
ROYAL COMMISSION INTO WHETHER THERE HAS BEEN ANY CORRUPT OR CRIMINAL CONDUCT BY WESTERN AUSTRALIAN POLICE OFFICERS COMMISSIONER: G.A. Kennedy AO QC Held at Perth on the 9th day of July, 2002 Counsel Assisting Mr Stephen Hall Appearances Mr K. Prince Mr P. Momber Mr M. Bryant Copyright in this document is reserved to the Crown in right of the State of Western Australia. Reproduction of this document (or part thereof, in any format) except with the prior written consent of the Attorney General is prohibited. .09/07/2002 600

B1/2 POLICE COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Hall? MR HALL: May it please you, Commissioner, I call Christos Trifon. COMMISSIONER: Mr Trifon, could I have your full name? MR TRIFON: Christos Trifon. COMMISSIONER: Do you have any conscientious objection to taking an oath on the Bible? MR TRIFON: No. CHRISTOS TRIFON sworn: EXAMINED BY MR HALL: MR HALL: Now, Mr Trifon, your full name, you've told us, is Christos Trifon, but I think you're usually known as Chris?---Yeah, that's right. Now, Mr Trifon, throughout your evidence, I may refer to certain people as K1, K2 and K3 - I wonder if Mr Trifon could have the exhibit, please - and I will ask you, insofar as you need to in answering my questions, to refer to those people by the same codes?---Yeah. Now, I understand that you lived in Kalgoorlie in 1998?---That's right. You moved there, I think, the previous year, 97?---That's right. You commenced a business in Kalgoorlie?---That's right. What was the name of that business?---Powerforce Glass. What sort of things did it make?---Oh, just - - it was a window business, glazing business and glass and all that. Windows, doors?---Windows, doors, glass and - - Right. Whilst you were in Kalgoorlie, did you come to meet a police officer called Gavin Farrell?---I did. How did you meet him?---I met Gavin Farrell through another police officer up there, by the name of Tom Cogan. All right?---Tom Cogan was a friend of a police officer I knew down there by the name of Shane Hogan. Shane Hogan, I think, had been a police officer to whom you'd provided information?---Sort of, yeah. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 601

B1/2 POLICE MR HALL: Right, and he put you in touch with Tom Cogan, who in turn introduced you to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. Where was it, that you were introduced to Gavin Farrell? Do you recall?---At my workshop, I think. He came over with Tom Cogan. How long was this after you had moved to Kalgoorlie?---Oh, it was 2, 3 months, I think. Might of been a little bit longer than that, after that. Did you continue to have contact with Gavin Farrell after your first meeting?---Yes. Did you have some interests in common?---We had - - well, he liked the racing and I liked the racing game, so yeah, we spoke about races and all that. And you're talking, obviously, about horse racing?---That's correct. I think you've owned horse racers?---I have owned horses, yeah. Racehorses?---Yes. Did you meet him from time to time at the racecourse - -?---Yes. - - in Kalgoorlie?---Yeah. Now, I take it that you, on the occasions you met him, talked about other subjects besides racehorses?---Yeah, we spoke about a lot of things, yeah. Did you ever speak to him about drugs?---Not at the beginning, no, but later on, during the course of time, yes, we did speak about drugs. How did that come about?---Just - - just normal talk. Just talking. Don't know. I honestly don't know, see. We just - - there was just talk. Well, tell me, did you come to meet Kevin Reilly?---Sorry? Did you come to meet Kevin Reilly?---Yes, I did. How did you meet him?---I met Kevin through Gavin Farrell at the races. All right. Did you understand him to be a police officer as well?---Yes, I did. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 602

B1/2 POLICE MR HALL: Did you know what position he had in Kalgoorlie?---He was in charge of the detectives or something or other. Now, I think you have known for some years the lady who is described on that list as K3 - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 603

B2/4 POLICE MR HALL: - - - that list as K3?---Mm hm. And she, like you, is Macedonian by extraction?---That's correct, yeah. Now, whilst you were in Kalgoorlie did you maintain contact with her?---Yes, I did speak to, yeah, ( suppressed...) Do you recall a particular time when she spoke to you about some morphine tablets?---Yeah. She said to me that she was buying a - - she was buying some tablets off - - off a fellow in Marangaroo and that he was charging her too much and she wasn't making enough out of it and - - yeah. And she was telling you this in person or by telephone? ---No, in person as well. Yeah. And I think it was the case that you owed her some money. Is that right?---At some time, yeah. Okay. So having told you that she was buying some tablets from this man in Marangaroo - - ?---Mm hm. - - and paying too much - - ?---Yeah. - - was there some discussion about how things should progress from there?---She was saying that she wouldn't mind - - "If we can get those tablets we could make this" and "we could make that", "We could make a bit of money out of it", so I said to her - - I said - - I said, "Oh, well, I'll see what I can do" and then I left it at that. And did you have any particular thing in mind when you said you could see what you could do?---No, not at that time then. No. Was she looking for you to purchase these tablets?---No. She - - she needed money. If she bought a lot more than what she was buying she was going to get them cheaper, but she didn't have that cash flow behind her. Now, what did you do then about looking into what could be done?---Then I started - - I spoke to Kevin Reilly. I said, "Listen, I know someone that's got a heap of morphine tablets down at - - in Perth there." I said, "Do you know anyone that can go in and grab them?" He said, "Yep." And did he say who it was he knew who could go in and grab them?---Not at the time. Not at the time we were speaking about it, no. All right, and by "going in and grabbing them" were you .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 604

B2/4 POLICE talking about stealing - - ?---Yes, that's right. MR HALL: Effectively stealing the tablets?---Yeah. Now, what was it that made you feel comfortable about raising this with Kevin Reilly, who you knew to be a police officer? ---We spoke - - I was speaking to Kevin and we were just speaking normal. We were speaking, you know, like - - we would talk about everything and anything, and I just felt comfortable with the bloke. Now, where did this conversation take place? Do you recall?---I don't recall, sir, no. All right. You say you sometimes met Farrell at your workshop. Did you meet Kevin Reilly there from time to time as well?---Yes, Kevin Reilly came down a few times. So did that proposal progress from there?---It did. How did - - what happened next?---We - - K3 told me that this fellow had so many tablets down at - - at his place there, so I told Kevin Reilly, Kevin Reilly organised whoever - he organised a couple of guys. As far as I knew then, he told me it was going to be his brother and his brother's partner that were going to run in, grab these tablets, and then we were going to buy them off them. Now, you say K3 told you that there was a number of tablets. Did she give an approximate number of them?---No, she didn't. Did you have any idea of how large a quantity it was?---The way that she was talking, that she had a lot - - that this fellow had a lot there, yeah. Now, I asked you why you felt comfortable dealing with Kevin Reilly in this regard. You said you were introduced to him by Gavin Farrell?---Yes. Had Gavin Farrell ever raised with you that it was possible for him to provide you with drugs?---Gavin Farrell was talking about a couple of ounces of speed at one stage there, then I spoke to - - over it a couple of times with him and it just never occurred. Right?---He had somebody who was going to sell it and it just didn't - - it just didn't happen. So he told you that he had 2 ounces of amphetamines?---Yes. Did he tell you how he had come by these amphetamines? ---No, he didn't. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 605

B2/4 POLICE MR HALL: But they were offered to you for purchase?---Yes. But you didn't purchase them?---No. Why?---Just didn't happen. It just - - we - - I did a phone call to him and it just didn't go on from then on. Now, was this before the discussions that had been had about the morphine tablets?---No, this was after - - After?--- - - the morphine tablets. Okay. Had there been any discussions about possible purchases of drugs before the morphine tablets?---I cannot remember, sir. I'd be lying to you if I said "Yes" or "No". Now, you said you came to understand that the people who were going to take the drugs from the man in Marangaroo - - ? ---Yes. - - were Kevin Reilly's brother and his partner?---That's right - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 606

B3/2 POLICE MR HALL: - - - brother and his partner?---That's right. Is that something that you were told by Kevin Reilly?---Kevin Reilly told me that his brother and his partner were going to be on. Now, how did Kevin Reilly know where this man lived?---K3 gave me the address and I gave it to Kevin Reilly. All right, and the name? Did she provide you with the name of the person as well?---At the time she did, but I can't remember it. Well, have a look at the sheet before you - -?---Yeah. - - and does the name of K1 ring a bell?---Yeah, that's right, yeah. So it was the name of K1 - -?---Yes. - - that you gave to Kevin Reilly?---Yes. Now, at the time that you were having these discussions with Kevin Reilly, did you say what would happen in the event that they were taken by his brother and his brother's partner, as to who would - -?---We were going to buy them off Kevin Reilly for a certain price. Was the price discussed?---It was. How much?---Cannot remember. I think it was about 12,000, at the time. And when you say, "we were going to purchase them", who are you talking about?---Oh, me and K3. Or, K3 was going to purchase them and she was going to sell them, that's all. What were you going to get out of it?---She was going to look after me. She was going to give you some share of the proceeds?---Yes. She was going to look after me. When you communicated with Kevin Reilly, was it always in person, or did you sometimes use the telephone?---I used the telephone and used to go to his offices in Kalgoorlie there. Right, and that's the detectives' offices?---Yes. Did you actually meet him inside the detectives' offices?---Yeah. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 607

B3/2 POLICE MR HALL: Did he have his own office, a separate office there?---No. Always used to meet him in, like, an interview room there. You walk upstairs on the left-hand side there. And the times that you telephoned him, was there a particular telephone number that he asked you to use?---There was. There was at the time, yes. All right. What sort of number was it? A mobile or a land line?---Mainly on the mobile I used to ring him. Were you ever present when he phoned his brother?---Only once, when - - when they went in there and they took the tablets, they went away, then this K1 ended up ringing the - - ringing some other police officers because he thought they weren't coppers. He thought that he was getting ripped off, and K3 rang me, told me what was going on. Then I rang Kevin Reilly. I said to Reilly, I said, "Listen, I need to talk to you. This is what's going on." He said, "Come in and see me." Went in there - - I went to the police station, I saw him. I told him what happened, then he changed the chip on his phone, he used another number and he rang - - I think he spoke to his brother, told him what happened, and then they were going to go back and sort it out. All right. We'll go through that step-by-step, but you were there, present, and saw Kevin Reilly - -?---Yes. Yeah. - - with his mobile telephone - -?---Yeah. - - and you said he changed the chip?---That's right. Are you talking about the SIM card?---The SIM card, yeah. So, he took a SIM card out - -?---Yeah. - - and put another SIM card in?---It wasn't a small one. It was the bigger ones. The larger one?---Yeah. Okay. Are they the pre-paid ones, are they?---Don't know. All right. In any event, you then overheard him speaking to who you understood to be his brother?---That's right. Do you know his brother's name?---Michael Reilly. And you said that he told his brother what had occurred?---That's right. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 608

B3/2 POLICE MR HALL: By that, you mean you heard him relaying to his brother what you had told him, namely, that K1 had complained about the taking of the drugs?---That's right. All right. If we go through that step-by-step, then. Was it your understanding that that did in fact occur, that Kevin Reilly's brother and his partner - -?---Yeah. - - went into K1's house and took the drugs?---Yeah. Now, how did you come to know that that had actually happened?---Because K3 rang me and because K1 rang K3 and told her - - told her that these blokes had come in here, you know, "You organised it" or you know, "Youse are ripping me off" and this, that, that, that, and it just carried on from there. Then, K3 rang me, told me what's going on, then I rang Kevin Reilly. On that occasion - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 609

B4/1 POLICE MR HALL: - - - that occasion when you rang Kevin Reilly can you recall what you said to him?---To Kevin? Yes?---I said to Kevin, "I need to speak to you about something." Then he told me to come down and see him. And when you say "come down" you went to the police station?---Come down to the police station. What did you tell him when you got there?---I told Kevin Reilly that this fellow doesn't believe that these two blokes are coppers. He's rang some other police station and there was - - there was two other police officers coming out. So he said, "Leave it with me and I'll sort it out." And it was at that point you then overheard the telephone conversation - - ?---Yes. - - between Kevin Reilly and his brother?---Yeah. Did Kevin Reilly tell his brother to do anything as a result of this information you'd passed on to him?---I can't remember. All I know is that he rang him and he told him what was going on, and they were going to go back and sort it out. Right. Do you know whether that happened?---Yes. As far as I knew that happened, yes. Now, what about Silvio Cinquina? Have you ever heard his name?---Yes. Silvio Cinquina, yeah. Is he somebody that you met while you were in Kalgoorlie?---I met Silvio through the races as well. Silvio had come down to the workshop, but he'd always stay outside when Kevin used to come inside the - - and speak to me. Right. And you understood him to be a police officer as well?---Yes. Now, was his name mentioned in the context of your proposed purchase of these morphine tablets?---Yeah. Kevin said that he had to look after Silvio and his brother and all these other - - And when he said that he had to look after Silvio, was any amount mentioned?---No. You told us the name of your business as being Powerforce Glass. Was there also a company called Mirralon, M-i-r-r-a-l-o-n?---That was my ex-girlfriend's business. Right. And your ex-girlfriend was then living with you in Kalgoorlie?---Yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 610

B4/1 POLICE MR HALL: She had a business there as well?---That's right. And you used that phone from time to time?---Yes. So if we have records that indicate phone calls made from Mirralon to Kevin Reilly's police mobile, would those calls have been made by you?---Yes, they would have. Now, following that day when you overheard this call between Kevin Reilly and his brother, what transpired in respect to the morphine tablets? Did you purchase them?---No. We didn't purchase them at that time, no. Why?---Because I was in Kalgoorlie and K3 was down in Perth and just nothing happened. Was there a shortage of money?---There was a shortage of money at the time, yes. Was there any more discussions between you and Kevin Reilly about purchasing these tablets?---There was. It was just that I had to come down to Perth, and when I get to Perth I was going to sort it out. Now, I think you left Kalgoorlie that year - 1998 - and came back to Perth?---That's right. When was that?---When? Mm?---Round August I think it was. August/September. Did your business fail - - ?---Yes. - - Powerforce Glass?---Yep. Now, between these events that you've been telling us about, which was July of 1998, and leaving Kalgoorlie, did you continue to have contact with Gavin Farrell?---Yes, I did. In particular, did you have any contact with him in relation to drugs?---There was an occasion there, yes. What was that occasion?---Over a - - over some heroin. Right. And there was a quantity of heroin that I think was coming from South Australia?---That's correct. Right. And you came to know about that?---That's right. How did Gavin Farrell come to be involved?---Oh, it was - - we were just talking with Gavin and we were talking about it, and they were going to rip the whole pound of heroin off. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 611

B4/1 POLICE MR HALL: When you say "they were", who was?---It was Gavin Farrell, Kevin Reilly and Silvio - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 612

B5/3 POLICE WITNESS: - - - Kevin Reilly and Silvio. MR HALL: And who told you that?---He told me - - Who told you - -?--- - - they were going to rip - - Yes?---Yes. They - - we were talking about it. Well, who was talking about it?---Me, Kevin Reilly, Silvio, in the middle of the bush. Right. So there was a meeting somewhere out of town?---Yep. And Kevin Reilly, Silvio Cinquina and yourself were present?---That's right. And you were told that they were going to rip it off?---Well, we were talking about it. They wanted me to get the fellow to come through to Kalgoorlie with this pound of heroin and they were going to follow him out of Kalgoorlie and then they were going to rip him. And what were you going to get out of this?---They were going to look after me, as far as I knew. Right. And when you say "look after", again, do you mean that you were going to get some monetary consideration, some money?---Yeah, as far as I knew. Did it happen?---No, it didn't happen. Do you know why?---It was an organised - - the heroin came to Perth. There was undercover police officers and the heroin got pinched in - - in Perth. Right. When you say "undercover police officers" you mean police officers other than these men in Kalgoorlie - -?---Yes, there was. Yeah, there was other police officers. And so the person responsible was arrested by those - - I think it was Organised Crime?---That's right, yes. You mentioned a little while ago also dealings that you'd had with Gavin Farrell in relation to amphetamines?---Yes. Did that also happen between July and the discussions about morphine and your leaving Kalgoorlie?---No. It was after I left Kalgoorlie. After you left Kalgoorlie?---Yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 613

B5/3 POLICE MR HALL: So after you - -?---Oh, we spoke, I think, at the end of the period of time that I was in Kalgoorlie - - Right?--- - - and then - - then we went through to Perth, because Gavin - - Gavin shifted to Perth I think a month before I did. Right?---Roughly. I think it was around that time. So these discussions continued over a period of weeks - -?---That's right. - - in relation to the amphetamines?---Yeah. Did you ever see those amphetamines?---No. Do you know what happened to them?---Nuh. Now, before turning to what happened when you came to Perth, I think there was some other dealings that you had with K1 and K2?---Mm hm. In that I understand that you attempted to effectively extort some money from K1?---K3 - - K3 said that they'll do anything just to keep - - keep themself out of trouble. So we - - she approached K1 and then K2. Then I spoke to K2 regarding looking after them and all that, and there was $30,000 or somewhere around that amount of money, but nothing - - nothing eventuated out of it. They rejected your proposals?---Yeah. All right. Now, tell me, in relation to the morphine tablets, you've told us that you had discussions with Kevin Reilly - -?---Mm hm. - - at the time that those tablets were to be taken. Did you ever discuss that matter with Gavin Farrell?---No, not when it all went first down. Gavin Farrell didn't know nothing of what was going on about the morphine tablets at the time. At the time they were taken?---Yes, that's right. Now, when you came back to Perth, you've told us that you were continuing to have contact with Gavin Farrell. Were you at that time particularly pressed financially?---I was, yes. And I think in the past you had provided information to the police and received payments from Crime Stoppers?---That's right. Who had you dealt with previously?---Shane Hogan. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 614

B5/3 POLICE MR HALL: Right?---And George Nisbet?. And George Nisbet?---Mm. Now, did you understand that George Nisbet was a friend of Gavin Farrell's?---At that time, I didn't. No. I didn't know that George was friends with Gavin Farrell until I went to Kalgoorlie and I was speaking with George and then Gavin and they - - and they knew each other - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 615

B6/4 POLICE WITNESS: - - - knew each other. Before that - - MR HALL: All right, but by the time you came back to Perth - - ?---Yes. - - you were - - ?---I knew that, yeah, George and Gavin were friends, yes. All right. Now, given your financial position - - ? ---Mm hm. - - when you were back in Perth did you consider at that time whether it was a good idea for you to perhaps try and obtain more money from the police by giving some information to them about the morphine tablets?---That's right, yeah. What did you do in that regard?---I spoke to George Nisbet? and George Nisbet introduced - - or told me to ring a fellow in Internal Affairs by the name of George - - Putland?---Sorry? Putland. Putland?---That's right. All right. What did you tell George Nisbet as to why you wanted to speak to Internal Affairs?---It was regarding another police officer. And we've heard in the course of telephone conversations you referring to Picton-King?---That's right. Is that what you told George Nisbet?---That's what I told him. But that was not the case?---No. No. Why did you tell George Nisbet that?---Because George Nisbet knows Gavin Farrell and Kevin Reilly and all that crew. So you didn't want Farrell and his - - and the Reillys to know why you were approaching IAU?---That's right. So you spoke to George Putland and I think that was in early December 1998?---That's right. And I think you were then - - you were interviewed by Inspector Putland and Sergeant Wignall?---Mm hm. Did you then tell them about the morphine tablets?---I told them a little bit about it, yeah. And about the amphetamines?---Yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 616

B6/4 POLICE MR HALL: And did they ask you to then take part in an operation?---It was a couple of meetings after. I think it was. All right. So there were some meetings that followed from that - - ?---Yeah, yeah. - - and you agreed to play a role?---Yeah. And did that role involve contacting Gavin Farrell to see if the tablets were still available for purchase?---That's right. Now, you did make that contact?---I did. Why would Gavin Farrell, since you said he hadn't been involved - - ?---No, no. Before then I spoke to Gavin Farrell and I - - because I asked Gavin Farrell. I said, "Listen, this is what's happened." I told him what happened and I said, "Is Kevin Reilly trying to set me up?" and he said, "No, no, no. No, you're sweet with him." Right, so this is before you've approached IAU?---Yes. That's right. Okay. Did you know at that time, before you approached IAU, whether the morphine tablets were still available for sale? ---I spoke to Gavin to find out first for me, and which he did, and he said, "Yeah, they're still there." Right. So when you approached IAU your understanding was these tablets were still there and still available to you to purchase?---That's right. So you then contacted Gavin Farrell?---I spoke to Gavin, yeah. Again?---Yeah. And what was the proposal?---I was supposed to put - - I was supposed to put some money on for Gavin as well and we were going to buy them. And when you say "we" - - ?---Me and the girl. It was going to be, well, me and Internal Affairs. Well, Internal Affairs were going to buy them. That's the reality of it?---Yeah. But what were you representing to Gavin Farrell?---That the girl was going to buy these morphine tablets. Right, and when you say "a girl" - - ?---K3. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 617

B6/4 POLICE MR HALL: But did you actually ever use the name K3 to Gavin Farrell?---No, I don't think so. No. But you represented to him that there was - - ?---A girl. - - a buyer who you were acting for who was female?---That's right. Was the purchase to be in one lot?---Originally, when I went to Internal Affairs, we were going to do it in one lot. They promised me a lot of things and they just didn't - - didn't stick to it. No?---They said, "Yeah, we'll do it in one lot" and then all of a sudden they changed their mind, they wanted to do it in three lots, or two lots, whatever it was at the time. And do you know why that changed?---Wouldn't have a clue. Now, shortly after you had approached IAU and been interviewed by them - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 618

B7/1 POLICE MR HALL: - - - been interviewed by them, you met with Gavin Farrell at Ian Diffen Tyres in Cannington. Do you recall that?---Yes, I did. The 19th of December. Now, what occurred at that meeting? What did Gavin Farrell tell you?---I can't remember the meeting, sir, of the 19th. It would be probably regarding the morphine tablets. All right. Were you told where those tablets were?---As far as I knew, the tablets were in Perth. In Perth?---That's right. Now, you say as far as you knew. What were you told about that?---That they're - - that they're still here in Perth. That they were still here - - Who told you that?---Kevin Reilly. Do you know who was holding them?---I don't, no. Now, when you put the proposal to Gavin Farrell that you wanted to purchase these tablets, was there an amount spoken of?---For money? Yes; the purchase?---The amount of money that - - Gavin wanted some money put on top for himself as well. I think we were going to put on - - I think it was 4000 each or something. Eight grand extra. Was there any amount spoken of in terms of what each tablet was going to be costing?---No, mate. But Gavin Farrell wanted some money for himself?---Gavin Farrell wanted money, Kevin Reilly wanted money, Silvio by the sounds of things wanted money as well. The whole lot of them wanted money. What about the proposal that they be sold in smaller lots? Did you discuss that with Gavin Farrell?---I cannot remember. Right. Now, a little later, on the 22nd of December, you met Gavin Farrell again at the Gloucester Park Raceway; do you recall that?---Yes. I met Gavin Farrell a lot of times at Gloucester Park Raceway. Yes. Now, on these occasions did he come alone?---Yeah. I've always met Gavin alone; never with anyone else. Did he ever suggest to you that he couldn't meet you without somebody else being present on these occasions?---At the - - right at the end when - - when everything was going wrong - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 619

B7/1 POLICE MR HALL: Yes?--- - - he did say to me then, because we drove - - we were in Bayswater and he said to me - - he goes, "Oh, I'm not even supposed to be by myself with you." He said, "If anyone asks just say that we're doing an interview," or something. I can't remember what he said to me. But that's later on?---Yeah. That was right at the end. And these initial occasions he met you alone?---Yes, he did. Do you recall on any of these occasions him patting you down?---Yep. Doing a search?---Yeah. Did he say what he was looking for?---He didn't - - he didn't - - I can't remember, but he - - but he did pat me down. Did you maintain contact with Kevin Reilly in regard to the proposal that was being made for you to purchase these tablets in December?---I think I spoke to him over the phone, but usually I was talking to Gavin about it. Now, there was also a meeting the following day, on the 23rd of December, at - - outside a shop called Money Traders in Carrington Street in Hamilton Hill. Do you recall that meeting?---Yeah. Vaguely. Was there a proposal at that stage that you would pay a part of the money?---I think I did say something like that to them, yes. Right. Now, how did - - what response did you get to the suggestion that part of the money would be paid and not all of the money?---With - - I can't remember. Do you recall IAU initially instructing you to say that the most money that was available was $7200?---The most - - This is just before Christmas?---Yeah. Now, there was then to be a meeting on Christmas Eve, on the 24th of December, near your place of work, I think, for you to provide the money to Gavin Farrell; do you recall that?---That's right. And there was a difficulty that arose?---Mm hm. Do you recall what that was?---Yeah. Internal Affairs were supposed to be following Gavin Farrell. They were following Gavin Farrell's brother - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 620

B8/2 POLICE WITNESS: - - - Gavin Farrell's brother, and - - MR HALL: Yes. You didn't know that at the time?---No, I didn't know that. And what happened then, Gavin's in the corner there, watching me talk to Internal Affairs and, yeah, so that just blew up. Right. And how did you know that he had observed you with Internal Affairs?---He rang me. So, did you - - and spoke to you on the telephone. Were Internal Affairs still there when Gavin Farrell spoke to you?---Oh, I can't - - no, they weren't. I think they'd left and then Gavin rang me. Right?---Or - - yes, something like that. So that meeting did not occur?---No. No. I think I saw Gavin that afternoon, tried to sweeten him up again. Right. Well, perhaps we can play the tape of that conversation, which is 1003041. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: So that's you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. And that's the call that you had just after you've met with the IAU men in the car park at Midland? Now, the reference to Picton-King is what you told us earlier as being the reason you'd given to George Nisbet? as to why you'd gone to IAU. Had you spoken to Gavin Farrell about that as well?---I spoke to Gavin about it, oh, a few times, but nothing - - Right. Now, his suggestion to you that he can't come to see you unless "I've got someone with me", had he ever made that suggestion to you before then?---No. And as far as you were aware, was anyone intended to be with him when he saw you at that meeting that was aborted?---No. As far as I knew, I thought he wasn't working that day. I thought he was working on his house - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 621

B9/3 POLICE WITNESS: - - - working on his house. MR HALL: Right. Towards the end of the conversation he asks you "Where's that fucking thing?" Do you know what he was talking about?---He was either talking about - - I think he might have been talking about the money or that girl. Right. So was it intended that at this meeting you would pass over some money to him - -?---Yes. - - on account of the tablets?---Yes. I was supposed to hand over some money to him way before then as well, but Internal Affairs kept delaying it, delaying it, delaying it. Now, later that day I think you met him at WA Salvage in Cannington?---Cannington, yeah. And on that occasion do you recall whether he patted you down?---I think he did. Did you explain to him why it was you had been in the presence of IAU officers earlier that day?---Yes. I told him that it was only to do with Picton-King who had nothing to do with him. Did it appear to you that you were successful in regaining his confidence?---I think I did, yeah. If we can then move forward to the 28th of December, you rang Gavin Farrell. If we can have played 1003042 please? AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: All right. So again, you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---Yep. And it would seem from the beginning of that conversation that some days had passed before you - -?---Yep. In which you hadn't had any contact. Now, during the course of that conversation you say "I got that um - - those tickets for you"?---That's right. What was that a reference to?---Oh, the money for them. Why did you use the word "tickets"?---Because it's just a thing that we always use on the phones. Right. But was there some understanding that you would avoid using - -?---Oh, he'd know what I was saying because he - - he'd know that I wouldn't be saying money for him, and he'd know that as soon I said I had those tickets for him, he'll know what I mean. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 622

B9/3 POLICE MR HALL: Right. It's been suggested by Mr Farrell in evidence that in fact you were obtaining tickets to the races for him. What do you say to that?---Tickets to the races? Yes?---All police officers get into the races for free. They don't need tickets?---No. Why would they want tickets for? Did you ever obtain tickets for Gavin Farrell?---Never. Gavin Farrell used to - - he was - - he was some - - he was working at the Kalgoorlie racecourse there. He was some sort of weigher. So I'm pretty sure he'd be able to get tickets for himself to come down here. I think following that, you were given instructions by IAU to arrange another meeting with Gavin Farrell - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 623

B10/4 POLICE MR HALL: - - - meeting with Gavin Farrell to take place at the rear of Gloucester Park on the following day so that you could give him $7200 by way of a deposit on the tablets. Do you recall that?---That's right. And you contacted him to make that arrangement - if we could have played 1003044. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Again that's you speaking to Gavin Farrell? ---Yes. And the reference then - - you were arranging to meet at Gloucester Park at 2 o'clock, we can see, and there's a reference then to you going up to Kal. Was there some suggestion that you would go up to Kalgoorlie?---At one stage there there was. I can't remember what it was all about. All right, and you then say, "Has he - - he hasn't rung again, has he?" and Gavin Farrell replies, "I've spoken to him, yeah." Who is the "he" that you were talking about?---Kevin Reilly. Now, when you met at Gloucester Park did Gavin Farrell tell you what Kevin Reilly had been saying to him?---I'd be lying to you. I can't - - can't remember that conversation. All right. Just incidentally, one thing I should clarify, when you said that Gavin Farrell had been working as a weigher at the races you were talking about the time he was in Kalgoorlie?---When he was in Kalgoorlie, yeah. He used to work there at - - You were given some instructions by IAU as to how you should conduct yourself at the meeting at Gloucester Park in terms of handing over the money to Farrell. Do you recall that? ---Yes. Vaguely, yes. In particular, I think you were not intended to get into his car?---Yeah. I was not supposed to get into his car, I wasn't supposed to do this, I wasn't supposed to - - how stupid is that bloke then. I'm going to hand money over to him through - - through the window? Yes. Now, when you did have that meeting - - ?---Mm. - - can you tell me what happened?---I lobbed there - - no, first of all Internal Affairs put - - gave me one of their blokes or someone from their side to drive me there. So he drove me there, I met Gavin Farrell, jumped in his car, we went for a drive. We went into Gloucester Park, parked on the .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 624

B10/4 POLICE side. I gave him some money and we were going to organise the tablets or whatever else we ever spoke about that day. MR HALL: All right. Now, let's just deal with that in turn? ---Mm. Getting into his car and going for a drive with him - - ? ---Yes. That was contrary to the instructions you had been given by IAU, wasn't it?---That's right. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 625

B11/2 POLICE MR HALL: And they had given you some money - -?---Yes. - - some cash? In what sort of denominations was it?---Oh, I wouldn't have a clue. It was 20s, 10s, 5s, whatever else they gave me there. All right, and the intention was that you would pass that money to Gavin Farrell as a down-payment for the tablets?---Yeah. They wanted me near enough to pass it in day - - in broad daylight. Right?---That's where Gavin Farrell was stupid. Now, when you got into his car, did you hand him some money?---Yeah. I gave him $500. That was far less money than you'd been given?---Oh, yeah. Way less than that, yeah. Why didn't you give him all of the money?---At the time, I either needed the money or I was going to do - - wait for them to have one buy at it and cannot remember why. But in any event, you didn't give him all the money?---No. I gave him $500. You kept that money for yourself?---Yes, I did. What did you tell him when you gave him the $500?---He saw me with the money, because he saw how much money I had on me and he said to me, he goes, "Oh, give me some more" and I said, "No, no, no, no, we got to get these tablets organised and then we'll sort it all out." But you gave him $500?---I gave him 500, yeah. What denominations?---Fifties, I think they were. Okay?---Put it in a brown bag, into his - - he had a - - I can't remember, I think he had a Commodore and I put it in his - - what do they call that stupid thing? The sort of the central console type - -?---Yeah, central console. Right. Now, you say he saw you with the rest of the money. Did you peel those 50's off the bundle - -?---Yes. - - that you had?---No. Did he ask for more money?---He asked me for some more money, yeah. I said, "No, no, no, let's get the - - let's get these .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 626

B11/2 POLICE tablets organised", or whatever I said to him at the time. I said, "And then we'll sort it all out." MR HALL: What was the $500 intended to be for?---Well, his share of whatever his profit was going to be out of these stupid morphine tablets. And the balance of the money, where did you put that?---I put it - - I put it in my socks, I think. Okay. Now, I take it that you did not tell IAU that you had only given Gavin Farrell $500 of the money?---No, that's right. You led them to believe that in fact you'd passed all of the money over?---That's correct. What did you do with the money?---What did I do with the money? Yeah, the balance, apart from the 500?---I held it for a while, then I - - oh, I can't remember. I paid bills or whatever it was, that was gone. Didn't you take it to a friend's house?---Oh, sorry. At that time? Yes?---Oh, yeah. I - - I got the bloke from IAU to drive me to a friend of mine's place, which lived around the corner from there. Right?---In Carlisle. And you passed that money to your friend and asked him to exchange it through some banks for you?---At the time, yeah, I think so. You're telling us that ultimately you spent that, paying some of your debts?---Yes. Now, I think you had a debt to a man called Caplescu, Peter Caplescu?---Peter? Yes?---Yeah. It's been suggested by Mr Farrell that he was acting for Mr Caplescu to try and recover money?---No, well - - Peter - - Gavin Farrell rang me once regarding Peter, because he reckons, "Oh, this idiot's ringing me up, going off about this money" and that's all that was ever said about this Peter fellow. Peter got most of his money. That was the end of the story. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 627

B11/2 POLICE MR HALL: In the discussions that you had with Gavin Farrell - -?---Yes. - - in particular, this time that you met him at Gloucester Park - -?---Yes. - - was there any discussion of Peter Caplescu?---None at all. None at all. And the $500 that you passed, you say you passed over - -?---He was going to keep it for himself. He wanted more. So, you say that you told him, "Let's sort out the tablets first"?---Mm. What were you suggesting to Gavin Farrell should be done, in respect of the tablets?---To bring them down, or get them here, or let's organise the whole lot in one and - - But I thought you said that your understanding was that they were in Perth. Did that change at some point in time?---Only when I think Kevin Reilly must of told Gavin or Kevin Reilly must of told me that they're up there. But I can't remember how that came through. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 628

B12/1 POLICE MR HALL: Could we play a telephone conversation from the 30th of December which is 1003054, please? AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Again, you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. The "sheila" that you talk about - - ?---Mm hm. - - is that the female purchaser that you'd represented to Gavin Farrell - - ?---Yep. - - was going to buy the tablets? Now, then towards the end of the conversation you talk about, "Did that other fellow ring in"?---Yes. Can you tell me who that's a reference to?---That's Kevin Reilly. Why were you asking Gavin Farrell about him at that point in time?---I think we were organising - - organising the tablets or whatever we were doing at the time; I cannot remember. Now, you continued to have - - and understand I'm not playing every single conversation to you, but you continued to have contact with Gavin Farrell throughout this time?---Actually? - - yes. And Kevin Reilly as well?---Yes. And you mentioned to us that things took a turn that you were proposing to go to Kalgoorlie?---Yeah, that's right. Was that something that you initiated - the suggestion - - ?---No, I think - - I think Kevin Reilly organised - - was telling me to go up there. Do you know why?---As far as - - at that time then, then I thought that the tablets were up at Kalgoorlie. Were you told something that led you to believe that they were up in Kalgoorlie?---No. The way they were talking. I think at the time, I think he was saying that he was going to get Gavin Farrell to bring them up, or Gavin Farrell would bring them down or - - cannot remember at the time. If we can go through now to the 2nd of January, and if you listen to 1003063. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 629

B13/3 POLICE MR HALL: All right. So you were on the way back to Perth when you made this call?---Either going to Perth or coming back. I cannot remember. All right. And the intention was that you and Gavin Farrell would meet together when you got back to Perth?---Yeah. McDonald's up at Canning Vale. Right. Now, there's reference to - - well, you ask him "When are you leaving? Tomorrow now, or on Monday?"?---He was going to Kalgoorlie. Right?---And I was going to give him some money to - - to take up there. Right; to Kevin Reilly?---Yeah. And you wanted to know when he was leaving on Monday and he told you "in the arvo"?---Mm. You then went on to talk about "the sheila" again. That's the buyer you were acting for?---Yep. And you said "She said `Well, can't they give me a fucking little bit of them and, you know, then I'll give them the money, you know. You know, sort of like the whole lot for it. You know what I mean?'"?---mm. What were you proposing to Gavin Farrell at this stage?---Buy some of the tablets and - - and then the rest later on. Now that meeting did take place at McDonald's?---Yep. Which, I think, was the one at the corner of Ranford Road and Nicholson Road in Canning Vale?---That's correct. Do you know whether Mr Farrell had anyone with him?---I can't remember if he had his little boy with him or not. All right. Did you have anyone with you?---My car was following me. He was the one you refer to as doing the driving for you?---Yeah. Well, yeah. Right. So did Carl Rispoli drop you off there - -?---Yeah. - - as you said on the phone?---He was going to lock the car away. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 630

B13/3 POLICE MR HALL: All right. And what happened at this meeting outside McDonald's?---I think we spoke about the tablets. We were going to give him half the money, or we were going to give him some - - some money. He was going to bring down half the tablets or - - I cannot remember the whole conversation. How did Gavin Farrell respond to this proposal that you give him some money and get half the tablets - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 631

B14/4 POLICE MR HALL: - - - half the tablets?---He said he was going to speak to the fellow up there. Right. Later that same day Kevin Reilly telephoned you - and if we can listen to 1003082. This is shortly before 7 pm that evening. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Are you speaking to Kevin Reilly?---That's right. Now, if we can have a look at the first page of the transcript. After the discussion about a racing trip you then - - he then says to you - - I'm sorry, you say, "Would that be all right, the way that, um, the young fellow said?" Who's "the young fellow"?---Kevin - - Gavin Farrell. And what are you talking about there?---We were talking about giving him some money and he was going to bring some stuff down. Right, so this is - - is this the proposal that part of the money be paid for part of the tablets?---That's correct. And there's reference here to "six". What's that?---Sorry? The "six"?---$6000. $6000?---Yeah. So there was to be $6000 for how many of the tablets? ---Cannot remember, sir. Was it to be in two equal proportions?---I think it was. I think it was to do a half - - one half now and the other - - and the rest later. Right, so "You're going to give him six"?---Mm hm. Is that you were going to give Gavin Farrell $6000?---I was going to give Gavin Farrell $6000, he was going to go up to Kalgoorlie, then he was going to come back down with all these morphine tablets. Right. So Kevin Reilly then on the next page says, "Give him six and I'll arrange for him to take the others back again, yeah. Is that all right"?---Yeah. And then you say, "You can't do it down here"?---Yeah. I just thought they might have been able to do it down in Perth. Sorry?---I thought he said - - I thought he was able to do it .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 632

B14/4 POLICE back into Perth - - back in Perth, not - - MR HALL: And he says, "No, he can come up here"?---Mm. Again that's talking about Gavin Farrell?---Gavin, yeah. "Give it to me. I'll give it - - give it to him" - so he was going to give the tablets to Gavin Farrell to give to you? ---That's correct. "And then we can do the other" - that's the balance of the tablets - "next time"?---That's right. He says, "All right. I might come down the week after." Now, then on the last page of the transcript you say at the top of the page then, "I'll ring - - I'll ring the boy here and I'll just let him know what to do." Is that again a reference to Gavin Farrell?---That's correct. And Kevin Reilly says, "You can't do the whole thing?" What did you understand him to mean by that?---He wanted to do the whole amount of the morphine tablets. I said to him, "no". .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 633

B15/2 POLICE MR HALL: And you say, "No, that's what she wanted us to do, mate"?---That's right. So the "she" again is the prospective buyer?---That's correct. So you'd represented to Kevin Reilly as well that there was this woman buyer?---That's right. And then - the transcript may not be absolutely correct here - it says, "You can trust - -" and I think it says, "us" on the tape - -?---"You can trust - -" "- - no worries, he'll do the right thing", I think it might be. Now, was there an element of trust involved here, that you had to give the money before actually receiving the tablets?---I think he says, "You can trust us." Yeah, I don't know. It just says that he - - Now, there's two lots of six being talked about, or at least there's an amount of six and then for the others to be taken at some later stage. It's been suggested that you owed two debts of identical amounts, $6,000 - -?---For me? - - one to Mr Caplescu and one to another person; is that true?---Nuh. That's shit. And that these conversations are reference to those debts?---Nuh. It's also been suggested by Mr Farrell that Mr Reilly had an operation running involving a drug, a legitimate police operation, that you were providing him some information in regard to that, and that's what these conversations are about?---No. What do you say to that?---Nuh. Now, a little later that evening, you received a call from - - or you spoke to Gavin Farrell on the telephone. Can we listen to 1003066, please? AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: All right. That's you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. Now, on the first page of the transcript, you say, "She wants to know if there is any way that she - - that there can only be five papers there." What did you mean by that?---There's only $5000. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 634

B15/2 POLICE MR HALL: And you go on to say, "If she could only give the five, because she's worried that, um, that something might happen, you know what I mean"?---Yeah, something might go wrong and she loses whatever, she's lost. And he replies, "I don't know. You'll have to take it up with him" and you say, "What do I have to ring him for?" He said, "Well, because it - -" the "him" was who?---Yes, Kevin Reilly. Now, it's been suggested by Mr Farrell in evidence that the papers were in fact papers relating to a horse syndicate. What do you say to that?---Horse syndicate? Yes?---I don't know horse syndicate. Were you ever in a horse syndicate with Kevin Reilly?---Nuh. By that I mean obviously a syndicate to own a horse. Never?---Nuh. Was it ever - -?---Gavin Farrell came to - - when I was working down at Protech, down at Canning Vale - - no, not Canning Vale, Midland there, he came down with - - when all this went down - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 635

B16/1 POLICE WITNESS: - - - when all this went down he came down with Michael Reilly. Michael Reilly was in the car. Gavin Farrell come out and saw me and he told me to be staunch about things and - - and - - and that we were going to start talking about syndicates and that sort of thing. MR HALL: I'm sorry. When you say "after this had all gone down" you mean - - ?---After the raids and all that went down. - - well after the event. After the searches had occurred?---Yes. That's right. He then came back to you, and we'll come back to that - - ?---Yes. No worries. - - later. Right?---But no - - no; there's no syndicate. There was no syndicate?---No. None at all. Never a syndicate. Never a proposal for a syndicate?---I had a horse at the time and - - no; there was no syndicate between me and Kevin Reilly or any of them. And indeed, in this particular conversation you refer, when you're speaking to Gavin Farrell, that "she" wants there to be only five papers there. So there was never any occasion when you were acting for somebody else who was going into a horse syndicate?---No. A female?---No. No. There was no horse syndicates. That's a lot of crap. Now, about 40 minutes later you speak to Farrell again on the telephone; 1003067. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 636

B17/3 POLICE MR HALL: You speaking to Gavin Farrell?---Yes. The rego that you refer to, had you seen a car outside someone's house?---Yep. And you wanted to know who owned that car?---That's right. And you then provided the registration number to Gavin Farrell. Do you know whether he gave you the details?---Yeah, I think he did. I think he rang me back and gave me the details, or I rang him back. Right. Was that something that you'd asked him to do on other occasions?---I think it was only the - - I think it was only that - - just that once. I can't remember. Was this private business - -?---Yes, it was private business. - - of yours?---Yeah. Nothing to do with any legitimate police operation?---No. Did Gavin Farrell ever ask you what it was for?---He asked me and I said "It's something to do with my ex-missus." But notwithstanding that it was private business, he was still willing to give you the results?---Yes. Is that indicative of the sort of relationship that you and he had?---Yeah. That you felt able to ask him to do that sort of thing?---Yep. If we can move through to the 4th of January. At 11.23 that morning you spoke to Gavin Farrell again on the phone. This is 1003068. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Again, you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. And this is, it would seem, just shortly before he is due to go to Kalgoorlie?---That's right. At the bottom of the second page of the transcript, you say "I don't know. I don't know what - - how much paper this girl's going to give me." What does that mean?---I don't know how much money she's going to give me. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 637

B17/3 POLICE MR HALL: Then at top of the next page you say "But um - - but then just you - - you work it out with him." The "him" is?---Kevin Reilly in Kalgoorlie. He says "Yeah" and then you say "And then - - and then when you come back the rest will get sorted out." What does that mean?---Oh, the rest of the money for the pills was going to get sorted out. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 638

B18/4 POLICE MR HALL: So does this reflect what you had discussed earlier with Kevin Reilly in the call we heard a little while ago? ---That's right. And then towards the end of the conversation you say that you will see him "2.00-ish", so you were going to see - - ?---I was going to meet him at 2 o'clock. Right, with a view to handing over the money?---Mm. Now, prior to that meeting did you receive some cash from IAU?---Yep. Do you recall how much it was?---No. You had earlier been talking about "five papers" when speaking to Gavin Farrell?---Yes. Was the intention that $5000 would be passed over?---That's right. And before that meeting you me with the IAU investigators? ---Mm hm. And advised them that Gavin Farrell would not accept $5300 but wanted $7000. Do you recall that?---I can't recall that meeting, no. But you negotiated a price that was somewhere in between - six and a half. Do you remember that?---I think so, yes. I wonder if this might be a convenient time, Commissioner. COMMISSIONER: Yes. The Commission will adjourn until 11.45. SHORT ADJOURNMENT .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 639

B19/1 POLICE UPON RESUMPTION: COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Hall? MR HALL: Thank you, Commissioner. Now, Mr Trifon, we had reached the 4th of January and you'd been given some money by IAU to pass to Mr Farrell. At 12.46 that day you had a conversation with him on the telephone. If you could listen to 1003069. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: You speaking to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. And the "tart" that you're talking about then is again the buyer - - ?---Yeah. - - that you've spoken about before. Now, on this occasion had you spoken to K3 about accompanying you?---Yep. Yes. And what were you asking K3 to be present at McDonald's for?---I was going to give her some money, then she was just going to take off. Right. So some of the money that IAU was giving you to pass to Gavin Farrell you intended, as you had before, to take and to pass to K3 - - ?---That's right. - - and she would then take that away and effectively launder it for you?---Yeah. Exchange it. And she was to sit in McDonald's?---That's right. Now, a little later that day at 12.58, 1003070, you again speak to Gavin Farrell on the telephone. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Okay. This is you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---Yep. And you want a rego number. This is another rego number?---Might have been the same one or another one; I cannot remember, sorry. All right. And he says to give it to you later. Do you recall when you met him later that day that you gave him a registration number?---I think I did, or I - - can't remember. Now, you reiterate in this call that when you meet - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 640

B20/4 POLICE MR HALL: - - - when you meet that you are going to get into his car and go for a drive. Why was that important to you? ---So we can do the money, so we can exchange the money. Right, and again was that contrary to the instructions you had been given by IAU?---Probably not. I can't remember what the instructions were from IAU. But you wanted to get into his car so that you could pass him some money - - ?---Yes, that's right. - - but keep most of it?---That's right. And do I take it that you wanted that to occur in a place where IAU wouldn't be able to observe what you were doing? ---That's right. Now, just before 2 o'clock that day you arrive at the McDonald's restaurant car park, again the one at Ranford Road and Nicholson Road corner in Canning Vale. When you got there you had the money with you that IAU had given you?---Yep. What did you do with it?---What I did with it - - I gave - - I gave Gavin Farrell - - I thought I gave Gavin Farrell 500. Right?---But he reckons I only gave him three. Right, so before you - - when you first saw Gavin Farrell you had all of it there?---That's correct. Okay. You got into his car?---That's right. Was the whole bundle obvious to him?---Yes. As on the previous occasion?---Yes, that's right. And you thought that you gave him $500?---That's right. So you peeled off some notes?---Yes. Passed those to him?---That's right. Was he driving at the time?---He was driving, yes. Right, so where did you put the $500?---I think - - I think I put it on - - I can't remember. I either gave it to him or I put it on top of his dash. Did he query why you weren't giving him more money?---Yeah. What did he say?---He wanted - - he wanted more and I said, "No, no, no. Wait until we get these tablets down." .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 641

B20/4 POLICE MR HALL: What did you do with the balance of the cash? ---I gave it to ( suppressed...) to - - I gave it to that girl that was there. Right. Now, before you did that - - where did you actually physically put it on you?---In my socks again, I think. And then you - - having done the passing over of the money to Gavin Farrell, you then met with K3?---I did. Was she in the McDonald's restaurant?---She was in McDonald's restaurant. Then I told her that I was going to drive around the corner to the back of the shopping centre and she was to follow me, and that - - I dropped the money on the side and she picked it up. Right. Were you communicating with her by mobile telephone? ---By mobile phones, yes. So you dropped the cash?---Yes. As you were driving?---Yes. And she picked that cash up?---That's right. All right. Now, you say you thought it was $500 - - ? ---Mm hm. - - that you passed to Gavin Farrell. Was there some dispute about how much money you had actually passed to him?---He rang me back and he said to me there was only 300. Now, the total amount, I think, that you had been given by IAU was $6500?---I think so. Right, so at that stage you thought you had $6000 left? ---That's correct. Now, was the arrangement that you made with K3 that she was to go to a bank and exchange that money that you dropped and she picked up for other notes?---That's right. Now, you say you got a call from Gavin Farrell shortly after you passed the money to him and there was a call at 2.17 pm that day. Can we listen to 1003072, please? AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 642

B21/2 POLICE MR HALL: So, you speaking to Gavin Farrell?---Yeah. Now, the first part of the conversation, if you could look at the first part of the transcript, it gives you a name, ( suppressed...)?---That's right. Was that in response to a request that you had made of him?---Yeah. That was - - that was the - - must of been a number plate I gave him. Right. Was that anything to do with any official police business?---No. That was a personal matter of yours?---Yeah. Now, then on the second page, he said, "There was only three of them tickets there." What did you understand that to mean?---There was only $300. Mr Farrell suggested that in fact you'd given him some tickets for Ascot?---Yeah. I don't think so. No? Now, you got another call shortly after that, at 2.30, which is 1003073. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: It seems that's you and Gavin Farrell speaking again?---Yeah. Why did you ring him back? It would have been - -?---I think because IAU wanted me to ring him at the time. All right. Why?---Just to confirm about this 300 which was short. But had you told - -?---I told IAU there was $300 short. Right. So you told them that you'd passed all of the money - -?---Yes. - - bar $300?---That's right. Whereas in fact that was all you had passed - -?---That's all. - - to Gavin Farrell? In relation to that balance of the money, did K3 tell you later that day that she had gone into a bank and - -?---Had gone - - - - that half of the money had been taken by an armed robber?---Yeah, that's right. She did. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 643

B21/2 POLICE MR HALL: But she was able to recover some of that money from the bank?---Yeah. But the balance of the money, the other $3000, she passed to you under the table at her sister's house?---That's right. She did. Do you know whether Gavin Farrell did go to Kalgoorlie later that day?---I think he did go to Kalgoorlie. I don't know if it was that day or - - but I know that he did go to Kalgoorlie, yes. Right. Now, was it at this stage that there was a proposal raised that you would go to Kalgoorlie and complete the deal?---I think I was telling Kevin Reilly I was going to come up there and finish the deal off. I cannot remember. Now, later that day, in the evening at about quarter to 11, you received a call from Kevin Reilly. If you could listen to 1003094. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 644

B22/3 POLICE MR HALL: All right. On the first page of that transcript - - incidentally, this is you speaking to Kevin Reilly?---That's right. On the first page of that transcript, Kevin Reilly says "He says you're not doing it like that now"?---Mm hm. Who did you understand "he" to be?---Sorry? Who did you understand "he" to be?---Oh, Gavin Farrell. Right. So you were now proposing to do it a different way - -?---That's right. - - which was that you would go to Kalgoorlie and do the deal?---I was going to go to Kalgoorlie, yeah. Right. And he says "So when you coming up?" "I'll be leaving tomorrow." Did you go to Kalgoorlie?---No, I didn't. Then on the next page, Kevin Reilly says, about a third of the way down, "He's asking me all about it and I don't know what you've said to him." Is that again a reference to Gavin Farrell?---That's right. You said "I said fuck all about it to him. Why? What's he said to you?" "Oh, he's just questioning me and - -" "Oh, just don't - - don't fall in with him, hey? I just briefly - - can't see what it's about. I just briefly touched on something but nothing else." Now, what had you told Gavin Farrell at this time as to what it was - -?---I told Gavin Farrell everything. I told Gavin Farrell what happened, what didn't happen, the whole lot. Kevin Reilly didn't tell Gavin Farrell what was going on. Right?---Right. So that's all it is. It's just - - just that, you know, Kevin Reilly hasn't said nothing to Gavin Farrell because they were - - they were trying to keep it all to themselves up there. Right. What did you do with the - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 645

B23/1 POLICE MR HALL: - - - did you do with the $6000 that you'd got from IAU and that K3 had laundered for you?---What did I do with it? Yes?---Cannot remember what I did with it. Now, there was to be a final payment, do you recall that, of $4300?---Yep. And around the - - on the 8th of January 1999 IAU gave you that amount of cash with the intention that you pass that money to Gavin Farrell?---Yep. The meeting was to occur at the Carousel Shopping Centre. You attended that meeting?---I did. I don't think Gavin - - Gavin turned up there. What happened to the money - the $4300?---I gave it to a friend of mine - - Yes?--- - - and he has changed it; a couple of banks around there. Sorry. You must speak up a little?---He - - yes; I gave it to a friend of mine - - Yes?--- - - and he's changed the money at a couple of banks around Carousel - - Right. And did you give him $400 for his trouble?---Yep. And was that the same friend who you'd given the first lot of money to - the money you'd received at Gloucester Park?---That's right. What did you do with that money?---Oh, I cannot remember, sir. I had bills and - - And again you've said - - you said to us that Farrell didn't attend this meeting, to the best of your recollection?---No. I cannot remember giving a - - he was going to come, then he didn't come. He got held up or whatever. Okay. Then on the 9th of January you received a telephone call from Kevin Reilly, which is 1003149. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: So you speaking to Kevin Reilly?---Yep. And by this time was there a suggestion that Kevin Reilly would be coming down to Perth?---Yep. Kevin was going to come down to Perth. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 646

B23/1 POLICE MR HALL: And that he would effect the deal - - ?---Bring the morphine tablets down to Perth for us. Yes. And get the money from you?---Yep. How were you able to keep this matter running, given that you'd taken the money from IAU?---How was I able? Yes?---Don't know. I just kept talking to them and - - and - - yeah. But you had no money to in fact buy the morphine tablets with, did you?---I - - I had some money left over and I was going to - - if - - if he did come down I was going to give him something. Right. But you certainly haven't told IAU that you'd taken that money?---No. In fact, you'd led them to believe that all of it had been passed to Gavin Farrell?---Yeah. Did Kevin Reilly ever come down to Perth and meet you?---Not as far as my knowledge, no. Then on the 11th of January, 2 days later at 11.44, there's a conversation 1003138 between you and Gavin Farrell. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 647

B24/2 POLICE MR HALL: All right. The only part of that conversation that we are concerned about is on page 1, again, between you and Gavin Farrell?---Yep. You say, "Have you heard from that fellow up there", that being a reference to -?---Kevin Reilly. Right. So, you were expecting at this stage to get some information back from Kevin Reilly, as to how the deal was to be effected?---Yeah, find out - - yeah. Find out what was going to happen. Now, on the 12th of January, there was a meeting that was to take place in Midland. Do you recall that?---Not - - There is a reference in a diary of Mr Farrell's to a meeting to take place in Midland, at which he and Detective Sergeant Nugent were to attend. Have you heard that name before, Detective Sergeant Nugent?---Yeah. I've heard of Detective Sergeant Nugent. Who have you heard that from?---Through Farrell and through the papers. Right. What has Farrell told you about Detective Sergeant Nugent?---He was - - he was in robberies at the time, something like that. The Armed Robbery Squad?---Yeah, Armed Robbery, think he was there. Right. Did you ever meet with Farrell and Nugent?---No, I don't think so. No. Now, on that same day, do you recall being told by IAU that unless the tablets were delivered, the future of the operation would be imperiled, would be terminated?---No. But were IAU becoming impatient with the passing of the money and receiving no tablets in return?---Yeah, they started to get impatient, yes. On that day, at 6.29 pm, you spoke to Gavin Farrell, 1003182. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 648

B25/4 POLICE MR HALL: So this is you speaking to Gavin Farrell? ---Yep. And "the hen" that you're talking about is the buyer that you mentioned to him before?---Yep. And you say that she's going, "When, when, when"?---Yeah. Wanting to know when the tablets are being received? ---"When is he going to drop them down?" or "When is he going to bring them down to us?" The truth of the matter was that you were being placed under pressure by IAU?---That's correct. Because you had told them that you had passed all the money over to Farrell?---Yep. And the person who you were speaking about - "Well, ring him up. I'll give you his number" - was Kevin Reilly?---Yep. Now, the following day we have heard that an undercover officer was introduced into the operation. Were you initially aware that that had been done?---Didn't know nothing about it. How did you come to know?---Gavin Farrell - I met him down at Beaufort Street, in one of the cafes there, and he was telling me about some sheila up there giving Kevin a hard time. Right. At 10 past 4 on that day, the 13th of January, there's a conversation - 1003186. AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: A conversation between you and Gavin Farrell? ---Yep. And the person - "Did you ring him?" - is Kevin Reilly? ---Yes, that's correct. Now, then at just after 10 o'clock that evening - 1003190. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 649

B26/3 POLICE AUDIO TAPE PLAYED TO COMMISSION MR HALL: Did you find out what was wrong?---I did. What was wrong?---He was saying something about some girls up - - there was a girl up there and she was asking about her money and - - and Gavin - - Kevin Reilly said to Gavin to tell me if I don't fix it up he was "going to go - - cop that." And this was the first occasion you knew about the undercover officer being put into the operation?---I think so. It was the day before. So what did you say to Farrell when he told you about this girl who had been bothering Kevin Reilly?---I said "I don't know nothing about her, mate." I says "I don't know who she is, what it is and - -" Did you go back and speak to IAU officers?---Yeah. I think I rang one of them that night. And what were you told?---I can't remember. Okay. The meeting that you had with Gavin Farrell, again, was that at McDonald's at Nicholson and Ranford Roads in Canning Vale?---That night? Yes?---No. That was at Waldecks nursery, or some - - some nursery there on - - on Nicholson Road. Right. Okay. Tell me, have you ever heard of a person called Kevin Williams?---Who? Kevin Williams?---No. Were you only ever given one mobile telephone number to call for Kevin Reilly?---Yep. You told us of an occasion when you saw him changing the SIM cards in a mobile telephone?---That's right. Do you know what other mobile telephone numbers he had available?---No. Now, there are - - did you have telephone discussions with Kevin Reilly following this meeting with Farrell and him telling you about this girl?---I think I did. I think there was a telephone - - I think he rang me, going off. He rang you?---Yeah, or I rang him. I'm - - no. I can't remember if he rang me or I rang him. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 650

B26/3 POLICE MR HALL: And do you recall what he said to you?---Just that I had to fix the problem up. Who was to fix the problem?---I was. What specifically were you to do about it?---Oh, get - - tell the sheila to leave him alone. Did Kevin Reilly give you a telephone number for the sheila?---Either Kevin gave it to me or Gavin Farrell gave me the number. Right?---When I was in Beaufort Street. But you were given a telephone number to contact this person?---Yes. Yeah. And did you make some attempts to contact the person?---I tried to ring her, yes. Right. When you say you tried, did you ever get through?---No, I don't think so. You said something about Beaufort Street. What's your recollection of who it was who gave you the number and whereabouts it was?---It was at Beaufort Street, one of the cafes up there. It was just me and Gavin Farrell. So Gavin Farrell you think gave you that telephone number?---That's right. Do you know where Gavin Farrell had got the number from?---I think Kevin Reilly. Is that what he told you?---No. You just deduced that?---Yes. Now, on the 16th of January there were search warrants that were executed on the premises of the Reilly brothers and others. You became aware of that?---Yep. At this stage, had you confessed to having taken the money?---No. I think you were interviewed on the 19th of January 1999 by IAU and at that time gave them some further information about K1. Do you recall that?---No. All right. There was an interview that occurred on that date - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 651

B27/2 POLICE MR HALL: - - - occurred on that date when you provided details of K1's name and address?---Right. Do you recall?---No, I don't, no. But you would accept that that occurred?---Yeah. Now, on the 27th of January, do you recall an occasion when Gavin Farrell attended at your workplace and asked you to attend a meeting at the Raffles Hotel?---Yeah, there was him and Michael Reilly. They drove to the back there, and he said to me - - Gavin said, "I want you to - -" he goes, "I need you to come and talk to me at the Raffles Hotel." Had you met Michael Reilly before?---Never met him before. So was he introduced to you on this occasion?---No. He was in his - - he had a blue Magna or something at the time. So how did you know it was Michael Reilly?---Just through the papers. Right, but did you know it was Michael Reilly at the time?---At the time then? Yes?---Yeah. So, Gavin Farrell said he wanted you to attend a meeting at the Raffles?---Yeah. Yeah. Did he say who was to be at this meeting?---He just said that Kevin Reilly was going to be there, and that was it. All right, and did he tell you what the purpose of this meeting was?---To find out what was going on, and try to just - - just told me to keep my mouth shut and don't say nothing. To who?---To anyone. What was your response?---I said, "No, I don't know nothing." I said, "I don't know what's going on." Did Farrell mention in this context the money that you had given to him, the $500 and the $300?---He told me to say that if anything - - that anything went down, to say that he'd lent me the money. He had lent you the money? So what were the payments to be?---Didn't say nothing. That's all he just said, was just lent me the money. Okay. And was that true? Had he ever lent you money?---No. No, not Gavin Farrell. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 652

B27/2 POLICE MR HALL: Now, you mentioned earlier in your evidence that something was said to the effect of you had to stay staunch?---Yeah. Was that said at this meeting?---I think it was. I'd be lying to you if I said no or yes. I cannot remember. Not, but at some point - -?---He did say, yeah. He did tell me to be staunch about things. Did he explain what he meant by that?---Just to be - - just to keep my mouth shut, not to say nothing to anyone. Were you asked to speak to anyone else?---At the meeting, when I went there, there was Kevin Reilly, Gavin Farrell and John Quigley, the lawyer. Right. So you did attend this meeting at the Raffles Hotel?---I did. Gavin Farrell, Kevin Reilly and Mr Quigley?---That's right. And what was said to you?---John Quigley did most of the talking. He was saying, "If you have done it, just let us know what you've done and then I can fix it up." I said, "Mate", I said, "I haven't done anything. I don't know what you're talking about." When he said, "If you have done it", did he explain what he meant by that?---He meant if I had set him up. Because he reckons that there was some bloke from Internal Affairs talking to him, and told him that I had everything - - that he - - he knew everything what was going on. Did he say who - -?---And my name was as - - down as the dog on it. Right, did he say who it was, at Internal Affairs, who was speaking to him?---He didn't. He didn't mention no names. Your response was that you'd done nothing wrong?---Did nothing wrong. Was anything further discussed about the money and what the money was going to be said to be for?---What, the $1000? Yes?---Yeah. No, it was just that Kevin - - that Gavin Farrell lent me $1000. Right. So you were to say that Gavin Farrell had lent you $1000?---Yeah, and something about leases. Leases on horses or something. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 653

B27/2 POLICE MR HALL: Who said that to you?---Now, it's either Gavin or Kevin Reilly said it to me. And in what context? Where did leases come into it?---I don't know. They just said that - - they just told me if there was anything - - if anything going to happen, just tell them that we were buying a horse or leasing a horse or whatever they were going on about - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 654

B28/1 POLICE WITNESS: - - - they were going on about. I can't remember. MR HALL: And was this the first occasion that you'd heard that suggested?---Yes. And was it true that that - - ?---No. And the $1000; you say that was what you were told to say Gavin Farrell had lent to you?---That's right. And that the money that you had then paid to him was going to be said to be a repayment of part of that $1000?---Something like that, yeah. That wasn't true either?---No. Was that the only meeting that you had?---Gavin come down to the workshop. I saw Gavin up at the Raffles, and they wanted to tee another one up but I didn't go to it. Right. When you say "they wanted to tee another one up", who wanted to tee a meeting up?---Well, obviously it would have been Reillys - - Kevin Reilly and Farrell. Who contacted you to arrange another meeting?---I think - - I think Gavin did. Where was that meeting to be?---I'd be lying to you, Steve; I don't know. But that meeting didn't take place?---Didn't take place because IAU - - I think Anti-Corruption Commission told me not to go anywhere near them. Gavin Farrell rang me a few times, then I tried to ring him back at the - - at the Anti-Corruption Commission, but it just didn't work out. Was there any suggestion made to you that you should write a statement?---That I should write a statement? Yes. This is from - - ?---No. - - Mr Farrell, Mr - - ?---No. - - Reilly or Mr Quigley?---No. And you didn't tell them that you'd stolen some money from IAU?---No. Now, ultimately I think you did admit to taking the money?---Yes, I did. And you were charged with three counts of stealing?---That's right. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 655

B28/1 POLICE MR HALL: You appeared in the Perth Central Law Courts on the 10th of February 2000 on those charges?---Yep. There were some other people present; do you recall that?---These other police officers that I don't even know who they are. Do you recall Gavin Farrell being present?---At one stage, yeah. Right. Was there an occasion when something was said to you?---Gavin Farrell walked past me and he said, "You're a dog." "You're a dog"?---Yeah. What tone of voice was used?---Decent sort of voice, yeah. Just, "You're a dog." Was anyone else there that you can recall?---No. The Anti-Corruption Commission were with me at the time. Right. I think on one occasion Peter Mancini was also there?---Yeah. Peter Mancini was there. Did he make any threats to you?---Yeah. What did he say?---Oh, a lot of things. Can you recall?---He says, oh, "Come outside," or "Come here," or "Come there," whatever it was. He - - he just wanted a blue. Did you see him talking to Gavin Farrell?---Yeah. Gavin Farrell, there was Reilly there, there was a lot of people there. Which Reilly are you talking about?---I cannot remember now which - - which one it was. Do you know why Reilly - whichever it was - - which of them was there - and Gavin Farrell were attending at your court - - ?---Just to see what was going to happen; what was going to - - what was going to be said and what was not going to be said. Yes. Now, just one other thing - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 656

B29/4 POLICE MR HALL: - - - one other thing. Going back to the 26th of July, you said that was when the morphine tablets were taken?---Yes. You said that at that time your dealings were with Kevin Reilly largely, and I asked you whether you had had any contact with Gavin Farrell in relation to those tablets? ---I told Gavin Farrell when he was in Kalgoorlie - - I asked him about - - if Kevin Reilly was trying to set me up. I told him what the story was - - Right?--- - - and then Gavin - - Gavin said, "No, no, no. He'd be sweet, mate." Right. Do you recall - - ?---But he didn't know what was actually going on. I see, but you did have some contact with him?---Yes. Over - - yeah. Over - - And in what time frame was that? Was that at or before or after?---After it all happened. There is evidence before the Commission that on that day there were 17 calls between you and Gavin Farrell?---Mm. Can you account for that?---No, I cannot remember. At the time there I had Gavin - - I had a problem with my ex-girlfriend's ex-husband and I was talking with Gavin at that time regarding that matter so it could have been regarding that, it could have been regarding anything else. So was that typical of the amount of contact you would have with Gavin Farrell?---Yeah. At that time there, yeah. So those problems were particularly acute in July of 98, were they?---Yes, something like that. Yeah. June, sorry. That's all the questions I have, thank you, your Worship. COMMISSIONER: Yes, thank you, Mr Hall. Mr Momber, do you have any questions? MR MOMBER: I do. COMMISSIONER: Yes. MR MOMBER: Do you want me to start now, sir, or - - COMMISSIONER: I think we had better start now, yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XN 657

B29/4 POLICE CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR MOMBER: MR MOMBER: Mr Trifon, you advised the Commission that before you went to the IAU with this story of the capacity to buy tablets - - ?---Mm hm. - - from somebody you had already had a conversation with one or other of Kevin Reilly or Gavin Farrell about the capacity to buy tablets. Is that true?---Say it again? You told the Commission that before you went to IAU - - ? ---Right. - - with your story about corrupt police officers preparing to sell you tablets - - ?---Mm. - - that you had already had a conversation with one or more of these police officers?---Regarding the tablets? Yes?---Yes. When was that?---During that - - in that year. Well, you have a think about it. It's a very important issue, so you tell me when you had that conversation and with whom? ---I spoke to Gavin Farrell, I spoke to Kevin Reilly. Where did you speak to them? Up in Kalgoorlie or down in Perth?---I spoke to Kevin Reilly in Kalgoorlie before he - - before he organised those tablets to get ripped. I spoke to Gavin Farrell up in Kalgoorlie before those tablets were - - after those tablets got ripped. I spoke to Kevin Reilly enormous times over that problem, yeah. Over those - - a problem? Why was there a problem?---No, over those - - over those tablets. But why did you call it a "problem"?---I don't know. Well, now it is a problem, isn't it? Is it?---Yeah. A problem for whom?---Not for me. Right. So what was the conversation you had with whom about buying tablets and when did you have it?---What was the conversation - - Tell us about the conversation specifically - with whom you had the conversation, when you had it and where?---The conversation with buying the tablets? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 658

b29/4 POLICE MR MOMBER: Buying the tablets?---With Kevin Reilly in Kalgoorlie. When?---Before the tablets got ripped and after the tablets - - All right, so you had a conversation with him about buying tablets?---Mm hm. With Kevin Reilly?---Yeah. Before the tablets were, in your expression, "ripped". Is that right?---Mm hm. That's right. And what was the conversation?---Well, how - - how the tablets got stolen and where they were going to get stolen from and how they got ripped from this old bloke. No, this is before - you've told us before - you - - before this occurred you had a conversation with Kevin Reilly about buying tablets?---Mm hm. Where did it occur - - ?---In Kalgoorlie. - - when did it occur - - ?---I can't remember when - - when it - - like, when it occurred. And was it a face-to-face conversation?---It was a face-to-face conversation at the police station. I see, and it was before there was any entry into K1's home? ---That's right. Is that correct?---That's right. And what was the conversation that you had with Mr Reilly about buying tablets?---Well, he was going to - - he was going to organise the tablets to get stolen out of that house and - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 659

B30/2 POLICE WITNESS: - - - stolen out of that house and we were going to buy them. MR MOMBER: And you were going to buy - - who's "we"?---Me and K3. And how did you put it to Kevin Reilly?---I just said that I had a buyer to buy them. I see, and did you discuss the price?---We did at the time, yes. Did you?---Yes. How much?---Cannot remember. Can't remember?---No. And what tablets were they?---Morphine tablets. How did you know they were morphine tablets?---Because K3 was telling me, because K3 was buying off this fellow - - I see?--- - - that these police officers went and stole out of. I think K3 had told you that she'd bought - -?---Numerous amount of times. - - and sold numerous amounts, yes, and she was making quite a lot of money per year out of it?---Well, whatever she was - - But not enough. Is that correct?---The fellow started to get too greedy on them. He wanted too much - - So how much was she making per year?---I wouldn't have a clue. Was it $20,000 or more?---I wouldn't have a clue. Didn't you ask her?---No. Isn't that something that you always ask people, about how much they're getting, with a view to whether you can get any of it for yourself?---Nuh. Weren't you having - -?---I didn't ask her. - - a relationship with K3 at that time?---We were friends, yes. Weren't you having sex with her?---Cannot remember. I think so. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 660

B30/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: You were?---Mm hm. Well, surely you can remember whether you were or you weren't? Were you or weren't you?---Well, I did. Yes. And how often?---Not - - not often. She came to Kalgoorlie once, and that was it. How often?---Once. Just once?---Yes. I see. How long had you known her for, prior to the entry into - -?---A very long time. A very long time?---Yes. Years?---Years and years. I see, but you'd only ever had - -?---She was involved with another fellow at the time. Then she split up with that bloke, and that's why. I see. So you had one sexual encounter with her in Kalgoorlie?---(No audible response). But she told you everything, all the intimate details of her life?---Yeah. About how she was a drug dealer?---That's the way she is, yeah. I see. Which gave you the opportunity to inform on K1 and on her?---If you put it that way. Yes. You continued to be associated with her after K1's home was broken into?---Yes. Is that right?---That's right. And you'd regard it as a break-in, wouldn't you?---No, I don't. You would regard it - -?---No. No? Was it a regular police operation?---No. What it was, it was that he was set up. I see. So, you spoke to Kevin Reilly before this happened, about buying tablets?---Yep. And after the tablets were taken, did he tell you - or did you find out from anyone - how many tablets were taken?---He did .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 661

B30/2 POLICE tell me, but I can't - - I can't remember how many there was. It was supposed to be over - - a thousand morphine tablets. MR MOMBER: Over a thousand?---A thousand. A thousand?---A thousand. I see. And so when did he tell you that that was the number of tablets that had been taken?---When did he tell me? Yeah?---No, K3 was telling me how many tablets there were. K3 was telling you how many tablets were taken?---Yes. I wonder how K3 knew?---Well, the bloke was telling her. K1 was telling - - The bloke was telling her? I see?---K1 was telling her how much he had there. He had a heap of them. I see, and so after the tablets were taken, did you then have another conversation with either Kevin Reilly or some other person, about whether or not those tablets were still for sale?---Yes. I did. When did you have that conversation?---Oh, it was after the - - it was before Christmas. Before Christmas?---Yes. How long before Christmas?---Would of been just before - - well, Christmas, December. Just in December, was it?---December, after - - after Christmas. After Christmas, are you saying?---Yes. I can't remember. This is December of 1998?---You're talking about 4 years - - yeah, well - - But that was after you'd gone to IAU?---No, well, before then. I cannot remember - - Well, you need to remember - -?--- - - because you're talking - - well, I can't remember - - - - Mr Trifon?--- - - can I? Oh well, I'm very sorry, then. You've given evidence this morning - -?---Mm? - - that you had a conversation with either Kevin Reilly or Gavin Farrell - -?---Mm hm. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 662

B30/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - before you went to the IAU to confirm - -?---I had a - - Which confirmed for you that those tablets were still for sale?---Mm. Now, who did you have the conversation with, and when?---Gavin Farrell. I asked Gavin Farrell to find out. And when did you have that conversation, and where?---In December. And where was it?---On the mobile phone. On a mobile phone?---Mm hm. Between you and he; were you on a mobile phone?---Yes. Was he on a mobile phone?---I think so - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 663

B31/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - mobile phone?---I think so. And what was the conversation you had with Mr Farrell?---To find out if those tablets were still around. Those tablets were still around? And what was his answer?---He'll find out and get back to me. I see. And did he find out?---Yes, he did. And did he get back to you?---Yes, he did. And did he tell you that there were tablets for sale?---Yes. He told me that those tablets were still there. And how many did he tell you were for sale?---He didn't tell me how many were there. Did he tell you - -?---Obviously there was - - - - what the price was?--- - - more than 1000 tablets there. Did he tell you what the price was?---No. I cannot remember if he - - Did you ask what the price was?---No. Why not?---Because I didn't want to know about it then. Did you ask about the amount?---Because the amount that me and Kevin Reilly - - Did you ask about - - did you ask Mr Farrell about the amount of tablets - -?---No. - - that were available for sale?---No. So you ring him and have a conversation with him to find out about tablets for sale - -?---Mm. - - but you don't ask him about the amount and you don't ask him about the price?---I asked him "Are those tablets there?" I see?---All right? He said "Yes, those tablets are there." Right. Did you ask him whether they were for sale?---No, I didn't ask him if they were for sale or not. But wasn't that the purpose that you rang him?---I asked him if they were still there or not. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 664

B31/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: Did you - - was the purpose that you rang Mr Farrell to find out whether you could purchase those tablets?---I rang up Mr Farrell to find out if those tablets were still there. Still there?---Mm hm. For what reason?---To buy. To buy?---Yeah. So did you ask Mr Farrell if those tablets were available for sale?---Well, near enough you could say that, yes. Well, that isn't what you said before?---What did I say before then? I can't - - You said you didn't ask him - -?---I can't remember you talking - - - - about amounts or sale price. So are you now saying that you did ask him whether they were for sale?---I asked him if those tablets were there and he said "Yes, they are." You didn't ask him about how many?---No, I didn't ask him about how many. And you didn't ask him - -?---And I didn't ask him about any price or anything like that. No. And what was the purpose of you making that call?---To find out if those tablets were still there. Why?---Why? Because I was going to go and see Internal Affairs. So how long before you went and saw Internal Affairs, did you have that conversation with Mr Farrell?---Well, I can't remember the dates. I'm very sorry. I see. And where was Mr Farrell at the time? In Kalgoorlie or in Perth?---In Perth. I see. Why didn't you ring Mr Reilly and ask him if the tablets were for sale?---I thought I'd just ask Gavin to find out - - Why didn't you ask Mr Reilly? After all, he's the one who had - -?---I'd been speaking to Kevin - - I'd been speaking to Gavin Farrell in Perth, so - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 665

B31/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: Why didn't you ring - -?--- - - I hadn't spoken to - - COMMISSIONER: Mr Momber, you're both overlapping. If you can take it a little slower? MR MOMBER: Sorry, sir. Sorry. (TO WITNESS): Why didn't you ring Mr Farrell - - Mr Reilly in Kalgoorlie, or go and see Mr Reilly in Kalgoorlie - -?---Because I'd been speaking to Gavin Farrell in Perth. It's easier for me to get Gavin Farrell - - Mr Trifon - -?--- - - to find out - - yes? Mr Trifon, you told us that Mr Reilly told you in Kalgoorlie - -?---Mm hm. - - before the tablets were taken, that he would take them and that they would be for sale to you?---Mm hm. Why didn't you then contact Mr Reilly after the tablets were taken and ask him if the tablets were for sale?---Because Gavin Farrell was in Perth and I'd been speaking to Gavin Farrell. So it's a lot easier for me to speak to Farrell than to Kevin Reilly. If they weren't there, they weren't there. If they were there, they were there. As we know, Mr Reilly had telephones - -?---Mm. - - and you had - - and you knew that?---Mm hm. In order to contact Mr Farrell, you contacted him on the phone. Why didn't you ring another mobile phone number and contact Mr Reilly?---Because I just - - it was easy enough for me just to ask Gavin Farrell to find out for me. Was it?---Yeah. What, about something as sensitive, as dangerous and as criminal as that, you don't go back to the person you had the conversation with about buying tablets from. You go to a third person?---Yeah. Why not? Why not - -?---Gavin - - well, Gavin Farrell was here, in Perth. I see?---It's easier for me to get him to speak to. Was Gavin Farrell present in Kalgoorlie when you had the conversation with Mr Reilly about purchasing the tablets that were going to be stolen by Mr Reilly?---Was Gavin Farrell in - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 666

B31/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: Present - -?---He wasn't there - - - - when you had that conversation?---No, no, no. He wasn't there. All right?---There was only me and Kevin Reilly. I see. Was he the only person - - prior to the seizure of the tablets, was he the only person you discussed them being seized and sold to you?---Yep. And after the tablets were seized, was the only person you discussed the sale of the tablets - - or the availability of the tablets for sale, Gavin Farrell?---Gavin Farrell and Kevin Reilly. When did you have a discussion with Kevin Reilly after the tablets were taken - -?---Oh, sorry, sorry. Sorry, no. Yeah, Gavin Farrell. So - -?---I misunderstood you. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 667

B32/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: So you don't even know if Gavin Farrell knows about the tablets being for sale, when you have the discussion with him after they've been taken, do you?---Say it again? You don't even know if Gavin Farrell knows - -?---Gavin Farrell knew that those tablets were taken. Kevin Reilly knew that those - - He may have known they were taken - -?---Yes. - - but he didn't know they were for sale, did he?---He knew they were for sale, because I told Gavin Farrell exactly what happened. When?---That we were going to buy them and we were going to do this - - When?--- - - with them, we were going to do that with them. This is when?---When? When we were in Kalgoorlie, and also when we came back to Perth. I see?---Yes. So you had a discussion with Gavin Farrell in Kalgoorlie - -?---Yes. - - after the tablets were taken, or before, about them being taken and sold?---After they were taken. After they were taken? So you've had two discussions with Gavin Farrell now about the tablets; one after they were taken, in Kalgoorlie, and one in Perth on the phone, with Gavin Farrell? Is that right?---That's right. But never with Kevin Reilly?---No, until after. I see. Until after when?---Until after this started. What do you mean, when this started?---This - - with - - When the sting started?---Yes, when the sting had started. Or the scam?---I don't think you'd call - - Which would you prefer?--- - - it a scam. Which would you prefer to call it?---Oh, I'd call it "sting". Sounds a lot better. You'd call it "sting"? Does it?---Yeah. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 668

B32/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: More romantic?---Yeah, lovely. And so after you had confirmed with Mr Farrell that the tablets were still available and for sale, but didn't find out how many or at what price, you went to IAU?---Yep. How long after the conversation with Mr Farrell did you go to IAU?---Can not remember. Well, you think about it?---Oh, I been thinking about it. I can't remember. These are important dates - -?---Well, I can't remember the dates. Can't you?---No, I can't. What about the days?---Oh, I can't - - Was it one day, two?---No, it might of been - - Was it the same day?---Might of been a few weeks. COMMISSIONER: I think you are, once again, Mr Momber, taking it too fast. MR MOMBER: Sorry. COMMISSIONER: You must let him answer the question. MR MOMBER: My apologies, your Honour. (TO WITNESS): How long after you spoke to Mr Farrell did you go and see IAU?---A week, 2 weeks. Two weeks? Why did you wait so long?---Just wanted to find out, what was going on. How do you mean, you wanted to find out?---I wanted to find out if they had them or not. Well, you found out - -?---Well, then I had other things to do, in - - before then. I was working. Is that right?---Yes. I see. You didn't immediately go with this information about criminal activity, by police officers, senior police officers, to IAU immediately?---No. Why didn't you go to IAU with this information when you had the discussion with Kevin Reilly and Gavin Farrell in Kalgoorlie approximately 6 months previously?---Why? Yeah?---Why would I? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 669

B32/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: Well, for the same reason you went in December?---But - - no, I didn't. So you went and saw IAU and you saw an Inspector Putland. Is that right?---That's correct. Was he the first person you raised this story with?---No, another officer by the name of - - not this story, no. Putland and another fellow there, were the first people that I told about this story. Who was the other fellow there?---I cannot remember his name. So when you - - I think you told the Commission that prior to seeing Inspector Putland and another fellow at IAU, you had made an approach through another police officer, is that right, to IAU?---Yes; George Nisbet?. George Nesbitt. Did you tell him that you had information in relation to the confiscation and sale of tablets?---No. Why not?---Why not? George Nisbet? and Gavin Farrell and all them were friends. I see?---Yeah. So why did you go to George Nesbitt if he was a friend of Gavin Farrell's?---Well, because George knows - - In any event?---Well, George knows a lot of people through - - But you see, the likelihood is that George Nesbitt may tell Gavin Farrell that you are informing on police officers?---Well, he might of, yeah. Which would make it very difficult for you to enter into any drug deal with Gavin Farrell or Kevin Reilly, wouldn't it?---Mm, it might. Wouldn't it?---Well, it didn't, did it? And so you went - - so what did you actually say to George Nisbet, and where did you say it - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 670

B33/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - and where did you say it?---It was at George's house when I asked him. And when?---Oh, when? Yes?---That year. Was it in December of that year or - - ?---It was in December in that year. Approximately 2 weeks after you'd had confirmation from Gavin Farrell - - ?---Mm hm. - - that there were tablets for sale?---That's correct. So you then went to Gavin Farrell and asked him to introduce you to George Nesbitt; is that right?---No. I knew George Nesbitt from before. I see. So you went directly to George Nesbitt?---Yeah. You knew he was a friend of Gavin Farrell's?---Yes. And what did you say to George Nesbitt in his home?---I said, "George, this - - I need to speak to someone in Internal Affairs regarding another police officer," and he said, "Yeah. Speak to this fellow here." I see. He didn't say to you, "What about"?---No, he didn't. He asked you no question at all?---He just - - no; he just gave me the bloke's number. Okay. You didn't think to ring the number yourself without going to George Nesbitt, did you?---It's a lot easier going somewhere where you know somebody and - - and it's easier to talk to, isn't it? Well, it didn't seem like you had much of a conversation with him. He just said, "Ring this bloke"?---I spoke to him regarding other things, not only just this thing. Other things?---Yes. Personal things. What other things?---About his - - about his boat and whatever else he was doing there, and - - So from there you went and saw Inspector Putland?---That's correct. George Nesbitt wasn't interested to know about a corrupt police officer?---Nuh. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 671

B33/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: But you did indicate to George Nesbitt that that was the concern you had, that you wanted to raise with IAU?---Yep. And so you went and saw Inspector Putland?---Correct. Do you know the day?---No. Was it a week day?---Think so. And where did you have this conversation?---In their office. Where is their office?---In town, opposite the Law Courts there. And did you - - is it on the ground floor, their office?---No. You went upstairs, did you?---We went upstairs in the lift, yeah. And you met Inspector Putland, and who else was present?---Another police officer there. I can't remember his name. Do you remember his rank?---Nuh. Were either of them wearing uniforms?---No. They're plain clothes. Plain clothes. And you went in and you saw Inspector Putland, and what did he ask you to do?---Asked me to tell him what was going on, and I told him. And what did you tell him?---I said, "I can give you some information regarding certain police officers." Right. And what did he say about that?---"Yeah. Give it to me." Right. And what information did you give him?---Nothing at that date. Nothing?---Nuh. Why?---Because I didn't know what they were all about. I didn't know - - because they - - they asked me a lot of questions at the time. About what?---About a lot of things. What sort of things?---Then they said, "Well, get back to us." I said, "Yep. I'll ring you." .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 672

B33/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: What things did they ask you a lot of questions about?---Well, I don't know. There were a lot of things. Who are they; what they are; what do they do; what they don't do; who - - are they senior; are they this; are they that. I cannot remember the conversation. And what were your responses to all of that?---Cannot remember what I said to them. You can't remember the initial complaint - - ?---No. I can't remember 4 years or 5 years ago, no. I see?---Yes. So you can't remember what you said?---Mm hm. You can remember they asked you a lot of questions?---Yep. Did you tell them that Kevin Reilly and others were involved in selling tablets to you, or offering tablets for sale to you?---Yep. On that first occasion?---Not on that first occasion. What did you tell them about the information you had on that first occasion?---I just told them that there were some police officers that had these stolen tablets. "That had these stolen tablets"?---Mm hm. So you were then interviewed on other occasions, were you?---Yep. Did you seek anything from IAU in return for this information?---Originally, yes. Sorry?---Yes. What?---It was just a reward. A reward?---Mm. And didn't you also - - that was an alternative. Didn't you also ask of them that they give a letter of comfort or support to Peter Mancini, who was charged with serious drug offences?---Later on, yes. Yes. And wasn't - - COMMISSIONER: Would that be a convenient time? MR MOMBER: Thank you, sir. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 673

B33/1 POLICE COMMISSIONER: The Commission will adjourn till 2 o'clock. LUNCHEON ADJOURNMENT .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 674

B34/2 POLICE UPON RESUMPTION: CHRISTOS TRIFON: COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Momber? MR MOMBER: Mr Trifon, I think we were talking about Peter Mancini?---That's right. Is he otherwise known as Pasqualino Mancini?---Something like that, yeah. And he was at the time that you were speaking to IAU about him, well-known to you and had been known to you for many years?---Yes. He was a friend and an associate?---He was. How many years had you known him for?---Oh, 7, 8 years; 9 years. Had you carried out any illegal activity with him?---Getting him recipes or something like that, yeah. Getting him recipes?---Mm. What sort of recipes?---Speed recipes. Speed recipes; speed being a euphemism for a drug?---That's right. The drug being, what? Amphetamine?---Amphetamines, yeah. Where did you get the recipes from?---Off a bloke who got them off the Internet. I see, and the bloke who got them off the Internet, was he a criminal?---I'd say so, yeah. So, you had known him - I'm sorry - for how many years? 10 or 15 years?---Who's that? Peter Mancini? Yes?---For 7 years. For 7 years; sorry. This is prior to you going to see IAU?---That's right. You'd known him for that length of time. He'd become an intimate colleague of yours? You shared secrets?---Yes. And did he involve you in a business or activity, criminal activity, to sell or supply heroin? Was that the reason he was arrested?---No. Say it again? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 675

B34/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: What was he arrested for?---A pound of heroin, as far as I was concerned. Sorry?---A pound of heroin. A pound of heroin? What, he had it in his possession, did he?---No, it was done through an undercover police officer that were involved there. What, he was going to buy or sell heroin?---He was selling it under - - to an undercover police officer. I see?---One of his friends was talking to an undercover police officer. Did he possess 1 kilo of heroin?---Not 1 kilo; 1 pound, I think it was. One pound of heroin?---Dunno. I was in Kalgoorlie, he was in Perth. I see, but you knew that he was a man likely to enter into such an agreement?---Yes. Because he'd told you?---Yes. Had you funded the purchase of the heroin?---No. Were you to participate in the proceeds of the sale of the heroin if it was sold to somebody other than an undercover police officer?---No. Did you inform on him, which led to his arrest?---No. But you felt obliged to seek some sort of comfort for him from the police - -?---Yes. - - in relation to the charge?---Yeah. He gave me some money. Did he?---Yeah. How much money did he give you?---Eighty, I think, 80 to 100,000. He gave you 80 to 100,000 dollars because you agreed to do what for him?---Try to help him get off his charges. Why would he give you that sort of money?---Dunno. Ask him. What did he think you could do for him, in getting him off his charges?---Getting him off his charges. How were you going to do that?---Well, speaking to IAU. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 676

B34/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: What, with the $80,000, were you going to buy the silence of people?---No. With the information on the morphine tablets, they could not of - - might of been able to do a deal. But, you didn't need $80,000 for any of that, did you?---No. Mr Mancini surely didn't think that you were simply going to go to the IAU with a story about other police officers for that sum of money?---No, I can't - - can't remember. You didn't tell him, as you've told others, that you knew corrupt policemen and you could fix it so that their charges would be dropped?---Say that again? That you knew corrupt policemen - - ?---Yes? - - and if the person who was being charged gave you money, you could arrange for those corrupt policemen to have the charges dropped? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 677

B35/4 POLICE WITNESS: Most probably. I can't - - can't remember. MR MOMBER: Is that one of the techniques you used to get money out of people?---No. So you went to the IAU. Did you tell them that you had received $80,000 to $100,000 from - - ?---No. - - Peter Mancini?---No. And what did you ask from them in relation to Peter Mancini?---If they could help him with his charges. And by "help" what did you mean?---If they can see what they can do - a letter of comfort or a letter or something, or see whether they can get rid of his charges for him. And their response?---At the beginning it was, "Let's see how we go with this." "Let's see what we do with this." "Let's go" - - "We'll have a look at this one", "We'll have a look at that one", and then there was another fellow that came in who was pretty high up in Internal Affairs. He said to me that, "If you solve this problem I'll solve that problem for you." And who was the person high up in - - ?---I cannot remember his name. Well, I think it's very important you do?---Well, I can't remember who it was. Can you remember his rank?---He was a - - he was pretty big. He was pretty high in the - - Can you describe him physically?---No, I cannot describe him physically. What date did this conversation take place on?---Some time in Christmas four, five years ago. Now, you also asked for money, didn't you?---Off who? Off IAU for the information - - ?---Originally, yeah. - - concerning the corrupt policemen?---Originally that's what I went there for. How much money did you want?---I didn't. You must have had a sum in mind when you went to them?---No. Did you ask for money?---I asked them for a reward and they said, "Well, we'll have a look." .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 678

B35/4 POLICE MR MOMBER: Did you ask them how much the reward would be?---I did ask them that. And what was the answer?---It would be - - it would be a big amount of reward. And by "big" - did you ask them what that meant?---No. So what happened then?---Well, what - - what happened then? Well - - ?---What - then it all started. Then it all started. Incidentally, when did you first meet Kevin Reilly?---When did I first meet Kevin Reilly? Yes?---In Kalgoorlie. When?---When? At the races. Right. That's where. When?---I wouldn't have a clue. What date?---Oh, don't know. How long before the giving of the information to Kevin Reilly of K1's dealings - - ?---Mm. - - did you meet Kevin Reilly?---I met him before - - months and months before that. He says he knew you only for 3 weeks, had only met you 3 weeks before the raid on K1's house?---Three weeks before? Yes?---No, I think he's lost his memory because it was a lot more than that. Right, so what date was it that you met him at the races? ---I cannot remember the date. And you've lost your memory?---Well, probably have. We've both lost our memories. So the thing then started to happen, did it, with IAU? ---Mm hm. And you had a number of interviews?---Yep. And when did you tell them about the situation as you knew it involving Kevin Reilly and others?---When did I tell them? When?---It was on the second meeting, I think it was. Second or third meeting. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 679

B35/4 POLICE MR MOMBER: And did you mention their names?---Yes, I did. And whose names did you mention?---Kevin Reilly, Gavin Farrell and Silvio Cinquina or whatever his name is. Cinquina?---Yeah. And what did you tell and who did you tell this story to? ---George - - Who did you tell it to?---George Putland and his offsider. Right, and what story did you tell?---The story that happened. Tell this Commission what you told IAU?---I told them that there were some police officers that stole some morphine tablets and - - yeah - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 680

B36/1 POLICE WITNESS: - - - morphine tablets and - - yeah. MR MOMBER: And, yeah what?---And, yeah; that's what happened. That's - - they stole the morphine tablets. Right. So that is your first - - your first complaint about these men; that they stole morphine tablets?---Yep. You don't seem to have mentioned that they wanted to sell them to you?---I probably did there and then. Well, it's a very important issue. Did you tell IAU at that second meeting that there were police officers who wanted to sell stolen tablets to you?---I can't remember what I said to them at the first meeting or the second meeting - - Can't you?--- - - or the third meeting. No. Why not?---Well, I can't, can I? Well, why can't you? It's a very important - - ?---Well, I can't. I can't remember - - - - issue, isn't it?---I did tell them that - - that there was police officers that stole these morphine tablets and that we were going to buy them, end of story. "And we were going to buy them"?---Mm. What did they say to that?---"Who are they; where are they; what do they do?" This and that. And I can't remember. And so what was your response to that?---Oh, well, "Let's - - let's do what we have to do." Well, did you tell them who they were?---Yes, I did tell them who they were. And you told them the three names you've mentioned before?---Yeah, that's right. And what did you say you could do for IAU?---I told them that I could set it up that we buy it off them. I see. And what did IAU say to you?---They'll get back to me. Right. And that was the entire context of the conversation you had with them on this second occasion?---Oh, I can't - - cannot remember what the whole conversation was, so - - Well, can you remember any other parts of the conversation you'd like to tell the Commission about?---No. Like what? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 681

B36/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: Well, I don't know. It's your conversation?---Well, that's it. Well, I can't remember what - - what the conversations was with them. So was it agreed that you'd meet them again?---Yep. And when did you meet them again?---When did I meet them again? Yes?---I cannot - - oh, a week later, a day later, 2 days later. I cannot remember. Right. So you met them again, and was it the same two officers?---I think so, yes. What was discussed at that meeting? Was there only three of you present? You and the two officers?---I think so. What was discussed at that meeting?---I wouldn't have a clue what was discussed. You wouldn't have a clue?---Would not have a clue, mate. I can't - - They didn't ask you things like how many tablets, who's selling them, what the price is?---They asked me all that. Yes, they did. They asked me all that sort of thing. Where the deal can take place?---Mm hm. They didn't ask you things like that?---Yes. They asked me all those sort of things. And what did you tell them?---I told them what they asked me. I answered their questions. Well, what did you tell them?---If I could remember that far back I'll tell you. I just can't remember that far back. You can't remember such an important detail - - ?---Mm hm. - - as the basic complaint you've made against these officers?---Yep. That's right. What did they agree to do with you in terms of setting up the sting?---They told me that my name wasn't to be used anywhere. They were going to look after me, they were going to do this, they were going to do that, and they would - - that's it. And what was the arrangement? What were you going to do for them?---Buy morphine tablets off your police officers there. And was a plan agreed between the three of you as to how you would do that?---It started to, yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 682

B36/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: And what was the plan?---That we were going to buy these police - - these drugs off these police officers. And what role would you play in the buying of the tablets?---I was going to buy it. How were you going to do that?---Buy it off them. Was it agreed that you would make contact with somebody?---Yes. Who was it agreed you would make contact with?---Gavin Farrell at the - - at the beginning. At the beginning?---Yes. Was there no mention of making contact with Kevin Reilly, who was - - ?---I think there was a mention of it but I can't remember the whole - - no; I can't remember the conversation. Was it agreed that you should have a conversation with Gavin Farrell or Kevin Reilly about the purchase of tablets?---I think there might have been something said like that, yes. Well, there would have to be, wouldn't there - - ?---Of course there would. - - otherwise there can't be a deal?---Well, I can't remember that far back. What did they ask you to do in relation to having a conversation with either Kevin Reilly or Gavin Farrell about buying tablets?---They've asked me to get in contact with them. They asked me to set it up. Right?---They've asked me to do whatever I did with them. They asked you to get in contact with them?---Mm. Is that Kevin Reilly and Gavin Farrell?---Well, they've asked me to do what I had to do, and I can't remember. You're going back a while and I - - I cannot remember that. You can't remember being involved - - ?---No. I can't remember. - - in this sting and the details of it - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 683

B37/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - the details of it?---Well, I remember going to IAU. I remember going - - speaking to Gavin Farrell. I remember speaking to what's his name? Kevin Reilly. I remember them saying "Yes, yes, yes. We'll pay you this much. Yeah, yeah - -" Right - -?---"- - yeah. We'll pay you that much." Right - -?---And yes, they did steal the tablets, and yes, they did - - How much were - - had a reward by this stage been agreed?---No. There was no reward at any - - any amount of reward being - - Had the agreement in relation to Pasqualino - -?---Nothing at all. - - Mancini been made?---No. And so despite you not getting what you initially wanted - that is, an agreement with them - you proceeded to involve yourself in this sting. Is that right?---Yes. And what was the plan in relation to speaking to whom, in terms of buying the tablets?---Yes? What were you to do and to whom were you to do it?---I was to buy the tablets off these officers. Off whom?---Off - - well, off Kevin Reilly originally. All right. You were to buy them off Kevin Reilly. Did the IAU want you to contact Kevin Reilly and make a purchase?---Yes, they did. And how did they tell you they wanted you to do that?---Well, they were going to - - well, they gave us money to - - to set it up. They told me to ring him - - Well, you didn't need any money to set it up. You needed to have a conversation with Kevin Reilly first, didn't you?---Yes. About whether there were tablets for sale?---Yep. It's not something you walk into a store and simply buy a pound of oranges?---Well, I rang - - I rang Kevin Reilly or I rang Gavin Farrell on the mobiles to set it all up. Right. You rang Kevin Reilly on his mobile?---I rang Kevin Reilly. I rang Gavin Farrell. I can't remember who I - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 684

B37/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: What phone did you use?---My mobile. You used your mobile - -?---Mm. - - and you rang Kevin Reilly on his mobile?---I rang - - I think I rang Kevin - - Gavin Farrell originally. Right. You rang Gavin Farrell originally - -?---Yes. - - on your mobile?---Yes. To his mobile?---Yes. These were both numbers you had already?---Mm hm. Did you give those numbers to the IAU?---I can't remember if I did or not. Well, they would have asked for them, surely, if the plan was - -?---Well, they might have had the numbers. Can you just confirm for me that the plan was - -?---I cannot confirm it. - - for you to ring Gavin Farrell and arrange to purchase drugs from him?---I cannot confirm because I can't remember the conversations between me and Internal Affairs. So, I'm very sorry. But surely that's what they wanted you to do?---Well - - That was the crime?---Well, they did. That was the crime they wanted you to establish was occurring?---Well - - Well, isn't that true? Isn't that what they wanted from you? They wanted you to have a conversation with either Gavin Farrell or Kevin Reilly in which you arranged - -?---Well, I think it was Gavin Farrell I spoke to originally. I cannot remember who it was; either Gavin or it was Kevin. Well, you think it was Gavin?---Well, I think it was Gavin, because Gavin was down in Perth. And did you have a conversation with him on your mobile - -?---Yes. I told you that before when you were asking me originally. - - and did you, in that conversation, offer to purchase from him a quantity of morphine tablets?---I said "Are the - -" I probably would have asked him if those other tickets were still up there, or whatever I said to him at the time, yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 685

B37/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: Did you have a conversation in which you offered to purchase morphine tablets?---I think I did, yes. Right. Did you have that conversation in the presence of IAU officers or ACC officers?---Internal Affairs. I cannot remember. Were they present when you made the call?---I think they might have been. Did they wire your phone to a tape recorder so that you could hear - - so that a third person could hear the conversation between you and Gavin Farrell and record that conversation?---They did do that. Yes, they did. They did that?---Yes. So they have a conversation between you and Gavin Farrell in which you offer to purchase illegal morphine tablets?---Well, I'd say so. I can't remember that far back. Well, can you tell us exactly what the conversation - - but you do confirm for us that your phone was wired so that - -?---There was a time there where I did speak to Internal Affairs and they did put a tape on my phone. Right? Now, I can't remember what it was, what it was over, or anything like that. But Mr Trifon, this is simply - -?---Yes? - - the most important conversation in the whole sting. It is the conversation - -?---I cannot - - - - that reveals to - -?---You're asking me - - you're going back four or five - - I can't remember what I said to them. I can't remember what we did originally. Mr Trifon, surely you can remember whether you made a phone call with IAU listening to it, or ACC listening to it, so that they could either record - -?---No, I can't. - - or overhear - -?---No, I can't. It didn't happen, did it - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 686

B38/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - it didn't happen, did it?---Of course it bloody did. There wasn't a conversation between you and Gavin Farrell - -?---All right. Then why didn't - - there wasn't a conversation. - - involving you offering to purchase from him morphine tablets?---I think - - I think you'll find out it's - - I think there was. Well, it will have been taped and it will have been overheard, won't it?---If you want to find out, ask Internal Affairs. I'm asking you, because you made the call?---Oh, no, I can't remember. I cannot remember, mate. Did you subsequently have a phone call with Kevin Reilly in which you offered to purchase morphine tablets from him?---I did speak to Kevin Reilly over the morphine tablets, yes. And was it over the phone?---A lot of times over the phone. Did you have a specific conversation with him, in which you offered to purchase morphine tablets from him?---Not over the phone. I think it was more - - mainly face-to-face during - - Face-to-face?---When we were in Kalgoorlie, and originally when it all happened. What, when all happened?---When they went and stole these tablets off - - We've heard of that conversation. I'm talking - -?---Me and Gavin - - me and Kevin Reilly were talking about the purchasing - - I know about that, Mr Trifon. I'm talking about the situation after you have been to IAU - -?---Mm? - - and ACC - -?---Mm? - - and they have agreed to involve themselves and you - -?---Yes. - - in a sting?---Yes. It's in that period. I want to know whether you had a conversation with Kevin Reilly about purchasing morphine tablets from him?---Cannot remember. Very important call, though?---Well, I cannot remember. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 687

B38/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: Is it not one of the most important calls that you would make in that whole sting, Mr Trifon?---Most probably was, but I can't remember how we went about it. You can't remember it?---No. Well, it would have happened at the beginning, Mr Trifon?---Well, I can't remember, mate. You asked me. I'm - - you know, because I'm answering it. I cannot remember. In relation to the call you had with Mr Farrell, can you remember any of the conversation you had with him?---No. I remember asking him, are those - - are those - - whatever I said to him, still there? Well, are you now calling them "tickets"?---Oh, tickets, papers, whatever I said to him. Because tickets and papers have been used in relation to money?---Well, there is, yeah. And racing tickets?---Not racing tickets, no. You use the same code to discuss other things, besides money and tickets? They also mean drugs, do they?---Can mean a lot of things. So, how would you know how many drugs were for sale, if you asked for some tickets?---Well, if you and me are doing something, you and me will know what we're talking about - - Well, you tell me what you said to Mr Farrell, exactly?---I cannot remember what I said to Gavin Farrell. Did he tell you that there was a quantity of drugs for sale?---Cannot remember. Kevin - - all I asked Gavin Farrell, to find out if they were still there. And this conversation, you can't remember whether it took place in the presence of IAU or ACC operatives, or that they recorded the call?---Cannot remember. So, what happened then after you had this call with Gavin Farrell? What happened next?---Well, we started to organise to buy. And how did you start to organise the buy?---Started talking to - - started talking about buying them, organising what money - - Who are you talking to?---Either Gavin Farrell or Kevin Reilly, I cannot remember. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 688

B38/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: Right, so it was one or the other?---Yes. It was certainly both of them - -?---Mm. - - at some stage or another?---Yes, there was both men. And so, are there conversations - - these are - - if they are with Kevin Reilly, I assume he's in Kalgoorlie and you're in Perth?---Mm hm. So they were on your mobile phone to his phone?---My mobile phone to his mobile phone. My house phone to his pub there, because a lot of times, he'd say to me, "Don't ring me here, ring me there, or ring on this number" because he didn't want people tracing his calls. But of course, they could be traced because if you were with the IAU - -?---Mm. - - when you're making those calls, they can tape those calls, no matter - -?---Of course they can. - - which phone they're going to?---Well, yeah. So, are there calls to Kevin Reilly about the delivery of the tablets, the price to be paid and when it is to occur?---Cannot remember. What code did you use to discuss the drugs and the amount of the drugs?---Um - - Or did you just speak in plain English?---Those papers, I think. I think the drugs were "those papers." They were papers?---Yes. You didn't ring him and - - well, how did he know? Who determined what you would call them?---Well, if you're doing something, if you and me are doing something, we'd know what we're doing, so if I was to talk to - - How would you know - -?--- - - about papers, you'd know what I'd be talking about. How many papers would I know - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 689

B39/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - papers would I know - - what would I know papers to mean? Drugs?---Well, if - - if you and me are doing a drug deal - - Yep?--- - - all right, and if I say to you, "Oh, have you still got those papers?" you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Well, how many papers - - ?---Well, how was I - - How many papers did you think you were buying?---Well, the whole amount. A thousand morphine tablets. You thought you were buying a thousand?---Well, whatever was there. I cannot remember. You're going back - - But you'd have to remember because you'd have - - ?---No, you don't have to remember. - - you had to put a dollar value on them. You have to tell your masters?---We already had the price already set up beforehand when we were in Kalgoorlie. What was the price?---12,000, I think. I cannot - - 12, 14 grand, whatever it was. Twelve or 14 thousand was the price?---Yes. Who did you agree that price with?---Kevin Reilly. And when was that price agreed?---Oh, during the time when it all happened. Was this when the raid on K1's house was about to take place? Before it took place?---Before it took place or after it took place. Well, when?---I cannot - - oh, well, after. It was after it took place?---I can't remember. You know what I mean? You're asking me - - I'm asking you simple questions about a simple - - ?---Five years ago. Yes?---Yeah. And you can't remember back that far?---No. You can't, can you? COMMISSIONER: I think he's indicated that, Mr Momber. There's a great deal of repetition. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 690

B39/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: Yes, sir. (TO WITNESS): So there are calls between you and Kevin Reilly, are there, post going to the IAU in which you discuss with him the purchase of the tablets?---Phone calls? Yes?---There might have been, but mainly we did it all up in Kalgoorlie. Mainly did it all up in Kalgoorlie, well before anything was recorded?---Yeah. Is that correct?---Mm. In relation to Gavin Farrell, did you discuss with him in Perth after you'd been to the IAU the purchase of these tablets?---I - - I asked him if those papers were still up there. Right?---Find out for us. And his answer was - ?---"We'll find out." And did he come back to you?---Yes. He came back to me and told me that they were there. How did he come back to you and tell you that?---I think it was either face to face or over - - I think over the phone. If it was over the phone, was it a phone that you - - was it over your mobile phone and over his?---Might have been. And was that a phone that would have been taped by the IAU?---No, because the IA - - I - - I found out first before I went to the IAU if those papers were still there or not. Yes?---Yes. I've asked you about the period after you went to IAU?---Yeah. Did you have further discussions with him?---Yes. Plenty of discussions with - - with Gavin Farrell. Were those discussions taped in relation to the buying of those tablets?---Yes, they were. Can you refer us to them?---Can I refer you to what? To the tapes? Can you refer us to the dates they occurred on - - ?---No, I can't. - - and the language that was used?---I cannot refer to the dates and the times and all that. But yeah, there was a lot .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 691

B39/1 POLICE of times there where we'd be speaking about tickets when we're talking about money. MR MOMBER: I see?---They were talking about - - So sometimes when you're speaking about tickets you're talking about money?---Yeah. You don't ever seem to mention drugs or the quantity of them?---How many drug dealers would turn around and say that they're - - that they're selling heroin over their mobile phones, or they're selling - - Well, they wouldn't - - ?--- - - speed over their mobile phones - - Well, they might - - ?--- - - while there's - - you might. But your masters - - your masters would require you - that's the IAU - to have a conversation with Gavin Farrell which they can observe and record to confirm your information. Did they arrange for you to meet with Farrell at a time and a place where they could observe you and overhear - - ?---Yes, he did. Yes, they did. - - the conversation - - ?---Yes, they did. - - of you negotiating or confirming the negotiation to buy the tablets?---Yeah, I think they did. Yes. And did they record that conversation?---I don't know. Did they or didn't they? I - - Did they wire you so that you could - - ?---No. - - you could carry a - - ?---They gave me a phone. - - a listening device on you?---They gave me a phone once. They gave you a phone?---Yes. And did you record a conversation on that phone with - - ?---Don't know. - - Gavin Farrell about the buying and selling of drugs?---The Internal Affairs never told me. Never said to me what happened. Well, best you ask them. When was it agreed between you and the IAU and others that you would meet with Farrell and give him money for the purchase of drugs?---When? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 692

B39/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: Yes?---Originally there was - - oh, they did it two - - that they - - they were going to do it one week and they were going to do it the following day, then they were going to do it the following day, but they'd just keep changing the days. I don't know why. They kept changing the days. Was it ultimately agreed that you would arrange a meeting with Farrell for the purpose of giving him money - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 693

B40/4 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - giving him money for the purchase of drugs?---Yep. Can you remember the date of that meeting?---No. Can you remember the arrangement that was made for you to go to that meeting?---Yeah, we went to Gloucester Park. Did you go in your car? Did you drive there in your car? ---No. This is the occasion when you were driven there by an - - what was it, an ACC operative or an IAU operative?---Internal Affairs. And so you were simply to appear at Gloucester Park and meet Gavin Farrell?---Yep. Who arranged the meeting?---I did. You rang Gavin - - ?---Mm hm. - - and you asked him to meet you?---Yep. Did you tell him over the phone what you wanted to meet him about?---No. He came and met with you at Gloucester Park. Is that correct?---Yes. And you got into his car?---Yep. And asked him to drive away?---Yeah, we drove away. We went around the block. That, of course, would have prevented any surveillance of this meeting being effective, wouldn't it, Mr Trifon?---That's right. Were you wired when you got into the car?---No. I had - - I think at that stage there they gave me another phone. I had another phone with me. Did that phone record the conversation in the motor vehicle between you and Gavin Farrell?---Internal Affairs never told me. The reality of it is that when you got into Gavin Farrell's car you told him to drive off so that there could be no surveillance of your meeting with him?---Not really, no. That allowed you to say whatever you wanted to say to .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 694

B40/4 POLICE Mr Farrell whilst giving the impression that you were doing a drug deal, didn't it?---No. MR MOMBER: Well, the impression IAU had was that you were going to do a drug deal with Mr Farrell?---I was going to go and give him some money. It wasn't a drug deal. And they asked you to give the money to him in a way that they could see it, didn't they?---I can't remember that they were going to do it, yeah. You were told not to get into his car?---I think, yeah, that's right. And you said this morning in your evidence something like they are stupid or they're idiots for thinking that anyone would take money through the window of a car?---Well, you would, wouldn't you? Well, not if it didn't look like money?---What - with a police officer - - If it looked like a bag, if it looked like a brown paper bag, which apparently the money was in - - ?---That's what it was in, yeah. - - it wouldn't necessarily look like money at all?---Well, you just don't go handing over paper bags in the middle of the daylight there. No?---You had two cars. No. No?---No. But that's what they wanted you to do?---Mm. And you didn't do it?---No, I didn't do it. No. If you had done it - - ?---Mm. - - it would have confirmed for the IAU that, in fact, at least part of a drug deal was being consummated, wouldn't it? ---Yeah, but - - yeah, but Gavin Farrell did get money out of it. And then you got into the car and told him to drive away, which was contrary to your master's instructions, wasn't it? ---No, well, he - - he drove away, actually. He drove away - - ?---Yeah. - - because you got into the car and told him to drive away? .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 695

B40/4 POLICE WITNESS: No, I think it was the other way around. I think - - I think - - I think he said, "Come on, jump in the car." MR MOMBER: And you drove away?---Mm hm. And no one saw you having the conversation, or no one could surveil you having the conversation, in a way that would confirm that you gave him money?---That's right. In fact, the only word from anybody that you gave him money comes from you?---That's right. No one can confirm that you gave him money?---No. And he denies he ever received any money from you?---Well, he's a liar. Mm hm. So why did you give him money on that occasion? ---Because he wanted money. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. What was the purpose that IAU and you had agreed was for the giving of the money to him on that occasion?---For a deposit on these drugs that - - Deposit?---Well, whatever it was. Deposit, yeah. Now, look, I've seen too many Cop Shops, okay - - ?---Yeah. - - on TV?---Yeah. And usually in a drug buy - - ?---Mm hm. - - you don't give the money over unless you get the drugs? ---Well, that's the way they wanted to do it. For two reasons?---Mm. One, there mightn't be any drugs and, two, the drugs you get mightn't be genuine?---Mm hm. They might be made up of, what is it, glucose - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 696

B41/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - what is it? Glucose?---Well, I don't know. Is that how you make drugs up?---You're the one telling the story. Well, is that how you can make - -?---I wouldn't have a clue. - - amphetamines up and drugs up, by adding glucose to drugs?---You must be good at it. Mm, or you might be good at it?---Who knows? I think the Drug Squad knows, but we'll come to that later on?---Yeah. In any event, it's a most unusual drug deal for you and the IAU to agree that you'll just give Farrell some money - how much was it, that they'd given you on that occasion, the first occasion?---Oh, I can't remember. It was over $7000, wasn't it?---7000, whatever it was, yeah. So they gave you $7000 to give to Gavin Farrell, for no return? No product?---Yes, they did. That's what they did. They wanted to have - - they wanted to have a few bites at the cherry, as they said. Is that right?---Yeah. Did you say to them, "Look, that's not the way you do a drug deal"?---Told them at the beginning. I said we should have just done - - Haven't you watched the same Cop Shops Momber's watched?---Yeah. You'd know that you don't do the drug deal like that?---Yeah. And Farrell, if he had any inkling at all, would think it most unusual, that suddenly somebody's thrusting $7200 in his pocket?---Mm. For no drugs? Doesn't it seem a touch unreal to you - -?---Well, that's the way - - - - that IAU would want you to proceed on the basis of giving a man over $7000 for no product?---That's what they wanted to do. Is that right?---Yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 697

B41/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: And of course you, realising how stupid they were, decided it was best off in your keeping, that money, so you kept it?---Yeah, I kept it. When had you decided that you were never going to give that money to Gavin Farrell?---When? Yes?---The day before. The day before?---Mm. When you got into the car and didn't give Farrell $7000, who I assume was expecting $7000, was he?---He was expecting some money, yes. $7000?---He was expecting some money, yes. No. Is it "yes" to he was expecting $7000 - -?---Yes, he was - - - - or "yes" - -?--- - - expecting some money. No, how much money was he expecting?---He was expecting - - I can't remember how much he was going to get, but I only gave him 500. You only gave him 500 and that satisfied him, did it?---Oh, he was happy. He wanted more. He wanted - - well, had you discussed with him previously, in the presence of IAU or otherwise, that when you met him at Gloucester Park, he would get $7000 for the purchase of drugs - -?---Yes, but - - - - as a deposit?---Yes, but he didn't get that. What did he say when he didn't get that?---He wanted more money. He wanted more than the 500. I said, "No, that's all you're getting." And so he goes, "Fine, Chris. Thank you for that. Here we are involved in a very serious drug deal; you're only giving me $500. Thanks a lot, mate. I'll drop you back where I left you - - where I picked you up"?---Yeah. Is that right?---Yep. And off he went, happy as Larry, with $500?---Yep. Not the 7000 you'd agreed?---Yep. So, did you arrange to meet him again?---I arranged to meet Gavin Farrell a lot of times through - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 698

B41/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: In relation to providing him with money for the purchase of drugs?---Yeah, I arranged a few times, yes. And did he agree to meet you again?---Yes. Despite the fact that on the first occasion when you attend, without the $7000 to give him - -?---Yep. - - and you only give him five, he's still prepared to meet you again?---Yep. And so he meets you again, where?---Oh, he met me again at - - the next drop-off was at Canning Vale, up at Nicholson Road there. And what was the agreement you entered into with Gavin Farrell about meeting him on the second occasion?---For the money? Yes?---Yeah, just I said to him, "Listen, I got some money here. Come and meet me." How much?---I didn't tell him how much. And did you tell him why you had the money and what it was for?---Yeah, I told him that the girl gave me the money to buy these morphine tablets. Did he ask you how much?---No, he didn't, but he had a - - he had a figure in his mind of how much he was going to get, but he didn't get that. How did he have a figure in his mind? How do you know what figure he had in his mind?---Because we'd been talking before then, regarding - - When?---Well, during the telephone conversations, one of the 150 - - So you had - -?--- - - of them. So did you arrange the second meeting to give him money for the purchase of drugs over the phone?---Yep. On your mobile phone to his mobile phone?---That's correct. And were those phone calls taped?---I think so. And do they - - do they reveal you talking to Farrell about providing him with a further large sum of money, was it? Did you discuss the amount?---No, I can't remember the amount of money. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 699

B41/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: So you didn't discuss the amount of money with him on the phone?---No, you don't - - you don't discuss the amount of money on the phones if you're talking drugs or anything like that. Right. You don't discuss the - -?---No. But he, despite the fact that the first meeting with you get $7000 had failed - -?---Yep. - - he was happy to meet you again?---Yep, and again, straight after that as well. And he did?---Yes. And he did meet with you - -?---Yes. - - and you went to this meeting with how much money this time?---I don't know, 6000, whatever it was. Six and a half thousand, was it?---Yeah, something like that. Yeah. This is when you'd arranged for K3 to meet you afterwards and help in the theft of that money?---Yes, that's right. Yes. And so you went to the meeting with Farrell, did you?---Yes. And on this occasion, did you drive your motor vehicle?---Yes, I did. And it is a utility?---Can't remember what I drove up there. I think it might of been, yeah. And you, of course, were under suspension at the time, didn't have a driver's licence?---Well, Internal Affairs let me drive. I didn't know I was under suspension - - They let you do lots of things. They let you steal their money?---Well, everyone does something wrong in their life, don't they? Yes. So, they let you drive your vehicle; was it set up - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 700

B42/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - it set up with surveillance devices on it to record - -?---I believe it was too. Yeah. Can you tell the Commission what those surveillance devices were?---Oh, how was I supposed to know? Some - - I don't know; microphones in the back of the ute there, whatever there was. There were microphones? Well, you would want it - -?---Well, how would I - - how would I know what was in there? Mr Trifon, they'd want you to know because you're a participant. You're one of the actors in this play?---Well, there was a microphone somewhere in the back of this ute there. Okay. And they asked you to have your conversation and make the transfer of money in the ute - -?---Yeah. - - with Mr Farrell?---Yep, in the middle of the day. And were they following you?---Sorry? Were they following you - IAU?---Well, they might have been. Had they arranged or required or directed you to go to a particular spot where you were to meet Farrell and to carry out the transfer of the money?---I think so, yep. And did you go to that spot in your car and meet Farrell?---Yes, I did. And did you get Farrell into your car and make a transfer of money?---No. We went - - went in his car, went for a drive. Absolutely you went in his car?---Yes. You got out of your car and got into his car - -?---Yes. - - and went for a drive so that no one on this second occasion could hear you talking to Farrell about anything?---That's right. Because you didn't want IAU to realise that you weren't doing a drug buy at all. There was no drug buy?---There was no drug buy. No?---Yes. That's why you've avoided the surveillance, by your own admission, on two occasions. There was no drug buy?---Fair enough. You know the story. You were there. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 701

B42/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: Oh, I know lots about the story. One, that Farrell goes to two meetings with you - -?---Mm. - - where he gets practically no money. Did he get any money on the second meeting?---Yeah, he got 500. Then he reckons he only got 300. So 500 at the first and 500 at the second meeting?---He reckons he only got 300. He rang me back and said "I only got $300." And he goes "I didn't get enough for it." He of course says that has nothing to do with money at all?---Well, that's what he reckons. Yes. But in any event, you took off in his car and directed him to drive away from where your car was left?---That's right. Why?---Why? Because I knew what was going on. Yes?---Yeah. Well, didn't you want to show your masters that you were involved in a drug deal? Why would you want to go away?---They would have been listening to what we were saying beforehand. Yes?---Yes. And?---And? Well, they knew - - they knew that I was going there to give him some money to buy some morphine tablets. Mm. They wanted to hear it, too?---Sorry? They wanted to hear you doing the deal, but they didn't get to hear you doing the deal, did they?---No, they didn't. And in fact, you kept all the money from that deal?---No. Gavin Farrell got some. And you drove - - got him to drive you back to where? Your car?---Yes. You got in it?---Yep. Drove off in it?---Drove off in it. Went to McDonald's?---Yep. Met up with K3?---Yep. Told her to go round the back?---Yep. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 702

B42/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: And drop the money out the window?---That's right. Now, despite having received no money on two occasions, other than the 500 and 500, which is a fair bit short of the $13,000 you had to give him - -?---Mm. - - Gavin Farrell, I think, on your version of the story, agreed to meet you again?---He met me a few times. Mm?---Not on my version. And when he met you - - well, what was the agreement in relation to meeting him again in terms of providing him with money for drugs?---I can't remember. I spoke to Gavin Farrell a lot of times over the - - Once again on the phone?---Once again on the phone, face to face - - Well, all the - - did you have face to face conversations with him after the second occasion, in relation to you providing him with more money to buy drugs?---Yeah, I think so. Did you?---Mm. Where did you have those meetings?---I cannot remember. Was the IAU present in terms of surveilling the meetings?---I don't know what they were surveilling - - Were you wired - -?---No. - - for those meetings?---I never was wired. In any event you say you and he agreed to meet again when you would transfer to him another large sum of money. Is that correct? Over $4000?---Yeah, whatever. Yeah. But he never went to that meeting, did he?---No. And you kept the money again?---Yeah. Did he never raise with you the extraordinary nature of this deal whereby you promised to give him money - -?---He got money. He never gave you any drugs - -?---Yeah, but he did get paid. He did get money. - - and you then met him again and he never gave you any drugs?---But then he - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 703

B42/3 POLICE MR MOMBER: And you gave him money?---He did get money. He got money. He got $1000 for a drug buy that's supposed to be costing $12,000 to $14,000 and - -?---Well - - - - that apparently IAU thinks is costing $18,000?---Well, it was costing them 18, whatever. Extraordinary, really. It's just so unlike the cop shows I watch?---You must be watching the wrong shows then. I certainly am. There's no money, other than the $1000 you say Farrell got - -?---Mm hm. - - changed hands. No drugs were ever delivered to you, were they?---No drugs to me? No. And another thing about drug buys. I've often seen where the seller of the drugs will provide at least a sample of the drugs for the buyer to check them out to see that they're genuine?---Mm. Did you ask for that to occur?---I did. The problem was, one's in Kalgoorlie and we're down here in Perth. They're in Kalgoorlie, are they?---Well, I'm saying that Gavin Farrell - - Kevin Reilly was in Kalgoorlie. Kevin Reilly - - That doesn't mean the drugs were in Kalgoorlie?---Well, I don't know where the drugs were. By the sounds of things, you - - you know more about where the drugs were than I do. Why didn't you ask Gavin Farrell to give you a sample of the drugs you were going to buy? Why didn't you sort of play along like a real drug dealer and see what it was you were going to buy?---Because we were going to - - because we were going to do - - COMMISSIONER: I wonder, Mr Momber, whether this is progressing very much. MR MOMBER: Yes. In any event, you didn't seek a sample?---No. If Gavin Farrell was happy to come along to meetings with you where you'd give him money for nothing - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 704

B43/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - give him money for nothing, why didn't he attend the last meeting?---He was busy. And so you took the money on that occasion?---Mm. And never returned it to IAU?---No. And that money added up to $18,000 less, you say, $1000 that you gave to - - ?---Well, he reckons - - yeah; well, he reckons it's 800, Gavin. Well, you know how much it was?---Well, I told them 1000, but he reckons it was 300 short. I see. Well, you know how much you gave him?---Well, exactly. That's what I'm telling you. So it was $1000?---Mm. But you pleaded guilty to stealing $17,200?---Well, he reckons there was only 300 there. It doesn't matter what he thinks. It's what you know?---Well, what can I do? Well, you pleaded guilty to it?---I pleaded guilty to it. What - - what can I do? Well, there's a difference, isn't there? You pleaded guilty to $17,200 - - ?---Mm. - - not $17,000?---18,000. Not $18,000. Well, $18,000 would mean, if you pleaded guilty to that, that you gave Gavin Farrell no money?---Yeah, but I - - Gavin Farrell got $1000, and then he reckons it was 300 short, so - - Of course, if you gave Gavin Farrell no money - - ?---Mm hm. - - and if you didn't maintain this story - - ?---Mm hm. - - then you wouldn't have got a letter of comfort from the police, would you?---Well - - Which kept you out of gaol?---Fair enough. It's true, isn't it?---It's true. What was the deal you actually made and who did you actually make it with?---What deal? In terms of you getting a letter of comfort when you pleaded guilty?---Speak to the Anti-Corruption Commission. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 705

B43/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: Isn't the reality of it that you had a number of conversations with people like Sergeant Wignall and Mr Wilson of the Anti-Corruption Commission in which they complained to you about the fact that they had no drugs, no money, and were left only with you?---Obviously that's the case then, yeah. Is it true or not?---Well, I can't remember, but yeah. And so what was the actual agreement you entered into with them in relation to the letter of comfort?---Best you speak to the Anti-Corruption Commission because - - because I can't remember. I wonder if I might just read this transcript to you of a conversation you had with them?---Mm hm. It was on the 14th of January 1999. See if you can remember being involved in this conversation. I'll use the surnames, sir. I don't mean any disrespect to the officers who were involved. "WIGNALL We've been doing this job and, quite

candidly, we've got diddlysquat. We've got 18 grand out in never-never land.

"TRIFON You're talking police officers, mate." Do you remember this conversation?---(No audible response). "WILSON Chris, I might be ignorant to some of the drug

- - " it's then - - the rest of the conversation's not noted. "TRIFON Mm. "WILSON - - environment. Pardon me if it sounds that

way, but we've paid over 18 and got nothing. In the normal course of things wouldn't that cause someone to - - to be scream?"

Probably "screaming". Your answer: "If youse people - - if youse people

waited, all right, until the people up there finished what he had to do then come down, then it would have been a different story."

WITNESS: I cannot remember. MR MOMBER: Can you remember that?---No. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 706

B43/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: "WILSON - - " Part of this I've - - I've moved on in the sequence, sir. "WILSON We're in the hands of our bosses, Chris, and

they're not gunna - - "TRIFON Well, mate - - "WILSON - - they're not gunna play with that because

at the moment they're looking at, what; what we've got over 4 weeks and we've got nothing."

Do you remember this conversation?---No. "TRIFON Oh, well, good luck to them now, mate, because

my life is on the fucking thing here. That can - - your bosses can go and get fucked and end of fucking story. They can go home and sleep at nights. I don't. I've got to worry about what fucking Farrell and fucking little fucking four foot four dickhead up there going to do."

WITNESS: No. MR MOMBER: Did you say that?---Nuh. I can't remember. And Wilson says: "They're gunna be more trouble to

everyone, you included, unless we can at least take them out."

WITNESS: Cannot remember the conversation. MR MOMBER: "Well, you're - - you're not going to

take them out now, are you? What are you going to take them out on?

"WIGNALL Fuck-all. "TRIFON Exactly." WITNESS: Well, I can't remember that conversation. MR MOMBER: Did they continue to pressure you over a number of conversations - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 707

B44/4 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - number of conversations in relation to you giving them something, bearing in mind they had absolutely nothing at that stage?---No. Not really, no. Did they agree to give you a letter of comfort if you would maintain the story so that these officers could be taken out?---No. What was a "letter of comfort"?---I don't know. Speak to the Anti-Corruption Commission. Was a letter of comfort given to the judge who passed sentence on you, or was it a magistrate?---Don't know. Speak to the Anti-Corruption Commission. They're the ones that organised it. Did a letter of comfort - - was it given in your presence to the presiding officer at the court where you were dealt with?---I can't remember. Were you on your own admission convicted of stealing $17,200? ---Yep. What penalty did you receive?---A 2-year gaol suspended sentence. A suspended sentence?---Mm. Had you on a number of occasions during the operation driving your motor vehicle without a driver's licence?---Well, they - - I must've, yeah. Did they pay your fines which had caused you to lose your licence?---Cannot remember. And were you - - ?---Oh, yeah, they did. They did. Yeah, they did. Yes?---Yeah. And were you prosecuted for only one offence of driving without a licence?---No, they were going to charge me with four, then - - then all of a sudden they - - Dropped it to one?---It came down to one, yeah. I want to read a statement to you, Mr Trifon. This statement was taken from Pasqualino Mancini of 31 Easterbrook Place, Wattle Grove. Do you know him?---Yep. The statement was taken from him on the 11th of May, 2000 in the presence of Josephine Pepe, a solicitor. She may have .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 708

B44/4 POLICE been an articled clerk at the time, now a solicitor. I want you to tell me what you agree with in the statement and what you don't. It relates to you?---Mm hm. MR MOMBER: Mr Mancini says - - COMMISSIONER: What's the origin of this, Mr Momber? MR MOMBER: The origin of it? COMMISSIONER: Yes. MR MOMBER: It was taken by the lady I've referred to in the offices of Hammond Worthington. It was a statement made, I believe, at the request of John Quigley. COMMISSIONER: A very strange way of getting it in, I would have thought but, very well, I'll allow you to put it to him. MR MOMBER: Sir, if, with your leave, you would wish me to call the person present when the statement was taken who witnessed the signature, I am happy to do that or the - - COMMISSIONER: It's really the author. MR MOMBER: Or the author as well. I leave that to the Commission to decide on that - - COMMISSIONER: Yes. MR MOMBER: I suppose what I'm really doing is giving you notice of the existence of it should you so require. COMMISSIONER: Yes, all right. MR MOMBER: Pasqualino Mancini says: "I am also known as Peter. I am 37 years old. I am a

self-employed cabinet-maker." Is that about the age of Mr Mancini?---Yes. Yes. "I have known Christos Trifon. I have known him for

about 10 years." Is that about right? You said seven but that's - - ?---Yeah, around there. Yeah. Seven. It's now nine since he made that. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 709

B44/4 POLICE "We were introduced through mutual friends and during

the time I have known him we've been involved in a number of business dealings and we've owned racehorses together. I considered Trifon a good friend."

WITNESS: Never owned a racehorse with Peter Mancini. MR MOMBER: Never owned racehorses? But he considered you to be a good friend?---Mm. That would be a fair enough assessment of the way he related to you?---Yeah, we were friends. Yeah. Yes. "In April, 1997 I was charged with possession with

intent to sell/supply heroin. I was charged again with a similar offence in June-July 1998."

Do you know that to be the case?---I know he was on some charges. Yeah. Yes. "After I was charged Trifon told me he could fix this

matter up." WITNESS: No. MR MOMBER: Then: "He told me this in about May or June of 1997. He

told me could pay off some people and they could make the matter disappear."

Did you tell him that?---No. Then: "Then the problem would go away and I wouldn't have to

go to court. I believed what he told me as in the past he had arranged it for other people."

WITNESS: I arranged it for other people? MR MOMBER: Yes?---No. Then: "Trifon never mentioned he would get me a letter of

comfort. There was never even supposed to be a trial, so no letters would have been needed."

.09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 710

B44/4 POLICE WITNESS: No, I can't - - MR MOMBER: "Trifon has scammed me and that's why I want to tell

everyone what he's like". He just manipulates people for his own benefit".

.09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 711

B45/2 POLICE WITNESS: Yeah, well - - MR MOMBER: Correct?---No. Then: "I know that Trifon has set up some police by telling

lies about them to the Anti-Corruption Commission, and he has stolen the ACC money"?

WITNESS: No. Well, Peter Mancini was with me when I've spoken to Gavin Farrell over the phone, when we spoke and everything. No, that's wrong. MR MOMBER: Then: "About 2 or 3 weeks ago, prior to speaking to John

Quigley, I contacted a mate of mine, Rod Bridge. He is a private investigator. I asked him if he could get in touch with Farrell and Reilly as I had information concerning their charges. Rod Bridge knows police that know Farrell and Reilly. Rod Bridge put the word out, but I never heard any more from him about it. I then contacted John Quigley about 2 or 3 days later, off my own bat. I was supposed to appear in the District Court on the 10th of April 2000. That was the day my trial was to commence. I had been trying to catch up with Trifon prior to the trial, but he'd been avoiding me."

Is that right?---Can't remember. Did you know he was going up for trial in April?---Cannot remember. Then: "When I went to court, Trifon would not speak to me.

He was being looked after by the ACC. I wasn't able to speak with him - -"

COMMISSIONER: Mr Momber, I think, listening to this, the only way of putting this in is by calling the person who gave the statement. MR MOMBER: Yes. Well, your Honour, obviously I don't have the power to do that. That's the Commission's power to decide on what witnesses it will call or investigate, but I would offer the statement to your counsel assisting - - COMMISSIONER: Yes. MR MOMBER: - - and they may take it up with whom they like. COMMISSIONER: Yes. That'll be satisfactory. MR MOMBER: Well, I won't produce it now, sir, because it - - I'll give it them afterwards. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 712

B45/2 POLICE COMMISSIONER: Arrange it afterwards, yes. Thank you. MR MOMBER: Did you tell Mancini that you had set up these policemen?---No, I didn't tell him, set them up. Did you tell him that the ACC and the IAU were stupid and you couldn't believe how easy it was to get money out of them?---No. That's a lot of lies. Did you organise for Peter Mancini to ring John Quigley, and for money, offer to make the problem with these police go away?---No. Mancini says you did?---Oh well, Mancini's lying. Mancini says you directed him to a telephone box, a public telephone box, and got him to ring John Quigley's office?---No. Lies. And that a sum of $40,000 was mentioned as the price that was required to make the problem go away?---No. Did you, in the presence of K3, ring K1 and offer for a large sum of money to make his problem go away?---No. I was in Kalgoorlie. K3 says that she was with you when you asked her to make the call and while she rang the number, she refused to speak to K1 about the problem?---I was in - - I was in Kalgoorlie at that time. That was when it all - - when all the raids started happening. COMMISSIONER: Yes? MR HALL: K3 was with K1 at the time Mr Trifon rang, and she put K1 onto the phone. MR MOMBER: I'm sorry, if I've put that wrongly, I'm indebted to my learned friend for correcting. That is my mistake. (TO WITNESS): Did you have a discussion with K1 about his problem and you being able to make it go away for 50 or $100,000?---No. It was only about 25, 30 grand. Then they were saying that K3 was trying to - - trying to tee her up at the time. So you did have a conversation with K1, in which you offered, for $30,000, to - -?---I spoke to - - - - make his problem go away?---I spoke to K2 as well over it. I didn't just speak to K1 about it. And of course, that's why the whole thing took place, wasn't it, so that you could shake him down for $30,000?---No. No. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 713

B45/2 POLICE MR MOMBER: That's why you alerted the police, so that would give you an opportunity - -?---No, no. - - to shake him down? Correct or not?---No. Had you gone to the Drug Squad prior to you going to the IAU, offering to buy drugs, if they gave you the money, amphetamines from various drug dealers?---Can't remember. Did you obtain from the Drug Squad $6000, which you kept and didn't buy any drugs from anybody?---No. Did you present the Drug Squad with an amphetamine-like substance which was in fact made up of glucose as evidence of the fact that you could buy drugs for them?---Glucose? Can't remember. Did you ask Peter Mancini to provide you with the glucose - -?---Peter Mancini, no - - - - so you could make the drugs?---No. Peter - - Did you?---What? Did I what? Ask Peter Mancini to provide you with glucose so you could - -?---No. - - make the drug?---No. Has K3 been convicted of any offence relating to the dealing in drugs or the assisting in the stealing of money - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 714

B46/1 POLICE MR MOMBER: - - - stealing of money from IAU with you?---No. No. No further questions. COMMISSIONER: Yes, thank you. Now, Mr Prince, do you have any questions? MR PRINCE: Just a few, sir. CROSS-EXAMINED BY MR PRINCE: MR PRINCE: Mr Trifon, I think when you first went to the Internal Affairs Unit and spoke to Sergeant Wignall you told him that you were helping a Detective Hutchinson at the Drug and Organised Crime Squad; is that correct?---Yeah. Did you also tell the Internal Affairs people - Sergeant Wignall or anybody else there; Inspector Putland - about any other police officers that you were assisting with information?---I cannot remember. You understand where I'm coming from. You go to the Internal Affairs. I take it you've never spoken to them before?---No. You're saying that - - you're making accusations about police officers doing things that are criminal?---That's right. Did you offer the Internal Affairs people any references, any people to whom they could go to satisfy themselves that you were a person that they could trust?---Oh, I think it was - - who was it? Yeah. It was someone from the Drug Squad there. Who?---I cannot remember the names. Hutchinson doesn't come to mind?---Yeah. Hutchison does, yes. Anybody else?---And Baralone? or something. Sorry?---Oh, somebody with a B. Were there any other police officers that you had dealt with in the past whose names you mentioned to Internal Affairs?---Might have been Shane Hogan. Shane Hogan?---Yeah. Where did he work when you had business with him?---Shane Hogan? Yes?---Oh, he was everywhere. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 715

B46/1 POLICE MR PRINCE: Did you mention any other police officers who were then serving or retired?---No. Peter Grant. Peter Grant?---Yes. Retired police officer?---Yep. Any idea how long he'd been retired?---A while now. A while now?---Yeah. Ten years?---I think so. How - - over what sort of length of time prior to June 98 had you been helping police officers by giving them information?---Oh, not a lot. Six months, a year?---A lot of these police officers I - - I used to help them because they - - they'd - - because I had a car detailing business at that time. A lot of them would buy - - you know, because they were buying cars. Like, Shane Hogan and George Nesbitt; they - - there were - - they used to buy cars and try to fix them up, and I'd - - then I'd - - and I tried to do the right thing by them by cleaning them up for them. You had a car detailing business in Perth. This is before you went to Kalgoorlie?---Yeah. Yeah. And you went to Kalgoorlie in 97?---That's right. So it's before then?---Yep. And you used to fix up those cars. Are you saying you did it for nothing or you - - ?---Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. - - did it for a discount price?---No. No. No. No. I did it for nothing for them. For nothing?---Yep. So how much is that worth? How much was a car detailing worth in those days?---Oh, $80. Eight to a hundred?---If that, yeah. Depending on the car and the condition?---Yeah. Do that lots?---Sorry? Did you do that lots?---Yeah. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 716

B46/1 POLICE MR PRINCE: Lots of times for lots of police officers?---Oh, not for a lot of police officers, but they were involved with another bloke by the name of - - who had Highlight Smash Repairs, and - - Sorry? What do you mean by "they were involved"?---Shane Hogan was good friends with another - - with this panelbeater by the name of - - oh, I can't think of his name now. Highlight Smash Repairs?---Yeah. Highlight Smash Repairs. And I used to do a lot of work for them. And then the owner of Highlight Smash Repairs knows a lot of police officers. What do you mean by "involved with Highlight"? Simply that he used them or you used them or that there was some sort of financial arrangement?---They were just friends with them. All right?---Yeah. And you used to do these detailing jobs for police officers free?---Yeah. Why?---Why not? What did you expect to get back?---I don't know. Just - - just - - just - - it was just what do you call it. Just - - that's the type of fellow I was. I think you said in answer to some questions from Mr Hall, or maybe it was only one question from Mr Hall earlier this morning, that - - or maybe he put to you that you had received rewards from Crime Stoppers?---Mm. Had you?---Yes. Cash?---Cash, yeah. In cash?---No. Into my account - - - .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 717

B47/3 POLICE WITNESS: - - - into my account. MR PRINCE: Into your account?---Mm. You never went to Crime Stoppers office to pick up cash?---Never went to Crime Stoppers office, no. I went and saw one police officer that Peter Grant introduced me to over a bank robbery. At Crime Stoppers?---No. I don't know where it was. It was at his office, actually. All right. How did you then get rewards from Crime Stoppers into your bank account if you didn't contact Crime Stoppers?---There was only the one. There was only just one reward. One reward from Crime Stoppers?---From - - from Crime Stoppers, yeah. Do you remember what year that was?---No. Before you went to Kalgoorlie - -?---That was through George Nisbet?. Sorry?---That was through George Nisbet. Through George Nesbit, before you went to Kalgoorlie?---Yep. Were you ever given any other rewards by any police officers for information? You only had one?---Two. What's that - -?---One through Crime Stoppers and the other one, I don't know how - - what this police officer did. You answered some questions from Mr Momber - -?---Mm hm. - - and you agreed with him that it was best described as a sting. Is that right?---Mm. Was it a sting for you or a sting against somebody else? How did you regard it?---No, it was a sting - - it was a sting for them. It wasn't a sting for me. Originally, there was going to be - - it was supposed to be one buy with Internal Affairs. You come out of it with some $18,000 and nobody else gets any benefit?---Except Gavin - - except Gavin Farrell. You decided to go to Internal Affairs before you contacted Farrell to ask if the tablets were still available. That's what I understand you said to Mr Momber. Is that right?---I went - - I asked Gavin Farrell first if those tablets were still there, yes. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 718

B47/3 POLICE MR PRINCE: But you'd already decided to go to Internal Affairs?---If those tablets were there, yeah. Why?---Well, because I needed money at the time. So the whole object of the exercise was for you to be able to get some money out of Internal Affairs by making this complaint about the police officers?---That's correct. There was nothing more to it than that?---No. In the process of making meetings and making contact with people - and we've heard there have been lots of telephone calls and two meetings and one that didn't happen - were you the one who decided when that would happen, what pace that would happen at, or was that something that you agreed with the people from Internal Affairs?---Internal Affairs arranged all that. Well, I think Sergeant Wignall says that you told him, at page 10, that you were going to have a meeting. You chased him around on the weekend, on Saturday the 19th of December, to say that you were meeting with Farrell at 12 o'clock on that Saturday at WA Salvage?---Saturday at WA Salvage? I can't remember that. I think it's the first meeting?---Oh, right. Yeah. I remember now. You were going to meet. You told Wignall?---Yeah. You dictated that?---Oh, did I? I can't remember. I might have. You only dealt with the two officers at Internal Affairs?---No. I spoke to the first - - I spoke to George Putland and that other fellow, Wignall. Then all of a sudden there was another bloke called Brian. I think his name's Brian. I can't remember his surname. Right. How many meetings did you have with Internal Affairs? Can you remember?---Oh, there was a few. No, I can't remember. And with the ACC? Do you remember?---Plenty. I'm talking about before the search warrants on the 16th of June?---Oh, no. None with the ACC. So you met with the ACC after that?---Yeah. And did you know anything about their involvement in it until late in January?---That's right. .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN 719

B48/2 POLICE MR PRINCE: And none of the $18,000 was recovered. Is that right?---Nuh. All gone? What about Mr Mancini's money? All gone?---Mm. Horses?---Horses. Drugs?---No, not drugs. All on the horses?---Mm hm. Thank you, sir. COMMISSIONER: Yes, thank you. Yes, Mr Hall? RE-EXAMINED BY MR HALL: MR HALL: There's just one thing I neglected to ask you earlier, Mr Trifon, and that is that it has been suggested that Mr Kevin Reilly may have been dealing in gold nuggets. In any of the dealings that you had with him, did they involve gold nuggets?---No. No. Have you ever heard that suggested before?---Nuh. First time. I have nothing else, thank you, Commissioner. There is just one thing; during the course of Mr Trifon's evidence, he inadvertently, I think, let slip part of K3's name. That would otherwise be in the transcript. I'm sure it's understood, but there perhaps should be a suppression order in respect of the transcript, insofar as it might reveal part of K3's name. COMMISSIONER: Yes. There will be a non-publication order in relation to that name in the transcript. MR HALL: Thank you, Commissioner. Mr Trifon can be released. COMMISSIONER: Yes. Thank you, Mr Trifon. You are free to go now. WITNESS WITHDREW COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Hall? MR HALL: Mr Hastings is to take the next witness. I don't know whether he is prepared to start this afternoon? Perhaps I could make some inquiries in that regard. COMMISSIONER: Yes. Well, we'll stand down for 5 minutes. MR HALL: Thank you, Commissioner. SHORT ADJOURNMENT .09/07/2002 TRIFON, C. XXN REXN 720

B49/4 POLICE UPON RESUMPTION: COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Hall? MR HALL: Commissioner, I understand it's not convenient to start with the next witness this afternoon so in those circumstances I would ask that we adjourn until tomorrow morning. COMMISSIONER: Yes. So the witness will be here at 9.45? MR HALL: 9.45, yes, sir. COMMISSIONER: Yes, thank you. The Commission will now adjourn until 9.45 tomorrow morning. HEARING ADJOURNED UNTIL 9.45 AM WEDNESDAY, 10TH JULY, 2002 .08/07/2002 721

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