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  • 1.
  • Staffing Trends in a Troubled Economy
  • 2009

Advancing Business with People! 2. Veredus Corporation Who are we?

  • Offices:Tampa, Orlando, Atlanta, and Raleigh NC
  • Core Services: Staff Augmentation, Direct Hire, and Payroll Services.
  • Certified Minority Firm (MWBE) by State
  • Government Solutions Division Secret Clearance

Advancing Business with People!Over 300 Consultantsand almost $40 MFastest GrowingPrivate Firms 2007 & 2008 Business of the Year 2007 Technology Staffing firmFounded inNovember of 2000 3. How is the Job Market?

  • 3.6 M jobs lost since recession started (12/07)
  • 50% of those were lost in past 3 months (Nov - Jan)
  • 598,000 jobs lost in January 09 alone
  • Worst unemployment in 34 years (7.6%)
  • Not expected to stabilize until 2010
  • (Source:US Department of Labor)

Advancing Business with People! 4. Advancing Business with People! 5. Whats Happening in Florida?

  • Ranked # 2 in jobs lost (255,200)
  • Only CA ranked worst (257,400)
  • Unemployment rate8.1% (Dec 08)

Advancing Business with People!Source:US Department of Labor 6. What about Orlando? Advancing Business with People! 7. Impact on Orlando?

  • Lost 19,100 jobs in 2008 (US Dept of Labor)
  • Ranked 71 st(out of 88) cities for job growth (Business Journal)
  • Unemployment highest since Aug 92 (8.1%) (Source:Workforce Central Florida)
  • 86,831 people unemployed in Orlando

Advancing Business with People! 8. What about IT jobs?

  • IT Employment higher YOY (+60k)*
  • As of Dec 31 2008 3,857,200 IT professionals*
  • Nov/Dec 08 lost almost 50k jobs*
  • IT still high demand 28% in that industry expect to hire in 2009 (highest of any industry surveyed)**
  • * (Source:National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses)
  • ** (Source:CareerBuilder 2009 Hiring Forecast)

Advancing Business with People! 9. IT Employment (1 year) Advancing Business with People! 10. IT Hiring Trend

  • Contract Hiring
    • Contractor rich market (larger pool)
    • Flexible Option (RTH)
    • Stop Gap (candidates/companies)
  • Strategic Hiring (Buyers Market)
  • Targeted Hiring (Specific Skills)

Advancing Business with People! 11. Central Florida Placements Demand Skill Sets

  • 591 placements:
    • PM/BA/QA (30.4%)
    • Microsoft Developers (23.72)
    • Networking/Infrastructure (11.6%)
    • Java/J2EE (10.5%)
    • Niche: Data warehouse, ERP/CRM, Business Intelligence (8.1%)
    • Web Developers (7.7%)

Advancing Business with People! 12. Central Florida Job Market Whats Emerging

  • Agile Development Methodology
  • Virtualization
  • Open Source (PHP, Drupal, RoR)
  • Silverlight
  • RIA
  • BI and analytics

Advancing Business with People! 13. IT Labor Trend

  • Retiring Baby Boomers
  • Lack of Pipeline
    • Fewer people going into IT field
    • Perception that IT field is not stable; jobs will be shipped overseas
    • Drop in College enrollment for IT profession (Math and Science)
    • Enrollment for Computer Science undergraduate degree is 50% lower than it was just 5 years ago (Computing Research Association)
    • US Worker is gravitatingto softer skill sets

Advancing Business with People! 14. Job Forecast(Source:CareerBuilder 2009 US Hiring Forecast)

  • Will you hire FTE staff in 2009?
    • 70% NO CHANGE or UNSURE
    • 16% DECREASE staff
    • 14% INCREASE staff
  • South and West regions expect largest demand
  • Concerned with shortage of skilled-labor
    • One in Five (19%) report that quality of job applicants are LOWER than one year ago
    • Three in Ten (27%) have open positions for which they cannot find qualified candidates
  • 28% of Employers plan to add contractors in 2009
  • One-in-Five employers used social networking sites to research job candidates
  • (surveyed:3,200 hiring managers/human resources)

Advancing Business with People! 15. Employee Job Satisfaction (Source: CareerBuilder)

  • 32% surveyed expect to change jobs in 18+ months
  • 65% of workers reported they received raises in 2008 and one-third received bonuses
  • 26% are dissatisfied with career advancement opportunities

Advancing Business with People!(5,000+ employees surveyed) 16. IT Employment Trend

  • Average Pay Increased 4.6% from previous YR
  • IT Management (CIO, CTO, VP) - $111,998
  • Highest Average by Skill Set
    • ABAP$106,975/ ETL$102,364/ BI $101,585
  • Biggest Concern about their Career?
    • 22% Keeping Skills Up-To-Date / Being Valuable to Employer
    • 20% Position Eliminated
    • 14% Lower Salary Increases / Lower Billing Rates
    • 12% Cancelled Projects / Fewer Projects
    • 10%Increased Workload (due to staff cuts)
  • New Resumes posted increased by 67% in Q4 (YOY)

Advancing Business with People!Source:Dice 2009 Tech Survey (19,000 technology workers) 17. IT Hiring and Retention

  • What is your IT Brand within Market
    • Builds over time / Destroyed quickly
  • Evaluate your Hiring Process
    • Dont lose candidate # 51
    • Candidates dont forget (# 1 frustration applicants have is no response Monster Survey)
  • HR Recruitment Outsourced
    • Scaling Back HR/Recruitment Depts
    • Spot Hiring w/Agencies
  • Consolidate Staffing Vendors
    • Lower Cost/Less Time
    • Choose a Good Partner / Build Special Relationship
  • Leverage the opportunity hire
    • Staffing is all about timingeliminate missed opportunities

Advancing Business with People! 18. IT Hiring and Retention

  • Know your IT Leadership team
    • Line Managers hold the key to your success or failure
    • Be cautious when promoting Tech Lead to Management
  • Staff Communication Provide Feedback
    • Negativity will fill voids in Communication
  • Drive positive culture through IT Dept
    • Focus on successes and accomplishments
    • The Power of Involvement
  • Social Networking
    • Not just for our kids (FaceBook, LinkedIn, etc)
    • Tap into new generation (great for opportunity hire)
  • Clients utilizing Foreign National Resources
    • Highly Educated/Highly Technical Workforce
    • Focused on Skill Sets that are tough to find in local market
    • Currently 20% of Veredus Consultants

Advancing Business with People! 19. Advancing Business with People!Economy Crashes

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