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treatment options for schitzo, -antipsychotics or unfavorable with older anti-psychotics more side effect: restless, tremor, weight gan, movement disorder, lowered white blood cell count, odd moc=vement of toungue-second generation: less side effects-Psychisocial Aprroches (usally accompanied with antipsychotics) 1) improve education abour the disoders, course, symptoms, educate family, handling their delusuion n hallucination , purpose is to decresse expressed emmtion in family environment, (to reduce replapse becuase expresssed emtions increases relapse) BEHAVIORAL FAMILY APPPORACH: give them different way to react to the persons behaviors2) soial n living skills training: trying to teach the person more apporiate social skill, coherent in what they are talking, their skills, interpersonal skills, n with mass preactice can improve social skills, n basic living skills learning appporpaitehygine, manage their money, hw to take care of themselves, teaching routine living skills, with practice n support can aquire skills3) focuesd on trying to improve their cognitive functioning skills, such as descion making, plannning, sequenceing tasksto try to imrove their cognitive oriented skills (newer types of mememory) promesing data, attention foused can be improvedthrough this type of theraphy. 4) CBT: there is a belief that u can teach patients to be more logical about delusions, n teach people how to challegen hthe error n have them figure out, CBT approach would say let teach tem how to find evidence correct error, enact experiment n see, initial data said that some delusions could be address, but as gatherd data over the years effect not as favorable, onlyworks for a couple of months but in the long term they return back to delusions, can move delusions but it comes back eventually 5) case management: severe forms of antis[yhotics, they have a social worker , alisence mental (get thems to medical provider, helps them arrage housing, work, faciliate access to thingd, a case manager coordinates these services for severely affected indiviuduals * u can easily use more than one apporach, usually covered by insurance or state funding programs-schitzo rare in children____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Week 10

-Childhood diodes: did not enter the DSm until the 50's and by that time only two illnesses were present, kids trated as adults(tranfer criteira of adults into children but maybe not the best approach or the difference or psychotic sympatims might be unique in child populations, now there is more attention in child population to understand disoders, what they look like in kids, how they different (most reasearch in anxiety n derepssion in childern)-there are no specilead categories for kids, still applying basic critiria in kids,

-why are kids different in presentation,chidern have different enviroments, different context, ffrom a cognitive persfpective that mosters exist, hypothical , brain structural difference (brain is just developing n are notfully developed yet, clinical presentaiton n symptioms may look different in kid

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s n need to consider their level of developemnt that are at, is it age appropiate, understanding whats apporpiate and whats not appropiate because we dont know, some people propes that we are contructing illnesses that we are pathologizing behaviors, whats the family nevitomentment like, their stresses, -developmental psychoatholigy: studying pathology in differen pathology periods, understanding whats normative ornot normative, -prevelance of childhooddioders, prevenalce 12-17% f kids at some point have had a clincal disoder, things such as adhd, conduct disoders, childhood depression, learning disabilities. -in adualts lifetime prealvce is 25%, -separation anxiety disoder: they feel fear of detachment of their attachment figure they feel like somehting bad will happen to htem or parents, afraid of what happen while thy are appart, sleeping of sleeping at night or alone in the house, have various somtic symtoms(coomom dioders separation anxiety dioder)-in chilhood we see rates are higher for boys than girls (during hte younger years all of thses dioders boys have higher prevalnce ratesexcept for ating disoder, anxiety diosder (equal in noth boys n girls) -a childhood n infancy category in the dsm (whole separete catregory of infance0 -ADHD: defit in froltal lobe, memory reasoning judgement, e see less activation in these areas, comes in 3 differne forms hyper activity impulse type, inattentiveness activity, combinestype, -ADD its called ADHD in attention inatentive type: (slide 7) -dont listen or fall through, difficulty organized, hard fo rthem to stay focused n pay attention, it can be adversve, losethings, forget assignment, easily distacted , adhd imparing in school, hard to finish in test, cant stay focused-most imparament in ADHD , ADHD (technical term) is the diagnoses, n ADD(inattentivenes type) the symptoms have to be more than not, n must see paretn expectations, n see what the parent is saying n their description realistic or are they exprecting to much form their kids, are their perceptions accurate or not-hyperactive n impulsive symptoms: runs around, restless, diffuclty, always in the go, interutts intrudes, talkative problems inhibiting behaviors, -inattenive type more prevelent n its more present in girls may be a clinitioan bias, hard to diagnose these bahviors in preschooler, only seen when in school and are exprected to confrom, after the schoolage years its when its going to be detected, hard to dignose in children under 5 years old-more accident prone, broken bones, injuries, related to pay attention, more of the reckless kids, -psychosococial difficulties (hard for them to have friends, can't fcus on a game, self-esttem problems)\-3-7% in chidren, prevelance in ADHD-kids in ADHD (30-50% dont outgrow this), also found that these kids are more prone to engage in criminal behavioror get in trouble, becaus enot able to control their impulses, act on impulse, noe be rational -causes: runns in familiies (20-25% have a family member thta have ADHD) occurs in the fromtal cortext, also reduced volume slightly reduced volume whch leads to imperament in memory (frontal lobe disfunvtion)-subtance use during pregancy, pregnacy complication, n dont get enough oxygen a

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re factors that contribute to ADHD -precense of symptoms does not mean they have ADHD, redolin isgood in controlling in ADHD, ability to effcietly complete taks, it may look that the kids is calm but its just being calm, its delayed in maturatuion, slower,

-some kids with ADHD are prone to types of injuries: pedestrian -treatments are redulin: stimulate a part of the brain that s under active in a kids for ADHD, getting these part of the brain to get excited n get better, adderral, stumilant medication specifically increase acitvity in underactive part of the brain which leads to calmsness,-increase dopamine -nonstimulat meds" : straterra, pemoline - stimulant n nonstimulas is Addrral -sometimes intially -parent worried in growth hormone, in kids who use redilant in the long term , corned of side effects, -stimulant medications inculde spleeping behavior, slower hormonal growth , more immediate, a couple of weeks, -non stimulant: have less worse side effect-behavioral treaments can be used, but studies have suggested that a comnination of medicationn behavioral treatmentsare more effective, medication alone or a combination work best, -tech paretn to deliver more comandive commands, work in communation, parent managemnt treatmetn n have child repeat back to you-praise them when they follow through, prais emore often to hte child that has ADHD, n plannign breaks on them. can helpimprove parenting behavior, n classroom enviroments for teachers, social skils trining, frienship skills, taking turns not interruptnglisten to what someone else is saying. n summer intensive programs

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