
Training Centre

Leading a Cultural Change

Steve Buck

Another thing a transformational Another thing a transformational leader needs to do:leader needs to do:

Communicate clear objectivesCommunicate clear objectives For this presentation:

To consider transactional leadership (or management) To consider transformational leadership To look at why, and when is important within the FRS

Why do we need leadership? “ You don’t need leadership to eat a warm cookie.

The only reason for leadership is to convince people to do things that are either dangerous or stupid. Generally speaking, wherever there is leadership, there’s lots of hollering and very few warm cookies. Let’s enjoy the lack of leadership while we have it.”

Scott Adams, Don’t Step in the Leadership

Why do we need transformational leadership?Why do we need transformational leadership?

• To meet the challenges of the FRS modernisation agenda

• Renewed importance of leadership rather than management

• Vehicle for cultural change• Key to performance results• Organisational value systems - ‘Aspire’

Followers make a leaderFollowers make a leader What makes them follow you?• Because they need to, whoever you are you have something they

want (salary, security, the comfort of familiarity)• You reward good work and penalise poor work

This is transactional leadership (or traditional FRS management) OR

• Because they want to - without you things are less good for them (less interesting, successful, creative, challenging)

• You inspire exceptional work and create opportunities

This is transformational leadership

The basic types of transactional leadershipThe basic types of transactional leadership (1) Contingent reinforcement

– Carrot and stick – Motivate by reward– Correct by negative feedback and discipline

(2) Active Management by Exception– Tell them, watch them, correct them– Issue instructions and monitor performance

– Correct error when it occurs to avoid disaster

(3) Management by Exception–Let them get on with it–When disasters occur take corrective action

A convincing line for a transactional leaderA convincing line for a transactional leader

© 2003 AnanovaLtd

“Follow me and I’ll make you

Champions of the World”

A less useful line for a transactional leaderA less useful line for a transactional leader

“Follow me and I’ll make you

Deputy Shadow

Spokesperson on Rural Street

lighting” © 2003, BBC News

A precarious line for a transactional leaderA precarious line for a transactional leader

““Follow me and I’ll give Follow me and I’ll give you a 40% pay you a 40% pay


““Or 16%.”Or 16%.”

““Or 7½% in two Or 7½% in two stages.”stages.”

““Or a nice packet of Or a nice packet of chocolate biscuits”.chocolate biscuits”.

© 2003, BBC News

What are the main goals of intoducing What are the main goals of intoducing transformational leadership?transformational leadership?

• Transferring a vision!• Transforming an organisation• Developing a collaborative culture• Helping people develop• Helping people solve problems more effectively

It is not (necessarily!) about being a great thinker – or even a gifted specialist

The leader is more than the messageThe leader is more than the message

Transformational Leadership focuses on our higher Transformational Leadership focuses on our higher aspirationsaspirations

Self actualisation

Aesthetic needs

Knowledge & Understanding

Self Esteem

Love & Belonging


Basic needs

Transformational Leadership helps you to aim here

Transactional Management gives

you these

Bass (1995,1998): the basic elements of

Transformational Leadership Charisma or idealised influence• Followers trust in and emotionally identify with the leader

• “Give us a role model” Inspirational motivation • They are inspired to make the leader’s vision their own

• Have a dream believe it share it!

Burns,Bass (1995,1998): the basic elements of

Transformational Leadership Intellectual stimulation They are encouraged to question their way of doing things

Excite our brains as well as our hearts

Individualised consideration Delegation is used as a learning tool Respect us, care for us and develop us according to our

individual needs/potential

What do transformational What do transformational leaders do?leaders do?

• Anticipate proactively and positively the need for change

• Work to improve themselves in relation to:

•Support others in self-development through coaching and mentorship


Organisational value

Performance Technology

How to be a transforming leaderHow to be a transforming leader

• Take time “retiring” old systems while creating new ones

• Consider the needs of people at all levels • Take time to explain and reward operating in new ways• Make it worthwhile to change• Provide the necessary resources to help people change• Have the courage to stay on course• Be patient and positive with inevitable mistakes

Transformational Leadership Transformational Leadership in actionin action

“He had the belief that they could be the best…he backed his convictions by:

eliminating self doubt using imagination and

creativity stopping thinking the way

previous coaches had and freeing himself to move forward”

Alison Kervin , The Times, 2003

© 2003, RFU

More Transformational Leadership behaviourMore Transformational Leadership behaviour

“What he is brilliant at doing is identifying leadership qualities in other people and bringing out those qualities” Josh Lewsey talking about Martin Johnson

© 2003, BBC Sport

It’s not just Bass et al who think TL works…It’s not just Bass et al who think TL works…

Stephen Covey

Author of: Sevens Habits of Highly Effective People

© 2003, IhD

Covey’s Seven HabitsCovey’s Seven Habits • Be Proactive • Start with the end in mind • Put First Things First • Think win/win • Seek first to understand, then to be

understood • Synergize • Sharpen the Saw !!!!!!

The Public Sector 1 The Public Sector 1 Alimo-Metcalfe & Alban-Metcalfe further refined TL in a Public Sector


Leading and developing others

Showing Genuine Concern for Others Empowers, delegates, develops potential/Enabling

Being accessible/ approachable Encourages questioning, critical and strategic

thinking/ Encouraging Change

Public Sector Transformational Public Sector Transformational Leadership 2Leadership 2

Leading the organisation

Inspirational communicator, networker and achiever/ Networking

Clarifies individual and team direction, priorities & purposes/ Focusing Effort

Building a Shared VisionCreates a (supportive and) Developmental Culture

Facilitating Change Sensitively

The personal competences of the The personal competences of the transformational leadertransformational leader

Self awareness • Empathy

• Self-knowledge

• Tough self-assessment

Social awareness• Empathy

• Organisational awareness

• Environmental awareness

Relationship management • Inspiration

• Influence

• Developing others

• Conflict management

• Teamwork/capacity to co-operate

Self-management • Self-control

• Transparency

• Flexibility

• Achievement - orientation

• Initiative

• Optimism

Organisational direction of travel


Performance High





To sum up….To sum up….

• Transformational leadership allows individuals and organisations to progress in a period of change

• They inspire innovation and creativity• They help develop people, new processes, procedures,

and business models • Transformational leaders are visionary with the ability to

collaborate to create success• Their vision has integrity and ethical value • They stand out because the few that do it well make a

real difference

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