
Small K-9 School The Kid and I What is your dog telling you?

The Kid and IWhat is your dog telling you?From: Small K-9 School

Luiza Small(519) 395-4335Dog Obedience Trainer/Behaviorist/OwnerThe Kid and I/ Be-A-Tree Licensed PresenterDogxerciseK-9 Drill TeamDo your Research ConsultingTesting and Selection of Dogs/Breeders Homemade treats and dog/cat foodKids Helping K-9s ClubBoard and Train

INTRO Feelings:Do dogs have feeling?

No, they do not have feelings like jealousy, guilt or spite. However they do have a complete range of emotions- same way a toddler does- loss, joy, obsession, happiness, they forgive but not forget.A dog that starts a fight with the dog an owner is petting is just reacting to threat in its environment. It is not jealous but trying to protect its valuable resource- the owner.

2With every part of their body.By looking carefully at the dogs body and surroundings, you can tell a lot on how the dog is feeling.Most people think that a wagging tail means that a dog is Happy.As you read through this information you will start to better understand what it is your dog is trying to tell you and how.It is very important to see the dog as a whole, not to isolate individual signals. It is the overall posture and the context in which the dog displays the signals that you must consider when making a decision about a dogs state of mind at any given time, eg. Tight leash, toy, food, puppies, ect

How do dogs show their feelings/emotions?

PouncingBarking-excitingly Tail wagging at mid range tail wagging at a high position means- happy dominance which can lead to a dog fight or a bite.

How does a dog show that it is happy?

Food/treats, Game/toyGreeting of a family member or an animal friendCar rides/walksVisiting places where good things happened.

When does a dog show that it is happy?

Threat of losing a toy/bone/ or any other valued (important) possessionBeing yanked/pulled on the leashStrange dogs/people/animalsStrange/scary objects/noisesBeing hugged/kissed, scolded/threatenedGoing to a place they do not like-vet/kennel/groomerBabies/young childrenBeing chained/tied up/kenneled

When would a dog be unhappy, worried or stressed?

What are some body parts dogs use to communicate with?

Happy/Friendly Mouth, open slightly, no teeth showing and happy panting. Relaxed, happy body position, lying with one paw tucked under. Enthusiastic tail wag or thumping on floor. Play bow (front end down, rear end up, tail wagging/strait up with a wag- in this case tail up is OK).

One paw raised - very cute - but the dog is not happy

Half moon eye - dog just wants to be left alone. Watch for this one when kids are mauling the dog or giving the dog hugs and kisses.


The dog is uncomfortable with the current situation 10Yawning when not tired Licking its face without the presence of food Turning head away (Half Moons)Sudden scratching /biting at itself/sniffing the ground or other object Whole body shake when not wet Barking and walking backwards/hiding behind person or objectDog rolls over on back submissive-please don't hurt me! Tail between legs and waggingTail low and only the end is wagging (Fear)Ears sideways Ears back and frantic panting or mouth closed Dog goes into another room away from you and pees or poops Dog gets up and leaves an uncomfortable situation

Any out-of-context behavior likeAll dogs should have a safe place, such as a crate or mat that they can go to when they want to be left alone. All family members and guests should be taught not to bother the dog when its in his safe place.


Dog is interested in something, or trying to decide on what to do next.

Ears forwardMouth closed Eyes intenseBody rolled forward/tenseTail high (may or may not be wagging), or slow deliberate tail wag

The dog is acting in a bullying way.Growl/snarl a WARNING sign-respect it.Never punish a dog for growling-you might not get the warning sign later.A dog will guard its own possessions or sleeping area, owner is also considered a possession, against family members or guests - this is very dangerous.Snap and miss (the miss was intentional) a WARNING sign, the dog may/will not miss the second time.Aggressive barking and does not respond to a quiet command.Lunging on or off leash, with barking/growling


Bite (other than playful puppy nipping by a puppy)Dog raising its tail when you or child approaches it is a WARNING sign keep in mind breeds with naturally raised or curled tails - e.g. pug, husky, etc.)Dog peeing intentionally in the house or on your possessions is a sign of dominance.Do not confuse this with a submissive behavior or house training problem.Clear message!!!

Bite is about to happen

Dog freezes - becomes suddenly stiffDog stands with front legs splayed, head low, looking at youDog curls lip to show teethStop all interaction with dog, look away (no eye contact and no talking -the dog may take this as a CHALLENGE, and attack) and give dog the opportunity to leave.

Dogs pant for many different reasons. So it is very important to know why the dog is panting.

Excitement like you throwing a ball, giving a special teat or going for a walk.Anxiety (worried) - frantic breaths means the dog is feeling a lot of stress.Panting eliminates some stress and anticipation of what is about to happen.


Watch out for dogs that are not panting but should be.A dog that is NOT panting but should be is not releasing its stress, there for it is more dangerous.

ANXIETYANXIETYExcitementExcitementRelaxedEg. Lots of running, exercise, hot day

Ears are too fluffy or too long.

If you cannot tell what the dog is doing with its ears, look for other CLUES to help you. Like happy panting, relaxed posture, etcDo not assume the dog is friendly if it cant express its feeling with its ears.

This usually accompanied by a play bow means a fun game will take place.

High tail and wagging

23If the tail is up higher than the dogs back this may mean the dog is happy but is showing its dominance-Warning Sign not necessarily a Happy to see you sign.Be safe by keeping away.This is a strong WARNING sign to BACK OFF.

Freeze and stare

Do not STARE BACK!!!In a dogs world this means a challenge- that you may lose. Look at the ground and become a log/tree.

Dog yawning has nothing to do with them being tired. It is one of the diffusing strategies dogs use to avoid a stressful situation or show submission (surrender).If a dogs tongue hangs out more than usual it means the dog is anxious about something. Eg. When two dogs meet and one is acting in a dominant (bossy) way, the other will try to diffuse the situation by looking away and yawning. Yawn

Licking ChopsAnxiety/Worried

Two reasons1) The dog wants what you havehamburger, hot dog, etc

2) Anxiety-worried about something. This often happens when a dog is wearing a new harness or colors, OR when kids are hugging and kissing a dog that does not like that. This should be a clear sign to BACK OFF!!!This is a feeling of conflict.

A dog does this when it wants to do something and is not allowed to or wants to have something and cannot have it.

Happens a lot, in obedience classesYawn/Licking Chops

This should be a good indication to stay away from the dog. If the dog is friendly but worried to see you the best thing to do is to ignore the dog.

No talking, no trying to touch the dog, no looking at it.

The dog will come to you when it s ready.

Ears SidewaysWorried

Ears Pulled BackFear. Most bites (90%) happen not from aggression but from fear. So this is a good indication to walk away.

Wagging There are three ways we know the dog is happy when wagging its tail,

1) Going around like a propeller

2) Full body wag

3) Gentle tail wag-no higher than its back

A frantic speed wag may mean two things

1) Happy excitement 2) Nervous excitementIt is always a good idea to look for more CLUES.Fear/Submission

Fearful dogs usually arch their back and tuck their tail to appear smaller-which is to show they are no threat.

Tail between the legs

Dominant - authority like mom or dad.

When dog meet each other with high tails a fight is more likely to happen.

Sometimes a tail sign can be misunderstood when a dog carries its tail high naturally.

High Tail

Picture from

A dog that puts its tail up to a child when playing or otherwise, should never be left alone with a child!!!Eyes/Half Moons

One thing you should know about eyes

Anxiety/worried.This happens when the dog tries to avoid eye contact but tries tokeep the threat in view. This happens a lot when a child is mauling the dog and the dog is not enjoying it. Most parents think it is cuteit is not!!!

It is not fair for a dog to put up with a childs abuse. You do not know when the dog will reach its breaking point and snap.

Now that you know, you will see this again and again

Soft LookMeans happy/calm dog

Hard Look

I dont know you!I am not comfortable!My guy!!!A WARNING sign.Look away and stare at the ground. Be very, very still...till the dog goes away. Be a Log/Tree.

One more thing you should know about dogs eyes- they cannot focus on objects closer than 30-50 cm in front of their faces. So never try to scare the dog by jumping in front of it. The dog might bite by accident. This is more of a reaction bite not aggression bite.

Dogs also have greater field of view due to the position of their eyes, but less in binocular vision.

Lifted PawFear/anxiety/submission.Leave the dog alone!

Toes Pointing UpRelaxed

Toes Pointing DownReady to react

Head LowSubmission/Fear

Low head and paw liftStop whatever you are doing and let the dog come to you.

Turning the head awaySubmission.

The dog is trying to avoid eye contact.

Head Low And Wrinkles Around The Eyes

The dog thinks you are a threat.Picture from www.doggonesafe.comA WARNING sign

Droopy HeadDog is unhappy!!!

But mostly this will happen when the dog is angry or it thinks you are a threat.


FurFluffy fur- Goose bumps cold.

Scruff is raised upAggression

A WARNING signOverall PostureRolling on to its back-SubmissionPlay Bow-happy invitation to play

Owner tacking off a collar

the difference between Dominance and Aggression

Dominance- is an authority figure.Aggression -is a bully.However dominance can/will lead to aggression if not looked after.Aggression comes from frustration and dominanceFrustration due to lack of Exercise and Dominance due to lack of Leadership

Do you Know

Ask permission from the owner/handler and ask the dog to sit.Look over the dog does it seem friendly?Let the dog smell youDont touch the dog Dont make the situation more stressful by talking to the dog Dont look the dog in the eyes it might take you as a threat/challengePet on the side of the neck or chest and talk quietly.DO NOT PET on the top of the head!!!DO NOT yell or scream and do not wave your hands aroundThis may scare the dog.Always REMEMBER, when approaching someone elses dog youBehaviour that is offered to defuse (relax a stressful) a situationYawningLicking Scratching Biting itself Whole body shake Sniffing Sneezing Stretching

Displacement Behaviour

Displacement behaviors very often consists of self-grooming behaviors. If a dog is not able to do these self-grooming behaviors, it will/may lead to self-mutilation.Tight leashThreat to the food, bone, toy, owner, resting place, puppiesBabies, young childrenPhysical force, threatThreatening dogs/animalsScary noisesTeasing, arguing, yellingSounds, smells, sights with previous bad experienceBeing chained, tied or some form of restriction

Stress triggers:

YawnTongue flicksHalf moon eyesHard stareBiting at it selfLicking it selfSudden scratchingSniffing the groundTurning head awayWhole body shake/Head shakeFreeze and stareBody roll back

Signs of stress:

PantingPaw tuckedRolled over on one hip when lyingSoft eyesEars relaxed

Signs of calm/happy dog:

Loose leashPositive reinforcement from the ownerSafe zone like a mat or crateAnimal/human friendCalm householdChew toys and bonesSound, smell, sights of a previous good experience

Calm/happy triggers:


Dogs dont like hugs and kisses!Freeze and be a log/tree when a strange/aggressive dog approaches!Never tease, hit or pretend to do so to a dog3 Things Parents Can Do!

Train your kids and dogs to co-exist!Supervise young children around dogs!Teach your child about dogs body language!3 Thing Any Dog Owner Must Do!

Fix your dogExpose your dog to children and other surroundings! Teach other children how to properly approach your dog!Dos and Do nots

DosSit nicely beside your dog and pet gently on the neck and chest.Play safe games.Respect you dogs possessions and resting/eating place.Be calm around dogsAct with kindnessDo nots

Play chase me games.Do not hug/kiss a dog.Do not play tug of war.Do not bother a dog that is eating, sleeping, in pain.Do not tease/hit/yell at the dog.Do not jump too close/scare the dog.Do not put your face next to a dogs mouth.Do not take anything out of the dogs mouth.Games to avoid with your dog!!!

Catch me the dog will soon realize that it can out run you, and may think that you are playing when you really want the dog to come.

Play fighting/ wrestling- this will encourage the dog to jump, mount, chase and even bite.

Tug of war- if your dog is not around young children, it may be OK! But you should have rules

*If the teeth touch your skin the game is off* have only one toy for that game and keep putting it away when not in use*use commands like off or give frequently when playing* always initiate the gameHow to act around a dog mini quiz!Never pet a strange dog without asking the _______.OwnerIf a strange dog approaches you stand still like a _____.TreeIf you find yourself on the ground, lie face down like a ______ and cover your _____.

Log & NeckNever stare the dog in the _______.80

EyesNever try to _______ an aggressive dog or turn your_____ to it.

Outrun & Back Do not _____ and____ a dog.

Kiss & HugNever play ____ __ _____ games with your dog.

Tug of WarNever put your ____close to a dogs mouth.

FaceDo not play_____ me if you can games.

CatchIf the dog is barking/growling, slowly walk away ______or______.

Backwards & Sideways

Would You Pet Me?Count

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