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Faculty Excellence Equals Student Success

HCC Center for TLE is a unit of the Department of Teaching & Learning Resources.

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TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teachingfor Student Success

Created and facilitated by

Dr. David E. Diehl

This workshop is required for all Center for TLE programs.

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•To engage in self-reflection concerning your underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, and attitudes about issues related to teaching and learning.

•To consider your educational points-of-view in light of learner-centered teaching strategies and learning methods.


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for Student Success

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Learning Outcomes

•Classify attributes between two major educational paradigms

•Compare and contrast major learning theories

•Synthesize personal thoughts concerning issues of teaching and learning


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Learning Objectives

•Complete and consider the results of philosophies of education and learning styles surveys

•Organize thoughts concerning concepts reviewed respective to teaching approaches and how people learn

•Write personal philosophy of education


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Agenda•Instructional Alignment with HCC Strategic Plan 2008-2011•Pre-workshop Prep Tasks•Getting into context: Awareness of Oneself•Paradigms of Teaching•Philosophy of Education•Major Categories of Educational Philosophies•Important Educational Philosophies•Primary Methods and Styles of Learning•Multiple Intelligences•Higher-order Learning and Thinking Skills/Bloom’s Taxonomy•Models of Teaching•Attributes of Educational Philosophies/Theories Chart•Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice•Educational Strategies That Work•Teaching Strategies That Result in Higher Levels of Learning Retention•What Does Your Learning Environment Look Like?•The Value of a Teacher


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Our vision calls for Houston Community College to become the nation’s most relevant community college by being the institution providing unlimited

opportunity to those we serve. This path will ensure we are essential to our community’s success.

HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

HCC Vision

HCC Mission

Houston Community College is an open-admission, public institution of higher education offering a high-quality, affordable education for academic advancement, workforce

training, career development, and lifelong learning to prepare individuals in our diverse communities for life and work in a global and

technological society.

Instructional Alignment with HCC Strategic Plan 2008-2011

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HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

HCC Values

Freedom: The essence of education is the cultivation of an open environment that promotes a rigorous, untiring life-long pursuit and expression of truth and free exchange of ideas.

Accountability: A responsible individual is committed to doing one’s duty and taking the right actions.

Community-Mindedness: The bonds of our community are care, open communication, cooperation, and shared governance.

Integrity: Personal and community well-being demands a commitment to honesty, mutual respect, fairness, empathy and doing the right thing at all times.

Excellence: Our will and spirit are to achieve the best in teaching, learning, community building, and stewardship.

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Through an exhaustive, highly inclusive strategic planning process which utilized cutting edge research methodologies, the District’s leadership identified six key goals that are the cornerstone of the plan to achieve the vision articulated for HCC.

1. Student Learning

2. Effective Leadership

3. Resource Development and Enhancement

4. Global Perspective

5. Effective Communication

6. Accountability and Strategic Decision-making

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for Student Success

HCC Goals

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This workshop is the core of many faculty development opportunities that seeks to have the greatest impact possible upon student learning.

From HCC Strategic Plan 2008-2011:

“Helping students achieve their fullest potential requires an institution’s commitment to support them in reaching their educational and career goals.

HCC, an Achieving the Dream college, will continue to invest significant time and resources toward improving student learning.

Through innovative methods ofcourse delivery, teaching practices, and support services, our students will progress through their education, career and personal goals as we providethe support leading to student learning.”

HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

HCC Goal: Student Learning

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In working to become the most relevant community college in the country, HCC will provide opportunity for every student we serve, and thus, be essential toour community’s success. As it relates to student success, this intention translates into achieving the following student-related outcomes:

• Helping students succeed through innovative methods of course delivery and teaching practices.

• Supporting students as they progress through their educational programs.

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for Student Success

HCC Student Performance Outcomes

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HCC District faculty development programs are aligned with the two following student learning strategies:

• Support faculty and student programs and activities in pursuit and achievement of teaching and learning excellence.

• Institutionalize the Achieving the Dream strategies to improve rates of student persistence and successful completion of courses and programs.

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HCC Student Learning Strategies

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As HCC works to achieve its vision, the institution utilizes several critical indicators to measure the plan of action and chart progress. Institutional targets are defined on an annual basis in order to report on each of the six goal areas to achieve our vision: student learning, effective leadership, resource development and engagement, global perspective, effective communication, and accountability and strategic decision-making. An indicator for student success specifically related to teaching and learning is student engagement as defined by the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) educational research organization

1. Academic challenge2. Active and collaborative learning3. Faculty-student interaction 4. Support for learning 5. Student effort.

Other indicators (see page 32 of HCC Strategic Plan 2008-2011) are: enrollment, retention rates, transfer rates, and job placement rates. The curriculum for each program sponsored by HCC Center for TLE focuses on preparing faculty to effectively integrate CCSSE’s effective educational practices into a learner-centered teaching environment.

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HCC Measurement: Student Engagement

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1. Complete the Four Families Philosophy Survey, submit yourreplies and print the results. You will interpret the data during the workshop.

2. Complete the Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire, submityour replies and print the results. You will interpret the data during the workshop.

HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

Pre-workshop Prep Tasks:

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 Awareness of OneselfPassage from: The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer

“Teaching, like any truly human activity, emerges from one’s inwardness, for better or worse.

As I teach, I project the conditions of my soul onto my students, my subject, and our way of being together.

The entanglements I experience in the classroom are often no more or no less than the convulsions of my inner life.

Viewed from this angle, teaching holds a mirror to the end of my soul.

If I am willing to look in that mirror and not run from what I see, I have a chance to gain self-knowledge – and knowing myself is as crucial to good teaching

as knowing my students and my subject.

In fact, knowing my students and knowing my subject depends heavily on self-knowledge.

When I do not know myself, I cannot know who my students are. I will see them through a glass - darkly, in the shadows of my own unexamined life; and when I cannot see them clearly,

I cannot teach them well.”15

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The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life

Parker J. Palmer

ISBN: 0-7879-1058-9

HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

Resource Worthy of Your Investment and Time

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READING ASSIGNMENT:From the learning handbook, read section entitled Paradigms of Teaching: Pedagogy and Andragogy on pages 3 – 4.


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Paradigms of Teaching

Pedagogythe “art” and “science” of teaching”

Andragogyadult learning

Review the article Pedagogy + Andragogy, by Marcia L. Conner, found in the Supportive Resources section of this course.


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READING ASSIGNMENT:From the learning handbook, read section entitled Philosophy of Education on pages 4 – 5.


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What is the purpose of an educational philosophy?

The purpose of a philosophy of education (teaching and learning statement) is to:

Guide the educational process

Determine decisions made about curriculum development

Establish an appropriate learning (classroom) environment

Ensure alignment with the curriculum

Provide benchmarks for practice and performance


HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

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Questions to consider when developing a framework for one’s philosophy of education?

What is education?

What is the purpose of education?

What is the role of the student in education?

…teacher in education?

…curriculum in education?

…parents in education?

…community in education?

…technology in education?

How do people learn?

What content and skills should be taught?

How should the content and skills be taught?

How should learning be measured?23

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What is Your Personal Philosophy of Education?

Identify underlying beliefs, values, assumptions, and attitudesabout teaching and learning that causes you to make curriculumdesign decisions related to the:

Learning environment you create for students

Teaching strategies you use to deliver content to students

Learning tasks that you select to engage students

Assessment methods to ensure mastery of content


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Review the PowerPoint, handbook, and supportive resources for this section.

Complete the Check Your Knowledge quiz.

HCC CENTER for TLE TL 1071 – Implementing Learner-centered Teaching

for Student Success

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