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My motivation to take this class was being able to learn how the new technology resources can help me succeed in my education. I had an iPod, and I used it only for music. Now after taking the class I can say that use it for more than just that.

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After taking the learning preference survey I found out what type of learner I was. My scored reflected I got a 5 for sensing, 7 for visual, 5 for action and 7 for sequential. I strongly agree with the scores because I truly am a visual learner.

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I believe that there are a variety of technologies that will match according to every learning preference. Everyone has their own unique way of learning and I’m sure there are different learning paths to suit everyone. I believe that identifying your own learning technique is crucial to achieve your academic goals.

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I chose the Learning Warrior because I wanted to gain a deeper understanding about new technologies such as iPads, mp3 players and how I could use them as an aid in my education.

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The lectures about the different technologies were really helpful to understand how to use them as a tool to help me study.

The quizzes helped me have a better understanding about the technologies. I learned about pod casts and how to use them my classes

I started using pod casts to get more information for class presentations and quizzes.

I used my iPod throughout the semester to record class lectures and it really reduced the note taking and had more valuable information of my classes.

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The first technology I used was my iPad. I used it to download apps related to some of my courses and to read articles as well. I downloaded the quiz app to test myself for different tests and it worked out really well because I was always prepared for the tests in my class. I think that if had never known about this app the results in my test scores would have been definitely lower.

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The second technology I used was my iPod, and I used it mainly to record class lectures and it made an impact on my note taking and the information was way more accurate. This method really made a great difference in my grades because I was able to participate more in the class instead of having to write down everything the professors said in class.

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The last technology I used was Pod cast. This technology really made an impact in my grades because there’s a large variety pod cast for almost every subject taught in school. They were really helpful to get more information on the different topics I had to do research about. I believe they made it a bit easier for me to get a deeper understanding of a new concept I was learning about.

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I’ve gained a deeper knowledge about these technologies. Now I realized that using my iPad is beneficial for my learning. I learned to use my iPad for school related stuff such as studying for a quiz, homework, research, listen to class lectures. The iPad is a great device because it’s multitask and I can take it anywhere with me. I’ve learned what apps to download to help me get better results in my classes like the quiz app and flashcards.

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By learning more about physiological factors I became aware of my own health and decided to applied what I learned to change my eating and sleeping habits. My eating and sleeping patterns weren’t healthy at all and I felt they were affecting my learning. I would always go to be past midnight and wake up very early in the morning for school or work and by noon I would feel so tired I wouldn’t retain any information for my classes. Also I used to always eat fast food and take naps right after I eat. I chose to make changes because the lifestyle I has was not balanced at all so I started to take better care of myself by eating fresher produce and I gave up on fast food. My sleeping and eating patterns not only were affecting my heath they were also affecting my grades at school too. I would not show up to class very often because I was tired and didn’t want to wake up for class. I think that the changes were crucial in my learning process because I was able to come to class in the morning without feeling tired and retain all of the information taught in class

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I will use all the knowledge I learned from this class to apply it for my school and daily life as well. Technologies such as iPods are very beneficial for both. I could use my iPod for school but I also can use it to download apps that can help me with my eating habits like downloading healthy cooking recipes apps to eat healthier.

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I truly enjoyed being a Learning Warrior because I now have a better understanding about technologies that I didn’t know of before I took this class. I’m 100% sure I will apply all of the knowledge I gained in this class in my personal and professional life. I also believe that now I can help other people use the different technologies as a tool for their own benefit.

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