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Strategic Plan 2009 - 2011

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Core Values and Mission Statement

Objectives: a

Objectives: b

Strategic Planning Review Process

Context and Ethos

Student Roll and Prediction Stategic Plans:

1. Being the best we can be

2. Meeting our purpose

3. A 21


century curriculum4. Inspiring teachers and teaching

5. Effective learners and learning

6. Having the right tools

7. Value for money

8. Building for the future

A BIS Teacher

A BIS Learner

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What follows is the Strategic Plan (SP), for The British International School – Jakarta. The SP is reviewed annuallythrough a series of consultations by the Senior Leadership Team leading to consideration and approval by theBoard of Governors and the Council of Trustees. The SP responds to the needs of the community in linewith the Core Values, Mission Statement and Objectives.

A Brief History

A British school was first established in Jakarta in 1973 under the auspices of the British Embassy. In 1975, a committeeof parents responsible for the school approached a group of British businessmen for the purpose of settingup an larger facility in purpose built premises. On 5 March 1976, the British International School (‘BIS’) wasestablished as a ‘Yayasan’, or Foundation. The school-operating permit was issued by the Indonesian Ministry

of Education on 10 January 1977. This date marks the official transition to the Foundation of the operation ofthe school under the British Embassy. The school operated out of its Permata Hijau premises until the end of1993. The school then purchased a 12.86 hectare site consisting of several contiguous parcels of land locatedin Pondok Aren, Bintaro, Tangerang, Province of West Java. BIS relocated to and operated from the newBintaro site over the period September to December 1993. The new 18 hectare purpose built site is of astunning design influenced by the cultural aspect of Indonesia surrounded by green fields and indigenous floraand fauna.

The school prospered and grew to establish primary and secondary phases to a total of 1300 students by the end of1997. The economic crisis of South East Asia caused an exodus of expatriate families from the Jakarta and aconsequent reduction in roll to 650. A period of austerity followed as the school gradually recoveredsupplemented by the admission of Indonesian students for the first time in 2002 (by government decree). Asof 2009/10 , the school once again has 1300 students with many of the five-class age groups at capacity.Superb new facilities have been provided and there is a very positive and dynamic atmosphere amongst thecommunity of BIS. The School has an enviable reputation not only in SEA but also world wide.

This plan aims to capture the ambition of the community and translate it into a secure and solid development process.

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Core Values and Mission Statement

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Objectives: a

FOR MISSION STATEMENT 1: We will ensure the quality of our education by:

i. providing an appropriate curriculum, based upon, and where appropriate advancing, the National Curriculum for

England (Key Stages Foundation - 4) and the International Baccalaureate (Key Stage 5)ii. systematically reviewing the curriculum to meet the needs of our diverse student body

iii. ensuring that British and Commonwealth Nations students have priority admission

iv. maintaining an excellent learning environment with the best teaching resources available to us

v. addressing the needs of the gifted and talented students and those requiring individual support

vi. maintaining limited class sizes to maximise opportunities for individual learning and to maintain an appropriate

teacher / pupil ratiovii. providing a broad range of extra-curricular opportunities

so that our students are equipped to integrate into other education systems, enter tertiary education and/or the world of work

FOR MISSION STATEMENT 2: We will ensure that our students are aware of, and value interculturalism by:i. celebrating the cultural diversity of the school community

ii. providing a wide range of intercultural experiences

iii. enriching our curriculum by using intercultural resources

iv. offering a range of modern foreign languages

v. offering a variety of literary and artistic opportunities that promote all cultures

vi. incorporating aspects of the rich culture of our host country, Indonesia

so that our students leave BIS with a greater understanding and empathy for people of other cultures

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Objectives: b

FOR MISSION STATEMENT 3: We will ensure the development of each individual student by:

i. ensuring a secure and caring environment where a student experiences success at an appropriate level to hisor her age and ability

ii. encouraging and developing leadership skills, and the ability to cooperate as part of a teamiii. developing his or her self-esteem and self-confidence

iv. recognising that different teaching methodologies are essential for effective learning to take place

v. tailoring the curriculum suite to individual circumstances

vi. recognising and rewarding academic, social and personal achievements

vii. providing a learning environment to ensure that independent study is meaningful and rewarding

viii. offering enjoyable and exciting approaches and opportunities to stimulate the desire for learning

so that students become confident, self-motivated and independent lifelong learners

FOR MISSION STATEMENT 4: We will ensure that our students have an appreciation of the important role theyplay as members of the school community and of the global society by:

i. maximising opportunities for students to participate in school activitiesii. encouraging students to take pride in themselves and in their school

iii. promoting an ethos of mutual respect and support in the school community

iv. ensuring appropriate role models are provided by our school community

v. promoting social awareness through actively encouraging all of our students to initiate as well as supportcharity work 

vi. teaching students, through a variety of subjects and activities, to respect and care for the environmentvii. observing the spirit of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights

so that they develop as respectful, tolerant and self-aware individuals who will become responsible citizens of the world 

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SDP Review Process



PTAClass Parents

Master Plan ReviewParent QuestionnairesGovernor feedback

Day-to-day meetings Senior Leadership




VLEStudent CouncilStudents on committees



SIP reviewTeacher meetings

Staff Associations

Board of GovernorsSub–Committees Draft Plans Board of


Council of

Trustees Approval

School Improvement Plan ReviewExternal/internal Results Review

UK and World Standards and InitiativesConsultancy:

Council of International Schools Accreditation

Ofsted Inspection

BIS communityWider community of Jakarta/Indonesia

Senior LeadershipTeam

In the context of BIS Core Values, Mission and Objectives

Strategic Planning Review Process

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A change in Indonesian law, allowing Indonesian families, with government permission, to enter the school along with

other nationalities who are outside the core target group, has produced a balanced and enriched international

atmosphere within the British Ethos which the School is keen to maintain. The School’s good reputation both

nationally and internationally continues to grow and there is a very positive and proud ambience about the

campus. External examinations results continue to be very good with graduates securing university placements attop institutions across the world. Still, the School is ambitious to improve further.

According to our surveys, there is a high degree of satisfaction with the School from parents and students. The Parent

Teacher Association plays a very important role in the School community and reflects the closeness between

home and school.

With many age groups close to capacity, the Admissions Policy gives priority to British and Commonwealth applicants.

Despite having wait pools in many age groups, the school can not be complacent and must be aware of the

competition from other schools and remain ‘one step ahead’ through an effective marketing strategy and

development plans. The School is conscious of its fundamental purpose and responsibility to provide for the

British and Commonwealth community as a priority.

Site maintenance and development is a significant responsibility requiring constant remedial works and preventativemaintenance routines. The development of larger building and resource projects illustrates the progress and

continued success of the school. This is a very positive and exciting time for BIS and effective leadership,

management and governorship is essential to make the most of the situation. Having clear strategies is more

important than ever.


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2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014




Student Roll and Prediction

Note: Growth from 2008 onward is due to expansion to five forms in response to demand

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Strategic Plans

1:Being the best we can be

Planning GoalThe Pursuit of Excellence


A. Every aspect of BIS – Jakarta will be of high quality demonstrating an aspirationto be the best we can be

B. School Development to remain driven by the BIS Mission to: ‘provide a Britishstyle international education of the highest quality, primarily for British andCommonwealth Nationals’

C. Policies and development strategies will be focussed on making the best possibleprovision for the school community of today and tomorrow

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Strategic Plans

2: Meeting our purpose

Planning Goal

Having a clear and agreed focus


A. The School will maintain its ethos as described in the Core Values, Mission andObjectives through the Admission Policy approved by the Governors and


B. The School will recognise and endeavour to identify the needs of all BIS children

within its capabilities

C. The School will actively seek the views and opinions of students and parents in

the formulation and review of policy and procedures and communicate these back

to parents

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Strategic Plans

3:A 21st century curriculum

Planning GoalTo develop a modern and challenging curriculum that will prepare students for tomorrow’s world


A. A commitment to developing an enquiry based curriculum delivering the English NationalCurriculum to Key Stage 3. IGCSE at Key Stage 4 and the International Baccalaureate at KeyStage 5

B. The School will not promote any particular belief or religion, however, through thecurriculum, events and activities, a healthy understanding of world religions, traditions, festivalsand cultures will be encouraged

C. The School commits to maintaining links with other British Schools and Organisations throughmembership of for example: IB, HMC, FOBISSEA, COBIS, CIS and ECIS

D. To maintain standards and to ensure a clear link with British education, the School will beregularly inspected by a UK recognised organisation

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Strategic Plans

4: Inspiring teachers and teaching

Planning Goal

To recruit and retain the best possible teachers


A. To ensure that the environment, resources and conditions of service remain

attractive to new and existing staff 

B. To invest in a comprehensive staff development programme that supports the

School Improvement Plan and develops the individual teacher’s skill and


C. To maintain cutting edge Learning and Teaching strategies which will attract

and retain excellent teachers

D. To encourage leaders and leadership across the school

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Strategic Plans

5: Effective learners and learning

Planning Goal

To create the most effective learning environment


A. The School will listen to the voice of its students and respond appropriately

B. The School will provide for the development of the whole child and places equal

importance on academic and non-academic programmes and experiences

C. The School’s Learning and Teaching Policy is under constant review and revision in

order to ensure Learning and Teaching is based on the latest recognised pedagogy and

is of the highest quality

D. The school will embrace aspects of Learning to Learn strategies which develop the

capacity of the individual learner and complement the Learning and Teaching PolicyE. The ‘Happiness’ of children and all school employees of BIS – Jakarta is a day-to-day

priority which will be proactively monitored and maintained

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Strategic Plans

6:Having the right tools

Planning Goal

To provide up-to-date and appropriate resources to support effective and enjoyable

learning experiences and activities


A. To ensure that leaders and teachers have the resources they need to effectively

deliver and support the curriculumB. Maintain and develop an ICT infrastructure which keeps pace with ICT best and

most effective practice

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7:Value for money

Planning Goal

To provide BIS families with value for money


C. To ensure that financial planning, management and monitoring is efficient and

effective in supporting the delivery of the School’s Mission

D. To regularly review cost and charges to ensure appropriate levels and fairness

E. To ensure that the quality of the product more than matches its cost

Strategic Plans

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8:Building for the future

Planning Goal

To maintain and develop the campus as a stimulating and attractive environment for

children to live in and learn. Projects under consideration:

Strategic Plans

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A BIS Teacher

actively promotes the BIS Ethos

is loyal to BIS and all it represents

has respect for all persons

is a good role model within the school community and the wider


is dedicated to the school and supports school events engenders a feeling of optimism and is dynamic and caring 

demonstrates a high level of professionalism

is a reflective practitioner

is often ‘critical friend’ of collegues

promotes education to the highest level and standards

has high expectations of him/herself and others

recognises and promotes the unique potential of every individual 

enjoys what he/she is doing 

has a life and interests outside school!

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A BIS Learner

Our aim is in line with the aspirations of the International Baccalaureate Organisation which are to

develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of

the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. BIS Learners strive to be ...

Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct

inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love

of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.

Knowledgeable They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and

balanced range of disciplines.

Thinkers They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to

recognise and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively

in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and

willingly in collaboration with others.

Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice andrespect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their

own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

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A BIS Learner

Open-minded They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, andare open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are

accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the


Caring They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others.

They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives ofothers and to the environment.

Risk-takers They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought,

and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and

articulate in defending their beliefs.

Balanced They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to

achieve personal well-being for themselves and others.

Reflective They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are

able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning andpersonal development.

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