Page 1: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963

Varieties Of '64 To Be Presented On November 13 Tbr !ltudt-nt bud) t :-.iUC

19 prnmtlnc ··n• vart•li•s ot •5•··. • nn••1 ah<>• tor a 6Cbolar lllp brnrOL Tbr 16

'°act .. odr•111•~!'P• abo• sU br prnmtrd on ll:to momln < r s"embrr 13 In a cullll:al

aurmblJ. Acol~r prt!o:::i· ance ,. II I><' Mid tll&t clct.: In lb• u=naalum.

Sharan Patnoll I a hnd!DC lhe s1Ud01it-run o::immlltee ID c!Jari;f!ofpl&rullnc &Dd •••cut· IDt 1be propot:. Placs 1ncludr '1>Cal aoloa. vocal ttoUP6. lnsuumental eolos and eroup6. mod•m In l!'rprr­tlv" dloc1nc. paniollllmlnr. • Dl:tlrland Band and a auper rhorua line.

nckf'ta are on aal• and .,,. available thn:iu~h mcmb•,. ot lht bend and chOru~. T•&ma ol ticket ••Iler .. 111 ateo can•'&llll CoMJr d"Alrnf! and the sunoundln1 arra. The darns ol thra" canva,8ea will be announcod. Adull Uckrl8 uron~dollar, .s1Uden1 t1ckel8, n11y c•nt.1. The acU•ll7 card wllJ bl' USPd for lhe Clll rnlnc prrtorrnancr only.

In prrpa ratJon tor lh1t pro· 1r11r.. vatloua •cl& or lh• lboW havr been 1111prartnc at local &f'rvlce orpnl1.11Uons lo 0\"C a anl'alt pre>lew Of lhr tal•nt ln•ol v~ and to ... 11 adnnce 1lcke1J1.

1 A &llti:lal iural alar la ac:h~l!!d io apprar with lhe ol!K'r wd•nl P•rfoaaus In lb• pro11 .. m. Thia prrlonur '•Ill b<i announcrd at a lal.A'r

··~·-------10riginal Halloween Was Celebrated As Religious Festival

itb,, r rll ~

111-11. llall o\\r•1•n la upon ua ur1t't' 1rJiln, und mo ' of u1 ha"~ .. bit:. plwus" for tomorrow nlcht. But do you know th<' rral ~l~lftrRncr of llt.llo· w.,i•u7 Uuwt \'OU et\'flr hf\ard of l'umonn. Swnlwln, or th<' abl»l uf Clun)·, for l1111tancr•

1'<4lular lmnldnaUon aa­clat•'11 tlallu>1 t•rn wllh lht• ~n·1Ult'f1<1 or euprmalural lnflurnrrR. Aclllally, II Is a trll1111u1 lt'llllval. ~Pl'tU ln lolklor• b1•lle•r that lh• PG!>ulat eu•loma or llallow .. •n ~a>t1 1111r1•s or lh•• ROma~ l~au •al ol l'amona and Orutd· um. l"\ td•~('(I lhal th<' da) "'nftla 1nnucnc..a of Pamona

1can1.y, l>ul II em"a a clr.u oonn....-1 n •1 lh Ill• r.Urton o! lh Druids in N"" ClutsllaD Ir~ nd aDd Scot· .and. Tho C't I car md('d Ot!Qbtr 31. I \4.' f :;ain-bec. and , c:rl<'bntlcd •ub rcllcloua

t 1 lbf Druid • too tb the ··,.nd and lho r.. th al I lhl' dmd. n .. 1'!1lrhs ol !hr ~parliod •ut bellr> I'd to '1&11 kin •

rn In 6t'atth or •al'l!llh and r d for lhn 1'tntrr. The ~.qical lll•tllr"a ol t'Amhf'ln ' nc .. n••d thr qurallons or

•ho "llllld dlr durtna tho nnt \\'U. lht• ldtnUI\ of •futur~ marnact! 51ann,•r& And th~ <hanc, of ~ood IJttunt'. ,\l1'Q (alrlt"ll, wa ic '"'1< and C bllns V.t•H• u.ld IO tNrif}

'th• P<>1>ul •lion un t111s da), In 998 A.D .. Odilo, abbot I C'lun.1, modo an r!lurl 10

, C"bn~11an1, • lhe occa.lon b) •n t11u11n1 In Cluntac moDa·

170 Enrolled In Education Dept.

Studen/$ Select SB, Class Officers

F.r~ -~-~· i r.JT" ! r · Jte

""" '""" """·Il :.uc Is 1riunlnc aoie pr.n;iKtlvl' teacbu llan .,, er. There are 170 U& u:is educat. n u • maJcr, 108 ta.klni:a bachelor or an.a .n e-c:h:::ca u o cumC°ll'"' tum and 62 :.akin& lbe uso· dates o! an.s In educallo~ ·~ umc<'. Thia cc..:ipuu wtlb 160 In educauon In !be tall or 1962.

Next l"llJlllltlon 1s lor a bachrlor or ans. w\lh 10 a year •CD· Bu.slnes• admtnlsllation l'llnl<S Utlrd. with 71 v. 61 1•81 fall.

EnrollmeDl In otbt'r cu,.. ti cu la. wllh las I yen r's Oeutl!S In paP:ntbe.oes, hi low. £nC1httrtnc .JS 158 •, Bachelor of Selene" 33 130 • Aum Mechanics 32124. Ell!'Ctronlcs 30 (36>. lndusl?\al Art.~ 29 136 , F'Orl!S Ir 1 28 1:?4\.

Secrtlartal $Cll'nce :?; (25 • HomP Eeonoolca :?I (:?~ • Body and f'frdff I I 8), Bus· Inoa• Education S (61.

nuue are lht' pr ... denl&I •IDdenta, O•e Ill pr--edlcai. thtM! In prr-•f'l~rioary, IW In phanz:acy. one In acrtcn.· cure.

11e11ea tbe rras1 or All S..ul' Dar. );o•cmbf'r :?. Thl ltonorl!d all who died Ill lh<' lallb and wbo bad &oml'

aucceaa In n<'lltrallzln& lhf andf'nl pa1:1>11 111..,..

The tendNlC) lo ralltri lhan ~l~1111e folk IC'aUval 11 la cha,.ctertsuc or !hr IWf'nUelh cf'ntur). It rl'OeCla a crowln1 lnflurnce ol tbl' iatlorw.I outlook on 1111 and lht' lou or lnleresl In lmaldnauon and !anla5>­TIMI af'Cular characttr1&1ic of contl'!TIPolUY eulturo• Is al!!<) "'nec1t'd In publlc n<'de<:t or thl' rl'll,ioua slsntllcancC' u w,11 .. pmcr. J .. 11 or rolk 111t.11~.

CAHDY SALE TOMORROW Th<' Homt ~ Club II pon or a cand• al• aL CIU



pon r '4.1 , ~l'•-mi

Club. qs !'t'ld Octob<_'f :?5 111 tb" st:a. ID k"~ s • th lhe Hall we nt. lb• tbmi" ..Hall 11 ~ &:!>1" •u lollo•ed t!l u'll Ill lhe <l ttc· nollon • 1'! ~ c """ P~ •id•d by tbrSbado•&.

Those :i. ll: .:=c com· r.:lH<'" wrr Ttnf Oarlberc -t.nd. Ptl<' Dunbar - ad>trtl • tna· Pat ~J,...,ker. Kum Krueger. Jud,r Herman, Rlla Hultncr and Judi ll•nza -deC10111Uon11; and BNIJ F'tlth· nti, Sharon Scharf, andClautlla 01xon - rtheshml'Dl5.

Th• chal r la scbrduled lO •Inc belo:t !be Kl wu1s Club .n ?inmber. wan.:r membelti ac• ~ ~to lbt music room

n • 1C Um• 10 p:actlct.

First Ticket Sale

FndaS. Octo~r 18, WU

el re lion d&.Y al :'\ uc. Th• polls """' ()1)4'D all day and aluck!nts t'UI lh<'lr t.ltots In pr1•iall' boolh.s.

Two l)'!lh Of ba!IOUI w~r~ used: on< 1'1lh thl' nomm al nomlne... tor lruhmrn class omces, and ont >'llh the names or nomint'eA ror llOPh­omore cla•H olllcH. Bath t)t>M had lhe nam••• or noml· nf'e5 for toludent body Vice pr.,.ldl'nl. The bttllots were dhlrtbutl'd to the sludenu acoordln1 to th:• cl11s1< Ibey were In. ~•ulla ot the <'lectlon wer~

&ft follows a1udont bndy vice prmldont - Terry Cnrlberg. SOPhOlllOn! president -Oeor&t' E\'jtm; vice prellidl'nt­Ron Bnu1 .. on. secremry-Judy Hrnz:i.. f'r.,,.hmen Class: prf!Slrk'nt-Russ srov. n: vice pre.<ldent - Barbaro McKay. aeeteiary-Krt Harbauab.

Stu~e::i body president ror lbe 7CA: la Run Thompson, •bo wu elecled by the alD· de ta tut apn11i:.

&::idmt body ace retary. ecied last 1Pdnc by the

Board I Control, la Joan Fl ...

Ball DC ..... •• rDllowa: 6 tknt bodJ TICl'I prt$ldent­Terry C.rlbetC I a., Paul Pl1:11r l:?S. Tom Hanson 109. Prnl=ro pr ld~nt - Ruar< Brosn 113. Btlb LtlChlJ SO. Fred McMurrv 37, Dan Med· dock 21. Yianen All••r 13. f'resb1D4'11 Ylce presld•'llt Barbal'll MCK&J 91. ~111 Bor.ortb 56. Tom LI.,, ~6. Bob Dclhlbtra :?~. f'rc>hmen secretary - Kna Harbaugh 81, Sylvia Utn 78. •1ar1 Rosa 55.

5<.1plllmol'I! presld~nt Cleot'lle Ev Jen 103, Brian Hess 51. $0phomore vlCt' pre.,. 1d~n1 - Ron Bront10n 80, Connie Lien 48. Sharon Richardson 16, Jl'rry Sllllnl It, Sophomore &ACtellll)' -Jud,)< H~nza 65, Anita \lay 60. ClCll Or<•chsel 31.

Enrollment Of 616 Comes From A Wide Area

A bll!akdown of cnrollm~nt 11.,,re:; tor !be ran ter.n ,,,. '-'f!l'a.hi some lnt•restln~ "t.a· ll~Ucs about where NIJC's ~lUdenlS come from. or lbe 616 registered, 513 come rrom Idaho. or lheae, 369 come from the Junior oolleie dlaulcl; 8 from Kootenai County bul oulslde th<' dts­tnct; t 36 !ram olher counlies. or lhe 103 ou1-or-s1ate a1u· dent.s, 71 come from II ashln~­ton; 53 rrom Spokane and most or the others rrom the SPOktlne Valle» or Sl>Okane vtcinily.

eo.Ur d•AJeoc supplies al»ut ~st., per cent or the district studenlS. Other home addresses: Post Falls 34. Hayden Lalle 21. Rathdrum 13. Cataldo 8. Harrison 5. Ba1· >iew 2, WotleJ I. Rockford Bay I.

f'Or out-oC-dlsU!ct Idaho studmts: Kellogg 2:?. Sand­point 19. \\"all ace I 0, Bonne"" FerrJ I 0, SL ~!&lies 9. Plnl'­hursl 9. Priest Rh·er 9. Osburn 8, Splril Lake 6. Lewtsion 5. Sllellen11le 4. Plummer 3. Alhol 2. Pondel'll~ :!. \\ardnN :?. Hope 2. K1n1s100 2, Sllver­IOn 2.

There &re one each from Copeland, ColtoD,,.ood, Coolin, Clari< f'Orll. Samuels, Mosco". Mullan. Naples. Tensed. saale. Enavllle. Pnnceton. Troy, Elk CllJ'. Pollatcb. careywood. Lap .. 1\J, Poae.

students rrom wasblngion: Spokane 53. Opportunlly 4, Newman Lake 2. Rosnlln :?. NC"l>Olt 2. one each frail'. Elk. clarksion . Rockford. Bellevue, ClreenBCre§. Liberty Lake, ~Ullwood . Chewelah.

Prom Mon111na: Llbby 3. Heron I. Lolo t.

Prom Br11lsh Columbia. Canada: Nelson 3. Vancouver I , Tlllll I.

Prom Oregon: salem 2. Myrlie Pont l. Noli 1. Portland I.

Prom Callromla: Hunlioiton Park I, Laltewood I, 53nlee I.

From Oblo: Marion I, ~larletia l.

f'rom Neva.cb: Fallon I. Las Vegas I .

From \llnnesoia: Park Rapids I, $1. Cloud I.

There are two students from lndla.

On• eecb Crom Calgary. Al~lla, csnada; Kel\Ya. Africa; Coolldce. Ar1zom: C&111p Hlll, Pennsyh"&nla: Clllebroolt. Ne" llAmp:;hlre.


Bec.ause ol Ille !ale Mart or collece lhl& ynr. some changes ha1·e been made In lhe holiday schedule. Slu· ; ot- wlll bave vacation Tbanksll vtn1 Das. No•·. 28. bul Ill rrc "Ill bo classe" on Pllda.Y. Nov. 29.

Christmas hollc:b~ n1e rrom December 21 throu&h Jan­uary I. Srudenkl !I.le also askrd IO note that mlci­semesier exams statt Nov. 19.

Further ch:lnies will be prlnti!d In lhe Re\•le•·.

Page 2: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963

THE N.LJ.C. REVIEW Pobl'..r...I s. .. ~onthly Ourio9 tu CGll•9• Y .. ,

• ly JourNlfvft Studenh • t the


Edlt°' ••••• • • • • •. • • • •• · • • • • · · • • • · • • • llecJ.y K•ou•• Sporl• EdllOt •• • •• • ••••••••••••••••• • •• 'Mtt Euc.ia son Pho10ffcpher1 ••••••••••••• • • Rlclic Ackerman. Ruu Osborn Bu5lno•s. Mono9ct . . . . . ... . . .... . ........ . ROl'."'IOnO Stn1 th Cl1culorlon Mono ...... Bo1bc:ro Sc.roflorcl. Ron Smlrlo, Shofmt Scho· ff R-rter&: Lor'\' 1lo9orth, Oi vld McC.u;hno, Koiliy C0<>r-. Elofne SopPingtOtfl, 8onn1e Lytl•, My,le Wolloce, TOfft Hlggins. Florcoc. PM'-., Clo10 Robbins, Betty Fltchner, Mo1ie Kero, Xort>n Ha\.lschlld, Mory Lou Korre t, Vttg4:f'l t Lwc.n, Pe nny Goodw1~, Richard f. Oovu . ., Pof!'I Mo111n «;ruatl )( ,,...boll Roy O.'"'"r ., , Bo Ovfto•n•, Terry Lyrtch. M"'"'" M1 rlQ"I,


The halls o f 'lUC loo 1 • "' wall , floor to c lmg (ond ,.. .d d ooT ~op 1

postors. I roth<>r m1 ss the colorful, the omu

serious posters. Bu1 I do hope •lia1 wo did nc.• o o vibrant energy end ITemendous school spir • when • v.-ere removed.

Now that the of'1cors ore elec tod •hey •1 I~ pon. So often the o fficer 1incb •ho1 '1e (or >he) is o c r•ee of one. The follO'~rs? Well , with all 1hose c asses one doe• Qlll foirly busy .

Ho""'""" the freshmen class 'oaks really olive 1n1> yoor end may run t"°" sophomor" clo« a good rocE' 1n !IE'" 1ng • mgs dono-. Kr ep 11 , fr <hmon. - 9 . K. STUDENTS' A TT/RE TOO CASUAL

Recently I owr-h !Ord o 1ok~ (which did"'" poss ·~ censot for printi ,g 11 1n thl edl!orio) whicl, used •ho manner of dress 0 1 thn JCos 1he pvnchl1ric. This really d1srvrb<!d ""' - bttcouse 11 socr.d<id so trve.

To bog1n with, sloc~s !0< wo.>m«n s t ud<!flts and bermudo~ tor both man and ,..omen aro cott r-1ly out ol ploce a t dance clos$, •n focr, sud• 011iro should bo rostr1c1ad to P. E. cl< 0 courso, th JS type clo thing is P'""''"od in r o SUB because as I unders tand It we pride our SUB on boing a r"!)Osct pork< br lndiv1duol1 sr1 c indivlduol-. If rumor holds rrvo, the couc O$ oro oven somelwes v•od for nop 1ak1ng. I-low rrucf. mor lndividuolhtic con we~,,

During o cOfTl/e~otion I wo~ t-ngo91og 1r1 (I odm1• 11 - 1n ' h&

SUB) with a group, one mal" <tudent remarked " 01 t c w;s hosirom about asking a JC girl 10 a dance becou•c >.., was aftotd she wauld ,.car sloe~ s . Nhy no•' H thi< lype of ~lorr ­ing Is good e nough fo• tho ltbror ) , the JC halls , 1N! dance

clo~ws. and the SUB. "" might os well odd another po1n• 10

rho female v"rsv• male superoonty cor.tesl and -~or · ~e SOll'e to the dances . On rhe 01hor hon:!, the girl may ,,,,. be so sure

" "' doh is not going to appear in blue1eons and o s " ocl! shri. Afte< all, unless. tho occasion •s special , mos: of the JC oances spec !y " school c lothes."

Studon1" I seriously dovot •ha1 o h1gl> s.chool NOUld perm11 thi• '•cosuol" of casual w<JCr. ~ " "-should bot c 1 least a lmlc abo·.e ign ,c11001 standards . v.e should be 1n ·ho 1uni~ college looavo and lhor means c~1ng N11h tne s•cnd01ds of oin« 1umor collogl.'s. We or~ logging behind because of a ch1 ldisn sen11 men1ol ortochment for our ploy clothes. LI: " s roke the firs I s lop 10 go1' ng NIJC off ·ho loots· ool on:! up ·IY> "<ld<<. LodiP< ond Gcr il..-en •• IOOk •I. pen . .\l'loO let' .arc" r11os~ 10 • - B. I<..

WHO SAYS CHANGES CAN'T BE MADE? Orrw ol "'Y 11'1 tructou toid th:lt "'°1: should bt ob1cctive. w. s hould

t0n1ide1 borh s1de1 ond ocl in th.- t111ddl~. I've tr1td; l'vt r.•t10\lt ly tr ed, ond 1•-n C1XN' to this d.c l 1•on - I , gn rfun\ obt• C11 vely t:a,,1 ~ oct1on1 c.onnot I:. neutral.

The'• 11 o saying UHd by o h1•t1d ol '"1ne wh .. n.evcc I do I Off'trh1n ; d1ffcrcn1 O• • • Ptus lhouigtlrt wf'l lch or• diffor•n' ''°"' others. My h ••nd toya, .. You"t• °"''of yoor uet .. - ~on1n9 I'm nva. 'llfllell, I th1111.: , • ., good 10 bo ovr o f '91J tr~•· I th1nlc we 1ohould oll pt 6owo out ol ow tttts. nsi.od of f0tncr 1w1ng-ing frON limb to l1'"'b oaHn g bonanca.

h ' t. •*' 11,., .. NUC Mttou.tly 1h1nlcs abcait lco-inv ltt tree. The JC <OMOI ptOgrcu olong w ith rhe ret.I of 1ht college WOtld os lon9 e , -."re ofro1d of chonge. lh1 r ... ovldn' 1 ~ 1.0 bod 11 we could 01 l•ott 11oy on on. bOl\ch, Wt roPl'I01n1no rwwtrol h Ol"I impouibll1ty f.of the mo1n one! si i=ip1e reo1on tho1 ...,ol l, rieutrol tocfoy ta o high.r bronch ,n th. uu of t0m0now.

Perhcip1 I 0"' atone Jn "'Y opl n1on1. concctl"ling th. JC. bu1 I thin\.. no1 - I ~toy not!

l hcte ote at U• who fHI 1ho1 ..,. ore betng homper•d bit"d°'a odd,. Til.e•e odda ore h\ 1ht form of mi;hty v•cnh who pr~.,.,H uJ ''°"" PHlor"uno cny oc11on they leel It 100 dlffentnt, to0 big o t1sk. roo hotd 10 occomplhli, tOO od\.lh lor O\lr poot rTtindt. to corry thtwgh.

LE TTERS TO THE EDITORS (Ed. Na •e. ....he R-.v ,,..,... •• ..

~s ,.t-rtol"I ·o ,..,. •o--- ,,,, Ol'ty s ubj e c ts ••~:M l"lts feet sttotWJfy enou.qft oborJ ' to 1 gn rltel't n(l'rl••· r,...... •ff• !'S de no• relie<t .,,, ~·• o ' t"'- • d •o,. 1ince #ft r.e a co c~ pooe· shoufd be ool t ca "/ tvvttal.J OetlI Editor.

Ounng th~ '*5 t few ,.. celUI I tun e occaslcn:dl.1 ~tttn'd ulD the Sludcnt Union Build· ns. onl y co be orr<':x!Cd by he foul s und.& <>=ii llAilnc

Crom the loudspNkrr>;. Aner Uucnlncon nr 011& occaalo:>.!i . !o r as 1 ns as I could b-ar I.I , I came to t ht! conclcslon that l.hne •·al !Clt aalses wer~ one of two tbl ni:s . The first wu a mdlo st.Uon, 1 Udnt local . • ll>St! pr i;rtll!IS ..-~:e belnc ae 111 Into t he student Union 10 sicken lhe lnh1bl • ta.Ills. Bet,.een <'lenrll!$s co:t1111erclaJs I waa u.,,.ted With e.itr=el1 1:1 St<'less ir.astc. On other acculw:s rec:o td.s were ~Ing plafl!d . no t J;Ood rt'tords . but same a trocious rock n' roll slaCl! rS.

In a collece ce:it~· ne would t'1llt."C\ cush: al a Unle hl~her c:zallb<:or. Some JOod JO.ZZ, folk sln1t1nc. or recon!Jncs f:-= Brood•111 muslcals-..owd s~rrl• urnce .

llun' t i:an of tile ci ney In

cpe>e•• ~ o 1o-i-n1.i>ers.on

the tu1 uon su ~poM'<I to be us~d lbr .studont a ctlv l tle ,• I'm sur• uuu ome o f thl6 11ctl vll money could be epeot on ~cttlnc some dec~ nt records for th"' Stud••nt Union.

l hope tllst there arc somr lhe: NUC ~tud,.l\ls who hUP ~•t" In must(', and who will RUPP rt tins Iden .

t..u111bno .... 1y yours , David McC'aaahna

.r-.JJe , h.G •o '• '• ~·, ,...... •o .:· 'Tlle 10Wft1man lftVI t "''"" thot •• ho ... Jgua7, 1•U• -~ f\IJc 1 h.,..,

We c unb 1""'19 b,.,~ bton~h of O<Jr ., .. briio ocupt "9 1"'4 s11tr.ndet condt• , on• g rtn ua :-y '""' co 1019 bones. ~ told th.;it there J no .. n • l•d°'t "O ii n;s 1fta• CCI'!"'~' be hCf'lgird. Sornc-wh.r• I read o ph.t~u I would 11\~ ro uy 10 qvotto. I~ ps 10met n9 IAe a+i11 - ''*Mot one DOl.'I con thtnlt, 0 1her1 can d0."1 Perhop1 I tool ~ s. tliovght 'DO .. , 01111,. but I 11-t 111" not.

T1wf9 ore 10 ~r trtprOveflloenla the JC n.ed aurely some ho• 1he 1•

thin~ ccxi be done. Tho'• 1 the lnal'~' of t'ho bond ond chou rooet1 bein; r1-;ht "• •1 :"Q the M:rorr. ~e pe09le _, bt ud to t t "''"'Iii to inu1 c. mot.t ;Jtc 1101. Tn. <wfl1 • :rd Lbrao 9 ores ~ dw mpr•t.11~ c l o plou fo.r q..,+et r*'Ol.lgfH. boOill. l.,ornu\g.. (Q~ )OV l'l"'!O; "9 11 h • f t.yat•m n O t 1buuy? Well, th.ct ~fd b. NJ mor• d 1.1 bing ~t~ '• 01 onc th~ e • Ol'T\p le, rhe Foct thor ,._ P1.1b +(. Gddfc&a sys 1cm d~n n<>r ••'~~ 10 th4 ...ocot onoi \.I ld­rtgs. 1'1'11, mctr t:Je01" f\orn l"lg ' 0 •*• -.who'll~ not ho . t c bue• O•• r th.rt,

h&.i.1 those , ,~nu do l1S.., to lM ca f they be-Ion; tor~ JC tco. And s t rNt •hot ~h n9 co .. ~ dQM obcftft ~ .. ctrod moo., other th

C04'ntcrutncu :Jt •"'a co1&e;c'1 • r ,,,... ' h'°' a co •F t hot "'°' cdd.d new closMOOT1 , electron•u ~ :n.Cbo-'1 cs b.i: lcf r.;s, o library, o"CI o do rm • ·•kin 1h. Po.t• t +viec yecr 1 conl'IOt ;tovule fCf •14 r bGn.d e nd r.,, o tl"ltt"•

P-.d:itu; oddrcn systri' Ltt t b.- l..hown •1'1at l do. "14t cone!-:~ '~"' ""''" uu4ent boct-,f faa,,t,.1, °' ..... ,,on. else Cartft.Cttod .,..,,e th. co epir. If yo" con1 d•' th is e d•1orto\

o s lcn 09 :unsr ycv, Pf'l'kQC11 yov •hould analrs.o 1\.-ir whe"r yo<.r d o \.tood con com "9 NIJC.

Wfl le rou o•• th. nl.11\9 t"*91bor thia. - ~ DtO~> OO' 1 m.ol •' ' O'-.'~td the '~of the ,, .... W" C~ O!lly cf b SO for :If r •'°\• I b bll"O• ..

l.•t l cl l""b c!own. - 8.K.. =---------


COlO OR. PEPPER n.. Fr • ...11y

" Peppo .. Uppor"

FISHER'S CLOTH/ ERS 1217 Nortl. Fourlb

~ '-- " --To h.g•n • •tfi W9 or• on th• fuar broncf-i - •iid•c1•ln of which cbrect1on

to 1f0· This la ovr ftr• t tncount\"t w11h colleoo. Aftd co we c:lu'fth ~1

No - 1n1t•od ._. OH fotc:od vp to the HCClll"ld branch br th. od•••Ot• who bladt·boll • .,.,., •d.o 1ho1 h not o foBow·tlirouoJ'i of 1h. r•g\llor pollem. '*• :.:,ud•nh lftc~• 9'•0t PfOg,e n a t 'IOl'ne of O\IC club rM•tings - un11I rho: d vlson •ho• "'P - th.n '*• sit ,,...1.1, b,. end follow otdeu bo:couie °"'

+ .oa o'• no1 th•h !deot.. The • t,,.d.nt i ore l'Nre P...Pfl'•"I

d '"'-, "'t\lwonch " ououwd bocOMI• ol ..... 1•<' 01 achoo! ...... ..!>) NORTH IDAHO'S MOST COMPLETE O •O 0.( I I\, 8e(OUt• we folloN I'"" le od of SO,_ 11\J tf\ICfOfl W~ hOW9

·- •nu•u<to" 01 1"- JC who u•m ••CO•• nor lo•'"" wholt coii ... •h SHOE DEPARTMENT •• c.oneier"ed onl7 •uth theu .. 'Pftall <.otMr, Tlu1 1n pott1('Ulor I ;0,1:! .. ______________ ..;; .... ______ ...

Sponish Clu b Elech Flo P .. l lo Pr .. y

Ttw Spanish Club mrl Ocl. I I t.o cl1•c l lts orn c~ni ror 11\ts year. Flo P~~k ,. .. el~ctfd p rl.'olld~nt, Bob Keeler, vtce-prosld~nt, Judy De Vtn· port, secrc11u y·trobs urer, and Sob T osh. social c hfllnnan.

The fl tBI ~llvlly tho club pl""" ls on lnlorml\J Ket· IOCMhN ror c lub membN11, tl'n lnll vely sel for Nov. 18. Las t 1e11r'a Spanis h Club bou&hL lhc clock lhBI la now on the woJt or t he SUB. all! spon110red a cos11111e ball )olnll y wltll the French Club. Thi• year's c lub hopes to be marP active than any previous Spanish Club.

All ~tudent.11 'Nho ure tallln1 Spanish now or have taken u leasl one year or Sl>anlsh aucceS&(ull y In college or hi llh school. and au s tudent& of Sl>unlsh ~xuactlon a re wet oomP t.o a tlcnd the ne1 t meeUna at the Spanish Club, which will be held Nov. 11, acllvll,y period, ln room 25.

An ememble Conned bJ some a l t he choir membera meets every ldondll)' e vening from 6 lo i .


REHT • S~LES • REPAIR ONht.o1 & l'fJ'lnt s.r,,liM

IHTCRSTATt TvnwRITll co. " '7 ShertMl!I A••· • ,.._ t..Jtll


l'hooe M()t..... o!-SS'2

m Sloenno• ...... COEU~ D'ALENE. IDAHO

Woodcock's Drug Stare C..nd1es - Sundries

Prett:rip t ioM 126 N. F .... ~ St. • Coe"' ,.,.,._


N..o.Jmg /nvitolt<:nS and Anno,nc&menrs

P •O•C. MOM•••······ 100 H ., .. ST•Cl(T

Co r. u • o'At.CHC. lo•MO

Page 3: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963


Dr. EY':I ~ rz

Dr. Evo Fetz 1 • historl and vemmcnt ln:structQr for thP U1-ge acatn thl• yPnr. ShP

been teochlnc at NIJC ~most 20 Y<'ars. hD vln& started fa 19i4.

Besides hN 1nstructlnR. she 1 also Dean or women and ponsor or th<• /\.11.S. Club. Associated Wom"n SIUdenl6). During the summer Dr. Fetz

sp<'nl a we1>k In Reno. Ne ,11dn, a1tcndln1t a llOV<'mmrnt semi­nu sponsorf:'d by !.he American Political science Assoclatlon.

Wbcnaskcd what she thought r !.he students thltl year. ahe slat~d tho.I. "they •C<·m VNY recepUve and quite scrlou~ about tht>lr sludle~... She

pes this trend will oooUnue. Jn hor lc.lsure hours she

•nJoys n vad cty or sports. wrllins nruales. gard.,nlna. nd kcepln1 house.


Ofncl'l'I< werc chosen for lbr l!'IG3• fl4 IMm o f the Lokl'Sldt chaptN or Student NE:A . Th<'Y ar~: vlc1· pre~ldrnt. Carolyn NlchnlR: .wcrclllr.v. Elnln'" Sappln~ton: tn asu re r, Bonni• t.ytJp; pnrltnmoninrlnn. Lor­nitn• Si mkins.

S.Uppor1 Yout Advt'flluin


9< Jiii I ~ (

?1 8 Millor - MO J·8218 c"' or 4' 111..,., ldoho


k 'J Fo r r S rv1 In TOAn

l 724 Sh•mion Avec'l\.lf

• Q f'btt

He:scbcl l Rieb<! Is the dean or a:»n at N UC. He teache-s "!lath, enl!I neeo og i:m.pbic:s and woodwor1tlng. Be attended c:.>I: -ce at ~!ontana &ate college, •h»re he earned his B.A. 1n Industrial ans and blo M.A. in t'ducat1on.

Mr. RiPbe lives In COeor d ' Alene with his wife, Jo, and their two boys. a~es 11 and 15. Hts favome pasumes Include huntl n~ and nshl ng.

His role ns dean is to assist the mnle students "!th pc1> sonal and dlsclp!Jnary prob­l ems: t.o CO-OPl'rute wUh the college president and the dean or womPn In serious disciplinary casl!ll. lllld 1n CO'()pl'IU tinn wt th the dl'Dn Of women. make a vohlOton· In· !!Pl!CUOn or Student hous10g, nnd list a•'&Jlable &nd recom· mended placl">.

In hi• C&P11Cltv ad d.lrl'Ctor or UUdPnt affairs. ~Ir. Riebe coordinat~ lh•• col!Pae-wld» ~lUdPnt actt v1ty proarams INhlch aw detennlnl'd by the Htudent board or control. ll 111 his rco,l>Onslblhty to m:un­laln 11 mal\l"r calendar or all the sc 00<>1 acthi U es and 1·vt'nts. HP also 111 rt>spor>-11lblt> ror the !'lllPl'n·tslon or al I Htud1•nl body <'kcUons and he mlLlntllln~ n current file or r.mpln)m<'nl op(")Ortunilll'S for &Wdrnts. ------

A n"'' r1nll ,.pan<l€>S from Su• somM ' 1 .. r1 l:llnd third Oni:N. Su 's homt' I ln co1•ur d' Alenr and sh•• I• enroll<'d at sue in be .nt'& .. .iucaUun. lll'r nance. ooua P"t'''"· U\cs al Or:-onunla. wa !'h. and an•·.ods Si>Oklllll' Technical School .,. here h~ i;tudh:s d.11.4 prucessln•· Th \\t'<ldin da~ ~ ... ~ b-tn nu· tl\t'h ,. I 1r "'" t :· ,.ar.


1207 H. Foun~ MO. 4-8n3


Coeur d'Alene CREAMERY



NDEA: $800 Million Loaned To 700,000 In 8,000 Schools

Sin ' th• SaUonaJ Defense Education Act .,.,,_~ limed lnlD )1111" (1ve \'l!ll.IS S&<J - on September ::. 19"8 - aome SSOO milllon has bo!en Po.Id out underthe Bet to strengthen Am er1 cn.o educnuon at nil lHels and to llugment the Sat!on 's supply or hl«hl~ tnun...i monpo,.er, the U.S. otncp ot Educauan dt~· closes. )lorf' thl1D 700.000 1ndMduals and schools lllld colle"es ha •e been 111-\"0h"•d In thl' progmm.

The &Ct authorizes P~eral :uslstance tor student IOlllll> and i:ruduat e Cello ..-slllps, ror tecnnlo! education. for the •XJ>nnsion or GUldance. coun­seling, and resttnl? or students . tor the stroni:tbenlng of edu­catJon In scl<'nce, 1111lthemn­ucs . and modem ror'-'lgn lan1?1J11ges, for the Improve­mentor comrnonleations ml'dla for educational pu!J)oses. and for streiq:tbenlng educattonal siausticnl services.

Enacted ort1rlnally ror a fou r-vear period. th" NDEA was l'Xlended by tbeConi;ress last .rear for :m addl tional l\\o years. As the prognuns i:o Into their SIXth year of Jperauon, the ornce or Edu· cauon reports these ngures:

Studmt Loans-About 490.000 :>tudents in t ,53.i. colleges and universities borrowed approximately $330 million under the Student Lo&n Pro­gram. Ntnetv percent of the ~tuderu borrowers reported that they could not ha,·e be1t11n or conUnued thl'! r college "tud!es 14lthout thi..' assls­tancP. Se•en11 ptorcent or th«' loans ha"' b<>m made lo atudf'!nL-s "'lth ~\IPCrioi aca­df.'mlc bnckpound ,.ho Intend to teach in rlemenl3ry or secondary :«:boo!s and ID those wit.'1 s uperior ali.lllS or pr p~nlllo n In science, math­l'mutJc~. o: a :::odem foreign lan!llla~I'.

The Federal capital contri­bution t.:> the Student Loan Fund represents al mo&t 90 percent or the tol31. The r..-mairder la contnbuted from colle;:e:; and uruHrslttes.

The '" ero.ce loruJ bas hl'en about S-178. or less than baH mal.lmum pemuss1ble lO an 1odl\'1dual ln any one year. Apprn:tlmB1<'1> onl'"founb or tb. oe now loans have become public sc~I ll'llChPrs and have recel <ed a partial •Ille-< rr or their loan.4, a• pr~\idt'd !n tbe act. T?le l&w All'>W!I studenis 11 1eais In

Jich t.a pay. The1 arl! paJ1ni: mck so much fastrr than !his !hat the i.m~nmt rcde"ll!ed to dale ·' &lll!Oi>I twice the 5Ulll due.

Thl' projUllm has st1mulli1ed nor-P~ral loan aco,1ly and encoumgc.1 a change In approach ID student financial .,.,,.. ,iance. APPl'OD!llltt'IY







Coeur d'Alene Laundry & Dry Cleaners

Ff99 Pid:up and Oelmry )01 F.o•• MOh••\ 4-1516

N.IJ.C. REVIEW. a• Ale"•• IOoho, Wed., Oc1obe, 30, 1963 l

Piano In Ragtime

;;o percent or the lnstHuUons participating In the 11roRrnm bad ne,•er Included long-tcnn loo.ns 1n their i1tudent llnan· dal aid programs prior ID SOEA.

THE PIN CUSHION Exclusive Y crdoge Shop

f ""'Y rlunq Frx The Seams rress 310 Lake.side Ave.

Coe .... d'Alene, Idaho



Only Four Bloch From C.'"pv•

OPEN 9.00 A. M. TO S:JO P. M.

Pepsi -- for those who think young


Page 4: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963

Archers Form Four-Mon Teams The archery clnsses &Id ort

to 11 llO<>d start lhls yeur according to Mis. SCntcs. instructor. Aller bnslc fn­~tructlon !or thl' CundAmtmWS or nrclwrr were cfvm, teams of rout Including the C&J>lBln \\ore Conned Cor the ti r.1t clo.s~; 1e11mt< o! three fnr the second clnss. C81>lalns chosen arc. Jim Routh, Lei!'" GrnnbN11. PhUllp B••nnNt, Dnvid Duthie. nnd John Clarl­ro r th!! n rat cl ass 11nd sancll" Allen , Randy Ed~r. Pel~ Dunbu and Qlry PowN r r the second c111.&s. AJtrmatc captain~ are HBzel Glllltbe,, Eln1ne S@fllnltlDn, und John Erickson.

Shooters are rated nccordlng to their ability IUI revealed b~ que.ll!ytng scores. In tom matches, one learn shoot• o.i:nlnst another not on! y for totnl team scores. but also fo r indn•ldual rankJngs by matching shooters o! equal nblllty.

Larse Granberit's team is top scorer In tb" first cl1'Ss.

So.ndle Allen's team, which includes Bonnie Lytle nnd 5andlC 00nald$0n, IS top ­Scorer Cor the second clnt;S.

High over-a.II score,.. Gory Powers, 276; Pete Dun­bnr. 267; Elnlne Snpplngton, 26~ . ~~~~~~~~


The 11nnual Ir! cndshlp tea prescntod by th~ J\bsoc111ted Women S\uden~ wns held Oct. 16 In the Student Union Building. EntertnJnment wos pro\1dcd by Snndy Donnldson and Penn,)' Bodine, solos, and sue Hall and ~Ulo Hards who sang n number o! Colk tunes.

RefresllmcntS were pn:l\lded by o.lJ members or AWS and punch wns sef\•ro by Nancy Patterson, Judy Hertzn, Sev­eri) Pl8l0rlu6, Betty Seagraves and Karen Kruc~cr.




Del Gittol

New Life In Sports Coverage N.IJ.c. REv•e .... c ..... .r .. 1 .... Idaho, '*ed., o. •• i... 30, 1963


T!IP """ cb"edeadrr- !or NIJC •ere elPCtt!d Oct. '.!3 dunng acu'111; pedod. Tbe guls elected ..-ere Maolyo Arnold, Deanna Ender1>. Bar­bara Hall. Ksnen Hau-<ehlld and Lynn Lef'rancti;.

This yea: thNt' Is an In crease or one cheetl~er rroo the previous year. Deanna En­der:> wa~ one ol the cheer­ll>ade rs last year.

The cheerleader& help to lncrcai;e school spirit and student allenmnce at Ille bnsketbnll p.mes. A i;real

a.mount ol e>Cfort 1s chsplnyed b~· these girls who lead the NIJC bllsketball Can:; In the cheer:. ror the :-: !JC C:udinal:..


A pep rall) "ill bl· brld on NO\'. 29 co open the SIJC busketball se~n. There "I II be a "DAke d anct' and bon ti re fol lov. ed b) a dance In tile SU a. FUrther detalb "Ill be Ill \'CD In tbe oell Issue oC the Review.

Ackcrmaa Hamed Y .. rbook Photog

Rlck Aderman was appoint­ed pholDC111Pller br this Yl'111'S annual o.t a meeting of the editorial staff held Oc:t. 25. A yearbook theme was dis­cussed by the sta.rr. Tbe anounl star! wtll meet Oct. 31 at ectf\ity peood 10 room 33.

A1n • ._ on<1 Hvrrrn,.. =0111r;mr.n•


)05 Sitotm•n A•t. · MOhewl 4-5721


For a Lifetime of

PLE ASUR E Learn to

BOWL W hile You Are Young

lake City lanes, Inc. 1414 N. Fourth St .. Co• ur d"Al•n•

BO\\ Ll'\G ~E\\ :-i THURSDAY l\IGHT

CO\'E 801\L Tam saand1ni::;.: Tappa-

K•gca-Oay, 1'Us0 Is, KnockoulB 69£R '&, &>tild .. rs. Ball­skll lf'n>, YaBs. UtUe ..... im.,.r.; £h:bt Lo>•Ball& F'Oar. Fin~h·~. Foor tilcb &11~. F".a.1.· • \lf'n • • Plantl'ns. Men·~ His/I Tesm. 3 games.

Sallsll!l!Pl'S, 230~. \lt'n'& Hlch St'rtt',. !>I.Swank.

510. )!Co's Hlch Ind. GIU!ll',

~.swank. :? II. If omen•,, Ht ch Ind.'.

J. Dll\CDP'Jrt, 166.


Team ~<andJngs· U oC I, You Same It, J.C. er'>, Lan­~ .. r • 300'•. Gr..,.nbomh. GUll•r-Du<:>ters, Stomoers.. un­denlo i:>. The ~~·s, 11tpeouts, SC-h: •ms.

lien '" H11h A' emges: Hubol, 16~. •.te lrturrr. 160: Atl&"60n, l59 Russ Th"mpaon. 155, Oll\"eStone.1~7. ~en'" H.llh Gwne-J O 16:

HuboC, :?03. Men's hli;h pme-10 :?3: Rus~ Thompson. 193.

'.I en's Hlch Sert es-I 0, 16: RuboC, 536. I 0. 23: Thomp­:soo, 5'.!6.

\\'omeo 's Rich Averageb: Pamou. I 19: Tottl!'fl, 109; \\achter, 107; Anita ~lay, 100. Dwyer, 99.

\\"omen's IU~h C:Cme-10 16 Pattlort. 153. Womm's llitdl Game-10 23: Parrlou .. HO.

1romen's Hiid! Serl.,s-1'0 16 Parnou. 495. Women•, blgh

,;.\ •ocot q rr•' Is shown iroctt fn~ rho "•&"\O"° Soot Son9 .. an 0 T &u • of Jef ~ho .. t•r 1 • votiet, •ti w COl'!"lng " en NIJC Lei' • " ~ Br'-J"'""• Sortr ~t "• ~..,rt)' 01 °"• erd Mf"' Pl•w"


1963-64 No .. 30 - Sat"'tdo., - EA.)( JiJf\IOf Vor ry o' Coeu1 d'Alene, 8:00 O.c. 7 - Sot1.1tdoy - Nouom Moruol"o Collea• J. V." • 01 Cofvt d'Afen•,o:U• O.c. 10 - T"udoy - Colurnb•o Bosll\ CoH•o- OI cc • .ir d'Alene, 8:00

~: :~: t,~:19; ~°v~~c:,.~~~ir;~~U:o:' .. ~c¢~~.~~:r>oo O.c. 11 - Tv .. do, -Col""'b•o llo1•• Col~~ 01 P .. c ., 8:00 Du-. 18 - °'l''• - 81; Bend Comrnvnny Collep 01 Mo Ht Lolt•, 1:)0 O.c. 20 - Ft1do, - Wot101che• Volle., Coll·~ OJ c~ur d'At.,..., 8!00 DK. 21 - S.Or"tdot - Wenorch•• Voll.., Collage Of Coeur d' Altf!e, 1:00 Ja"" 3 - Fr dG'r - BolH J1.1nlor Coll•9• 01 8olu, 8:00 J.,n. J - $o•.J•dot - Boiu J1,tn1(1r Coll•ge ot Bo11e0 ~hOO

)a11 ... 11 - Sorurdov - Gonioga Ur<o..,.,1lty fr01h al Coewr d'Alen•, 6:ls• Jan. 17 - 'Fr1d:iy - Un•v•"tly ol ldo"1o Fro1h GI Coeur d'Alene-, e~ Jon. 'I - Sotc.1rdoy - L..w••·Clot~ N0ttnol School 01 Coe1o11 d'AI..,,., 8:00 Ji.VI. 2.a - fudoy - """91t't\10trfot )c.1t1101 Vort1ty ot Cc:..ur d'Alen•, E:OO JGI". 'Z7 - lkndol' - ,.'h•twcfth J.:.in10f Vot•ttr 01 Spoltone, S:,U• Jo•. 31 - F• eoy - M°"'""" SIO!e U•1,, F1 .. k 01 M• 1101Jlo, 6:00' f•b. 6 - TI11.1odoy - Go,,ro90 Un"'· froth 01 Spoken•, O:OO• F.t. 1 - fr1:Jt>y - '#a•h1ru;1g.n S1ott Uni..,, f1,1h 01 Pullmon, 6;00 feob. U - F, dot - L ..... •Cbr• tlocl'f\ol School or lew1•l0t, 8:00 Feb. 1 S - Sot.,rd<1'f ~Un ·• fl•ty ot Idaho F101f\ 01 Mo•cow, lt:OO• ' Feb. 21 - f"dor - E'N5C Junior Vor11ry 01 Co•v' d'Atent, e~ F.b.. 22 - Sat""doy - Montono S'ot• U"tv. Fro1h 01 Coe"'' d' Al•n•. 8:00 Feb. 28 - Fr 0-a'I - B•g S.,,d CetnftJn•ty Col'-'1' oJ C.o•t.• d'Al•n•, B:OO f•b. 2? - So1llfc!or - ilo~hfrt~'°" S'ot• U-.1..-. Co."' cf'Af-"•• 8:00 ·Pr• 'ltr Go,..

sede. -I 0, 23: PlltMartln, 369.



; °" MOri• "'-lt+S ... r 4,0o4 O 21 l Sh•tJ'!'•n Ave. • Co."' d'Af•n•

See 111 ror


.! -PIH1E** 216 N. 4th Strfft

8 ..._..._.... __ ... _ .... _., ............ -.. .... '"'"".._. .............. -~~·

a.m.calculus ... late rush ... arrive ... quiz .. . Eng ... read ... write .. . ... correct ... Psych .. . psychotic ... neurotic Pavlov ... bell ... lunch whew ... pause ~~ e

Page 5: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963


'lbP Nauonal Pvf'try Pt~ baa announced tllal lh<' a.~nual cloalnc dal<' for ltlP submls­a1on of )ISS. by collei:e sto ­dPnts for 11s Coll r e" S1<1den1's PO<'ltJ Anlboloc.• Is .SO\ Cllll>rr 5th.

Atl> s&udP.tJt aucndtnc eH!le-t Junior or SPnlor oollPi;e Is ellclblt ~• 11Uba:11 bis ' c: t'.

'?brr<' ,, no llmltaUon IUi to ellbPr form or lhP.111<'. Shorter .. orkK are preferred because of apac11 llmllil lions.

e;ach poem must be TYPED or wrlllt'n on a a.lndc sheet and must bear lbe name and address o f ltle student. as •<'ll as I~ naoe o! :be col­lrce auended.

Tt'&cbets aa1 llbranans ue 1n'1ted to suba:ll POctr7 css. for c:oruddPratlon !D: possible Inclusion In tbr A.SS UAL AS­THOLOGY OF' TEACHER'S POETRY.

'!'hr clo11ni: date tor tlle sub­ml• slon o f \ISS. tor 1eachpr5 111 JANUARY fuM.

Thrtr arr no tees or cbat~'-"' for the accrii1ance or tbt' sub­mbdlon o f mas. AU work Is Judc,.d on 11'Prlt.

All •6S. should be 11~1 to tb,. ort1cr11 of .SATIO.SAt. PO~"TRY PRESS. 3210 Selby A•~ •• Ula Ar.grltl 34. Calif.

TM man 1. Ith tnt tt­the crClllnd can't fall far.


Halloween Dance


ff'"Qturlng T "' Ive J•O-"•

Thursday, Oct. 31 8:30 10 12 P.M. - HIJC Cir•

Aclm/llonce SI .00 or SI SO A Couple

Eocli adoi111aoc• olt fl'" d f., In

fut Pond - p.,,., ''""' 10, '° SI0.00 A""'",-,.,' - Donu• - Hor~

$1 J.95

I. X. L. T 0 G G E R Y 111 si..,_,. A•• • COEUR 0 AlENl. IOAHO • - MOM~l '"'4544

A Book Review .. ~

AIU't rcad1cc TrJZ::lUI t.."11-POl.e"a OIAt• \ OIC<" , O:ur Roo• . I can l'o. IJ sec b:>w this DOTel c.rcated a llterar1 sensation w bl>n ll was firil publl•bed In J9n.

:----"--";..,"=•=d,,;.•:Cl<,;;;•..:3.:.:C''-1'-'96.:;l:_-::= S


This co•el tclla of a 10un1: bly. Jot-I Knox who lpaves his aunt's home In .Sc..- Cr­leam and got'S Into 1be dl.'Solate beck country to lh" "'''h his fiitoor. Tht no\ cl O,als malnlv v.11h Joel"


up~n ences a1 SCUil) • Liu:~ Inc . ..-hero bla fatlwr rcslcle.!. C&po~·a tbt~e In 1

BY 0. E. SCHOEFFLER, ESQUIRE'S fashion Director

plerctnc, s~:p 1ra,edy 1

Joel's st'u~h for lll.s falher. :\lltlou;:b be does meet bb !a1be:. •bo ls an lo..-alld. unable 10 speak. Joel !bes oot accei>1 Ibis can as his fatbfr. Joel· rcJeclion ot bis latbrt leatk Into an ur.· teal. (A111Astlc world.

s of hie her learn1n1t' .And here "c 110. r«"t dre and groom nc 11 red to

r< tt •• the we -dr M man ... bout-

uit to ''c:..r

\Ir. CapOle c:nplors a '~ .. moua1 or &)"!:lbollsm In ll •oH•I . and lhus expand:> 1 .. U1emt>. The rnny lnc1drrc... Joel i:ors thtou«h lead1n him 1~ lhe traclc end.!n he accei>ts his cousin Rand<>lph u b!s f&lbc.-.,substltule . are all rich "Ith mt"llllln11-


0ne euople or ibis 1:&e ct S,Jmbollsn Ill Ille Incident Wbicb DCC:Unl lbl' l!lD!Dl:ll a!te: Joel atrlns at the Landlnc. Miss Acr. t~ bou&Hl'fPCr. kills a blU<U&:i who Is OuttNln,madl) lli;;llnst t~ wlodo .... uytoc to rscapl'. The blue!:!>' & \"&In all..:u> to escniic aymboll7" Joel a ht- uruul es 10 shake of! Ill Influence or tbr depress!\· house and communltr. "'Th poket cauchl the bird aero" the ll!lct. and plnlont'd It t r th" rra ctl n t 11 mom• t. bre11tln1: IOO!ll', II flew wlldh t t be wind " and ccwt'd NI , ppl'd acai t thr p:uie. ... -. t dropplnc I the floor

t acn bled along -zt'<l T. :ap 11; thr rue

tb ua i.sp:ead •tni;:s. "as Mr4 trapped ll In a CIO!DCI. and scooprd . ' llP a1:11nst her treuL Joel ~ze=;std h111 f11Ce I Oto the pUICllll". knowla; ahtl ,.ould took his •ar. 1r onlJ :o see be"' tbe racket had affect"<! him.··

Otht:r I oicr • Other RoosJ la a puissant. tra;!c oo\"el. Telllnc tlx> OHY f a roi:nc boJ wlr> lea~s tbr rc:al world o! '1rs. popcc.::i. and snnmr Sebo l. to ~:ei a dl.J':!rl'll • t d wbe:e t!: :e­:are lb r " C"5 •••• whlcb oo::i.. t:o t •

HANSOH HEAOS SAMO Tll• ba1d .,. mt.,... ha e

r ent1' l~ I '!Cl ,,, •' (ftc• r · The.> are Tom Hanson. prillll • deDI aad atudent dln.-c:vr: Bob oat1t1>e11:. \"lc:e-Prtsld~t: Tool Paul. acct<'LUY: a.rd s~1•ia Uct:. llbranan.


THE CAMELS ARE COMING Thio mh. mrd1um brown ~hade w o1ton1I ' th \ r 1thrr colnr in )'Ottr wnrd1·0~0 look f .. r c .. m•' •r In p. r J irket t·nrdl(fnn•. pullo,,•ra and :ippt'I'

1 :. tt m n h 1 11 n1r Yo..1 nnrn it-ynu"ll finri it 1n cnmt•l'

STRONG, STURDY CORDUROY ' .ull the _mnonata)" of the , h n th newer. wtdPr·\\ale \\CA\f::I

, 1~·1 _ .. t. lh< pop 1lar leatht•r patch<'3 thnt kttp \OU ff"C'm corr.lnll' t· t·dbow while add1n1T a emnrt touch

n I b ks ' II ti., In d•mand In tM neutral. naturnl •ill <>r ,ou m111ht try the la1t• t

VARIETY IS THE SPICE OF SLACKS- lon1 ... t ho \"llf!Ol)"''• cor ,J C .11 nm an~ u11><'rrd. pkat" • ••nd "it} a P- . t 1rl n,, .ti mnt•r ~1rc. wont•!<! "1th ,, t1mooth fim~h or \\ l-t111d·pnl) lei bltml• Wllh a llnnntl fini•h Tnk• 11

l""k nt !><>th d>rker .>nrl inkrm • .<fl11te tones--ox!ord frl'l<)"•· oli"e•. dark bro1m. AA "rll n th~ middle mi:durc•-lh•n mnke your com· mand dC"i•101 on th• haai• ••f tho b!end or contrn..•t with your ac:ket.t.

RIDING HIGH >n camru•e11 throusrhout the h• 1-ri•or •hoc. r.o" au1l:able 1n

like cordo\"nn. H ... e11 u br hed thcn .-\ srood choice for nil but the most formal occaJ1o~r the football ticld-i• th p lar hp-on Th• 1nd1t10!1lll moccasin I•

tb m and IU nriat1ons are 'cry nrii rl) m t d' Gnuni'd leather •hJ>o<>n• ere n~

r r fall and wnlcb p:irt1cularl)' for 11rn1n1..J I th In black. Equally •mnrt lJ lhc wing·

lo mrlv QcLObcr. Mt. ' pe~ch •; 1mned tho

ToastmutNll Club !or dlnn~t. ..-blc:h V.'U foll 11t"d by II pNg::an: of spe.che • lo the ab6enc• of a ..., tmn ter n m<111bcr or lbe &tie" b cl11 •

«" . t"ln"t ft.~\'l\llls

'lary Ross. perf.>rmrd a.• toaslml5Uf'59 .

Pre,1005 "' 1h1• \'1611 w1 lh lhe Toaslmas1ru Club, lh<' 11pt't'Ch class '"nl to K\'Sl • whNe the m1•mbcrs ..-ntchl'd Don crnmonte at .. rk ond r.•cc rded L'irl t m ices.

Page 6: The N.I.J.C. Cardinal Review 18 (3) Oct 30, 1963

Once A 'Dark' C.Ontinent

B.- \.\b., J,• ~I

Tb" El11"0pe.n orlenta llon ""hlCh \'&flOUS li•CUons ot A!nca ha•" undrrpine hu 10 a lar1• ntenl rob~ us ot our common undenJtandtnc of one anothN. OUI or t?as cl.her<lt)" •r ha'" learned a les..'IOn - th" common brothorbood and ltH! deep. patnouc !eell,. !or Africa. On a conllnml whoae Pt.SI has bttn beamlrcht'fl wl th the mos1 blll<-r turmoll11 ol human despair. 1•vN7 A!nca.i In Wh&IP\l!I •alk ol Ille b aeeklnc kno-..1"'1cr. raced w Ith tho ruponalbllll1 ol pre.-nni hlmnl r !or mu I mun: &rrvtce In tht> rapidly ad· '·anclna Africa. Out ol thll blttl'I ... arenrss or tilt! still exlstlna prubl•ma or t&· nonlllce. PO\l'rlY. dlseatol', lmpcnallsm, the ooniemporary emNgenc<' or noo-colonlallsm and 10 o dcst« the oonntel­lnc tendencies of Alrlcan nallomltt\m; thl' youna Alr1· cons aro c:ompell<'d IQ gnc· nficl' that little hlll>Plnl.'lls -of a ! ly. Tht•Y end uP In alnut«c countries or sironae P"OPletor 1he hope ofllablln~ a candle In the "dark" conunenL

The loin cloth and th~ spear hunK loose upon him. lnst,•ad a burnlna dl'Slrl' for th<' de,·elopment of thl' African peraonallty.

The l'llmlllauon, th~ aback· Jes of sla•N), tht' once flnn gnp of th"' thorru "•bot tht 8r1Usb tmpNlal crown are all mellint: away - tlll'n It ls tlm~ to demonatratl" to th<" ,,.odd that we can and .. 111 irake our con1r1buUon 10 buroa:Uty. V.<• r~allze that .. ., are b<'hlnd but this does not erase the on., fact. 11.hlcb bislOr) f~r Cl'ntun~ has bt!<'J\ dctennlned IO hldl". but •htcb ha• bunc clutchln11h w tht-lrrevcr~bl• pendulum of l'\'Olutlon: .. " haw l!Omt" thll1lt to otter and "e will.

You 118 a youns Arr .. ·nc:an are ,...,1ni: IQ be the next In thl" U.N. Ho,. ,.111 you drat with th~I' " uvaces" from the conunent. once a " dark" conllnl'nt.

H. Ee Club Has Oinn•r

The Home Ee Club orncefll for uus v~r are· prt'llldent. Beuy f'ltchner. secretary. Ann Laine treasurer. Janet Mon1andon, vice prellldent. Ronnie COnkhn. rt'poncr. Ronnte Conklin . rt'porter. Laura Lee Yeoumans, hi&· todan. Carol 0&\1S. Mrs. Sttanalan I~ the ad,1aor.

The club e&\t a "Get Acquainted" dinner lor tbf'


By TClll"" -4190'~

In the 1.,,1 ISSUt ot the ~·: I said If •t? were lucky we would be mo~ed 1 nll> t~ dormitory, otbe.,.1se It would It "~uld be about aootber •ef'k of •alUn1. "'Pll. we were lud:7 P<IOlls.b IO set moved la oo Sunday. oa. 13. .All "" bave to do no• ls ..alt for tM dor.:i ID ~ fials~ ed. whlcb•Ul beabout aml!ier th:N'! or mor,. wttts.

For the most pan. hl'!111 In an anOnls~ dorr:i bu bee pr 111 i:ood lkeeplnc. ln ci:ld all tht we.Ill !llat las ta ~ don" Lid ..Sbu l'wulJ 1n eome caaes. AclU&lly t.~r flat i..o nlr;bi. •~..., aboQI th" "or L i;.>ct' or lbP more unlucli:y l'!llaa had 10 sl""P OD tht! Ooor Until tbdr bunka could be put tocether. !:al then there are tbose DOil· con!ormlats, lite Ray l)t'mpse7 and Russ Tbocp !IOO . •ho didn't "&Ill to sleep OD tht' Ooor. so lheJ put up th•l r own bunk$. Also the noms '"'re mts.slna otht-r thlnca like desks. cabtoet•. closets, prlb. shelvrs. dra,. ers and llchtl>. But mc,,;1 ot these th1ncs hue been prelt' •Pll suppllt'd by now, except for thl' females •.. hrc:ll:.

Tht' bo.'S 1111 on the St'COnd noor. south end. are tanng a bit of 1roubl<' 5UCb as. lb<' bedh ase too shon. and the ahov. ere 11bould be abollt a foot hlaher, but I ll'Je5$ that'" •hat .... Ct't for lh'lnC OD the cir1~· aid<'.

V.t h&\"<' an uPcomlna boar sta>1ns In room 126. ms nL'ne IS .. Pancho", alias :.Sark Broncheau. i.tart hu been bo7Jnc for tour yean; and has rousbt 55 mn1cbes. an'1 .. 'OD 50 of them. 30 uf wblcb ha\I! bun koocl<uu~ Last HU he ,.on the Spokane Inland Eml>1,.. loumament. "tticb ciuahfled bur for !Ile AAU nauonals. and be Is planning IOaltt'nd the nauonals this year. Should he •ia tbe natlorals, be ••ould ciuallfy ror the 196~ Olympics la Tokylo. Japan.

Marie has fought throushout the western U.S. and In Coru>.e!L [ ' S Wish blm a lot of luck. members on OcL 28. Gueslb at the monthly dinner meeana "ere Sharon Scharff. Beck1 Krause. Be•~dy Plstonus. Sharon Patnou. Kath; Conrow. Barbara \lcKay, Murne Se!· son. Mr.;. Pal l.IC Kt'•itt. Wbo ts the whloo coonh.Dator !or The Cr..5C@llt, was the cues1 spt'llker. Betty sea· 'If&\ Wb IM .. chairman of t dinner.

School Supplies

New Shipment of Sweat Shirts N c..-1 ~ - ! 'z•t , .. ,.. ,.._ o:-/ar:_-

Study Aids - College Outline Series Schaum's Outlines and Others

NIJC Stationery 1,, c .J lora

p . ' f J - - V't


G onzogo Impress es N.IJ.c. REv1e•. , ..... ""'"°" .. ldoho, .. d.. o. .. t... J(), 1963

Former NIH Coed Phi Theta Kappa Off icers &, OI""' -, f•

:Sot l~ni' aro I "lll> •a.ftiC•-d a sLrallce atl&Cll. of nosials:la. SIWr.J la the COG al Gor:izaaa. 1:1edltaliai OTe: • CUP o t cotf ee. I ralJ zed II• t I ml" ed J.C. Ck>ly one U:lm: 1''0Uld esse Ibis puc ol boma1lcl · aess. So I clC!l'ld~ IO tut classes onl! da7 and ooc" IO J.C. ID try ID t..c&PIUI the pasL

J chanced IO pick a da)' wbea all was In wlld acth1tT. I happe::ed ""'1R a 11tud~t· facalty tea. alld the cac:;iali:ns !;>r class of'Dce .-Ne ~ at a :nad 1ecpa. Tbc,.. •Ne poste:s aad lrallat'· all O•<' r, and llCl:lt' r:ur named Goorcc. I recember, 11tood up 011 a :a.bit In the SIJB and •fall1 abOuted UP a stor.:i abo>ul belnc t>lec1ed. It rully Celt i:ood. Just to

all aro1.11d tbc SUB and so r. ot •allow In ~nummt. and lalk to pf'Ollle. and drink Wanda's cortee. But the wal.lowtna and talklna and dr1nltlos didn't lot too lonit. Peoplt' around J.C. just can ' t td!Pnl"ss, and all of a suddrn I found myaelt WI th an asslaommt tor thr papor. Beck.1 wan1Pd a l'\lf!'SI rncur .. about Gon:z:aJL

So. . .Ila ataUsUc:a C'D eom•lhlnt: like this: lt '.s a co-ed wtlVt't>llY ot llPPllll " lr:ialelr ::ooo s1udmu. op · emted b• the Jl'Sult f"athtrs, aod locattd OD £&51 Boollt' A .-enue 111 Spokllllr. Its caa:pus Is Sll>&ll. but wrll· tmdrd and uHdooks lhr SPOtane RI ••r. S.." era! new bnlldl.~s. notably dor.:ilion"". t the c:a::ipua' C'redlt. aod a new sports pavllllon Is on Its ,.. ar up •

Goczap otters the u&Ual cbO.ce In lls curcculur:i (Otlls ta..i ch ru: are t be law school and phllosoph' Pllr cnun\ and a wtde ranee or uttacurocul111 acUrillu. !'\of' uemendously enJov!!d my classe~. Tht'y'"' not only challenclns. but ciulle sumu· la\in'- The cla.;sroom Is upon lccturtntt rather than textbooks, and diu· t.o-dny busy work ls replact'd b) outside readlns. And there a re club& and acllvtUfll "\hilt -..on' t ciuJt." or all social clubs, SPrvtce orp.nlzatlon6. athletics. l like tbe volunttX'r croups that brlp out In local c:ltldu:n's homt'S and h03p(· 1a1... But all or Ulla can be read ln one ot tht' cal&lou la tbt' olOce. "bat c:an ., be "'ad an.rwhtre but htre are 1111 pr1celeu pel"S(inal I"'· preqlo11&.

GollZ3p la a rneodl111Ch>ol. Stnu11ers speak t;J stmnetrs In the balls: Ule pr,;!s ase obllsinc and r:ih readlb "1 lh the student.a uou:d tbe cu:pus; and debs •dcome new cumbers.

Tbt' dor.::s ase nice. TbeJ' re ne.... for the mos: part. and c..:::r •rtable and ad!.'Quate. And lb<' ;rDrml &p!Ut ot tbe reslderu ar;:xte11111 la one or coope talion.

Ounpus rule&-t!SPedallT !or the resldaits-arcn't oppress I\ e. and .10u SN the Ceellns Iba! y0u 're 011 ~~r own and diaclpllof' ts .10ur own responslbll11y.

The over·all academic at· mospbe re Is wlat I'd call thou ldltful. Ma Jlk phlloso· phtcal 15 a better word. Tht' point Is that at Oon:usa Jou can think. and speak, and fe~I. and quosllon. and doubt, und reJect or accl!l)l, and a.uccPed

"• Pf• ;1r. t f P ; T"-fa ~a~. and C.,ry '°'""•'· '• ,_ p .:J nq G ...Ct ••t of O ''-"'''" for "°'• JOI' ,, "°"'°"~ t " y..or.

Tilt' lll:n lltll<' blondn )'OU Gary Shlllml'k. •lce-i>r•aldtnt h d th h 11 o f PTK. can al"° be ob•trred

llN' r.111 Ins an>un c • ~ hurrY1111 aK1und tht JC hall of :SlJC Is Shan>n Parr1ott. •· Phi Thnta l\appa pre11td~n1. Gary, an ac~v.. mt'mber of Shan;n la al•O prt•ldrnt o f the Enclnt'rr~ Club. l'nJnyo tho Cardinal S<>nlc" Club and bowling. t•nnls, boallna. and

various othN acuve •PDrta. asst11ant·~rcrNary of the AlthouRh he has a tlttty col· BOwllnc LPar.ur. b•~ld~• ll•ac •chl'dulc, Gary 1tlll ~1n11 acth~ In AWS. \lomrn • Dnds umc !or his hobb nf R~r~auon Allaoclallnn. Oriti construcllna lhln111. 1 Tram, Chorua. and Band. Althou1h his ru1urr Plan• Bf'l••m thc3e actlvltles ahP &Ull Ond5 llmt! IO be a majo r- 111• no t definite, Gary haa ett~ and hrlp In tile Vart~IY constdert>d conllnulna for a Sbo B. S. dear re In rl ecunnl rat

c w.:Cerntna ber rutur" plane en&1ncertn1 at either Idaho a r Sba

0roo la con111der1nc attt'nd· • aoutht'm unlvemlty and

I the U of I whNe aha will plans to epeclallze In auto· ns • mallon.

maJor 1n •lementary educauon Commentins about PTK. 11nd minor Ill hl1tor1. Ouy said "I •ould like IQ

i;b11f':ln bl<! this 10 aay • about PTK "lahall b<l dlap· see tbP PTK promote 10010

I I d If 'ibis P&t isn't the lntert'sts which lbe preatnl po n e Y membera and nf'W Dlfm.,.,,. bluest and ~t tht' JC has wlab. I.Ast year 1iw. orpnl· ''" known. v.e have some muon ,.11 ~ vtrJ aCU••· ,.tie amll!Uous plana for PTK and scbOlaatlc lntf're9ts of tb• are anUc1palln£ a larse. aiudents slYJUld be forear;iat •ntbu.~tasUc new member- In the alms of this'a atup. meaJbrrs."

or tall. 'Ntthoul evu being bnllld"'1 tutallJ wronit. Thert''d a clallenein& frt>edom !or "bua7 lltUe rntnel•. "

SChoCll spirit around GonZasa Is blc. Most people he~ ba' e a rt!lll , po;,1 uve, actl ve Uklni; for th••lr echool , and It 8ho"'1 up in over-1111 en­thusiasm. Kld.s really set In and pitch !or their college and cver1thln~ It trlM IQ do.

Gonzap 111 an P&ay school to tmnsfer into. The fr1endly, •Plcoiruna aptrlt helps. And. too, all my credtte from J.C. wert' accepted. The philo­sophy requl,..menla (bJ which eve" Gonzap 11raduatf' flnll>hes witb an &11tomauc phU?aophy Dllnor. asldP flQm hie ctna~ n rids llr concen-111111on) are l!UY enousb t.o make up, and cao be squel!%ed lJlto two yrass.

Tbea. there' ll ene lloal dmwlnc card: Goozap ls clo e to Co<'llr d'Alene. s • lllr nor:iadswhollke to '<'ll!UI

tar a•ar trom homt, lhl• -..1:1uldn't m~an a thlna- Bui Cor anybody 1111.t' me. •ho II i;ubJ<'CI IO periodic attac:ll:a of homesickness for J.C., tli• thins ot belos only a half an hour'• do VP away bu 11at at RDlficaoce.

Circl• K Wor~s The Circle K Club bt'ld a

work day OcL 18. They put up • new coJdlnal dJreca on bl&n by tbc entmncf' to tilt coUeae neBI Roa~betrJ Drive, and<O clt'aned uP the c:amt1us pounds In badl of th<' Fort Shtrman OllL The club ;~ aJITentlJ Dil~ and repalnUns the atcna ..., .. welcome people to the c:o!llP-

PEEIC AHHUAL EDITOR At a recent aJt'e tlna ol lilt

SWdenl Board It wat ...­that f'lo Peelt would be lllt ne.. edttor-ln·chlel of tllt :SIJC amual. Conni• Eldlell and Bruce AndelllOn att ID 111

co-edl IOIS.

Eat At The St udenf Union

Breakfast ....... 60 cents s.,v.J Daily

Lunch . •• ..•... 70 cents s.,v.J Dally II :JO - 1'

Dinner ......... 85 cents Serv•J Daily 5:30 - , .

Sunday Dinner 1.00


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