
Unit Unit 2 Topic32 Topic3Unit Unit 2 Topic32 Topic3

Whose cap is itWhose cap is it??

Section Section BB


I find a pen in my bag. It’s black.

It’s not my pen. It’s not mine.

Whose pen is it?

Find the owner( 寻找物主 )

Excuse me , is this your pen?

S1: No. It’s not my pen./It’s not mine.

T: Sorry. Excuse me , is it yours?

S2: Oh, yes. It’s mine.

T: Here you are.

S2: Thank you.

T: You’re welcome.

学习目标学习目标 Identify ownership of personal belongings Identify ownership of personal belongings (( 识别物品的所属识别物品的所属 ))

学习目标学习目标 Identify ownership of personal belongings Identify ownership of personal belongings (( 识别物品的所属识别物品的所属 ))

1. ----Whose cap1. ----Whose cap is it/ this / that ?is it/ this / that ?

2.----Whose books are these/ those?2.----Whose books are these/ those?

3. I think it’s/they’re Kangkang’s.I think it’s/they’re Kangkang’s. ----They’re their books / theirs.----They’re their books / theirs.

----It’s Saly’s/ her cap/ hers.----It’s Saly’s/ her cap/ hers.

It’s Wang Shiling’s .

It’s her cat.

It’s Wang Shiling’s cat.

It’s hers.

It’s Yang Yangyang’s .

It’s his cap.

It’s Yang Yangyang’s cap.

It’s his.

PairworkPairwork (Shifu and Xueyou)

It’s Li Ming and Wei Fang’s .

It’s their baby.

It’s theirs.

It’s Li Ming and Wei Fang’s baby.


Li MingWei Fang


They’re Jane’s and Michael’s.

They’re their schoolbags.

They’re theirs.

They’re Jane’s and Michael’s schoobags.




Li MingWei Fang

PairworkPairwork (Xueyou and Shifu)

Who is the owner( 物主 ) ?

Tell me in four ways, please!

A Guess Game

Whose jacket is that?

I think it’s Guang Touqiang’s.



I think it’s Kangkang’s.

2a Listen and match. ( 录音 P45-2a)


( 录音 P45-1a)

Fill in the blanks with his, mine, your and whose. Then practice with your partner.

Is this eraser?

eraser is it, then?

No, it’s not .

It’s Zhang Lan’s.







These babies are hers.

That schoolbag is his.

This skirt is Lily’s.

Find the owner(Find the owner( 寻寻找物找物主)主)情景:情景:假设一位同学拾到一件东西。现在,

他 / 她正在寻找物品的主人。 可以使用下列语言结构: A : Whose…is this? Is it yours, XX?B: No, it’s not mine. Mine is here. I think it’s XX’s.A:XX, is this …yours?C: No, my … is red. That one is blue. I think it’s XX’s.A: Excuse me. Is this yours, XX?D: Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.A: You’re welcome.

Group workGroup work

Return the things that you find or borrow to the owner as soon as possible.


we can ask:

Whose cap is it/ this/that?

Whose caps are these/ those?

Is this/ that cap yours?

Is this /that your cap?

we can say:

This / That/ It is Lily’s/her/his book.

This / That/ It is Lily’s/hers/his.

These/Those/They are our bikes/ours.

I think it’s Kangkang’s.


Time Fun

Time Bag, bag, bag, it’s my bag. It’s Mine!

Banana, banana, banana, it’s your banana.It’s Yours!

Bike, bike, bike, it’s his bike. It’s His!

Cat, cat, cat, it’s her cat. It’s Hers!

Jackets, jackets, jackets, they’re our jackets. They’re Ours!

Shirts, shirts, shirts, they’re your shirts. They’re Yours!

Shoes, shoes, shoes, they’re their shoes. They’re Theirs!

Toys, toys, toys, they’re Michael’s toys. They’re Michael’s!


Make up a conversation about finding the owner.

( 写一段找物主的对话 )

A: Excuse me, is this ...?A: Excuse me, is this ...? B: No, it’s not …. B: No, it’s not …. A:A: Whose ... is it?Whose ... is it? B: I think it’s ….B: I think it’s …. A: Excuse me. Is this …, XX?A: Excuse me. Is this …, XX? C: Yes, it’s …. Thank you.C: Yes, it’s …. Thank you. A: You’re welcome.A: You’re welcome.

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