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Jurgen MoenaertHead of Recruiting – Deloitte Belgium

Vlerick HR Seminar25 Nov 2011

Social Media in Recruiting.Personal perspective of a (semi-)believer

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Objectives of today

What today is certainly not :

Full-scope Social Media Training

Deloitte promo-session

Me trying to convince you

Interactive session - Sharing experience - Discover some novelties

Look for common ground (or key differences)

Open (y)our view - trigger some thoughts (or even actions ?)

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Please take out your mobile phone

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8863sms = free

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• Multiple events Send 1

• 1 training Send 2

• 1 info-session Send 3

• None Send 4

Question : Who has already participated to a Social Media training or info-session in 2011 ?


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• Multiple events Send 1

• 1 training Send 2

• 1 info-session Send 3

• None Send 4

Results : Who has already participated to a Social Media training or info-session in 2011 ?





Outcome HR Alumni Seminar Voting

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• Setting the scene

• Social media as strategic differentiator ?

• Time for a reality check

• Some (useful ;-) tips for the road

Proposed agenda

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Junior hires Experienced hires

Approximately 300 young graduates per year, from University or Highschool

A growing number of experienced hires

per year

Sourcing / Recruitment

Social Media and Recruitment @ Deloitte


Our ApproachChannels

Social media has many touch points with other

recruitment channels and media. The sum of these

conversations results into the candidate’s


Career Website

Job boards and ads



Search engines

Emails to candidates

Employee connections and referrals

Social Media

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Recruitment yesterday

• Employer has a job opening• Employers post job ads on job boards&

career website• Job seekers visit job boards• Job seekers apply for job by submitting a CV• Employer reviews CV • Employer conduct interviews• Employer offers a job

Recruitment tomorrow

• Jobs found almost exclusively online• Organisations focus on Employment

Branding• Syndication of information – multiple

channels to find jobs and many touch points building the experience

• Rich media – video, audio via hi-speed broadband, wifi & mobile devices

• Reverse’ candidate driven recruitment – advertising people, rather than advertising jobs

• Happens through Networking – referral-based recruitment via groups, alumni and communities of interest

• Influencing people is key so that they talk (positively) about you

Reactive recruitmentSocial (Interactive,

conversational) recruitment

Recruitment trends

Social Media and Recruitment

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Capabilities of social media for recruitment

• A touch point is every occasion where candidates give a share of his/her attention to an employer brand.

• Social media have increased dramatically the number of potential touch points between employer and candidates.



Interact & Converse

Select & Secure

Create brand awareness

Source & Inform

Social Media and Recruitment

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• Setting the scene

• Social media as strategic differentiator ?

• Time for a reality check

• Some (useful ;-) tips for the road

Proposed agenda

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• We have a social media strategy,

and I know the highlights Send 1

• We have a social media strategy,

but I am not really into it Send 2

• We do not have a social media

strategy (as far as I know ;-) Send 3

Question : Who works for an organization that has a Social Media Strategy ?


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• We have a social media strategy,

and I know the highlights Send 1

• We have a social media strategy,

but I am not really into it Send 2

• We do not have a social media

strategy (as far as I know ;-) Send 3

Results: Who works for an organization that has a Social Media Strategy ?




Outcome HR Alumni Seminar Voting

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• …

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#1 - Segmentation

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Different channels with different levels of “Social Adoption”

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#2 - Implementation

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Measuring = Knowing

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© 2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu

#3 - Critical mass

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© 2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu20

But … you might run into a wall of resistance !

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© 2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu21

“It’s compromising our privacy”

“People will start talking about us”

“No influence on what our own employees

are saying about us”

“It is just another hype”

“It will lead to inproductivity”

“I doubt the fact that people will read my updates because an overload of information supply exist”

“If I do not have an extensive social network, I will not be able to create awareness via social media”

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© 2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu22

fear of the unknown

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• Setting the scene

• Social media as strategic differentiator ?

• Time for a reality check

• Some (useful ;-) tips for the road

Proposed agenda

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User-generated Content @ Deloitte Netherlands

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Webchat- Through the webchat, implemented on

the career site of Deloitte NL, a potential candidate can participate in a private chat with recruiters, who are currently online.

- If another way to communicate is desired, contact information is provided next to the recruiters profile.

Hyves + Website Application for job orientation

- The Carriere Cocktail Bar of Deloitte NL is an animated application, where visitors can answer three questions

regarding their job preferences (location, sector and mathematics) by mixing a cocktail. When finished, the

participant gets a job proposition matching his choices and a link to the

career page of Deloitte NL.

Direct interaction tools @ Deloitte Netherlands

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Facebook• Page to ask questions directly to

recuiters• Recruiters profile with easy contact-me

• Poll• Employee testimonials (static)

LinkedIn Career- The career tab gives the opportunity

for additional content, featured recruiters, polls and links, which

Deloitte global explores to its extend to distinguish itself from other


Multi-channel aproach @ Deloitte US

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Facebook- Live video dates with employees, to who

users can ask questions- The live program of Deloitte NZ consists of a

live video stream, where changing employees answer the posted questions of their

audience during pre-scheduled sessions.

Live video streaming @ Deloitte New Zealand

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Focus on brand awareness & interaction @ Deloitte BE

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Linkedin : some personal investment is needed …

Grow your network

Feed your network

Use your network

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… but clearly supported by company-driven initiatives !

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… but clearly supported by company-driven initiatives !

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• I have a Twitter account

and use it daily Send 1

• I have a Twitter account

and use it weekly Send 2

• I have a Twitter account

but never use it Send 3

• I have no Twitter account Send 4

Question : Who has a Twitter account and uses it regularly ?


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• I have a Twitter account

and use it daily Send 1

• I have a Twitter account

and use it weekly Send 2

• I have a Twitter account

but never use it Send 3

• I have no Twitter account Send 4

Question : Who has a Twitter account and uses it regularly ?





Outcome HR Alumni Seminar Voting

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Twitter @ Deloitte BE : slowly (but steadily) taking off …

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• We use it consistently for profile

checks of our candidates Send 1

• We use it on ad-hoc basis for

proifile checks (in case of doubt) Send 2

• We never use social media for

profile checks of candidates Send 3

• I don’t know if we use this Send 4

Question : Who uses social media as extra profile check during the recruiting process ?

8863No results as voting

did not occur (timing ;-)

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• Setting the scene

• Social media as strategic differentiator ?

• Time for a reality check

• Some (useful ;-) tips for the road

Proposed agenda

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Tip #1 : QR codes for info-sharing + to generate traffic

Which info can be behind ?

URL, SMS, Email, Contact details, Phone, Event, Location, Wifi, Full Text

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Tip #2 : Measure your influence with Klout score

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• I have a Facebook account and

adapted my security settings Send 1

• I have a Facebook account and

did not adapt my security settings Send 2

• I do not have a Facebook account Send 3

Question : Who has adapted the security settings of their personal Facebook page ?

8863No results as voting

did not occur (timing ;-)

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Tip #3 : Think about security settings in Facebook

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Tip #4 : Tweetdeck as platform to keep the overview

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Tip #5 : Bitly to shorten your URL

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Tip #6 : Some useful extra features on Linkedin

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Tip #6 : Some useful extra features on Linkedin

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Tip #7 : interesting articles on Future of Recruiting

The core philosophy of Recruitment 3.0:• Not everyone is looking for a job• Everyone is a potential candidate or brand

ambassador• Employment brand is pivotal to your success in

talent acquisition• People are looking for interaction with people,

not faceless, bureaucratic companies• You are not in control of what people are saying• Building relationships and communities is key• Recruitment is (and probably stays ;-) boring

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Tip #8 : What seems to be an interesting book

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And as closure for today… an example of successful social media campaign in NL

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Jurgen MoenaertHead of Recruiting – Deloitte Belgium

Vlerick HR Seminar25 Nov 2011

Any further questions or remarks.… for this (semi-)believer

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