  • 7/28/2019 Word Story Dictionary


    Immerge v.


    Impart =give a part of v.

    Impenetrate v.

    Impersonate v.

    Implant = plant in v.

    Import v. ~


    cf. export

    Impound v.

    < im- =in- (in) +pound(place)>

    Impregnate = make pregnant


    < im- =in- (in) + pregn (to be before a birth) + -ate>

    Imprint = print on v.

    Imprison = put in prison v.

    Irradiate = throw rays of light upon


    < ir- =in- (on) + radi (ray ) + -ate

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    Ir + radi + ate

    on + ray + v.

    inaccessible adj.

    < in- (not) + accessible >

    Inaccurate adj.

    < in- (not) + accurate

    inadequate adj.

    < in-(not)+adequate

    in + ad + equ + ate

    not + to + equal +adj.

    Inappropriate adj.

    < in-(not)+appropriate

    Inaudible adj.

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    in + com + par + able

    not + together +equal +adj.

    Inconsistent adj.

    < in-(not)+consistent

    Inconstant adj.

    < inconvenient adj.

    < in-(not)+convenient>

    Indecisive adj.

    < in-(not)+decisive>

    Indigestion N

    < in-(not)+digestion>

    in + di + gest + ion

    not +apart + carry + n

    Indolent adj.

    < in-(not)+dolent (feel pain)>

    Ineffective adj.

    < in-(not)+effective>

    Inefficient adj.

    < in-(not)+efficient>

    in + ef + fici + ent

    not + out + do + adj

    Inequality N

    < in-(not)+equality>

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    Infallible adj.

    < in-(not)+fallible

    Infamous=notorious adj.

    < in-(not)+famous>

    Inflexible adj.

    in + flex + ible

    not + bend + adj.

    Infrequent adj.

    < in-(not) +frequent>

    Innutrition N

    < in-(not)+nutrition>

    Insane adj.

    < in-(not)+sane>

    Insecure adj.

    < in-(not)+secure


    Insensitive adj.

    Insignificant adj.

    < in-(not)+significant>

    in + sign + ific + ant

    not + mark + make + adj.

    Insufficient adj.

    < in-(not)+sufficient>

    Insuperable adj.

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    in + super + able

    not + oyer + adj

    Invaluable adj.

    < in-(not)+valuable> cf. valueless

    Invisible adj.

    Invulnerable adj.

    < in-(not)+vulnerable>

    Enemy E

    < en- =in-(not)+emy(friend)> cf. amicable

    en + emy

    not + friend

    Ignoble adj.

    < i-=in-(not)+gnoble(noble)>

    Ignorant adj.

    < i-=in-(not)+gnor(know)+ -ant>

    i + gnor + ant

    not + know + adj.

    Illegal adj.

    Illegitimate adj.

    < il- =in-(not)+legitimate>

    Illiberal adj.

    < il- =in-(not)+liberal>

    Illicit adj.

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    < il- =in-(not)+licit>

    Illiterate adj. ,n.

    < il- =in-(not)+literate>

    Illogical adj.

    < il- =in-(not)+logical>

    Immaculate=spotless adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+maculate(be spotted)>

    im + maculate

    not + be spotted

    Immaterial adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+material>

    Immature adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+mature>

    Immeasurable adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+measurable

    Immediate adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+mediate(middle)> cf. medium

    Immobile adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+mobile(moye)>

    Immodest adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+modest>

    Immortal adj. ,n. n

    < im- =in-(not)+mortal>

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    Impalpable adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+palpable>

    im + palp + able

    not + touch + adj.

    Imparity N

    < im- =in-(not)+parity> cf.par

    Impartial adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+partial>

    Impenetrable adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+penetrable>

    Impenitent adj., n.

    < im- =in-(not)+penitent>

    Impious adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+pious


    Implacable adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+placable

    Impolite adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+polite>

    Impotent adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+potent>

    Impractical adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+practical>

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    Imprecise adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+precise

    in + pre + cise

    Not + before + cut

    Imprudent adj.

    < im- =in-(not)+prudent>

    Impunity n.

    im + pun + ity

    not + punish + n.

    Irrational adj. n.

    < ir- =in-(not)+rational>

    ir + rat + ion + al

    not + reason + n. + adj.

    Irredeemable adj.

    < ir- = in- (not) +redeemable>

    Irregular adj.

    < ir- =in-(not) +regular>

    Irrelative adj.

    < ir- =in-(not) +relative>

    ir + re + lat + ive

    not + back + bring + adj.

    Irrelevant adj.

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    < ir- =in-(not)+relevant>

    Irreligious adj.

    < ir- =in-(not)+religious>

    Irresistible adj.

    < ir- =in-(not)+resistible>

    Irresolute adj.

    < ir- =in-(not) +resolute>

    Irresponsible adj.

    < ir- =in-(not)+responsible>

    Interchange v.

    < inter-(between)+change>

    Interfuse v.

    < inter-(between)+fuse(pour) >

    Interior adj.


    < inter- (among) + -ior


    Interlude v.

    < inter-(between) +lude(play) > cf. prelide

    Intermediary n.

    Intermix v.

    < inter-(between) +mix (mix) >

    International adj.

    < inter-(between) +national>

    Interplay n.

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    < inter-(between) +play (play) >

    Interpose v.

    < inter-(between) +pose(pit) >

    Interrupt v.

    < inter-(between) +rupt (break) >

    Intersect v.

    < inter-(between) +sect (cut) >

    Interstellar adj.

    < inter-(between) +stellar(star) >

    Intertwine v.

    < inter-(between) +twine>

    Interurban adj.

    Intraoffice adj.

    Intraparty adj.

    Intrapersonal adj.

    cf. interpersonal

    Intra-school adj.

    Intravenous adj.

    < intra-(within) +ven(vein ) + -ous>

    intra + ven + ous

    within + vein + adj.

    Introduce v.

    < intro-(inward) +duce(lead) >

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    Introspect v.

    < intro-(within) +spect(look) >

    Introspective agj.

    intro + spect + ive

    within + look + adj.

    Introvert v. n.

    < intro-(within) +vert(turn)>

    Isobar N

    Isometric ;-rical adj.

    Iso + metr + ic(al)

    Equal + measure +adj

    Isosceles adj.

    Isotherm N

    Nonaggression N ~

    Nonaligned adj.

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    Nonallergic adj.

    Nonchalant adj.

    Noncombatant N,adj.

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    non + dur + able

    not + lasting + adj

    Nonentity N

    < non- (not ) +entity (being)>

    Nonessential adj., N

    Nonmember N

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    Nonverbal adj.

    Ob- =at; against; before; near; over; towards

    O-Oc-, Of-, op-,os-.

    Obdurate adj.

    Ob + dur + ate

    Against + hard + adj

    Obedient adj.

    cf. audience

    Obese adj.

    Obfuscate V.

    Obituary N adj.

    Object V. N.~

    Objurgate V.

    Ob + jur + gate

    against + swear + v.

    Oblige V.

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    Obtund V.

    Obvious adj.

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    Pour out outpour

    Put out output

    Set out outset

    Outdo V.

    Outdoor adj.

    Outface V.

    Outgrow V. ~

    Outlandish adj.

    Outlaw N V

    Outlay N

    Out + lay

    Out + spend

    Outline N V ~

    Outlive N



    Outmatch V

    Outnumber V ~

    Outpace V ~

    Outrage N V

    Outr + age

    Beyond + N

    Outrival V.

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    Outrun V.

    Outshine V.~~~

    Outside N adj adv

    Outspoken adj.

    Outstanding adj.

    Outweigh V.~

    Outwit V.

    Over-=aboye ;across; beyond


    Overact V .

    Overbear V.

    Overblow V.

    Overboard adv .

    Per- =away; thoroughly; through*[]

    []par- ,pel ,pil-.

    Perambulate V .

    Perceive V .

    Percolate V.

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    Per + col + ate

    Through +filter + V

    Perception N

    Percussion N

    Perdition N

    Peremptory adj.

    Per + empt + ory

    Thoroughly + take +adj

    Perennial adj.

    Perfect adj.

    Per + fect

    Thoroughly + make

    Perfidy N

    Perforate V.

    Perform V.

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    Perfume N V

    Perfunctory adj.

    Perish V.

    Permanent adj.

    Per + man + ent

    Through + remain +adj

    Permeate V .

    Permit V.


    Pernicious adj.

    Per + nic + ious

    Thoroughly + kill + adj

    Perpendicular adj. N

    cf. pendant

    Perplex V.

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    Perpetual adj.

    cf. petition

    Per + pet + ual

    Thoroughly + seek + adj

    Persecute V.

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    Perspire V.

    Per + spire

    Through + breathe

    Persuade V .


    Pertinent adj.


    Per + tin + ent

    Thoroughly + hold + adj

    Peruse V.

    Pervade V.


    Pervasive adj.

    Pervert V. N

    Parboil V.

    Pellucid adj.


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    Polyhedron N.

    Poly + hedr + on

    Many + side + N

    Polymath N adj.

    Polymorphous adj.

    Poly + morph + ous

    Many + form + adj

    Polyphonic adj.

    Polyphony N

    Polysyllable N ()

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    Postbellum adj. {}

    cf. antebellum

    Post + bell + um

    After + war + adj.

    Postdate V.

    Postdoctoral adj.

    Posterior adj.

    Posterity N

    Postern N adj

    Postface N

    Postgraduate adj. N

    Posthumous adj.

    Post + humous

    After + ground

    Posthumohsly adv.

    Post + humous + ly

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    After + ground + adv

    Postlude N

    cf. prelude

    Postmeridian adj.

    Post + meri + dian

    After + middle + day

    Postmortem adj. N

    cf. mortal

    Postnatal adj.

    Post + nat + al

    After + born +adj.

    Postnuptial adj.

    Postpone V.

    cf. component

    Postpose V.

    Postscript N p.s.

    cf. script

    Pre-= before

    Preadolescent adj.

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    Preamble N

    Precaution N,V cf. caution

    Pre + caut + ion

    Before + beware + N

    Precede V.

    Precept N

    Pre- (before) + cept (take)> cf. capture

    Precinct N

    Pre + cinct

    Before + surround

    Precipice N

    cf. capital

    Preclude V.

    cf. excludeinclude

    Precocious adj.

    Pre + coci + ous

    Before + cook + adj.

    Predecessor N

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    Predict V .

    Predilection N

    Preexist V .

    Prefabricate V .

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    Prolife N

    Preliminary adj. N

    cf. limit

    pre + limin + ary

    before + threshold + adj.

    prelude N V ~

    cf. interlude postlude

    Premature adj.

    Premium N

    Preoccupy V.

    Prepare V .

    Preposterous adj.

    Preponderate V.

    Pre- (before) + ponder (weigh) + -ate>

    Pre + ponder + ate

    Before + weigh + VPrerequisite adj. N

    Presage N V

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    Pre + sage

    Before + perceive

    Prescribe V.

    Present N. adj.

    cf. absent

    Preserve V.

    Pre + serve

    Before + keepPreside V.

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    Prevent V.

    cf. advent

    Pre + vent

    Before + come

    Preview V,N

    Previous adj.

    Pro- =before; for; forth; forward

    * for for {~}[~][~][]


    {} pur-, pr- (pro ), pro pur pour=


    Pro-American adj.

    Problem N

    Proceed V.


    Proclaim V .

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    cf. clamour

    Procure V .~

    Prodigal adj. N.

    cf. agent

    Produce V . N

    Pro + duce

    Forward + lead

    Profane = outside of the temple adj.


    cf. fane

    Profess V.

    cf. confess

    Proficient adj. N

    Pro + fici + ent

    Forward + make + adj.

    Profit N V

    cf. fact

    Profligate adj. N

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    Pro + flig + ate

    Forward + drive + adj.

    Profound adj.



    Profuse adj.

    Progeria N

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