Page 1: Useful German phrases in case of illness


Page 2: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Some body parts which have a masculine noun.Der ...

▪ Kopf - head

▪ Mund - mouth

▪ Bauch - stomach

▪ Fuß- foot

▪ Finger - finger

▪ Hals - neck, throat

▪ Rücken - back

▪ Arm - arm

▪ Zahn - tooth

Page 3: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Body parts which have a feminine noun.Die ...

▪ Nase - nose

▪ Lippe - lip

▪ Hand - hand

Page 4: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Body part which have a neuter noun.Das ...

▪ Ohr - ear

▪ Bein - leg

▪ Knie - knee

▪ Gesicht - face

▪ Auge - eye

Page 5: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Kopfschmerzen.

Mein Kopf tut weh.

I've got a headache.

My head hurts.

Page 6: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Bauchschmerzen.

Mein Bauch tut weh.

I have a stomachache.

My stomach hurts.

Page 7: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Halsschmerzen.

Mein Hals tut weh.

I have a sore throat.

My throat hurts.

Page 8: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Rückenschmerzen.

Mein Rücken tut weh.

I have a backache. My back hurts.

Page 9: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Zahnschmerzen.

Mein Zahn tut weh.

I have a toothache. My tooth hurts.

Page 10: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Ich habe Ohrenschmerzen.

Mein Ohr tut weh.

I have an earache. My ear hurts.

Page 11: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Mein Arm tut weh.Meine Arme tun weh.

My arm hurts.

My arms hurt.

Page 12: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Mein Knie tut weh.Meine Knie tun weh.

My knee hurts.

My knees hurt.

Page 13: Useful German phrases in case of illness

Mein Auge tut weh.Meine Augen tun weh.

My eye hurts.

My eyes hurt.

Page 14: Useful German phrases in case of illness


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