
Stroke Research in East KentPrevention and Treatment

Present and FutureDr Tom Webb

Consultant Neurologist and Stroke PhysicianEKHUFT

June 2014

Stroke Research in East Kent

• Impact of stroke – the importance to research• Improving our prevention of stroke• Improving our treatment of ischaemic stroke• Improving recovery following stroke

Stroke Research in East Kent

• Impact of stroke – the importance to research• Improving our prevention of stroke• Improving our treatment of ischaemic stroke• Improving recovery following stroke

Vascular damage to the brain

• 86,000,000,000• 2,000,000/ min die after stroke• Brain ages by 4 years every hour


‘Frequent, dangerous, expensive…’

• Commonest cause adult disability

• Major cause of mortality• £3 -£8 bn annual cost to


TIAs - An opportunity to intervene

Rothwell P et al, Lancet, 2007. 370(9596): p. 1432-42.

TIAs - An opportunity to intervene

Rothwell P et al, Lancet, 2007. 370(9596): p. 1432-42.

Risk factors we can treat

TIA/ Stroke

Risk factors we can treat

Risk factors we can treat

Risk factors we can treat


Risk factors we can treat


Risk factors we can treat



Risk factors we can treat



Risk factors we can treat




Risk factors we can treat




Risk factors we can treat





Risk factors we can treat





Risk factors we can treat






Risk factors we can treat






Risk factors we can treat






What are we studying?

Diagnosis in East Kent TIA clinic

Diagnosis in East Kent TIA clinic

Diagnosis in East Kent TIA clinic

A unique resource

• 365/365 (33%)• Consultant review

(33%)• MRI for all patients

(16%)• 1500 TIA/ minor

stroke patients 2011-13

Cerebral Microbleeds – small vessels, big problems

• Haemosiderin perivascular deposits• 5 % of well population• 30 % of ischaemic stroke• 60 % of haemorrhagic stroke• May present like TIAs

Cerebral Microbleeds – small vessels, big problems

• Haemosiderin perivascular deposits• 5 % of well population• 30 % of ischaemic stroke• 60 % of haemorrhagic stroke• May present like TIAs

CMBs – what East Kent data might tell us

• How common are they in TIA?• How common are the TIA-like episodes?• Should we look for them with MRI?


• Work with UCL research group• Blinded review of East Kent MRs• Correlation with clinical features

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

• Nocturnal hypopnoea, apnoea and hypoxia• Up to 25 % of men affected• Increased risk of cardiovascular disease…• … and stroke?

OSA and Stroke - Correlation or causation?

• Over 60 % of stroke have OSA• Stroke may cause OSA (but TIAs unlikely to…)• Complex relationship of risks

OSA and Stroke in East Kent

• Examine incidence of OSA in East Kent TIAs• Epworth scores and sleep studies• Should we be screening and treating OSA in TIA clinics?

Other ideas?

• Atrial fibrillation?• ABCD of TIA and

Stroke?• Relevance of MRI


Mortality from Stroke is falling…

Thank you

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