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T 1 C 2 M 3 P 4 J 5 C 6 J 7 B 8 B 9 G 10 C 11 J 12 T 13 J 14 1. ACCESS RESILIENT AND ETHICAL FUNDING & INCOME STREAMS I = 11 O = 3 ( ) 1.1 explore the Social Enterprise status re funding, following on from email 1.2 sort out our bank accounts and the legal side 1.3 we need a fundraiser – we should be aware that conventional funding will dry up (5+1) 1.4 establish an income generating potential eg oil vulnerability audits, renting stuff, etc 1.5 open bank account 1.6 cycle trailer hire is possible, fund raising and awareness raising 1.7 try and not be over dependent on money 1.8 use of ethical banking eg Cooperative Bank 1.9 think about money and where it will come from – then get it ……. Sell consultancy services of days like this – share revenues, make it a win-win for all of us Become secure and resilient, manage the risk for us / Economically sustainable

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2. WORKING WITH PARTNERS ON JOINT PROJECTS I = 11 O = 7 ( ) 2.1 we need to get local businesses involved to make sure more needs can be provided locally 2.2 will any local shops buy and sell locally grown food? 2.3 set up organisation 2.4 don’t try to reinvent the wheel, if someone is already doing it, join them or tell people about it 2.5 Eco-Teams could become involved in Transition Towns Be seen to be good at collaborating - Ecoworks / 3. PROMOTE POSITIVITY THROUGH EMPOWERMENT I = 1 O = 17 ( ) 3.1 building on fun – at EVERY event have time for socialising 3.2 have positive quotes and ideas / “be the change you want to see” Gandhi / so we can develop our group culture 3.3 make sure that everything we do is “on message” 3.4 make non-car transport options a piece of information we always put on Transition events 3.5 building on fun – provide cake for meetings, and real coffee 3.6 overcome evil with good – nothing illegal 3.7 come up with “green solutions” for anything we do, eg at TN events we always serve organic food, and Fairtrade tea and coffee, we should be the best example we can be – pens, post-its should be greener 3.8 start a heart and soul group 3.9 build in fun and creativity and relationship building at all meetings and events 3.10 integrate “happiness criteria” into all meetings/ Heart and Soul Group. Power of positive vision and action can make us happy in difficult times 3.11 invite to speak, develop group culture, eg “How …… World problems can make you happy” 3.12 Values = support respect fun community inclusivity creativity celebration personal resilience ethical inetagrity therapeutic open honest etc 3.13 define and agree our values and principles eg open honest

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3.14 buy coloured post-its and coloured pens for our meetings, it ads fun, and helps in other ways 3.15 define a glossary of terms phrases acronyms – all speak the same language , reduces assumptions 3.16 get photographs of key people on the website – adds to visibility, and being approachable 3.17 build fun into our meetings and get togethers 3.18 we must live our principles 3.19 do things that are more environmentally friendly in our own lives 3.20 consume less of everything 3.21 encourage all different kinds of people to become involved in TT eg different races religions ages etc 3.22 make it fun by for example having get togethers / parties within come=unities to help raise awareness and help with the psychological impact – so it is not so serious all the time 3.23 support each other, accept limitations, remember we all have other responsibilities 3.24 incluyde fun and celebration 3.25 think about how Transition techniques could be used in our groups – how touchy feely is appropriate – what about me language, impressions ? 3.26 recogise that we are all vulnerable 3.27 one job – one team 3.28 have discipline to have freedom 3.29 alternative ways to measure indicators of well-being (not GDP Gross Domestic Product) 3.30 define some shared values and beliefs / guiding principles 3.31 we need to avoid burnout 3.32 if we fragment, those who disagree (positively or not) will align with non-active areas close by. Although this movement is bottom up, we need to maintain unity and consistency 3.33 we are allowed to have fun ? compulsory 3.34 not get burnt out – recognise our limitations (as the steering group) 3.35 we must learn to love, respect and trust each other 3.36 recognise that “good enough” principles are sometimes more realistic than “excellence” Embody our values through our behaviours Heart and Soul and Fun – in our meetings etc Sunday Times Rich List to “Happy List” which paper?

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4.ENCOURAGE and ENABLE EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION BETWEEN ALL STEERING GROUPS I = 5 O =11 ( ) 4.1 skill ourselves to run good meetings 4.2 learn more about communication eg NVC 4.3 develop lines of communication and use them 4.4 we need to share knowledge on Transition Process with local groups, so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel 4.5 decide what is for the “village groups” to do / decide, and where the hub fits in (with support) 4.6 develop resources for groups on fund raising etc, offer groups support via a parent bank account 4.7 we must not be too paternalistic to areas, avoid top down, too much like the City Council 4.8A invite the steering group to sub-group meetings and vice versa 4.8B build on existing successes eg Shared Allotments, bike trailers from Centre Parcs (free) – good for high profile bicycle publicity in the H Street 4.9 communication between the hub and other cities / towns and the network 4.10 offer local groups the resource list – DVD’s, template posters, lists of venues, contacts etc 4.11 steering group needs to clarify roles and tasks, so not overloaded, maybe get more onboard Hub – local groups, communication, relationships See also skills / traing – affinity number 19 5. URGENTLY BUILD OUR ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE I = 0 O = 18 ( ) 5.1 identify roles and apportion tasks eg emails, 1 person 2 days per week, another 2 days, another 3 days pw 5.2 become legally incorporated, charity, company etc and all area groups separate legal entities 5.3 form a local representatives group with one rep from each area to share across areas / plus one rep from each working group 5.4 identify skills or resource shortages – who do we need? Are we a balanced group? 5.6 establish the exact amount of time we can each devote, so we do not have unrealistic expectations of ourselves and of each other

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5.7form city wide support working groups, and focus areas. 1 energy 2 food 3 health 4 economy 5 water and sanitation 6 heart and soul 5.8 think about how we do discussions, conversation café ideas can help – from TT w/e 5.9 give people responsibility for particular areas eg food transport etc (Paul’s list) 5.10 get the Nottingham Transition “system” clear eg Hub provides (research, info, films, speakers) and Local Groups provide (eg people, cooperation groups to work on local projects etc) 5.11 be responsible to each other, don’t just leave people in the lurch 5.12 elicit feedback, analyse, then act 5.13 define some specific roles to make sure things happen 5.14 use a living system as an organisation model 5.15 define our structure, put it on the website, and communicate it 5.16 office? Phone? Address? Paid staff? 5.17 how do we avoid becoming bogged down in bureaucracy 5.18 we need to delegate roles 5.19 our steering group should expand , we should recognise someone else could do it better than us 5.20 one person, one job – more responsibility, more accountability 5.21 what job would each of us do? 5.22 get volunteers in post eg an official Chairman, ref 5.23 the 12 steps can all take place in order or in parallel. Would an action plan for each step be useful? 5.24 do we need a list of steering group roles, and who is in each role – for the hub – for the local groups 5.25 Hub vs Local Groups – will there be people in both with too much on? 5.26 get the use of an office, and computer. And phone, 1 day per week etc Would FOE be willing? 5.27 I will download structure / governance details from the primer on the Transition website, and distribute it to people interested in sorting this 5.28 defined roles so that people have responsibilities thay they are happy with and committed to 5.29 Charity – formal and legal. Leads to constitution and the stifling of ideas, not good for bottom up 5.30 details are important – nuts and bolts of organising – vital. We must walk before we can run

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6. CREATE OUR EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION STRATEGY I = 10 O = 4 ( ) 6.1 branding? Do we need recognisable logos, posters, etc (as that is what people are used to) 6.2 logistics – bank account, office space, answering machine, and phone number (for people with no internet) 6.3 use “new media” to get our message across, YOUTUBE, community radio, indymedia etc 6.4 use video conferencing wherever possible to reduce travel miles from speakers – lead by example 6.5 we need a website that keeps people fully updated with what we are doing 6.6 the “FREECONOMY” 6.7 encourage people to write succinct and clear emails 6.8 ensure a free flow of information of practical ideas, so they can cascade throughout the community 6.9 develop a common voice 6.10 communication is the lifeblood of the organisation 6.11 personal contact is important 6.12 we need a LOGO 6.13 sort out the website 6.14 get our page on FACEBOOK 6.15 we need to communicate across cultures ( 6 and 9) 6.16 newsletter – either paper / or electronic / or YOUTUBE 6.17 a role would be to have someone or a group of people that represent us in front of the media and build up links in the media 6.18 create a blog and a facebook account 6.19 think about how we communicate with people who are not on the web 6.20 we must get onto the local media / television, radio et al 6.21 we must transform the content in the local print and broadcast media to reflect our agenda Publicity PR Media / creative message / public face / identity – “brand” 7. DEVELOP PROJECTS & A SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THEM I = 11 O = 6 ( ) 7.1 Community Association does equipment sharing, we could adopt their system, learn from them

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7.2 find a local source of charcoal so we can still have barbecues 7.3 use less energy, develop ways for people to use less energy 7.4 provide information and sources of help for peole to learn to grow their own food 7.5 bikes able to go on public transport 7.6 design Nottingham wide integrated transport 7.7 availability of sufficient clean water 7.8 projects for recycling urban and country wastes ?? 7.9 perhaps we should have free at the point of use public transport 7.10 bicycle paths should be extended and away from main roads, a complete network of paths 7.11 bicycles should be available free for all to use 7.12 strengthen technology to prevent use of fuel 7.13 we need to encourage travel by bus, bike, walking, tram, train etc 7.14 increase energy efficiency in the home and conserve energy eg insulation 7.15 buy products and services that are produced locally 7.16 to grow more of our food ourselves organically and with consideration of permaculture 7.17 look into bulk buying of solar panels and other types of technology that are renewable or use less energy 7,18 encourage decentralized energy systems 7.19 we need to foster biomass production and biochar 7.20 we must turn the University Park into a permaculture park 7..21 we must find new cultivation areas at no rent or very low rent 7.22 we must organise the recycling of city urine into city cultivation 7.23 get cycle trailers, like 7.24 guerilla (?) grafting – is this possible? 7.25 working groups to come up with city wide projects in …… area 7,26 build a library of appropriate post-oill literature and get libraries to stock appropriate books (and compile a list of books) 7.27 have some “community action days” eg getting together to plant some tres or whatever 7.28 organise the rental of bikes and bike trailers etc 7.29 as we collect bew ideas for projects we need a central list of ideas, pls which projects are already “in

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development”, where and by whom? 7.30 City treess should be edible, and we should set up a grafting project 7.31 walled garden, garden – how to take advantage of opportunities 7.32 community compost projects 7.33 having a list of projects to share ideas and encourage them to start 7.34 register projects in a benefits ledger of projects, how many started this month, how many delivered / closed 7.35 develop a FLAGSHIP PROJECT with City Council 7.36 equipment sharing eg homebrew equipment, long ladders etc 7.37 form local neighbourhood health service groups 7.38 work out how much food to feed Nottingham, how much available land there is, is there enough land? What else can we do to generate food eg nut trees in road, intensive growing in gardens, containers in disused car parks 7.39 skills trading, I do a day of PC re-build, my friend builds me a barbecue etc 7.40 to devise a resources list / people / support to smaller “villages” and “villages” just starting, maybe separate from this steering group. This Steering Group cannot do the above, and do the city wide overall stuff eg a Nottingham Energy Descent Plan – all at the same timein one meeting per fortnight etc Resource bank Research projects too in this section or just in affinity 10 (which is more strategic)? 8. CLARIFY OUR VISION I - 4 O = 14 ( ) 8.1 we need a 3 year plan for strategy – 2012 is in 3 years – only 12 quarters 8.2 run city wide schools competition for a vision and a description of a post oil world 8.3 run city wide competition for artists and graphic designers to draw Nottingham 2020 – post oil 8.4we are not in to Direct Action (combative), positive direct action OK, building solutions, not attracting enemies 8.5 we must stop the world wide trade of unnecessary goods 8.6 we need to curb population growth, at local national and at world levels 8.7 we must stop making money from arms 8.8 we must stop war, costly arms into ploughs (?)

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8.9 do we share a vision ? 8.10 focus on the positive 8.11 learn from our mistakes and successes 8.12 the processes should reflect processes in living systems 8.13 be creative rather than destructive or oppositional 8.14 stress the positive 8.15 develop position statements – so we know what we think

8.16 aim for Excellence 8.17 present a positive vision of the future – offer a real alternative lifestyle

8.18 when I go home this evening – my wife is going to say “so what are YOU going to do?

8.19 our aim is not to have a need for

Get the steering group to draw some rich pictures and articulate their feelings etc 9. RAISING AWARENESS OF FOR ALL I = 7 O = 11 ( ) 9.1 need a way of describing what a transition town might look like, feel like, and be like, to live in so that people can imagine it 9.2 invite other people that we know along to transition town meetings to raise awareness 9.3 have people that are trained to asses how environmentally friendly businesses are, and how they can improve, and have a way of rating it, so that the public are made aware 9.4 links from other websites to the transition town Notts website to raise awareness 9.5 create a website for and maybe for the towns within Notts 9.6 workshops that will help people “out-there” to get them interested and involved 9.7 how do we engage the least interested people? Or do we just get on, and let it grow naturally 9.8 how can we make the most of existing practical projects, and support new ones? (practical activity really helps awareness raising and gets over any suggestions of a “talking shop”) 9.9 have some really imaginative ways of engaging people to get a high proportion of the community involved – get a list compiled of who we should aim for

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9.10 we need a timetable of events / activites (including local groups) – and what’s the best place to publicise it 9.11 the principal hindrance to progressing our vision will be the indifference and the apathy of those in denial of the situation. We have to find ways of bringing those people out of denial 9.12 I want us to promote vigorously an awareness of the problem – oil shortage, CO2 levels, re-cycling. Apart from friends few seem to be aware. My work colleagues are more interested in their Facebook activities 9.13 we must engender public awareness, ie decorated shirts etc 9.14 it is important to emphasise care of the environment both at school and at university etc 9.15 mini-carnival conscious raising event on the market square 9.16 recognise that no one is indispensable 9.17 we should be sensitive to where others are coming from – listen first 9.18 communicate in a way appropriate to a mass audience – “Sun readers”, Daily Mail readers, ESOL, businesses, ?? primer downloads?? 10. INITIATE and ACCESS RESEARCH I = 6 O = 10 ( ) 10.1 identify essential resources unavailable within may need to work with other TT’s (or outside areas) to trade and to exchange 10.2 identify city infrastructure as opposed to area or local infrastructure 10.3 be clear on - max renewables, max food, - at what fuel, electricity, food, oil, PRICE, would you grow your own 10.4 keep the research going, and share the information openly 10.5 visit Bristol and Leicester (other cities?) – what is happening to cities event? 10.6 approach experts to generate practical and affordable solutions for the micro-generation of energy so making the switch is easy for people to make 10.7 some research at Universities, some at other organisations, some by individuals 10.8 think about land use and land availability 10.9 think about relationships with big corporations 10.10 a way of measuring an improvement in an area / town within Notts. This will involve research to assess the current situation and we will need consider what we will measure and how

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10.11 researcher needed for current isues and to disemminate the information 10.12 University projects need to be useful eg renewables and not racing cars Get funding to kick start the research, make it practical and action focussed Qualitative and quantitative 11. URGENTLY EVALUATE OUR PROGRESS NOW I = 3 O = 9 ( ) 11.1 set achievable deadlines for particular actions – and stick to them 11.2 energy audits for groups, schools, churches, etc (community check) 11.3 do an audit of what resources we have at the moment 11.4 have we made sustainable (happy)? Measures 11.5 what is the reality of as a transition town? What % of goods sold has come from within 20 miles? When we say we have what % will there be? What is the level to become a reality? 11.6 decide on our measures of success 11.7 milestones and targets, outcomes, in our 3 year plan – what is success? 11.8 general Happiness Index 11.9 Audit ourselves (not just money, actions, communications etc) 11.10 can we decide on some measurable points to get to? Eg x000 people growing some food or x% of produced from renewables Audit phase / measurement of the past Design measures for the future 12. COLLECT IDEAS on OUR ENERGY DESCENT PLAN I = 13 O = 1 ( ) 12.1 how do we agree on a Vision? EDAP? 12.2 an Energy Descent Action Plan format should be VISUAL – not a wordy document, and adpatable to feedback 12.3 energy descent programme for 12 months and also for 12 years

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12.4 we must accept other energies than fossil fuels 12.5 what is not local now? Not only food we need. Clothes shelter warmth shelter water sewage disposal, education, health, even holidays, Write the energy descent plan Start to deliver against the energy descent plan 13. COLLECT IDEAS on SOCIAL COHESION during the I = 9 O = 6 ( ) 13.1 we must prevent city trees & biomass being cut down as fuel prices rise 13.2 we must have a way of policing / protecting cultivated areas from crop theft 13.3 we must engage with the skills and the cultures of minority groups 13.4 we must have strategies to avoid scapegoating and to promote social cohesion 13.4 think about ways to promote community eg ways for people to meet each other, ways for people to work together, small scale community events 13.5 promote inter-generational links so that we become friendly with people of different ages 13.6 think about how to get everybody on board, including the less committed, the scoffers, and the dangerous 13.7 we should think how to allocate fossil fuels to those with the real need eg elderly etc and plan alternatives, not everyone can use bicycles 13.8 supporting poorer areas eg 13.9 involve all ages and all ethnic groups (segment the market) 13.10 staggered groups – need for social cohesion, do you want your aa to be the first to switch off street lights at night? 13.11 include all groups eg old people, vulnerable people, diabetics etc Start to address the social cohesion issues – see projects / see values and principles etc Turn it into action ASAP 14. DEVELOP INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS IN THE HUB (for central steering group) I = 2 O =16 ( ) 14.1 how will we communicate if we can’t pay the electricity bill and plug in the computer

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14.2 have a forum for ideas, so email can be used to communicate the nuts and bolts 14.3 don’t assume people know the person that you are talking about 14.4 tell everyone else if you’re going to do it 14.5 organised structured events, shared resources, online shared workspace, do we need a remote server or to use a password access to the workspace? 14.6 online list of projects and key contacts and progress from all areas – a city wide site 14.7 style ID – skype in number, skype out number, voicemail 14.8 communication is the lifeblood of the organisation 14.9 we shouldn’t assume someone else is doing it 14.10 what do we want from the website 14.11 identify and deal with critical bottlenecks / influencers eg 14.12 regular meetings with minutes and with follow up 14.13 resilience / backup plans or information shared (in the event of electricity / web problems) 1 need to capture requirements re website, Survey local groups, see what they would like 2 collate these into features, then 3 plan what will be built first, phases, dates, 4 ongoing reviews, user testing, fit for purpose, future proof ?? look other research suitable software Arrange a specific web meeting with key people 15. DEVELOP A PROACTIVE PLAN of ENGAGEMENT I = 9 O = 8 ( ) 15.1 say hello to your next door neighbour 15.2 engage with established groups like the WI Women’s Institute / Scouts etc 15.3 coordinate with existing urban market gardeners 15.4 encourage local shops to be local 15.5 establish a dating agency for gardeners without gardens 15.6 visit Bristol

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15.7 develop a common voice, not individuals with an axe to grind, more clout with decision makers, designated spokespeople – so they are on message 15.8 ways of preventing the waste of public money on post-oil “white elephants” 15.9 how do we respond to wasteful projects eg shopping centre developments? Do we just ignore it and carry on with our positive vision? 15.10 engage students and staff from both universities and from colleges 15.11 make a systematic survey of the key local political / governmental people that we need to get on board, and plan who is going to “cultivate” them, the most interested ones first 15.12 list contacts in all local organic and other food outlets eg Natural Food companies, organic farms etc 15.13 contact the local and national government so that they know what we are doing in 15.14 talk at schools, and clubs etc, about what is about 15.15 improve links to the City 15.16 an important task of the hub is to remove blocks eg talking to Councils, or whoever is able to do this 15.17 liaison with the Government (national/local), established organisations (Scouts, WI), new groupings eg local shops Network with organisations / Local Government etc 16. COLLECT IDEAS on PUBLIC HEALTH during the TRANSITION I = 9 O = 5 ( ) 16.1 we must have plans for community care of people currently treated in hospitals 16.2 we must include vulnerable people in the transformation, otherwise we will have a public health crisis 16.3 waste and sewage 16.4 living without pills Not just collect ideas, but then start to address them 17. COLLECT IDEAS re ALLOCATION PROCESS of RESOURCES I = 12 O = 2 ( ) 17.1 we need projects which allow pooling of resources like libraries 17.2 we must turn schools and colleges into resource centres of relevant skills and knowledge

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17.3 we need a coherent policy for ? neighbourhood ?/ organic and green wastes 17.4 we must have a way of guiding / advising unemployed people how to cope 17.5 build “Transition Indicators” 17.6 we need a way of concenyrating city financial resources on big projects 17.7 engage with, and build relationships with local businesses 17.8 we will need a city wide exchange and / or currency strategy 17.9 organise to have the equivalent of the for towns in 17.10 work with organisations / businesses / peoplke / to model their finances if oil / electricity etc costs 2x 3x 4x the present costs 17.11 land at no rent / low rental Local and national economics / mobilisation of resources / plan Start to run the process 18. CELEBRATE THE I = 12 O = 0 18.1 bang the drum, and have a big party Deliver the unleashing event, then hold it Involve the media Involve other Transition Towns / Vilages etc / and “mullers” – people thinking it over 19. FACILITATE THE GREAT RE-SKILLING I = 15 O = 0 ( ) 19.1 pick the brains of 19.2 plan a skilling up for the power down, maybe a central one initially at central location 19.3 skill ourselves up, get some training from on offer is 2d for core group, 1 day for learning to be a speaker, Leadership in Transition 2 days – ask them to come to Nottingham? Or I have the dates 19.4 list our skills so we know what we have in our pool, plug any gaps, first within steering group, then in TN

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19.5 train people in making meetings work 19.6 develop inter-personal skills within – conflict resolution, non violent communicastion, and later on ofer them to the community 19.7 Transition Academy (virtual or bricks and mortar?) 19.8 kick start an Energy Audit Company 19.9 facilitate and organise training – practical and personal / encourage oil vulnerability audits 19.10 deepen knowledge and skills of energy accounting 19.11 offer energy vulnerability audit training to large organisations 19.12 we must train people in how to use work animals 19.13 educate the steering group to make sure that we all know exactly what we are talking about – so we can then teach others 19.14 reskilling workshops across the City 19.15 basic cookery lessons 19.16 train ourselves in permaculture 19.17 create lots of skills sharing opportunities 19.18 practical skills – science for transition / resource packs for groups 19.19 we need to make lots of training courses available

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