

What do they all have in common?

Transports Us

Innocent Times

What Does Your Logo Say About You?

What Are People Saying About You?

Feedback from the community

Lack of knowledge of the Chamber of Commerce.

Unaware of website.

How “C.C” benefit’s the community.

Where’s the Chamber located.

Is a New Logo Really The Answer?

If the logo you had wasn’t effective?

Why would a newer logo be anymore effective?

How would a new/old logo be beneficial to you

&/or your customers?

What's is the real problem?

Case Study: GAP

New Logo: Good or Bad?

Public Opinion:

Heritage was stripped away with re-design:

Public outrage

Think Locally….

…But Act Globally

Abundance of Resource’s

What Do You See In The Looking Glass

Think of the Future:

“We decide what the world will think of you Tomorrow”


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