


Valid for all divisions and sites of ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29

Langenhagen, 16.09.2013

Natalie Wollschläger


Axel Girzig, Matthias Wendels, D. Hünnemeier


Olaf Schnur

Release Quality Management

Change information:

The following table lists the previous versions and the current of the document as well as other supplements and


Date Name/divisions Site Description

2013-05-29 N. Wollschläger Langenhagen First edition

Contents ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

3 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


1 Purpose and field of application .............................................................................................................. 5

2 Contact persons in charge ....................................................................................................................... 6

3 General information .................................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 General conditions ............................................................................................................ 7

3.2 Confidentiality .................................................................................................................. 7

3.3 Safety .............................................................................................................................. 7

3.4 Working Hours .................................................................................................................. 8

3.5 Qualification of the employees ............................................................................................ 9

4 Packaging jobs – general ....................................................................................................................... 10

4.1 Platforms ....................................................................................................................... 10

4.1.1 Preparation of container transportation .............................................................. 10

4.2 Boxes ............................................................................................................................ 10

4.3 Packaging machines ....................................................................................................... 12

4.3.1 When packed parts are placed on top of each other ............................................ 15

4.4 Packaging transport systems ........................................................................................... 16

4.5 Box packaging ................................................................................................................ 21

4.6 Container shipment ......................................................................................................... 24

4.7 Carton packaging ............................................................................................................ 26

4.8 Packaging – aviation security ........................................................................................... 28

5 Packaging jobs – general requirements ............................................................................................... 29

5.1 Lockweiler site ................................................................................................................ 29

6 Packaging of tools and equipment ........................................................................................................ 30

6.1 VCI method .................................................................................................................... 30

6.2 General .......................................................................................................................... 31

7 Packaging of body parts ........................................................................................................................ 33

7.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 33

8 Packaging of air cargo – Lockweiler site .............................................................................................. 34

8.1 Air cargo (secured) ......................................................................................................... 34

8.2 Air cargo (unsecured) ...................................................................................................... 34

9 Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia ................................................. 35

9.1 Preparatory measures ..................................................................................................... 35

9.2 General regulations for packaging/preservation .................................................................. 36

9.3 Packaging of boxes for conventional loading ...................................................................... 37

9.4 Packaging of the noise protection cabin ............................................................................. 45

9.5 Packaging of control cabinets and operator panel ............................................................... 49

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering


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9.6 Packaging of cabinets ..................................................................................................... 51

Purpose and field of application ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

5 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


1 Purpose and field of application

The packaging and shipping activities are to protect our products along the entire transport route

To avoid damage to our products, conservatory measures and if applicable additional packaging options are

to be used.

This applies to mechanical, chemical and physical stress.

Our own and legal requirements as well as customer-specific guidelines require that the following

fundamentals be kept for packaging and shipping activities:

− - The package size and the packaging effort are restricted to the protection of the product

− - Filling materials are to be reduced to a minimum

− - If possible take reusable or recyclable packaging materials

− - Use oiled and waxed paper only with the consent of the customer

− - Use only preservative agents complying with IPPC and EG directives.

Instructions for handling the packaging must be attached visibly and weather-proof on all sides of the



The pretreatment, spraying the bare metal parts with appropriate preservative agents is carried out by the

client unless stated otherwise in the individual order.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Contact persons in charge

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2 Contact persons in charge

The commissioned packaging company is responsible for the proper realization according to this directive

and other specifications. The respective named specialist departments are available for support.

The following contact persons for shipping logistics will be glad to help you at the respective sites anytime:

Site Contact Telephone E-mail

Lockweiler Matthias Wendels +49 (0)6871/60-

1073 [email protected]

Heilbronn Abuzer Tas +49 (0)7131/1569-

254 [email protected]

Hohenstein-Ernstthal Manja Georgi +49 (0)3723/62-

140 [email protected]

Langenhagen Constanze Hübner +49 (0)511/74091-

598 [email protected]

Bremen Kirsten Baumgart +49 (0)421/6888-

3350 [email protected]

General information ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

7 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


3 General information

3.1 General conditions

With the acceptance of the order, the contractor confirms that the services to be provided by him are defined

in full.

There are no ambiguities about the scope of tasks to be carried out within the contract.

All specifications given in the text or on site do not release the contractor from his obligation to exercise due

care and from his sole responsibility concerning the interpretation and execution according to the generally

accepted rules and state-of-the-art technology.

It is the contractor's obligation to gather information. Procurement is as a matter of course the contractor's

business. For this purpose the contractor must carry out all technical agreements and clarifications with

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering. The results of these talks and clarifications are to be documented by the

contractor and may be handed over only to ThyssenKrupp System Engineering.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering pledges to deliver necessary provisions, data and information such as

they evolve according to the process of the project.

With the award of the assigned scope of delivery to a specialized company, the latter assumes complete

responsibility for the technology as well as the compliance with deadlines and costs.

3.2 Confidentiality

The contractor is obliged to observe silence concerning all procedures and matters of the client and the end

customer no matter how they come to be known to him.

The drawings, technical and other documents made available to the contractor by ThyssenKrupp System

Engineering are the property of the client and must not be reproduced, distributed commercially, used for

advertising purposes or made available to third parties or companies without approval by the client.

The documents may be made available only to those employees that are familiar with the subject matter of

the contract, and these employees must be instructed accordingly. The contractor may use the documents

obtained from the client only for fulfilling the contract.

On request from the client, the contractor must return all documents made available to him.

3.3 Safety

When carrying out the contract, the contractor is obliged to ensure strict compliance with the regulations for

safeguarding the respective construction job, the accident prevention regulations and the occupational safety

instructions for external companies.

To prevent occupational accidents, the facilities, instructions and appropriate measures corresponding to the

valid accident prevention regulations must be applied; also the respective generally accepted occupational

safety and medical health regulations and the in-house regulations of the end customer must be observed.

In so far as there are requirements resulting from other legal provisions, these requirements are unaffected

by these regulations. On request, the contractor can prove at all times that all safety requirements are kept.

Only devices and machines complying with the accident prevention and VDE regulations may be used for

carrying out work at the construction sites.

When entering and leaving the facility of the client and the end customer, the contractor and his employees

must undergo the controls resulting from the work rules of the contractor and the end customer.

The contractor is obliged to return identification cards issued by the contractor or the end customer when the

respective employment contract is terminated. The costs for lost ID cards are borne by the contractor.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

General information

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In so far as they apply to the execution of the contract, the laws and ordinances of the Federal Republic of

Germany apply, and in addition also the supplementary laws and ordinances for the place of performance of

the end customer.

The contractor must take out a sufficient liability insurance as well as an erection insurance and on request

presents them to the client.

If employees from several companies (client and external company) jointly work at a workplace or in a

common working area and mutual endangerment is possible, then in addition a so-called coordinator must

be named according to § 6 BGV A1 (accident prevention regulations) "Basics of prevention".

A similar demand also results from the Baustellenverordnung (construction site ordinance) § 3, which

requests a safety and health coordinator if employees from several employers work together.

The labor protection act § 8 "Cooperation of several employers" obliges the client and the external company

(the employers) to cooperate for ensuring safety and health protection and to inform each other about the

dangers of their respective jobs. However, this presupposes that the possible hazards have beforehand been

determined in the framework of a risk assessment.

In general the contractor must instruct his workers accordingly before the start of the work and must ensure

that the relevant regulations are complied with. The obligations of the contractor include, even without

request by the client, active coordination, risk analysis and realization of safety measures concerning

occupational and health protection.

Before starting his work, everyone working for the contractor must confirm in writing to have taken notice of

and understood the safety rules and must pledge to comply with them. Starting work without prior

confirmation is strictly forbidden.

Depending on the job definition, hazards may arise for employees of the client and those of the external

company. It is therefore important that these possible hazards be determined jointly by the person(s) in

charge or his coordinator at the client and the person(s) in charge at the external company.

This risk assessment should be carried out during an on-site meeting. The determination of possible hazards

as well as the specification of protective measures is documented with the form "Risk assessment external

companies" (FB3620).

3.4 Working Hours

The contractor must see to it that in case of extra, late, night, Sunday and holiday work all legal and in-plant

notifications are carried out in due time.

The periods for providing services at the construction site must be coordinated with the construction site

manager from ThyssenKrupp System Engineering.

General information ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

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3.5 Qualification of the employees

To ensure a quick packaging process, ThyssenKrupp System Engineering has the right to reject personnel

from the contractor for the following reasons:

− Insufficient qualification

− Insufficient performance

− Negative influence on the work ethic

− And for other important reasons

The costs arising from this are borne by the contractor.

On request, the contractor must be able to provide proof of the qualification of the individual employees.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general


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4 Packaging jobs – general

4.1 Platforms

The most advisable and efficient way to ship machines and larger package units is via platforms. (Exceptions

see chapter 9„Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia“)

The dimensions depend on the type of shipment. The width of each platform is as a matter of principle 223


We distinguish 3 lengths:

1. 290 cm: 2 Platforms fit into a 20‘ container or 4 into a 40‘ container.

2. 390 cm: 3 Platforms fit into a 40‘ container.

3. 580 cm: 2 Platforms fit into a 40‘ container or 1 into a 20‘ container.

4.1.1 Preparation of container transportation

For the transport via container, one skid is implemented on each side

Steel loops for dragging the platform out of the container

4.2 Boxes

Small parts, single subassemblies and bulk goods are most conveniently shipped in boxes.

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging machines

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

11 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


6 box sizes are used:

Size L W H A Weight

1 210 cm 83 cm 60 cm 20 cm 50 kg

2 122 cm 63 cm 60 cm 15 cm 30 kg

3 230 cm 125 cm 122 cm 30 cm 120 kg

4 210 cm 125 cm 123 cm 30 cm 105 kg

5 210 cm 125 cm 60 cm 20 cm 77 kg

6 210 cm 83 cm 123 cm 20 cm 87 kg

For packed parts > 500 kg, reinforce the bottom with wooden bars 5 x 10 cm

A frame made of boards 2 x 10 cm as nailing edge on the face

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging machines

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4.3 Packaging machines

Requirements for the goods to be packed:

− Free from foreign residues

− Retention of proper oils/greases

− Dry (nor liquid residues/residual moisture, water, rain and the like)

− Free from sharp protruding parts and parts protruding into the packaging/encasement area

− Fix movable parts to the package goods by rigging, wedging or cushioning.

Requirements for packaging:

− Ambient temperature and that of the package goods is similar

− No influence from atmospheric impurities and air with high relative humidity respectively

− No change in temperature > 5 °C during packaging

Requirements for packaging:

− The film is to form a closed space, no open packing!

− Make sure that water cannot enter

− The parts to be protected must not come into contact with wood or other acid-containing materials.

− Film sealing by folding, tacking, welding

Requirements for the packaging material wood:

− Residual moisture 10-14 %

− Free from mold fungi and impurities

− Wood must be treated according to ISPM 15

− Stable nailing, stable connecting elements

− No nails or other parts freely protruding into the environment

− Fastening elements

− Use only wood approved for packaging.

(No impregnated wood, no tropical wood or wood with bark residues)

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging machines

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

13 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Provision of the platform with support beams put on The machine is put on. The positions of the support beams are marked.

The holes for the fastening bolts and the pin bores for the support beams are drilled.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging machines

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 14 Revision: 24.09.13


VCI method

The VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitors) are anticorrosive agents that have a marked vapor pressure already at

relatively low temperatures and envelope the part to be protected in a complete and long-lasting protective


The VCI agents can be applied to the surface to be protected in the form of powder, oil, paper, foam or film.

The corrosive media are not removed but made harmless by chemical interaction. Prerequisite for this is

barring the external air by a barrier envelope that maintains the saturation vapor pressure over a longer

period of time.

Corners and edges covered with padding film

After putting it on, the film is welded. (Leave an opening for sucking off the air!)

Part of the air is sucked off to increase the saturation vapor pressure of the VCI gases. Subsequently the opening is welded shut.

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging machines

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

15 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


4.3.1 When packed parts are placed on top of each other

Stable base (substructure) with wooden beams 10 cm x 10 cm

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging transport systems

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4.4 Packaging transport systems

Requirements for the goods to be packed:

− Free from foreign residues

− Retention of proper oils/greases

− Dry (nor liquid residues/residual moisture, water, rain and the like)

− Free from sharp protruding parts and parts protruding into the packaging/encasement area

− Fix movable parts to the package goods by rigging, wedging or cushioning.

Requirements for packaging:

− Ambient temperature and that of the package goods is similar

− No influence from atmospheric impurities and air with high relative humidity respectively

− No change in temperature > 5 °C during packaging

Requirements for packaging:

− The film is to form a closed space, no open packing!

− Make sure that water cannot enter

− The parts to be protected must not come into contact with wood or other acid-containing materials.

− Film sealing by folding, tacking, welding

Requirements for the packaging material wood:

− Residual moisture 10-14 %

− Free from mold fungi and impurities

− Wood must be treated according to ISPM 15

− Stable nailing, stable connecting elements

− No nails or other parts freely protruding into the environment

− Fastening elements

− Use only wood approved for packaging.

(No impregnated wood, no tropical wood or wood with bark residues)

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging transport systems

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

17 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Rests 8 cm x 10 cm Sides 5 cm x 10 cm

The collos for packaging the friction conveyors, transport system posts, protective grille and other bulky goods are squared timber racks.

Careful stacking with wood in between layers

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging transport systems

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The package goods are secured with struts and steel bands.

If applicable protect the face with planks

Provide the platform with support beams put on and outer wooden lining

Line the platform with protective padding film before applying the VCI film

Lay the VCI film The resting points for the packed parts are once more lined with padding film

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging transport systems

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

19 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Put on packed parts The individual packed parts are connected with each other

Nail on outer wooden lining

Finally an outer wooden lining Two plastic plates for protecting the VCI film

A tape is attached to prevent the VCI film from sagging

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging transport systems

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 20 Revision: 24.09.13


The corners and edges are covered with padding film.

The individual packed parts are secured. VCI-impregnated PU flexible foam strips

The VCI film is welded. (Leave an opening for sucking off the air!)

To increase the saturation vapor pressure of the VCI

film, part of the air is sucked off; then weld the

opening shut.

Packaging jobs – general

Box packaging

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

21 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


4.5 Box packaging

Requirements for the goods to be packed:

− Free from foreign residues

− Retention of proper oils/greases

− Dry (nor liquid residues/residual moisture, water, rain and the like)

− Free from sharp protruding parts and parts protruding into the packaging/encasement area

− Fix movable parts to the package goods by rigging, wedging or cushioning.

Requirements for packaging:

− Ambient temperature and that of the package goods is similar

− No influence from atmospheric impurities and air with high relative humidity respectively

− No change in temperature > 5 °C during packaging

Requirements for packaging:

− The film is to form a closed space, no open packing!

− Make sure that water cannot enter

− The parts to be protected must not come into contact with wood or other acid-containing materials.

− Film sealing by folding, tacking, welding

Requirements for the packaging material wood:

− Residual moisture 10-14 %

− Free from mold fungi and impurities

− Wood must be treated according to ISPM 15

− Stable nailing, stable connecting elements

− No nails or other parts freely protruding into the environment

− Fastening elements

− Use only wood approved for packaging. (No impregnated wood, no tropical wood or wood with bark


ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Box packaging

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 22 Revision: 24.09.13


The box is lined with VCI film. Preservation of the metal parts with VCI oil or WD40

Secure steel cables separately.

Avoid contact between wood and metal since the metal corrodes due of the residual moisture in the wood.

Packaging jobs – general

Box packaging

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

23 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Wrap all wooden parts inside the VCI film that come into contact with metal in wax paper.

Once the protective film is closed, the packed parts are secured with wooden struts.

Close the box with a lid and secure with steel bands. Label the box with the appropriate stencil

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Container shipment

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4.6 Container shipment

Use fork lift with the necessary lifting force and long forks for container shipment

Use a wedge to secure Earmark one skid on each side for support in the container (soft soap increases the slippage of the platform)

Packaging jobs – general

Container shipment

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

25 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Attach a steel loop for dragging the platform out of the container.

The last platform does not need a steel loop since the fork lift can grab under the platform.

Finally place a cross beam to secure the load.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Carton packaging

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 26 Revision: 24.09.13


4.7 Carton packaging

Requirements for the goods to be packed:

− Free from foreign residues

− Retention of proper oils/greases

− Preserve if applicable

− The label must match the specifications in the packing list

Requirements for packaging:

− Ambient temperature and that of the package goods is similar

− No change in temperature > 5 °C during packaging

− Secure sensitive parts that are not break-proof with bubble wrap or plastic foam chips

− Secure sensitive parts against contact

− Check (visual check and number of parts)

Requirements for packaging:

− Stability

− Choose appropriate packaging material (protection against external influences)

− Proper carton size

− Remove old labels or designations

− Label unequivocally (address label, delivery note pouch)

Folding carton - standard assortment Folding carton - blanks

Packaging jobs – general

Carton packaging

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

27 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Folding carton for folders Filling material: bubble wrap, plastic foam chips

Clamp the base For greater weights also clamp the lid!

Close the package with adhesive tape A finished package - closed, with delivery note / invoice

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs – general

Packaging – aviation security

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 28 Revision: 24.09.13


4.8 Packaging – aviation security

Protection of the outer wrap against tampering:

− The cartons are protected with adhesive tape against manipulation

− The wooden boxes are closed according to HPE standard/DIN 55499 / VDI directive 2700

− The plastic boxes are closed and strapped

Thus it is ensured that any manipulation will recognizable at once. The packaging materials must be

protected against unauthorized access and must be locked away especially during breaks and at the end of


There is no finishing.

Packaging jobs – general requirements

Lockweiler site

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

29 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


5 Packaging jobs – general requirements

5.1 Lockweiler site

Requirements for the goods to be packed:

− Free from foreign residues

− Retention of proper oils/greases

− Dry (nor liquid residues/residual moisture, water, rain and the like)

− Free from sharp protruding parts and parts protruding into the packaging/encasement area

− Fix movable parts to the package goods by rigging, wedging or cushioning.

Requirements for packaging:

− Ambient temperature and that of the package goods is similar

− No influence from atmospheric impurities and air with high relative humidity respectively

− No change in temperature > 5 °C during packaging

Requirements for packaging:

− The film is to form a closed space, no open packing!

− Make sure that water cannot enter

− The parts to be protected must not come into contact with wood or other acid-containing materials.

− Film sealing by folding, tacking, welding

Requirements for the packaging material wood:

− Residual moisture 10-14 %

− Free from mold fungi and impurities

− Wood must be treated according to ISPM 15

− Stable nailing, stable connecting elements

− No nails or other parts freely protruding into the environment

− Fastening elements

− Use only wood approved for packaging.

(No impregnated wood, no tropical wood or wood with bark residues)

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging of tools and equipment

VCI method

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 30 Revision: 24.09.13


6 Packaging of tools and equipment

6.1 VCI method

The VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitors) are anticorrosive agents that have a marked vapor pressure already at

relatively low temperatures and envelope the part to be protected in a complete and long-lasting protective


The VCI agents can be applied to the surface to be protected in the form of powder, oil, paper, foam or film.

The corrosive media are not removed but made harmless by chemical interaction. Prerequisite for this is

barring the external air by a barrier envelope within which the saturation vapor pressure is maintained over a

longer period of time.

Corners and edges are covered with padding film. After placing it, the film is welded shut (leave an opening for sucking off the air!); part of the air sucked off to increase the saturation vapor pressure of the VCI gases. Subsequently the opening is welded shut.

Packaging of tools and equipment


ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

31 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


6.2 General

− Screw tools and equipment to the base of the box using threaded rods

− Reinforce the interior of the boxes sufficiently with cross beams to avoid compression of the boxes by


− Provide boxes heavier than 10 t with angled stops at least 8-10 mm thick (lid and base) to prevent box

damage from chains and ropes.

− Cover box lids with PVC film (laterally overlapping) and fasten to prevent rain from entering the box.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging of tools and equipment


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Packaging of body parts


ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

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7 Packaging of body parts

7.1 General

− Outer parts must not come into contact with each other and must not rub or move – use spacers and

cushioning accordingly – the position of parts within the box depends on the properties of the part


− Inner parts may be nested – depends on the properties of the part (individually).

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging of air cargo – Lockweiler site

Air cargo (secured)

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 34 Revision: 24.09.13


8 Packaging of air cargo – Lockweiler site

8.1 Air cargo (secured)

Protection of the outer wrap against tampering:

− The wooden boxes are closed according to HPE standard/DIN 55499 / VDI directive 2700

− The cartons are protected with adhesive tape against manipulation

Thus it is ensured that any manipulation will recognizable at once.

The packaging materials must be protected against unauthorized access and must be locked away especially

before breaks and at the end of work.

8.2 Air cargo (unsecured)

Larger packed parts that do not fit into the scanner or cannot be scanned (dark alarm).

− Screw on one side or the lid to ensure a check at the airport without having to break open and damage

the box.

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Preparatory measures

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

35 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


9 Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

9.1 Preparatory measures

The return connections for the cooling water (e.g. for test stands) must be equipped with plastic plugs, in

addition plastic bags must be put around and fixed with cable fasteners.

For electrical cabinets, the C profiles on which the frequency converters are placed must be shored up.

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

General regulations for packaging/preservation

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9.2 General regulations for packaging/preservation

The preservation is to be effected according to the desiccant method.

Aluminum compound film is to be used as barrier envelope (has a fourfold lower water vapor permeability

than PE film).

Preservation period: 12 months

The following handling symbols must stringently be attached:

Top Fragile package goods Protect against moisture

Center of gravity Fasten here Engage forklift here

Permissible temperature range

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

37 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


9.3 Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

Example end-of-line test stand

Place the test stand on the floor to mark the bores for the fastening bolts

Drill the holes

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 38 Revision: 24.09.13


Guide the bolts through the bottom of the box (4 screws M16)

Put the rubber seal rings onto the bolts

Line the bottom with PE film

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

39 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Line the bottom with prepared aluminum compound film

Put the rubber seals on the bolts Line the bottom with PE film

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 40 Revision: 24.09.13


Put the machine onto the bolts Fasten with nuts fixed by locknuts

Pad the corners and exposed parts

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

41 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Attach desiccant bags (at least 24 kg)


The bags should be attached in the upper area of the package goods and should not come into contact with

blank metal surfaces.

Cover completely with a PE film

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 42 Revision: 24.09.13


Put on the aluminum compound film hood and weld with the bottom film

Suck off air for leak check, then seal the suction opening

Cover completely with a textile tarpaulin Put on Akylux plates

Cover completely with another textile tarpaulin Attach the box walls

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

43 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Insert the lid girders (squared timbers 12 cm x 14 cm) Put Akylux plates onto the lid girders

Put a continuous PE film onto the Akylux plates Put on the lid (for manufacturing reasons tripartite)

Seal the lid joints with silicone Attach a hood made of textile tarpaulin

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of boxes for conventional loading

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 44 Revision: 24.09.13


Attach skid and edge protection angles and label the box

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of the noise protection cabin

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

45 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


9.4 Packaging of the noise protection cabin

Frame parts for the noise protection cabin

Line the bottom with foam and aluminum compound film, stack the package goods

In so far as required separate parts by cushioned wooden battens

Fix with polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 2000 dN) Pad edges and exposed parts with foam film

Attach desiccant bags (at least 12 kg) Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of the noise protection cabin

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 46 Revision: 24.09.13


Cover with Akylux plates Cover with textile tarpaulin

Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of the noise protection cabin

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

47 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Wall elements for noise protection cabin

Line the bottom with foam and aluminum compound film and stack the package goods

In so far as required separate parts by cushioned wooden battens

Fix with polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 200 dN) Pad edges and exposed parts with foam film and attach desiccant bags (at least 12 kg)

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of the noise protection cabin

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 48 Revision: 24.09.13


Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Cover with Akylux plates

Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of control cabinets and operator panel

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

49 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


9.5 Packaging of control cabinets and operator panel

Line the bottom with foam and aluminum compound film and place the package goods

Fix with polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 200 dN) and pad edges and exposed parts with foam film

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of control cabinets and operator panel

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 50 Revision: 24.09.13


Add desiccant bags (at least 12 kg) Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Cover with textile tarpaulin Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

51 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


9.6 Packaging of cabinets

Line the bottom with PE film Line the bottom with aluminum compound film

Line the bottom with PE film Put on cabinets

Laterally attach squared timbers outside of the barrier envelope to protect against skidding

Fasten the cabinets to each other using polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 2000 dN)

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 52 Revision: 24.09.13


Fix the cabinets to the bottom of the box with polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 2000 dN)

Pad edges and exposed parts with foam film and attach desiccant bags (at least 20 kg)

Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Cover with Akylux plates

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

53 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Cover with textile tarpaulin

Mount box hood, attach marking (center of gravity not at the center!) and put on a textile tarpaulin hood and skid-/edge protection angles

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 54 Revision: 24.09.13


14.7 Packaging of the adaptation station

Place the station on the bottom of the box and attach squared timbers to protect against skidding

Line the bottom with foam film

Line the bottom with aluminum compound film Line the bottom with foam film

Mount the station on the bottom Fix with polyester clamping strap (Cordstrap 2000 dN)

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

55 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Pad edges and exposed parts with foam film Attach desiccant bags (at least 20 kg)

Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Cover with Akylux plates

Cover with textile tarpaulin Put Akylux plates onto the lid timbers

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 56 Revision: 24.09.13


Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

57 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


14.8 Packaging of the adaptation station accessories

Line the bottom with foam film

Line the bottom with aluminum compound film Line the bottom with foam film

Placement and fixing of the package goods In so far as required separate parts by cushioned wooden battens

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 58 Revision: 24.09.13


Pad edges and exposed parts with foam film Attach desiccant bags (at least 6 kg)

Put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Cover with textile tarpaulin

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

59 RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29


Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

ThyssenKrupp System Engineering

Packaging jobs for transmission test stands for transports to Asia

Packaging of cabinets

RLAAAA010_en / Revision: 2013-05-29 60 Revision: 24.09.13


14.9 Packaging parts of transport system

Line bottom with foam film, aluminum compound film and foam film, place and fix package goods, pad edges and exposed parts with foam film

Attach desiccant bags (at least 8 kg), put on the aluminum compound film hood, weld, suck off air and seal suction opening

Put on Akylux plates, mount the side walls and add pressure timbers to fix the package goods

Mount box hood, attach marking and put on a textile tarpaulin hood

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