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Page 1: V-Sat Project Flow

Telecom Technology Space Segment, Regulatory

Orlando [email protected]

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Project Flow Sales Order Memo: indicates that Order has been

approved and we may move on. Sp. Segm & Regulatory commences activities: Procuring satellite capacity Assist Customer to Obtain License

[email protected] 408.656.2498 2

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Space Segment If capacity offered is within our present holdings, all

we need to do is an internal assignment & notification to operator.

If we need to purchase new capacity we contact Panamsat or Satmex, and sometimes Intelsat

If we need to contract teleport services, we place order with vendor

[email protected] 408.656.2498 3

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Space Segment Issues System Engineering to define, if not already done at

time of quote: modulation scheme (QPSK vs 8PSK) FEC rate (1/2, 3/4, 2/3, R/S) Choice done based on space segment resource

optimization : bandwidth & power Convenient to have a flexible modem for future

upgrades & possible changes

[email protected] 408.656.2498 4

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Space Segment Issues #2 Make sure NOC is involved with circuit start up

process. Need to notify satellite operator of new circuit May need to run antenna patterns (which may take

hours or days!) Coordinate power & frequency use with Operator

[email protected] 408.656.2498 5

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Space Segment Questions: If in doubt, please check with NOC first They will usually get assistance from Operator

(satellite signatures, beacon frequencies, “center of the box” times etc

Problems? Please report to Sytems Eng; we will escalate to Operator’s bosses

[email protected] 408.656.2498 6

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Regulatory Aspects Except for Mexico (and Venezuela in the future), all we

are doing is ASSISTING customer obtaining its private station license.

Be aware that the process typically takes 3months or so; thus it needs to be triggered at day 0. And followed up by PMs.

[email protected] 408.656.2498 7

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Regulatory Comparison Mexico, private station: 30 days Ecuador, private station: 90-120days: process goes

through Two regulatory agencies plus the Armed Forces!

Paraguay: approx 30 days from first submission To submit application….. Stay tuned

[email protected] 408.656.2498 8

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To Submit the application The customer needs to provide name of company,

address, point of contact etc. The customer needs to provide documents of

incorporation the enterprise (ie proof of legal existence)

Various administrative and techincal forms need to be filled out.

Provide link budgets, description of the system, equipment specs etc.

[email protected] 408.656.2498 9

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People Involved New Ops Agreements, correspondent deals,

teleport contracts, Space. Segm. contracts etc: F.N. Permits, interaction with Satmex for new

frequencies, etc: Monica Salazar (Vitamex) Transmission Plans: MS(Solidaridad), G.Duay

(PAS), F.N (overall) Link analysis support: Aaron (Vitamex) Other support: apps engineers

[email protected] 408.656.2498 10

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[email protected] 11408.656.2498

Orlando [email protected]

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