Page 1: The science of sales follow up-the 1-2-3 method

The 1-2-3-Method



The Science of Sales Follow Up:

Page 2: The science of sales follow up-the 1-2-3 method

INTRODUCTIONIt’s preached over and over. Activity, activity, activity. It’s the keys to the castle when it comes to a career in sales. You must stay active. Sales is a marathon and not a sprint. As a salesperson, it should be your mantra. “What I do today will reap tomorrow.” That’s why it’s so important to follow up with existing opportunities diligently and meticulously. As a salesperson, it’s easy to get enamored with the new juicy opportunities that make their way into your funnel, but be careful not to forget those that already have been through some part of your sales process already.

Now there are all kinds of follow up throughout the sales process:•Contacting inbound leads (hand raisers/suspects that aren’t quite ready for a sales appointment.•Following up with prospects who have seen your presentation and need some time to decide on a course of action.

In this eGuide, we’ll be referring to the latter. Specifically, what do you do once a prospect has seen your presentation?

In the Science of Sales Follow-Up The 1-2-3 Method you’ll find:•Discussion of the objective of follow up•Introduction to the 1-2-3 Method•Follow-up flowchart

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The 1-2-3-Method

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Page 4: The science of sales follow up-the 1-2-3 method

The Modern Marketer’s Follow UpA method that works well for getting prospects most likely to buy is the 1-2-3 Method. This technique is essentially a series of 3 emails aimed at verifying a prospects interest in your product or service. The messages within the emails are deft and tactful and give the prospect an opportunity to say no.

As salespeople, it’s inevitable for prospects to be gung ho about your product or service and what it can do for them. But a week later, dead silence, nothing, crickets? These emails will help authenticate their interest (or lack thereof). In fact, it’s highly likely that this technique will help revive prospects that have gone silent. The basic flow is as follows:

Time Delay

Page 5: The science of sales follow up-the 1-2-3 method

Email Templates

The Science: You are softly opening the door for further discussion. Not only that, but you are providing a timeframe for the prospect. The typical responses to this call-to-action might be:1) Yes, let’s talk.2) Now is not the right time, follow up in a month3) SilenceIf the prospect opts for #3 then wait for a specified period of time and send the Soft Takeaway Email.

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Templates: The actual message in each email is very simple and conversational. No need to inundate the prospect with a ton of information unnecessarily. Below, you will find the 3 templates used in the 1-2-3 Method 1) Feedback Email:Hello [Name]Any feedback regarding the information we sent you regarding our solution you want to provide via email, or should we hold a time open on our calendars this week or next to discuss? Thanks, [Your Name]

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Email Templates


Hello [Name],I have not heard back from you and it may be that you got busy and meant to come back to this. Would it make sense for us to set aside some time later this week or should I be contacting you next month?

Regards,[Your Name]

2. The Soft Take-Away

The ScienceIn the Soft Takeaway, you exersized some tact in pointing out that the prospect has failed to respond.In fact, you’ve built a non-confrontationalexcuse for them. The call-to-action question gives the prospect an opportunity to meet or designate themselves as a longer term follow up. Remember, the objective is to weed out the buyers from the non-buyers. The typical responses might be:1) Sorry for not responding sooner. Actually your timing is just right. Let’s meet soon.2) I think a month would be a good time.3) We are no longer interested4) SilenceIf the prospect opts for #4 and does not respond, then wait a specified time period and send the Hard Takeaway.

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Email Templates


Hello [Name],Since I have not heard back from you, I will assume you have elected to go another route for [solution]. Should your needs change and a [solution] makes sense, please keep us in mind.

Regards,[Your Name]

2. The Hard Take-Away

The ScienceIn the Hard Takeaway, we are simply removing the prospect from our sales funnel and politely letting the prospect know as such. You would be surprised at how often a prospect will revive after receiving the Hard Takeaway. Typical responses might be:1) No wait, Sorry for the slow response, Let’s meet.2) Thanks for your follow up, but we aren’t interested. Try us back in 6 month’s.3) SilenceConclusion:The 1-2-3 Method works very well and is great for quick boosts in sales. Avoid adding any other content to the emails. The typical time periods in between emails vary from about 1-2 weeks. So, put The 1-2-3 Method into action and make sure you share some of the successes with us.

Mark Vallesinfusion-4

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