
UNIT 7: INTERWAR PERIOD AND WAR II Lesson 1: Treaty of Versailles and Rise of Hitler WHAT I NEED TO KNOW World War I and the Russian Revolution had a dramatic effect on the countries that were involved in World War II. The creation of the League of Nations impacted efforts to maintain peace after World War I. The industrialization of warfare (i.e. trenches, poison gas, machine guns) contributed to the high number of casualties for both sides during World War I. European monarchs involved in World War I refused to give up their empires after the war. The failure of Russia's economy and the fall of their aristocracy were related. Propaganda was used to motivate people during World War I OBJECTIVES Continuing conflict between nations changed the political landscape of Europe and the world Germany was destabilized by the economic impact of the Treaty of Versailles after World War I in a way that facilitated Hitler's rise to power. Propaganda was used to influence the actions of society throughout nations during World War II. GUIDING QUESTIONS In the face of crisis, why do societies want a strong leader? How did the Treaty of Versailles facilitate Hitler's rise to power? Why is propaganda successful in shaping public opinion? REVIEW: ARMISTICE AND WOODROW WILSONS14 POINTS Germany agreed under the conditions of Woodrow Wilsons 14 points which called for peace among all nations involved and the destruction of the secret alliances and embargos Germany entered into an Armistice with the Allied powers to begin negotiations regarding a treaty. REPARATIONS SEEK TO DESTROY GERMANY War guilt clause in which Germany had to take responsibility for all destruction during the war Had to lose territories, shrink their army, and pay billions of dollars to allied forces Germany was not allowed to attend or speak in their defense during the negotiations REPARATIONS SEEK TO DESTROY GERMANY The goal of the Treaty was to punish Germany since they were seen as the aggressor U.S. would not sign the treaty due to the inequality of it Germany did not have a choice but to sign even though they were againstof-versailles RISE OF HITLER Hitler was a great (strict) military leader and was responsible for many things during the war Under the conditions of the treaty, he was forced to serve time in jail for war crimes that were committed against the government During this time he began to was his book MIEN KAMPF in which he outlines how Germany will rise again and who is to blame for the embarrassment they are experiencing RISE OF HITLER Created a sense of nationalism through the pain and injustice being seen People latch on to his emotional appeals Creates a military state through the rise of his dictatorship and political party (NAZI) SAS LESSON Who was Hitler? Watch the video and take notes (if the link does not work, please read and annotate the handout on Hitler and glue into your interactive notebook) VOCAB Continue on to the next slide for vocab DICTATOR The Great Depression led to the rise of strong leaders, called dictators. REPARATIONS After WWI, Germany was forced to pay hefty reparations to other countries after World War I. PROPAGANDA Propaganda was biased information used by the Nazi's to spread hatred against the Jews. GENOCIDE Genocide is the systematic elimination of all or a significant part of a racial, ethnic or religious or cultural group ADOLF HITLER Dictator and self made Fuhrer of Germany during WWII. Writer of the Mien Kampf and leader responsible to the mass genocide of the Jews. Committed suicide before the end of the war. GREAT DEPRESSION Started with the crashing of the stock market and the failing of the banks. Time period of great economic strain with a 25% unemployment rate. Ended in part because of the New Deal and because of WWII. ROARING 20S Time period of the 1920s Big economic boom for the American people after WWI People borrowed money to invest into the stock market Time period of living to the extreme extravagance HARLEM RENAISSANCE Due to the great migration of African Americans Time period of great pride and acceptance of culture for African Americans Literature, art, and musical awakening NEW DEAL Economic recovery act based by FDR Series of plans that focused on rebuilding the banks, creating social security protection for citizens, and creating unemployment assistance and relief programs for the unemployed. FDR Franklin Roosevelt- President after 1932 Operated under his new deal as a means to get out of the great depression Enthusiastic and risky president who surrounded himself with sound advisors. His good attitude was contagious to the nation Suffered from Polio which eventually took his life during WWII MIEN KAMPF Book written by Hilter during his time in jail for war crimes Outlined his opposition to the Jews and his game plan for WWII, the rise of Germany, and the extermination of the Jews NAZI Political party created by Hitler Became the only political party of Germany Stands for National Socialist German Workers Party Eventually became symbolized by the Swastika NUREMBERG LAWS Laws passed by Hitler against the Jews in 1935 Stated that if you had 3-4 grandparents who identified as Jewish then you were Jewish. Took away all civil rights from Jews took away any ability for them to have business/interaction with Germans KRISTALLNACHT Night of Broken glass Nov Time in which an attack on Jews resulted in 100 deaths and thousands arrested. Jewish synagogues and shops were destroyed and burned After this event, Jews were forced to carry identification cards Mass migration of Jews out of the area if they could CONCENTRATION CAMP Temporary camps built in German controlled territories Built to house POWs, undesirables, and Jews Originally used as labor camps, but soon turned into death camps were thousand of Jews were starved and killed PEARL HARBOR Bombing of the Hawaiian navel base on Dec. 7 th 1941 It was the Japanese response to the embargo placed upon them by the Americans It was the event that brought the US into the war MARSHALL PLAN Economic plan presented by President Truman Stated that over 13 billion dollars would be sent to Europe to help her rebuild economically after such destruction Plan to win sympathizers and gain control for America MANHATTAN PROJECT Plan to built the atomic bomb as a show of force to Japan Resulted in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ARMS RACE Result of the atomic bomb being dropped All over powerful countries had to catch up and built their own plus increase the size of their military Resulted in tension between America and Russia and leads to the Cold War LIBERTY BOND Taxes paid to the government in support of the war effort (WWI) with the understanding that it would be paid back. COTTON CLUB A place where African Americans were able to sing, dance, and play music for whites. There were not allowed to be served there. NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Organization that exists today and still addresses the needs and concerns of African Americans 19 TH AMENDMENT Women gain the right to vote

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