Page 1: Universal Enhancernent in Placeflo*t in Tim€

Universal Enhancernent in Placeflo*t in Tim€Thainingr A Focus on Quatity of Interaction

hic b d." scond in r ccricr of erti- - nrmr rdrt m ruauc &et trc qrElit''of irmctim bt

clcc 6or Unlwnthfonmn* uppctpmnndilcmplary-thtbfic'I'f,"t9

fm"frffibTfrf#', lln -Hn""ffi**"".ry"'q uoodc m bc

pt ss i" iooz- 1il ' embnced er dl orgeaizerft'ml lctde ited" monl8F

Thcprwiouraniclc, *Thc Efi- | nGot' Ti rupponprwidr:nXhiaingbnm:q*

CuG.guavimnmcnt'triiirhodinthcimuaryzoor ff}ru |fl-o.oiranongoirg rygf6*EfnfiC *J o"i*a".i-". i"frt *d th'r en Wffi i hcyE th. bcncfit "f f"*ry" ttdf"gt.ry+F".""d"d"s ;&4F *in i"-r*'"-gapprorchcs ffitffi i 1rpp"qg4dryiqptr1:-[-?1{lnft* G'.[ rd d.-"d.ttr aluhg;#;Nric ryry ot# *"&.LIbT[ bcg"!.d rryon inco"i-nmdt for pcrmu wi$ aU[ini*. i-oog ec sb'� e funrnlJhffs enidc cctidcd: "Tbc Fulr coching

nificent Fcon iipnning drc *rvioc rym ir rfr *orliuod "'ro- Stm'dca') ttr:-dllcv,clrtucwo*coopcredYrdyar lErn o

ludon d,.rvica ti"- d'og1tgr r*itg m mellcr, rcrsrd ria inel *'c toob of umir;neJ Eqlnnctmcn! Thir ryprmrh corullt t

,"pp"" r.dd.ltaAc*iyi movlrDcnr toyrud Flomc rnd ontinuo-ru l€arning lqp wtcrcdl idividurb rciafora ach odrcr

d;;-t ,r-Iford \* tiicgv) fudiry, srt onronly prc. yd Q{op e culnrrc der crru e poritirc che'ge l ^p-phJ"dr ntr.f"g n" -r*int p n"h* a..l"ar n -urr"nrilig liw. This rppruch ap -*trye* Tpfv.ilon' dinicitu and

of4cocy *t rirg "r,r.-r ltfr, t ruh s6-"'"gcrrirnrpcnig;It -o"rgemcnt rnfrm plry * $tir,e tdc in &c udniog of cuppon

.nd-din[{.ns io-uriniog $rfr on rir, ufrcrt ru$rc err-ddiucrcd prwidcra An inponent of 6c cchiry proce's ie o

;r.debd ic conridafo by many n u* podit dsmrirc o .li-inetc 6; minirnizc t[c ob$rde crpcdcooodty,EL; 6c rronine liniadons of t" *iirlo-t clesoom min- providcra wbo uc frccd *ith e myriad of ompla rnd nrld

fi rggr*a! C.'?inro *o* nrF urppon providcr. rtltcngcu en cmdd rspcc of .h'mAing_pt"cl$ b o bdp'

tAr* fi. cooo*ioa and irnpttcaAonr Sr miil"g ac prriody &reeory pryyr{cq 9*t thosc .n{-ry.

dlnrs4 r a6inking in trcn nr#m erwUco "tr uInJ ir mrnn- - -

Obnrdc in liF art *L'h to cmqona Tbus' iut c dc bddgc

d"rd. Wil* hdgas;n dgu alil- rtlnuru are limird, rn rlsn*- forms e cdlc rcrw . bodE {f"+ dlotdng ooc E gct ftrom onc rirlc

d* -i"i"t tth.ty nrJ; mun bc @qrcd n cnnue nrport o 6e otrcs or 6r tfl,qftF frc d& of e mnc effc F Utidls- fiG

pr-ld.n" .gd*r"tp".t*!qlca'i{erry Gncrasorndii:ffing6d4 tfifomtEnhnmoqptt(ry:gdc qj1beng " or.b.* io .6-ooa iinhl oulrldng

- oftdrnirgr_.G !d6;Ttc ruppon Fd.F-t how o &aindf

horue mgn n6g, holc c,r!o mop omrd thcir arppon Foddcrs'in "titit rtiki'fo! nrygort ruful"lr+_altonfug frcm-o onctum 6c

ryo.H"g;Lbadcbdarionl ildhal6 otril"arirorppon ch"llengesin 6cirtiftarrdt stqggt"g,Sid$.sn IPlIITrnodd

EG m.r ir fiA. aoum ,r.. drb qrdcgftilic rcnric r;rviron- ".p*r.n *"Srpp"n hE tidd wi& dtc tmb o hdp p$ d -.rii*-pr111*a ur g,mning tnanat'*tfireun, *tu onimr m phiicd ocemrn r"r p"rauc-edhogF .nd obtain frc nilr scy

phcc rturiemios*iS"Ubilfo"" drcbndaofrupport Fwidcr!. ncod m cnhenc foir-$eliryoflifr.ild" 6.d. h" ouiriig of arppon p-,i&i in ienrcom tuIryt of 6c mob uuglu ir Sc IPIIT tno&l hll. inm 6c ct-

r.dry il t r lildf o bc m i " f,ftin ..rpAr" F arnrc€oulF. qory of qrytry {in*n*'''-Thcrc ut oundcrr mb (rnryr of

,r* fu ft *o oiro pUal lr$t-In.Tinc lLining (Ip-FD pm- [hrvingt 6rr .ftct &c quditr of lift of r]oec Y,ho ruiw rup

vid€ fu v6oo, * .od Lo*o. e frdllrra & e"idti *n pott Thc usc of humor, oftring oPtiom' rrmding pivrcT-' voie

fi,om &c tndiriml A**- r.doar of srtriofirucrfttn -

loaci lbcnin& cp entert erd-rLills of ourtcry an bru e fts of-_rt"pryrrsd{dningmodd6ip26irnrnarionu6cthcnob6rtdcicrmincqru| i tyof | i fe. l " f rdmcoff inlr l | |g.

e36od m oncromr &c barf;cs ofbud3r+ ,i,r,e erd rtsue it5 it ir comfoning to Lnov 6nt thrt dE 9fi-rp@s€t Equfud.-

dGffdB Th! p-IIT Eeiningnodd e1;g; Sr"rppcrtprwi.Ccr m blSuppontprwU"ls ro cnhlrcc qudiry of Ilfr art orc cocidclilb

Gru€dtlc trdnhg ;o 6t" ssffi"'rrnt wsrc *q' tll prwiding 6c fu nt u'fuat dr,rgt' -*pp"* 6 pdl, es 6cy erc prwidirg fr" "tppd" (1* q d*rl. A"9,h* erryTy oftoo! ic n*ttoood er @ r?,8frr6.

ffiprU.ry'f*.-oflP-Ff i! on modfury 6o t*re*or of Thc mot (unyt of bchrving) dr.t fuilit$ rypr*fynArc5trp6; d,fd"* r."tfdrg i" ir"p-""i *l q'nliry of tift for gq {pqtfi 6c mlc of {ruppon prwirlcr re en

1{""-{tr$poii toafu-o Ttc nrppoi prwilLdr qu.litf of ir;BErion ri6 $c hclplcsnc* O'@ Ffuqr. rccogniac dt oturimcr r

"rpp""i*pir*iBdlid;l furin'dcnniningdrcgnlityof c;t+"ta""t tr:$ry* ewlvt bctwsr Sc lppgnprovid:rs.rviEa Th.r is qrhrc fic nsbcr m fic t-t *frr* dt pd I erd *c nrppon reipicni. Tbrt is, eadrdon*ip of odcpcodcacc

p* * p"p*. Ewqpdingdswithin an oryrniretion crfunsdHf m cru dadop in "fr _ffi try prron--+hc nroslvicilril r*r* ifj q*h.f kti U*.61io* Ttc-adnlni*ntrc rnd 6sal h odrpodcnsr. In nrrh e rdetiouship, thc nsarrrlvicrin ir pcy-

s116 h16; oi nop.t*nncl,,rminsrzncanf,dinful @eft- choh'Eic.I''d+trdrnt in rn unhcel&f wzFon eomconcqrho

lE lfr,kfdfArgtrn2002

Page 2: Universal Enhancernent in Placeflo*t in Tim€

rtrrqglrr wi6 irarc of "ddia'oo or,licbiliqy. In e oJcpcodcattdados$ip, 6c poa wifi fu dirability is tridd or talcoadralage of end 6us harod bymnedc b !ilftrfiom an ertorcinmcunc of Sc rcrcrcdviain "doing fof . Unfwtumh"doing fof pcoplc wi6 dinbilfticr fulfilb drc ncdr of &ctrsctt r/victin Thgicdb, *i! oJacndcnqf .'phLF paplc wi6diflbilitics p 1a{1toin r lifr of dcAcndcncy.

Rryrndhs of &c tools pnccntc4 6c lP/tff tnining foo$ ison numrring &c support prflidtr m rcrr! in fic roh of ally nea-w til,dr to drc support mipicnt h ii &ough Soe rdedon-

$ip6 6d indivlfirele who erc ognitirdy, p\nicdly or psy*iuricdtf ch.lclrgd berc fu bc*opporurnity for obtrining 6cd&36et sill dlow fu o orcrorre thrir ttcpccdr'e d4llci3ca.

Tbc mlc of en IP{IT trdniry mcrft pwidcl and acoungeeupcrvimnddinicinnr F rcrm in a prccdve vcnru rcectiw tnin-ing moda Thc euppon pcvidcr trluit rrrekr tr cnrmniinnent to ulethc molc snd m dlo* stn timc rc practie rrd uce tLe newbchavioe Thc oryrnizetion -n iaflucnc qhi. coftmitmcnt bIprwiding appmprierc ncognitioa rnd cinftrwmenr. Individuels


IfibrrolrA€uz00t 19

mrhudfnrrFgc 19

cen dso $uppon cactr othcr bf rh$irysrt€ocsrer and hclping cech othcr ovcr-aom€ this cnf, 6cy.s mortlilcly to pur 6cir lcemiry imo pncdcc.Thir is roodcr way ro focter.n inforn l

AXCOR llisrion:To prumotc and assist prirtate prod&tr uhoofar snuiccs and satr porfrt to pcoplc urithdisabilitia ed tbcir fenilbs.

nct*ock ft,om which nrppon providersmeydrrr othcr rerours ar ncsdad. ThcIP-JIT $effudning md iatagrrm &caoacpt of nodi$in6 tbc bchavior of nryPon plwi&ln ar thc'' carr" out 6c d"f-mdey nutilcr of prwiding rupportJP-Jlf mining. r

E@l!t hrrbtrrr*r.dctotlffi[mfr*;*rffit.dGnhlbt{Ebrt-tpetb fr|Hmir,llrihcrtrd*t nrAecfihdfretudltuh'h*DtFomphil{Fl34r-r.e


AilCOR Vlrlon:Tb be thc prrmicr essociation prceridingadaocrey, sct?iccs ad taoarcw tu prhrak


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