Page 1: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top


APRIL 4, 1998

Volume 15, Issue 14



A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap°lis entersthe M&M European Top 100albums chart this week atnumber 9. Pagel 1

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Inside M&M this week

IN HIS LIFESir GeorgeMartin (pic-tured withCeline Dion)is bowing outas a producerwith the mu-lti-artist al-bum, In My

4,,. ,

Life. In this week's M&M he talksabout the project, his retirementand making records for radio withthe Beatles. Page 7

RDS TAKES MUSIC CROWNRadio Dimensione Suono (RDS)has won the latest round in itsongoing battle with rival CHRnetwork Radio Deejay to emergeas Italy's top music network in1997. Page 3

01-01! BLOCKHEADS ARE BACKHaving survived pub rock, punkrock and a movie with RomanPolanski, Ian Dury is back on therecording scene with a newalbum, a new label-and his oldband. Page 9

First bidders for U.K.multiplex emergeby Mike McGeever

LONDON - Two verydifferent radiogroups are joiningforces in a bid for theU.K.'s firstnational corn- G W Rmercial digitalradio multiplex licence.

The GWR Group-ownerof Classic FM-and the high -



profile GingerMedia Group arethe unlikely bedfel-lows forming theDigital One consor-tium which has con-firmed it will be bid-

ding for theplclicence, put out to

tender by U.K. regulator theRadio Authority (RA) on

continued on page 20

De Roof heads formiddle of the roadby Robbert Tilli

HILVERSUM - Aft-er four years at thehelm, Andre deRaaff is steppingdown as presi-dent/CEO of theNetherlands -basedArcade Music Group.

De Raaff is succeeded bychief operating officer Nico

Geusebroek, whohad held seniorposts in theNetherlands withEMI and BMGAriola prior tojoining Arcadelast October.

De Raaff isleaving to set up his ownpop/MOR label, a joint ven-

continued on page 20

Advertising, film and TV executivesmingled with BMG Music Publish-ing U.K. writers/artists in Londonlast week for the launch of BMG'sSong Search database, a servicewhich enables industry users tosearch, choose and licence a songfrom BMG's catalogue. The newsystem was demonstrated to atten-dees by a number of celebritylookalikes, including Elvis Presleyand Marilyn Monroe. Both doppel-gangers are pictured with threemen who claim to be (l -r) the "real"Dave Stewart, Terry Hall and BMGMusic publishing MD Paul Curran.

Smash Mouth drop Ska faceby Christian Lorenz

LONDON/MHAN - The writing onthe wall for the ska revival hasbecome "positive graffiti" forSmash Mouth.

That's the phrase theCalifornian band use todescribe their ownmusic, and it sums upan attitude. which hashelped them emerge fromthe much -touted U.S.

scene as genuine stars in Italy.Last year, Smash Mouth broke into

the top 20 of the Billboard Hot 100 and went on to have a European

airplay hit with Walkin'On The Sun (Inter-scope/Universal), wh-

ich was also amajor sales success

in the U.KAlong the way,

they've managed to dis-

continued on page 20

New alliances atSony Germanyby Christian Lorenz

FRANKFURT - Sony Music Entertain-ment is entering a new phase of localrepertoire expansion in Germany.

It is linking with George Gluck, oneof the country's most successful A&Rexecutives, and with Michael Golla, for-merly managing director of EMI Elec-trola's strategic marketing unit. The

continued on page 20





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Left Of The Middle: Over 3 million sold to date Torn: Over 2.2 million sold to date

Left Of The Middle: Double Platinum Torn: Over 1 Million sold; UK charts #2 Big Mistake: The new single; UK charts #2

Left Of the Middle: debut @ #10 on Billboardalbum chart

Torn: #6 most played single in US Performances confirmed on:

Saturday Night Live, David Letterman,Rosie O'Donnell & Jay-Leno

1 million albums sold in first 2 weeks of release



TORN Top 5 in:Australia Austria Belgium Denmark FranceGermany Holland Italy - New Zealand NorwayPortugal Spain Sweden Switzerland UK



LEFT OF THE MIDDLE Top 15 in:Austria Belgium Denmark Finland FranceGermany Greece Holland - Italy New ZealandPortugal Spain Sweden Switzerland - UK US


Page 3: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top


Music A&R comeback at Warner BeneluxMedia.Call M&M on:

tel (+44) 171 323 6686fax (+44) 171 323 2314/16

EditorialEditor in chief: Emmanuel LegrandManaging editor: Tom FergusonNews editor: Jonathan HeasmanFeatures/specials: Terry HeathMusic business/talent editor: Christian LorenzProgramming editor: Mike McGeever

Charts 8( researchCharts editor: Rani CairoCharts researchers: Menno Visser,Siri Stavenes

ProductionProduction manager: Jonathan CrouchDesigner: Dominic Salmon

Correspondents:Austria: Susan L. Schuhmayer - (43) 1 334 9608Belgium: Marc Maes - (32) 3 568 8082Classical/jazz: terry Berne - (34) 3458 3791Czech Republic: Michele Legge -(42) 2 248 75000Dance Grooves: Gary Smith - (34) 3488 2180Denmark: Charles Ferro - (45) 3391 9156France: Remi Bouton (radio and musicbusiness) - (33) 1 4586 8466; Cecile Tesseyre(artist profiles) - (33) 1 4909 0896Germany: Ed Meza (radio) - (49) 30 611 8866Greece: Cosmas Develegas - (30) 935 65641Italy: Mark Dezzani - (39) 184 292 824The Netherlands: Robbed MTh - (31) 20-672 2566Norway: Kai Lofthus - (47) 69 2655 79Spain: Howell Llewellyn - (34) 1593 2429;Sweden: Keith Foster - (46) 8 366 228

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Music & Media23 Ridgmount St, London WC1E 7AHUNITED KINGDOMPhone numbers : (44) 171 323 6686Fax numbers : (44) 171 323 2314 (editorial)(44) 171 631 0428 (sales)Subscription rates :United Kingdom UK£160 ; Germany DM399;Benelux Dfl 397 ; Rest of Europe US$ 269; USA/Canada US$ 275; Rest of the world US$ 275Printed by:Headley Brothers Ltd, Queens Road, Ashford,Kent TN24 8HH

ISSN: 1385-612© 1998 by BPI Communications Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publicationmay be reproduced, stored in any retrievalsystem, or transmitted, in any form or by anymeans, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,recording, or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission of the publisher.

Billboard Music Group

President: Howard LanderSenior VP/general counsel:Georgina ChallisVice presidents: Karen Oertley,Adam WhiteDirector of strategic development:Ken SchlagerBusiness manager: Joellen SommerBPI Comm unlcotio cisChairman: Gerald S. HobbsPresident & CEO: John B. Babcock, Jr.Executive vice-presidents: Mark Decry, Robert J. Dowling,Martin R. Feely, Howard LanderSenior vice-presidents: Georgina Challis, Paul Curran, AnnHaire, Rosalee Lovett, Craig ReissVice-president: Glenn HeffernanChairman Emeritus: W.D. Littleford

by Marc Maes

BRUSSEIS/HILVERSUM - The debut byDutch group Trio Bier at the end ofMay will be the first evidence of arenewed commitment by WarnerMusic to home-grown music inBelgium and the Netherlands.

Some 10 years ago, Warner MusicBenelux stopped signing new artiststo its local rosters in those countries.But the European success of recordcompanies with national repertoireconvinced Warner Music to thinkagain (M&M, November 1).

"It was indeed a major problem,"explains Warner Benelux managingdirector Albert Slendebroek, "becausewhen you haven't been working onlocal A&R for 10 years, you lose that`culture' within the company. Thereforewe took our time to assess our opera-tions, reorganise our marketingdepartment and make the company"edgier." Over the last eight months, we

have been able to create anatmosphere where peopleare artist -focused again."

Rather than immedi-ately creating two newA&R departments, Slend-ebroek has opted to take amore gradual approach. Inthe Netherlands, productmanager (affiliates andnational) Menno Timmerman addedan A&R element to his role inNovember, while in Belgium, head ofpromotions Greet D'Hooghe hasjoined head of A&R Ric Urmel's teamas A&R representative.

The company has also signed pro-ducer Wouter Van Belle (Axelle Red,Gorki) as a talent scout.

In addition to the Dutch languageTrio Bier, the Netherlands A&R oper-ation has signed pop -orientated R&Bduo 2Fellaz. Meanwhile in Belgium,Warner has signed up Zita Swoon, fea-turing former dEUS and Moondog Jr.


musician Stef KamilKarlens, and singer -song-writer An Pierle. "ZitaSwoon have become thenew exponents of what isknown as northernEuropean blues," saysUrmel. "The audience is onthe look -out for the next bigthing, now that alternative

rock has become almost mainstream.Zita Swoon is the band to fill the 'col-lege radio' gap."

Releases for Pierle and Zita Swoonare not expected before the autumn;2Fellaz will have material out in May.

"It is not our mission to start sign-ing artists at the speed of sound," saysSlendebroek, "and if we have fourartists per country on the roster bythe end of the year, we'll be more thanhappy. The issue here is to sign artistson a long term basis-artists whohave a respectable fan base and arecognisable profile."

Dimensione Suono tops '97 ratingsby Mark Dezzani

MILAN - New listenerratings have revealedRadio Dimensione Suono(RDS) as Italy's topmusic network in 1997.

The official Audiradiodaily listening averagesthroughout the year showthe Rome -based commer-cial broadcaster emergingvictorious from its continu-ing battle with rival CHRnetwork Radio Deejay.

The latter had held the"most -listened -to" music stationcrown in 1996, and remains closebehind RDS. Indeed, Deejay overtookRDS in the fourth quarter of 1997(M&M, January 17), although thosegains were not enough to change theannual picture. The situation reversesthat of 1996, when RDS overtookDeejay in the fourth quarter, butDeejay maintained its lead in theyear's overall figures.

Audiradio's year -on -year figuresare the only ones officially published,and are used by advertisers as theirmain point of reference; the quarterlyfigures are intended mainly for sta-tions' internal consumption.

Despite political problems and therecent en -masse resignation of RAI'sboard (M&M, February 7), Italian pub-lic radio appears in good health-allthree national RAI networks consoli-dated their audiences in 1997, withcultural network RadioTre continuingto register steady growth on the backof a more eclectic "serious music" for-mat, encompassing classical, new age,avant-garde and world music, andintroducing more news -orientated cur-rent affairs programming.

Losers in 1997 were Radio Capitaland Station One, who both lost consid-erable audience share following major

format changes. RadioCapital (which swit-

ched from CHR toAC) saw its averagedaily audience of629,000 in 1996decline to 503,000 in

1997, while Station One lost halfits 528,000 1996 audi-ence following itsbold experiment

with an "all newmusic" format.Both stations arecurrently imple-

menting further signifi-cant programming changes.

Top Italian networks 1997(average daily audience, in millions)

Station (format) 1997 1996RAI RadioUno (news/talk) 8.59 8.43RAI RadioDue (full -service) 6.24 6.09Radio Dimensione Suono (CHR) 4.63 4.50Radio Deejay (CHR) 4.42 4.58RTL 102.5 (CHR) 3.83 3.83Radio Italia SMI (dom music) 3.83 3.81

Radio 105 (CHR) 3.48 3.43

Radio Montecarlo Italy (AC) 1.99 1.74

RAI RadioTre (cultural) 1.98 1.86

Radio Cuore (dom. music) 1.96 2.15Source: Audiradio

Dutch schoolboy superstar Jantje Smit recently paid a visit to publicBelgian AC/MOR station VRT Radio 2, where he was presented with a golddisc (15,000 units) for Belgian sales of his Mercury album Ik Zing Dit LiedVoor Jou Alleen. Pictured (l -r): Eric Lahey (product manager, MercuryBelgium); Filip Pletinckx (presenter, Radio 2); Rino Ver Beeke (producer,Radio 2); Jantje Smit; Sam Hellemans (radio/TV promotions manager,PolyGram Belgium); Paul de Meulder (MD, Radio 2); and Ro Burms (pre-senter, Radio 2).

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Open mikeJean -Paul BaudecrouxPresident, NRJ GroupTwo weeks ago,French radio giantNRJ, in partnershipwith the owners offull -service

regional stationSud Radio, hadits bid for the

RMC radio group accepted by theFrench government.

Q: How will the RMC deal affectyour overall activities?A: We [NRJ] were already France's sec-ond largest [individual] commercialradio network [after RTL], but in termsof groups, this decision opens the doorto a new balance of power on the Frenchradio landscape. There are today threegroups of roughly comparable strength,although Hachette is in the lead. Ourinvolvement in RMC is rather low-wehave a 20 percent share of the holdingcompany which controls 87 percent ofthe group, and we won't be operators ofRMC [the full -service station]-my feel-ing is that the concept of full -servicestations is a bit a thing of the past.

Q: Will this be NRJ's last acquisi-tion in France for the foreseeablefuture?A: We made an offer to acquire [rap -orientated CHR network] Skyrock ayear ago, and renewed it a few monthsago. We are still a candidate because, ifwe acquire it, we'll still be below theanti -concentration regulation. But itseems that Hachette is not really will-ing to sell us this station. I'm not evensure they want to sell it at all. Thatsaid, until now, NRJ's growth [inFrance] has always been organic. Theprivatisation of RMC was an opportu-nity that we have grabbed. But we willnot continue to develop our business inthat way.

Q: How will RMC's AC/goldNostalgie network fit with your ACCherie FM and ACIcomedy Rire &Chansons networks?A: We are going to make some distinc-tions between Cherie FM andNostalgie, but overall, all these stationshave a pretty good positioning and arequite complementary.

Q: Are you planning to change themanagement team at Nostalgie?A: This is premature. Nostalgie is a sta-tion which is doing well, so there is noreason to shake things up.

Q: Nostalgie was also developedinternationally by RMC. Do youplan to pursue that strategy?A: We'll evaluate things on a case -by -case basis. But this acquisition will notradically transform our internationalstrategy. We are going to launch a sta-tion in Vienna, we have just startedour operations in Oslo, and we willcontinue to develop what alreadyexists in Europe.

Interview by Remi Bouton

GWR extends Austrian interestsby Mike McGeever

VIENNA - The U.K.'s GWR Grouphas acquired Salzburg MOR/AC sta-tion Radio Melody from local mediacompany Henhapl Holdings.

The Sch65 million ($5.3m) deal,which gives GWR a 90 percent stake inMelody, is the U.K. radio giant's secondventure into the Austrian market. In1996, it acquired 60 percent of anotherregional station, Radio Edelweiss,which broadcasts to tourist areas inthe Austrian and Italian Tyrol.

"This venture is the next stage increating a profitable radio group in oneof Europe's strong economies," saysGWR chief executive, Ralph Bernard."The deal also enables GWR to consoli-

date its skills in amarket that has sig-nificant potential,having only recentlyopened up to com-mercial radio."

Radio Melodywas one of the fewcommercial broad-casters which wereallowed to launchwhen the Austriangovernment attem-pted to introducecommercial radio in 1995-the major-ity of licence awards were scrappedby the country's constitutional courtafter a series of legal disputes. A fullraft of new local and regional com-

mercial stations is now setto begin broadcasting onApril 1 (M&M, March 28).

GWR operates more thantwo dozen services in theU.K. and also has radio inter-ests in Poland and BulgariaAccording to its latest annualreport, the company plans tolook for more broadcastinginterests abroad.

In its report, the groupstates: "The regulatory envi-ronment in the U.K-which

despite recent changes in legislation-remains in our view unnecessarilyrestrictive. This has prompted thedecision to look overseas for opportu-nities to develop our radio business."

Norway keeps ban on parallel importsby Kai R. Lofthus

OsLo - Norwegian record labelshave welcomed a decision by thecountry's parliament confirming itscurrent ban on parallel imports.

Parallel imports from anywhereother than the EU are illegal under a1993 amendment to Norway'sCopyright Act of 1963. However, theissue was put on the political agendarecently by the Conservative opposi-tion Hoyre party, which argued thatthe law was ineffective because-itclaimed-CD prices were being keptartificially high and the investmentin local repertoire had not grown sig-

nificantly since 1993.Those claims have been categori-

cally dismissed by the Norwegianrecord industry, a position whichreceived the backing of the govern-ment's cultural affairs minister AnneEnger Lahnstein. She told the March19 session of Norway's parliament,the Storting, that upholding the cur-rent legislation on parallell importshelped control the flow of piratedproducts. With the benefit ofLahnstein's support, the outcome ofthe debate did not come as a surprise;the proposal to terminate the banreceived only 29 votes in favour and66 votes against.

Says Smmund Fiskvik, director ofthe Norwegian IFPI group: "The par-liament has accepted our argumentsthat the [CD] prices haven't increasedand that [the legislation] strengthensthe production of local repertoire."

The chairman of the organisationof independent Norwegian recordcompanies, Foreningen NorskePlateselskaper (FONO), Jan Paulsen,says of the decision: "We are happythat the politicians are paying atten-tion to us. It means that the varietyand breadth of products can bestocked by professional [retailers andwholesalers], and that will benefitthe consumers."

Classic merger at EMIby Nigel Hunter

LONDON - EMI Classics Worldwideis being merged with the group's U.K.classical division from May 1.

The combined classical depart-ment will be headquartered inGloucester Place, London and headedby Richard Lyttelton, president ofEMI Classics Worldwide. The mergerwill result in six job losses across twodivisions, but EMI is hoping to rede-ploy at least some of those involvedelsewhere within the group.

"We're putting the two together toavoid duplication and realise synergyand efficiencies on an operationallevel," explains Lyttelton. "The movewill also take the international opera-tion closer to one of the main classicalmarkets, the U.K."

Lyttelton sees the reorganisationas both necessary and inevitable intoday's depressed sales climate forclassical music. "Saturation point hasbeen reached at retail level and sell-ing catalogue is becoming more diffi-cult," he admits. "Things depend onmore new releases and we are stream-lining our operations accofdingly."

Despite the current market condi-tions, Lyttelton notes that EMI is

maintaining both its classical marketshare and its long-term strategy.Citing the recent example of the hus-band and wife operatic duo of RobertoAlagna and Angela Gheorghiu, heclaims the company is continuing itstradition of signing the best talent inthe genre, exemplified in the past byartists such as Maria Callas andElisabeth Schwartzkopf.

We signed them [Alagna andGheorghiu] in the face of some very

aggressive competition for their ser-vices," claims Lyttelton.

Internet in -site Radio

Everyone loves to complain about their job,and radio people are certainly no exception-welcome to Radio KRUD. This very funnyU.S. site is totally by and for radio insiders,with sections such as "Stupid ListenerQuestions," "How To Look Like You're InRadio," a weekly cartoon and a sarcastic quizto see if you have what it takes to be a pro-gramme director. Presenters looking for AprilFool's stunts might like to play some of thebits that other DJs have posted in RealAudio,too. The pages of true stories are worth thevisit by themselves, such as one about the morning drive DJ in jail for beingdrunk and how the MD (who just happens to be the owner's son as well asbeing a born-again Christian) handles it.


Chris Marlowe

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"Mr LOVE PANTS"Cat nr. 5300267


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LONDON - David Fine is retiring from the

David Fine

supervisory board of PolyGram after nearly20 years with the company. Philips Electron-ics NV executive VP and CFO Jan Hommenwill take his place, subject to shareholderapproval at PolyGram's annual general meet-ing in Amsterdam on April 2. Fine began hiscareer at Trutone Records in South Africa in1951, joining PolyGram in 1979 as managing

director of the company's U.K operations. He became pres-ident and CEO worldwide in 1987, acquiring A&M Recordsand Island Records during his tenure and, in 1989, tookthe company public when Philips floated an initial 20 per-cent of its shareholding in Amsterdam and New York. Finejoined the supervisory board in 1991 when he was suc-ceeded as president and CEO by Alain Levy, who describesFine as "one of the record industry's most important play-ers." Since 1991, Fine has also been chairman of the boardof the International Federation of the Phonographic Indus-try; no change in that position is expected.

SER PROFITS RISE BY ONE-THIRDMADRID - Spain's SER radio group registered pre-taxprofits of Pta4 billion ($25.9 million) last year, an increaseof 32 percent on 1996. Revenues reached Pta20.4 billionin 1997, a rise of 7.1 percent over the previous year.Throughout 1997, news/talk Cadena SER was the coun-try's most listened to radio network, according to officialEGM figures, while SER's CHR network Los 40 Princi-pales was the country's most popular music network.SER's owners, media conglomerate Grupo Prisa, recordedconsolidated net profits of Pta5.7 billion, up 10.4 percenton the previous year.

CENTURY EXPANDS BRANDLONDON - Border Radio Holdings, owner of north-eastEngland regional station Century Radio, is to extend theCentury brand to its two other U.K. regional stations,Radio 106FM (which began broadcasting to the east Mid-lands on September 23 last year) and Boss FM (whichrecently won the north-west licence but has yet to beginbroadcasting). The newly -branded stations will beknown as Century 106 and Century 105 respectively. Allthree Century stations operate a similar AC/talk format.

EMI DEAL FOR DJ DADOMILAN - Italian dance indie TimeRecords has signed a world-wide distri-bution deal with EMI Music Italy todistribute DJ Dado's new single GiveMe Love. The single, which featuresMichelle Weeks on guest vocals, cur-rently stands at number two onAFI/Musica & Dischi's singles chart inItaly, where it is handled by Self Dis-tribuzione. Paolo Caputo, press director at Time Records,says the EMI deal should revive the international for-tunes of DJ Dado, who, with producer Roberto Gallo Sal -sotto, scored a major hit in 1996 with aprogressive/dance version of the X -Files theme. "We weredisappointed with results abroad for the last single[Coming Back]," says Caputo. "Instead of licensing DJDado's new releases to different indies in each territory,we believe EMI's global infrastructure is the right choiceto ensure the best results."

DJ Dado

ESSEX SUCCESS FOR U.K. GROUPLONDON - The U.K's Essex Radio Group posted recordprofits during the last financial year, breaking the £1 mil-lion ($1.6m) barrier for the first time. The five -stationgroup's pre-tax profits for the year ending September 301997 increased 24 percent on the previous year to E1.1m, ona turnover of £5.4 m. During the last year, the companybought CHR station 96.6 Oasis FM/St.Albans from theGWR Group, and launched regional dance service VibeFM/Bury St. Edmunds. Essex Radio Group was recentlybought by DMG Radio (the radio division of newspaper pub-lisher the Daily Mail & General Trust) for more than £21m.

Edisons revamp for youthby Robbert Tilli

HILVERSUM - The Nether-lands' premier music industryaccolades-The Edison MusicAwards-are to be revamped inan attempt to boost theirappeal to younger consumers.

This year's Edison awards,which take place in Hilversumon April 22, will be voted for bya massively expanded jury, fea-turing a cross section of 100industry executives along withretail and media representa-tives. For the first time, therewill also be two categoriesvoted for by the public (BestSingle and Best DutchArtist/Band of the Year), and900 fans of the nominatedartists will attend the awardsalongside the traditional musicindustry attendees.

"Because of thesmall jury of experts,the event cameacross as being quiteelitist," says EdisonMusic Awards co-ordinator Jan Cor-duwener. "It shouldbe less of a gala andmore of a boost forrecord sales. Award-

ing unknown artists withan Edison-as has hap-pened in the past-didn'thelp. Real stars arerequired to get mediaattention."

In reshaping theEdisons, Corduwener(formerly managingdirector at Mercury Hol-land and VP at Poly -Gram International) hashad several meetingswith Brit Awards execu-tive producer LisaAnderson, a former col-league at PolyGram.

Another change forthe Edisons this yearwill be the show's switchfrom public broadcasterAVRO to commercial TVstation RTL4. "Since ourrelationship with AVRO

always been good, wecontacted them first,"says Corduwener."AVRO wanted theEdisons to tie in with its[75th] jubilee celebra-tions, which was okaywith us. But unfortu-nately, because of this,they wanted an earlyconfirmation of the

The new hosts of the Edisons for 1998:RTL's Carlo Boszhard (left) and MTV'sKatja Schuurman

has artists performing on April 22,which conflicts with the natureof an awards show. After AVROpulled out, RTL4 came aboardwithin 24 hours."

Two new stars will host theawards ceremony this year: MTVVJ Katja Schuurman and RTLTV personality Carlo Boszhard."All in all, we expect the appealof the awards to improve consid-erably," concludes Corduwener.

Regulator fines Slager Radioby Susan L. Schuhmayer

BUDAPEST - Slager Radio,Hungary's new quasi -nationalcommercial station, has beenfined a total of 11 millionforints ($50,000) by the coun-try's National Radio and Televi-sion Board (NRTB) for chang-ing its name and skimping onnews coverage.

In its licence tender to theNRTB last year, the broadcast-er's owners (a consortium ledby U.S. media company EmmisInternational) stated that thestation would be called Hun-garia Radio. But, without noti-fying the NRTB, it launched onFebruary 16 as Slager Radio( Hit Radio), prompting a finefrom the regulator of aproxi-mately $10,000. Following thestation's payment of the fine,the NRTB approved thename change.

The station has been fined afurther $40,000 by the NRTBfor failing to meet its under-takings on news coverage. Aspart of its licence application,Slager Radio had promised toair 15 minutes of news duringthe prime breakfast slot-butit ran around one -and -a -halfminutes short of this during itsfirst three days on the air.

It is possible that furtherfines could be on the way for the

new station-a dispute over itsmusic format is still "underreview," according to NRTBspokesman Balazs Horvath.

Since its launch, SlagerRadio has been broadcasting agold format, featuring Ameri-can, Hungarian and westernEuropean hits from the '60sand '70s. In its application forthe licence, however, the broad-

caster said that it intended toplay "contemporary music,"although it also said that itreserved the right to changethe format once marketresearch had been conducted.

"In our interpretation of thelaw, we have done nothing thatisn't within our rights," claimsSlager Radio vice-chairmanRandy Bongarten.

Italian producer Roberto Zanetti, managing director of theDWA label and manager of Italian superstar Alexia, hassigned a worldwide distribution deal with Dancepool/SonyMusic Italy. Pictured inking the agreement are (l -r): Massi-mo Bonelli (Epic Italy managing director); Mauro Bonasio(Sony Dancepool manager); Zanetti and Marco Boraso (EpicInternational marketing director).

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Sir George Martin during the In

My Life sessions with (from top):

Celine Dion, Goldie Hawn, andRobin Williams

THE M&M INTERVIEW: SIR GEORGE MARTINAfter more than 700 recordings, Sir George Martin is bringing down the curtain on hiscareer as a record producer with a final album, In My Life, on the Echo label (distributedby Universal) featuring covers of Beatles songs. The making of the album, his associationwith the Beatles, and the state of the music industry are among the topics he discusseshere with M&M editor -in -chief Emmanuel Legrand.

Q: The In My Life album is anunusual combination of songs andperformers, featuring actors suchas Robin Williams, Sean Connery,Jim Carrey and Goldie Hawn. Whydid you make those choices?A: Because I wanted it to be unusual.First of all, the reason for doing thealbum at all is that it is the last albumI'll ever do. Taking that as a premise, Ididn't want to do something too obvious.

In this case, the first thing I thoughtof was to record an album of my owncompositions. But I realised that therewouldn't be many people who wouldwant to listen to that-or they mightwant to, but they wouldn't know aboutit because they wouldn't go that far.And, of course, because I am so wellknown for Beatles music-although itwas only a portion of my life-it seemednatural to use their songs. I didn't wantto do an instrumental album of Beatlessongs again, and I thought 'How can wemake it different? Let's see who wouldjoin me on it.'

Q: When did you decide aboutthe album: "Stop. It's done.That's what I want"?A: Round about August last year,and it should have come outbefore Christmas. But what gotin the way was the Montserratproject-I mounted a concert inthe Albert Hall, which raised a mil-lion dollars. That took two months ofmy life; I could do nothing else. It wasvery time-consuming and I missedthe window to release the record, sowe put it off to spring.

Q: How does the role of a recordproducer today compare with whatyou were doing in the '60s?A: It has changed, and I probablyhelped to change it. It probably changedmost notably with Sgt. Pepper. Thatalbum is hailed as a kind of a water-shed in recording. It wasn't that greatan album. It was OK, but I don't thinkit is the best album we ever did.

The significant thing aboutit was that we changed ourway of working. Instead ofurging and helping the peopleto write a song and then tak-ing them into the studio, it

became a creative process within thestudio, where all five people wereinvolved in creating a new product thatdidn't necessarily have to be capable ofbeing performed live.

A lot of people do that now. Theyspend a lot of time in the studio, prob-ably too much, and they think the pro-duction is the most important part ofthe record. Of course, it is important,but more important than that is thequality of the original product, thequality of the material which isrecorded. The second most importantthing is the performance. Thirdlycomes the production.

Q: Your relationship with EMI hasbeen somewhat "bittersweet" overthe years, but you're still in busi-ness with them.A: The bittersweet relationship is oldhistory, and the people who were diffi-cult are no longer there. The `baddies'-so to speak-don't exist any more at

"Now, the music industry is anenormous business, but it is notsuch a big business that it requiresbusiness people, rather thanmusicians, to run it."

EMI. I've never actually had any prob-lems with my friends at Abbey' Roadstudios. They really are my friends, andalways have been. The problem withEMI in the old days was the facelessindividuals who were running the bigcompany, and knew nothing aboutrecords. Now, the music industry is anenormous business, but it is not such abig business that it requires businesspeople, rather than musicians, to run it.

Q: EMI is still at the centre of mas-sive speculation about its future.What's your point of view?A: We are talking about Jim Fifieldand Ken Berry and [Sir] ColinSouthgate, right? I'm not an expert,but it's got nothing to do with music.This is all to do with mega businessand the struggle for power. Purely andsimply, it's people at the top wanting tobecome more powerful.

Q: The Beatles' earlysongs sound as if theywere produced withradio in mind-shortsongs, strong melodies,hooks. Was that adeliberate move?A: Certainly. I told theBeatles that we neededsongs that weren'tlonger than two -and -a -half minutes, becausethis is what disc jockeys

wanted. I also said it had to be catchy.In a way, my work in those days wasmaking sure that the materialwas commercial.

Q: Is that process still valid today,when radio is so dominant?A: It's come full circle in a way, becausewe went through the complicated longsongs in the '60s and the '70s. Nowwe've come back to very quick sound -bites, which are not necessarily short.But I would say that nowadays, thesongs are designed with different mar-keting mind. They are designed toappeal to the eye, not to the ear.

Q: Recording technology hasmade quantum leaps forwardsince you started. Is there a risk oftechnology overtaking creativity?A: Music is something that is veryhuman. It doesn't change with technol-ogy. In the '60s, when we were record-ing, it was in mono, and even when the

Beatles came, mono was stillthe norm. When four -trackrecorders came, we had morefreedom, but it was still limit-ed. The interesting thingabout that is that it made youwork harder.

Nowadays, you don't needto work that hard-you have96 -track recording with

every synthetic device you can dreamof at the tips of your fingers. It is veryeasy to make good sound, and it istherefore very easy to make a tolera-ble record out of a piece of rubbish.That's the problem.

Q: Is that why this is your last pro-ject-because you don't feel insynch with technology's evolution?A: No, it has nothing to do with disen-chantment. This is my last recordbecause I am not as good as I was. I'vebeen doing it for 48 years, nearly halfa century, and I am not as fresh as Iwas, and my hearing is quite poornow-you can't have bad hearing as aproducer. It is time I exited the stage.I really won't be doing it any more.

Q: That's hard to believe.A: It is absolutely true.

Q: So what will a day in the life ofGeorge Martin be like?A: There are so many things I don't gettime for, and I'm looking forward tohaving that little bit of time.

I'll still do concerts, I will still writemusic, I will still do television shows.I will still give lectures to schools fromtime to time. And I hope to have sometime for sailing a boat and playingsnooker and doing all the things I did-n't have time for. You get very jealousof time when you get old. I'm 72 and Iam very aware that time is precious.

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4, 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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ED c -A ncegroovesby Gary Smith

FINNISH SAUNAFinnish DJs Ender and Marko Leiho, collectively known asPoleeni, offer up some of the sharpest Detroit -styleTech/House since the emergence of Glasgow's Soma Records.The grooves and funky, throaty "old skool" keyboard soundson their EP Poleeni (Function -Sauna Connection/Finland)might well be enough to establish this Scandinavian insidertip across Europe. Poleeni tracks such as Bees Werk and Algaehave the necessary to become modern dancefloor classics.

IDENTITY CRISISWhile Ride The Pony by Peplab is now starting to pick upin the U.S., the duo have also released another funk/rocktune under the name Sponk. Is Anybody Out There(Mr.Cheng's Quality Tunes/Netherlands) combines a dirtydisco groove, vocoder and their trademark musical frip-pery. With this track, Sponk have produced an irreverentbut irresistibly slamming combination.

TECHNO ANIMALLast year, Hamburg -based indie label Superstitionreleased a set of remixes of Quazar's late '80s classic SevenStars, retitled 97 Stars. The follow-up, Confusing The Sun,continues the underground path the duo embarked uponafter a bid for commercial acceptance in 1990/91 proveddisastrous. Deep and relentless techno/trance completewith monk -like chants and swirling acid bass.

FROM HEAVENProduction duo Kevin Bacon and John Quarmby, former-ly of veteran U.K. indie band Comsat Angels, are the teambehind Finlay Quaye's Maverick A Strike, and they alsooperate as Manna. On their second album, 5:1(R&S/Belgium), their talent for mixing song -based, gentlymelodic material with a liberal sprinkling of electronicsresults in one of the best crossover records of this year.Featuring a clutch of strong vocal tracks, including firstsingle Hoggin' A Dub and Who Changed The Order (fea-turing Quaye), along with sweeping instrumentals suchas the aptly named Piano, this is big, rich, mature music.

PLATINUM DISCSMuch praise has been heaped on theFrench dance scene in the last year, butmost of the attention has been concentrat-ed on Paris. While the French capital hasundoubtedly been a magnet for "la nou-velle vague" of French funkateers, anincreasing number of regionally -basedoperations are offering their own very dif-ferent take on dance music.

Having signed a distribution deal withBMG affiliate Omnisonus last June, Bordeaux -based Platinum Records issued two startlingly orig-

.mal tracks, Curtis' Velcro, and Yoyo Martini by Bosco.The music-let's call it twisted disco-is a far cry from theurban cool of many Parisian releases. "Platinum is a veryspecial operation," says Omnisonus managing directorThierry Rueda. "They come from a rock background whichperhaps explains why their sound is so different."

Following up on the reputation gained from those ini-tial releases, Bosco's self -titled debut album is due forrelease in the U.K. on BMG dance imprint NWS. "Bosco'ssingles are meant for the dancefloor," says Platinum MDLaurent Laffargue, "but the album is more experimental.It'll be interesting to see how it will fare in Britain afterall the hype about French acts."

All new releases, biographies and photographs for con-sideration for inclusion in the Dance Grooves columnshould be sent direct to: Gary Smith, c/o. Roger deLluria 45 -3° -2, 08009 Barcelona, Spain.

Danish 'soap stars' hit Icebergby Charles Ferro

Danish independent Iceberg Records launchedan unusual campaign to promote its new pri-ority act Colorblind-from their first steps inthe studio to promoting the finished product,the band was the centre of attention in a "soapopera" broadcast by public CHR station P3.

Guitar -based rock/pop band Colorblindwere the stars of a three-part series on P3'sevening programmeGo!. Following theband over weeks, P3documented the eco-nomics of recording aCD and making a pro-motional video. Theresult gave listeners abehind -the -scenesview of what happensafter an aspiring localband signs the longawaited record deal.

"You can't justrelease a debut recor-ding by a totally newact," notes Iceberglabel manager andhead of marketing andpromotions Mette Zahringer. "Iceberg is bestknown for Scatman John. We wanted to showthat we are a Danish company investing inlocal talent; we want to demonstrate that wecan build up Danish bands."

The band's first single, Light Me Up, was

released last October. The track picked upheavy airplay and spent eight weeks onDenmarks Radio's A -list. After the initialradio response, Iceberg "began to send outweekly teasers to the media, started an adcampaign and placed posters where youngpeople would see them," says Zahringer.

According to Zahringer, Iceberg has spentDKR1.4 million ($200,000) on production andanother DKR1.7 million ($240,000) on market-

ing for Colorblind to date. Sheadds: "This is one of the biggestamounts ever spent on a debutband in Denmark "

The second single, SentimentalFool-released in Denmarkon December 29-went to number6 on the Danish airplay chartsand became the first Colorblindrelease outside Denmark. BMGEntertainment, which representsColorblind worldwide except forDenmark, released the track onFebruary 23 in Germany. Japanwill follow in May.

"Reaction from German sta-tions has been positive," saysZahringer. "But with the size ofthe German market, it takes

about two or three months before you can firstmeasure the impact."

Colorblind are the first of 11 recent signingsto emerge from Iceberg. Over the next fewmonths, debuts by Natural Born Hippies, RickiRoxx and Aqua -inspired Crispy are set to follow.

Joe's Grannies: smoking in Spainby Howell Llewellyn

A meeting between punk rock veterans fromtwo countries helped give birth to Spain'shottest new rock band.

Las Abuelas Fumadoras took shape afterguitarist Rafa Hernandez met up with formerClash frontman Joe Strummer, in the latter'sfavourite holiday haunt, the coastal town ofSan Jose in Spain's Almeria province.Hernandez, drummer Jorge Garcia and singer,composer and producer Juanjo Valmorisco areall veterans of the Spanish rock scene.

Strummer jokingly suggested naming theband Smoking Grandmothers in reference totheir age, and all three enthusiasticallypicked up the tag. "I'm the real grandmotherof the band," laughs 40 -year -old Valmorisco, alegend in the Madrid rock scene who hasspent the last eight years composing musicfor TV advertisements.

Valmorisco and Garcia were two offounders of PVP, one of Spain's first pgroups, while Hernandez was a founder mem-ber of La Frontera and the Desperados.

Las Abuelas have just released their debutalbum, Musica Ligera (Light Music), onSony's Chaos imprint. "Compared to [PVP]this is actually lighter," says Valmorisco. "Weall come from the grand family of rock, but wehave moved towards different rhythms."

Fans of the band members' earlier outputwill find a few surprises on Musica, such asthe instrumental La Rebelion De Los Moriscoswith a solo by New Age flautist JavierPaxarino. On their debut, Las Abuelas bringto mind a number of recent Latin American-particularly Mexican-post-rock groups whodelve into rap, hip hop, reggae, soul, funk,spiced with a good portion of irony and sharp,

Las Abuelas Fumadoras

witty lyrics.Chaos Spain director Regino Carreira is

confident that Miisica Ligera could wellestablish the label-which also operates inthe U.S. and Spain-on the map.

"It will be one of the surprise sellers of theyear," forecasts Carreira. "I've known Juanjofor more than 10 years, and he's always beeneager to promote new ideas. Now he's got aband that is one of the most creative and indi-vidual outfits on the scene." He adds, "we willbe working on this album to make it a bigsummer seller."

Las Abuelas embarked on a nationwidetour in Seville on March 21 to launch thealbum in Spain.

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4, 1 9 9 8AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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by Christian Lorenz

Almost 20 years after hitting the U.KNo.1 spot with Hit Me With YourRhythm Stick (Stiff), Ian Dury & TheBlockheads are back, with what Durycalls "our follow-up album."

Now signed to Dutch indie CNRMusic International, part of theArcade group, Dury and his


The return of the Upminster KidBlockheads are targeting continentalEurope and the U.S with their latestalbum Mr. Love Pants, released inmost European territories except forthe U.K on March 27.

"In the U.K. we're still talking topeople about a deal," admits Dury. Asa veteran of pub rock (with Kilburn &The High Roads) and punk, Dury iswell aware of the postitive and nega-tive aspects of his lengthy CV. "Let'sface it, a 23 year -old A&R guy is notgonna get excited about us.Everybody here is [doing music] forpeople under 25. In the U.S. and [con-tinental] Europe there are enoughpeople aged 30, 40 or 50 who couldbuy our records."

The Blockheads recorded Mr. LovePants at their own expense in London'sAir Studios in October 1996. Alerted byMute Records director Fred de Jong (afriend of the singer) and Dury's ex -

manager Andrew King, CNR offeredthe band a deal for the album whichincluded the re-release rights of theBlockheads' back catalogue.

Dury, who bought back the rights tothe band's Stiff releases after the com-pany went bankrupt a couple of yearsago, says "the catalogue is why I'mstill here. It still sells." CNRInternational label manager MichaelCahen adds, "The back catalogue willintroduce old fans to the band's newalbum." Originally intended to beshipped together with Mr. Love Pants,the release of the three Blockheadsalbums on Stiff-New Boots AndPanties!!, Do It Yourself andLaughter-has, however, been delayedby "problems with the original mas-ters," according to Cahen.

Unfazed by this development, Duryand the Blockheads will be promotingthe new album in Spain, France and

Belgium until the end of April. Basedon reactions on the first singleItinerant Child, released at the begin-ning of March, Cahen anticipates"Spain and France to be the strongestmarkets for the band. It's a catchy tuneand it opens a new audience for Dury."

The veteran singer and his bandhave regularly re -united since 1980'sLaughter, notably on the live albumWart's An Audience (1991) and onparts of 1992's The Bus Driver's PrayerAnd Other Stories... But why did ittake 18 years to produce a "proper"new album? "One thing was that I did-n't think I had great songs," laughsDury. "For me to write 10 good songs,it takes me to write 50."

He adds: "A good song is one that'snot about me for starters. Then it hasto be funny and it has to have a nicemelody, a bit of rhythm-and it can'tsound like any other song I've written!"

New look 2 Unlimited getSecond Byte at charts

2 Unlimited

by Robbert Tilli

Would the Stones still be the Stoneswithout Mick and Keith? Definitely not.But 2 Unlimited, the unstoppabledance hit providers of the first half ofthe '90s, are looking to come backwith a totally new front pair.

Together with the raps and technobeats, the original project's publicfaces Ray and Anita have gone, infavour of an even poppier sound plustwo new singers, Romy and Marion.The "new" act had their debut singleWanna Get Up (Byte), released onMarch 16-but will there still be NoLimits for them in 1994?

The project's masterminds, ByteRecords president Jean -Paul deCoster and his longtime artistic com-panion Phil Wilde, claim they neverwanted-or intended-to stop work-ing under the 2 Unlimited name.

"When Ray and Anita called it

quits two years ago, we immediatelywanted to continue releasing productunder this name," recalls De Coster."Don't forget that the name 2Unlimited already existed way beforeRay and Anita ever stepped into theproject to give it a face." De Costeradmits that "it remains open whetherthe public and the media will acceptthe new musical direction and newfaces of 2 Unlimited."

The Netherlands is the first territo-ry to pick up on the new 2 Unlimited.Dutch music television channel TMFmade the video of Wanna Get Up a"Superclip"-the station's highest rota-tion with 60 plays a week.

TMF music programmer Erik Krosscomments: "You can tell that this trackwasn't put together overnight. It's avery smart pop song. Everybody [atTMF] had to admit that the catchychorus lingered on and on in theirheads after the first listening. And,what's more, the two singers whoembody 2 Unlimited are Dutch, whichis an added bonus for our station."

The new girls-Blonde Romy andbrunette Marion-were picked out of150 candidates at various auditions inRolland, Belgium and the U.K "Withthe raps deleted, the songs have amore conventional 'verse -chorus -bridge' pop structure," notes DeCoster. "We wanted radio to get onboard at once. These days it's muchharder to cross over from the clubs toradio than it was seven years agowhen we started. Radio and clubs leadseparate lives now."

A new 2 Unlimited album is sched-uled for April 27 release in the Beneluxcountries. In the meantime, WannaGet Up will see a staggered releaseoutside that market; German licenseeDos Or Die/Epic will pick up the batonin April, with Big Life in the U.K. setto follow in May.

Lisa Loeb

eb delivers anairplay crackerby Christian Arndt

It doesn't seem four years since LisaLoeb shot to fame with her contribu-tion to the soundtrack for RealityBites, the U.S. No.1 single Stay (IMissed You).

A U.S. Top 40 debut album, Tails,appeared in 1995, but since then it'sbeen fairly quiet around the Dallas -born singer/songwriter. Now Loeb hasreturned with her radio -friendlysophomore album firecrackers(Geffen/Universal), which has justbeen released in Europe, but has beenensconced in the lower half of theBillboard 200 album chart for thepast 18 weeks.

On this side of the Atlantic, theextracted single I Do has been onMusic & Media's European Radio Top50 for nine weeks, and Loeb's label islooking to consolidate on that success,making sure that their artist lives upto the title of her first hit and stays inthe public eye over the coming months.

After Stay made it tothe top spot out ofnowhere in 1994, therewas a flurry of majorlabel interest in theartist whose demo tapeshad been collecting dustin their offices.

The homemade hit-recorded in producerJuan Patino's apartmentin New York-eventuallysecured Loeb extensivecreative freedom in hercontract with. Geffen."Neither Tails nor fire-crackers were hard [torecord]," admits Loeb."There was no pressure."

Having collected plau-dits as a songwriter andprolific live performer,Loeb, whom a frienddubbed a "quality controlfreak," still advocates ahands-on approach to hercareer. "Right now I'mworking on five or sixsongs," says Loeb. "I won't

record them for another year probably.But I'm always thinking about the nextalbum, so I never feel a lot of pressure."

firecrackers' first single, I Do,according to Universal MusicGermany product manager ThomasGlagow, was instrumental in "[re-]establishing Lisa as a pop artist". Itwas promoted, emphasizes Glagow,"on all levels: radio, print and retail."

With I Do still on the EuropeanRadio Top 50, Geffen/Universal has asolid basis for the second single Let'sForget About It, which is due out onApril 20. According to Glagow it will bean absolute "radio priority," reinforcedby TV -advertising for the album onGerman music channels Onyx andViva in the last week of March.

Glagow says the immediate goalfor Let's Forget About It is to "enterthe airplay Top 20 in time for [anappearance on] The Dome, a high pro-file TV show broadcast nationwide onApril 5 on [German cable/satellitechannel] RTL2."

MUSIC & MEDIA 0 APRIL 4, 1 9 9 8


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week 14/98 Eurochart Hot 100® Singles ©Billboard Musk Group


Id original label (publisher)



original label (publisher)



I G original label (publisher)



2Say What You Want (All Day Everyday) IRE.NL.UKGuildo Hat Euch Lieb

1 11 Celine Dion - Epic I Columbia (Rondor) 34 34 Texas feat. Wu -Tang Clan - Mercury (EMI/ 10 I BMG) 68 46 3 Guild° Horn Und Die Orthopidischen Striimpfe - SpinIEMI (Roof Groove IEMI)

Frozen2 2 6 Madonna - Maverick (Sire (Warner Chappell /EMI)Here's Where The Story Ends UK Don't Say GoodbyeTin Tin Out - VC Recordings (Warner Chappell) u";"" 2 Be 3 - EMI (Not Listed)



3 18 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - Profile (Warner Chappell)Pop Hertz

41 2 DJ Fred & Arnold T - Airplay (Not Listed)

F Rescue Me70 47 26 Bell, Book & Candle - Ariola (EMI)


4 4 Together Again16 Janet Jackson - Virgin (EMI I VaZDsic).F.D.IRE.NL.S.CH.UK

AB.FIN.D.GRE.IRE.NL.N.S.UKHUNUnforgiven II37 22 5 Metallica - Vertigo (PolyGram I Creeping Death)

FIRE.NLUICShow Me Love#72 4 Robyn - Ricochet I HMG (Heavy Rotation I Cheiron IMMO)


22 Natalie Imbruglia - RCA (Island /EMI I BMG)La Copa De La Vida B.FINF.S

u4-"'" Ricky Martin- TristarlColumbia (Draco ICorneliusIDesmophobia I PolyGramICalica)72 57 4 Chanter

Florent Pagny - Mercury (Not Listed)



3 Spice Girls - Virgin (Windswept Pacific/ 19 I BMG)Open Your Eyes

39 32 4 Guano Apes - Ariola (EMI)

D.CH Something AboutJCandle In The Wind 1997 DiaL.N.S.CRUK

59 28 Elton John - Rocket (PolyGram /Warner Chappell)

CD 9


44 Wes - Saint George/Sony (Sony I Michel Sanchez)How Do I Live

40 37 4 Leann Rimes - Curb (EMI)


74 40 21 JeLar T'AimeaF'abffin

- Polydor (Fabsongs I Editions Chariot)

Cose Della Vita A.B.F.D.GRE.BIL.N.CHNUN

8 6 9 Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - DDD (Unalira I Pelago) 0 izo.FatherCool

J -Def Jam (Various)

UK Feel ItThe Tamperer Feat. Maya - Time (Not Listed)


9 7 29 All Saints - London (Perfect / MCA) 0 Super Sonic63 2 Music Instructor - Fuel /East West (Triple M I EMI)


Hanson - Mercury (Jam N Bread I PolyGram /Desmophobia)

Gettin' Jiggy With It B'F 'DF .GRE.IRE.INLNS.CH.UK.HUN

10 9 Will Smith - Columbia (Various)Brimful Of Asha

20 6 Cornershop - Wiiija /Momentum)

DIRE.S. UK My Father's Eyes79 4 Eric Clapton - Reprise (Warner Chappell)


0 My Oh My16 5 Aqua - Universal (MCA)

A.B.F.ELNL.E.CH Nobody's Wife4436 21 Anouk Dino (DBM)

B.DKGRE.NL.N.S rn.. You're My Heart, You're My SoulModern Talking - Hansa (Not Listed)


0 Truly Madly Deeply A.D.GRE.IRENL.IV.S.UKHUN

11 5 Savage Garden - Columbia (EMI)

Angels13 15 17 Robbie Williams - Chrysalis (EMI I BMG)

Barbie Girl453030 Aqua - Universal (MCA)

B.F.D.NL.CH Je Sais12,/ 92 4 Alliage - Bax Dance (Not Listed)


A.B.D.IRE.NL.S.CH.UK ®La Fiesta64 9 Patrick Sebastien - Polydor (Not Listed)

F' Baam boogieoo - VC Recordings (Peer Music)


0 Let Me Entertain You"Pr Robbie Williams - Chrysalis (EMI I BMG)

IRE. UK The Beat Goes On UK0 All Seeing I - ffrr (Copright Control /Warner Chappell)Inuit

100 3 Terra Nuna - Fleche P (Not Listed)


*****SALES BREAKER *****61 2 Destiny's Child - Columbia (Various)


Open Up Your Mind A.D.CH

2 RNG- Motor (BMG Ufa /Warner Chappell /EMI) 96 15Too MuchSpice Girls - Virgin (Windswept Pacific! 19 I BMG)


I Want You To Want Me FIND.NL.S

0ry.t.., Solid Harmonie - Jive (Grantsville I Zomba) 0 .A. I Get Lonely`14.' Janet Jackson - Virgin (EMI !Various)


is 12 7 All I Have To Give AB.FIN.D.IRE.LNL.E.S.CH.HUN

Backstreet Boys - Jive (Grantsville I Zomba)Cleopatra's Theme

50 44 7 Cleopatra - WEA (EMI)

B.D.IRRNL.S.UK Cherish84 60 Pappa Bear - Universal (Delightful)


Vivo Per Lei B.F

17 13 16 Andrea Bocelli & Helene Segara - Polydor (Not Listed)



16 Ultimate Kaos - Wild Card 'Dance Pool (EMI) 85 77 10 Spente Le StelleEmma Shapplin - EMI (Copyright Control)


0 When Susannah Cries21 11 Espen Lind - Universal (PolyGram)

Everything's Gonna Be Alright19 17 19 Sweetbox - RCA (EMI)


0 Remember You're A Womble62 2 Wombles - Columbia (EMI)

5,6,7,8O58 19 Steps - Jive (All Boys Music I Zomba)



86 82 3 Le Grand PardonDabatchazz - EMI (Not Listed)

Save Tonight0 99 2 Eagle -Eye Cherry - Superstudio I Polydor (Various)



Breathe20 25 16 Midge Ure - Arista (Warner Chappell)

A.F.D.E.CH Give Me Love54 48 4 DJ Dado feat. Michelle Weeks - Time (Not Listed) 99 70 2 Breathe UK

Kylie Minogue - Deconstruction (Mushroom IMMO I MCA)

0 r.d..s. La Primavera B.DKFIN.D.I.NECH.UK

'41' Sash! - Byte Blue (Step By Step I Strongsongs) 0 This Is Hardcore89 2 Pulp - Island (Island)

FIRE.UK Hermann Maier/095 5 Mini Bydlinsky - Ariola (Not Listed)


Walk On By A.D.CH

22 24 12 Young Deenay - WEA (Click I Hafenklang I BMG Ufa)The FinalPhil Fuldner - Ariola (Not Listed)

D90 90 7 Peace

Blackwood - A&D (Not Listed)

Doctor Jones23 14 20 Aqua - Universal (MCA)

AB.D.IRE.NL.CILUK Big Mistake57 38 3 Natalie Imbruglia


- RCA (BMG 'Windswept Pacific)1s

Too Much HeavenNana - Motor (Warner Chappell)


@ Angel StreetM People - M People I BMG (EMI I BMG)


Totedn Again58 42 11Die


JKP I East West (Rheinkultur)Perfect Day

92 51 19 Various Artists - Chrysalis (EMI)


High RDK.D.IRE.LNL.S.CH.UK.HUN0 31 13 Lighthouse Family - Polydor / Wildcard (PolyGram) "When The Lights Go Out RIRE.IVL.UIC

Five - RCA (Sony ATV I 19 'Windswept Pacific I BMG) 93 Prince Igor B.DKFORKS

52 23The Rapsady feat. Warren G. & Sissel DON/Mercury (PolyGran I Madhouse I Er Warner Chappell)

Uh La La La26 23 3 Alexia - DWA I Dance Pool (Extravaganza)

Alarma!27 18 9 666 - Dance Street (BMG Ufa)



" 2The Angel & The GamblerIron Maiden - EMI (Zomba)

61 43 5 Two Iene One - EMI (MSM)



0 it, I'll Be There For You ACH

u47- The Moffats - EMI (Maximum 'Warner Chappell)

Hasta Siempre B.F

95 56 25 Nathalie Cardone - Columbia (Legende Enterprises)

Mon Papa A Moi Est Un GangsterStomy Bugsy - Columbia (Not Listed)

B.F Ballad Of Tom Jones62 28 5 Space - Gut (Gut I Hit & Run)

IRE.UK O Disremecab88 D Minoguec - cEeternal I WEA (Strongsongs)


You Make Me Wanna... B.F.D.IRE.S.CH.UK

29 26 iu Usher - Laface (EMI 'Various)

mt, I'm Gonna Miss You Forever A.D.NL.N.S.CH.UK

'4-- Aaron Carter - Edel (Trans Continental)

You're Still The One B.D.IRE.IVL.CH.UK

31 29 5 Shania Twain - Mercury (PolyGram I Zomba)

Formula63 54 3 DJ Visage - Dancelab I EMI (NR)

Meet Her At The Love ParadeDa Hool - Kosmo (Warner Chappell)



0Noa-ePommelSony (Not Listed)

Le Disc -Jockey' Encore - Polydor (Step By Step)



0 Fight For Your Right71 3 N.Y.C.C. - Control (Def Jam /Brooklyn Dust)

FINDS 0 Whine & GrineLuP Prince Buster - Island (Melodist)


0 Emmene Moi39 10 Allan Theo - EMI (Not Listed)

Rock Me33 33 3 Pills - Mercury (You -You)



@ Dreaming Of A Better World0 Mega - Hot Tracks (Not Listed)

F I'm Ready100 98 2 Bryan Adams - A&M (Badams I Testatyme)


History Repeating FI

gill A = Austria, B = Belgium, Cr. E= Crash Rebublir DK = Denmark FIN = Palland, F = France.D =Germany, IRL = Ireland. I =

LIN=Htmgary,NL=-Netherlsotio,Norway,P v Portugal, E=Spein. (4= Sweden CH = gnitzertand UK= United Kingdom.

C)86 6 Propellerheads feat. Shirley Basset' - Wall Of Sound (Chrysalis) = FAST MOYFAS =NEW ENTRY [3 REENTRY

W. w frww SALES BREAKER ****** indicates the single registering the biggest increase in chart points. The Eurochart Hot 100 Singles is compiled by Music& Media and based on the following national singles sales charts(

ChartTrack (UK); Ireland; Full chartservice by Media Control GmbH 0049-7221-366201 (Germany); SNEP/IFOP Tite.Live (France); singles: Musics E Dischi/Mario De Luigi, albums: Fimi-Nielsen (Italy);Stichting Mega Top 100 (Holland);

Stichting Promuvi (Belgium); GLWIFPI (Sweden); IFPIfNieLsen Marketing Research (Denmark); VG (Norway); ALEF IVH3fAFTVE (Spain); YLE 2 RadiomallafIFPI (Finland); Austria Top 30 (Austria);Full chart service by Media Control AG 0041-1-260 4955 (Switzerland,: IPSOS/Mahass-IFPI (Hungary) IFPI (Czech Republic).

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4, 1 9 9 8


Page 11: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top


week 14/98 European Top 100 Albums ©Billboard Music Group

s ARTIST2 "s. TITLEI2 original label


Madonna A.B.DILFIN.F.D.GRE.IRE.LNL.NRE.S.CILUKHUNCZEI 1 4 Ray Of Light - Maverick /Sire


2 2 11 Titanic - Sony Classical


original label


Litfiba34 33 4 Croce E Delizia - IRA/EMI

0 The Corrs42 22 Talk On Corners - 143 1Lava 1 Atlantic


.5,1 as 2 original label


Radiohead68 55 41 OK Computer - Parlophone



69 65 7 My Way - Laface


***** SALES BREAKER ****,cCeline Dion A.B.DEFIN.F.D.GRE.IREIELNPES.CILUKFIUN.CZE0 3 19 Let's Talk About Love - Epic /Columbia



8 Welenga - Saint George/SonyA.D.NL.CH Lars Lilholt Band

70 62 4 Gi Det Bla Tilbage - CMC

Guano Apes37 36 9 Proud Like A God - Ariola


Eric Clapton ARDEFIRED.GRE.IRE.LNLNYE.S.CHUKRIINCZE Aaron Carter4 4 3 Pilgrim - Reprise 38 30 16 Aaron Carter - Edel


Andre Rieu71 57 16 Valses Et Compagnie - Mercury

A.DK.D.NL.N.E.S.CH Francesco Guccini72 67 3 Guccini Live Collection - EMI

0 8 26 Urban Hymns - Hut /VirginThe Verve A.B.DK.FIN.ED.GRE.IRE.LNLIV.P.E.S.CH UK Lionel Richie

92 9 Truly The Love Songs - MotownUK Wolfgang Petry

73 66 31 Nie Genug - Hansa

6 18 Left Of The Middle - RCA 44 11AnoukTogether Alone - Dino

Natalie Imbruglia AB.DEFTNED.GRE.IREINLP.E.S.CRUKRIIIV.CZE B.DKFIND.GRE.NL.NS.CH John Lennon74 60 2 Lennon Legend - Parlophone



7 5 51 Aquarium - Universal 0 41 35 3 Undiscovered Soul - MercuryMichael Bolton D.UK

75 71 3 My Secret Pasion - The Arias - Sony Classical

Eros Ramazzotti A.B.DILF.D.GRE.LNL.N.E.S.CHHINCZE Eagle -Eye Cherry8 7 `2 Eros - DDD


CI42 41 6 Desireless - Superstudio I PolydorDaze DKFINN

88 2 Super Heroes - Columbia


15>* Space IRE.GE43 29 2 Tin Planet - Gut

Veronique Sanson B.F

77 59 5 Indestructible - WEA


10 10 22 Era - Mercury n Guildo Horn Und Die Orthopadischen Striimpfe D44 46 4 Danke! - Spin /EMI

..ek Bluetones IRE.UK

/0 38 3 Return To The Last Chance Saloon - Superior Quality


il 9 17 All Saints - London 0 Texas FIRE.UK

45 39 37 White On Blonde -Mercury Cl''

-_)n,.,_ Riidiger Hoffman D

' Asien, Asien - Ariola

Spice Girls A.B.DKFIN.ED.IRE.LNLIV.S.CH.UK.HUN13 21 Spiceworld Lara Fabian B.F

27 23 Pure - Polydor. Eric Gadd s80 74 8 Greatest Hits - Strawberry- Virgin ®46

Falco AD.CH

13 14 3 Out Of The Dark (Into The Light) - EMIBell, Book & Candle ARCH

47 40 8 Read My Sign - AriolaZucchero AFIND.CH

The Best Of Zucchero - Greatest Hits - Polydor CI

Lighthouse Family B.D.K.D.IRE.LNLE.CH.UKHUN

14. 15 23 Postcards From Heaven - Polydor 1 Wildcard 0 Metallica B.D.NL.S.CHHITN.CZE

48 37 19 Re -Load - Vertigo ciOBK E

82 90 3 Singles 91-98 - Hispavox

Janet Jackson B.DILFIN.F.D.NLE.S.CH

15 11 25 The Velvet Rope - VirginLouise Attaque F

49 48 5 Louise Attaque - Trema 1 SonyTV -2 DK

83 72 3 Ydlingsbabe - EMI -Medley

Backstreet Boys B.DK.F.D.GRE.IRE.LNL.N.E.S.CH.UKHUN16 12 33 Backstreet's Back - Jive g

Joe Satriani FINF.D.GRERL.P.E.CH

Crystal Planet - EpicSting & The Police BANL.P.E

99 19 The Best Of Sting & The Police - A&MCi


17 17 10 Savage Garden - ColumbiaEmma Shapplin B.F.GRE.NL

51 45 9 Carmine Meo - EMIJoe Cocker B.D.NL.CH

85 89 29 Across From Midnight - Capitol 0Ricky Martin B.FINEGRE.E.CH

18 22 3 Vuelve - Tristarl ColumbiaAustria 3 an

91 Austria 3 - AriolaThe Rolling Stones D.CRE,NL

86 77 26 Bridges To Babylon - Virgin

A.B.DKED.GRE.NL.P.E.CH.HUNCZE139 is 61 Rom eaaBseueriri

Polydor_ -

Iron Maiden B.FUK

Virtual XI - EMI

- - -

...4.._ Hiihnerto, Best Of - 25 Jahre - Electrola


-- - - -20 21

rorentSavoir Aimer - Mercury

Van Haien0 uv" Van Halen 3 - Warner Brothers



54 ejan o anz52 28 Mas - WEA

0 Eternal89 22 Greatest Hits - 1st Avenue/EMI

wnama., The Best Of Wham! - Epic

NL.E.UK Pooh89 95 16 The Best Of Pooh - CGD


22 18 9 Machtig Viel Theater - Intercord 56The Mavericks B.IRE.NL.S.UK

Trampoline - MCAKent FINS

90 96 4 Isola - RCA

Robbie Williams A.IRE.UK

n 21 12 Life Thru A Lens - ChrysalisFinley Quaye MEIJI(

57 31 6 Maverick A Strike - Epic0 , Prodigy GRE.IRE.NL.UK

11-1, The Fat Of The Land - XLLi


24. 16 8 Yield - EpicM People AIRE.UK

86 2 Fresco - M People I BMG0 r,...,, Bjiirk FNL.N

lig, Homogenic - Mother/One Little Indian

Will Smith B.HILED.GRE.IRE.NL.N.S.GE28 23 17 Big Willie Style - Columbia


59 47 9 The Blue Cafe - East WestStatus Quo D

93 82 3 Whatever You Want - The Very Best Of - Polydor

IRE.E.UK*28 9 The Full Monty- RCA Victor4-z--..\ Espen Lind A.D.NLCH

IjUU 7" Red - UniversalCatatonia UK

94 85 3 International Velvet - Blanco Y Negro

Enya B.D.IRE.LNL.NS.CH.UK.HUN.CZE27 24 20 Paint The Sky With Stars - WEA 0 Bill Whelan N. -LA.'S

61 53 5 Riverdance - Celtic Heartbeat0 Black Ingvars S

1.3P Sjung Och Var Glad - SDM

F22 BBee33

-EMISoundtrack A.D

62 51 11 Comedian Harmonisis - EMIAlain Bashung B.F

96 98 11 Fantasia Militaire - Barclay

Peter Maffay D.CH29 26 3 Begegnungen - Ariola

De Kast NL

63 54 3 Noorderzon - CNRAbba IRE.UK

97 68 2 Gold - Greatest Hits - PolarCI

Bryan Adams AB.D.NL.P.E.CH.UK

Unplugged32 16 - A&MC Michael Flatley D.NL

61 i Lord Of The Dance - Polydor/Mercury0 ,,,.0._ Musical A

'14-' Tanz Der Vampire - Polydor

FUK* 58 2 Big° Calmeeb-I:IV.

do ChinaRebecka Tornqvist S

65 63 3 Tremble My Heart - EMIJazzkantine AD.CH

99 81 4 Geheimrezept - RCA

Propellerheads AF.D.GRE.LIVL.E.CH

32 25 9 Decksandrumsandrockandroll - Wall Of SoundWolfgang Petry D

66 50 39 Alles - Hansa 1la, Magnus Uggla s

Karaoke - Columbia

IRE.NL.NCH.UK*34 3 home itt OveTwarin- MercuryProzac+ 1

67 64 7 Acidoacida - EMI

A . Austria R =Belgium, CZE . Czech Republic. DK , Denmark, FIN = ?mimed, F = Franca GRE = Greee, D = Germany, IRL = Ireland,

1. Italy, = H , NL = Netherlands, N = Nonvia, P . Portugal, E . Spain. S ,- Sweden. CH . Switzerland, UK =United Kingdom.


****4* SO 3.9 BREAER ****** indicates the album registering the biggest increase in chart points.IFPI Platinum Europe certification for sales of 1 million units, with multi -platinum titles indicated by a number in the symbol.

The European Top 100 Albums is compiled by Music & Media. All rights reserved. Compiled from the national album sales charts of 18 European territories.

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4, 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 12: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top



1 1 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins It's Like That (Smile Communications)

2 3 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Epic)3 2 Spice Girls - Stop (Virgin)4 32 Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You (EMI)5 4 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)6 31 M People - Angel Street (M People/BMG)7 55 Destiny's Child - No, No, No (Columbia)8 7 Alexia - Uh La La La (Dance Pool)9 35 Tin Tin Out - Here's Where The Story Ends (VC Recordings)

10 9 Texas feat. WuTang Clan Say WhatYou WantlAll Day Everyday) (Mercury)

TW LW ALsrms1 4 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Epic)2 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)3 5 The Verve - Urban Hymns (Virgin)4 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)5 15 Various - Superwoman (Virgin/EMI)6 6 Robbie Williams - Life Thru A Lens (Chrysalis)7 3 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (WEA)8 8 Soundtrack - The Full Monty (RCA)9 37 Lionel Richie - Truly The Love Songs (Mercury)10 24 Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle (RCA)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Columbia)2 2 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)3 3 Wes - Alane (Epic)4 4 Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Cose Della Vita (Ariola)

5 8 Music Instructor - Super Sonic (East West)6 5 Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes (Ariola)7 NE Phil Fuldner - The Final (Ariola)8 6 Guild() Horn Cod Die Orlhopidischen Strillopte HatEuch lied (DII)

9 7 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (Epic)

10 9 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (RCA)TW LW AtntrNis

1 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)2 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)3 3 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (WEA)4 4 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Columbia)5 7 Falco - Out Of The Dark (Into The Light) (EMI)6 5 Pur - Machtig Viel Theater (Intercord)7 8 Eros Ramazzotti - Eros (Ariola)8 6 Peter Maffay - Begegnungen (Ariola)9 NE Simple Minds - Neapolis (EMI)10 10 Guilds Horn Und Die Orthoptdischeu Striimpfe Danke! (EMI)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Columbia)2 2 Janet Jackson - Together Again (Virgin)3 3 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)4 7 Aqua - My Oh My (Universal)5 4 Andrea Bocelli & Helene Segara - Vivo Per Lei (Polydor)

6 5 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (RCA)7 6 Stony Bugsy - Mon Papa A Moi Est Un Gangster (Columbia)

8 8 666 - Alarms! (Panic)9 11 DJ Fred & Arnold T - Pop Hertz (Airplay)

10 9 Pills - Rock Me (Mercury)TW LW ALBums

1 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)2 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)3 3 Florent Pagny - Savoir Aimer (Mercury)4 NE 2 Be 3 -2 Be 3 (EMI)5 NE Various - Chroniques De Mars (Ariola)6 10 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Columbia)7 7 Louise Attaque - Louise Attaque (Trema/Sony)8 4 Lara Fabian - Pure (Polydor)9 6 Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (Virgin)

10 5 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (WEA)


1 1 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)2 2 DJ Dado feat. Michelle Weeks - Give Me Love (Time)

3 4 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Columbia)4 3 The Tamperer Feat. Maya - Feel It (Time)5 5 Blackwood - Peace (A&D)6 11 Propellerheads feat. Shirley Bassey - History Repeating (Virgin)

7 9 Chase - Gotta Lot Of Love (A&D)8 8 Ralphi Rosario - Take Me Up (Time)9 NE Renato Zero - L'Impossibile Vivere/Mercante Di Stelle (Columbia)

10 14 All Saints - Never Ever (Mercury)TW LW Atntrms

1 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)2 2 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Columbia)3 6 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (WEA)4 4 Litfiba - Croce E Delizia (EMI)5 3 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)6 NE Simple Minds - Neapolis (EMI)7 7 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)8 8 Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle (BMG Ricordi)

9 5 Backstreet Boys - Backstreet's Back (Virgin)10 9 Prozac+ - Acidoacida (EMI)


1 NE Mecano - El Club De Los Humildes (Ariola)2 1 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)3 2 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (RCA)4 4 Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give (Virgin)5 6 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Columbia)6 3 Bell, Book & Candle - Rescue Me (Ariola)7 7 Midge Ure - Breathe (Ariola)8 5 Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun (Universal)9 10 Aqua - My Oh My (Universal)10 8 Espen Lind - When Susannah Cries (Universal)TW LW Auums1 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)2 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)3 3 Ricky Martin - Vuelve (Columbia)4 4 Alejandro Sanz - Mas (WEA)5 5 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Columbia)6 6 OBK - Singles 91-98 (Hispavox)7 NE Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (WEA)8 9 Eternal - Greatest Hits (EMI)9 8 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)

10 7 Monica Naranjo - Palabra De Mujer (Epic)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Columbia)2 2 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)3 5 Destiny's Child - No, No, No (Columbia)4 10 Solid Harmonie - I Want You To Want Me (Zomba)

5 3 Janet Jackson - Together Again (Virgin)6 4 Pappa Bear - Cherish (Universal)7 7 Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It (Columbia)8 22 Spice Girls - Stop (Virgin)9 9 Eagle -Eye Cherry - Save Tonight (Polydor)

10 14 Cleopatra - Cleopatra's Theme (Warner)TW LW ALBUMS

1 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 1 De Bast - Noorderzon (CNR)3 3 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Columbia)4 4 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)5 5 Eros Ramazzotti - Eros (BMG)6 6 Erykah Badu - Live (Universal)7 11 Ruth Jacott - Altijd Dichtbij (Dino)8 7 Era - Era (Mercury)9 20 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)

10 8 Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (Virgin)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)2 2 DJ Visage - Formula (Antler -Subway)3 3 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)4 5 Steps - 5,6,7,8 (Zomba)5 4 Janet Jackson - Together Again (Virgin)6 7 All Saints - Never Ever (PolyGram)7 6 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (BMG)8 12 Robbie Williams - Angels (EMI)9 9 Anouk - Nobody's Wife (Dino)

10 13 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (PIAS)


1 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)3 3 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)4 6 Couvreur & Schatteman - Voice To Voice (Arcade)

5 4 Emma Shapplin - Carmine Meo (EMI)6 8 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)7 5 Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle (BMG)8 7 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)9 9 All Saints - All Saints

10 11 Mama's Jasje - Hommages (Virgin)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)2 5 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (Sony)3 2 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)4 3 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (MNW)5 4 All Saints - Never Ever (PolyGram)6 13 Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It (Sony)7 6 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (BMG)8 10 Daze - Tamagotchi (Sony)9 7 Anouk - Nobody's Wife (BMG)

10 11 Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give (Virgin)TW LW ALBUMS

1 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)2 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)3 4 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)4 3 Eagle -Eye Cherry - Desireless (BMG)5 5 Rebecka Tornqvist - Tremble My Heart (EMI)6 9 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)7 6 Eric Gadd - Greatest Hits (Warner)8 15 Black Ingvars - Sjung Och Var Glad (Scandinavian)9 10 Magnus Uggla - Karaoke (Sony)

10 7 Bill Whelan - Riverdance (Universal)


1 1 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (M -D)

2 2 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (BMG)3 3 Infernal - Sorti De L'Enfer (EMI)4 5 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)5 4 All Saints - Never Ever (PolyGram)6 10 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)7 8 Anouk - Nobody's Wife (BMG)8 7 S.O.A.P. - This Is How We Party (Sony)9 6 The Rapsody feat Warren G. & Sissel - Prince Igor (PolyGram)

10 11 Janet Jackson - Together Again (Virgin)1W LW ALBUMS

1 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)2 4 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)3 2 Lars Linton Band - Gi Det Bla Tilbage (CMC)4 3 TV -2 - Ydlingsbabe (EMI)5 6 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)6 5 Era - Era (PolyGram)7 9 All Saints - All Saints (PolyGram)8 8 Aaron Carter - Aaron Carter (Edelpitch)9 10 Janet Jackson - The Velvet Rope (Virgin)

10 7 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)2 2 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (MNW)3 3 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)4 4 Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Case Della Vita (BMG)

5 6 Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It (Sony)6 7 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (Sony)7 8 Cue - Burnin' (Universal)8 5 Sweetbox - Everything's Gonna Be Alright (BMG)9 11 Eagle -Eye Cherry - Save Tonight (BMG)

10 9 Anouk - Nobody's Wife (BMG)TW LW ALBUMS

1 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)3 3 Eros Ramazzotti - Eros (BMG)4 4 Era - Era (PolyGram)5 6 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)6 5 Savage Garden - Savage Garden (Sony)7 40 Buck Owens - Buck Owens Bests 1959-1969 (EMI)8 11 Will Smith - Big Willie Style (Sony)9 19 Smurfene - Smurfehits 4 (Arcade)10 10 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)


1 1 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (SMD-Musiiki)

2 3 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)3 12 Iron Maiden - The Angel & The Gambler (EMI)

4 2 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)5 4 Melia Nahkafagottia - Nelja Nahltifagottia (Kreldund)

6 6 Spice Girls - Stop (Virgin)7 8 Isms Alanko - Rakkaus On Ruma Sans (Poko)8 7 Neljti Baritonia - Pop-Musiikkia (Poko)9 11 RMB - Shadow (BMG)10 NE Solid Harmonie - I Want You To Want Me (Virgin)


1 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)3 3 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)4 4 Ultra Bra - Kroketti (Pyramid)5 NE Van Haien - Van Helen 3 (Warner)6 5 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)7 13 Savage Garden - Savage Garden (Sony)8 9 Era - Era (PolyGram)9 7 Chris Rea - The Blue Cafe (Warner)

10 6 Stratovarius - Visions (Next Stop)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Epic)2 2 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins It's Like That (Smile Commtmications)

3 3 Spice Girls - Stop (Virgin)4 8 Shania Twain - You're Still The One (Mercury)5 11. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (Columbia)6 5 Cornershop - Brimful Of Asha (Wiiija)7 6 Alexia - Uh La La La (Dance Pool)8 4 Madonna - Frozen (WEA)9 7 Robbie Williams - Angels (Chrysalis)10 9 Allure feat. 112 - All Cried Out (Epic)TW LW ALBUMS

1 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony Classical)2 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (WEA)3 3 The Verve - Urban Hymns (Virgin)4 4 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Epic)5 5 Lighthouse Family - Postcards From Heaven (Polydor)

6 6 Soundtrack - The Full Monty (RCA)7 7 Kieran Goss - Worse Than Pride (RTE)8 9 All Saints - All Saints (London)9 14 Shania Twain - Come On Over (Mercury)

10 8 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)2 2 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)3 4 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (BMG)4 3 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (Sony)

5 7 Wes - Alone (Sony)6 5 All Saints - Never Ever (PolyGram)7 6 Janet Jackson - Together Again (Virgin)8 8 Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner - Cose Della Vita (BMG)

9 10 Young Deenay - Walk On By (Warner)10 9 Espen Lind - When Susannah Cries (Universal)TW LW ALBUMS

1 1 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 2 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)3 3 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)4 6 Ricky Martin - Vuelve (Sony)5 4 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)6 11 Falco - Out Of The Dark (Into The Light) (EMI)7 NE Simple Minds - Neapolis (EMI)8 7 Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle (BMG)9 5 All Saints - All Saints (PolyGram)

10 8 Pur - Machtig Viel Theater (Musikvertrieb)


1 1 Wes - Alone (Sony)2 2 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)3 3 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)4 5 Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply (Sony)5 4 Two In One - Makeema (EMI)6 7 Young Deenay - Walk On By (Warner)7 6 Run DMC Vs. Jason Nevins - It's Like That (Sony)

8 9 Mini Bydlinsky - Hermann Maier (BMG)9 8 Midge Ure - Breathe (BMG)

10 12 All Saints - Never Ever (PolyGram)TW LW ALBUMS

1 1 Falco - Out Of The Dark (Into The Light) (EMI)2 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)3 8 Austria 3 - Austria 3 (BMG)4 3 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)5 9 Wes - Welenga (Sony)6 6 Musical - Tanz Der Vampire (PolyGram)7 5 Falco - Greatest Hits 1 (BMG)8 4 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)9 7 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)

10 11 Aqua - Aquarium (Universal)

TW LW ALnums

1 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)2 2 Fafa De Belem - Passaro Sonhador (Sony)3 6 The Shadows - The Best Of The Shadows - Sweet Sixties (EMI)

4 10 Andrea Bocelli - Romanza (PolyGram)5 4 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)6 8 Vangelis - Greatest Hits (BMG)7 3 Exceso - Eu Sou Aquele (PolyGram)8 19 Demis Roussos - 34 Titulos (PolyGram)9 7 Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)

10 9 Azucar Moreno - Grandes Exitos (Sony)11 5 Richard Marx - Greatest Hits (EMI)12 NE Luis Represas - A Hora Do Lobo (BMG)13 11 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)14 12 Natalie Imbruglia - Left Of The Middle (BMG)15 RE John Lennon - Lennon Legend (EMI)16 RE Amalia Rodrigues - Segredo (EMI)17 15 Daniela Mercury - Feijao Com Arroz (Sony)18 13 Alejandro Sanz - Mas (Warner)19 RE Jose Afonso - Balades E Calicoes (EMI)20 16 Joao Pedro Pais - Segredos (VC)


1 1 Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On (Sony)2 2 Madonna - Frozen (Warner)3 3 Pix Lax - Pix Lax (EMI)4 6 Natalie Imbruglia - Torn (BMG)5 5 Mono - Life In Mono (BMG)6 4 Glykeria - Anapnoie- Anatolie (Sony)7 8 Anouk - Nobody's Wife (BMG)8 10 Metallica - Unforgiven II (PolyGram)9 15 Will Smith - Gettin' Jiggy With It (Sony)

10 9 Lidakis Manolis - Aetra Mi Me Malonete (Sony)


1 2 Madonna - Ray Of Light (Warner)2 1 Soundtrack - Titanic (Sony)3 3 Celine Dion - Let's Talk About Love (Sony)4 4 Radiohead - OK Computer (EMI)5 NE Eric Clapton - Pilgrim (Warner)6 6 Ricky Martin - Vuelve (Sony)7 8 Soundtrack - Great Expectations; The Album (Warner)

8 18 B.B. King - Deuces Wild (BMG)9 7 The Verve - Urban Hymns (Virgin)

10 27 Emma Shapplin - Carmine Meo (EMI)

Based on the national sales charts from 16 Europe. markets. Infor.mation supplied by Chartl'rack (UK, Full chartservice by Media Control GmbH 0049-7221-366201 (Germany); SNEP (France);singles. Musics E DisehilMario De Luigi, albums: Fimi-Nielsen (Italy); Stiehting Mega Top 100 (Holland); Stichting Promuvi (Belgium); IPSOS/Mahasz.IFPI (Hungary); GLF/IFPI (Sweden); IFPI/Nielsen Marketing Research (Denmark); VG (Norway); ALEF MB/AFYVE (Spain);

YLE 2 Radiomafia/IFPI (Finland); IFPI (Ireland); AFP (Portugal); Austria Top 30 (Austria); Full chartservice by Media Control AG 01-260 44 55 (Switzerland); IFPI CR (Czech Republic,. Labels listed are the national marketing companies.

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4, 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 13: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top

Albumspoiiightby Christian Lorenz

JAMES GRANTSAWDUST IN MY VEINSSurvival Records/PinnacleU.K. release date: April 27Some 15 years after first coming to attention withScottish band Friends Again, singer/songwriter/gui-tarist Grant has finally made the album his admirersalways believed he was capable of. In a few places,this impeccably played and sung set recalls the silkySteely Dan -isms of his previous outfit Love & Money,but Grant's first solo outing is a more personal,mature work. A wealth of material here wouldn'tsound out of place on AC -leaning radio formats, fromthe strings and electric guitar which add drama tofirst single Pray The Dawn (out on April 6), throughthe soulful styling's of Can't Stop to the elegaic I Don'tKnow You, which echoes Portishead's Glory Box. Ini-tial promotion work is concentrating on Scotland, butthis is a set with real pan-European potential.

Tom Ferguson

THE TUESDAYSTHE TUESDAYSMercuryInternational release date: April 27Norway's Tuesdays are re -inventing the all -girl rockband for the '90s. However, it hasn't been anovernight success story for the hard -gigging, musical-ly accomplished quintet. Originally founded as No

Limit in 1989-when founder mem-bers Kristin Wernerand Hedge Solliwere still at school-they became theTuesday Girls in1993 and weresigned by PolyGram Norway A&R man Ole Evenrudein 1994. Four years and one gold album (in Norway)later, the band-who name Bryan Adams, Bon Joviand the Beatles among their influences-are goinginternational as The Tuesdays. Produced by Even -

rude and mixed by Tom Lord-Alge, a first single, thepoppy It's Up To You, is out now.

MOTION CONTROLDIGITSBeatserviceEuropean release date: March 23Most of Europe seems to have overlooked this technogem from Norway. Lars Kristian Sande and OddgeirHvidsten produce some of the most original, excitingelectronic music to come from Scandinavia in a while.References like Detroit school, Joey Beltram andSteve Stoll spring to mind, but digits follows a path ofits own. The tracks digits 1-4 make up half of thealbum, including the 15 minute soundscape of digits3, complete with Indian tablas and slightly psychedel-ic feel. U.K dance indie Club Craft is the first labeloutside Scandinavia to pick up on Motion Control.

Please send review copies, information and artistphotographs for consideration as Album Spotlight entries

to: Christian Lorenz, Music Editor, Music & Media,23 Ridgmount Street, London, WC DE 7AH, U.K.

*** Billboard ***TOP 20 US SINGLES TOP 20 US ALBUMS


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P Records with greatest sales and/or airplay gains. © 1998, Billboard/BPI Communications.

Eurochart A/Z IndexesHot 1 00 singles

5,6,7,8 53 Le Disc -Jockey 98Alane 7 Le Grand Pardon 86Alarma! 27 Let Me Entertain You 14

All I Have To Give 16 Makeema 61Angel Street 24 Meet Her At The Love Parade 64Angels 13 Mon Papa A Moi Est Un Gangster 28Ballad Of Tom Jones 62 My Father's Eyes 77

Bamboogie 80 My Heart Will Go OnBarbie Girl 45 My Oh My 11

Big Mistake 57 Never Ever 9

Breathe 20 No No No 15

Breathe 88 Nobody's Wife 44Brimful Of Asha 43 Open Up Your Mind 48Casanova 51 Open Your Eyes 39Chanter 72 Peace 90Cherish 84 Perfect Day 92

Cleopatra's Theme 50 Pop Hertz 36Cose Della Vita 8 Prince Igor 93Disremembrance 96 Pushed Again 58Doctor Jones 23 Remember You're A Womble 52Don't Say Goodbye 69 Rescue Me 70Dreaming Of A Better World 66 Rock Me 33

Emmene Moi 32 Save Tonight 87

Everything's Gonna Be Alright 19 Say What You Want (All Day Everyday) 34Father 41 Show Me Love 71

Feel It 75 Something About/Candle In The Wind 1997 73

Fight For Your Right 65 Spente Le Stelle 85Formula 63 Stop 6

Frozen 2 Super Sonic 42Gettin' Jiggy With It 10 The Angel & The Gambler 60Give Me Love 54 The Beat Goes On 47Guildo Hat Euch Lieb 68 The Final 56Hasta Siempre 95 This Is Hardcore 55Here's Where The Story Ends 35 Together Again 4

Hermann Maier 89 Too Much 82High 25 Too Much Heaven 91History Repeating 67 Torn 5

How Do I Live 40 Truly Madly Deeply 12I Get Lonely 83 Uh La La La 26I Want You To Want Me 49 Unforgiven II 37I'll Be There For You 94 Vivo Per Lei 17

I'm Gonna Miss You Forever 30 Vivre 97I'm Ready 100 Walk On By 22

Inuit 81 Weird 76It's Like That 3 When Susannah Cries 18

Je Sais 79 When The Lights Go Out 59Je T'Aime 74 Whine & Grine 99La Copa De La Vida 38 You Make Me Warm... 29La Fiesta 46 You're My Heart, You're My Soul 78La Primavera 21 You're Still The One 31

Top 100 ctIlz>ums2 Be 3 28 Ricky Martin 18

Abba 97 The Mavericks 56Bryan Adams. 30 Metallica 48All Saints 11 Morcheeba 31Anouk 40 Musical - Tanz Der Vampire 98Aqua 7 OBK 82Louise Attaque 49 Florent Pagny 20Austria 3 52 Pearl Jam 24

Backstreet Boys 16 Wolfgang Petry 66Alain Bashung 96 Wolfgang Petry 73

Bell, Book & Candle 47 Pooh 89Bjork 92 Prodigy 91Black Ingvars 95 Propellerheads 32Bluetones 78 Prozac+ 67Andrea Bocelli 19 Pur 22

Michael Bolton 75 Finley Quaye 57Aaron Carter 38 Radiohead 68Catatonia 94 Eros Ramazzotti 8

Eagle -Eye Cherry 42 Chris Rea 59Eric Clapton 4 Lionel Richie 39Joe Cocker 85 Andre Rieu 71

The Corrs 35 The Rolling Stones 86Daze 76 Richie Sambora 41

Celine Dion 3 Veronique Sanson 77

Enya 27 Alejandro Sanz 54Era 10 Joe Satriani 50

Eternal 55 Savage Garden 17

Lara Fabian 46 Emma Shapplin 51

Falco 13 Simple Minds 9

Michael Flatley 64 Will Smith 25Eric Gadd 80 Soundtrack - Comedian Harmonisis 62Guano Apes 37 Soundtrack - The Full Monty 26Francesco Guccini 72 Soundtrack - Titanic 2

Riidiger Hoffman 79 Space 43Wilmer 87 Spice Girls 12

Guildo Horn Cad Die Orthopedischen Striimpfe 44 Status Quo 93Natalie Imbruglia 6 Sting & The Police 84Iron Maiden 53 Texas 45Janet Jackson 15 Rebecka rirnqvist 65Jazzkantine 99 TV -2 83De East 63 Shaine Twain 33Kent 90 Magnus Uggla 100John Lennon 74 Usher 69Lighthouse Family 14 Van Halen 21Lars Lilholt Band 70 The Verve 5

Espen Lind 60 Wes 36Litfiba 34 Wham ! 88M People 58 Bill Whelan 61Madonna 1 Robbie Williams 23Peter Maffay 29 Zucchero 81

MUSIC MEDIA APRIL 4. 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 14: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top


©Billboard Music Group

Most addedweek 13/98Ace Of Base

Spice Girls

M -People

Another Level


Janet Jackson


Savage Garden


Eagle -Eye Cherry




Natalie Imbruglia

Life Is A Flower(Mega/Polydor) 20

Stop(Virgin) 19

Angel Street(M People/BMG) 18

Be Alone No More(Northwestside) 12

La Primavera(Byte Blue) 12

I Get Lonely(Virgin) 11

Weird(Mercury) 10

Truly Madly Deeply(Columbia) 10

Brimful Of Asha(Wiiija) 9

Save Tonight(Superstudio/Polydor) 9

All I Want Is You(Virgin) 8

My Oh My(Universal) 8

When The Lights Go Out(RCA) 8

Big Mistake(RCA) 8


Most Added are those songs whichreceived the highest number of playlistadditions during the week. In the case of atie, songs are listed alphabetically by artist.

Station Reports include all new additions to the playlist. Some reports will also include "PowerPlay" songs, which receive special emphasis during the week. All Power Play songs are printed,

whether they are reported for the first time or not. Some lists include featured new albums, as indi-cated by the abbreviation "AL." Within each country, stations are grouped by ranking and listedalphabetically. Rankings include: platinum (P), Gold (G), Silver (S) and Bronze (B). All playlists must

be received by Monday at 13.00 h. CET.



Jim Sampson Music DirWelter Schein. - Music DerPlayliat Additions:

Cultured Pearls. &herbal'Matchbox 20. 3 A.M.

Navigator -Come h.Robbie Williams. Let Me Entertain

Savage Gard. Truly Madly Deeply


Gerald Bears Prog Dir/GM

Jochen Rausch - Music DirectorPlayliat Additioae:

Die irate- Em Schwein

Goldin Believe

Music Instructor- Super Sonic

Thomas D. Solo


Ralf Blasberg - Head Of MusicPlayliat Addition.

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Der Wolf- Kein Kitchen Da

Lighthouse Family- High

Lisa Loeb- I Do

RADIO NRW/Oberhausen PAC

Karin Maack Head Of MusicCarsten Boyer Head Of MusicPlayliat Additions:

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

RADIO RPR 1/Ludwigshafen PCDR

Guido Midler Mimic DirPlayliat Additions:

Aqua- My Oh My

Black Attack- Heartless

Bryan Adams- Cm Ready

CIllock- Broken Wing,

Cleopatra- Cleopatra's Theme

Gil- Never Giving Up

Guildo Horn- Guido Hat Ruch Li.

Herbert Gninemeyer Bleibt Alles Anders

RTPG- Open Your

Richie SamhoraHard Times Come Easy

WDR 2/Cologne P


Michael Zimmermann Music Dir

Tom Petersen - Music EditorPlayliat Additions:

Fury/Slaughterhouse- Everything I Did

In Mood/Juliette. Ocean Of Light

Jon Boo Jovi- UglyLighthouse Family- High

Marc Cohn- Already Home

Rkhk Seashore. nerd Times Come Easy

104.6 RTL BERLIN/Berlin CCHR

Bernhard Hiller - Head Of MusicPlaylist Unchanged



Adam Hahne Prog DirFrank Wilkat - Head Of Music

Power Play:

Artificial Joy Club -Sick And Beautiful

Die Toter- Hosea -Pushed Again

Guano Apes- Open Your Eyes

Metallica- The Unforgiven

Midge Ure- Breathe

Playliat Additions:

Arzte- Manner Sind Schweine

Billy Myers- Kiss The Rain

Eagle -Eye Cherry -Save Tonight

Junkie XL- SaturdayTransister- Look Who

HIT RAI)10 N 1/Nuremberg GDance

Stefan Mehmer Prog DirEranie Funderbunk - Music EditorPower Play:

Nana- I Remember The Time

Playliat Additions:DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

Music Instructor- Super Sonic

No Authority- Don't Stop

HUNDERT 6/Berlin G


Rainer Gruhn . Music DirPlayliat Additions:

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Boyzone- Baby Can I Hold

Eric Clapton- Born In Time

Leann Rimes- How Do I Live

M -People- Angel Street


Bernd Albrecht, Frank Menzel,Jens Mole - ProducersPlayliat Additions:

Artificid Joy Club- Sick And Beautiful

CBlock- Broken Wings

Die Ante- Ein Schwein

DJ Mo- Lunatic Child

Run DMC- Tricky

Savage Gard.- Indy Madly Deeply

Spice Girls- Stop


Potsdam GCHRRock

Bern Albrecht, Frank MenzeLJens Molls - ProducersPlayliat Addition.

Aqua- My Oh My

Die Arzte- Ein Schwein

Fury/Slaughterhouse Everything I Did

Helena- I Will Die

Music Instructor- Super Sonic

PM Dawn- Conn Be

ILAJt- I Want To Know

SaltN-Pepa- Gitty Up

RADIO 7/17Im


Walter Notz - Head Of MusicPlayliat Additions:

Amy Grant- Like I Love You

Andre Donald. Beautiful Friday

Aretha Franklin- A RoseBootsy Collins- Do The Freak

Creme De La Creme- Let. Nacht

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Lone

E4E- All Alone

SingletonfAkdernTalk- You're My Heart..38

Hall & Oates- Romeo Is Bleeding

Hanson- WeirdJewel- Morning Song imix)

Leann Rimes- How Do I Live

Lokua Kansa- Wapi YoMissy Elliott- Beep Me 911

Nora- I Remember The Time

RA.R- I Went To Know

Rappers Delight- Rappers Delight

Salt 'N' Pepe- Gitty UpSavage Garden -Truly Madly Deeply

Texas- Say What You Want

Thomas D. Solo

Usher -Nice

Wyclef Jean- Gone 1111 November


National Music

Matthias Friedrich - Prog DirPlayliat Addition.

Die Paldauer- We. Du WillstElton John- Recover Your Soul

Gaby Baginsky- MarinerOlaf Berger- Geh Zum Teufel Mein

Roeanna Roeci- Alles Okay


Georg Hes. MDStefan Harper Prog DirPlayliat Additions:

Creme De La Creme- Letzte Nacht

Die Arm, Sin SchweinEagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Haneon- Weird

Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly

Midge Ure- Breathe

Nana- I Remember The Time

Run DMC- It's Tricky


Rainer M. Cabanis Prog DirAntje Schmidt - Head Of Music

Rayner Additions:

C -Block. Broken Wings

Conner Reeves- My Father's SonCultured Pearls- Silverball

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Gil- Never Giving Up

In Mood/Juliette- Ocean Of Light

& JoJo- All My Life

Mace- What You Want

Mono- Life In Mono

PM Dawn- Gotta Be

R.A.R- I Want To Know

RADIO GONG/Nuremberg G


Peter "Marc" Stingl - Prog DirPower Play:

Anouk- Nobody's Wife

Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly

Playliat Additions:

All Saints -Never Ever

Chris Rea- Thinking Of You

Colorblind- Sennmental Fool

Die Ante- Ein Schwein

Savage Garden -Truly Madly Deeply

Van Zant- Fm A Want You Kinds



Martin Schwebel - Music DirPower Play:

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

RADIO RPR 2/Ludwigshafen GNational Music

Guido Mailer -Music DirPlayliat Addition.

Bernd Cliiver- Kuscheln

Diana & Wind- Lass Die Herren

Die Prinzen- J.imondInka- Nur Dich

Par- Der Demme

Thomas Berger- Es Geht Nicht Oboe

Truck Stop- Hey. Mach Mel Pause



Stephan Hampe - Head Of MusicPlayliat Additions:

Bolds- Ink Liebe Mich

Lisa Loeb- I Do

Wolfgang Petry- Die Langs. Single

RADIO F/Nuremberg SAC

Ziggte Hoge Frog DirPetra Steel . Prog CooedPlayliat Unchanged



Pete Simmons Prog ControllerPlayliat Additions:

Alexia- lib La La

Boyzone- All That I Need

Jane/ Jackson- I Get Lonely

K-Ci & JoJo- All My Life

Kula Shaker- The Sound Of Drums

BBC RADIO 1/London P


Jeff Smith Head Of Munk Policy

A List:


Torn Wilson Music Co-ordinatorPlayliat Additions:

All Saints- UnderBillie Myers- Kiss The Rain

Fire Island- Shout To The Tap

Hooch- The Crown

Hothouse Flowers. You Can Love Me Now

K.CI Halley- All My Life

Swim Family Orbimi, I'm In Love

ORCHARD Ffd/Tatuiton B


Bob McCreadie Prog ControllerPlayliat Addition.

Alexia- Uh La laCores- What C. I Do

Essence- The Promise

Faedel- Tenement NEnck

103D- Une Princesse

Spice Girls- Stop


Max Guamini DirPlayliat Additions:

A.D.M. Pour Toi

Terra Nana- Inuit

AO Boyame. All That I Need GALAXY 101 FM/Bristol G Juice- Best Days

Garbage- Push It Dance/CHR Lightning Seeds- Marvellous RTL/Paris P

Kula Shaker- The Scud Of nmrns Simon Dennis - Prog Controller Ultra Nate- Found A Cure AC

B List: Mike Cam - Head Of Music Male Tibolla Head Of Prog

AD Bluetones- if... Playliat Additions: SUNSHINE 855 AM/Ludlow B Playliat Additions:

Catatonia- Road Rage Aaliyah- Journey To The Past CHR Alain Bashung- Sommer -Nona

lade, R U Sleeping All Seeing 1- Beat Goes On Graham Symonds - Managing Director All Saints- Never Ever

Janet Jackson- I Get Lonely Changing Faces. Time Alter Time Mark Edwards - Prog Controller Blankass- L'Ere De Men

Mare- What You Want Bern Hines- Joy Playliat Additions: Espen Lind- When Susannah Cries

Tamperer- Feel It Fire Island- Shout To The Top 811 -All I Want Massive Attack -Teardrop

Tzant- Sounds Of Wickedness Tamperer- Feel It Eric Clapton- My Father's Sixteen Horsepower- The Perim.

As Featured Addition Tin Tin Out- Here Where Mayfield -Reach Veronique Sane.. Un Amour

Drugstore -El President

Laptop- Gimme The Night

Todd Terry. Ready For A New Day

Ultra Nate- Found A Cure

Montrose Avenue- Where Do I Stand,

Rialto- Dream wri. 2/Paris P

Lo -Fidelity Allstars- Vision lanai= Voices Of Life- The Word Is Love Tin Tin Out- Here Where AC

Massive Attack- Teardrop Todd Terry- Ready For A New Day Christian Lefebvre Prog Dir

Monkey Mahe- Long As I MELODY FM/London G Playliat Unchanged

Sniper- Crossfader Dominator MOR/AC VIBE FM/Bury St. Edmunds B

Spearmint- A nip Into Space Francis Currie -Prog Dirr Dance ROC FM/Lille G

St. Etienne -The Bad Phetognmher Playliat Additions: Barry Jones - Prog Manager Dance/CHR

State Of Mind- This Is It Bryan Adams- Fm Ready Playlet Addition.: Philippe Schemberg Prog Dir

Ultra- Say You Do Shank. Twain You're Still The One Hooch- The Crown Playliat Additions:

PM Dawn- Gotta Be ICT- Eyes

KISS 100 FM/London P CENTURY FM/Gateshead S &Brace- Free Kheops- Mama Love

Dance CHR Terry Reilly- Underground Kim- Les Playboys

Mark Matthew. Frog Dir John Myers Managing Director Tzant- Sounds Of Wickedness Mariah Carey -The Roof

Simon Sadler Head Of Moak John Simons Programme Director Mistigri- Envois-Moi Au Ciel

Power Play: Playliat Additions: %FM 104.9/London B Mootell Jordan- 4 You

Aretha Franklin- A Rose Billy Myers- Kiss The Rain Alternative Next- Too Close

Errata Rhymes- Turn It Up Bryan Adams- Fm Ready Sammy Jacob - Prog Dir Public Announcement- Yippie.Yi-Yn

Masters/Work-Tv Be In Love Playliat Additions: Sweetbox- Everything's

Mica Paris- Stay Q 102.9 FM/Londonderry S Drugstore- El President

Tamperer- Feel It CHR Laptop- Gimme The Night WIT FhVBordeaus G

Trani- Sounds Of Wickedness Trevor Thomas - Head Of Muaic New Rising- Drowning Reason CUR

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November Playliat Additions: Sniper- Crossfader Dominator Gerard Babe Prog Der

Playliat Addition. 011- All I Want Soundtrack- Firnament Vacation Playliat Additione:

Knight & Redman- Made It Back Aaron Carter- CO Miss You Spearmint- A Trip Into Space Alias LJ- Tout Neel Qu'on

& Joie- All My Life Conner Reeves- Reed My Mind Bamboo- Bamboogie

Tomaki- 14 Hours To Save

Unit 28. I Want My Freedom

Janet Jackson- I Get Lonely

Kristine Blond- Love Shy

Boyzone- Baby Can I Hold

Cleopatra- Cleopatra's ThemeFRANCERialto- Dream Clock -That's The Way

VIRGIN RADIO/London P Robbie Williams- Let Me EntertainEUROPE 2 NETWORK/Paris P

Cornerahop- Brimful Of Asha

Rock She Moves- Breakin'AC

Savage Garden. Truly Madly Deeply

Geoff Holland- Prog Dirr Todd Terry -Ready For A New DayNicolas du Roy - Music Dir

Sir J- Un Cuore Che Canto

Playliat Additions: Ultra Nate- Found A CurePlaylet Additions:

Verve -Lucky

Marcy Playground- Sex & CandyPropelkeheadBassey- Bison Repeating

Midget- Invisible Balloon R11, COUNTRY 1035/London SRobyn- Show Me Love

0171 FIVI/Paria S

CountryVeronique Samson- Un Amour

Adult Alternative

CITY FM/Liverpool Keith Francis - Prog Controller Michael Gentile - GM/Prog Dir

CUR Playliat Additions:FRANCE INTEWParis P Playliat Additions:

Paul Jordan - Pros Dir Faith Hill. The KissAC Alain Bashung- Sommer -Noun

Playliat Additions: Lee Ann Womack- BuckarooMarc Garcia - Music Dir

Blur- Death Of A Party

Voices Of Life. The Word Is Love Martina McBride- Happy GirlPlayliat Additions:

Chieftains8Costello- LongJourney Hone

Randy Travis- Out Of My BonesComply Segundo- U Common De Pepe Etienne De Crecy -Prix De Choc

CLYDE 1 FM/Glasgow G Tracy Byrd- I'm From The CountryCaere. I Never Loved You

Money Mark- Hand In Your

CHREl Hadj N'Diaye- Homour


Roes Macfadgen - Head Of 11111HIC TAY FM/Dundee SRing's Singers- Fifty Ways

Pierre Schott- Le Joueur De Gun.Oasis- Around The World

Playliat Additions: CUR Trilok Germ Band- G.apatiSixteen Horsepower- The Partisan

All Saints- Under Arthur Ballingall Prog DirVeronique Sanson- Un Amour

Tiersen/Dominiqu A.- Mono-

Ben Folds Five- Brick John Darroch - FM Coordinator chrome

Celetia- Rewind Playliat Additions: Zeze Mago- L'Essentel

Kuhr Shaker- The Sound Of Drums All Seeing I- Beat Goes OnIPSOS CHART/Paris P

Vanilla- True To Us Connor Reeves- Read My MindCDR

ISABELLE FM/Tocane Saint Apre B

Destiny's Child- No, No, NoPlayliat Additions:

CHRBusta Flex- JTais Mon Job

MATCHBOX 20PUSHLava/AtlanticProducer: Matt SerleticPublishers: EMI Blackwood/Bidnis/Melusic

This rock band from the south-east of theU.S. took America by storm last spring,helped along the way by this anthemicballad. The follow-up to their 1996 stateside debut Long Day, Push becamea firm favourite at rock and alternative radio and topped Billboard's Mod-ern Rock chart. Now, with some five million copies of their debut albumsold, it's Europe's turn to sample the delights of the youthful five -piece,fronted by singer/songwriter Rob Thomas. The appeal of this kind of MTV -friendly U.S. act doesn't always travel well, but some European program-mers are already expressing confidence that the track will work well with lis-teners over here. One of those broadcasters is Liam Coburn, head of musicat CHR network Atlantic 252, which covers the U.K. and Ireland from its Irishbase. "We listened to it, and we all agreed that it is a very good, accessiblesong, which really jumped at all of us immediately," declares Coburn. Hecontinues: "Although this band is largely unknown over here, we are confi-dent that the audience will latch on to it quite quickly, so we intend to playit approximately 35 times this week during all dayparts."



Page 15: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top

AIRPLAYPatrick Lapeyronnie - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

Droppers- &EvaderFatima- Eretmenia

0 -Mega- Dreaming Of A Better

Patricia Kean- Je Me Sou viens

Worlds Apart- Back



Dario Desi Music DirRoberto Gentileschi - Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Adam F- Music

Gimme Love

Anouk- Nobody's Wife

Antonella Ruggiero- Amore bontamsamo

Aretha Franklin- A RoseDJ Dade- Give Me Love

Flip Da Scrip- I Never

Luciferme- R Scanblase- What You Want

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy

Tens & We Tang Clan. Say What You Want


LOS CUARENTA/ Bologna PDance

Michele Menegon - Frog DirPlaylist Additions:

Chase- Gotta Lot Of Love

De' Lacy- More

DJ Disco- Stamp Your Feet


FM/Bologna PCHR

Michele Menegon - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

Fire tallied- Shout To The Top

Chatham Gripsni.Mi Pacerebbe Sapere

Irene & Neffa- Portami Fuore

Smoke City- With You

SW V-Loose My Cool

Total Touch- Dm Be La Dee

Ultra Nate -Found A Cure

Ustmamo, Cosa Conte



Davide Niespoli Head Of Programming

Playlist Additions:2 Eivissa- Move Your Body

Aqua- My Oh My

Canaria Evora- Sangue De &irons

Chorus- Walking On The Sun

Delta V ll Monde VistaDestiny's Child -No, No, No

Five- When The Lights

Gianlum Gnawed -1M Piacerehbe Sapere

Janet Jackson- I Get LonelyM -People- Angel Street

Sunvibe- Dreamer

Thrtmaino, Cosa Conte

Zoo Experience- Got To Be

RADIO 105/Milan P


Angelo De Robertis - Head Of MusicPlaylist Addition.

Aqua- My Oh My

Corona- Walking On Music

Flabby- Mambo Italian° 58

Los Unbreallos- No Tengo

Oasis- Around The World

Saahl- La Primavera



Carlo Mancini Music DirPower Play:

Madonna- Frozen

Natalie Imbruglia- Tom

Pino Daniele- Amore Senn FineProme, AcideRenato Zero- L'Impossibik Pierre

Playlist Additions:Corona- Walking On Music

Come- What Can I Do

Garbage- Push It

Gianluca Crimean- Mi Piacerebbe Sopere

M -People- Angel Street

Morcheeba- The Sea


Cologoo Monsese (MD PCHR

Luca Viscardi Frog DirPaolo Ravasi - Music DirectorPlaylist Addition.:

Clayton/Mullen- Mission

Adam F- The Tree Knows Everything

Annalists Minetti- Credi Credi

13-nario- Pasgegiando Col Mio

Gianluna Grignani. Mi Piacerebbe Sapere

Pizzicato 5- It's A Beautiful Day

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy

Savage Garde. Truly Madly Deeply

Tori Amos- Spark

RV1 FlWfurin GCHR

Max Desiato . Head Of MusicPower Play:

Bic Runge- Sway

Playlist Additions:Bernard Butler- Not Alone

Janet Jackson- I Get Lonely

Los Unbreallos No Tengo

Money Mark- Hand In Your Head


Sandra Alberghini Prog DirPower Play:

Eros Ramanotti- Anton Co Minato

Madonna- Frozen

Spice Girls- Stop

Playlist Additions:Aqua- My Oh My

Bryan Adams- Pm ReadyEagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Iron Maiden. Angel & Gambler

Liffilm- Sparemi

Mau Mau- El Dorado

Smash Mouth- Why Can't We

RADIO ENERGIEReggio Calabria 13


Carlo Taranto - Music DirectorPlaylist Additions:

Antonelle Reggiere- Amore Lontanissimo

Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha

M -People- Angel Street

Proract.- Aside

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy



Carlos Finely - Director Of Programming

Power Play:

Antonio Vega- Mi Ho/a

Playlist Additions:Bic Runge- Sway

PrquijodasProhlemas. Deeds Que No floe

Era -Mother

Heroes Del Silemin. apuesta Por El Rock

L.E. Auto Tell Me Lies

Michael Bolton- Save Place From

Phil C011/0/1- In The Air

Then Suet & August Tharrata But Not



Javier Pons - Managing DirectorJaime Bare - Music ManagerPlaylist Additions:

Alexia- Gimme Love

Alvaro Peire- Francis

CrqtdjollasProbletass.Desde Que No Nos

Heroes Del Silmcio.Apuesta Por El Rock

Killer Barbies- Crazy

Monica Nara*. Ernpieso A Recordarte

Primate- Un Mensaje Electric°

Propellerhead/Bassey. History Repeating

S -J- I Feel Divine


Joed Marinho - Head Of MuaicPlayliat Additions:

Adam F- Music

Cornemhop- Brimful Of Asha

Natalie Imbruglia- Big Mistake

Quintet Do Bill- Voa

Sarah McLachlan -Sweet Surrender


Pedro Tojal Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Alexia- Gimme Loom

Flak- Sei Onde

Moffatts- Pll Be Them

Verve- Sonnet


Playlist Additions:Boyzone- Baby Can I Hold

Volumial- Afscheml

Wyolef Jean- Gone Till November


Tom Blomberg - DJ/ProducerCome Klije - DJ/ProducerPlaylist Additions:

Mania Morissette- Uninvited

Basco- Elusions

Jewel- You Were Meant For Me

Ocean Colour Scene. Ifs ABeauliful Thee

Paula Cole- I Don't Want To Wait

Serious Danger- Deeper

She Moves- Breakin.

RADIO 8/Hilversum PCHR

Paul van der Logi - CoordPower Play:

Ocean Colour Seem It's A Beauidg Thing

Playlist Additions:I Brothers Off 4th Do You Know'

Alanis Moriasette- UninvitedChristine- Full of Smoke

Close II You- Somebody

Janet Jackson- I Get LonelyLionrock Rude Boy Rock

Smash Mouth. Why Can't We

RADIO 538/Hilversum PCHR

Erik de Zwart -MDPower Play:

Romeo- Coming Home

Serious Danger- Deeper

Playlist Additions:2 Unlimited- Wanna Get Up

Close 11 You- Somebody

Hanson -Weird

LL. Cool J- Dear Ratlike

Natalie Imbroglio- Big MistakeTern a Wu Tang Cha. Say Whet You Want

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November


Naarden PNational Music/AC

Ron Sterrenburg - Read Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Benny Neyman- Leven

BZN- The Gypsle Music

Danny Nicolai- Je Zal Ti Engel

Ferry Van Lemur. Hm van Em Warner

Nubia- Ze. Rwamen Oversee

Nathan- AlsofJe Bij Mij

SKY RADIO 100.7FM/Rossurn PAC

Ton Lathouwers - MDPlayliat Additions:

Close II You- Somebody

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Gary Barlow- Hang OnRomeo- Coming Home

Solid Harmorde- I Want You To


Hilversum PCHR

Maas Samplonius - Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

B.E.D. Vleugels

Edythe Rombley- Hemel En Aarde

Five- When The Lights

Frederique Spirt. Min Hart KanHanson- Weird

Hotcha Trio- Galloping Comedians

Jewel- You Were Meant For Me

Marialt Carey- The Roof

Natalie Imbruglia- Big Mistake

Alsof Je Bij Mij

Sash!- La Primavera

Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply

Serious Danger- Deeper

Tens & Wu Tam Clan. Say What You Want

RADIO 10 GOLD/Amsterdam GGold

Tom Mulder - Prog Dir

Playlist Unchanged


Playlist Additions:

Mariah Carey- The Roof


National Music

Ron Sterrenburg - Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Ad & Karin- &law Heald

Rojo's- Tiroler Trampehanz


Jan van Hoorickx Head Of MusicMarc Plate - ProgrammerPower Play:

Sash! -La Primavera

Playlist Additions:2 Fabiola- Flashback

Devine- Sempre Di PM

Five- When The Lights

Harem. WeirdKreuners- We Klemen De Nacht

Mobbs W Real- Missing You


Power Play:Stahl- La Primavera

Playlist Additions:Spice Girls -Stop

Will Smith- Gann' Jiggy With It


Jan Hauteklet- ProducerPlaylist Additions:

'T Hof Van Commerce- En In lszegem

Buffalo Daughter Great Five Lakes

Evil Superstars- BABY.Lionrock- Rude Boy Rock

Morcheeba- Big Calm

Natalie Imbruglia- Big MistakeNemo- Starsign

Page & Plant- Most High

Simple Minds- Neapolis

Transister- Look Who

RADIO 21/Brussels PCHR/Rock

Chriatine Goor - Head Of MusicPierre Dubois Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Dream Theater- Hollow Years

Etienne Daho- la Premier Jour

Etienne Daho- Bleu Comore Tot

Hanson- Weird

Huy- T.N.K.

Latryx- Lady Don't Tek No

Madonna- Candy Perfume Girl

Manic Street Pr.- La TristesseMorcheeba- Let Me See

Prince Buster- Whine & Grine

Rakiro- Guess Who's Back

Skunk Anansie. Brazen Weep)

Smash Mouth- Why Can't We

Space Monkeys- March Of the Scare

Spice Girls- StopSven VSth- Discophon



Jean Lou Berlin Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

Another Level- Be Alone No More

Aqua- My Oh My

Bryan Adams- Pm Ready

Jesse Green- When The Lights

Johnny Hallyday- Debout

Mono- Life In Mono

Queen Pee- All My Love

Saskl- La Primavera


Serge Jonckers - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

Alexia- Gimme Love

Giorgia- Dimmi Dove Sei

Isabelle Cater Changer L'EauM -People- Angel Street

Menelik- Je Me Souviens

Pierre Bachelet- A Perpetuite


Bruseels GAC

Axel Delmar ProgrammerPower Play:

Eric Clayton- My Father's

Noe- Vivre

Playlist Additions:Etienne Daho- Le Premier Jour

Florent Peony- Savoir Aimer

Veronique Same. Un AmourZasie- Tom Des Anges


Guy Janssens - ProducerPower Play:

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Eric Clanton- My Father's

Lighthouse Family- High

Lalli110- Let's Go Round

Madonna -Frozen

Playlist Additions:Guano Ape. Open Your Eyes

Guild° Horn- Guido Hat Each Lieb

Solid Harmonie- I Want You To

Spice Girls- Stop

HIT -FM 108.1/Elasseli B


Andre Hemeryck Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

2 Fabiolei- Flashback

Daze -Superhero

Huff And Herb- Feeling

Natalie Imbroglio- Big MistakeSerious Danger- Deeper



Sonja Celen - ProducerPower Rap

Barbara Den- Amoureuse

Playliat Additions:

2 Unlimited- Wanna Get Up

Aqua. My Oh My

But Douche Weer %ail DP Liege

Edsilia Rombley- Hemel En Aarde

Finley Quaye- Your Love

Mavericks- Dance The Night Away

Romeo- Coming Home

Schatteman/Couvreur La Spagnola

Will Tura- 17 Dagen Op Zee


Thierry Catherine - Head Of MuakPower Play:

Big Muff- Theme From Big Muff

Mang. Calle LunaMoney Mark- Hand In Your Head

Playlist Additions:Audioweb- Policeman Skunk

Delinquent Habits. Here Come The born,

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Getaway People- She Gave Me Love

I Am- Pent Frere

Lionrock- Rude Boy Rock

Morcheeba-The Sea

Perry Blake- Anoushka

Pressure Drop- Silently Bad Mind

Shed Seven- She Left MeTanger- Chloe Des Lysses

Town Tei- Time After Time

DRS a/Zurich GRock

Chriatoph Aliapach - Music Co -OrdPlaylist Additions:

Cornier Reeves- My Father's SonDie erste- Eat Schwein

Fief Sterne Deluxe- Winn Du Mit Mir

Habib Koite- Wassyie

Jungle- For You Tonight

Morcheeba- Let Me See

Nick Lowe- Lonesome Reverie

Sergio Caputo- Flamingo

Simple Minds- Glitterbal I



Grant Benson - Prog Dir

Steffi Thierstein - Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions: .

2 Ruff- Owner Of A Lonely

Five- When The. Lights

Guano Apes- Open Your Eyes

Juliet Roberta- So GoodSashl- La Primavera

RADIO 24/Zurich G


Dani Richiger - Head Of Music

Power Play:

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Janet Jackson- Together

Madonna- Frozen

Playlist Additions:Dakota Moon Another Day Goes By



Nick Schulz Heed Of MusicPower Play:

Madonna -Frozen

Shania Twain. You're Still The One

Playliat Additions:Cerra- What Can I Do

Finley Quaye- Your Love

Flip Da Scrip- I Never

Young Deenay- Walk On By



Pierre 13arbesat - Head Of Music

Power Play:Corry- What Can I Do

Kelly Family- One More Song

Mavericks- Dense The Night Away

Michael Learns TR- Something

Prince Buster- Whine & GrineSolid Hammel. I Went You To

Spice Girls- StopZucchero- Happy Birthday

Playlist Addition.Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Babyface- Change

Camen- 5000 Miles Away

Dakota Moon. Another Day Goes By

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

Ast/Florenstein- Meitschi

Gil- Never Giving Up

Jam Arden- The Sound Of

Jill Morrie -Jost One Kiss

Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly

Lam Fabian- Humana

Michael Von Der Heide- Jeudi Amour



Michael 'Buhr Bohol er - Head Of Music

Jean-Claude Frick Music CoordinatorPower Play:

Richie Smaller. Hard Times Come Easy

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Sophie Zelmani- So Long



Jean Luc Zwickert - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

2B3- Don't Say Goodbye

Liliclub- Sous Un Peraphue

Louise- Let's Go Round

Robyn- Show Me Love

RADIO PTLATUS 104.9/Luzern


Ralf Tschuppert Music DirPhilippe Unterschiirs - Head Of Music

Playlist Additions:911 -All I Want

Another Level- Be Alone No More

Caught In The Act- Rabe Come Bark

Clam II You- Bahr Don't Go

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

Eric Gadd- On My Way Beck

Fury/Slaughterhome- Everything I DM

K-Ci & JoJo- All My Life

Mango- Calle Luna

Pappa Bear. When The Rain Begins

Poetry 'N Motion- What You Want

Bashi- La Primavera

Stefan Raab- Schlimmer Finger

Van Zant- Pm A Want You Kinda


Mike Larnarr Music EditorPlaylist Unchanged



Jacky Sanders Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

911- All I Want

A.D.M.- Pour Toi

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

All Saints- Under

Aqua- My Oh My

Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha

Louise- All That Matters

Madonna- Ray Of Light

Matthew Neil- L'Homme Rave

Michael Pon Der Heide Judi Amour

Presidents/USA- Video Killed

Prince Buster- Whine & Grine

Richie &mimes. Hard Times Come Easy

Soak!- La Primavera

Zazie- Taos Des Anges

ONE FM/Geneva B


Michel Colin Prog DirFrederic Games -Head Of Music


Each week, M&M brings you the latest adds from key stationsaround Europe-the Power Players

(figures in brackets are the predicted number of plays for the current week)

France: Fun Radio

Format: CHRService area: NationalPlaylist Meeting: variesGroup/owner: CLT-UFA

Playlist additionsAerosmith/Pink (n/a)Afrodiziac/Trouve Moi Un Job (n/a)B.B.E./Deeper Love (n/a)

Busta Flex/J'Fais Mon Job (n/a)Cleopatra/C/eopatra's Theme (n/a)Cornershop/Brimful Of Asha (n/a)K's Choice/Believe (n/a)

Importe (n/a)Radiohead/No Surprises (n/a)Silmarils/Karma (n/a)Stereophonics/Local Boy In (n/a)X-Treme/That's The Way '97 (n/a)

Christain LefebreHead Of Music

Norway: Radio 102

Format: CHRService area: HaugesundPlaylist Meeting: Tuesday 10:30Group/owner: Radio 102 A/S

Playlist additionsDe Lillos/Smilet Til Cecilia (10-12)

Faithless/Don't Leave (10-12)G-Sten/Always Well (10-12)

Egil HouelandHead of music


Ireland: Tipp FM

Format: CHRService area: NationalPlaylist Meeting: Tuesday 10:30Group/owner: Tipp FM Radio

Playlist additionsTrisha Yearwood/The Women Before Me (8)

Mandalay/This Life (8)

Lisa Loeb/Let's Forget It (18)Gary Barlow/Superhero (14)

United Kingdom: Atlantic 252

Format: CHRService area: NationalPlaylist Meeting: Monday 10:30Group/owner: CLT-UFA

Playlist additionsL.L. Cool J./Father (35)Matchbox 20/Push (35)

Destiny's Child/No No No (7)Hanson/Weird (7)

All Seeing I/The Beat Goes On (7)

Al DunneProgramme director



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Power Play:PM Dawn- Gotta Be

Fire Island- Shout To The Top

T -Street- Words

Playliet Additions:Hanson- Weird

K's Choice- Believe

Janet Jack.n- I Get LonelyJill Johnson- Karleken ArSonic Dream- Heaven Knows

Susan Ted.chi- Rock Me Right

2 Eivis.- Move Your Body

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Another Level- Be Alone No More

LL. Cool J- Father

Monique- IfMousse T- Horny '98

Nina Forsberg- Cm Afraid I Can't



Alesey Glaeetov Prog DiePower Play:

B.G. NekoMrye Zbenjatsa

Lewis/Marx- At The BeginningValery Sutkin Pesnja Na Russkom



Piotr Felgentreu - Head Of MusicPower Play:

Harlem-Jak Lunatycy

Playliet Addition.Corea What Can I DoDENMARK

LL. Cool J- Father PM Dawn- Gotta Be Playliet Addition. Natalia Niemen. Matka Natalya Od

Simone Hines- Yeah Yeah YeahDANMARKS RADIO Pa/Copenhagen P

Saone Graultind- How Can It Be Gary Barlow- Superhero

Tr.sister- Look WhoCHR

Smash Mouth- Why Can't We Robbie Williams- Let Me Entertain RADIO POMORZA I KUJAW/Byd-Morten Rindholt Playliet Co-ord.

Souvenirs- Jeg Hader Susanne Vaya Con Dios- What Will Come gasses G

RADIO 105 (CEO DANCEPower Play:

S.A.B.J.- Electric Light CHR/Rook

CHART/Basel BDestiny's Child- No, No, No

Titiyo- Before The Day MUSIC RADIO/Perm S Zdsislaw Pajak . Head Of Manic

Dar. Playlist Additions:Vacuum- Tonnes Of Attraction AC Power Play:

Grant Benson - Prog DirAll Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Wallflowers- Three Marlene Mikhail Eidelman Frog Controller Lighthouse Family- HighStall Thierstein - Head Of Musk

Bureau, Chinese Fire DrillPlayliet Additions: Playliet Additions:

Playlist Additions:Kent- Saker Man Ser

RADIO 2/Copenhagen B Lewis/Marx- At The Beginning Alejandro Sans- Cartoon Pedro

Triple E Whoomp,THE VOICE/Copenhagen P

AC Irina Klimova- Angel Blenders- Owca

CHRHans -Otto Biagaard [eg Dir Valery Sutkin- Tvoy Middy Svet Catch- Dive In

RADIO 3 III/Mendrisio BEik Frederiksen Prog Dir

Jan Brodde - Music Coord Era- Ameno


Boris Piffaretti Prog DirPlayliet Additions:

Playliet Additions:Another Level -Be Alone No Mom

Eternal- Megarnix

G's Incorporated -On The NightshiftPOLANDRiccardo Pellegrini - Head Of Music

911. All I Want

All Seeing I- Beat Goes OnBarnse- Mig Og Mine Verner

RADIO 411: DANCE/Warsaw GHarlem- Jak Lunatycy

Playliet Additions:Colorblind- Under My

Nina Forsberg- I'm Afraid I Can'tDance

Marty. Jakubowics- Tratu-tutu

Antonells Ruggiero. Amore lankfishnoDJ Dada- Give Me Love

Souvenirs Jeg Hader SusanneBogdan Fabianaki - DJ/ProcL

Mariah Carey- The Roof

Corona- Walking On MusicDolly Parton- Peace Train Playliet Additions:

N.Y.C,C.- Fight For Your Right

Paola & Chiara- Per TeNovy v. Koine. Superstar

RADIO HOLBeEK/Holbaeck B2 Tribes- Wigwam

Ricky M.D. La Cope De La Vida

Sashl- La PrimaveraTin Tin Out- Here Where

CHRDJ Mo- Lunatic Child

Ryssanl Rynkowski- Dobry Dzien

Silvia Salemi- PathosTodd Terry- Ready For A New Day

Jacob Dandijaer - Frog DirDolphin's Mind- L'Esperanza

Ultra Nate -Free

Vanilla- True To UsPower Play:

El Paso- MatadorRADIO RHONE/Sion B

Voices Of Life- The Word Is LoveBlue Van Gogh- Butterfly Teeth

Faray. Prove Your LoveRADIO SZCZECIN/Szczecin G

AC Playliet Addition.LL Cool J- Dear Mallika


Joel Perrier - Prog DirARHUS VEREADIO/

Inside/Whale- Hvor Er Tiden Der Pink Rokicki - Head Of Music

Playliet Addition.RADIO COLOMBO/ Arhus G

Propegerhesdlliassey- llutory RepeatingRADIO GDANSK/Gdansk G

Playlist Additions:

Corr. What C. 1 DoCHR

Shirtsville- InconvenienceCHR

A.A.. Minsk& Senn Te 0 Con Te

J -M Lacorbiere- Am.daJasper Raab Music Director Marek Cegielski Head Of Music

Another Level- Be Alone No More

Lovebugs- FingersPower Play: NORWAY Power Play:

Dona- Tak Bedzie Lepiej

Five- When The LightsAce Of B.e- Life Is A Flower Dona- Tak Bedzie Lepiej

M.People Angel StreetAUSTRIA Playliet NRK PETRE/Oslo P Ryszard Rynkowski-Zycie Jest Newels

Madonna- FrozenBillie Myers- Moe The Rain CHR Playliet Additions:

Mavericks- Dance The Night Away6 3/Vienna P Michael Bolton- Save Place From Nile Heldal - Head Of Music Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha

Nosowska- Gdy Ronan SpiCBE Sonic Dream- Heaven Knows Playliet Additions: Harlem- Jak L.atycy

Sally- AkacjaAlfred Rosenauer Head Of Music Addict- Monster Side M -People- Angel Street

Spice Girls- StopPlaylist Additions: ANR/Aidborg Farmen- Dear Tapper Mare Cohn -Already Home

Stone Age- Maribrengael5 NY- Finally AC/CHR Natalie Imbroglio- Big Mistake Mavericks- Dance The Night Away

Alexia. Gimme Love Lars Trillingsgaard - Head Of Music Spleen- You Know Me Nosowska- Gdy Ronan Spi

Natalie Imbroglia- Big Mistake Playliet Additions: Spice Girls- StopRADIO ZACHOD/Zielona Gore G

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower KISS FM/Itomerike G Stone Age- MaribrengaelCBR

L.L. Cool J. Father CHR Taxi- Ten Zwykly MienEugenia. Banachowicr Head Of Music

SWEDEN Nik Kershaw- Wouldn't It Be Kim N. Jorgensen Head Of MusicPower Play:

Save Ferris- Come On Eileen Playliet Additions: RADIO KOSZALIN/Kossalin GM -People- Angel Street

MIX MEGAPOL/Stockholm PSpace- Ballad Of Tom Jones 911 -All I Want CUR/Rock

Playliet Additions:

ACAaliyah- Journey To The Past Przemyslaw Mroczek - DJ/Producer

2 Eivi.a- Move Your Body

Fredrik Severin Music DirectorRADIO ABC/Randers G Boyzone- All That I Need Power Play:

3 K- Todezio

Playliet UnchangedCHR Queen Pen- Get Away Mare Cohn- AlreadyHome

Catherine Wheel- Delicious

Kent Kordt Roder Prog Dir Sally- AkacjaChieftains& Costello- Long Journey Home

SVERIGES RADIO P3:Power Play: RADIO I NORD/Strommea S Playliet Additions:

Done- Tak Bedzie Lepiej

MOST SPELADEJ Stockholm PAce Of Base- Lore Is A Flower CHR 911 -All I Want

Harlem- Jak Lunatycy

CHRPlayliet Additions: TommEspen Broken Prog Dir Jeanette Murphy- Gonna Have Some

IRueieo-Zwycz Nie

Mats Grimberg - ProducerDestiny's Child- No, No, No Espen Notorious BIG- Lorin' You Tonight

Immortals- Mortal Rombat

Playliet Additions:Playliet Additions: Prince Buster- Whine & Grine

Peoasewtea&Moleeda Z Puchatkiem Na

Artificial Joy Club-Sick And BeautifulRADIO UPTOWN/Copenhagen Cl Billie Myers- Kiss The Rain Sack!- Lo Primavera

Kult- Paine Waldku

Billy Myers- Kiss The RainCHR Boyzone- All That I Need Stone Age- Maribrengael

Lighthouse Family- High

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go OnJan Brodde - Music Coord Dun. Dom Boys- Hei Det Er Meg Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Marusha- Free Love

Dandy Warhols- Not If You WerePlayliet Addition. Era- Mother

Marc Cohn -Already Home

Fjeld- the EmigrantsAnother Level- Be Alone No More Fire laland/Laletta- Shoot To The Top RADIO LODZ/Lodz G

MC Ace- Mission

Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha Grace- Desire CHRNew Model Army. Wonderful Way To Go


L.L. Cool J- Father Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly Adam Kolacinski - Head Of MusicNosowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Notorious BIG- Levin' You Tonight

Robert Sehlberg - Musk DirectorVacuum- Tomes Of Attraction MP.ple- Angel Street Power Play:

Orpheum- The Passion

Playliet Additions:Sheryl Crow- Home Another Level- Be Alone No Mom

Randy Crawford- Captain Of

Ace Of Base- Life Is A FlowerRADIO VIBORG/Viborg G Ultimate Kaos- Casanova Kurt- Panie Waldku

Spice Girls- Stop

Bernard Butler- Not AloneCHR Usher -Noce Spice Girls- Stop

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Janet Jackson- I Get LonelyPout Foged - Operations Manager Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Jill Johnson- KNrleken heJan Thulstrup - Head Of MusicPlayliet Additions: FINLAND

Playliet Additions:

Eivissa- Move Your BodyRADIO BIALYSTOK/Bialystok S

Rome.. It's Alright Baby2 Eivissa- Move Your Body Marc Cohn -Already Home


Michelle Weeks- Don't GiveAce Of Base- Life Is A Flower

FINNISH AIRPLAY TOP 30tfampere PMavericks- Dance The Night Away

Tomsk Wolaki - Head Of Music

PM Dawn- Gotta BeBemee- Mig Og Mine Veneer

CHRNew Model Army- Wondedid Way To Go

Power Play:

Rebekah- Sin So WellJanet Jackson- I Get Lonely

P.tti TeravAinen - DirectorParadise Motel- Watch llluminium

Christine Leuterburg-Yoksmata

Sheryl Crow- HomeJaen Arden- The Sound Of

Playlet Additions:Stone Age- Maribrengael

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Wyclef Gone Till NovemberMonique- If

DAD.- Home Alone 4 Playliet Additions:

Nine Forsberg- I'm Afraid I Can'tJanina- A Little Change

RADIO LUBLIN/Lublin GAnother Level- Be Alone No Mare

HIT FM 94.2/Bromma SOrop- Jag Kummer Over Dig

Ricky Marti. La Cope De La VidaRock

Dona- Tak Bedoe Lepiej

DanceRebekah- Sin So Well

Run DMC- It's Like ThatWiktor Jachacs DJ/Producer

Marc Cohn -Already Home

Jocks Bring - Prog DirSame Graulund- How C. It Be

Savage Garden- Truly Madly DeeplyPower Play:

Mavericks. Dance The Night Away

Playliet Additions:Souvenirs-Jeg Hader Susanne

Surma Tervoni.- Lkainen MoeMavericks- Dance The Night Away

New Model Army. Wonderful Way To Go

2 Unlimited- Wanna Get UpSpace Brothers- Forgiven

Waldo's People- U Drive Me CrazySally-Akacja

Nosowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Byron Stingily- You Make Me FeelPlayliet Additions:

Sally- Akacja

Dromhus- Pill Ha DegRADIO MOJN/Aabenraa S

ELS 2/RADIOMAFIA/Fleleinki PAnnalisa Minetti- Senza Te 0 Con Te

Stone Age- Maribrengael

Dromhus- I Mina DrommarHot AC

CHRBig Cyc- Impresa W Mak

Janet Jackson- I Get LonelyJan L. Hansen - Head Of Music

Lee. Pakkanen Prog DirBlack Grape- Marbles


Jason Nevi.- We Want Some PPlayliet Additions:

Jukka Haan= - Head Of MusicM -People- Ahgel Street


MP.ple- Angel Street2 Eivissa- Move Your Body

Playliet Additions:Marc Cohn- Already Home

Piotrt Patter - Head Of Music

Mary 0- My Heart Will Go On2 Unlimited- Wanna Get Up

Casimir -.lust Let LiveNoaowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Playliet Additions:

Missy Elliott- Beep Me 911Alexia- Gimme Love

Come Inside- CelebratePandora- Spirit To Win

Alejandro Sans- Cor.on Padre

Seek!- La Primavera

Xenayo- Hear That VoiceJon Bon Jovi- Ugly

Hurricane MI- Only The Strongest

dimlaon8R.Sorn On Heikki Nina KuinSpice Girls -Stop

Angeligue Kidjo- Summertime

Blenders- OwenSpace, Ballad Of Tom Jones

Marcy Playground -San & CandyStone Age- Marihrengael

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

0103 - GOTHENBURG STUDENTRAD10/ Mummypowder- FuckheadTaxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Era- Am.oGothenburg B

RADIO SILKEBORG/Silkeborg SPublic Announcement. lippie-Yi-Yo Eternal- Megamix


SOAP- This Is How We PartyRADIO MERKURY/Poamm G

G's Incorporated- On The Nightshift

Fredrik Blom/Micheal Jorgensen - Head Of Music

Sub -Urban Tribe- Life OnAC

Harlem-Jak Lunatycy

John. Olofsson - Heads Of MusicPlayliet Additions:

Zen Cafe- Toddle KaunisRyssard Gloger - Head Of Music

&mato( Cugnwski- Demony W jay

Playliet Additions:2 Eivissa- Move Your Body Power Play:

Levert, Sweat & Gill- Curious

10 Speed- Space QueenAce Of Base- Life Is A Flower

KISS FM/Helsinki GFastball- The Way

M -People- Angel Street

Caesar's Palace- Kick You OutBarnes- Mig Og Mine Veneer

CHRTaxi- Ten Zwykly Mien

Mariah Carey- The Roof

Chickenpox- Tenth Of One TimeCornershop- Brimful Of Asha

Mage Vainio Prog DirPlayliet Addition.

Mese- What You Want

Cask De Sol- The Seasons ReverseDestiny s Child- No, No, No

Playlist Additions:Annalisit Minetti- Sense Te 0 Con Te

Pandora- Spirit To Win

God Lives Underwater -From Your MouthMichael Bolton- Save Place From

SOAP- Stand By YouArdis- No Man'e Land

Another Level- Be Alone No More

Dandy Warbols- Not If You WereRyszard Rynkowski- Dobry Dri.

Killek Priest- One StepSan. Graidund- How C. It Be

Janina- A Little ChangeDuna-Tak Bedzie Le

Sally- Akacja

Lionrock- Rude Boy RockSouvenirs- Jeg Hader Susanne

Sinai& Mouth- Why Can't WeFien When The Lights

Id Mighty Bosatones- The Rascal King

Pills- Rock Me

Ultimate Kaos- CasanovaHarlem-Jak Lunatycy



Pulp -This Is HardcoreTHE WAVE - RADIO SRI/Helsingor S Jana- Near Me

Piotr Welc DJ ProducerRUSSIARani Size- Represent

CHR Leonard- Slodkie ZyciePower Play:

Shed Seven- She Left MeDeny Vicente Fabian -Head Of Music M -People- Angel Street

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Sven Viith- Scorpio's MovementPlayliet Additions: RADIO MAXIMUM/ Mavericks- Dance The Night Away

Kult- Fame WaldkuMoreno & King- I've Been Wondering Mo.ow/St. Petersburg P Melodic MC- Fake

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

MICE 102/Umeit BSingktordliodernTalk, You're By lleart.18 CHR Nosowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Playliet Additions:

CHRMikhail Kozareff Prog Dir Robbie Robertson- Unbound

New Model Army- Wonderful Way To Go

Lame Magnusson - Prog DirVLR/Vejle S Playliet Addition. Ryszard Rynkowski-Jaws

Nosowaka- Gdy Rozum Spi

Playlet Additions:CHR Aqua- Turn Back Time Sally- Akacja

Sally- Akacja

Big- Inge° Amon VagJon Kristiansen Pros Dir/Head Of Music SiagletonAlodersTalk You're* Fleart..98 Spice Girl. Stop

Spice Girls- Stop

Black Ingram- CheriePlayliet Additions: Natalie Imbroglio- Bog Mistake

Stone Age- Marthrengael

DESTINY'S CHILDNo No NoColumbiaProducers: Wyclef Jean/Vincent Herbert/Rob Fusari/Jerry"Te-Bass" Duplessis

airborneA recent chart -topper on Billboard's Hot R&B Singles list-ing, No No No is the debut single from this female four-some from Texas. Originally a ballad, it was reworked intoa thumping dance track by the ever -hyperactive WyclefJean (Fugees), and its U.S. radio success swiftly spilledover onto the sales side (it was at number 3 on lastweek's Billboard Hot 100). Now it's Europe's turn. AtDutch public CHR network Radio 3, which broadcastsnationally from its Hilversum base, programmer/presenterCome Klijn was among the first to recognise the poten-tial of the track on this side of the Atlantic. "I think it is oneof the very best R&B songs around at the moment," heexplains, "simply because it is so incredibly catchy.Wyclef Jean's involvement does the rest-the highlyoriginal break, for instance, is a prime example of hisstyle." Klijn elaborates, suggesting that "Wyclef Jean hasnow dethroned Puff Daddy as the hottest R&B producer

around because of his workwith the Fugees/RefugeeCamp Allstars and nowDestiny's Child." Klijn also

adds that "The girls provedthat they are all excellentsingers when they ap-peared in the Radio 3 stu-dio a few weeks ago."



Derek Kapturski - Head Of Music

Power Play:Aretba Franklin- A Rose

Janet Jackson- I Get Lonely

Playliet Additions:Annidisa Minetti Seem Te 0 Con Te

Merril Bainbridge -Being Boring

Sally- Akacja

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Thompson Twins- Hold Me Now




Grsegors Skwarek - Head Of Music

Power Play:Ryssard Rynkowski- Dobry Dzien

kuudisa Minetti, Sense Te 0 Con Te

Kobe Moleda Z Puchatkem

Playliet Additions:Honeydrippers- Sea Of LoveMavericks- All I Get



Krmsstof Komenda - Head of Music

Power Play:

Nosowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Spice Girls, Stop

Playliet Additions:

Another Level- Be Alone No More

Black Grape- Marbles

Dona- Tak Bedzie Lepiej

Gang Starr/K-Ci&Jojo- RoyaltyPsnasewies & Molenda- Z PuchatInem Na

Marc Cohn- Already Home

Queen Pen. All My Love

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Mien


Hot AC

Halal Freyer Head Of MusicIwona Katy. - Mimic CoordinatorPlayliet Additions:

Cora- What Can I Do

Genesis- Not About Us

Natalia Nieme. Matka Retake Od

Ricky Martha- La Cope De La Vida

Sally- Akacja

Spice Girls- Stop

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien



Pawel Pensko Head Of Music

Power Play:Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Taxi- Ten Zwykly Dzien

Playliet Additions:Eivissa- Mane Your Body

Another Level -Be Alone No Mom

Boys- One Minute

Dona- Tak Bedzie Lepiej

Five- When The Lights

Jam.- Destiny CallingIM -People- Angel Street

Marc Cohn- Already Home

Mavericks, Deere The Night Away

Nosowska- Gdy Rozum Spi

Pandora- Spirit To Win

Sally- Akacja

Spice Girls- StopStone Age- Maribrengael



Hubert KucinsId - Head Of MusicPlayliet Additiona:

Artur Gadowski- Na Kredyt

Blenders- Owca

Catatonia- Mulder And Scully

Conner Reeves- My Father's Son

Corrs- What Can I Do

Eternal- Megamix

Falco- Out Of The Dark

Jakubowicz- Trutu Tutu

Krzystof Cugowski- Demony WMoy

Raba Sierddewkz Wydaj Mi Spone

Metallica- The Unforgiven

Natalia Niemen- Matka Natalya Od

Ryssard Rynkowski- Dobry Dzien

S. Appeal- Dirty TalkShania Twain- You're Still The One

Sixteen- Obud We Mnie Weans

Tens &Wu Tang Cl. Say What You Want

Verve- Sonnet



Peter Kral - Prog DirDavid Beck - Head Of Music

Playlist Additions:Ace Of Bare- Life Is A Flower

Young Deenay- Walk On By

EVROPA 2/Prague Cl


Milos Pokorny - Head Of Programming

Roman Ondracek - Head Of Music

Playliet Addition.

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Lisa Loeb- I Do

M -People- Angel Street

HMG- Open Your

Sexy Dancers- Some

Tin Tin Out- Here Where


Rene Ilinlicka - Music ManagerPlayliet Additions:

Ace Of BM.- Life Is A Flower

Leann Rimes- How Do I Live



D.. %okra - Head Of MusicPlayliet Additions:

Espen Lind- When Susannah Cries

Lutricia McNeal- My Side Of Town

Moffatts- I'll Be Them

Shania Twain- You're Still The One



Zdenek Pachovsky Musk ManagerPlayliet

Alexia- Gimme Love

Sexy Dancers- Some



Jan Hano.ek Head Of Music

Playliet Additions:M.People- Angel Street


Michel Holy - Head Of MusicPower Play:

Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Playliat Additions:Espen Lind- When Susannah Cries


Milan Han. Head Of Program-ming

Playlist Additiona:Ace Of Base- Life Is A Flower

Beatstorm- It's Gonna Be

Cleopatra- Cleopatra's Theme

Cora- What Can I Do

Falco- Out Of The Dark

Dona Csakova- Proc Me Nikdo

M -People- Angel Street

Sweetbox- Don't Go Away

Usher -You Make Me Wanna



Page 17: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top



P. Grave Music DirPlaylist Additions:

Black Attack- Heartless

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Emer Kenny. Gulden Brown

Essence- The Promise

Gilberto Gil -Round

Kylie Minogne- Breathe

PM Dawn- Gotta Be

Prince Buster- Whine & GnneRADIO KOLIBA/Bratislava S


Fero &Mac Music DirectorPlaylist Additions:

Carrie. Molly

Coleske- Take Me To Where

Fake- Out Of The Dark

Midge Ure- Breathe

Robe Grigorov- Mamicka Utica



Oto Tache Prog DirPlaylist Addition.

Chris Re. Blue CafeEagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Money Mark- Hand In Your Head

Spice Girls- Stop



Richard Kollar Mimic ProgrammerPlaylist Additions:

All Seeing l- Beat Goes On

King/Chapma. The Thrills 15 Gone

Barry Adamson- Can't Get LooseBluetones- If..Coade- Schizo

Etienne De Crecy- Prix De Choc

Girl Eats Boy- Kill Pussy Kill

Gladiator -Society

Kent- If You Where There

Space- Ballad Of Tom Jones

Travis- More Than Us

Uxia- A Laren.Warm Jete- Hurricane


Sander Bona Music DirGabriella Csik Music ProgrammerPlaylist Additions:

Brunner Marta- Budai Lmayok

Eric Clanton- My Father'sN. Nagy Laj.- Egy SjszakaSpice Girls- Stop


CHART/ Budapest PCHR

Playlist Additions:Bell Book & Candle- Rescue Me

Bonen Lind- When Susannah Cries

Rolling Stones- Saint Of Me

Tell Marta- Az Eon Es En


Orsolya Megyeri - Head Of Music

Playlist Additions:&pen Lind- When Surninah Cries

Richie Bashers Hard Times Come Easy

Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply


John Clarke - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

BeYsone- All That I Need

James Taylor- Little More

Kings/Infinite- Cool

Lighthouse Family -Once In A Blue Moon

OTT- Ain't Done Loving

Sham MacGowan. Rock'Nftoll Paddy

Tin Tin Out- Here Where


KISS 909 FM/Athens CCHR/Dance

Michael Tmuniesopoulos - Prog DirPower Plain

DJ Stew- Funky FreshPlaylist Additions:

Gazebo- I Like Chopin 98

Run DMC- we like ThatScold- La Primavera

Ultra Nate- Found A Cure


Spyroa Hytiris - Head Of Music

Playlist Additions:Air- Jeanne

Dick Johnson- My Love Lost

Monkey Island -Ansonia Hotel

Nick Heyward- Stars In Her Eyes

Simon Joyner- Catholic Girls

NRG 105.5/Athens B


Toils Varnas - Head Of MusicPower Play:

Motte/Weatbam- SunshinePlaylist Additions:

011ie Va. Dentist -The Fourth Kingdom

Piano Heads- DistortionRobbie Tronco- Freight TrainWinky Wax Project- State OF



Emre Tenter - Prog DirPlaylist Additions:

Green Day. Time For Your Life

Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly

Prince Buster- Whine & Grine

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy

Ridillo- Figli Di Una Buena Stella

Sandra Piave- Here I Am

Verve- Sonnet

RADIO 5/IstaribulCHR

Tim Verboyen - SupervisorHadi Elassi - Director Of MusicPleyliat Addition.s:

Black Attack- Bang Bang

Corry- I Never Loved You

Hanson- Weird

Huff And Herb- Feeling

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy

Sarah- True Love Is Tough

Verve -Sonnet


Raato Boric DJ/ProducerPower Play:

Catatonia- Mulder And Scully

Playlist Additions:Alison Limerick- PM Your FaithAnouk- Nobody's Wife

Madonna- Ray Of Light

Matthew Ryan- Guilty

Propellethead/Bassey- History Repent.

Rachid Taha- Ya Rayah


Immo Mihkelson - Head Of Music

Playlist Additions:Flip Da Scrip- I Never

Gary Barlow- Hang On

Kulned Lindid- Veen.Kylie Minogue- Breathe

Louise- Let's Go Round


Jaen Riikoja Head Of MusicPleytiet Additions:

Bonnie Raitt- One Belief Away

Clannad- A Mbutrom 0Deal Delicious

Mariali Carey- The Roof



J. Sipkevies - Prog DirPower Plain

Big Head Todd- Boom

Gary Barlow- Hang On

Robbie Williams- Let Me Entertain

UB40- I Get Lifted

Playlist Additions:Fastball- The Way

Fool's Garden -Rainy DayHerlis- Tu Nan To Ej

Jana- Near Me

Prince Buster- Whine & Grine

S.O.A.P- This Is How We Party

Uncle Sam- I Don't Ever Want



Eric Niedre - Prog DirPower Play:

Cornershop. Brimful Of Asha

Gary Barlow- Hang On

Madonna -Frozen

Rest Assured- Treat Infamy

Shanis Twain- You're Still The One

Space- Ballad Of Tom Jones

Playlist Additions:All Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Aretha Franklin- A RomBillie Myers- Kiss The Rain

Pulp- This Is Hardcore

Third Eye Blind. Losing A Whole Year


data Gujyte Prog DirPower Play:

Tik Debar- B'Avarim

Playlist Additions:Adam F- Music

Hanson- Weird

Ian Brown. Corps.Wobble -U- Petal



Luc Melnen Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Close II You- Baby Don't Go

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

Falco- Out Of The Dark

Gary Barlow- Hang On

N.Y.C.C.- Fight For Your Right

Portobello -Alive

Pur- Der Dumme


Deal Sigel - Prog DirRoland Blum - Head Of MusicPlaylist Additions:

Dakota Moon- Another Day Goes By

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love

Finley Quaye- Your Love

Jon Bon Jovi- Ugly

K-Ci & JoJo- All My Life

Mary J. Blige- Seven Days


Alain Rossi - Music ProgrammerEric Francais - Music ProgrammerA List:

AD Cesaria Evora- Particle

Cuarteto Patric- Rumba Makossa

Den Ar Bra.- Left In Peace

Delaney- Une Musique Tragic,.

Gifted.- RockE Roll StarJeff Bodart- La Vie D'Artiste

Jehan & Negaro- Si To Me Payee

K's Choice- Believe

Nek- Sei Grande

Sixteen Horsepower- The Partisan

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November

Youssou N'Dotir- La Coeur Dee Secede

Zasie- Tous Des Anges

Fere Memo- L'Es.ntiel


St. Petersburg PCHR

Irene Krutskikh - Music DirectorA List:

AD All Saints- Never Ever

Crystal Method- Keep Hope Alive

Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply

U2- Angels



Armin Weis - Prog Dir

Power Play:Mare- What You Want

Tamperer- Feel ItA List:

All Saints- Never Ever

Backstreet Boys- All I Have To Give

Culture Beat- Pay No Mind

Eric Clanton- My Father's

Hausmarke- Madchen No. 1

Huff And Herb- Feeling

Lighthouse Family- HighMadonna- Frozen

N.Y.C.C.- Fight For Your Right

Natalie Imbruglia- Torn

PropellerheadBassey. ilistay Repeating

Savage Garden- Tnily Madly Deeply

Something wr People- Shhh!Spice Girls- Stop

Will Smith- Gettin' Jiggy With It

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November

Young Deenay- Walk On By

A List:

AD Gary Barlow- Hang OnQueen Pen- All My Love

Solid Harmonic.- I Want You To


MCM/Paris PMusic Television

Reeve Lemaire Prog DirCecile Estrade - Programmer

Power Play:

Isabelle Calla- Changer L'Eau

Stereophoni.- Local Boy InDubmatique- Soul Pleureur

Transistor- Look WhoA List:

All Saints- Never Ever

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Debatcha'ss- Le Grand PardonFlorent Peony- ChanterHanson- Weird

JJacqu. Goldman. Quand Tu °eases

Madonna- FrozenMC Bolas, Paradiaiaque

Pills- Rock Me

Robbie Williams- Angels

Stony Bossy- Man Papa A Moi

Will Smith- Gettin' Jiggy With It

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till NovemberNew Videos

Afrodisiac- Trouve Mei Un Job

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Mariak Carey- My All

Silja..rEfface Et J'Oblie

MTV/Central Region PMusic Television

Andreas Heineke Head Of Music

Heavy RotationRam...Mb/Turner Case Della Vita

Guano Apes- Open Your Eyes

Herbert Grone.meyer. ftleibt Allot balers

Janet Jackson- TogetherJanet Jackson- I Get LonelyMadonna. Frozen

Music Instructor- Super SonicN.Y.C.C.- Fight For Your Right


3P- Licence To Kill

All Saints- Never Ever

Aqua. My Oh My

Backstreet Boys- All I Have To Give

Espen Lind- When Susannah Cries

Midge Ure- Breathe

Natalie Imbroglia- Torn

RI.PG- Open Your

Run DMC- It's Like That

Run DMC- It's Tricky

Wee- Alone

Will Smith- Gettio' diary With It

Break OutAll Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Hausmarke- Madchen No. 1

Marcy Playground- Sex & Candy

Metalline- The Unforgiven

Missy Elliott- Beep Me 911

Pulp- This Is Hardcore

Queen Pee- All My Love

Savage Garden. Truly Madly Deeply

Transister- Look Who

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November

Breakout ExtraBasis- Ink Liebe Mich

Cleopatra- Cleopatra 'a Theme

Culture Beat- Pay No Mind

Die irate- Fin Schwein

Mace- What You Want

Thomas D. Solo

MTV/Northern Region PMusic Television

Rana Hagman Head Of MusicHeavy Rotation

All Saints- Never Ever

Backstreet Boys. All I Have To Give

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Janet Jackson- TogetherJanet Jackson- I Get Lonely

Madonna- Frozen

Natalie Imbroglia-TomWill Smith- Gettin' Jiggy With It


Anouk- Nobody's Wife

Cleopatra- Cleopatra's Theme

Destiny's Child- No, No. No

Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

HansonPepin Bear- CherishRun DMC- It's Like ThatSavage Garden- Tnily Madly Deeply

Solid Harmonie- I Want You ToSpice Girle- Stop

Usher -Nice

Break OutAll Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Corriershop- Brimful Of Asha

Cerra- What Can I Do

Marcy Playground -Sea & Candy

Popsie- Single

Pulp- This Is Hardoore

Romeo- Coming Home

Save Ferris- Come On Eileen

She Moves- Breakin'

Smash Mouth- Why Can't We

Space Monkeys- Sugar Cane

'rreumister- Look Who

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November

Breakout ExtraAqua- My Oh My

Kent- If You Where There

Mariah Carey- The Roof

Metalline -The Unforgiven II

New Videos

LL. Cool J- Dear MallikaNatalie Imbroglia- Big Mistake

MTV ITALY/Southern Region PMusic Television

Clive Evan Head Of MusicHeavy Rotation

All Sainte- Never Ever

Backstreet Boys -All I Have To Give

Backstreet Boy. As Long As

Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha

Lighthouse Family- High

Madonna- Frozen

?room, AcidePropellerhead/Baesey. llistorY Repealing


Alexia- Gimme Love

Chumbawamba- AmnesiaEagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Eric Clanton- My Father's

GiankmaGrignani- Baby Revolution

PM Dawn- Gotta Be

Simple Minds- Glitterball

Smash Mouth- Walking On The Sun

Smash Mouth- Why Can't We

Space -Avenging Angels

Spice Girls- Stop

Burs BinMau Mau- El Dorado

Money Mark- Hand In Your Head

Subsonica- Case Che Non Ho

Break OutHanson- Weird

Marcy Playground- Sex & Candy

Pitch- Neil Young

Pulp- This Is Hardman

Savage Garden. Truly Madly Deeply

Shola dine- Much Love

Transister- Look Who

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November

Breakout ExtraAlmamegretta- Black AthenaAnouk- Nobody's Wife

Bluvertigo- Ciei NeriCasino Royale- The Future

New Videos

All Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Aqua- My Oh My

Bernard Butler- Not Alone

Blackwood- Peace

Corm- What Can I Do

Ciento. Grignani. Mi Piaterebbe Sapere

Janet Jackson -1 Get Lonely

Luciferme- R Satin

Natalie Imbroglia- Big Mistake

MTV U.K./London PMusic Television

Heavy RotationComershop- Brimful Of AshaMadonna -Frozen

Mariah Carey- The RoofRobbie Williams- Let Me Entertain

Robbie Williams -Angels

Run DMC- it's Like That

Usher -You Make Me Wanne

Usher -Him

Verve -Lucky


Five- When The Lights

Hanson- Weird

Kyle Minogoe- Breathe

LL Cool J- FatherLouise- All That Matters

Mane- What You Went

Pulp- This Is Hardcore

Rest Assured- Treat InfamyStiehl- La Primavera

Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply

Tin Tin Out- Here Where

Buss BM

All Seeing I- Beat Goes On

Billie Mye.- Kiss The Rainlan Brown- Corpses

Marcy Playground- Sex &Candy

Break Out187 Lockdown- Kung Fu

All Saints- Never Ever

Bernard Butler- Not Alone

Natalie Imbruglia- Big Mistake

Smiles- Say Something

Space- Ballad Of Tom Jones

Spice Girls- Stop

Voices Of Life- The Word Is Love

Wyclef Jean- Gone nil November

Breakout Extra

Destiny's Child- No, No, No

Missy Elliott- Beep Me 911

Shed Seven- She Left Me

New Videos

Conner Reeves- Read My Mind

Janet Jackson- I Get Lonely

Matchbox 20- PushMorcheeba- Blindfold

Transister. Look Who

VH-1/London PMusic Television

Leffler Mordue -Head Of Programming

Heavy Rotation

Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Lighthouse Family- HighMadonna- Frozen

Robbie Williams- Angels

Mania Twain -You're Still The One


Eric Clanton- My Father's

Lutrieia McNeal- Ain't That JustM -People- Angel Street

Medium RotationBryan Adams- ran Ready

Janet Jackson- TogetherLeann Rim.- How Do I LiveMavericks- Dance The Night Away

Natalie Imbroglio- Big MistakeNatalie Imbroglia. TomSavage Garde. Truly Madly Deeply

Simple Minds- Glitterhall

New Videos

Cores- What Can I Do

Page & Plant- Most High

VIVA TV/Cologne P

Music Television

Tina Busch - Frog DirA List:

Celine Dion -My Head Will Go On

Rantrarettifronser- Cose Della Vita

Guano Apes- Open Your Eyes

Janet Jackson- TogetherMadonna- Frozen

Midge Ure. Breathe

Music Instructor- Super SonicN.Y.C.C.. Fight For Your Right

Natalie Imbroglio- TomR'N'G- Open Your

Run DMC- It's Like ThatWee -Alone

Young Deeriay- Walk On By

B List:

IP- Licence To Kill

Aaron Carter- TB Mi. YouAB Saints- Never Ever

Aqua- Doctor Jones

Aqua. My Oh My

Backstreet Boys All I Have To Give

Basis- Ich Liebe Mich

Boys- One Minute

C -Block- Broken Wings

Culture Beat- Pay No Mind

PowerplayersEach week, KW brings you the latest adds from key stations

around Europe-the Power Players(figures in brackets are the predicted number of plays for the current week)

Turkey: Radyo5

Format: CHRService area: National:Turkey,Satellite:Europe/Middle East

Playlist Meeting: Wednesday amGroup/owner: Vlamco Belgium/Belgium Meda Holdings

Playlist additionsGarbage/Push It (25-32)

Eagle -Eye Cherry/Save Tonight (25-35)

K's Choice/Believe (25-32)

Maria Nayler/Naked And Sacred (25-32)

United Kingdom: Downtown Radio

Format: Hot ACService area: Northern IrelandPlaylist Meeting: Thursday 14:00Group/owner: Scottish Radio Holdings

Playlist additionsJerry Carney & Naimh Kavanagh/Sometimes Love (17)

Conner Reeves/Read My Mind (17)Booley House/Take Me In (17)Billie Myers/Kiss The Rain (27)

fin Tin Out/Here's Where The Story Ends (27)

Will Smith/Just The Two Of Us (17)

All Saints/Under The Bridge (17)

John RosboroughProgramme director

France: Skyrock

IFormat: CHR/UrbanService area: NationalPlaylist Meeting: no meetingGroup/owner: Hachette Fillipacchi Media

Playlist additionsLa Cliqua/Pas De Place Pour Les Traites (n/a)

Puff Daddy/Victory (n/a)Muse/ What You Want (n/a)Pills/Rock Me (n/a)3° Oeil/La Vie De Reve (n/a)

Laurent BouneauGM/Programme director

United Kingdom: Essex FM

Format: Hot ACService area: Essex countyPlaylist Meeting: Tuesday 14:00Group/owner: Essex Radio Group/DMG

Playlist additionsAll Saints/Under The Bridge (8-10)

K-Ci & JoJO/All My Life (8-10)

Hanson/ Weird (8-10)

Trickster/Move On Up (8-10)Matchbox 20/ Push (8-10)

Wyclef Jean/Gone 'Till November (8-10)

Paul ChantlerGroup programme director

ESSEXm& MEDIA arto APRIL 4 , 1 9 9 8


Page 18: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top


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Die Toten Rosen- Pushed Again Jorge Cebrian Lopes - Prog Dir Aqua- Barbie Girl MUTE -MUSIC TELEVISION/

Ore Hill- In My Bed A List Backstreet Boys- Everybody Warsaw SEspen Lind- When Susannah Cries Guano Apes- Open Tom Eyes Backstreet Boys- AR I Have To Give Music Television

Gil- Never Giving Up Janet Jackson. Together Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On Note Majewski . Head Of Music

Kai Tracid- Your Own Reality Madonna- Frozen Celetie- Rewind Power Play:

Metallica- The Unforgiven II Midge Ure- Breathe Five- When The Lights Millenium- 'Re -Flex

Nana- Too Much Natalie Imbroglio. Torn Hanson- Weird A Lint:

R.A.R- I Want To Know Run DMC- It's Like Thet Madonna- Frozen Amsterdam- Wssystko Wiesz

Robbie Williams -Angels II List: Mose- What You Want Aqua- Doctor Jones

Something F/T People- Shhh! 31, Licence To Kill Milk Inc.- Good Enough Carreras/Gornik- Hope For Us

Space Frog- Lost In Space 98 Die Toten Hosea- Pushed Again Robbie Williams- Let Me Entertain Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha

Spice Girls- Stop Drs Hill- In My Bed Run DMC- It's Like That Daft Punk- Revolution 909

Usher -You Make Me Wane Eric Clanton- My Father's Stahl- Lee Primavera Homo Twist- Twist Again

Will Smith- Cretan' Jiggy With It Espen Lind- When Susannah Cries Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply Kaliber 44- Film

C Liot: Herbert Grinemeyer. MOM Mks Anders Space- Balled Of Torn Jones L.O. 27- Twoje Marseille

Black Attack- Heatless Huff And Herb- Feeling Spice Girls- Stop Madonna- Frozen

Brooklyn Bounce- The Music Got To Me Metallica- The Unforgiven Steps- Last Thing Metallica- The Memory Remains

Cleopatra- Cleopatra 's Theme Propellerhead/Bassey History Repeating Breakin' Out Of The Box Metallica- The Unforgiven

DJ Disco- Dirty Disco Dubs. Savage Garden- Truly Madly Deeply 187 Lockdown- Rung Fu Molests- Wiedziacem

DJ Tonka- Security Something F/T People- Slahhl 911 -All I Want Natalie Imbroglio- Torn

Dolphin's Mind- L'Esperanza Will Smith- Genie' Jiggy With It Abi- Counting The Days Prodigy- Smack My Bdch 17p

Rini Sterne Deluxe. Waist Deka Kir C List: Destiny's Child- No, No, No Whigfield- No Tears To Cry

Groove Gangsters- Funky Beats Alexander Veljanov- The Silverguo Diana King- L -1 -lies Zdrowa Woda- Nie Boj Sie Mussel

Hausrnarke- Madchen No. 1 Falco- Out Of The Dark Gala- Come Into

Huff And Herb- Feeling Jay -Z- Wishing On hoajin- Shorty -You Keep THE MUSIC FACTORY!

Lighthouse Family- High Lisa Loeb- I Do K-Ci & JoJo- All My Life Bussum, Holland B

PropellerheadBassey- History Repeating Matchbox 20- 3 A.M. Louise- All That Matters Music Televislon

Sabrina Seller- Frei Sein Queen Pen -All My Love Mariah Carey- The Roof Erik %rose - Music Director

N List: Rolling Stones- Saint Of Me Mary J. Bilge- Seven Days Power Play:

Basic Connection- Hableme Lune Sabrina Setlor- Frei Sein Pappa Bear- Cherish 2 Unlimited- Warta Get Up

Blank And Jones- Heartbeat Sven Vfith- Fusion Salt N Pepe- Gitty Up A List:

Der Wolf- KMn Kitchen Da Thomas D.- Solo Solid Harmonic.- I Want You To Ague- My Oh My

Five- When The Lights Tito & Tarantula -After Dark Uncle Sam- I Don't Ever Want Celine Dion- My Heart Will Go On

Moffatts- Miss You Like Crazy N List: Usher -Nice Cleopatra- Cleopatra's Theme

Natalie Imbroglio- Big Mistake Bad Religion/Campine- Raise Your Voice Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November Eagle -Eye Cherry- Save Tonight

Oceania- Es Hat Mich Erwischt Cornershop- Brimful Of Asha New Videos Hanson- Weird

Phil Fuldner- The Final Mellowbag & Freinide, Tabula Rasa Alexia- Gimme Love Madonna- Frozen

RMB- Shadows Natalie Imbroglio- Big Mistake Ali- Love Letter Solid Harmonic, I Want You To

Sashl- La Primavera Page & Plant- Moot High Aqua- Turn Back Time Spice Girls- Stop

Solid Harmonie- I Want You To PM Dawn- Gotta Be Beenie Man- Who Am I Will Smith- Gettin' Jiggy With It

Stefan Raab- Schlimmer Finger Puff Daddy/Family- It's All About Billie Myers -Kies The Rain New Videos

Wyclef Jean- Gone Till November Pulp- This la Hardcore Bluetones- 2 Brothers (PT 4th F- Do You Know?

New Videos Readymade- All These Things Boymone- AU That I Need 4 Fun- Overal

Ayla- Ayla Party Wyclef- Gone Till November Brian McKnight -Anytime Close II You- Somebody

Boys -Shame New Videos Charlotte- Be Mine Dance 2 Trance- Power

Die Arate- Ein Schwein Die Arzte- Em Schwein Diode Hicks. You Think You Own Me Fire Island- Shout To The Top

DJ Bobo- Where Is Your Love Etienne De Crecy- Prix De Choc Ian Brown- Corpses Huff And Herb- Feeling

Guildo Horn- Guido Hat Euch Lieb Guildo Horn- Guldo Hat Euch Lieb Jonestown- Sweet L.L. Cool J- Dear Mallika

Herbert Gronemeyer Bleiht Alles Anders Junkie XL- Saturday Jungle Brothers- Jungle Brother Phryme- No Playa's Allowed

L.L. Cool J- Dear Mallika Lemonbabies- Don't Look Back Mavericks- Dance The Night Away PM Dawn- Gotta Be

Members Of Mayday- Save The Robots Robbie Williams- Let Me Entertain Mica Paris- Stay Serious Danger- Deeper

Nana- I Remember The Time M. Mighty Bosidones- The Impression Tamia- Imagination

Queen Pen- All My Love THE BOX/London C Morcheeba- Blindfold Transister- Look Who

Savage Garden Thuly Madly Deeply Music Television Stnahouse- Monkey Dead

Thomas D.- Solo Lie Laskowski Dir of Prog Superior- Being You

Box Tops Texas & Wu Tang Cho Say WIa, You Went

VIVA ZWEI TV/Cologne P Aaron Carter- Ili Miss You Tin Tin Out- Here Where

Music Television Aqua- Doctor Jones

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MUSIC & MEDIA 0 APRIL 4 , 1 9 9 8AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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On the airM&M's weekly airplay analysis column

Spring is quite literally in the air on this week'sEuropean Radio Top 50.

After using French lyrics onEncore Une Fois, Spanish onEcuador and English on Stay,Sash! is in Italian mood on his lat-est technotune La Primavera(Byte Blue). The track, whichtranslates as "Spring," is thisweek's highest new entry at 35,benefitting from early interest inthe U.K and Denmark.

La Primavera is developingnicely in Switzerland and Bel-gium, and with its Italian lyrics, one would ex-pect it to be also making its presence felt in thatcountry. However, it hasn't done so yet. Milan -based CHR-station Radio 105 is one of the fewItalian stations playing the song. Max Baffa, as-sistant to the head of music at the station, com-ments: "We see this song as a follow-up which isnot so strong as his former material-but wewould like our listeners to decide. That fact thesong is in Italian is not so important for us."

Heading the chart once again this week isMadonna thanks to the various mixes of Frozen(Maverick). However, she can probably expectmore competition from Celine Dion's Oscar -win-ner My Heart Will Go On (Columbia/Sony), whichis holding on to the number 2 slot, and is now alsoavailable in a dance mix for radio. For the thirdconsecutive week, the Spice Girls' Stop (Virgin) isin third place; it picks up 19 new additions thisweek in the wake of being serviced to radio ineastern Europe.

The new entries this week include Weird byHanson (Mercury) at 38. The band's fourth singleis receiving airplay in Switzerland, the UK andthe Benelux countries, although it remains to beseen whether the ballad performs as well as theiruptempo songs. Gary Barlow hangs in at 44 withHang On In There Baby (RCA); his cover of the1974 Johnny Bristol hit is doing well on AC sta-tions in Switzerland, Denmark and Germany, butas yet lacks airplay in his homecountry. MidgeUre is back on the chart at 45 with Breathe(Arista), due to ongoing airplay in Germany.

As UK radio finally shows an interestin Alexia's major European hit of last

year, Uh La La La-see the Major Mar-ket Airplay section for the UK-hernew offering Gimme Love enters in theoverall chart at 46 (both DWA/Dance-pool). Poland and Italy are the early

supporters. Further down, Janet Jack-son, still at number 13 with Together

Again, enters at 50 with I Get Lonely(both on Virgin) picking up early supportin the U.K and Scandinavia.

Another familiar chart name, Ace OfBase, appears at 49 with Life Is A Flower(Mega/Polydor). The record has picked up adds inDenmark and the Czech Republic, and its prospectslook good, especially in the G/S/A countries.

The Swedish act aren't the only Scandinavianoutfit turning listeners on at the moment, asDanny Vincente Fobian, head of music at DanishCHR outlet The Wave/Helsingor notes. Currently,the most requested track on the station's listen-ers' hotline is This Is How We Party by S.O.A.P.(Crave/Sony). Judging by his enthusiasm-"itsounds like Aqua meets Ace Of Base!"-this couldbe the next record to break out internationallyfrom the region.

Menno Visser



'4°8 European Radio Top 50©Billboard



'1W LW WOCOriginalArtist/Title




2 2 10 Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On (Epic/Columbia) 122 1

0 3 6 Spice Girls/Stop (Virgin) 131 19

0 6 17 All Saints/Never Ever (London) 91 3

5 4 9 Backstreet Boys/All I Have To Give (Jive) 99 0

6 5 11 Will Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With It (Columbia) 92 1

0 8 14 Lighthouse Family/High ( Wild Card/Polydor) 98 5

IIIIIIW 6 Cornershop/Brimful Of Asha (Wiiija)

CD 10 9 Savage Garden/Truly Madly Deeply (Columbia) 93 10

10 7 8 Eric Clapton/My Father's Eyes (Reprise) 100 4

11 9 19 Natalie Imbruglia/Torn (RCA) 62 0

12 13 6 Shania Twain/You're Still The One (Mercury) 81 2

13 12 19 Janet Jackson/Together Again (Virgin) 55 0

14 14 13 Eros Ramazzotti & Tina Turner/Cose Della Vita 11211,.k (DDD) 52 0

15 15 18 Robbie Williams/Angels (Chrysalis) 55 0

g 18 9 Espen Lind/When Susannah Cries Bleibg (Universal) 64 5

g 20 3 M-People/Angel Street (M People/BMG) 80 18

18 17 12 Run DMC vs. Jason Nevins/It's Like That (Profile) 60 3

19 16 12 Usher/You Make Me Wanna (LaFace/Arista) 49 1

10) 21 4 Verve/Sonnet (Hut/Virgin) 58 3

21 19 11 Robyn/Show Me Love IIVS,fts.. (Ricochet/RCA) 47 2

22 23 9 Lisa Loeb/I Do (Geffen) 52 3

23 24 7 Anouk/Nobody's Wife Btebt (Dino) 45 2

4 26 8 Propellerheads feat. Shirley Bassey/History Repeating (Wall Of Sound) 38 4

* 32 2 PM Dawn/Gotta Be..Movin' On Up (Gee Street/V2) 40 6

* 40 2 Aqua/My Oh My BIMit (MCA) 34 8

OD 33 3 Corrs/What Can I Do (Lava/Atlantic) 58 7

* 39 2 Natalie Imbruglia/Big Mistake (RCA) 45 8

29 28 9 Wes/Alane IIV%Ii (Saint George/Sony) 32 1

30 27 7.

Louise/Let's Go Round Again (EMI) 35 3

# 31 6 Richie Sambora/Hard Times Come Easy (Mercury) 49 4

32 25 11 Rolling Stones/Saint Of Me (Virgin) 37 1

33 30 8 Bamboo/Bamboogie (VC Recordings) 27 1

4 35 4 Cleopatra/Cleopatra's Theme (WEA) 42 4

4E) ).- NE Sashi./La Primavera litta (Byte Blue) 40 12

(i) 44 2 Eagle -Eye Cherry/Save Tonight geg..ft,t, (Superstudio/Polydor) 34 9

# 47 2 Five/When The Lights Go Out (RCA) 39 8

0 - NE Hanson/Weird (Mercury) 44 10

39 36 2 Ricky Martin/La Copa De La Vida (Tristar/Columbia) 32 3

40 34 9 Imani Coppola/Legend Of A Cowgirl (Columbia) 42 0

4- 49 3 Rest Assured/Treat Infamy (ffrr) 33 5

42 22 18 Sweetbox/Everything's Gonna Be Alright Itett (RCA) 29 1

43 29 15 Oasis/All Around The World (Creation) 31 0

0 NE Gary Barlow/Hang On In There Baby (RCA) 37 4

@ - RE Midge Ure/Breathe (Arista) 26 2

0 - NE Alexia/Gimme Love ItEl&J.. (DWA/Dance Pool) 30 7

47 45 7 Joe Cocker/Tonight (Parlophone) 21 0

48 38 2 Bryan Adams/I'm Ready (A&M) 45 5

0 - NE Ace Of Base/Life Is A Flower WA- (Mega/Polydor) 36 20

@ - NE Janet Jackson/I Get Lonely (Virgin) 38 11

The European Radio Top 50 chart is based on a weighted -scoring system.Sows score points by achieving airplay on all or M&M's reporting stations with contemporary music hilltime or during specific dayparts

Stations are weighted by market size and by the number of hours per week.TW = This Week, LW = Last Week, NE =New Entry, TS = Total Stations

UM Indicates singles which previously featured in the Border Breakers chart O Highest new entry en Greatest chart points gainer

MUSIC & MEDIA 0 APRIL 4 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

Page 20: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top

Smash Mouth drop Ska facetance themselves from the "ska revival"tag, as guitarist Greg Camp commentson the eve of their 25 date debut Euro-pean tour (March 30 -May 2).

"Ska is just one of many influenceson us. Kevin [Coleman], our drummer,is into ska. Steve [Harwell, vocals]likes rap and country, Paul [De Lisle,bass] likes the Beatles and rm a bigreggae fan. A friend of ours oncedescribed our style 'positive graffiti'. Ithink that's a pretty good description ofwhat we do."

To date, Smash Mouth have sold1.5 million units of their debutalbum, Fush Yu Mang, in the U.S.and 250,000 units in the rest of theworld. Outside North America, Italyis their strongest market.

"We have nearly gone gold [50,000units sold] with the album now,"reports Universal Music Italy product

manager Carlo Galassi. "We feel thatSmash Mouth are in a similar situa-tion to [labelmates] No Doubt lastyear, where we went platinum[100,000 units] after 10 months ofintensive work."

At Italian radio, Walkin' On TheSun was embraced with unusual devo-tion. Since the single's release lastNovember, all the major national CHRnetworks have had the track almostcontinuously on rotation. Kiss Kiss Net-work, Radio Deejay, Radio DimensioneSuono, RTL 102.5 and Radio 105 wereall supporters from day one.

Angelo De Robertis, music directorat the CHR Radio 105 network, wel-comes Walkin' as a track to dance towithout it being "dance" music in thestrict sense of the term. "Our format isvery up -tempo," says De Robertis,"and it's difficult to find songs that are

not dance releases which fit into thiscategory. Contemporary rock musiccan be up -tempo, but the sound isoften too heavy."

Since Walkin' was added to Radio105's playlist last November, the recordhas received 750 plays and is still onhigh rotation five months later. "Weintroduced it on medium rotation andquickly moved it onto high rotation. Itis very positive pop and easy to listento. We only get about 15 records of thiscalibre a year."

"We are starting now to push thesecond single, Why Can't We BeFriends -a cover of the 1975 U.S. hitby [Californian funk pioneers]War" - reveals Universal's Galassi.On Radio 105 and Radio Deejay, thenew single is already a playlist sta-ple. "We are alternating playsbetween the two tracks at the

continued from page 1

moment," confirms 105's De Robertis.Smash Mouth formed four years

ago in San Jose, southern California.Camp and De Lisle were in afunk/metal crossover band calledLackadaddy at the time.

"We actually wrote Walkin' On TheSun for that band," recalls Camp, "butit didn't fit our set. We only dug it backout after we met Steve and Kevin."

With such a strong calling card,there's always a danger of SmashMouth being perceived as "one hit won-ders", but Universal's Galassi sees theband as long term album artists. "Ouraudience [for Walkin'... and Why...] is15-25 year -olds, mainly concentrated inlarger cities," he notes.

"[The European tour] will be a start-ing point for this audience to discoverthe whole album."Additional reporting by Mark Dezzani

New alliances at Sony Germany continued from page 1

arrangements wereannounced on March 24by Jochen Leuschner,Sony Music Entertain-ment Europe senior vicepresident G/S/A andmanaging director ofSony Music Germany.

Until recently, themajor was mainlyknown for its local dancerepertoire, with thelikes of Jam & Spoon,and local hip -hop stars such as DieFantastischen Vier and SabrinaSetlur. Gluck and Golla both bringwith them long track records of successwith pop music.

Sony and Gluck have launched anew, Berlin -based joint venture, X -CellRecords, and a publishing company, X-Cellent Music. Both will have Gluck asmanaging director. X-Cellent willadminister the catalogue of his previ-ous publishing company, George GluckMusic, which holds rights to the reper-toire of artists such as Tic Tac Toe, DiePrinzen, H-Blockx and Falco.

Gluck, who began his career inmusic publishing 23 years ago, discov-ered, among others, Inga and AnetteHumpe, Lucilectric, Rainbirds, SinWith Sebastian and Tic Tac Toe. In1993 he launched Sing Sing Records, ajoint venture with BMG Ariola, whobought Glikk's share in the label at the

olla ff) and

en Lueschner

end of last year."George's ability to

track down talent andhits, and to systemati-cally develop them, isundisputed," com-ments Leuschner. Headds that Gluck willalso be available as anA&R consultant toSony Music's affiliatesoutside Germany.

Although not ble-ssed with a public profile as high asGluck's, Golla will nevertheless play apivotal role as a consultant. "Michaelwill strengthen our A&R and market-ing plans right across the marketplace,"says Leuschner.

Golla's brief is to sign local acts withmainstream pop appeal and to adviseSony on their marketing and promo-tion. During his EMI tenure, he wasresponsible for marketing Tina Turner,Joe Cocker and Queen, and co-ordinat-ed campaigns for the Schlumpfe andthe Bravo Hits compilation series. "Heis an acknowledged and respectedexpert in an area of repertoire whereour company has not been sufficientlyactive for some time," adds Leuschner.

From his Cologne office, Golla willalso develop concepts for strategicalliances between Sony and other part-ners in entertainment projects such asmusicals and film soundtracks.

De Raaf hits middle of the road continued from page 1

ture between himself (49 percent)and Wegener Arcade (51 percent). Hewill also remain connected withArcade through his role as presidentof Arcade Publishing, in which heowns a 25 percent stake. "ArcadeMusic Pub-lishing willbe a firmfoundation for my new label opera-tions, both artistically and financial-ly," explains De Raaff.

De Raaff joined Arcade from pro-duction company Purple Eye and pub-lishers Warner-Basart in 1991, andsubsequently set up Arcade's highlyprofitable music publishing arm.

"I've been walking around with

this idea for over 10 years now," saysDe Raaff. "I can't wait to start-itbrings me back to the things I'vealways preferred to do but I couldn'tas a corporate manager."

De Raaff s new project will concen-trate on MORand pop foralbums, and da-

nce for singles. "Arcade has neverreleased much in the way of dancematerial, but as a publisher it hastraditionally had a lot of dance in itscatalogue," says De Raaff. SomeArcade Publishing staffers, includingdance specialist Marc Wijnspekers,will join him at the new label, whichwill be based in Hilversum.


First bidders for U.K. multiplex emerge continued from page 1

March 24. The closing date for applica-tions is June 23.

The digital radio multiplex (a digital"bundle of frequencies") will have thecapacity to carry around eight differentradio services; it must by law includeexisting national commercial broad-casters Classic FM, Virgin Radio (rock)and Talk Radio (news/talk). The multi-plex licence may be the only nationalone offered in the U.K commercial sec-tor for at least 15 years.

As well as national station ClassicFM, the Swindon -based GWR Groupowns a number of local commercial sta-tions in the U.K and Europe. Headedby TV/radio personality Chris Evans,the Ginger Media Group is VirginRadio's parent company.

The digital consortium is led byQuentin Howard, MD of GWR's digitaldivision, as chief executive designate.GWR group chief executive RalphBernard has been named chairman ofDigital One, and Ginger chief executiveDavid Campbell is vice-chairman.

Says Howard: "The strength of theGWR and Virgin brands, togetherwith our marketing skills and reputa-tion for technological innovation, isthe best guarantee for listeners andadvertisers that digital radio is com-ing and will be successful."

According to RA chief executiveTony Stoller, "The advertising of the[digital multiplex] licence marks thebeginning of the authority's initiative tomove into the digital age."The RA will consider these pointswhen it examines the applications: How much of the U.K applicants plan

to serve, and how long it will take toachieve the proposed coverage.

Whether they "appear sufficientlyresourced" to deliver their proposals.

To what extent the new radio servicesproposed appeal to "a variety of publictastes and interests."

How they will encourage listenersto "invest" in digital radio receivers.

How "fair" they will be in contractingradio stations who wish to "appear"on the multiplex.Unlike the present licensing regime

for AM and FM analogue radio servicesin the U.K, interested parties fromnon -European countries are also invit-

ed to apply for the multiplex licence.However, according to prominent

international media broker RobertRicher, it is unlikely that any interestwill come from the U.S. 'The averageU.S. broadcaster has zero interest indigital radio," he says. "There is a con-tention is that it has almost no benefitto the consumer and the price ofreceivers is over the moon."

Richer reports: "I have spoken toseveral likely candidates [for thelicence] on this side of the Atlantic, andhave been rewarded with not muchmore than a polite yawn."

PolyGram issuesprofits warningLONDON - PolyGram has issued awarning that it expects earnings pershare for the first quarter of 1998 to be"sharply lower" than for the same peri-od last year.

The company estimates that,although first quarter sales will be "inline" with last year's, profits will bereduced because of lower music salesand lower margins on those sales.

The news was followed by a drop inPolyGram's share price on the Amster-dam stock exchange, where it fell froman overnight NLG106.80 to NLG99.50at close of business on March 26.

According to a PolyGram statement,"The decline in earnings is mainly dueto PolyGram's weak music releaseschedule in the quarter. Contrary toprevious years, there were no majorinternational releases, and thereforesales in the quarter incurred relativelyhigh marketing and recording costs.Additionally, increased provisions forbad debts and returns in Asia wererequired during the quarter, owing tothe difficult trading conditions."

PolyGram president and CEOMain Levy says: "Our music perfor-mance in the first three months [of1998] reflects the impact of timing in arelease -driven, creative businesswhich reports quarterly. On a full yearbasis, we have no indication that con-ditions in the music market shouldcause us to be pessimistic."

MUSIC & MEDI A 0 APRIL 4, 1998AmericanRadioHistory.Com

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week 14/98 Border BreakersMainland European records breaking out of their country of signing

©Billboard Music Group

TW LW WOC Artist/Title Original LabelCountryOf Signing TS


® 3 18 Espen Lind/When Susannah Cries r (Universal) NORWAY 57

3 2 19 Robyn/Show Me Love (Ricochet/RCA) SWEDEN 46

(41 7 5 Aqua/My Oh My (Universal) DENMARK 36

5 5 38 Wes/Alane (Saint George/Sony) FRANCE 33

(6) 6 10 Anouk/Nobody's Wife (Dino) HOLLAND 40

() 9 4 Eagle -Eye Cherry/Save Tonight (Superstudio/Polydor) SWEDEN 34

(8) 10 4 Sash!/La Primavera (Byte Blue) BELGIUM 37

9 4 17 Sweetbox/Everything's Gonna Be Alright (RCA) GERMANY 25

10 8 16 Aqua/Doctor Jones (Universal) DENMARK 30

(11 16 3 Ace Of Base/Life Is A Flower (Mega/Polydor) DENMARK 29

# 13 3 Solid Harmonie/I Want You To Want Me (Jive) HOLLAND 27

13 11 8 Close II You/Baby Don't Go (Epic) HOLLAND 23

414) 14 5 Alexia/Uh La La La (DWA/Dance Pool) ITALY 24

(15 25 2 Alexia/Gimme Love (DWA/Dance Pool) ITALY 24

(.726) 20 3 Flip Da Scrip/I Never Told You (Nighttown/Dance Pool) GERMANY 17

17 17 18 Era/Ameno (Mercury) FRANCE 21

18 12 11 Air/Sexy Boy (Source/Virgin) FRANCE 18

19 18 2 Sweetbox/Don't Go Away (RCA) GERMANY 21

(2* 22 16 Bell Book & Candle/Rescue Me (Ariola) GERMANY 12

21 15 20 Warren G & SisseUPrince Igor (DefJarn/Mercury) GERMANY 11

22 21 2 Novy vs. Eniac/Superstar (Kosmo) GERMANY 10

23 23 54 Lutricia McNeal/Ain't That Just The Way (Siljemark/CNR) SWEDEN 14

(241 ),-- NE The Tamperer/Feel It (Time) ITALY 9

25 19 8 Solid Harmonie/I'll Be There For You (Jive) HOLLAND 9

TW = This Week, LW = Last Week, WOC = Weeks On Chart, TS = Total Stations, NE = New Entry, RE = Re -Entry. Titles registering a significant point gain are awarded a bullet.

y: indicates the Road Runner award, assigned to the single with the biggest Increase in chart points.

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Issue no. 19 - cover date 9 MayStreet date 4 May

Artwork deadline 27 AprilJazz

Issue no. 19 - cover date 9 MayStreet date 4 May

Artwork deadline 27 April

Off the recordEdited by Christian Lorenz

Jean -Paul Baudecroux, president of NRJGroup (interviewed on page 4), says his compa-ny is interested in acquiring Alcatel's 49 percentstake in French AC network Nostalgie. "We arestudying this option. Talks are going on," saysBaudecroux... Staying with NRJ, group pro-gramme director Christophe Sabot, whorecently said he planned to leave the group, isapparently reconsidering his plans in the light ofthe possible arrival of Nostalgie in NRJ's foldand pending TV developments.

The news this week of the issue of a warrant forthe arrest of Dana International, Israel's repre-sentative in the Eurovision Song Contest this year,has revived the contoversy which surrounded theoriginal selection of the transsexual artist to repre-sent his/her country. International is wantedbecause he/she twice failed to appear in court afterbeing summonsed twice on assault charges.

Changes at Milan -based CHR network Radio101 have seen music director Stefano Carboneleaving the station and being replaced by DarioDesi. Roberto Gentileschi has taken over fromDesi as head of music at Radio 101. The changesare part of re -organisation at Radio 101 in anattempt to boost ratings. According toAudiradio figures for 1997, the station reachesan average of 723,000 listeners daily.

Dutch group Arcade has apparently found anew-as-yet-unnamed-MD for its French affili-ate. The position has been vacant since thedeparture of Marco Visser at the end of 1997.

Alternative music station CrashFM/Liverpool, set to launch on March27, will go "head to head" with nationalpublic station BBC Radio 1, accordingto MD Mike Gray. Crash's presenterline-up includes former Radio 1 presen-ter Janice Long, a station founder.

In Belgium, the radio division of French-speaking public broadcaster RTBF is poised forreorganisation in the near future in a move tocut costs. A plan drafted by radio group directorClaude Delacroix is waiting for the approvalof the RTBF board. The plan, to be implementedin September, will primarily affect regional full -service station Frequence Wallonie and full-service/news station La Premiere. Trend -set-ting rock station Radio 21 is apparently notgoing to be affected.

Is Catholic Church -owned broadcasterCadena COPE censoring the lyrics of the newsingle by Spanish supergroup Mecano? OnCOPE's AC/rock network Cadena 100, a briefcommercial insert during the song El Club DeLos Humildes apparently makes it impossible tohear singer Ana Torroja declare "Hit me twiceand make me see..." COPE director generalPedro Diez denies knowledge of any such inter-ference, but says that if the offending wordswere being silenced by the station, "it would befine by me." A spokesperson for Mecano's labelBMG/Ariola, says "we are not aware of any cen-sorship on COPE's part."

National U.K. broadcaster, Classic FM is toappeal a recent court decision which ruled thatthe station's copying of a music database for useat its overseas operations was a copyrightinfringement and outside the scope of an agree-ment with consultant Robin Ray, a consultanthired by Classic FM in 1991 as part of a team toestablish the station's music catalogue.

MUSIC & MEDIA APRIL 4 , 1 9 9 8


Page 23: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top

AIRPLAYweek 14 /98 Major Market Airplay

The most aired songs in Europe's leading radio marketsTW=This Week, LW=Last Week, WOC=Weeks On Chart, TS=Total Stations

©Billboard Music Group

UNITED KINGDOMArtist/Title Original Label TS TW LW WOC


FRANCEArtist/Title Local Label

TW LW WOC Artist/Title Original Label




Cornershop/Brirnful Of AshaMadonna/Frozen






Spice Girls/Stop (Virgin)All Saints/Never Ever (London)






Janet Jackson/Together AgainMadonna/FrozenCeline Dion/My Heart Will Go On


(Columbia)4 5 4 M-People/Angel Street (M People/BMG) 25 4 2 11 Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On (Epic/Columbia) 22 5 5 9 Jean -Jacques Goldman/Quand Tu Danses (Columbia)5 3 5 Spice Girls/Stop (Virgin) 24 5 3 6 Eric Clapton/My Father's Eyes (Reprise) 25 6 6 9 Sweet Box/Everything's Gonna Be Alright (RCA)67



Robbie Williams/Let Me EntertainRun DMC/It's Like That







Backstreet Boys/All I Have To Give (Jive)Savage Garden/Truly Madly Deeply (Columbia)






Usher/You Make Me WannaWill Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With ItNative/Les Couleurs De L'Amour


(Ariola)8 8 5 Natalie Imbruglia/Big Mistake (RCA) 21 8 8 16 Natalie Imbrugliallbm (RCA) 18 10 7 9 Florent Pagny/Chanter (Mercury)9 16 6 Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On (Epic/Columbia) 21 9 7 11 Wes/Alane (Saint George/Columbia) 16 11 14 8 Robyn/Show Me Love (RCA)1011



Louise/All That MattersAlexia/Uh La La La

(EMI)(DWA/Dance Pool)






Corrs/What Can I Do (Lava/Atlantic)Lisa Loeb/I Do (Geffen)





Ramazzotti/Turner/Cose Della VitaDebatcha'zz/Le Grand PardonMC Solaar/Paradisiaque


(Polydor)12 15 3 Five/When The Lights Go Out (RCA) 17 12 19 4 Lighthouse Family/High (Wild Card/Polydor) 21 15 12 16 Stomy Bugsy/Mon Papa A Moi (Columbia)13 13 11 Will Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With It (Columbia) 18 13 20 2 Richie Sambora/Hard Times Come Easy (Mercury) 16 16 16 18 Bambi Cruz/Ouvre Les Yeux (East West)1415



Robyn/Show Me LoveRest Assured/Treat Infamy







Herbert Gronemeyer/Bleibt Alles Anders (Electrola)Espen Lind/When Susannah Cries (Universal)






Ricky Martin/La Cepa De La VidaLara Fabian/HumanaDoc Gyneco/Passement De Jambes


(Virgin)16 6 5 Savage Garden/Truly Madly Deeply (Columbia) 20 16 a- NE Ace Of Base/Life Is A Flower (Mega/Polydor) 20 20 33 2 IAM/Petit Frere (Delabel/Virgin)17 17 2 Space/The Ballad Of Tom Jones (Gut) 16 17 9 11 Robbie Williams/Angels (Chrysalis) 15 21 27 10 Queen Penn/All My Love (Universal)18



2Another Level/Be Alone No MoreBillie Myers/Kiss The Rain







Midge Ure/Breathe (Arista)Culture Beat/Pay No Mind (Dance Pool)






Etienne Daho/Le Premier JourVeronique Sanson/Un Etre IdealEternallAngel Of Mine

gin)W EA)(DLA)20 19 2 Sash!/La Primavera (Byte Blue) 13 20 13 4 Will Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With It (Columbia) 18 25 31 11 Axelle Red/A Quoi Ca Sert (Virgin)

Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, usingbased on audience size.

f-TW LW WOC Artist/Title

a weighted -scoring system,

1 1 8 MADONNA/FROZEN2 3 4 Cornershop/Brimful Of Asha3 2 5 Spice Girls/Stop4 6 6 Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On5 7 2 PM Dawn/Gotta Be6 12 5 Run DMC/It's Like That7 5 10 All Saints/Never Ever8 8 8 Eric Clapton/My Father's Eyes9 9 11 Lisa Loeb/I Do10 4 8 Backstreet Boys/All I Have To Give11 14 6 Will Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With It12 11 3 Eagle -Eye Cherry/When Mermaids Cry13 13 3 Verve/Sonnet14 19 6 Savage Garden/Truly Madly Deeply15 15 6 Aretha Franklin/A Rose16 10 10 Lighthouse Family/High17 16 5 Zindy/Round `Round18 a NE M-People/Angel Street19 a NE Shirtsvilleanconvenience20 n NE Aqua/Torn Back Time

Original Label TS


(Epic/Columbia)(Gee Street/V2)




(Arista)(Wild Card/Polydor)

(EMI)(M People/BMG)




















Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, using a weighted -scoring system,based on audience size.

za SPAINTW LW WOC ArtietTitle















MECANO/EL CLUB DE LOS HUMILDESHeroes Del Silencio/Apuesta Por El RockAndres Calamaro/FlacaUrquijo/LosProblemas/Desde Que No NosTahures Zurdos/Dime Que NoWill Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With ItJimmy Ray/Are You Jimmy Ray?Ketama/El Oasis De Los DiosesNow/Let's Make LovePrimate/Un Mensaje ElectricoCornershopairimful Of Asha

Original Label TS


(Columbia)(Sony S2)(Mercury)


(Wiiija)Greta Y Los Garbo/Donde Acaba El Sol (Virgin)Propellerheads/Bassey/History Repeating (Wall Of Sound)S-Ja Feel Divine (Ginger Music)Alexia/Gimme Love (DWA/Dance Pool)Babyface/Wonder/How Come, How Long (Epic)Monica Naranjo/Empiezo A Recordarte (Epic)Pablo Bicho/Las Cosas Llegan (Arcade)Eternal/Don't You Love Me (EMI)Alvaro Peire/Francis (Warner)


















Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, using a weighted -scoring system,based on audience size.

Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, using a weighted -scoring system,based on audience size.

THE NETHERLANDSTW LW WOC Artist/Title Original Label

1 1 10 CELINE DION/MY HEART WILL GO ON (COLUMBIA)2 17 3 Spice Girls/Stop_3 3 19 Janet JacksonMgether Again4 2 16 RamazzottifTurner/Cose DellaVita5 31 3 Volumial/Afscheid6 4 16 Natalie Imbruglia/Torn7 27 6 Romeo/Coming Home8 14 10 Blof/Liefs Uit London9 9 9 Eagle -Eye Cherry/Save Tonight

10 15 4 Solid Harmoniea Want You To Want Me11 5 9 Madonna/Frozen/12 11 7 Destiny's Child/No, No ,No13 6 10 De Kast/Woorden Zonder Woorden14 10 11 Will Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With It15 19 20 Alexia/Uh La La La16 8 2 Edsilia Rombley/Hemel En Aarde17 62 10 Wyclef Jean/Gone 'Till November18 24 20 All Saints/Never Ever19 13 20 Robyn/Show Me Love20 12 8 Henk Westbroek/Loods Mij Door De Storm21 25 6 Cleopatra/Cleopatra's Theme22 16 8 Backstreet Boys/All I Have To Give23 22 20 Robbie Williams/Angels24 7 10 Espen Lind/When Susanna Cries25 21 22 Close 11 You/Baby Don't Go

(Virginirgin)(V' (DDD))


(Blue Soul)(EMI)




(Dance Pool)(Dino)






Data supplied by Aircheck Nederland from an electronically monitored panel of national (8) and

regional stations O. Songs are ranked by number of plays and weighted by audience





1 35 5n NE6 217 2n NE15 2

2 3n NEn NE4 8

10 2n NE3 37.. NEn NEn NEn NEn NEn NE

Original Label TS


Harlem/Jak Lunatycy (Pomaton) 14Verve/Sonnet (Hut/Virgin) 15Blenders/Owca (Polton) 14Lighthouse Family/High (Wild Card/Polydor) 15

Martyna Jakubowicz/Trutu-tutu (Polton) 13Shania Twain/You're Still The One (Mercury) 15M-People/Angel Street (M People/BMG) 13Ryszard Rynkowski/Dobry Dzien (Pomaton) 14

Formacja Niezywych Schabuf/Da Da Da (EMI) 12Corrs/What Can I Do (Lava/Atlantic) 14Natalia Niemen/Matka Natalya Od Aniolow (Zic Zac) 12De Su/Imago Mundi (Zie Zac) 14Sally/Akacja (Zic Zac) 13Taxi/Ten Zwykly Dzien (Columbia) 13Marc Cohn/Already Home (Atlantic) 11Spice Girls/Stop (Virgin) 14Kenny Wayne Shepherd/Blue On Black (Warner) 9Era/Ameno (Mercury) 10

Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, using a weighted -scoring system,based on audience size.

Data supplied by SNEP/IPSOS from an electronically monitored panel of national andregional stations. Songs are ranked by number of plays and weighted by audience.

TW LW WOC Artist/Title Original Label TS

(MAVERICK)1 1 8 MADONNA/FROZEN2 2 7 Backstreet Boys/All I Have To Give3 3 6 Prozac+/Acide4 4 4 Cornershop/Brimful Of Asha (Wiiija)5 6 2 DJ Dado/Give Me Love6 9 2 Anouk/Nobody's Wife

(Interscope)7 5 3 Smash Mouth/Walking On The Sun8 a NE Aqua/My Oh My9 14 2 Alexia/Gimme Love (DWA/Dance Pool)

10 8 2 Pino Daniele/Amora Senza Fine(C11 7 5 Gala/Come Into My Life (Do It Yourself)

12 10 2 Verve/Sonnet (Hut/Virgin)13 12 5 Celine Dion/My Heart Will Go On (Epic/Columbia)14 a- RE Antonella Ruggiero/Amore Lontanissimo (MCA)15 20 19 Natalie Imbruglia/Torn (RCA)16 13 4 Simple Minds/Glitterball (Virgin)17 15 4 All Saints/Never Ever (London)18 17 2 The Tamperer/Feel It (Time)19 16 2 Bamboo/Bamboogie (VC Recordings)20 19 2 Boys It' Us/Singin' In My Mind (24 Recordings)




















Compiled by M&M on the basis of playlist reports, using a weighted -scoring system,based on audience size.

TW LW WOC Artist/1)de




3 32 7

1 7

7 25 3

14 29 2

6 418 5n RE13 3n NEn NEn NE16 2n NE19 3n RE17 212 3

NATALIE IMBRUGLIVTORNLighthouse Family/HighAll Saints/Never EverWill Smith/Gettin' Jiggy With ItMadonna/FrozenWes/AlaneLouise/Let's Go Round AgainFriderika/Feltarcsaztad A SzivemRamazzottitl'urner/Cose Della VitaCsonka Andras/EvszakokSavage Garden/Truly Madly DeeplyBell Book & Candle/Rescue MeTeli Marta/Az Eso Es EnRolling Stones/Saint Of MeChumbawamba/AmnesiaEspen Lind/When Susannah CriesCeline Dion/My Heart Will Go OnSpice Girls/Too MuchBackstreet Boys/All I Have To GiveLGT/424-Es Csatahajo

Original Label

(RCA)(Wild Card/Polydor)


(Saint George/Sony)(EMI)(EMI)(DDD)(BMG)





Compiled by the Hungarian Commercial Radio Association on the basis of playlistreports, using a weighted -scoring system, based on audience size.

Can't waif to see the charts?Each week, all of Music & Media's charts are available viaour ChartFax service.

If you are interested in seeing any of our charts through this faxservice before you receive your copy of M&M, please callSid Stavenes for more information on(+44) 171 323 6686.









- = SEE E.P.:, r. -= twz-..,.......



Page 24: Volume 15, Issue 14 Media®...Music Media® APRIL 4, 1998 Volume 15, Issue 14 £3.95 DM11 FFR35 US$7 Da11.50 A newer gold dream? Sim-ple Minds' Neap lis enters the M&M European Top








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