
Procedura di certificazione

Process To Becoming Certified

For more detailed information, see following documents to each process:

To go to each document, hold the Ctrl key down whilst clicking on the following links:

1. L'azienda nomina

l'amministratore della certificazione

(consultare il relativo documento) e richiede

l'account PRC

2. Alla ricezione della

richiesta di modifica password tramite e-mail,

registrate le linee di prodotti/richiedete un

account di certificazione aziendale

4. Ricevuta l'approvazione, richiedete un

account LMS (Polycom University); le richieste di nuovi account vengono esaminate e approvate

una volta al giorno


L'amministratore riceve la notifica

dell'approvazione o del rifiuto della


6. A

questo punto, avete ottenuto la


5. Dopo l'approvazione, avete 90 giorni

per seguire i corsi di formazione necessari ed

eventualmente acquistare le apparecchiature


Procedura di certificazione

Per informazioni più dettagliate, consultate i seguenti documenti relativi a ciascun passaggio della procedura.Per accedere al documento desiderato, tenete premuto il tasto Ctrl e contemporaneamente fate clic sul collegamento corrispondente.


Amministratore della certificazione 3

1. Richiesta di un account Polycom Resource Centre (PRC) 4

2. Registrazione di linee di prodotti/Richiesta di un account di certificazione aziendale 6

3. Notifica di approvazione o rifiuto della domanda 7

4. Richiesta di un account LMS (Polycom University) 8

5. Formazione e acquisto di apparecchiature dimostrative 9

•  Per eventuali domande, scrivete all'indirizzo e-mail [email protected] oppure chiamate il numero +44 (0) 1753 723373

•  Collegamento PRC:•  Collegamento LMS:

Procedura di certificazione

Amministratore della certificazione

Prima di assegnare l'incarico di amministratore della certificazione per la vostra azienda, è importante prendere in considerazione quanto segue.

Ruoli e responsabilità

•  L'amministratore della certificazione della vostra azienda sarà responsabile della gestione dell'account aziendale e della modifica delle informazioni. Avrà accesso alla gestione dell'account della certificazione, strumento utilizzabile esclusivamente dall'amministratore. Tuttavia sarà disponibile una versione di sola visualizzazione per gli altri dipendenti.

•  La gestione dell'account comprende le seguenti responsabilità:•  Monitorare lo stato di certificazione dell'account•  Aggiungere prodotti per cui si necessita certificazione•  Modificare i dati relativi all'azienda•  Aggiungere o modificare i recapiti dei contatti dell'azienda•  Visualizzare quali requisiti sono stati soddisfatti nell'ambito della formazione e delle apparecchiature

dimostrative•  Inserire informazioni sui test completati dai dipendenti•  Registrare apparecchiature dimostrative per la certificazione

•  L'amministratore della certificazione è tenuto a: 1. Registrare un account PRC

2. Registrare le linee di prodotti. La persona che compila il modulo di domanda diverrà automaticamente l'amministratore della certificazione

3. L'amministratore riceverà comunicazione circa l'approvazione o il rifiuto ad avviare la procedura di certificazione

4. Disporre di un account LMS (Learning Management System) per mezzo del quale accedere alla sezione test e formazione

Procedura di certificazione

1. Richiesta di un account Polycom Resource Centre (PRC)

•  Il primo passaggio consiste nel decidere a chi affidare l'incarico di amministratore della certificazione all'interno dell'azienda.

•  Successivamente, l'amministratore deve richiedere un account PRC, seguendo le istruzioni riportate di seguito.

•  Aprite Internet Explorer e accedete al seguente collegamento:

•  Nella sezione "Login", fate clic su "Register for An Account" (Registra un account).•  Verrà quindi visualizzato il modulo delle informazioni di contatto che dovrà essere compilato

dall'amministratore della certificazione designato per l'account; i seguenti campi sono obbligatori:

•  Tipo di utente: selezionate l'opzione "are you a Polycom partner or reseller?"

•  Indirizzo e-mail utente e conferma indirizzo e-mail

•  Nome utente

•  Cognome utente

•  Indirizzo utente (riga 1, 2, 3, 4)

•  Città utente

•  Paese utente

•  Provincia utente (verrà adattato all'area geografica una volta selezionato il Paese)

•  Codice postale utente

•  Numero telefonico utente

•  Fuso orario utente

Procedura di certificazione

•  Anche i seguenti campi riguardanti le informazioni sull'azienda devono essere compilati, se il profilo dell'azienda non è reperibile automaticamente:

•  Una volta inseriti tutti i dettagli, verrà visualizzato un messaggio che vi invita a consultare la posta elettronica, nella quale troverete il collegamento alla pagina per l'impostazione della password. NOTA: l'accesso all'e-mail e l'impostazione della password devono avvenire entro 36 ore dalla ricezione del messaggio. Una volta impostata la password, sarete autorizzati ad accedere.

•  Nome azienda

•  Indirizzo sede centrale (riga 1, 2, 3, 4)

•  Città sede centrale

•  Paese sede centrale (immesso automaticamente in base alla risposta data nella pagina precedente)

•  Provincia sede centrale (immessa automaticamente in base alla risposta data nella pagina precedente)

•  Codice postale sede centrale

•  Numero telefonico sede centrale

•  Sito Web sede centrale

Procedura di certificazione

2. Registrazione di linee di prodotti/Richiesta di un account di certificazione aziendale

•  L'operazione successiva consiste nel registrare le linee di prodotti e richiedere un account di certificazione aziendale. Procedete come segue:

• Accedete al Centro Partner (PRC, Partner Resource Centre) con la nuova password (vedi pagina precedente).

• Sotto la voce "channel certification", selezionate "more info".

• Selezionate "apply for certification" nella parte sinistra dello schermo, e quindi "apply for certification".

• NOTA: la persona che compila il modulo di domanda diverrà automaticamente l'amministratore della certificazione.

• Selezionate le linee di prodotti per le quali desiderate ricevere la certificazione o che siete interessati a vendere.

• Leggete i termini e le condizioni del programma, quindi selezionate la casella ad accettazione dei termini e delle condizioni.

• Selezionate il pulsante "next" nella parte inferiore della schermata.

• Completate tutti i campi richiesti e inserite le informazioni dell'azienda. Una volta completata questa procedura, selezionate "finish" nella parte inferiore della schermata.

• La conferma della vostra richiesta sarà inviata immediatamente. Una volta vagliata la vostra richiesta, riceverete una notifica tramite e-mail che vi informa dell'avvenuta autorizzazione a gestire la vostra certificazione tramite il Centro Partner (PRC, Partner Resource Centre) e quali sono le operazioni successive da eseguire.

Procedura di certificazione

3. Notifica di approvazione o rifiuto della domanda

•  Dopo avere inviato la richiesta dell'account e aver registrato i vostri prodotti, avverrà quanto segue:

Dopo avere inviato la richiesta, il modulo segue una procedura automatica di approvazione e verrete contattati in caso di dati mancanti o incompleti.

L'amministratore della certificazione della vostra azienda verrà avvisato dell'avvenuta approvazione e potrete iniziare la procedura di certificazione e le altri fasi successive, che potrebbero richiedere da 7 a 10 giorni lavorativi.

Fino all'avvenuta approvazione, non potrete accedere a nessuno degli strumenti necessari per completare la certificazione.

I sistemi di test e formazione online, il corso di certificazione con istruttore e i programmi di acquisto dimostrativi non saranno disponibili fino a quando non riceverete la comunicazione ufficiale dell'approvazione da parte di Polycom.

È necessario che tutti i requisiti della certificazione siano soddisfatti prima di ricevere l'autorizzazione alla vendita dei prodotti Polycom.

L'amministratore della certificazione della vostra azienda sarà contattato nel caso in cui la domanda di certificazione venga respinta per un qualsiasi motivo.

Procedura di certificazione

4. Richiesta di un account LMS (Polycom University)

Una volta ricevuta l'approvazione, dovrete richiedere un account Partner University LMS (Learning Management System); da qui potrete accedere alla formazione e ai test necessari per completare la certificazione.

NOTA: l'amministratore della certificazione deve disporre di un account LMS.

Per richiedere un account LMS, procedete come segue:

•  Una volta ricevuta l'approvazione dell'account, potete registrarvi per affrontare la formazione e i test necessari al completamento della certificazione.

•  È necessario soddisfare tutti i requisiti di certificazione relativi alle linee di prodotti desiderate entro 90 giorni dalla notifica dell'approvazione per poter acquistare i prodotti.

•  Dovrete sottoporvi a un test di vendita, un test tecnico e acquistare apparecchiature dimostrative.

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Once you have been approved for an account you can then register for the certification training and

testing needed in order to become certified.

You must meet all the certification requirements for the product lines you’ve registered for within 90 days

of approval notification to purchase products.

You will be required to take sales testing, technical testing and purchase demo equipment.

5. Taking Training & Purchasing Demo Equipment

You have 90 days to complete all training & purchase demo equipment when you receive your approval email.

VSG Infrastructure is an instructor lead course, so is not available online. However, you do need to register for the course online.

Follow the steps below to take training/testing:

1. Aprite Internet Explorer e accedete al collegamento

3. Compilate il modulo in ogni sua parte. Nota: il nome utente deve corrispondere all'indirizzo e-mail aziendale per esteso

4. Una volta compilato, selezionate "submit" nella parte inferiore della pagina

5. Le richieste di nuovi account vengono esaminate e approvate una volta al giorno (durante il normale orario lavorativo). A questo punto riceverete un'e-mail di conferma o di rifiuto con le motivazioni del caso

2. Sotto gli spazi riservati al nome utente e alla password, selezionate "I need to request an account"

Procedura di certificazione

5. Formazione e acquisto di apparecchiature dimostrative

•  A partire dalla ricezione della notifica di approvazione tramite e-mail, avrete 90 giorni di tempo per completare la formazione necessaria e acquistare le apparecchiature dimostrative.

•  Il corso sull'infrastruttura VSG si tiene in presenza, pertanto non è disponibile online. Tuttavia, non è necessario effettuare online la registrazione al corso.

•  Per partecipare alla formazione e a i test, procedete come segue:

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


Please allow 24hrs – (excluding weekends & bank holidays where the update would be the next working day), for updates on tests

taken to be transmitted to your company’s account. To print the certificate for your completed test/course – log into LMS – and then go to ‘my courses’ - select the type of course taken (e.g. online or instructor led) - find

the course taken you wish to print the certificate for and then click on ‘completion certificate’. This will open the certificate and you

can then print or save it.

You also need to purchase demo equipment (through your distributor) before you can become fully certified. To register the demo

equipment, please follow the below steps:

1. Log onto the LMS -

2. Select the 'course catalog' link. Then select the 'catalog' link

3. You then need to register for the

course you want to take.

4. Search by product name (e.g VoIP) or leave it blank and select 'search'. A

listing of available courses is then made


5. To register for the course, select the mouse icon or for

VSG Infrastructure the group of people icon.

Then select the 'register' button.

6. You are now able to access the

training. To access the training, select the 'my courses'


7. Here you will see the courses you're

registered for. To start the training, select the

desired course (e.g Voice Over IP Sales


8. Select the 'start course' link. A new

window will then open and the

streamed instruction will begin.

9. You can forward through the training by using the

control panel. You can also bypass the training & go

directly to the test by selecting the green arrow

at the bottom left corner of the screen.

10. Once the training is

completed, you can proceed to the

online test.

11. On completion of the online training, you will be prompted to take

the associated online test. Select 'take test for' and the test will


12. The online test consists of 25 multiple

choice & true/false questions. Total time for

the test is 1 hour. A minimum score of 80% is

needed to pass. If you fail, the test can be


13. At the end of the test you can review the test by selecting the 'review test

for' link. This will take you through both the correct & missed test questions. The

correct answer will be displayed for missed


14. Once you complete & pass a test, the results will

automatically be transmitted to your company's 'manage

certification' account.

16. You can now print off an official

certificate from Polycom that denotes

your status as a qualified sales or

technical representative

1. Accedete a LMS: www.polycomuniversity.


6. A questo punto, siete autorizzati ad accedere al corso di formazione.

Per accedere al corso di formazione, selezionate il

collegamento "my courses".

5. Per effettuare la registrazione al corso, selezionate l'icona

del mouse o, per l'infrastruttura VSG, l'icona del gruppo di

persone. Quindi fate clic sul pulsante "register".

4. Eseguite la ricerca per nomi di prodotti (ad esempio "VolP") oppure lasciate il campo vuoto e selezionate "search". Verrà visualizzato un elenco di corsi


9. Ora potete navigare all'interno del corso utilizzando il pannello di controllo. Oppure potete ignorare il corso di formazione e passare

direttamente al test, selezionando la freccia verde nell'angolo

inferiore sinistro dello schermo.

12. Il test online prevede 25 domande a scelta multipla e con opzione vero/falso. Il tempo complessivo concesso

per il test è di 1 ora. Per superarlo è necessario un punteggio minimo

dell'80%; in caso di esito negativo, il test può essere ripetuto.

13. Al termine è possibile riesaminarlo, selezionando il

collegamento "review test for". Attraverso questo collegamento

potrete esaminare le risposte corrette e quelle sbagliate. Per le risposte

sbagliate, verrà visualizzata la risposta giusta.

15. Non è necessario che contattiate Polycom in merito al

vostro test. L'amministratore della certificazione della vostra azienda

sarà in grado di visualizzare i risultati del vostro test nell'account aziendale.

17. Vengono inoltre forniti dei certificati aziendali per ogni

certificazione di specifici prodotti conseguita durante il trimestre, che

saranno inviati all'amministratore della certificazione nell'arco di 4

o 6 settimane dall'inizio del nuovo trimestre.

11. Una volta completata la formazione online, vi sarà

richiesto di eseguire il relativo test online. Selezionate "take test for" per dare inizio al test.

14. Una volta completato e superato il test, i risultati saranno automaticamente trasmessi all'account di

certificazione della vostra azienda.

16. Una volta conclusa la procedura, potrete stampare

un certificato ufficiale Polycom ad attestazione del vostro titolo

di rappresentante di vendita o tecnico.

8. Selezionate il collegamento "start course". A questo punto si aprirà una nuova finestra, nella quale

verranno visualizzate le istruzioni da seguire.

EVENTUALI DOMANDEScrivete all'indirizzo

e-mail emeacertification [email protected]

10. Dopo avere completato il corso

di formazione, potete procedere al test


7. In questo elenco saranno inclusi i corsi per i quali avete effettuato la registrazione. Per

iniziare, selezionate il corso desiderato (ad esempio il corso

di formazione sulla vendita di prodotti VoIP).

2. Selezionate il collegamento "course

catalog", quindi selezionate "catalog".

3. A questo punto dovete effettuare la

registrazione per il corso che intendete seguire.

Rev. 09/09

© 2009 Polycom, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. POLYCOM®, il logo Polycom "con i triangoli" nonché i nomi e i marchi associati ai prodotti Polycom sono marchi commerciali e/o marchi di servizi di Polycom, Inc. e sono marchi registrati e/o di diritto comune negli Stati Uniti e in altri Paesi. Tutti gli altri marchi appartengono ai rispettivi proprietari. Non sono consentite la riproduzione e la copia di alcuna sezione del presente documento in nessuna forma, con nessun mezzo e per nessun fine, eccetto per uso personale del destinatario, senza il consenso scritto di Polycom.

Procedura di certificazione Gli aggiornamenti sui test vengono trasmessi all'account aziendale nell'arco di 24 ore, eccetto durante i fine settimana e i giorni festivi, nel qual caso l'aggiornamento viene reso effettivo il giorno lavorativo successivo. Per stampare il certificato del test o del corso effettuato, eseguite l'accesso a LMS dall'indirizzo e andate nella sezione "my courses", dove potete selezionare il tipo di corso sostenuto (ad es. corso online o con istruttore) e trovare il corso di cui desiderate stampare il certificato e quindi fare clic su "completion certificate". In questo modo potete aprire il certificato, stamparlo oppure salvarlo.

Prima di acquisire la certificazione completa, siete tenuti anche ad acquistare le apparecchiature dimostrative attraverso il vostro distributore. Per registrare le apparecchiature dimostrative, seguite le istruzioni riportate di seguito:

Per eventuali domande sulla certificazione, contattate l'indirizzo e-mail [email protected] oppure il numero + 44 (0) 1753 723373.

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


For any questions or queries on certification, contact

[email protected] or + 44 (0) 1753 723373

6. Note - the demo unit will only display if applicable to a product authorisation

(product line you're approved on)

©2008 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. Polycom and the Polycom logo design are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice. rev3.080708


For any questions or queries on certification, contact

[email protected] or + 44 (0) 1753 723373

6. Note - the demo unit will only display if applicable to a product authorisation

(product line you're approved on)

1. Soltanto l'amministratore della certificazione è autorizzato ad inserire

questo tipo di informazioni.

2. L'amministratore della certificazione esegue l'accesso al portale partner


3. Una volta eseguito l'accesso al vostro account di certificazione aziendale, andate alla scheda "register demo


4. Inserite il numero di serie dell'apparecchiatura e la posizione

dell'unità dimostrativa.

5. Selezionate "submit query". Il numero deve essere convalidato e in caso

positivo viene visualizzato sulla pagina "demo equipment summary".

6. Nota: l'unità dimostrativa viene visualizzata solamente se legata all'autorizzazione di un prodotto

(la linee dei prodotti per cui si dispone l'approvazione).

Polycom EMEA270 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire SL1 4DX, UKT 0800 015 2882 | F +44 (0) 1753

Polycom Worldwide Headquarters4750 Willow Road, Pleasanton, CA 945881.800.POLYCOM or +1.925.924.6000

Polycom Italy S.r.l.Via Rivoltana 2/d, 20090 Segrate, MI T +800 78 95 07 | F +39 02 75 39 92

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