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  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    Health & Safety Management Lecturing Resource


    Quarrying Related Degree Courses




    Objectives of this Section

    To define the concepts and components of a health and safety

    management system;

    To outline recent developments in health and safety management

    including the development of OHSAS18001 and accreditation.

  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    1.0 Introduction

    Many of the industrially developed countries of the world have seen injury and illness rates

    decline over the last ! years" However these rates have generally reached a plateau over

    the last decade" #his fact$ coupled with the realisation of the role of management andorganisational %latent failures in accident causation$ has lead to new approaches in

    managing health and safety$ most nota'ly the use of a systems approach" #he importance of

    managing health and safety has 'een highlighted in recent official reports of major accidents

    and has received increasing emphasis in (H&S legislation"

    ) Health and Safety Management System can 'e defined as *the means 'y which an

    organisation controls ris+ through the management process,"

    The BS define a OH!S management system as "part of the overallmanagement system that facilities the management of the OH!S ris#sassociated $ith the %usiness of the organisation. This includes theorganisational structure& planning activities& responsi%ilities& practices&procedures& processes and resources for developing and achieving&revie$ing and maintaining the organisation's OH!S policy.


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  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4



    An %--%cti% $"n"%$%nt #tructur% "nd "rr"n%$%nt# "r% in (,"c% -or d%,i%rin t!%


    )ll staff are motivated and empowered to wor+ safely and to protect their long;term health$

    not simply to avoid accidents" #he arrangements are0

    underpinned 'y effective staff involvement and participation> and

    sustained 'y effective communication and the promotion of competence which allows all

    employees and their representatives to ma+e a responsi'le and informed contri'ution to

    the health and safety effort"

    #here is a shared common understanding of the organisation:s vision$ values and 'eliefs" )

    positive health and safety culture is fostered 'y the visi'le and active leadership of senior



    T!%r% i# " (,"nn%d "nd #'#t%$"tic "((ro"c! to i$(,%$%ntin t!% !%",t! "nd #"-%t'

    (o,ic' t!rou! "n %--%cti% !%",t! "nd #"-%t' $"n"%$%nt #'#t%$.

    #he aim is to minimise ris+s" Ris+ assessment methods are used to decide on priorities andto set o'jectives for eliminating ha?ards and reducing ris+s" @herever possi'le$ ris+s are

    eliminated through selection and design of facilities$ eAuipment and processes" /f ris+s

    cannot 'e eliminated$ they are minimised 'y the use of physical controls or$ as a last resort$

    through systems of wor+ and personal protective eAuipment" 1erformance standards are

    esta'lished and used for measuring achievement" Specific actions to promote a positive

    health and safety culture are identified"

    M%"#urin (%r-or$"nc%

    /%r-or$"nc% i# $%"#ur%d ""in#t "r%%d #t"nd"rd# to r%%", !%n "nd !%r%

    i$(ro%$%nt i# n%%d%d.

    )ctive self;monitoring reveals how effectively the health and safety management system is

    functioning" #his loo+s at 'oth hardware %premises$ plant and su'stances and software

    %people$ procedures and systems including individual 'ehaviour and performance" /f

    controls fail$ reactive monitoring discovers why 'y investigating accidents$ ill health or


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    incidents which could cause harm or loss" #he o'jectives of active and reactive monitoring


    to determine the immediate causes of su'standard performance> and

    to identify the underlying causes and the implications for the design and operation of the

    health and safety management system"

    LongerBterm o'jectives are also monitored"

    Auditin "nd r%i%in (%r-or$"nc%

    T!% or"ni#"tion ,%"rn# -ro$ ",, r%,%"nt %(%ri%nc% "nd "((,i%# t!% ,%##on#.

    #here is a systematic review of performance 'ased on data from monitoring and fromindependent audits of the whole health and safety management system" #hese form the

    'asis of self;regulation and of complying with sections to 9 of the Health and Safety at

    @or+ etc )ct 34

  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    3.0 R%c%nt 4%%,o($%nt# in OH&S M"n"%$%nt S'#t%$#


    /n recent years a great deal of emphasis has 'een placed on standards and standardisation"

    (ne of the main reasons for this is that most major companies in the industrially developed

    world are multinational and favour a standardised approach to aspects of their 'usiness"

    (ver the last decade the /nternational Standards (rganisation %/S( has produced two

    major standards for organisations namely0

    /S( 4!!! series0 Quality Management Systems

    /S( 3!!! series0 5nvironmental Management Systems

    =oth these standards integrate their respective functions within a 'usiness and managementframewor+ and have 'een developed internationally 'y the world community"

    ) standard is defined 'y the =S/ as0

    A document& esta%lished %y consensus and approved %y a recognised%ody& that provides for common and repeated use& rules& guidelines& orcharacteristics for activities or their results& aimed at the achievement ofthe optimum degree of order in a given contet.

    Such Standards are voluntary and are designed to 'e e.ternally verified 'y nationally

    accredited 'odies" /t is argued that companies who register with these schemes will

    e.perience mar+et advantages$ a 'etter relationship with regulatory authorities$ investors$

    insurance companies as well as e.periencing financial 'enefits through greater efficiency"

    @ithin these series mentioned a'ove there are two types of *standards, document$ which are

    specifications and guidance documents"

    ) specification is a 6detailed set of re/uirements to %e satisfied %y a product& material&

    process or system& indicating the procedures for chec#ing conformity to thesere/uirements7" Specifications are written in such a way to ena'le conformity to 'e

    verified 'y any first party %supplier$ second party %purchaser or third party %independent


    ) guidance document provides advice rather than a set of verifia'le reAuirements and is

    designed as an internal management tool"

    /t has long 'een recognised that a health and safety management system is analogous to an

    environmental management system and much de'ate has ta+en place across the world onwhether such a certifia'le standard should 'e produced for health and safety management


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    systems" #he /S( 3!!3 management system model is shown in the figure 'elow and as

    can 'e seen there is a great deal of overlap with the HS5 model descri'ed earlier"





    OHS PolicyOHS Policy



    & Operation


    & OperationChecinCorrectivActio

    Checing &CorrectiveAction

    ContinuIm rovem



    Mana emeRevie

    Mana ement


    /n 344< the /S( decided for various reasons not to proceed with the development of a formal

    international standard on health and safety management systems" )s a result a num'er ofindividual country 'ased standards have 'een produced$ and a recent survey underta+en 'y

    the Eniversity of Michigan identified a total of F3 standards$ guidance documents and

    codes of practice availa'le in the world community" #he pu'lishers of these documents

    include national and state2provincial governments$ national standards organisations and

    professional health and safety associations" #he EG was one of the first countries to produce

    such a document when in 3449 the =ritish Standards (rganisation produced =S !!"

    5S 6600

    =S!! Fwas written as a guidance document and descri'es how the management system

    models in 'oth the HS5 pu'lication %HS89 and /S( 3!!3 can 'e used to ena'le the

    integration of health and safety management within an overall management system" =S!!

    Dairymple at al %344$ (ccupational Health & Safety Management Systems0 Review and )nalysis of

    /nternational$ national and regional systems and proposals for a new international document$ Report

    prepared 'y /nternational (ccupational Hygiene )ssociation for the /nternational La'our (ffice"

    F=S/ %34490 =S!!0 8uide to (ccupational Health and Safety Management Systems"

  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    is intended to 'e suita'le for 'oth large and small organisations covering a wide range of

    manufacturing and service industries and gives advice on0

    How to evaluate shortcomings with an e.isting health & safety management system


    @hat an adeAuate system should comprise of>

    How to progress from e.isting system to an adeAuate system"


    *unofficial, certification to the guidance"

    T!% OHSAS S%ri%#

    -ollowing the success of =S!! and the concern over the num'er of organisations$ such

    as consultancies offering independent certification to the guidance in =S!!$ several

    organisations %'oth from the EG and internationally lead 'y the =S/ got together to produce

    a (HSMS specification" #he principal aim of this was to produce some consistency" #he

    result was the pu'lication in 3444 of (HS)S 3!!3 " #his is not an official =ritish Standard

    nor an /S( standard$ however many of the major accreditation companies are offering

    certification to the standard"

    #he management system model used in (HS)S 3!!3 is the /S( 3!!3 model" )s a

    specification$ (HS)S 3!!3 lists a num'er of management system reAuirements using

    *shall, statements such as *the organisation shall esta%lish and maintain documented health

    and safety o%ectives& at each relevant function and level $ithin the organisation'"

    #he elements and su';elements of (HS)S 3!!3 are shown in the diagram 'elow0

    =S/ %34440 (HS)S 3!!30 (ccupational Health and Safety Management Systems I Specification"


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    OHS PolicyOHS Policy



    & Operation


    & OperationChecinCorrectivActio

    Checin &Corrective


    ContinuIm rovem



    Mana emeRevie


    !" OH&S Policy

    ()() T"e *ealt" + Sa%ety Policy

    #" Planning

    ,)() Planning %or "a-ar ienti%ication& ris.

    assessment an control

    ,),) /egal an ot"er re#$irements



    ,)3) O*+S management !rogramme4s5

    $" Implementation and Operation

    0)() Str$ct$re an res!onsi1ility

    0),) Training& a'areness an com!etence

    0)0) Cons$ltation an Comm$nication

    0)3) Doc$mentation

    0)6) Doc$ment an ata control

    0)7) O!erational Control

    0)8) Emergency !re!areness an res!onse

    %" Checing and Corrective Action

    3)() Per%ormance meas$rement an monitoring

    3),) Accients& incients& non9con%ormances

    an corrective an !reventative action


    Recors an recor management

    3)3) A$it

    " Management Review

    6)() :anagement Revie'

    /n !!! the =S/ produced (HS)S 3!! to provide generic guidance on the application of

    3!!3" #his document descri'es the intent$ typical inputs$ processes and typical outputs$

    against each reAuirement of 3!!3 listed a'ove in order to aid the understanding and

    implementation of (HS)S 3!!3"

    =S/ %!!!0 (HS)S 3!! (ccupational Health and Safety Management Systems0 8uidelines for

    the /mplementation of (HS)S 3!!3"


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  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    ). 4rovide ade/uate and appropriate resources to implement the policy

    1lanning and adeAuate preparation are the +ey to successful implementation" (ften

    policy statements and o'jectives are unrealistic 'ecause there are inadeAuate and2or

    inappropriate resources availa'le to deliver them"

    *. The setting and pu%lishing of OH!S o%ectives& even if only %y internal notification5

    @hile the 'asic reAuirements and aims of health and safety management remain$ the

    impetus of producing and reviewing an annual plan acts as a 'usiness focus" /t also

    ena'les organisations to demonstrate to employees and other sta+eholders how (H&S

    management is 'eing developed" )ll employees should 'e aware of the o'jectives"

    +. 4lace the management of OH!S as a prime responsi%ility of line management& from the

    most senior eecutive to first line supervisory level

    /ncluding a safety o'jective as part of the annual management performance review

    reinforces this responsi'ility as well as maintaining an individual focus on your specific

    safety targets"

    ,. To ensure that the policy statement is understood& implemented and maintained at all

    levels in the organisation

    )ny policy statement should 'e clear and concise and related to the activities of the

    organisation" 5ffective communication to staff at all levels throughout the organisation isvital" /nitial induction training should 'e used to demonstrate to new staff from day one

    the genuine commitment of the organisation to (H&S management"

    -. 6mployee involvement and consultation to gain commitment to the policy and its


    /nvolving employees is often neglected" /n most$ if not all industries$ employees wish to

    contri'ute$ positively to (H&S management to reduce the li+elihood of costly incidents

    and2or claims" )t the end of the day$ they recognise that (H&S needs to 'e managed

    cost;effectively to maintain the security of their employment and the Auality of their wor+;


    8. 4eriodic revie$ of the policy& the management system and audit of compliance to policy

    (H&S management cannot 'e compartmentalised" /t must evolve continually as part of

    overall management philosophy to meet changing 'usiness demands$ new legislation

    and new technology$ as well as maintaining the complete involvement of all employees"

    . 6nsure that employees at all levels receive appropriate training and are competent tocarry out their duties and responsi%ilities.


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    /t is a common misconception that the only employees needing training are those

    wor+ing at the sharp end" #his is not the case0 management at all levels need to

    understand their responsi'ilities and 'e competent to underta+e the tas+s they are

    reAuired to perform"

    #raining must 'e appropriate to the needs of each employee and to the positive 'enefit

    of the organisation"

    #raining should not 'e a :one;off 'ut tailored to 'usiness demands and supported 'y

    appropriate refresher courses to maintain standards$

    /,"nnin -or H%",t! & S"-%t' M"n"%$%nt

    -rom the outset$ it is essential that there is commitment at the highest level within the

    organisation to the (H&S management system" #he planning process should 'e 'ased on a

    proactive approach$ identifying those areas of ris+ that are not tolera'le$ and putting in place

    controls wherever this is deemed to 'e necessary" 1lanning for (H&S involves0

    /dentifying reAuirements for the system ; what needs to 'e done

    Setting clear performance criteria ;what is to 'e done

    /dentifying who is responsi'le ; who gets it done

    Setting time scales I when it should 'e done 'y

    /dentifying the desired outcome ;what should 'e the result

    =oth =S!! and (HS)S 3!!3 identify three +ey areas which need to 'e addressed

    during the planning stage"

    Ri#8 A##%##$%nt "nd M"n"%$%nt

    #he intent of this reAuirement is so that the organisation can appreciate all significant (H&S

    ha?ards facing it using the process of ris+ management" #his is descri'ed in full in another

    part of this course"


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    L%", r%9uir%$%nt#

    #he organisation should identify all legal reAuirements applica'le to it as well as any other

    industry or company specific reAuirements to which it su'scri'es

    H%",t! & S"-%t' O%cti%# "nd /ror"$$%#

    Health and safety o'jectives are a major part of a management system and are defined as

    6the goals in terms of H!S performance that an organisation sets itself to achieve and

    should %e /uantified $herever practica%le7"

    (H&S ('jectives should 'e set annually" 5.amples of types of an (H&S o'jective include0

    #he introduction of additional features into the (H&S management system %e"g" permit

    to wor+ systems for specific tas+s$ strategic (H&S safety training for supervisors etc"

    #he improvement of e.isting features$ or the constancy of their application across the

    organisation %e"g" accident reporting$ communication of standard procedures etc""

    #he elimination or the reduction in freAuency of particular undesired incidents %e"g"

    reduce accidents 'y !J$ remove all ha?ardous material etc"

    Suita'le indicators should 'e defined for each o'jective" #hese indicators should allow for

    the monitoring of the implementation of the o'jectives"

    -ormal action plans should 'e drawn up for each (H&S o'jective that has 'een identified"

    #hese should form the 'asis of the 'usiness plans for each forthcoming year"

    #he (H&S action plans should identify the0

    /ndividuals who are responsi'le for the deliverance of the o'jectives across the

    organisation and2or within each operation

    Karious tas+s that need to 'e underta+en in order to meet each o'jective"

    #hese action plans should 'e developed in consultation with the responsi'le person%s"

    I$(,%$%nt"tion & O(%r"tion

    -or successful implementation and operation of an (H&S management system the following

    reAuirements should 'e addressed"


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    Ro,%# "nd R%#(on#ii,iti%#

    )t all levels within the organisation$ people need to 'e aware of their roles and

    responsi'ilities" )ccording to =S!! the following aspects should 'e addressed0

    3 /ndividual (H&S responsi'ilities should 'e clearly defined" @here jo' descriptions

    are used it may 'e appropriate to include such responsi'ilities"

    )ll personnel should 'e given the authority and resources %including time necessary

    to carry out their responsi'ilities"

    F )ppropriate arrangements should where'y people are held accounta'le for

    discharging their responsi'ilities"

    Reporting relationships should 'e clear and unam'iguous"

    @here personnel appraisal systems (H&S responsi'ilities should 'e included"

    Tr"inin & Co$(%t%nc%

    #he Auarry should have effective procedures for ensuring the competence of personnel to

    carry out their designated functions" )ccording to =S!! the (H&S management system

    should include0

    3" Systematic identification of the competencies reAuired 'y each employee and the

    training needed to remedy any shortfall"

    " 1rovision of training identified as 'eing necessary in a timely and systematic


    F" )ssessment of individuals to ensure that they have acAuired and maintain the

    +nowledge and s+ills necessary for the level of competence reAuired"

    " #he maintenance of appropriate training2s+ills records"

    5nsuring the training and competence of employees is also a specific reAuirement of the

    Quarries Regulations$ 3444 %Regulation 4"

    Con#u,t"tion & Co$$unic"tion

    #he organisation should encourage participation in$ and support for$ (H&S$ from all those

    affected 'y its operations$ 'y a process of consultation and communication" =S!! states

    that organisations need to ensure that they have effective arrangements for0

    )" /dentifying and receiving relevant (H&S information from outside the

    organisation including0


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    3" ew$ or amendments to legislation>

    " /nformation necessary for the identification of ha?ards and evaluation and

    control of ris+s>

    F" /nformation and developments in (H&S management practice"

    =" 5nsuring that pertinent (H&S information is communicated to all people in the

    organisation who need it" #his reAuires arrangements to0

    3" Determine information needs>

    " 5nsure that these needs are met$ 'earing in mind the legal reAuirement

    that relevant information has to 'e provided in a form and manner that is

    comprehensi'le to the person receiving it"

    F" 5nsure that information does not just flow from the top down$ 'ut also

    from the 'ottom up and across the various parts of the organisation"

    " )voiding restricting (H&S items to dedicated (H&S meetings 'y

    including them on the agenda of a variety of meetings wherever


    " Report ha?ards and shortcomings in (H&S arrangements>

    C" 5nsuring that relevant information is communicated to people outside the

    organisation who reAuire it"

    D" 5ncouraging feed;'ac+ and suggestions from employees on (H&S matters"


    #he organisation should document$ and maintain up;to;date sufficient documentation to

    ensure that its (H&S management system can 'e adeAuately understood and effectively

    and efficiently operated"

    #his reAuirement will 'e covered later in the course as it is analogous to Regulation < of the

    Quarries Regulations$ 3444 which reAuire the production of a health and safety document"

    O(%r"tion", Contro,

    #he organisation should esta'lish and maintain arrangements to ensure that activities are

    carried out safely" #hese arrangements should 'e 'ased on the results of the ris+

    assessment$ and any health and safety o'jectives that have 'een defined" Depending on the

    results of the ris+ assessment these arrangements could 'e in the form of instructions$ rules


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    and procedures$ which are a specific reAuirement of the Quarry Health and Safety Document


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  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    #he num'ers trained in (H&S

    um'er of ris+ assessments


    5.tent of compliance with ris+


    @or+place e.posure levels

    1ersonal protective eAuipment use"

    Reactive monitoring should 'e used to investigate$ analyse and record (H&S

    management system failures$ including accidents and incidents" 5.amples of

    reactive monitoring data include0

    Ensafe )cts

    Ensafe conditions

    ear misses

    Lost time accidents

    Major accidents & fatalities

    Sic+ness a'sences

    Criticisms made 'y regulatory agency staff

    Complaints made 'y mem'ers of the pu'lic"

    In%#ti"tin Accid%nt# "nd Incid%nt#

    (rganisations should have procedures for 'oth the reporting and investigating of accidents

    and incidents" #he prime purpose of these procedures should 'e to prevent further

    occurrence of the situation 'y identifying and dealing with the root causes" )ccident and

    /ncident /nvestigation is covered later in this course"


    (H&S auditing is a process where'y an organisation can review and continuously evaluate

    the effectiveness of their (H&S management system"

    Safety auditing is a positive and proactive means of chec+ing the safety performance of an

    organisation" #he general principals of auditing 'elow are 'ased on those given in (HS)S



    )n annual plan should 'e prepared for carrying out internal safety audits" #he safety audit

    should cover the entire operation which is su'ject to the (H&S management system$ and

    assess compliance with (HS)S 3!!3" )udits should 'e carried out according to a written

    procedure$ and only 'y competent independent personnel" #he results of the audits should

    'e recorded and reported to management" ) review should 'e carried out 'y management

    and effective corrective actions%s ta+en$ where necessary"


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    M"n"%$%nt Su((ort

    -or (H&S auditing to 'e of value$ senior management should 'e fully committed to the

    concept of auditing and its effective implementation within the organisation " #his includes a

    commitment to consider audit findings and recommendations and to ta+e appropriate action

    as necessary$ within an appropriate time" (nce it has 'een agreed that an audit should 'e

    carried out it should 'e completed in an impartial way" )ll relevant personnel should 'e

    informed of the purposes of auditing and the 'enefits" Staff should 'e encouraged to co;

    operate fully with the auditors and to respond to their Auestions honestly"


    )udits provide a comprehensive and formal assessment of the organisation,s compliance

    with (H&S procedures and practices" #he end result of an audit should include a detailedwritten assessment of (H&S procedures$ the levels of compliance with procedures and

    practices and should where necessary identify corrective actions"


    (ne or more persons may underta+e audits" ) team approach may widen the involvement

    and improve co;operation" #hey should 'e independent of the part of the organisation or the

    activity that is to 'e audited"

    )uditors need to understand their tas+ and 'e competent to carry it out" #hy need to have

    the e.perience and +nowledge of the relevant standards and systems they are auditing to

    ena'le them to evaluate performance and identify deficiencies" )uditors should 'e familiar

    with the reAuirements set out in any relevant legislation" /n addition$ auditors should 'e

    aware of and have access to standards and authoritative guidance relevant to the wor+ they

    are engaged in"

    4"t" co,,%ction "nd int%r(r%t"tion

    #he techniAues and aids used in the collection of the information will depend on the nature

    of the audit 'eing underta+en" #he audit should ensure that a representative sample of

    essential activities is included in the audit and various personnel should 'e interviewed"

    Relevant documentation should 'e e.amined" #his may include"

    (H&S management system documentation

    (H&S 1olicy statement

    (H&S emergency procedures


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    1ermit to wor+ systems and procedures

    Minutes of (H&S meetings

    )ccident2/ncident Reports and records

    #raining records

    Reports or communication with the enforcing authority

    @herever possi'le chec+s should 'e 'uilt into the system to help to avoid misinterpretation

    or misapplication of audit records"

    Audit r%#u,t#

    )t the end of the audit$ and 'efore su'mitting their report$ the auditor or the )udit team

    should hold a meeting with the responsi'le manager of the audited area" #he main purpose

    of such a meeting is to communicate the results of the audit to the responsi'le manager in

    order to ensure that it is understood and agreement is reached" Minutes should 'e +ept of

    such meetings"

    #he content of the final audit report should 'e clear$ precise and complete" /t should 'e

    dated and signed 'y the auditor" /t should$ depending on the case$ contain the followingelements0

    #he audit o'jectives and scope

    the particulars of the audit plan$ identification of the mem'ers of the auditing team

    and the audited representative$ dates of audit and identification of the area su'ject to


    #he identification of reference hand'oo+s used to conduct the audit>

    #he cases of non conformance"

    #he auditors assessment of the degree of conformity to (HS)S 3!!3

    #he a'ility of the (H&S management system to achieve the stated (H&S o'jectives

    #he results of all audits should 'e fed 'ac+ to all relevant parties as soon as possi'le to

    allow corrective actions to 'e ta+en" )s many employees as possi'le"$ including the

    employee safety representative where selected$ should 'e consulted on activities in their


  • 8/11/2019 TLM 113 note 4


    area during each audit" )n action plan of agreed remedial measures should 'e drawn up

    together with identification of responsi'le persons$ completion date$ and reporting

    reAuirements" -ollow;up monitoring arrangements should 'e esta'lished to ensure

    satisfactory implementation of the recommendations"

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