Page 1: Volunteer Trainer Reflection

Questions for Teacher Reflection 1. In my class, students practice listening / reading / speaking / writing most. (circle one) 2. I think my teaching strengths are: 3. What have I learned to do since I first started teaching that has made my classes better? 4.What have I done in class that gets my students talking to me and to each other more? 5. How can Colleen and Ambre provide more support to me as a teacher? 6. How have I been communicating with my co-tutors to provide continuity between days of class? Regarding Grammar in Action, the LifePrints textbook, teachers’ guide, resource file, and workbooks: 7. I am spending more / less / the same amount of time planning as I did during the spring quarter. 8. I am most familiar and comfortable with: (circle one)

Grammar in Action / LifePrints text / LifePrints resource file / LifePrints workbook 9. Other comments regarding the new curriculum:

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