Page 1: The great depression pressentation


Page 2: The great depression pressentation

Stock market crash

The stock market crash was a event that occurred during the great depression the stock market crash caused banks to close down people to lose there homes and some to starve.

Page 3: The great depression pressentation

Hoover ville

Hoover ville is a small location were people who lost there homes during the great depression went to go live the location was named hoover ville because the people who lost there homes blamed president hoover .

Page 4: The great depression pressentation

Soup kitchens

Soup kitchens were locations where people who couldn’t afford food would go to eat. though when food ran out the people who did have food would share with the people who didn’t get food if they were kind enough .

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The dust bowl

The dust bowl is a event that occurred during the great depression that caused the farmers to move to California because dirt and other things were killing there crops.

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The new deal

The new deal was a idea made by the newest president Franklin D. Roosevelt it was made as the solution of the great depression though it was the solution it took time to be created because problems would keep popping up.

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