
ReviewReview((复习复习 ))

bright fresh except

bucket handle fence

ignore guess carefully

happily really properly

( 1835-1910)

AimsAims((课时目标课时目标 ))

1. Read and translate the text (朗读并翻译课文 )

※2. Learn the language points (学习文中的语言点 )

3. Retell the story

(简述故事情节 )

Saturday morning came. Every-body was happy except Tom. Hestood before the fence with a bucket of white paint and a brush with long handle. He looked at the fence that his aunt told him to paintfelt very sad.

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

He began to think of all of the

games that he had planned for

the day. Soon the boys would come

along and make fun of him. But just

then he had a wonderful idea. He

picked up his brush and began to


Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

Ben came along the road,

singing happily and carrying an

apple in his hand. He stopped

and looked at Tom.

Tom went on painting and

ignored him.

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

“I’m going swimming,” said

Ben “ Do you want to go swim-

ming, Tom ? But I guess you

can’t. You have to stay at work,

don’t you? ”

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

Tom went on painting. “Work?”

he said. “This isn't work. I’m enjoy-

ing myself. Does a boy get a chance

to paint a fence like this every day?”

Ben thought and thought. He gets

more and more interested.

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

After a while, he said “Tom, will you let me do some painting?” Tom thought about it, but said : “No, Ben , I can’t. You see, Aunt Polly wants it to be done properly. I’m the only one who can do it right.”

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

“Oh, please, Tom,” begged Ben

“I can do it. Let me try, I’ll give you

my apple. I’ll be really careful.”

“Well, all right. Ben,” said Tom

“But you must be careful.”

Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

He gave Ben his brush with worry

on his face and joy in his heart. He

sat down under the tree, and start-

ed to eat the apple Ben had given


Tom Sawyer Paints the FenceTom Sawyer Paints the Fence

Tom felt sadTom felt sad

ate the appleate the apple

Ben cameBen came

had a wonderful ideahad a wonderful idea

Ben beggedBen begged

1.v. …with1.v. …with

5.come … singing5.come … singing 4.pick up4.pick up

3.make fun of3.make fun of 2.the fence that2.the fence that

6.go on doing7.more and more8.let sb some V-ing

1.What do you think of Tom1.What do you think of Tom Sawyer?Sawyer?

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