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Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus as a Conformational Disease

Melvin R Hayden1, Suresh C Tyagi2, Michelle M Kerklo3, Mark R Nicolls3

1Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Missouri. Columbia, Missouri,USA. 2Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Louisville School of Medicine.

Louisville, Kentucky, USA. 3Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine,University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. Denver, Colorado, USA


Conformational diseases are conditions thatarise from the dysfunctional aggregation ofproteins in non-native conformations. Type 2diabetes mellitus can be defined as aconformational disease because a constituentbeta cell protein, islet amyloid polypeptide,undergoes a change in tertiary structurefollowed by self-association and tissuedeposition. Type 2 diabetes mellitus isassociated with multiple metabolicderangements that result in the excessiveproduction of reactive oxygen species andoxidative stress. These reactive oxygenspecies set in motion a host of redox reactionswhich can result in unstable nitrogen and thiolspecies that contribute to additional redoxstress. The ability of a cell to deal withreactive oxygen species and oxidative stressrequires functional chaperones, antioxidantproduction, protein degradation and a cascadeof intracellular events collectively known asthe unfolded protein response. It is knownthat beta cells are particularly susceptible toperturbations in this quality control systemand that reactive oxygen species play animportant role in the development and/orprogression of diabetes mellitus. Oxidativestress and increased insulin productioncontribute to endoplasmic reticulum stress,protein misfolding, and induction of theunfolded protein response. As the cell’squality control system becomes overwhelmed,

conformational changes occur to islet amyloidpolypeptide intermediates, generating stableoligomers with an anti-parallel crossed beta-pleated sheet structure that eventuallyaccumulate as space-occupying lesions withinthe islets. By approaching type 2 diabetesmellitus as a conformational disease in whichthere is a structural transition fromphysiological protein to pathological protein,it is possible that the relentless nature ofdisease progression can be understood inrelation to other conformational diseases.

Introduction to Conformational Diseases

Conformational diseases occur when anendogenous protein undergoes a change inshape that leads to self-association of theseproteins and tissue deposition [1]. In thecourse of normal protein biosynthesis,misfolding does occur, and intracellularmechanisms have evolved to shuttle anddegrade these aberrant proteins/polypeptides[2]. Although conformational changes occurwith normal protein processing, a particularprotein’s susceptibility to aggregation, and agenetic or environmental predisposition todisease may overwhelm the cell’s qualitycontrol mechanisms. In the setting ofsignificant and sustained endoplasmicreticulum (ER) stress, these quality controlmechanisms prove insufficient. Highconcentrations of mutant protein lead to

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aggregation and slow deposition into tissuesover time. This time-requiring sequence ofevents may partially explain the relatively lateclinical presentation of many conformationaldiseases.Table 1 is adapted from Carrell and Lomas’soriginal disease classification [1] andillustrates the wide array of recognizedconformational diseases. These diseases arise

from secondary or tertiary structural changeswithin constituent proteins, with subsequentaggregation of those altered proteins. Forexample, in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, asingle amino acid substitution results in thedestruction of a salt bridge that affects thesecondary structure of alpha1-antitrypsin [3].This perturbation leads to a molecularinteraction between the A sheet of one

Table 1. Conformational diseases (adapted from [1]).Protein aggregate Clinical disease

Serpins Alpha1-antitrpysin-deficiencyC1-inhibitor deficiency angioedemaAntithrombin deficiency thromboembolic disease

Prion KuruCreutzfeld-Jakob disease/scrapieBovine spongiform encephalopathyGerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker diseaseFatal familial insomnia

Glutamine repeats Huntington’s diseaseSpinocerebellar ataxiaMachado-Joseph atrophyDentato-rubro-pallidoluysian atrophy

Tau hemoglobin Frontotemporal dementiaSickle cell anemiaUnstable hemoglobin inclusion-body hemolysisDrug-induced inclusion body hemolysis

Alpha-synuclein Parkinson’s disease

Systemic amyloides

Immunoglobulin light chain Systemic AL amyloidosisNodular AL amyloidosis

Serum amyloid A protein Systemic AA amyloidosis

Beta2222 microglobulin Prostatic amyloidHemodialysis amyloidosis

Cystatin C Hereditary (Icelandic) cerebral angiopathy

Huntingtin Huntington’s disease

Apolipoprotein A1 Familial visceral amyloidFamilial amyloid polyneuropathy

Lysozyme Familial visceral amyloidosis

Transthyretin Senile systemic amyloidosisFamilial amyloid neuropathyFamilial cardiac amyloid

Localized amyloidoses

Abeta Alzheimer’s disease

Beta-amyloid peptide Down’s syndrome

Procalcitonin Medullary carcinoma thyroid

Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)

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molecule with the reactive center loop ofanother [4]. This polymerization results in anaccumulation of this enzyme in the ER,activation of the unfolded protein response(UPR) (described below) and ultimately,apoptosis. In the prion diseases Kuru andCreutzfeld-Jakob disease, proteins that haveprimarily helical structure convert to a beta-pleated sheet configuration [5]. In fact,conformational diseases often feature aprotein that aggregates in beta-sheet linkages.Beta-pleated sheets are formed by alternatingpeptide strands that are linked by hydrogenbonding between their aligned pleatedstructures. This is a feature of the systemicamyloidoses, neurodegenerative diseases andtype 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The diverseclinical presentations of these diseases, aswell as the fact that some are almost solelyrooted in genetic deficiencies (e.g.,Huntington’s disease) whereas others such asT2DM can have a relatively strongenvironmental component (obesity), mayseem to controvert the single grouping ofthem on the basis of conformationalabnormalities. However, one utility of thedesignation ‘conformational disease’ is that itdenotes the mechanisms underlying thesometimes odd and delayed presentation ofthese diseases. Although fibril formation is adefining feature of these diseases, they arecomposed of different aggregated proteins,sharing structural properties. Another reasonfor giving diseases this label is that it suggestscommon avenues of therapy. It is intriguing toconsider that the manipulation of proteinstructure and/or aggregate assembly can be aplatform for the development of noveltherapies. For example, processes that resultin the tissue deposition of beta-pleated sheetscan be inhibited by compounds such asglycosaminoglycan mimetics.Treating T2DM as a conformational diseasedoes not imply that the disease begins with orcan be holistically described as inappropriateprotein deposition. Other associatedprocesses, such as the development of insulinresistance, require other models to explaindisease pathogenesis. Like Alzheimer’sdisease, where brain amyloid represents the

culmination of multiple previous events andcannot wholly explain cognitive deficits, so inT2DM, islet amyloid is both cause andconsequence of several disease processes. Thesole purpose of this review is to interpret howprotein abnormalities can be understood in thecontext of other conformational diseaseprocesses and specifically how they couldarise in T2DM.

Islet Amyloid: The ConformationalProblem of T2DMThe contribution of islet amyloidosis todisease pathogenesis has been vigorouslydebated [6]. Islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP)oligomers that precede islet amyloiddeposition are likely more toxic to beta cellsthan islet amyloid itself [7]. Islet amyloid ispresent at autopsy in as many as 96% ofpatients with T2DM [8]. With accumulationsof toxic, misfolded IAPP oligomers anddeposition of crossed beta-pleated sheets,T2DM is similar to other proteinconformational diseases. It is interesting tonote that the human, feline, and non-humanprimate forms of the IAPP molecule areknown to be amyloidogenic, and these are theonly members of the animal kingdom thatdevelop spontaneous T2DM. Lowermammals, on the other hand, do not share thisfeature of having amyloidogenic IAPP due toproline substitutions at positions 25, 28, and29, and they do not develop spontaneousT2DM [9, 10]. Most animal models of insulinresistance do not feature islet amyloid exceptfor transgenic mice that express human IAPP

Figure 1. Human islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP).The amyloidogenic region of IAPP is responsible forproviding a toxic conformational structure within islets.Note disulfide bond at position C2 and C7.

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[11]. Clinically, it is clear that aggregates ofmisfolded IAPP are a prominent pathologicalfeature in the development of T2DM(reviewed in [12]). The human IAPPpolypeptide is presented in Figure 1.Proteins must properly fold into three-dimensional structures in order to carry outtheir proper functions within the cell andorganism. One model of dysfunctional proteinaggregation represented in Figure 2 involvesthe following intracellular events: 1)misfolding or unfolding of native proteinexposes hydrophobic regions; 2)conformational changes result in unstableintermediates that have a propensity to formoligomers; 3) oligomers form pathogenicsubunits and crossed beta-pleated sheets; and4) in the case of T2DM, amyloid fibrils areformed with subsequent stabilization byaccessory molecules, such as serum amyloidP, perlecan, and apolipoprotein E [6]. Whenprecision folding goes awry, the misfolded,soluble oligomeric proteins begin toaccumulate, become toxic, and promoteapoptosis [7, 13]. Misfolded IAPP stabilizes

into crossed beta-pleated formations that aredeposited within the adjacent surroundingextracellular matrix, resulting in space-occupying lesions within the islets of thepancreas. The following discussion outlinescellular stressors in T2DM that contribute toprotein misfolding and aggregation. One ofthe most important stressors leading to theseprotein conformation abnormalities is redoxstress (discussed later in the review).Once unfolded, IAPP may become refolded inthe ER-Golgi complex, accompanied by thesupport of ATP-dependent chaperoneproteins. Kinetic refolding experiments usingintermediate proteins associated with knownconformational diseases have revealed thatthere is a higher energy requirement toachieve successful refolding due to theincreased exposure of hydrophobic regions inunfolded or partially-folded proteins.Therefore, exposed hydrogen ions may causea folding pathway to produce a relativelystable intermediate form of protein that is'kinetically trapped' if the ER cannotovercome this higher energy barrier [14].

Figure 2. Improper folding of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) results in insoluble fibrils.

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Figure 3. Islet amyloid polypeptide(IAPP) misfolding leads to proteinaggregates. This cartoon depicts theendoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgiapparatus, and the lysosome-proteasome complex in relation to theunfolding and misfolding of IAPP.IAPP is transcribed from chromosome12 (1). Translation of IAPP gene occurs(2). In the absence of significant ERstress, chaperones are able to properlyfold IAPP. Post-translationalmodifications of IAPP include theformation of a disulfide bond atpositions C2 and C7, as well as amideformation at the C-terminal tyrosine.The vulnerability of the disulfide bondmay play an important role in theunfolding of IAPP (3a) or in thepresence of significant ER stress, IAPPmay become unfolded and misfolded(3b). IAPP oligomers may form. IAPPis transported to the Golgi apparatus(4). Normal processing in the absenceof significant ER stress results incosecretion of normal insulin and IAPPin insulin secretory granules (4a). Onceunfolded and misfolded, aberrant IAPPis processed initially in the Golgiapparatus, and there is an additionalattempt to refold the misfolded protein.If this is unsuccessful, the misfoldedprotein then goes to the lysosome-proteasome complex for degradation toits constituent amino acids (4b).Ubiquitination pathways are alsoemployed to facilitate trafficking to thelysosome-proteasome complex (5).

When these organelles are overwhelmed, as occurs in early T2DM before beta cell failure, the result will be apoptosisof the beta cell and the accumulation and aggregation of protofibrils into beta-pleated sheets. Subsequently, isletamyloid is formed (6).

When this quality control system isoverwhelmed and IAPP is not capable ofbeing correctly refolded, this protein canbecome a soluble toxic monomer due to theinnate amyloidogenic properties of theNFGAILSS region of IAPP in amino acidpositions 22-29 [15].Soluble IAPP oligomers have been shown tobe cytotoxic and possibly responsible for betacell apoptosis in T2DM [7, 16, 17].Additionally, beta cells with a high turnover(replication) rate have been found to be moresusceptible to apoptosis by IAPP oligomers[17]. It is the delicate balance betweenrefolding and degradation, maintained by the

quality control system that determines theamount of mutant protein allowed toaccumulate. The adaptive and apoptoticmechanisms of the quality control system areso selective that even minor perturbations inprotein folding efficiency can cause therejection of nascent IAPP proteins and,consequently, their accumulation ordegradation. Accumulation of mature isletamyloid is responsible for the space-occupying lesion with associated secretoryand absorptive defects within the islet and isaccelerated by free radical polymerization dueto reactive oxygen species (ROS). Theseconcepts are summarized in Figure 3.

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Researchers have also addressed whethergenetic differences in IAPP could predisposeto T2DM development. To date, only onemissense mutation has been identified inhuman IAPP. It is the S20G mutation (glycineis substituted for serine at position 20), andthis change in the amino acid sequence resultsin more rapid amyloid formation and earlyonset T2DM in Japanese, Korean, Chineseand New Zealand Maori populations (1.9-2.6% of subjects studied thus far) [18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. Although this mutation isrestricted to the ethnic groups mentioned, itsexistence points to the possibility of it beingmore widespread and that other mutationsmight contribute to the amyloidogenicproperties of IAPP.Under adverse conditions, and due to itsintrinsic conformational instability, thenormally soluble IAPP protein quite readilyundergoes the structural change to form thecrossed beta pleated sheet necessary foraggregation. Due to its propensity toaggregate, IAPP is able to endure free radical

polymerization; a process that is furtherpromoted through the cell’s decreased abilityto clear misfolded proteins. This is the verybeginning of the pre-diabetic condition [26].Once formed, islet amyloid is quite resistantto the normal proteolytic defenses within thebody and is therefore allowed to accumulateand undergo an even more rapid free radicalpolymerization in an islet milieu of increasedreactive oxygen species (ROS) [27, 28]. Thequestion arises, how do inherent beta cellcharacteristics contribute to the developmentof abnormally folded proteins whichculminate as islet amyloid?

Beta Cell and ER Stress

As is true for other cells performing proteinsynthesis, beta cells regulate the production oftheir synthesized protein indirectly viaglucose sensors and not directly via the levelsof insulin which they produce. These sameglucose sensors act on molecular pathways inother endocrine cells that maintain glycolysis

Table 2. Putative model of stages of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) considered as a conformational disease.

STAGE I (Latent period)Increased production of reactive oxygen, nitrogen and thiol speciesBeta cell endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stressCompensatory insulin processingProtein misfolding/unfoldingUnfolded protein response (UPR) activation/chaperone challengeImpaired first phase insulin secretory responseProlific free radical polymerization of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) monomers

STAGE II (Transition period)Ongoing redox stressIslet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) oligomerization/fibril formationImpaired insulin secretory responseEarly beta cell apoptosisBeta cell protein quality control severely challenged

STAGE III (Impaired glucose tolerance period)Appearance of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs)50-75% amyloid involvement in islet architectureImpaired beta cell function

STAGE IV (Impaired fasting glucose period)Increasing global insulin resistanceIncreased fasting blood glucose levelsExcess hepatic and renal gluconeogenesisProgressive amyloid deposition

STAGE V (Overt type 2 diabetes mellitus)50% loss of beta cell function75-100% amyloid deposition

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and nutrient homeostasis. Thus, transcriptionin beta cells is not regulated by insulin itselfbut by translational and post-translationalevents that are themselves regulated byextracellular glucose levels [29, 30, 31].Chronic activation of the beta cells’ qualitycontrol system favors the induction of moreapoptotic pathways of the UPR [2] which isdescribed in greater detail later in this review.The islet beta cell is known to have a highlydeveloped ER, apparently due to an excessivedemand for compensatory insulin secretion[32]. An increased demand for insulinsecretion may result in beta cell overloadultimately leading to deficient insulinsecretion. Beta cell mass (both number andvolume of cells) is reduced in the later phasesof T2DM as a result of apoptosis, especiallyin rapidly replicating beta cells [33]. Thetoxic effects of oligomeric IAPP result inapoptosis of the beta cells, but for a period oftime, the more primordial ductal cells of theexocrine pancreas (replicative pool) canreplace the damaged, apoptotic beta cells andcontinue the compensatory hyperinsulinemiacausing further beta cell damage. Theseeffects culminate in the development of adefective diffusion barrier within the islet[34]. Table 2 presents a putative model ofhow accumulations of IAPP-derived proteinaggregates may relate to T2DM pathogenesis.The beta cell ER has unique responses tounfolded or misfolded proteins [32]. The firstresponse is up-regulation of genes encodingantioxidants and ER chaperone proteins, suchas BiP/GRP78 and GRP94, to increase proteinfolding activity and prevent proteinaggregation [35, 36, 37]. The second responseconsists of translational attenuation to reducethe load of new protein synthesis and preventfurther accumulation of unfolded proteins.The third is degradation of misfolded proteinsin the ER (endoplasmic reticulum-associateddegradation, ERAD) [35]. The misfoldedproteins are transported from the ER to thecytosol, where most are tagged withubiquitin-conjugating enzymes fordegradation by the 26S proteasome, as well asthe lysosome [38]. The fourth istranscriptionally-activated apoptosis, which

occurs when the ER is chronicallyoverwhelmed and its function has beenseverely impaired [35]. These mechanismswill be described in greater detail in aforthcoming section of this review.

Insulin Secretory Granule in aConformational Disease

Post-translational processing of pro-IAPP inthe insulin secretory granule (ISG) yields thesoluble, functional IAPP hormone. The sameprohormone convertases 1, 2 and 3 processpro-IAPP and pro-insulin, and cosecrete thecleaved forms of both into the circulation[39]. It has been proposed that a balance ofthese ISG components, including C-peptide,Ca2+ and Zn2+, contributes to maintainingIAPP and insulin in their mature nativeconformations, thereby hindering aggregateformation [40]. The authors of this studyconjectured that if these factors are in aninappropriate concentration, conditions couldfavor IAPP aggregation. Further, in T2DM,alterations in the proportions of insulin andIAPP in granules could favor fibril formation[41]. Preserving a normal physiologic ratio ofproinsulin to insulin in ISGs disfavors fibrilformation and beta-pleated sheet formation ofIAPP [41]. Several studies havedemonstrated, in both human and animalmodels of T2DM and fasting hyperglycemia,a disproportionate ratio of proinsulin toinsulin, relative to the overall increase of bothin plasma concentrations [42, 43, 44, 45, 46].Whether this increase in proinsulin is due tochronic hyperglycemia or impaired glucosetolerance, the resulting disturbance to theproper functioning of the ISG couldexacerbate protein misfolding. The abnormalprocessing of proIAPP with incompleteconversion to IAPP could result in increasedIAPP-derived islet amyloid deposition, asproIAPP is also amyloidogenic [40, 47, 48].Thus, incomplete processing of proinsulin andproIAPP could each present a mode forincreased aggregation of misfolded proteins.The glycosaminoglycan called perlecan is aubiquitous part of beta cell’s basementmembrane, synthesized in the islets [49].

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Although not a structural element, perlecandoes provide stability to amyloid fibrils byallowing binding of IAPP to the basementmembranes surrounding islet capillaries. Thispathologically promiscuous binding decreasesthe secretory response of the ISG as a resultof an adsorptive barrier created by thickenedbasement membranes. This condition maywell be the beginning of structuraltransformations within the islet whichprovides a located environment with apredilection toward a disproportionate ratio ofIAPP to insulin secretion.

Chaperones and Conformational Disease

Molecular chaperones are ubiquitous, highlyconserved small proteins present in alleukaryotic cells (reviewed in [50]). As notedabove, their overall purpose is to minimizeaggregation by assisting target proteins, suchas IAPP, in proper folding and to covalentlytransport functional proteins acrossextracellular space. Under conditions ofsustained redox stress, the ability ofchaperones to regenerate the redox potentialof the cell is compromised due to theincreased occupation of chaperones bynascent polypeptides (reviewed in [51]).Consequently, protein misfolding occurs,amplifying the chaperone requirements, andin the case of T2DM, causes islets to be moresusceptible to the deleterious effects of redoxstress.In most conformational diseases studied, thesoluble, partially-folded intermediates containan area of exposed hydrophobic regions thatare, in the protein’s native state, buried andprotected against non-native interactions.These areas of increased hydrophobicity havebeen implicated in allowing non-nativeinteractions to occur that result in the crossedbeta-pleated sheet structure seen in proteinaggregates [14] and Figure 2. Thus, itbecomes necessary to overcome a higherenergy barrier in order for the folding processto continue to completion. Chaperones assurethat the correct stoichiometric amounts offolding co-factors are present so that thesenon-native isoforms can achieve their

functional quaternary structure. As veryimportant components of the quality controlrepertoire, the cell dedicates a substantialamount of metabolic energy to performingchaperone functions.

The Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) andthe Balance of Quality ControlMechanisms

An accumulation of misfolded/unfoldedpolypeptides in the ER of cells presents achallenge to chaperones in the cell [52, 53].Due to prolonged interactions with thesemutant proteins, chaperones are challenged tofulfill their folding duties in a timely manner.The overall function of molecular chaperonesis to minimize protein aggregation byensuring proper protein folding and providingtransport to target proteins through covalentcross-linking [54] (see section below). Underchallenge, a process known as the UPRrecruits existing proteases and ubiquitinationenzymes to help deal with this accumulation[55, 56]. As a point of fact, in normal cells,many of the substrates for proteases 'are'misfolded proteins, reflecting the importanceof conformation in determining proteinselection for degradation.After existing proteases have been consumed,the UPR will induce survival and apoptoticpathways in response to the particular stress.Survival responses include transcriptionalregulation (antioxidant and chaperoneproduction) and translational regulation(protein synthesis inhibition). Apoptoticresponses of the UPR include proteasesynthesis (26S proteasome), ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes, and caspases (in thecase of chronic stress/severe ER impairment)[57, 58, 59]. The integrity of the qualitycontrol system is of paramount importance atthis step. Maintaining a balance betweenfolding and degradation determines theamount of mutant protein that can accumulateand potentially cause conformational diseases[1]. An imbalance in the quality controlsystem created by, among other things,abnormal temperatures, high/low glucoseconcentrations, glycosylation inhibitors,

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influx of Ca2+ ions, alterations in local pH, orredox stress will cause further accumulationof misfolded/unfolded proteins.In the setting of hyperinsulinemia, the betacell likely has significantly increased ERactivity and can become stressed inresponding to the demands of the peripheraltissues to prevent hyperglycemia [32].Previously, this process has been referred toas ‘beta cell fatigue’, but a moreencompassing explanation can invoke ERstress and an overwhelmed UPR. The basicpathways of the UPR have been exhaustivelyexplored in recent years [60]. Thesignificance of these studies is that they canpartly explain how a stressed cell becomescommitted to survival or to apoptosis [57].The UPR is initiated under various conditionsof stress which compromise protein folding inthe ER. Three major survival pathways areemployed as the transcriptional response tothis ER stress (Figure 4). Each pathwayinvolves an ER-resident transmembrane

protein that senses ER stress or the presenceof unfolded proteins: IRE1, ATF4/PERK andATF6. IRE1 and ATF4/PERK, which bothhave cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinasedomains, are activated by ER stress andundergo homodimerization andphosphorylation [61, 62, 63]. Theaccumulation of inappropriately foldedproteins in the ER lumen results in ATF6translocation to the ER [55]. ATF6 cleaves itscytosolic domain then translocates to thenucleus to activate transcription of thechaperones GRP78 (BiP) and other co-factorsof ER stress target genes [64]. Thedownstream sequelae of the UPR aretranscriptional activation of chaperones,antioxidants, co-factors and regulatorsinvolved in ER-associated protein degradation(i.e. ERAD) and inhibition of new proteinsynthesis. These responses presumablyconserve cellular resources in the face ofincreasing stress. Activation of UPRpathways is also intrinsically important in theinitiation of proapoptotic responses (proteaseand caspase synthesis). Chaperoneparticipation in these responses, as well,provides an additional quality controlmechanism. However, the means by whichcells commit to apoptosis rather than survivalare less well understood.

Redox Stress in the Formation of IsletAmyloid

1. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)

Multiple biochemical pathways andmechanisms of action have been implicated inthe deleterious effects of chronichyperglycemia and oxidative stress on thefunction of the kidney, retina, vascular tissuesand, to a lesser extent, pancreatic islets inT2DM [65]. There is currently wideacceptance for the destructive potential ofoxidative stress on the islets and arterialvessel walls in patients with T2DM. Thedamaging effects of ROS and other freeradicals on proteins, nucleic acids and fats iskey to a better understanding of the formationof amyloid within the islets of patients with

Figure 4. The unfolded protein response (UPR) toendoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. The UPR is aparticularly important cellular response for cells thatmust accommodate high loads of secretory proteinslike the beta cell. The UPR is principally mediated byATF4/PERK, ATF6 and IRE which are activated bythe abundant ER chaperone BiP. Misfolded proteinsactivate IRE1 and PERK by phosphorylation. IRE1 is akinase that contains an ER regulatory domain and anRNaseL domain. IRE1 activation leads to upregulationof XBP1 which subsequently activates a family ofgenes encoding ER chaperones. PERK activationresults in the phosphorylation of eIF2alpha that leads toa generalized inhibition of translation initiation.Finally, ATF6, a leucine-zipper transcription factor,transits into the Golgi following activation where it iscleaved into an active transcription factor forchaperones.

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T2DM. Excessive redox stress may lead toprotein accumulation and aggregation in theER, with severe consequences for the cell[66].ROS may impact disulfide bond formation[67] and subsequently influence thedevelopment of IAPP misfolding. Disulfidebonds formed in newly synthesized proteinsin the ER of cells are important for properprotein folding, protein structure, biologicalactivity, and stability of many secreted andmembrane proteins [66, 68, 69]. Proteinfolding in eukaryotes takes place in the ERwith assistance from many redox-sensitivechaperones and oxidoreductases (e.g., proteindisulfide isomerase, ERp44, ERp72, ERp57,GRP58, Hsp33) [69]. The effects of excessiveROS on native IAPP within the ER may causecovalent breakage of the disulfide bond atpositions Cys2 and Cys7 in this 37 amino acidpolypeptide, allowing it to unfold orpreventing it from properly folding.ROS may have an effect on both proteins andlipids within the ER by altering the ER bi-lipid membrane [70]. Hyperglycemia mayhave an additive effect by altering the proteincontent of the ER membrane throughformation of advanced glycation endproducts(AGEs) [71]. Oxidative stress, combined withhyperglycemia, has been shown to alter aprotein’s susceptibility to glycation (theprocess of forming irreversible Amadoriproducts from reversible Schiff bases withnon-enzymatic rearrangement reactions) [72,73]. These AGEs, which are prone to cross-linking and aggregation, can modify IAPPthrough post-translational attachments [74].Upon proteoglycan binding, there is anobserved increase and acceleration in totalamyloid fibril formation. Amadori productsare currently used as a clinical marker ofglucose control because they exist inequilibrium with glucose levels [75]. AGEs,on the other hand, become irreversibly boundto protein. It is this long-term consequence ofglycation, leading to the formation of AGEsthat can take years to complete and can bedetrimental to the patient with diabetes.These processes (oxidation and glycation)may contribute to a dysfunctional ER

membrane, allowing the abnormal leakage ofmisfolded proteins into the cytosol beforethey are properly folded into their native 3-dimensional conformation. This same ERmembrane leak may also allow the influx ofROS into the ER lumen, disrupting the redox-sensitive milieu within, and allowing for aneven greater unfolding and misfolding ofproteins to occur.

2. Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS)

RNS are increased in T2DM [76] and couldcontribute to protein misfolding. Growingevidence implicates both ROS and RNS (suchas the reaction of superoxide anion (O2

-) withnitric oxide (NO) to form peroxynitrite andother RNS) as important molecules in thedevelopment of diabetes [77, 78, 79, 80, 81].In other conformational diseases, such asAlzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease,abnormal NO production is involved inprotein misfolding leading to aggregates andproteasome dysfunction on ubiquinatedmaterial [82]. Peroxynitrite is an RNSimportant in the evolution of diabetes [76].Peroxynitrite reacts relatively slowly withmost biological molecules and as a resultbecomes a potent selective oxidant.Peroxynitrite specifically modifies tyrosine inproteins/polypeptides to create nitrotyrosine,which leaves an indelible footprint detectablein vivo. Nitrotyrosine and nitrosylatedarginine (nitroarginine), known biomarkers ofredox stress, are capable of competing withthe natural substrate L-arginine for theproduction of endothelial nitric oxide (eNO)via the endothelial nitric oxide synthase(eNOS) reaction [83]. The presence of RNSin the plasma of diabetic patients suggests apossible involvement of peroxynitrite in thedevelopment of diabetic complications [84].Could RNS-induced protein modificationsalso increase the propensity for IAPP tobecome misfolded? Post-translational events,such as nitrosylation, can affect the 3-dimensional configuration of proteins [85].Nitrosylation of various amino groups couldtherefore result in prevention of the properfolding of IAPP.

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3. Reactive Thiol Species

Although thiols are traditionally viewed asnon-enzymatic antioxidants, reactive thiolspecies may be yet another consequence ofredox stress that promotes conformationaldisease. In all antioxidant reactionsemploying thiols, thiyl radicals aresimultaneously formed from the reduction ofthe disulfide bridges and subsequent oxidationof the sulfhydryl groups [86]. Maintaining abalance in the redox state of the cell ensuresthat thiols can continue their biological actionas necessary antioxidants, and, just asimportantly, that these thiyl radicals areefficiently reduced to thiols again. Anelevated and sustained tension of redox stressin the ER, such as with T2DM, has thepotential to disrupt this delicate balance,initiating a process termed 'disulfidereshuffling', in which newly synthesizedpolypeptides undergo disulfide rearrangementwith free thiol groups [86]. Thesethiol/disulfide exchange reactions promotepolymerization of other amyloidogenicproteins such as prion protein PrP found inspongiform encephalopathies [87] and cantherefore presumably stabilize aggregates ofother proteins, considering the generallyreducing environment of the cytoplasm.Hence, not only are IAPP aggregatesstabilized by the extensive non-covalenthydrogen bonding of crossed beta-sheetformation, but also this conformationalchange may provide covalent protection tointermolecular disulfide bonds, hindering anyattempt of the UPR at aggregate disassembly.This concept lends support to the widely heldbelief that amyloid fibrils form via anucleation-dependent kinetic process [6, 9,88].

4. Redox Stress in T2DM: Conclusion

The beta cell is poorly equipped to handleredox stress as compared to other cells suchas hepatocytes [76, 83], and this verysensitivity has allowed researchers to use theoxidizing agents streptozotocin and alloxan tocreate diabetic animal models. Not only is the

islet inundated with ROS but also the beta cellwithin is known to be deficient in the classicantioxidants to protect itself from thesurrounding redox stress [65, 89].Additionally, once overt T2DM hasdeveloped, the antioxidant reserve is knownto be compromised with a systemic deficiencyof catalase, superoxide dismutase, andglutathione peroxidase [90, 91, 92, 93].Redox stress, as manifested by increasedROS, RNS and reactive thiol species, maysignificantly post-translationally modify IAPPto the extent that protein misfolding isfavored. Additionally, these redox stressorscan overwhelm the beta cell’s ER foldingcomplex, chaperone-induction signalingmechanism, lysosome-proteasome pathwayand attenuate the secretory capacity of thiscell [94, 95]. These effects likely result inaugmented beta cell apoptosis and theaccumulation of islet amyloid.


If T2DM is viewed as a conformationaldisease, it may be possible to rationallydesign therapies that specifically focus on theforces which lead to protein misfolding anddeposition. This can include decreasing theredox stress associated with increasedmetabolic demand in obesity or promotingplaque destabilization. New small moleculetherapeutics can modify the kinetics ofamyloid formation or promote their amyloidresorption. For example, small moleculedrugs can be used to stabilize theamyloidogenic protein precursor, or to act onthe partially folded intermediates in thefolding process, or to actually interact withmature amyloid fibrils to weaken theirstructural stability. Displacing importantcofactors of amyloid deposits such asglycosaminoglycans and serum amyloid Pcomponent with these small molecules canfavor dissolution of the fibril aggregate [96].Antibodies can also be used to reduce theability of an amyloidogenic protein to formpartly unfolded species and can be aneffective method of preventing its aggregation[97]. Thus, it is possible that in the future, as

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these therapeutics are developed, it will bepossible to slow or prevent the inexorableprogression of disease so frequently seen inconformational disease.Seeing T2DM as another type ofconformational disease may facilitate abroader understanding of islet biology beyondthe regularly understood parameters of thisdisease. For example, islet cell stress maylead to a form of T2DM in type 1 diabeticpatients bearing islet transplants. It is knownthat human islets rapidly form amyloid whentransplanted into immunodeficient mice [98].In this relatively successful ‘Edmonton era’ ofislet transplantation, the hope for a cure fortype 1 diabetes is diminished by adisappointing loss of function in a significantpercentage of recipients [99] which can occuronly months after transplantation. It isintriguing that a foundational component ofmodern era transplant success resides insustaining an optimal islet mass [100]. Couldgradual loss of islet cells due to immuneattack be compounded by a conformationaldisease akin to T2DM in limiting the longterm success of islet transplants? This andother questions may be addressed if T2DMand non-autoimmune beta cell dysfunction areviewed as a conformational disease. Newavenues of therapy that are directed atminimizing forces leading to deleteriousaccumulations of proteins may offer hope topatients at risk for T2DM.

Received February 24th, 2005 - AcceptedApril 6th, 2005

Keywords Amyloid; Diabetes Mellitus, Type2; Islets of Langerhans; Islets of LangerhansTransplantation; Molecular Chaperones;Protein Conformation

Abbreviations AGE: advanced glycationendproduct; eNO: endothelial nitric oxide;eNOS: endothelial nitric oxide synthase; ER:endoplasmic reticulum; ERAD: endoplasmicreticulum-associated degradation; IAPP: isletamyloid polypeptide; ISG: insulin secretorygranule; RNS, reactive nitrogen species;

ROS: reactive oxygen species; T2DM: type 2diabetes mellitus; UPR: unfolded proteinresponse

Acknowledgements This work wassupported in part by National Institutes ofHealth grant DK-03-024 (MRN). The authorswould like to thank Mike Cobb for assistancewith illustrations and David Stenger forcritical review of the manuscript

CorrespondanceMark NicollsDivision of Pulmonary Sciences and CriticalCare MedicineUniversity of Colorado Health Sciences CenterBox C272, 4200 E. 9th Ave.Denver, CO 80262USAPhone: +1-303.315.0624Fax: +1-303.315.5632E-mail: [email protected]


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