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The Messenger

October 2016

Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association

“The Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association is a network of Churches committed to evangelizing, teaching and

ministering to our World.”

“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from

God, and those which exist are established by God. Therefore whoever resists authority has opposed

the ordinance of God: and they who have opposed will receive condemnation upon themselves.” Ro-

mans 13:1-2

We are truly blessed to live in a country where we have the freedom to elect our government officials and es-

pecially the person who will serve as president. America’s first chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay,

put it this way: “Providence (God) has given to our people the choice of their rulers.” God’s people should be

involved and even influential in the election of our country’s leadership. And yet, statistics show us that about

50% of evangelical voters are even registered to vote. Out of those that are registered to vote, only half of

them actually voted in the last presidential election.

Our country is heading into the final weeks before we elect a new person to serve as President of the United

States. The national televised debates have begun. Strong opinions and rhetoric is being heard from media

sources, internet, FaceBook, and around the local water cooler. What is a Christian supposed to do?

Let me give you a few suggestions:

Pray! Certainly a Christian can pray for their country and the upcoming election.

Register to vote. Are you registered to vote? If not, why not? If you are registered then exercise the privilege

and freedom that you have and VOTE!

Engage your community and share God’s truth. As a Christian, God has called us to be salt and light in our

world. Are you sharing His truths with those that you have an influence on?

Pray for your leaders. As a part of your regular prayer time, are you praying for our leaders in local, state, and

national positions?

Encourage others to vote. If you know of others that are not registered to vote, encourage them to register. If

you know of some that are just disgusted with the whole process, encourage them to practice their right to


Remember, there are many important issues that the new leadership of our country will be making decisions

about. As a Christian, we should be a part of the process by letting our voice be heard and exercising the

privilege to cast our vote at the ballot box.


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Pastoral Counseling Center of the Cumberland Plateau

Submitted by Carolyn Scott, Pastoral Counselor, October 2016

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! We praise God for great things He has done! The following

report is from 10/1/2015 to 9/30/2016.

We have been blessed to witness God’s restorative work in marriages broken from adultery, on line flirta-

tion, pornography addiction, and other sexual sins, recognizing that this is the true test in marriage … is to

extend grace and forgiveness in unlovable situations. To allow God’s sanctification process to work in our

lives and that of our spouse to strip away ungodly behaviors and to trust God to reveal the hidden things so

they can be purged from one’s life to promote holiness. After all, it should be the goal of each spouse to

help their spouse make it into eternity.

We have witnessed many break the cycle of addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, smoking, lust, weight

problems, and to begin a new responsible life in Jesus Christ. Many of these individuals have started new

programs to help others with addictions, and many have taken full time jobs, and are now raising their fam-

ily drug free.

We have witnessed teens who were struggling with broken homes, abandonment and abuse issues, peer

pressures at school, and parents addicted to drugs, find that they are loved and accepted by God, and find

new coping skills to deal with these issues.

We have witnessed men and women who were verbally and emotionally abusive with their families to rec-

ognize their sin, seek and to find forgiveness from God, and make the decision to begin a new life in Jesus

Christ. These men learned how to become the priest of their home by showing compassion and tenderness

to his wife and children; demonstrating God’s love and humility by learning to be dependable, responsible,

loyal, faithful, open with his emotions, praying for his wife and family, reading the Word of God, attending

church and leading his family to attend with him. These men are becoming men of integrity for the Glory of

God. Women are finding how to show respect to their husbands, to encourage him, and to be supportive of

the decisions he makes to lead his family. When a man shows his wife true love it is easier for a woman to

find and demonstrate respect to her husband. The more respect the wife shows to the husband, the more

love he gives to his family. This is the marital circle of love. These men and women are rising to become

the righteous men and women of God they were created to be and it’s all because of Jesus’ love that tran-

scends the hardest of hearts that this kind of change can happen.

We are seeing couples who are cohabiting, seek forgiveness from God, becoming committed and devoted to

the one they are sharing a life with, and marrying. They are choosing to stand on God’s word and to be-

come more responsible to themselves and to the love of their life.

We have witnessed homosexual couples make the decision to abandon their homosexual lifestyles, recog-

nizing the love they are really seeking is from a broken relationship from childhood with a mother or father

they never received. Once they learned to seek and to accept God’s love and acceptance, they were able to

leave the relationship and find a right living through Jesus Christ.

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We incorporated a divorce recovery counseling this past year, and even though I truly believe God can restore the

worst of situations, it takes two in marriage to be committed to recovery. When one walks away from the responsi-

bilities and has no devotion to the marriage, it is impossible to make that marriage work and people end in divorce.

We want these individuals who are broken by divorce to know that God can restore and heal their brokenness. And,

we have seen many individuals who were given a whole new life thru this counseling.

We have seen individuals with major fears and some who were experiencing anxiety find their assurance and peace

with God and are now living without medications and moving onward with boldness and peace.

The most significant accomplishments we have witnessed are 338 rededications to live their lives for Jesus

Christ and 26 accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and we witnessed 3 of these new Christians be

baptized (others followed with baptism but were not witnessed by the counseling ministry). We assisted 4

with gasoline, 8 with emergency food, 15 families were served with gifts and food baskets at Christmas, 8

women were assisted with furniture and clothing, one church was assisted with clothing to give away at their

food bank, 2 were healed from sickness, and many were delivered from depression and anxiety. To God be

the glory!

This is not inclusive of all the situations we have witnessed God work in, but we recognize that these situations can

only be changed by the supernatural workings of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. God is the one, true, living God, and

He only can bring healing, salvation, and deliverance to those who choose to believe in Him.

2016 was a most challenging year with only one counselor. Andy Loomis relocated due to the counseling budget

being reduced by $10,000 and this budget cut, created a challenge to see those who could not afford to pay for

counseling. However, we never turned anyone away for counseling. In spite of the difficulties, God continued to

prove Himself above and beyond anything we ever imagined. We ended the year within budget and with 615

counseling sessions and more than 1200 individuals served. Many volunteer hours have been given to assisting

other non-profit organizations and assisting Cumberland County Rising (an anti-drug coalition), and Bridges of the

Upper Cumberland (a transitional home).

The majority of our funding comes from church budgets, client pay, and individuals giving thru a monthly giving,

which are all eligible for tax deduction because of our 501C3 status. Your giving to the ministry helps us to con-

tinue helping those in need without ever having to turn anyone away due to their inability to pay for counseling. A

generous individual financial donation helps us to continue with our mission to change one life at a time! Even a

$45 contribution helps us service another individual.

As our nation continues to decline in various ways, this increases the pressures for individuals to seek counseling.

Businesses are closing, causing people to panic over their financial, economic stability and responsibilities to main-

tain their families, some are stressed due to their health declining, marriages are in trouble, sexual sins are increas-

ing, addictions and violence are escalating, and many more issues cause many individuals to seek counseling, and/

or direction for their lives.

I continue striving to continue my studies to become more and more educated in counseling. I attended the National

Association of Christian Counselors conference in October 2015 and learned from many highly respected in the

Pastoral Counseling Field. In addition, I have acquired a Life Coach Certification, Integrated Marriage and Family

Therapy certification, and my second certification in Addiction Recovery. I love the field of counseling and it

brings me joy seeing God change people’s lives. I have continued with Rev. Robert Ridley being my counseling

mentor and he sends his regards and prayers.

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Personally, I have been met with great challenges. My son severed a knee and underwent surgery in No-

vember 2015, and my husband, Ron, has had three heart attacks since December 2015. Ron went thru

open heart bypass surgery December 26 and in February three of the four bypasses failed and received

five stents in the original native veins. In August again, Ron developed blocked stents due to a genetic

problem where his body is rejecting the stents due to an overactive auto immune disorder. I’m sure you

can understand the challenges this has presented to our family both financially and emotionally, but God

has been faithful to bring us through it all. We continue trusting in God for a miracle in his healing and I

ask that you lift us up that God would somehow make his body respond positively to the stents and would

enjoy long life.

We want to thank each of you who have given financially to the ministry this past year and to the CPBA

pastors and friends who have referred to us. We thank you for covering us in prayer because prayer must

go before us and cover us in this ministry or we will not be effective in this ministry; for this is spiritual

warfare! The Lord is the one who heals! This is a high privilege and honor and we hope to continue to

justify your confidence. The Lord is at work in a great and marvelous way, exceeding our expectations.

We are glad to be a part of this ministry and it is exciting to see what God will do over this next year.

Please feel free to call on me to host conferences, workshops, or simply to encourage groups within your

church, or by counseling those in need. May God bless you and keep you.


Carolyn Scott

Pastoral Counselor

[email protected]


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2016 Missions Emphasis




555 Fredonia Road



(will give to a local food pan-






Please make plans to join us, as we

work together to serve the Lord

through missions.


August 25th-September 3rd was the Baby Comfort Station; the set up began on

August 25th. and tear down on September 3rd.

This was one of two of our sizable annual projects; the second will end at our

November Emphasis Meeting. This project is known as the “blood, sweat and

tears” project. The “blood” because the Gospel of Jesus is shared, given out and

lived out multiple times every shift; the “sweat”, because it is hot and you will

sweat as you serve the Lord through serving the people of Cumberland and sur-

rounding counties; the “tears” because you will shed many tears of joy as you

serve these precious children and adults and tears of sorrow as you witness the

vast lostness here in the county where we live and work. However just like the

songs and poems so frequently pen, but the joy comes and comes it does. It is

worth every emotion you experience as you volunteer for a shift. Ask some of

the ladies and men that come year after year to work. I have a husband and

wife team that has ask to be put down every year for the same shift until further

notice. Why would they want to do that? It is clear, passion. Passion for the

Lord and the building up of His kingdom and to serve. It is that rewarding. I

too have a standing shift that I will take every year as long as God wills it to be.

I have built relationships with people that were strangers to me two years ago,

but now seek me out at the Baby Comfort Station for water, books, or just to

talk. That is what serving a shift is all about, building relationships and opening

the doors for the seeds to be planted. We ran out of books, movies and Bibles. I

had a lady to give me a check for $50 and on Saturday I ran to Cookeville to

Lifeway to purchase 10 children’s movies and I called a pastor from one of our

local churches and explained I needed money to purchase Bibles. What did he

do, he gave us 33 Bibles for the last day of the Baby Comfort Station and we

gave out 13 of those Bibles on that day, yes in one day! Is there really a need? Is

it worth the “sweat”? Is it worth sacrificing 2 or 2 ½ hours of your time? The

following totals of items given out for 7 days will answer all these questions with

an empathetic YES!

♦47 volunteers and ♦7 CPBA churches represented through working the shifts

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Total items given at the 2016 Baby Comfort Station are as follows:

●Bibles (English) 74 ●Bibles (Spanish) 4 ●Tracts 90

●Christian Movies 72 ● Christian Books 151 ●Christian Coloring books with crayons 318 ●

Freezer-Pops 840 ●Suckers 703

●Cups of water 186 (over 15 gallons) ● Diapers changed (by parents) 87 Babies Nursed 10

Again this year we heard “Thank you”, “I can really have

this?”, “you do not know how much I appreciate you”, ech-

oed over and over throughout the week from the parents and

people stopping by. This has grown into one of the biggest

venues for planting seeds that I know of for the CPBA

WMU. Please consider purchasing Christian books and

movies for adults and children for us to give out. Some of

these families do not have these in their homes and this is the

first introduction to Jesus they have. I know this because

they tell me what is a devotion, we do not have a Bible, or I

don’t go to church. The worker’s hear it over and over.

When you offer a child a movie or a coloring book you open

the door to have a conversation with the mother and or fa-

ther. Please, please help us keep this valuable ministry go-

ing. Lifeway and Christian book stores have sales through-

out the year; why not grab a book or movie when they have a


Global Hungry Sunday

Global Hungry Sunday is October 9th. According to National WMU and BGR One in seven people in

the U.S. access food banks to help meet their needs. (Hunger in America 2014) One out of six children—

roughly 100 million—in developing countries is underweight. (The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015)

More than 18 million children in the United States qualify for free or reduced price meals through the

National School Lunch Program. Many of these live in your community, perhaps even on your street.

What happens to these children when they go home over the weekend? Combining Global Hunger

Relief funds with local resources, the Weekend BackPack Program provides nutritious, easy-to-

prepare food that children can take home on weekends. You can partner with a local school to feed

hungry children in your community. Find out how you can help with this LoveLoud outreach to ne-

glected communities through the North American Mission Board by visiting

A mind-boggling 10.8 million Syrians have been driven from their homes by violence. War widows

are trying to care for their families. Husbands despair of feeding their children because they can’t

find work. Children lose hope for the future because they can’t attend school. Infants and the elderly

are at risk in bitter winter temperatures. Using Global Hunger Relief funds, the International Mission

Board and Baptist Global Response are providing food parcels and hygiene kits to families in need,

but the needs far outstrip the resources being provided by supporters in the United States. Find out

how you can help by visiting



INGS 2017:



976 Genesis Road





3270 Lantana Road






130 Towne Centre Way,

Fairfield Glade






Cooperative Program

Emphasis month

1 JAM-Middle TN Vic-

tory Baptist Church, M,


8 JAM-West TN First

Baptist Church, Hum-


9 Global Hunger Day

14-16 RA Camp-o-Ree, Linden Valley Baptist Con-

ference Center, Linden

21-23 CWJC/CMJC TN Site Coordinators Retreat, Linden Valley Baptist Con-

ference Center, Linden

22 JAM-East TN First

Baptist Church, Dan-


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The Messenger Page 5

The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions

Is Impacting YOUR Harvest Field! The following is a list of where the 2015 Offering has been invested in your area!

The Golden Offering is “Impacting lostness and meeting needs through…

Equipping Future Generations

The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions helps support Baptist Collegiate Ministries (BCM) and BCM Student Center capital needs.

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Roane State Community College

The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions provides funds for WMU Scholarships - Encouraging and facilitating college and seminary


Students from these churches were awarded a WMU scholarship:

Lantana Road Baptist Church, Crossville (2 students)

The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions helps support Christian Women's/Men's Job Corps - Providing a helping hand to women

and men seeking to change their lives through Christ centered training and nurturing.

Cumberland County CWJC, Crossville

Revitalizing Churches

The Golden Offering for Tennessee missions helps maximize the impact of existing churches through Church Revitalization Initiatives.

10 churches have been directly impacted

Reaching the Lost

The Golden Offering for Tennessee Missions helps establish new churches to reach the lost in communities and social circles that aren’t

being reached.

Pleasant Hill Baptist Missions, Crossville

Five Objectives in Associational Ministries

Returning 10% of everything a church gives through GOTM to the association that they are a member of to assist the association in ad-

dressing the Five Objectives adopted by the Tennessee Baptist Convention.

Association Total GOTM Gifts to Date 10% Back to the Association

Cumberland Plateau $15,173.36 $1,517.34

Thank you for supporting missions and ministries through the Golden Offering

Tennessee Missions. For more information, go to

To request promotion material contact Tennessee Woman’s Missionary Union at

800-558-2090 extension 7923 or 615-371-7923.

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Friday, October 7, 6:00 PM


October 9-15, 2016

Rebuild – Johnsonville, SC

Deadline: October 3, 2016

We are returning with our partners from Sequatchie Valley Baptist

Association to the flood areas of Johnsonville, SC. Our team will most likely be

putting on new roofs. Or any of the following: You may be putting up sheet-

rock, finishing sheet-rock, painting, installing windows or doors, building a

deck or installing a wheel-chair ramp. You may be doing construction related

clean-up. You may be doing yard work. Your main task is to show the love of Jesus through words and actions.

This opportunity will be for anyone over 18 years of age and the cost of this trip will be approximately $50. If you are interested in joining us on this rebuild project contact me before the October 3rd





















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Hodges Ministries Literature

Don’t forget to drop off your old Sunday School literature, Bibles, Christian

books and tracts to the Association Office for Hodges Ministries.

Please Do Not Include: Christian Magazines (Homelife, Mature Living,

etc), Missions Magazines (WMU, GA’s or RA’s, etc), All VBS Material.

Thank you. There are teams from our area that take these materials to

Hodges Ministries quarterly.

For a complete list of items they accept visit or stop by the

Association Office for a brochure.

Do you know the Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association is a 501C3 organization?

All donations are eligible for tax deduction.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting one person for counseling? Your donation

provides us the opportunity to continue serving those who cannot help themselves. We are reaching the lost, seeing

marriages restored, families reconciling, addictions broken, spiritual maturity developed, discipleship training, the

broken hearted healed, and so much more. Your donation helps in so many ways. It helps to keep our lights, water,

and telephone on; provides office supplies, brochures, handouts, Bibles and more. Would you please consider giv-

ing today?

Please mark your donation “Counseling Donation”.

One Person - $45.00

Ten People - $450.00

Twenty People - $900.00

One time donation – Any amount.

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P. O. Box 2508

Crossville, TN 38557



E-mail: [email protected]

Cumberland Plateau Baptist Association

291 Sparta Hwy.





Crossville, TN

Permit No. 3

Return Service Requested

Associational Directory

Office Hours Mon.-Thurs.


Email– [email protected]


Kirk Casey, Associational Missionary

[email protected]

Cell: 931-787-6565

Alta Wagner, Ministry Assistant

Office: 931-484-1858

Fax: 931-484-0203


Carolyn Scott, Pastoral Coun-

selor, PCCCP Counseling

Phone: 931-787-9033

[email protected]

October 2 - CPBA Annual Meeting, Lantana Road Baptist

October 7 - Pastors, Staff and Wives Appreciation Dinner 6PM

October 3 - Pastor’s Conference 10:30

October 10 - Pastor’s Conference 10:30

October 13-15 - Hodges Ministry Trip

October 17 - Pastor’s Conference 10:30

October 24 - Pastor’s Conference 10:30

October 31- Pastor’s Conference 10:30

*Date Change November 10 -WMU Emphasis Meeting,

Fredonia Baptist 6PM

October Dates to Remember

Looking Ahead: Daylight

Savings time ends on

November 6

Happy Fall!

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