
group of companies

The Islamic Year 1435

The Malay-Indonesian archipelago refers to a group of over

25,000 islands flanked by south-eastern Asia and Australia.

Situated between the Indian and Pacific oceans, it is the

world’s biggest archipelago and spans an area of nearly 3 million

square kilometres.

Major islands are Java, Borneo, Luzon, Mindanao, New Guinea,

Sulawesi and Sumatra. Some of the nation states within the archipelago

are Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines.

Historians believe that parts of the archipelago were joined to the

Asian mainland in the Pleistocene era over 2 million years ago, and

that the island chain was formed by rising sea levels from the melt of

the ice-age.

Tectonic uplifts

Geologically, the Malay-Indonesian archipelago represents one of

the most unstable regions in the world. Tectonic uplifts have created

mountains in places such as Puncak Jaya in Papua that rise over 5,000


Massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions plague the area. The

1883 eruption of Krakatoa, for example, was the loudest explosion

recorded in history, being heard over 4,000 kilometres away. It created

a volcanic winter that lowered world temperatures for five years.

In 2004 a massive undersea earthquake, a tectonic mega-thrust

measuring nine on the Richter scale – said to have unleashed

energy equivalent to 23 Hiroshima-type atomic bombs – created a

tsunami that wiped out 150,000 lives in 11 countries.The first known

humanoid species in the region was the 700,000 year-old Java Man.

On the island of Flores another species, the Flores Man, shared turf

with homo-sapiens (who arrived in the archipelago 42,000 years

ago). The Flores Man was only about one metre tall, but became

extinct before the modern era.

Today over 350 million live in the region, and the most populated

island is Java with 130 million people. The earliest inhabitants of the

region have been called Austronesian, and are the Papuans, who

60,000 years ago moved eastwards towards Australia and New


The ancestors of the modern Malayu-Polynesian groups, who

comprise the majority of today’s population, migrated into the

archipelago from Asia. Archaeological evidence reveals that these

people had advanced seafaring skills as far back as 42,000 years.

This enabled them to reach Australia and in later years (2,000 BCE),

Madagascar and the east coast of Africa.

By 8,000 BCE the region was cultivating rice and building stone

monoliths, stepped pyramids and megaliths. In 2,000 BCE it was

using ceremonial brass drums brought to the archipelago by the

Vietnamese Dong Son, also renowned for their seamanship in dug-

out canoes.

First Muslims arrived 7th century

Whilst the archipelago had been animist, honouring the spirits of

nature and the dead, it embraced Hinduism in the first century CE.

Buddhism later made inroads too, and by the 7th century the first

Muslims had arrived.

Malay-Indonesia and Local Community Roots

In April 1994 South African Muslims celebrated their roots in the Malay-Indonesia

archipelago and Africa by celebrating 300 years of Islam at the Cape, and the

contribution of Shaikh Yusuf of Makasar, by marching through the streets of Cape

Town as free citizens for the first time in history.

There is much speculation about exactly when Islam spread to the

archipelago, but there is evidence that prophetic Companions and

traders arrived shortly after the death of the Prophet Muhammad

(SAW). The Cham of Cambodia, for example, trace their origins back

to the house of Jahsh, the family of Zainab, a wife of the Prophet


Some scholars believe that Islam was introduced to the Sumatran

coast by Arab traders in 674 CE. The Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad

had knowledge of the archipelago and Ibn Battuta, the famous North

African traveller, passed by in 1347 CE, noting that the madh-hab or

school of thought in the region was Shafi’i.

The story of Islam in the archipelago is one of gradual assimilation, of

people mixing and marrying, up until the 15th and 16th centuries –

and the portentous arrival of the Portuguese and the Dutch looking

for spices such as nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon.

The Islamic influences are wide, ranging from Gujarat in India to

Hadramaut in Yemen. Many Hadrami Sayyids (descendants of the

Prophet) travelled to the archipelago for trade, and added richly to

the local culture. Historians say that Islam spread at a leisurely pace

throughout the region as far as the Philippines.

It is not often acknowledged that Islam spread peacefully in what

became known to the colonialists as the “East Indies”. Today there are

nearly 300 million Muslims in the region with Indonesia, the biggest

Muslim country in the world, boasting 250 million people. Indonesia

has the largest Hajj quota - 250, 000 pilgrims travel to Makkah each

Hajj season.

When the Dutch arrived to colonise the East Indies in the 16th century,

they met with stiff opposition from the various Sultanates. The great

Sufi and scholar, Shaikh Yusuf of Makasar, became one of the most

famous resistance fighters in the region, and was exiled to the Cape

in 1694.

Scared to rile the restless population if they executed the political

and religious leadership, the Dutch embarked on a policy of exile to

the Cape of Good Hope. Consequently, some of the region’s finest

scholars were banished to Cape Town.

And whilst less than 20% of the slaves sent to the Cape Colony were

Malayu-Indonesian, their contribution was highly influential. Firstly,

Malayu was the lingua-franca of the region and was how the slaves

communicated, and secondly, the religious teachers – many of whom

were Sufi Shaikhs – had the skills to keep the religion alive.

Cape Town

In places such as South America and the USA, where many of the first

generation slaves were Muslim, the Deen faded because of the lack

of teachers. Yet in Cape Town, where slave owners also encouraged

their slaves not to Christianise, Islam flourished and underwent the

same assimilative process as it did in the East Indies until the mid

1800’s when a census revealed the city was over one-third Muslim.

In 1994 South Africa celebrated 300 years of Islam at the Cape, and

only after three centuries of isolation did ties between the Malay-

Indonesian and South African communities become re-established.

Concept, research and editing: Shafiq Morton

Admin and production: Soraya Sonday and Sumaya Sonday

Salah times: Muslim Judicial Council, Cape Town

DTP: Allegro Design Studio

Photographs: and Shafiq Morton

Note: Lunar phases are calculated and Wembley cannot be

held responsible for any changes that might occur.

© Copyright is reserved by the Wembley Group of Companies




WEMBLEY CENTRE, 21 BELGRAVIA ROAD, ATHLONE, 7764, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICATel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website:


“Malay” is a term coined by the 19th century naturalist, Alfred Wallace.

However, “Melayu” was an ancient kingdom located at the mouth of

the Batang Hiri River in Sumatra. The word features in ancient Indian and

Chinese texts. The word was found inscribed on a statue in 1286 CE at the

mouth of the Batang Hiri.

During apartheid “Malay” was used as racial category and was not a

popular concept of identity. Since 1994 this perception has changed and

the common idea now that “Malay” refers to “Muslim” in the nationalistic

sense has taken root.

The two countries that dominate the Malay- Islamic landscape are Malaysia

and Indonesia, the pictorial subjects of this calendar.

In an image so reminiscent of the slave era in Cape Town, an Indonesian farmer at Ubud in Bali carries his baskets to the rice harvest.

Lunar Nov Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 5 Tues 4:18 5:42 6:02 12:30 12:33 16:12 17:19 19:20 20:36

2 6 Wed 4:17 5:41 6:01 12:30 12:33 16:13 17:19 19:21 20:37

3 7 Thurs 4:16 5:40 6:00 12:30 12:33 16:13 17:20 19:22 20:38

4 8 Fri 4:15 5:40 6:00 12:30 12:33 16:13 17:20 19:23 20:39

5 9 Sat 4:13 5:39 5:59 12:30 12:33 16:13 17:21 19:24 20:41

6 10 Sun 4:12 5:38 5:58 12:30 12:33 16:14 17:21 19:25 20:42

7 11 Mon 4:11 5:37 5:57 12:30 12:33 16:14 17:22 19:26 20:43

8 12 Tues 4:10 5:36 5:56 12:30 12:33 16:14 17:22 19:27 20:44

9 13 Wed 4:09 5:36 5:56 12:30 12:33 16:14 17:23 19:28 20:45

10 14 Thurs 4:08 5:35 5:55 12:31 12:34 16:14 17:24 19:29 20:47

11 15 Fri 4:07 5:34 5:54 12:31 12:34 16:15 17:24 19:30 20:48

12 16 Sat 4:07 5:34 5:54 12:31 12:34 16:15 17:25 19:31 20:49

13 17 Sun 4:06 5:33 5:53 12:31 12:34 16:15 17:25 19:32 20:50

14 18 Mon 4:05 5:33 5:53 12:31 12:34 16:16 17:26 19:33 20:52

15 19 Tues 4:04 5:32 5:52 12:31 12:34 16:16 17:26 19:34 20:53

16 20 Wed 4:03 5:32 5:52 12:32 12:35 16:16 17:27 19:35 20:54

17 21 Thurs 4:02 5:31 5:51 12:32 12:35 16:16 17:28 19:36 20:55

18 22 Fri 4:02 5:31 5:51 12:32 12:35 16:17 17:28 19:37 20:57

19 23 Sat 4:01 5:30 5:50 12:32 12:35 16:17 17:29 19:38 20:58

20 24 Sun 4:00 5:30 5:50 12:33 12:36 16:17 17:29 19:38 20:59

21 25 Mon 4:00 5:30 5:50 12:33 12:36 16:18 17:30 19:39 21:00

22 26 Tues 3:59 5:29 5:49 12:33 12:36 16:18 17:31 19:40 21:01

23 27 Wed 3:58 5:29 5:49 12:34 12:37 16:18 17:31 19:41 21:02

24 28 Thurs 3:58 5:29 5:49 12:34 12:37 16:19 17:32 19:42 21:04

25 29 Fri 3:57 5:29 5:49 12:34 12:37 16:19 17:32 19:43 21:05

26 30 Sat 3:57 5:28 5:48 12:35 12:38 16:20 17:33 19:44 21:06

27 Dec Sun 3:57 5:28 5:48 12:35 12:38 16:20 17:34 19:45 21:07

28 2 Mon 3:56 5:28 5:48 12:35 12:38 16:20 17:34 19:46 21:08

29 3 Tues 3:56 5:28 5:48 12:36 12:39 16:21 17:35 19:47 21:09

30 4 Wed 3:56 5:28 5:48 12:36 12:39 16:21 17:35 19:48 21:10



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

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16 mins earlier

Muharram 1435

Significance of Muharram

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

November/December 2013

“Muharram” lexically means “forbidden”, and is one of the four Holy Months during which fighting has been forbidden by Allah.

1 Muharram – Islamic New Year 1435.

9 Muharram – Lailut ul-‘Ashura (after Maghrib).

10 Muharram – Martyrdom of Imam Hussain (ra); escape of Bani Isra’il with Nabi Musa (as) from Fir ’aun in Egypt; the day which Adam (as) was created; the day Nabi Nuh’s (as) ark settles; the day when Prophets Musa (as) and ‘Isa (as) were born.

Born02:22 hrs (SA Standard Time) 3 December

Age at sunset17.5 hrs

Possible sighting 4 December

Time to sight moon after sunset4 December - 90 mins lag @ 41 hrs old

“Verily over you (are appointed Angels)

to protect you…” Surat ul-Infitar,

verse 11.

Lamb kebab - A Wembley Product

MUHARRAM 14355 November - 4 December 2013

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Cape Town’s slave forbears were uprooted from a tropical paradise to be sent to the less temperate zones of South Africa. Islam was brought to these islands by Yemeni traders in the 16th century.

Lunar Dec Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 5 Thurs 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:37 12:40 16:22 17:36 19:48 21:11

2 6 Fri 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:37 12:40 16:22 17:37 19:49 21:12

3 7 Sat 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:37 12:40 16:22 17:37 19:50 21:13

4 8 Sun 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:38 12:41 16:23 17:38 19:51 21:14

5 9 Mon 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:38 12:41 16:23 17:38 19:52 21:15

6 10 Tues 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:39 12:42 16:24 17:39 19:52 21:16

7 11 Wed 3:55 5:28 5:48 12:39 12:42 16:24 17:39 19:53 21:17

8 12 Thurs 3:55 5:29 5:49 12:40 12:43 16:25 17:40 19:54 21:18

9 13 Fri 3:55 5:29 5:49 12:40 12:43 16:25 17:41 19:55 21:19

10 14 Sat 3:55 5:29 5:49 12:41 12:44 16:26 17:41 19:55 21:19

11 15 Sun 3:55 5:29 5:49 12:41 12:44 16:26 17:42 19:56 21:20

12 16 Mon 3:56 5:30 5:50 12:42 12:45 16:27 17:42 19:57 21:21

13 17 Tues 3:56 5:30 5:50 12:42 12:45 16:27 17:43 19:57 21:22

14 18 Wed 3:56 5:30 5:50 12:43 12:46 16:28 17:43 19:58 21:22

15 19 Thurs 3:57 5:31 5:51 12:43 12:46 16:28 17:44 19:58 21:23

16 20 Fri 3:57 5:31 5:51 12:44 12:47 16:29 17:44 19:59 21:23

17 21 Sat 3:57 5:32 5:52 12:44 12:47 16:29 17:45 19:59 21:24

18 22 Sun 3:58 5:32 5:52 12:45 12:48 16:30 17:45 20:00 21:25

19 23 Mon 3:58 5:33 5:53 12:45 12:48 16:30 17:46 20:00 21:25

20 24 Tues 3:59 5:33 5:53 12:46 12:49 16:31 17:46 20:01 21:25

21 25 Wed 4:00 5:34 5:54 12:46 12:49 16:31 17:47 20:01 21:26

22 26 Thurs 4:00 5:34 5:54 12:47 12:50 16:32 17:47 20:02 21:26

23 27 Fri 4:01 5:35 5:55 12:47 12:50 16:32 17:48 20:02 21:26

24 28 Sat 4:02 5:36 5:56 12:47 12:50 16:33 17:48 20:02 21:27

25 29 Sun 4:02 5:36 5:56 12:48 12:51 16:33 17:49 20:03 21:27

26 30 Mon 4:03 5:37 5:57 12:48 12:51 16:34 17:49 20:03 21:27

27 31 Tues 4:04 5:38 5:58 12:49 12:52 16:34 17:49 20:03 21:27

28 Jan Wed 4:05 5:39 5:59 12:50 12:53 16:35 17:50 20:04 21:27

29 2 Thurs 4:06 5:39 5:59 12:50 12:53 16:35 17:50 20:04 21:28



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3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Safar 1435Significance of Safar

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

December 2013/January 2014

“Safar” means “empty” or “yellow”, and is the month when the Qisas al-Anbiya’ says great tribulations befell the Prophets, may Allah bless them all.

1 Safar – Adam (as) was sent to earth with Hawwa; Habil (son of Adam) was murdered by Kabil; Ibrahim (as) was put into Nimrud’s fire; Ayyub (as) was afflicted with disease.

20 Safar – Passing of Imam Hasan (ra), grandson of the Prophet (SAW).

27 Safar – Prophet’s (SAW) Hijrah from Makkah to Madinah with Sayyidina Abu Bakr, father of A’isha, begins in 622 CE; also passing away of Salahuddin Ayyubi, liberator of Jerusalem in 1187 CE.

Born21:44 hrs (SA Standard Time) 1 January

Age at sunset7 hrs

Possible sighting2 January

Time to sight moon after sunset2 January – 45 mins lag @ 31 hrs

“Nay, man will (but) give evidence against

himself…” Surat-ul Qiyamat, verse 14.

SAFAR 14355 December 2013 - 2 January 2014

Date squares - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

The Al-Mashun grand Mosque in Medan, Sumatra’s capital. Sumatra is the second biggest island in the archipelago. The mosque was completed in 1906.

Lunar Jan Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 3 Fri 4:07 5:40 6:00 12:50 12:53 16:36 17:51 20:04 21:28

2 4 Sat 4:08 5:41 6:01 12:51 12:54 16:36 17:51 20:04 21:27

3 5 Sun 4:09 5:42 6:02 12:51 12:54 16:36 17:51 20:04 21:27

4 6 Mon 4:10 5:43 6:03 12:52 12:55 16:37 17:51 20:04 21:27

5 7 Tues 4:11 5:43 6:03 12:52 12:55 16:37 17:52 20:04 21:27

6 8 Wed 4:12 5:44 6:04 12:53 12:56 16:38 17:52 20:04 21:27

7 9 Thurs 4:13 5:45 6:05 12:53 12:56 16:38 17:52 20:04 21:27

8 10 Fri 4:14 5:46 6:06 12:54 12:57 16:38 17:52 20:04 21:26

9 11 Sat 4:15 5:47 6:07 12:54 12:57 16:39 17:53 20:04 21:26

10 12 Sun 4:16 5:48 6:08 12:54 12:57 16:39 17:53 20:04 21:26

11 13 Mon 4:18 5:49 6:09 12:55 12:58 16:40 17:53 20:04 21:25

12 14 Tues 4:19 5:50 6:10 12:55 12:58 16:40 17:53 20:04 21:25

13 15 Wed 4:20 5:51 6:11 12:55 12:58 16:40 17:53 20:03 21:25

14 16 Thurs 4:21 5:52 6:12 12:56 12:59 16:41 17:53 20:03 21:24

15 17 Fri 4:22 5:53 6:13 12:56 12:59 16:41 17:53 20:03 21:24

16 18 Sat 4:24 5:53 6:13 12:56 12:59 16:41 17:53 20:02 21:23

17 19 Sun 4:25 5:54 6:14 12:57 13:00 16:41 17:53 20:02 21:22

18 20 Mon 4:26 5:55 6:15 12:57 13:00 16:42 17:53 20:02 21:22

19 21 Tues 4:28 5:56 6:16 12:57 13:00 16:42 17:53 20:01 21:21

20 22 Wed 4:29 5:57 6:17 12:58 13:01 16:42 17:53 20:01 21:20

21 23 Thurs 4:30 5:58 6:18 12:58 13:01 16:42 17:53 20:00 21:20

22 24 Fri 4:31 5:59 6:19 12:58 13:01 16:43 17:53 20:00 21:19

23 25 Sat 4:33 6:00 6:20 12:58 13:01 16:43 17:53 19:59 21:18

24 26 Sun 4:34 6:01 6:21 12:59 13:02 16:43 17:53 19:59 21:17

25 27 Mon 4:35 6:02 6:22 12:59 13:02 16:43 17:52 19:58 21:16

26 28 Tues 4:37 6:03 6:23 12:59 13:02 16:43 17:52 19:58 21:16

27 29 Wed 4:38 6:04 6:24 12:59 13:02 16:43 17:52 19:57 21:15

28 30 Thurs 4:39 6:05 6:25 12:59 13:02 16:43 17:52 19:56 21:14

29 31 Fri 4:41 6:06 6:26 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:51 19:56 21:13

30 Feb Sat 4:42 6:07 6:27 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:51 19:55 21:12



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3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Rabi ul-Awwal 1435

Significance of Rabi ul-Awwal

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

January/February 2014

The phrase means “the first spring”, and in this month is the blessed birth date of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him.

8 Rabi ul-Awwal – Prophet Muhammad (SAW) arrives in Quba on Hijrah in 622 CE.

11 Rabi ul-Awwal – Milad un-Nabi (after Maghrib), traditional celebration of the Prophet’s birthday.

12 Rabi ul-Awwal – Birthday of the Prophet (SAW) and his mother, Aminah, sees a great light entering the world; Prophet finally arrives in Madinah after staying in Quba with Ayyub Ansari (ra) for three days.

Born09:20 hrs (SA Standard Time) 31 January

Age at sunset20 hrs @ 13 mins lag

Possible sighting1 February

Time to sight moon after sunset1 February – 56 mins lag @ 44 hrs

“On this day the Believers will laugh at the

unbelievers…” Surat ul-Tatfif,

verse 34.

RABI-UL-AWWAL 1435 3 January - 1 February 2014

Fresh fruit and vegetables - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Many islands in the archipelago are volcanic. The peaceful scene belies the fact that the Bromo volcano erupted in 2011.

Lunar Feb Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 2 Sun 4:43 6:08 6:28 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:51 19:54 21:11

2 3 Mon 4:44 6:09 6:29 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:50 19:53 21:10

3 4 Tues 4:46 6:10 6:30 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:50 19:53 21:09

4 5 Wed 4:47 6:11 6:31 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:50 19:52 21:08

5 6 Thurs 4:48 6:12 6:32 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:49 19:51 21:06

6 7 Fri 4:50 6:13 6:33 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:49 19:50 21:05

7 8 Sat 4:51 6:14 6:34 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:48 19:49 21:04

8 9 Sun 4:52 6:15 6:35 13:00 13:03 16:43 17:48 19:48 21:03

9 10 Mon 4:53 6:16 6:36 13:00 13:03 16:42 17:47 19:47 21:02

10 11 Tues 4:55 6:17 6:37 13:00 13:03 16:42 17:47 19:46 21:01

11 12 Wed 4:56 6:18 6:38 13:00 13:03 16:42 17:46 19:45 20:59

12 13 Thurs 4:57 6:19 6:39 13:00 13:03 16:42 17:46 19:44 20:58

13 14 Fri 4:58 6:20 6:40 13:00 13:03 16:42 17:45 19:43 20:57

14 15 Sat 5:00 6:21 6:41 13:00 13:03 16:41 17:44 19:42 20:56

15 16 Sun 5:01 6:22 6:42 13:00 13:03 16:41 17:44 19:41 20:54

16 17 Mon 5:02 6:23 6:43 13:00 13:03 16:41 17:43 19:40 20:53

17 18 Tues 5:03 6:24 6:44 13:00 13:03 16:40 17:42 19:39 20:52

18 19 Wed 5:04 6:25 6:45 13:00 13:03 16:40 17:42 19:38 20:50

19 20 Thurs 5:05 6:26 6:46 13:00 13:03 16:39 17:41 19:37 20:49

20 21 Fri 5:07 6:27 6:47 13:00 13:03 16:39 17:40 19:36 20:48

21 22 Sat 5:08 6:28 6:48 13:00 13:03 16:39 17:39 19:35 20:46

22 23 Sun 5:09 6:28 6:48 13:00 13:03 16:38 17:39 19:34 20:45

23 24 Mon 5:10 6:29 6:49 12:59 13:02 16:38 17:38 19:32 20:44

24 25 Tues 5:11 6:30 6:50 12:59 13:02 16:37 17:37 19:31 20:42

25 26 Wed 5:12 6:31 6:51 12:59 13:02 16:37 17:36 19:30 20:41

26 27 Thurs 5:13 6:32 6:52 12:59 13:02 16:36 17:35 19:29 20:40

27 28 Fri 5:14 6:33 6:53 12:59 13:02 16:36 17:35 19:28 20:38

28 Mar Sat 5:15 6:34 6:54 12:59 13:02 16:35 17:34 19:26 20:37

29 2 Sun 5:16 6:35 6:55 12:58 13:01 16:34 17:33 19:25 20:35



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

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3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Rabi ul-Thani 1435

Significance of Rabi ul-Thani

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

February/March 2014

The phrase means “the second spring”, or the second month of spring. It is also called Rabi ul-Akhir.

7 Rabi ul-Thani – Passing of Imam Malik (ra), the famous Madinah scholar, and father of the Maliki madh-hab or school of legal thought, in 795 CE.

10 Rabi ul-Thani – Passing of Sayyid Abd ul-Qadir Jilani (ra) in 863 CE. From Prophetic bloodline, he was a spiritual adept and author of “Futuh al-Ghaib” (the Openings of the Unseen).

12 Rabi ul-Thani – Passing of Imam Ibn Hanbal (ra), father of the Hanbali madh-hab or legal school of thought, in 855 CE. He was a student of Imam Shafi’i (ra).

Born10:00 hrs (SA Standard Time)1 March

Age at sunset9.5 hrs

Possible sighting2 March

Time to sight moon after sunset2 March – 36 mins @ 33 hrs

3 March – 77 mins lag @ 57 hrs

“And He is Oft-Forgiving full of Loving Kindness…”

Surat ul-Buruj, verse 14.

RABI-UL-THANI 14352 February - 2 March 2014

Sirloin steak - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

The Shah Alam mosque in Selangor has the biggest religious dome in the world, and collectively the highest minarets. The mosque was completed in 1988.

Lunar Mar Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 3 Mon 5:17 6:35 6:55 12:58 13:01 16:34 17:32 19:24 20:34

2 4 Tues 5:18 6:36 6:56 12:58 13:01 16:33 17:31 19:23 20:32

3 5 Wed 5:19 6:37 6:57 12:58 13:01 16:33 17:30 19:21 20:31

4 6 Thurs 5:20 6:38 6:58 12:58 13:01 16:32 17:29 19:20 20:30

5 7 Fri 5:21 6:39 6:59 12:57 13:00 16:31 17:28 19:19 20:28

6 8 Sat 5:22 6:40 7:00 12:57 13:00 16:31 17:27 19:17 20:27

7 9 Sun 5:23 6:40 7:00 12:57 13:00 16:30 17:26 19:16 20:25

8 10 Mon 5:24 6:41 7:01 12:57 13:00 16:29 17:25 19:15 20:24

9 11 Tues 5:25 6:42 7:02 12:56 12:59 16:28 17:24 19:14 20:22

10 12 Wed 5:26 6:43 7:03 12:56 12:59 16:28 17:23 19:12 20:21

11 13 Thurs 5:27 6:44 7:04 12:56 12:59 16:27 17:22 19:11 20:20

12 14 Fri 5:28 6:44 7:04 12:55 12:58 16:26 17:21 19:10 20:18

13 15 Sat 5:29 6:45 7:05 12:55 12:58 16:25 17:20 19:08 20:17

14 16 Sun 5:30 6:46 7:06 12:55 12:58 16:25 17:19 19:07 20:15

15 17 Mon 5:30 6:47 7:07 12:55 12:58 16:24 17:18 19:05 20:14

16 18 Tues 5:31 6:48 7:08 12:54 12:57 16:23 17:17 19:04 20:12

17 19 Wed 5:32 6:48 7:08 12:54 12:57 16:22 17:15 19:03 20:11

18 20 Thurs 5:33 6:49 7:09 12:54 12:57 16:21 17:14 19:01 20:10

19 21 Fri 5:34 6:50 7:10 12:53 12:56 16:20 17:13 19:00 20:08

20 22 Sat 5:35 6:51 7:10 12:53 12:56 16:20 17:12 18:59 20:07

21 23 Sun 5:36 6:51 7:11 12:53 12:56 16:19 17:11 18:57 20:05

22 24 Mon 5:36 6:52 7:12 12:53 12:56 16:18 17:10 18:56 20:04

23 25 Tues 5:37 6:53 7:13 12:52 12:55 16:17 17:09 18:55 20:03

24 26 Wed 5:38 6:54 7:14 12:52 12:55 16:16 17:08 18:53 20:01

25 27 Thurs 5:39 6:54 7:14 12:52 12:55 16:15 17:06 18:52 20:00

26 28 Fri 5:39 6:55 7:15 12:51 12:54 16:14 17:05 18:51 19:58

27 29 Sat 5:40 6:56 7:16 12:51 12:54 16:13 17:04 18:49 19:57

28 30 Sun 5:41 6:57 7:17 12:51 12:54 16:12 17:03 18:48 19:56

29 31 Mon 5:42 6:57 7:17 12:50 12:53 16:11 17:02 18:46 19:54

30 Apr Tues 5:43 6:58 7:18 12:50 12:53 16:11 17:01 18:45 19:53



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Jamad ul-Ula 1435

Significance of Jamad ul-Ula

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

March/April 2014

The phrase means “the first freeze”, it is also known as “Jamad ul-Awwal”.

14 Jamad ul-Ula – Death of Imam al-Ghazali (ra), known as Hujjat ul-Islam (the Proof of Islam) and author of the famous “Ihya ‘Ulum ad-Din” (the Revival of the Religious Sciences) 1111 CE.

22 Jamad ul-Ula – Death of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (ra), friend of the Prophet (SAW), his father-in-law and the first Caliph. He hid with the Prophet (SAW) from the Quraish on their escape to Madinah in 622 CE. Sayyidina Abu Bakr passed away in 634 CE.

Born20:45 (SA Standard Time) 30 March

Age at sunset0 hrs

Possible sighting31 March

Time to sight moon after sunset31 March – 25 mins lag @ 22 hrs

1 April – 68 mins lag @

48 hrs

“Verily, We have created man into toil

and struggle…” Surat-ul Balad, verse 4.

JAMAD UL-ULA 14353 March - 1 April 2014

Pistachio kanaafa - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Batik, the hand painting of colourful patterns on silk is one of Indonesia’s finest arts that originated in Java. It is believed that the art of Batik was brought from India centuries ago.

Lunar Apr Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 2 Wed 5:43 6:59 7:19 12:50 12:53 16:10 16:59 18:44 19:52

2 3 Thurs 5:44 7:00 7:20 12:50 12:53 16:09 16:58 18:42 19:50

3 4 Fri 5:45 7:00 7:20 12:49 12:52 16:08 16:57 18:41 19:49

4 5 Sat 5:45 7:01 7:21 12:49 12:52 16:07 16:56 18:40 19:48

5 6 Sun 5:46 7:02 7:22 12:49 12:52 16:06 16:55 18:38 19:46

6 7 Mon 5:47 7:03 7:23 12:48 12:51 16:05 16:54 18:37 19:45

7 8 Tues 5:48 7:03 7:23 12:48 12:51 16:04 16:52 18:36 19:44

8 9 Wed 5:48 7:04 7:24 12:48 12:51 16:03 16:51 18:35 19:42

9 10 Thurs 5:49 7:05 7:25 12:48 12:51 16:02 16:50 18:33 19:41

10 11 Fri 5:50 7:06 7:26 12:47 12:50 16:01 16:49 18:32 19:40

11 12 Sat 5:50 7:06 7:26 12:47 12:50 16:00 16:48 18:31 19:39

12 13 Sun 5:51 7:07 7:27 12:47 12:50 15:59 16:47 18:29 19:38

13 14 Mon 5:52 7:08 7:28 12:47 12:50 15:58 16:46 18:28 19:36

14 15 Tues 5:53 7:09 7:29 12:46 12:49 15:57 16:44 18:27 19:35

15 16 Wed 5:53 7:09 7:29 12:46 12:49 15:56 16:43 18:26 19:34

16 17 Thurs 5:54 7:10 7:30 12:46 12:49 15:55 16:42 18:25 19:33

17 18 Fri 5:55 7:11 7:31 12:46 12:49 15:55 16:41 18:23 19:32

18 19 Sat 5:55 7:12 7:32 12:45 12:48 15:54 16:40 18:22 19:31

19 20 Sun 5:56 7:12 7:32 12:45 12:48 15:53 16:39 18:21 19:29

20 21 Mon 5:57 7:13 7:33 12:45 12:48 15:52 16:38 18:20 19:28

21 22 Tues 5:57 7:14 7:34 12:45 12:48 15:51 16:37 18:19 19:27

22 23 Wed 5:58 7:15 7:35 12:45 12:48 15:50 16:36 18:17 19:26

23 24 Thurs 5:59 7:15 7:35 12:44 12:47 15:49 16:35 18:16 19:25

24 25 Fri 5:59 7:16 7:36 12:44 12:47 15:48 16:33 18:15 19:24

25 26 Sat 6:00 7:17 7:37 12:44 12:47 15:47 16:32 18:14 19:23

26 27 Sun 6:01 7:18 7:38 12:44 12:47 15:47 16:31 18:13 19:22

27 28 Mon 6:01 7:18 7:38 12:44 12:47 15:46 16:30 18:12 19:21

28 29 Tues 6:02 7:19 7:39 12:44 12:47 15:45 16:29 18:11 19:20

29 30 Wed 6:03 7:20 7:40 12:43 12:46 15:44 16:28 18:10 19:19



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Jamad ul-Thani 1435

Significance of Jamad ul-Thani Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

April 2014 The phrase means “the second freeze”, and the month is also known as “Jamad ul-Akhir ”.

3 Jamad ul-Thani – Passing of Prophet’s (SAW) beloved daughter Fatimah (ra), mother of Hussain and Hasan and wife of Sayyidina ‘Ali (ra), 649 CE.

20 Jamad ul-Thani – Birth of Prophet’s (SAW) daughter, Fatimah , in 619 CE in Makkah to Sayyidah Khadijah (ra).

Some Sunnah Fasts – Mondays & Thursdays as per the Prophet’s (SAW) practice. Any days in Rajab & Sha’ban. 6 days of Shawwal. 9 & 10 Muharram.

Born8:14 (SA Standard Time) 29 April

Age at sunset10 hrs @ 17 mins lag

Possible sighting30 April

Time to sight moon after sunset30 April – 62 mins lag @ 34 hrs

“By degrees shall We teach you to declare (The Message) so you

will not forget…” Surat ul-A’la, verse 6.

JAMAD UL-THANI 14352 April - 30 April 2014

Lamb rack - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

The floating Tanjung Bungah mosque in Penang features Moorish design and a seven story high minaret. It was built in 2004 after a previous mosque was damaged in the 2004 tsunami.

Lunar May Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 1 Thurs 6:03 7:21 7:41 12:43 12:46 15:43 16:28 18:09 19:18

2 2 Fri 6:04 7:21 7:41 12:43 12:46 15:42 16:27 18:08 19:18

3 3 Sat 6:05 7:22 7:42 12:43 12:46 15:42 16:26 18:07 19:17

4 4 Sun 6:05 7:23 7:43 12:43 12:46 15:41 16:25 18:06 19:16

5 5 Mon 6:06 7:24 7:44 12:43 12:46 15:40 16:24 18:05 19:15

6 6 Tues 6:06 7:24 7:44 12:43 12:46 15:39 16:23 18:04 19:14

7 7 Wed 6:07 7:25 7:45 12:43 12:46 15:39 16:22 18:03 19:13

8 8 Thurs 6:08 7:26 7:46 12:43 12:46 15:38 16:21 18:02 19:13

9 9 Fri 6:08 7:27 7:47 12:43 12:46 15:37 16:20 18:01 19:12

10 10 Sat 6:09 7:27 7:47 12:43 12:46 15:37 16:20 18:01 19:11

11 11 Sun 6:10 7:28 7:48 12:42 12:45 15:36 16:19 18:00 19:10

12 12 Mon 6:10 7:29 7:49 12:42 12:45 15:35 16:18 17:59 19:10

13 13 Tues 6:11 7:30 7:50 12:42 12:45 15:35 16:17 17:58 19:09

14 14 Wed 6:11 7:30 7:50 12:42 12:45 15:34 16:17 17:57 19:09

15 15 Thurs 6:12 7:31 7:51 12:42 12:45 15:33 16:16 17:57 19:08

16 16 Fri 6:13 7:32 7:52 12:42 12:45 15:33 16:15 17:56 19:07

17 17 Sat 6:13 7:33 7:53 12:42 12:45 15:32 16:14 17:55 19:07

18 18 Sun 6:14 7:33 7:53 12:43 12:46 15:32 16:14 17:55 19:06

19 19 Mon 6:14 7:34 7:54 12:43 12:46 15:31 16:13 17:54 19:06

20 20 Tues 6:15 7:35 7:55 12:43 12:46 15:31 16:13 17:53 19:05

21 21 Wed 6:16 7:35 7:55 12:43 12:46 15:30 16:12 17:53 19:05

22 22 Thurs 6:16 7:36 7:56 12:43 12:46 15:30 16:11 17:52 19:04

23 23 Fri 6:17 7:37 7:57 12:43 12:46 15:29 16:11 17:52 19:04

24 24 Sat 6:17 7:37 7:57 12:43 12:46 15:29 16:10 17:51 19:03

25 25 Sun 6:18 7:38 7:58 12:43 12:46 15:29 16:10 17:51 19:03

26 26 Mon 6:18 7:39 7:59 12:43 12:46 15:28 16:09 17:50 19:03

27 27 Tues 6:19 7:39 7:59 12:43 12:46 15:28 16:09 17:50 19:02

28 28 Wed 6:20 7:40 8:00 12:43 12:46 15:28 16:09 17:50 19:02

29 29 Thurs 6:20 7:41 8:01 12:43 12:46 15:27 16:08 17:49 19:02



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Rajab 1435Significance of Rajab

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

May 2014 “Rajaba” means “to respect”, a term from which the month – a sacred one during which fighting was forbidden – derives its name.

4 Rajab – Passing of Imam Shafi’i (ra) born in Palestine and descendant of Quraish. Was a student of Abu Hanifah (ra). He is the father of the Shafi’i madh-hab, or school of legal thought. Passed away in 826 CE.

14 Rajab – Passing of Imam Nawawi (ra), an expert on Imam Shafi’i, 1229 CE.

24 Rajab – Passing of Hadith master, Imam Muslim, 883 CE.

27 Rajab – Lailut ul-Mi’raj, the Prophet’s (SAW) Night Journey to Jerusalem, and Ascension to Heaven from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem revealing the five daily prayers, 621 CE.

Born20:40 (SA Standard Time) 28 May

Age at sunset0 mins

Possible sighting29 May

Time to sight moon after sunset29 May – 50 mins lag @ 21 hrs

“For your Lord is (as a Guardian)

on a watch-tower…”

Surat ul- Fajr, verse 14.

RAJAB 14351 May - 29 May 2014

Fresh cream eclairs - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

The Menara Kudus mosque in central Java dates back to 1549 and holds the tomb of Sunan Kudus, One of the famous nine saints of Java. This mosque has Buddhist architectural influence.

Lunar May Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 30 Fri 6:21 7:41 8:01 12:44 12:47 15:27 16:08 17:49 19:02

2 31 Sat 6:21 7:42 8:02 12:44 12:47 15:27 16:08 17:48 19:01

3 Jun Sun 6:22 7:43 8:03 12:44 12:47 15:27 16:07 17:48 19:01

4 2 Mon 6:22 7:43 8:03 12:44 12:47 15:26 16:07 17:48 19:01

5 3 Tues 6:23 7:44 8:04 12:44 12:47 15:26 16:07 17:48 19:01

6 4 Wed 6:23 7:44 8:04 12:44 12:47 15:26 16:07 17:47 19:01

7 5 Thurs 6:24 7:45 8:05 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

8 6 Fri 6:24 7:45 8:05 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

9 7 Sat 6:24 7:46 8:06 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

10 8 Sun 6:25 7:46 8:06 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

11 9 Mon 6:25 7:47 8:07 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

12 10 Tues 6:26 7:47 8:07 12:45 12:48 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

13 11 Wed 6:26 7:48 8:08 12:46 12:49 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

14 12 Thurs 6:26 7:48 8:08 12:46 12:49 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

15 13 Fri 6:27 7:49 8:09 12:46 12:49 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

16 14 Sat 6:27 7:49 8:09 12:46 12:49 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

17 15 Sun 6:27 7:49 8:09 12:46 12:49 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:00

18 16 Mon 6:28 7:50 8:10 12:47 12:50 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

19 17 Tues 6:28 7:50 8:10 12:47 12:50 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

20 18 Wed 6:28 7:50 8:10 12:47 12:50 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

21 19 Thurs 6:29 7:51 8:11 12:47 12:50 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

22 20 Fri 6:29 7:51 8:11 12:48 12:51 15:26 16:06 17:47 19:01

23 21 Sat 6:29 7:51 8:11 12:48 12:51 15:27 16:07 17:48 19:01

24 22 Sun 6:29 7:51 8:11 12:48 12:51 15:27 16:07 17:48 19:02

25 23 Mon 6:30 7:51 8:11 12:48 12:51 15:27 16:07 17:48 19:02

26 24 Tues 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:48 12:51 15:27 16:07 17:48 19:02

27 25 Wed 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:49 12:52 15:28 16:08 17:49 19:02

28 26 Thurs 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:49 12:52 15:28 16:08 17:49 19:03

29 27 Fri 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:49 12:52 15:28 16:08 17:49 19:03

30 28 Sat 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:49 12:52 15:29 16:09 17:49 19:03



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Sha’ban 1435

Significance of Sha’ban

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

May/June 2014

“Sha’ban” means “to spread”, and signifies the season when the ancient Arabs would go out in search of water – alternatively, it means the division between the Holy Months of Rajab and Ramadan.

2 Sha’ban – Passing of Abu Hanifah (ra), father of the Hanifi madh-hab, or school of legal thought. Was a student of Imam Malik (ra). Died in Baghdad in 770 CE.

5 Sha’ban – Birth of Imam Hussein (ra), grandson of the Prophet (SAW), 626 CE.

14 Sha’ban – Lailut ul-Bara’, the Night of Destiny (after Maghrib).

15 Sha’ban – the Qiblah changes from Jerusalem to Makkah via Revelation, 624 CE.

25 Sha’ban – in 624 CE fasting is made compulsory in Ramadan.

Born10:08 (SA Standard Time) 27 June

Age at sunset7.5 hrs @ 26 mins lag

Possible sighting28 June

Time to sight moon after sunset28 June – 78 mins lag @ 31.5 hrs

“Indeed, the Hereafter will be better for you than the present…”

Surat ul-Dhuha, verse 4.

SHA’BAN 143530 May - 28 June 2014

Samosas - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Fishing has been the staple of the Malay- Indonesian archipelago for centuries and the colourful outriggers have changed little in that time.

Lunar June Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 29 Sun 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:49 12:52 15:29 16:09 17:50 19:04

2 30 Mon 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:50 12:53 15:29 16:09 17:50 19:04

3 July Tues 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:50 12:53 15:30 16:10 17:51 19:04

4 2 Wed 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:50 12:53 15:30 16:10 17:51 19:05

5 3 Thurs 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:50 12:53 15:30 16:11 17:52 19:05

6 4 Fri 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:50 12:53 15:31 16:11 17:52 19:05

7 5 Sat 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:51 12:54 15:31 16:12 17:52 19:06

8 6 Sun 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:51 12:54 15:32 16:12 17:53 19:06

9 7 Mon 6:30 7:52 8:12 12:51 12:54 15:32 16:13 17:53 19:07

10 8 Tues 6:30 7:51 8:11 12:51 12:54 15:33 16:13 17:54 19:07

11 9 Wed 6:30 7:51 8:11 12:51 12:54 15:33 16:14 17:54 19:08

12 10 Thurs 6:30 7:51 8:11 12:51 12:54 15:34 16:14 17:55 19:08

13 11 Fri 6:30 7:51 8:11 12:52 12:55 15:34 16:15 17:56 19:09

14 12 Sat 6:29 7:50 8:10 12:52 12:55 15:34 16:15 17:56 19:09

15 13 Sun 6:29 7:50 8:10 12:52 12:55 15:35 16:16 17:57 19:10

16 14 Mon 6:29 7:50 8:10 12:52 12:55 15:36 16:16 17:57 19:10

17 15 Tues 6:29 7:49 8:09 12:52 12:55 15:36 16:17 17:58 19:11

18 16 Wed 6:28 7:49 8:09 12:52 12:55 15:37 16:18 17:58 19:11

19 17 Thurs 6:28 7:48 8:08 12:52 12:55 15:37 16:18 17:59 19:12

20 18 Fri 6:28 7:48 8:08 12:52 12:55 15:38 16:19 18:00 19:12

21 19 Sat 6:27 7:47 8:07 12:52 12:55 15:38 16:19 18:00 19:13

22 20 Sun 6:27 7:47 8:07 12:52 12:55 15:39 16:20 18:01 19:13

23 21 Mon 6:26 7:46 8:06 12:53 12:56 15:39 16:21 18:02 19:14

24 22 Tues 6:26 7:46 8:06 12:53 12:56 15:40 16:21 18:02 19:14

25 23 Wed 6:25 7:45 8:05 12:53 12:56 15:40 16:22 18:03 19:15

26 24 Thurs 6:25 7:45 8:05 12:53 12:56 15:41 16:23 18:04 19:15

27 25 Fri 6:24 7:44 8:04 12:53 12:56 15:41 16:23 18:04 19:16

28 26 Sat 6:24 7:43 8:03 12:53 12:56 15:42 16:24 18:05 19:16

29 27 Sun 6:23 7:43 8:03 12:53 12:56 15:43 16:25 18:06 19:17

30 28 Mon 6:23 7:42 8:02 12:53 12:56 15:43 16:25 18:06 19:18



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Ramadan 1435

Significance of Ramadan

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

June/July 2014

“Ramada” means “scorched”, and refers to the hot desert earth and a parched thirst, thus symbolising the burning away of unnecessary human desires.

17 Ramadan – Battle of Badr 624 CE; also the passing of Sayyidah A’isha (ra) who narrated over 2,000 Hadith; death of Sayyidina ‘Ali in Kufa from the poisoned sword of Ibn Muljam, an extremist Kharijite.

27 Ramadan (after Maghrib) – the Night of Power, Lailut ul-Qadr (worth more than a 1,000 months) in which Allah’s Infinite Mercy descends to earth. Also night of the first Revelation on Jabl Nur.

Born00:42 (SA Standard Time) 27 July

Age at sunset17.5 hrs @ 43 mins lag

Possible sighting28 July

Time to sight moon after sunset28 July – 95 mins lag @ 41 hrs

“The Night of Power is better than

1,000 months…” Surat ul-Qadr, verse 3.

RAMADAN 143529 June - 28 July 2014

Fresh juicy dates - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Rice is the staple in the Far East and Indonesia is the third biggest rice producer. It harvests 10million hectares annually in Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi.

Lunar July Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 29 Tues 6:22 7:41 8:01 12:53 12:56 15:44 16:26 18:07 19:18

2 30 Wed 6:21 7:40 8:00 12:53 12:56 15:44 16:27 18:08 19:19

3 31 Thurs 6:21 7:40 8:00 12:53 12:56 15:45 16:27 18:08 19:19

4 Aug Fri 6:20 7:39 7:59 12:52 12:55 15:45 16:28 18:09 19:20

5 2 Sat 6:19 7:38 7:58 12:52 12:55 15:46 16:29 18:10 19:20

6 3 Sun 6:19 7:37 7:57 12:52 12:55 15:46 16:29 18:10 19:21

7 4 Mon 6:18 7:36 7:56 12:52 12:55 15:47 16:30 18:11 19:22

8 5 Tues 6:17 7:35 7:55 12:52 12:55 15:48 16:31 18:12 19:22

9 6 Wed 6:16 7:35 7:55 12:52 12:55 15:48 16:31 18:13 19:23

10 7 Thurs 6:16 7:34 7:54 12:52 12:55 15:49 16:32 18:13 19:23

11 8 Fri 6:15 7:33 7:53 12:52 12:55 15:49 16:33 18:14 19:24

12 9 Sat 6:14 7:32 7:52 12:52 12:55 15:50 16:33 18:15 19:25

13 10 Sun 6:13 7:31 7:51 12:52 12:55 15:50 16:34 18:15 19:25

14 11 Mon 6:12 7:30 7:50 12:51 12:54 15:51 16:35 18:16 19:26

15 12 Tues 6:11 7:29 7:49 12:51 12:54 15:51 16:35 18:17 19:26

16 13 Wed 6:10 7:28 7:48 12:51 12:54 15:52 16:36 18:18 19:27

17 14 Thurs 6:09 7:27 7:47 12:51 12:54 15:52 16:37 18:18 19:28

18 15 Fri 6:08 7:25 7:45 12:51 12:54 15:53 16:37 18:19 19:28

19 16 Sat 6:07 7:24 7:44 12:50 12:53 15:53 16:38 18:20 19:29

20 17 Sun 6:06 7:23 7:43 12:50 12:53 15:54 16:39 18:20 19:29

21 18 Mon 6:05 7:22 7:42 12:50 12:53 15:54 16:39 18:21 19:30

22 19 Tues 6:04 7:21 7:41 12:50 12:53 15:55 16:40 18:22 19:31

23 20 Wed 6:03 7:20 7:40 12:50 12:53 15:55 16:41 18:22 19:31

24 21 Thurs 6:02 7:19 7:39 12:49 12:52 15:55 16:41 18:23 19:32

25 22 Fri 6:01 7:17 7:37 12:49 12:52 15:56 16:42 18:24 19:32

26 23 Sat 6:00 7:16 7:36 12:49 12:52 15:56 16:42 18:25 19:33

27 24 Sun 5:59 7:15 7:35 12:49 12:52 15:57 16:43 18:25 19:34

28 25 Mon 5:58 7:14 7:34 12:48 12:51 15:57 16:44 18:26 19:34

29 26 Tues 5:56 7:13 7:33 12:48 12:51 15:58 16:44 18:27 19:35



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier


3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Shawwal 1435

Significance of Shawwal

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

July/August 2014

“Shawwal” refers to the Arab she-camels being pregnant at that time of year.

1 Shawwal – ‘Eid ul-Fitr.

3 Shawwal – Battle of Uhud 625 CE in which Quraish tried to avenge defeat of Badr; birth of Sayyidah A’isha, daughter of Sayyidina Abu Bakr (ra) and wife of Prophet (SAW) 603 CE.

13 Shawwal – Birth of Hadith master, Imam Bukhari (ra) who memorised nearly 300,000 Hadith, in 810 CE.

Fasting in Shawwal – “He who fasts Ramadan and six days of Shawwal, it is as if he has fasted his whole life.” Hadith.

Born16:13 (SA Standard Time) 25 August

Age at sunset2 hrs @ 5 mins lag

Possible sighting26 August

Time to sight moon after sunset26 August – 57 mins lag @ 26 hrs

“So, verily, with every difficulty there is relief…”

Surat ul-Inshirah, verse 5.

SHAWAAL 143529 July - 26 August 2014

Wembley whopper - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Kite flying is a national pass-time in Indonesia. Here the skies are adorned with the colourful depiction of a giant squid. The kites are moored to the ground and fly in the trade winds.

Lunar Aug Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 27 Wed 5:55 7:11 7:31 12:48 12:51 15:58 16:45 18:27 19:36

2 28 Thurs 5:54 7:10 7:30 12:47 12:50 15:58 16:45 18:28 19:36

3 29 Fri 5:53 7:09 7:29 12:47 12:50 15:59 16:46 18:29 19:37

4 30 Sat 5:51 7:07 7:27 12:47 12:50 15:59 16:47 18:29 19:37

5 31 Sun 5:50 7:06 7:26 12:47 12:50 16:00 16:47 18:30 19:38

6 Sept Mon 5:49 7:05 7:25 12:46 12:49 16:00 16:48 18:31 19:39

7 2 Tues 5:48 7:04 7:24 12:46 12:49 16:00 16:48 18:31 19:39

8 3 Wed 5:46 7:02 7:22 12:46 12:49 16:01 16:49 18:32 19:40

9 4 Thurs 5:45 7:01 7:21 12:45 12:48 16:01 16:49 18:33 19:41

10 5 Fri 5:44 7:00 7:20 12:45 12:48 16:01 16:50 18:33 19:41

11 6 Sat 5:42 6:58 7:18 12:45 12:48 16:02 16:50 18:34 19:42

12 7 Sun 5:41 6:57 7:17 12:44 12:47 16:02 16:51 18:35 19:43

13 8 Mon 5:40 6:55 7:15 12:44 12:47 16:02 16:51 18:35 19:43

14 9 Tues 5:38 6:54 7:14 12:44 12:47 16:02 16:52 18:36 19:44

15 10 Wed 5:37 6:53 7:13 12:43 12:46 16:03 16:52 18:37 19:45

16 11 Thurs 5:36 6:51 7:11 12:43 12:46 16:03 16:53 18:37 19:45

17 12 Fri 5:34 6:50 7:10 12:43 12:46 16:03 16:53 18:38 19:46

18 13 Sat 5:33 6:49 7:09 12:42 12:45 16:04 16:54 18:39 19:47

19 14 Sun 5:32 6:47 7:07 12:42 12:45 16:04 16:54 18:39 19:47

20 15 Mon 5:30 6:46 7:06 12:41 12:44 16:04 16:55 18:40 19:48

21 16 Tues 5:29 6:44 7:04 12:41 12:44 16:04 16:55 18:41 19:49

22 17 Wed 5:27 6:43 7:03 12:41 12:44 16:05 16:56 18:42 19:49

23 18 Thurs 5:26 6:42 7:02 12:40 12:43 16:05 16:56 18:42 19:50

24 19 Fri 5:24 6:40 7:00 12:40 12:43 16:05 16:57 18:43 19:51

25 20 Sat 5:23 6:39 6:59 12:40 12:43 16:05 16:57 18:44 19:52

26 21 Sun 5:21 6:37 6:57 12:39 12:42 16:05 16:58 18:44 19:52

27 22 Mon 5:20 6:36 6:56 12:39 12:42 16:06 16:58 18:45 19:53

28 23 Tues 5:19 6:35 6:55 12:39 12:42 16:06 16:59 18:46 19:54

29 24 Wed 5:17 6:33 6:53 12:38 12:41 16:06 16:59 18:46 19:55

30 25 Thurs 5:16 6:32 6:52 12:38 12:41 16:06 17:00 18:47 19:55



1 min earlier2 mins earlier4 mins earlier

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16 mins earlier

3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Dhul Qa’dah 1435

Significance of Dhul Qa’dah

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

August/ September 2014

“Dhul Qa’dah” is one of the four Holy Months, and means “to rest” as the ancient Arabs would stay at home at this time of year.

1 Dhul Qa’dah – Official Hajj season begins, Hujjaj depart for Makkah and Madinah.

28 Dhul Qa’dah – Muhammad (SAW) sets out for his final pilgrimage, the Hajj ul-Wada’, from Madinah in 632 CE to deliver his final Sermon on the Mount of ‘Arafat on 9 Dhul Hijjah which calls for equality between believers and respect for women.

Born08:14 (SA Standard Time) 24 September

Age at sunset10.5 hrs @ 20 mins lag

Possible sighting25 September

Time to sight moon after sunset25 September – 75 mins lag @ 35 hrs

“We have indeed created man in the best of moulds…”

Surat ul-Tin, verse 4.

DHUL QA’DAH 143527 August - 25 September 2014

Sheesh kebab - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

This floating mosque faces the Malacca Straits. The Saint of Constantia, Sayyid Mahmud, was sent to exile in the Cape from the Malaccan Sultanate in 1668.

Lunar Sept Day Fajr Sunrise Ishraaq Zawaal Dhuhr Asr(S) Asr(H) Mghrib ‘Isha

1 26 Fri 5:14 6:30 6:50 12:38 12:41 16:06 17:00 18:48 19:56

2 27 Sat 5:13 6:29 6:49 12:37 12:40 16:07 17:01 18:48 19:57

3 28 Sun 5:11 6:28 6:48 12:37 12:40 16:07 17:01 18:49 19:58

4 29 Mon 5:10 6:26 6:46 12:37 12:40 16:07 17:01 18:50 19:59

5 30 Tues 5:08 6:25 6:45 12:36 12:39 16:07 17:02 18:51 19:59

6 Oct Wed 5:07 6:24 6:44 12:36 12:39 16:07 17:02 18:51 20:00

7 2 Thurs 5:05 6:22 6:42 12:36 12:39 16:07 17:03 18:52 20:01

8 3 Fri 5:04 6:21 6:41 12:35 12:38 16:08 17:03 18:53 20:02

9 4 Sat 5:02 6:19 6:39 12:35 12:38 16:08 17:04 18:54 20:03

10 5 Sun 5:01 6:18 6:38 12:35 12:38 16:08 17:04 18:54 20:04

11 6 Mon 4:59 6:17 6:37 12:34 12:37 16:08 17:05 18:55 20:04

12 7 Tues 4:58 6:15 6:35 12:34 12:37 16:08 17:05 18:56 20:05

13 8 Wed 4:56 6:14 6:34 12:34 12:37 16:08 17:05 18:57 20:06

14 9 Thurs 4:55 6:13 6:33 12:34 12:37 16:08 17:06 18:57 20:07

15 10 Fri 4:53 6:11 6:31 12:33 12:36 16:09 17:06 18:58 20:08

16 11 Sat 4:52 6:10 6:30 12:33 12:36 16:09 17:07 18:59 20:09

17 12 Sun 4:50 6:09 6:29 12:33 12:36 16:09 17:07 19:00 20:10

18 13 Mon 4:49 6:08 6:28 12:32 12:35 16:09 17:08 19:00 20:11

19 14 Tues 4:48 6:06 6:26 12:32 12:35 16:09 17:08 19:01 20:12

20 15 Wed 4:46 6:05 6:25 12:32 12:35 16:09 17:09 19:02 20:13

21 16 Thurs 4:45 6:04 6:24 12:32 12:35 16:09 17:09 19:03 20:14

22 17 Fri 4:43 6:03 6:23 12:32 12:35 16:10 17:09 19:04 20:15

23 18 Sat 4:42 6:01 6:21 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:10 19:04 20:16

24 19 Sun 4:40 6:00 6:20 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:10 19:05 20:17

25 20 Mon 4:39 5:59 6:19 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:11 19:06 20:18

26 21 Tues 4:38 5:58 6:18 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:11 19:07 20:19

27 22 Wed 4:36 5:57 6:17 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:12 19:08 20:20

28 23 Thurs 4:35 5:55 6:15 12:31 12:34 16:10 17:12 19:09 20:21

29 24 Fri 4:33 5:54 6:14 12:30 12:33 16:11 17:13 19:10 20:22

30 25 Sat 4:32 5:53 6:13 12:30 12:33 16:11 17:13 19:10 20:23



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3 mins earlier4 mins earlier

16 mins earlier

Dhul Hijjah 1435Significance of Dhul Hijjah

Dates to Remember New Moon REFLECTION

September/ October 2014

This is the month of Hajj and during its first 10 days Allah accepted the repentance of Adam (as) after his descent to earth on Jabl Rahmah on ‘Arafat.

8 Dhul Hijjah – Hujjaj move to Mina from Makkah.

9 Dhul Hijjah – Hujjaj move from Mina to ‘Arafat for Wuquf until Maghrib.

10 Dhul Hijjah – After Maghrib Hujjaj move to Muzdalifah for collecting pebbles, to Mina for pelting of jamarat, and then to Makkah for Tawaf ul-Ifadah. For the rest of the Islamic world, 10 Dhul Hijja marks ‘Eid ul-Adha.

Born23:57 (SA Standard Time) 23 October

Age at sunset0 hrs

Possible sighting25 October

Time to sight moon after sunset24 October – 40 mins lag @ 19 hrs25 October – 97 mins @ 43 hrs

“Read! In the name of your Lord and

Cherisher…read!” Surat ul-Iqraa,

verses 2-3.

DHUL HIJJAH 143526 September- 25 October 2014

Fresh juicy watermelons and strawberries - A Wembley Product

Serving Suggestion

Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:





Tel: +27 21 697-1430 • Fax: +27 21 696-8441 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:


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