Page 1: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Region Meeting 8.8.20 – held via Zoom meeting Open at 2:07 pm with a moment of silence Followed by the serenity prayer 12 concepts read by Leska 12 traditions read by James H ROLL CALL Facilitator: James H - here Secretary: Leska - here Treasurer: Brittni – here Regional Delegate: James K - here Regional Delegate Alternate (AD) – Collyn – not present – excused WSC conference H&I Chair – Vacant PR Chair– Vacant Webmaster -Justin – here Outreach Chair – Delynda - here URICNA – Rusty - here Campvention – Donnie – late - here RCM Sasquatch – Sarah M. – late - here Central – Tanith – absent Lakeside – Cody - here UWANA – Russell - here High Uintah – Vacant Northern – Zeb – absent Others in attendance: McCall M, Kim M, Joey B, Philip F, Brittney P, Joe W,

June Minutes – Motion to approve – will be done when Sarah arrives

2 of 6 areas present – quorum met at 4:25pm

Admin Reports:

Facilitator: James –

Utah Regional Delegate Report: James K –

• No major Petition update at this point – unsure if they have had a court date virtual or otherwise.

• WSC Part 2 is meeting this weekend. The focus will be on the remaining CAR and CAT motions. We hope to finish the remaining decisions this weekend but have reserved August 28-30 for any remaining decisions / discussions. We will report on the results of these decisions at the close of the conference.

• There is a large amount of resources available for those running virtual NA meeting that can be found on

o How to start and run a meeting

o Using different platforms o Some 7th tradition suggestions

Page 2: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

o Accessing free recovery literature

o Keytag photos

o etc

• There are currently three major active NA meeting search tools available. The search seems to be the most user friendly currently.

o NA.ORG meeting search:

o Virtual-NA.ORG:


• No current update on the next Rocky Mountain Zonal Forum in Colorado, hopefully more info will be available in the coming weeks.

Secretary: Leska – June minutes will serve as my report. Motion from Cody, 2nd from Russell to approve (4:25)pm

Regional Treasurer: Brittni –

Attached you will find the regional treasurer worksheet, and most recent bank statement. Cycle donations and balances are a reflection of amounts prior to region meeting, any donations/bills received after region will be added to next cycles balances.

Total Balance in Checking: 2,648.55

Prudent Reserve: 501.33

H&I Lit Fund: 743.67

PR Fund: 400.29

Donations Received: 669.36 (part is reimbursement, Campvention sent 331.50 for Region storage unit)

Cycle End Balance: 265.83

PO Box has been paid for the year.

Page 3: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning
Page 4: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning
Page 5: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Utah Regional Delegate Alternate Report: Collyn – RDA Report

Reported via text as she is at WSC conference and unable to attend – “Nothing to report”

Hospitals and Institutions Chair: OPEN

Public Relations Chair: OPEN

Regional Webmaster Report: Justin –

The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning the additional WSC part on the NAWS website - as well as updating Central's meeting list as some of their meetings are meeting in person again, so that is up to date as of a couple days ago.

I renewed the domain today for $21.17 -- whenever I can get reimbursement is fine. Receipt attached. Analytics (also attached) for the site have the site seeing lower viewership in the cycle compared to last, however the last cycle works out to be a week longer than this one, and without that week viewership is nearly equal (with this cycle 1% higher actually).

Page 6: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Outreach Chair: Delynda - Outreach Chair Report

I have not had a chance yet to make calls like I have wanted to. It has been a busy couple of months. I did complete 2 other service positions which freed up some time and I am committed to making huge progress before we meet again. I will follow through with my original plan of contacting all RCM’s to see where I might be of service in their Area. I did email Tanith (Central) but did not receive a response. I will continue to try and contact her. At the last Regional meeting I was asked to make contact with Vernal (High Uinta). I did speak with Rusty and he said he thought he could get me a contact name and number. I will catch up with him to see if he was able to do this. Also, at the last Regional meeting I had asked for RCM’s to send me a good contact number. I did not hear back from those I was missing. This is what I have: Sarah M. (Sasquatch) (801) 243-1550 Russell S. (UWANA) (801) 874-4162 (I do know that Stephanie is your Outreach Chair and I have her number)

Page 7: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Cody P. (Lakeside) (307) 679-7528 Tanith (Central) ? Zeb W. (Northern) ? High Uinta ? If I could get a number for Tanith and Zeb that would be great. Zeb, I know that Danny B. does a lot in your Area so if you prefer I communicate with him, I can do so.

URICNA: Rusty – Hello all, URICNA planning is in a mute place at the moment. The hotel asked if we are still planning on having the convention, but we think they are trying to get us to cancel so we don’t get the deposit back. The hotel chair is going to call them next week and see if we can postpone until next year, due it possibly being fiscally irresponsible to hold the convention. We will keep everything posted!!!! Rusty C 801-940-4782 [email protected] Campvention: Donnie – Unable to report


Motion from Sarah, Cody 2nd to affirm James K as Campvention chair – PASSED with no discussion.

Making to donation to Region for 273.99 from fundraising.

4773.99 was ending balance - this year committee will start fully funded.

Campvention audit will need to be completed.

Gunnison Prison ad hoc Report: James K – as far as we are aware they are still not meeting and have no update.

Guidelines Adhoc: James H and Brittni K will continue to work on this as there are major changes that need to be made. Will do URICNA and Campvention guidelines.

RCM Reports Lakeside: Cody -

I am the new rcm for lakeside area. So this will be a 2 part report for June/July. We had a meeting say they are closing the doors and multiple meeting had been changed to in person meetings and a few still not open yet. We did get involved with the scavenger hunt that was put on. We won!!! We successfully completed 100% of the challenges and it was a lot of fun!! Thanks to every one that got involved. We had not sold any literature for this month. We did hold some elections. James K for PR chair. Brittni K for Activities. Marshall C. for webmaster. Cody P. for rcm and Kurtis R. for literature. All accepted and voted in. also had a gsr show up and introduce the new gsr for a group that can use their facility but

Page 8: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

would need to clean a disinfect the building when done. We also discussed having the webmaster fall under the PR committee but was turned down and left as an area position.

As far as PR we have wrote new guidelines and are awaiting the groups approval at our next area meeting or two depending on timing. We are planning a learning day looking at sept.26th as a tentative date depending on what we can get as a facility more info to come on this as well. We have some facilities that we are currently going into but we also have been stopped from the jail again due to covid outbreak but are talking about setting up some stay clean packets and even looking into some zoom meetings for the inmates for the time being. We are also trying to get a current list of open groups so we can get an accurate meeting list out.

And lastly our last area meeting we got nailed down on the meetings that are open and in person and have been having some good attendance in those meetings we still have one meeting currently that is through zoom but they are struggling with attendance. One of our groups held a campout and they had a lot of fun as there was some good attendance for it being their first one for the group. As for activities we are looking at doing a movie night in the park. Thinking Aug. 28th for this and we are working on a poll for the movie to be played. We are going to white out the meetings not open during covid an give it time for them to get stuff figured out and their facilities back up and running. also looking at possibly starting a new meeting as well. We did make a motion and sent some money on to world to help as times are tough currently. We nominated in a PR vice chair as Nate G. is going to continue this position for another term.

Sasquatch: Sarah –

Had area last week, very small on Zoom. Went quickly, we are potentially putting together adhoc to update guidelines since it has been about 5 years. We got a new phoneline service and it is working really well. We are getting calls now. We have some meetings online and some face to face. Monday night meeting currently isn’t on the zoom ID. $50 donation will be delivered to Brittni.

UWANA: Russell –

Did not make it to the last Area meeting but checked with someone and had them take a look at the minutes. We do have a Region donation in the mail for $17.30 as we haven’t had many donations coming in. We do have an activity coming up, multi area zoom event on August 15th – quiz, speaker, talent show with 5 minute spots available, more info from Leska or Jack. Outreach went to 4 meetings rather than 2 this month both zoom and in person.

Page 9: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Central: Tanith - Absent

Northern: Zeb – Absent

High Uintah: Vacant

Page 10: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Old Business:

Money Donated for RDA travel: Brittni: Northern would like it to be considered a regular donation. Lakeside proposed using it for taxes or a regular donation. Reached out to Tanith and Kim in Central but no one has responded. James H – in good faith I think we should give Central more time to come back with a response. Brittni – the money isn’t going anywhere so we can just wait – the donations are part of the working balance that was quoted but they are separated on their own line. We have the donation from Central for $300 we will hold until we get further direction. Delynda proposed we could have a RDA line item that we could add these donations too. James H – a fund flow change would require a guideline change. We could just earmark it for RDA travel but that would require a motion. Delynda will go through the channel to propose this formally. (Leaving on minutes until next cycle so we can talk about it and talk to the other areas to find out what Central wants to do with the funds)

New Business:

Campvention Elections: Abstentions 11 Simple Majority 3

Chair – 3 years – Nomination: Joey B. accept - qualified. 3:7:4 – does not pass Nomination: Sarah M – declined, does not have the ability at this time. Nomination: Brian – does not meet requirements. Nomination: James K – accept – qualified - 13:1:1

Vice Chair – 3 years – Cody – decline, Russell – decline, Joey B – decline - will remain OPEN

Treasurer – 3 years – Kim Volunteered but that would have to waive clean time, nomination Joey B – decline - OPEN

Secretary – 2 years – Nomination - Leska, willing but would like to do something else. Nomination – McCall – accept – motion to waive clean time – PASSED – vote PASSED

Program – Nomination - Phil, decline, Nomination - Brittni K – accept – qualified – PASSED

Merchandise – Nomination - Leska, accept – qualified – PASSED – Joe W willing to assist

Fundraising and Raffle – Nomination – Stephanie, declined, Nomination – Kim – accepted – qualified – Motion to waive cleantime – PASSED, vote - PASSED

Registration – Nomination – Brittney P – accept – qualified - PASSED

BST – Nomination: James H – accept – qualified- PASSED

Campkids – Tahna not present but could discuss with her for next meeting - OPEN

Page 11: Region Meeting 8.8.20 · Public Relations Chair: OPEN Regional Webmaster Report: Justin – The last cycle's changes included adding back the WSC page - which now has links concerning

Open positions: Nomination Phil F. for H&I – accept – qualify - PASSED

Open Forum: NONE

Next Meeting: October 10th at 2:00pm – ZOOM

Motion to close: Russell, Cody 2nd 5:18pm

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