build a road-event-prediction classifier by using two

kinds of physiological data: GSR data and ECG data collected from young

students while they are simulating driving in city with normal traffic con-

dition. As in chapter 1.3, three hypotheses have been proposed to support

building a road-event-prediction classifier. Thus, the result analysis focuses

on answer the following questions that are corresponds to these three hy-


1) Could subjects’ physiological data such as GSR and ECG, which is moni-

tored while they are driving in the virtual world, indicate the occurrences of

corresponding road events?

2) What kinds of factors would affect the road-event-prediction classifier per-



Page 44: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results and discussion 33

3) Is there any correlation between the occurrence of serious incidents and

facial expression change?

The first and second questions would be discussed in chapter 6.2 with sta-

tistical evaluation. The last question would be discussed in chapter 6.3 with

human observation.

5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results

and discussion

Before answering the first question listed in chapter 6.1, the classification re-

sults should be presented, because the better classification results obtained by

the road-event-prediction classifier trained with GSR and ECG datasets im-

plies the higher correlations between physiological data and road events. The

classification results are measured with accuracy (correct rate), recall, precise,

and F1-score, which are calculated from the counting table.

The classification results of predicting seven categories as the Table 4.2

showing reach to 67.2% in average accuracy, 91.5% in average recall, 75.8% in

average precise, and 82.9% in average F1-score which are calculated from the

counting Table 5.1. It seems like the performance of this road-event-prediction

classifier is not bad since about two-thirds of prediction are correct. However,

after observing the counting tables carefully, it has been found that a certain

correct driving event category prediction contributes much more than another

correct driving event predictions. Therefore, even though the rest of correct

predictions for another event categories are really bad, the average accuracy

can reach a considerable number.

Page 45: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

34 Results and Discussion

True value 1 2 3 4 5 6

Prediction 1 78 73 4 42 14 4results 2 64 143 4 62 16 0

3 2 3 1 0 2 04 45 65 0 71 23 25 11 29 2 23 22 06 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 5.2: Counting table for six categories.

True value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Prediction 0 1456 124 110 178 48 4 2

results 1 30 22 18 23 4 4 0

2 36 24 32 18 6 0 0

3 63 30 26 87 8 2 2

4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 5.1: Counting table for seven categories.

Take the counting Table 5.1 for example, as this counting table is built with

seven categories and there are majority of examples in normal driving cate-

gory, we try to use the rest of six event categories data to build a classifier. In

the end, we obtain a bad classifier results: 39.3% in average accuracy, 39.0% in

average recall, 37.0% in average precise, and 38.0% in average F1-score, which

are calculated from the counting Table 5.2 .

It shows that imbalanced datasets would affect the classifier performance.

This issue occurs when the number of examples, which represent same class,

is much lower than the ones of the other classes [Mazurowski et al., 2008].

In the driving simulator experiment, there are many examples that repre-

Page 46: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results and discussion 35

sent normal driving period, but there are a bit of examples that represent hit

pedestrian. Thus, the classifier trained with imbalanced datasets can well dis-

tinguish the class who has amount of examples but cannot well distinguish

the class who has a bit of examples. Even the classifier can have high aver-

age accuracy or F1 score for all classes but it cannot reach high accuracy for

every class. As the consequence, in the future how to deal with imbalanced

data as for building a road-event-prediction classifier needs to be concerned.

If we were not considering the impact of imbalanced distribution and only

estimate classifier performance with average measures, the evaluation results

would be highly misleading.

In addition to considering the impact of imbalanced datasets on the classifier

performance, we also want to see whether the different division of events can

affect the classifier performance since some events share similar attributes.

As the consequence, we compare the different division of events classification

results. We considering some events are related with same objects, so we di-

vide all events into four categories: normal driving, other objects related, car

related, and pedestrian related. For each category, we define it with several

sub-event categories, which is referred to the Table 4.2. Thus, we have the

event category and corresponding event tag for four categories as the Table

5.3 showing. What’s more, based on the driving experience there are many

incident more than accident. Incident is kind of event which does not lead to

terrible crush, such as near hit car or near hit pedestrian. Accident is not like

incident, and it brings serious results, such as hit pedestrian. Therefore, we

also can divide all events into three categories: nothing, incident, and acci-

dent. Furthermore, considering how serious of an events, we also can divide

all events into two categories: minor incident, and serious incident.

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36 Results and Discussion

Tag Event category Sub-Event category

0 Normal driving Normal driving

1 Other objects Near hit stationary object

related Hit stationary object

2 Car related Near hit car

Hit car

3 Pedestrian related Near hit pedestrian

Hit pedestrian

Table 5.3: Event category and corresponding event tag for four categories.

True tag 0 1 2 3

Prediction 0 1443 188 203 5

results 1 90 136 74 3

2 58 73 113 5

3 0 1 0 0

Table 5.4: Counting table for four categories.

The classification results of predicting four categories as the Table 5.3

showing reach to 70.7% in average accuracy, 90.7% in average recall, 78.5%

in average precise, and 83.7% in average F1-score. From seven categories to

four categories there is an increase in the average accuracy of 3.5%, in the

average recall of 3.5%.

Page 48: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results and discussion 37

Tag Event category Sub-Event category

0 Nothing Normal driving

Near hit stationary object

1 Incident Hit stationary object

Near hit car

Near hit pedestrian

2 Accident Hit car

Hit pedestrian

Table 5.5: Event category and corresponding event tag for three categories.

True tag 0 1 2

Prediction 0 1644 338 53

results 1 139 169 19

2 8 15 7

Table 5.6: Counting table for three categories.

The classification results of predicting three categories as the Table 5.5

showing reach to 76.1% in average accuracy, 91.8% in average recall, 80.8% in

average precise, and 85.9% in average F1-score. From four categories to three

categories there is an increase in the average accuracy of 5.4%.

Page 49: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

38 Results and Discussion

Tag Event category Sub-Event category

0 Minor incident Normal driving

Near hit stationary object

Hit stationary object

1 serious incident Near hit car

Hit car

Near hit pedestrian

Hit pedestrian

Table 5.7: Event category and corresponding event tag for two categories.

True tag 0 1

Prediction 0 1867 295

results 1 122 108

Table 5.8: Counting table for two categories.

The classification results of predicting two categories as the Table 5.7

showing reach to 82.6% in average accuracy, 93.9% in average recall, 86.4%

in average precise, and 90.0% in average F1-score. From three categories to

two categories there is an increase in the average accuracy of 6.5%.

On one hand, the increase of the average accuracy indicates that it is much

more practical to distinguish general classes where some events are sharing

similar features and are considered belonging to same class than to distin-

guish every event precisely. On the other hand, to some extent the GSR and

ECG datasets can only provide limited features to describe a unique event.

Thus, it leads to that it is hard to distinguish every event precisely and that

the classifier performance is not good enough. In other words, the division

Page 50: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§5.2 Statistical Evaluation of Classification results and discussion 39

of events into several categories is caused by that the GSR and ECG datasets

can only provide limited features to describe a unique event leads to that

it is hard to distinguish every event precisely and that the classifier perfor-

mance is not good enough, but it is practical to distinguish general classes

where some events are sharing similar features and are considered belonging

to same class. The classifier gets better performance with proper division of

events into several different categories.

5.2.1 The comparison between prediction results and facial

expression change

When we make a comparison as the way described in chapter 4.4, it has been

found that for most subjects they have reactions on their face when a seri-

ous incident happens, which is predicted by the two categories classifier for

distinguish- ing minor incident and serious incident. Minor incident category

includes three events: Normal driving, near hit stationary object, and hit sta-

tionary object; Serious incident category includes four events: Near hit car, hit

car, near hit pedestrian, and hit pedestrian. To some extent, there is actually

correlation between the occurrence of serious incidents and facial expression


5.2.2 Summary

To sum up, from the statistical evaluation of the classification results it can be

concluded that subjects’ physiological data have the ability to indicate the oc-

currences of corresponding road events. The performance of the road-event-

prediction classifier not only suffers from inappropriate division of events

into several categories, but also suffers from imbalanced class distributions in

datasets. There is correlation between the occurrence of serious incidents and

facial expression change.

Page 51: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Chapter 6

Conclusion and Future Work

This chapter reviews the main findings and results of the research. Besides,

it draws a main conclusion and links to the future work heading for making

up the limitations of this research.

6.1 Conclusion

The aim of this report is to build a road-events-prediction classifier by using

physiological data collected from young participants while they are using a

driving simulator. The classifier should tell the periods of normal driving

from the periods of different kinds of events while participants are driving

in virtual world, such as hit a pedestrian, a car or some stationary object, the

nearly-hitting events should also be included.

A driving simulator experiment has been designed and conducted to col-

lect 11 young participants’ physiological datasets and video datasets while

they undertake a task of using simulator to mock driving in the city. Physio-

logical datasets include galvanic skin response and electrocardiographs data;

video datasets contain facial expression recording, the virtual world driving

performance recording, and a real time clock. The physiological datasets are

used to generate 27 features for every 4 seconds interval with 50% overlap;

the video datasets are observed by human to annotate proper event name for


Page 52: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§6.1 Conclusion 41

every 2 seconds interval without overlap. The most important work before

training the classifier is events annotation, which also the most time consum-

ing works. Since ELM algorithm is much more efficient than ANN, ELM

algorithm is used to train the classifier. K-fold cross validation is applied to

evaluate classifier performance so as to make use of all datasets.

After analyzing and observing the classification results, the author found

that the classifier performance not only suffers from inappropriate division of

events into several categories, but also suffers from imbalanced class distribu-

tions in datasets. The division of events into several categories is caused by

that the GSR and ECG datasets can only provide limited features to describe

a unique event leads to that it is hard to distinguish every event precisely

and that the classifier performance is not good enough, but it is practical to

distinguish general classes where some events share similar features and are

considered belonging to same class, such as all events including normal driv-

ing can be subsumed under three broad categories: nothing, incident, and

accident. Nothing category includes normal driving and near hit stationary

object; Incident category includes hit stationary object, near hit car, and near

hit pedestrian; Accident category includes hit car and hit pedestrian. The

classifier gets better performance with proper division of events into several

different categories. In other words, Subjects’ physiological data such as GSR

and ECG, which is monitored while they are driving in the virtual world, can

better indicate the occurrences of corresponding general road events category;

if it was required to better indicate each specific road event for development

of a safe driving alert system based on monitoring driver’s physiological data

in the future, the lack of features to describe each unique road event should

be considered.

Imbalanced class distributions affect the classifier performance. This issue

Page 53: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

42 Conclusion and Future Work

occurs when the number of examples, which represent same class, is much

lower than the ones of the other classes. In the driving simulator experiment,

there are many examples that represent normal driving period, but there are

only a bit of examples that represent hitting pedestrian. Thus, the classi-

fier trained with imbalanced datasets can well distinguish the class who has

amount of examples but cannot well distinguish the class who has a bit of ex-

amples. Even the classifier can have high average accuracy or F1 score for all

classes but it cannot reach high accuracy for every class. As the consequence,

in the future how to deal with imbalanced data as for building a road-event-

prediction classifier has to be concerned.

Besides, most subjects have reactions on their face when a serious incident

happens, which is predicted by the two categories classifier for distinguish-

ing minor incident and serious incident. Minor incident category includes

three events: Normal driving, near hit stationary object, and hit stationary

object; Serious incident category includes four events: Near hit car, hit car,

near hit pedestrian, and hit pedestrian.

To sum up, the research presented in this report contributes to reveal the re-

lationship between drivers’ physiological data monitored while they are driv-

ing and corresponding road events which they meet while driving, and lays

foundation of a road-event-prediction classifier building for the further de-

velopment of a safe driving alert system based on monitoring driver’s physi-

ological data.

6.2 Future Work

This project is limited in width of finding sufficient or significant features

in other physiological or physical datasets to describe a unique event and is

Page 54: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

§6.2 Future Work 43

limited in depth of exploring specific approaches to cope with imbalanced

datasets when building a road-event-prediction classifier. In addition, the

lack of an integrated event definition leads to hesitation of labeling event

tags. Sometimes, personal subjective judgment would affect the event anno-

tations results. The last but not the least, the driving simulator used in this

experiment is limited in simulating real world driving.

As the consequence, limitations above should be concerned in the future

work. In the light of solving the first limitations, it is recommended that

the combination of other physiological data like brain activity or physical

data such as eye gaze could be adopted to provide more sufficient features

to describe a unique event and to help draw more clear demarcation line

between two closer events. For the limitation of building the classifier with

imbalanced datasets, related literature survey is needed in order to review

the main issues of this problem and find some proper approaches to deal

with imbalance. The investigation of traffic related research is also necessary

for the further study so as to get an integrated event definition and eliminate

the hesitation of event annotation. Besides, the consistency about labelling all

examples with event tags based on one specific person’s subjective judgment

also contributes to classifier performance. Finally, if it is possible to improve

the driving simulator performance in hardware and software, the experiment

would obtain more meaningful data than the data collected in this project

because such kind of data are highly correlated with that in real driving.

Page 55: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Appendix A

Participant Consent Form

Figure A.1: Participant Consent Form sample


Page 56: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire









Ethics)issues:)Dear!volunteer!participants,!when!you!are!playing!with!the!driving!simulator,!we!will! record! your! facial! expression! and! screen! view,! the! ask! you! some! questions!after!you!finish!using!the!driving!simulator!for!our!research.!!Do!you!agree!for!us!to!record!your!facial!expressions!and!screen!view?!


Training:)Since!our!driving!simulator!has!some!bugs!we!haven’t!solved!yet,! it!might!not!be!easy!to!control!when!you!want!to!turn!around!or!accelerator!your!car.!Please!be!gental!to!your!steering!wheel!and!accelerator.!!

Pretend)its)for)real:)!!!Now,!please!imagine!that!you!are!sitting!in!a!real!car.!The!people!walking!around!on! the! street! you! see! on! screen! are! real;! the! cars! moving! around! your! car! are!also! real.!We! don’t!want! to!have!any!car!accidents.!Now,!please!drive,! following!the!traffic!rules!you!are!used!to!in!Canberra!…!!

)Record)Time:)Start:!! ! ! ! ! End:!!!

Figure B.1: Survey Questionnaire part 1


Page 57: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

46 Survey Questionnaire









Ethics)issues:)Dear!volunteer!participants,!when!you!are!playing!with!the!driving!simulator,!we!will! record! your! facial! expression! and! screen! view,! the! ask! you! some! questions!after!you!finish!using!the!driving!simulator!for!our!research.!!Do!you!agree!for!us!to!record!your!facial!expressions!and!screen!view?!


Training:)Since!our!driving!simulator!has!some!bugs!we!haven’t!solved!yet,! it!might!not!be!easy!to!control!when!you!want!to!turn!around!or!accelerator!your!car.!Please!be!gental!to!your!steering!wheel!and!accelerator.!!

Pretend)its)for)real:)!!!Now,!please!imagine!that!you!are!sitting!in!a!real!car.!The!people!walking!around!on! the! street! you! see! on! screen! are! real;! the! cars! moving! around! your! car! are!also! real.!We! don’t!want! to!have!any!car!accidents.!Now,!please!drive,! following!the!traffic!rules!you!are!used!to!in!Canberra!…!!

)Record)Time:)Start:!! ! ! ! ! End:!!!

Figure B.2: Survey Questionnaire part 2





3.! When!a!car!accident!started!to!happened,!did!you!take!immediate!action!to!avoid!it?!Did!you!succeed?!!!!


Figure B.3: Survey Questionnaire part 3

Page 58: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Appendix C

Build the road-event-prediction

classifier in Matlab

1 %% Set training set and testing set into one data matrix

2 data = getTrainingAndTestingData();

3 % Change the label category defination

4 classes = data(:,1);

5 classes = classes * -1.0;classes(classes== -1) = 0;

6 classes(classes== -2) = 0;classes(classes== -3) = 1;

7 classes(classes== -4) = 1;classes(classes== -5) = 1;

8 classes(classes==-6) = 1;

9 % Change the class number into the required range for ELM

10 classes = classes+1;

11 dataFeatures = data(:,2:size(data,2));

12 data_ELM = [classes,dataFeatures];

13 % Select the classes which is larger than ’classesThreshold’

14 classesThreshold = 0;

15 data_ELM = data_ELM(data_ELM(:,1) > classesThreshold,:);

16 % initializes the CP object with whole instances target labels

17 cp = classperf(data_ELM(:,1)-classesThreshold);

Figure C.1: Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 1.


Page 59: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

48 Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab

1 % Set parameters for Extreme Learning machine

2 Elm_Type = 1;% 1 means classification; 0 means regression

3 NumberofHiddenNeurons = 350;% the number of hidden Neurons

4 ActivationFunction = ’sig’;% the activation function for training/testing/

predicting neuron network model.

5 % Set parameters for k-fold validation

6 N = length(data_ELM);% The number of whole instances without separatation

for train and test

7 indices = crossvalind(’Kfold’,N,10);

8 bestTestingAccuracy = 0;

9 for i = 1:10

10 % There are 15 examples as testing set

11 test = (indices == i); train = ~test;

12 % so there would 15 classifier result for testing set

13 [TrainingTime, TestingTime, ...

14 TrainingAccuracy, TestingAccuracy, ...

15 training_label_index_actual, testing_label_index_actual, ...

16 InputWeight, OutputWeight, BiasofHiddenNeurons] = ELM(data_ELM(train,:)

, data_ELM(test,:),...

17 Elm_Type,



18 ActivationFunction);

19 % trace the best model which have the highest testing accuracy

20 if bestTestingAccuracy < TestingAccuracy

21 bestTestingAccuracy = TestingAccuracy;

22 bestInputWeight =InputWeight ;

23 bestOutputWeight = OutputWeight;

24 bestBiasofhiddenNeurons = BiasofHiddenNeurons;

25 end

26 % updates the CP object with the current classification results

27 classperf(cp,testing_label_index_actual,test);

28 end

29 score = cp.CorrectRate % queries for the correct classification rate

30 CountingMatrix = cp.CountingMatrix ;

Figure C.2: Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 2.

Page 60: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis


1 %% Predicting with the best model which have the best testing accuracy

2 bestInputWeight =InputWeight ;

3 bestOutputWeight = OutputWeight;

4 bestBiasofhiddenNeurons = BiasofHiddenNeurons;


6 PredictingData = getPredictingData();


8 [PredictingTime,...

9 predicting_label_index_actual] = Predicting_ELM( PredictingData,


10 InputWeight, OutputWeight


11 BiasofHiddenNeurons);


13 predicting_labels = reshape(predicting_label_index_actual,[299,26]);

Figure C.3: Build the road-event-prediction classifier in Matlab part 3.

Page 61: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis

Appendix D

Independent Study Contract

Project title:

Predicting events from physiological data while driving

Learning objectives:

1)Experience with GSR and ECG data

2)Experience with pre processing GSR and ECG data

3)Experience with AI prediction

Project description:

1)Brief literature survey of use of physiological data while driving

2)Data processing of video labels, GSR and ECG

3)Train one or more classifiers using above data

4)Compare predictions on new data with human evaluation of new data

5)Statistical evaluation of results

6)Write report


Page 62: Predicting events from physiological data while … events from physiological data while driving Lei Wang A thesis


Figure D.1: Independent study contract part 1

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52 Independent Study Contract

Figure D.2: Independent study contract part 2

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