Page 1: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?RHIAN

Page 2: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Music VideoFrom audience feedback I have learnt what my target market likes/wants and doesn’t like/want. For example "The lip syncing is great! I got into it and believed that he was singing, but I think there is too much of it.“ From this I considered what they said with an open mind, I then looked at my video again was able to see what they meant and understood where they were coming from. Although the artist singing is a critical aspect, the audience doesn’t what to see much of it, with this genre and their audience, they like to have a in depth storyline.

Also feedback can identify small bits that could make the video much better, for example "I like it, but the video is small again the black background, it also take my attention away a little.“ Although it wasn’t a major point, by zooming into the video, filling up the blank space, it made the video look much more professional.

And some just gave my confidents which helped when I moved onto my ancillary tasks. "Some of the shots look quite good and professional like.“ Although it didn’t give me anything to change it helped as I knew that I was on the right tracks and my target market liked it.

Page 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Digipak"I love it! He looks so serious but also mysterious. It makes him look more desirable.“ From this feedback I learnt that my target market like a serious face rather than a smiling one, because of this I kept this theme going through to my poster.

"I don't like that it is all the same front. It makes it look plain and boring.“ This comment was after my first draft. Although I wouldn’t entirely agree, I can see what they were talking about, I had another look at my digipak and asked many people personally to see if they thought the same. There was about 50% agreeing. I decided to try different fronts and found one that all my audience liked.

Page 4: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Poster "I like how it's similar to the music video, it doesn't separate them, in fact it brings them together as it should.“ I was very happy about this quote, it meant that I reached my goal of keeping the products as one more than separate products. This meant that my target market would easily recognise them.

Another piece of feedback, "Yeah it looks professional, it has all the things you expect to see on a poster and what you want to be on one“, also helped with confidents, it made it clear that my audience liked what they saw and everything on the digipak was clear.

"There's a constant theme, but I'm not sure if I like the moon twice.“ I thought about this comment in depth but decided that the moon on the front and the back worked better than with just one.

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