Page 1: SAP Hybris Real-Time Communicator Extension · 1 SAP Hybris Real-Time Communicator Extension Installation Notes Version and Compatibility The SAP Hybris RTC extension is compatible


SAP Hybris Real-Time Communicator Extension Installation Notes

Version and Compatibility The SAP Hybris RTC extension is compatible with Hybris 5.x. And was tested on Hybris 5.7.

Installation Prerequisite

• The Hybris platform is installed • You have GENBAND Kandy account • You have the Project API Key and Project API Secret from your Kandy account • You have downloaded and uncompressed the ZIP file containing the extension

To install the extension:

1. Copy rtc folder to ${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}\custom folder. 2. Add “rtc” to localextensions.xml. 3. Run the following commands, replacing yourstorefront with your storefront name:

ant all ant addoninstall -Daddonnames="rtc" - DaddonStorefront.yacceleratorstorefront="yourstorefront"

4. Configure the following in your file:

rtc.domainAccessKey=APIKEYHERE ex: DAK83724febsdkjh3279heui98 rtc.domainAccessSecret=APISECRETHERE ex: DAS48923798327987897kjgh rtc.destinationNumber=DESTINATIONNUMBERHERE ex: [email protected]

5. Start the Hybris server and open the administration console. Go to Platform > Update, and scroll down until you see

checkbox for "rtc". Check them and click Update

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Adding GENBAND to your site Here we are going to replace the Contact number on the Porwertools Site with the Contact Us button for GENBAND’s Kandy.

1. Open the WCMS Cockpit, you can access it using the following URL:

http://localhost:9001/cmscockpit 2. Login 3. Using the WCMS Page View perspective navigate to your site:

4. Double click on the page where you want the GENBAND popup link

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5. Click on the Header links to expand the lock

6. Then, Click the edit button on CMSParagraphComponents

7. Edit Content and add the following code replacing YOURSTOREFRONTURL with your storefront URL: <a href="#" onclick="'/YOURSTOREFRONTURL/ rtcpopup','Contact Us',' width=640, height=480, resizable,scrollbars=no');">Contact Us</a>

8. Now your webpage will allow users to call the destination number from the contact us link.

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Using the Extension With a GENBAND Kandy application connected with the destination, click the Contact Us link

Click one of the call buttons for an audio call or a video call and wait for the initialization

Page 5: SAP Hybris Real-Time Communicator Extension · 1 SAP Hybris Real-Time Communicator Extension Installation Notes Version and Compatibility The SAP Hybris RTC extension is compatible


Allow the application to access your media.

The call state will change to ringing

Your other GENBAND device should be ringing, answer the call. You are now connected.

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