

ffeuiralists Rule Laos," Rebels Say

SAIGON, South V ie t X;i f,ction of llie nrm y in Li.< rcwers today m n pretliiw ii > 1 brondcaM.;

I. Aii>r. 0 M>) — A neulrn list se iz e d !tll m ilita ry and civil

;sup in V ien tiane . Uic cap ita l, n n ounceti. ] ) i |)lo m u lic repu rls said tw o

pjnfire about 2 :^ 0 n .m . ' T l ic s e iiccoiints said Col. Sounthone Patham m nvotifr. c o m n in n d c r in cliief of th e .rnied forces, wns sh o t. W h e th e r h e w as unions tlic (lend — —--------- w a.s n o t I'Icar. T iic pro-w est-

Atlas Missile Is Blasted for Lengthy Tcip

CiPSCM<fcVERAU, n a .. Aug. 8 A -n e Ur torce Jlrcd an AtlAS UtreooUDenUl ballistic mtaslle jt i t j on *n Inluided .000 mile Ciit>Mcond lontut tCBM shol ^ tlttmpied over the Ailnntlc pluile nnje.

TluAtlM »lmfd » dummy war- ketd It > larsct In Ihe Eout>

liirtlt. »0Q\h ot Brtllih 'h tltl St- ana island ofl iti« west < IWU.Xti i iu t rocket thundered off

titwl «l 1:09 p.m. (EST). An- jeu AUaa /it* a.WO mllci Inst Kir n to the Indtan occun oft the 19 cl Africa.

lUlspurpoKof the fllglit today, t.'j tlr force uid, vaa to show ttie •Touilinr'' of the Atlas.'Tte AUiJ. earryinj about l.OtWw att-oLW LfquiB m ^Lin. ItslMooHd»r»-Hl-Ti»t-tone;-ro5e-aeoihly in a m h of smoke Eime. It picked up speed iiOd to the tmithciLst m . aun-pound-thruit engines built tpftf power.Vii U-foot rocket appeared to

t( tnieUni normally as It pas-^cd (M li-iecoad mark-the point a n -

booster blew up about •go with

were killed in th e c o u p , w liie h beKan'w iih n b u rs t

K ovevnm enl of I’rcTnier T ia o Sani.sonilh was,rc|X)rted iso la te d K>0 njile.s .'iii'.it L u a tiff Pral)an$r, the ro ’iip i ta l .

DlplomaUc ad v ic e a tald the dUAty llltle c&pllal of Vientiane Is now peaceful and tlipre li litUe s isn dI nnytblnit tnil oI the ordi­nary except /or military road- bloclcs.

T he extent of the rebels’ w ..- trol in Uie little Axlaii kingdom— which has bcrn a virtual ward of the United Stales—«ns obscure.

One broadca.'t from the military revolutionary commlttce ordered itillluvry commiu^lvrs Vo avoid bloodshed wid kc(T> lliclr forces awny rroni ’'adver5.iry unlu.“ This IndlcatcU that not all tfie trmy

behind the coup.T he commlltee In one broadcast

proml.scd to "re.spcct the United Nutlona cliarter. be neuiral, try ta be friends with ail countries t h t '

re frtends o( Lioj and hold oi\ (II aicrccmcnta made with Laos." This would Include aid agree­

ments with the United Swtes.B u t-i ............ ...............................

:the— rebels—S3ia—an—Itjrelpnerr would be expelled.

ThU would be a ____ _______the ' Laotian army Itself. The French and a U. S. mllliary team Of 2« train tlie army of Laos to help 11 Uie o m unlsl rebeU In the coumry.

More , Important, tlie United S tates pays all the cteU dILaoUan am y. provides oU itr__and backs the nation's currency..T-u- ^ ___ '•

Drunk and Reckless Driving Cases Told

M arie Valley cou rts r e p o r t tw o d r u n k d riv in g and .three CKless dnvinjf cases th i s w e e k in w h ich tw o men w ere !, tfiree hearin trs a r e p e n d in g .’D an Madsen, 68, 2 W alnut s tree t-no rth , w a s f in e d S50 onil costs, given Uve-^ay ausptnded ja i l s e n te n c e a n d h is d r iv e r’s license M revoked for 30 d a y s T u e s d a y m orning: by Tw in Falls

Poice Jiidge J . 0 . P u m p h re y f o r reck les .s d riv ing . JfadseT Hpptared with his a t to r n e y , J a m e s J . M ay, Tw in Falla,

to e n t e r a gu ilty plea to. th e

!oads Board, Benson Feud Erupts Again

BOias,.Aug. » (tro-The sU te board hu alleged th a t

MWraey.Oeneral Frant L.- Ben- » «»»irylng to force It'to award wartet to »n cut of state firm

J'Wailon of the law. ■ rae board asked the third dls-

■ court to dlsmlii Hetuon’a mo- -10 Intervene In a suit brought HoUind ConstnicUon of Mon- >». oa the grounds the attorney

had no grounds for inter-

a brought suit m d ll___force the highway boud

‘« rd It a contnct for tx»a • la the atftUfcol m i . eon> ^ iU apparent lov bid WM

^ on ft technlaUty. .^ h ig h w a y board, howwwi

Attorney William R. Pftd- ffiiintalM it could not *ward Wtract lo Holland bflc»u»e

' Mnpiny Is not qualified to do J"— ■- Idaho. Padgett u id the

_ _ - not lUrt »s article* of ‘"jm tlon with, the lecretwy

lioard wibiequenUr asked •«uri/or • tummuy ludpaea t

tv ie ii contended B«n*oa'«__" Interrene lo (he ttUt adopt-

McporftUon net qualUled to\ , J . _____

» allorn^ lurther aUeted lW iuoq w u uUn« ths court Wer the highway bow d '-tfi

‘ - i t r w t t ■ ■T" ••• direct Tiuiaviuit w uiB

^ 0 « cf the cooMltuUon o l “ »\»nd its lain. ••» board's aoUoa *Uo sotMl

Aprtl-«, Ben*M ,-M H ffW of the boud o( hmhiImw. ^ - ( 0 pay thi e ltln a{ A«roS f ? ' w t i*k# oit:

^ J a t 'f l rm m i not iuj ^ U w . ‘Hita MU U noir_»U»

W court. ■•••,- furthR tUeied that

S f S '.v '" tatoTOUwi w «»

' ^ ‘• W U . h e r . W S I i S *

c h a r g e . M adsen w as arrc-st- ed M o n d a y by T^vin Falls .p o lic e a f t e r a 1958 Simca driven by him collided with a Na«h Id the iOO block of Fourth avenue south, proceeded U the 300 block of r\w rth avenue south, made a turn In the middle of the street and struck a 19SS Cherrolet.

Ray N.-Lowe. Buhl, ts in the Buhl city jail In lieu-of a $100 t>ond Biter pVtadlng Irmoctnt be­fore Buhl Acting- Police Judge C. E. Rudy, TUe*d*y-to recklesi driv­ing. Lowe was arreiiled Msnday night by Buhl PoUceman Charles. Burbank.

WtOlsce E. Crosland, 11. Burley, posted $35 bond to Acting Burley t>ollee Judge James Anncit M ~ day' •ftem oon after pleading ... nocent to the charge of reckless driving.. Billy N. McQlnnls.' U . King HUl. iciLS cited lor drunken dritlng Sat­urday evening by Qoodlng City P atrotraan Ho»-ard Higgins alter he WM Involved In a two-car col­lision. McOlo&U potted |t(M bond •n d «ras 'reieued.-He vlU appear before Ooodlng PoUce Judge Joe Baaagarloer'ftC ID Lm. Thursday. .H eO lnnU WM driving a ’-IHQ

Ohevrolet pickup truck when It MlUdcd With the back end of s 19S7 OhevroUl pickup tnick driv. en by Mike ailoao. 94. Ooodlng. SUman w u stepped at a stop sign a t Fourth avenue and Main •treeC, Ooodlnv, when ths citah oecurred. .

T here <B«te *a. wUm»ltd 'tMQ danugea to the

(CMiUa 4 M Fm» I . CMna.lJ

-DemobrsrirfCiit G O P P l a n s f o r

C i v i l R i g h t s B i l lW A .S n iN C 'l'O N . A ii^'.,9 (;P)— S e n a te D e m o c r a ts tmlay

.•;l!i|)lU'd d .iu ii a Kepiihlicaii move to pa.-is n c iv il r ig h ts bill at. t i l l ' i>n'-;i'ni liohlail session of con^'fe.-;.s. T h e y accused th e I{(,‘iiiil)lii;iiis o f pliiyinK' piilitic.s'luui o f t r y in g to scuU j l o o t l i o r li'i,’i.‘.lati<in. T h e hattli; cam e Ii> a sm n!< liing ciiiiiax s h d r t ly al'U'i- it h;u< l>ora op ew d l>v lic p u l 'l ic u H lea tk r

ii-e ii .M. Divk.'^ni. lllinoi.‘«, w iih th e in t r o d u c t io n of a )-|K)irii civil rinht.’ hill uriccd bv I’rc'.-iidcnt E ise iihow cr.

: " - ..... ...........Sen.‘.rosciih S . C la r k , D ., Pa..

Seizure Fatal

Tension in Congo Less; Secessionist States He’ll

Consider U. N. RequestK L T S A R K T rm lX K .’ A u g . 0 ( U P l) —IVwiilcnt* M o is e - T s h a m t)c o f th e KatnnfRr tm lay bJicke<W iown fro n rh tro u t^

rijrlil refusal in le t U ii i l r t i N ation tiDoiM eiitor lO U an tlii «> 'd sa id he wa.s willing now to s tu d y th e prob lem w ith U .N . oificial.<. T sh o in b e to ld n new s confcrenfo hore th a t h e " d id no t wish to. he the cause o f a rm e d conflict, how ever

lie H.^ti'ii e i g i u tondition .s fo r the «’nti-v o f U . N . trooi>.s into K alanga.” H e made h i s nn iio u n cem en t a f te r th e

IlA LfH W. VILLER8 . . . auperlntetident of Sho-

shone kclionl> h 1u> <]l<d a t his home early Sunday mornhir. Dr. J. tVoodson.CrHa.'TwIn

T anrT iatBbluetjl, ffiwrleaTuen" day (hat result! of an autopfy Ind ica te ' Mr. Villen died of a h e a r t attack, funeral aervlm will he tietd »l Z p. TO. Thui»di» a t (lie Shs«hone high school gyrana5lum. (Stalt engravlnr)

Reports Made E'Testing of

LynwqodWeUmisslonera Monday night approxl' mately 60 per cent of the a’ftter ai the l ^ 2l>-root level of the Lynwood well la no t BcVWng to th« suilatt.

He explained that the flow at the low er level of the well 1* 110- 178 KaHons per minute, while the water Is coming from the well sur­face a t » gallons per minute.'

T tie w ater Is seeping out of thi welt ho le a t higher levels. Ander- son explained, b « k Into water- beartng s tm a . TOSs ccwW M tilm- Inated by casing the well down - t!io I i 20-foofle»el.

At th e 420-foot level a flow of SCO gallons per minute 1 with pum ping.

•• » l d ••. . . ___ the testa heducted Monday were complete, but he had r o t had a chance to eval- uaw aU djxta. He promiMd if ' nish th e commission with a plete w ritten report before Monday's commlsalon meeting.

He also olferi s for..lethoda to determine the flow of the w ell a t different level*. City M anager Joseph Latlmdre was in­structed by the commission t« Im­plem ent these suggtsUons and keep In contac t with Anderson.

A nderson said h e would furnish . 1 analysis of- water flow and chemical con ten t a t various feveli. I tie n tbfl commlaslon could decide a t w h at level I t would be most eco­nomical to se t In a what d e p th of oMing ,should tie used.


. lead in i: a d v o c a te o f civil right.«, m o v e d to ta b le and thu.s kill D i r k s e n ’a bill be­fore It even lind a ctinnce lo hf placed on tlic senate cnJcnilar.

Tile .■.fiiilc approved IJOI).

Tiif roll rail vote wna llie Di'inocral.'' vote

except P.iiil H . DoURla.i, Philip A. Hart. Pnb McNamara and Wayne ^Jor5e.

OtUy t»Q RopubUcnna. John J. William. and Milton R. Young, voted v.lth the D emocrats to table.

Sen. John P . Kennedy. Mas,m- cliusetts. the Democratic presl- denllM camlldnte. and Sen, Lyn don B. Jolui.ion. Texas. hU vlci pre.^ldentliil nm nlntf mate, voted for CInrk'.' tabling motion., Sen. Henr>- M. Jackson,WashliigtoJ). Uie new chairman of the Democratic national mlttee.

Dlrk£cn s:iid th a t In olferlng tlie bill he wr.-s no t trylnit w t>arra, s anybody bu t roUier secklnR to carry out Elsenhower’s leglslativi! piugram.

Se told the ienaie Ih n t his3 "entirely free from politicalpartisan consideration:.’'

...Jut.Democrat* -ow- J t different- lI,3heiij^U!tU,tuI!SlUU.Wlj,ll4Jfii slsied It was/dcslgncd to emiMvrross them by iiolntitiK up the split be­tween northern and southern Democrau over the civil rlgliu Usue.

Dlrksen’d bill would have set ..- commiisloii to try to end roclal discrimination In government

t emp'.aymcnt mkI would Im’t provided aid fo r schools comply-1 ing with the supreme court's de- jsgtsgaUoB-prognun,-----------------

Ben. R ld ia rf B. Rua-iell. D., Oa., called D lrksen’s move "a pure­ly poUtJcal byplay.-!

Rttasell earlier served notice he If prepand to tise parlia-mentoiy «c»pon In the arsenal."

Ueonwbtle. Kennedy steered u hotly omtested picketing bill (o saift iqipnval I7 a senat« sub- (ominlttee t o d a y after a brief bniah with Sen. Barry (3oldwater, R-, ArU.

OoklWBter objected, on th e ground there was no quorum, to ^Cennedy’s-caUlnff-the-lnboi* «ut>- 'Mmmlttee Into session. But Qold- water. an opponent of thi 'stayed out of the hearing ------where his presence would have

'' ' quorum.Kennedy. Z>e(nocratio presiden-

- ........................ of the

V . .S', sei’virilv ccniiu-il in N ew Y ork votod in tiic e a r ly h o u r .s l i i is m orning to send i H-

LJ.iN. Chief Warns o f W ar Danger

U. N . f o rc e in to K atanga and c a lle il «i>on B elgium to -wllh- d r n w i t s t r o o p s from th e d is .s id e n t prov ince "immpdi- te ly .”BclRlum said it would wroply.

ConKOIesc Premier Patrice Lu­mumba sAld in Leopoldville earUer in tile dny that his government would enter KalAnn. ‘‘n«d<r ta flKht and die for our country" If necc.-oarj-.

“1/ Belgian troc«ia want (0 klU I. they can," he aald.B u t Belgium-* decision, to go

along: with the -security council' and Tsnombe's statement ap­peared to have averted any m e t- »lty. o f a fight,' A n ugly situation was averted In Leopoldville during the day when U. K. troopa prevented a mob of excited Congolese from molest­ing Belgian AW’Hiaador Jean Van D en Bosch s i he left the capital to a formal break In dlplomatlo relations betfTeen Belgium sod the Congo. Van Den Bo«h cKwed the Congo Over without mishsp to BtM zavjile in the French Congo, from where he was sctieduled-to- f l r back horns to Brussels.

Tahom be said Kalang* would not oppoie the U. N. troops by force on these eoDdlUons;•'~Tho--tnwiWTirairnori>rfifli5r“

- communist country «r a c<«n» try -w t th -e c - -

Dar nammarskjold. tln lted Nation*- secre(arr general, addressee specUi weedng of (be aeenrity council on (he Congo criais a t U. N. headquatun T<«(crdar. At r ig h t is Prance s Annand Beraid, eaon- ell president. The secreU ry geaerai warned tin t the iforld faced th e Issoe of “pesee or war* and called for Immediate a n d ancondltlonal wllbdnwsi ef Belgian forces from aU o( the Congo. Today (he touDcIl called for BeJglan troops to give way to U. N. forcea In K aU nga ptovlnee. (AP wlrtphote)

tial nominee a n d cpromised organized

Inmates Locked U p in Marjfland

BAL.TIMORB. Aug. » IA-8 trlk- tng inm atea of three Maryland prisons stayed locked in their celU today, e re n lo r meals, to prevent any vfolenco over a niUng against

•mey whooped and jelled In an- get fo r U nilnutM l*»t a lgW - some shou ting ’Vo workl'*—when Superlat«ndeat of Pritoni James W. Curr»D dlscloaed Ihe attorney general’* ru ling Uiat outside trus-

no lopgar yould ^ va-thslr . . nieU ' rM ucedby on* day for each d a y ^ work.

^Exhibitors Seek Million In Damages

OHIOAOO. AUK. 8 icn ~ Four young exhibitors whose steers were disqualified from the 1959 Inter­national Uve Stock exposition sued the exposition for a million doUsr* yesterday.

The suit* in superior court and t;^6. district court, asked a quar-

mllUon dollars damages p talntlfr. They allegetf

, . Jtion-s acUon In disqual­ifying the s te ers last December iw ie d the youths' reputations.

PUlntlffs are Susan MeKelvle, la. UtUe York. D l.; Dougtss Brent. K. Stanford, n i . ; Edward Feeney, 19, Uloooks, Hi., and Neal Hsskei. 14, Rensselaer, in d .

l i l t exposition, undeP _ __•— year, dlsQuallfled the

U.S. Methods Criticized at Canada M e e t

OE3IEVA PARR, O nt., Aug- S TO—An anll-Amerlcan to n e was evident today In C anada 's first conference oh the sou thern hemis­phere.

About JOa Canadian. -UtUted Slates and Latin A m erican dele-

attending the' - i r d a ’

: espe-

(lon. were accused of appointing

to critfcai U tln A m erican stales, and «( EuptwcUng tUoCators.

-me high point In th e atU cks sme f rm Osnsdlaa uoiveratty

Prof. Paul Bouchard of th e faculty of commerce a t lAval tmJverstty. tJuet>eo City.

Bouchard, a French-OanadlaB nationalist and alleged U n ion Ma. Uooale party------- • — -

s of I exhlbttors on theground* they h a d been unethical, iy fitted for th e ahow. Some, the upotlUon charged, had paraffin M air liijected under their hide to t<i^<LcuV-thetr-contours' {« tSTBiow rtaf . -

After the exposiUoo. five ani-

NEWS BULLETINS:e*tau«b* the Dnl.tered and euunlnM by (he

rm lty of llUnols eoUege of vet- erlnaiy-Bwdlclne.

T K L L O n S T ^ rAWS,..................

B o a s s . Axu. 8 w w iiie 'e iu n ty WUUaw -W jjd Mh e wlU taarch Dr. ptone for two b c tilTer on a m t . j w i S u y if.thJir do .M t ^ Ute a f t e ^ . 40th K re

tn a ly («c'taM iia-

iSa5So^« «*• - ..

Uonday-tUMmile* north of __tuiy( a o l

•' Bv DBltad Ptms le lem allea a l

B . c . r S M S S S ...................................

p lo * lo a . ta d im iMHra

^ ^ ___ Twp. h u n d m . a cm


Poor F it— BOgK.JUtf-a-aiH>>>vAn Ada, county sheriffs cor a n d a n am­bulance. sirens screoteing, rac­ed to the scene^f im accident in which injurte* ve ra reported early todsyT, A short Urns later th e ambu-

lance returned empty, unable to fit the injured In to th e ve­hicle.

"You Just can't ge t a horse into an ambulance." aa ld the radio dispatcher a t th e sheriff 's office.

A two-horse trailer h a d over­turned Oh highway 16 near ^ Ise .

Public Hearing HeldOn Proposed Budget

T he Ttt’in Falls c i ty co m rh fss iQ n held a public hearing a t i t s regular M onday n i g h t m e e tin g on th e proposed $1,537,940 city b u d g e t f o r 1960-19S1 and th e 22-mill gen­era l fu n d tax levy. O nly o n e r e s id e n t , in addition to press rcpceaentatlves, c o m m is s io n e r s a n d t l t y employeB, w as p resen t, and ho vo iced n o o b je c t io n . T h is y ear 's budget calls f o r a total t a x le v y o f 4 98 /l m ills, com pared w ith a 5214-m ill levy in t h e 1 9 5 9 -6 0 b d u g e t. City^ erpenses are p ro jec ted for th e c u r r e n t y e a r a t $1,637,940, c o m p a r e d w ith 1959-60 c ity e x p e n d i­tu res o f ?1,299,017.

The commlulon then po*sed ■ •' • ill.’the

................ .........., ___ la m -o f theOtvlted SUtes" and " the of souls by the almightyLatin America. ' .........

What some otwenrera iS lla d t&or« Tstional ctlUclm came tro ia the

Hiferenee's leodtnc L a tin Amcrt- io*peakers."The regrettable t tu th la th a t

JnJUd state* hiutnees la enUrel; to blame for eorruptloo a n d dleU - lorlal tyranoy," ccsmneotMl S r . Josa, Plguueo, former—py e id en t o( Costa ttlca ontS a leadl&c L*Un

s o{ poUtlcal e h aa i* .

levy bill, and a salary ordinance for city employes, all under su s­pension of the Uuee.readlngs rule.

will became law,The commlsjlun then heard firs t

reading of a proposed ordinance to vacate a city-owned 7S-foot s tr ip of pavement In front of the 8 t. Edward's Csiliollc church. 149 BUth avenue tut^ Edward Benoit, representing the Catholic diocese of Boise, and William Langley, city attorney, explained they b a d drawn up an agreement whereby the city would be returned th e right-of-way, at no cost. If It were ever needed.

AcUng Cotninlsslon Chairman James Norflctt aald representa­tives of the Twin Falls Methodist church, a n Bhoshooe street east. Informed him that. If the c ity oSRtd to thl*re(|<Mst 6{ the O aU f oUo ^u rch . the Methodist church would make a similar r«4ue*t.

a l i s l o n e r s divided on the Bt. Edward’*


out ttat.vail.the city -------Is ask the diunh aod the la n d will b« returned.’' .

H « « T « CMMBl»»loner Johft [ahn said tbit would estobUsb a oUey which IM wmmisrioa would av* to foUsw la future.

o S d ^ t a * ? ^ * ? re g v "iCntlaaM •• r>n t. C hM *

B A T E iL m -T B o n o r -B T A tx x a CAFE CAKfcVBlAL. 3 U . M f .

9 fl»-Technle«l problem wfth ft — ................. . roeket early

•bout the S*rltu-1

LONDOK. Aug. 9 (A-A Brit­ish insurance company survey says It has shown' that BHtlih women are safer dilrtrs than

T he eoapMiy 1» eulUfig Ma- billty prelum * ' for women driven a t least 10 per cent.

A company apokeiman *ald men can get the discount If

prore their wUe* _ _ » jte ra ' ‘ ”Ing.

—*nio U. N. mutt reafflrni lit policy of non-latervenuon in the affairs of the ares.

—H oads Into Xataaga must be Jointly fuarded by U. N. and Ka- tanga troops.

—'The entry of goods and per. ins Into Katanga must itsnaln

in th e control of Katanga autheci

-The P . -H. n u j t not objKt toany p e r s o n '^entering the B__

—l l i e U. K. so l snppiy tran spo rt ■ for oeotnl O o n g ^ . gorem m ent offlcUli t4 trsTal to the K atanga.

police.—‘H ie arm s now la the haods

of th e K stanga army must remidn under th e control of Katanga an* thorltle*. ^

Tataombe sold he had e*i)I(d t b ^ conilltttma to D. M. Secretary ■

“~ i S a c HaffiinartkJtM.

Cuba Set to GrabMining

InvestmentsKAVANA, Atlg. 9 m -V ieC iM -

tro goremment sppekred ready to­n igh t to confiscate tb* few n - malnlnc assets of th t bUlloa dol­la r 'DOlted BUUs lo v tt ta a ' ' Cuba.

In a toon obrlouly 1 agatnat V. 8 .-o«ned mining 1 eata, tha catriatV Mt up a govtnt- ment. mineral. iniUtute and de* creed control a t sub-ioU re-

Voting Won’t Slow up U.S., Russ Warned

WASHXNOTOK, Atu. 9 (fKfieoi le ta ry o f S tate Christian A. Htrtec warned B orle t leaden today the - crnited 6 U tes wm act -with «peed,-s. fore* a n d unity" (o deal with any- new re d th rea t or world ou t* .. ;

R « rt« r to ld a n m ecoJntwe he Issued the wamlng in aa attart' to dm>el any belief by tttcndi.or. foea a b road th a t the Onltad 6ta t« ■liecomes pa ra lynd oi lyzed’* duffUig a prNli ttOB period.. period.

Also, h e n ld . hs lu tud U b*. cause «C th a p o a iM l^ ^ : ,i l ia .«ie n m » aW aten ia tlo n ty th » » o rtrt ' •

T he a c t te .w u i&UrpctM <

0 mlUim dollar U &

4,000?|i¥prd K(KS a y s H e^ P le a d s G u i l ty o f iEsM ofta^

MOSCOW. Ail*, t I f t - m t e 80-1 •»* Im Bctoi^ tr ' - ' ---------- — *“ ‘rtet-Xlalonhai)ded vP*4M O *«ord1as laying-hl* Tn.r indictment a g a ln it^ u a e r le an .va’abpUoe was «bet‘i

Brltlab-U . & a aio tia tlau with tba Soviet TTtUoa f o r u J n i M a d test - system d rag ou t a t O enen. & r -

indictment a g a l n i t ^ e r l e a n .va;abpUM •> .

Of th e - d a r t a " o f es- -onexpectedJj. I w in . go oa


Recklessness, TipsyDriving Cases Appear

«D(1 ot Uie^nTwer'imk.*There were n o InlialM.Wllford a ie n H ird j , 3fl. Burlfy.

TU (iDKl <100 Sundky by Jiutlce 'o r Uie Pese« Alfred Crane for dnmken driving. He v u cited

. ^ » y by rftiroimon m. j.'-'-Jnjder. lU rdy '* llcen** wa* *us-

ptnded for one year.,- -

■n hln£-ptirolmeii Mondfty alx h»ll mile* e « t o f Jerome « ty 2S.

■nity Include Town H all. J l. Po- CKtello. who w u rined flfi stid 35 demerJU by J«rbm e Justice of the Pfsee Leo T c r rm Monday for ipetdln* 15 m iles per hour ' «-mlle wne.

Doyle W. Shiver. 31. was fined (U and coats sn d given 39 de> menu by Ju dge Terrill lor golnB H mile* per h o u r In » eo-mlle zoae. Both w ere cited by 6lBle Patrolmen M arv in 8. Wrlglil.

Olher drivers cited *nd ihclr speed* In » eo-mlle rofle were mrrcll L. U ndatrom , »oL«, 71 miles per hou r; Qene D, Kump, Bol»e. 74, and Clyde n . Daooi'i. 70. Cited for apcedlng in a <5-mlle

! C. L . H arris. Tw in P»11j,

Tirln 02.JacK L. Chnney. Nampa, was

fined «30 and cosU by Shoshone Juitlea of Che Peace. W / L. Aus­tin for speeding 76 miles per lisur la a U-mlle sone.

Sanutl M. M yerj. Richfield, was fined 130 u d c o tu to r •peedlni I t mile* per H our In a et-mUc

Earl R. Nellson. Twin miU, Tlned »1J by Ju d g e Auatln for . Ing 73 mltea p e r hour in a 60-mlle zone.

m n c li U T ru e and Howard B. Brown, both T w in Falla, were lined tl7 and costa eac h by Judge Am- tin for going 73 miles per hour In a U-mlle rone.

U n. Sandra G am er SUmpson. 17, Jerome, was fined |39 and cosU and given as dem erlta Tuetday by Jerome Justice o t the Peace Leo Terrill for crossing over a double white line. H e r driver’s license

d to e a. m. to 8 p.

W e a th e r , T e m p e r a tu r e sMAGIC VAIX K Y -^»rtly eloody Wml|hl and tomorrsw w ith a

NORTHEHN ID A H O -P alr through tomorrow, low tonight 60 1 0; hllh'tomorrow 90 to lOO.

B«pd. Arlh the U. 8. weather ^muVep^rtTd'. temperature IMs morning lyaa 34 degree*

NeutralUnit Ruling Lbos, Rebek Claim

mltllon do^M mto Ihe kingdom alnce IBU.

In addlUon to Uie V. S. mill' Lary adviiers, there are about e( Amerlean* In Uo« helping In the

Id propmn.Tliere was no word of the fate


good friend of the Unlied Slates who took office In M»y after April elections, .neports' clrculited In nelRhbonng Thailand that msny Laotian government ofllcliU had been arrcjted. but Uley made specific mention of Somisnlth.

Alrlinen reported the-Vlentlane airfield closed to all flights.I The revolution came In whai had sppflired to be a period ef relatire calm. Ju-it 13 mcnlKs iigo the pro'Communljt Paliiet Lao rebels, supported by neighboring North Viet Nam, Ignlled guerrilla warfare In northern Laos. The trouble *preiul aoulhward but ULlmed after the United Nations neni a representatlvs things over.

M a g ic V a l le y F u n e r a l s

Bam m age Sale SetC ity council of the BeU Sigma

P h i will hold a riimmagg m 1« Pn* lay and Saturday at the old Key* lOlda funeral home. Second avenue teat. Proceeds will b« UKd for the

a u t e conTentlon t« be held In T w in Palla la IMI._

S irim Team to LeaveAbout a« member* ot the tlly d

'Tccreation program a

a ttend the annual state m lng m eet a t Pocatello. The i re tu rn s to Tv.'ln Falls Bundsy, plans to en ter almost every i gory In th e meet, according to G ar th Brown, manager of H arm on pork swimming pooU

TWIN FALLS—F uneral aervlces >r Mr.i- Orace M. Schlll will be

..eld at 3:30 pjn. W ednesday nt the FIshlff chapel In Caldwell wlih the Her. Leonard Dahlbetg and Ihs Rev. W eston LaMunylon ofllclatlng. Final r ite s will be held at Csnyon Hill cemetery with the Order of Baatera 8 t* r conducting graiteslde rites.

Ur*. BUmpeon also was fined »3 and costs to r n o t having a drivers

----- "lltW H. TBB ciu ttionr-w ere-ln i ‘

tor Urt. Martha EUen Owenby will be held a t 10:30 a jn . Thurs-

it the White m ortua ry chapel the Rev. E rnest Hasselblad.

First Baptist Church, officiating. Final rites will be conducted at SuMrt Memorial p a rk.

RUPERT—Qravealde service* for Rotx/t Stegmaler, In ta n t » n - of Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Stegmaler rill be held at 9:J0 » . m . Wednes- ay at the Rupert cemetery.TWIN FA L L S^nineraJ servlccj

for Ko»vd Nelson StrlcU an will be held a t 3 pm . W ednesday In the White m ortuary chapel by the.nev. Ernest Hasoelbtnd. Twin Falls First Baptist church.

by 6Ute P a tro tm a a WllUara Van Dyke.—lTaa-F:-8peBeer7-30.-Idaho-Palls,

set Memorial park.

waa fined «20 a n d costs and giv­en 3S demerits fo r going 40 hilles per hour In a 20-mlle tone on “ ■

! Perrlne m em orial bridge. Hft cited by P a tro lm an W right.

Jack P. Cm'fthundro. 41. Wen- d«U, wai fined’ «16 and given IS

•• dement* Tueaday by Jerome Police V’ Jodge Fred E berha rd t tor

” - »lga T lo U tto n .- ...............V«m Jennloes, Paul. w«s fined

W raaft'W lti'-by-Bortey-JutticeTsf the Peace J J f tM Crane Tuesday

i monslng for spqedlng 7S milts per i hour in a 60-mlle tone. He was

cited by a ta t« Patrolm an Marvla J. Snyder.

Kenneth W- Sw anw n, Buhl, .... fined tU and coats by Shoshone Justice ot th e Peace W . U Au*> Un tor traveUag 66 lAUe* per hour In a w-mlle cone. .

Alfred U R oy. Twin FalU. waf tlned t i l and costs by Judge Aus­tin Torttavem ng d t miles per hour In a sone.

Lyna A. P earson , Boise,«d IIS and costs by Judge AuiUn lor going 70 m llea per hour In

• . U ^ e sone.I Barry . L. M abey, 16. Oakley,

posted a >25 bond att«r pleading Innooent to th « charge o t failure to yield, righ t f i t way. H e speared before acting Burley Fdlie%T,^dge

‘ JamM Annest Monday afunoon. Uabey was Involved In a two-car accident Sunday a t X4th street aod Oakley avenue m Burley with an auto driven by Clyde Harris.

Kenneth Bonnlng. 33. aoodlog, was fined »10 and costs by Qood- Ing police Joe Baumgartner Mon- lU j night fo r num ing a atop sign. Be waa cited by Gooding PoUcC' man Howard HIggIn*.

Oory B. Bddlngtoo. n . Rupert, forgelted a t lS bond and was given 30 denterlM by , Rupert, Police Judge George Redtord for running a atop algn.

Oharlea R. Courtwright. Minido­ka. forfeited *38 In Rupert po- ^ e court to r dlaturblng the pewe

Arthur O . Voight. Buhl, was tlned n o phis costs by Buhl po­lice Judge o . E . Rudy to r a rt— sign violation. H e was cited Wesley Annls. Buhl patrolmto.

___________ W ednesday a t theWUey funeral chapel w ith the Rev, Donald ROM. of th e Christian church, officiating. Friends may call at (he chapel u n til time of aervlces. Pinal rites wUl be held In the Jerome cemetery.

TWIN FALLS- rvtces

SHOSHONE - Funeral services tor Ralph W. Vlllers will be held a t 3 pjn- 'Ihuraday a t the Sho­shone high school gymnasium. Concluding r1(« wIH' be hettt a t the Qooduig cemetery. Friends may call at (he McQoldrtck fu ­neral chapel unUl time of services.

BUHL - Funeral services fo r Mr*. Sllabeth b. Moas will b« held at 10 ajn. Wednesdsy a t th e Buhl F ln t PresbyUrlan church with Dr. John Macintosh, pa*torof the church, officiating. E ------S tar rltuallsllc rite* will b« ducted by Buhl chapter >Flnjkl Hte4 will be In the Buhl city cemetery. Prlendj may call a t the Albertson funerel home until Ume of service Wednesday. Do­nations to the heart fund are suggested.

TWIN PALLS — R o s a r y for Nancy Rae Schutte. daughter o t Mr. and Mrs- Robert. J .A iu i t te . will be recited a t a pm . W ednes­day In the Twin Falls m ortuary chapel and requiem high m a ^ will bs conducted at 10 am . ‘m ursday

Soviets Say Pilot oi/U.S.

Admits Guilt

Jerome, with the Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. R. Cody as celebrant. F inal riteie will be held a t Twin PaUs

TWIN FA LI^Funeral services for Thomu M. Baird will be held a t 11:35 a. m. Wednesday a t th e White mortuary chapel w ith the Rev. Kenneth Beall. Burley P res­byterian church, officiating. F inal rites will be conducted a t S u n set Memorial park.- KETCUUM — F u n e ra l. Mrvicci

for Mrs. George Veaablo will be

Rer. R. J. Kennedy, pastor of the Commimlty Presbyterian church officiating. Snowdrop and May­flower Rebekah lodge members will copduct graveside serrlces a t the Kelchum cemetery.

<Patl Joseph Daly a t lo Wednesday In St. Edward’s C a th ­olic church by the Rev. Jo h n Koebch. Concluding rites will b« conducted In Twin FalU cem e-

M a g ic V a l le y H o s p i t a ls

River Compact ToBeApproved

8P0RANB. Aug. » bn-O regon protested b u t th e rest o t the sUte* approved a controveralaFartlel* in the ColumblA Interstate compact and the r*pre«nuU vea of the •even sUte* agreed to meet In Set- •tUe Sept. IS to stamp their final

T)m disputed article seu 'fo rth * * jt th a t a perraanent cK commlsslan tn * y enoourag* n al water;----------- --------------

Magic Valley Memorialvisiting hour* In th e maternity ard are from 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 , m.; In all other warda, from 11 , a . to 6 p. m.

ADMrrxED Mn. Walter Q . Hlne. Qlen

Mytrs. Vivian M. Nye. Mrs. Don­ald Potd. Jeffrey D renker, John Hovendon. Patricia •m uraton, Mrs. t t t a Melton and N oel Bailey, all Twin Palls; Ricky lAUda and Mrs. Thorlelf Rangen, b o th Buhl; Mrs. W. R. Lessels. F iler; Robert ■nucker and Mrs. Calvin Oudgell, both Kimberly, a n d Mrs. Ronald Allred, Castleford.

DISMISSED Mrs. Eugene Walt« and son, Mr*.

WUUs Axtell. u n d a Je ah BuUer, Mrs. Eulsllo T rtvlno and daugh­ter, Marrln Ray B clfelr^ Nancy Qourdln, Karla K ay Oourdln s Dd Mr*. Sigmund Relnke. a ll /Twin palls; Mrs, J. T. a ie a e and aon. nie i; Bobby Orisson. Buhl, and Mr*. Ray Eskridge. Paul.

BIRTHS A daughter was bo rn to Mr. and

Mr*. Ronald Allred. Castleford, and a son wa* b o m to Mr. and Mr*. Waller O. Hlne, Tw in Fall*.

Minidoka CountyVliiUng h o u r a a t Minidoka

County ho^>ital a re from 10 a. lo 7 p. -


Mr*. Lennie Dnvls and son, Ace- quia: Mrs. yoneo Shlglhara and son and Albert M aler, both Ru- pert.

Puerto Rico Unit Refuses Cuba Aid

said U>e arU ele would be the big- gMt^atuabUng block to approval c t the cntlrp compact by the Ore­gon su t« leglsUture.

_ E * e p th e W h ite Flag - a t S a f e ty Flytog

: lfow .on» d a y iotthovt a i » o u r

SAN JUAN. Aug. p m — Puerto Rican Independence leaden have ruled out help from Prim e Minis­ter ridel Castro, Cuba. In their tight for freedom from tho United Bute*. • -

Gllberto Conception de Oracla;


S t Benedict’s, Jerom e

the I . . ___Powers fell Into Soviet hands

last May I when hti U3 Jet’recon- nalatance plane_copit down over Sverdlovsk In Siberia. The Soviets claim they shot It down with a rocket, but U. 8. »ou*e* ate skep­tical ot that. cUIm.

According to Ta**. the Indict- _ient say* "Powers, wllh the knowledge of the U. S. govmunent, a t the assignment of the American Intelligence service, plloilng.a spe- cUlly equipped Lockheed U3 re­connaissance aircraft. Intruded In- to the air space of the USSR forthe p .............................gence .location of rocket ba^s. airfields, radar network and other highly Important defense and Industrial obJecUves of the U ^ . "

The indictment urd'the Albany. Qa.. pilot flew more than 3.000 kllomeUr* (1.343 miles) Into the Soviet Union and photopiphed "a

Powers also Is accused of recording signals from Soviet radar stations ind collecting.......................

Twin Falls News in BriefK4«netl» F r s s i l e y . presiding

minister o f th e Twin Falls Jeho­vah’s Wltflcases, and about 40 member* of th e congregaUon a t­tended p a r t of the "Peace-pur- suing d lsu ic t a*Mmbly~ of Jeho-

• • ---- --------- 4{iemoon

Report Given On Parley of SchoolBoard

At a monthly school board meet­ing Monday n ight. Mrs. B ette Hop­per was employed to instruct Ural grade at Morolngalde elem ent|r7-school a

H earing Held On Proposed LoeaJ Budget

from the M'ethod*** church might dl.irupt the traffic pattern. Clly Attorney Lnnglcy told the com- m lu lo n tJiat each cose would’have to -b« dcclded on lu merit.'!.

H ahn, Jo h n Wolfe and Hounrd Reynolds voted In favor of the m e a s u r e and Commluloners O corge Bennett and Norfleet op­posed It. Commissioner WllUsD] {{oops abstained.

CommlMlon Chairman Vernon RJddle, ab jw it from Ihlj roeflJng,

expected lo pre&lde at next Mon- ay's meeting.A t the suggestion of Latlmote,

..le commission Instructed Ungley to draw up a resolution to be read a t th e nex t meeting to ellmlnaU a ltem ate -d ay sprinkling regula­tions on week-ends, when water dem and Is low.

Latlmore told the commission th a t HofCman. Fiske and Milar, conaultlng engineers for the »!.- 100.000 sewage treatment plant project, expect to complete plans Xor’the program by the end of this year. This means. Latlmore said th a t the commission will be able

Mrs. Hodgden Is Paid Last Honor

Hanger Ned Millard. _ nsUonal foreat, Monday Issued warning to campers and picnickers to help p reven t forest fires. He a id the f ire haxard Is again In­creasing because the weather has been quite P.-nrm the past few days.

Marriage tlcen iea Marriage llcensea were Issued by

the-Twln-FaUa county derk.Mon' day (0 Jo h n Dnvld Jackson anc RotjerU Bue Jackson. Jerome, and Gerald Altjert MuUlns and Janice Eaieen W ilson, both Twin PaJl*.Cantalners W anted

Ernest c ra n e r , superintendent of city parks and recreation, asks thi person or orgtinlratlon that bor. rowed two large coffee containers from the departm ent last fall lo return them or phone the city hall, REdwood 3-08M.

Uadera t«l M eetLeaders and Quardlans assocl.

atlon m eeting will beheld at 3 p m. We<Ine3day a t the Camp Fire Olrls office. Quardlans are re­minded to bring questionnaires which h a v e ‘been mailed to them.

PienJe p U n ae d'~X' picnic luncheon planned tor noon Auk- 30 was announced Sat­urday w hea th e Dan McCook circle No. 9. Ladles o f the OAR, met at the Legion hall. The department president. M rs. M artha Smith, wai present. T h e picnic wlU be. held at 490 B uchanan street.

Meeting Canceled Magla Toastmlstresa club wilt

..ot meet Thur»day as acheduled. The nex t meeUng will be. held Sept. 1 a t th e Rogerson hotel

Veteraiis P U n Meet Magls V alley barracks No. 609.

Veterans of World w sr I, and auxiliary «1U meet at S:30 p. Thursday a t the Legion hall foi potluck d in n e r. Business lessioni will follow.

LaOrande, Ore.. and h as ........rears of teaching experieiKje. Bhe wught In H arrison elemenUry school during, th e 18S6-S7 school year.

th e Rev. Ralph Hodgden. and Dr, Ceorgo K. Taylor aind Lloyd Nicholson officiating.

■ Stutrm»B-wa» organist

0 » p. n,ADMITTED

Mr*. Cora Journey. Shoshone: Roy Coleman and Mra. R obert Neaves, both Jerome,

DISMISSED Mri. Roy Mason and daughter,

Wendell; John BchwarU, Haxel- ton: Mrs. Wendell Keatle a n d son, Howell Leyson and Elvin Boyce, aU Jerome.

BIRTHSdaughter was born to M r. a n d

Mrs. Robert Neavea. Jerome.

Gooding MemorialVisiting hours a t Ooodlns M e­

morial hotpltal are from t:30 a . m . lo 8:30 p. m.

ADMITTED M«. Lenore Jonea. Ooodlog.

DISAnSBED Don D. Humphrey. Ooodlnc. and

Bernard 0. Worland, WendelL

Cottage, BurleyVisiting hours a t co ttage hos- Ital are from 3;S0 to 4 and f n » to a p. m.

ADMriTED Burke Scholar. Mr*. Marla HolU.

Mrs. LaVem Voeltsel, Janet ArchU bald. Mn, Evelyn Sherrod. M rs. Leona Egan. Becky Bucker, Mrs. Hazel Stanger and Mr*. M e Cord, all-Burled: Mr*. R am ona Olson. Rupert; A. L. Turner, a n d Mr*. Joan Hurst, both Declo.

Legion’s Picnic Set for Tuesday

Members, prospective member* and guests ot the American Legion are Invited to attend the annual potluck picnic a t 5 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 18. a t Nat-Soo-Pah.—«wlreralnt-wUUb*-f*atur«d-and refreshments eerved at S p. m., and food will be served at 7:30 p. m , followed by dancing. Persons are asked to bring a dish, drinking container and their om-n table service. The picnic takes the place of the regular meellng-

A meeting will be heU thurtday noon a t Koto's cafe to discuss plans to send the American Legion baseball team to Bllllnji, Mont, Aug. 33.

Virginia Stores Serving Negro

NEWPORT NEWS. Va, Aug. 9 ifl -AU major Newport Hews re­tail lunch counters have begun serving Negroes In eectiont previously reser>'ed for whllBpe6pli!.

A spokesman for one of the stores eonlirmed .tliat Uon ot eating facilities pu t into effect Saturday by agree­ment of the maasgetnents of the various firms.

Principal stores affeted by the new poUcy are Nahman's, Wool- worth's. Kresge's and Mi ' department stores; seabuck and company, and .........taurant a t 'th« ' Oreyhsdnd bus terminal here.

TM SlT pitB BURNS OOODXNQ. Aug. >-N9 damage as reported when a trash pile

Ignited of undeUrmlned origin Sunday afternoon at the George Arkoosh ranch, tour miles north and two and one-half miles east of Ooodlng. The lire burned near some lambing sheds and a pUe of wood panels. Neither were burned; Nine Ooodlng firemen and the chief, Joe Baumgartner, fought the blase for one a n d ..............

a n d Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Squires

_ pallbearers were Wilbur Larlson, M nrlon Holloway, Charles Crum- rlne. Jay Crximrlne, George Hollo­way and Allen Blamlrcs.

concluding services were held al S u & et Memorial park.

a t e p Barratka-

Maglc Valley barracks S09, Vet- •ans ot W orld W ar I, wUI meet ; S p.m. Thursday at the Twin

Falls U g lo n hall.

VliKor* R eported Mr. a n d Mrs. Joseph Deardorff

and children, Omaha. Nebr., are visiting h e r mother, Mra, Vera Woolley, 1874 Fourth aTenue — *

.. ere accepted from Mra. LuclUe M yatt, first grade teacher at Momlngslde schw>l, >nd Mra. Catherine Hlckmnn. Spnnisli Instnictor * v T w ln -F n lls - high Khool, The only teaching poaltlon

. , h igh school Spanish Instructor, according to Ernest ■■ Rsgland, superintendent of schools.

, „ :ed K enneth Kali, dean of boys in charge of attend-

- e and discipline, will go Inlo •lime counseling At Tw in Falls

high Khool. replacing Boyd Lowe._______ reviewed on IJOO tons

of coal for Twin Palls schools .. . . $10.71^er ton on Knight ideil slack co9l from Intermoun- tain Fuel company. Twin PslH,

accepted. O ther bids submlt- were 113.75 from Intermoun- for Aberdeen alack coal; {10.9S

per Ion of King stoker coal from Warberg'* and »13.75 to r Aberdeen sloker coal from McCoy Coal and Transfer company.

.. candidate for Tw in PWls high school principal was Interviewed, but DO final action taken.' HiB board dlacuased an adeq[ua(e

fire alarm system for th e Junior high school, and T hom as O. Peavey was requested to obtain the esti­mated ccet for th e Installation of _ sprinkler system. A "notlfler' system also was discussed. The matter Is being studied, and final action was taken.

- meeUng will b e held a t a p.....Monday In R agland 's office with — sldents. h o t lunch chiilr- principals to clari­fy 6r?anltatlonal procedures for hot lunch program s for the com­ing year. This is In conjunction wllh action taken by the board Aug. 1 to bring th e h o t lunch pro­gram under school distric t super­vision. In the past, i t h as been undfT PTA superv islon r l t - l s hoped _ hot lunch supervisor co' employed soon.

— C T P E reff-- -- -nUBLBV. Aug. 8 — W alter E.

Bigelow, 46, Burley; was fined »M by Justice of th e Peace Alfred Cracs Sunday fo r being drunk "

publlo highway. He waa s<- ' to SO days in the county Jail

Seen TodayJoe utlmore waikm,

crutches . . . vernon m aau tag coffee with friend,

SS-'I'5Sdown Main avenue motorists as (r.\ffic ll-’it. t... .......... K«» C;;

- Colfec I, playing m i Seventh arenue n wearing Slue Jeans a n ilah i te r r t on day o f t.,, Man hcrainr children Into small foreign can Berg Sliouting friend whUe kceplnc up cam'J {Ion ji'jth companion Wo- chulng'dog itom .from varj chlld-welcomlns dss-b*1i ^ overheard: 'U you need me b call bctause i yon't be at 'hc ij

Plant Warehouse Is Started Hert

Consiructlon on foot clndetblock Cocu-Co u ' bo-’' Ing compuiy wirehome ana ic;

dcpartmtnt began Tutsii •ning, according to Eton u

Kroll. manager of tha - plant.

The building, which win lnd:i no ofllce. Is located in the nort ast portion of block six on U ir .

street In the Holohan addiu* Kroll hopes Oie bulJdlng m u finished In about 30 days. ii-. mated cost ot the warehou« , about <10.040. Nielsen a ' re contractors.The building will be used In cn.

Junction with the present plant < Its Third avenue south. The la plication tor a building permit« filed Monday at the city halU ,

Charles Nelson. 360 - Mad«< street, (lied an application fori building permit Tuc.iday for a n by 23-foot detached garage, tc, mated cost Is I3S0.

Infant DiesRDPERT. AuK. S — OraTO)

services wUl be held at B:30 l a Wednesday for Robert Btegmifc infant son of Mr, and Mrs. Cc

Stegmaler, who died ah»i birth Tuesday momlni i

the Minidoka county hospitalSurvivors include. In addlUat

the parents, two sisters, Mar(a Mii_S(uiir»_jn(L_Dafl_jinsfc Michael, all Rupert.

Concluding rites will be M i the Rupert cemetery under da

BOWLtNGwill be open for Business Ant 13th. Winter leagues to Ran

'Sept, 6th. CaU w rite .........ervatloiis.Kim-Latiei, Kimberly, !rfa. Ph. GA 3-HH ••

Mr*. LevetU Baker. CsrroH C ay ­ley, Eail Robertson. Mra. M arie Scott and Wayne Johnson, a ll Burley; Jack Hancock. Clearfield, Utah; Evan Thomas, Idahc» Falls; Mr*. .Olea Thalman. Rupert: Mrs. Rea Plncock, Heybum; Jam es Chathim. Albion: Terry McClel­lan aod Kent McClellan, bo th PauI;.P«(er Salaiar, Jerome, a n d Anthony Nielson. Declo, •

BIBTHS 8mu were bem to Mr. a n d Mrs.

Donald VotltuL Burley, a n d Mr, aod Mrs. LaMar H unt. Declo.

The -D m ocnto patty luts fu r-




IM l iU la ^ v e m

p a g e f o u rT IM E S -N E W S . T W I N P A L L S . ID A IJO

klUAM in ITV» r»iu o—

u WBd -Uh u U mMlUr ApHJ I. Hit tl I» ^ (Wkll< Bar Toan U tn f bt »rltuii Irf «i>UsnUI>H • pallikal IMua In IkMi ib

tlon m r in AU*)t» IUb thli. Thtre will never «» “ ] ' a c lK m e n i, the wldespreKl poUUmJ dUeuMlon. thepubllcHy hoopU UiaVliuTstcn j tn e m r t th ls7 « a t.'

Why? TlL- '• ‘’-V .-- ----ilnff-ntlt n«rlv " FOr I.


Ctltlr. U rttitl


first time m our. history, len t, w e can red »e bclonR-Uint we - legraJ p a rt not onljf geograpHlciUy but paUUcmiy— t th is « re«l nallon-In Ml my more tlian 15 ;e u i In AlMkn^

never ‘ ............................ .

A F T E R CASTRO. WHAT? E v e n _ la _ f iO ,.ti i iy l- a -d lc ta to r-c o u n try - ft5

• Cubo, t r u th can n o t easily be unearthed.__We know th a t P rem ier Fidel Castro Is seriously

■ ill. B ut we c a n 't gel a t the true nature ol his a ilm en t o r what his prospccts

I f ho sh o u ld have lo yield his post ellhcr ^ p e r m a n e n t ly 'o r temporarily, wc can, how­

ever, say a good deal about our own pros­pccts. T hey would not be brightened,

The ev id en t heir apparent In Cuba Is Fidel’s young brother. Raul, far more radi­cal th a n th e premier and an even worse Y ankee-ha te r. A lter Raul comes Maj. Ernest (Che) G u ev ara , who appears to love the Krem lin a s m u ch as Brother Raul.

•With c ith e r ol these men In command,• Cuba's o rien ta tio n toward Soviet and Chi­

nese C om m unism would almost ccrtalnly be greatly Increased, And by that

. the d an g e r fo r the United States and for L atin A m erica would be heightened.

' T h o u g h t h e r e have be en iccen t a lgns o l ' T esistA nca t o t h i s trend w ith in Cuba " “

.um •./ ... -never »een eo much "elccUon eleeirUliy throtsbinit .. . - through the channelj of-AJosHan ll«.-Theia tlo n » t the lold dredge., on the IbhlnB boMs. ml hurriH baclc the pulproltU. on the Maunuiki vftlley farm*, m

the itre e t from KeMhlKan lo Barrow Is polliles- They-wcr* »o rtd-that-Kruah-

S w ? ~ IS M f r ' i ' } “" " j

T he eandlitalu for presldenllal o ttke *i,o '-incc wns sure Raula would not veto - e re mere names from far B*ay have taken on Only the dogs were appreelailre.significance In the minds of Alukani. Both K en-iThey mn across the

.T.H NiTnn ntan In irltlt Alntkn. Acnln. thb^m oklnedy nnd NJxon plan lo vWt Aln^kft, Asaln, thb gives Alasluina the feeling at belnj Included, of par- tlclpatlntf in the vllol political activities of H'c na­tion. And undoubledljr. AlasMns will Implement till; feeling by gcttlnit out a hlRli pcrccnioge of th e vote

HOW will this vale go? in the sbsenee oj any crys- il ball, the only thing Alijka'i prophets con do li

squ in t & b it a t sotne alcavt In the wind. As a tic- publican editor, i must tdmlt'qulte frnnkly

w e cazm ot loolc for too much In that d irec ­tion. T h e re w ill be defectors, but most Cii- bans do n o t y e t seem prepared to under­stand th e f r a u d that is being visited upon them In. th e n am e of freedom.

We c a n hope, nevertheless, tha t our frlcndA In L a t in America will range them ­selves so lid ly against a Cuba moving toward the to ta l i ta r ia n orbit.

M any of th e se countries already have' ex­pressed d is ta s te for the Castro retfm e. Some h av e f e l t its Impact directly through more o r less in e p t Cuban meddling in Red underground activities In their ^idst.

T hey w ill h a v e excellent opportunity to voice th e ir disapproval and concern when

.. t h s —21_ m e m b c r s - o t - t h e —Organization—of- A m ertcan S ta te s meets in Costa Rica In

- le&s th a n tw o weeks.T h e p ro b lem is ours as much -as theirs.

T e t lo r uLvluus leasons w eu a .........

F ra S T STATE lEGISlATURE —The J058 slate elecUons pUeed the DemocnU solidly in. coOUia.DL ••........................ .— two iwnoeratle senators. Sen.

r ta k e acom m anding lead against Cuba. We cannot range ou rse lves against a people's aspira­tio n s to r freedom . The move must come from o th e rs w h o have those same aspira­tions.

S u re ly th e y a re beginning to see. If they k— h a w n o t a lre a d y seen, th a t the Castro road

n o t to liberty but only to a more ty n m n y than any Latin Amerlcaos

Oosta R ica could provide the starting po in t fo r th e Isolation and quarantine of ft Cuba In fec ted with a virus which Is m eant to d estroy ua all.

C H A O S IS K IN G I t la c lea rly n o coincidence tha t first In

Newport, R. I ., then In England and now in W indsor, O n to rlo , youthful J a a festivals have ended In disgraceful' Hots. The be­havior o f th e young In both countries f its a p a t te rn . v

I n a t le a s t a ll the Western world, the p a t- ; te rn Is a sickness of moral chaos and lack

of discipline. Overlaying this disorder Is a fabric ,o f tensions which seek outlet In



1, Alaska, Editor Dally Newi-Mlner

[HOW t h i -n g s - a p p e a r f r o m

PEGLER’S ANGLEn e w Y O R K -'n >6

New Yorlt, Wa«ner. la aa a pubUc betielactor lor bUwor* to bring a - * -----------baUieam of Uie

leagueFEEL eUXY. BUUr

D ear Pota;T hs ridiculous n u it hare lU

place. T ht

She ordered me to try them . . n t . The fit would have been per­fect. CO years ago.

On looking a t them, quickly I rang the fire alarm. The firemen

good look and station forj I hurried back (

o«be.iio» s and a 0 chop


e kindly lioniage.Illbcnalln' Harry


KITTEN3 FOR KIDS DEPT. Long-haired gray kittens have

rcnched the weaning age and ''t o have new homes. You phone REdwood 3-BlM or

It 6J3 Washington sireet

B. I ,. (Bob) Bvtletl and Sen. Eraeit Oruenlns sen t t« congreu along with one Democratic rep- resentatlve. Rep. Ralph Rlv<ri.

Although the Republicans controlled In 1053, . atnUs'a legislature has been Democratic for th e past th ree aeaalons.

However, the record of ths first state legislature Bs n o t been a popular one snil many see t 1

dulutn swinging back. Republican hopes lie dlaaaUafactlon generated throughout the sta te by the ponderous operation of the new state’s ninchln-

PRIMARY fiGIlT, CLOSE CONTEST — Ir sta t« prim ary contest, le r candldaicg will be seeking nominations for U senate seals and all 40 house seats. There are 165 house candidates and 33 senate candidates.

his previous service In congress and the popularity of the Rlvef« name In Alsskn. conceivably cQUldJie unseated by a hard-hitting Republican candidate.. . L. Rettlg. an Anchorage accountant nnd Jack Ryan, n Fairbanks newspnpermsn are seeking nom- InaUon In the primaries. Doth are conceded a good chance against^Riven, with the Indications th n t Ry-

..................................1 the greater num ber of

.-•«N E or-TU O Sg 18 OVH8l’'-It'B my gueaa th a t the sta te legislature, though 11 prot>abIy will still be -* predominantly Democratic. »lll a t least havemy f t even comsltrim

B u t wholaver the n X the electol

ANYONE GUILTYT Dear Sir:Z don't know why everyone h u

to pick on leeA-agcr*. I lie ' wa] of the grownup* talk, teen- were lots worse several years

ago thttg they are no«f.I f y o u ^ an t to get an Idea of

w hat 1 mean. Just get some o: th e grownups to talking about Hal low etn the way U useA to be about 30 years ago or more.

Another point would be the way tcen*Dger9 used to set on the Fourth of July with their fire­crackers and all.

By comparison. It would ............. e that today's teen-agers act like little ladles and gentlcfflen.

A. Reader {T*'ln J^lls)

THANK YOU, SIR!Pot Shots:—I-jKOUld-Uk»-lo-thank-th»-geit- tlem an In the grttn helped my -a-year-old Saturday.


Am erican league, as laspoyers ot>- jcc t to any wb-aldy for a riral'— — ^____business h o u s e Wwikr^i r»»Wr unless they re- celve aocno equal favor. TO* news­papers. In a bteavd-and-circus mood, apprw # the return o N ational league lq_the ^ a lw ith a n ' lnmUed endoi------OiB Idea of a subsidy.

public, horever. dots not a National league Vtam.

T his wns shown by Its prolonged, em phatic npiithy toward two Na­tional lenKue teams which had played here on their own private premises for many yeari. the G ian ts and tiia Brooklyn Dodgers.

T hey were over Uie long haul, very Kood boUteams but ths pub- •• plainly did not like their w rk

e ither sport or cnterUtlnment well enough to pay tiie price of adm ission and to endure the risk, effort and difficulty of patrwiU-

uc thcfn.T lie public could have retained

the O lan ts and Dodgers If It had a-antcd lo Veep Diem simply by attending their games as paying custom ers. The risk refentd to lay In activities of ratpacks which h a u n ted the neighborhoods of the Polo grounds and Ebbets field. Thfey- stole propertT of

baby just In h is car and return a ball from the middle of Hie road to th e sidewalk. 1 went to thank him, but he stepped Into h is car and was gone. Thaoks once again.

A. KliDbcrUt*

■nie rio t In England^ produced, among , o th e r th in g s, f ire and collapse o{ a televl- ; Blon c a m e ta scaffold. Cven Innocent na>

tu re wa« s c a rre d as branches were tom off - trees.

A m ajor. I ro n y In these two i860 festival : rtot« l5 th tit th ey give the laugh'.to those

who say th a t a ll the youngsters today need ; to have Is som e healthy recreation o r other : in te re s ts to occupy their minds and con- ; aum e th e ir energies.

TTie t ru th , seen in England and here a t . ; New port a n d Windsor, Is th a t given th e op- - ; po rtu n lty th e y will destroy even those things

• th ey a re supposed to like. At neither place ; w ill th ere ever likely be a Jazz fesUval agMn.' C erta in ly th e se young people are the pro- ; duc t o f a ten se and chaotic age. In this . ten se th e ir sham tlu l behavior plainly re- ; fleets th e tim es.; I t does so In sUll deeper ways. For this• Is a n age w W ^ no longer practices or . cherishes discipline oQBanners. Wrong-do-

ru d en e js an ts lo p p y perfonnancc• are no longer pentLllwd b u t ate shnigged

off.The m a tte r has gone so far tha t when

: th is co u n try nam es two young men for the presidency w ho -have been extremely skill­ful an d e ffic ien t In pressing their case, these

, quite h o norab le talents—which involve the ■ careful disciplining of brains and energy— :_AreJDolted.on-wllh-Bus|riclon^n'SDmeT]iiar- ', te rs of th e na tion ,. We seem alm ost to have rcaehed the• po in t w here disorder and rudeness are ac- Id M m e d .a s ‘'hum an" wijlle their opposites •,.ltre ■‘inhum an .’* 1

' 8 0 long a s such' notions have any cur- a t w e can expect tha t a gay. llght-

; h earted . Innocent affair Uke a 3a » fesUval •; ^ ^ t u r n e d into an ugly riot.

Haye meaning, life must have order.• sou wUL.get «naos. B ren those who th ink that

. reason of this year's balloting will ’feel closely a p a rt of everything that has made America great.

A little f U r watching the Fairbanks F>ourth of July parade this year summed It all «p bautlfully as • large 60-star (lag was carried past. Nudglna her

Polnlhis the field «t bright s ta rs : "Mommle—one of those Is ou rsi”


No wonder the grtoly bear is cranky a n d fre- qu tn u y ferocloua. H* Is being deprived of h is last claim to privacy and Individuality, j-(Visitor* to Yellowstone park doubtless have noted th e distinctive yellow, red and blue Ugs. w hich thel grlEzlles wear there-llke members of a luncheon I club. T hus they can be Quickly Identified from a fa r] and the ir evwy movement* wlehed. -v , Now blologlsu are talking ot auachSn* tranam ltters.on some of the bears so they c an »ack a ll the ir wanderings through radio signals. A nd you th ink your privacy Is being Inradedl 4

The reason for Ugglng and spying on the »rit*Ues Is to protect them, 60 reports the Natlonftl Oeo- graphlo Society. While all this time we have been cotKcmed »boat the grtalles' rough handling of h o m u ^ I t devtiopi tha t the bears are In donser

give away. They .... around 4 or 6 months old and they are Just starting to heel Our addrew Is five and one-half miles

n a iik yon

FAMOUS LAST LINK ' . . . If sagebrush Kere brain*,

■he wouldn't have eDongh for sea- aonlngl”


S ' u i . ____________ ____B«n» crt hta euUcsc b a s ^ l p t a a mere. NashviUe .......................

Actors, Actresses Get Th ed Of Some Repeated Remarks

rackets and held u

lUe played I perfonnanw

........ Inttie m ajor leagues. 1 was told that Sulphur Dell was, niuned' for a small su lphur sprint; in right field which un til long after the CWll

•was a -water htA» lor « t i jjU icJuaitU U fi^


marts’ actors and actreases get. Ured of hearing;

“Doot call us—well call you.” “He used to be so handsome,

row he could play King Lear rlthout makeup.’■"I did - te l l the producer . ,,

rere waiting, and he sdU says b« isn't H '•

In Arizona Tucson. Dlsbee ■ CO. This was I

saw games In id Nogales, MW- old league which

■\‘?he's Itt serious, tnniWe. She from PhiUdclnliUi" Bh’fTSoT^TOllKll Tor -BrOadwuy: "I didn't eiactly

eastward of Npgale^, was the bcjt baseball town per unit'of esthu- slttsm th a t ever «-os.

One year the-rntners . checkoff against their pay for Jckets to a ll the h<xne. games ITie ballplayers traveled by their own JaUoples or broken-do»-h om- nlbiucs; ITiey lived on hot dost, chill beons, candy bars and salted peanuts and they shacked In cablna or rolled up In blankets

Many of Uiem were Mexicans without lasiidioxis sUndards. The itinerary included El Paso, Deug- las. Btsbee. Cananea. Nogales, Tucson. OIobe*Mlaml. Mexicali and Yuma where the temperature ‘ Its 115 In summer.

Tucson a n d Blsbee .were ( ported by slot machines unUl wowsers p u t the machines out ot business. Tlicreafjcr, tocaj Jaun-, dries, l>cer distributors and other' business firm s got no worthwhile' return from the publicity created' by their public sp irit In (uboldli- Ing 'the tetuns. I l ie gate receipts ----- petty .

The proposltloa that the public;

't a drugstore leli m uwnTi' uld hite him."■Her I^dlody Li.ihe onl,

locraph B,,. n Tffni

Salome. He'pTajed 11 I the platler."

...................... ' .1 ^

and slie w

and Isn't b ^ enough for Holly* wood.”

"Well, since you're In the thea­ter, naturally, we'll expect lent In advance.""You d idn 't do u> w t\l In

last walk-on part, honey. How about playlBK an off-sUge '


■id I guess h is real metlerumust • winter stock—If there Is such thing,"-Baby, you Itnow w hat that tele­

vision camera would do to your face In closeupe. Maybe your fu­ture Is In mdlo,"

"Everybody on B r o a d ly Is talking about you. W hat arc they siylng? Oh. they're wondering

press notices. On the oUi- hand, she never got ony."'He Is no t only a lousy actor.

He also nmkes a lousy ice cream

1 Ihe only :wlu, htnl « from F '..........

a i p p i . r A i i ' f S S . S J » jmoiher had resigned from > Ixst fan club." • ®

"Sonr, diriinc, bui u,e rtf.

one of the »Uchc..? On fought. How nlwut p l.iy l^^

—■•Since she bought point pen, her tan mail v tripled."

"Yep. I .-■so daysteeth he gets a part where ht^! to deliver Lincoln's Goltj-Jii addrea. He didn't hnve f- ’ for the audience to hLvi H( lUmself.- -

■"Pay n what yi. glad lo gtie you yc

gage." • 'o “Hic only good place .•.li good Job of acting Ij at t - . . . ^ n d . after all. thes been ftc, five times. ^

under floodUghts far Into Usenight.

T h e public transportaUon J l>ad th a t the t«-o baseball firms

could ntrt. aUiaot poyloafij with-

T h e Yankees’ continued sucecss h as been due to a \-arlety of rea­sons. “m e lr business ftumagement h as been mudi belter: their ptr- fonnnrw e under Oasey Stengel has been th e best In baseball history, w ltn th e po»lble exception ot the' G ian ts’ rccord under John Me-, Grow long ago; and their loca-

............. . Insulated!

and 1gam es. I —I f - I couId-speak-as a-b4»ebaH' fan . I probably would say that II would rejoice a t the InsUllatlonj of unotlier New York team of thel N attoaa l league iR UWl ot l(» l| But I am estopped because since, I QUit wrttlng sports In 1933, ’ __* __. . .__ ...... ....

dozen Umcs. ThU U the attend­ance recorxl of the vast majority. I a m usually otherwise engaged

............-,all.Finding: myself In Nnshvllle ....

ventn«. 1 went out to Sulphur )eU. th e local ballyard and hal-

__________ lt« emotions by their,fortunes Is a sentimental mylh.| The public does no t give a damn except In brief seizures of exclle-

nt. Qo In so n Francisco, after mom entary devotion to the

Olsntg, th e public has turned Its back on them . For all tile public cores t^ e Glanifi 'can go brok;. The m agnates all know this and, usually treo t tlie public accord-; Ingly. I



RE 3-1300T w in F o lli Mortuory

of extinction. TTielr number has been decreasing atnce the advent of ihe repestlng rifle In th e lesos. They now total fewer than IfflW south of C anada and these have retrtated to the high Rockies. B ut even here their population slnjcture, breeding <aga and frequency) sIm of Utter and other in tim ate m a tte rs are made a matter ot public record. T alk •b o u t wiretapplDgI

How do the biologists dare get close enough to W tTiolle* to loop the vlnal Ugs through the ir

Tljey pUy dirty. They catch the gulllbJe a n i­mals In s t« d culvert traps, baited with bacon u d honey and then inject them with a m uscle-relax- an t. Thto prevents them from fighting back until th e ^ i c ^ t s are out ot nnge. SorneUmes the selenUsts ahoot the bears on the run with > “ tra a - 4ulUser.f

H aving been tricked In this manner, the g r la ly you m eet on the trail may be even meaner than usual. Perhaps the tags .should bear the legend, J ^ ^ ^ w a y . r r o m . CM,_«».Tr#. bod . caa-suryl'»e.’i _

ONE SIAN’S OPINION O ne day’s newspapers lately carried two' sooie-

how. related Items.thst prompted one reader.

editor. Here is' w i i s t f l ^ ever wondered >

’. tbe uuvetJi*«lulre_power. tl pa ra m p K s In y

how C..............Jvas-«vtdent-^t

. ... your July Si Issue, l l j e f irs t w as a s t a ^ e n t from Hoy. the comjnunJst sheet In Cuba, w hich asseiled that Poland would a a ls t In th e con- structlon of mllUon wortli of factories in Cuba. T he second announced thst Washington b a d a p - , proved ao addUloul |U 0 mlUlan to to retga o ld ' to Poland In the lorn of lUtptus wheat,

'’Thus, m y confiscated tax dollar financed th e Inefficiency of sn American fstmer, created a n In-

^ ^ a * S f t to —

Is one man's oplnloD. . ttouih -

C gas I t o a t (or h


w . o f the opUilon th a t,th e OOP ‘to cam pai^ from behinti; ."me

WASHJNQ'rOK A1TI0 ■/n iQ w Who have visited the Badthaoolan lo sU tu -

tlon a t WaahlBgton vUi be pletsed, to kno« th a t it

Uoa -and hew w tiw U M -f a ^ -ojd^ place (i anecttoaat<ly known

as. ih t a tuc o t.a federal gom naw t that bear to. t w w t h i a i a « y and'refeeu n o .g U t *«ar» T w in caUwi U i-BUdewsd old foaslL? • .• w « h a w a ftellnc th a t we know what wUl be doM^-wtth th» ow BmiUBonSan w h e n - th e ’ Mew



JM SH -6A R R EL S 2.50


E ac hO n ly ...


S P E C I A L !

H ere's W hat We Do'. .• Install Nev/ Genuine Ford Ignition Points and

C ondenser• C leon ond Rcgop Spark Plugs• Set Ignition Timing end Adjust Carburetor

for Sum m er Driving -v• C heck Fan ond Gcnerofor Bells, All Hoses

ond Connections

J 0 . 6 6

U n i o n M o t o r sY our Friendly Ford Dealer


Your good health is priceless I Each prescnp. tion we fill for you is yours alone, compounded with precise accuracy! O u r pharmacy con­tains hundreds of items fo r y o u r convenience: antibiotics, insulin, medicine chest snd first-

-aid-iupplies-and-vitam ins. Call on us any­time. We thank you for y o u r patronage.


P A m r T R T Ein the parking lot located conveniently a t the rear of bur store. No parK ing meters to feedl


, RE i6574 For F ree DeliveryOur PreMott I t Y o u r ProUction


OJpl RE 3-6574 s . ; tw ln fa il i:

H o m e o w n e r ’s R e p o r t o n E l e c t r i c H ea t r

**Walls a n d Ceilings s t a y t i e a n • • • ”

m m

' 'W e ca n 't b eg in h> ta ll all t h e b f ln a f ih o f e lectric heating In our h o m e . A fte r two years, th e w a l ls e n d ce ilin g i s tay clean and re­q u i r e n o washing. Our t i le f lo o r s e r e w arm and comfortable at all t im e s . W e can leave th e c h i ld r e n « t hom e w ithou t concern for f i r e s . T h e operating c o s t is v e r y reasonab le . W e are certiinly. p le a s e d witH o u r e lectric h e a t ."

M r . and M n . Edwin Capion B lack fo o M d ah o

_ _____ , ......... . - . . repo rting taHifaetloiiw ith electric heit. Oet. the farts b ^ r a . you build rem odel. See your e l^ r lc heating cM trac to r or In*

■ su ire e t your Idibe Fewer Cem |nny o ffk e . ■ ^

I D A H O ^ p b W E RP^I^MUCH»'C0SU So UTTL6 I > “

_ l L M E S r N » ¥ S ^ V 4 N : J f A L U , - I D A H O ^ ^


-TwinFalls Miss, Webb Slate Late A u q u s t LDS Rite

* n« Uie engnement »nd ap- « ^ « a i im » 6 e o f lh ( l r d a u K l . . i -

y»y. W J»™“ EdworcJ ■ of Mr. «nd Mri. Bij^

^ w»bb The m»rrl»BC Is plan- ton ’’n u i j8 Bt the LDS Jtnke


' T»‘n Falls. Her finncc

^ T . U « U .

UnitTefls Bible Vocations

p l o v e r

E ngagem ent S e t By Carol K n ig h t And R. H ansen 'riif enunscmeiit of C.\rof KiilRlit

lo Ulchnril Hnnscii, »oii of Mr.' Hid Mrn, Dflbfrl H.mispii, Is nil- ■ nouncfa-liv lirr porpiii.s Mr. nnd Mrs. C. T,'KnlRlil. ^ 1

Ml'.» KiiKlit will bo A fpnior «(. fMlb hlKli »chi>ol lhl.«'fAir

Jlaii'cn uTv. crMu.\tc<1' in' He niifiiclrd tJic Unlvor.Miy.

Afternoon C erem ony Joins Pair [w e , the Women

ptiXB, /">t- rtferciM, Toc*tlow^ 1 a ll tiy 'I’' P'®*'"" l-uil'er«i\ Won«n’> " i . " ’ThuiMl*>' ettnlnc meellnc. Mis. J ^ £ u , z » - « l n choice ol llie « 2 rJnl devoUons.“‘a i ,iudents-«lio ore utlcnd'jis rnnconiu college »t Por.i.uid. WilUrd Knlep. Adlyn Iloltzcn. S,rol<3 Schrotder. Wnyiic Sclimldt, ?Ur«nt M't'er and Daniel Boes- hTjpoke on collfse life, rflinlng Uielr Ktperlences In teacher tralei- inf itudent governmtnl, wor^hlp itudy, «thltllM. »nd ««tra cur- rtculir acUvlllej.

Mn>. R'lP'' 0 »>«n« .ihowfil lUdej and gave » UIH on Hcor Koni 'here the Olhtlnjs hod Ured ’tor « ” f»'

C»mp rtlreai lor »omen will be held « Camp PerkiM Aug. 19 to 2I<lln . Martin licnnan and Mr«. M fw Uennaa were membert »l

. u n t at the execuUve boord meet- h u t which preceded the general ^mMtlni. HoslesMs were Mrs, Leo

” ua.a and MrSj^MeMn JflReli.

|Tuning in Wins Gift for Woman

ATLANTA. 0»., (ITO—When Mrs. Helen Sex (ot a hearlnK aid she decided to become a ''listening po»i“ for persons who wanted UU thetr protjltms.

6he Inserted an adverllMment In 4 nenptper. Inviting renders

ROSE MARir. RANIER- (Slaff Ennavinr)

. . . whoe enjajemenl and ap- Iiroachlnc marriage lo Jatnei R ichard MorrK ton of Mr. and Mr*. Ilarry Morrl«, Jerome. 1» uinounced by her parenlt, Mr. a n d Mr*. Mck Ilanler. .Spokane, T hey plan to be married Kept. 2A In St. Autuitlne'a church.

MARLA KAY JONE.S . . . wliow engagement lo Jer­

ry A. Jont5. non of Mr. anud Mr*. Arils Jniiev IJuhl. Is »n- nouncfd hy her p.irentJ, Mr. and Mr*. IMarInn H. Jonri. Twin Falls. The wedding li lUted lor Jan. I, IDGI. .Miss Jonei and her tlance atlfiidrd Twin Fall! aehoflls. tS laff enitrarlnf)

( u to ilm. And the aaid It dldn‘1 tui} rlngln* for days, ^

*1 didn't reallie there were naiiy people with pnjblems," s

oSed hrr apparently because they nallted thti the was a sUuiRer and thlnj» told tier would turn to haiuit them.

PW her good neighborly deeds, the Htarlog Aid Industry confer- «ice panted her lU "AJl “ - -A«>rt--i;mngly, a radio.



Reception F e tes Couple M a rr ie d In T e m p le Rites

OAKl.KV, AUK^9-M r. niu'i MlJ LAff I’on;u>ii eij^rrti\lnp(l nl nn open hiia'P wectdiiiK ifccpllnn evenliiK n i tlid r couu. ly home In hSnor of llieir Ernnrt.

!fon. D.ilr ituntpr. nnd the nc» 'Mr.'. Hiimcr, E u rrka . CnJlf.I Tlie conpIc wa.s nmrrlcd July 25 |0 t lilt Irt.ilio Fall.s LDS temple. She h a <buehter of Mr. nnil Mrs. Lincoln D n\ui a n d lie Ls tiic ^on of .Mr. mill Mrs. Rnlph Hiinter. fnmipr Onkley resident.^ now Ilv. Ing III Eiiri'ka.

In clinrsc nf th e bride's tnblr nl ie recfpllnn w ere Ruth DewUi,

sister ot ilie b ride, nnd Knlhlp Hunter, sL'Jcr of th e briflpRioom. Mr.t. Jcnniin Dale registered the sucst-v

Aniorg tlio.w w lio were In llic wedding party were parents of tlie bride and bridegroom, tier slstr Patricia Dewitt. » n d Mr. nnd Mi Lee Slamps, all E u reka; Mr. and Mn, Charles Stomp«. Onkdnle. Calir, and Ann* elevens, Snilnas, Cflllf.

The couple will Icnve hL crand- partnt'a home n e x t weeK lor Eureka where H u n te r Is employ­ed. They will visit In. SnlL Lake Clly on their way home.

¥ ¥

Sectional G ives Best F lex ib ility In A rran g em en t

Every hninemakcr looking for irnUure Uiot 1a flexible, func­

tional and handsome — looks first

g roup. TTie evening Is the best lime ly ot these boys and girls, Uiey are busy through the

day . Also, evenings are the lime w hen relaxation, ond fun. Is mail [ipproprlBle. So the party U al­w ays In order.

PartiesMarian Martin ihe'"nrst"qu«t£« mese

accident, nnd these cii ,’cldent* nre such horrible alfalra, 'is .ilwnys unexpected. "That does not mean u.s," too often ends In meanlns them nnd the reailts Ihe younB people and their ta: llles la trnRlc — nnd all because of

Prull juices nnd-keT nake'the besl flavored, most satisfying of summer drinks nnd lor those '

Yes. chief asset o f the sectionals is their flexibility. T he variety of


Pattern, w t? "^heVe do wc' eat? What's better th a n ginger ale? And It an cooiclng?" And there rises th« an- Intelligent boy or girl should .say, n un l problem. "How about drlnks?” i "Make m ine Ice water," he Is nol

T here Is a l« y s one in a grouplonly s e lU n g jiw ho wants to'appear sophisticated, Bomellmes It Is a boy. sometimes a g irl, nnd th a t is the one who says. "O h, let's have something with a kick; In It. I'm fed up with this kid s tu ff . Lefa have a aUck In the punch." O r,lt’s, “Lefs order cock­ta ils."

I n my experience wlUi such par­tie s any strong llauor. any kiniti' w hatever, Js not to be thought ot fo r a moment. In the first place m any of this age grtjup have never h a d strong dHnk and )t is likely to ypset them one way or another. T h e re are to many good drinks.

the rest of the party, he Is doing himself a kindness.

And w h a t behavior is sensible U .ars Is a lso good form In motor boats. B e tte r be safe than lorry.

In su ra n c e Issued For C en ten arian

fin e ^ g to them, and quite with- ^cknea# insurance policy re- n ,.t h .«nf,.i ^nt^iuencej t h a t became what insurance

**’* experU believe U the oldest persono u t harmful — .......... e re seems Utile reason for the h a rd sort that do have harmful results.

T h is bit of prevenUve especially ia order'«here there a r t - c a r i or motor bo*t4 In the p a rty program, What these young people do no know, or perhaps koowlng, do not reoIlM, Is that a sm all amount of-alcoho! can make ft driver imrellalile although he th ink* he Is In the beat of shape. B e Js not a sate driver If he has h a a a Mupla of ilrl&ks and he shou ld no t try to take on respoo' BlbUlty for the pasaengers aulgn. ed to hU car. Nor should they get In to ■ ‘

. . . issued such a policy.M rs.'B aker celebrated her 100th

birthday anniversary. Friday, May

ill active , her main Interests kn ltt ln s and watching tele-

vision, "especially westems.- Sbe h as enjoyed good health «U

her life a n d attributes her Ion- gevlty to "ataylng busy In my oro affairs a n d keeping out ot the af- tai™ of o thers."

Health a n d lo n r Kte run in her family. H e r san. 8am, 60,

gires wide play maker's proverbial n e e d f - . ''ehanglos thlngo around." a prne- lice enthu.ilastlcally supported by home planners w ho recognize the Ttlues of verRatlle living,

Uke a ehlld’A building blocks, sectionals may be.atackcdJiorlzon- (ally. Placed end to end they 111! a wall or bend a round a corner. Variety Is gained through use ot

center focal points o r be used round out freight tra in lengths of up lo ten units ex tending u p lo O feet. The veraatillty of sectlonali Is limited only by room alse.

♦ * *

Ice C ream T e s t Is H e a lth y Ainti

KBW YORK. fDPO — A moving company has devised a test to help racaUonlng householders detect whether a tem porary power fail­ure during th e ir absence . has caused food In th e ir freezer* to spoil and become dangerous lo -al.

The l««t (devised by Atlas Van-, Lines) consists o f placing ,a small carton of ice cream in the top of the freezer v llh a scoop-fuU taken out ot ihs center.• If thawing rsuIU from • tem-

porary power fa ilu re , melted Ice -^am will run in to the scoopea*

t area where i t will show-up en If It Is re-frozen, rhe' company u s e s th e lest

when t n o ^ r t l n c frozen food la freetera.


FILER. Aug, B — Adlyn HolUen


Kiir the lucky girl who L« gnlr* collra^ .111 ihf fall a uofti ol

■ collciip dean:colleee alih llit no- glrh h

■ ‘ S"rArnlin'ifTllvlns,II n rtrrnm wjrld. icp* tir» iharninitl

KOInc t(i inke you out of Hit Job niiirkpl pcniiiiiienily,

niiiy need to hrlp >our .. lu.'b.iiid enrn a llllnr h

fli-.'t yciU-,1 Ilf junr nmrrlnKP, tiinj’ nm t—to—rttit

L. R, M ickelson Weds Miss W ard In Jerome R ites

JEROME, Aug. 9 — Itoberla June Ward, UauKhter o f .Mr. and Mrs. Wfljne Word. Blue Klver. Ore.. was married lo Lee Ray Mlcaelson, son of M rs. Robert Burks, Jerome, and Leo Mlckel- ton. 'nvm Jails, 'iMe ftlicnioon Vieading wu June 26 a t the Pres­byterian churdi here.

The llev. John Oldm an per-

before a background o f boskets and bouquets and. rose carnations with spraya ot wlilie gladioli, xnc

arpeied- bridiii nijie 1—by—white—gla^'Oil"

and Katie Petera, cousin of the bride, wore nqun and pink nialch- tcig drr.uRs of embroidered nylon over salln with inrge fntln j-ishes. They wore wristlets of while nauons,

Laure MlcktUon. niece of the bridegroom, wore a mini green full skirted organdy frock. She scattered rose pelaLi,

Richard Mickelson. brother of ie bridegroom, wo.% besl man,

Allan Jolms and Robert Johnson ere ushers.The bridegroom's mother . . ....full ekirted white emboued ta f ­

feta allernoon dre.u will), red ac- eessorlcj Her gorMifi- u:n.< nf m in. lature pink rose buds. The bride's mother chose a beige linen aheath with pink accessories. She also

a corsage of miniature pink

while salui buws,John Mickelson saiiK "I Love

,ul niee" and "0 P e ricc t Love," &lrs. John iiteile, Jr.. w as organist.

The brldt, given iti m arriage by her father, wore a floor-lengtn gown ot wlilte slipper so iln leo- iurlng-a-liu«d bo<Uc«-ot-iace with ' scalloped neckline a n d sleeves.

The skirl was ballerina length in from wllh a calbedrai train In bsefc-Meenwt-iJTTi-tropcM-pan*! of scalloped lace which w as caught with a bow In back. H er ilngeriip Spanish imported lacs veli lell to points in back and w as caught by a white satin headband wiUi iiephanolls a l either aide.

Her crucent shaped bouquet was of baby pink roses . a n d white slephanolls with bows o f pink net accented by a background, ol rose relvet hearts.

Carol Ward, sister o f th e bride, •as msid of honor. S h e wore a

■treet-length gown of ro«e silk or­ganza oter pink ta ffe t* wllh a rose lace covered bodlee. Her lace covered garden hat w as In the tame carnation color a« th e dress.

Pat Olio and Ruby D*rUn« bridesmaid* Their gowns

mony. Mnry Darga registered the guests. Jean Tliompson. Tonettc Robe and WUma Bingham arrang­ed the gifts. Mrs, Rlchard-Mickel-

and Mrs. Robert Iverson pour-

ndv»ntfli!e.'-for-the-clilliltrii of llvliii;. In many (aiiilllr.' s two p.iy chccka to supporl

th is prelly picture,. If you are rirlfniiiiirrt .

live u liiiln your husband'* Income you muy hnve In go lo work diiy It hfi should have a ion., ,

Up young, if your msril.ige end In dliorce or If elthrr have elderly parents tt

■'Kor an liicrfajlng number ot omen mnrrliiKe no longer mciin.

flnnncliil si'ciirlly. so the girl wlin doesn't plnn lirr educntloii lo prp- pnrp Jipr for Itip nork/Waj- «or,'tl

t fBcliif. tpjilliy, college campus Li sllli a good

plftrr lo look lor a hustand. But lodny a girl ought to do It on her spare lime. U shnuidn't be her only concern.

"OetllnB a husbtnd Is not going > neceosarlly protect her frem the

■ Li ot earning a pay eheck,.........Jusi land htr In ihe doubly

demanding job or being a wage earner and a homrmaker."

* f *

Features PartyTlie Loyal Neighbors club tea. jred a children's parly thli week

a t Harmon pnrk.Onme.1 were played with ■

going lo Mrs. William Marlell and Mr*. Kenneth Aston, aue.^u were Mr». Emma DaslUn. Mrs. J. O, Clark. Mrs. Dwight Parrott, Mri, Dwlcihl Shaw, Joyce Whitt and Linda Aston.

R ev ea ls Plans

CAIIOI.YN KAVF, MURRI . . . who«e engaiemfnt to

lluane K. Ilantnn. ton ol Mr. and Mrs. Kd llanMiii, Kimberly, la annnunred by her parenla. Mr. and .Mr*. Dean Carl Murrl. Kim­berly. The coupic plana a ipring weUdlng. ' Itolh are IK4 grad- ualet of Klmbrrly high school, Khe li altending the Hollywood neiuty rollecp In Twin Falli and her fiance I* manager ot Roun- Itee Koodllner, (Slaff engiavlnf)

The reception » I held a ly alter thecc

:elson and daughter. Idaho rails; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns and family, BoLsei Mrs Leah Klttrldge. Mountain Home; Mrs.— Elsie—Johns—and—famlljT Boise; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mick­elson. Burley, and Mr, and Mn, W ayne Ward. Blue River, Ore.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peters w... hosU to a buffet dinner for the family and bridal parly the night before the wedding.

A.pre-nuptlaLshower was given for the bride by Pat Otto and JeanThe organdy skirled bridal table

was draped with feather fern and tied with while satin bows. T he -th r e e 't f e r t d - w d a m n u r - w r a i ------- QUlLTIN Q -BFriretBpink frosting, roses, rosebuds and accents ot while was centered tt mirror sunounded with greenery ahd white carnations and lOK>ed with bride and bridegroom flgur-, ines, Mrs. Ralph Pelers and Mrs.Jerry Callen cut the cake.

The Presbyterian women's cir-charge of the reception.

The bride chose a beige ensem­ble tor a trip lo the Oregon coast. She wore mint green accessories. They will make their bom* in Twin Fain,

Both were graduaUd t t o J e r ­ome high school in 1958. The bride-, groom attended Boise Junior col­lege. He U employed by the Mod­em Heating company In Twin, Palls.

Oul-of.(own guests Included Mr. and Mrs. Hcrward Cheat and daughter. Meridian; Hr. and Mrs.

R u g a n d F u r n i t u r e C I c o n i n g

T R O Y N A T I O N A LL oundry & Dry CIconcit

Social Calendar" ti i iThe HlRhlnnd View club' ...

have a picnic a l the Tain Palls clly park a t 1:30 p.m. Sunday.

Loyal Neighbors club vUI meet 13:30 p.m. Friday a l ihe borne ol

Mn. M aurice Humphries. A knlck- knack exchange will be held.

W «The T w in PaiU LDS sixth ward

Relief society will have a breakful al 9 a.m. Wednesday at the Idaho Power company park al Twin falls. Nursery caro will be provided at the atakehouse. Table tw ice also will be provided.' Those needing transportation are asktd to meet at the s U k e h o ^ by 9 a.m.

Jo in sV sF C lu bMILNER. Aug. 9—Mn. Robert

Daniel* w as hostess to the WS7 club th is week when Bin. Lynn M U^eli w u welMm.ed.M a neir.m e m b er.................... . ' ' '

A game was played with'high going to Mr». Bill Hill and low to ' Mrs. Edw in Brune, “nie dub held a-ptn-txchangerThs-TiexrmHliB*— n»

be he ld a t the hom* of Urs.

9 2 3 8 siz ts iJ -so .4 o .4 J

CIKCBtOMASR ^, « v i diyi out of seven, this Is

I u e dress you llm ch fori It's M y I " »ew - always tooks erlsp and , dWUag. eUBd.up collar. Jaunty i w f i . Hating skirt. Whip it op In ; cotton, ramnw-woo]__________,

1« lakes « H n«li» .ln£ l» .^ n d M tentt (eolw) to r - th k W t ^ - tdd 10 e«nU Jor

^ U « m tcc tin t - cU« naUlng. Sgew to lo riaa UarUa. TIMM- «ew». Paltoa Dep^ a a West ^ S t, New Tork.Ui N. Y. P rta t ^ l n l 7 Dane, addreai v tth aooe,•Ue and. ityi* number. ■

. Newl Bead now f « our 4M 01W •0 4 Winter Pattern.Oitalo* .—

)Pa*» IB ndU nc oalorl O raI ? , <lw. *0 oe-iCMlons pltti ieiMxa . . . M eeoU.

Radiators^ m u MIP o n to

S t n i c t i i j t t p a i r f

Phoiit RE 3-6080. j ^ r n m r u h

C L Y D E S ^„ « M IA I0 « 4 H * :

T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN P A L L S , f f lA H O

Tour Held in Burley Area On Dairying

BORLBY. All*. » -A diliT lour *»* hrld Prld»y. tc- (ordlnc to Cusift rountjr Exten* lUm Agrnt Olenn Bodily.

- -•m e group Vtalled the W«HAceBiker T*rm. where * dtsciuwlon on eoro production »nd Uie Tariftlea

WllUvn Prycrtbcnd. com breeder frorn- CrooUuun Seed company. Caldwell. He told of aoll nulriciiU rtried for ihe*c varleUe*.

At tl»8 Aubrey Pou'era roncliTli iroup aaw p « ln Lhit had bee pitnted In J2-lnch rou’s Infllettl of in »lx-lnch comujntcn. I t wm ex- pUlned tha t the name yield voulil i t resiled u If » h « l bren rd i l a heavier rule, TliH picint- Ira li done by pluBRlnij even Mhpr hole In tlie drill.

■nie group MW stand* of tin jifw hiillc.M bnrlcf a t the Boon WijTOent f»mi. Tour m cm bm a v new ntaehlnery n t Ui« Kldoii Derry ranch and n demorutraUoii

•of bsllliig otid litQcklnn hay.A (llflcu.vilon Txrtod followed i

' luncheon a t NrlBon'* cafe. Lend- Inc dUVMMlonn were Dr. Richard nw , hend of the dairy hUBbamlry dppftruncnt, Onlverflty o f Id-Oio »nd a . C. Anderaon, BolJ>e. exien- ion doiryinnn.

Antibiotics and masUtus In rela­tion to tlie mlllc progmm were toplcA of intcre«t. The «rroup was «vned what to va toh for in Uils dlseue. how (o «TOld and prerenc It and how to cure It. How to duce top-qunllty forage aJao dlictused.

Lodge Won’t Quit U.N. for Awhile

t ITO-Ambassador H enry Cabot Lodge Mid Ia«t n igh t he would not realm his United Natlooa post to ctmpulgn for th e vice presidency unlll some time after a requested meeting of the U. N. dloarroament

The United SU tea hod asked for the 81-natlon commission convene this Monday to dlscu-vi the raptured East-W est a rm s talks St Qeneva. Jlowever. Russia hns rrlecled th a t da te and In d ia ha. tufgested the letulon be held just before Uie general assembly begins Its fsU session Sept. 30.

Through a spokesman Lodge denied a published report th a t he

—«'ou]d-reAlRn Septr-1 -to-worfc-fcr the Republlesn ticket, saying the m e t date would no t be se t until after he consults with President

Former Local Resident Dies In Car Crash

H o w ard Kelson SCrieUao. S3. Poestelter^enner Twin Palla real- dent. was kllltd about a am . S un­day when his t v skidded off WBh- way ei near Pocatello.

Mr. stncklsn was bom Sept. 37. 137, at Savannah. 0« . He CJune 1 Twin Falls with his porcnts

Vi'hen he was j-oung and attended 'Fuln Pnlls Khools. graduivtlng from Twin Palls high school.

He mornrd Lois

Man Appears on Forgery Charge

James Francis Oratlot. 35. Twlrt n ils , WM bound over to district

-_.eourt Tuesday, giomlng by Twin ?a]Ii Police Judge J- O. Pumphrey on a charge of forging » check.

B^ill'r-T-itnlfiy nortilng after having asked for n preliminary hearing a t nn earlier appearance. He Is held a t (ho county Jail In lieu of «l,ooo bond.

Qratlot was arrested by Ta-ln falls police for passing a forged diMk for « » * l the S t. Rcgls elub, Aug. 1. T h e check, written on the Twin FalU Sank ond Trust Company « u payable to J O ntlot aad signed John Sails.

n a g e J

Noted ia WrecksB um . ^og . »_M ]nor damages

were reported /rom two different accidents here over the «eek>end

About 136 la damages-resulted when RonaU Adams. U . Buhl driving a IMS Chevrolet, pulled Into a parking space oti'W est Main and In the process struck (he

r o t Iby Lyle Bhafer. Castleford. . . . damages resulted to th e Shnfer csr, reported ' Buhl Patrolman WeJley Anals. lU e accident oetur^ red a t 8:1# p. m . Saturday.

About (46 In damages resulted »hen Henry Wheeler. 09. Buhl, drove a- i»6a Chrysler ou t of a slderoad. I t coUlded w ith a l»64 Bultk driven by Clifford Mont- lomery, 3». Buhl, a t 6 : « p. m. m day three.(ourths of a mile e&U. o( Buhl on highway SO. Deputy BherlK Curtis Pryor re- ported no damage to the Chrysler.

King Hill VisitslONO HILL, Aug. B — Mt«.

Donald lisle. Burley, and h e r daughter. Mra. W illiam Meeker acd sons, T«.'ln Falls, visited her *on, Ted Lisle, and fam ily. They were en route from Moscow, where her daughter,.Frankie, hoa com­pleted four yeara a t th e University

. of tdaho.U lts u s le will Uave Aug. 23 for

Tahoe. Nev- where she WUI wach hocse economies la T«taoe high lehooL

M n. lis le and daughters alee vlalted her son. Donald lis le , and f i ^ l ; ^ a t - a : h o . - t ) r K r e n route



J ? ; : v ........

K B A R( m o Rllo«MMel

tm . TUIiKUAt

K E K P . i(14M RUaeycMil


KUX( U l t KtloeyalMI

fU eHuat sT<e Dirr*ll na»>« S:OS Ourtll n«»ra

s ;ia J lu l t" . . -'**__H IS S ’S',5- - -

II :00 Mlk< Dmb IJ;00 N ...


KTFI KAKT<UIt KllMyeMI (14(» Klloe<ctCl>

iNUUT iu u a y a.a.

'V n»io« K*nL>ir Ibow

' Itil ViTtrtr*T»ai*-— *

Thomas M. — •. . settler of the Twin Falls had been employed for many .. as a civil engineer for rillrosd aunpamts In the Intennountsln sres and Canada, died Sunday evening In a Boise ho^ K al after a long llineas. lie had llved ln Boise since m s .

Dec. 24. IMfl, In Twin Palls.-!e vras a veteran of World «

n and was a member of Te«vm- vtera.local No. 333, S a lt Lake City, and (he Baptlat church.

Mr. Stricltlan had been w ork- . ig as an apprentice welder a t Uio General m rlc a tln g corpora­tion, luirtJi cf Pocatello.

6ur>lvin* ate his widow. Mrs. ItiH s_ajlck lsn .-J )va lfllo ; h.l s moUier. Mrs. JsmeA Abney. S alt Uike City, and a brother, D onald StHcklan. Pocatello.

Punsral-s«rvices-wlll-b«-heU!-at pin. Wednesday In tJie W hite

mortuary chapel by the nev. E r­nest Hfts.«lb1»d, Twin Falls F irs t Baptist church, Concluding rites

Master Talks to Fairview Grange

. the alms and purposes o f the Orange when he paid his offlcla] visit to the Falrriew Grange F r i­day eveaiog.

On the lecturer's program, r e a d ­ings were given by Mrs, Tom B a r ­ron. •■HapplntM"; Mra. Andrew Stallings. “Keep Smiling," and Mrs. Cheater Hoh. "No Ocoupa- tlon.“ Blcky Richmond '»d with several aecordlon *clec- tons and Mrs. T W. Blehinond, ecturer. led a postage stamp

Hnrvey King hosted a w oter- melon feed following the meeUng. The next regular Orange m eeting is slated for Aug. 19.

Firemen Answer Call at Gooding

OOODINO. Aug. 9 — Ooodtnjt voiuDteer fliemen an.i««red a call a t 9:S0 am. Sunday to eiUnRUiah a fire in a bedroom of the Dave

I pair : troi----- — ------------ th e bedburned when children playlnc in the room stepped on the p a n ts and Ignited a book of m atclies in the pocket.

Mrs. Evans had carried the pa n la J? Hi® Hremen a r ­rived. "niefe were about S30 dam - agea to the aide of a cedar cbent. - suitcase and the floor,

HomesThreatenedQLENNa PERRY. Aug. 9 - A

enss fire Sundsy a f t e r n o o n threatened jomc homes her* be-

w it was eitingulshed. .The fire ipread for about four

blocks, west of Canyon creek, lumping the creek and th rea le a- mg Mme houses between S outh C ^ hee and Bouth C lerelaad

btln* brought un - oer control, itie roof of the hom e of K e n n e th Uuklll on S outh Cleveliuid iif« t caught fire aev- eitti times but was brought under epntrel by firemen before m uch damage resulted.

T .'F . F I U I FILES BOISE, Au*. S O re-Aniclea of

- IneorpotaliOD were tUed wlih th« , »*« ta ry of sta te today for Hagie

VaUejr nnigs. In c , Twin jralis. The . tn n . eapltajUed a t 3,500 ahBre* o t ,80-pai-iraioe stock. wa*’incorp6r- " “ I by a . L. Crowley^W. J. K In t

r * ^ d jcAn Storra, a ll TSrln p S 7 -

T l ^g ..Where. yoff:buy-ttie > i B b e s t for: le s s . iVo I

. . . II # ft ;e a r:te pay. |


This dallr scfaedDle of Idevlaloa a o d radio progratns Is preKaUd a i a senlce le rtaden gf the Tlmes-Newa Ustlog* are fumlibed b; Ibe aUtlon. Aoy errors or ebaotei sboa ld be reported t« the lUUeo llsclr aod Dot the Tlmea-Newi.

« * * «

Television LqgKLIX-TV

(Cbamtel 11) TUUDAr4 .SKoKun Sl«d«

11:10 T»ot<lh<AliI>WBBNtflDHT

KU* llrtdlintt

V:*oSl|1 0 VJ,I» ^

Bla^Daiiger” IsiiH-<jritical In Gem StateBy The Aaaoclated

Stato and national forest offl> claLi said Monday night the fire danger has not }et reached the crlticlal point In (he Oem state's heavy tinibcr lands despite tlnulng hot weather.-snitr-TDiM icr-TOL- _______said. "We are In 'a lot better shape because we don't hsva the whole summer ahead of ui."

Quernsey said a long spell o: hot weather without rain could In crensfl the fire danger, but be add­ed tha t the burning Index Is still considerably below .last m o n C when the state » u declared major disaster area because «l fires.

A fire dispatcher In the Payette natloiml forest said it Is "usllkely the danger will be u bad as "

as." But he added that the da er was Increasing l U g h t ly In xne areas of the forest.Officials of the Boise national

forest said the fire danger U not a t the crltdal stage. A dispatcher said the burning index has dropped

s a ruult ji^ high humidity in 3me sections of the forest."It's not critical qdv,” he said,

■'but people should lUII use ex­treme eaullon la the woods-they will bum."

Small spot fires continue to be reported In many sectloos of

Idaho, but dltpatchera

FormerResident Claimed byJ)eathPatrick (Pat) JOKph Daly, H,

fo rm er Twin Palls resident, died Moiidny In the Nyssa hospital. Nyasa, Ore.

JIo had lived In Ny&sa for ter- eraa years and was a member of th e Catholic church. He was born M nrch 3, 1008, in Anaconda. Mont.

SurvlTlng are two sona, Patrick, H . Daly, U.S. marine corps. CampPendleton, Calif., and Michael Daljr.-a-atudsnt-al-Unlvetgiiy-o! Idaho . Uoacow; two sisters. Mrs.

.L. Herrlman. Nyssa. and M arilyn A y re s , CaJlfomU,■ »i

brother, William Daly. Dolse.Rosary will be recited at I pj...

Tuesday in tho White mortuary chapel and requiem mass will be celebrated a t 10 ojn. Wednesday ia St. Edward’s Cstholie church by the Rev. John Koelsch. Con­cluding rites will be held in Twin FB ltt cemetery.

said the blazes w troL

Rexburg Boy, 8,Is Killed by Car

REXDURO, Aug. t lA—An 8- year-old boy was kUled last night when a car struck him I ‘ ed a street in Rexburg.

The victim, Mark 'niomas, was ie son ot U r. and U n . Max

Thomas. Ueoan. The boy's father Is bishop ot the Secona ward ot the LDS ehurch.

Mrs. Melba Baker. Plano. Wen- Ufled as the driver of the car, ' '


Uster Orange wUl mMt a t CSO pjn. WedneKtay in the Orange hsll; OuMt speaker wiu be James J. May. . ■

GOP Hoping To Embarrass Demo Scions

WABHINQTON, Aug, 8 (#)-Re- publicans disclosed yesterday they hope to force a quick test vot* *- the senate on the poUUcally . . plosive civil rights Issue — and (hereby embarrass the Democrats.

The planned first step Is the early introduction of a bill to car

lut civil rights recoromendA' i President Elsenhower mnde

yesterday In his message to grcu.

Then th e Republicans would seek to plACe the bill on the senate calendar without referral t^ ml(tee.

Such a motion would be debat- able, opening the way for fill, busier BKiiinst It by southern foes of civil rlRhts legislation. But It Is anticipated tha t a motion will be made to tnt>le and thus kill Uie motion to bypatj committee

Hearing Waived In Theft Charge

EDEN, Aug. »-wm iam Coi, Ru­p e rt. waived preliminary heating M onday and was bound ore:l i t h district court when h e __arraigned on a first degree bur­g lary charge before Justice C ' Peace. Ralph. Law,

Cox was arrested Sunday night by Strevell state police otllcers a fte r a call from Minidoka county S heriff Theo Johnaon. Johnson h a d been informed of the thtlt of bedding, three guns, a suitcase of clothing and numerous other Items from the Lelind Relt farm near H atfltoa , Jerome county.

Cox had been employed by the Relfs. When they returned Suoday evening they found Cox hid left. - Me Is being held in the ahetlffs custody In lieu ot 11,000 bond.

tabllntc motion Is not debat­able a nd -thus a test vote could f0TWd^n^^n^rpublIc^Ils^^H-w0Ula dramatize the s p l i t between (he northern and southern Demo, crats over civil rights legislation.

Sen. R ichard U. Russell. D,. Qa., chief s trn teg lst of the soulhern forces, le ft no doubt he will every available resource lo block action.

Resnme ls GivenAt Chamber MeetWilliam' Orange, Chamber

Commerce secretary and msnnger, gave a resum e of Industries pos. Blbly com ine to this area, at e regular m eeting of the Chamber of Commerce Commercial division Monday noon a t the Rogerson hotel S ta te room.

Arlon J . Puckett and Mildred Ross were appointed to head a committee fpr. a salesperson-of- the-m onth promotion.

Members briefly discussed the back-to-school parade to be held Saturday morning, Aug. 20.

W ater Ballet- JEROME. Aug. 9 — Members .. the Jerom e swimming team will present a w ater ballet at 8 p. m. today a n d Wednesday a t the Jer­ome pool.

A small admission will be chi ed and fu n d s will be used to 1.. . , flp&nce th e team's trip to the su (e m eeticg at Pocatello later this m onth . The show wlU include water ba llet, Ufesavlng demonstrs' tlons and intra-squad compi

T.F. Pionei^r ■Dies in Boise

At A s e o f 92Jalrd, 03, 1 early

at Klmbolton. O. He was gradu- attd from Ohio Normal unlver- sl(y. Lebanon. 0 -, and begsn hb

civil engineer In 16S6 Florence and Cripple

Creek railroad company.Ho married Nellie Beal In 1K3.I Denver, He was an original en-

Uymon on the Twin Falls project and returned to Twin Falls from Canada in 1012 to develop his farm land souUc of Twin Palls. •

Mr. Baird was one of the found' -/s ot the Boulhem IdoJio Bean Growers association and served for several years as a director of the Tttin Falls Canal compjvny.I He was active in the constniction of the Oregon Shortllne railroad and helped locate and construct other railroads in Colorado. Uuh, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, Prom 1B0& to 1813 he was district engineer for the G rand Trunk Pa­cific railroad, now the Canadian National .railroad, and he had an active part In the location of (he company’s rail network

...........i member of the Presby-(erlan church,'Surviving are his widow, Mrs,

Kellie Baird, and a son, Paul Baird, both Boise.

Funeral services wlU be held at 11:30 a. m. Wednesday a t (he W hite.mortuary chapel with (he Rev. Kenneth Beall. Burley Pra-

Ibyterlan church. officiatlng. Final rites will be conducted a t Sunset Memorial park.

Nevada Youth Listed ‘Good’ After Mishap•BURLEY, Aug. 0 — Peter m -

shaU Salazar. 17, Battle Mountain, Ncv,. who Is working in Jerome.

J reported In g o ^ conditionCollage hospllAl Monday af(er

being Involved In a one-car auto iiccldcnt nt 8:45 p,m, Sunday three


Star Show SetKoiman Herrett report* tha t

pubUe abowlnga a t K erre tfs planetariua and observatory. 1230 Staberly road, vUl be f e a tu r e d at 8 p jn . today, Wednesday and Thursday. The show will begin a t 8 p jo . each evening in the planetarium and (he door* will be closed a t 8:15 p. m. Everyone U Invited.

Herrett atreases groupe will .be g lvjnjrojt>™ a t _ ^ t lm t by appolntzneot,' a t no charge, aod e n c o u r a g e s clubs and church Of tchPol groupa to call

Winds H itT « k “Wisconsin Area.

By 0D1UA Pre., I n l ^ i S S High winds dimiRtd

Wisconsin and Te«as ye.-^'* *nA/'ra'ss;"’;'’s n > % r d o u « t o ; ? <ChrtstI, Tex. ” “ Coo,

A corrugated Iron jid]-, . tom low® from l(a foun?ii>w hurled .ln(o one unoccun'JlL^ Two large ttm bm w tre w m '^ ' log through the-front oI LSS: house. . ‘ “ *!»»

Mrs. Givens, 73, Is Claiined by DeathJEROMZ, Aug, ft-M ra. SMlIa

Jane Olvens, 73, died a t h e r homeBaturdsy. ' ' ......... ‘

-..e was bom May 7, 1687. at Powell. Mo,, and was m arried to Ployd Olveos Dec, 34, 1804, at Rocky Comfort. Mo. T hey came to Buhl In 1B18 and to Jerom e In 1C2S. where her husband farmed. He died in 1H7.

Burrlvea include two sons. Ed­gar OlvensNMd Vernon Olvens, both Jerome: three daughters. Mrr, Vlrgle Hardesty>,^a8co, Wash.; Mrt. Pem D onnei^T w ln Falls, and Mn. Blanche L a r ^ , Tacoma, Wash.; two brothers, ' klMon, Jtrame, and Lee .Buhl; 13 grandchildren great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be .held at (he Wiley funeral chapel, Jerome, at 2 pjo. Wednesday with th e R«v. Z»RsId Sou. o i the Chrl,stUn chureh, officiating.

Friends may call a t th e chapel untU time ot services Wednesday,

Final rites wUH>e held in the Jerome cenetery.


Anthony Perkins, Jane Ponda PLU8 Tom A i t r r j Cartoon

Plus Gold Medal Cartoon

strong winds domed (»«. iwer lines and damnsfj . fac(ory near Rew nie. WtJ ^


■The -

TURF club'


Every Wcdneiday

Please .C all for Rcse^'^ tions ond Plon Now (or j G rand Evening . . . Lfte M usic W e d n e j d o y ortj Sa turday . Coll Now la Rcol Enjoyment,



Phone RE 3-6511 I

Oakley. ,Salazar n-as ridmg In the back

ot g 1I15J Jord-plclcup-tfuak-drlv«»t by Alfred L. Reyes, Jerome, As a car opproftched. Reyea dimmed his llRhis and failed to see two Hol­stein calves In the road. They were h it and killed by the pickup.' A.1 the truck skidded sideways and I hit a canal bridge railing. Sola-1 tar h it'h is head against the racki and cab of the truck. ' I

eix others In . the-truck-w ere uninjured. About $40 damage wi

■ J h 5 - ' • -about tloo damage to the bridge railing and a traffic sign. The state police estimated the vslue of the calves a t about *200 each.

The animals belonged to Blaine Manindale. Oakley.

investigating the accident . . . Stale Patrolmen M. J . Snyder and Broy Harding; Deputy Sheriff Robert Alkcns. and Oakley Mar­shal Golden H arper.

MKET AT CLOVES FILER, Aug. 0 — T he Clover

Community Paim Bureau will meet at a;SO p jn . today a t the Clover school. There-w ill be a business meeting and program. Prizes will be glv^a and .refrshments served

D allc lous In D a iq u iris

F in e s t R um f o r Y duKPioot > 8chlttf«lln4Co.;N«.Y(rt


Crockett returned home Saturday' fro m Alturas lake where she has been attending an LD6 Mutual meeting.



Wednesday -T h u rsd a y

m o n e y b a r g a i n sLucky

LICENSE WINNERS $5.00 - $10^00 - $U.OO

lo BuyNo, OHIjotloliFREE S N A C K S .

N E W !M O N E Y


FREE .' Rejgiitratioii!

U n d e r


Come in and SeeB o b & J im L a t h a m .

' GRAND OPtNINGWednesday, Augiisl' 10 .


Com e in and register for


I Nothing to byyl


JE R R a l E W S

* FEATURES *Bellboy 1:29,4:32.7:39,

. 10:46 Larceny J:<9.6:86. B;0S-

NOWI OPEN 1:00 P .M .

^ L O O K ^™' o t > v r s e o o ^ c /n W ITH CARS^ -TRUCKS


'55 CHEV. 2 DOOR_ T it9!!o jM j.nd_»hlte leatlier teUiior. J j M t

Sharp . . . a n d only - j:-------------- W

'60 FALCON . STATION WAGOND cm onatn to r, lew mllMge, real boy

'53 BUICK HARDTOPSere’* a w onderful ear far (Uf low SilQOprice of only -------------------------------- **00

'60 FORD FAIRLANE 500a n b tedan. V-8, OTerdriTe, Badle. Dealef

- 'S S ___ :______________ ---------JEEP4 WHEEL D R IV E ---------


* 9 8 8

> 5 8 8


; , / ■ ........; ;

■J5 CHtV. 4 DR..STATIOM VfAMN New nytai ib M .O M •< tb« f e O C(a n in M H to V a llv . . . t a f a tj 9 / 3 ,

'60 TH U N D f RBIIIO' DEMtfNSTRATOt L m Umt W «k(k •n

MCMMrtM, Tei7 low BHMie. ^

M i i i l o l i r .

' tOESDAY. a u g u s t 9. 1060■ T O T E S -K E W S. T W I N F A L L S . ID A H O

I t f a c K a y P r o v i d e s

W i n n i n g M a t c h i n

D a v i s C u p S e r i e sirEX lCO C IT Y . Au(f. 9 (/P)— T h e U n i te d S ta te s d e fe a t-

j jJ m ico , 3*2,. in - th e seryitfinftl o f t l i u A tiicrlcaii zone

v ,y clinched th e decision w ith n 6-2.' 6 -4 . 1-G. 12-10 vie-.« rvover M nrio Llnmns ntul Chuck M c K in le y defau lted to S b . n Bey«»- O rig im lly ------------------------------------------------^ . n...UV.^tT UTIfl RI’JlIV

"Shli tJnitles Iiifttch. But wlicn• * * j^ b n ellnehedrbothcap'

last-minute chsnnM. r S . McKlnl'J- default cam.

o t» minor dispute, Chuck, ? T ^ T » r- o ld 8t. Louljs «Ji»rp.

l»dlng B er«. 2-1, ^ ^ r i l r s t Mt. having broken ihc S X b ' . «crvlce In the third

Ui«y "re^eSuJ^d JiTiiuitch for Tueoday.^ 8- Mpt*ln David rrtfd itctid. pointing out that hb l«ani ^ „ f m > t l o n i 10 iMte rleht liter Monday’s mftlchcs. Thtre- JiJ; he said, he would be forced

^TOeVuia! Moro wa4 the closest jTjr In the history ot U. S.-Mcxlco

now meet Vcne. ntU Id the final of tha Amerlcnn ^ competition »l Cleveland, lun ia i 6ept, is.

H e sUnds were psekcd for the mud (oniecuUve day with limited 4.000 fans,

<Itu decisive match nent 22 UM, the longest contest in Mex< H 10 far.CuicKay. 1 0. 1 on the tinlted iiMtta team, was much Improved ortT hli ihcra'lni? In the openlf.ft il^ e i match Saturday asiitui owes, Monday he look fire and

^ a the first two seta frcm hlj (luiuiKl but secmtnBly IUIcm

''Sunas came back in tiie Uvlrd Kt which he won B-1 and made a terrtlic battle In the fourth which bkd the partisan fans on their ffrt thecrlnB wildly, '

MacKay’s double fauIUns which ctUMd his Sntiirday defeat—he double faulted 31 times aKuinsi Osjn»—UTis under control Mon- dar In the first three icts. But It

Hydro Pilots Are Tiiroiigli With Racing

SEATTLE. AUB. 9 (.P.-Two Ul. limited hydroplane drivers Injured Sunday In the stlll-unflnHhed Bcafalr trophy race indicated Monday they nre through wiUi driving th e big bonn.

Mira Slovak, the lormtr Cr.ech jet pilot who now flicj commercial planes o u t of Dcnve.*. nnd Don Wilson, D etro it (Irlver of MLv U. s. I., probnUIy will not sgnln.'

Slovak, from his hojplinl bed snid: 'TliWiKS linppeiird ao fa. 1 1 don't know w hat hnpptned," when

,Misj Wnhoo nipptd, throwing ' ' fromOhe boat.

"I w'j.i drowning—lunes full of water—when Bob I-arjeii (of KolRoy, w ho dived In and Slovak a fio n t until a helicopter arrived) pu lled me up."

Asked ir h e Intended to drive again, Slovak sold:

'•We (ow ner Bill Boeing. Jr. started o u t w ith the Wahoo oi Lake W ashington five years age We ended I t up Sunday' in th *ame plnce. I feel we’ve done ou share. I f s up to the other gilya

Wilson a.Tld through bum-swol­len Ups: ‘’T h is Is my second acci­dent in two races, and I thln» rve Just nbout hnd It."

Wlkon Rpcnt two months In i hospital n f te r an accident In the President’s cup race on the Poto­mac river Inst full.

A ussieO usted From E a s te ra Tennis Match

Miss Tliriftway

H earin RaceSEATTLE. Wo-lh., AUK. 9 W

Miss T h riftw ay of Seattle rn lo victory M onday In the rerun .. the final h e a t of the Seafalr trophy race for unlim ited hydroplanes, but the even t ntul was without winner.

T he. A m erican Power Boat as­sociation sa id It was sanctioning

-of ..the-hHt-under-theeeBOtTTH ORANGE, N, J.. Aug, 6 'Mndltlon-i — th o t no trophy

t«-Oae of the seeded Australian money would be awarded pUyen, Martin Mulligan.. was “" " y .»eliminated and another-tcp-seed-'^ lnh" w ou ld -b e wlUiheld unUl edRM Laver-had to extend him. ‘he APBA could consider all pos­

sible p rotests concerning the race.The Ilnnl h e a t was stopped twice

Sunday by accidents. Darkne&s Iforeed postponement of tha final

self Monday to oust a little known lot as the eastern gra^s courts lecnls championships got under-ray a t Orange tennis club. i------- r. - „ y -

“”S 4 . T " i ? » " S ' m ™ .1the wheel, took the lead on the llrat lap a n d held it all the way. HU BTeroBO. lim e for the 15 mUei

hour. u,pex

iiamp and eighth-ranked tmw here, fell before Bill Lenoir

■ ' Z S i ■.'■Sis’; . ', '; '“ i " »X. Petersburg. Pla„ but pulled le match, 6-3, 4-0.6-2.Leaolr. reigning U,B. Junior

ehampion. la an oddity on the big- time tennis circuit In that he uses a tno-handed swing off both his tackhand and hU forehand. The n -y ^ -o ld youngster idw plays itrietly ft baseUno game, though moat of e current grass player*a f , ' " " ■“

Shaffer la No. 1 W verslty of norlda team and lort only two of ao matches duf. Ing the col eglate season. Re was WiOng well against Lftver. the Ausale ehamp and Wimbledon fuaner-up. hut after t«iri«g t}j» *«ond set, he feU Into a stnaUt

to lose the third osd the

B^nd-seeded Ron Holmberg of ^ U y n ousted University of Ml- »nu jiAT John Skogetad a-S, 6-4, « d Bob Mark, no. j aeed from

l^stralla, took b e-j, i-g battle Bob Barker of Manhaaset,

y , J n e lher feature matches, . in flrst-round womto'i matches. '• seeded players met little op-

- “"'on. Darlene Hard, Uonte-

S- - . Calif., No. 3 seed, w u a e-J, t winner over Carmen Lamiie fwklyn. and Ann H a y d ™ ’

“ «“ nd. top foreign «ur. founa «ro ie Loop, ArcadU, Calif, » Victim of center court Jjttc i. M .

b3 ? tlilrd seed. Janet Roppi, “ tUe. polished off Bonnie Men> »«■, Forest HUls. N.-Y, «.l. g-O, K ?., H *aue. San Diego,

Scores- AMtmCAN LtACUB

S:aa=±dS !aS!"'! l! ib . * L tio u i -

' S S S ^ a a w s

l e w e wiu mMt i t |

S • “ ««»• AnyoM m th.

Manchester toured Miss Spokane to second p lace with an average speed of 101.#63.

Beattie Too, driven by Dallas Sartc. finished third a t M.634.

The rem ainder of the seven>l>bat field finished la this order, Miss Burlen. S rea th less a . KOLioy I, and Miss T ool Crib.

ThrUtway a n d the Miu.;ent Into th e fluol h e a t_____ _with eas po ln t« each. The Miss U.S. I, w inner o t two heats Sun­day. had 900 points but was badly damaged by firo in one of the at- tempts to ru n the final heat.

Oeorge Sim on, Detroit, owner of the Miss U. 8 . r.-flled an official

lest. cUiminK his boat shou '' e been declared the victor.

Olympics Already Assured Success

ROME. AUB. S' (A — Advance ticket sa les fo r the Olympic games already h av e brought in more cash than the to U l gate a t any pre­vious Olyinpio session, orgonizen cald Monday.

This m eaoa a record gale a t th« Rome p u n e s . (^enlog Aug. 38, even If s o o th e r tlcksU are so ld- and -IT' tb a t-U extremely unlikely.

Offlelala o f th e ItaUan Olymple wunm lttee.sald 13,300,000 had gons Into t)ie caab till from advance ticket sales ao f a r .------

The o fficia ls aald this lops therecord to ta l gate of « ...............BelslnU In 19S9. Ih e . . a t M elboitma four yean ago was U K 1.0OO. th e offidals said.


Launching Pad for College Rookies

U.S. Swimmers Deny Use of Stimulants

RO SLY X , X . Y ., A iiff. D (fp)— “Our pep. p ills a r c h a r d work nnd a b ilil.v ,” .said G eorge Haine.s M onday. " A n y o n e who sn y s o u r p i r t s u se d pep pills is mnkintr f a l s e .s tn te - m cnts.” ila lne i^, c o ac h o f th e San ta Clara (C a lif .) S w in i club and head c o a c h o f th e U. S. 01ymi)ic w o m eh ’s s w im ­m ing team,

aa lie w a tc h e d hi.-< Hwim- mer.s w ork o u t a t . t h e Re- niiis.Hniice cUib’.'< pool.

Both he and Hetty Baldwin, manager "o? iiie teiiiii. heatediy| denied nccusatlon.? tha t the glrWi UKd pep-piltj In-ttTC Ol5Tnplc“trlBlsj at Detroit lost week, I

’The charses were mode byi Welkke nuuskn,- whose two dough-1 ler.f competed In the trials, in ool Intervleiv w i th Dob Williams,' charged three lop West teams—1 Santa Clnra, M ultnomah of Porl-j land. Ore.. and th e Los Angeles. A, C.—used pep pills In dominat­ing the trials.

One of Ruuska'a daughters,S/lTlii. in»dc Ihc' TChm,

Haines' spcctncular trio o[ Chris Von Saltzn. bopkatrokcr L>-nn Burke a n d brcosutfoker Ann Wome. won five-finals, ond bet­tered two world and two Ameri­can records among them in the trials a t Detroit.

■Ridiculous and silly.” said Wall Bchlucter, the Multnomah

re gave our kids w___ old vitamin B tnblcts theyhave been taking a ll season,"

Coach Pete D aland of the Angeles Athletic club heatedly denied any member of his team used pills—"and i m sure il eusallon isn't tru e of the ttams,"

He said some of the competilom may hove been ixsing "perfectly legal" vlUmln. yeaat or dextrose

*^ut these a re In no way to confused w ith illegal stlmu-


Planti Fish to

of Gamelume

BOIBE, Aug, 8 tfV-ConsuluUons 1th reprcMnlatlT«s of other states

haveIbat the fish disease hepatoftia is not a threa t to h tu n a o beings. Roai Leonard, ’fish a n d game depart- ment director, sa id Monday.

He said normal trout stockbg operations are being resumed,

th e subject w as discussed at ll- s ta t« conference here last month Leonard sa id , and added there Is no evidence th a t the dis­ease. which resu lU la spotted Uvera, la tiv ism lttab le to '

Logan WinsBOISE, Aug. 9 — I

weight Ctorge Logan pc

cnrcer Monday night by over- -powerlng-GfTman-boxer—Wllll- Bosmnnoff to an unanimous 10- round decision.

Logan, 2M. plied up b. big margin in the early rounds and then stepped up the tem po in the torrid eiRht round to gain the nod on all three cords.

Judges Henry Alegrla scorcd It #a-M. Dr. John Clifford had It 67-96 and referee Jim Nally. scored lU«.96-aIl for Logan.

All-Slars to R ely Strictly O n Passing

CaiCAGO. Aug. g in-T he flat pass and forward paAS undoubted­ly will be the main weapoits the college all-slors carry Into battle against t h e National Foolbnll league champion Baltimore Oolts Friday night at Soldier field.

“tlie grndu&ted collc(;lnn5, coach­ed for the third stralfiht year by O tto Orahani, have been installed

Larker, W ills Help Dodgers In Loop Race

NEW YORK. Aug, 0 Norm Larker and Maury Wills; each seeking his first JDO year i n the majors, are making rapid progress in the NsUoaal league ba tting race as of Monday while spark ing the Lcs Angeles Dodgers' drive.

Larker boosted his averag« oni point to J4S last week a n d In­creased hU lead to five po in ts ovei WIille Mays of San Francisco. Mays dropped two points to ,341 with 11 hlU in 34 tries. lA rker frM sevea.for.lB. Norm W l JS9

1 19U.Wills, a JM. hitler last y e a r ... rookie, had 14 safeUes In 34

trips. He climbed 23 poinU to .311 and moved into a fifth p la ce Ue jrlth Roberto Clements o f P itts ­burgh. ' •

In the American league. Al Smith of the Chicago W hite Sox raced ahead of teamm ate Roy eleven and New Tork'i BIU Skow- ron, who were Ued for th e No. 1 spot a.week ago.

Smith Inmased hU average Uueepoints t o m Skowron feU into the runner-up poeltlon aa he last three polnU lo J l« . ' aievers slipped iBio a third pUce U e with .....................ole Minoso * t J13.

I Against' the Detroit Lions in ill»8rthe-TWSscj-Dt'1tlce^-KtnK Hill and Michigan Bute’s Jim Nlnowskl to hallback speedsters

Mitchell of' llllnol.t and Pace of Michigan led the all-j

35-19 victory.St year the Colt* took car

Graham's »]uad 29-0, In the tire series, the pros have woi. .

mes and lost 8. There have been VO tles;-Oraham has tliree fine trlgger-

MtJrror-nU-ritriirshow-lhls-iijjfe —I>on Meredith, Southern Metho­dist; Ceorge Izo, Kotre Dame, and Fete Hall, Marquette.

They have some exceptional ta r ­gets. At end are Carrol Dale. Vir­ginia Tech; Monty Stickles, Notre Dame; High Mclnnls. Mtaslsslpp Bouthem and Washington State's Qail Cogdlll and Don Ellerslck.

Some observers say tha t G ra ­ham has four halfbacks who couU measure up to Mitchell and Pace with the speed and ahlfUness to be dangerous with flat passes They are prentice Oi^utt of CHtla- homa, Ed Kovae. Cincinnati, Dick Bass Ccrilege of Paeiflc, and W alr ter Beach of CentiaV Michigan,

ire adept pus catcher*.

Soriet Track GoachFearsTJ. ST^trength

M OSCOW , A iijt .!) (/I')— T he otit-xpoken couch of Soviet t r a c k nnd field forces xMoiiiiay c a lk 'd th e A m erican tcjim t h e b e s t th a t i-oiinlry h as ov i'r a s s e m b lo ti and conccdbd i t s h o u ld have a bip head .starl in K ra b b in p kqW medals a t - t h o Homo Olympic-Kame^‘, A t I h e s a m e ^ l e G, -V,

■ ’ i K o r o b k o v . yfho hnfl been

B ailey ’s Homer 111 N in th Lets R ed leg s Win

By The AMOclileU Trejw, Bnlify smnslirrt a homrriin

in to the ruiil Held Wc.ichi-rs with e but-ill tlic ninth and g,ivc Cincinnati nrds a <-3 vlciury • tile miiclMO Chini-

M onday nklu.The Rcd. [ttlcc lud conic Iriim

behind to tic the scnrr, tlic liisl tim e a fte r Willie Klrklsntl had lilt

homer In thp .■ (•vpiilli lo put Ihc O ianta nhead ni 3-J.

Jim Brosnan, pitching only the al two innings, received credit

fo r the victory niter Jim Osteen, m aking his first slartlng appear­ance. h a d gone seven Innings.

The Milwaukee Bratts spotted Los Angeles a five-run lead and th e n stormed bnck to edge the Dodgers 7-6 on Wes Covington’s pinch homer with two aboard In the eighth Inning.

Covington capped . ..............e igh th by slamming a J-1 delivery from reliever Ed Roebuck Into the r ig h t field bleachers far his ninth homer.

Los Angeles right-hander Don D rysdale had a 6-S lead with ou t in the elghUi when the Drnvcs suddenly came nllve. filn gies by Joe Adcock, Red Schoendlcnsl Johnny Logan were good for

and bruuRht Roebuck In' lo lleve Drysdale.

Covington tlien fDlloncd with his game-wlnnlng-elout

Angeles built-K iirii24n«nn i)ia^ 'c ‘oi5ih7' Willey. Tlie hard-luck Milwaukee right-hander was kayoed by the Dodgers for the 11th straight " since June 28, iSiB,

StandingsXATtONAI, I.EAGl'R

riuil.unth ___UilWaukM .

a L«k< c ii/__M ,u»

V.ntouYtr_____ i:ii

Heyburn Collects Win in LDS Play

Heybum first ward p u s h e across one run in the last inning to oust Rupert third ward e-S In the district LDS loumame.nt.Mon^ day n ight In a second senior d i- vision game. Gene UoulUm pitched Twin Falls third orer Twin Falls fourth S-1.

Tuesday night Twin Falls th ird meets Heybum a t 7 pjn. while Jerome second ward meets Burley serentlt la tha eh 'finals.

In JU n ity __________mated U alU 1-«.

through the eating of cooked fish.“Raving taken a ll reasonable

precautions to p ro tec t p u b l ic health untU we could evaluate tha problem;’’ Leonard said, ~we are Boir confident ib a t otir normalprnrtfiitrM Jgisickness are n tts fa c to ry baaa on which to jvoceed w ith our som al pUntlng schedtUes.”

t o f tha ,UU^

thottld win the KaUonat league peanaot thte year." S l g h ty ^ wins Ued for the XUg la st year.

B < c B L tfA N C O .$5 to $1,000


P M g n p r o n

n b K i r f n j i • ! I H n a

• ; £ W i _ ,• N . C n i i T l

Hi wiJ hiM Inw J

SSTrfiS’ S T . .

th d seMlikl, ............ ......unknown quantityrl.'ilnK competition.It Is Inipovilble to forfcast

Oljinpic rc.'.uli.*.' Korobkov told .s.soclnted Pres. In the :

npprnL'nl of the sirength of 40 Riant.? t>f the games. ’’But II irri- nre any cert.ilmles they .. Dim 'niomits In the high Jumps nd Don Brags in the pole "I think America’s Rny Norlon III br.M Annin Hary. Oennany,

111 Ihe Kprlnts and win three gold niedal-i JuM n. Ilobby Morrow did

Ibournr. OJem) Dovls and Lee Cnlhoun Khould take the hur. <1Im nnd I don't know who csn bent the United State.i In the 1,600 —meter ^relaj-—I would say no

Korobkov Is a powerfuUy-buIll, one-tlnie decathlon star with a thick neck nnd barn-door shoul­ders. He speaks English almost flawlessly and looks and acts more American than RuMlan-rprobably because of hlx longtime assoclaiton In the Olymplc.5 and dual i Moscow nnd Philadelphia.

He talked freely and casually ol the Olympic outlook during ‘ giant aUilellc pageant a t L stadium,

Korobkov said his Russian pro­teges always admired and respect, ed the ir American rivals but nerei feared them more than in the coming games.

-In the m en’s division we can'- Qt be sure of even one gold med- I although we hope to ahcn aough-balanced strtngth-tc^make good score. We should win some

'b io n u lnRlatsT"Agali]

Ghicago Beltsr^¥ an ltsfiV ears------League Lead '

By The Aiwoclaled Pr«*iTlie Chicago W hile Sox smashed

the league ■ le.idlng New York Ynnkeea 9-1 Monday night behind »outhpaw Hilly Pierce and puHed ulthln one-half Rnme ot first place before n roaring crowd of 48J23.

L ett-hander Whitey Ford was le initial victim of a IJ-hlt al- ick in fthleh M innie Mlnoso lash- 1 out ihrce singles and drove In 1 many runs. I t marked the

fourih time the So% have beaten Ford this year M they evened Ihelr

•• Yankees

we n u y rely o

StaggWillBe Honored Again

NSW BRUNSWICK. N. J , Aug- tffl—Amos Alonio Blsgg, the only

..lan named to the football hall of fame both as a player and a coach. .wlU-ncalva-footbali's-top-award-oo

Is 8Bth birthday anniversary, SlAEE, who will be M Aug. i«,

..-as nam ed Monday as rMlpIeol of the 19S0 gold medal award of the NaUonal Football foundation. PrescntaUon will be made at a luncheon In Slagg's honor in his home town of aiocklon, Csllf.. by ChesUr J . LaRoche, president ' the foundatloa


Aug. 9 t<n—Alfred Chryne Vanda- but's NaUire Dancer and Orecntree Stable's Tom Fool hare been elected to racing baU of fame


s « t U s B « f o n Y oa iQ RENT o r BU Y A NY M oileaflH

W HITE'S M U S IC (Twto ra n % U - M M t

EC from V«dey6cU, Q n ^ 10 tfae U A A.



5 6 H E

ER CLEARANCE(Wewho make] cteclO.F.C.«ak>

mrBhouUC>iiida’>,oUa»Uilde>beniditloiunr KMtved for Canadiaiu oolyl)


,:W re.,tp,d(id to t h e m m ie lj u d'tn icksV . . and :ire 're go ing-tb u l l them n n r d l e u of profit Quirrin. I f you 9 rfi thliOdiig about a new • n r . . . you’d h o tte r lA eo t w ith lU n o w W tho "buy -

*J>f-«-llfeiiin .r-U t Don P o im m t * 3< MONTHS TO PAY <>i.nMANCIHS i t UK INSURAMCI


R E E S Ei t J eZs?" "»* y

agotwhm we begm n a ld ii8 Q.F<Ui we lec ounelvet be g u i ^ bjr d ie vtacdcft'' of'odiet iriiiikjr s h e e ts 'i r i io b o td s t b d t - bettlcxioimGaiidiaDiriilifclet a t t w o ' a ta te « .S tT e u i d d f i i r n l e ' i a d w l b o t o l d e t f i R c b o a n q p ^ t t ^

-ScmDoininloadlKllIerteafco dieltbM Iczxiwii CttudUo whydes iit'two .i p « .S f a i T c m e M f c « t ^ i a l b 9 U .S .A ^ W cUtr for eonKtmpdoa at home.- AU bctterr.'

: « 4 a iIr r ia a k e n w n t7 D u iix y m o Id ,a o .w lte a ;; -wtbeg Duidng o.r_,f^wc aid

Imported 8 TM TCU l a tinoe, however, we w o o dend t.jvaaU n 't' ycu tppredtte ci|At yeat o ld w b l t l^ aa iaudi<i 11 we C u id lu u ? W e decided ]NM would. So we waited two c x tn y e m .a a 4 nbw iB dyou 8 year d d O P .& t t aikfotalx. -------

Pierce n-ay. He doled o u t lour hits, walked ne, and urtick ou t four in past­

ing his ilih victor)’ against seven lo.ves. J

The While So* wasted imie lima . In Jumping ahead . Jim Lasdls slammed Ford’s f irs t pitch of the Rnme for a a lnsle to center, Nel­lie F\3x forced Landis and then went all Uie w ay lo thlnl when Ford uncorked a wild pitch on a fourth ball to R o y Slevers. Mlnoao tent Pox across w ith an intltid hit.

Harmon Kiliebrew and Earl Bat- Uy each had f tn ir hits as Wash­ington defeatM ZCsnsas City 10>7. KlUebrew’s I4 th homer with a man on In the alxtb Iced the game for the.Senator*. B a tte y drove in four

ins with a baaes-loaded double -Jid a tingle. Rudy bemandes, who relieved s U r te r Hal Woode- thlck In the f i f th won his third game without a lost.

Howard Discusses Grid Defense at Coaches’ Clinic

SUN VALLSr. Aug. B (A-Clim- - jn college h e a d football eoacb Frank Howard opened the annual Idaho Slate Coaches cUnlc Mon­day with a U lk o n what he tenned his ''bread and butter” d i '

. the..... . The ta ck le s usually playwide, outside - th e offensive end*.

Howard called tals defenslvi lae- Ucs "KheeUnK u d deaUag* and ssld other coaches somellmts call It "stunUng.” B u t then he Ulked about a rarlaU on in which th s tackiea go inside Instead of outside the end and th e Unebacket morel outside to cover.

Some eo I-laVW yiwIl ................................tended. T he cUnle costlnuea throuch Friday , oinclnaatl sn l- rertitys head baskttU ll eoaeb. Oeorge SmiUt. wIU eondnet ttis basketball la ter In th e " ''week.

.'1T - i1tP.qDAY: AU G U S T 9 . I960 T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , : ID A H O . TUESDAY. 9-:,^

Crossword Puzzle | | | | | | J | | I I Ia n a n S u

□ a l Q a o ’ l D s B Q a

|P |j lp ° °


32. Protection 33.1ntelleetu*t 37.AuctlonMr'i

■av(l40. Bjbtleal


• a u g u s t , 9, 19G0, T IM E S -N E W S , T W I N F A L L S ; IDAHO

m a r k e t s A N D FINANCE

StocksMARKH’ a t a g l a n c e



‘*^uli“lerpl«d »r«inJ IktM t®, M llr •K'"”"''* iSi:S:3"ilr‘E-.SK?

« mori Ihin • point li


1. Dry

4 te ^ i> i i lS s S ! |Cbmwr <,J6BtllOU Cwa Cell ezH atnunonis s i - ^ s s s ,Con ?nS

CUMuGoc lttr


lOT:ii auoa n e t C ew-Fuk §&?'i

>- e*

jowoo TtriowrTrTi

I co .t ii.t«.u.e«: (. >1 and lUnditrl |:.iiJ «omm<nI<l 1>.:

!• I0.4D-2l.Its mix.

B ilauihUr «VM 4.oo-<4<

is S 'r s iP s S i: .#i :! ? '2 'V ; ! i ; S J S f S !‘I J«>ML«uchllB c i 't Vtali P b I. J4i j

s i s S - FS i- - S:

', Uolof « sJIIBB Min 14 WoWwotUi esS»l W.7/ “*•' }S5,

l iK a ' ‘iiisywr

Stock Averages

WVJaiTMWJT TRUSTS AHilltlrt Puad, ____ SiltAwrkin Bu., Bhir- __ IM*•“ » and llo.»n) U al~ il.ll

1 1 !:i:

_______________ I ISA u r.* » -w . A. O ritn

Mub . t

Butter and EggsCniCAGO

CHICAGO Auf. _(UP» — 0

nuixr m.OM Ib«.: aiMdr:: i l 5 ;

Car Accident Injures Mail

Robert W. Thicker, route : KJraberly. lacurrsd r*e* and bet luerkU oos early Tuesdir when h car A-ent ou t of control three mile ea«t of Tw in Pftlb on highway and «K5 demolUtaed.

inveatlgatlns StAte Patrolma a D. L uetkert aaid Thacker re ported he (ell u le ep at the whte or hU 1993 Cherrolet .about 3 u n Lueckert said the car. travelln east.’on th e MghXhy. awerved’lnt the lelt borrow p it where It travel ed aobut 300 feet before hlttln the ahoulder of an Intersectlo

junty road.The x » r was dm ollthed by th

impact w ith tbe shoulder, but tlnued the county rotdstruck k fcBce post and htghvaj

Thacker was taken, to Magi alley Wemorlal hCBPltal by

^ssang znotorut, Oeorge'WlncOi ing. Tw in Pails. Attendants re ported Thacker, In -good” condl tlon Tuesday a t the hojpltal.

Lueckert w u aummotied to th s c ^ e about S • . n . by d ty poUci who were called by an attendaa a t the hospital. IT u d ter w u eltei: for failure t« h a re his car undei control.

lA b o r ' day week-end campalpi swing th a t vould take Urn to Ua w»U and six other sUtes la icm days. U waa ahsouBced today. ’

-Kennedy^ JMBS Meretary, P l m BaUBfer aa td ' th e tenUUre Itln erary. fo r .tht.KBBsaoiUMMs.sra ator calls .for appeannee la call for&la,. Hawaii. _w«shtai|toa. sute A l s ^ aOctUfra. Montana and

G r a in s

Eased Credit Means More

Loan Money

Carnival Set iMinuteman Test 1 Cars Collidebe:a t t l e . AUK. 0 I.r-llie mln-

utemnn MiM-liifl if iu-DihIulcil 10 be If.'l Ilrcil nl Cspo C.i linvcral Ilu' (ir.'I i>/ Di'combcr.

Son \V;ulni Mili-llMWl. iRtoii. .viy.t tiuit

V.11I bmil bo ll

1 (inrt If.M fii- .1 llirtf or lour

Mullcii from ft Iwo-CM ncrldriil nt 2 p .m . Bund»y. ltt( ntia oilC 'fourtli m llu wul'of Jluti oil ihc Defp Cre«lc rond, reporl invp. tiKnllnR officer Wejlcy Aii- iiir Uiilil imtri

A m -2 DeSoto driven by wmic ncrlr, n . Cftstletorri, iildpirlptil 111.' li-fl, of « 1D53 Plymoi • "lilfh «;is stopiwd In » trni Uuii lJt:f.>i,isp a£.

ovrraiin-.uiiunfom rociurim ino ......urnkPl of htJ i:"r

™i»“, ;±j, T;;s£:Sliorn Wool : SEL7S.S! Price Likely’ll'rir iirri ■ ToDccrease

f.U lriljhe

EftoclUp Kept. 1. fcclc rve banli^ m New York. ■ irt othpr |,rrc clllfs will

iiililcrt lo count vftull cft-sl

iiid ilcpoMi.', in-itend of t

Yofk n1 t.serve benka In New, rt C'iilcngo will be pcriiill- ■tln Sept, 1 lo rcduce

Uiclr ic!cne requlrcmcnls from 18 lo 17', ptr cent of th e ir de- nmiid <lc|)o,<iis.

Ill e;;platiilii(c tlie movM, board Ddlclnia tnlil "the fedcrnl rc-'crvc 1105 been Jollowlng a policy of leclng Ui«i ijanks' leiidlnB oblllty IS ftmple lor economic needs. Tills

anolher jtep Jn tlmt policy,

NE\V YOHK. Auft, 9 a7D—SeelnB j clues toward an Improvement

,.i. eorpoMte sales and earrings u n tr ihe tourm qunrter of IDCO, the Filch turvey rcporu th a t any Impr9vemtnl in the stock mnrket over the coming m ontha I.1 also unlikely,

Fitch remains convinced, how* ifcr, that a significant Improve-, icnt In tiic irend of th e economy............ place after Uxbor day

appreciably fnst-• in the —

coupled ftiih tt

^TW»r» e:0

lo, I l.W(

i>r«B H.oo.jj,;• doa«] (ron H lo«>r


OinCAGO. A<I(. » (UP (tl4 and nr>): Toul U.

Track Min <100 iba.

Wa.blB»t«i« niM«U lonr

mW . , f t . . : ;ruMU l .i i : Tn4i round ndi I. KrtruU S.Mj Mluoori <obU«n t. UlfiBfaolA round rvdj S tO' Wlkcy*nviKS.rsJrt;f-.pllM BMdtnUi demand lUrt mu

Ttack a>lni Cotondo »<lio« 1. Slrati u)«ai CiUKomla niiaw Spaii

nidisn 1.<I«^}S. whit* j>r<« and iI.OM i^ibTu^a5lim ’'*.oSi!il*! ’d

nadium t.«0; IU4*m (> llllBOia l .; i |

n.viil u«s. Ul.T; j«<kna iii.rui t IMA) iv lr ilM ) Oct. IM.Wi I

SfSfiSS Vi(M ldTlS(fSlo»r?A ^rtid!'**''

Guardsmen Face Ch arge o f Killing

SOOtH-BSND, IndT A ug . 0 (II -PITS Indiana na tio n al guanls* mts w sn ljtn e o o 'l o v bonds to­day as c lrll and nsUltary author- lUti cootended: to r .th e right to prcMCQte.them, fo r th e dtownlsg if 1 eompanloa - - - •-

6b Josefib - e e o s tr uithiaHUM

Sr manffu* M»d're?' 'U)» e u a to th« f n u Q d r ju i r .__ofOeers o t the s n u lnfantrydlTl< stdn,««nt ahead v U b pU as tor Nwt’m artiaL .

SbtiiM n*, who w as toned Into tbe a t. t i n t br«-«Uur

•liwiutnals;Mean«hllt, Fitch recommendi

Investing in "recesslon-rcSlstanicoinpanlu_or-Uia4e_wlth.-iin, Uh'

inlly Jlronj grottlh tren d " dur­ing this period of "anUclpated market quietude."

Investors Advisory in stitu te says that praspccis for International Silver are enhanced by a strength­ening ot Its m arketing division, enlargement of lu advertising and promotional- elforta, and n broad- ctnilg'ofltsoiieratrons fhrougTi dl- veralllcatlon. The handsome yield, th e - ilUtltim-iay» ,- ga te s -added lustre frost the stock's npprecli tlon potential,

Homblower and W eeks reports that ft more cheerful view Is de­veloping In the petroleum Indus­try. Among an array of disappoint­ing mld.iear.aUtements. i t says, comparatively few were tu n e d In “•y oil cotnpailes.

Reynolds and company recom- lends Quillnrton Industries. Inc..

tim es estl-........ ................ share

«J per cent yield. Reynolds feels that textile stocks In general could be one of (he outstanding Industry groups in the ISCO’s.

Bondex reports th a t the oils stocks, espeeially the in ternation­als. are lignaling an intermediate rally. Buying in this group has to “le done wlth-the clear reallsaUon >f the greaur risk relating to the worsening International situation,

\VAsn|NGTO.s'. Aiic, 9 .r r r - ' rncuinire depjrirarm «<lii Hxlny Icrs recclvtd liy protluirr.t fo r lorn nod rnn lir fxi)eclc(l liv de- liie wa.vinaily tliirmK the n e x t

odd markets,•* 1‘rlee* Were Klahle i

World wool prices were relatively . stnble from the Ka.' tcr lioiWnyS: until lale June, Since then prices eiued an avewsr oI live per cen t.i World prices are eipcctcd to con - I.............prweiit levels until tl>e

f the ISMl-Bl mnrketUig, , AuiUatla In late A ugust,

after'which trade sources expect a slltihtly easier tone to prevail. j

The department has eatlmnted orlfl wool production lor th e '

1D60-61 marketing year a t a rec o rd ' 5.0a,000,000 poundj, one per c e n t '

lore thnn last year and 38 p e r ' snt more than In 1051-M, |

Red rroductlon Production of wool In the com ­

munist eountrlej has Incrcnsed 88 •lit 10 years, p r i ­

marily due lo the doubllntr ot o u t­put in the US3R, During thLi Rnmc period the free world production Increased 30 per cent mainly due to a 30 per cent lncrea.« In th e five major prodQClnc countries o t

southern heratspherc-, T liese Australl^ New Zealand, U nion

______|l}i_ Atrlea, ArRcntlna n ndUruguay. These counlrlc.^ produce' 70 per cent of the free world to ta l and 58 per cent ol the world to ta l, —Tho-e*tlmated_iaM-fili9rn_wc>o,l produelJon In the United S lates Is 20i a million pounds, three per

In 1059 and th e highest since IMO.

Mrs. Kowan, 83, Passes in Seattle

Mrs. Oisle RQ»an, 83. form er Twm-FaUs-itsldent. died S a tu r- day evening at Seattle.

Bowan was b o i . . ------ .1878. in Indiana. She was m arried lo Prank A. Rowan May 8. 1809, a t Otterbeln, Ind,, and they m ov-

- Tft'ln Falls In tOlO. He died

e parked car. i U^inmces were e^ltmated a t t

■ la the I’lyinoulli which was drlv ' l.y Eclwlt, L. Beem, 17, Buhl, ai ;$.S0 lo Derlc',1 Dctfoto. Further 1 vc.MlRHtlon Is pending.1 RE.\D T l^ T E ^ E S ^ f l■ w ^ ADS

Red Cross Unit Needed in'Area

- OaHONE,- Aug. B — Need for organlxlng the Red Cross In Lin­coln county was told members of the Rotary cliib a t lo st weekY meeting,

Davtd Wlthall, Boise. AmericanB«rf CreeB fleJd r e p r - " -------plained the needj.

He laid Lincoln county Is the only county In eight western su te i'aod Alaska without i -tlve Bed Crou chapter. T h e -----ty chapter was fin t chartered In 1917, but h u not been acU re alnce 19M.

Rotartuji under leadership - President John Thtm as decided to assist la orgtnlslng • chapter --------------------------,-----

•ni# secretatj'a report wbj •en by James MeOoldtlclc and . . . Coftin la rs the treasurer's re­port* '____________

Parking FinesPosting II overtime parking

bonds wTth Twin Palls police Mon- day were Bob W lfflnrtoD. fitan Oonunoos, oese schUXler (two), Mrt. m m , McDonald. B a le WU- um m , m , . . Bob c » y i a Outdoor U n ' companr. Donna Brtise, N iF D e a n , ,® » Hlrich, “ “ ,H U ton.T e«T .^ ■ r - ^ O herrolet. , Mlte

O nnd iy / Mae L rU a rt ln . ZjiAan


bt-tpat hU b .m i r i^ e a e t t tn t t b H

A mail

■ i i IS m S m w l^flauwa u mter-

K o » f P a ] » . IhA 'O oim tovnJia;

s m s 5 & ^ H £............. .

Nov. ID. 1955. and she moved Seattle the Jollowlng year to m ake her home near her son. She w as a member of the MeUiodlst church.

Burvlvlng are a son,„Paul R. Bowan. BremerWn, Wash.; th ree ; grandchildren and three great- grandchildren.

Fur - —Ing a


department aiawered a call at 1:80 p, m. Friday .to the F ra n k Strawser ranch, two miles east and two miles soutti of Buhl, w hen burning weeds tel a Stubblefield on fire and endangered a jiearby


A l l A ra b ia n —

HORSE SHOWAUGUST 13 an d 1 4 . - 8 P .M .

TICKTTR OV-SAI.E AT: Alexander^ Mrn'n Store. Ed IIOMard - Idaho I'ourr Company. l*aul Bull - Idaho S.iiiiici & Loan, D. Knlgge,

Pianning on Buying A H O M E ?

S E E U S . . .W e h a v e m o n e y a v a i l a b l e f o r

n e w h o m e s a n d r e f i h a n c i i


Per Year

p a t i book aceountil




Other ofilcei at Boise, Idaho TaUa. Focalello.

.ntotrKt lu.rUaa.


ir Ulove.! bu.tiand

r haartftU

I Mn. Ualtr Joaliii. ir.I Mn. Croro Aurdnkaaip I Mn- Hmrx WMltndorf

ir. Oft color alas. Camtta C«t«r,SHoaboBo SUMt ScNlh. plMSi RS

REPAIR. W« r«Mir ai




1 WJLL NOT t . r a ^ lb la (or ii K Altiaadaf PlctnSSl. jr.'


Ji at Answt. •tanisc AarS Ss;jKT' ..?.'S



R E C O R D - B R E A K I N G D E A L S

G et th e .b c R ^ e a i y o u ve ever go tten for tn y t id a g ‘v ^ th .. ’ four whee!i» a t y o u r S tudebaker D ealer K tsinx t to .m a lu

A u ^ t t ^ . b ^ S ^ t reco id 'b reakm g m onth in

J O I J U v o t l ^ I

< n m m v » M i m a n a i u * n ' n ^ t

yoqr_SM abBii«^Blw I . tha man <o a

T I M E S .N E W 3 . T W IN f a l l s . ID A H O ' T U E S D AY, AUGUST 9,


Leaders Note Remembered Cassia Is Not Disaster Area

BURLEY. AU(. » -C (ndlllons do not wiirmit c luslfrln^ Cawia co'untr M K dluster >ret no r -

county dUuter -faiUIie-ajJM M -HW ary—SioffflnR

«ltef meeUni wHh Rnd creditittdefg. . . _____________,

drought condU lion* »ffeeUin OaJcIty »nd the c u tem p«rt of the county have

mittte felt that, the regular (arm home administration loan • program and' the regular commercial credit agenclea cnn handle meat problems resulting

.Trom th# resent nood and hall - damaiie.

Carl Oaterhout. De«lo. ABC - - . jnlttee chairman, conducted the mettln«. Other comjnlttee m em­ber* are Qlenn Bodily. CmaIb county ezten&lon agent, and Fred Johnson, FIIA representative, both Burley.

Others attending the meeting were Vard Chatbum, Albion, s u te represenutlre; lUwllna J . Harper, Malta; Welilon Beck and John C la r k , county, comml*sIoner»; Lowell Hunt, Burley, PCA repre- eentatlve; Willard Stevenson, area FIIA superrlior; Glen Jeniicn, A80 manager, and Trank K earns, county clerk.

Journeys, Visits Told at Richfield

. mCHnSLD, Aug. • — Mr, and Mr«. John Mail! left B«turdAy tor Anrad*. W70, nfler ttolOng Mr, ■nd Ura. Eugene FaddU *nd tamlly.

Mr. and Mt». 'K m 0. Roaeberry and (amUy have returned to PKoe- nlx, Arlz., after a 10>day vlalt w ith hla uncle, Tom Roseberry and family.

Mr. and Mr*. Vem epencer, his broUier, Dale Spencer, and wife, an Wendell, and Mr. and iAra. Eu­gene 7addl«, Richfield, left S a tu r­day on a week-end camplnp trip.

Donald Peterion, employed aa a geoIogUt by the government, h>u been on geology expeditions !n northern Maine and Canada since June. Hit headquarters aro In Washln<ton. O. 0, Peterson, a son

i of Mrs.- liOla Peterson, Richfield, received his bachelor of science

----- aegrw-from' Idalio- BUte' eoirw.'

NAOASAKT. Jipin, Aug.- « m -T h U port town’# 940,000 people olutrved a minute of si- lent prayfr today In memory of 70,000 pcrwns killed by an atom bomb IS years ago. '

The bells of churches and Buddhlit temples tolled and al- rens howled throuihout the cliy at 11:02 am., the hour

'Wherrih»-A^T>oniB-«llli»<It<ir-' people halted In Ihelr tracks

and observed a mlnule of silent “prayer. uw Salw aiopped service Jar a

First Graders W ill Get Free Vision Check

M o o se H u n tS ije n M agic Valley'huoters have

received perm its to hunt moose In Idaho.^his fall.

On two u n its tha t were not flit- r r e e eye test for children emtr- ed. app lica tion will be accpeted ig the flrat grade .III be .l«n until S p . m IMday and'a second.

I by a ll cptometrisu In Idaho [ran drawing j r t l l be held at » a, m. lo a m . to 5 pm . Aug »,.No ip- Aue. 15. T w o permits are available

I T ills will b« the second ;the Idaho Optometrlc a

Maglo V alley permit winners s

bunt 903. Keith Amende, Albion; George Z. Booth, jr., Burley Claudia M. D urt, Hansen: Tom Felton. Paul, and Milton L. Rob­erts, Oboding; hun t 900, Hohn L :Oarro, Rupert, and Roland O. ,Karting, Buhl; hun t'313 , R. D. lUUI»rd^T»rla. IX)la:.-buiil_JJ7. H*rry.j. Drake, Haxelton.

. . . o f America’s most p raised bourbon

Cluirclies in South Target For Negroes

ATLANTA, Aug, 9 Lfl - Negro college students have Initiated a new "kntel-ln" campaign In the South by attending lervlces at

■hlte Prototant Atlanta churches. There have been sporadic visits

I the p u l and Negroes In small numbers have allended Catholic churches In the Georgia capital (01

number of years.But the newest move by 2S stu-

ents was llie t in t coordinated ef- 3rt lo csrry' the slx-month-oId It-lfi campaign Into the churches. The Negroes were accompanUd

y several white students. They vuiu'd six churches: First Baptist, Druid Hill* Dsptlst, n rsl Presby. terJan, St. Mark Methodist. Grace Methodist, and the EpbcopaJ Ca. thedral of 81, Philip.

■■ major Ineldent* were report- . .. Negroes stood outside oni church that was full, heard the service from the foyer of another,

nd vere admitted after tome talk t n third church.The Rev. Martin Lulher King,

R Negro Integration leader, sAld the -warm reception by clergy and Jftyman" reporud by mo the students Indicated 1 southerners would welcome chance to rescue the church from' ILs moral dilemma on issue.

— Students-Slate^— For Vision Tests

RUPERT,.Aug. »-Chlldren who enter school for the llr tt tim e this

I fall will receive free vision « r e e n - tngi Aug. 16 under a program sponsored by the Minidoka county

• - PTA;-wJm the assistanea 6r th e Southcentral Dlslrlcl Idaho O pt«-

the Minidoka county PTA, sal_ the optometrio society has desig­nated D n, tubert O. FhUllps and Wayne XeUhoer, both Rupert, to

. coordinate activities of the pro- fram. AU aswclatlon optometrists la M*|le Valley wUl participate/

Dr. PhlUlps, auodatloit preaU dent o t the optometrle society,«aya the program may help children avoid thS 'lou of valuable school time, but be emphaaUed th a t the screenings will not subsUtut« for. % full vision e x a m in a t io n . The screeolngi will be thorough enough to determine If a vision problem exists, or U the chUd has a n eye condlUon which needs treatm ent.

Further details ot the program will be announced as the p la iu completed.


Farm Buwau wUl meet a t 8 p . m. Wednesday at the Kimberly gloD h a a A business meeting Is elated and refreshments wUl l>e served, -reports MUton B allard; ohalmiau.

Proposed School Closing Vote Set

BLACKPOOT. Aug. 9 IB-Trus- tees of the Snake Rlter school district No. S3 have set Aug. 30

date for voting on the pro-, ----- Closing of the elementaryschool In Atomic City.

Closure h u been under llUga- tlon for two years. Residents pro­t e s t the board's closure order in a “a“a5lrIcreourt upheld them.

The aisle supreme court upheld the district court loo which anld the board had not properly noti­fied residents of the move.

Last spring the board reof-; l im ed Its plan to close the school! and transport the students lo other nevby schools. ElecUoo noBces have been posted.

i ler-MiU-Levy Gets Council OK

PH £R , Aug. »~A mlU levy required by the clly budgtt fo r the fiscal year was approved by the city councU a t Its meeUng last week. This levy U ihr*» mUli less than the 1»S» levy of 4e«.

In ISM, the levy wu 44.7B; 1M7, S2 mills, and In »M, ft9i,

T h» total ot mllli « m be lerletl, 30 mills for current ex­penses; three'mllls for Ugbtlng of city; 12 mills for wlnUlng, flush­ing and oiling fund; two mills to help defray cost of fire depart­ment; tfne-half mill for bond In- terest; two mills for alnUng fund; three mills for cost of recreation, and one mill to help defray coat of library fund.

Approval was given for a-beer license Issued lo Neal B. Dean who I has leased The Moon from BarU.

TTie regular monthly bills were prtaenled.and.approved,:R S ^ TIUES-NEWS WANT ADS

M o u n t a i n G o a t H u n t'ing clinics.T ests will be the ssme throush-

out Idaho. They do not Include a complete vUual analysis, sccord-l N ineteen residents of Magic Val- ln(j to a spokesman tor the sroupJiey pe rm its to hunt mountain bu t ore sufflclenl to determine iCgoat In special drawings held lajt the child Is visually ready Jofmeck a t Bol-ie. school w ork.. . . • • Applications will be accepted

Results are recorded In ItlpH- until B p. m . Friday, Aug, 13, cate. One Is given to parenU ont;gnother draw ing will be held - schoo.l and one to-thf uw -jj, aub. IS for hunts that

in evaluating ir.d'noi- {uj. H u n u and permits aable are u n it 607, fi permits; Unit M8,« perm its; unit 009, 10 permits;

elation for i ...............Improving the program, I one or 15 states offering thlsjf

MivkIc Vnlley optomclrl-'ts olio will offer till* scrvlce are: T F allv— Dr. O . P. Scliolcr, Dr, f Sliaw. Dr. O. A, I-\illcr j|,a J, P . McNees, who Im opened offices a t Oil Main avenue s Bubl—Dr. T . J. .Tappen: Burlt)- Dr. O. W. Keen and Dr. j. W Snllc; Ooodlng—Dr. E. G. Rj»n; R u p r r t-D r . R. C. PhlUlp-v Dr. W. B. Kelchncr, and Dr. R. D MoRwlre. and Jerome-Dr, C, B. p o rk er and Dr. W. O. Rme.

Richfield Mother Journeys to RenoRIC ItrrEL D , Aug. B-M r.

Mrs. Jesse Wejt, Reno, Nev, the paren ts of a daughter t la s t week to Reno. Mrs. W(... m other, Mrs. Clifford Dayley, «nd son, Toby, have left to vljlt Ihem, Mrs. W est U Ihe former Winnie Doyley. Donna Crancr, niece of Mrs. Dayley, who visited in Hlch- fleld six weeks, accompanied her to Reno en route to Bocramenio, Calif.

M r. and Mrs. Charles Patrick and dauRhtcr. Meole. lert B»tur- day for Balt Lake City after >ijlt. infc a week with her mother, Mrj. M crl Sorensen, and other relatlvcj. • M r. and Mrs. Howard Campbell

re lu rned Saturday from a two-d»y tr ip to Redflah lake. Donna Crsn- e r returned to Richfield vltu them after a vacation with rela- tlve.5, the Loyd Lee family. Undi ind Mary Jane Miller, Ta'ln Fallj,

_il,v> nrrnmpnnled thiXecs-laJtel- f ish lake.

611. 5 permits;, units . . one perm it each; unit 616. 3 permits, u n it 618, 3 permits; unit

• 620 , 2 perm its a n d .................-mils.

Magic Vnlley winners are hunt 601..Jack P. Omohundro and He-

Results Told for T.F. Bridge Club

Twin Fa lls Duplicate Bridge club met a t th e Moose hall Monday nittht with seven tables in play.

North an d soutft winners were Mrs, Je rre Cover nnd Mrs. JIarry LlKht, first; Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8ass. second, and Mrs. Earl Felt and Mrs. Sturgeon McCoy, third,

Zost and west winners were Mrs. II. MlUer Proctor and Mn. R. 8, Tofflemlre: Mrs. ArteU Kelly ani Mrs. B. R . Tillery, second, and Mrs. Charles E. Beymer and Don­ald Lusk a n d Mrs. Hazel Fitzpat­rick and M rs. Glenn Simmons, tied for third, '

Twin F^lls unit of the American Contract Bridge league will hold the first seaslon of Its masters pairs chnmpforuhlp a t 6 p.: Thursday a t the Moose hsll.

Guards AcquittedJACKSONVILLB,-pin— Auy-S

tor 14 former state prison t.'uard] charged w ith violating prisoners' civil rights.

D .S . D i s t r i c t Judge Bryan Blmpson ruled that the gc m ent_had n o t proved Its cas

GRANGE. TO MEETK IN Q KILL, Aug. 9 -K ln g __

O range will m n t . i t »iM,p, m, W ednesday a t the Orange h»U, T he Rev. and Mrs, R. L BamuwUl I enls.

«8. Dale W, Knight and Elmer M. Parke, both Gooding; hunt e08, Carrol N, OllberUon, TA'ln Falls, and Lee Sharp, Flier; hunt 614, Jame« W. Byce. Gooding, and- John E. Potter. Shoshone; hunt 615. Ver Cox, Twin Falls; hum 617, Ronald Bell and Robert Myres, both Richfield,

Hunt aiB. Patricia Ann Ken- dsfi, David R. Mead. Llo)-d J Webb, Clarence R. Webb and Elmer M. Wright, all Twin FalU; himl 620, Darj’l M. Keck and D»lRhl L. Osborne, both Jero archery hunt 650. Millard Meanca, Carey.

Payment of Debt Sought in Court

A suit fo r poyment of tWO plus court costa and Interest was filed in Twin FalLi district court Mon­day ngalnst Leonard H. Probasco by-Jm eo-P .-6herieyr


According to the suit, Probasco has repaid only »350. Bherfey re­quests aw ard of tSSO and Interest, plus »250 a ttorney’s fee and court


New explosions rocked Ut. Etna

mountainside villages, and smoke Jetted 3,000 fee t Into the air above the volcanic p e a t____ .

Mow Taking A pplications FOR HELP

MEN and WOMENFor all phases of w ork

In our new processing p lan tiply in person a t o u r officc at

p la n t'S iteAnytime between 7 AM an d 4 PM

ORE IDA POTATO PRODUCTS INC.B urlfly , Idaho 2K: Miles W e t t o n H iwoy 30

I Thanks t o 1 0 years' experience building compact c a r s ‘


T O P q U A U T Y -L O W E S T P R IC E S

Saye up to *346’ over other compact wagons!. a re aelliiig t o rpgord voluine. bo R am bler dealm <;an

offer you m ore generoiu tn i^xa allowaniiefl i f you ac t nowl Drive in to d a y —take idvantage.of our 10th B irthday 0 « a l -

•«>tka eomparlaana bb u i J t - t o ^ j a s ^ v i n g 1 9 6 0 R am bler.

WILLS K40T0R CO., 2 3 6 Shoihone St. W*rt, T w in F o lU

$15,000 OKMBOISE, Aug, e W i-Oov, Robert

E. amyllB.mld yxateidflx^tlie_ot; lice ot civil and defense mobiliza­tion had approved $15,000 for fire­fighting In Nes Perce county dur­ing 'the current season.—Smylle-sald-*3,000 iras-appro«d la advance to assist in ttio c' " ol fIghUng recent tire* •which atrcyed approximately 2JOO a of grain and 10,000 acres of range land. The other «10,000 will be held In reserve lor tu e 'd u r ln g the re­mainder of tho fire , season, the governor aald.


R E A D m iE S -N E W S .W A N T A D S . '

S V F E R P O W £ R F C J l i ! S U E !E R S S 1 0 0 1 H !

New FlitfrFuel b ■ ipedal ^

tod«/i h J ^ comprettion engine*. I f i niper powerful,• end lu ^ imoo< {ooj .. lltlt Mnv Fla^Fuei {f nwce then jtist BQOtber

octane guoline. It ti blended lo »jnchrof)l«>wtth »£•: othiral rfaythmyour engine. I t vspoiizes gulddy •. Sre*wldiiplit«aiidM euruy...de1i v e n m t r e i ^ ^- thnirt of pow w ith o u t l o a ^ e M o r p t a g / ' \ ’• T o ^ , di*wvtt * t t e - i w e ^ r b y th a - « n tiA r o i4 * y

: F U lu p w f tl iu w F ll t^ F u e lt l tn y a ta t lo a w b e n jm ie i . .tbePhlllipiMShldl - V -

N w Trop-Artio* ^ -S ea tod Motor OH cen U p y o o r c* sn in b e tte l o o g e r m o o d te r . . . iqu ietCT . ... w ith l o ^ fuel cixb . f e N w r e p ^ to new »'»— — r

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