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Tips for talksHow not to sweat your presentations

Andrew Zolnai(all pictures Wikimedia)

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Take a deep breath 1

• Look up at your audience and smile

• Helps engage the audience

• Helps drain the stress beforehand

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Never, ever apologise 2

• Little ‘snafus’ will happen at conferences

• Just chips away at your self-confidence

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Memorise your talk 3

• That frees you up to interact with your audience

• But avoid the attraction to rush through it

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{ Pause for breath }

• Cue cards can help stay on track if you’re super-stressed

[ as can happen, and that's OK ]

• But it also makes you look down and break your stride

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Remember your aids 4

• Slides, video and (perish the thought) web apps

• That helps you loosen up, look around and gauge your audience

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Old adage 5

1. Tell us what you'll say

2. Tell us what you’re saying

3. Then tell us what you said

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Tune in 6

• Tune your talk to your audience and to the time you’re given

• It helps reduce the jitterson "will they get it?"

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Have fun! 7

• Project enthusiasm for what you do

• It’s contagious…

• And do love what you do!

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Select Resources

• Stephen King On Writing (“Omit needless words”)

• Hubspot What would Steve do? (as in: Steve Jobs)

• Edward Tufte The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint

• Seth Godin Nine steps to Powerpoint magic

• Guy Kawasaki The 10/20/30 Rule

• If maps are you, then try Story Maps or Maptia

• Broader context, my How the Web was won – Round trip social media

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