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Table of contents:

The beginning……………….



Crime strikes again……….

Another Sad Story………..

Happiness and Sorrow…..



The Party……………………..

Spencer <3…………………..

What happens Next?.........

It’s over?...........................


The end………………………….

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Chapter one The Beginning

Yelling and screaming shot threw my house. I was only 13 and I felt like a

mother already. Taking care of a 6 year old and a 5 year old wasn’t easy but I still

strived to keep their souls alive.

I, a young, free spirited girl was locked in a cage that had no key to set me

free. Pain was one thing that no one saw from me though. I was a perky, lively

teen that was kind hearted and didn’t really care what people thought about. And

I was respected for it.

But there was not a place I could call home. I lived in a place that I

described “a living hell.” A place where yelling and screaming were pretty much

common things. And as often as others crying was common too.

“Why do they keep fighting?” Elizabeth said. I responded in the calmest

voice I had, “I don’t know.” Isn’t it sad when you have to tell your baby sister that

you don’t know what’s going on? It was a feeling that you don’t want to feel, just

like when you hurt yourself really bad or get the breath knocked right out of you.

As I stroked my sisters face with the back of my chilled hand all I could think

about was sadness. As tears formed in my sparkly, aqua eyes, I tried to hold them

back. Footsteps approached my door. Knock, knock.

“Come in.” I said in a soft voice.”

“Me and your mother… I mean Patrice and I are leaving. We need to go to

the, uhh… we need to talk alone so can you watch Elizabeth and Gage while were

gone?” he said in a slow yet mumbled voice.

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“Yes I guess I can.” I said back in voice as in like you would make me


“Love you.” He said.

“Okay bye dad.”

“I’m hungry sissy!” Elizabeth said.

“I know I know, I’m trying.”I said back. Trying to do homework and take

care of siblings wasn’t easy. Scurrying around the house and turning the stove on,

grabbing the measuring cup, the pasta, and grabbing a pencil all within 30

seconds was like my new record. But I still had to get Gage to sleep. “

Okay guys we need to go to sleep.” I said even though I only meant for

Gage not Elizabeth.

“Okay sissy, I’ll go to bed.” Elizabeth said.

“NO, I mean can you help me clean?” I said in a small voice.

“But, Gage will you go to sleep?” I said

“Okay I will.” He said.

”Okay, goodnight.” We all said.

The next day was Monday so I had to go to school. “Hey guys!” I said

when I got there. We all sat down at our usual table. Luckily everybody was there

today so we could all talk about our weekends. Mandy talked about spending

time with her boyfriend, Rose talked about her mom and how she freaked on her

when she saw she was wearing make-up, Brianna talked about how she was with

Mandy and Mandy’s boyfriend all weekend, and I said I was at the mall every day,

even though I was lying. I was really at home, with Elizabeth and Gage.

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Chapter two Home

Home. There wasn’t a place I could call home; a place where when you

walked in it was warm, and pleasant. A place where you were loved when you got

in there. I wanted one if those so bad, I wanted to be loved when I walked in. And

that’s what I deserved. Even though I lived in “the modern day hell.” I lived in a

place where the colors of the rainbow turned to gray and where ice cream turned

into coal, I was known to be dramatic but I was not joking about this.

I got home after school and I wanted to cry. I actually missed school.

School was my kingdom and I was the princess. I know it sounds snotty, but I was

practically worshiped. Everybody knew me but in a good way, and I was like the

person you came to talk to if you had problems or if you just needed to talk or

something. I was that one.

Even though I was only 13, boys were one of my priorities. And

friends and family, but boys were like a hobby. Hormones were rampant in my

teenage years. You know when you see a guy for the first time and you’re like

whoa. But it wasn’t my fault. But that was another reason school was my


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Chapter 3 Rose Rose wasn’t my friend. She was my best friend. She was that one that you told

everything to and she wouldn’t say a single thing. Like I told her everything about

my weekend how in played out, and my dad’s fiancé Patrice, and Elizabeth and

Gage. She knew everything.

Today was Friday and Rose and I were having a sleepover, and the worst

thing that could possibly happen happened. Patrice and my dad got into a huge

fight. Poor rose was like “what’s going on?” She thought a bomb just went off in

the house; I felt so bad, I asked her if she wanted to go home, but she said it was

fine. Rose was strong and she could handle it. Rose was like the sunshine that I

needed when I was down and the clown when I was weeping. And that’s what I

needed, a friend. A friend that was always there for you. And luckily I got it. Even

though I had a horrible life I didn’t care as long as I had a friend. I wouldn’t

jeopardize that for anything.

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Chapter 4 Crime Strikes Again

In this “place” there were many expectations. Like one being watching the kids,

and living here. I made that one for me but it’s true that it’s practically a

punishment. I know it sounds bratty but if you were me you would know how I

feel. As my life went on, in this place I grew older in many ways. I grew up

maturely and in age. I was about to turn 14 in 3 days! But there was nothing to be

happy about. It just meant that I had to watch Elizabeth and Gage and do more

around the house. No party or gifts just more, and more things to do. It would be

another tragedy in my life. Every year nothing to look forward to. Just another

thing that I could cry myself to sleep to.

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Chapter 5 A nother Sad Story At school we had to read this book called another sad story. It was

about a boy just like me. Depressed and had a horrible life at home. I

was amazed with how he handled all the things that happened, it was

just like how I did things. Exactly. We were in sync. It was a fairy tale

and I was the little girl reading it, but it seemed so real to me. I don’t

know what was different. It seemed exactly the same but he got out of

the nightmare, and I was stuck in it. A never ending, life taking, drama.

I went home and wrote in my diary about the scenario. Every

single detail, every feeling, and every thought. Then the thought

popped in my mind. If I did exactly what he did in the story maybe, just

maybe I could get out of this horrible fate.

It was betrayal, for leaving my mother. It wasn’t my fault that he

left her. He didn’t have to dump his sadness on me, he didn’t have to

say we just had differences; he didn’t have to do any of that. It was his

entire fault, not mine, not mine, not mine! He needed to control his

“differences”, his sadness and sorrow. He needed someone to say that

it was their fault and not his. And I just had to be that person. I didn’t

want to be the person that was blamed for this, this thing that was

once love and now was a lethargic pain, that made everyone around

want to cry.

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Chapter 6 Happiness and Sorrow

“Take all my sorrow leave it alone x2 I was once young

and small and shy sadness occurred in sad little life so,

take all my sorrow and leave it alone take it away or let it

stay. all I ever wanted was happiness and I got none, so

take my soul and give it to someone that may need it one

day! I don’t need it no more so take all my sorrow and

take me away”

When I was 10 I wrote this poem. I cried and cried. I was that little

girl and that’s exactly how felt when I was younger. Sad, not useful, a

burden on my parent’s lives. It wasn’t a great feeling, unless you liked

feeling like everything was your fault. But to me, it was the worst

phenomenon I had gone through. I was shivering in a pool of tears. No

way to get out just to lay my body down and freeze. That’s how my

“depression phase” started. After my grieving, I went to counseling. I went for days at a time.

Just telling her what I was sad about, or what I felt that was my fault.

She finally got me to understand that these, “things” that kept

happening in my life weren’t my fault. They were my parents or my

friends or someone. I blamed all my sadness on myself when it wasn’t

really me that caused me to feel that way. I finally got back to a stage in

my life where I was happy.

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Chapter 7 Finally! Finally, it was time for school and I got out of my depression stage. All

of it was behind me. I had to live my life the way I wanted to. And it

worked out perfectly, because I got into the “Performing Arts and

Sports Academy”. It was the best school in the country and luckily I had

perfect grades and had no record so it was easy for me to get in. PASA

(performing arts and sports academy) had a rule that you had to live at

the school, but I didn’t mind that meant I got away from my horror film

and got to escape it.

I couldn’t wait to get there so I left the week before to go see my

dorm, and meet my roommate. Her name was Kila and she was so nice

and not to mention she was drop dead gorgeous. Black glossy hair,

bright green eyes, and a tan complexion. She was truly a Barbie.

The first thing we did was go to eat and get to know each other a

little better. We both had little siblings, and both had divorced parents,

and we both were popular at school. We were twins. The only thing

that we didn’t have in common was that I had blonde hair, sparkly aqua

eyes and a lighter complexion. But that was it.

The next thing we did was go shopping for our dorm. The good

thing about PASA was that not a lot of people could get in so the dorms

were huge! We had our own floor so shopping what required.

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We went to IKEA first to buy a brown, leather couch and 2 violet chairs,

a black wooden table, a flat screen T.V, two bed frames, and two

mattresses. Then after we went to target and bought curtains,

bedspreads, and two lamps. My bedspread was white and had a giant

red lily design in the corner. Kila’s bedspread was a sunset, with

yellows, oranges, and red sweeping down.

When we finished, our dorm looked like a sunset and a rainbow. It

was beautiful. It was marvelous, exotic and everything I ever wanted.

My dorm was going to be what everybody wanted, and they did. Every

day we would have one or two people stop by and say, “Your dorm

looks phenomenal.”

Two days before school started Kila and I went to get our schedules.

We had 3 classes together! We had art, math, and performing together.

Performing was the class that you did drama in. my schedule was first

period performing, second period DA(dancing arts), third period math,

lunch, fourth period science, fifth period art, sixth period social studies,

and seventh period was language arts.

The next two days we spent picking our outfits out and packing

our backpacks for school. Now, finally it was the first day of school! Me

and Kila got ready together. I wore aqua eye shadow, mascara, eye

liner, and light pink lip-stick. Kila wore green eye shadow, mascara, red

lip stick, and brown eye liner. I slipped on my skinny jeans and peach

tank top and grabbed my white vans and was ready to go but Kila was

not done yet. “Kila I don’t wanna be late to class let’s go!” I said in a

rushed voice. “Okay, okay.” She said as she pulled her pants up. We

both grabbed our bags and left.

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Chapter 8 School When we got to school I went straight to my locker. I put my bag in and

grabbed my binder. I waited on Kila and we went to performing.

When we got to performing the first thing we did was go on the

stage and say to everybody what your name was, what your talents

were, and why you were in performing. I said, “Hi my name is Jade, my

talents are acting, drawing, dancing, photography, and singing. I’m in

performing because I love to act and be in front of an audience.” Then

after me Kila went up on the stage and said why she was in performing

and stuff. Ours were practically the same, and our stage director

noticed. My stage director, Mr. Lauri said that if there was ever a role

that involved twins that we would surely get the part!

After performing I went to second period. DA was fun and we even

got to start learning our first dance. It was a hip hop dance and the

movements were pretty fast. But all together we were great! I would

have to day that DA was my favorite class yet. Even though I had only

had two classes that day. It was pretty fun.

Next was third period which meant it was math with Kila. My math

teachers name was Mrs. Smiley. Mrs. Smiley was not smiley. She was

evil and mean. I didn’t get it. What’s the point of your name being Mrs.

Smiley if you’re never smiley. I felt bad for the person that married her.

But, luckily class was over and it was time for lunch.

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At lunch Kila and I had no idea of where to sit. So we found a nice

4 person table and sat down. It was just Kila and me but we didn’t care

as long as we sat together. We had a salad and a baked potato for lunch

and a soda for lunch. At PASA we could go of campus for lunch and

dinner but today we decided to stay on campus. After lunch I said

goodbye and I left to go to fourth period. My fourth period was science

and it was the one that I was least looking forward to. Science was the

one class that I got low A’s in. It was the class that the teachers loved

me but I hated them. But, when I got to the class it really was a lab. It

looked like the ones in movies. Everything was the same. But, it didn’t

surprise me because PASA was a very wealthy school. Everything at

PASA had to be the best.

When class started we all had to go get our lab coats. My teacher,

Mr. Huntoon said that we were going to do a lab, even though it was

the first day and we knew nothing about science yet. Only the middle

school kidish stuff. But, he said, “Go get your lab coats and grab a


When I got my lab coat I went around looking for a partner. There

was no one just a girl sitting in the corner of the room. I walked over to

her and said hi and told her my name was Jade and asked her if she

wanted to be my partner. Quietly she said yes, and we walked over to

our lab station. Our lab was to mix different elements together and see

what happened. A and B were the first to test. They were set on a hot

plate and then we had to mix A into B. when we did this it overflowed

over the sides and I was a huge mess. Then it was time for C and D.

when we did C and D we had to use food coloring. Hope and I decided

to do blue because it was so dark. When we added C to D it did the

same just in a different way. This time it fizzed for a little while then

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settled down and then overflowed. So we concluded that something in

the food coloring played a part in the lab. But as soon as we started do

E and F the bell rang and it was time for fifth period.

It was time for art with Kila. But when I got the art room there

was no one in there. But as soon as I started to walk away I heard a

giant boom! I didn’t know what it was but, when I looked back at the

door all the lights were on and there was confetti on the floor.

“You fell for my trick!” Mrs. Queen said while laughing.

“Every year someone falls for it. It’s my favorite part of the year.

Getting to see just one kid’s surprised face, it’s hilarious!” shocked I

started laughing just to get my heart rate back to normal.

“Hi I’m Jaden but I go by Jade.” I said while I was still trying to catch my


“I know who you are silly. Jaden Marissa Lloyd. Born 1995 November

24.” She said as if she knew every single detail about me.

“Sorry I only know your name Mrs. Queen.”

“It’s fine that’s all you should know about, well and that I’m amazing at

art.” she said as if she was a professional.

But, it was time for class to start, so we sat down at one of the

long tables. “Okay everybody I’m Mrs. Queen, your amazing art

teacher. I will teach you every single thing you need to know about art.

Our first unit is 3D art, then we will do paper folding, then we will do

standard art. Any questions?”

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“I have one, I have one!!” this boy will long reddish hair said. “Do we do

any, well hard art. We do sketches and then blow the drawing up and

do something with them?”

“Yes we do actually. We blow them up, then we project them up on to

the wall and paint the sketch. Anymore questions?” she said.

“I do.” I said “Do we ever do any, well artwork that is for the school?”

“Well we make a mural then at second semester you all can paint your

lockers.” A loud cheer echoed through the classroom.

“So I guess y’all like that idea!” but as soon as Mrs. Queen started

telling us about our project the bell rang. “Good bye guys!”

Now I was time for social studies. My best subject of all. It was

that one class that really interests you and you loved it from the

beginning. My teachers name was Mr. Howwie, and he was super nice.

He taught social studies in different ways. He would kinda make it a

joke, and he would say words wrong so we could correct him, and he

wouldn’t make us do as many tests as the other teachers. I had just got

into his 10 minutes ago and I already knew that he was my favorite


Mr. Howwie started telling us that we would have a project due

the next week. The project was to find a country in the world and then

find out awesome things about it. He gave us an example; Australia:

kangaroos, koala bears, and really hot. But he wanted to describe those

things. I decided that I wanted to do the Philippines. I knew a lot about

it because in the summer of 8th grade if we paid for our own trip we

could go to the Philippines. So I knew that’s what I wanted to do. As

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soon as we got our rubric the bell rang and it was time to go to

Language and Literacy.

Language and literacy was my least favorite class. I got good grades

but it wasn’t fun just learning about similes, and adjectives, and

adverbs. You know, all that fun stuff. But when I got there I thought I

had taken a trip back to the future, the 70s exactly. There were lava

lamps and my teacher had a disco ball above her pink desk. It was full

of colors and it had tie dye. But teacher was even dressed like a hippy.

“Hello I’m Miss Dunaway. As you can see I love colors and I'm pretty

groovy!” she said as she started to laugh. “Hello Miss Dunaway.” we all

said. Now, for the first time language arts was fun. But it had to end.

After class I went to my locker waited for Kila. When she got all of

her stuff we were ready to leave.

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Chapter 9 The Party When we got home Kila informed me that we had gotten invited to a

party. It was one of those beginning parties. She said it started at 6 at

the guy dorms across the street. It was already 4:30 so that meant that

we had to start getting ready.

After we both showered we blow dried our hair. I curled it then

started doing my make-up. Kila straitened her hair then started doing

her make-up. I wore light pink lip stick, black eyeliner, gray eye shadow,

and, mascara. Kila wore red lipstick, black eyeliner, sparkly white eye

shadow, and mascara that made her eye lashes look like they were 10

inches long. Now it was the most important part of “getting ready”.

CLOTHES! We had to get our outfits picked out.

I decided on wearing ripped skinny jeans, a white “V” neck, and

knee high converse. Kila wore a black mini dress, red tights and black

stilettos. We were ready to party!

As soon as walked in the guys focus went right on us. We looked

gorgeous! We weren't looking for a guy; we were looking to have fun.

But it wouldn't hurt to have a fling.

Kila and I decided dancing was our main priority. We danced for at least

3 hours straight. But, a slow song came on and we didn't know what to

do. We just stood to the side and watched everybody have their

romantic moment. As we started to walk away someone caught my

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eye. A boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and had the look of a model.

The cute, sexy type. He looked up as and said "Hey do you go to PASA?"

"Yeah it’s my first year."

"Oh, that's cool, oh sorry I'm Spencer." "Oh, hi I'm Jade." as we just

started to talk Kila rushed me away and said we had to go. But, before I

left I gave him my number.

When we got home we went straight to our rooms. It was nine and I

had to go to school the next day. But, as soon as I got into bed Spencer

texted me.

Spencer: Hey

Me: Hey

Spencer: what u doing

Me: just lying in bed. U?

Spencer: same.

Me: awesome. hey do you go to the parties a lot?

Spencer: yah that was my dorm

Me: oh that’s cool. Hey, bout to pass out text u later...

Spencer: when can I see you again?

Me: soon.......

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Spencer: well when

Me: we go to the same school... me and Kila will sit with you tomorrow

Spencer: okay that will be cool. Bye

Me: Bye

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Chapter 10 Spencer... When I got to school the next day Spencer was waiting at my locker.

“Hey what are you doing today?” he said.

“Ugh going to school!” I said sarcastically.

“I mean after school. I wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie

with me or something.”

“Well what about Kila?”I said quietly.

“Well I can see if one of my friends will take her out. My friend was

checking her out last night. Do you know Jake?”

“Oh yah Kila was asking me if he was in my classes. Okay I guess that

will be fine.” I said even though I wanted to yell YESSSS!

“Okay I will pick you up at 7:00pm.

“Okay I’ll see you then!”

As soon as Spencer walked away I ran to Kila’s locker so I could

tell her the great news. She was just as excited as me and she wanted

to scream at the top of her lungs when she found out that Spencer and

I set her up with Jake. But the first bell rang so on the way to

performing we talked about our dates.

When school was over Kila and I went home and started getting

ready. We had to look better that we did last night. I was going to look

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hotter than ever before! I took a quick shower and then quickly started

to blow dry my hair. Tonight I decided to curl my hair. Small ringlets and

a headband with a peach colored flower was the look for me.

“Only an hour left!” I yelled across the dorm, as I did my make-up.

“Okay, okay I'm almost done.”

As quickly as I could I started to get dressed. I slipped my black

strapless dress and peach colored pumps to match my headband. I

grabbed my leather jacket and Kila goodbye.

When I went down stairs Spencer was waiting for me.

“Wow you look beautiful!”

“Thank you.” I said wanting to say I’ve been getting ready for 2 hours.

“You ready to go bowling?” he said

“WHAT! I thought we were going to a movie.” I said fiercely

“Well, the movie, I don’t know.”

“Okay fine let’s just go.” I said, mad that we had to go bowling instead

of a movie.

When we got to the bowling alley we had to get our shoes. We

went to our lane and started bowling. I went first. I was good at

bowling so I wasn’t scared to go first. I got a strike. I looked at Spencer

and said “Do you think you can do better than that?”

“You know it!”

When he went to go throw the ball he dropped it and got a gutter ball. I

started laughing hysterically. He said I had beginner’s luck and that the

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next time that he would get a strike like me. When it was my turn again

I got another strike. I laughed and said “Now do you think you can do

better than that?”

“Oh yah I'm going to do way better!”

He went and got another gutter ball. He said that I was just lucky, and

asked me if I wanted something to eat or drink. I said I wanted a Dr.

Pepper and we could split a pizza. As soon as he left I called Kila.

“How’s your date?”

“Great, yours?”

“Fantastic!! I'm beating him at bowling! I think that I really like him…”

”That’s great! Jake is such a gentleman we are at Patricia’s. He's at the

bathroom right now.”

“Oh hey I can see him coming back call you when I'm done bye!”

I hung up and waited like I had just sat there and waited. “Is this


“Yah thanks.”

After we ate, we just sat at the alley and talked. We talked about

family. School, friends and a lot after we ate, we just sat at the alley and

talked. We talked about family, school, friends and a lot more.

We didn't know when to stop. We stayed at the bowling alley until it

closed. We had so much in common. It was just like Kila and I. it was

funny to think that we were the same. Like two best friends, not

boyfriend and girlfriend. But, my parents used to say that it’s better to

be best friends then to be together. Well, we had both of those, so I

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think we were on the right track. But, our romance had to end so he

took me home.

"Well...." he said

"Well what?"

"Never mind... I'll… we’ll…"

But before he could finish I gave him a kiss.

"Is that what you were expecting or was I wrong?"

"No you were exactly right!"

I turned and smiled. "You’re welcome." I wanted to do it again but I

didn't want to take it too fast.


I walked up the stairs and went straight top Kila's room. "How was your


"Amazing!!! He took me out to dinner and then we just sat there and


"We did the same thing!!!!!! I swear I couldn't stop talking, we had

everything in common."

"Me too!"

"Hey Kila, I really need to go to bed because I have a giant test

tomorrow... Goodnight!"

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Chapter 11 What happens next? When I woke up I felt completely different. I felt like I had gone through

complete metamorphosis. I was a caterpillar that had turned into a

butterfly. I had just met Spencer and already I felt as if I knew

everything about him. I was like his twin but we weren’t family, we

were lovers. We belonged together. I knew Spencer only for about two

days and we were already best friends.

When I got to school my locker had been opened somehow and

filled with a dozen roses. “To the girl that I met at the party, the

girl that danced all night, the girl who beats me at bowling, to

the girl that we talked all night. My girl!”

I was special to Spencer. It was an amazing feeling. Feeling that

you are kind of, actually needed. My first bell rang and I went to class,

but I couldn’t stop thinking about Spencer. We were going on another

date tonight, but we were going with Kila and Kyle. I couldn’t wait. And

luckily school went by fast today.

After school I got a phone call from my little sister Elizabeth.



“Do you like school? I miss you so much!”

“Yes I love school actually. And I miss you too! How’s the family?”

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“Were good, I guess they are still fighting.”

“Then how are you on your mom’s phone?”

“I saw it on the counter so I thought I could call you fast.”

“Okay I have to go but I will call you again okay Lizzy?”

“Okay bye sissy.”

I hung up the phone and felt guilty. I had left poor Elizabeth at home

with my parents. She was only 6 and she was having to do what I did.

She had to grow up way to fast. I wish I could get her out of there but I

couldn’t. I said a quick prayer for her and had to run home so I could

get ready for my date.

When I got home Kila was still getting ready.

“Where were you?”

“Oh I was outside on the phone with Elizabeth.”

“Oh well we have to get ready we only have an hour or so.”


As soon as I finished my sentence I ran into the shower and took

the shortest shower that I could. I jumped out and blow dried my hair

and started doing my make-up. White sparkly eye shadow, dark black

eyeliner, I borrowed Kila’s mascara that made your lashes seem like

they were 10 inches long. I grabbed my red mini, strapless dress and

slipped it on. I grabbed my red pumps with a bow on the side of them

and then grabbed my leather jacket. Kila and I were set to go. We were

dressed the same, but she had a brown leather jacket, off white dress

and white pumps. We looked like models.

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The guys picked us up and took us to the best place in town. This

Japanese hibachi place where they cook right in front of you. The food

was amazingly perfect and it tasted like it was from heaven. After we

ate we went to go get ice cream and catch a movie. We saw an action

movie that the guys picked out. I think they picked it out because they

knew that we would get scared and hold on to them. Well they were

right. But, we had so much fun. We didn’t know what would happen

next. We were on a rampage. We couldn’t stop!! Our lives were the

action movie that never ended. It was the movie that everybody

wanted to see. We were the stars of the movie. But the night had to

end and we had to go home. Our dating lives were going strong, or so

we thought.

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Chapter 12 It’s over?

As the year went on me and Spencer still dated. But it had to end when

it was the week that we go out for Thanksgiving. We decided we

needed to take a break from our dating lives.

When I left to go to Houston, where my family lived I wasn't very

excited. I had to spend a week in the country. I was so used to living in

the big city of L.A that I had forgotten what family and my home town

was like. When I arrived after a 4 hour drive I was exhausted. I wanted

to know where I was sleeping and I wanted to know now! But as I got

out of the car I just practically stopped and stared. I saw my aunt’s

house, the two garages, and the swing that I used to swing on for days.

When my sister came she wouldn't talk to me, and she wouldn't even

let me hangout with her. The swing was my friend. It was my comfort.

I got out of the car and ran up to the swing. It was a wooden swing

with old, raggedy ropes. My uncle had built it ages ago. I sat down and

started rocking back and forth. I started to remember my great

memories. Like when I was 4 and it was my first time swinging on it, I

swung so high I almost hit the tree. I was flipping through the air. It felt

great for once to be back at home. The wind started to blow and the

wing turned cold. I didn't want to go inside. I just sat there. But I stood

up and was still standing. I started swirling and whirling. In circles I

swung. I couldn’t stop. I was as free as a feather that just fell off the

bird. It was fantastic. Nothing holding me back. I was finally free. But

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there was still a feeling that I wanted to be with Spencer. I wanted to

feel his warmth and his security. That’s what I wanted.

The next day was Thanksgiving. I was ready for some homemade food.

Dressing, turkey, mashed potatoes, rolls, and broccoli rice casserole.

And the desserts. The pecan pie, pumpkin pie, and the sweet potato

casserole. It was another comfort of mine.

It was the day of thanksgiving and I was ready to get stuffed to death. I

felt like I hadn’t eaten in days so I had to fill my belly up. I woke up at

9:36 am and I was already starving. I went into the kitchen and I could

tell that my mom knew I was hungry. She gave a look that said don't

you dare say you’re hungry. I just stood there for 5 minutes then

decided to go swing. I walked outside and sat right down on the swing. I

swing back and forth then just let the wind take control of me. I just let

go and let the wind have all control of my body. I sat there and did

nothing. I wasn't there. I was just sitting on the swing zoned out. I was

thinking of me and Spencer, my dad’s side of the family, and my mom.

My mom was the sweetest person you could ever meet. She was the

type that didn't get mad and she dent show her anger I'd she had any.

She was an amazing mom. She was and brunette with red tented hair

and was average everything. Height, weight, and much more. She was

beautiful and had a sense of humor. She was my heroine. My mom

came outside and stood right in front of the swing. "Are you hungry?

Cause food will be done very soon." I shook my head yes and wanted to

just be left alone.

My comforts were the only thing getting me to stay on this vacation. It

was thanksgiving and I didn't want to be thankful. I was stuck here in

the country and had nothing to do. I was a loner the whole trip. I had

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nothing to do. Zero. Zip. Zipo. It was horrible. No friends. No one that

related to me. I was going to die.

But, even though I had nothing to do I stuck through it. I may not

have had a friend but I had my mom. She was my best friend. She

wasn't Rose and Kila but she was better. She knew everything about me

and she was there for mostly everything. But I didn't want to be

hanging out with my mom all weekend. I was going to hang out with

myself and my phone. That's it. But as soon as this thought came into

my mind my grandparents drove up the white rock drive way. My

grandma; Dianne was a white haired, petite lady. She was a very

beautiful woman. My grandfather; Tommy was tall, gray-brown haired

man. They together were a very cute couple. They were old and

elegant. They were what I wanted me and Spencer to be like. But that

didn’t change our decision of taking a break. We had dated for 3

months. I wanted to take a break to see if he really loved me. If he did

he would wait till the end of the break. Even though I was going to be

bored this vacation I had to stick it out. I was going to have to

participate even if it was the last thing I was going to do. But I did it. I

hung out with the family and talked even though I acted through most

of it I still did it. On Friday the day after thanksgiving we went to my

mom’s friends house Monica. We drove about 20 minutes to get to

their house. When we got there we walked right inside like it was our

own house. We said our hellos and then sat down to watch a movie.

We watched a chick flick that made my mom want to cry. After the

movie my mom had to go to the store to buy some food for dinner, so I

stayed with Jordy; Monica’s daughter. We played Xbox and then went

outside to play. I know it sounded pathetic, a 15 year old playing with a

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10 year old, but she had a brother growing up and never had a girl

around. I was going to be her sister for the night.

When we were done playing cops and robbers outside, we were

out of breathe and we decided to come back inside to get something to

drink. We watched 2 more movies and it was time to have dinner then

to go to bed.

As Jordy dozed off, I sat in her room and watched TV. I was

watching a Disney channel show called “Suite Life on Deck”. I wasn’t

interested in watching a show all night so I turned the TV off and went

to bed. “I can’t wait till tomorrow!” I said sacastically

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Chapter 13 Home Again… Since I only had a week for break I had to go see my dad’s family. Even

though I didn’t want to, my mom said that I needed to. When my plane

landed in Texas I got picked up by my dad’s fiancée Patrice.

“How was your flight?” she asked

The car went silent. Finally I spoke up and said, “Why didn’t my dad

pick me up? I'm sure he’s capable of picking me up.”

“He is at an appointment for work. Won’t be back till later” she said in a

harsh tone.

I looked at the dash. “Sorry for being so rude I'm in a bad mood. I

have been stuck in the country and I want to go back home and I don’t

really want to be here, but I want to see Lizzy and Gage but… I stopped.

I'm sorry” I said

She looked at me as if pigs just flew out of my butt. She was

awestruck in such ways that I couldn’t describe. She just stared at me.

“So you didn’t even want to be here. Your dad bought this ticket for

you and you didn’t even want to be here. Gosh your selfish.” She said

“Are you joking? Patrice I wanted to see my dad pick me up not a

middle aged drag queen, that wears pounds of make-up that thinks she

is all that. Yeah I didn’t want to come to see you I wanted to see the

kids and my dad and my sister. Not you!” I screamed.

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She stopped the car. Gave me a look that made me want to cry. “Get

out now!” she said. “It’s my dad’s car, you get out! She gave me

another look and slammed her foot on the gas and drove away.

The rest of my week was just hanging out with old friends and

sleeping at my dad’s house. But, luckily the week was over. And I was

on a plane back to L.A as fast as I could.

When I got back to PASA Kila was up in the dorm sleeping. But, as

soon as the door shut she woke up. “Your home!” she said while

yawning. “There is something in your room for you.”

I walked in my room and my whole bed was covered with letters

and chocolates and roses. I was so surprised!

“I thought you said that there was something, not some things!”

“Well I guess I was wrong.” She said sincerely

“Yeah,” I said sarcastically

“Who are these from?....” I took a pause. “Spencer?”

“Yeah he came by yesterday, and the day before that, and the day

before that.” She said

“Jeez! He’s so obsessed!!!” I said jokingly.

“You’re telling me! He’s been here every day wondering where you

were. He really misses you.”

“Good cause I miss him too!”

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Chapter14 The End….. Have you ever had a feeling that your destined to be with someone?

That’s how I felt with Spencer. I loved him so much! Like the way he

would call me and say goodnight, or when we would go down to the

beach and sit in the sand and hold each other’s hands. It was the little

things he did that made me love him more and more. So, when I was

done talking to Kila I went over to his dorm. He was standing at the

door before I could knock. “Hey.” He said.

“Hi. I just got home and you got me all……” before I could finish he

grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss. This kiss was not just any

kiss, it was that one that they had in the movies that made you go

awwww I want that! We stopped and looked at each other. “I just

wanted to say that I can’t do this not seeing each other thing, it’s killing


“I can’t handle it either. I miss you so much!”

“Before I could get another word out he pulled me in for another kiss.

That’s when I knew that Spencer was the one. He wasn’t a fling or

someone you date, just to date. He was the one!

I know it sounds cheesy but we fell in love and stayed in love.

After PASA we both graduated from great colleges. I had a degree in

the arts, and Spencer had a major in architecture. Our lives were like a

love story. And we were the characters in the love story. Like Cinderella

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and the prince, or Shrek and Fiona. And still to this day I still look at the

note that he left in my locker…

“To the girl that I met at the party, the girl that danced all night, the girl who beats me at bowling, to the girl that we talked all night. My girl!”

And I was his girl from that day on.

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