
WUN-v12======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 12: Issue 1, January 2006 ////


Edited by Bill LawrieElectronic Editor. ([email protected])COPYRIGHT © 2006 WUN

This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club inthe world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter maybe posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so longas the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s)remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly,in any other media format without the written permission of theElectronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may resultin action under international copyright legislation.

To become a WUN member, visit the URL: and fill in your details inthe "Subscribing to WUN" section form.

If you have problems with any of this, or need further information,contact Jason Berri at: [email protected]

If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS,please let us know!

Check out the WUN web site at:

>From your Electronic Editor:

* Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utilitystation information and the most widely quoted utility stationpublication in the world...the WUN Newsletter.

Firstly, may we wish all our members a very happy and prosperous NewYear. Yes, I know it happened a few weeks ago (well, nearly a month ago!)but this is the first Newsletter since then!! So, Happy New Year.

And now something a bit more serious.

Does the membership want a monthly Newsletter or not - because at therate we are going, it is quite likely that you could soon not have one!!

Many months ago, we lost the Aero Column followed by the Military andGovernment Frequencies List. Despite numerous requests for new volunteersto come forward and take over as editors, there was total silence. Then,a few months ago, pressure of work meant that the Nautical News editorcould no longer continue in the post. Again, there was no response whenwe asked for new editors to take over.

However,Day Watson, DR Column editor, very kindly agreed to take over asNautical News editor but only on a temporary basis until a permanentone could be found. Sadly, no-one has come forward and as you will seefrom the Nautical News Column this month, this is the last NN Column hewill be producing.

The monthly Newsletter is therefore now down to the AskWUN, DR, N&O, UTRound-up and Logs Columns with the addition of quarterly Products/Reviewand QSL Columns. It only needs a change in the circumstances of one ofthe Editors, and more Columns will disappear.

WUN has around 1000 members. There must be some of you out there whocould take on the job of editing one of the missing Columns - so, please

Pagina 1

WUN-v12let's hear from you!! If we do not, the Newsletter will graduallydisappear! Joint editorship is also a possibility if two volunteers comeforward; we could then arrange for you to work together.

Please contact Ary or myself; full support will be given.



o Ask Wun by Jim Dunnetto Digital Review by Day Watsono Nautical News by Day Watsono Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boendero QSL Centre by John Stephenso Utility Round-up by Ary Boendero WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS



Jim Dunnett, Editor

[email protected]

January 2006


This section is here to deal with requests for help and informationto and from WUN members. The column is for you to ask questions; tolocate others with similar interests (even non-HF like SatCom or VHFaero); to locate or sell equipment; to ask about receiver problems, orjust to ask about anything. I will also include items of generalinterest relating to the hobby from time to time, not necessarilyarising out of questions. If you have a question to ask then ask themvia this section. Send your requests to:- [email protected].

If you want to reply to an item, note the sender's address and reply direct, or better still send the answer to this column. If you have found utility-related material which you think may be of interest to readers, then please let me know about them.


In this column I shall try to follow the format adopted by ColinGoodall, my predecessor, with the exception that I cannot take queriesby mail, only by EMail. Should there be no queries by EMail, beforethe deadline, I shall pick up any queries which may have been askedvia the list-server.

If it's related to anything having to do with the radio hobby,you need to ASK WUN. If it doesn't fit anywhere fits here.

This column is here to provide a service to all WUN members to ask"off topic" questions or offer radio related equipment for sale.If the column is not supported/needed, it will disappear.

Pagina 2

WUN-v121. FOLLOW UP TO PREVIOUS NEWSLETTERS************************************

3. FOR SALE************

Nothing as yet.

4. HELP WANTED***************

Mike, in West Sussex, UK asked:

"A good pal of mine want to buy a proper HF radio.

He has flirted with shortwave using scanners and a budget rig but nowwants to move up. Cash is limited as it is with most of us.

My recommendation has always been a FRG100 mainly as I use it and havecome to respect it.

What other radios might he consider on the second hand market please?

Icoms etc."

Address for MSN messenger or Windows Messenger is [email protected]


Mike also asks:

"Can anyone simply explain how Maximum Usable Frequency and LowerUsable Frequency can be calculated and used to help utility listenerslike us?

Is there a web site that provides easy to understand information forvarious areas around the world?"

I suggested referring to the graphs in the UK's Short Wave Magazine,but as it ceased publication last month, this was of little help. Iuse HF Prop by G4ILO:

Address for MSN messenger or Windows Messenger is [email protected]

=====================================================================Mike goes on to ask:

"A friend has discovered that his fish tank lights are giving him RFIon his radio. What tips for dealing with this can members suggest?Would ferrite rings help?

Address for MSN messenger or Windows Messenger is [email protected]


Mike further asks:

"I would like contact with any SWLs located in Russia to help with aradio project."

I seem to remember this one being solved, but no matter ...

Address for MSN messenger or Windows Messenger is [email protected]


Pagina 3

WUN-v12Martin Barfield, <[email protected]> asks:

Hi All,

Can anyone give me a technical spec on the aircraft selcal system,i.e. which tones are which, the send speeds/protocols etc?

I'm looking into a decoder based on a PIC microcontroller.

Also, has anyWUN any experience with the Britelco RX1000 watchreceiver?


'LEA', [email protected] asks:

"My qth is Sweden and my rig is IC-2725 and a mobile ant.

What is the satellite signal on 252.275 MHz voice + data"

AnyWUN do satellites ? FLTSATCOM ?


Anyone using the AOR LA-380 loop?

Bill Riches, WA2DVU <[email protected]> asks:

Any comments on the AOR LA-380 Loop antenna?


[email protected] is:

looking for a used (because I know there are no new ones) WavecomW40 or W41PC. Let me know the price. [email protected]


Peter Horn, <[email protected]> asks as follows:

"I came across the group searching for "Eddystone 1650", and noticethat the "who uses what" survey mentions a few. I bought one of thesemagnificent-looking beasts recently, missing a few bits. I wouldgreatly appreciate any documents on this rx - brochure, servicemanual, operating manual, etc. If anyone has such, or can tell mewhere to find it, I'd love to hear from you.

(Blue Mountains, VK2)"


John, G4GKX <[email protected]> asks:

"Simple question to all would the replacement of the computer'soriginal sound card with something better (I'm open to suggestions)be an advantage when listening to digital modes especially HF and VHFACARS many thanks in anticipation.


That's it for this month, let's have some more questions, please!


ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST.-------------------------

Pagina 4



Last month we dealt with a simple log-on and position report.

Here are a couple of examples of misleading messages:

[MPDU 15:36:13 GND SLOT 1 300 BPS ][LPDU LOG ON CONFIRM]ICAO A32FFE ID 7F TXW = 0 D(R) = 0 D(R)vect = 0[LPDU UNNUMBERED DATA FM GND TO AIR 7E][HFNPDU ACARS FM GND TO AIR 7E]<SOH>2.G-VFOX1_<DEL>T<ETX>i<VT><NUL>Preamble 600 bps 4.2 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 17.960078 Hz Errors 1

Here it may appear that the aircraft with the ICAO ID A32FFE is theairframe G-VFOX.

A/c Type Owner ICAO Remarks

N304UP B767-34AFER UPS UP A32FFEG-VFOX A340-642 VIR VS 400926 'Silver Lady' ex F-WWCM

From the database A32FFE is N304UP, whilst G-VFOX is 400926.Therefore there are two aircraft involved here and the firstaircraft, N304UP is the one signing on while G-VFOX is being calledby the ground station.


MPDU 15:41:42 GND SLOT 7 300 BPS ][LPDU LOG ON CONFIRM]ICAO 896080 ID 80 TXW = 0 D(R) = 0 D(R)vect = 0[LPDU UNNUMBERED DATA FM GND TO AIR CO0101][HFNPDU ACARS FM GND TO AIR CO0101]<SOH>2.N191365_<DEL>A<ETX><FS><ENQ><NUL>Preamble 1200 bps 1.8 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 10.277429 Hz Errors 0

A/c Type Owner ICAO RemarksA6-ERA A340-541 UAE EK 896080 Ex F-WWTIN19136 B757-224 COA CO A16EC2

Again two different aircraft in what appears to be the same databurst. A7-ERA logs on; N19365 is called by the ground station.

(Note: Quite often the aircraft's callsign will be followed by anadditional character, in the case above, the final '5' is spurious).

No confusion with this next one:

MPDU 14:49:15 AIR LOGON SLOT 2 300 BPS ][LPDU LOG ON RESUME]ICAO 79C010[HFNPDU FREQUENCY DATA]14:49:12 UTC Flight ID = MU554 LAT 56 35 48 N LON 17 38 16 EPreamble 300 bps 1.8 sec Interleaver FREQ ERR 17.573190 Hz Errors 1

A/c Type Owner ICAO RemarksB-6051 A340-642 CES MU 79C010

It can be logged:

05544 B-6051: China Eastern A340 Flt No MU554 1449 HFDL Positionreport via Bahrain: 5636N 01738E. (11Dec05) (ABC)

Enough for now. In the next part we shall look at one or two

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WUN-v12different types of message (other than position reports) sent by bothground and airborne stations.


73 for now,

Jim, (RGA)

<[email protected]>



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

- Editor: Day Watson E-mail: [email protected] - - Nickname on chat channels DayW

Hi digi WUNners

The menu Aero Loss of ground frequencies in SPDU Met Copenhagen ice charts continuing Military 4285 from Spain Reduction in RN VFT channelling Special Decoding with LINUX


::: Loss of ground frequencies in SPDU

When this happens (displays numbers 1-20), and assuming the necessaryregistration (PC-HFDL) has been done the System Table may be corrupt(held in PCHFDL.dat in PC-HFDL). More than likely however ARINC has justupdated the System Table and that in the decoder does not match the onein use.

Periodically a Ground Station may send an update to an aircraft and ifone is listening to the channel at that time then System Table in thedecoder will also be updated and the display of frequencies in the SPDUwill be restored. This is what happens in PC-HFDL. What happens inother decoders is not known.

What if one's patience does not stretch and the PC/program is not openH24. One then has to ask other users if they have the updated file andrequest a copy.

Another source is to join the Yahoo specialist group /HFDL wherethings like this become available fairly rapidly.

Pagina 6



::: Copenhagen ice charts continuing

Another New Year has come and gone, and the cessation of this service hasyet to take place (as announced for a couple of years ago). Looks likethere has been sufficient pressure from the user base to keep the servicegoing.

0003 0028 0943 1008 1153 1218 1243 1308 1333 1803 1828z from one of thethe frequencies 5850/9360/13855/17510 kHz.


::: 4285 from Spain

Monitors have logged a series of STANAG 4285 (600bps/L) on (/usb) 2756.2 4277.2 8463.2 12930.7

Indication from past records and propagation is that most of these areSpanish Navy, Madrid.

Instead of the usual continuous flow of encrypted "garbage" one normallysees from 4285s it's interesting to note that it spents most of it's timein an idle state (continuous 0's) giving a short encrypted message(?)burst every few minutes. Whilst this opens with a typical 010101 stringit is not seen as KG84 as has sometimes been reported.

::: Reduction in RN VFT channelling

The remaining three RN VFT channels, laterly running with two encryptedchannels and a CARB, were noted over the recent holiday period by theirabsense. These have returned mid January but with only the CARB,75bd/340Hz offset at +1785Hz, operational. If one is being pedanticthere is the remnants of one of the old (75bd/850Hz) encrypted channelsidling on it's MARK tone at +2125Hz.

The frequencies concerned are (/usb)


Further change in the offing?


::: Decoding with LINUX

The bulk of applications for decoding and associated with radiomonitoring are shown to run under various shades of Windows OS and stilla few under MS-DOS. For the Mac OS we have Black Cat Systems providingsuitable software. But what for those devotees (or those thinking ofsame or on the first rung of the ladder) of LINUX?

First searching has shown:

Pagina 7

WUN-v12 - Some LINUX software referred tobut also turned up broken links.

Thanks to Pär Crusefalk for his WUN post:

"Perhaps here: "

and subsequent emails.

He says "I've built some stuff on my own, like a terminal emulator for mytnc, and now I'm involved in the pskmail project. You can find the wikifor pskmail at:

I also run a pskmail server on 10.148 kHz [10147/usb 1kHz offset] it usesPSK63 and an excellent software for decoding it is gmfsk: beacon is sent on the first minute of the hour and PI4TUE isjust before my server."

He'll be delighted to receive any signal reports.

Par is enthusiastic about it. He reports it is a "very good piece ofsoftware. It's a multimode HF terminal and it's capable of MFSK (MFSK16/8and Olivia in the beta), RTTY, Throb, PSK31, PSK63, MT63 and Feldhell."

However much of the above is related to the radio amateur world and theirtransmission systems.

Can any other LINUX users point the way to other applications, hopefullycovering a wider transmission mode field?


Full log book between now and next month. Regards Day


_ _ ___ _ _ _____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ _____ _____ | \| |/ _ \| | | |_ _|_ _/ __|/ _ \| | | \| | __\ \ / / __| | .` | _ | |_| | | | | | (__| _ | |__ | .` | _| \ \/\/ /\__ \ |_|\_|_| |_|\___/ |_| |___\___|_| |_|____| |_|\_|___| \_/\_/ |___/ Utility Monitoring in the Maritime Bands

Edited By: Day Watson [email protected]

Traffic list: Globe Wireless network channels Greek Shippress from Olympia Maritime HF RT from South America

+++ Globe Wireless network channels

Some 18 months since we had an up-to-date to list of the channels of GW'smaritime network. Our thanks to Peter Kierans, Licensing and RegulatoryVice-President of Globe Wireless, for this updated (effective 12/Jan/06)list.

GW uses a proprietary adaptive modem (not Pactor or variant thereof)employing FSK and PSK techniques to provide an HF data service to themaritime community.

Pagina 8

WUN-v12Note that, whilst most of the channels operate on omni-directionalantennae, there are a number of directional ones to provide a betterservice into specific areas.

�Station �Shore �Ship

8PO /Barbados

4376.4 4084.4 6379.5 5912.0 8468.0 7967.0 12680.4 12376.5 12683.4 12372.5 17155.4 16654.5 17158.4 16624.5 19741.4 18862.5 19744.4 18868.5 22461.4 22187.5 26135.4 25156.5

9HD /Malta

6396.0 5837.5 8474.0 8308.5 8517.0 8314.5 12721.0 12418.5 12732.0 12370.5 12892.5 12373.5 16939.0 16615.5 16945.0 16648.5 18591.0 18312.0 22498.5 22229.5

9MG /Penang

4430.4 4138.4 6355.5 6292.5 8492.0 8355.0 8690.5 8332.5 8720.4 8196.4 12583.5 12481.0 12831.0 12439.0 13153.4 12306.4 16815.5 16692.0 16947.6 16617.0 17045.6 16660.5 17225.5 16630.5 17273.4 16391.4 19751.0 18814.4 22465.0 22271.5 22787.4 22091.4

A9M /Bahrain

4256.0 4191.5 6430.0 6292.5 8541.0 8302.5 12647.0 12545.0 12673.5 12457.0 12709.0 12698.0 12756.5 12403.5 17066.5 16557.5 19698.5 18888.0 19726.0 18853.5 22456.0 22223.5 26119.0 25191.0

CPK /Santa Cruz

Pagina 9


13183.4 12336.4 13189.4 12342.4 17384.4 16502.4 17396.4 16514.4 19762.4 18787.4 19783.4 18808.4 19789.4 18814.4

HEC /Bern

6493.5 6289.5 8597.0 8346.0 9157.0 9064.0 10341.0 10238.5 13002.0 12430.0 17408.4 16526.4 19655.0 19299.0

HLF /Seoul

4273.5 4188.5 6344.0 6298.5 8473.0 8371.5 8497.0 8374.5 12712.0 12469.0 12727.0 12472.0 17079.0 16678.5 19910.0 18823.4

KEJ /Honolulu

6439.4 6247.5 8663.4 8338.5 12664.5 12418.5 16923.0 16734.5 26125.4 25141.5

KEM /Nikolski(Aleutian Islands)

6511.4 6210.4 8759.4 8235.4 12632.0 12530.0 13177.4 12330.4 17288.4 16406.4

KFS /San Francisco

4295.4 4183.0 6368.5 6286.5 6436.4 6253.5 8526.4 8323.5 8609.0 8320.5 10349.0 10183.0 13036.5 12460.0 13039.5 12553.0 13056.4 12475.0 13059.4 12424.0 13069.4 12400.5 13072.4 12382.5 16820.0 16697.0 17186.0 16633.5 17189.0 16639.5 17211.4 16608.5 17378.4 16496.4 19687.5 18877.0 22557.0 22262.5

Pagina 10

WUN-v12KHF /Guam

6374.0 6279.0 7723.0 7321.0 8456.0 8298.4 10186.0 10156.0 12691.5 12421.0 12814.5 12551.0 16906.0 16642.5 16909.0 16645.5 18211.5 18193.0 19733.5 18896.5 22464.0 22250.5 26155.4 25080.4

KPH /San Francisco

4459.0 4445.0 6360.0 6289.5 8453.0 8326.5 8606.0 8343.0 8618.0 8370.0 8762.4 8238.4 10203.0 10162.0 13014.0 12409.5 13017.0 12427.0 13159.4 12312.4 17372.4 16490.4 19730.5 18887.5 22554.0 22241.5

LFI /Rogaland

4262.0 4194.5 5768.0 5421.0 6467.0 6250.5 8683.5 8349.0 8705.5 8317.5 11145.0 10415.0 12660.0 12454.0 12678.0 12436.0 16926.0 16572.5

LSD836 /Buenos Aires

4403.4 4111.4 6502.4 6201.4 8459.0 8311.5 8594.0 8335.5 12736.0 12379.5 12779.0 12445.0 13123.4 12276.4 16976.0 16560.5 17249.4 16367.4 19706.0 18850.5 19754.0 18856.5 22600.0 22259.5

SAB /Goeteborg

3264.4 3159.5 4259.0 4166.5 4347.0 4188.5 5315.0 5295.0 5433.0 5388.0 6352.0 6244.5 6478.0 6235.5 8489.0 8325.0

Pagina 11

WUN-v12 8591.0 8305.5 8602.0 8352.0 10360.0 10330.0 10746.0 10213.0 12617.0 12514.5 12641.0 12539.0 12818.0 12388.5 12851.0 12397.5 16854.5 16731.5 16868.0 16750.0 17024.0 16630.5 17198.0 16568.0 19708.0 18847.5 19736.4 18859.5 22469.4 22211.5 22534.5 22280.5

VCS /Halifax

6427.0 6295.5 8675.5 8358.0 13033.5 12463.0 17234.5 16672.5 22590.0 22246.5

VCT /Tors Cove

4566.4 5289.4 6523.4 6222.4 8615.0 8361.0 8690.5 8332.5 10166.4 10253.4 13162.4 12315.4 13914.0 13488.0 13940.0 13520.0 13946.0 13543.0 13983.0 13567.0 14945.0 14658.0 14948.0 14666.0 16912.0 16620.5 17237.5 16627.5 17402.4 16520.4 18602.0 18233.0 18614.0 18244.5 19786.4 18811.4 19798.4 18823.4 22660.5 22256.5 22679.5 22265.5 22694.5 22268.5

VIE /Darwin

6464.0 6286.5 8699.5 8352.0 10455.5 10319.5 12655.0 12558.0 13045.5 12466.0 13053.5 12412.5 13063.5 12448.0 13066.5 12451.0 17205.0 16621.5 17214.0 16627.5 17217.0 16636.0 17220.0 16669.5 17240.5 16663.5 19682.0 18871.5 19685.0 18874.5 19724.0 18865.5

Pagina 12

WUN-v12 22442.0 22350.0 22682.5 22274.5 22691.5 22253.5 26124.0 25166.5

VJS /Perth

6316.5 6265.0 6327.5 6281.5 8428.5 8388.5 12596.5 12494.0 12604.0 12501.5 12626.0 12524.0 12629.0 12527.0 16824.5 16701.5 16827.5 16705.5 16871.0 16753.0 16877.0 16759.0 19695.5 18885.0 19701.5 18891.0 19722.0 18868.0 22430.0 22338.0 22436.0 22344.0

WNU /Slidell

4225.0 4185.8 4336.4 4200.5 4406.4 4114.4 4436.4 4144.4 5077.5 4845.0 5121.5 4848.0 5367.0 5245.9 6327.0 6281.0 6334.0 6297.0 6431.4 6256.5 7753.0 7718.0 7793.3 7827.0 8672.4 8329.5 12612.5 12511.0 12624.5 12522.5 12963.5 12394.5 12966.5 12415.5 13027.5 12391.5 16942.0 16666.5 17375.4 16493.4 18224.0 18203.5 22385.5 22293.5 26143.0 25169.5

XSV /Tianjin

6484.5 6235.5 8617.0 8346.0 12822.0 12433.0 17132.0 16675.5 22688.0 22243.5

ZLA /Awarua

6456.0 6244.5 8668.0 8643.0 12740.0 12430.0 17170.4 16651.5 19736.4 18859.5 22469.4 22211.5 26132.8 25138.5

Pagina 13

WUN-v12ZSC /Capetown

4274.0 4156.5 6399.0 5873.0 8446.0 8017.5 12644.0 12542.0 14728.0 14370.0 16895.0 16777.0 16901.0 16783.0 18318.0 18169.5 19689.5 18879.0 19692.5 18882.0 22540.0 22277.5 26132.5 25129.5

+++ Greek Shippress from Olympia

Olympia Radio, Athens daily transmits press bulletins in Greek for ships.

These can be heard on

RT (/usb) 8776 13134 17341 22720 at 1145 1945

Sitor/B (assigned) 8424 12603.5 16830.5 22387.5 at 0600 1300 2100z

+++ Maritime HF RT from South America

Look for signals on the currently listed Maritime HF RT channels fromArgentina, Brazil and Chile.

Coast Ship ITU Call

4125 4125 --- Various GMDSS RT 4146 4146 --- Many Chilean stations 4357 4065 [ 401] Valparaiso$% 4366 4074 [ 404] Rio, Belem, Itajai, Juncao, Valparaiso 4369 4077 [ 405] Belem, Itajai, Valparaiso 4381 4089 [ 409] Rio, Juncao 4387 4095 [ 411] Argentina# 4393 4101 [ 413] Argentina# 4402 4110 [ 416] Rio 4411 4119 [ 419] Juncao, Valparaiso 4417 4125 [ 421] Many Chilean stations,Valparaiso 4429 4137 [ 425] Valparaiso 4435 4143 [ 427] Valparaiso

6501 6200 [ 601] Valparaiso 6507 6206 [ 603] Argentina# 6510 6209 [ 604] Valparaiso 6516 6215 [ 606] Valparaiso 6522 6221 [ 608] Argentina#

8707 --- [ 834] Valparaiso 8713 --- [ 836] Valparaiso 8719 8195 [ 801] Valparaiso 8734 8210 [ 806] Argentina# 8737 8213 [ 807] Valparaiso 8740 8216 [ 808] Argentina# 8743 8219 [ 809] Valparaiso 8755 8231 [ 813] Valparaiso 8761 8237 [ 815] Valparaiso 8767 8767 [ 817] Valparaiso 8773 8249 [ 819] Rio, Belem, Juncao, Manaus, Olinda 8776 8250 [ 820] Argentina# 8779 8255 [ 821] Belem, Olinda

Pagina 14

WUN-v12 8782 8258 [ 822] Belem, Rio 8788 8264 [ 824] Juncao, Manaus, Olinda 8800 8276 [ 828] Manaus, Rio, Juncao 8806 8282 [ 830] Rio, Manaus 8812 8288 [ 832] Manaus

13089 12242 [1205] Argentina#13101 12254 [1209] Belem13107 12260 [1211] Olinda13116 12269 [1214] Rio13131 12284 [1219] Rio, Olinda13137 12290 [1221] Belem, Olinda13143 12296 [1223] Juncao13158 12311 [1228] Belem, Juncao13164 12317 [1230] Argentina#13173 12326 [1233] Juncao13179 12332 [1235] Argentina#

17242 16360 [1601] Argentina#17257 16375 [1606] Olinda17272 16390 [1611] Rio17278 16396 [1613] Rio17302 16420 [1621] Olinda17386 16504 [1649] Rio

22756 22060 [2221] Olinda22807 22111 [2238] Rio, Olinda22822 22126 [2243] Rio22831 22135 [2246] Rio22843 22147 [2250] Rio22846 22150 [2251] Rio

# Argentina/LSD836.Tfc list all frequencies 0000 0300 0600 0900 1200 1500 1800 2100z

$ Valparaiso/CBVWx forecast in Spanish at 1235 2335z

% Valparaiso/CBVTraffic lists every H+00

+++ Signoff

and with that, and the apparent lack of interest in maritime matters (nocolumn input received or applications for the Editor's position), this isthe final offering by your currently temporary scribe. Unless a WUNnerfrom the over a 1000 membership comes forward to take up the reins yetanother column disappears from the WUN Newsletter. Regards Day


NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #102; December 2005________________________________________________________________________

Editor: Ary Boender ([email protected])


ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski ([email protected])

First of all I wish all WUN members, contributors and readers of N&O a

Pagina 15

WUN-v12very good and healthy 2006.

Persisting PC problems caused a lot of problems in the last few weeksof December. It started with a malfunctioning hard disk followed by adefective mother board. A lot of data has been recovered but I don'tknow if the files are still readable. These problems were the reason whyN&O did not appear in WUN's December newsletter.

Contributors to the December N&O: Fritz, Vladimir, Jim, Trond, Klaus,IARUMS, Mike (much time for the hobby while being injured), Sferix,Jochen, John, Igor, Leif, Hugh, Glenn, Hugh, Peter, John, Maciej,Mathias and everyone who prefers to be unnamed. Thanks for your efforts,gentlemen.


On December 25, Mathias Kropf has issued the 2005 Clandestine ActivitySurvey. Although clandestine stations are not covered in N&O, I regularlymention the jammers that are chasing them.

2005 Clandestine Activity Survey

In 2005 the activity of political clandestine stations broadcasting onshortwave has decreased by almost 3 % to 1195 WBHs (Weekly BroadcastingHours). This is the lowest level of activity since 1999.

The activity of clandestine stations with target areas on the Asiancontinent has decreased by almost 9 % to 841 WBHs. Activity on theAfricancontinent, however, has increased by 51 % to now 192 WBHs. Very littlehaschanged on the American continent where activity is now at 162 WBHs.

The three most active target areas worldwide are Iraq with 225 WBHs (-107when compared with one year ago), Afghanistan with 190 WBHs (+25) andNorthKorea with 168 WBHs (unchanged).

The number of different target areas active worldwide has increased byoneto 25. It should be noted that all four new (or reactivated) target areasare on the African continent (Senegal, Somalia, Gambia and Cameroon). Onthe other hand, Lebanon, Colombia and Papua New Guinea are no longerthought to be active.



::: E03

See also the DTMF item under Various Modes.

Lincolnshire Poacher idents compiled by Al.

First half of December.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 29223 29223 29223 29223 29223 29223 29223 12001300 90655 90655 90655 90655 90655 90655 90655 13001400 08572 16560 49260 67885 29223 08873 31979 14001500 31979 08572 16560 49260 67885 29223 41361 15001600 41361 31979 08572 16560 49260 67885 08873 16001700 08873 41361 31979 08572 16560 49260 29223 17001800 29223 08873 41361 31979 08572 16560 67885 18001900 67885 90655 08873 90655 31979 08572 90655 19002000 90655 29223 90655 41361 90655 31979 49260 2000

Pagina 16

WUN-v122100 49260 67885 29223 08873 41361 90655 16560 21002200 16560 49260 67885 29223 08873 41361 08572 2200

Second half of December

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 69483 69483 69483 69483 69483 69483 69483 12001300 32331 32331 32331 32331 32331 32331 32331 13001400 42012 03235 08576 77980 69483 54434 15871 14001500 15871 42012 03235 08576 77980 69483 84438 15001600 84438 15871 42012 03235 08576 77980 54434 16001700 54434 84438 15871 42012 03235 08576 69483 17001800 69483 54434 84438 15871 42012 03235 77980 18001900 77980 32331 54434 32331 15871 42012 32331 19002000 32331 69483 32331 84438 32331 15871 08576 20002100 08576 77980 69483 54434 84438 32331 03235 21002200 03235 08576 77980 69483 54434 84438 42012 2200


::: E03a (E04)

- Cherry Ripe idents. Compiled by Tomonori

Period 30 Oct. - 4 Nov.

UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC---------------------------------------------------------2200 76523 80205 71163 76523 22002300 70807 71163 76523 71163 23000000 71163 ????? 70807 70807 00000100 ????? ????? ????? ????? 01001000 70807 ????? 80205 ????? 10001100 70807 70807 70807 70807 ????? 11001200 80205 ????? 76523 ????? 12001300 70807 70807 70807 70807 ????? 1300

- Period 6-11 Nov.

UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC---------------------------------------------------------2200 ????? 76523 80205 71163 76523 22002300 76523 70807 71163 76523 71163 23000000 70807 71163 76523 70807 76523 00000100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 01001000 ????? ????? 70807 ????? 70807 10001100 70807 70807 70807 70807 70807 11001200 70807 8020? 70807 76523 70807 12001300 70807 70807 70807 70807 70807 1300

- Period 13-18 Nov.

UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC---------------------------------------------------------2200 80205 ????? 61875 48584 23876 22002300 76523 23876 48584 23876 48584 23000000 70807 48584 23876 70807 ????? 00000100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 01001000 76523 ????? ????? ????? ????? 10001100 ????? 70807 70807 70807 70807 11001200 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 12001300 ????? 70807 70807 70807 70807 1300

- Period 20-25 Nov.

UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC---------------------------------------------------------

Pagina 17

WUN-v122200 61875 23876 ????? 48584 ????? 22002300 23876 70807 48584 23876 48584 23000000 70807 48584 23876 70807 70807 00000100 48584 23876 70807 70807 61875 01001000 ????? ????? ????? ????? 70807 10001100 70807 70807 70807 ????? 70807 11001200 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 12001300 70807 70807 ????? ????? 70807 1300

- Period 27 Nov. - 2 Dec.

UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC---------------------------------------------------------2200 61875 ????? ????? ????? 87912 22002300 23876 ????? ????? ????? 91700 23000000 70807 ????? ????? 91700 11536 00000100 48584 ????? ????? 11536 38714 01001000 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 10001100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 11001200 ????? ????? ????? 87912 ????? 12001300 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 1300


::: E10

I received 3 logs from 8 November, all between 1750 and 1800 UTC forthis transmission: CLX2 "Charlie Lima X-Ray Two". Interesting, I haven'tseen any logs of this one before.

During a couple of days in December, "ABC" was heard on its usual freq6428 kHz. The last log that I saw of this call was back in July.


::: E22

E22 activity by Mikesndbs

Sound clips can be found on Mike's E22 page.

December has proved to be a very interesting month for E22!Starting on December 2nd at 09:23 a Huge carrier came up with a loud50hz mains hum (S+10).Indian music was then broadcast at various signal levels.Carrier dropped and came back quite often then stabilized.Carrier and music stopped at 09:30.Carrier noted briefly at 09:35.11:40 noted a +20db carrier with buzz on 15040 dropped off by 11:44More large carriers and tones from 11:47. Someone is busy on 15040!11:47 Music with a western beat but still sounding Indian! S+20bd.

Sunday 4th December on 15040 10:07 thanks to a tip from a friend Ifound E22 calling Foxtrot Yankee Six FY6 in AM very Loud S9. Therewas a carrier up on 17387 at 10:08 but the tx had ended.Later I made the following logs for E22: 15040 11:00 calling Lima Whisky four 17387 11:00 calling LW4 15040 11:06 calling LW4 with slight echo! Carrier drop at 11:07 17387 11:06 calling LW4 carrier and buzz dropped 11:08 15040 12:00 calling Sierra Yankee two. 17387 12:00 calling SY2 (many clicks and thumps on mic prior to tx) 15040 12:06 calling SY2 tx ends 07 carrier drops 07 and 20s 17387 12:06 calling SY2 tx ends 07 carrier/buzz drops.

Wednesday 07th December produced the following:Large carriers (+10db) up at 07:39 on 15040 and 17387 AM

Pagina 18

WUN-v12 08:05 carrier back on 17387 only. 08:21 tones +20db now.15040 becomes active now, background noise and mic noise. 08:29 tones up on both now.15040 08:30 E22 calling FP3 tone up 07:29 carrier drops 08:37 25s17387 08:30 E22 calling FP3 tone up 07:29 distorted audio, carrier drops 08:39 open mic until then.Much mic noise and background sound.15040 08:35 E22 FP317387 08:35 E22 FP3

Nothing was heard from E22 until 14/12/05 Wednesday.

Suddenly at 07:17 on 17387 a carrier came up then to my surprise I hearda English speaking man start talking about Sri Lanka and cricket! He thenhanded over to his colleague who started speaking in a foreign languagethat sounded very like the one of my sound clips of E22 recorded22/07/2005 from 13:59.

Strong (S9) carriers came up on 15040 and 17837 with the usual tone,then 15040 signal dropped off at 09:58.17837 still active 09:59 and 45s tone came up.10:01 and 20 tone stops and the sound of mic opening but no voice!Tone started again at 10:01 and 50 s then everything dropped at10:02 and 15s.

E22 having trouble?Then on 15040 at 11:00 E22 called QR7 much hum S9 - +10 and on 1738711:05 QR7 again.15040 12:00 calling YB8 S9 some fades,17387 12:05 calling YB8 S7 deterioration on this FQ

What no 13:00 tx? Oh yes there was :-) A big surprise I found E22 on11620 at 13:00 calling DS2 then again at 13:05 calling DS2. One of AllIndia Radios busy frequencies!

Spurred on by this I started making more enquiries and with the help ofsome monitors in India I eventually contacted All India Radio whoadmittedthese were tests sent by them! So E22 has been cracked.!!!

Full story and pdf document is available from the Enigma 2000 group.

Cheers for now and please have a very happy Christmas and a great newyear.Mike.


::: E25

Quite active on 9450 kHz. Reported at 1205, 1245 and 1345 UTC on 6 Dec.


::: V07

V07 has been heard on 13552 kHz at 0620 UTC on 17 Nov. with "159 000".


::: V13

Like last month, New Star was again often reported in December on 8300kHz. The signal was weak in most cases.


Pagina 19

WUN-v12::: V26

The Chinese LSB station is alive and kicking on 13029 kHz with 3FGsmessages.



::: MX

Most of the cluster beacons were heard on the usual frequencies.Beacon "C" however disappeared from 10872 and popped up on 10972 kHzon 7 and 10 Dec. Thanks for the tip, Fritz.

Channel markers:L - 3202.7 kHzP - 2331, 4051, 4899 kHzR - 5465.8 kHz

The location of the "S" beacon has often been discussed. Arkhangelskwas mostly mentioned as possible location. Murmansk is another one.Neither one is correct, though. The location is Severomorsk, nearMurmansk. Severomorsk is the big military port and airfield complex,Murmansk is 99% civilian. Arkhangelsk is largely abandoned except forunits supporting the building and trials of vessels.

The "A' beacon is located in the Baku area, probably in or nearAstrakan.

A - probably AstrakhanC - MoscowD - SevastopolF - VladivostokK - Petropavlovsk-KamchatskiyM - MagadanP - KaliningradS - Severomorsk

"What is the purpose of these beacons?" is a frequently asked question.Well, they were originally used by Naval Aviation units for directionfinding/homing before the days of GPS/GLOSNAS; back when the Russianshad terrible Inertial Navigation gear. Basically, they helped theairplanes find their way home when operating over water. Most Russianaircraft these days are capable of pretty good open ocean navigation,so they aren't as relevant any longer. Nowadays, they probably stillhave that backup role, but are mostly used as propagation beacons.


::: M13

1-12, 2100 UTC, 7824 kHz: 253 258/212-12, 2100 UTC, 4121 kHz: 284 255/222-12, 2100 UTC, 7824 kHz: 253 258/214-12, 2003 UTC, 5228 kHz: 261 299/21 (3 mins late)4-12, 2100 UTC, 5228 kHz: 261 299/21 (repeat of 2000)5-12, 2000 UTC, 6273 kHz: 517 260/215-12, 2100 UTC, 6273 kHz: 517 260/21 (repeat of 2000)5-12, 2000 UTC, 5098 kHz: 261 299/215-12, 2100 UTC, 5098 kHz: 261 299/21 (repeat of 2000)6-12, 2000 UTC, 6273 kHz: 517 260/217-12, 0700 UTC, 9056 kHz: 823 255/227-12, 0730 UTC, 8873 kHz: 474 255/21

Copied by Fritz.


Pagina 20


::: M18

The pseudo time signal station is now on 3803 kHz. It transmits the timeas UTC+3 hours.


::: M21

The backup/training system of the Russian Air Defense was heard on thefollowing frequencies in December:

3322, 4951.5, 5860, 5873, 6823.5 kHz: Id "0"3823.5 kHz: Id "8"


::: M22

Israeli navy, Haifa (c/s 4XZ) is still using CW on a couple of freqs.CW transmissions were noted on 2680, 4331, 6379 kHz. On 18-12 the freqdrifted to 2681 kHz but it was back on 2680 kHz on the 19th. 12002 kHzreplaced 4331 on 1 Dec. for one day only.

PSK modem transmissions were noted on 4431, 4520, 6618 and 8780 kHz.


::: M41

CIS Mil network copied by Fritz on

4603 kHz: 2058 UTC, 02-12: YJW3 ... wzd 9735 482132273052300 abv 9735 482132273....3301 kHz: 1600 UTC, 09-12: 4K7U rptd 3 mins, later messages //4959 kHz4959 kHz: 1600 UTC, 09-12: 4K7U rptd 3 mins, later messages //3301 kHz5204 kHz: 1530 UTC, 15-12: 447151349725518 ....


::: M89

"V CP17 CP17 CP17 de L9CC L9CC" on 7000, 7006.5, 7031.7, 7059.6, 7064, 7066, 7068.7, 7078, 7083 kHz."V B7TZ B7TZ B7TZ de 8PNX 8PNX" on 4928 kHz."V T3AP T3AP T3AP de QF3K QF3K" on 5727 kHz.

M89 variant "VVV Q2M Q2M Q2M de NYZ NYZ". The location is still notconfirmed. China or S.E. Asia is the most likely location.Frequencies: 4860 and 6840 kHz.



::: XSL - The Japanese naval telemetry stations have been heard on the following frequencies: 2578, 2656.5, 4152.5, 4231, 4290.5, 5807, 6249.5, 6416.5, 6444.5, 8312.5, 8587.5, 8703 kHz.


::: X06 (Mazielka) / M42

6802 kHz: Russian intel, Russia. 1643 UTC, 29 Dec. Mode: BAUDOT 200.33Bd/500Hz. Auto broadcasting multi figure group message to recipient "99" 6832 kHz: Russian intel, Russia. 1625 UTC, 4 Dec.

Pagina 21

WUN-v12 Mode: BAUDOT 200.33Bd/500Hz. Auto broadcasting multi figure group message to recipient "98" 7810 kHz: Russian diplo. 1316 UTC, 10 Dec. Mode: BAUDOT 50Bd/500Hz. Sending 5FGs to LKF after 11100 00031 preamble.10860 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1327 UTC, 23 Dec. Four tones, two of them very long.10862 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1335 UTC, 13 Dec.10172 kHz: Russian intel, Russia. 1240 UTC, 3 Dec. Mode: BAUDOT 200.33Bd/500Hz. Auto broadcasting multi figure group message to recipient "242"12157 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1020 UTC, 7 Dec.13879 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 0836 UTC, 28 Dec. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd. Offline 5FG crypto to unid embassy on link #0002814827 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 0730 UTC, 30 Dec. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd. Offline crypto to unid embassy on link #0004115872 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 0720 UTC, 27 Dec. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd. Offline crypto to "JUA" on link #5003516025 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1335 UTC, 27 Dec. 6 tone selcall, tone sequence 720 750 782 816 853 896 hertz16295 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 1135 UTC, 30 Dec. Mode: 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted17430 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1036 UTC, 7 Dec.18274 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 1034 and 1430 UTC, 29 Dec. Mode: MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd/10Bd. 5LG offline crypto to unid embassy on link #0009618346 kHz: Mazielka calls. 1000 UTC, 1 Dec.19926 kHz: Dep. of State Comms, Moscow. 1130 UTC, 30 Dec. Mode: 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted



We received a number of logs of unid stations from Attu, Igor, Glennand Fritz. If you know who these guys are, please mail me.

::: UNID 1

Igor sent us two logs of unid stations.

3095 kHz, 1630 UTC, 4 Dec. Fast morse.

63x59 71ttt xxxxx xxxxx58t8t4tx59 71ttt xxxxx xxxxx94t8t56x59 xxxtt xxxxx xxxxx15t8t63x58 7t6tt xxxxx xxxxx79t8t5tx58 7t2tt xxxxx xxxxx6118t58x56 81tt1 xxxxx x15t93287283x55 81t7t tttxx x85t89--8t9ax58 8t2t2 xxxxx x6t8t3tt8t63x6t xxxtt xxxxx xxxxx6887497x56 81t7t tttxx x851tt5t8t71x57 5t2tt xxxxx xxxxx16t8t5tx57 7t2tt xxxxx xxxxx8tt8t67x58 6t2tt xxxxx xxxxx37t8t65x56 8t2tt xxxxx xxxxx2718t72159 xxxt2 xxxxx xxxxx6528t34354 7t4t2 xxxxx xxxxx2847486x67 7t81t xxxxx x46t15tt8t38x56 7t2tt xxxxx xxxxx3987954x55 xxx1t xxxxx x85t78288t47x54 xxxt2 xxxxx x851t2388t46x54 7t4t2 xxxxx x85157188t5tx53 8t2t2 xxxxx x85t6vvv vvv vvv (rptd)

Pagina 22



::: UNID 2

6299 kHz, 1243 UTC, 30 Nov. 3

v bakut3/28 11t5 13ttt4/29 11t5 173tt5/28 11t5 13ttt7/5t12/43 2tt1t3t/512 31/t5tt3t/445 31/t13t3t/483 31/tt3t3t/1t1 31/143t3t/484 31/tt3t3t/549 31/t13t3t/542 31/t13t3t/673 31/t13t3t/433 31/tt3t3t/45t 31/t1tt3t/412 31/tt3t42/214t96 nou0e 5r = kmpenew ar nil


::: UNID 3

Another unid comes from Attu in Alaska.

3770 kHz, 1827 UTC, 4 Dec. Mode: FSK-CW

1827 UTC: CQ CQ CQ = 334 68 85 22 415 K1832 UTC: CQ CQ CQ = 622 76 39 38 498 K


::: UNID 4

Two unids from Fritz:

4993 kHz, daily at 1600 UTC. "J3VT" repeated for 2 mins, then EOT.

Note: This station is active in the Winter for years. It used call UXSF in 2003 and is J3VT since 2004. No message was heard so far. The call is hand sent. Signal strength varies, sometimes up to S9 +30 in Zuerich.


::: UNID 5

6998.5 kHz, 1545 UTC, 22 Dec. ...=kapit=sudna=zaharenko=aw=zaharenko=aw=grgr=rfrf=nu=nu=goda= komada=uuu=grgr=....etc (Addressee confirms)

Note: This is the QRG of pirat HWK7 in Loreto (I). On July 13th a similar message has been sent: "...=osuq=osuq=koncolx=koncolx= za=za=revimon=revimon=ZSL ? k


::: UNID 6

Frequency: 8362 kHz

Pagina 23

WUN-v12"I hear this CW with weird chars again that I had logged on the 7th andthe 14th." says Glenn. "The characters were long enough to be numbers butthey did not make any sense. AnyWUN have a clue? As the last times, itwill go dead again at 07:00 UTC."

Soundclip at

On the 20th we received a message from Trond who writes "Hello Glenn andWUNners. Interesting sound clip. Start of the recording - / --.-. / ...-/ .-.-.. / .-.. / --.-.- / .. / -..- / -.- / .- / .-... / --.-. / ../ -.-.- / ....- / ...-. / -. / -- / short pause .-. / .-. / ..... / --/ - / ---.. end of recording.

So we have; T / unid / V / unid / L / unid / I / X / CT / unid / unid /I / CT / unid / VE / N / M / short pause, then; R / R / 5 / M / T / 8

Even though there are some punctuations in the text fragment, it is notcertain that their meaning here is the same as the original meaning.CT = Commence Traffic and VE = Understood.

- RR5 and MT8 could be receiver and sender ??- Is the first "T" a single letter, or part of a word ??- Any patterns in the other transmissions you have heard ??"

Clues anyone???



4102.3 kHz: "W" followed by 7 dots. Possibly located in Arizona. Heard on 20 Dec.

8000.6 kHz: "S" in Arizona. Heard on 13 Dec.



I received a note from Klaus that he has heard the propagation loggeragain on 3207 kHz and higher frequencies. Klaus writes: "The xx7 Oddity.Unid propagation logger, RUS or UKR. FSK burst @100 bps, then in 10 s/1MHz steps up to 9207. At times responding(?) station heard. Also at 1837and 1847. Not logged on xx007 + 200 kHz before.

Thanks for the note, Klaus.


::: DTMF

A DTMF station popped up on 6959 kHz on 27 Dec. at 2348 UTC. Bob reportsthe station that transmitted four times "666" in DTMF, then series ofnumbers. Female voice. This is one of the frequencies of the LincolnshirePoacher. I wonder if there is a connection.




18.1 Russian mil: RDL. Tx site Tashkent. Modes: CW + Bee 36/50 75Hz //8508//17460 kHz 27.3 Russian mil: RDL. Unid tx site. Modes: CW + Bee 36/50 75Hz shift. "RDL RDL RDL 48229 88862 48229 88862 48229 88862 k" "RDL RDL RDL 1949t 28651 1949t 28651 1949t 28651 k" "RDL RDL RDL 86147 15227 86147 15227 86147 15227 k"

Pagina 24

WUN-v12 "RDL RDL RDL 2t844 t3365 2t844 t3365 2t844 t3365 k" "RDL RDL RDL 86147 15227 86147 15227 86147 15227 k" Trond heard this station on various dates and times. Bearings from around the globe are very welcome to identify the unid transmitter site on 27.3 kHz. The early morning transmission (0629 UTC)is most likely from one of the far-east sites. 583 Russian navy Kaliningrad: RMP. Quite active on 15 Dec. Mode: CW 17 wpm. "= sml = 11111 71987 97295 473t3 ()9933 4t681 499t8 84616 54173 775 noise noise 29755 t2647 72458 1894t 42846 fading out, broadcast ended with "15t99 =" Broadcast to REO, with wx forecast; "reo reo reo de rmp rmp qtc 55t 47 15 2315 55t = sml = baltijskoe more opoweqenie nr 323 øtormowoe preduprevdenie sewerozapadnom wetre 16 tire 20 porywy 23 ms po rajonu 4 zamenÿetsÿ na øtormowoe sewerozapadnom 15 tire (??)8 ms øtormowoe pa" then fading and drowning in commercial bcast qrm. 2558 CIS mil: IV6T 3190 CIS mil: Communication checks with OA5N, M3QI, KOAW, QKS8. Simplex net. 3192 Russian navy: RMP: HQ Baltic Fleet Kaliningrad. "REO de RPM QTC 124 63 1 2031 124 = Wsem sudam dejstwuüqie prip Kaliningrad na 0200000 dekabrx ... 213 215 = AR. 3207 Russian mil: APDS comms check with P4OA, ZL3M, 8Y2M, DAX6. 3229 Russian mil: W9O4, AHQ3, I3MT, QSLR, 3SKL, JW6Q, M7AR. r 3348 Ukrainian mil: 1PPT calls 4MWM with ZGJ ZUZ ZZX QYT5 K. Then QRJ? QYT5; QRJ3 QYT5. QTY5 mode is unknown. 3354 CIS mil: 6JOS: 3582 Russian mil: 4LG msg to unid 3775 Ukrainian mil: GNLH comms check with MH6V, 8GT2, H6OW, G76L, XXN3, KNXX. 3826 Ukrainian mil: D6Z2, EYIL, MHVC, BESG, OKQB, MLXU, QCEC, FHY6, NBFD, 8ODS 3863 Ukrainian mil: Strategic flash message: "XXX XXX ESUP ESUP 82465 hANTAV 6535". Comms check with 2X1P, PO7T, NDCX, O2YN, KWNP, M5HA, KA4I, EE3N, YLWP, YE8Q, 6ENB, C9F7, MYSD, BTCV, M9ZL, 8AYI, E7BD, PROX, QAI3, BVTP, GPAS, CKT6, 3QZR, CUPR, KNI9, 8RVU, ELK7, SG7R, GZX1. Flash messages: "XXX XXX ESUP ESUP 47292 ABAVUR 9776" and "XXX XXX ESUP ESUP 89141 hANOWNYJ 6054" (h = - - - -) 7018 Russian Air Force: REA. "DE REA4 = 1614T 27627 6556T 3T4T3 1TT78 885TT 23672 86T 8008 CIS mil. Morse opchat: OK ZQX ZYF then QSYs to 8138 kHz. 8506 Russian mil: RDL. Tx site Tashkent. //18.1//17460 kHz 8138 CIS mil. See 8606 kHz.14092 Russian mil: RGT7717460 Russian mil: RDL. Tx site Tashkent. //18.//8508 kHz



2120 Polish mil. Short messages, all beginning with "Uwaga! Tu Warmia" 2750 VC6: Estonian Military 1737 clg RX1 who responds, and OV5. Mil-style voice comms in Russian in background5206.0 Unid NATO? net. Radio check between CONTROL and KA, KC, KE, KG, KK, MXU. CONTROL with Dutch accent, KA German, KE, KK, MXU British. Mode: USB.6992.5 UK Sea Cadet net with MFJ03: Sea Cadet Corps Assistant SCHQ Staff Officer, MFM01, MFL33: Dulwich, MFP34: Isle of Man, MFJ04, MFM62: Belfast, Eagle Milewater Basin, MFQ15: Jersey. Callups and traffic. Calls from SCC Comms Training Manual.


The 'Numbers & Oddities' column a.k.a. 'Spooks Newsletter' comes to youcourtesy of the Worldwide Utility News club. This newsletter may NOT beutilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the written

Pagina 25

WUN-v12permission of the editor ([email protected]). Any breach of this may result inaction under international copyright legislation.

To become a WUN member, go to the web interface at:

Fill in the form and follow the instructions that will be mailed toyou. You can find WUN on the web at



NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #103, January 2006________________________________________________________________________

Editor: Ary Boender ([email protected])


ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski ([email protected])

After a problematic end of the year, things are almost back to normalagain. The PC is working smoothly again after I replaced the motherboard. Most of the data of my hard disk could be recovered, so that wasa relief.

I'd like to thank Attu, Jim, IARUMS, KPY2, Mark S, Mark NZ, Pim, Miguel,Maciej, Fritz, Gabriele, Al, Tomonori, Eddy, Kristian, Peter and Jochenfor their input this month.




Idents compiled by Al.

Idents 1st half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 35134 35134 35134 35134 35134 35134 35134 12001300 11436 11436 11436 11436 11436 11436 11436 13001400 97700 84235 35174 32567 35134 28839 08471 14001500 08471 97700 84235 35174 32567 35134 34779 15001600 34779 08471 97700 84235 35174 32567 28839 16001700 28839 34779 08471 97700 84235 35174 35134 17001800 35134 28839 34779 08471 97700 84235 32567 18001900 32567 11436 28839 11436 08471 97700 11436 19002000 11436 35134 11436 34779 11436 08471 35174 20002100 35174 32567 35134 28839 34779 11436 84235 21002200 84235 35174 32567 35134 28839 34779 97700 2200

Idents 2nd half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 85604 85604 85604 85604 85604 85604 85604 1200

Pagina 26

WUN-v121300 06789 06789 06789 06789 06789 06789 06789 13001400 04079 67730 02926 30900 85604 89136 46818 14001500 46818 04079 67730 02926 30900 85604 85554 15001600 85554 46818 04079 67730 02926 30900 89136 16001700 89136 85554 46818 04079 67730 02926 85604 17001800 85604 89136 85554 46818 04079 67730 30900 18001900 30900 06789 89136 06789 46818 04079 06789 19002000 06789 85604 06789 85554 06789 46818 02926 20002100 02926 30900 85604 89136 85554 06789 67730 21002200 67730 02926 30900 85604 89136 85554 04079 2200


::: E03a (E04) CHERRY RIPE

On 11 January, Eddy Waters from Australia mailed us: "English ladyCherry Ripe Numbers. USB 18465 khz at 0619 UTC. Off at 0643 UTC.Can't find a record of this frequency anywhere. I looked for a parallelfrequency but found none."

Thanks Eddy. Very Interesting. I haven't seen this one before. Please,check this time and frequency in the coming weeks and let us know if itreally is a new sked or a once off transmission. Tomonori san, did youever notice any activity at this time?

Idents compiled by Tomonori.

Dec. 04 05 06 07 08 09UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC-----------------------------------------------------------2200 05980 ????? 87912 20587 ????? 22002300 87912 71589 71589 87912 91700 23000000 71589 20587 20587 91700 11536 00000100 20587 87912 87912 ????? ????? 01001000 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 10001100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 11001200 ????? 38714 38714 ????? 71589 12001300 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 1300

Dec. 11 12 13 14 15 16UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC-----------------------------------------------------------2200 ????? 87912 71589 89047 23865 22002300 87912 71589 20587 23865 53937 23000000 71589 20587 87912 53937 90779 00000100 20587 ????? ????? ????? 01586 01001000 ????? ????? ????? 01586 ????? 10001100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 11001200 11536 ????? 05980 ????? ????? 12001300 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 1300

Dec. 18 19 20 21 22 23UTC Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri UTC-----------------------------------------------------------2200 77764 23865 33694 ????? ????? ????? 22002300 23865 33694 89047 23865 ????? ????? 23000000 33694 89047 23865 53937 ????? 00000100 ????? 23865 53937 ????? ????? 01001000 ????? ????? 90779 ????? ????? 10001100 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 11001200 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 12001300 ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? 1300


::: E10

Pagina 27


Two strings to report: 12 Jan, 0420 UTC, 5339 kHz: KPA 62 24 Jan, 0036 UTC, 5230 kHz: MIW 86

Thanks KPY2 and Gabriele. Much appreciated.

"ABC" has been heard throughout the month on its usual frequency 6428kHz. Fritz copied this call on 25-1 at 0920 UTC on 14000 kHz.



::: MX

Channel markers:

L - 3203.6 kHzP - 3699.5 kHz

Cluster beacons:

D - 7038.7 kHzS - 7038.9 kHzC - 3594, 4558, 7039, 8495, 20048 kHzF - 7039.2 kHzM - 7039.4 kHz

Last month I mentioned amateur beacon "O" on 7038.7 kHz. We now knowthat HAM operator DL4DSS/B from location JN57DR was responsible forthis signal.


::: M13

Fritz and Mark supplied most of the the M13 info for this edition of N&O.I have included four transcripts that Mark jotted down. See also the logssection.

5 January, 2100 UTC. 5 January, 2330 UTC.

253 (R5) BT 259 22 BT 474 (R5) BT 256 22 BT 54391 29845 20451 26802 29930 31133 55373 45295 29145 23003 39740 36546 04949 27764 58393 35547 31687 60495 13373 45949 22058 24788 25073 42063 61447 10271 41466 38007 00315 50886 62473 38574 01714 17749 46607 41357 17602 64699 27540 01024 59253 09417 BT 52921 41340 BT 253 (R1) BT 259 22 BT 474 (R1) BT 256 22 BT 54391 29845 20451 26802 29930 31133 55373 45295 29145 23003 39740 36546 04949 27764 58393 35547 31687 60495 13373 45949 22058 24788 25073 42063 61447 10271 41466 38007 00315 50886 62473 38574 01714 17749 46607 41357 17602 64699 27540 01024 59253 09417 BT 52921 41340 BT 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 January, 2100 UTC. 12 January, 2300 UTC.

714 (R5) BT 256 21 BT 458 (R5) BT 256 20 BT 22700 35596 18625 14094 39358 45563 04445 04043 24664 24758 26377 29441 22726 55501 06554 27213 32947 19648 17152 14329 61703 31449 08537 17349 11971 23534 33674 41523 20064 61356 35039 01771 37100 23206 12102 45621 27049 04798 30887 36860 45616 BT BT 714 (R1) BT 256 21 BT 458 (R1) BT 256 20 BT 22700 35596 18625 14094 39358 45563 04445 04043 24664 24758 26377 29441 22726 55501 06554 27213 32947 19648 17152 14329

Pagina 28

WUN-v12 61703 31449 08537 17349 11971 23534 33674 41523 20064 61356 35039 01771 37100 23206 12102 45621 27049 04798 30887 36860 45616 BT BT 0 0 0 0 0 0

22 January, Same message at 0515 and 2215 UTC.

501 (R5) BT 260 20 BT 36567 06703 07852 05472 42841 36271 27462 31892 06863 21921 45048 47610 13222 63803 37922 18404 13676 04903 25275 23152 BT 501 (R1) BT 260 20 BT 36567 06703 07852 05472 42841 36271 27462 31892 06863 21921 45048 47610 13222 63803 37922 18404 13676 04903 25275 23152 BT 0 0 0


::: M21

Russian Air Defense was on 3322, 5873, 6824 kHz this month.

Sample messages:=13021033639451=13022034919951=992328??0?????=002329??0?????=13021033639452=13022034919951

-M21 variant:4959 kHz, 0629 UTC, 20 Jan. "YMG8 99-024". (Logged by KPY2)


::: M22

4XZ is still on the air with CW transmissions. It seems that CW is onlyon 2680, 4331 and 6379 kHz these days. Most of the transmissions consistof the VVV marker only. "VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ = ="


::: M51

Not as active as before but it's still there: M51.Jim found it on 3957 kHz on 10 Jan at 2320 UTC with: NR25J 10 00:20:431984 = MWUIB VSMEO ... HKSBA VWYBT = NR26J 10 00:26:56 1984 = ... G5L"

Still using 1984 instead of 2006.


::: M87

The following M87 transcript was copied by our Russian friend, Igor.

12995 // 14666 kHz, 0700 UTC, 23 Jan. Hand keyed.

792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000

Pagina 29

WUN-v12792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 792 000


::: M89

V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC on 7050.7, 7067.7 kHzV T3AP T3AP T3AP DE QF3K QF3K on 3397, 4727, 5643.8 kHz

Igor sent us part of the transcript of one of the QF3K tt5 t845 rmks 6194 to 6190 6694 6664 8735 =svc qrw 6194 qrw l18 0930 kp 6194 aragnnr tt5 t845 rmks 6194 to 6190 6694 6664 8735 =svc qrw 6194 qrw l18 0930 kp 6194 arhr nr 24 hr nr 24 qsl?

then the usual tape:t3ap t3ap t3ap de qf3k qf3k v (rptd)

Another one, most likely M89, comes from Jim:V TLU1 de SSC5 on 3562 kHz.

- M89 variant:

VVV Q2M Q2M Q2M de NYZ NYZ on 4860, 6840 kHz.



S28 - Buzzer on 4625 kHz

S30 - Pip on 3756 kHz

S32 - Squeaky Wheel on 3228.9 kHz

XM - Whales on 5150 kHz. Heard on various days in January.

XSL - The Japanese slot machine has been heard on the known frequencies: 2578, 2656.5, 4152.5, 4231, 4290.5, 5807, 6249.5, 6416.5, 6444.5, 8312.5, 8587.5, 8703 kHz.


::: X06 / M42

5086 kHz, 1431 UTC, 16-01: Prob. M42. Mode: RTTY/50/400 5FGs ending with 54743 70023. QRU K. CFM. SK 7822 kHz, 1635 UTC, 11-01: Mazielka calls. 8123 kHz, 1459 UTC, 19-12: Mazielka calls.16320 kHz, 1107 UTC, 24-01: Mazielka calls. *)18245 kHz, 1052 UTC, 23-01: Mazielka calls. *)

*) reported by Jochen via E2K



2097 kHz: beacon "I", slow morse. 4095.75 kHz: "I" or "M"13558 kHz: beacon "HI", slow morse. Location is said to be Monroe, CT,USA.

Pagina 30

WUN-v12The infamous religious CW pirate has been active on its usual frequency6998 kHz in January. Callsign: "SSA49"

Info via Glenn, Gabriele, Bob and Kurt.



In December, I published Mathias Kropf's "2005 Clandestine ActivitySurvey". As I said last month, Clandestine Stations are not covered byN&O but we do regularly mention the jammers who are chasing them.I have compiled a list of the jammers that were heard in the past fewweeks. Quite an impressive list for such a short period. I receivedreports about jammers from China, Cuba, Iran, Iraq?, Libya, Morocco,N.Korea, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Some of the info was derived from theClandestine Radio Watch (CRW) bulletin.

- CHINA Jammed stations: Voice of China Sound of Hope Intl. Voice of Han Radio Free Asia Frequencies: 7270, 7310, 7355, 9635, 9745, 11765 kHz.

- CUBA Jammed station: Radio Marti

Frequencies: 7405, 11845, 11930, 13630, 13820, 15330, 17670 kHz.

- IRAN Jammed stations: Voice of Iranian Kurdistan Voice of Iranian Revolution Voice of Communist Party of Iran Voice of the Struggle of Iranian Kurdistan

Frequencies: 3856, 3861, 3865, 3881, 3896, 3960, 3968, 3970, 3980, 4365, 4376, 4400, 4406, 4615, 4850, 4860, 4862, 4870, 4886, 6421 kHz.

- IRAQ? Jammed station: Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan

Frequency: 3970.5 kHz. Note: It is not clear of this one comes from Iraq. Some say that either Iran or Turkey is jamming the station. It used to be jammed by Iraq before the US invasion.


The following item reached me via the CRW bulletin.

Protest to Libya after satellites jammed David Hencke and Owen Gibson, The Guardian December 3, 2005

Article originally posted at:,14139,1656914,00.html

British and US diplomats have protested to the Libyan government after two international satellites were illegally jammed, knocking off air dozens of TV and radio stations serving Britain and Europe and disrupting American diplomatic, military and FBI communications. Among stations hit were digital broadcasts by Five, BBC World, CNN International, US sports channels, cable TV networks and 23 radio stations. According to an email sent by one of the satellite owners, Loral Skynet, the US state department said it "would take it into their own hands" unless the interference stopped.

Pagina 31

WUN-v12- MOROCCO Jammed station: National Radio of the Arab-Saharan Democratic Republic

Frequency: 1550 kHz.

- NORTH KOREA Jammed station: Radio Sea Breeze/Shiokaze

Frequency: 5890 kHz.

- VIETNAM Jammed stations: Degar Voice Que Huong Radio

Frequencies: 7350, 15680 kHz

- ZIMBABWE Jammed station: Voice of the People

Frequencies: 7120, 11705 kHz.



Two unids from Igor:

9245 kHz, 1222 UTC, 23 Jan. Mode: Morse.

Constant repeated marker "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv......"So, 33x the letter "V" followed by 6 dots, then 5 seconds pause.


3574 kHz, 1050 UTC, 24 Jan. Mode: Morse.

= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx= 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx k




Freq. Idents / remarks------ ------------------------------------------------------------------18.1 RDL: Russian Military Strategic Broadcast from the Nizhny Novgorod site.3162 CIS Mil: 3OZP R 386 K.3190 Ukranian Mil: NUVD asks: RPT PBL K. Z3MP replies: Z3MP 772 32 9 2313 772 K. NUVD R 772 K. Simplex net.3207 Russian Mil: T2GY, TVKH, XZBS, JZE3, JAZ1. "TVKH de T2GY R 274? K. TVKH de T2GY COR COL PBL.T2GY 274 29 9 2304 274 K. LHJZ, ZY5W QTA 274 K."3220 CIS Mil: FCEP QSA? QRK? QXS FOR WLMV WLMV K.3286 Ukranian Mil: SKZ8 comms check with BG9J, XHPJ, QD6C, HT3O.3296 Russian Mil: O38M:3326.5 CIS Mil: ZLA4 clg SH3K.3354 CIS Mil: YFSS3813 Russian Mil: PHB9. "PHB9 PHB9 PHB9 QTC 899 30 25 2300 899 = 020 = RWüOJ OBLüG ... MyPNP WTPWU 837 AR. LDBO clone.5166 Russian navy: RCB de RJF94 QYT9 QSX 8573 K. RCB replies: RJF94 de RCB OK QYT9 QWH 8573 K. R K.

Pagina 32

WUN-v12 RCB de RJF94 QYT9 QSX 5149 K. RCB responds QWH 5149. Nil heard. Then tries 4986. RCB QSYs a 75 Baud printer to 4986 kHz. RJC38 and others on this simplex CW net.5286 CIS Mil: OVOW7018.5 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA47044 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA47056 CIS Mil: JHEA, KMEQ, NZ3T, K2M7, LRV1.8191 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4



Kristian copied an German Air Force exercise on 17-20 January. Whocan identify DHO60, DHO98?

4483 kHz: DHO98 wkg 07XW, W949 and DHO784739 kHz: DHM91 wkg DHO23 and DHO60: "Marineflieger" Hohn, D.4781 kHz: IP51 abd OOS1 clg DHJ67. DHO91 clg DHJ67 and DHJ83.4852.5 kHz: DHO91 clg DHO78. W949 clg 5BVE for radio check. W949 clg DHO98. 1HQU DHO91.5461.5 kHz: LD1V wkg DHJ83. DHJ83 clg 00S1.

DHJ67: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" KarlsruheDHJ83: GAF HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt KölnDHO23: GAF LandsbergDHO78: GAF Kdo 3. LwDiv/GAFSC "N" Berlin-GatowDHO91: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe



THE WUN QSL CENTER Deadlines: 15th of each month

John (J.D.) Stephens P.O. Box 11522 Huntsville, AL 35814-1522, U.S.A.

E-Mail: jds1 "at" bellsouth .net


This month's column is brought to you by fellow WUNners Mark McCarthy,Ewald Glantschnig, and Frank Shuettig. Thanx, guys!

As always, when using the e-mail address in the column header, simplyreplace "at" with the @ symbol, remove all spaces, and you're readyto e-mail your QSL submissions to the column. This has seemed toreduce the amount of SPAM I receive. Enjoy this month's column!=====================================================================

AUSTRIA: OEN6000 - Austrian Customs Guard, Graz. 10122 f/d QSL cd., PFC and Customs patch in 20 mos. Station now decomissioned. (EG)

KOREA (SOUTH): HLL5 - Korea Meteorological Radio, Seoul. 13570 QSL cd, personal ltr. and schedule in 40 ss. for a rpt. sent via registered mail. V/s: Name not provided. (FS)

Pagina 33

WUN-v12NORWAY: LGS - Svarlsbard Radio. 2182 PFC in 62 ds. after f/up. (EG)

REUNION: FUX - French Navy. 12691 f/d QSL folder in 21 ds. (EG)

UNITED KINGDOM: GYA - Royal Navy, Northwood. 11086.5 nice glossy QSL cd and ltr. in 2 or 3 wks. V/s: "JM" (handwritten), with the title: LA(METOC) Hignett LA Sust. (MM)

UNITED STATES: WAR - U.S. Army MARS, Fort Detrick, MD. 13512.5 cd in 69 ds. for a rpt. on Armed Forces Day transmission. (EG)

======== BEACONS ========

FRANCE: "NB" - Bordeaux-St Girons. 361 f/d ltr in 55 ds. (EG)

"HO" - Colmar-Houssen. 380 ltr. in 6 ds. (EG)

"VZ - Vichy. 403 f/d ltr. in 23 ds. (EG)

"LOE" - Limoges-Bellegarde. 424 f/d ltr. in 10 ds. (EG)

======== INTERNATIONAL WATERS ========

M/V Grampian Hunter (MPPH5): 2182 ltr. in 69 ds. (EG)

MV Kairos (J8UN5): 2182 ltr. and PFC in 14 ds. (EG)

M/V Scot Pioneer (MZTW4): 2182 PFC in 16 ds. (EG)

M/T Danchem East (OXAG2): 198 rpt. back with verie remark after a f/up. (EG)

======== QSL ADDRESSES ========

FUX: Station E.I.T. Marine, 97418 Ste.-Marie, Reunion I., France.

LGS: Telenor Telecom Solutions AS, Svalbard Radio, PB12, 9171 Longyearbyen, Norway.

M/V Grampian Hunter: North Star Shipping, 207 Albert Quay, Aberdeen, AB11 2 FS, United Kingdom.

M/V Kairos: Split Ship Management Ltd., Boktuljin Put BB, P.O. Box 305, 2100 Split, Croatia.

M/V Scot Pioneer: Intrada Ship Management, 75 Main Road, Gidea Park, Romford RM2 5EL, United Kingdom.

M/T Danchem East: BR Shipmanagement A/S, Poul Ankersgade 2,, DK-1271 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

NDB "NB": DSNA, Service de la Navigation aérienne Sud-Ouest, BP 37, 33702 Merignac Cedex, France.

NDB "HO": Aéroport Colmar-Houssen, 43 route de Strasbourg, 68000 Colmar, France.

NDB "VZ": Aéroport Vichy-Charmeil, B.P. 2158, 03201 Vichy Cedex, France.

Pagina 34

WUN-v12NDB "LOE": Aérodrome de Limoges-Bellegarde, 87100 Limoges, France

WAR: CDR: NETCOM 9th/ASC, BLD 90551, J1M AVE, MARS Station, Ft. Huachuca, AZ 85613-5000, USA.


Abbreviations used:

f/d = Full data p/d = partial data n/d = no datacd = QSL card ltr = ltr V/s: = Verification Signerds = ds wks = weeks ms = mint stampsf/up = follow up SASE = Self-Addressed Stamped EnvelopePFC/ppc = Prepared Form Card

This month's contributors:

Ewald Glantschnig - Geneva, Switzerland (EG)Mark McCarthy - Auckland, New Zealand (MM)Frank Schuettig - Sanur, Bali, Indonesia (FS)

73 de JDS.


UTILITY ROUND-UP editor: Ary Boender e-mail: [email protected]________________________________________________________________________

After a problematic end of the year, things are almost back to normalagain. The PC is working smoothly again after I replaced the motherboard. Most of the data of my hard disk could be recovered, so that wasa relief. I have now also installed an external hard disk system for anautomatic daily backup, basically to maintain a mirror image of my harddisk.

What did I say? "Back to normal"? Not quite.... The next few months willbe very hectic and I really need your support to get this column goingbecause I have very little time to search for info myself. I bought anew house which we want to rebuild a little bit and I'm gonna get marriedin June. I'm sure that you'll understand that these things are on top ofmy list :-)

I'd like to thank this month's contributors for their input: Attu Bosch,IARUMS, Michael Oexner, Ivan Dias, Walter Capozza, Thomas Roth and Glenn.



From Attu we received a note that he has heard Shizuokaken Fisheries,callsign JFG, with hand keyed CW messages. Frequency: 6363.5 kHz. In allthe years that I am listening, I still did not manage to catch this one,Attu. Thanks for your report.

Ivan and Walter sent us a couple logs of of drift net buoys: 2043 kHz: P8 2065 kHz: BKHEE 2146 kHz: GE8 2153 kHz: BW6 2155 kHz: AU7 2199 kHz: E2 2375 kHz: RD7 28186 kHz: AI

Pagina 35


Years ago I was addicted to MARS and CFARS stations. Unfortunately mostof them are gone, at least outside the USA and Canada, and it looks likethe majority of the active stations has moved to a digital mode. Everynow and then, however, we can read "voice" logs on the WUN mailing list.This month they were heard by Glenn in Colorado, USA, on 4003, 4015 and4038.6 kHz LSB.

A nice aero log reached us via Thomas who writes that he has copied anunid station on 4440 kHz. He says "Possibly Bharatpur or Surkhet RDARANepal, language definitely Nepali with some English. Unid stationcalling a Necon Air flight". A challenge for aero dxers. Check thisfrequency out and please, report your findings to WUN.

Russian and Ukrainian taxi stations were copied on 28000, 28015, 28035,28045, 28055, 28065, 28115, 28165, 28205, 28225 and 28265 kHz.



Every time when I look at the logs of our African colleagues, I seemore and more logs from Somali stations. Amazing how many of thesestations you can find in the 7MHz band.

For quite a while we received reports about Tanzanian safari/huntingparties. It is said that the stations have shut down by TCRA.

I selected a couple interesting African logs for you.

7045 kHz: TANESCO, the Tanzania Electricity Supply Co was heard from many locations.

7050 kHz: Unid NGO in Rwanda and possibly also in Ethiopia, Somalia, and Mozambique. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72, 691, 134, 128, PW, Bukavu. Locations are code (Alfa, Golf etc.). Languages heard on this net: French, English and Italian.

7056 kHz: Safari/hunting groups in Tanzania. Languages heard here were English (s. African accent), Afrikaans and Swahili. Idents include Mobiles 1, 2 & 3, Kabojo, Lukula, Masai, Dar es Salaam, Mahenge, South Arusha, Matetezi, Sentabele. Operators Jim, Ryan, Quentin, Jeff, Chris, Lisa and others.

7061 kHz: Unid Somali net. Idents: Lugh, Kismayu, Burao, Bardera, Wari, Bulla Hawa, Baidoa. All calling Nairobi.

7070 kHz: Unid Somali net. Traffic with Ethiopia. Idents: Asmara, Afmadu, Dobleh, Baidoa, Merere, Garoe, Burhane, Mogadishu, Kismayu, Beletwein.

12000 kHz: Unid medical NGO net. See 14000 kHz.

14000 kHz: Unid medical NGO net in Zaire, Sudan, Uganda and Somalia. Idents: BI, ML, FM, SL, OK, Zero, Quarante, 95, KE, CC, CE, CJ, CM, Goma, JM, JK, CN, KT, JA, DK, KM, MM, DJ, BC, NI3, YL, AL, K1, NI, Mai Mai, YL, SV, Kasungu, NBI, JT, AR (Arua), Mobile 3. Medical traffic in English, Amharic, other vernaculars, KiSwahili, possibly Dinka, Dholuo. The last predominating. Also on 12000 kHz LSB and 14450 kHz LSB.

14450 kHz: Unid medical NGO net. See 14000 kHz.

21415.2 kHz: Pakistan UN Peacekeeping Forces in Monrovia, Liberia, calling "15" and "019" in London. Phone patch with Pakistan. Changed frequency to 21460.2 after a complaint.

Pagina 36

WUN-v1221460.2 kHz: Pakistan UN Forces in Monrovia. See 21415.2 kHz.



Michael forwarded a news bulletin of NELS, the North European LORANSystem. Much appreciated, Michael.

Extended operation of Loran-C at the Norwegian stations

The Government will continue the operation of the four Norwegian Loran-C stations, Værlandet (Askvoll Municipality in Sogn og Fjordane), Bø in Vesterålen (Nordland), Berlevåg (Finnmark), and Jan Mayen, in 2006. The reason for this is the renewed interest in this terrestrial navigation system in Europe. (09.12.05)

Denmark have decided to continue the operation of the Danish Loran-C station at Ejde.

Germany’s decision to discontinue the operation of its LORAN-C station Sylt remains unchanged. However, the station Sylt will not, as originally planned, be switched off on 3 January 2006, but the operation will be continued until the measures required for the conversion of the time synchronisation have been carried out. It is expected that these measures will take about 4 to 5 weeks. It cannot yet be predicted whether the station Sylt will be reactivated at a later time in a different provider organization. This depends on whether it will be possible to find a binding and sustainable new concept for LORAN-C applying to all of Europe.

Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig Chairman NELS Steering Committee



NOAA-18 has changed it's APT frequency on 4 January from 137.9125 MHz137.100 MHz. Listeners in the UK suffered from a lot of interference ofpagers on the old frequency.

Current APT frequencies: NOAA-12 137.500 MHz NOAA-14 137.620 MHz NOAA-15 137.500 MHz NOAA-17 137.620 MHz NOAA-18 137.100 MHz

Tiros-N 137.500 MHz *) NOAA-06 137.500 MHz *) NOAA-09 137.500 MHz *)

*) Old, deactivated sats Tiros-N and NOAA-06 are putting a carrier out on 137.500 and will interfere with NOAA-12 and NOAA-15 when their footprints overlap. NOAA 9 was permanently deactivated some years ago and is tumbling freely. Unfortunately it has a sporadic carrier on 137.500 (varies quickly according to orientation) and can cause interference to NOAA-12 and NOAA-15.

Source: Douglas S. Deans



Pagina 37


WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Jan 2006 ============ Edited by Eddie Bellerby ([email protected]) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:- Jim Dunnett [email protected] Bob Yellen [email protected] Steve J. Walker [email protected]

Total logs ==========Jan - 2109 individual logs

00018.1 RDL: Russian Military Strat Bcast 1250 36-50/50/65 Two long messages. Bearing 060° Nizhny Novgorod site. (14Jan06) (RGA)00037.5 NRK: USN Keflavik ICE 15:44 PSK/200/200 encrypted traffic (8 Jan)(PPA)00082.8 MKL: RAF Crimond 1335 KG-84/75/85 encrypted msgs separated by a few seconds of idling //4732 //6759 (09Jan06) (KB)00084.5 unid: Navy 15:36 2FSK/50/170 weak signal ,encrypted traffic (8Jan) (PPA)00145.0 unid: (poss French or Spanish naval bcast) 1600 ongoing F1B FSK unid mode 85 Hz shift (15/Dec/2005)(TJ)00285.5 443: Stirling (Earls Hill), Scotland DGPS/100 Ref-ID 693 (28/12/05) (ZE)00286.5 339: Porquerolles, F DGPS/100, Ref-ID 469 (28/12/05) (ZE)00287.5 454: Torshavn, FRO DGPS/100, Ref-ID 715 (28/12/05) (ZE)00288.5 390: UNID Russia ??? DGPS/100, Ref-ID 590 (28/12/05) (ZE)00289.5 451: Hammerrodde Lt., DNK DGPS/100, Ref-ID 700 (28/12/05) (ZE)00290.5 447: Flamborough Head Lt., G DGPS/100, Ref-ID 687 (28/12/05) (ZE)00291.0 439: Warmleighton, G DGPS/100, Ref-ID 691 (28/12/05) (ZE)00335.0 RIM: Civ/Mil NDB Rimini Miramare, Italy 2336 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00336.0 Civ/Mil NDB Bergen Flesland Bratta, Norway 2330 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00336.0 RS: Civ NDB Røros, Norway 2326 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00337.0 KAJ: Civ NDB Kajaani, Finland 2312 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00337.0 OZ: Söderhamn Skallen, Sweden 2318 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00338.0 OA: Civ NDB Jönköping, Sweden 2315 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00347.0 MSK: Civ NDB Oslo Gardermoen Morskogen, Norway 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00347.5 TD: Civ NDB Teesside, UK 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00348.0 SAD: Civ NDB Leknes Sandsund, Norway 2356 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00348.0 WA: Civ NDB Stockholm Arlanda, Sweden 2354 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00348.5 LG: Civ/Mil NDB Liege Bierset, Belgium 2359 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00349.0 TAR: Civ/Mil NDB Ørlandet Tarva, Norway 2350 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00404.0 VNG: Enroute NDB Vangsnes, Norway 2240 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00440.0 DI2AG: Research station DI2AG, Dormitz, Germany 2308

Pagina 38

WUN-v12 A1A/QRSS3 morse ID; "DI2AG" very good signal strenght (19/Jan/2006)(TJ)00440.0 PIA: MIL NDB, Piacenza, Italy 2252 A2A 1020 Hz modulation morse ID; "PIA" (19/Jan/2006)(TJ)00445.0 KM: NDB, Kem, Russia 2218 A2A 1020 Hz modulation morse ID; "KM KM" (19/Jan/2006)(TJ)00445.0 TU: Mil NDB, Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovina 2233 1020 Hz modulation morse ID; "TU" (19/Jan/2006)(TJ)00517.0 ARD: Civil NDB Arad, Roumania 2359 A2A 1020 Hz modulation, morse ID "ARD" (08/Jan/2006)(TJ)00517.0 JBR: Enroute NDB Jaszbereny, Hungary 2357 A2A 1020 Hz modulation, morse ID "JBR" (08/Jan/2006)(TJ)00518 9AS: Split HRV 2243 FEC Navtex msg id Q Split Radio/9AS nav wng nr 241/05 (04Jan06) (PIRI)00518 A9M: Bahrain Radio BHR id B 2018 FEC NAVTEX navwarning 070/2005 (28Dec05) (PIRI)00518 IQA: (V) AugustaRadio Italy 0330 NAVTEX MIB: Firing range restrictions. (18Jan06) (FC)00518 IQX: (U) TriesteRadio Italy 0350 NAVTEX MIB: Weapons firing, Adriatic. (18Jan06) (FC)00518 TAN: Izmir Turk Radio TUR 0130 FEC Navtex msg id I navtex n/w nr 684/05 (05Jan06) (PIRI)00518 UGE: Arkhangelsk RUS 0455 FEC Navtex msg id F Coastal warning Arkhangelsk 2 (05Jan06) (PIRI)00518 UTT: Odessa UKR 2237 FEC Navtex msg id C Ukraine coastal warning 4/06 Odessa. (04Jan06) (PIRI)00518 VCO: Sydney CAN 0642 FEC Navtex msg id Q Enviroment Canada Forecasts (05Jan06) (PIRI)00518 VON: St. John's CAN 2221 FEC Navtex msg id O Environment Canada forecasts (04Jan06) (PIRI)00518.0 9AS: Split HRV 2243 FEC Navtex msg id Q Split Radio/9AS nav wng nr 241/05 (04jan06) (piri)00518.0 EAR: Coruna Radio Spain, 0030 F1B Sitor-B 100Bd 170 Hz shift, w/ msg; "zczc da51" (09/Jan/2006)(TJ)00518.0 IQA: Augusta Radio, Sicily, Italy 2337 F1B Sitor-B 100Bd 170 Hz shift, w/ msg; "zczc va04" (08/Jan/2006)(TJ)00518.0 SAH: Bjuröklubb Radio Sweden, 0112 F1B Sitor-B 100Bd 170 Hz shift, w/ msg; "zczc hz84 090110 utc jan stockholm radio no maritime safety information nnnn" (09/Jan/2006)(TJ)00518.0 TAN: Izmir Turk Radio TUR 0130 FEC Navtex msg id I navtex n/w nr684/05(05jan06) (piri)00518.0 UGE: Arkhangelsk RUS 0455 FEC Navtex msg id F Coastal warning Arkhangelsk 2 (05jan06) (piri)00518.0 Unid: Sitor-B 15 Dec 05 0525 (HS)00518.0 UTT: Odessa UKR 2237 FEC Navtex msg id C Ukraine coasta warning 4/06 Odessa. (04jan06) (piri)00518.0 VCO: Sydney CAN 0642 FEC Navtex msg id Q Enviroment CanadaForecasts (05jan06) (piri)00518.0 VON: St. John's CAN 2221 FEC Navtex msg id O Environment Canada forecasts (04jan06) (piri)00518.0 X: Sitor-B 15 Dec 05 0751 (HS)00534.0 SL: Civ NDB Bydgoszcz Szwederowo, Poland 2243 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00583.0 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad, Russia 1814 A1A morse, (15/Dec/2005)(TJ)00583.0 RMP: Russian Navy, Baltic Fleet HQ Kaliningrad, RUS 2015 CW 5FGs QTC #314 to RGK37 and RBES, at 2028z open RR Wx-QTC #550 to REO for Baltic Sea Region. (15/Dec/2005)(ALF)01638 OFK: Turku Radio 1840 USB ice report (01Jan06) (KB)01677 OFK: Turku Radio 1840 USB ice report //1638 (01Jan06) (KB)01704.0 OXZ: // 1734.0 //1758.0 OXZ lyngby dnk 0550 USB eng naws 16dec0501728 LGN: Rogaland Radio 1837 USB nav wngs (01Jan06) (KB)01888.0 IPD: civitavecchia ita 0556 USB ita naws 16dec05

Pagina 39

WUN-v1201915.0 gcg: cuxhaven 1917 ARQ wx north sea 20dec05 ML01942.5 unid: 2001 CLOVER 500 ? or 380 /2sec 21dec05 ML02065.0 BKHEE: fishnet buoy 0425 CW marker (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)02096.0 fishermen: 1922 USB fr d/x bad fish prices20dec05 ML02097 I: Beacon "I" 0400 Slow Morse. (25Dec05) (BC)02133.7 EAS: machichaco r 2014 USB span duplex c unidboat 21dec05 ML02146.0 GE8: fishnet buoy 0445 CW marker (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)02153.0 BW6: fishnet buoy 2336 CW marker (04/JAN/2005) (IDS)02182 : Aberdeen CG, G 2023 USB ann. wx on 2226 kHz (29Dec05) (KB)02187.5 ---: SHIP INDIAN UNID 2143 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 419497000.Safety/test call to Lyngby (01/Jan)(DW)02187.5 9HQT5: Ship Striggla (Maltese Flag) 2005 GMDSS RQS LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (04Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : CROSS La Garde 0548 DSC selftest (24Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : Istanbul/MRCC Ankara 0220 DSC Test (21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : Malin Head - MRCC Dublin 0547 DSC to 309067000 Ship Bahamas (31Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Bilbao 2207 DSC to 002241026 Las Palmas - MRCC Tenerife, MRCC Las Palmas (24Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Bilbao/Las Palmas/Tenerife 2207 DSC to 002241026 (24Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Bodo 0132 DSC to 273130200 Ship Russian Federation (26Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Kaliningrad 2353 DSC to 275250000 Ship Latvia (21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Las Palmas 1902 GMDSS CQ all ships. Preliminary call for weather/MIBs on 2182 kHz voice. (04Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : MRCC Madrid 2052 DSC to 308296000 Ship Bahamas (21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Valencia 2328 DSC All ships call RX/TX 2182 (21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRCC Varna 0304 DSC Test (22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : MRSC Coruña Spain 1953 DSC BQs Happy Bird/ZIRQ6 (UK) giving J3E frequency 2182 kHz (?) (14Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : MRSC Shetland 0235 DSC to 311457000 Ship Bahamas (31Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : Netherlands CG Radio 0139 DSC All ships call RX/TX 3673 (22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : Var. MRSC inc Palermo 0008 DSC to 306458646 Ship Netherlands Antilles (22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 : Var. MRSC inc Roma 0134 DSC to 235008710 Ship United Kingdom (22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 FNUO: Ship Cap St Jacques (France) RQs sister-ship Cap St George/FQFD giving position 0000S 01600W. (04Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 H3SN: Ship Gullholm (Panama Flag) 1914 GMDSS BQs MRCC Stavanger/LFI for safety test. (04Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 Istanbul MRCC: Ankara 0220 DSC Test(21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 La Garde: (CROSS) 0548 DSC selftest(24Dec05) (AI)02187.5 LLRI3: Ship Ronj Skye (Norway) 1940 GMDSS RQs Lyngby Radio/OXZ Denmark for safety test. (04Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 Malin Head: - MRCC Dublin 0547 DSC to 309067000 Ship Bahamas (31Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Bilbao: 2207 DSC to 002241026 Las Palmas - MRCC Tenerife, MRCC Las Palmas(24Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Bodo: 0132 DSC to 273130200 Ship Russian Federation (26Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Kaliningrad: 2353 DSC to 275250000 Ship Latvia(21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Madrid: 2052 DSC to 308296000 Ship Bahamas(21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Valencia: 2328 DSC All ships call RX / TX 2182(21Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRCC Varna: 0304 DSC Test(22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 MRSC Shetland: 0235 DSC to 311457000 Ship Bahamas

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WUN-v12 (31Dec05) (AI)02187.5 Netherlands CG Radio: 0139 DSC All ships call RX / TX 3673(22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 P3UY9: Pontoklydon (Cyprus) 2013 DSC RQs JRCC Pireaus via Aspropirgos Attikis Greece for a safety check. JRCC BQs. (14Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard Radio 1958 DSC All ships preliminary call for voice bcast on 3673 kHz. (14Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 PHCZ: OOCL St Petersburg (Netherlands) 2006 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. OXZ BQs. (14Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 TCYN: Yilmaz Ayanoglu (Turkey) RQs MRCC Tarifa/Almeria Spain for a safety check. MRCC BQs. (14Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 Unid: MRSC inc Palermo 0008 DSC to 306458646 Ship Netherlands Antilles(22Dec05) (AI)02187.5 Unid: MRSC inc Roma 0134 DSC to 235008710 Ship United Kindom(22Dec05) (AI)02199.0 XSS: Unid 1519 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)02199.0 XSS: UNID 1613 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1628 1644 1659 1729 (31/Dec)(DW)02199.0 XSS: UNID 2129 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (01/Jan)(DW)02199.0 XXS: Unid 1008 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)02214 : German Air Force D 2000 ARQ-E/85.8/180Hz RC=4 Beta's and RQ. (08Jan06) (PIRI)02214 : Unid 1815 ARQ-E/85.7/160 idling (01Jan06) (KB)02214.0 Unid Landes Kriminal Ambt D? 2000 ARQE 85.8baud 180Hz RC=4 Beta's and RQ. (08jan06) (piri)02217.3 XSS: Unid 1517 1532 1547 1602 ALE/USB sounding (29Dec05) (KB)02217.3 XSS: UNID 2057 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 2112z (01/Jan)(DW)02217.3 XSS: UNID 2276 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)02217.4 XSS: Unid 0639 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)02217.4 XSS: Unid 1516 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)02226 : Aberdeen CG, G 2024 USB wx forecast (29Dec05) (KB)02226 FALMOUTH COASTGUARD: UK MCA 1343 USB Inshore waters forecast and MIBs. (18Dec05) (RGA)02226.0 ukcg: aberdeen ID 1926 USB eng naws 20dec05 ML02244.7 DBGZ: Unid German CG vessel D 2003 ARQ shut off with dbgz x 080106 2103 (08Jan06) (PIRI)02244.7 DBGZ: Unid German CG vessel D 2003ARQ shut off with dbgz x 080106 2103 (08jan06) (piri)02278 : German Air Force D 2016 ARQ-E/85.8/180Hz RC=4 Encrypted tfc (08Jan06) (PIRI)02278 : Unid 1905 ARQ-E (looks like) 85.7/160 idle (29Dec05) (KB)02278 : Unid D? 0715 ARQ-E/85.6/170 encrypted tfc (12Jan06) (KB)02278.0 Unid: Landes Kriminal Ambt D? 2016 ARQe 85.8baud 180Hz RC=4 Encrypted tfc (08jan06) (piri)02330.8 P: Navy Kaliningrad (probably) 0550 CW marker (21Dec05) (KB)02360.0 bretons fishermen: 1933 USB fr d/x 20dec05 ML02375.0 RD7: fishnet buoy 2359 CW marker (04/JAN/2005) (IDS)02418 : Unid 1910 ARQ-E 85.7/160 idling, as on 2278 (29Dec05) (KB)02461.5 0a: irish navy/coastguard 1715 arq selcalling cvvd weak signal, tfc5 lg to 78, 49 weak sig (19Dez05) (wp3)02473.0 PBB: HOL DN Den Helder 2225 rtty 75/850 (21Dec05) (MAL)02474.0 PBC: Dutch Navy Goeree Island 2341 RTTY 75/850 Carbs (04/JAN/2005)(IDS)02558.1 IV6T: CIS MIL 1855 CW 5fg 77gr msg (26-dec-2005)(MSM)02558.1 nocall: unid prob CIS 1855 CW 5fg msg(26-dec-2005)(MSM)

Pagina 41

WUN-v1202559.9 fishermen: 1936 USB fr d/x 20dec05 ML02565.5 fishermen: 1937 USB fr d/x 20dec05 ML02586 OXZ: Lyngby Radio 1833 USB nav wngs (01Jan06) (KB)02598.0 VON: st john's can coast guards 2039 USN eng wx21dec05 ML02600 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard, unid site 0942 USB robot voice reading North Sea wx in EE. //3673 but weak (09Jan06) (KB)02607.0 FUO: F FN Toulon, 2209 rtty 75/850 test tape (21Dec05) (MAL)02608.0 FUO: French Navy Toulon 0132 test tape RTTY 75/850 (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)02608.4 FUO: FN TOULON 2116 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "FAAA de FUO testing RYs SGs figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn". Period of lettershifts then repeat (07/Jan)(DW)02608.4 FUO: FN Toulon F 2030 RTTY 75baud 840Hz faaa de fuo testing RY/SG (08jan06) (piri)02608.4 FUO: FN Toulon F 2030 RTTY/75/840 faaa de fuo testing RY/SG (08Jan06) (PIRI)02617.0 GYA: G RN Northwood, 2205 Fax meteo chart (21Dec05)(MAL)02617.5 GYA: RN NORTHWOOD 2100 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sfc anal. M/path fading (07/Jan)(DW)02618.5 GYA: RN Northwood 0011 FAX 120LPM (low signal) (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)02628 VMC: Charleville Meteo 1824 FAX margin lines discernable in noise (01Jan06) (KB)02643.0 A9M: Hamala radio BHR 20:58 Sitor-A / 100 / 170 arq burst anf CW identification (20 Dec) (PPA)02671.3 dlvy: ZB Hamburg 0700 arq gets &#8222;Lagemeldung&#8220; from kuewaz (3Jan06) (wp3)02675.4 : Unid 1940 UNID FSK/150/500 (12Jan06) (KB)02709 : Unid 1916 UNID FSK/96/200 tfc after several minutes of reversals and "v" in fsk Morse at times (13Jan06) (KB)02713.0 unid: 1939 USB ukrainian? 20dec05 ML02720.0 SPS: witowo 1941 USB polish wx baltic sea20dec05 ML02750 VC6: Estonian Army 2004 ALE/USB Calls RX1. (09Jan06) (RGA)02750 VC6: Estonian Army? 1541 ALE/USB clg OV5 and DV9 who responds (14Jan06) (KB)02750 VC6: Estonian Military 1737 clg RX1 who responds, and OV5. Mil-style voice comms in Russian in background (28Dec05) (KB)02750.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1941 ALE/USB clg DV9 (21/dec/05) (sw)02750.0 VC6: Est-Mil 2331 ALE/USB clg DV9 (08/jan/06) (sw)02780 FUC: FN Cherbourg F 2051 RTTY/75/740 faaa de fuc testing RY/SG (08Jan06) (PIRI)02780 FUC: FNy Cherebourg,F 1746 RTTY/75/850 "Voyez vous le brick..." (19/12/05) (ZE)02780 FUC: French Navy Cherbourg 1222 RTTY/75/850 Bricks tests. (18Dec05) (RGA)02780.0 fuc: FN Cherbourg 0753 rtty 75/850 kaa de fuc vv testing (18Dez05) (wp3)02780.0 FUC: FN CHERBOURG 2136 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "aa de FUC testing RYs SGs figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn" (07/Jan)(DW)02780.0 FUC: FN Cherbourg F 2051 RTTY 75baud 740Hz aa de fic testing RY/SG (08jan)6) (piri)02789 FUE: French Navy Brest 1259 RTTY/50/850 Tests to ALL de FUE. (18Dec05) (RGA)02789.0 fue: FN Brest 1630 rtty 75/850 VZCZCABC001 ALL DE FUE ALL DE FUE ALL DE FUE TESTWVPPLTESTING TESTING YRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYR (3Jan06) (wp3)02789.0 FUE: FN BREST 2140 rtty 75/N/850 Marker "zczc abc001 all de FUE testing RYs SG figs int zbz nnnn" (07/Jan)(DW)02789.0 FUE: French Navy Brest 2347 test tape RTTY 75/850 (04/JAN/2005) (IDS)02794 CERC: Unid 1834 ALE/USB clg JENE who responds. Same

Pagina 42

WUN-v12 at 1904 (03Jan06) (KB)02794 DRYZ: Unid 1917 ALE/USB clg CERC 2x. QRM by permanent unid dig. transmission on same frequency (03Jan06) (KB)02813.9 MTI: RN PLYMOUTH 0918 RTTY 75/R/200 CARB "02 02a MTI" (26/Dec)(DW)02844.0 PBB: HOL DN Den Helder 2215 rtty 75/850 (21Dec05)(MAL)02845.0 PBB: DN DEN HELDER 2143 rtty 75/N/850 CARB. All channels inactive (07/Jan)(DW)02872.0 Gander Radio: 0520 wkg unid flight (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)02899.0 Shanwick: 2256 USB/Voice ATC with various airplanes,1st time copy,(06-jan-2006)(MSM)02962.0 Santa Maria Radio: 0455 wkg unid flight (05/JAN/2005) (IDS)03137 190023: USAF C-5A Galaxy Tail 69-0023 0222 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)03150.0 PCD: E10 Isr SpyNumber 2200 USB (06-jan-2006)(MSM)03155.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)03155.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2243 ALE/USB clg 1306 (08/jan/06) (sw)03155.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2252 ALE/USB clg 1307 (08/jan/06) (sw)03155.0 1116: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2241 ALE/USB sndg (18/jan/06) (sw)03155.0 1116: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2222 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)03159 9MR5: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2013 RTTY/50/850 9MR 5/10/11 MRB RY/SG (02Jan06) (PIRI)03159.0 9MR5: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2013 RTTY 50 baud 9MR 5/10/11 MRB RY/SG (02jan06) (piri)03159.4 : Unid 2105 FEC 100/170 ("POL-ARQ"?) encrypted (10Jan06) (KB)03161 XFU: Unid 'XSS Net' 1855 ALE/USB Sounds. (18Jan06) (RGA)03161 XGH: Unid 1033 ALE/USB clg XSS who replies. No tfc. Later XSS sounding as usual (29Dec05) (KB)03161 XSS: 2118 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan06) (RGA)03161 XSS: Unid 'XSS Net' 1811 ALE/USB Sounds 2199 2217.4 3161 3227 3227.4. (18Jan06) (RGA)03161 XSS: Unid 0722 ALE/USB sounding about 50 times until 1500. Probably Central or W Europe (20Dec05) (KB)03161 XSS: Unid 1830 ALE/USB Sounds 3161 and 2199 kHz. (30Dec05) (RGA)03161 XSS: Unid 1858 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Jan06) (RGA)03161 XSS: Unid 2023 ALE/USB Sounds on 3161 and 2199 kHz. (19Dec05) (RGA)03161 XSS: Unid 2207 ALE/USB Sounds as always. Also on 3227.4 and 2217.4 kHz. (04Jan06) (RGA)03161 XSS: XSS Net 2006 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Jan06) (RGA)03161.0 XFU: UNID 2310 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 2325 2340 2355 (18/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XGH: UNID 0822 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XSS (06/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XSS: Unid 1449 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)03161.0 XSS: Unid 1520 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)03161.0 XSS: UNID 2013 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. sounding. Also 2113 (24/Dec)(DW)03161.0 XSS: UNID 2102 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XGH. No response (05/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XSS: UNID 2253 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 2259 2308 2314 2323 2329 2338 2344 2353 2359 (18/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XXS: Unid 1002 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)03162 3OZP: CIS Military 2111 CW 3OZP R 386 K. (08Jan06) (RGA)03190 NUVD: Ukranian Military 2133 CW RPT PBL K. Z3MP replies: Z3MP 772 32 9 2313 772 K. NUVD R 772 K. Simplex net. (09Jan06)(RGA)03204 L: Unid SLB 2041 CW Chirpy signal. (09Jan06) (RGA)03207 : The xx7 Oddity. Unid propagation logger, RUS or

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WUN-v12 UKR 1827 FSK burst @100 bps, then in 10 s/1 MHz steps up to 9207. At times responding(?) station heard. Also at 1837 and 1847. Not logged on xx007 + 200 kHz before (16Dec05) (KB)03207 : Unid 1722 CW ÄÄÄÄÄ 57354 Ä 25846 K. (18Jan06) (RGA)03207 APDS: Russian Military 2040 CW Comms check with at least P4OA ZL3M 8Y2M DAX6. (23Dec05) (RGA)03207 T2GY: Russian Military 2025 CW TVKH Q___ XZBS JZE3 JAZ1 TVKH de T2GY R 274? K. TVKH de T2GY COR COL PBL T2GY 274 29 9 2304 274 K. LHJZ ZY5W QTA 274 K. (09Jan06) (RGA)03220 FCEP: CIS Military 1735 CW FCEP QSA? QRK? QXS FOR WLMV WLMV K. (18Jan06) (RGA)03227.4 XSS : unid station 21:09 USB/ALE sounding (6 Jan) (PPA)03227.4 XSS: UNID 1343 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1345 (06/Jan)(DW)03227.4 XSS: Unid 1444 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)03227.4 XSS: Unid 1820 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)03227.4 XSS: Unid 2327 ALE/USB sndg. (12/jan/06) (sw)03227.4 XXS: Unid 1430 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)03233 ALV: Lithuanian Mil? 1950 ALE/USB clg JPQ (10Jan06) (KB)03243 : Prob Ukranian Military 2055 RTTY/50/240 Telecipher. Enciphered Baudot. ZZZZZZZZZZ headers. Freq 3243.25 kHz. (23Dec05) (RGA)03252.1 : Tashkent Meteo? 1547 FAX/120/576 noisy chart, probably nephanalysis. Map area and logo very similar to respective product received from Tashkent until mid 2003 (14Jan06) (KB)03252.2 : Unid RUS? 1601 FAX/120/576 large (2460 lines) blurred chart with isolines. Layout and skew similar to unid on 4067. Nil on 11/Jan on both frequencies (10Jan06) (KB)03260 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1728 ALE/USB clg V1S000OEKCOPER (11Jan06) (KB)03260 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1951 ALE/USB Calls V1S000OEKCOPER (30Dec05) (RGA)03260.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1856 ALE/USb clg V1S000OEKCOPER (18/dec/05) (sw)03260.0 V1S000OEKCOPER: Unid 1856 ALE/USb clg S4S000OGBMRM1 (18/dec/05) (sw)03270 : CIS Military 2251 MS-5/4800/USB Enciphered Vocoder. (04Jan06) (RGA)03270.0 OPQ: prob. Lithuanian MIL 1838 USB/ALE clng OP1 (02-jan-2006)(MSM)03280.0 ACA: UNID 0159 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (26/Dec)(DW)03280.0 ACA: Unid poss DISA Net 2331 ALE/USB sndg. (12/jan/06) (sw)03283 Unid: 1756 ALE/USB/USB Undecodeable signal (03Jan06) (AA)03286 SKZ8: Ukranian Military 1712 CW Comms check with BG9J XHPJ QD6C HT3O and others. (18Jan06) (RGA)03296 O38M: Russian Military 1646 CW Message for ANE1: O38M 568 24 18 1930 568 = 068 = AAAAA LRWDR DLVLH ... RSHZO AZKBA = 608 RPT AL K. (18Jan06) (RGA)03299 ZP3C: Russian Military 1546 CW Msg to unid: ZP3C 404 43 18 1827 404 = 749 15551 45416 ... 10868 18041 K. Correspendent QSLs but too weak to copy. Then message to 9FMO: ZP3C 835 45 18 1835 835 = 194 = DDDDD GLCOy OBBSJ ... ICCEB AZKGW K. 9FMO R 835 K. (18Jan06) (RGA)03300 RHP: Unid 2019 ALE/USB clg AAP. Also at 2059 and 2109 (09Jan06) (KB)03300.0 RHI: Unid 1846 ALE/USB clg AAI (21/dec/05) (sw)03310 EST: Tallinn Radio 0705 USB gale wng in EE. At 1834 nav wngs also in Estonian, but blocked by Odessa R (11Jan06) (KB)03317 : CIS Military 2210 MS-5/4480/USB Cipher. (09Jan06) (RGA)03326.5 ZLA4: CIS Military 1730 CW SH3K de ZLA4 QSA IMI K. Repeated without response. Known simplex net. (14Jan06) (RGA)

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WUN-v1203333 DRAB: FGS Hamburg F220 1802 USB clg DRAS for rc (11Jan06) (KB)03340.0 OEH2001: Austrian Red Cross HQ (Generalsecretariat), Mobil Unit,AUT 1740 xTOR bursts, with frequent CW-id "OEH2001" on 3341.5 kHz(7/Dec/05)(ALF)03348 1PPT: Ukranian Military 2358 CW Unid NCS calls 4MWM with ZGJ ZUZ ZZX QYT5 K. Then QRJ? QYT5; QRJ3 QYT5. QTY5 mode is unknown. (28Dec05) (RGA)03350 OP1: Lithuanian Mil 1906 ALE/USB clg OPQ, then voice tfc. Weak, sounded like RR rather than Lit. (09Jan06) (KB)03354 6JOS: CIS Military 2020 CW R 298 IMI K. (23Dec05) (RGA)03354 YFSS: CIS Military 2217 CW Ends 23 x 5LG msg ... HFAäL äPPWE 730 K. Then YFSS AS K. NW QRV K. YFSS R 606 K. (09Jan06) (RGA)03390 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast System 1404 RTTY/75/850 CARBs 02 04. Bearing 360° - Inskip transmitter.(18Dec05) (RGA)03397 QF3K: Enigma M89 2301 CW V T3AP de QF3K. (18Jan06) (RGA)03408 : CIS Military 2305 RUS-75/75/200 Setup opchat then cipher. (18Jan06) (RGA)03413.0 Shannon: Volmet 2213 USB(06-jan-2006)(MSM)03494 SDJ: Stockholm Radio 1953 USB advising unid aircraft with garbled modulation to switch to "radio no. 2" (18Dec05) (KB)03520.5 1WX: Multinational NATO Exercise Net, EUR 1654 J3E- USB OM/EE sx wkg 0OE with 2 letter NUKO msgs. (20/Sept/2005)(ALF)03521.0 IDR: Italian Navy Roma, I 2237 J3E-USB sx OM wkg MR, IDR IDed as "DR". (26/Sept/2005)(ALF)03533.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2321 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (21/dec/05) (sw)03533.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2334 ALE/USB clg TZSG2 Granada (21/dec/05) (sw)03533.0 TYMG1: Spa-Pol Guadalajara 2321 ALE/USB clg TX2 (21/dec/05) (sw)03562 SSC5: Enigma M89 (?) CW 2314 CW V TLU1 de SSC5. (18Jan06) (RGA)03594 C: SLB Moscow 2105 CW // 4558 & 5154. (15Jan06) (RGA)03645.0 UM12: Unid ALG MOI 2240 ALE/USB clng JL10 (11Jan06) (MAL)03673 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard, Scheveningen site 0948 USB North Sea wx by Dutch robot voice //2600 (09Jan06) (KB)03737.5 nocall: prob CIS MIL 1920 CW 5fg msg hand tx then random letters (mess) (02-jan-2006)(MSM)03775 GNLH: Ukrainian Mil 2324 CW Comm ck with MH6V 8GT2 H6OW G76L XXN3 KNXX (via Kristianstad, Sweden DX-tuner) (30 Dec 05) (JC5)03775 MMQO: Ukranian Military 1934 CW Msg to unid: MMQO 168 72 23 21_0 168 = 555= AAAAA JRHQI SDLXL ... GNOCH BWKVK K. (23Dec05) (RGA)03775 ZSQH: Ukranian Military 2332 CW Calls TOE4 with QTC. Lacking apparent response sends blind: QTC 418 52 29 0120 418 = 843 = AAAAA WXRDJ BPDBV ... VKYyV VDyHW BIKDK K. (28Dec05) (RGA)03803 DV9: Estonian Mil? 1540 ALE/USB clg VC6 (26Dec05) (KB)03803 VC6: Estonian Mil? 1540 ALE/USB clg RX1 (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1001: Unid 0137 ALE/USB clg 2403 2405 1105 1106. Various ids for this net reported in WUN logs: Moroccan Civil Defence, Moroccan Army, Egyptian border guard (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1002: Unid 2300 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1011: Unid 0245 ALE/USB clg 1319 who responds (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1102: Unid 0421 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1103: Unid 2310 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1104: Unid 2312 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1105: Protection Civile Morocaine 2220 ALE/USB Calls 1001. (04Jan06) (RGA)03805 1105: Unid 2328 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)

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WUN-v1203805 1106: Unid 0454 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1108: Unid 0420 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 110: Unid 2312 2328 0439 ALE/USB sounding (26/27Dec05) (KB)03805 1112: Unid 2324 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1113: Unid 1809 0407 ALE/USB sounding (26/27Dec05) (KB)03805 1116: Unid 2353 ALE/USB sounding 2x (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1119: Unid 2338 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 111: Unid 2338 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1301: Unid 2304 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 1302: Unid 0418 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1304: Unid 0418 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1305: Unid 0443 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1308: Unid 0407 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1309: Unid 0224 ALE/USB clg 2001 who responds (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1311: Unid 0400 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 131: Unid 2318 2337 0405 ALE/USB sounding (26/27Dec05) (KB)03805 1324: Unid 0246 ALE/USB clg 1011 who responds (27Dec05) (KB)03805 1325: Unid 0438 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 132: Unid 0410 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2001: Unid 0119 ALE/USB clg 2401 2512 2206 1109 (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2002: Unid 2255 ALE/USB sounding 3x (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2011: Unid 0356 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2201: Unid 2345 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2202: Unid 0056 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2204: Unid 2259 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2206: Unid 0415 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 220: Unid 0031 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2211: Unid 1845 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2212: Unid 1956 0557 ALE/USB sounding (26/27Dec05) (KB)03805 2213: Unid 0531 ALE/USB snd (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2214: Unid 0359 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2401: Unid 0430 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2408: Unid 0348 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 240: Unid 2255 ALE/USB sounding 2x (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2412: Unid 0359 ALE/USB sounding (27Dec05) (KB)03805 2419: Unid 2336 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 241: Unid 2329 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2512: Unid 2254 ALE/USB sounding 2x (26Dec05) (KB)03805 2519: Unid 2324 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805 251: Unid 2324 ALE/USB sounding (26Dec05) (KB)03805.0 1002: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2228 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)03805.0 1012: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2228 ALE/USB clg 1304 (08/jan/06) (sw)03805.0 1116: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2240 ALE/USB sndg (18/jan/06) (sw)03805.0 2201: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2246 ALE/USB sndg (18/jan/06) (sw)03805.0 2201: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2225 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)038055.0 2001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2238 ALE/USB clg 2512 (08/jan/06) (sw)038055.0 2001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2246 ALE/USB clg 2513 (08/jan/06) (sw)038055.0 2513: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2246 ALE/USB clg 2001 (08/jan/06) (sw)03810.0 HD2IOA: TS Guayaquil EQA 07:25 J3E / LSB Spanish time announcements and time pips (25 Dec) (PPA)03810.0 nocall: prob CIS MIL 1935 CW 5fg number msg low sigs "7994T 45462 45462 T64T7 T64T7 = =3 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 T T T "(02-jan-2006)(MSM)03823 AA1: 103 Sqn IAF Ben Gurion 2116 ALE/USB Sounding on 3823 and 5478 kHz. (15Dec05) (RGA)

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WUN-v1203823 AA1: Israeli AF 2151 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec05) (RGA)03823 AAA: Israeli AF 2152 ALE/USB Sounds. (04Jan06) (RGA)03823 VC6: Estonian Army 1920 ALE/USB Calls DV9. (30Dec05) (RGA)03823.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1551 ALE/USB sndg.(29/dec/05) (sw)03823.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1641 ALE/USB sndg. (10/jan/06) (sw)03823.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2008 ALE/USB sndg. (12/jan/06) (sw)03823.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1548 ALE/USB clg DV9 (03/jan/06) (sw)03826 8ODS: Ukranian Military 0016 CW Bcasts msg to unid: 8ODS QTC 020 54 29 0200 020 = 843 = 11111 99405 ... 90560 29052 RPT AL K. (29Dec05) (RGA)03826 D6Z2: Ukrainian Mil 2129 CW Comm ck with EYIL MHVC BESG OKQB MLXU QCEC FHY6 NBFD (via Kristianstad DX-Tuner) (30 Dec 05) (JC5)03841.5 CIS MIL 1950 CW 5fg msg, hand tx, (02-jan-2006)(MSM)03863 8AYI: Ukrainian Mil 1706 CW strategic flash message: "X X X X X X ESUP ESUP 82465 hANTAV 6535" 1723 Comm ck with 2X1P PO7T NDCX O2YN KWNP M5HA KA4I EE3N YLWP YE8Q 6ENB C9F7 MYSD BTCV M9ZL (via Kristianstad DX-Tuner) (30Dec05) (JC5)03863 E7BD: Ukrainian Military 1711 CW comm ck with PROX, QAI3, BVTP, GPAS, CKT6, 3QZR, CUPR, KNI9, 8RVU, ELK7, SG7R, GZX1. Interrupted twice to send strategic flash: 1716: "X X X X X X ESUP ESUP 47292 ABAVUR 9776" 1720: "X X X X X X ESUP ESUP 89141 hANOWNYJ 6054" (h = - - - -) (via Stuttgart, Germany DX-TUNERS) (29Dec05) (JC5)03900 JE21: Algerian Mil? 0707 ALE/USB clg UM22, then dig tfc (21Dec05) (KB)03900.0 JE25: Alg-Mil 2337 ALE/USB clg UM20 (08/jan/06) (sw)03900.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1935 ALE/USB clg DV9 (03/jan/06) (sw)03954 C: SLB Moscow 2234 CW (09Jan06) (RGA)04025.0 unid: prob.G07 2022 AM German Lady with numbers (strange accent rec: ended with "000". SpyNumbers database showed nothing. (02-jan-2006)(MSM)04028.0 no call: Cuban DGI CUB 06:40 USB / J3E SS 5F msg (30 DEC) (PPA)04043.0 RMP : Navy Kaliningrad RUS 20:15 BEE 36-50 / 50 / 200 encrypted msg followed by beacon operation transmitting P (20 Dec) (PPA)04050 : Fishfone 1604 SAILOR-CRYPT-2001/USB Male voices. Synch in FSK at f+1500 Hz. (14Jan06) (RGA)04051 P: Beacon Kaliningrad 0901 CW (04/Jan/06) (AA)04067.1 ---: UNID 1650 FAX 120/576/N/1000 Weak, grainy fax. Two labels but undecipherable (28/Dec)(DW)04068 4N7R: Unid 1831 ALE/USB clg MJMD, later wkg PGID and BSWE (21Dec05) (KB)04068 BZWE: Unid 1601 ALE/USB clg PGID, then dig tfc (21Dec05) (KB)04068 YVBZ: Unid 1812 ALE/USB clg PGID who responds, then into dig tfc (21Dec05) (KB)04068.0 BZWE: Unid 2027 ALE/USB clg 4N7R (21/dec/05) (sw)04068.0 PGID: Unid 2025 ALE/USB clg YVBZ (21/dec/05) (sw)04068.0 YVBZ: Unid 2025 ALE/USB clg PGID (21/dec/05) (sw)04075 JPQ: Lithuanian Navy Klaipeda(?) 0700 ALE/USB clg PLZ (09Jan06) (KB)04110 : More Fishfone 1606 USB Dutch/Flemish. 2 OM. (14Jan06) (RGA)04120.0 nocall: 2045 USB Arab OM in QSO, NET, Sailors (02-jan-2006)(MSM)04137 JPQ: Navy Klaipeda, LTU 2053 ALE/USB clg FRZ. Further strong ALE bursts not decoded for some reason (20Dec05) (KB)04138 A20: Unid 2052 ALE/USB clg S10 (20Dec05) (KB)04138 E01: Unid 2023 ALE/USB clg A20 several times (20Dec05) (KB)04138 S10: Unid 2033 ALE/USB clg A20 until 0245 (20Dec05) (KB)04150.7 : Unid 1953 REVS/45/950 REA4 (?) (23Dec05) (RGA)04152.5 Charly-Echo: DRCE: P 6121 (S 71 - GEPARD) 7.SG

Pagina 47

WUN-v12 Warnemünde 1345 USB/Stanag-4285 wkg DHJ59: Wilhelmshaven (19/JAN/06) (KK)04152.5 Charly-India: DRCI: P 6125 (S 75 - ZOBEL) 7.SG Warnemünde 1340 USB/Stanag-4285 wkg DHJ59: Wilhelmshaven (19/JAN/06) (KK)04152.5 Foxtrott-Charly: DRFC: M 1058 (FULDA) 1.MG Olpenitz 1335 USB/Stanag-4285 wkg DHJ59: Wilhelmshaven (19/JAN/06) (KK)04159.7 No Call: unid 1127 Stanag-4285/600bps (19/JAN/06) (KK)04166.3 XSS: UNID 1716 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (08/Jan)(DW)04166.3 XSS: Unid 1721 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)04166.4 XSS: unid station 15:45 USB/ALE sounding (7 Jan) (PPA)04181 : Unid 1631 CW slowly repeating "287/00" ("287/tt") until 1635, then off after "= + + +" (20Dec05) (KB)04207.5 LZW: WarnaRadio Bulgaria 1825 GMDSS Preliminary call to all ships for FEC Weather/MIB bcast on 4218.5 and 12587 kHz. (18Dec05) (RGA)04207.5 SXLZ: Ship Aquajoy (Greek Flag) RQs MRCC Piraeus/SVO Category: Safety. Piraeus BQs. Then tries SAR Centre Cairo/SUH. (18Dec05) (RGA)04207.5 UGMN: Ship Koulonga (Russia) 1807 GMDSS RQs Fortuna/UFHH for simplex telephone call on 2258 kHz. UFHH BQs. (18Dec05) (RGA)04207.5 UUBO: Ship Dmitri Kantemir (Ukraine) 1739 GMDSS RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ Category: Safety. (18Dec05) (RGA)04207.5 XSG: MRCC Shanghai 1726 GMDSS BQs ship Montania/A8AS5 (Liberia) CATEGORY: SAFETY. (18Dec05) (RGA)04209.5 XSY: 0110 1555 XSY TAI FEC - Hualien - PA45 10jan06 (CVS1)04209.5 XSY: Tiwan 09-01-2006 Mode navtex. 15:46 01jan06 (PIRI)04212 UGC: Sankt Peterburg Radio Russia 1620 ARQ w/Morse ID. (14Jan06) (RGA)04212.6 UBJ/UON: BakuRadio AZB 1620 CW Wx fcasts for Caspian Sea in RR 'FM BAKU 665 244 14/1 145 = Prognoz po Kaspiysko.. more..' Tgms 'PRIM FM BAKU NR ...'. Signs off 4KK de UBJ/UON QSS QSX 514/ 4307 500/4282.5 SK. At 1650 receiving traffic from ship Azerbaijan/4JDG and other 4J/4K calls. (14Jan06) (RGA)04214.0 IDR2: IN ROME 2021 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB "IDR8 /IGJ42 /IGJ43 /IDR2 /IDR3 /IGJ41" and periodic legend (03/Jan)(DW)04216.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 2023 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (03/Jan)(DW)04218.5 lzw: Varna Radio 1245 fec CQ CQ CQ DE LZW LZW VARNA RADIO TFC LIST06/01/2006 12:45 UTC ------- (6Jan06) (wp3)04219.0 LZW: VARNA RADIO 2027 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW". qrm fm TAH (03/Jan)(DW)04219.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 2024 arq 100/E/170 End of qso in irs mode. Two tone clear down. Revert to chan free marker "TAH" in cw. (03/Jan)(DW)04224.6 no call: Israeli intel ISR 20:20 4VFT PSK / 75 / 88 single channelACF=112 no decode ,ends at 20:23 (20 Dec) (PPA)04225.2 IDR: IN ROME 1733 STANAG 4285 on usb. 600/L Baudot 5N1. CARB in p/language. Periodic Legend. Idle 1's between (02/Jan)(DW)04225.2 igj42: I Navy Augusta 1559 stanag4285/600L/5n1 IDR.4 X .IGJ.42 X.IGJ.43 X.IDR.2 X.IDR.3 X.IGJ.44 X (3Jan06) (wp3)04226.5 XSS: Unid 1104 ALE/USB sounding every 7-15 minutes. Monitored until 1314; no other calls seen (03Jan06) (KB)04226.5 XSS: UNID 1841 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1924, 1926, 1939, 1941 (02/Jan)(DW)04226.5 XSS: Unid ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 3161 3227.4 06425.0 and 10458 (11/jan/06) (sw04226.5 XXS: Unid 0958 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)04228.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1500 rtty 50/R/170 Marker "RYs qss 4228/8454/12877.5/16927" then blind tfc. 1615 Marker RYs 4228/8454/12877.5/16927 nawip" then into Nav wngs

Pagina 48

WUN-v12 in 3SC. (04/Jan)(DW)04238 VTP4: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 1750 CW Marker. (18Jan06) (RGA)04238 VTP4: Vishakhapatnam Naval Radio India 1741 CW VVV de VTP4/5/6. (14Jan06) (RGA)04244.0 DAO4A: KIEL RADIO 2028 CW Chan free marker for Pactor-III. CW ID "cq de DAO4A" every 3 mins (03/Jan)(DW)04247 MGJ: RN Faslane G 2046 RTTY/100/ 840 CARB (15Jan06) (PIRI)04247 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast System 1725 RTTY/100/800 CARBs. (14Jan06) (RGA)04247.0 MGJ: RN FASLANE 1345 RTTY 100/E/N/850 CARB inc "1zyix 2ccix ..." strings (03/Jan)(DW)04247.0 MGJ: RN Faslane G 2046 RTTY 100BD 840HZ shift CARB (15jan06) (piri)04250.5 HEB24: GLN BERN 1723 CW Pactor-iii marker with cw ID "CQ de HEB24" every 3 mins (02/Jan)(DW)04271.0 CFH: CF HALIFAX 223 FAX 120/576/N/800 Ice chart (03/Jan)(DW)04280.0 pbb: DN Den Helder 1614 rtty 75/850 02a 02boo 04b 04c 06a 06b 08a 08b 12a 16a pbb (3Jan06) (wp3)04295 FUE: FN Brest F 2054 RTTY/75 All de fue testing ry/sg (12Jan06) (PIRI)04295.0 fue: FN Brest 1551 rtty 75/850 vczcabc001 all de fue (3Jan06) (wp3)04295.0 FUE: FN BREST 1728 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "zczc abc001 all de FUE RYs SGs figs int zbz nnnn" (02/Jan)(DW)04295.0 FUE: FN Brest F 2054 rtty 75 Baud all de fue testing ry/sg (12jan06) (piri)04317.9 : Moscow Meteo 1530 FAX/120/576 700 hPa analysis with synoptic data. QRM, better on //10610.9 (18Dec05) (KB)04317.9 : Moscow Meteo RUS 1615 FAX/120/576 analysis 500 MB (27/12/05) (ZE)04317.9 NMG: USCG New Orleans USA 0655 FAX/120/576 wind wave fcst (27/12/05) (ZE)04319 : AFN Diego Garcia AFN 1828 USB With a basketball game. (16Dec05) (CC)04322.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2056 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(DW)04331 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2057 CW vvv de 4xz 4xz = = (12Jan06) (PIRI)04331.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1623 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ==" (02/Jan)(DW)04331.0 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2057 morse vvv de 4xz 4xz = = (12jan06) (piri)04331.0 4XZ: ISR NAVY Haifa 2221 CW id marker (06-jan-2006)(MSM)04331.0 4XZ: ISR NVY Haifa 2050 CW "vvv de"(02-jan-2006)(MSM)04342.1 unid: unid station 20:54 F1B / 300 / 200 burst mode ACF=17 no decode in parallel with 6444.1 (20 Dec) (PPA)04411.0 WARSZAWA3: Pol-Moi 1935 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)04433.0 OLIW: Russian military RUS 21:11 5L msg to SALD (20 Dec) (PPA)04444 : USN Napoli Italy 2001 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (23Dec05) (RGA)04455.8 unid: unid Middle east aero station 19:31 ARQ-E / 46,1 / 170 Betaidling (20 Dec) (PPA)04458 2010: Unid 1829 ALE/USB sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04458 2016: Unid 1803 ALE/USB clg 3011 (08Jan06) (KB)04458 2017: Unid 1825 ALE/USB sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04458 3011: Unid 1845 ALE/USB sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04458 3014: Unid 1821 ALE/USB sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04458 5046: Unid 1809 ALE/USB sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04462.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1627 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)04480 : CIS Military 2126 MS-5/4800/USB Cipher. (15Jan06) (RGA)04483.0 DHO98: unid GAF (Trainee) 0924 USB wkg 07XW GAF (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)

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WUN-v1204483.0 DHO98: unid GAF (Trainee) 0930 USB wkg W949 GAF (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04483.0 DHO98: unid GAF (Trainee) 0931 USB DHO78: Kdo 3. LwDiv / GAFSC "N" Berlin-Gatow (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04483.0 No Call: unid GAF 1333 USB/VFT 3xFec-A 192Bd/200Hz? Drill (19/JAN/06) (KK)04484.5 ---: GAF? ?LOC 1555 ARQ/E 85.7/E/170 4rc. Idling betas (03/Jan)(DW)04489.4 : Unid 2005 FEC/100/170 ("POL-ARQ"?) encrypted (08Jan06) (KB)04490 KNY70: Nat'l Telecommunications Coordination Network, Herndon, VA 2113 ALE/USB Sounding. SHARES ALE Net. (01DEC05) (RB)04507 035: Unid 1508 clg 100, at 1539 clg 082. Also active on 4952 and 5762. Later AA1 and DD1 (ISR AF?) sounding (08Jan06) (KB)04507 035: Unid 1518 ALE/USB clg 082 who responds. Same at 1618. Later ISR AF(?) stns BB1, BB3, DD1 etc. seen (20Dec05) (KB)04507.0 035: Isr-af 1128 ALE/USB clg 100 (06/jan/06) (sw)04507.0 035: Isr-af 1138 ALE/USB clg 082 (06/jan/06) (sw)04507.0 035: Isr-Af 2019 ALE/USB clg 082 (10/jan/06) (sw)04507.0 035: Unid 1619 ALE USB clg 082 (29/dec/05) (sw)04518.0 No Call: unid GAF 1123 ARQ-E/85,7Bd encr. (19/JAN/06) (KK)04530.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1626 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)04530.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1458 ALE/USB clg V1S000OEKCOPER (19/jan/06) (sw)04530.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1617 ALE/USb clg V1S000OEKCOPER (20/dec/05) (sw)04530.0 V1S000OEKCOPER: Unid 1736 ALE/USb clg S4S000OGBMRM1 (18/dec/05) (sw)04551.5 : Unid 1700 81-81/81/250 (08Jan06) (KB)04555.2 dlvb: German coast guard ZB Schleswig-Holstein 2200 sitor-a dlvb x 05-12-17 22:00 positionsmeldung: schiffsname: zb,,schleswig - holstein'' seegebiet : r 30 kurs : 137 fahrt : 09 sh, kiecksee, (17Dez05)(wp3)04555.2 dlvb: ZB Schleswig-Holstein 1258 sitor-a Positionsmeldung (28Dez05)(wp3)04555.2 dlvf: German coast guard Glückstadt 0701 sitor-a ipva ipva ipva iphansa 10/4 qto 06.35 elbab, bis ltr. tschuess 65212 dlvf x (18Dez05)(wp3)04555.2 dlvp: ZB Kniepsand 1205 sitor-a erhält Lagemeldung und wx vom Kuewaz(28Dez05) (wp3)04555.2 dlvy: German coast guard ZB Hamburg 0700 sitor-a bemerkung :brechen wegen wx die streife ab und gehen~~lbaufwaerts zb hamburg, buchhols,181205 05-12-18 08:03 99573 dlvy ha x (18Dez05) (wp3)04555.2 dlvy: ZB Hamburg 1103 sitor-a ankern auf moewe7 (28Dez05) (wp3)04560 TAH: IstanbulRadio Turkey 2005 FEC Local weather forecast in English and Turkish. (23Dec05) (RGA)04560.0 OPQ: Ltu-Mil 2149 ALE/USB clg OP1 (17/jan/06) (sw)04561.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 0038 ALE/USB clg TYME2 Madrid (22/dec/05) (sw)04561.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2302 ALE/USB clg TYMG2 Guadalajara (21/dec/05) (sw)04561.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2310 ALE/USB clg TYMR2 Ciudad Real (21/dec/05) (sw)04561.0 TYMG2: Spa-Pol Guadalajara 2302 ALE/USB clg TYMA2 Avila (21/dec/05) (sw)04566.4 VCT: Tors Cove radio CAN 19:18 GW-Pactor / 100 / 200 channel freemarker ,hexadecimal identification 5E (20 Dec) (PPA)04568.0 ACA: UNID 1845 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)

Pagina 50

WUN-v1204583.0 DDK2: HAMBURG MET 1608 RTTY 50/N/450 Met tfc, fcst for E Med (03/Jan)(DW)04585 AHS: Unid 0722 ALE/USB clg ??? (lost) followed by short voice call "... Mike Yankee..." in unid (Scandinavian?) language. At 0728 AMY with ALE calls to AHS (06Jan06) (KB)04585 AHS: Unid 1306 ALE/USB calls until 1321 to ADS, AQJ, AKF and AMY (12Jan06) (KB)04601.5 0a: irish navy/coastguard 1709 arq 5lg tfc to 62 (rq:cvva, cvxt 1803z: cvvz, cvve) (19Dez05) (wp3)04601.5 0A?: Irish Naval Service Stn 1746 ARQ Poor copy. SELCALs CVVZ/PT-24 and XSFC/Dublin without success. (14Jan06) (RGA)04616 BMF: Taipei Meteo,TWN 1936 FAX/120/576 fair copy(19/12/05) (ZE)04627.0 WARSZAWA3: Pol-Moi 1934 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)04630 ANTARCTO: AntarNet - Poss Tunisian Military 1800 ALE/USB Calls ASSADCTO. (18Jan06) (RGA)04662.5 XSS: Unid 1443 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)04681 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2237 ALE/USB Sounds. (04Jan06) (RGA)04681 AA2: Israeli AF 2012 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec05) (RGA)04721 200177: C-17A Globemaster 00-0177 (Charleston) 0109 ALE/USB ALE test back to aircraft. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)04721 244132: USAF C-17A Globemaster 04-4132 2201 ALE/USB ALE to Andrews (ADW). ALE direct dial (garbled) to McGuire op who patches him through to 6th AS (ans machine). HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)04721 ADW: Andrews AFB HF-GHS 0305 ALE/USB ALE to PLA, HF- GCS Lajes AB, Azores. HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)04721 HAW: US GHFS Stn Ascension 1848 ALE/USB Sounding. (30Dec05) (RGA)04721 ICZ: HF-GCS Sigonella, Sicily, Italy 0217 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command (30NOV05) (RB)04721 JDG: HF-GCS Diego Garcia 2205 ALE/USB Sounding. HF- GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)04721 JDG: US GHFS Stn Puerto Rico 2149 ALE/USB Sounds. (04Jan06) (RGA)04721 PLA: HF-GCS Lajes AB, Azores 0305 ALE/USB ALE to ADW, Andrews HF-GCS. HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)04723 GV1: Unid Georgian net 2101 ALE/USB wkg RAINDI who responds (13Dec05) (KB)04724 DEATH BLOW: 28-char EAM Bcast 1803 USB GQ5KWU simulcast on 8992, 11175 and 15016. (19 Dec 05) (JH)04724 PERFORATE: 28-char EAM 2029 USB 24M2QB simulcast 8992, 11175 and 15016. (14 Jan 06) (JH)04724 REPRIMAND: 28-char EAM 1759 USB 7YGBIE and simulcasting same on 8992, 11175 and 15016. (09 Dec 06) (JH)04727 QF3K: M89 2321 CW V T3AP de QF3K. (17Jan06) (RGA)04739.0 DHM91: GAF Muenster 0830 USB wkg DHO23: GAF Landsberg Communication Trainig (20/JAN/06) (KK)04739.0 DHM91: GAF Muenster, D. (? operator) 1255 USB wkg DHO60: "Marineflieger" Hohn, D. (Trainee) changing Msg´s. > Drill (17/JAN/06) (KK)04742.0 Architect: RAF, F 0222 J3E-USB sx wkg ASCOT 3250, s/c LM-DG, dept.ORMM 2315, ETA EGPH 0600, "standard relay EDIECXH LONACXH". (21/JUN/2005)(ALF)04751.0 TYMG1: Spa-Pol Guadalajara 2318 ALE/USB clg TX2 (21/dec/05) (sw)04752.5 No Call: unid GAF 1120 ARQ-E/85,7Bd encr. (19/JAN/06) (KK)04757 Unid 1345 CW burst with 20 ms pulses and a few longer ones. Total burst duration @ 5.5 s, then similar emission 10 kHz higher, and so on. Tracked up to 4997 (02Jan06) (KB)

Pagina 51

WUN-v1204781.0 00S1: GAF (Trainee) 0845 USB clg DHJ67: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04781.0 DHO91: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) 0844 USB clg DHJ67: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04781.0 DHO91: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) 0849USB clg IP51: GAF (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04781.0 DHO91: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) 0851 USB clg DHJ83: HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04781.0 IP51: GAF (Trainee) 0843 USB clg DHJ67: GAF Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (Trainee) (18/JAN/06) (KK)04792.5 : CIS Military 2334 MS-5/4800/USB Cipher. (18Jan06) (RGA)04795 035: Unid 1508 ALE/USB clg 082 and 100 (09Jan06) (KB)04795 035: Unid 1838 ALE/USB calling 082 (10/Jan/06) (AA)04795 100: Unid 1848 ALE/USB calling 035 (10/Jan/06) (AA)04795.0 035: Isr-Af 1948 ALE/USB clg 100 (10/jan/06) (sw)04795.0 035: Isr-Af 1958 ALE/USB clg 082 (10/jan/06) (sw)04826.0 1wpb: unid 0841 cw ediw de 1wpb qtc k 0906Z: xxx xxx esup esup76415 gastroler 6298 76415 gastroler 6298 k 0911z: in usb on 4825.0 malecalling ?? roman andrej ?? prijom (28Dez05) (wp3)04832.5 : Unid 1626 USB Italian fisherman chat. (20/12/05) (BEF)04840.5 : CIS Military 2157 MS-5/4480/USB Cipher. (29Dec05) (RGA)04852.5 1HQU: GAF (Trainee) 1230 USB clg DHO91: Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe (17/JAN/06) (KK)04852.5 DHO91: Kdo 1. LwDiv/GAFCSC "S" Karlsruhe(Trainee) 1221 USB clg DHO78: Kdo 3. LwDiv/ GAFSC "N" Berlin-Gatow (Trainee) (17/JAN/06) (KK)04852.5 W949: GAF (Trainee) 1223 USB clg 5BVE: (Trainee) for Radiocheck (17/JAN/06) (KK)04852.5 W949: GAF (Trainee) 1226 USB clg DHO98: (Trainee) for Routine Msg (17/JAN/06) (KK)04855 1001: 1855 ALE/USB "TO:240 S03 TIS:1001" (12/Jan/06) (AA)04855 1302: 1933 ALE/USB sounding (11/Jan/06) (AA)04855 2212: Unid 1832 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)04855.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2250 ALE/USB clg 1307 (08/jan/06) (sw)04855.0 1001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2257 ALE/USB clg 1308 (08/jan/06) (sw)04855.0 1106: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1719 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)04855.0 2001: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 2228 ALE/USB clg 2512 (08/jan/06) (sw)04855.0 AFRTS: Roosevelt Roads, PTR? 1328 USB Mil Feeder Ex Fax Frequ.? (19/JAN/06) (KK)04870 NAT: Unid 1813 ALE/USB calling 1ST (10/Jan/06) (AA)04870.0 QC31: Alg-Mil 2310 ALE/USB clg UM32 (08/jan/06) (sw)04874 TWBE2: Spanish Guardia Civil Teruel? 0741 ALE/USB clg TXX2 (16Dec05) (KB)04880.0 ULX2: E10 ISR 2159 AM gone silent at 2200 for some 20sek then came back for 1 call and went silent for good with id call(02-jan-2006)(MSM)04905.0 unid: ?? seems not to be pirate 0714 USB eng d/x 9jan06 ML04923.5 6101: 1733 ALE/USB sounding, SN 00 (11/Jan/06) (AA)04923.5 610: 1804 ALE/USB sounding, SN 00 (11/Jan/06) (AA)04925.0 0000210288: Unid Grc? 2333 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)04925.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1133 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F34HUW>: VB Skaraborg (11/JAN/06) (KK)04928.4 : Unid 0840 POL-ARQ 100/170. Off air 0852 (18Dec05) (KB)04930 VC6: Estonian Army 1902 ALE/USB Calls RX1. (18Jan06) (RGA)04930 VC6: Estonian Army 1937 ALE/USB Calls OV5. (09Jan06) (RGA)04943.0 No Call: unid GAF 1043 USB/VFT 3xFec-A 192Bd/200Hz? Drill (19/JAN/06) (KK)04951.5 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2045 CW Plots in series =992344??0????? =992345?... (08Jan06) (RGA)04952 035: Unid 2048 ALE/USB Followed by simplex Spanish

Pagina 52

WUN-v12 voice. QRM from STANAG-4285. Same net as 5762 kHz - same blank [TO] and some full link-protected bursts. Sometimes calls 100. (07Jan06) (RGA)04952 035: Unid 2058 ALE/USB Calls 082 with blanked [TO] field. 082 responds. (08Jan06) (RGA)04952.0 035: Isr-Af 1628 ALE/USB clg 100 (07/jan/06) (sw)04952.0 035: Isr-Af 1648 ALE/USB clg 100 (10/jan/06) (sw)04952.0 035: Isr-Af 2018 ALE/USB clg 082 (10/jan/06) (sw)04979.2 T4Z101: 4 Bn 101 Avn US Army Iraq 1944 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)04986 RCB: Unid Russian Navy 1742 RUS-75/75/200 Cipher. QSYd here by RJF94 on 5166 kHz. (16Jan06) (RGA)04988 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdemoro 1900 ALE/USB Sounding 4988 and 4874 kHz. (30Dec05) (RGA)04988.5 FDI8: FAF Nice, F 0217 CW vvv-mkr. (21/June/2005)(DL8AAM)04993.5 R1A: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 1013 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, fox-tests to R2A using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05) (LDO)04993.5 R1A: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 1013 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, fox-tests to R2A, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05) (LDO)04993.5 R2A: Rohde & Schwarz Berlin, D 1014 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, rcvng tfc from R1A using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05)(LDO)04993.5 R2A: Rohde & Schwarz Berlin, D 1014 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, rcvng tfc from R1A, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05) (LDO)05006 033NHQCAP: Unid Civil Air Patrol 2336 ALE/USB Sounding. Civil Air Patrol. (30NOV05) (RB)05015.0 CGQ1: Usa-? 2317 ALE/USB sndg. (10/jan/06) (sw)05026.0 BLE: British Army 0748 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (17/JAN/06) (KK)05034.0 nocall: CIS mil 1016 USB/Voice 5fg number msg (28-dec-2005)(MSM)05052 : CIS Military 1757 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Enciphered vocoder. (14Jan06) (RGA)05066.7 EGYEMB Berne: SUI, 2010, ARQ, ATU-A msg to Cairo, (14dec05) (piri)05071 : NATO Air Defence Data Modem 1801 LINK-11/2250/USB. TADIL. Very strong signal. (14Jan06) (RGA)05071 : NATO Air Defence System 2138 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A. (15Jan06) (RGA)05075.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1624 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05077.0 HP: unid 0905 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg VP (18/JAN/06) (KK)05077.0 PP: unid 0906 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg SP (18/JAN/06) (KK)05077.2 No Call: prb. spanish Navy 1815 USB/Stanag-4285 (12/JAN/06) (KK)05077.2 No Call: unid 1135 Stanag-4285/600bps "L3L3L3..L3 L1L.H L...L3L3" (19/JAN/06) (KK)05077.5 WNU: Slidell radio USA 08:09 GW-Pactor / 100 / 200 channel free marker .hexadecimal identification D8 (25 Dec) (PPA)05078.0 unid: 0700 CW numbers 24dec05 ML05081.6 No Call: unid Navy? 1820 USB/Stanag-4285 CW confirmed after tx: "QRJ?QJB3K" Stanag "QJB3K" Stanag "RK" Stanag "OKCWZSAQSU1K" Stanag "OK8CWZSAQSU1K" (12/JAN/06) (KK)05082 : CIS Military 1434 UNID/50/240 ACF=0. New CIS encrypted system. At 1537 asks QRJ IMI. R K in Morse and sends reversals at 100 Bauds. Then QRJ IMI. SK and offair at 1538. (16Jan06) (RGA)05086 : Prob FAPSI 1431 RTTY/50/400 5FGs ending ... 54743 70023. QRU K. CFM. SK. (16Jan06) (RGA)05097 CFH: Navy Halifax 0800 RTTY/75/850 naws calls with QSX list (10Jan06) (KB)05101.0 T3Z126: US-Mil 3/126 Avn US Army (prob detached

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WUN-v12 Iraq) 2127 ALE/USB sndg. (17/jan/06) (sw)05117.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1624 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05117.0 MALI: Alb-Mil Mali 1728 ALE/USB clg DRINI (18/dec/05) (sw)05119.5 WARSZAWA3: Pol-Moi 1932 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)05126 814248: Unid, prob MH-60 2237 ALE/USB ALE to CLS, Prob Sabre AAF, Fort Campbell, Ky. US ARMY Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)05140 : CIS Military 2144 CW Ends enciphered Morse sked... YGyüGYüJB K. OK SK SK. (15Dec05) (RGA)05152 : Ukrainian Mil (tentative) 1820 RTTY/50/500 encrypted Baudot with plain header ("kriptograma...") (18Dec05) (KB)05154 C: SLB Moscow 2031 CW (23Dec05) (RGA)05154.0 cis navy: ? 0705 CW units of letters 24dec05 ML05166 RJF94: Unid Russian Navy 1718 CW RCB de RJF94 QYT9 QSX 8573 K. RCB replies RJF94 de RCB OK QYT9 QWH 8573 K. R K. Nothing heard 8573 by 1725. (16Jan06) (RGA)05166 RJF94: Unid Russian Navy 1726 CW RCB de RJF94 QYT9 QSX 5149 K. RCB responds QWH 5149. Nil heard. Then tries 4986. RCB QSYs a 75 Baud printer to 4986 kHz. RJC38 and others on this simplex CW net. (16Jan06) (RGA)05179.5 IKZ040: Polish Mil 0808 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (10Jan06) (KB)05179.5 MAP024: Polish Mil 0807 ALE/USB clg TOP022 (10Jan06) (KB)05179.5 OLI021: Polish Mil 0809 ALE/USB clg PIR023 (10Jan06) (KB)05179.5 ZAT025: Polish Mil 0820 ALE/USB clg OLI021 (10Jan06) (KB)05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Beacon COMPOSITE CW RTTY/45.45/170 PSK31. (23Dec05) (RGA)05212 CS002: Macedonian Military 0710 ALE/USB "TO:RS009 TIS:CS002" (05/Jan/06) (AA)05213.0 FDI22: FAF Narbonne, F 0240 CW vvv-mkr. (23/May/2005)(DL8AAM)05215.6 No Call: unid 1320 Stanag-4285/600bps (19/JAN/06) (KK)05220 STYGMAT: Centrainy Wezel Lacznosci MON Polish Army Warsaw 1940 ALE/USB Calls CUKIERNIA/Polish Contingent MNDCS Camp Echo Iraq. (04Jan06) (RGA)05225 : Undi RUS 2042 RTTY/50 KRIPTOGRAMA tfc, Alphabet M2, 3 shift latin. (16Dec05) (PIRI)05225.0 RUS: 2042, RTTY50, KRIPTOGRAMA tfc, Alphabet M2, 3 shift latin (16dec05) (piri)05263.0 HA48: ALG MOI unid station 1630 ALE/USB clng to HA52 (28Dec05) (MAL)05263.0 LZ51: ALG MOI 1703 ALE/USB clgn to LZ50 (28Dec05) (MAL)05268 2016: Prob Turkish Red Crescent Net 0600 ALE/USB sounding (05/Jan/06) (AA)05268.0 2010: Tur-Net 2250 ALE/USB clg 2016 (18/jan/06) (sw)05285.0 MALI: Alb-Mil Mali 1726 ALE/USB clg DRINI (18/dec/05) (sw)05286 OVOW: CIS Military 1108 CW Sends msg to unid: OVOW 344 23 15 1400 344 = 264 __3 = DDDDD ____A CyyKK ... (faded). Merci Michel. (15Jan06) (RGA)05286 TXX2: Spanish GC,Valdemoro 1854 ALE/USB to TWBE2 Teruel (10/12/05) (ZE)05286 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1900 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec05) (RGA)05286 TXX: Spanish GC,Madrid 1829 ALE/USB to TWBA Barcelona (10/12/05) (ZE)05286.0 TXX2: Guardia civil HQ Valdemoro E 21:13 ALE/USB [THIS WAS} TXX2(20 Dec) (PPA)05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 2358 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)05286.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2306 ALE/USB clg TYMG2 Guadalajara (21/dec/05) (sw)05286.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2312 ALE/USB clg TYMR2 Ciudad Real (21/dec/05) (sw)05286.0 unid: 0727 CW 15jan06 (ML)05300.0 no call: unid CIS military 06:58 F1B / 96 / 500 encrypted ACF=0 (30DEC) (PPA)05300.5 : CIS Military 2038 RUS-75/75/180 Cipher. (23Dec05) (RGA)

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WUN-v1205319.0 TWVP2: GC, E. 1748 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg TXX2: Madrid (12/JAN/06) (KK)05325.0 RND79: Moscow RUS 07:02 RUS-ARQ / 100 / 500 Traffic to RBW (30 DEC)(PPA)05352 TWBA1: Spanish Guardia Civil (Barcelona?) 1751 ALE/USB Calls TWLC2 (Cantabria?). (18Jan06) (RGA)05352 TWBH2: Spanish Guarda Civil 0712 ALE/USB/USB Calling TXX2/Valdemoro (04/Jan/06) (AA)05355 MAL: Unid 1708 ALE/USB/USB Calling DS Very long ALE/USB-strings without any decoding at all (04/Jan/06) (AA)05355.0 BORA: Alb-Mil 2022 ALE/USB clg DRINI Drini (12/jan/06) (sw)05355.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1621 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05370.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: Unid 1616 ALE/USb clg V1S000OEKCOPER (20/dec/05) (sw)05379.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1634 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05379.0 MALI: Alb-Mil Mali 1725 ALE/USB clg DRINI (18/dec/05) (sw)05379.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2337 ALE/USB clg TZSG2 Granada (21/dec/05) (sw)05379.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2349 ALE/USB clg TZSJ2 (21/dec/05) (sw)05380.0 S4S000OGBMRM: Unid 1557 ALE/USB clg V1S000OEKCOPER (06/jan/06) (sw)05380.0 V1S000OEKCOPER: Unid 1557 ALE/USB clg S4S000OGBMRM (06/jan/06) (sw)05400.0 BORA: Ministry of public order ALB 06:15 USB / ALE Calling Drini(30 DEC) (PPA)05400.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1639 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05400.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1636 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)05400.0 MALI: Alb-Mil Mali 1724 ALE/USB clg DRINI (18/dec/05) (sw)05410 CS003: Macedonian Military 0816 ALE/USB "TO:RS0017 TIS:CS003" (05/Jan/06) (AA)05410.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach, Ohanet 1638 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)05410.0 RNO: ALG Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss 1639 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)05434 BUFNY: NY National Guard, Buffalo, NY 2003 ALE/USB Sounding. (30NOV05) (RB)05434 RCHNY: NY National Guard, Rochester, NY 2044 ALE/USB Sounding. (30NOV05) (RB)05434 STINY: New York National Guard, Staten Island 2139 ALE/USB Sounding. (30NOV05) (RB)05435.0 ART2:E10 Isr SpyNumber 2230 AM id then 2msg (06-jan-2006)(MSM)05435.5 OEY51: Austrian Army Vienna 0705 0838 ALE/USB clg OEY71 Austrian UN contingent Golan Heights. Tnx A. (05Jan06) (KB)05435.5 OEY51: BMLV Vienna 0705 ALE/USB/USB Calling OEY71 Austrian Army Golan Heights Syria. (04/Jan/06) (AA)05440 RWD69: Moscow? Unid user 0913 RTTY 50/500 op tfc to RBG (Orel?) after 50 bd reversals, then back into UNID 100/500 burst mode (30Dec05) (KB)05441.0 Flight EUK165: ExcelAIRways(flt known as Air Atlanta too)prob. B747 2148 USB PP to Operations Gatwick heading Manchester,gave pax no. over500,either mistake or some B747 Stockholm Radio: 2128 USB/Voice flt S951(? some Cargo) QSB)-,selcal DMEJ, PP for company with with Metar for Brussels,Amsterdam,Maastricht and other cities (02-jan-2006)(MSM)05441.0 Stockholm Radio: 2134 USB/Voice AirFrance flt af976 with SelCal chck FLCM (02-jan-2006)(MSM)05441.0 Stockholm Radio: Reach769 flt amt852 (American Trans Air?) 2135 USB/Voice stats rep dep fr Budapest to Shannon with 262 pax, SelCal EGBJ(02-jan-2006)(MSM)

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WUN-v1205449 : Unid. Rus Mil? 0630 AM/CW beeps, 55/minute (21Dec05) (KB)05450.0 ---: G RAF Volmet female voice meteo 2220 (21Dec05) (MAL)05456.0 AAA: : Isr-af Tel Aviv 1712 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)05461.5 DHJ83: HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln (Trainee) 1325 USB clg 00S1: , for Msg (17/JAN/06) (KK)05461.5 LD1V: GAF 1323 USB wkg DHJ83: HöhKdoBeh LW GefSt Köln (Trainee), Drill Msg (17/JAN/06) (KK)05472.5 : Unid 1435 ARQ-E (?)/85.7/160. Testing? Long periods with carrier only (30Dec05) (KB)05476 0000210001: 0638 ALE/USB "TO:0000210302 TIS:0000210001" (14/Jan/06) (AA)05476 0000210001: 0644 ALE/USB "TO:0000210203 TIS:0000210001" (14/Jan/06) (AA)05476 0000210001: Greek Police Net 1717 ALE/USB Calls 0000210688. (18Jan06) (RGA)05476 0000210502: 0646 ALE/USB sounding (14/Jan/06) (AA)05476 0000210503: Greek Police Net 0727 ALE/USB/USB Sounding. (04/Jan/06) (AA)05476 0000210588: Greek Police Net 1747 ALE/USB sounding (05/Jan/06) (AA)05476.0 0000210001: Grc-Mil 1602 ALE/USB clg 0000210488 (29/dec/05) (sw)05476.0 0000210001: Grc-Mil 1613 ALE/USB clg 0000210588 (29/dec/05) (sw)05478 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 1753 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Jan06) (RGA)05478 AA1: Israeli AF 1739 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)05478 AAA: Israeli AF 1800 ALE/USB Sounding 5478 and 4507 kHz. (30Dec05) (RGA)05478 BB1: 124 Sqn IAF Palachim 1913 ALE/USB Sounding. Also AA1/103 Sqn Ben Gurion. (04Jan06) (RGA)05478 BB3: 0701 ALE/USB sounding (14/Jan/06) (AA)05478 DD1: 0653 ALE/USB sounding (14/Jan/06) (AA)05478.0 AA1: ISR AF, 103rd sq, Ben Gurion 1625 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2230 ALE/USB sndg. (18/jan/06) (sw)05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2232 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)05478.0 BB1: Isr-Af Palmachin 2040 ALE/USB clg DD1 (20/dec/05) (sw)05523.0 Tigre: ALE 15 Dec 05 0037 (HS)05532 TWBA: Spanish GC,Barcelona 1902 ALE/USB to TXX Valdermoro. (10/12(05) (ZE)05532 TWCO1: Spanish GC, Video? 1843 ALE/USB to TWCL1 (10/12/05) (ZE)05532 TXX: Spanish GC,Madrid 1902 ALE/USB to TWBA Barcelona. (10/12/05) (ZE)05532 TXX: Spanish GC,Valdemoro 1839 ALE/USB to TWVS2 Salamanca (10/12/05) (ZE)05532 TXX: Spanish GC,Valdemoro 1939 ALE/USB to TYMA2 (10/12/05) (ZE)05532.0 OKL: praha LDOC -ID 0733 USB cze info like volmet 15jan06 (ML)05532.0 OKL: Praha LDOC, CZE 2320 J3E-USB sx wkg CGT. (7/Aug/2005)(ALF)05542 T5Z101: 5 Bn 101 Avn Regt US Army Iraq 1926 Sounds. (07Jan06) (RGA)05544 3B-NBH: Air Mauritius A319 'Blue Bay' 1923 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (14Jan06) (RGA)05544 A7-AFM: Qatar Airways A330 2046 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 B-6055: China Eastern A330 Flt CES554 1920 HFDL Posn report: 5723N 07849E. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 D-ALCO: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8398 1919 HFDL Posn report via Muharraq 3656N 04849E. (14Jan06) (RGA)05544 D-ALCP: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8391 1915 HFDL Posn report via Muharraq 4613N 08318E. (14Jan06) (RGA)

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WUN-v1205544 G-VEIL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Queen of the Skies' 2055 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VSSH: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sweet Dreamer' 1926 HFDL Flt VS0250 Acks message sent via Muharraq: 'MSG FROM MAINTROL. YES PLEASE PUT A FOR INFO ENTRY AS I AM GETTING PARTS TOGETHER FOR YOUR RETURN. REGARDS. STEVE WALKER.' (14Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VWKD: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Miss Behavin'' Flt VS0250 2004 HFDL Posn report: 6133N 04944E. ICAO ID 400D30. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 HL-7741: Asiana A330 Flt OZ0752 1906 HFDL Posn report via Bahrain: 2251N 12023E. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 HS-TLB: Thai International A340 'Utteradit' 2047 HFDL Logs on. (16jan06) 05544 HL-7736: Asiana A330 2048 HFDL Logs on. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 HS-TNA: Thai International A340 1914 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (14Jan06) (RGA)05544 SU-GCJ: Egypt Air A330 Flt MSR880 1909 HFDL Posn report: 3005N 03123E. (16Jan06) (RGA)05544 VT-JWC: Jet Airways India A340 1917 HFDL Logs on. (14Jan06) (RGA)05544.0 AL MUHARRAQ: 1817 hfdl tfc to ac tg0941 (13Jan06) (wp3)05550 1KZDJANKOVIC: POL Mil Jankovicz,Kosovo 0709 ALE/USB to OPERACYJNYPKW (21/12/05) (ZE)05550 OPERACYJNYPKW: POL Mil Warszawa,POL 0709 ALE/USB to 1KZDJANKOVIC (21/12/05) (ZE)05550.0 1KZDJANKOVIC: Pol-Moi 1507 ALE/USB clg OPERACYJNYPKW (20/dec/05) (sw)05550.0 OPERACYJNYPKW: Pol-Moi 1507 ALE/USB clg 1KZDJANKOVIC (20/dec/05) (sw)05580.0 unid: 2240 USB YL reading short msg,calls? Unid language, sometimes sounded scandinavian a bit... The Balts? (06-jan-2006)(MSM)05602 T7Z101: Prob 7/101 Avn (GSAB) US Army Iraq 1928 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec05) (RGA)05611 FLA: Unid 0628 ALE/USB "TIS:FLA" (05/Jan/06) (AA)05620 T4Z101: 4 Bn 101 Avn US Army Iraq 2219 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec05) (RGA)05637.0 YRA: TAROM Bucarest ROU 16:28 USB/J3E calling BGG ,who answered but was not received by Bucarest (29 Dec) (PPA)05643.8 QF3K: Chinese Military CW marker, calling T3AP, repeatedly.(2006-01-09 09:57 UTC) (MDM)05658.0 YAV: Kabul Aero, AFG 2312 J3E-USB wkg KLM 877. (18/May/2995)(ALF)05690.0 0A: Irish Military HQ Dublin, IRL 1520 J3E-USB sx wkg "YX" refer to callsign "C253". (12/MAY/2005)(AF)05690.0 0A: Irish Military HQ Dublin, IRL J3E-USB sx wkg "YX" refer to callsign "C253". (12/MAY/2005)(AF)05693.0 RAF Boulmer: G 1112 J3E-USB OM/EE clg "all callsigns" for ra/ch 1115z wkg M2W, request his "PCS". (14/JUN/2005)(ALF)05702 HAWSPR: SIPR Net, Ascension Island 0411 ALE/USB Sounding. SIPR Net. (02DEC05) (RB)05702 HAWSPR: US SIPRINet Station Ascension 2141 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Dec05) (RGA)05708 160024: USAF C-5A Galaxy, Tail 86-0024 2344 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (30NOV05) (RB)05708 190015: USAF C5-A Tail 69-0015 2213 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, Offutt HF-GCS, former Bayonne Global at Fort Eustis? Also noted at 2053 on 9025 sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)05708 9804: Unid 1359 ALE/USB Sounding. Closest I could find is UH-1D Iroquois 65-9804, listed as still in service somewhere. Also noted on 9025. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)05708 AC2: Unidentified 2047 ALE/USB ALE to ADW, Andrews HF-GCS. AAC2 is 1099th Trans Co, Fort Eustis, Va, AC2

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WUN-v12 perhaps former Bayonne Global at Fort Eustis? Also noted on 15043. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)05708 ADW: Andrews AFB HF-GHS 2013 ALE/USB ALE to PNR400 , PANTHER 400, Georgetown, Bahamas. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)05708 E30352DAT: USAF E3B Sentry Tail 77-0352 2202 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command. (30NOV05) (RB)05711 DRJ: Unidentified 0226 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 6800. SHARES ALE Net. (01DEC05) (RB)05711 KNY82: Nat'l Telecommunications Coordination Network Lenexa, KS 2241 ALE/USB Sounding. SHARES ALE Net. (01DEC05) (RB)05711 NNN0ZLS: Navy MARS stn, Yorktown, Va 2323 ALE/USB Sounding. SHARES. (30NOV05) (RB)05717: VXA: Halifax Military SAR Edmonton AB Can 1114 J3e wkg Military Rescue 323 (wx fcst for Greenwood and Boston Ma) (08/jan/06) (sw)05718.4 AM2: Algerian Military/MOI 1745 ALE/USB calling UM2 (07/Jan/06) (AA)05718.4 BJ20: Algerian Military/MOI 1745 ALE/USB calling UM22 (07/Jan/06) (AA)05718.4 BJ22: Algerian Military/MOI 1748 ALE/USB calling UM22 (07/Jan/06) (AA)05718.4 JE21: Algerian Military/MOI 1750 ALE/USB calling UM22 (07/Jan/06) (AA)05718.4 UM22: Alg-Mil 2310 ALE/USB clg UM32 (08/jan/06) (sw)05718.9 10D: 10 Div Italian Air Force 1545 ALE/USB "TO:IGFIAFALE/USB TIS:10D" (06/Jan/06) (AA)05718.9 10DIVIAFALE: 10 Division Italian Air Force 1553 ALE/USB "TO:IGFIAFALE TIS:10DIVIAFALE" Wkg Unid. (06/Jan/06) (AA)05718.9 8DIVIAFALE: 8 Division Italian Air Force 1546 ALE/USB "TIS:8DIVIAFALE" (06/Jan/06) (AA)05720 7T-VJX: Air Algérie A330 Flt AH8055 2101 HFDL Signs on to Reykjavik. (19Dec05) (RGA)05720.0 BT9P: RAF Cranwell, G 1000 J3E-USB sx wkg CWL86 with trackingdetails.(22/JUNE/2005)(ALF)05732 718: USCG HC-130H 1718, CGAS Clearwater 2313 ALE/USB ALE to LNT, CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA. 1718 wkg CAMSLANT, flt ops, 2132N/7484W. COTHEN Net. (01DEC05) (RB)05732 CS2: COTHEN Remote, Memphis, TN. 2255 ALE/USB sounding. COTHEN Net. (04DEC05) (RB)05732 J15: USCG HH-60J 6015 CGAS Clearwater 0005 ALE/USB ALE to OPB (OPBAT/PANTHER). Up in voice as 15 CHARLIE wkg PANTHER for flt ops, 32nm bearing 287 from "VR". COTHEN Net. (04DEC05) (RB)05732 J38: USCG HH-60J 6038 CGAS Clearwater 0000 ALE/USB ALE to LNT, CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA, SERVICE CENTER comes up adv s/by for CAMSLANT. CAMSLANT up wkg JULIET 38 w/flt ops, 2807N/8249W. COTHEN Net. (01DEC05) (RB)05732 J42: USCG MH-60J 6042 CGAS E-City 1400 ALE/USB ALE to LNT, CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA. Up as JULIET 42, airborne fm parent command E-City w/5 POB, enrt Portsmouth for 1 pax. COTHEN Net. (29NOV05) (RB)05732 M46: CBP Beech A200 N1546 2259 ALE/USB ALE test back to aircraft. COTHEN Net. (29NOV05) (RB)05744.9 : Unid 1332 RTTY/50/425 ryry only until 1410, then idling, off air @1605 (28Dec05) (KB)05750 2Z4: Prob US Army 1515 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)05750 2Z4CP1: Prob US Army 1515 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)05760 CC1: Unid Rockwell Collins Net facility 0421 ALE/USB ALE to DT1. Rockwell-Collins Net. (04DEC05) (RB)05760 DT1: Unid Rockwell-Collins Net Station 1218 ALE/USB ALE TO CO2. Rockwell-Collins Net. (04DEC05) (RB)05760 PCRC2: Regional Command Post, Military Region 2 2356 ALE/USB ALE to SCLC212. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)

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WUN-v1205762 035: Unid 1227 ALE/USB clg 082 and 100 often, aparently in a 10-minute-cycle. Monitored until 0700 07Jan; few responses and no other calls seen (06Jan06) (KB)05762 035: Unid 1957 ALE/USB [TO] field is blank - one-way link protection? Some bursts don't decode - full link protection? Anomaly first noted by Klaus earlier this evening. First time seen here. At 2007 called 100 who responded. At 2007 and 2017 blank [TO] slots. 2038 one burst - no decode. (07Jan06) (RGA)05768 : MFA Bern, SUI 0743 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Bruxelles, net using ALE + linking protection (22Dec05) (LDO)05768 : Swiss mission to the EU in Bruxelles, BEL 0742 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, rcvng crypto e-mail tfc fm Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (22Dec05) (LDO)05768.0 no-call: MFA Bern, SUI 0743 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Bruxelles, net using ALE + linking protection (22Dec05) (LDO)05768.0 no-call: Swiss mission to the EU in Bruxelles,BEL 0742 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A(22Dec05) (LDO)05784 000: Unid 1842 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)05792 2411: Egyptian Border Guard or Protection Civile Morocaine 2216 ALE/USB Sounding. (29Dec05) (RGA)05792.0 2202@: unid MRC military MRC 21:25 USB/ALE Sounding (6 Jan) (PPA)05807 : The xx7 Oddity. Unid propagation logger, RUS or UKR 0927 FSK burst @100 bps, then in 10 s/1 MHz steps up to 20807 at 0930:02. 17807 kHz uncertain (QRM), 9807 and 14807 no longer skipped as observed in 10/2005 (26Dec05) (KB)05807 ZKLF: Wellington Meteo 0901 FAX/120/576 surface/sea state analysis in noise (26Dec05) (KB)05832.4 DDA03: DWD Schleswig 0901 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from WMO station 10035 Schleswig (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA14: DWD Hamburg 0902 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10147 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA22: DWD Bremen 0904 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10224 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA31: DWD Muenster-Osnabrueck 0904 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10315 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA33: DWD Hannover 0905 RTTY/100/170 sends call sign, city name and foxes, but no WMO station number (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA50: DWD Aachen 0906 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10501 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA54: DWD Wasserkuppe 0907 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10544 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA60: DWD Trier 0908 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msgs from 10609 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA64: DWD (National Meteorological Service) Offenbach 0901 RTTY/100/170 polling DWD stns. At 0919 calling DDA02/20/42/72/92 who did not reply in first round (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA65: DWD Wuerzburg 0909 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10655 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA72: DWD Mannheim 0921 RTTY/100/170 greetings and dummy wx msg from 10729 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA73: DWD Stuttgart 0910 RTTY/100/170 foxes and dummy wx msg from 10739 after stn id (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA77: DWD Regensburg 0912 RTTY/100/170 greetings, stn id and dummy wx msg from 10776 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA80: DWD Freiburg 0912 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10805 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA86: DWD Munich 0915 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10865 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA89: DWD Fuerstenzell 0916 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx

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WUN-v12 msg from 10895 (10Jan06) (KB)05832.4 DDA96: DWD Garmisch-Partenkirchen 0918 RTTY/100/170 dummy wx msg from 10963 (10Jan06) (KB)05845 75SA: Unid 0907 USB clg unid (callsign lost in BC QRM) in EE for r/c. Mentioning "secondary frequency" (06Jan06) (KB)05847 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdemoro 1858 ALE/USB Sounds 5847 and 5352 kHz. (09Jan06) (RGA)05847.0 M010AN: USA-Nat'l Guard Maine ? 2031 ALE/USB clg R010IN Rhode Island (03/jan/06) (sw)05850 OXT: Copenhagen Meteo 0947 FAX/120/576 Cape Farewell ice. Next chart announced for 27 Dec. End at 1004 (26Dec05) (KB)05850 R23473: Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk Tail 85-23473 2221 ALE/USB ALE to TF131, Coy "F" 1/131st Aviation Reg, AL NG. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0930 ALE/USB clg TWVB2 Burgos (04/jan/06) (sw)05865.0 TYVC2: Spa-Pol Castellon 2033 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid also noted on 05286.0 (03/jan/06) (sw)05871.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2321 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (21/dec/05) (sw)05871.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2332 ALE/USB clg TZSG2 Granada (21/dec/05) (sw)05871.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2343 ALE/USB clg TZSJ2 (21/dec/05) (sw)05871.0 TYMG1: Spa-Pol Guadalajara 2319 ALE/USB clg TX2 (21/dec/05) (sw)05880 : Unid 1430 ARQ-E/85.7/160 idling (30Dec05) (KB)05887.5 IMB2: I IN Rome meteo 1927 rtty 50/850 synop (21Dec05) (MAL)05890.0 ---: ALG unid station 2204 Coq 8 26.6 (21Dec05) (MAL)05892 CLC13M: Local Communications Center, 13th Inf Bde Mobile 1033 ALE/USB ALE to CLC52M, Local Comms Center, 52nd Jungle Inf. Bde, Mobile. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)05892 CLC13M: Local Communications Center, 13th Inf Bde Mobile 1040 ALE/USB ALE to CRC5M, Regional Comms Center, 5th Military Region. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0945 ALE/USB clg TWBE2 (24/dec/05) (sw)05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 2353 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)05907 LCR154: Polish Mil Warsaw 1229 ALE/USB snd (18Dec05) (KB)05930 035: Unid 1117 ALE/USB clg 082. At 1247 clg 100 (09Jan06) (KB)06224 AAA: Israeli AF 1527 ALE/USB Sounds. (07Jan06) (RGA)06224 BB1: 124 Sqn IAF Palachim 1913 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Jan06) (RGA)06224 BB1: 124 Sqn IAF Palachim 2013 ALE/USB Sounds. (04Jan06) (RGA)06243.0 XGH: UNID 1202 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XSS (04/Jan)(DW)06243.0 XSS: Unid 0958 ALE/USB sndg. (22/dec/05) (sw)06243.0 XSS: UNID 1202 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to XGH (04/Jan)(DW)06243.0 XSS: UNID 1455 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (24/Dec)(DW)06243.0 XSS: Unid 1457 ALE/USB sndg. (12/jan/06) (sw)06243.0 XSS: Unid 1520 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)06243.0 XSS: Unid 2331 ALE/USB sndg. (12/jan/06) (sw)06243.0 XXS: Unid 1007 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)06288 AAA: 0627 ALE/USB sounding (14/Jan/06) (AA)06288.0 AAA: : Isr-af Tel Aviv 1718 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)06298.5 NDD: Bra-N (prob abbrv for NDDRIO) 2337 ALE/USB clg ERMSAL (18/jan/06) (sw)06298.5 NDD: Bra-N (prob abbrv for NDDRIO) 2342 ALE/USB clg NTMRJO G-27 Marajo (18/jan/06) (sw)

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WUN-v1206298.5 NDD: Bra-N (prob abbrv for NDDRIO) 2344 ALE/USB clg FRADEM F-49 Rademaker (18/jan/06) (sw)06298.5 NDDRIO: Bra-N 2339 ALE/USB clg FDEFEN F-41 Defensora (18/jan/06) (sw)06298.5 NDDRIO: Bra-N 2340 ALE/USB clg NDCCMM G-28 Mattaso Maia (18/jan/06) (sw)06300.0 SADAF23RS704PR: Uzb-Mil 2338 ALE/USB clg OMEGA50RS704PR (11/jan/06) (sw)06316.0 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1010 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (24/Dec)(DW)06316.2 IDR: IN ROME 1439 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L 5N1 ITA2. CARB (21/Dec)(DW)06316.5 VJS: Global wireless Perth AUS 16:35 GW-Pactor /100/200 channel free marker (17 Dec) (PPA)06328.5 : Murmansk Meteo 1347 FAX 120/576/R surface prog. N Atlantic to Barents Sea. Hand-inserted VT not readable (14Jan06) (KB)06328.5 : Murmansk Meteo 1446 FAX/120/576/R Unid (ice?) chart, dividing Barents Sea near Murmansk into areas (26Dec05) (KB)06343.3 ---: Unid station 1937 PSK 2400/30000, AM methot (21Dec05) (MAL)06348.0 ---: Unid station 1939 PSK 2400/30000, AM methot (21Dec05) (MAL)06348.0 FUE: FN BREST 1450 STANAG 4285 on usb. 600/L 5N2 ITA2. Marker (21/Dec)(DW)06348.0 fue: FN Brest 1556 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC.001 ..ALL DE FUE (3Jan06) (wp3)06358.5 PBB: DN GOEREE ISLAND 1018 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB (24/Dec)(DW)06362.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2054 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(DW)06363.5 JFG: Shizuokaken Fisheries 2000 CW Active with msg's. Using hand key. (08Jan06) (AB3)06365.0 VTH: IND IN Numbai 1943 rtty 50/850 (21Dec05) (MAL)06368.5 HEB26: GLN BERN 1943 CW Pactor-II/III marker. CW ID "cq de HEB26" every 3 mins (22/Dec)(DW)06379 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2041 CW vvv de 4xz 4xz = = (12jan06) (PIRI)06379.0 4XZ: IN HAIFA 1955 CW Marker "vvv de 4XZ ==" (22/Dec)(DW)06379.0 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2041 morse vvv de 4xz 4xz = = (12jan06 (piri)06379.0 4XZ: ISR Naval HQ Haifa 1622 CW (10Ene06) (MAL)06379.0 4XZ: ISR NAVY Haifa 2251 CW id marker (06-jan-2006)(MSM)06387 JEAN MARIE 84: PIRATE STATION 1056 USB Qso with other pirate in French. (08-01-06) (BEF)06390 AQP4: PN Karachi PAK 2020 CW vvv vvv vvv AQP2/4 (12Jan06) (PIRI)06390.0 AQP4: PN Karachi PAK 2020 morse vvv vvv vvv AQP2/4 (12jan06) (piri)06417.0 XSL: Japanese navy J 17:02 USB/Japanese PSK no decode , in parallel on 6250 and 6445 (15 JAN) (PPA)06418 VTP5: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 2044 CW vvv vvv vvv vtp4/5/6 (12Jan06) (PIRI)06418.0 VTP5: IN Vishakhapatnma IND 2044 Morse vvv vvv vvv vtp4/5/6 (12jan06) (piri)06418.0 VTP5: IN VIZAKHAPATNAM 1652 CW Wx fcst (17/Jan)(DW)06425 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 2249 ALE/USB Sounding. (16Jan06) (RGA)06425 XSS: Unid 1459 ALE/USB Sounds 6425 and 6243 kHz. (07Jan06) (RGA)06425 XSS: Unid 2132 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Jan06) (RGA)06425.0 XSS: UNID 1034 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1044, 1049, 1100, 1104, 1115. 1215 sounding [tru] 9W9 (24/Dec)(DW)06425.0 XSS: Unid 1515 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)06444.1 unid: unid station 20:54 F1B / 300 / 200 burst mode ACF=17 no decode,in parallel with 4342.1

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WUN-v12 (20 Dec) (PPA)06454.0 ---: UNID 1445 CW Continuous strings of "L4DB" then short msg of var length grps of figs (24/Dec)(DW)06454.0 ---: UNID 1509 CW Continuous strings of "O9UY" then "ar" and offair 1511 (24/Dec)(DW)06456.2 Unid: 1624 PSK 2400/3000, very strong (10Ene06) (MAL)06456.2 UNID: 2008 STANAG 4285 600/L/ITA2/5N1 KG84 RYRYRYRYRY and long idle periods (20Jan06) (piri)06464.0 VIE: Global wireless Darwin AUS 16:55 GW-Pactor /100/200 channel free marker (17 Dec) (PPA)06464.0 VIE: Globe wireless Darwin AUS 17:35 GW- Pactor/100/200 channel free marker with Hexadecimal identification C9 (15 JAN) (PPA)06467.0 VTG5: Indian navy Mumbai IND 16:56 CW/A1A vvv de vtg 4/5/6/7 (15 JAN) (PPA)06469.0 SAP Marinecom: 1414 morse id CQ DE SAP WWW MARINECOM SE with free signal (27Dec05)(AI)06469.0 SAP: Marinecom Malm” Sweden 1414 PACTOR w/Morse id CQ DE SAP WWW MARINECOM SE with free signal (27Dec05) (AI)06470.0 UWS3: Kiev radio UKR 15:45 CW fast (36 wpm) tfc in Russian to URRT(17 Dec) (PPA)06470.5 SAP: Marinecom Malmo S 14:57 Pactor/100/200 every 3 minutes CWmarker CQ DE SAP WWW.MARINECOM.SE (7 Jan) (PPA)06470.5 SAP: XNet Node - MarineCom Malmoe, S 1039 PACTOR idles and CW-id"cq de SAP www marinecom se". (16/Dec/05)(DL8AAM)06474.0 KSM: San Francisco, California 0022z July 13, 2005 CW with "CQ DE QSX" marker [SN]06492.0 Unid: 1629 PSK 2400/3000, (10Ene06) (MAL)06507 VTP: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 2244 RTTY/50/850 Messages to warships on collective VWGZ. (15Dec05) (RGA)06507.1 VTP13: Indian navy Vishakhapatnam IND 17:00 ITA2/50/900e test ryryry vtp13/14 rbsl vnr vnr sgsgsg (17 Dec) (PPA)06507.1 VTP13: Indian navy Vishakhapatnam IND 17:30 ITA2/50/900e ryryry vtp13/14 rbsl vnr vnr sgsgsg vtp13/14 (15 JAN) (PPA)06507.1 VTP: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 2029 rtty 50 Baud vtp13/14 rbsl vnr ry (12jan06) (piri)06507.1 VTP: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 2029 RTTY/50 vtp13/14 rbsl vnr ry (12Jan06) (PIRI)06529 A6-ERF: Emirates A340 Flt UAE204 2116 HFDL Posn report via Las Palmas: 4810N 00620W. (19Dec05) (RGA)06529 D-ALCM: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F 2126 HFDL Logs on. (19Dec05) (RGA)06529 N252UP: UPS MD11 Flt UP0005 2121 HFDL Posn report 2123N 11445E via Las Palmas. (19Dec05) (RGA)06529 N57852: Continental B757 2125 HFDL Logs on. (19Dec05) (RGA)06529 N667US: NorthWest B747 2241 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (29Dec05) (RGA)06529 OH-LBR: Finnair B757 Flt AY1980 2134 HFDL Posn report 1432N 02414W via Las Palmas. (19Dec05) (RGA)06529 VT-JWA: Jet Air India A340 2138 HFDL Logs on. (19Dec05) (RGA)06532 7T-VJW: Air Algérie A330 Flt AH8194 2229 HFDL Logs on to Shannon. (29Dec05) (RGA)06532 A6-ERC: Emirates A340 Flt UAE317 0024 HFDL Posn report 2833N 06603E via Shannon. (18Dec05) (RGA)06532 A6-ERG: Emirates A340 Flt EK0203 2232 HFDL Logs on to Shannon. (29Dec05) (RGA)06532 A6-ERI: Emirates A340 Flt EK0316 0023 HFDL Logs on. (18Dec05) (RGA)06532 A6-ERJ: Emirates A340-451 Flt EK0203 2137 HFDL Logs on. (19Dec05) (RGA)06532 CO1500: Continental Flt 2151 HFDL Posn report 3926N 07554W via Shannon. (19Dec05) (RGA)

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WUN-v1206532 D-ALCQ: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8270 2013 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Shannon. (16Jan06) (RGA)06532 LX-UCV: CargoLux B747-4R7F 'City of Bertrange' Flt CV0792 2201 HFDL Logs on to Shannon. (19Dec05) (RGA)06532 N325UP: UPS B767 Flt UP0012 0020 HFDL Logs on. (18Dec05) (RGA)06532 N604FE: Federal Express MD11F Flt FX0035 0012 HFDL Logs on to Shannon. (18Dec05) (RGA)06532 VT-JWA: Jet Airways India A340 Flt 9W0121 2010 HFDL Posn report: 5004N 01205E. (16Jan06) (RGA)06532 ZS-SNC: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0210 2236 HFDL Posn report 1700N 02332W via Shannon. (29Dec05) (RGA)06535 DAKAR: MWARA AFI-1 2147 USB Wkg PORTUGAL 163. To maintain FL360 and contact ATLANTICO on 13357 5565 kHz. (19Dec05) (RGA)06565.0 244: Unid 1549 ALE/USB clg 587 (29/dec/05) (sw)06565.0 288: PRC NET? ?LOC 0007 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 514. 0011 clng 686 (03/Jan)(DW)06623.0 8QM: unid ROU military 09:01 USB/ALE calling TAK (29 Dec) (PPA)06623.0 TAK: unid ROU military 09:02 USB/ALE answer to 8QM (29 Dec) (PPA)06640.0 nocall: prob NYC ATC 2252 USB last few words of tx, qsyed to 03455.0 where copied at the noise level (06-jan-2006)(MSM)06649 : Unid 1657 ALE/USB not able to decode (15/Jan/06) (AA)06649 : Unid 1841 ALE/USB not able to decode (15/Jan/06) (AA)06666.0 Unid: 1631 voice andalucian fisherman (10Ene06) (MAL)06675.0 FLA: unid station 17:36 USB/ALE calling BTS (17 Dec) (PPA)06676.0 no call: Australian volmet AUS 17:02 USB/J3E male computer voice,Metar observations Adelaide and Sydney (17 Dec) (PPA)06676.0 no call: Bangkok volmet THA 17:11 USB/J3E female computer voice with Bangkok weather (17 Dec) (PPA)06690.0 Magic 52: NATO AWACS 1206 J3E-USB clg DHN66. (16/JUN/2005)(ALF)06709 708: USCG HC-130H 1708, CGAS Kodiak 0420 ALE/USB ALE to 711, USCG HC-130H 1711, CGAS Kodiak. TISCOM Net. (03DEC05) (RB)06712 30: Danish Military 1539 ALE/USB Calls collective DK11. (19Dec05) (RGA)06712.0 28: Danish Forces 1212 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 30 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06712.0 30: Danish Forces 1211 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DK11 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06712.0 30: Danish Forces 1212 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DK11 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06712.0 30: Dnk-Mil 2023 ALE/USB clg 28 (21/dec/05) (sw06712.0 68: DANISH ARMY ?LOC 0756 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 50 (24/Dec)(DW)06712.0 68: Danish Forces 1211 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 30 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06715 523563DAT: USAF KC135 Tail 62-3563, modified? 2237 ALE/USB ALE to OFFSPR, Offutt SIPR. SIPR Net. (29NOV05) (RB)06715 ADW: 0748 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 ADWSPR: 0748 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 CROSPR: 0805 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 HAWSPR: SIPR Net, Ascension Island 2156 ALE/USB Sounding. (29NOV05) (RB)06715 ICZSPR: 0825 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 IKFSPR: 0802 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 JDGSPR: US SIPRNet Station Diego Garcia 1509 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Jan06) (RGA)06715 JNRSPR: SIPR Net, Salinas, PR 2301 ALE/USB Sounding. (29NOV05) (RB)06715 JNRSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Puerto Rico 2124 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Jan06) (RGA)

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WUN-v1206715 PATHFINDER 34: Unid 0136 USB Provides prob position report to TRENTON MILITARY. (Only heard him give 06023 as posit.) (12Jan06) (JG)06715 PLASPR: 0812 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06715 WRL: Warner-Robins AFB, Ga 0158 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)06715.0 PLASPR: US HFGCS LAJES 0021 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0106, 0236, 0445, 0537 (24/Dec)(DW)06717 STANORD: Danish AF Station Nord, GRL 1304 ALE/USB clg FOTAB (Thule) (09Jan06) (KB)06717 STANORD: Danish AF Station Nord, GRL 1449 ALE/USB clg FOTAB Danish AF Thule. Also at 1502 (27Dec05) (KB)06717.0 STANORD: Dnk-Af 2040 ALE/USB clg FOTAB (09/jan/06) (sw)06717.0 STANORD: Dnk-AF Station Nord, GRL1339 ALE/USB clg FOTAB (11/jan/06) (sw)06717.0 STCNOR: Dnk-Af 2040 ALE/USB clg FOTAB (09/jan/06) (sw)06720.0 210004: Unid 2329 ALE/USB sndg. (16/jan/06) (sw)06721 AED: HF-GCS Elmendorf AFB, AK 0120 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)06721 PLA: 1808 ALE/USB sounding, once per hour ? (15/Jan/06) (AA)06721.0 160026: US ACRFT C5 86-0026 0021 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)06721.0 170031: US ACRFT C5 87-0031 2346 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (23/Dec)(DW)06721.0 JNR: US HFGCS SALINAS 0819 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)06721.0 MPA: US HFGCS FALKLANDS 0455 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 0559, 0656 (24/Dec)(DW)06722 : Unid 1731 ALE/USB not able to decode (15/Jan/06) (AA)06722.6 No Call: unid 1229 Stanag-4285/600bps (19/JAN/06) (KK)06724.0 Boulmer: RAF Boulmer 1225 USB wkg H6H (19/JAN/06) (KK)06748 MPA: Unid 2301 ALE/USB Sounding. Italian AF? (17Jan06) (RGA)06749.0 Unid: north african net, 2000 CHX200 ARQ 250/170 (10Ene06) (MAL)06760.0 RAF Boulmer: G 1146 J3E-USB OM/EE with tracking details"DEA467..."; "KKL636 callsign C11 ...MKJM4949..." to L1W. (16/JUN/2005)(ALF)06761 RUH985: Prob UH-60L 03-26985 1-228th AVN Btn 0114 ALE/USB ALE to SKYWAT, SKYWATCH, Army Flight Following Service, Soto Cano, Honduras. SKYWATCH Net. (01DEC05) (RB)06761 RUH985: Prob UH-60L 03-26985 1-228th AVN Btn 2148 ALE/USB ALE to SKYWAT, SKYWATCH, Army Flight Following Service, Soto Cano, Honduras. SKYWATCH Net. (29NOV05) (RB)06761.0 Reach 351: USAF a/c 1151 J3E-USB OM clg 2E4 (?). (16/JUN/2005)(ALF)06765.0 CGQ1: UNID 0608 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (02/Jan)(DW)06767.5 USAIS1012: US Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM) Ft. Belvoir 1523 ALE/USB ALE to USAMD1010, US Army Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC) Arlington, Va. Continuity of Ops Net. (30NOV05) (RB)06770 CC1: Unid Rockwell Collins Net station 0039 ALE/USB Sounding. Rockwell-Collins Net. (04DEC05) (RB)06770 DT1: Unid Rockwell-Collins Net Station 1259 ALE/USB ALE to CO2. Rockwell-Collins Net. (02DEC05) (RB)06775.3 Israeli intel: ISR 17:50 4vft Psk modem /75/88 encrypted ACF=112 pilot tone 300 hertz lower , off air at 17:55 (15 JAN) (PPA)06785 G336: Unid Corps of Engineers 0918 ALE/USB Sounding. US Army Corps of Engineers Ch.7. (04DEC05) (RB)06792 0000210401: Greek Police Net 1545 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec05) (RGA)

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WUN-v1206792 0000210688: 1659 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)06792.0 2526: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2302 ALE/USB clg 2525 (18/jan/06) (sw)06792.0 2527: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2255 ALE/USB clg 2528 (18/jan/06) (sw)06796 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdemoro 1729 ALE/USB Calls TWBZ2/Unid. (30Dec05) (RGA)06800 COMETA: Unid Mexican Military 0247 ALE/USB ALE to ESTRELLA. (01DEC05) (RB)06800.0 DRJ: ALE 15 Dec 05 0122 and 0222 DRJ sounding. (HS)06802 : Rus. intel, RUS 16473 BAUDOT 200.33Bd/500Hz, auto broadcasting multi figure group message to recipient "99" (29Dec05) (LDO)06802.0 no-call: Rus. intel, RUS 16473 BAUDOT 200.33B/500Hz, auto broadcasting multi figure group message to recipient "99" (29Dec05) (LDO)06830 : Unid 1636 USB Russian man group 5 number x 2. (20/12/05) (BEF)06835.0 B32: Unid 1504 ALE/USB clg B99 (12/jan/06) (sw)06835.0 B99: Unid 1453 ALE/USB clg B12 (12/jan/06) (sw)06840 NYZ: Unid Chinese 1920 CW Calling, Q2M. Also active on 4860 kHz. (31Dec05) (AB3)06865.0 300: Unid 1543 ALE/USB sndg. (07/jan/06) (sw)06865.0 500: UNID 0038 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (01/Jan)(DW)06865.0 FLA: UNID 1846 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BTS. Also at 1940 2103 (31/Dec)(DW)06870 CLC13M: Local Communications Center, 13th Inf Bde Mobile 1115 ALE/USB ALE to CRC5M, Regional Comms Center, 5th Military Region. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06870 CLC13M: Local Communications Center, 13th Inf Bde Mobile 1121 ALE/USB ALE to CLC52M, Local Comms Center, 52nd Jungle Inf. Bde, Mobile. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06870 CLC24M: Local Comms Ctr Mobile 24th Infantry Bde Mobile 0237 ALE/USB Mobile, ALE to CRC. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06870 CLC52M: Local Comms Center, 52nd Jungle Inf Bde Mobile 1121 ALE/USB ALE to CLC13M, Local Communications Center, 13th Inf Bde. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06870 CLC: Local Communications Center -? 1133 ALE/USB ALE to CLC52M, Local Comms Center, 52nd Jungle Inf. Bde, Mobile. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06870 RESERVA10: Venezuelan Army, 10th Infantry Btn. Reserves 1055 ALE/USB ALE to CLC24M, Local Comms Ctr Mobile 24th Infantry Bde Mobile. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)06873.0 RMP: Russian Navy Kaliningrad, RUS 1645 CW open RR wx-QTC to REO "qtc 981 41 25 2t11 981 = prip kaliningrad 70 karta 24128 ..(25/May/2005)(ALF)06874.0 TYMA1: Spa-Pol Avila 2327 ALE/USB clg TZSA2 Almeria (21/dec/05) (sw)06874.0 TYMG1: Spa-Pol Guadalajara 2325 ALE/USB clg TX2 (21/dec/05) (sw)06880.0 CS003: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0743 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS0014. 0750 clng RS0012. 0804 clng RS0016. 0819 clng RS0017 (27/Dec)(DW)06880.0 Q30: Mkd-Mil 1543 ALE/USB clg RS0 (22/dec/05) (sw)06888.0 No Call: unid VEN, undec. 0916 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141 clg PNRN2: Puesto Nav.Rio Negro, weak read. (10/JAN/06) (KK)06893.0 SB3: Geo-Mil 2023 1617 ALE/USb clg GS2 (20/dec/05) (sw)06894 7ET5: Unid, Venezuelan Navy 0326 ALE/LSB ALE TO 1HG9. Also noted on 8280, 8340, 8810, 9355, 9380, 9400. Venezuelan Navy. (01DEC05)(RB)06895 PR1: Venezuelan Navy Radio Station 1 2348 ALE/USB ALE to DHN, Venezuelan Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate. Venezuelan Navy. (29NOV05) (RB)

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WUN-v1206897.8 UNID: 2035 PACTOR II HAM-mode. Mailbox menu, sending a compressed msg. no calls. (20Jan06) (piri)06910 02HAWK: Unid. 1/131st asset 1910 ALE/USB ALE to T1Z131, 1/131st AVN. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)06924 RFP: Unid 1842 ALE/USB Calls JCP. (19Dec05) (RGA)06925 ORAN2A: Algerian Gendarmerie/MOI 1519 ALE/USB Calls RS903A. (07Jan06) (RGA)06929 : Czech KFOR-net, CZE/SCG 0711 Rohde & Schwarz ARQ system 228.65Bd/170Hz, op chat in Czech using 8bit mode (02Jan06) (LDO)06929 URNA52: UNID Czech MIL, CZE 1309 USB, reading out 5 letter groups in Czech phonetic alphabet, possibly KFOR related (30Dec05) (LDO)06929.0 no-call: Czech KFOR-net, CZE/SCG 0711 Rohde &Schwarz ARQ system 228.65Bd/170Hz, op chat in Czech using 8bit mode (02Jan06) (LDO)06929.0 URNA52: UNID Czech MIL, CZE 1309 USB, reading out 5 letter groups in Czech phonetic alphabet, possibly KFOR related (30Dec05) (LDO)06935.0 DV9: Est-Mil 1511 ALE/USB clg VC6 (29/dec/05) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 0956 0951 ALE/USB clg RX1 (24/dec/05) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1511 ALE/USB clg DV9 (29/dec/05) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1933 ALE/USB clg OV5 (03/jan/06) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1936 ALE/USB clg RX1 also noted on 03900.0 (03/jan/06) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1941 ALE/USB clg RX1 (21/dec/05) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1947 ALE/USB clg OV5 (12/jan/06) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 2329 ALE/USB clg RX1 (21/dec/05) (sw)06945.0 Russian/CIS Domestic Aero Net: CIS 1545 J3E-USB sx YL/RR unid players, ment. "Pjatigorsk". (17/MAY/2005)(ALF)06945.0 SHPORA: Rostov-na-Dono Aero, RUS 1635 J3E-USB sx YL/RR wkg ATRAPIN.(17/MAY/2005)(ALF)06947.5 OL1B: CZE Mil? 0804 P-I/100Bd/CF=800Hz <Calling:OL1A> mny times, no cnt (10/JAN/06) (KK)06949.5 No Call: GNF 1100 USB/8-Fsk ALE (11/JAN/06) (KK)06950.0 2055: Guarfi, I 1224 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 2009 [AMD]DIAL4 (11/JAN/06) (KK)06955.0 TWVP2: GC, E. 1329 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg TXX2 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06955.0 TYMA2: Spa-Pol Avila 2316 ALE/USB clg TYMR2 Ciudad Real (21/dec/05) (sw)06960.4 unid: unid FRONET station S 11:48 Pactor1 / 200 / 200 Calling F18HCA no contact (30 DEC) (PPA)06961.5 PR1: Venezuelan Navy Radio Station 1 2342 ALE/USB ALE to DHN, Venezuelan Hydrographic & Navigation Directorate. Venezuelan Navy. (29NOV05) (RB)06967.5 ICI: Italian CG HQ Roma, I 1452 J3E-USB sx OM/II wkg "Massa (?)1002".(17/May/2005)(ALF)06968.5 FB2: unid 1516 CW CQ- and time-marker "cq cq cq de FB2=17 may 2005 1716 27z = ar" etc. stopped after "cq .... = 1719 29z = ar". Even they gave zulu-time in the marker it was exactly CEST. (17/MAY/2005)(DL8AAM)06970.0 B12: Pol Mil "Brawo-Net" 1452 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg B99: All Stations? (12/JAN/06) (KK)06970.0 B32: Pol Mil "Brawo-Net" 1350 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg B99: All Stations?(12/JAN/06) (KK)06970.0 B32: Pol Mil "Brawo-Net" 1503 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg B99: All Stations? (12/JAN/06) (KK)06970.0 B64: Pol Mil "Brawo-Net" 1337 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg B64 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06970.5 FDG: FAF Bordeaux, F 1435 C vvv-mkr. (11/May/2005)(DL8AAM)06983.0 E7AK: CIS Military 1500 CW "YIIV de E7AK qta 289 k", later 5LGs qtc; duplex (11/MAY/2005)(ALF)06983.0 GV1: Geo-Net 2100 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (12/jan/06) (sw)06983.0 QPE3: CIS Military 1455 CW qtc "186 28 11 1823 186 =... (5LGs) ..." to SQ2B; duplex (11/MAY/2005)(ALF)06985 FCSFEM: Communications Supervisor, FEMA HQ,

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WUN-v12 Washington DC 1454 ALE/USB ALE to USAIS1012, US Army Intelligence & Security Command. (30NOV05) (RB)06985 T12: 12th AVN Btn, Davison AAF/Ft Belvoir, VA 1707 ALE/USB "HYDRAMATIC" ALE to R23732, Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk Tail 82-23732. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)06987.0 Zero-Zero: unid French "official" Net, F 1530 J3E- USB sx YL/FF wkg unid(maybe callsign "2" ?) with "control radio, passe" (=radio-check), end with "terminee". Hrd that net here before in April 2005. (17/May/2005)(ALF)06988.5 No Call: GNF 1100 USB/8-Fsk ALE (11/JAN/06) (KK)06990.0 DIAKON55: Pol Mil 1108 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg ABEL60 (11/JAN/06) (KK)06991.0 0ZK: UK Military 2115 J3E-USB OM/EE sx wkg in multinational military (exercise?) net wkg 2LN (French) etc. with tracking details; refer to call G1C 2127z 0ZK wkg G1C (UK).06992 G-DBCB: British Midland A319 1150 USB Working Sea Cadets stations MFJ04/National Net Control Epsom and MFT53/Falmouth & Penryn. Aircraft over France on approach to London/Heathrow/LHR/EGLL. An aeronautical mobile station communicating with fixed stations in a fixed service band seems of dubious legality. (15Jan06) (RGA)06993.0 B32: Pol Mil "Brawo-Net" 1336 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg B64 (12/JAN/06) (KK)06994 WARSZAWA2: R&S Net Warsaw 1608 ALE/USB Calls BYDGOSZCZ. R&S/MOI Bydgoszcz. (07Jan06) (RGA)06994.0 WARSZAWA3: Pol-Moi 1931 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)06998 SSA49: SPIRITO DIVINO PIRATE 1215 CW Msg in Italian. (08-01-06) (BEF)07000.0 2009: GUARFI 1250 USB ALE clg 2055 (19/JAN/06) (KK)07000.0 2011: Guarfi, I 1324 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 2011 (12/JAN/06) (KK)07000.0 2509: Guarfi, I 1320 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 3000 [AMD]DIAL4 (12/JAN/06) (KK)07000.0 2700: UNID 1118 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2704. Also at 1119, 1119 [CMDAMD]PJSITI], 1136 (29/Dec)(DW)07012.5 K7Y: unid "NATO", Europe 0250 J3E-USB EE sx wkg R6I, pos.rep In 40m HAM band. (26/Oct/2005)(DL8AAM)07018.0 REA: AFHQ Moscow RUS 14:40 F1A/1000 5F msg followed by F1B/50/1000 idle (8 Jan) (PPA)07075.0 L9CC: Chinese Military, tent. Navy, CHN 1839 CW vvv- mkr to CP17 Intuder in 40m HAM-band. (4/July/2005)(DL8AAM)07086.5 unid: "Global Link Network" Node, CHN 2030 xTOR idles. (7/Dec/05)(ALF)07089.0 Unid: NATO, Northern Turkey, TUR 2030 Link-11 2k4 - D8PSK bursts.(7/Dec/05)(ALF)07320 AAR6TF: [QTH?] 1703z Nov 9, 2005 working AAR6ZM USB with net check-in [SN]07320 AAR6ZM: New Mexico 1658z Nov 9, 2005 working AAR6TF USB with net check-in [SN]07320 NNN0ZZR: [QTH?] 1705Z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]07360 TF131: Coy "F" 1/131st Aviation Reg, AL NG 2301 ALE/USB Birmingham, AL. Sounding. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)07361.5 T12: 12th AVN Btn, Davison AAF/Ft Belvoir, VA 1705 ALE/USB "HYDRAMATIC" ALE to R23732, Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk Tail 82-23732. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)07455.0 CS004A: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0811 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to RS0016D (16/Jan)(DW)07455.0 RS0016D: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0811 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CS004A (16/Jan)(DW)07460.0 AAA: ISRAELI AF TEL AVIV 0136 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0437 (16/Jan)(DW)07460.0 unid: French military F 11:46 ITA2 / 50 / 400r test de mentor (26 Dec) (PPA)07475.0 CS003: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0739 MIL.STD 177-141A ALE

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WUN-v12 on usb. Clng RS0012 (16/Jan)(DW)07512.0 TWVP1: Spa-Pol Palencia 0950 ALE/USB clg TYBB2 (24/dec/05) (sw)07516.0 CRC2M: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 0007 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CLC24M. Also at 0109z (10/Jan)(DW)07516.0 CRC2M: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 2350 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CLC24M (09/Jan)(DW)07516.0 TZSE: GUARDIA CIVIL MELILLA 0732 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXXX (10/Jan)(DW)07527 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, Va 1919 ALE/USB ALE to J17, USCG HH-60 6017. Up in voice as JULIET 17 for flight ops, posn 2749N/08032W. COTHEN Net. (30NOV05) (RB)07527 LNT: USCG, CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA. 2044 ALE/USB ALE to J31, up with JULIET 31 w/flt ops, 3127N/8721W. COTHEN Net. (29NOV05) (RB)07527.0 502: US DHS COTHEN NET? ?LOC 0306 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng LNT. Also at 0312 (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 709: UNID 0233 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 J13: US DHS COTHEN NET? ?LOC 0139 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng OPB. Also at 0303z (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 J41: US DHS COTHEN NET? ?LOC 2341 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to LNT (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 LNT: US DHS COTHEN CHESAPEAKE 0306 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to 502. 2341 clng J41 (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 M49: US DHS COTHEN NET? ?LOC 0234 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0320 (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 OPB: US DHS COTHEN NASSAU 0139 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to J13 (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 TWVP1: Spa-Pol Palencia 0950 ALE/USB clg TYMA2 Avila (24/dec/05) (sw)07527.0 TWVS2: GUARDIA CIVIL SALAMANACA 0800 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TWVB2. Also clng TWVP2 at 0807 (11/Jan)(DW)07527.0 X93: US DHS COTHEN NET? UNID 2338 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (10/Jan)(DW)07535.0 VMW: Wiluna meteo AUS 14:55 F1C / 120 / 576 Pacific ocean surfacetemperatures (24 Dec) (PPA)07595.8 IEA20: Carabinieri Rome I 14:32 ITA2/50/170r encrypted traffic followed at 14:33 by Italian voice traffic in LSB on 7598 (17 Dec) (PPA)07597 SCLC251: Local Communications Center, 251st Inf. 2342 ALE/USB ALE to CLC25, Local Comms Center. Venezuelan Army. (30NOV05) (RB)07597.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1604 ALE/USB sndg.(29/dec/05) (sw)07597.0 CLC24: VENEZUELAN MIL SAN CRISTOBAL 2333 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to SCLC24 (11/Jan)(DW)07597.0 PCRC2: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 2340 MIL.STD 188-141A ale on usb. Clng SCLC212 (11/Jan)(DW)07597.0 SCLC21: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 2340 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to PCRC2 (11/Jan)(DW)07597.0 SCLC24: VENEZUELAN MIL ?LOC 2333 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CLC24 (11/Jan)(DW)07622.0 CS002: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0713 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS0011 (13/Jan)(DW)07622.0 CS002A: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0701 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS005A (13/Jan)(DW)07622.0 RS005A: Mkd-Mil 1635 ALE/USB clg CS002A (12/jan/06) (sw)07641.0 4N7R: Unid 2036 ALE/USB clg YVBZ (21/dec/05) (sw)07641.0 BZWE: prb. YUG 1334 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg RBYG (17/JAN/06) (KK)07641.0 PGID: Unid 2013 ALE/USB clg MJMD (21/dec/05) (sw)07641.0 YVBZ: Unid 2036 ALE/USB clg 4N7R (21/dec/05) (sw)07644 RFVI: FN Reunion 1537 ARQ-E3/100/400 Idling (18/01/06) (RH2)07644.0 RFVICS: FN Reunion 1537 arq-E3 100/400 Idling (18/01/06) (RH2)07644.2 RFVI: FN LE PORT 1929 ARQ/E3 100/E/400 8rc. Betas.

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WUN-v12 1942z cct [RUN] C de V RFQP de RFQP (09/Jan)(DW)07646.0 DDH7: HAMBURG MET 1047 RTTY 50/N/450 Ships OBS then marker (10/Jan)(DW)07648.5 OKC: Poss "G" Coy, 1/149th AVN, Will Rogers Airfield, Oklahoma City, OK (OK NG) 1357 ALE/USB Sounding. Army Aviation. (02DEC05) (RB)07650 R05426: Prob AH-64D Apache Longbow #03-5426 2210 ALE/USB ALE to T1Z82, 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC. Army Aviation Net. (01DEC05) (RB)07650 T1Z82: 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC 2350 ALE/USB ALE test back to T1Z82. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)07650.0 unid: Bulgarian diplo 14:55 Bulgarian 8 FSK / 240,1 / 7*240 in ISS mode , no decode (27 Dec) (PPA)07668.0 4101: Unid 1610 ALE/USB clg 4301 (20/dec/05) (sw)07668.0 4101: Unid 2039 ALE/USB clg 4302 (20/dec/05) (sw)07668.0 4102: Unid 1557 ALE/USB sndg. (20/dec/05) (sw)07668.0 CER42: Fra-Mfa Paris Fra 1410 ALE/USB clg AMMAN Amman Jor (20/dec/05) (sw)07670.5 Tigre10: ALE 15 Dec 05 0121 Mexican Army TIGRE10 clg TIGRE (HS)07701.5 CUKIERNIA: Polish contingent MNDCS/Camp Echo, IRQ 1936 ALE/USB clg STY (12/jan/06) (sw)07718.5 STPOPS: Poss MN National Guard, St Paul Airport (KSTP) 2008 ALE/USB ALE to G24746,UH-60A Black Hawk 85-24746. Army Aviation Net. (30NOV05) (RB)07720.0 ---: SWISS DIPLO NET 1101 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. AQC mode, link protected (10/Jan)(DW)07725 : Swiss embassy Vienna, AUT 0848 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc. to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (02Jan06) (LDO)07725.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Vienna, AUT 0848 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone crypto tfc. to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (02Jan06) (LDO)07739.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1645 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)07768.0 4101: Unid 1021 ALE/USB clg 4301 (22/dec/05) (sw)07777.0 Sierra: ALE 15 Dec 05 0227 Mexican Army SIERRA clg DIAMANTE (HS)07785 HA4: Algerian Army/MOI 1604 ALE/USB "TO:HA43 TIS:HA4" (05/Jan/06) (AA)07785 LZ51: Algerian Army/MOI 1606 ALE/USB "TIS:LZ51" (05/Jan/06) (AA)07785.0 HA43: ALG MOI unid station 1604 ALE/USB clng to HA40 (28Dec05) (MAL)07785.0 HA48: ALG MOI unid station 1612 ALE/USB clng to HA40 (28Dec05) (MAL)07785.0 HA52: Alg-Mil 1950 ALE/USB clg HA48 (09/jan/06) (sw)07785.0 LZ50: Alg-Mil 2009 ALE/USB clg LZ51 (09/jan/06) (sw)07785.0 LZ51: ALG MOI unid station 1016 ALE/USB clng to UM42 (28Dec05) (MAL)07785.0 LZ51: ALG MOI unid station 1429 ALE/USB link stablisnment with LZ50 (28Dec05) (MAL)07792.0 DIAMANTI: ALB MOI 0759 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DRINI (17/JAN/06) (KK)07792.0 DRINI: ALB MOI 1024 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DIAMANTI (17/JAN/06) (KK)07792.0 MALI: Alb-Mil 1625 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)07793.0 ORAN2A: ALGERIAN NET ORAN 0727 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS903A, also at 0743, 0745 0747 0750 0753. 0800 responds to RS903A. Clng RS903A at 0803 0807 0810 0812 0816 (18/Dec)(DW)07793.0 RS903A: ALG MOI unid station 1927 ALE/USB clng to ORAN2A (28Dec05) (MAL)07793.0 RS903A: ALGERIAN NET ?LOC 0800 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng ORAN2A (18/Dec)(DW)07810 444: Prob FAPSI 1526 CW QRQ? 444 QTC2 K. ASM. K K. K

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WUN-v12 K. QSL 2. QRQ 22? K. SEE. 4444 = = 11000 00109 7013 19156 01253 = = 78312 65478 13349 ... _9147 82993 = = NW 11100 01094 8002 19157 01003 = GKHKT BMJMG ... SKSRE JFKSD K. CFM SK SK. (19Dec05) (RGA)07816.7 MFA CAIRO: EGY 1907 ARQ s/c XBVY and 5HEX grps to EMB London (19jan06) (piri)07817 SLN108: Co. B, 1/108th AVN (Air Assault) Kansas 1326 ALE/USB National Guard, Salina, Kansas. Sounding. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)07826.7 : MFA CAIRO EGY 1941 ARQ/FEC Selcall XBVY QSY 5876 (6785 kHz USB = 6786.7 kHz). Short arq qso then over to CODAN mode. XBVY is egyemb Londen. (13Jan06) (PIRI)07826.7 MFA CAIRO: EGY 1941 ARQ/FEC Selcall XBVY QSY 5876 (6785 kHz USB = 6786.7 kHz). short arq qso then over to CODAN mode. XBVY is egyemb Londen. (13jan06) (piri)07848.0 AAA: Isr-af Tel Aviv 1413 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)07848.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1538 ALE/USB sndg.(29/dec/05) (sw)07849 : CIS Military 1204 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones. (15Jan06) (RGA)07849.0 CLC23M: Ven-Mil 2350 ALE/USB clg CRC2M Mobile Regional Comms (12/jan/06) (sw)07849.0 CLM23M: Ven-Mil 0014 ALE/USB clg CRC2M Mobile Regional Comms (12/jan/06)07849.0 CRC2M: Mobile com centre 2nd military division VEN 23:29 USB/ALE Calling CLC (14 JAN) (PPA)07849.0 CRC: Military Communication Centre VEN 23:09 USB/ALE Calling CLC25M (14 JAN) (PPA)07890.0 CS001: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0734 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS002. 0801 clng RS004 (27/Dec)(DW)07890.0 RS002: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0734 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to CS001. 0809 clng CS001 (27/Dec)(DW)07890.0 RS005: Mkd-Mil 1635 ALE/USB clg CS001 (12/jan/06) (sw)07890.0 VS0: Mkd-Mil 1537 ALE/USB clg RS0 (22/dec/05) (sw)07895.7 : Unid FF 1202 ARQ-E3/100/400 Betas. (15Jan06) (RGA)07905.4 R2402: US army helicopter IRQ 15:55 USB/ALE TO T7Z THIS IS R24022 (15 JAN) (PPA)07905.4 T4Z101: 4th btn 101 avn IRQ 15:20 USB/ALE TO R26850 THIS WAS T4Z101 (15 JAN) (PPA)07905.4 T7Z101: 7th btn 101 avn IRQ 15:50 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS T7Z101 (15 JAN) (PPA)07909 BALTAZAR: UNID French MFA TX-site, F? 0938 USB/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, working NIAMEY (22Dec05) (LDO)07909 NIAMEY: R&S or MFA Paris, F 0938 USB/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to BALTAZAR, testing of HF equipment prior to shipment to Niamey embassy (22Dec05) (LDO)07909.0 BALTAZAR: UNID French MFA TX-site, F? 0938 USB/Rohde & Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform working NIAMEY (22Dec05) (LDO)07909.0 NIAMEY: R&S or MFA Paris, F 0938 USB/Rohde &Schwarz 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, tfc to BALTAZAR, testing of HF equipment prior to shipment to Niamey embassy (22Dec05) (LDO)07928 : CIS Military 1512 MS-5/4800/USB Enciphered vocoder. (19Dec05) (RGA)07957 AA1: 1643 ALE/USB sounding (05/Jan/06) (AA)07957.0 B82: Isr-Af unid 1512 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 08858.0(03/jan/06) (sw)07965.0 CS002: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0824 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RS008 (27/Dec)(DW)07965.0 Q30: Mkd-Mil 1533 ALE/USB clg RS0 (22/dec/05) (sw)07965.0 RS0011: ALBANIAN NET ?LOC 0756 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CS002 (27/Dec)(DW)07969.0 HR: ALG Sonatrach, Hassi R'Mel 1255 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)07997 WARSZAWA3: Polish Interior Ministry Warszawa, POL 1132 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B with linking protection, sounding repeatedly for several minutes with short breaks (27Dec05) (LDO)

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WUN-v1207997.0 WARSZAWA3: Pol-Moi 1931 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)07997.0 WARSZAWA3: Polish Interior Ministry Warszawa POL 1132 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B (27Dec05) (LDO)08000.0 2055: Guarfi, I 1008 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 0200 [AMD]DIAL4 (10/JAN/06) (KK)08000.0 2055: Guarfi, I 1010 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 2004 [AMD]DIAL4 (10/JAN/06) (KK)08000.0 2055: Guarfi, I 1015 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 2009 (10/JAN/06) (KK)08000.0 2509: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 1328 ALE/USB clg 2011[AMD]DIAL4 (12/jan/06) (sw)08000.0 2509: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 1341 ALE/USB clg 2009 [AMD]DIAL4 (12/jan/06) (sw)08010 CENTR5: MFA Bucharest ROU 1158 USB/ALE TO RMZ ROUEMB Ryad (13Jan06) (PIRI)08010.0 99: Dnk-Mil 2052 ALE/USB clg 30 (11/jan/06) (sw)08010.0 BU1: ROMANIAN MOI BUCHAREST 0836 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CRA (09/Jan)(DW)08010.0 BU2: ROMANIAN MOI BUCHAREST 0820 MIL.STD 188-141A Ale on usb. Clng ORA. Also 0835z. 0838 clng CAL (09/Jan)(DW)08010.0 BU3: ROMANIAN MOI BUCHAREST MIL. 0842 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng FOC (09/Jan)(DW)08010.0 BU4: ROMANIAN MOI BUCHAREST 0630 MIL.STD 188-141A ale ON USB. cLNG sib. aLSO AT 0700 0720 0730 0740Z (09/Jan)(DW)08010.0 CENTR5: MFA Bucharest ROU 1158 USB/ALE TO RMZ ROUEMB Ryad (13jan06) (piri)08010.0 JB12: Alg-Mil 1558 ALE/USB clg JB10 (04/jan/06) (sw)08010.0 JB12: ALGERIAN MIL? ?LOC 1756 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UM12. 2322z clng JB10 (29/Dec)(DW)08010.0 JB12: unid ALG military 17:35 USB/ALE calling UM12 (29 Dec) (PPA)08010.0 JB17: Alg-Mil 2040 ALE/USB clg UM12 (11/jan/06) (sw)08010.0 JB17: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 0052 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UM12 (09/Jan)(DW)08010.0 JL10: ALG MOI unid station 1252 ALE/USB clng to JB14 (28Dec05) (MAL)08010.0 MDN: ALGERIAN MIL? ?LOC 0644 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JB14 (31/Dec)(DW)08010.0 UM12: Alg-Mil 1553 ALE/USB clg JB16 (04/jan/06) (sw)08010.0 UM12: Alg-Mil 2040 ALE/USB clg JB17 (11/jan/06) (sw)08010.0 UM12: ALGERIAN MIL ?LOC 2348 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JL10 (08/Jan)(DW)08016 4101: Unid 1548 ALE/USB Calls 4301 with [AMD]"/> 2001". (18Jan06) (RGA)08017.0 ZSC: GW station Cape Town AFS 2230 Channel marker and traffic dataplex (15Jan06) (MAL)08020 CHARLY46: HQ 46 Bde Italian AF Pisa-San Giusto AB 1441 ALE/USB/USB Afterwards traffic in italian (04/Jan/06) (AA)08020.0 2525: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2021 ALE/USB sndg (10/jan/06) (sw)08020.0 N1K: Unid 1948 ALE/USB sndg. (10/jan/06) (sw)08025 : Romanian emb. Vienna, AUT 0748 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, wkng Bucharest (23Dec05) (LDO)08025.0 no-call: Romanian emb. Vienna, AUT 0748 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, wkng Bucharest (23Dec05) (LDO)08030 : NATO Tactical Air Defence System 2225 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A one sideband only. (15Dec05) (RGA)08040.0 GYA: FWOC Northwood G 2245 FAX 120 lpm (15Jan06) (MAL)08045.0 RFP: Unid 1623 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (09/jan/06) (sw)08047 HQ703N: National Guard Readiness Center, Arlington, Va. 0101 ALE/USB ALE to D030EN, Delaware National Guard.

Pagina 71

WUN-v12 US Army Nat'l Guard. (04DEC05) (RB)08056 814248: Unid, prob MH-60 1813 ALE/USB ALE to CLS, Prob Sabre AAF, Fort Campbell, Ky. US ARMY Aviation. (02DEC05) (RB)08060 CLC: Local Communications Center - ? 2345 ALE/USB ALE to CRC2M, Regional Command Comm Mobile. Venezuelan Army. (29NOV05) (RB)08060.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 1528 ALE/USB clg RS0016 (22/dec/05) (sw)08060.0 RS0013: Mkd-Mil 1126 ALE/USB clg CS003 (06/jan/06) (sw)08061.0 R1M: LITHUANIAN MIL ?LOC 1418 MIL-STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng P1T twice (29/Dec)(DW)08061.0 R1M: Ltu-Mil 1447 ALE/USB clg P1T (03/jan/06) (sw)08065 : MFA Cairo, EGY 1608 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Egyptian Embassy Rome, QSX not found (23Dec05) (LDO)08065 RUH985: Prob UH-60L 03-26985 1-228th AVN Btn 0136 ALE/USB ALE to SKYWAT, SKYWATCH, Army Flight Following Service, Soto Cano, Honduras. SKYWATCH Net. (30NOV05) (RB)08065 SKYWAT: SKYWATCH US Army South Flight Following Soto Cano AB, Honduras 0131 ALE/USB ALE to RUH985, Prob UH-60L 03-26985 1-228th AVN Btn. SKYWATCH Net. (01DEC05) (RB)08065.0 no-call: MFA Cairo, EGY 1608 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Egyptian Embassy Rome, QSX not found (23Dec05) (LDO)08070.0 FDG: FAF Bordeaux, F 1445 CW vvv-mkr. (12/May/2005)(DL8AAM)08084.7 :MFA Cairo EGY 1936 ARQ selcall TVVQ = EMB Khartoum, short ARQ qso and over to CODAN (16Jan06) (PIRI)08084.7 :MFA Cairo EGY 2015 ARQ selcals TVVQ = EMB Khartoum No QSQ (15Jan06) (PIRI)08084.7 MFA Cairo EGY 1936 ARQ selcall TVVQ = EMB Khartoem short ARQ qso and over to CODAN (16jan06) (piri)08084.7 MFA Cairo EGY 2015 ARQ selcalls TVVQ = EMB Khartoum No QSQ (15jan06) (piri)08086 QC31: 1708 ALE/USB "TO:UM32 TIS:QC31" (14/Jan/06) (AA)08086 QC31: 1712 ALE/USB "TO:QC35 TIS:QC31" (14/Jan/06) (AA)08086.0 QC31: Alg-Mil 2309 ALE/USB clg UM32 (08/jan/06) (sw)08108.5 XSS: Unid 0718 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)08108.5 XSS: Unid 1408 ALE/USB sounding every 15 min (17Dec05) (KB)08108.5 XSS: UNID 1442 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)08110.0 Angel: Arg Ny 2314 USB Radiogram to "Barril" (13/12/05) (AJP)08122.9 : Unid 1459 AM MAZIELKA NOTE. Freq 8122.97. (19/12/05) (BEF)08126.4 XSS: Unid 1445 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)08126.4 XSS: UNID 1509 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)08126.4 XSS: Unid 1517 ALE/USB Sounding. (30Dec05) (RGA)08126.4 XSS: Unid 1526 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)08126.4 XXS: Unid 1430 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)08130.0 BJ22: Alg-Mil 1543 ALE/USB clg UM22 (22/dec/05) (sw)08130.0 RS004D: Mkd-Mil 1554 ALE/USB clg CS004 (22/dec/05) (sw)08130.0 RS006D: Mkd-Mil 1537 ALE/USB clg CS004 (22/dec/05) (sw)08130.0 UM22: Alg-Mil 2019 1617 ALE/USb clg BJ22 (20/dec/05) (sw)08135.0 AAA: UNID 1826 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (25/Dec)(DW)08139.0 B99: Pol-Mil 1454 ALE/USB clg B20 (20/dec/05) (sw)08146.5 IMB33: Rome meteo I 16:40 F1C/120/576 , 700 hertz shift ,surface wind analyse (17 Dec) (PPA)08146.5 IMB55: Rome Meteo 1306 FAX/120/576 wind/temp for FL340? Unreadable; faulty scan or fsk encoding (17Dec05) (KB)08149.2 IDR: IN ROME 1002 STANAG 4285 on usb. 600/L 5N1 ITA2. CARB, occ legend (14/Jan)(DW)08151.0 TWVP1: Spa-Pol Palencia 0951 ALE/USB clg TYBB2 (24/dec/05) (sw)

Pagina 72

WUN-v1208156.4 ACA: UNID 1924 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (26/Dec)(DW)08162.0 035: Isr-Af 1306 ALE/USB clg 100 (12/jan/06) (sw)08162.0 035: Isr-Af 1616 ALE/USB clg 082 (10/jan/06) (sw)08162.0 082: Isr-Af 1616 ALE/USB clg 035 (10/jan/06) (sw)08165 R1A: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 1346 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, fox-tests to R2A, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05) (LDO)08165 R2A: Rohde & Schwarz Berlin, D 1357 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, rcvng tfc from R1A, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05) (LDO)08165.0 R1A: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 1346 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, fox-tests to R2A, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05)(LDO)08165.0 R2A: Rohde & Schwarz Berlin, D 1357 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, rcvng tfc from R1A using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (22Dec05)(LDO)08171.5 MDANG: Poss HQ, Maryland Air National Guard, Baltimore, Md. 0034 ALE/USB ALE test back to station. Also noted on 9081.5. (02DEC05) (RB)08171.5 T2Z238: 2/238th AVN REGT, Shelbyville, IN 1753 ALE/USB Sounding. 2/238th Army Avn Net. (02DEC05) (RB)08184.5 R05426: Prob AH-64D Apache Longbow #03-5426 16475 ALE/USB ALE to T1Z82, 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)08184.5 R05430: Prob AH-64D Apache Longbow #03-5430 1414 ALE/USB ALE to T82AVN, 82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC. At 1547, ALE to T1Z82 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)08184.5 T1Z137: 1/137th Avn Bn (Assault), Ohio Nat'l Guard 1719 ALE/USB Sounding. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)08184.5 T1Z82: 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC 2134 ALE/USB Sounding. Army Aviation. (30NOV05) (RB)08191 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 1241 MORSE/--/1000 5FGs to aircraft then 50 Baud reversals. (15Jan06) (RGA)08192 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 1623 RTTY/50 SVC msg to all RMN ships at sea (13Jan06) (PIRI)08192.0 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 1623 RTTY 50bd SVC msg to all RMN ships at sea (13jan06) (piri)08225.0 Unid: Male voice 2250 (15Jan06) (MAL)08264 : Unid 0445 CW 5 segment alpha-numeric groups. (25Dec05) (BC)08280 PNME5: Venezuelan Naval River Post Rio Meta 0324 ALE/LSB ALE to BRIFFRI5, Riverine Brigade Franz Risquez Iribarren. Venezuelan Navy Net. (30NOV05) (RB)08297.0 LAL: Ven-N 2346 ALE/LSB clg BRIFFRI5 Riverine Brigade (10/jan/06) (sw)08297.0 LMN: Ven-N 2348 ALE/LSB clg BRIFFRI5 Riverine Brigade (10/jan/06) (sw)08298.2 VTP: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 1616 RTTY 50bd sending 4 cipher group msgs later ry/sg (13jan06) (piri)08298.2 VTP: IN Vishakhapatnam IND 1616 RTTY/50 sending 4 cipher group msgs later ry/sg (13Jan06) (PIRI)08408.0 Unid: 2250 PSK 2400/3000 (15Jan06) (MAL)08412 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio RTTY/75/850 Calls and legenda. (15Jan06) (RGA)08414.5 003669998: (NMG) MRCC New Orleans USA 08:58 DSC/100/170 calling212932000 p3qy8 Atlantic power ,ship not heard (8 Jan) (PPA)08414.5 213145000: unid georgian ship 1332 GMDSS wkng 213156000 unid georgian ship for j3e qso on 08116.0 (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 215811000: unid maltese ship 1214 GMDSS wkng Madrid Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 215905000: unit maltese ship 1145 GMDSS wkng TAH Istanbul Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 220296000: unid ship 1229 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)

Pagina 73

WUN-v1208414.5 319988000: unid Cayman Isl. reg ship 1240 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 352557000: unid panamese ship 1153 GMDSS wkng Varna Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 3EQJ7: panamese ship DOÂ¥A MARG 1210 GMDSS wgnk Lyngby Radio with J3E and pos rep 56,56N/004,25E (07-jan-2006) (MSM)08414.5 3FBP8: panamese ship NYK CASTOR( 1416 GMDSS wkng british ship ZNWP5 (CEC PACIFIC) for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 3FJT9: panamese ship SANTA LUCIA 1246 GMDSS with general call to all norwegian coast stations- for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 468310000: unid Syrian ship 09:38 DSC/100/170 Calling 002371000 SVO Olympia radio ,who answered to go QSY to 4101 QSX 4393 for Radio telephone traffic (8 Jan) (PPA)08414.5 636011654: unid liberian ship 1142 GMDSS wkng Rogaland Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 8PNN: Barbados reg. ship FEDERAL ST LAURENT ( 1733 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose(07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 9VAH5:singaporese ship ACACIA 1140 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for routine comms(07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 9VFD: singaporese ship PACIFIC HARMONY ( GMDSS wkng MRCC Australia Charleville Wiluna for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 9VYR2: singaporese ship SICHEM DALI 1618 GMDSS wkng Madrid Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 308243000) 2100 DSC Apparent distress relay, but telecommand and checksum errors. (27Dec05) (APB)08414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 308462000) 0221 DSC Relays alleged undesignated distress message from Grenada Carrier/C6LJ3 supposedly at 0443N 00912W. (18Dec05) (APB)08414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 357908000) 0155 DSC Relays alleged distress message from Stella Nova/PHQW; fire and explosion at 0118N 10338E. (19Dec05) (APB)08414.5 : Unlisted Ship (MMSI 215605000) 1502 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message from unlisted vessel (MMSI 310279000) allegedly in distress at 3546N 01809E. (12 Jan 06) (APB)08414.5 : Unlisted Ship (MMSI 477076800) 0419 DSC Relays apparent distress alegedly originating from OJDY/Finnish Vessel Natura in unspecified distress at 5633N 00013W. (10 Jan 06) (APB)08414.5 BORN: shinese ship HUANG SHAN HAI ( 1228 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 C6LL6: bahamese ship WARRIOR 1146 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 CRXT: Madeira reg. ship ALCOA CHEMIST ( GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 DCDO2: german ship MAERSK DETROIT 1307 GMDSS wkng Olympia Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 EIWK: irish ship ARKLOW VIEW( GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 EQUV: iranian ship IRAN NOUR 1422 GMDSS wkng Capetown Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 H3MH: panamese ship MSC ANS( 1224 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 HOHD: SHIP PACIFIC JADE 1530 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 352248000. Safety/Test RQ to Istanbul (14/Jan)(DW)08414.5 HOWP: panamese ship DORIC SAMURAI 1607 GMDSS wkng Madrid Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)

Pagina 74

WUN-v1208414.5 LACU5: norwegian ship TARGONA 1204 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 LAEV6: norwegian ship KIWI AUCKLAND 1329 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 LAIP5: norwegian ship BERGE ATLANTIC ( 1238 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 LARM4: norwegian ship HERAKLES 1239 wkng TAH Istanbul Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 LARM4: SHIP HERAKLES 1529 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 257994000. Safety/Test RQ to Istanbul (14/Jan)(DW)08414.5 M/V Nord: 14.23 375319000 M/V Nord [ J8B2696 IMO 8603391 CARGO] test with 0021910000 Lyngby MRCC 12jan06 (RP1)08414.5 MEEJ3: british ship MERSEY VIKING ( 1406 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 MZMS2: british ship CITY OF ROME 1222 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 NMA: MRCC Miami/Norfolk USA 2118 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message allegedly from Havila Searcher/C6PX3 at 5805N 00106E. (16Jan06) (APB)08414.5 NMG: MRCC New Orl‚ans/Norfolk 1925 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message purportedly from unidentified vessel (MMSI 227011030) at 2940N 04828E. (22Dec05) (APB)08414.5 NMO: MRCC Honolulu 1105 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message purportedly from vessel Anna/LAGU4 at 3431N 13836E. (23Dec05) (APB)08414.5 OUJR2: ship ORAHOPE( 1402 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 P3DS9: Cyprus reg. ship ESTHER SCHULTE ( wkng Ho Chi Minh Port Auth. for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 P3KG6: Cyprus reg. ship MARIGO( 1233 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 PJFJ: Netherlands Antilles reg ship SARA ( 1334 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 Rescue vessel VQDM5: 1404 235007809 Lifeboat 17-37 [ Rescue Vessel VQDM5] Test with 002191000 Lyngby MRCC 12jan06 (RP1)08414.5 SDHZ: swedeish ship FURE STAR ( GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 SVDR: greek ship CHRISTINA( ??) 1240 GMDSS wkng Nicosia Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 SVHN: greek ship ALKYON( 1420 GMDSS wkng Olympia Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 SVUC: greek ship MERIBEL 1227 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 TAH: Istanbul Radio 1129 GMDSS clng norwegian ship LARM4 "HERAKLES" for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 TAH: MRCC Ankara 1736 GMDSS BQ safety test from unid vessel (MMSI 271000772). ITU's ship database has ceased to function - nothing decodes. (30Dec05) (RGA)08414.5 TCAE2: turkish ship ISTANBUL B 1529 GMDSS wkng TAH Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 TCGQ: turkish ship ESER KAPTANOGLU ( GMDSS wkng Tallinn Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 TCOD5: turkish ship ELGIZNUR ( 1318 GMDSS wkng TAH Istanbul Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)

Pagina 75

WUN-v1208414.5 TCTL: turkish ship TAYLAN KALKAVAN 1322 GMDSS wkng TAH Istanbul Radio for J3E Telephone& pos rep 41.29N/16.14E (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UDVC: russian ship GEORG OTS ( GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UEHN: russian ship ALEXANDRE 1302 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UGYV: russian ship GEORGII KONONOVITCH(reinforced ice-class tanker)1448 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose(07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UHWQ: russian ship GALF TREIYDER 1154 GMDSS wkng TAH Istanbul Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UIRU: russian ship SORMOVSKII( 3054 1200 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 UROH: ukrainian ship GEORGIY AGAFONOV ( GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose(07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 V7HX3: Marshall Isl. reg ship SEA-LAND ENDURANCE ( 1311 GMDSS wkng Lyngby Radio for safety purpose (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 VRBA5: Lagia Breeze (PRC) 1443 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message from Iiarella/9HON4 at 2223S 04143W. (12 Jan 06) (APB)08414.5 VRZV4: chinese ship SEA BRILLIANCE 1740 GMDSS wkng TAH Radio for safety purpose(07-jan-2006)(MSM)08414.5 ZNWP5: britishi ship CEC PACIFIC ( GMDSS wkng Olympia Radio for safety purpose with qrg info 04101.0/04393.0 (07-jan-2006)(MSM)08416.5 nmf: USCG Boston 1655 fec hydrolants (6Jan06) (wp3)08418.0 IAR: ROME RADIO 1527 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (14/Jan)(DW)08418.0 IAR: Rome Radio I 2330 CW marker + arq (15Jan06) (MAL)08419.0 TAH: Istanbul radio TKM 2312 CW marker + arq (15Jan06) (MAL)08420.5 LZW: Varna radio BUL 2316 CW marker + arq (15Jan06) (MAL)08421.5 LZW: VARNA RADIO 1543 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (14/Jan)(DW)08422.5 UDB2: Kholmsk radio RUS 08:32 Sitor-A/100/170 + CW/A1A arq burst + cw identification (15 JAN) (PPA)08424.0 SVO4: OLYMPIA RADIO 1545 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (14/Jan)(DW)08425.5 XSG: Shanghai radio CHN 14:58 Sitor-A/100/170 + CW/A1A arq burst + cw identification (15 JAN) (PPA)08428.0 NMN: CAMSLANT PORTSMOUTH 1554 CW chan free marker "NMN" (14/Jan)(DW)08430.0 3756: Moscow Radio 1317 fec 0700-2000 msk qsw 12590,5/qsx (6Jan06) (wp3)08430.0 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1629 CW Chan free marker "3756" (14/Jan)(DW)08431 TAH: Istanbul Turk Radio TUR 2002 FEC Weather forecast in E and TUR. (13Jan06) (PIRI)08431.0 TAH: Istanbul Turk Radio TUR 2002 FEC Weather forecast in E and TUR. (13jan06) (piri)08431.5 uat: Moscow Radio 1202 fec cq de uat uat tfc list 06/01/06 14:55qtc nil= qsj cc 20.57 rub/min de uat - nnnn (6Jan06) (wp3)08434.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1555 CW chan free marker "TAH" (14/Jan)(DW)08444 : Murmansk Meteo 1347 FAX 120/576/R sfc prognosis //6328.5 but slightly clearer. End 1358 (14Jan06) (KB)08444 : Murmansk Meteo 1446 FAX/120/576/R //6328.5 unid chart. Ice condx near Murmansk? Caption not readable due to low-pass effect in scanning or modulation, as usual (26Dec05) (KB)08446.0 ZSC: GW Cape Town 2115 Channel marker and traffic dataplex (16Jan06) (MAL)

Pagina 76

WUN-v1208446.5 HEB28: GLN BERN 1631 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3mins "CQ de HEB28". qsx 8333. Pactor-III at 1650z (14/Jan)(DW)08453.0 FUO: FN TOULON 1601 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L 5N2 ITA2. Marker "FAAA de FUO testing RYs SGs figs voyez vous le brick int zbz nnnn" (14/Jan)(DW)08454.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1640 RTTY 50/R/170 End of broadcast (?) "nil sk de UIW". Then markers RYs de UIW ans 12464.5" (14/Jan)(DW)08462 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 1630 RTTY/50 5 ltr group msgs to var adressees (13Jan06) (PIRI)08462.0 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 1630 RTTY 50bd 5 ltr group msgs to var adressees (13jan06) (piri)08463 LINCS POACHER: E03 2225 USB Old woman with 5FGs. (08Jan06) (RGA)08463.2 RETJ?: Radio Naval Madrid? 1637 STANAG-4285/600/L/ITA2/5N1 Idling and short msgs beginning with RYRYRYRY..... then encrypted. (That's KG-84 - Team Logs) (05Jan06) (PIRI)08463.2 RETJ?: RadioNaval Madrid? 2228 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 with KG-84 encryption. Thanks piri. (08Jan06) (RGA)08463.2 UNID: 1637 Stanag 4285 600/L/ITA2 5N1 Ideling and shortmsgs Beginning with RYRYRYRY..... then encrypted. (05jan06) (piri)08468.0 8PO: GW Bridgetown BRB 2140 Channel marker and traffic dataplex (16Jan06) (MAL)08470.8 Unid: 2130 4-FSK 195 Bd 600 hz (16Jan06) (MAL)08470.9 :UNID British mil? 2041 4-TONE/195.3/200 separation. (16Jan06) (PIRI)08470.9 UNID: British mil? 2041 4-tones 195.3bd tonesep. 200Hz (16jan06) (piri)08473.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1554 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (14/Jan)(DW)08478.5 FUF: FN FT DE FRANCE 0956 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L ITA2 5N2 Marker "o FAAA de RFLIE znr uuuuu zui testing RYs SGs nnnn". 2023z Accepting tfc from French w/ship "FG" (16/Jan)(DW)08480 HZY: Ras Tanurah Radio ARS 1643 CW CQ DE HZY NX navwarning in E later tfc list (13Jan06) (PIRI)08480.0 HZY: RAS TANNURAH RADIO 1640 CW Wx fcst followed by Nav Wng then tfc list thru 1704z (13/Jan)(DW)08480.0 HZY: RAS TANURAH RADIO 1643 CW Tfc list (14/Jan)(DW)08480.0 HZY: Ras Tanurah Radio ARS 1643 MORSE CQ DE HZY NX navwarning in E later tfc list (13jan06) (piri)08484.5 HEB38: GLN BERN 1645 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3 mins "CQ de HEB38". QSX 8335.5 (14/Jan)(DW)08494.7 D: Cluster Beacon Odessa 2236 CW With C/Moscow on 8495 kHz. (15Dec05) (RGA)08514.0 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio 2232 CW marker "DE WXJ + DE XSQ K" (02-jan-2006)(MSM)08540.0 Unid: 2150 PSK 2400/3000 (16Jan06) (MAL)08551.5 CTP: NATO Lisbon POR 2014 RTTY 75bd "Due to technical problems service unavailable ufn ar" (13jan06) (piri)08551.5 CTP: NATO Lisbon POR 2014 RTTY/75bd "Due to technical problems service unavailable ufn ar" (13Jan06) (PIRI)08551.5 CTP: PN LISBON 1702 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CTP due to technical problems service unavailable ufn ar" (14/Jan)(DW)08568.0 FUV: FN DJIBOUTI 2032 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L ITA2 5N2. Marker (16/Jan)(DW)08570.5 UWS3: KIEV RADIO 2030 CW Marker "cq de UWS3 qsw 3...." - qrm fm Stanag4285 (16/Jan)(DW)08571 UWS3: Kiyev Radio UKR 2030 CW CQ DE UWS3 QSW 3890/6470/8571 and TFC list. (16Jan06) (PIRI)08571.0 UWS3: Kiyev Radio UKR 2030 MORSE CQ DE UWS3 QSW 3890/6470/8571 and TFC list. (16jan06) (piri)

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WUN-v1208582.0 Brazil Navy: B 2200 rtty 75/850 offair at 2215 (16Jan06) (MAL)08584.5 SAP: XNet Node - MarineCom Malmoe, S 1131 PACTOR idles and CW-id "cq de SAP www marinecom se". (15/Dec/05)(DL8AAM)08586 USO5: Izmail Radio, UKR 0736 RTTY 50/170 blind tfc to ships until 0747, then into very fast CW (29Dec05) (KB)08586.0 USO5: Ismail radio 2100 rtty 50/170 (10Ene06) (MAL)08586.0 USO5: Izmail Radio, UKR 1100 CW clg-mkr to 4KI, into QTC and RTTY, and back to CW for QTCs. (16/Dec/2005)(DL8AAM)08587.5 Unid: Japanese navy J 08:27 USB/Japanese PSK telemetry link (8 Jan)(PPA)08623 : CIS Military 1214 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Cipher. (15Jan06) (RGA)08632.6 No Call: unid 1255 Stanag-4285/600bps (19/JAN/06) (KK)08634 VTG: IN Mumbai IND 2028 CW VVV VVV VVV VTG4/5/6/7 (16Jan06) (PIRI)08634.0 VTG: IN MUMBAI 2040 CW Marker "vvv VTG 4/5/6/7" - qrm fm Stanag4285 (14/Jan)(DW)08634.0 VTG: IN Mumbai IND 2028 MORSE VVV VVV VVV VTG4/5/6/7(16jan06) (piri)08636 HLW: Seoul Radio KOR 2026 CW CQ DE HLW QSX 8 MHZ K (16Jan06) (PIRI)08636.0 HLW:Soul Radio KOR 2026 MORSE CQ DE HLW QSX 8 MHZ K (16jan06) (piri)08642.1 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2049 RTTY 75/N/340 CARB. Only operational chan in 4 chan VFT (14/Jan)(DW)08674 : Unid CIS Stn 1217 CW VVVVV QLK QLK. AS. Ä Ä 2245 Ä 64780 K. Ä Ä K. (15Jan06) (RGA)08743.0 SVO: Olympia radio GRC 2230 voice marker, calls channels 806, 1232, 1640, 2217 (16Jan06) (MAL)08780.3 no call: Israeli navy ISR 05:41 USB / ISR navy psk modem , no decode(30 DEC) (PPA)08858.0 AA1: Isr-Af Ben Gurion 1531 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 07957.0 (03/jan/06) (sw)08858.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1438 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 03823.0 and 04507.0 (03/jan/06) (sw)08858.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1644 ALE/USB sndg. (10/jan/06) (sw)08858.0 AAA: Israeli airforce Tel-Aviv ISR 17:06 USB/ALE sounding (29 Dec)(PPA)08858.0 BB3: Isr-Af Palmachin 1434 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 04507.0 and 07957.0(03/jan/06) (sw)08873.0 RDARA/AFI-4: 0142 USB Ndjamena, Chad. Air traffic control. No selcall (02/01/06) (AJP)08885.0 ZS-SNI: South African Airways A340-642 FLT SA0220 ( HFDL pos.rep. to MUHARRAQ, LAT6 36 17S/LON7 0 22E (02-jan-2006)(MSM)08894.0 5a-dkr: Libyan Gov. Il-62M( 2238 USB/Voice wkng unid ATC(Jalina?) flt to Bomako? (02-jan-2006)(MSM)08894.0 Algerian ATC: ICAO 2250 algerian atc AF (16Jan06) (MAL)08906 SANTA MARIA: Azores Stn on MWARA/NAT-A 1224 USB Working US AIR 11 while VIRGIN 77 calls SHANWICK. (15Jan06) (RGA)08912 CM0301: COPA B737 2249 HFDL Logs on to Riverhead. (05Jan06) (RGA)08912 HP-1380: COPA B737-7V3 Flt CM0115 2308 HFDL Posn report 0907N 08111W (over Carribean) (05Jan06) (RGA)08912 JOE: Rockwell-Collins, Cedar Rapids, IA. 2348 ALE/USB ALE to 712, USCG HC-130 1712. Found JOE listed in an old SHARES callsign list after tip from my last post. COTHEN Net. (30NOV05) (RB)08912 N453UP: UPS B757 Flt UP0383 2248 HFDL Posn report 1050N 07951W (over Carribean) via Riverhead NY USA. (05Jan06) (RGA)08912.0 ARINC Riverhead: HFDL 2257 14 Dec 05 (HS)

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WUN-v1208912.0 WST: ALE 14 Dec 05 2340 (HS)08927.0 AGANA: - GUAM 1346 hfdl tfc to ac 9w0122, csn311, up0168 (14Jan06)(wp3)08942 N29129: Continental B757 Flt CO0029 1411 HFDL Logs on to Shannon. (31Dec05) (RGA)08942 N453PA: Polar Air B747 1427 HFDL Logs on. (31Dec05) (RGA)08942 VS0652: Virgin Atlantic Flt 1403 HFDL Posn report 4307N 00054E via Shannon. (31Dec05) (RGA)08942 VS0901: Virgin Atlantic Flt 1405 HFDL Posn report 5548N 01347E. (31Dec05) (RGA)08948 JY-AYD: Royal Jordanian A320 2031 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (04Jan06) (RGA)08948 VP-BWH: Aeroflot A320 Flt SU0123 2027 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Las Palmas. (04Jan06) (RGA)08965 E31408: USAF E-3B Sentry Tail 71-1408 2151 ALE/USB ALE to OFFNPR, Offutt NIPR. HF-GCS Scope Command (01DEC05) (RB)08965 OEQ: Unid 1326 ALE/USB Calls MVV. (19Jan06) (FC)08965 PNR400: Panther 400, OPBAT Georgetown, Bahamas 2212 ALE/USB ALE to X93, US Army UH-60L Blackhawk 2/3rd AVN Tail 94-26593. PANTHER Net. (02DEC05) (RB)08965.0 GAF517: unid GAF 1028 USB clg DHM91: GAF Muenster D. for Time correction (10/JAN/06) (KK)08972 RUH985: Prob UH-60L 03-26985 1-228th AVN Btn 0141 ALE/USB ALE to SKYWAT, SKYWATCH, Army Flight Following Service, Soto Cano, Honduras. SKYWATCH Net. (30NOV05) (RB)08988 MKL: RN Northwood 1550 RTTY/75/850 Crypto (18/01/06) (RH2)08988.0 MKL: RN Northwood 1550 rtty 75/850 Crypto (18/01/06) (RH2)08992 ANDREWS: 32-char EAM 0103 USB XJZL26. (18 Jan 06) (JH)08992 BRAGGART: 20-char? EAM 0055 USB XJGIN5 and simulcasting same on at least 11175. At 0108z+/- BRAGGART bcst a 32-character EAM (missed preamble but probably XJZL26) and finished with the "Standing by for traffic" statement. (18 Jan 06) (JH)08992 BRAGGART: 32-char EAM 0120 USB and simulcasting same on at least 11175 and unheard here on 4724 and 15016. H+20/h+50 activity. Probably TACAMO PAC. (18 Jan 06) (JH)08992 READY MADE: Clg ANDREWS 0125 USB No response. (18 Jan 06) (JH)09025 200174: C-17A Globemaster 00-0174, 62nd AW 1936 ALE/USB Sounding. A/C named "Sprite of 911 - Let's Roll". Also noted on 15043. HF-GCS Scope Command (29NOV05) (RB)09025 244132: USAF C-17A Globemaster 04-4132 2152 ALE/USB ALE to Andrews (ADW). Up as REACH 247 wkg Andrews for radio check. HF-GCS Scope Command (29NOV05) (RB)09025 523515: USAF KC-135A-BN Stratotanker #62-3515 2000 ALE/USB ALE to AED, Elmendorf AFB, AK. HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)09025 523515: USAF KC-135A-BN Stratotanker #62-3515 2001 ALE/USB ALE to GUA, HF-GCS Anderson AFB, Guam. HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)09025 523565: USAF KC135 Tail 62-3565 2031 ALE/USB ALE test back to aircraft. HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)09025 571436: USAF KC-135R Stratotanker #57-1436 00332 ALE/USB test ALE back to aircraft. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)09025 580020: USAF KC-135E Stratotanker #58-0020 2005 ALE/USB Sounding. Reportedly w/171st ARW, PA NG. Named "The Veteran". HF-GCS Scope Command. (04DEC05) (RB)09025 708: USCG HC-130H 1708, CGAS Kodiak 0456 ALE/USB direct dial ComSta Kodiak, AK via MCC, McCllean HF-GCS. (03DEC05) (RB)09025 B03: Unid USAF E3-B 2104 ALE/USB direct dial Tinker AFB. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)09025 CICLON80: Unid Mexican Military, "CYCLONE 80" 1316 ALE/USB ALE to CICLON (CYCLONE). Mexican Military.

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WUN-v12 (04DEC05) (RB)09025 E30004: USAF E3B #81-0004 1802 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)09025 F04: USCG HU25 2104, CGAS Miami 2017 ALE/USB ALE to JNR, HF-GCS Salinas. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)09025 GUA: HF-GCS, Anderson AFB, Guam 1354 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)09025 JDG: HF-GCS Diego Garcia 2303 ALE/USB ALE to HAW, HF-GCS, Ascension Island. HF-GCS Scope Command (01DEC05) (RB)09025 KWK96: Unid US Embassy/Consulate 2204 ALE/USB ALE to KWK91, also unid. Car/S.Amer? AMD 01 AMD MESSAGE. Also noted on 11226. (01DEC05) (RB)09025 NW1: NIGHTWATCH 1, E4B used as NAOC Airborne Command Post 2325 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command (01DEC05) (RB)09025 PLA: HF-GCS Lajes AB, Azores 1106 ALE/USB ALE to HAW, HF-GCS Ascension Island. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)09025 PLA: US GHFS Station Lajes Azores 1320 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Jan06) (RGA)09041 5YE: Nairobi Meteo KEN 2024 RTTY/100 RY Test. (13Jan06) (PIRI)09041.0 5YE: Nairobi Meteo KEN 2024 RTTY 100bd RY Test. (13jan06) (piri)09043 JFMQ: Unid CIS Stn 1414 CW JFMQ QRU? K. SLV K. BK QRV K. R 89014 K. NIL SK. (18Dec05) (RGA)09044.0 T3Z126: US-Mil 3/126 Avn US Army (prob detached Iraq) 2028 ALE/USB sndg. (17/jan/06) (sw)09049.8 : Unid 1054 RTTY/50/170 encrypted baudot. Pauses at times after zzzzzzzz... (26Dec05) (KB)09052 CRC2M: Regional Comms Center, Mobile, 2nd Mil Reg. 03095 ALE/USB ALE to CLC25M, Local Comms Center 25th Infantry Bde. Mobile.Venezuelan Army. (30NOV05) (RB)09053.9 Unid: Russian PTT 0227 OQPSK baudRate=1280 Shift= 1000hz ? (22/12/05) (AJP)09057 244132: USAF C-17A Globemaster 04-4132 2151 ALE/USB Sounding. USAF Discrete. (29NOV05) (RB)09057 : MFA Cairo, EGY 1547 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Egyptian Embassy Berlin (29Dec05) (LDO)09057 AC2: Unidentified 2054 ALE/USB Sounding. AAC2 is 1099th Trans Co, Fort Eustis, Va, AC2 perhaps former Bayonne Global at Fort Eustis? Also noted on 11250. USAF Discrete. (29NOV05) (RB)09057.0 no-call: MFA Cairo, EGY 1547 USB/Codan 80 BdChirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Egyptian Embassy Berlin (29Dec05) (LDO)09060 NA6: Unid. Mexican Military 2300 ALE/USB ALE to ORO7 (GOLD-7). Mexican Military. (02DEC05) (RB)09067.7 :UNID EGY DIPLO EGY 1954 ARQ receiving mode shut off with "Tmam hty oqfal shkra vfy ak aman alle bay bay bay" (ATU 80 4th shift latin) (16Jan06) (PIRI)09067.7 UNID: EGY DIPLO EGY 1954 ARQ receiving mode shut off with "Tmam hty oqfal shkra vfy ak aman alle bay bay bay"(ATU 80 4th shift latin) (16jan06) (piri)09070 050: Prob Saudi MOI/Military 1455 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)09079.5 RFQP: FF Jibouti 1544 arq-E3 100/400 Idling (18/01/06) (RH2)09079.5 RFQP: FF Jibouti 1544 ARQ-E3/100/400 Idling (18/01/06) (RH2)09080 U3H: French MIL attaché Moscow, F 0734 USB/S4285 FEC-bursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps/long interleaving, tfc to MOD Paris, cct ID: "UCM"

Pagina 80

WUN-v12 (23Dec05) (LDO)09080.0 TNS: Alg-Mfa Tunis 1942 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (11/jan/06) (sw)09080.0 U3H: French MIL attach=E9 Moscow, F 0734 USB/S4285 FEC-bursts using THALES modem with 1200 bps/long interleaving, tfc to MOD Paris, cct ID: "UCM" (23Dec05) (LDO)09081.5 R05426: Prob AH-64D Apache Longbow #03-5426 2212 ALE/USB ALE to T1Z82, 1/82nd Aviation Brigade, Fort Bragg, NC. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)09084.8 Unid: Airforce station Middle east 13:57 ARQ- E/46,1/170 idling,also ALE calls but no sync on that signal (7 Jan) (PPA)09106 DRJ: Unidentified 2325 ALE/USB Sounding. SHARES ALE Net, Ch. 5. (30NOV05) (RB)09117 BR1: Brazilian Army HQ, Brazilia 0031 ALE/USB ALE to AM1, Brazilian Army, Amazonas. Brazilian Army Net. (01DEC05) (RB)09118.7 :UNID EGY DIPLO EGY 2011 ARQ rx/tx ops tlks. Shut off with bay bay bay and 01 thrane DK (16Jan06) (PIRI)09118.7 UNID: EGY DIPLO EGY 2011 ARQ rx/tx ops tlks. Shut off with bay bay bay and 01 thrane DK (16jan06) (piri)09120 DJ02: 0841 ALE/USB "TO:UM03 TIS:DJ02" (14/Jan/06) (AA)09120 UM0: 0842 ALE/USB "TO:DJ02 TWS:UM0" (BER 10 SN 00) (14/Jan/06) (AA)09121.5 RUH960: Prob UH-60L 02-26960 1-228th AVN Btn 2113 ALE/USB ALE to NARCO, unid unit. SKYWATCH Net. (29NOV05) (RB)09121.5 WAROPS: 1/228th AVN REG OPS, Soto Cano AB, Honduras 2139 ALE/USB ALE to RUH955, UH60L 1/228th. SKYWATCH Net. (29NOV05) (RB)09122.5 MVP1: Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division Office, Pine Buff, AR 1350 ALE/USB Sounding. (02DEC05) (RB)09122.5 TF131: Coy "F" 1/131st Aviation Reg, AL NG 1451 ALE/USB Birmingham, AL. Sounding. Also noted on 12129. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)09145 814248: Unid, prob MH-60 1707 ALE/USB ALE to CLS, Prob Sabre AAF, Fort Campbell, Ky. US ARMY Aviation. (02DEC05) (RB)09166 : Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0803 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (29Dec05) (LDO)09166.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0803 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (29Dec05) (LDO)09190.0 QUAKE: Unid 1608 ALE/USB sndg. (20/dec/05) (sw)09198 4P0: Unid, Chilean Navy 0306 ALE/USB ALE to CA2. Chilean Navy Net. (01DEC05) (RB)09198 TAC: Chilean Navy, unid. 0019 ALE/USB ALE to FGT. Chilean Navy Net. (01DEC05) (RB)09200 2202: 1541 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)09200.0 1116: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1950 ALE/USB sndg. (22/dec/05) (sw)09200.0 1317: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1636 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)09200.0 2201: Mrc Protection Civile Marocaine 2239 ALE/USB sndg (18/jan/06) (sw)09200.0 2204: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1645 ALE/USB clg 2001 (07/jan/06) (sw)09200.0 2214: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1636 ALE/USB sndg. (08/jan/06) (sw)09232 SCLC251: Local Communications Center, 251st Inf. 2341 ALE/USB ALE to CLC25, Local Comms Center,

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WUN-v12 25th Inf Bde. Venezuelan Army, 2ID. (30NOV05) (RB)09260 2185: 0718 ALE/USB sounding (14/Jan/06) (AA)09260 218: 0745 ALE/USB sounding (BER 9 SN 00) (14/Jan/06) (AA)09260.0 2194: Unid 0005 ALE/USB sndg. (07/jan/06) (sw)09263 : Unid CIS Stn 1228 QSY 64255 K. BK QSA1 QSY 64155 QSY 64155 K. QSA2 QRO? OK AS K. BK RPT QRS K. QRU? K. SLV SLV. BK QRV K. BK RPT PBL K. R 284 1236 K. SLD SLD and gone. (15Jan06) (RGA)09295 SYRNY: New York National Guard, Syracuse, NY 1552 ALE/USB Sounding. (03DEC05) (RB)09308 : Unid 0832 ALE/USB strong signals, but unable to decode (14/Jan/06) (AA)09331.0 #’s: [QTH ?] 0613z Dec 7, 2005 USB SS/YL 5f traffic [SN]09341 HET: UNID station, 0833 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341 SLV: UNID station, 1025 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341 SVP: UNID station (net-ctrl?), 0834 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "HET" and later on to "VIN" & "SLV" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341 VIN: UNID station, 0935 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341.0 HET: UNID station, 0833 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/ R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341.0 SLV: UNID station, 1025 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/ R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341.0 SVP: UNID station (net-ctrl?), 0834 USB/MIL- STD188-141A/R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "HET" and later on to "VIN" & "SLV" (04Jan06) (LDO)09341.0 VIN: UNID station, 0935 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/ R&S 2400Bd proprietary PSK waveform, traffic to "SVP" (04Jan06) (LDO)09380 1F5G: Unid, Venezuelan Navy 1231 ALE/USB ALE to T8R1.Venezuelan Navy. (01DEC05) (RB)09459.0 ZKLF: Auckland NZL 15:20 F1C / 120 / 576 Tasman and New Zealand MSL analyse (24 Dec) (PPA)09497 RDSGC: Brazilian Flight Safety Station, Itabuna 0032 ALE/USB Brazil, sounding. Brazilian SIVAM Flight Safety Net, Brazilian AF. (01DEC05) (RB)09965 : UNID possibly North African network,0725 USB/DATRON TRANSCALL/TRANSADAPT selcaller, short Arabic vx exchange after linking (30Dec05) (LDO)09965.0 no-call: UNID possibly North African network 0725 USB/DATRON TRANSCALL/TRANSADAPT selcaller short Arabic vx exchange after linking (30Dec05) (LDO)10115.5 IGRT: Italian Navy Vessel 1609 J3E-USB OM sx II/EE wkg DELPHIN (?) IDing as "GRT". 1705z wkg "MND" and Delphine fr r/c. 02/Oct 0510z Delphine wkg HXP, 03-Oct-05 1636z wkg VDH. (01/Oct/1005)(ALF)10126 #’s: [QTH ?] 1402z Dec 2, 2005 USB SS/YL 5f traffic [SN]10158 ON8A: Unid 1433 CW Repeating ON8A. Ending AR. (18Dec05) (RGA)10177.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 2055 ARQ/FEC selcall RCVB to emb Washington also calling with FEC. No qso (09Jan06) (PIRI)10177.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 2055 ARQ/FEC selcall RCVB to emb Washington also calling with FEC. No qso (09jan06) (piri)10211 RNOUSL: Sonatrach Net Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline

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WUN-v12 1601 ALE/LSB (or USB) Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)10211.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1319 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10222 : MFA Cairo, EGY 1331 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to New Delhi, QSX not found (11Dec05) (LDO)10222.0 no-call: MFA Cairo, EGY 1331 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to New Delhi, QSX not found (11Dec05) (LDO)10244.0 HR: ALG Sonatrach, Hassi R'Mel 1013 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10275 TA7158: 7/158th AVN, Fort Hood, Tx. 1112 ALE/USB Sounding. 7/158th Army Avn Net. (02DEC05) (RB)10275.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach, Ohanet 1456 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10275.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1232 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10285 RABAT: French Diplo Comms Hub Rabat 1317 ALE/USB Calls CER11/MAE Paris. (19Dec05) (RGA)10285.0 INAS30: ALG Sonatrach In Amenas 1015 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10285.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach, Ohanet 1036 ALE/LSB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10285.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach, Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1150 ALE/USB SND (28Dec05) (MAL)10359.9 XSS: US AIR FORCE 0859 ALE/USB Tfc with 000 and XGH Freq 10539.96. (08/01/06) (BEF)10360 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 1539 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)10360.0 XSS: Unid 1435 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)10360.0 XSS: UNID 1513 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (24/Dec)(DW)10360.0 XSS: Unid 1517 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)10390.0 2528: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1942 ALE/USB clg 2527 (22/dec/05) (sw)10444 CICLON: Unid Mexican Military, "CYCLONE" 2235 ALE/USB ALE to CYRLON. Mexican Military. (02DEC05) (RB)10444.0 Ciclon07: ALE 15 Dec 05 0254 Mexican Army CICLON07 wkg CICLON (HS)10458.0 XSS: Unid 1447 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)10458.0 XXS: Unid 0948 ALE/USB sndg. (04/jan/06) (sw)10600 DT1: Unid Rockwell-Collins Net Station 0241 ALE/USB Sounding. Rockwell-Collins Net. (29NOV05) (RB)10609 Moscow Meteo: 0354 FAX 120LPM (very weak) 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)10610.9 : Moscow Meteo 1336 FAX/120/576 Good pressure chart. (31Dec05) (RGA)10610.9 : Moscow Meteo 1442 FAX/120/576 Very poor chart. (18Dec05) (RGA)10626.0 RFFXL: UNIFIL Beirut LBN 13:00 ARQ-E / 184,6 / 400 receiving msg on XZL circuit from Paris on 13572,5 (27 Dec) (PPA)10683 PNR400: Panther 400, OPBAT Georgetown, Bahamas 1948 ALE/USB Sounding. PANTHER Net. (29NOV05) (RB)10688 01+72: French MIL net, F 1432 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000/2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, e-mail traffic exchange between "01" and "72", network using TRC-3600 radios (29Dec05) (LDO)10688.0 01+72: French MIL net, F 1432 USB/SKYMASTER 8-FSK ALE/SYSTEME 3000/2400Bd PSK ARQ-system, e-mail traffic exchange between "01" and "72", network using TRC-3600 radios (29Dec05) (LDO)10690 : Unid 1348 CW Dot every 2 seconds. (31Dec05) (RGA)10740 OPS171: US Army 1-171 AVN BN, Ft Dobbins, Ga 1959 ALE/USB ALE to R26610, Sikorsky UH-60L Blackhawk Tail 95-26610. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)10825.0 RABAT: Fra-Mfa Rabat Mrc 1403 ALE/USB clg CER11

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WUN-v12 Paris Fra (20/dec/05) (sw)10962 TSULTAN: PN Tippu Sultan F-186 Pakistan Navy 0010 ALE/USB TO NRS Naval Radio Station Karachi. (12Jan06) (PIRI)10962.0 TSULTAN: PN Tippu Sultan F186 PAK 0010 ALE TO NRS Naval Radio Station? (12jan06) (piri)11010.0 ZLO: RNZN Irirangi NZL 12:07 USB / BR6028 / 7 channels F1B 75 bd170 hz encrypted and time interleaved (24 Dec) (PPA)11025.0 RKV23: presumed PTT Tyumen RUS (HOKA frequency list) 07:34 RUS-ARQ/ 100 / 500 tfc with RGE31 QSX 12770 (28 Dec) (PPA)11030 VMC: Australia 2040 FAX/120/576 WX chart. Fair to good quality. (16Dec05) (EE)11033.0 unid: Ukrainian military 12:24 ITA2 / 50 / 500e encryptedending with zzzzz nr1546 zamryga 14:24 2 adresa (24 Dec) (PPA)11034.7 Egyptian MFA: 2227 Sitor-A 5LG offair at 2233 (12/12/05) (AJP)11086.5 GYA: RN Northwood 0325 FAX 120LPM (very weak) 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)11090 KVM70: Honolulu Met 0636 FAX/120/576 Nice satellite pic (19/01/07) (RH2)11090.0 KVM70: Honolulu Met 0636 fax 120/576 Nice satellite pic (19/01/07)(RH2)11112.0 Unid: 1252 CRY-2001 low signal (24/12/05) (AJP)11130.0 02@: Moroccan army MRC 10:22 USB / ALE calling GLOBAL (30 DEC)(PPA)11145 LFI: Globe Wireless Rogaland Norway 1356 GLOBEDATA Idle signal. (31Dec05) (RGA)11155.0 RIT: CISN Severomorsk RUS 08:00 CW / A1A calling RJP58 for QSA check (28 Dec) (PPA)11175 ANDREWS: 152-char EAM Bcast 1432 USB FEU2TI. (16 Dec 05) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Clg CROUGHTON 1629 USB Apparently keying all sites. Calling CROUGHTON and asking them to stand by, and then calling SPIRIT 13 and asking them to stand by. ANDREWS then bcst a 6-character YR... EAM. At 1632z ANDREWS with an all freq bcst to ETHYL 99 requesting ETHYL 99 to meet SPIRIT 13 on 11175, and then into a listenting watch bcst. At 1634z ANDREWS worked SPIRIT 13 (unheard to very weak here). (16 Dec 05) (JH)11175 BAREBACK: Clg MAINSAIL 1657 USB Raised MCCLELLAN for a radio check and gone. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 BROW BEAT: Wkg MCCLELLAN 2144 USB Phone patch regarding GEP coordination and gone. At termination BROW BEAT suddenly gained in strength to fair/good levels. (16 Jan 06) (JH)11175 DEECEE 98: Wkg ANDREWS 1800 USB Phone patch to a commercial telephone number. (12 Jan 06) (JH)11175 DILIGENT(?): Wkg ANDREWS DILIGENT unheard here. Phone patch to a common DSN 271 number for some order wire coordination and gone. (04 Jan 06) (JH)11175 DIXIE 02: Clg MAINSAIL 2131 USB Raises unknown HFGCS station; [weak/unreadable and always id'd as MAINSAIL by 02], requesting "latest EAM traffic." The HFGCS station replied with something (unheard) and DIXIE 02 responded with what sounded like "Do I understand message is unaddressed?" After a brief unheard response DIXIE 02 out and gone. (19 Jan 06) (JH)11175 ETHYL 11: Wkg MCCLELLAN 2321 USB (ETHYL 11 unheard here) For current message traffic. MCCLELLAN advised there was no current message traffic but a few moments later MCCLELLAN passed preamble 24AY6N to ETHYL 11 and gone. (14 Jan 06) (JH)11175 ETHYL 41: Wkg OFFUTT 1902 USB ETHYL 41 unheard here. Asked for current message traffic. Told there was none by OFFUTT and gone. (Numerous 7Y... strings between 1700z and

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WUN-v12 1800z.) ETHYL 41 was followed by unknown station (unheard here and no id given by OFFUTT) passing OPS NORMAL to OFFUTT and quiet. (11 Jan 06) (JH)11175 GOPHER 01: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1655 USG For a signal check and gone. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 GOPHER 02: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1624 USB For a signal check and gone. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 HEADLINER: Wkg OFFUTT 1817 USB For a phone patch to an unknown party (OFFUTT at good levels but no ground party chatter heard) and gone. (23 Dec 05) (JH)11175 HUMPHRIES: Clg MAINSAIL 1757 USB Raised ANDREWS for a phone patch to a common DSN 939 number (id'd as COUPLING) for a brief patch and gone at 1808z. (11 Jan 06) (JH)11175 JG006: Clg ANDREWS 1627 USB Requests phone patch to Ramstein CP. Andrews can't hear a/c. Offutt comes in to help. JGO06 can't hear phone patch so Offutt relays. A/C is 25 mikes out and provides other admin traffic. (27Dec05) (JG)11175 LEGISLATE: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1605 USB Phone patch to KING CRAB (GEP controller alias) for some orderwire (orderwire BRAVO) coordination and gone. (27 Dec 05) (JH)11175 MOON CALL: Wkg Puerto Rico 0024 USB Phone patch for orderwire coordination and gone. (06 Jan 06) (JH)11175 OFFUTT: Wkg "5291" 1911 USB Saying "5291", with the other party unheard. (16 Dec 05) (JH)11175 OFFUTT: Wkg IRONWOOD 1913 USB IRONWOOD unheard to maybe very weak/unreadable here) and acknowledged "291" and quiet. 291 is a MYSTIC STAR designator... (16 Dec 05) (JH)11175 ORANGEADE(?): 28-char EAM Bcast 1333 USB 24AAYW simulcast on at least 11175 and 15016 with nothing heard on 4724. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 OVERFLOW: 28-char EAM 1609 USB (Missed preamble) preceded ANDREWS' HFGCS bcst of same at 2211z. At 2211z OVERFLOW bcst another 28-character EAM (7YMIQV) slightly preceding ANDREWS' HFGCS bcst of same. At 2219z OVERFLOW (weak/fair) bcsting a 48-character EAM (FETYAU) preceding ANDREWS' 2222z HFGCS bcst of same. (11 Jan 06) (JH)11175 PAT 94: Clg MAINSAIL 1536 USB Gave location as "west of Rapid City (South Dakota)) calling MAINSAIL and raising MCCLELLAN (fair/good) for quick radio check and gone. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 PNR400: US DEA Georgetown Bahamas 1230 ALE/USB Sounding. (19Dec05) (RGA)11175 PORTABLE: Wkg maybe PUERTO RICO 2310 USB Requesting a working freq for HF data, 4-tone. Eventually moved to11220. (15Jan06) (JH)11175 SNOOP 34: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2146 USB Working PUERTO RICO and then ANDREWS for a phone patch to a 271 DSN number (SNOOP OPS) to inquire about a report that SNOOP 34 "had left part of their plane behind" and was told it was probably not part of a RC 135, and gone. (03 Dec 06) (JH)11175 SYNDROME: Clg MAINSAIL 2024 USB Raised MCCLELLAN for a signal check and gone. (03 Jan 06) (JH)11175 TOPCAT 03: Clg MAINSAIL 2011 USB Raises LAJES and requesting current traffic. LAJES became "2 by" to 03 and was handed off to PUERTO RICO (weak/readable here). PUERTO RICO asked if he wanted the preamble, was told yes, and passed 7YM??V (muffled) and gone. (29 Dec 05) (JH)11175 TROUT 91: Wkg MCCLELLAN 2107 USB Requested current traffic. Told there was none and gone. (13 Jan 06) (JH)11175 TROUT99: Wkg MCLELLAN 2143 USB TROUT99 unheard here. (03 Jan 06) (JH)11175 VAMPIRE 15: Wkg ANDREWS 1725 USB Initially id'd as DARK 15 but corrected himself) "in Kansas" working ANDREWS (weak) for a phone patch to a DSN 461 number (DYESS DSN) id'd as PHOENIX OPS to pass along corrected TOT (1730 to

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WUN-v12 1735) and gone. After terminating with ANDREWS, VAMPIRE 15 worked unknown party on 11175.0 and sent him to "1 9 0 2 8 HOTEL FOX." Nothing heard on 19028.0 here. (12 Jan 06) (JH)11175.0 AFA: USAF Andrews USA 08:05 EAM msg (28 Dec) (PPA)11175.0 USAF Sigonella: 1544Z 29th Dec: 11175 USB: USAF Sigonella working "Juliet Mike 29" for a PP. Earlier the same op was calling using Keflavik callsign.29dec05 (D)11181 JNRSPR: US SIPRNet Station Puerto Rico 1233 ALE/USB Sounding 11181 and 6715 kHz. (07Jan06) (RGA)11181 OFFSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Offutt AFB NE USA 1429 ALE/USB sounding (07/Jan/06) (AA)11181 PLASPR: US GHFS Stn Lajes Azores 1457 ALE/USB Sounding. (09Jan06) (RGA)11181 PLASPR: US SIPRNet Stn Lajes Azores 1224 ALE/USB Sounding. Also heard 6715 kHz. (19Dec05) (RGA)11184 G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 1328 HFDL Logs on. (30Dec05) (RGA)11184 G-VGAS: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Varga Girl' 1321 Flt VS0021 HFDL Posn report 5207N 00357W via Reykjavik. (30Dec05) (RGA)11184 N66057: Continental B767 Flt CO0047 1330 HFDL Acks TAFOR sent via Reykjavik: WWS F EIDW BIKF CYJT CO0047 301300Z ** TAF FOR FLIGHT CO0047 EIDW 301000Z 301812 23017KT 9999 FEW020 TEMPO 2301 24020G30KT 5000 SHRA SCT010 BKN018CB BECMG 00022. (30Dec05) (RGA)11184.0 REYKJAVICK: 1238 hfdl tfc to ac SU0121 (14Jan06) (wp3)11217.0 KNY70: US SHARES 1248 USB ALE snd (19/JAN/06) (KK)11220 PORTABLE: Wkg ANDREWS 2321 USB With attempted data transmissions. (15Jan06) (JH)11226 100452: USAF C-5 Galaxy, Tail 70-0452 2047 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 13215. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)11226 244132: USAF C-17A Globemaster 04-4132 2159 ALE/USB direct dial AMDCCCCPMCFNNNN via Andrews. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)11226 571473: USAF KC-135R Stratotanker #57-1473 2217 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)11226 59001474: USAF KC135 Tail 59-1474 2211 ALE/USB ALE to MCC, McClellan HF-GCS, Calif. Prob Ground maint. test. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)11226 B03: Unid USAF E3-B Sentry 2055 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)11226 PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes Azores 1226 ALE/USB Sounds. (19Dec05) (RGA)11240 NCS: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1008 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "US1" and "US2" after calling "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11240 US1: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1022 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "NCS" after responding to collective callsign "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11240 US2: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1009 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "NCS" after responding to collective callsign "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11240.0 NCS: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1008 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "US1" and "US2" after calling "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11240.0 US1: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1022 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "NCS"after responding to collective callsign "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11240.0 US2: UNID Danish MIL station, DNK? 1009 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, data tfc to "NCS" after responding to collective callsign "MAIN" (05Jan06) (LDO)11253 MVU: RAF Volmet 0327 Wx w/ YL 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)11312 7T-VJY: Air Algérie A330 Flt AH8199 1424 HFDL Logs on. (30Dec05) (RGA)

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WUN-v1211312 A6-ERI: Emirates A340 Flt EK0088 1353 HFDL Posn report 4728N 00833E via Muharraq. (30Dec05) (RGA)11312 SU-GCI: EgyptAir A330 Flt MS0792 1455 HFDL Posn report 4040N 01312E via Muharraq. (30Dec05) (RGA)11312 VT-JWA: Jet Airways India A340 Flt 9W0122 1350 HFDL Posn report 4855N 02908E via Muharraq. (30Dec05) (RGA)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0054 uplink message to VP-BWK (Aeroflot)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0103 uplink message to VP-BWG (Aeroflot)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0128 uplink message to N453PA (Polar Air Cargo)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0142 uplink message to N602FE (Federal Express)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0145 uplink message to ZS-SND (South AfricanAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0238 uplink message to CN-RNY (Royal Air Maroc)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0306 uplink message to G-VGAS (Virgin AtlanticAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0309 uplink message to VP-BDK (Aeroflot)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0313 uplink message to N68160 (ContinentalAirlines): 29 REILS OTS. COA RAMP PROCEDURES IN EFFECT.09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0349 uplink message to N362FE (Federal Express)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0400 uplink message to ZS-SFH (South AfricanAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0416 uplink message to N322UP (United ParcelService) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0418 uplink message to N583NW (NorthweastAirlines) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0422 uplink message to OH-LBV (Finnair)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0424 uplink message to ZS-SJM (South AfricanAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0428 uplink message to ZS-SFG (South AfricanAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0441 uplink message to A7-CJB (Qatar Airways)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0443 uplink message to N361FE (Federal Express)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0448 uplink message to N587FE (Federal Express)09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0453 uplink message to ZS-SFJ (South AfricanAirways) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 ARINC-13: Santa Cruz 0456 uplink message to N592NW (NorthweastAirlines) 09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11318 N76054: Continental Airlines 0120 downlink message: 0EH013059VSH09/DEC/2005 (IDS)11387.0 Australian Volmet: AUS 12:35 USB / J3E English Metar observations Sydney,Brisbane (24 Dec) (PPA)11387.0 Mumbai Volmet: USB 1155 UTC 12 JAN - Mumbai Radio VOLMET -13jan06 (J1)11407.9 Unid: 1257 Piccolo 6 tones Prob Royal Australian Navy ? (24/12/05) (AJP)11407.9 unid: unid British military 08:15 Piccolo 6 / 20 / 120 encrypted tfc weak signal (28 Dec) (PPA)11427.5 MAE: MFA Algiers ALG 09:57 USB/ALE answer to Rabat (29 Dec) (PPA)11427.5 RBT: ALG emb. Rabat MRC 1135 ALE/USB clng to MAE (28Dec05) (MAL)11427.5 RBT: Alg-Mfa Rabat Mrc 1613 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (09/jan/06) (sw)11427.5 RBT: Algerian embassy Rabat MRC 09:57 USB/ALE calling MAE Algiers(29 Dec) (PPA)11430.0 CENTR2: Rom. MfA 0900 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PHG:

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WUN-v12 Rom. Emb. SUI? (10/JAN/06) (KK)11437.7 CNDT: Algerian custom Algiers ALG 11:31 Pactor1 / 100 / 200 French msg on LAB cct to IILA (27 Dec) (PPA)11438.5 unid: North Korean embassy 12:38 DPRK-ARQ / 600 / 600 no decode(24 Dec) (PPA)11443.5 unid: North Korean embassy 12:40 DPRK-ARQ / 600 / 600 no decode(24 Dec) (PPA)11475 MAE: MFA Algiers,ALG 1556 ALE/USB to NKT Nouakchott (21/12/05) (ZE)11475 MAE: MFA Algiers,ALG 1608 ALE/USB to RBT Rabat(21/12/05) (ZE)11475 RBT: ALG emb Rabat,TUN 1609 ALE/USB to MAE Algiers (21/12/05) (ZE)11475.0 055: Unid 1554 ALE/USB sndg. (20/dec/05) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1308 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis also noted on 11427.5 (20/dec/05) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 0939 ALE/USB TNS Tunis (04/jan/06) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 0944 ALE/USB RBT Rabat Mrc (04/jan/06) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1335 ALE/USB clg BKO Bamako MLI (11/jan/06) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1431 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis (12/jan/06) (sw)11475.0 RBT: Alg-Mfa Rabat Mrc 1528 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (29/dec/05) (sw)11475.0 RBT: Algerian embassy Rabat MRC 14:44 USB / ALE to MAE this is RBT(26 Dec) (PPA)11475.0 TNS: Alg-Mfa Tunis Tun 1516 ALE/USB clg MAE1 (20/dec/05) (sw)11490.0 0000210001: unid Greek station GRC 09:12 USB / ALE calling 0000210302 (25 Dec) (PPA)11490.0 0000210504: Grc-Moi 1535 ALE/USB sndg. (10/jan/06) (sw)11494 X93: US Army UH-60L Blackhawk 2/3rd AVN Tail 94-26593 2208 ALE/USB ALE to OPB, OPBAT/PANTHER. COTHEN SCAN 5. (02DEC05) (RB)11495.0 0000001270: Tur-Net? 1603 ALE/USB sndg. (03/jan/06) (sw)11500 2010: 1103 ALE/USB "TO:4016 TIS:2010" (14/Jan/06) (AA)11500 2010: 1116 ALE/USB "TO:2013 TIS:2010" (14/Jan/06) (AA)11500 2016: 1101 ALE/USB "TO:2010 TWS:2016" (14/Jan/06) (AA)11500 2016: 1102 ALE/USB "TO:3010 TIS:2016" (14/Jan/06) (AA)11500.0 1020: Tur-Net? 1500 ALE/USB clg 4014 (08/jan/06) (sw)11500.0 unid: Bulgarian diplo 11:53 Bulgarian 8 FSK / 240,1 / 7*240 in IRS and ISS mode (27 Dec) (PPA)11514.0 RAF Mount Pleasant: 1306 Piccolo 6 tones . VFT. Idle at 520 Hz. Traffic at 920 Hz 20 Bd (24/12/05) (AJP)11514.9 unid: unid British military 09:51 VFT / Piccolo 6 / 20 / 120encrypted tfc with operator channel on 11514.4 on standby (28 Dec) (PPA)12061.5 OPS171: US Army 1-171 AVN BN, Ft Dobbins, Ga 2000 ALE/USB Sounding. Army Aviation. (02DEC05) (RB)12170 AMMAN: French Diplo Amman, JOR 1039 ALE/USB clg CER42 Paris (27Dec05) (KB)12170 AMMAN: French Diplo Comms Hub Amman 1329 ALE/USB Calls CER42/Quai d'Orsay. (18Jan06) (RGA)12170.0 AMMAN: French embassy Amman JOR 10:39 USB / ALE answering call from MFA Paris (27 Dec) (PPA)12170.0 cer42: MFA Paris 0840 ale clg AMM Amman (5Jan06) (wp3)12170.0 CER42: MFA Paris F 10:23 USB / ALE calling AMMAN (27 Dec) (PPA)12171.0 lwj3: unid 0826 cw tlgg tlgg tlgg de lwj3 lwj3 lwj3 k (5Jan06)(wp3)12242.0 LSD836: Argentina R 1310 USB. QSX:13089 Phonepatches (24/12/05) (AJP)12251.0 unid: 0859 reversals 50/994 (5Jan06) (wp3)12390 GYA: FWOC Northwood 1303 FAX/120/576 FAX schedule. Excellent until 1312 when signal suddenly drops into noise (28Dec05) (KB)

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WUN-v1212493.0 ubht: rus ship 1105 arq tfc to rlk7 (5Jan06) (wp3)12579 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour Guam 1524 FEC Wx for NW Pacific (18/01/06) (RH2)12579.0 nmn: USCG Portsmouth, VA 1630 fec NNNN ZCZC FA70 020-3@/=83 //=?-..EGENADMIN/NGA NAVSAFETY BETHESDA MD// (6Jan06) (wp3)12579.0 nrv: USCG Apra Harbour 1545 fec (6Jan06) (wp3)12579.0 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour, Guam 1524 fec Wx for NW Pacific (18/01/06)(RH2)12585.0 NRV: USCG Guam 1343 CW Channel free marker and CW ID (24/12/05) (AJP)12586.0 udk2: Murmansk Radio 1303 fec blind tfc to ship UAJY (4Jan06) (wp3)12586.0 udk2: Murmansk Radio 1303 fec FEC MESSAGE FROM UDK 16:02:540601-06=:=38+ (6Jan06) (wp3)12586.0 udk2: Murmansk Radio 1337 fec murmansk 199 m-0149 antares lesnyhserge@ iwanowi4u= sergej dnem rovdeniq rovdestwom zdorowxq blagopolu4iquda4nogo (6Jan06) (wp3)12590.5 3756: Moscow Radio 1230 fec CQ CQ CQ DE 3756 0700-2000 MSK (6Jan06) (wp3)12590.5 3756: Moscow Radio 1530 fec /QSX 8390,0 (6Jan06) (wp3)12590.5 rrr34: Moscow Radio 1406 cw/marker "3756" in cw (4Jan06) (wp3)12592.5 NMN: USCG Portsmouth USA 13:00 Sitor-A/100/170 CW identification +ARQ burst (17 Dec) (PPA)12594.5 A9M: Bahrain 1426z Dec 19, 2005 with CW ID [SN]12594.5 a9m: Hamala Radio 1412 cw/marker de a9m tlx mcmcmc (4Jan06) (wp3)12596.0 rlk7: Archangelsk Radio 1105 arq tfc to ship ubht qsx 12493,0 (not12493,5) (5Jan06) (wp3)12599.5 uat: Moscow Radio 1202 fec tfc list (6Jan06) (wp3)12603.5 SVO: Athens, Greece 1438z Nov 25, 2005 with CW ID [SN]12603.5 svo: Olympia Radio 1413 cw/marker de svo (4Jan06) (wp3)12606.0 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1318 cw/marker de uiw kld (4Jan06) (wp3)12617.0 unid: GW-Station 1430 gw-pactor-marker to weak to analyse (4Jan06)(wp3)12629.0 tah: Istanbul Radio 1436 marker/cw (4Jan06) (wp3)12654 TAH: Ankara, Turkey 1441z Nov 25, 2005 with CW ID [SN]12654.0 tah: Istanbul Radio 1442 marker/cw (4Jan06) (wp3)12680.4 8PO: Bridgetown radio BRB 11:00 GW-Pactor / 100 / 200 channel free marker (Hex ident E3) (28 Dec) (PPA)12704.5 JFX: Kagoshima Ken Fisheries 0130 CW Hand key; msgs. (17Jan05) (AB3)12709.0 a9m: Hamala Radio 1446 gw-pactor-marker (4Jan06) (wp3)12735 URL: SevastopolRadio Ukraine 1505 CW Service bulletin. (18Dec05) (RGA)12770.0 RGE31: unid station RUS 07:36 RUS-ARQ / 100 / 500 working RKV23 QSX11025.0 (28 Dec) (PPA)12799.5 UFZ: Sitor-B 12 Dec 05 0114UFZ, Vladivostok, Russia with weather in RR, then to CW "UFZ" in Sitor-A sync marker at 0119 12dec05 (HS)12823.5 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 1450 RTTY/75/850 Still having technical problems. (18Dec05) (RGA)12857.0 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1641 RTTY 75BD FAAA DE 6WW TESTING RY/SG 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT.... (20Jan06) (piri)12873.6 FN La Regine: 1407 Stanag 4285 600L ACF=0 (24/12/05) (AJP)12877.5 UIW: Kaliningrad radio RUS 10:39 ITA2 / 50 / 170e third shift Cyrrilic msgs ,spurious on 12881.4 and12869.7 (28 Dec) (PPA)12889.5 NOJ: Kodiak, Alaska 0027z July 13, 2005 CW with “CQ DE” marker [SN]12916 HLF: Seoul Radio 0148 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)12923 HLW2: Seoul Radio 0147 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)12930.6 No Call: prb Fr. Navy 1038 USB/Stanag-4285/ 600bps

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WUN-v12 /L./I. "...../******..oUUUUUUUU($.~LeOx. (16/JAN/06) (KK)12930.7 RETJ: SN Madrid? E 1644 STANAG 4285 600/L/ITA2/5N1 KG84 MSGS and long idle periods (20Jan06 (piri)12935 HLG: Seoul Radio 0141 CW marker 18/DEC/2005 (IDS)12942.0 Australian Mil: AUS 1144 Mil Std 188-110 Serial modem (15/12/05) (AJP)12993 KSM: 0138 CW marker: "vvv vvv cq de ksm ksm ksm qsx 6/12..."18/DEC/2005 (IDS)12993.0 KSM: San Francisco, California 0023z July 13, 2005 CW with "CQ DE QSX" marker [SN]13033.5 VCS: Halifax radio CAN 13:21 GW-Pactor / 100 / 200 channel free marker ,hex ident 4E (24 Dec) (PPA)13042.5 fuv: FN Djibouti 1449 stanag4285/300L/5n2 VZCZC. .OO FAAA .DE FU V . (3Jan06) (wp3)13045.0 VIE: Darwin radio AUS 13:25 GW-Pactor / 100 / 200 channel freemarker ,hex ident C9 (24 Dec) (PPA)13101 ERMSAL: Brazilian Navy, 2nd Naval District, Bahia 2109 ALE/USB ALE to FTEROI, Brazilian warship Niteroi (F-40), frigate. Brazilian Navy Net. (04DEC05) (RB)13215 450030: USAF KC-10, Tail 85-0030 2136 ALE/USB ALE to ADW, Andrews HF-GCS. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)13215 523506: USAF KC-135A-BN Stratotanker #62-3506 2025 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)13215 571473: USAF KC-135R Stratotanker #57-1473 2217 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)13215 G23487: Sikorsky UH-60A Black Hawk 80-23487 2200 ALE/USB ALE to AASF2SLN, Army Aviation Support Facility, Salina, Kansas, Kansas NG. Army Aviation. (01DEC05) (RB)13215 HAW: HF-GCS, Ascension Island 1912 ALE/USB ALE to IKF, HF-GCS Keflavik, Iceland. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)13215 ICZ: US GHFS Stn Sigonella Italy 1509 Sounds on 13215 and 11226. IKF/Keflavik sounds on 4721 kHz. (09Jan06) (RGA)13215 JNR: HF-GCS Salinas, PR 0326 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, HF-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)13215 SKA: USCG AirSta Sitka? SKA is TISCOM ID 2300 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 15043. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)13215.0 ADW: USAF Andrews USA 14:01 USB / ALE sounding (24 Dec) (PPA)13215.0 JDG: NSF Diego Garcia DGA 13:44 USB / ALE sounding (24 Dec) (PPA)13242 KNY70A: US NCS Herndon VA (?) 1315 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)13242 MCCNPR: NIPR Net, McClellan AFB, Ca 2313 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, Offutt HF-GCS. (30NOV05) (RB)13303 HS-TNC: Thai International A340 Flt THA941 1253 HFDL Posn report 4538N 00843E via Las Palmas. (30Dec05) (RGA)13303.0 CANARIAS: 1207 hfdl tfc to ac AY2607 (14Jan06) (wp3)13351.0 AUCKLAND: 1037 hfdl rather weak, tfc to ac MU2105 (14Jan06) (wp3)13378.0 055: Unid 1215 ALE/USB sndg. (21/dec/05) (sw)13452 : Swiss embassy Stockholm, S 0938 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, ALE with linking protection (25Dec05) (LDO)13452.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Stockholm, S 0938 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone crypto tfc to Bern, ALE with linking protection (25Dec05) (LDO)13457 : Swiss Diplo Net 1305 ALE/USB Regular link- protected soundings. (30Dec05) (RGA)13457 : Swiss embassy Sofia, BUL 1104 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection

Pagina 90

WUN-v12 (28Dec05) (LDO)13457.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Sofia, BUL 1104 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (28Dec05) (LDO)13458.2 RNZN: 1101 BR6028 (7 FSK at 75/170) (22/12/05) (AJP)13460 : Romanian emb. Tripolis, LBY 1010 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, wkng. MFA Bucharest (28Dec05) (LDO)13460 CENTR6: MFA Bucharest, ROU 1010 USB/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, working Tripolis (28Dec05) (LDO)13460.0 CENTR6: MFA Bucharest, ROU 1010 USB/MIL-STD188-110A serial tone modem, working Tripolis (28Dec05) (LDO)13460.0 no-call: Romanian emb. Tripolis, LBY 1010 USB/MIL- STD 188-110A serial tone modem, wkng. MFABucharest (28Dec05) (LDO)13486.9 : Danish emb. Moscow, RUS 1213 SITOR-A at 400Hz shift, op chat to MFA (30Dec05) (LDO)13486.9 : MFA Copenhagen, DNK 1213 SITOR-A at 400Hz shift, op chat to Moscow (30Dec05) (LDO)13486.9 no-call: Danish emb. Moscow, RUS 1213 SITOR-A at 400Hz shift, op chat to MFA (30Dec05) (LDO)13486.9 no-call: MFA Copenhagen, DNK 1213 SITOR-A at400Hz shift, op chat to Moscow (30Dec05) (LDO)13499 101: Protection Civile Marocaine 1252 ALE/USB Calls 1117. (30Dec05) (RGA)13510 CFH: CN Halifax CAN 1338 RTTY/75 metar msgs. (13Jan06) (PIRI)13510.0 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 12:43 ITA2 / 75 / 850r TAF reports from Canadian meteo stations (27 Dec) (PPA)13510.0 CFH: CN Halifax CAN 1338 RTTY 75bd metar msgs. (13jan06) (piri)13550.5 ZKLF: Wellington Meteo 0932 FAX/120/576 sfc/sea state. Same chart as on 5807 at 0901 and similarly noisy (26Dec05) (KB)13879 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0836 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline 5FG crypto to unloc. embassy on link #00028 (28Dec05) (LDO)13879.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0836 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline 5FG crypto to unloc. embassy on link #00028 (28Dec05) (LDO)13886.3 : Moscow Meteo 0630 FAX/120/576 Nice chart (19/01/06) (RH2)13886.3 Unid: Moscow Meteo 0630 fax 120/576 Nice chart (19/01/06) (RH2)13907 CS8: COTHEN Remote, Albuquerque, NM 2221 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN Net. (04DEC05) (RB)13951 : MFA Bern, SUI 0807 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail tfc. to Algiers, net using ALE + linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)13951 : Swiss embassy Algiers, ALG 0807 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)13951.0 no-call: MFA Bern, SUI 0807 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto e-mail Algiers, net using ALE + linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)13951.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Algiers, ALG 0807 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc to Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)13956.5 Unid: tunesian mil/diplo 1405 fec 7AG7AG BS QSA QRK 555 (6Jan06)(wp3)13956.5 XLD: MFA or MOD Rabat, MRC 1144 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz, op chat in FF to 7MS (30Dec05) (LDO)13960 IRONWOOD(?): Wkg Unid 1916 USB Someone saying

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WUN-v12 IRONWOOD (suspected IRONWOOD acknowledging a call) and seemed to be in comm with another party (unheard) but other than a word or two nothing heard on freq except for strong het. (16 Dec 05) (JH)13977.7 : Unid 1003 ARQE-3/200/400 RC=8 cont. Betas Prob. French mil. (13Jan06) (PIRI)13977.7 Unid: 1003 ARQE-3 200Baud 400Hz shift RC=8 cont. Beta's Prob. French mil. (13jan06) (piri)14076 : Unid 0811 MFSK/4-TONE/62.5 Hz/62.5 Bd. Possible this is Olivia mode? (10-01-2006) (IB)14396.5 "Yosemite 68": QTH? 1653z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 [?] "ASPEN GOLD": Texas: 1608z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAA3USA: Maryland 1645z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAR-LL: Tennessee 1634z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR0HK: Washington 1630z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAR0NM: Idaho 1648z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AAR0ZC: Oregon 1656z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AAR1DD: West Hampton, Ct.1543 z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR1FP: Massachusetts 1644z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAR3LW: West Virginia 1552z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAR3MC: West Virginia 1616z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAR3ML: West Virginia 1616z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR4IL: Tenessee 1614z Nov 23, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR4IY: [QTH ?] 1540 z Jan 4, 2006 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR4LL: Tennessee 1634z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR6DY Arkansas 1626z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR7AL: Northern Mississippi 1726z Sep 2, 2005 USB calling for emergency traffic during Hurricane Katrina [SN]14396.5 AAR7FI: Iowa 1713z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAR7PF: Iowa 1705z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAT-ES: Florida 1658z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAT3MA: West Virginia 1712z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAT5AP: Minnesota 1649z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAT6FG: Texas 1634z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AAT7DQ: Kansas 1629z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AAT7YS: Iowa 1609z Nov 23, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AAV2AS: New York 1554z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AAV4AR: Georgia 1554z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAV5QS: Alabama 1617z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 ABM5SA: Hawaii 1659z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]

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WUN-v1214396.5 ABM6USA: Hawaii 1647z Nov 9,2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AC3HY: [QTH?] 1548Z Jan 4, 2006 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AFA1LE: Pennsylvania 1613z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA1PJ: QTH? 1614z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA1SX: Florida 1617z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA2BO:North Carolina 1620z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2BS: North Carolina 1619z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2DT:Puerto Rico 1708z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2ED: Alabama 1725z Nov 30, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2GF: Florida 1602z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2LK: [QTH?] 1606z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2LQ: Florida 1621z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA2MH: Georgia 1622z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA3AR: Wisconsin 1548z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA3HY:Shawnee, Ks 1546z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA4BC: Texas 1615z Nov 23, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AFA4BP: [QTH ?]1646Z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 AFA4BR: Houston, Texas 1524z Oct 19, 2005 USB wkg KAN 38 [SN]14396.5 AFA4CU: QTH? 1704z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 AFA4JQ:[QTH?] 1630z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 HILLCAP 49: West Virginia 1612z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 K0Q 900: Orlando, Florida 1609z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KAN 38: Missouri EOC 1527z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KDM 52: Tennessee 1716z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KFD 905: Washington, DC 1616z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KFD 913: QTH? 1557z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KGD 24: [QTH ?] 1626z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KGD 34: Arlington, Virginia 1543z Nov 2, 2005 working AFA3HS Nov 2, 2005 [SN]14396.5 KHA 908: Moffitt Field, California 1553z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KHA 925: Texas 1717z Nov 30, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KLB 48: Indiana 1617z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KNR 33: QTH? 1558z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 70: Herndon, Virginia 1617z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 77 Washington, DC 1631z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]

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WUN-v1214396.5 KNY 80:Fort Wayne, Indiana 1638z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 82 Kansas 1630z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 83: QTH? 1553z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 86: San Diego, California 1712z Nov 30, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KNY 91: QTH? 1615z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNY 95: Alaska 1650z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 KNZ 20: Atlanta, Georgia 1635z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NC0 031: QTH? 1557z Oct 19, 2005 calling for check- ins [SN]14396.5 NCS 010: Nashville, Tenessee 1625z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NCS 015: Virginia 1615z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 019: Kansas 1628z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 021: Alaska 1646z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 31: QTH? 1719z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0BE:Florida 1657z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0BMV: South Dakota 1655z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0BQD: Florida 1622z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0CNH: QTH? 1615z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0EIA: QTH? 1549z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0EPY: Michigan 1637z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0EYT: Texas, 1615z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0GGA: Wisconsin 1548z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0GGD: QTH? 1548z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0HEU: Missouri 1630z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0HSI: Alabama 1601z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0HSP: South Texas 1639z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0JGE: [QTH ?] 1553z Jan 4, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0JGV: QTH? 1539z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0KEF: [QTH ?] 1723z Nov 30, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0OHR: Indiana 1621z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0QLW: Washington 1718z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0RGP: Puerto Rico 1558z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0SYH: Florida 1716z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0TFH: QTH? 1550z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 NNN0VEY: Alabama 1641z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]

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WUN-v1214396.5 NNN0VGY: Alabama 1641z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0WAS: [QTH?] 1617z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Tennessee CAP 48: Memphis, Tennessee 1633z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Texas CAP 324: Texas 1634z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WDY 948: [QTH ?] 1642z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WGY 904: Georgia 1614z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 908: Colorado 1641z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 911: Massachusetts 1609z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 918: [QTH?] 1555z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 925: Wisconsin 1644z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WGY 9416: QTH? 1705z Nov 2, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14396.5 WGY 946: Louisiana 1702z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WGY 948: [QTH ?] 1642z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WGY 9937: Michigan 1659z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WNJN 897: Connecticut 1615z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WNYW 275: West Virginia 1614z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WTY 908: [QTH ?] 1641z Nov 2, 2005 with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WWJ 40: QTH? 1602z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 WWJ 850: QTH? 1601z Oct 19, 2005 USB with net check in [SN]14396.5 “GEORGIA CAP 43”: Georgia 1708z Nov 9, 2005 USB with net check-in [SN]14422 055: 1255 ALE/USB sounding for 20 seconds, ends with TRP calling MAE (14/Jan/06) (AA)14422 586: Unid 0912 ALE/USB sounding (07/Jan/06) (AA)14422 MAE: MAE Algiers 0908 ALE/USB calling TRP/Tripoli Embassy. (07/Jan/06) (AA)14422 TRP: 1252 ALE/USB "TO:MAE TIS:TRP" (14/Jan/06) (AA)14422.0 055: Unid 1251 ALE/USB sndg. QSO in Italian followed. (20/dec/05) (sw)14422.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1220 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat Mrc (21/dec/05) (sw)14422.0 MAE: MFA ALGIERS 1003 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RBT. Also 1107z. 1602 clng TRP (09/Jan)(DW)14443 SPF219: 1258 ALE/USB "TO:LCR154 TIS:SPF219" (14/Jan/06) (AA)14455 NNN0BCI: [QTH ?] 1659z Dec 7, 2005 USB with net check- in [SN]14455.0 NNN0BCI: QTH? 1659z Dec 7, 2005 with net check in [SN]14467.3 DDH8: Hamburg Meteo D 1438 RTTY 50 calltape and RY (28dec05) (piri)14467.3 DDH8: Hamburg Meteo D 1438 RTTY/50/450 calltape and RY (28Dec05) (PIRI)14510.0 XSS: Unid 1435 ALE/USB sndg. (06/jan/06) (sw)14510.0 XSS: Unid 1523 ALE/USB sndg. (19/jan/06) (sw)14521.7 : MFA Cairo, EGY 1420 ARQ/FEC selcalling TVXQ. In FEC QSY 10056 and Shut off. (27dec05) (PIRI)14521.7 MFA Cairo, EGY 1420 ARQ/FEC selcalling TVXQ. In FEC QSY 10056 and Shut off. (27dec05) (piri)14556 RIW: Navy Moscow 0900 CW 5FGs (27Dec05) (KB)

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WUN-v1214568.5 ACA: UNID 1533 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1619 1734 1750 1805 2006 (25/Dec)(DW)14568.5 ACB: UNID 1700 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (25/Dec)(DW)14572 5705: Unid 1323 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)14664 : CIS Navrad 1554 36-50/50/230 Crypto (18/01/06) (RH2)14664.0 Unid: CIS Navrad 1554 36-50 50/230 Crypto (18/01/06) (RH2)14670.7 : Unid F? 1455 ARQ-E3/192/400 RC=8 ACF-56 Beta/idle (28Dec05) (PIRI)14670.7 RFTJD: FF Libreville GAB 13:10 ARQ-E3 / 100 / 400 idle (25 Dec)(PPA)14670.7 Unid F? 1455 TDM342 1 Channel 192 baud 400Hz RC=8 ACF-56 Beta/idle(28dec05) (piri)14684.0 SZI1: CIS MIL? 0758 CW ".... de SZI1 qrr3 qrj3 k" (18/Jan)(DW)14684.7 ---: MFA CAIRO 0945 arq 100/E/170 Tfc in AA(ATU80). Tfc in 5 fig/lt grps. Offair the brief selcals XB.. (embassy) then into irs mode (17/Jan)(DW)14684.7 : MFA CAIRO EGY 1020 ARQ/FEC selcalls XBVY EGYEMB Londen also with fec No qso (13Jan06) (PIRI)14684.7 MFA CAIRO: EGY 1020 arq/fec selcalls XBVY EGYEMB Londen also with fec No qso (13jan06) (piri)14689 D02: Unid 1150 ALE/USB calling T02 (07/Jan/06) (AA)14689 M02: Unid 1310 ALE/USB sounding (07/Jan/06) (AA)14728.0 ZSC: Global wireless Capetown AFS 16:15 GW-Pactor /100/200 channelfree marker ,short opening 10 minutes later faded out (17 Dec) (PPA)14730 Cherry Ripe: E4 0110 USB Also good copy on 18865 kHz. (09Jan05) (AB3)14740 1204: Egyptian Border Guard 1507 ALE/USB sounding (06/Jan/06) (AA)14740 NCS015: Prob US NCS 1256 ALE/USB Sounding. (18Jan06) (RGA)14776 FC6: 1405 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)14776 FC8FEM: 1446 ALE/USB sounding (15/Jan/06) (AA)14780 : Central Comm. Station of the Russian Railways Ministry Moscow, RUS 0716 RTTY/50/500 transmitting several railway related tlgs in 3rd shift cyr. to Baku, each message ending with "MOSKWA CSS MPS" [CSS MPS = Central Comms Sta. of the Rus. Railw. Min.] (LDO) (28Dec05)14780.0 no-call: Central Comm. Station of the Russian Railways Ministry Moscow, RUS 0716 ITA2/50Bd/500Hz transmitting several railway related tlgs in 3rd shift cyr. to Baku, each message ending with "MOSKWA CSS MPS" [CSS MPS = Central Comms Sta. of the Rus. Railw. Min.] (LDO) (28Dec05)14799.9 UK Mil CYP: 1939 4 MFSK -294/-98/98/294 (17/12/05) (AJP)14827 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0730 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline crypto to unlocated embassy on link #00041 (30Dec05) (LDO)14827.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0730MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline crypto to unlocated embassy on link #00041 (30Dec05) (LDO)14930 CER: MFA Paris 1457 ALE/USB "TO:AMMAN TIS:CER" Wkg AMMAN Comms Hub (06/Jan/06) (AA)14932.9 unid: station 13:06 4FSK / 195.3 / 3*197 three frequencies active today also on 14779.9 and 19843.9 (25 Dec) (PPA)14987.0 Unid: 0101 CW 5FG (02/01/06) (AJP)15016 LANDFALL: 28-char EAM 1757 USB XJIB7X preceding ANDREWS 1801z bcst of same) and simulcasting same on 4724, 8992 and 11175. (17 Jan 06) (KH)15016 PARASITE: EAM Bcasts 1703 USB Two 28-character GQNC4U and GQWJPZ and simulcasting same on at least 11175 and 8992 with nothing heard on 4724. (16 Dec 05) (JH)15043 572598: USAF KC-135R Stratotanker #57-2598 1603

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WUN-v12 ALE/USB test ALE back to aircraft. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)15043 580130: USAF KC-135 Tail 58-0130 1740 ALE/USB ALE to MPA, HF-GCS Port Stanley, Falkland Islands. HF-GCS Scope Command (01DEC05) (RB)15043 591476: USAF KC-135R Stratotanker #59-1476 1955 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)15043 E31604: USAF E-3B Sentry Tail 76-1604 1839 ALE/USB ALE to OFF, F-GCS Offutt AFB, NE. HF-GCS Scope Command. (01DEC05) (RB)15043 HAW: HF-GCS, Ascension Island 1910 ALE/USB ALE to PLA, HF-GCS, Lajes AB, Azores. HF-GCS Scope Command (03DEC05) (RB)15043 ICZ: HF-GCS Sigonella,Sicily, Italy 1521 ALE/USB HF- GCS NAS Keflavik, Iceland. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)15043 IKF: HF-GCS NAS Keflavik, Iceland 1521 ALE/USB ALE to ICZ, HF-GCS Sigonella,Sicily, Italy. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)15043 IKF: US GHFS Stn Keflavik Iceland 1228 ALE/USB Sounds 15043 and 18003 kHz.(30Dec05) (RGA)15043 JDG: US GHFS Stn Diego Garcia 1221 ALE/USB sounding (05/Jan/06) (AA)15043 PLA: HF-GCS Lajes AB, Azores 1910 ALE/USB ALE to HAW, HF-GCS Ascension Island. HF-GCS Scope Command. (03DEC05) (RB)15043 PLA: US GHFS Station Lajes Azores 1514 ALE/USB Sounds 15043 18003 11226 and 6721 kHz. (09Jan06) (RGA)15043 SKA: USCG AirSta Sitka? TISCOM ID 2142 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (01DEC05) (RB)15091 IKFSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Keflavik 1256 ALE/USB sounding 15091 and 11181 kHz. (07/Jan/06) (AA)15304 CHR: TRENTON MILITARY 1457 USB WX AIR "TRENTON MILITARY OUT". (20/12/05) (BEF)15720 RS1: Brazil mil Rio Grande B 1044 ALE/USB long call to PR1 River Patrol? Never seen this combination before (13Jan06) (PIRI)15720.0 RS1: Brazil mil Rio Grande B 1044 USB/ALE long call to PR1 River Patrol? Never seen this combination before (13jan06) (piri)15737.5 : Ministry of Railways Baku, AZE 0940 RTTY/50/500 transmitting train shedules and other railway related telegrams in 3rd shift cyr., self ID as "BAK" (28Dec05) (LDO)15737.5 no-call: Ministry of Railways Baku, AZE 0940 ITA2/50Bd/500Hz transmitting train shedules and other railway related telegrams in 3rd shift cyr., self ID as "BAK" (28Dec05) (LDO)15867 700: USCG HC-130H 1700, CGAS Sacramento 2234 ALE/USB ALE to TSC. CBP Customs Nat'l LE Comm Ctr Orlando, FL. 1700 up in voice wkg SERVICE CENTER. COTHEN Net. (30NOV05) (RB)15867 MV5: CBP, Unid, poss vessel 2019 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN SCAN 7. (02DEC05) (RB)15872 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0720 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline crypto to "JUA" on link #50035 (27Dec05) (LDO)15872.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 0720 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd, offline crypto to "JUA" on link #50035 (27Dec05) (LDO)15907.2 : Unid 1321 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (31dec05) (PIRI)15907.2 Unid: 1321 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (31dec05) (piri)15920.0 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 1529 RTTY 75BD naws de cfh zkr fl 2822 3394 4155 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 (20Jan06) (piri)

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WUN-v1215988 DDK7: Hamburg Meteo D 1056 RTTY/50 AAXX msgs. (13Jan06) (PIRI)15988.0 DDK7: Hamburg Meteo D 1056 RTTY 50bd AAXX msgs. (13jan06) (piri)15988.0 DDK7: Pinneberg meteo D 13:24 ITA2 / 50 / 450r AAXX reports (27Dec) (PPA)16014.2 RFVI: FN Le Port REU 12:54 ARQ-E3 / 100 / 400 controle de voie on RUN circuit to Djibouti (26 Dec) (PPA)16025.0 unid: Russian diplo 13:35 MAZIELKA 6 tone selcall , tone sequence 720 750 782 816 853 896 hertz (27 Dec) (PPA)16094 : MFA Bern, SUI 0825 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, receivinge-mail tfc. from Ankara, net using ALE + linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)16094 : Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0825 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc to Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)16094.0 no-call: MFA Bern, SUI 0825 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, receivinge-mail tfc from Ankara, net using ALE + linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)16094.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0825 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc to Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)16124 : Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0837 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto traffic to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (29Dec05) (LDO)16124.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0837 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, cryptotraffic to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (29Dec05) (LDO)16147.7 FN N'Djamena: Chad 2137 ARQ-E3 200/400 (18/12/05) (AJP)16147.7 unid: FF ? 1516 arq-e3/200/364 betas only (27Dez05) (wp3)16193.0 ACA: UNID 0842 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (09/Jan)(DW)16193.0 ACA: UNID 1548 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1648z, 1950z (25/Dec)(DW)16193.0 ACB: UNID 2003 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (25/Dec)(DW)16212.0 Unid: presumed MFA Cairo 10:27 USB / CODAN 9001 modem burst traffic no decode (26 Dec) (PPA)16215 5113: ALE/USB 1147 ALE/USB/USB TO 5111 TIS:5113 (03Jan06) (AA)16215 5119: ALE/USB 1124 ALE/USB/USB TO 5111 TIS:5119 (03Jan06) (AA)16223.7 : MFA Cairo 1559 ARQ Msg/AA to unk (18/01/06) (RH2)16223.7 Unid: MFA Cairo 1559 arq Msg/AA to unk (18/01/06) (RH2)16240 1108: Unid ALE/USB/USB TO 1001 1110 TIS:1108 (03Jan06) (AA)16240 1113: Unid 1115 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16240 1115: Unid 1111 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16240 1302: Unid 1110 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16240 1308: Unid 1107 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16240 2011: Unid 1115 ALE/USB/USB To:2411 TIS:2011 (03Jan06) (AA)16240 2415: Unid 1121 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16240 241: Unid 1114 ALE/USB/USB (03Jan06) (AA)16240 2514: Unid 1110 ALE/USB/USB Sounding (03Jan06) (AA)16260 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1355 FEC-A/192 5lettercode to N2G FEMB Sana'a YWM (03Jan06) (PIRI)16260 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1629 FEC-A/41.1/400 idling 192 Bd working speed.(28Dec05) (PIRI)16260.0 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1355 FEC-A 192 Baud 5lettercode to N2G FEMB Sana'a YWM (03jan06) (piri)16260.0 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1629 FEC-A 41.1 Baud 400 Hz ideling

Pagina 98

WUN-v12 192 bd working speed.(28dec05) (piri)16264.5 unid: 1512 fsk 75/814 (27Dez05) (wp3)16278.7 7RQ20: MFA Algiers ALG 15:15 Coquelet 8 / 26,67 French circular to all embassies (27 Dec) (PPA)16295 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS, 1135 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted (30Dec05)(LDO)16295.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS, 1135 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted (30Dec05)(LDO)16314.0 Unid: E03 British intel CYP 14:14 USB / J3E 5F msg in parallel to 12603 and 14487 (27 Dec) (PPA)16332 C: SLB Moscow 1327 CW // 10872. (31Dec05) (RGA)16335 MAE: MAE Akgiers 0956 ALE/USB/USB TO:BKO TIS:MAE (03Jan06) (AA)16335.0 MAE: MFA Algiers ALG 15:08 USB / ALE calling BKO Bamako (27 Dec)(PPA)16335.0 NKT: ALG emb. Nouakchott 1010 ALE/USB clng to GAO (28Dec05) (MAL)16335.0 NKT: ALG emb. Nouakchott 1605 ALE/USB clng to MAE (28Dec05) (MAL)16338,5 ALG Diplo: 1407 8-tone (Alcatel?) system. Various speeds (27dec05) (piri)16338.5 : ALG Diplo? 1407 ALCATEL? 8-tone system. Various speeds. (27dec05) (PIRI)16345.0 RS1: Brazilian Army 2237 ALE/USB to BR1 Also serial modem 75bps short (13/12/05) (AJP)16405 CENTR5: MFA Bucharest ROU 1149 ALE/USB TO RMZ ROUEMB Ryad after call voice comms in roumaanian no tfc (13Jan06) (PIRI)16405.0 CENTR5: MFA Bucharest ROU 1149 USB/ALE TO RMZ ROUEMB Ryad after call voice comms in roumaanian no tfc (13jan06) (piri)16444 : RUS? 1538 MS5/4800/USB Vocoder 12 tones and pilot on 3300Hz working and Idling (28Dec05) (PIRI)16444.0 RUS: 1538 MS5 Vocoder 12 tones and pilot on 3300Hz working and Ideling (28dec05) (piri)16607 ERMSAL: Brazilian Navy, 2nd Naval District, Bahia 18491 ALE/USB ALE to NDDCEA, Brazilian warship Ceara (G-30), Dock Landing Ship. Brazilian Navy Net. (30NOV05) (RB)16683.0 ubau: unid rus ship 1350 cw/35wpm udk2 udk2 de ubau ubau k(27Dez05) (wp3)16741 : RKTS Konstrukor Kockin INT 1550 RTTY/50/170 3rd shift cyrillic Msgs to UU coaststation (28Dec05) (PIRI)16741.0 RKTS Konstrukor Kockin: INT 1550 RTTY 50baud 3th shift cyrillic Msgs to UU coaststation (28dec05) (piri)16747.0 Philippine News Agency: 1557 Sitor-B Philippine news (18/12/05) (AJP)16800.4 : Unid BMRT KING BASS trawler fishing vessel 1534 RTTY ZCZC BMRT KING BASS 50/104/20 27 19/12 1500... Freq16800.47. (19/12/05) (BEF)16804.5 3MRD2: Ship Shimakale (Panama Flag) 1232 GMDSS RQs MRCC Charleville Wiluna Australia for safety test. (30Dec05) (RGA)16804.5 9HFT7: Discovery (Maltese Flag) 1234 GMDSS RQs Lyngby Radio Denmark/OXZ for safety test. (30Dec05) (RGA)16804.5 HONJ: MSC Trinidad (Panama Flag) 1239 GMDSS RQs Lyngby Radio Denmark/OXZ for safety test. (30Dec05) (RGA)16804.5 MHXH9: Energy Skier (GB) 1246 GMDSS RQs MRCC Capetown/ZSC for safety test. (30Dec05) (RGA)16806.5 nmf: USCG Boston 1630 fec (6Jan06) (wp3)16809 WLO: Mobile Radio USA 1415 Morse call WLO and torfree burst (03Jan06) (PIRI)16809.0 wlo: Mobile Radio 1347 arq/marker wlo (27Dez05) (wp3)

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WUN-v1216809.0 WLO: Mobile Radio USA 1415 morse call WLO and torfree burst (03jan06) (piri)16811.0 CBV: Valparaiso Radio CHL 1550 MORSE CBV and torfree burst (20Jan06) (piri)16811.5 a9m: Hamala Radio 1347 arq/marker mcmcmcmc de a9m tlx (27Dez05)(wp3)16813.0 uat: Moscow Radio 1403 fec ....MIN DE UAT NNNN (6Jan06) (wp3)16833.5 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1109 fec nawip - tfc (6Jan06) (wp3)16833.5 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1318 arq tfc to uhfp (27Dez05) (wp3)16886.0 tah: Istambul Radio 1108 sitor-a/Marker Marker tah (3Jan06) (wp3)16921.9 vth9: IN Mumbai 1305 rtty 50/790 vth 5/7/9 rbsl bnt~ncf464646460=9#5/:.9,rbsl bcr bnr (27Dez05) (wp3)16938.0 vtg8: IN Mumbai 1302 cw vvv vvv vvv vtg 4/6/7/8/9 vtg 4/6/7/8/9 vtg4/6/7/8/9 vvv (27Dez05) (wp3)16951.5 6WW: FF Dakar 1530 rtty 75/850 RY's & Le Brick (18/01/06) (RH2)16951.5 6WW: FF Dakar 1530 RTTY/75/850 RY's & Le Brick (18/01/06) (RH2)16951.5 6ww: FN Dakar 1109 rtty 75/850 (3Jan06) (wp3)16951.5 6ww: FN Dakar 1246 rtty 75/850 kfaaa faaa de 6ww6ww6ww testingtestimxx ryryryryrsryryry ~t~ryryryryryryryryryryryryry (27Dez05) (wp3)16951.5 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1425 RTTY 75 shift 840 Hz faaa de 6ww testing Voyez vous le brick... ry/sg int zbz (03jan06) (piri)16951.5 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1425 RTTY/75/840 faaa de 6ww testing Voyez vous le brick... ry/sg int zbz (03Jan06) (PIRI)16951.5 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1554 RTTY 75BD FAAA DE 6WW TESTING RY/SG 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT.... (20Jan06) (piri)16986.0 CTP: NATO Lisbon POR 1601 RTTY 75BD NAWS DE CTP QSX 04 06 08 12 MHZ AR (20Jan06) (piri)16986.0 ctp: NATO Lissabon 1237 rtty 75/850 naws naws de ctp ctp due to technical problems service unavailable ufn ar (27Dez05) (wp3)17020 UDK2: Murmansk Radio RUS 1402 RTTY/50/170 msgs to 4LS (28Dec05) (PIRI)17020.0 UDK2: Murmansk Radio RUS 1402 rtty 50 msgs to 4LS (28dec05) (piri)17146.4 CBV: FAX 1915 4 Dec 05 (HS)17146.4 nmg: USCG New Orleans 1307 fax 120 72hr wind(kn) and wave(ft) fcsttropical prediction centre (3Jan06) (wp3)17146.4 NMG: USCG NEW ORLEANS 1400 FAX 120/576/N/800 GOES IR tropical sat pix (04/Jan)(DW)17146.5 CBV: VALPARAISO PLAYA ANCHA 1109 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sfc analysis chart "Armada de Chile Servicio Meteorologico carta de superficie" "05 enero 2006 0600utc. 1136 sat pix (05/Jan)(DW)17147.0 URL: Sevastopol radio UKR 09:25 CW / A1A cq cq de url url ans12458,5 / 16658,5 pse qso k (30 DEC) (PPA)17155.4 8po: Bridgetown Radio 1223 gw-pactor-marker (27Dez05) (wp3)17217.0 vie: Darwin Radio 1220 gw-pactor-marker (27Dez05) (wp3)17311.0 WLO: Mobile, Alabama 1900z Oct 24, 2005 USB with Notice to Mariners Broadcast [SN]17430.0 Kyodo News: FAX 15 Dec 05 2330 (HS)17435 2011: Italian Carabinieri Net ALE/USB 1333 "TO:2413 TIS:2011" (05/Jan/06) (AA)17451.5 OEY51: BMLV Vienna 1336 ALE/USB "TO:OEY71 TIS:OEY51" Wkg Austrian Contingent Golan Heights. (05/Jan/06) (AA)

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WUN-v1217458.5 CLS: Prob Sabre AAF, Fort Campbell, Ky 1616 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 5126, 10691.5. US ARMY Aviation Net. (30NOV05) (RB)17458.5 M010AN: National Guard, Massachusetts 1328 ALE/USB ALE to R01, unid Army aviation asset. US Army Nat'l Guard. (03DEC05) (RB)17460.0 RDL: strategic navy call RUS 14:48 BEE/36-50/250 several messages in parallel with 12741 (8 Jan) (PPA)18003 523517: USAF KC-135A-BN Stratotanker #62-3517 1641 ALE/USB ALE to 572598, USAF KC-135E Stratotanker #57-2598. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)18003 JNR: HF-GCS Salinas, PR 1633 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (02DEC05) (RB)18003 UKE: Unid ALE/USB 1342 sounding (05/Jan/06) (AA)18044.7 RCVB: EGYEMB Washington USA 1626 ARQ Arab msgs To MFA Cairo. Cairo on 18716.7 (02jan06) (piri)18231 : Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0722 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto traffic to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)18231.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Moscow, RUS 0722 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto traffic to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (30Dec05) (LDO)18274 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1034 and 1430 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd/10Bd 5LG offline crypto to unlocated embassy on link #00096 (29Dec05) (LDO)18274.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS 1034 and 1430 MFSK-32/CROWD36 40Bd/10Bd 5LG offline crypto to unlocated embassy on link #00096(29Dec05) (LDO)18276 : Czech Diplo 1408 ALE/USB not able to decode (05/Jan/06) (AA)18315 : Egyptian emb. Islamabad, PAK 0846 USB/Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Cairo, QSX not found (29Dec05) (LDO)18315.0 no-call: Egyptian emb. Islamabad, PAK 0846 USB/ Codan 80 Bd Chirp+ Codan 16x75Bd QPSK modem, tfc to Cairo, QSX not found (29Dec05) (LDO)18353.0 No Call: unid 0930 Rtty 50Bd/500Hz "XJTGSCMDPT" (10/JAN/06) (KK)18507.2 : Unid 1238 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28Dec05) (PIRI)18517.2 : Unid 1245 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28Dec05) (PIRI)18560 BMF: Taipei Meteo 0822 FAX 24h wave prog. Noisy first half, otherwise sharp copy (17Dec05) (KB)18571.5 4E1: Unlocated Moroccan MIL or Diplo, ??? 1410 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz, op chat to RVL in French weak signal (27Dec05) (LDO)18571.5 4E1: Unlocated Moroccan MIL or Diplo, ??? 1410 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz, op chat to RVL in French, weak signal (27Dec05) (LDO)18571.5 RVL: MFA or MOD Rabat, MRC 1351 SITOR-B 100Bd/170Hz, offline encrypted traffic in 5LGs to 4E1 (27Dec05) (LDO)18583 : Egyptian emb. Rabat, MRC 1051 USB/CODAN-CHIRP + 16x75Bd QPSK mode, traffic to Cairo (05Jan06) (LDO)18583.0 no-call: Egyptian emb. Rabat, MRC 1051 USB/CODAN CHIRP + 16x75Bd QPSK mode, traffic to Cairo (05Jan06) (LDO)18592 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT USA 1452 ALE/USB TO J18 (13Jan06) (PIRI)18592.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT USA 1452 USB/ALE TO J18 (13jan06) (piri)18635 MAE: MfA Algiers 0905 ALE/USB many calls to ADZ (Agadez, Niger) who sometimes replies (03Jan06) (KB)18716.7 : MDA Cairo EGY 1635 ARQ Arab msgs to EMB Washington after selcall RCVB and qsy 34081. (02Jan06) (PIRI)18716.7 MDA Cairo: EGY 1635 ARQ Arab msgs to EMB Washington after selcall RCVB and qsy 34081. (02jan06) (piri)

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WUN-v1218765 2001: 0953 ALE/USB "TO:2513 TIS:2001" (14/Jan/06) (AA)18765 2204: 0956 ALE/USB "TO:2001 TIS:2204" (14/Jan/06) (AA)19036.4 7R...: ALGEMB Addis Abeba ETH 1334 COQ-8/13 Msgs to 7RQ20 MFA Alger (28Dec05) (PIRI)19036.4 7R: ...: ALGEMB Addis Abeba ETH 1334 coquelet 8 13Baud msgs to 7RQ20 MFA Alger (28dec05) (piri)19036.4 7RY50: ALGEMB Dakar SEN 1317 COQ-8/26,67 F msgs to 7RY20 MFA Aler (03Jan06) (PIRI)19036.4 7RY50: ALGEMB Dakar SEN 1317 Coquelet 8 26,67 baud F msgs to 7RY20 MFA Aler (03jan06) (piri)19103.5 SKYWAT: SKYWATCH US Army South Flight Following Soto Cano AB, Honduras 2153 ALE/USB Sounding. SKYWATCH Net. (02DEC05) (RB)19182 AMMAN: French Diplo Amman, JOR 1222 ALE/USB clg CER42 Paris many times (28Dec05) (KB)19182 CER42: MFA Paris 1239 ALE/USB clg AMMAN (28Dec05) (KB)19507.2 : Unid 1238 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28Dec05) (PIRI)19507.2 Unid: 1238 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28dec05) (piri)19517.2 : Unid 1245 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28Dec05) (PIRI)19517.2 Unid: 1245 PACTOR1 ASCII Encrypted? Also Arabic voice on this channel (28dec05) (piri)19682.0 vie: Darwin Radio 1322 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19685.0 vie: Darwin Radio 1318 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19698.5 a9m: Hamala Radio 1309 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19709.0 ERMNAT: BN Natal 1939 ALE/USB To CVFRON, also DATAFAX to ERMRGD (14/12/05) (AJP)19724.0 vie: Darwin Radio 1257 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19726.0 a9m: Hamala Radio 1251 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19741.4 8po: Bridgetown Radio 1500 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19783.4 vct: Tors Cove Radio 1232 gw-pactor-marker (28Dez05) (wp3)19814 0011ARCAP: Arkansas Civil Air Patrol 1711 ALE/USB Sounding. Also noted on 7602. Civil Air Patrol. (30NOV05) (RB)19843.9 unid: (RAF Akrotiri) 1224 unid/195,3 (28Dez05) (wp3)19907.2 ---: SUDANESE DIPLO? ?LOC 1453 PACT-I 200/200 Online encrypted tfc thru 1500z (05/Jan)(DW)19926 : Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS, 1130 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted (30Dec05)(LDO)19926.0 no-call: Dep. of State Comms Moscow, RUS, 1130 24.9Bd FSK alerting system, no follow-on TX noted (30Dec05)(LDO)19945.0 GAO: ALG emb. Gao, Mali 1304 ALE/USB clng to MAE (28Dec05) (MAL)19945.0 GAO: Alg-Mfa Gao Mli 1307 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (20/dec/05) (sw)19945.0 NKT: ALG emb. Nouakchott 1605 ALE/USB clng to MAE (28Dec05) (MAL)19945.0 NKT: Alg-Mfa Nouakchott Mtn 1232 ALE/USB clg GAO Gao Mli (21/dec/05) (sw)19945.0 NKT: Alg-Mfa Nouakchott Mtn 1235 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers Alg (21/dec/05) (sw)19945.0 NKT: Alg-Mfa Nouakchott Mtn 1303 ALE/USB clg GAO Gao Mli (20/dec/05) (sw)20047.9 C: RUSSIAN BEACON MOSCOW 1024 CW Freq 20047.98. (08/01/06) (BEF)20096.0 rdl: RN Smolensk 1155 bee 50/200 tfc scr very weak and rough beacon"c" in the background. 1200z in f1/cw: rdl rdl 10552 12161 k (28Dez05)(wp3)20215.0 ACB: UNID 0957 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 1329, 1500z (28/Dec)(DW)20340.0 BKO: Alg-Mfa Bamako Mli 1530 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (29/dec/05) (sw)20340.0 NKT: Alg-Mfa Nouakchott Mtn 1531 ALE/USB clg GAO

Pagina 102

WUN-v12 Gao Mli (29/dec/05) (sw)20613 : Swiss embassy Cairo, EGY 1309 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc from Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (27Dec05) (LDO)20613.0 no-call: Swiss embassy Cairo, EGY 1309 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc from Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (27Dec05) (LDO)20890 I86: CBP Cessna 550 N586RE 2125 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN Scan 9. (01DEC05) (RB)20890 J37: USCG MH-60J 6037 CGAS E-City 1955 ALE/USB ALE to UCG, old designation for CAMSPAC prior to CAMSLANT having ALE capability I've been told. COTHEN Net. (04DEC05) (RB)20965.0 XSS: UNID 1547 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (25/Dec)(DW)22447.0 FUV: FN Djibouti DJI 13:12 USB / STANAG 4285 / 300 long / ITA2 5N1 de fuv testing znr uuuuu voyez le brick ryryry sgsgsg (26 Dec) (PPA)23214 D23: CBP P-3B "Slick" N423SK Corpus Christi 2035 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN Net. (29NOV05) (RB)23214 D47: CBP AEW&C P3 N147CS 2200 ALE/USB ALE to EST, CBP AMOC Eastern Regional Communications Node, followed by secure voice on freq. COTHEN Scan 10. (01DEC05) (RB)23337 HIK: HF-GCS, Hickam AFB, Hi 2027 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command (03DEC05) (RB)23337 KWK96: Unid US Embassy/Consulate 2106 ALE/USB ALE to KWK91, also unid. Car/S.Amer? HF-GCS Scope Command. (01DEC05) (RB)23337 MPA: HF-GCS Port Stanley, Falkland Islands 2211 ALE/USB Sounding. HF-GCS Scope Command. (29NOV05) (RB)24145.0 ACA: UNID 1422 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 1523z (25/Dec)(DW)29700.0 Unid: (illegal) Baby-Phone, Goettingen, D 1450 FM nonstop, over weeks,(25/Jun/2005)(DL8AAM)


======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 12: Issue 2, February 2006 ////


Edited by Bill LawrieElectronic Editor. ([email protected])COPYRIGHT © 2006 WUN

This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club inthe world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter maybe posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so longas the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s)remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly,in any other media format without the written permission of theElectronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may resultin action under international copyright legislation.

To become a WUN member, visit the URL: and fill in your details inthe "Subscribing to WUN" section form.

If you have problems with any of this, or need further information,contact Jason Berri at: [email protected]

Pagina 103


If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS,please let us know!

Check out the WUN web site at:

>From your Electronic Editor:

* Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utilitystation information and the most widely quoted utility stationpublication in the world...the WUN Newsletter.

WUN has won (WUN!!) a special award; please see Ary's item below.

We also have a new Nautical News editor; he is Sergey Kolesov.

Welcome to the team, Sergey, and we look forward to your NN Columns.

I shall leave Sergey to introduce himself in his first Column below but Iwould like to add a bit more information. Sergey is the captain of acontainer ship working in the Caribbean. He is not able to use the ship'scommunication facilities to receive personal e-mails while at sea(although I understand that he may be able to access his e-mails duringsome of his (very brief) stops at his various ports of call).

This means that he may not be able to respond immediately tocontributions sent to him by WUNners but your contributions will beacknowledged as soon as possible and used in his first available Column.

Sergey needs your input to his Column (as do all the other Columneditors!) so please let him have your contributions. He hopes to be ableto produce a Column every second month so get your contributions in now!!

Thanks, Sergey, for coming forward and the WUN membership looks forwardto your Column and will, I trust, support you with their contributions.


So, one down but two to go!! We still need editors to take over the Aeroand Mil and Government Frequency Columns!!!

Can we please therefore, have new volunteers coming forward to take overthese two Columns?

I look forward to hearing from you!!




o Monitoring Times Award:

A special message from Ary Boender, WUN President.


o Ask Wun by Jim Dunnetto Digital Review by Day Watsono Nautical News by Sergey Kolesovo Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boender

Pagina 104

WUN-v12o Utility Round-up by Ary Boendero WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS


Dear WUN Members,

I am proud to tell you that the WUN website has won the Monitoring TimesInternet Excellence Award. That is really nice and a big compliment forour webmaster, Jason Berri. Congratulations, Jason!!!

The following text was published by Monitoring Times. See also

Thanks for the award, MT staff!

73,Ary BoenderWUN President


Monitoring Times and Grove Enterprises have had a presence on the websince 1996, even though Grove had to become its own internet providerto do so – there was no internet provider in furthermost western NorthCarolina in those days! Since then, the internet and email havetransformed the way we do business and transformed the radio hobbyitself.

Hobbyists have become increasingly sophisticated about making the Webwork for them, and some dedicated individuals have created websites thatare head and shoulders above the rest – usually for little compensationexcept for the satisfaction of creating a stellar product. Ten shortyears after we logged on, the Internet is such an integral part of ourhobby that MT has created the Monitoring Times Internet Excellence Awardto honor outstanding sites that come with our highest recommendation.

* Second MT Internet Excellence Award: WUN Club *

Monitoring Times is proud to give its second "Internet Excellence" awardto the Worldwide Utility News Club ( for its dedicationand excellence in the field of shortwave utilities. This is a challengingarea of the hobby which requires a lot of original work and analysis touncover users, modes, locations, etc. WUN's club president, Ary Boender,and webmaster Jason Berri shared a bit about where WUN has come from andwhere it is headed:

"The Worldwide Utility News (WUN) club web site was started as part of the creation of WUN back in 1995. WUN was created to provide an electronic medium (mailing list and web) for utility DXers to exchange information. The site was put together in the early days of the internet, when web browsing was still in its infancy.

"The WUN club site has evolved over the years from a simple design that was basically an archive of monthly club newsletters, to the more sophisticated, comprehensive design you see today. The site is constantly being updated, and undergoes regular reviews of design and content. In the future the site will continue to be a mainstay on the internet to provide information for utility DXers around the world."

While the site appears simple and utilitarian, there is a wealth ofinformation available via menus or the search button. One of our favoritetools for the beginner is the library of audio files for about 30different digital modes. Other comprehensive lists of ships, aircraft,callsigns, etc, help in the identification of intercepted signals. The

Pagina 105

WUN-v12WUN listserver is an excellent tool for sharing real-time intercepts forpropagation and direction-finding purposes. As always, a club orpublication is only as good as its members and contributors, and in this,too, WUN is a winner.We hope you'll visit them soon.



Jim Dunnett, Editor

[email protected]

February 2006


This section is here to deal with requests for help and informationto and from WUN members. The column is for you to ask questions; tolocate others with similar interests (even non-HF like SatCom or VHFaero); to locate or sell equipment; to ask about receiver problems, orjust to ask about anything. I will also include items of generalinterest relating to the hobby from time to time, not necessarilyarising out of questions. If you have a question to ask then ask themvia this section. Send your requests to:- [email protected].

If you want to reply to an item, note the sender's address and reply direct, or better still send the answer to this column. If you have found utility-related material which you think may be of interest to readers, then please let me know about them.


Please not that I cannot take queries by mail, only by EMail. Shouldthere be no queries by EMail before the deadline, I shall pick up anyqueries which may have been asked via the list-server or via theforums.

If it's related to anything having to do with the radio hobby,you need to ASK WUN. If it doesn't fit anywhere fits here.

This column is here to provide a service to all WUN members to ask"off topic" questions or offer radio related equipment for sale.If the column is not supported/needed, it will disappear.


Mike, [email protected], asks about the Enigma E11family:

"I have first seen mention of E11 in March 2001 but clearly it hasbeen around longer than that!"

"I was just wondering if anyone could fill in the history gaps onthis one please? Its said to come from Poland, is that correct?"

"This is a big operation if the family stations all come from thesame source?"

"M03 alone is on air a great deal. My questions is why do they needto send or have the potential to send so much data via this medium?"

"Who could it be aimed at and from whom?"

Pagina 106



On 27 January, Bud Peed, [email protected], praised the WUNNewsletter and went on to ask:

"I Have a Ten Tec RX-340, use a M-7000 v2 as my decoder justpurchased from the widow of an old friend, a M-8000 {v7.5?}. Itappears the learning curve is going to be a tad long."

"Noticed in the back issues section of WUN web site several articleson the unit. But my bloody computer will not unzip the file. Are theyworth having? If so could someone Email me the articles, or copy andpost to me. Would be delighted to send a SSAE to you."

"Any help on set-up and running would not be refused!"

"I Live in Western Maryland..Deep Creek Lake."


Bud later went on to ask:

"I Will be going downstate to pick up the M-8000 this week. Does itmake any sense to hook both of them to the RX-340? Look's as tho allthat is needed is a female connection with 2 male phono plugs."

"I have plenty of space and a very understanding wife. Would therebe a lot of interference from both units that could be picked by the340?"

"This is a brand new hobby for me! Any information much appreciated."


Ed Yeary, [email protected] was seen to ask:

"Does anyone have a working link to Atoc tech. Iron horse antennas?"


J.D. Stephens, [email protected] asked on 7 Feb:

"I have a batch of followups ready to send out to some Utes, andwondered if anyone had any QSL information (especially names ofverification signers) for the following stations:"

ITALY: IDQ - Italian Navy IGJ43 - Augusta Marine Radio


POLAND: SPW - Warszawa Radio

UKRAINE: URL - Sevastopol Radio UTQ - Kiev Radio


Finally, I myself would like to ask:

Does anyWUN have any experiences, good or bad, of the Dressler ARA60active aerial?

Too late, I've bought it! Seems a very reasonable replacement forthe previous long wire ... and I've had a response via the forum.

Pagina 107

WUN-v12 ------------------------------------------------------------------

ITEM for SALE-------------

Sergey M. Kolesov, [email protected], has an item for sale:

"I have brand new multi-reader MFJ-462B for decoding of ASCII, CWand RTTY. Adaptor is not included."

"Price: $110".


ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST.-------------------------

Last month saw the publication on WUN and other UTE interest sites,an up-to-date list of Globe Wireless facilities.

I rearranged the list so that it was sorted by frequency and addednotation to differentiate between ship and shore frequencies. I didsend a copy to the WUN Webmaster, but it has not been added to thesite.

It is in ASCII format with page-breaks (9 pages) and can be obtainedfrom me by EMail at: [email protected]



To continue with a few examples of messages seen on this mode.Unfortunately I neglected to ensure that I had sufficient message tocover all the types commonly seen, so I have to restrict my remarksto the three types I did have available in my HFDL logfiles.

[MPDU 19:05:42 AIR LOGON SLOT 11 300 BPS ][LPDU LOG ON DLS REQUEST]ICAO 3C706F[HFNPDU FREQUENCY DATA]19:05:18 UTC Flight ID = LH8189 LAT 52 2 26N LON 17 10 50W

This one is a simple position report from an MD11F of LufthansaCargo, D-ALCO. ICAO ID 3C706F (ex PP-VQL, PP-SOW). This time the ICAOID matches the flight number, LH8189 and can be logged as:

05544 D-ALCO: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8189 1905 HFDL Positionreport 5202N 01711W via Muharraq. (10Feb06) (RGA)


[MPDU 19:17:48 AIR 01 SLOT 5 300 BPS ][LPDU UNNUMBERED ACKED DATA FM AIR 01 TO GND]HACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .VP-BDNMessage label: SA Block id: 1 Msg. no: S58A Flight id: SU0215Message content:-0EH172558VH----------------------------------------------------------[10/02/2006 19:17]

Here an Aeroflot A319-111, VP-BDN, ICAO 400150, ex D-AVYL signson and sends a rather cryptic message to the ground station. I havenot been able to sort out what '0EH172558VH' is meant to convey. Allyou can do with this is a logon entry:

Pagina 108

WUN-v1205544 VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0215 1917 HFDL Logs on toMuharraq. (10Feb06) (RGA)



This follows the previous example, this gives little that we don'talready know. Presumably the 'S58A' message is a formatted messageof some sort. The items enclosed in < and > are control characters.

Enough for now. In the next part we shall look at one or two othertypes of message, provided I can get hold of them.


73 for now,

Jim, (RGA)

<[email protected]>



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

- Editor: Day Watson E-mail: [email protected] - - Nickname on chat channels DayW

Hi digi WUNners

The menu

Aero PC-HFDL 2.031 upgrade dgps DGPS on trial Military ASCII at Ft de France Ukranian Army


::: PC-HFDL 2.031 upgrade

A minor upgrade by Charles Brain has modified the last aircraft positionreceived display window (immediately under the Spectrum).

It is now possible to copy (and paste) the information shown therein foruse elsewhere.


::: DGPS on trial

Pagina 109


For those interested in collecting dgps beacons the following list of'new' ones (designated on trial or planned) are offered. Sorted bycountry, and by freq in each country section.

Range in Nautical Miles.Type 1 - full set of satellite correctionsType 9 - sub-set of corrections

BrazilFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

290 100 461 200 1 Abrolhos Lt 17 57S 38 41W290 100 464 200 1 Rio Grande 32 08S 52 06W300 100 465 200 1 Sao Tome Lt 22 02S 37 02W300 100 460 160 1 Ponta de Sao Marcos Lt 2 29S 44 18W305 100 467 200 1 Cabo Calcanhar Lt 5 09S 35 29W305 100 462 200 1 Ilha da Moela 24 03S 46 15W310 100 466 200 1 Cabo de Santa Marta Grande Lt 28 36S 48 48W310 100 463 160 1 Canivete 0 30N 50 24W320 100 468 200 1 Sergipe 10 58S 37 02W

EstoniaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

295.5 200 841 531 100 9 Narva 59 30N 28 06E307 200 840 530 108 9 Ristna Lt 58 56N 22 03E

IndiaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

313 100 100 9 East Island (Andaman) 13 37N 93 03E

319 100 100 9 Pulicat 13 25N 80 19E

Korea SFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

287 100 724 725 662 100 9 Geomun Do Lt 34 00N 127 19E290 100 730 731 665 100 9 Chuk To Lt 34 13N 125 51E290 730 731 665 Mara Do Lt 33 06N 126 16E295 100 726 727 663 100 9 Chumunjin Dan 37 53N 128 50E295 100 728 729 664 100 9 Eocheong Do Lt 36 07N 125 58E300 100 720 721 660 100 9 Yong Do Lt 35 03N 129 04E313 200 722 723 661 100 9 P'almi Do Lt

Pagina 110

WUN-v12 37 21N 126 30E

LatviaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

308.5 40 Ventspils (planned) 55 23N 21 32E

LithuaniaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

304.5 200 535 50 9 Klaipedia Rear Lt 55 43N 21 05E

NetherlandsFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

302 200 426 100 9 Gilze-Rijen 51 37N 4 56E

New ZealandFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

294 Whangaparaoa 36 36S 174 50E

PolandFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

283.5 200 481 80 1 Dziwnow 54 01N 14 44E295 483 80 Jaroslaweic (Planned?) 54 33N 16 33E301 100 482 80 1 Rozewie 54 49N 18 20E

Portugal (inc Azores)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

287.5 200 486 487 343 200 9 Porto Santo 33 04N 16 21W308 200 484 485 342 295 9 Horta 38 32N 28 37W

Russia (Artic)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

294.5 100 024 135 9 Oleniy 72 36N 77 39E303.5 100 006 135 9 Mys Tonkiy Lt 69 51N 61 05E318.5 100 007 135 9 Mys Sterlegova 75 23N 88 45E

Russia (Baltic)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

298.5 100 001 50 Baltiysk (Planned?) 54 38N 19 53E

Saudi ArabiaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

320 200 961 250 9 Jeddah 21 28N 39 08E324 200 962 250 9 Jizan

Pagina 111

WUN-v12 16 53N 42 32E

South AfricaFreq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

291 100 225 245 205 150 9 Cape Recife 34 01S 25 42E292 100 228 248 208 100 9 Cooper Lt 29 56S 31 00E301 100 223 243 203 120 9 Cape Aghulhas 34 49S 20 00E310 100 221 241 201 150 9 Cape Columbine 32 49S 1751E

Spain (inc Canaries/Balearics)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

285 100 500 501 350 100 9 Machichaco 43 53N 2 45W285 100 536 537 368 100 9 Rasca Punta Tenerife (Planned) 28 01N 16 33W286 100 526 527 363 100 9 Castellon 39 58N 0 01E288 100 528 529 364 100 9 Salou Cabo 41 03N 1 10E289 100 502 503 351 100 9 Silla, Punta (planned) 43 24N 4 25W290.5 100 532 533 366 100 9 San Sebastian Cabo 41 53N 3 12E

292.5 100 530 531 367 100 9 Lantailla Lt Punta Fuerteventura 28 13N 13 56W293 100 524 525 362 100 9 Mahon Menorca 39 52N 4 18E295 100 503 504 352 100 9 Penas Cabo 43 39N 5 51W297.5 100 519 520 360 100 9 La Nao Cabo (planned) 38 44n 0 14e298.5 100 515 516 358 100 9 Sabinal Lt Punta del 36 41N 2 41W

299.5 100 513 514 357 100 9 Malaga (planned) 36 43N 4 25W302 100 517 518 359 100 9 Palos Cabo 37 38N 0 41W302.5 100 511 512 356 100 9 Tarifa 5 36W 5 36W303.5 100 509 510 355 100 9 Rota 36 38N 6 23W304 100 530 531 365 100 9 Llobregat Punta 41 19N 2 09E

Svalbard(Norway)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

292.5 50 Kapp Martin Lt Bellsund (planned) 77 43N 13 59E


Pagina 112

WUN-v12Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

301 200 545 546 373 300 9 Turkeli Lt 41 14N 29 06E307.5 200 547 548 374 300 9 Kumkale 39 59N 26 10E

USA (Atlantic/Alaska)Freq bps Stn ref Stn Tx Range Type Location

301 200 038 039 111 75 9 Wildwood 38 57N 74 51W305 100 040 041 820 35 9 Alexandria 38 45N 77 07W313 200 1008 1009 821 75 9 C2Cen Portsmouth 36 52N 76 21W319 100 180 Ocean Cape Yakutat (planned) 59 32N 139 44W


::: ASCII at Ft de France

A variant was been found on the French Navy's Ft de France/FUF STANAG4285 marker for a couple of days (15/16-Feb).

Whilst the frequencies of 8478.5U and 13031.2U operated at 300bps/longand Baudot 5/N/2 it was been noted that the 16961.5U channel wasoperating using ASCII 8/N/2. For test purposes or for a specific purposeis not known.

::: Ukranian Army

Thanks to Peter Poelstra for a recently posted collection of informationon this organisation following a post from Pim Ripken (to whom alsothanks).

"7697.0 : UNID RUS? 1635 RTTY 20/50 500HZ 20BD mode sync and50bd Async tfc mode. Kriptograma tfc M2 - 3rd shift -Latin alphabet. KRIPTGRAMA BURANLEGENDA 887 TAJFUN 372 ABRIKOS 652 PRAKTIKANT 144AGAT 144 NR 1791 PS 23 18:20RXQFG MMMMM UQPSD HMKLI WERTUWIH NR:99 AGAT 144"

Peter indicates that the

Callsigns are :Abrikos 652, Barhana 267, Barwinok 144, Burhana 141 ,Tajfun 372, Legenda 887, Praktikant 144

Mode is always:ITA2 with 50 baud and shifts of 200 ,250 or 500 hertz and erect polarityACF = 15

Traffic is encrypted after the msg header and mostly a zzzzzz string.

Peter reports that in addition to the 7697 kHz reported above he also hasthis net listed in his logbook on:3487.4 4495 5143 5827 8965.2 9034 9049.810241 10713 11023 11033 12223 14835

Pagina 113


And now we should be starting a period of 12 months bumping along thebottom of the solar cycle [ ]. Inspite of that trust you still have plenty to log through the next month.Rgds Day


============================================================================================ N A U T I C A L N E W S by Sergey Kolesov [email protected]============================================================================================

"I am a Master Mariner, DX-er from 1988. QTH: Kiev, UKR. To prepare theColumn, I will rely on information received from member WUNners,information from stations, Notices for Mariners and other sources. Anyinformation on stations, schedules, QSLs, decoders etc from nauticalradio monitors will be appreciated.

Due to the nature of my work, messages to my address can take some timebefore being reviewed and answered. Please, do not think that I amignoring them if you do not see your info in the next couple ofNewsletters. Probably I am not at home and have no chance to access theInternet. However, I will reply as soon as possible.

I look forward to hearing from you.

73, Sergey

*** USA ***

Current CAMSLANT schedule (received from the CAMSLANT's HQ)NMN - is out of Chesapeake, VA,NMG - is out of New Orleans, LA,NMF - is out of Boston, MA,NMA - is out of Miami, FL,NMM - is out of Savannah, GA.CAMSLANT is the communication station for the Coast Guard in the AtlanticOcean. It does most the message traffic and communications for theAtlantic fleet.

Time(Z) Site Broadcast Frequency Broadcast Time0000 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0000 NMG WEATHER FAX 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 2 HR 30 MIN0030 NMF ICE SITOR (Seasonal MAR-AUG) 6312.2 8414.8 12577.3 10-15 MIN0040 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0045 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0130 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0140 NMF SITOR 6312.3 8414.8 12577.3 20-25 MIN0230 NMF WEATHER FAX 4233.1 6338.6 9108.1 2 HR 10 MIN0300 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0330 NMN VOBRA 4426.0 6501.0 8764.0 35-40 MIN0400 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0438 NMF ICE FAX (Seasonal MAR-AUG) 4233.1 6338.6 9108.1 5 MIN0440 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0445 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0515 NMN VOBRA (OPERATOR READ)

Pagina 114

WUN-v12 4426.0 6501.0 8764.0 15-20 MIN0515 NMG VOBRA (OPERATOR READ) 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 15-20 MIN0530 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0600 NMG WEATHER FAX 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 2 HR 30 MIN0615 NMR NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN0700 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0745 NMF WEATHER FAX 4233.1 6338.6 9108.1 2 HR 30 MIN0800 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0840 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0845 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0930 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN0930 NMN VOBRA 4426.0 6501.0 8764.0 35-40 MIN0930 NMG VOBRA 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 35-40 MIN1100 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1115 NMN VOBRA 6501.0 8764.0 13089.0 35-40 MIN1115 NMG VOBRA 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 35-40 MIN1200 NMG WEATHER FAX 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 2 HR 30 MIN Also on 17144.51200 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1218 NMF ICE SITOR 8414.8 12577.3 16804.8 10-15 MIN1240 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1245 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1330 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1400 NMF WEATHER FAX 6338.6 9108.1 12748.1 1 HR 23 MIN1500 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1530 NMN VOBRA 6501.0 8764.0 13089.0 35-40 MIN1530 NMG VOBRA 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 35-40 MIN1600 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 35-40 MIN1600 NMF ICE FAX(MAR-AUG)6338.6 9108.1 12748.1 10 MIN1630 NMF SITOR 8414.8 12577.3 16804.8 30-40 MIN1640 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN1645 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN1715 NMN VOBRA (OPERATOR READ) 8764.0 13089.0 17314.0 15-20 MIN1715 NMG VOBRA (OPERATOR READ) 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 15-20 MIN1720 NMF WEATHER FAX 6338.6 9108.1 12748.1 50 MIN1730 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN1800 NMG WEATHER FAX 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 2HR Also on 17144.51810 NMF ICE FAX(MAR-AUG)6338.6 9108.1 12748.1 10 MIN1900 NMF WEATHER FAX 6338.6 9108.1 12748.1 3 HR 30 MIN1900 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2000 NMA NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2040 NMM NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2045 NMF NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2130 NMN NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2130 NMN VOBRA 6501.0 8764.0 13089.0 35-40 MIN2130 NMG VOBRA 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 35-40 MIN2215 NMR NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2300 NMG NAVTEX 518.0 30-40 MIN2315 NMN VOBRA 6501.0 8764.0 13089.0 15-20 MIN2315 NMG VOBRA 4316.0 8502.0 12788.0 15-20 MIN

Best DX!Sergey


NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #104, February 2006________________________________________________________________________

Pagina 115

WUN-v12 Editor: Ary Boender ([email protected])


ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski ([email protected])

Hi and welcome to edition 104 of Numbers & Oddities. First of all Ithank this month's contributors for their input. I really appreciateyour help.

Contributors: Wolfgang, IARUMS, Fritz, Mike, Don, Jim, Maciej, Pim,Klaus, Ivan, Sam, Miguel, kpY2, AnEur, Sferix, Ian, Jakub (via E2K),Alex, Peter, Dave, Trond, Kevin, Day, Glenn, Clandestine Radio Watch.

Besides the usual round-up, I have an ENIGMA crypto quiz for you and theN&O newsletter edition includes of course a Logs Section and also anIntelligence Profile. This time we focus on Taiwan.

Enjoy and don't forget to send us your logs and info.



A couple of months ago I challenged you to crack a code with theEnigma simulator. The response was very enthusiastic and I was askedto include challenges like this on a regular basis. The one that I haveincluded this month was originally meant for the Christmas edition ofN&O, but this was delayed because of the PC problems that I encounteredin that period. I had a Christmas present in mind for the first personwho would send me the correct phrase, in plain English.That present is still on my desk. It is a copy of the book "Secret CodeBreaker, vol.1" + a disk with the simulator software described in thebook. The book is kindly provided by the author, Bob Reynard, for whichI thank him very much. The book will be yours if you are the first onewho sends me the correct answer. My e-mail address is [email protected]

You can find more info about Bob's books at:

I have used the EnigmaSim v4.2.0 simulator from Dirk Rijmenants again.You can download a copy from this website:

This time I will make it more difficult than the last time. It was abit too easy. I gave you too many clues :-)

Ok, what should you do? First the settings of the machine. The softwarehas a pretty good help file that describes the various items.

1) Rotor settings: I have used the 3 standard rotors and did not change their settings.2) Reflector settings: I'll give you a clue: It is one of the wide reflectors.3) Ring settings: Don't change them.4) Start position of the rotors (Grundstellung): Think!!! It's easy :-)5) Plug settings: Probably an easy one for the numbers stations monitors. The 1st plug is the ENIGMA designator for one of the English speaking numbers stations. The 2nd plug is the designator of a German speaking station. The 3rd plug is the designator of a morse station. The 4th plug is the designator of a Slavic station. Finally the 5th plug; this is the designator of a Chinese station.

Pagina 116



Good luck!



::: E03

Idents compiled by Al.

Idents 1st half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 48681 48681 48681 48681 48681 48681 48681 12001300 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 54464 13001400 83405 15047 79902 34069 48681 09143 63646 14001500 63646 83405 15047 79902 34069 48681 31783 15001600 31783 63646 83405 15047 79902 34069 09143 16001700 09143 31783 63646 83405 15047 79902 48681 17001800 48681 09143 31783 63646 83405 15047 34069 18001900 34069 54464 09143 54464 63646 83405 54464 19002000 54464 48681 54464 31783 54464 63646 79902 20002100 79902 34069 48681 09143 31783 54464 15047 21002200 15047 79902 34069 48681 09143 31783 83405 2200

Idents 2nd half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 73603 73603 73603 73603 73603 73603 73603 12001300 97855 97855 97855 97855 97855 97855 97855 13001400 54458 70388 93870 08863 73603 36546 82988 14001500 82988 54458 70388 93870 08863 73603 04678 15001600 04678 82988 54458 70388 93870 08863 36546 16001700 36546 04678 82988 54458 70388 93870 73603 17001800 73603 36546 04678 82988 54458 70388 08863 18001900 08863 97855 36546 97855 82988 54458 97855 19002000 97855 73603 97855 04678 97855 82988 93870 20002100 93870 08863 73603 36546 04678 97855 70388 21002200 70388 93870 08863 73603 36546 04678 54458 2200


::: E10

Lots of strings again in February. 5 February was a busy day for theseguys. The transmissions were reported by many dxers.

05-2, 0712 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLBAK1Z2B122C105-2, 1412 UTC, 6986 kHz: Two different messages in progress on same frequency.05-2, 1459 UTC, 6210 kHz: FDUM 5170 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 1545 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 1550 UTC, 4648 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000 4780 kHz: CIO A32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600 1600 UTC, 4648 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000 3557 kHz: CIO A32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600 3360 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 3640 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000 1722 UTC, 4780 kHz: CIO A32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600 1750 UTC, 3360 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 3557 kHz: CIO A32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600

Pagina 117

WUN-v12 3640 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000 4648 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000 4780 kHz: CIO A32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600 5170 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 1910 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLB A3602051800B8285682051930C55 1912 UTC, 4648 kHz: SYN A69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z200008-2, 1845 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLB A2B376Z987C209-2, 0540 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLB A987Z765B345Z66C78Z123413-2, 0550 UTC, 5170 kHz: VLB 2A55B16C25


::: V13

Not reported very often these days, but still alive and kicking: NewStar Broadcasting on 8300 kHz. This freq is the only one that has beennoted for quite a while. I wonder if the station is still active on theother frequencies that it used in the past: 8375, 9725, 11430, 13750and 15388 kHz. Please let us know if you copy the station on thesefrequencies.


::: V26

The Chinese LSB station was heard on 8621 kHz by Sferix in Taiwan.



::: MX

- Cluster beacons

D - 5153.7, 7038.7, 8494.7, 16331.7 kHzP - 3594.7, 4557.8, 5153.8 kHzS - 5153.9, 7038.9, 16331.9 kHzC - 3594, 4558, 5154, 7039, 16332, 20048 kHzA - 7039.1 kHzF - 7039.2 kHzK - 7039.3 kHzM - 7039.4 kHz

- Channel markers

L - 3203.6 kHzR - 4325.8, 5465.8 kHzV - 3658 kHz


::: M01

M01 is often reported in our Logs Section. Igor submitted the transcriptof the transmission on 6857 kHz, 1108 UTC on 7 February. Note that someof the groups were sent once and that one group consisted of only 4figures. Cut zero's.

952 952 952 (rp0d)119 119 30 30 = =26832 26832 40759 40759 55545 55545 09283 09283 30413 3041376385 7_385 51894 _____ 19889 _____ 41017 41017 91371 9137107465 07465 54413 54413 28889 28889 27782 27782 44602 4460252311 52311 33440 33440 37656 37656 06862 06862 21503 2150326129 26129 80035 80035 04325 04325 15912 15912 12348 1234805816 05816 4744 4744 67464 67464 57274 57274 04826 0482628176 28176

Pagina 118

WUN-v12= = 119 119 30 30000


::: M03

From Mike comes the following transcript of a M03c transmission. Copiedon 9 Feb at 1000 UTC on 10384 kHz.

971/33 971/33 971/33 971/33 971/33 = =77777 77777 71636 91040 08182 88279 54571 09434 97549 1614569259 10738 98766 72558 87251 01709 65605 01358 77621 5210343804 90975 56225 84738 40102 13365 49128 36351 45282 3296206116 77777 77777 = =000


::: M13

Mark copied the following transmission of M13 on 1 Feb at 2330 UTC on anew frequency in February: 5887 kHz.

474 (R5) BT 257 21 =10683 34008 03100 26658 2707825733 03659 21240 26604 0331144445 24588 59994 27459 2204436224 58407 36305 28444 0948727188 =474 (R1) BT 257 21 =10683 34008 03100 26658 2707825733 03659 21240 26604 0331144445 24588 59994 27459 2204436224 58407 36305 28444 0948727188 =000


::: M21

PVO was reported on a number of frequencies with it's usual time stringsand plots.

4951.6 kHz, Id: 0

5873.0 kHz, Id: 8

=992335??8????? =992336??8?????

6918.5 kHz, Id: 9

=99?1716?9????? =1140?30248487 =2278890109071

See also M41.


::: M22

4XZ is still active with morse transmissions on 3 frequencies: 2680,4331 and 6379 kHz. Mainly VVV strings, coded weather and coded messages.


Pagina 119


::: M31

One of the last of its kind: FDG. Heard on 4923 kHz with"VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV DE FDG FDG FDG AR"

And another one: FDI8 on 5322.5 kHz with"VVV VVV VVV DE FDI8 FDI8 AR"


::: M41

Frequency: 4959 kHz

9919246129534 9511033838734 9910246129436 9511033834536 1972 824404652136 297287010103 295117010305

Note:Re N&O #103. The M21 variant that KPY2 heard on 4959 was M41. YMG8 isone of its c/s. (Fritz)


::: M62

Fritz sent me a note on 15-2 in which he writes that he has heard M62for the first time since November 2005.The frequency is 5232 kHz. This used to be 3486 kHz.Message: QWD8 QWD8 QWD8 +

4687.9 : Unid. Slovak Military? 0720 CW (F1A 480 Hz) slowly repeating "C8FC C8FC C8FC +" (06Feb06)(KB)


::: M89

The most active Chinese military station, callsign L9CC, has been loggedon a number of frequencies last month.

V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC on 3551.4, 7000, 7029.5, 7057.8, 7063, 7065, 7082, 7084, 7089.4 kHz


::: NEW CUBAN station?

Tom Sevart sent us a note on 2 February in which he says:

"I had the unid station on 7975 at 1623Z this morning sending long numbers. The station was transmitting in MCW so was easy copy in AM mode. The signal was about an S5 in Kansas with fading, but I managed to copy 225 groups before it abruptly stopped in the middle of the next group. My guess is that this station might be for training of some sort. It sure was a marathon copying session and one I haven't done since my military days."

Mark Slaten has heard the station two days before Tom did and writes:

"7595 kHz, 1600 UTC, 30 Jan, 424 5FGs. The station started on the hour with a single 44621 then a pause of maybe 10 seconds and then started into sets of 10 5FGs. The first 2 numbers were 44621 62561

Pagina 120

WUN-v12 the first fits in with the initial number. The 5FGs continued in sets of 10 with a short pause after every 10. Half way through the 43rd set of two the transmission finished with 3059 after 50 minutes.

In the middle of the body of the message 44621 62561 was repeated there were 15 10FGs between them. These numbers were immediately followed by 69928 27589 there then appear to be 24 sets of 10 numbers before 69928 27589 shows up again. Those numbers are immediately followed by 54200 86283. These 2 numbers appeared earlier in the 22nd of the 24 sets of 10 mentioned above.

The morse code appeared on this frequency on Friday and at least once in the previous week. The last 2 happen to have coincided with what should have been the first of a new set of numbers on the V02a schedule.

Anyone have any ideas on this one? I am not sure of the day, so check out all this week if you can. Thanks."



S28 - Buzzer on 4625 kHzS30 - Pip on 3756 kHZS32 - Squeaky Wheel on 3828.9 and 5473.5 kHzXSL - Slot Machine on 4231


::: M42 & X06

5230.0 Mazielka call. 19-2, 2006 UTC. 5932.0 Mazielka call. 21-2, 1933 UTC. 7691.0 Mazielka call. 21-1, 1834 UTC. 9171.0 Mazielka call. 17-2, 1646 UTC.10853.0 Dept of State Comms. "RGA". 12-2, 1308 UTC. Mode: RTTY 75/500 and ops chat in morse: "RGA RGA QSY 1217T 1217T". Nothing heard on 12170 kHz.13940.0 Mazielka call. 05-2, 1505 UTC.



- CUBA The "Havana Gurgler" was heard on 9955 and 19907 kHz. The latter is a harmonic.

Radio República was jammed by Cuba on 6010, 6135, 7110, 7160 and 7205 kHz.

- IRAN Iran is still jamming the Voice of Iranian Kurdistan. Freqs: 3960, 3971 and 4849 kHz.

- LIBYA Sowt Alamel - Voice of Hope was jammed on 17660, 17665 and 17670 kHz.

- NORTH KOREA Radio Free North Korea is being jammed on 5880 kHz.



The first unid was submitted by Glenn. He copied the following morsemessage on 5168 kHz at 0558 UTC on 13-2. Ideas anyone?

Pagina 121


" .-.. ... -...- -. --- -. -...- --- "


The second unid comes from Day, who heard this morse station on 5100 kHzat various times on 4 February. The messages were hand keyed. Not sureif both were sent by the same station.

0001 UTC: Series of groups "BUK17 BYK35 BYT56 BOB78 BOS81 BOA43 BUR82 BAK01" etc. Ends "nil gb 73 va"0152 UTC: "USU8 de UVJ5 gd qsa3 opn r8 qsa?"


Two others were mailed by Maciej:4909.0 kHz: S5ZFK was heard on 0742 UTC on 5 Feb in Poland. Hand keyed.5231.5 kHz: 0740 UTC, 5 Feb., 5FG msg. Ended with "T 5 1 B 7 K"


Our monthly unid stations reporter, Igor, is also present with 3 unids:

14682 kHz, 0249 UTC, 15-02-2006, mode: CW.

1: de 2811 ii qrk int k = = aaa = = aaa2: 2811 de 6k34 = = aaa t = = aaa aaa 2811 2811 de 6k34 6k34 i qrk i k k1: r r r 6k34 6k34 de 2811 2811 ii qrk int int iii qrk 2 2 ii qi as kk qrk 2 2 ii qrk 2 2 k2: r r r 6k34 6k34 ii qrk 2 2 aaa

Clues anyone?


7701 kHz, 18-2, 0657 UTC. Unid (probably) Chinese military station.Mode: CW + USB (Chinese male). 4FGs cut numbers.

nr 36t ck 4t 26 t217 152t =6tu4 u34t a437 u475 u6d5 4uat 3ud6 dt6a dn66 d3n5a3dt 75t4 t5ut 4335 3ut3 unnt 543a d63a 5nt5 nd36a73a t34t ua6a u66a 765a 4735 4643 ndt5 46nd nat4duu4 37a3 ud45 t7du 6746 5n73 5673 5d45 7376 3343 arde usn7 usb usb usb (followed by ops chat in Chinese)


10202 kHz, 18-2, 0306 UTC. Mode: CW. 5FGs.

vvvvvvvvv1 kvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvv vvvvqsa1 kvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvnw nw 52892 82141 44698 kknw nw 52892 82141 44698 kknw nw 52892 82141 44698 k



Pagina 122



Freq. Station / remarks------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18.1 Russian Mil: Unid tx site. Strategic flash messages "XXX XXX RDL RDL 05773 30965 WOLXNOTA 4881 5370 K", "XXX XXX RDL RDL 78766 01634 GOLAKANT 7119 7328 K" 2839 CIS Mil: "_MAP de 9CJQ ZXW ZFT ZVK QSW8 K" 3173 Russian Mil: B8SJ 3207 Russian Mil: "OVNC QJG QYT6 K". IL4U radio check with AEYN, BXDY, 2WPS 3348 Ukrainian Mil: 8TOK "ZMT ZQI ZBN QYT4 K" (06Feb06) (RGA) 4246.5 CIS Mil: 5SI1 radio checks with E8HA and others. 5224 Russian navy, Sevastopol: RCV clg warship "RJT22 de RCV QAP K. RJT22 de RCV QSA? K." 6912 Unid Russian naval vessel: RMGB wkg with RCV on the same freq. 7018 Russian Air Force, Moscow: REA4. 7044 Russian Air Force, Moscow: REA4. 7056 CIS Mil: WFHY clg MK4Y, 3WNO, SD1W, G6ZC, ME6P, 5KO2, 6DIH, QZWJ, LXHA, ME6P, 5KO2, LHXA, MQDC, I8TA, YQZI, IX9W, HB4Z, GHFG. 7067 CIS Mil: TWTU clg 3G4V 7748 Russian Mil: 1JKW msg to D9PF10201 Russian Navy Sevastopol wkg with vessels RMGB and RJT22 on 12464 kHz. "RMGB DE RCV QDW 6912 K".11354 Russian Air Force. Aircraft 52533 and 09541 wkg with PRIBOJ. Other aircraft were wkg with NOVATOR.12464 Unid Russian naval vessel: RMGB wkg with RCV. "RCV DE RMGB 413 77 171915 413 = FOR RJT22 = 11111 68730 77570......"14092 Russian Air Force, Moscow. "XXX REA4 RGT77 81339 47122 TALABAN"



Freq. Station / remarks------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2120.0 Polish Mil/Civil Defense, Pomerania c/s Warmia: 23-2, 2053 USB Monthly exercise of incoming danger/air raid. 2300.0 Polish Mil/Civil Defense, Pomerania c/s Warmia: 23-2, 2053 USB Monthly exercise of incoming danger/air raid. 4237.9 Polish Mil: Kirucha 26(??) 4469.0 Polish Mil: Czaplinek 13 with radio checks and 5FGS to Osowo 40, Kowerkot 80 and others, distorted, hard to understand, over modulated

Fritz sent me the unit that belongs to c/s DHO60 that was mentioned inN&O #103: "Lufttransportgeschwader 63 in Hohn (near Rendsburg).


The 'Numbers & Oddities' column a.k.a. 'Spooks Newsletter' comes to youcourtesy of the Worldwide Utility News club. This newsletter may NOT beutilized, partly or wholly, in any other media format without the writtenpermission of the editor ([email protected]). Any breach of this may result inaction under international copyright legislation.

To become a WUN member, go to the web interface at:

Fill in the form and follow the instructions that will be mailed toyou. You can find WUN on the web at


Pagina 123

WUN-v12 --------------------------

UTILITY ROUND-UP editor: Ary Boender e-mail: [email protected]________________________________________________________________________

LF expert Trond Jacobsen was the first to report the transmissions ofthe historic station in Grimeton, Sweden, c/s SAQ on 17.2 kHz. He copiedthe following message:

"v v v de saq = this is a transmission from grimeton radio/saq on 17,2khz with the alexanderson alternator = this transmission is mainly forreceiving purposes. qsl reports are kindly received on e-mail to : infoSK = signed : the association alexander = grimetonveteranradios vaenner AR de saq saq saq SK qrd ii qrz at 13rtt with msgv v v v de saq saq saq"

The following press release gives more information:


We will try to start the Alexanderson alternator on Sunday 19th February 2006 at 09.00 UTC and 13.00 UTC. We will run the transmitter for about half an hour each time. The frequency is 17.2 kHz CW.

QSL reports can be given via: - E-mail to: [email protected] - or fax to: +46-340-674195 - or via SM bureau - or direct by mail to: Alexander - Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, S-430 16 ROLFSTORP, SWEDEN

Note: SAQ is now a member of the Swedish Amateur Association (SSA) and "QSL via bureau" is OK.

The transmissions will start with a short message followed by a "VVV DE SAQ"-slip for at least 30 minutes each time to make it possible to adjust receiving sets and antennas.

Also read the web site:


A couple of Spanish stations were observed on 3 frequencies.14060 kHz, unid, talking about redecorating or building a house, "Madrid-Pamplona". Changed freq to 13995 kHz.14080 kHz, male and female operators mentioning "31 Sevilla".14118 kHz, male and female operators mentioning "31 Pamplona". Changed freq to 13995 kHz.

Italian nuns and fathers were heard on 14275, 14280 and 14295 kHz.

From the IRC channel #wunclub we received some MARS logs. Copied on4011.8 kHz USB (AAT3CW), 4517 kHz USB (AV4XR, AAT4XS), 7324 kHz USB(AFA1BQ) and 7305 kHz USB (AFF3K).



Bert Paull from down under informs us about a new LDOC station inAustralia. Much appreciated Bert!

"A rarity these days, but here are some new Aero Company frequencies, operating in English, and in the clear, for the "Jetstar" Airline.

Pagina 124

WUN-v12 (

Jetstar is a wholly owned QANTAS subsidiary which has been operating a no-frills, low fare, service throughout Australia for sometime, but has recently expanded to the SW Pacific with services to New Zealand.

Frequencies so far heard are 8855, and 10045 khz, USB, but no doubt others exist. Callsigns heard are "Jetstar dispatch", and aircraft flight numbers. Messages are brief and infrequent, and are more likely to occur between 1900 and 1300 hrs UTC, although H24 operation is possible.

QANTAS aircraft are also able to contact the base station, but there is no link to QANTAS operations. Phone patches are possible, but none have been heard."




"There's a new satellite orbiting Earth, and it's a weird one. On Friday,Feb. 3rd, at 6:02 pm EST, astronauts threw an old Russian spacesuitoverboard from the International Space Station. The disembodied suit,nicknamed SuitSat, is now circling Earth and transmitting a radio messagewhich you can hear using a police scanner or ham radio tuned to 145.990MHz (FM)." (Space Weather News)

AMSAT-OSCAR-54 / AO-54 SUITSATCatalog Number: 28933Release date : February 3, 2006Callsign : RS0RSDownlink : 145.990 FMModes : FM Voice Telemetry/Greetings "This is SUITSAT 1 amateur radio station RS0RS" in various languages. FM SSTVExpected life : 70-120 days

Official website:



WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Feb 2006 ============ Edited by Eddie Bellerby ([email protected]) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:- Jim Dunnett [email protected] Bob Yellen [email protected] Steve J. Walker [email protected]

Total logs ==========Jan - 2109 individual logsFeb - 2558 " "

00018.1 Unid: Russian Navy/MIL HQ Moscow, unid tx site,

Pagina 125

WUN-v12 Russia 1355 F1B FSK morse, strategic flash message to unid unit RDL;"xxx xxx rdl rdl 78766 01634 golakant 7119 7328" msg rptd, then "k" (02/Feb/2006)(TJ)00019.5 GBZ: RN Criggion G 07:45 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00019.5 GBZ: RN Anthorn G 0745 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00019.6 : Royal Navy prob. Skelton 0730 UNID/200/100 (29Jan06) (KB)00020.3 ICV: Navy Tavola 0750 UNID/200/100 (29Jan06) (KB)00020.9 HWU: FN Le Blanc F 07:40 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00020.9 HWU: FN Le Blanc F 0740 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00020.9 HWU: Navy Rosnay/Le Blanc 0740 UNID/200/100 (29Jan06) (KB)00021.7 HWU: FN Le Blanc F 07:37 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00021.7 HWU: FN Le Blanc F 0737 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00022.1 : RN Anthorn G 0733 PSK/100/100 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00022.1 : Royal Navy prob. Skelton 0735 UNID/100/50 (29Jan06) (KB)00022.1 RN Anthorn: G 07:33 Psk/100/100 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00023.4 DHO38/DHJ58/DHJ59: Navy Ramsloh 0810 UNID 200/100 (29Jan06) (KB)00023.4 DHO38: DN Saterland-Ramsloh D 08:38 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00023.4 DHO38: DN Saterland-Ramsloh D 0838 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00024 NAA: Navy Cutler ME 0720 UNID 200/100 (29Jan06) (KB)00025 RJH63: Navy TS Krasnodar 1055 CW tx adjustments. At 1106 into regular schedule with id "rjh_63" (28Jan06) (KB)00025 RJH66: Navy TS Bishkek KGZ 1001 CW tx on At 1006 into regular schedule starting with id "rjh66" (29Jan06) (KB)00025 RJH69: Navy TS Molodecno BLR 0706 CW id pulses and N0N sequence 25.1/25.5/23 /20.5 kHz until 0747 (29Jan06) (KB)00025 RJH77: Navy TS Arkhangelsk 0901 CW tx on at 0906 into regular schedule with id "rjh77" (29Jan06) (KB)00025.2 NML4?: Navy La Moure ND? 0805 UNID probably 200/100. Weak vanished in IM when Ramsloh/23.4 went on air (29Jan06) (KB)00037.5 NRK: NAS Keflavik ICE 07:52 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00037.5 NRK: NAS Keflavik ICE 0752 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00040.7 NAU: USN Aguada PTR 07:54 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00040.7 NAU: USN Aguada PTR 0754 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00044.2 SRC: Swedish Navy Ruda 0747 RTTY/50/85 5LGs. At 0910 press review (26Jan06) (KB)00045.9 NSY: USN Niscemi I 08:04 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00045.9 NSY: USN Niscemi I 0804 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00051.9 GYN1: RN Thurso G 08:07 Fsk/50/85 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00051.9 GYN1: RN Crimond G 0807 FSK/50/85 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00057.4 : USN Grindavik ICE 0809 PSK/100/100 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00057.4 USN Grindavik ICE: 08:09 Psk/100/100 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00065.8 FUE: FN Brest F 08:14 Psk/200/200 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)

Pagina 126

WUN-v1200065.8 FUE: FN Brest F 0814 PSK/200/200 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00081 GYN2: RN Skelton G 0815 FSK/50/85 encrypted ,strong signal (21Jan06) (PPA)00081.0 GYN2: RN London G 08:15 Fsk/50/85 encrypted ,strong signal (21 Jan) (PPA)00082.8 MKL: RAF MATELO Secure Bcast Northwood via Crimond LF Site Scotland 1611 NATO-75/75/70. // 4732 8988. (25Jan06) (RGA)00084.5 : unid navy station 0820 FSK/50/170 encrypted (21Jan06) (PPA)00084.5 unid: navy station 08:20 Fsk /50/170 encrypted (21 Jan) (PPA)00126.1 : unid Datatrak station 0823 FSK/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00126.1 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:23 Fsk/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00131.7 : Datatrak Slootdorp HOL 0824 FSK/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00131.7 no call: Datatrak Slootdorp HOL 08:24 Fsk/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00133.2 : unid Datatrak station 0824 FSK/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00133.2 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:24 Fsk/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00136 : unid Datatrak station 0826 FSK/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00136.0 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:26 Fsk/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00141.4 : unid Datatrak station 0827 FSK/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00141.4 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:27 Fsk/P0N/80 pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00144.6 : Datatrak Slootdorp HOL 0827 FSK/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00144.6 no call: Datatrak Slootdorp HOL 08:27 Fsk/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00146.4 : unid Datatrak station 0836 FSK/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00146.4 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:36 Fsk/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00150.3 : unid Datatrak station 0829 FSK/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21Jan06) (PPA)00150.3 no call: unid Datatrak station 08:29 Fsk/P0N/80 Pulsing every 1680 mS (21 Jan) (PPA)00295.0 FNP: NDB (unid location) 2322 CW marker (11/FEB/2006) (IDS)00305.0 S: Civ NDB Mariehamn, Finland 0015 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00310.0 KUR: Civ/Mil NDB Kuopio Kurki, Finland 0002 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00312.0 KBG: Mil NDB Karlsborg, Sweden 0034 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00322.0 GDA: Civ NDB Gdansk Rebiechowo, Poland 0110 A1A morse 1020 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00322.0 OD: Civ NDB Örnsköldsvik, Sweden 0126 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00323.0 SMA: Civ NDB Santa Maria, Azores 0119 A1A morse 1020 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00324.0 HE: Civ NDB Notodden Heddal, Norway 0138 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00324.0 ON: Civ NDB Norrköping Kungsängen, Sweden 0138 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00325.0 PG: Priv NDB Trollhättan Vänersborg, Sweden 0138 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00331.0 TE: Civ NDB Thisted, Denmark 1718 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (usb only) (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00334.0 OPA: Civ NDB Oslo Gardermoen Oppaker, Norway 1722 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)

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WUN-v1200335.0 RIM: Civ/Mil NDB Rimini Miramare, Italy 2336 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00336.0 Civ/Mil NDB Bergen Flesland Bratta, Norway 2330 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00336.0 RS: Civ NDB Røros, Norway 2326 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00337.0 KAJ: Civ NDB Kajaani, Finland 2312 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00337.0 OZ: Söderhamn Skallen, Sweden 2318 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00338.0 OA: Civ NDB Jönköping, Sweden 2315 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00339.0 SD: Civ NDB Sindal, Denmark 1726 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (usb only) (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00341.0 POR: Civ/Mil NDB Pori, Finland 1730 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00342.0 LL: Civ NDB Fagernes Leirin, Norway 1728 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00345.0 BN: Civ NDB Kristiansand Kjevik Birkeland, Norway 1748 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00346.0 GS: Civ/Mil NDB Gävle Sandviken, Sweden 1748 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00347.0 MSK: Civ NDB Oslo Gardermoen Morskogen, Norway 1801 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00347.0 MSK: Civ NDB Oslo Gardermoen Morskogen, Norway 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00347.5 TD: Civ NDB Teesside, UK 2346 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005) (TJ)00348.0 SAD: Civ NDB Leknes Sandsund, Norway 2356 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00348.0 WA: Civ NDB Stockholm Arlanda, Sweden 2354 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00348.5 LG: Civ/Mil NDB Liege Bierset, Belgium 2359 A1A morse 1020 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00349.0 TAR: Civ/Mil NDB Ørlandet Tarva, Norway 2350 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00351.0 OV: Civ NDB Visby, Sweden 1831 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00351.0 SAV: Civ NDB Savolinna, Finland 1826 A1A morse 400Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00371 FRS: NDB FROSINONE 1515 CW GOOD (13Feb06) (FC)00374.0 FLV: Civ/Mil NDB Bodø Fleinvær, Norway 2230 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00374.5 ANC: Civ/Mil NDB Ancona Falconara,Italy 2213 A1A morse 1020 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00375.0 CHO: Enroute NDB Choclwel, Poland 1852 A1A morse 1020 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00375.0 FR: Civ/Mil NDB Pori, Finland 1607 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00375.0 RB: Priv NDB Örebro, Sweden 1549 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00375.0 TR: Philips Tor-E platform helideck, IW (N56-38-31 E003-19-37) 2206 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation ID reptd twice (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00376.0 LN: Civ/Mil NDB Hultsfred, Sweden 1554 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00377.0 KN: Civ NDB Norrköping Kungsängen, Sweden 1600 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00377.0 SM: Priv NDB Mora Siljan, Sweden 1558 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00378.0 OS: Civ NDB Sundsvall Härnösand, Sweden 1615 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00378.0 RSY: Civ NDB Stavanger Sola Rennesøy, Norway 1617 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00379.0 REK: NDB Reksten, Norway 1614 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00380.0 FLR: Mil NDB Trondheim Værnes Flornes, Norway 1623 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)

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WUN-v1200381.0 ESP: Civ NDB Helsinki Vantaa Espoo, Finland 1623 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00383.0 ERK: Enroute NDB Erken, Sweden 1746 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00383.0 LST: Mil NDB Lista, Norway 1635 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00383.0 SHD: Enroute NDB Scotstownhead, Scotland 1746 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00384.0 HNS: Civ NDB Sandane Anda Høynes, Norway 1635 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00385.0 KV: Mil NDB Halli, Finland 1800 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00386.0 LK: Civ NDB Tallin Ülemiste, Estonia 1800 A1A morse 400 Hz modulation (11/Dec/2005)(TJ)00404.0 VNG: Enroute NDB Vangsnes, Norway 2240 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)00474.0 RZ: Civ NDB Rzeszów Jasionka, Poland 0055 A1A morse 1020 Hz modulation (12/Dec/2005)(TJ)00490 FRL: CROSS La GardeFrance (S) 1900 NAVTEX Submarine operations - Provence/Cap Cepet. (27Jan06) (FC)00518 9AS: Split Radio (Croatia) (Q) 0640 NAVTEX Adriatic shipping forecast. (22Jan06) (FC)00518 CTV: MONSANTO RADIO 2250 NAVTEX NAV WARN. (15Feb06) (FC)00518 FRC: CROSS CorsenFrance (A) 0005 NAVTEX Firing areas and Ouessant traffic separation scheme MIBs. (28Jan06) (FC)00518 FRL: LA GARDE RADIO 2340 NAVTEX NAV WARN. (15Feb06) (FC)00518 IQA: AUGUSTA RADIO 2330 NAVTEX NAV WARN. (15Feb06) (FC)00518 IQX: TRIESTE RADIO 2320 NAVTEX NAV WARN. (15Feb06) (FC)00518 LGQ: RogalandRadio (L) Norway 2250 NAVTEX Meteo and MIBs. (27Jan06) (FC)00518 LGQ: RogalandRadio Norway (L) 2250 NAVTEX MIBs. (27Jan06) (FC)00518 PBK: Netherlands CG Den Helder (P) 2230 NAVTEX MIBs. (27Jan06) (FC)00518 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard Radio (P) 2230 NAVTEX MIBs. (27Jan06) (FC)00518 SVL: Limnos Radio Greece (L) 0150 NAVTEX MIB firing exercises - Agean. (22Jan06) (FC)00534.0 SL: Civ NDB Bydgoszcz Szwederowo, Poland 2243 A1A morse 400 Hz mod (13/Dec/2005)(TJ)01638 OFK: Turku Radio Vaasa 0635 USB nav wngs (21Jan06) (KB)01677 OFK: Turku Radio Mariehamn 0640 USB nav wngs (21Jan06) (KB)01704 OXZ: Lyngby Radio Skamlebaek 1738 USB nav wngs (25Jan06) (KB)01704.0 OXZ: // 1734 // 1758 OXZ lyngby ID 0608 USB dan wxnaws 11fev06 ML01704.0 OXZ: lyngby ID 1748 USB eng naws 10fev06 ML01719 OFK: Turku Radio Hailuoto 1840 USB wx & nav wngs and ice report in Finnish //2810 (19Jan06) (KB)01734 OXZ: Lyngby Radio Blavand 1743 USB nav wngs (25Jan06) (KB)01758 OXZ: Lyngby Radio Skagen 1737 USB nav wngs (25Jan06) (KB)01797.0 SDJ: stockholm r 0742 eng sued wx naws 4fev0601880.0 holihead r: * 1739 USB d/x 10fev06 ML01888 IPD: Civitavecchia Radio Italy 2011 USB Weather fcast in Italian. Prob relay of RomeRadio. (15Feb06) (RGA)01915.0 dial: BMS Oceanic 0700 arq weather report from kuewaz n (10Feb06)(wp3)02072.1 : German Coastguard 2020 ARQ Seewetterdienst sea areas forecasts in DWD format in German. (15Feb06) (RGA)02072.1 cuxhaven gcg: 0716 ARQ wx 5fev06 ML02182 OST: OSTENDE RADIO 2230 USB (10-Feb-06) (FC)02182.0 IAR: roma 2044 USB securité 31jan06 ML02182.0 SVH: iraklion r 2042 USB grec / eng mayday "man over board " position 31jan06 ML

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WUN-v1202187.5 HOCR: Ship Mol Progress (Panama Flag) 2050 DSC RQs CROSS Corsen France for security check. (27Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 3FWE9: Ludvig Andersen (Panama Flag) 2013 DSC RQs Alder Ingebrigten/LAYF for simplex telephone conversation on 6221.6 kHz. (10Feb06) (RGA)02187.5 7TBR: El Djazair II (Algeria) 2145 DSC RQs MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain for safety check. OXZ BQs. (21Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 9VPD: Maritime Master (Singapore) 2054 DSC RQs MRCC Tarifa/ Almeria for safety test. (27Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : MRCC Las Palmas 2034 DSC CQ all ships for voice bcast on 2182 kHz USB. (27Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : MRCC Tarifa/Almeria Spain 2051 DSC All ships call for bulletins on 2182 kHz USB. (27Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : MRCC Tarifa/Almeria Spain 2157 DSC Routine RQ to MRCC Tenerife giving frequency 2182 kHz USB. (??) (21Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 : Samsun R. 0218 DSC to 445633000 ship North Korea (21Jan06) (AI)02187.5 BOJF: Ying He Hai (PRC) 2132 DSC RQs Lyngby Radio/OXZ Denmark for safety test. OXZ BQs. (21Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 FNGP: Scandola (France) 1952 DSC RQs Girolata/FPOD for simplex telephone conversation on 2177 kHz. (10Feb06) (RGA)02187.5 GCLG: Grampian Haven (Scotland) 2131 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ Denmark for safety test. OXZ BQs. (21Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 GJCT: Viking Protector (GB) 2026 DSC RQs Trafalgar Guardian/MSHF2 for simplex telephone conversation on 3150 kHz. 3150 kHz active in Dutch/Flemish on top of E10. (10Feb06) (RGA)02187.5 LAJC5: Sten Odin (Norway) 2233 DSC RQs MRCC Shetland for safety check. (26Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 Samsun R. 0218 DSC to 445633000 ship North Korea (21Jan06) (AI)02187.5 SVO: JRCC Piraeus Greece 2149 DSC Sends geographical call for area between 39N 020E and 29N 040E giving USB frequencies 2799 receive and 2134 kHz transmit. (??) (21Jan06) (RGA)02187.5 TCPL: Paksoy-I (Turkey) 2027 DSC RQs MRCC Ankara/TAH for safety test. (10Feb06) (RGA)02187.5 UAEH: Keret (Russia) 2144 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ Denmark for safety test. OXZ BQs. (21Jan06) (RGA)02199 XSS: 'XSS' Net 1658 ALE/USB Sounds on 2199 3161 3227 and 4266.5 kHz. (01Feb06) (RGA)02199.0 XSS: Unid 1250 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)02214.0 unid: 0719 ARQ-e/86 5fev06 ML02217.4 XSS: 'XSS Net' 2008 ALE/USB Sounds. (08Feb06) (RGA)02217.4 XSS: 'XSS' Net 1757 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb06) (RGA)02217.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS Net' 2045 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)02226 ABERDEEN COASTGUARD : Aberdeen SCO 2025 USB Northern North Sea area forecasts. (15Feb06) (RGA)02226.0 Aberdeen Coastguard: 2324 usb wx and navigational warnings (3Feb06)(wp3)02226.0 ukcg: aberdeen 0720 USB eng nice accent sig4!/wx ...orkney region 5fev06 ML02246 : Unid 2038 RTTY/50/170 Two telegrams from Murmansk to unid vessels. (15Feb06) (RGA)02259.0 nocall: prob RDLV: prb CIS MIL 2007 CW 5fg hand tx (08-feb-2006)(MSM)02264 : RN/NATO Secure Bcast 2047 NATO-75/75/850 Short (prob test) messages all 15s long in KG84. (15Feb06) (RGA)02273.5 german air force: ? 2322 arq-e/85,7/180 betas only (3Feb06) (wp3)02322 BF5S: Russian Military 1925 CW Y1OH de BF5S QTC ZMK K. BF5S 125 46 27 2220 125 = ZMK 011 = PPPPP OLHIO KSIKG ...

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WUN-v12 KSIKG WUPRW 796 K. Nothing heard of NCS on 2282 kHz. (27Jan06) (RGA)02322 O5O9: Russian Military 1939 CW OK ZCG ZMQ ZRW ZFR ZKZ QSW8 K. (27Jan06) (RGA)02400.0 OYR: aasiat grl ? 0627 USB dan duplex om11fev06 ML02461.5 ---: IN LE CIARA 2336 SITOR/A 100/E/170 "zbz 4/5" (15/Feb)(DW)02461.5 0A: IN HAULBOWLINE 2334 SITOR/A 100/E/170 Selcalls CVVE then request zbz (15/Feb)(DW)02463.0 idr8: I Navy Rome 1825 rtty 75/850 availability (3Feb06) (wp3)02474.0 PBB: DN DEN HELDER 1959 RTTY 75/N/800 CARB. Chans02b and 04c active (15/Feb)(DW)02474.0 pbb: Dutch Navy Goeree 1748 rtty 75/850 availability (3Feb06) (wp3)02505.0 dbgz: german coast guard ship BP26 Eschwege 0905 arq +eee dbgz nr 194 2901 1102= 01 kwo= position bp26 291~00jan06 - 150 08 53la= bp 26,graumann -kmdt.- 290106+ $uewaz o+? quiiq dbgz x 290106 1006 (29Jan06)(wp3)02505.0 dbgz: German Coast Guard ship BP26 Eschwege 1702 sitor-a +eee dbgz055 08 27ca.= bp 26, birkholz &#8211;wo- 030206 (3Feb06) (wp3)02586 OXZ: Lyngby Radio Bornholm 1745 USB nav wngs (25Jan06) (KB)02598.0 canadian cg: ? 0747 USB eng wx 12fev06 ML02598.0 canadian cg: cartwgt ID 0738>0745 USB eng wxprevisions 12fev06 ML02600 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard 0940 USB wx robot voice. Freq not listed. Scheveningen site? Appears too weak here for Appingedam (the only? other CG HF stn) //3673 (15Jan06) (KB)02623 DRCF: FGS S72 Puma 1841 USB wkg DHJ59 (25Jan06) (KB)02654.0 nocall: prob CIS MIL 2019 CW 5fg msg ened with "ZKDV" (08-feb-2006)(MSM)02671.3 Dbfo: Ger coast guard? 1955 Sitor-A/100 wx rep fot the N.Sea qsb (08-feb-2006)(MSM)02677.0 cross corsen: ? 0727 USB fr wx forecasts 5fev06ML02680.0 4XZ: ISR Navy Haifa 2032 CW ID msg (08-feb-2006)(MSM)02687 JWT: Navy Stavanger 1700 USB wkg B1W and E8O (26Jan06) (KB)02739.0 fishermen: 2024 USB norv? d/x 10fev06 ML02748 YQI: Constanta Radio 1939 USB nav wngs (23Jan06) (KB)02748 YQI: COSTANTA RADIO 1933 USB Nav Warnings (13Feb06) (FC)02749.0 canadian cg: 0754 USB franç wx previsions12fev06 ML02749.5 fishermen: 0823 USB hol d/x 15fev06 ML02750 VC6: Estonian Army 1721 ALE/USB "TO:OV5 TIS:VC6" (20/Jan/06) (AA)02750 VC6: Estonian Army 1722 ALE/USB "TO:DV9 TIS:VC6" (20/Jan/06) (AA)02750 VC6: Estonian Army 1725 ALE/USB "TO:RX1 TIS:VC6" (20/Jan/06) (AA)02789 IDF: MESSINA RADIO 1910 USB Nav Warnings. (13Feb06) (FC)02810 OFK: Turku Radio Helsinki 1835 USB wx & nav wngs and ice report in English (19Jan06) (KB)02819 VENI88: Unid 1819 ALE/USB clg VENI92 and VENI97 who both respond. Short serial-tone dig tfc and voice. Language id not feasible domestic QRM on this freq. (19Jan06) (KB)02819 VENI89: Unid. Norwegian net? 1913 ALE/USB clg VENI96. String "tweita" in AMD (07Feb06) (KB)02819 VENI92: Unid. NOR? 1216 ALE/USB clg VENI97, 1456 clg VENI99 (08Feb06) (KB)02819 VENI96: Unid. NOR? 2011 ALE/USB clg VENI89 (07Feb06) (KB)02819 VENI97: Unid. NOR? 1141 ALE/USB clg VENI88, also at 1209. At 1147 clg VENI99 (08Feb06) (KB)02819 VENI99: Unid. NOR? 1157 ALE/USB clg VENI88 (08Feb06) (KB)02839 9CJQ: CIS Military 2120 CW _MAP de 9CJQ ZXW ZFT ZVK QSW8 K. (06Feb06) (RGA)02941.0 rostov volmet: 2026 USB russ "stavropol...tempqnh

Pagina 131

WUN-v12 ..." 10fev06 ML03033 : Irish Fishermen 2034 USB Heavy accent much swearing. (29Jan06) (RGA)03137 PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes Azores 2014 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Jan06) (RGA)03137 PLA: US GHFS Stn Lajes Azores 2035 ALE/USB Sounds. (25Jan06) (RGA)03150 PCD2: E10 Mossad 2032 USB YL repeating call PCD2 in maritime telephone QRM. (10Feb06) (RGA)03158 BJ22: Algerian MOI/Military 1759 ALE/USB "TO:UM22 TIS:BJ22" (24/Jan/06) (AA)03161.0 XFU: UNID 0810 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (19/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XGH: UNID 0801 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XSS. 0804 responds to XSS. 0808 clng XSS (19/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XSS: UNID 0804 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng XGH. Sounding. 0808 responds to XGH (19/Jan)(DW)03161.0 XSS: Unid 1250 ALE/USB clg XAS (26/jan/06) (sw)03166.5 : Unid 0736 ARQ-E/85.7/170 idling (21Jan06) (KB)03173 B8SJ: Russian Military 2047 CW In traffic ... 2340 503 = 893 = PPPPP ÖIyHE ICWWZ ... IDAEX KAKBD = 893 K. B8SJ QRV K. Receiving and reading back: B8SJ 956 25 1 2350 956 = 893 = PPPPP FHTIQ VHPYE ... PRSOÄ KBKBD = 893 K (01Feb06) (RGA)03176.5 : Unid 0737 ARQ-E/85.7/170 idling (21Jan06) (KB)03177.2 LOR: Argentine Ny Puerto Belgrano 0104 Sitor-B Wx forecast (03/02/06) (AJP)03187.5 WARSZAWA2: : MOI Warsaw POL 19:37 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb) (PPA)03187.5 WARSZAWA2: MOI Warsaw POL 1937 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)03187.5 WARSZAWA3: : MOI Warsaw POL 19:36 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb) (PPA)03187.5 WARSZAWA3: MOI Warsaw POL 1936 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)03205 HA43: Algerian Mil. 1855 ALE/USB clg HA40 (08Feb06) (KB)03205 HA52: Algerian Mil. 1851 ALE/USB clg HA48 (08Feb06) (KB)03205 LZ51: Algerian Mil. 1918 ALE/USB clg LZ50 (08Feb06) (KB)03207 IL4U: Russian Military 2024 CW Comms check with at least AEYN BXDY 2WPS. (29Jan06) (RGA)03207 OVNC: Russian Military 2014 CW OVNC QJG QYT6 K. (01Feb06) (RGA)03217 QHN3: Russian Military 1813 CW Msg for IDNQ: QHN3 699 13 27 2106 699 = 187 = PPPPP FNLüU XVDLK ... XVDLK WUPäP 879 K. IDNQ request corrections and gives R 699 K on QSX freq 3393 kHz. (27Jan06) (RGA)03218.0 capucine: ff? 2031 USB "ceci est une emissionde - p destinée aureglage de votre rx" 10fev06 ML03227.4 XSS: Unid 1252 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)03239.8 : Unid 1954 ARQ-E/46/160 idling (24Jan06) (KB)03253.1 : Tashkent Meteo 1803 FAX/120/576 unid analysis chart in noise. Again moved here from 4067 kHz (03Feb06) (KB)03260 V1S000OEKCOPER: Unid 2155 ALE/USB Calls S4S000OGBMRM. (08Feb06) (RGA)03264.4 SAB: Globe Wireless Göteborg Sweden 2023 GLOBEDATA Idling. (21Jan06) (RGA)03275.4 : Unid. D AF? 0729 UNID/3*192/200 spaced approx. 700 Hz. Offair 0731 (21Jan06) (KB)03298.8 : Unid Aero Station 2042 ARQ-E/46.2/140 Active but no decode apart from VZCZC KAA90. (29Jan06) (RGA)03299 V3QG: Russian Military 2047 CW Message for YKZ8: V3QG 284 48 27 2335 284 = 842 = AAAAA DDDDD FOHGB ÜKKZA ... VXÜRH BVKGE K. YKZ8 QSLs on same freq YKZ8 R 284 K. (27Jan06) (RGA)03300 RHI: Unid 0120 ALE/USB clg AAI also at 0250 (26Jan06) (KB)03300 RHI: Unid 2232 ALE/USB clg AAI. Also at 0135

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WUN-v12 (03Feb06) (KB)03300 RHP: Unid 0140 ALE/USB clg AAP. Also at 0221 03010331 0351 (26Jan06) (KB)03314 RJF94: Russian Navy 2118 CW RCH84 de RJF94 QTC K. RJF94 824 14 28 0035 824 = 911 = 92851 12422 ... 23147 28012 = AR RJF94 K. OK QRU K. (27Jan06) (RGA)03322 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2025 CW Plots: = 13021033639451=13022034919951. 992328??0?????= 002329??0????? =13021033639452=13022034919951. 99 ... etc. (21Jan06) (RGA)03334 : CIS Military 2046 MS-5/4800/USB Enciphered vocoder. (29Jan06) (RGA)03348 8TOK: Ukranian Military 2143 CW ZMT ZQI ZBN QYT4 K. (06Feb06) (RGA)03360 VLBA: E10 Mossad 1604 USB VLBA3602051800B828568 2051930C55. (05/feb/06) (AA)03375 8BJ5: CIS Military 1900 CW Bcasts 8BJ5 8BJ5 8BJ5 ZTV ZTB ZTW QYT1 AR. (14Feb06) (RGA)03383 : CIS Military 1949 81-81/81/250 Slow revs and pre- cipher opchat. (25Jan06) (RGA)03390 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast Info 2038 RTTY/75/850 CARBs 02a 04. (21Jan06) (RGA)03390.0 MGJ: Gbr-N Faslane Naval Scotland 2009 J2b 75/850 CARB (04/feb/06) (sw)03390.0 MGJ: RN FASLANE 2017 RTTY 75/N/850 CARB "02a 04" (31/Jan)(DW)03430 : Fishfone 2041 SAILOR-CRYPT-2001 with synch at f+1500 Hz. Male voices. (21Jan06) (RGA)03450 : Fishfone 2120 CRY-2001/USB Alternate male and female voices. (06Feb06) (RGA)03557 CIOA: E10 Mossad 1601 USB CIOA32Z0704Z2030B22Z666Z05021600. (05/feb/06) (AA)03561.0 fishermen: in channel 0816 USB fr...fecamp... cherbourg...15fev06 ML03574 : Unid 1050 CW txt: ... xx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx = 2872x t2xxx 65282 1t25x xxxxx k. (24Jan06) (IB)03584.9 : Unid. Korean? 1900 FAX/120/576 weak in ham QRM, vague coast lines of Sea of Japan and Yellow Sea. Stop at 1911, next charts 1914-1926 and 1928-1939. Almost certainly HLL, Seoul Meteo, as suspected. (30Jan06) (KB)03640 SYNA: E10 Mossad 1609 USB SYNA69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000. (05/feb/06) (AA)03645.0 UM12: ALG MOI unid ALE/USB 19:13 TO JB12 (15Jan06) (MAL)03699.5 P: Russian Beacon Kaliningrad 2102 CW (06Jan06) (bef)03764.4 pbb: Dutch Navy Goeree 1515 rtty 75/850 02a 02b 04b 04c 06a 06b 08a 08b 12a 16x pbb (3Feb06) (wp3)03764.4 PBB: RNethN Goree Is. 2106 RTTY/75/850 CARBs. (29Jan06) (RGA)03813 PHB9: Russian Military Bcast 2006 CW Bcasts msg: PHB9 (x3) QTC 899 30 25 2300 899 = 020 = RWüOJ OBLüG ... MyPNP WTPWU 837 AR. LDBO clone. (25Jan06) (RGA)03815 OZL: Ammassalik Radio, GRL 2120 USB relaying KNR (Greenland Broadcasting Company). Weak (31Jan06) (KB)03823 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli Air Force Ben Gurion 1742 ALE/USB SND (20/Jan/06) (AA)03823 AAA: Israeli Air Force NCS 1736 ALE/USB SND (20/Jan/06) (AA)03855.0 ddh3: hamburg 0735 FAX 5fev06 ML03873 : Unid. ISR Navy? 1820 UNID VFT FSK 2*75/50 spaced 300 Hz; lower channel mostly idling (26Jan06) (KB)03879 ESF: Unid 1941 ALE/USB clg ESQ (31Jan06) (KB)03879 ESQ: Unid 1941 ALE/USB responding to ESF (31Jan06) (KB)03886.5 AEA1AP: US Army MARS stn D 0820 LSB wkg AEA1AT and

Pagina 133

WUN-v12 AEA1AP (21Jan06) (KB)03890 UWS3: KievRadio Ukraine 2038 CW Sending telegrams blind to lists of ships: EMWS EONC EOMS ENIT ... USSM URGE ... NR 9 KIEW 985 1/2 1500=RADIO WSEM ... AR CIRCULÄR ... then weather. (01Feb06) (RGA)03890 UWS3: KievRadio Ukraine 2040 CW Fast Morse tgms to riverine traffic. Finishes CQ de UWS3 NIL PSE ANS 4/6/8. (25Jan06) (RGA)03890 UWS3: KievRadio Ukraine 2049 CW Long service bulletin in Ukrainian ending AR QSX 3/4/8/9 = de UWS3 K. (21Jan06) (RGA)03895 0000210001: Greek Police 1810 ALE/USB snd (10Feb06) (KB)03895 0000210288: Greek Police 1920 ALE/USB snd (10Feb06) (KB)03895 0000210402: Greek Police 1846 ALE/USB snd (10Feb06) (KB)03895 0000210502: Greek Police 1900 ALE/USB snd (10Feb06) (KB)03895 0000210601: Greek Police 2150 ALE/USB snd (10Feb06) (KB)03896 : NATO Tact Air Defence Data System LINK-11/2250/ISB Appears same data in each sideband. (14Feb06) (RGA)03896 AHS: Unid. possibly Scandinavian net 0733 ALE/USB Clg ADS followed by unid modem activity. Same net as 4585 and 4762 kHz. (27Jan06) (KB)03896.0 AHS: UNID 0708 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng AQJ. 0712 cln AMY. 0717 clng AKF (30/Jan)(DW)03896.0 AHS: UNID 0715 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng AKF (31/Jan)(DW)03896.0 AKF: UNID 0715 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to AHS. 0750 clng AHS (31/Jan)(DW)03897.9 ---: UNID 0235 CW (F1A-530HZ) Slow hand. Weak. Tfc in figs (03/Feb)(DW)03897.9 ---: UNID 2247 CW (F1A-530HZ) Slow hand. Weak. Tfc in figs (02/Feb)(DW)03900.0 JE21: ALG MOI unid ALE/USB 17:36 TO UM22(15Jan06) (MAL)03900.0 VC6: Est-Mil 2015 ALE/USB clg DV9 (04/feb/06) (sw)03932 51: Unid Italian AF 1622 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 (29Jan06) (KB)03932 CHARLY46: Italian AF Pisa-San Giusto 1658 ALE/USB clg 51. At 1700 short voice comms in Italian (29Jan06) (KB)03932.0 57: Ita-Af 2102 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (16/feb/06) (sw)03932.0 CHARLY46: 0941 ALE/USB clg 57 (08/feb/06) (sw)03932.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 2102 ALE/USB clg 57 (16/feb/06) (sw)03934.4 DJ04: Unid 2142 ALE/USB clg DJ06 (27Jan06) (KB)03934.4 DJ05: Unid 1941 ALE/USB clg DJ04. Also at 2213 (27Jan06) (KB)03934.4 DJ06: Unid 2221 ALE/USB responding to DJ04 (27Jan06) (KB)03934.4 DJ07: Unid 1943 ALE/USB clg DJ09 (27Jan06) (KB)03934.4 DJ08: Unid 1911 ALE/USB clg DJ09 (27Jan06) (KB)03934.4 DJ09: Unid 1845 ALE/USB clg DJ07 who responds. Many calls until 2228 also to DJ05 and DJ06 (27Jan06) (KB)03950.0 fishermen: 0737 USB esp 5fev06 ML03955.0 unid: navy 0740 81-81 5fev06 ML04007 423: Unid Illicit 2112 CW 423 423 423 12 12 26 26 = = 18402 18402 21370 21370 ... 46707 46707 27891 27891 = = 12 12 26 26 0 0 0. (06Feb06) (RGA)04032.7 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 0330 MFSK32 (29/01/06) (RH2)04050.0 FDG: Fra-Af Bordeaux 2020 J2b 50/400 "test de fdg" (04/feb/06) (sw)04050.5 galion02: ? ff? 0743 USB fran - other frq :" ypen degagement.. rv à h15 " 5fev06 ML06874.0 TXX1 police madrid 1249 USB/ALE to TWCC2police la coruna 4fev06 ML04067.1 : Tashkent Meteo (probably) 1640 FAX/120/576 analysis with synoptic data. Back on old freq. 3252 kHz nil (27Jan06) (KB)04137 JPQ: Lithuanian Navy Klaipeda 0655 ALE/USB clg FRA and M1K (04Feb06) (KB)

Pagina 134

WUN-v1204149 UKG(?): Kertch Radio UKR 1835 USB nav wngs. Same robot voice as Odessa Radio (04Feb06) (KB)04149 UKG(?): Kertch Radio, UKR 1833 USB nav wngs in EE. Same robot voice as Odessa Radio (05Feb06) (KB)04166.2 XSS: Unid 1127 ALE/USB snd. Also at 1143 1158 (28Jan06) (KB)04207.5 622121111: M/V Edco [Bulk carrier] 18:57 with position report for 002241078 Madrid MRCC Position 51.27N 00.20 Theems aprox Tilbury Lock and docks Mode GMDSS 15feb06 (R)04207.5 LZW: WarnaRadio Bulgaria 1825 DSC Preliminary call to all ships for FEC bulletins/traffic list on 4218.5 kHz. (28Jan06) (RGA)04207.5 XSG: MRCC Shanghai/MRCC China 1815 DSC BQs in reply to safety test from Cherokee Princess/DXMX (Philippines). (28Jan06) (RGA)04210.5 A9M: Manama Radio Bahrain 2110 ARQ w/Morse ID. (06Feb06) (RGA)04211 : Petrobras 0340 ARQ IRS & some PP - "OK copiado ta operando" etc. (29/01/06) (RH2)04212 : Unid 1517 Prob PANTHER-H Setup. 1-second bursts for 5 seconds. (30Jan06) (RGA)04212 UGC: Sankt Peterburg Radio Russia 2117 ARQ w/Morse ID. (29Jan06) (RGA)04212 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 1513 ARQ w/Morse ID. Weak. (30Jan06) (RGA)04212.0 UGC: St Petersburg Radio 2027 A1a Ch-mkr (ch~404) (04/feb/06) (sw)04212.3 UBJ: Baku Radio Azerbaijan 1600 CW CQs then telegrams from Baku to fleet collective 4JIK. (30Jan06) (RGA)04212.5 XSV: Tianjin Radio PRC 2118 ARQ w/Morse ID. (29Jan06) (RGA)04212.5 XSV: TianjinRadio PRC 1608 ARQ w/Morse ID. (30Jan06) (RGA)04213.7 IGJ42: IN Rome 0100 RTTY/75/850 ID string (27/01/06) (RH2)04214 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Augusta Radio Italy 2145 RTTY/75/850 Calls only. (30Jan06) (RGA)04214.0 idr2: I Navy Rome 1344 rtty 75/850 idr2 /igj42 /igj43 /idr4 /idr3/igj44 / idr2 /igj42 /igj43 /idr4 /~~~igj44 / (3Feb06) (wp3)04214.0 TAH: Istanbul Radio 0251 CW marker (11/FEB/2006) (IDS)04218.5 lzw: Varna Radio 1342 cw marker (3Feb06) (wp3)04219 TAH: IstanbulRadio Turkey 2054 ARQ w/Morse ID. Very sick transmitter. (21Jan06) (RGA)04219.0 tah: Istambul Radio 1342 cw marker (3Feb06) (wp3)04225,2 igj42: I Navy Augusta 1317 stanag4285/600L/5n1 IDR2 X IGJ42 X IGJ43X IDR4 X IDR3 X IGJ44 X (11Feb06) (wp3)04226 A5F: UNID 0530 ALE/USB Sounding. (02 FEB 06) (FC)04226 NIH: UNID 0820 ALE/USB (13Feb06) (FC)04226.5 XKD: Unid (XSS Net) 1510 ALE/USB clg XLG (02/feb/06) (sw)04226.5 XLG: Unid (XSS Net) 1513 ALE/USB clg XKD (02/feb/06) (sw)04226.5 XSS: Unid 1258 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)04226.5 XSS: Unid 1549 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 03161.0 02199.0 and2217.4 (22/jan/06) (sw)04231.0 UNID: Japanese Gov. 0905 Japanese Telemetry Datalink (10/FEB/2006)(IDS)04237.9 Kirucha26: (??): unid Pol Mil 0709 USB/Voice YL went qrt befere i tuned. (05-feb-2006)(MSM)04238 VTP4: Indian navy Vishakhapatnam IND 1917 CW/A1A vvv vvv vtp 4/5/6 or 4F group msg (04Feb06) (PPA)04238.0 VTP4: : Indian navy Vishakhapatnam IND 19:17 CW/A1A vvv vvv vtp 4/5/6or 4F group msg (4 Feb) (PPA)04238.0 VTP4: IN Vishakhapatnam 0105 CW 4FG (12/FEB/2006) (IDS)04244 DAO4A: Global Link/Marine Net Kiel 1916 PACTOR-3 Idling. (30Jan06) (RGA)04246.5 5SI1: CIS Military 2121 CW Comms check with ___F E8HA and others (missed). (29Jan06) (RGA)

Pagina 135

WUN-v1204247 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast Control Stn 2127 RTTY/100/850 CARBs. (29Jan06) (RGA)04247.0 MGJ: Gbr-N Faslane Naval Scotland 2038 J2b 100/850 CARB (04/feb/06) (sw)04247.0 mgj: RN Faslane 1325 rtty 100/830 1zyix 2ccix 2cdix 3zzix 4cbix 4ceix 02h 03c 03f 04b 06aae 06goo 08a 12b 16a 22a 02h 03c 03f 04b 06aae 06goo 08a 12b 16a 22a mgj (3Feb06) (wp3)04260.9 CFH: Naval Radio Halifax, N.S. Canada 0127 FAX/120/576 Followed by 75/850 RTTY WX. (31Jan06) (EE)04271.0 CFH: halifax logo ID 0825 FAX pressions12fev06 ML04274 ZSC: Capetown radio AFS 1914 GW-PACTOR/100/200 channel free marker (04Feb06) (PPA)04274.0 ZSC: : Capetown radio AFS 19:14 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker(4 Feb) (PPA)04280.0 pbc: DN Goerree 1323 rtty 75/850 availability, weak sig (3Feb06)(wp3)04282.0 CWM: Montevideo Radio 0115 CW notice to the mariners (12/FEB/2006)(IDS)04285.0 UM22: Alg-MOI/MIL 2155 ALE/USB clg XT23 (23/jan/06) (sw)04285.0 XT23: Alg-MOI/MIL 2155 ALE/USB clg UM22 (23/jan/06) (sw)04292.0 ---: Unid 0407 FSK 50/850 ACF=0 (29/01/06) (AJP)04292.0 Unid: 0407 FSK 50/850 ACF=0 (29/01/06) (AJP)04294.7 FUE: FN Brest 0226 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID (27/01/06) (RH2)04295.0 fue: FN Brest 1205 rtty 75/700 vzczcabc001 all de fue (4Feb06) (wp3)04295.0 FUE: Fra-N Brest 2042 J2b 75/850 "all de fue" (04/feb/06) (sw)04295.0 FUE: French Navy Brest 0202 test tape RTTY 75/850 (10/FEB/2006) (IDS)04317.9 : Moscow Meteo 1531 FAX/120/576 700 hPa analysis. Slight multipath distortion (15Jan06) (KB)04322 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast Info System 1550 RTTY/75/425 CARBs. s9 here (26 Jan 06) (JB)04323.2 MGJ: RN Faslane 1823 RTTY/75/850 CARBs. (16Jan06) (JB)04325.5 : Unid 1550 RTTY/75/850 Coded weather broadcast S5 to S7 here (26 Jan 06) (JB)04327.5 r: unid 1823 cw beacon (2Feb06) (wp3)04331.0 4XZ: Haifa Radio 0156 CW marker (10/FEB/2006) (IDS)04331.0 4xz: IN Haifa 1822 cw vvv de 4xz 4xz - - (2Feb06) (wp3)04331.0 4XZ: Isr-N Haifa 2047 A1a Ch-Mkr "vvvde4xz4xz==" (04/feb/06) (sw)04399.0 SVO: Olympia Radio 0138 voice marker Greek/EE (12/FEB/2006) (IDS)04451 4Z4CP2: Prob 4/4 Avn US Army Command Post-2 in Iraq 1757 ALE/USB snd. 2Z4CP and 4Z4CP1 also heard. (05Feb06) (KB)04455.8 RHN: unid station middle east 1842 ARQ-E/46.1/170 idling on KAA cct to AAN also establising contact via LSB/ALE on 4457 (04Feb06) (PPA)04455.8 RHN: unid station middle east 18:42 ARQ-E/46,1/170 idling on KAA cctto AAN also establising contact via LSB/ALE on 4457 (4 Feb) (PPA)04461 B65: POL Mil? 0713 ALE/USB clg B64 who replies (26Jan06) (KB)04462.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1646 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)04469.0 Czaplinek13: Pol Mil 0712 USB/Voice radio checks+5f msg toOsowo40,Kowerkot80 and others, distorted,hard to understand,overmadulated(05-feb-2006)(MSM)04470.8 578: Unid. Prob Illicit 2059 CW Repeating call 578. Then traffic 421 421 36 36 = = 90244 90244 ... 63980 63980 = = 421 421 36 36 0 0 0 0 0. (21Jan06) (RGA)04480 : CIS Military 1958 MS-5/4800/USB Encrypted vocoder. (30Jan06) (RGA)04484.5 : unid German airforce D 1836 ARQ-E/85.7/170 encrypted msg after %%%% string (04Feb06) (PPA)04484.5 unid: German airforce D 18:36 ARQ-E/85,7/170 encrypted msg after%%%% string (4 Feb) (PPA)

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WUN-v1204488 ADS: Unid 0801 ALE/USB clg AHS (06Feb06) (KB)04488 AHS: Unid 1310 ALE/USB clg ADS. 1316 clg AKF, 1328 clg AMY (06Feb06) (KB)04507 : unid German airforce D 1834 ARQ-E/85.7/170 idling (04Feb06) (PPA)04507.0 035: Isr-Af ? 2219 ALE/USB clg 082 (14/feb/06) (sw)04507.0 AA1: Isr-Af 103 Sqn Ben Gurion 2221 ALE/USB sndg. (14/feb/06) (sw)04507.0 unid: German airforce D 18:34 ARQ-E/85,7/170 idling (4 Feb)(PPA)04520 : unid navy ISR 2106 USB/ISR-navy hybrid psk modem databurst (31Jan06) (PPA)04520.0 unid: navy ISR 21:06 USB/ISR-navy hybrid psk modem databurst(31 Jan) (PPA)04532.0 No Call: unid FAF 2129 USB Voice Tape: "TEST DE MENTOR CETTE EMISSION EST DESTINEE AU REGLAGE DE NOS EMETTEURS" (03/FEB/06) (KK)04540 244: Prob Chinese Military 1820 ALE/USB "TO:514 TIS:244" (29/Jan/06) (AA)04540 288: Prob Chinese Military 1820 ALE/USB "TO:334 TIS:288" (29/Jan/06) (AA)04555,2 dlvb: ZB Schleswig-Holstein 0850 arq weather and situation reportfrom kuewaz (11Feb06) (wp3)04555,2 dlvf: Glückstadt 1326 arq eine Pricke geborgen im Zehnerloch beiTonne 11 (11Feb06) (wp3)04555,2 dlvy: ZB Hamburg 0904 arq position report (11Feb06) (wp3)04555.2 cuxhaven gcg: 0735 ARQ naws wx 11fev06 ML04555.2 dlvb: german coast guard ship ZB Schleswig-Holstein 0820 arq tfc from Kuewaz Nordsee (28Jan06) (wp3)04555.2 dlvy: german coast guard ship ZB Hamburg 0833 arq tfc from Kuewaz Nordsee (kuewaz cux) (28Jan06) (wp3)04557.8 p: rus navy Kaliningrad 1014 cw beacon (15Feb06) (wp3)04557.8 P: SLB Kaliningrad 2059 CW (06Feb06) (RGA)04557.9 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 1926 CW (14Feb06) (RGA)04558 C: MX Beacon Moscow 2111 CW (21Jan06) (RGA)04560 TAH: Istanbul Radio TUR 2004 FEC weather forecast in E (31Jan06) (piri)04560 YHF2: Enigma E10 Mossad 2033 USB YL with YHF callup. (30Jan06) (RGA)04560.0 TAH: Istanbul Radio TUR 2004 FEC weather forecast (31jan06) (piri)04560.4 4LUA: Enigma M89 (?) 2002 CW V GN8V de 4LUA repeating. (30Jan06) (RGA)04561.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1647 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)04566.4 VCT: Tor's cove radio CAN 20:32 GW-PACTOR/100/200 channel free marker (31Jan06) (PPA)04566.4 VCT: Tors cove radio CAN 20:32 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker(31 Jan) (PPA)04583 DDH7: Pinnenberg 0105 RTTY/50/400 Wx groups (27/01/06) (RH2)04583 DDK2: DWD Hamburg via Pinneberg 1532 RTTY/50/450 Coming in at S9 here. (26 Jan 06) (JB)04583.0 DDK2: Hamburg Meteo 2058 J2b 50/400 fcst for German Coast (04/feb/06) (sw)04585 AHS: Unid. Scand. net? 0719 ALE/USB clg ADS (23Jan06) (KB)04585 AMY: Unid. Scand. net? 1351 ALE/USB clg AKF (23Jan06) (KB)04585.0 AHS: UNID 0703 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng AMY. 0706 clng AKF. 0709 clng ADS. 0711 clng AQJ. 0723 clng AMY. 0731, 0735 clng AKF. 0733 clng AMY (01/Feb)(DW)04585.0 AKF: UNID 0706 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to AHS (01/Feb)(DW)04585.0 AMY: UNID 0703 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to AHS, also at 0723. 0729 clng AHS, 0733 clng AHS (01/Feb)(DW)04591 FLA: unid station 2034 ALE/USB calling BTS (31Jan06) (PPA)04591.0 FLA: unid station 20:34 USB/ALE calling BTS (31 Jan) (PPA)

Pagina 137

WUN-v1204593 RAI: Unid 0257 ALE/USB clg JAI. Also seen at 1759 & 1819 (11Feb06) (KB)04593 RAP: Unid 0012 ALE/USB clg JAI, also seen at 1835. At 0042 clg JAP, then every 30 min until 0242 (11Feb06) (KB)04610.0 GYA: Gbr-N London 1027 Fax 120/576 Wx map (07/feb/06) (sw)04610.0 GYA: RN Northwood 0102 Fax chart 120 LPM (10/FEB/2006) (IDS)04617.4 : Unid 0820 FEC 100/170 ("POL-ARQ"?) encrypted (29Jan06) (KB)04625.0 Unid: ss OM voice traffic sporadic, nearly round the clock. 1545 30jan06 (TN)04625.0 UNID: 0056 Russian Buzzer (10/FEB/2006) (IDS)04648 SYNA: E10 Mossad 1553 USB SYNA69Z43Z07042000B14Z1Z0602Z2000. (05/feb/06) (AA)04648.0 UNID: number station 0051 YL AM mode (10/FEB/2006) (IDS)04681.0 ARINC 08: HFDL stn Johannesburg 0202 Squitters (12/FEB/2006) (IDS)04686 411?: UNID 2130 CW GOOD SIGNALEND TX AT 2141. "411 414 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 411 411 411 41 = 2 3 8 4 3 5 9 5 T 2 ..." (04-Feb-06) (FC)04687.9 : Unid. Slovak Military? 0720 CW (F1A 480 Hz) slowly repeating "c 8 f c c 8 f c c 8 f c +" (06Feb06) (KB)04712.5 : unid Airforce SUI 2030 VFT/F1B/100/170 encrypted traffic in parallel with second channel on 4713.6 (31Jan06) (PPA)04712.5 unid: Airforce SUI 20:30 VFT/F1B/100/170 encrypted traffic in parallel with second channel on 4713.6 (31 Jan) (PPA)04716 48: Unid 0628 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 (24Jan06) (KB)04716 CHARLY46: Italian AF Pisa-San Giusto 1529 ALE/USB clg 47. Tnx J. (26Jan06) (KB)04716.0 46: Ita-Af 2043 ALE/USB clg 61 (13/feb/06) (sw)04716.0 46: Ita-Af 2125 ALE/USB clg CHARLY 46 (13/feb/06) (sw)04716.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af 2122 ALE/USB clg 46 (13/feb/06) (sw)04721.0 020180: USAF A.C sounding ALE 24jan06 (RP)04724 PUBLICISE: 28-char EAM 1543 USB SAPWYG preceding ANDREWS' 1549z HFGCS bcst of same, and simulcasting same on 8992, 11175 and 15016. (30 Jan 06) (JH)04731.5 MKL: RN Northwood 0347 RTTY/75/850 crypto (29/01/06) (RH2)04742.0 ARCHITECT: Gbr-Af STCICS 1031 J3e USB Wx for UK AB (07/feb/06) (sw)04750 3411: Unid 0001 ALE/USB sounding. Also at 0501 (22Jan06) (KB)04750 3411: Unid 1710 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)04750 3434: Unid 0910 ALE/USB sounding (21Jan06) (KB)04750 3434: Unid 1002 ALE/USB sounding (22Jan06) (KB)04753 : Unid. CZE or SVK? 0725 USB 5LGs Czech(?) spelling. At 0730 similar but weaker station (25Jan06) (KB)04762 AHS: Unid. Scand. net? 1259 ALE/USB clg AMY. At 1304 clg ADS at 1307 clg AQJ. No responses seen (24Jan06) (KB)04762.0 AHS: UNID 0703 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng ADS. 0712. Clng AQJ. 0714 clng AKF (31/Jan)(DW)04762.0 AHS: UNID 0704 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng ADS, also at 0729, 0753, 0801, 0809. 0708 clng AQJ, also at 0709. 0714 clng AKF, also at 0731, 0755, 0804 (02/Feb)(DW)04762.0 AHS: UNID 0717 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng AMY. 0717 clng AKF. Also at 0724 (30/Jan)(DW)04762.0 AKF: UNID 0717 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to AHS. Also at 0724 (30/Jan)(DW)04771.0 DIAMANTI: Alb-Mil 1644 ALE/USB clg DRINI (19/jan/06) (sw)04777.4 IMB51: Rome Meteo 1732 FAX/120/576 2-panel chart, unreadable due to prolonged black level (01Feb06) (KB)04780 CIOA: E10 Mossad 1558 USB CIOA32Z0704Z2030B22Z 666Z05021600. (05/feb/06) (AA)04780 FC8FEM: FEMA Denver 0749 ALE/USB sounding (25Jan06) (KB)04850 1000: Unid 1902 ALE/LSB sounds several times

Pagina 138

WUN-v12 (06Feb06) (KB)04855 200: Unid 0713 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)04866 EW: Unid, SWE? 1732 ALE/USB wkg WI. Cryptic AMDs with some Swedish-looking ASCII text ("vad tror du!") (07Feb06) (KB)04866 WI: Unid, SWE? 1732 ALE/USB wkg EW. AMDs with Swedish(?) words ("kontrollera", "hugget!") (07Feb06) (KB)04874.0 TWBH2: Spa-Pol 1352 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (12/feb/06) (sw)04874.0 TWVA2: Spa-Pol Leon 0959 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid also noted on 04561.0 05847 and 05892.0 (07/feb/06) (sw)04874.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1640 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)04874.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1640 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)04909.0 S5ZFK: unid 0742 CW 2 om hand cw(05-feb-2006)(MSM)04910.0 RFI: WAFFA NET ?LOC 0204 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RFI. Also 0308 (09/Feb)(DW)04910.0 RFP: WAFFA NET ?LOC 0215 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JCP. Also at 0225, 0305, 0307 (09/Feb)(DW)04910.0 RFP: WAFFA NET ?LOC 0258 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JCP. Also at 0329, 0419z. (08/Feb)(DW)04922.5 fdg: FAF Bordeaux 1852 cw vvv vvv vvv vvv vvv de fdg fdg fdg ar(12Feb06) (wp3)04923.5 8301: Unid 2024 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)04925.0 0000210502: Grc-Moi 1735 ALE/USB sndg. (23/jan/06) (sw)04959 : Prob Russian Air Defence 1938 CW 9919246129534 9511033838734 9910246129436 9511033834536 1972 824404652136 297287010103 295117010305 ... (14Feb06) (RGA)04978 GS2: Georgian net 1913 ALE/USB clg ZVIGENI (11Feb06) (KB)04978 ZVIGENI: Georgian net 1909 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (11Feb06) (KB)04978.0 GS2: Geo-Mil 2017 ALE/USB clg LAZERI2 (13/feb/06) (sw)04978.0 GV1: Geo-Mil 2231 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (14/feb/06) (sw)04978.0 GV1: Geo-Mil? 1802 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (23/jan/06) (sw)04978.0 RAINDI: Geo-Mil 2231 ALE/USB clg GV1 (14/feb/06) (sw)04978.0 SB3: Geo-Mil? 1802 ALE/USB clg GS2 (23/jan/06) (sw)04985.0 T3Z: unid 1900 ale sounding (12Feb06) (wp3)04985.0 udairi: US Army Udairi Trng Area (LDO) 1900 ale sounding (12Feb06)(wp3)04988.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1637 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)05035.0 VKM: Unid (Gbr-Mil)?1709 ALE/USB clg JKV (previously reported as Gbr-Mil in Bosnia) (03/feb/06) (sw)05036.0 MEDER30P: ALG Sonatrach Medera ALE/LSB 20:54 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05036.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach Ohanet ALE/LSB 19:56 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05036.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Rhourde Nouss ALE/LSB 21:30 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05056 : unid NATO defence 2046 LINK-11/1364/1850/USB (31Jan06) (PPA)05056.0 unid: NATO defence 20:46 USB/Link-11/1364 bps/1850 (31 Jan)(PPA)05058.0 FDI22: FAF Narbonne F, 2359, rtty 50/85 testing (02Feb06) (MAL)05065 9MB: MN Georgetown, Pinang Island MLA 1940 CW VVV VVV VVV 9MB (31Jan06) (piri)05065.0 9MB: MN Georgetown, Pinang Island MLA 1940 MORSE VVV VVV VVV 9MB (31jan06) (piri)05078 M4FI: Ukranian Military 1633 CW Msg for KFT1: M4FI 232 82 2 1830 232 = 642 = AAAAA MOKZL LVRMU ... (02Feb06) (RGA)05091 : Enigma E10 Mossad 1948 USB End of message ... 896__ JMH JM_ KDHGX F___N FBKY_ SPPJV ... (Weak). (14Feb06) (RGA)05097 : Unid PVO Russia 0830 USB YL in RR. Text: 00 0001 384 92 in 59 2160 for 1129. 438 0001 0484. 0484 92 in 64 in 30. 438 0484 0483. 0483 29 in 69 for 31. 0483 92 in 68 for

Pagina 139

WUN-v12 32 511 0483 700 50 ... (26-Jan-06) (IB)05097 CFH: CanForce Halifax NS Canada 2115 RTTY/75/850 ZKRs to NAWS. (21Jan06) (RGA)05097 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 2011 RTTY/75/850 VVV NAWS DE CFH ZKR FL 2822 3394 4161 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 AR (06Feb06) (piri)05097 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 2053 RTTY/75/850r NAWS DE CFH ZKR F1 2822 3394 4155 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 (31Jan06) (PPA)05097.0 CFH: CF HALIFAX 2154 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH zkr f1 2822 3394 4161 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 ar" (12/Feb)(DW)05097.0 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 20:53 ITA2/75/850r NAWS DE CFH ZKR F1 2822 3394 4155 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 (31 Jan) (PPA)05098.5 PIRUET23: unid pol MIL 1253 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg GRANT96 (02/FEB/06) (KK)05098.5 PIRUET23: Pol. Mil 0749 ALE/USB clg GRANT96 and voice call in Polish (probably), mentioning "piruet" (31Jan06) (KB)05098.5 PIRUET23: unid pol MIL 1343 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg GRANT96 (02/FEB/06) (KK)05098.5 TAMURA40: Polish Mil 0744 ALE/USB clg GRANT96 (31Jan06) (KB)05098.5 TAMURA40: unid pol MIL 1427 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg CEDAR67 (02/FEB/06) (KK)05098.5 TAMURA40: unid pol MIL 1430 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg GRANT96 (02/FEB/06) (KK)05098.5 TAMURA40: unid pol MIL 1431 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg GRANT96 (02/FEB/06) (KK)05100.0 ---: UNID 0001 CW(F1A-500HZ) Weak. Series of groups "BUK17 BYK35 BYT56 BOB78 BOS81 BOA43 BUR82 BAK01" etc. Ends "nil gb 73 va" (04/Feb)(DW)05100.0 UVJ5: -- 0152 CW Slow, poor hand. Weak. "USU8 de UVJ5 gd qsa3 opn r8 qsa?" (04/Feb)(DW)05100.0 VMC: Charleville Meteo, Qld Aus 2030 Fax Wx map (02/feb/06) (sw)05100.0 VMW: BOM CHARLEVILLE 1935 FAX 120/576/N/800 NZ/Tasmania just visible. End of chart. 1945 Swell/Waves prog. Grainy pix (03/Feb)(DW)05115 : unid station 2050 F1B/200/500 encrypted ACF=0 probably Russian (31Jan06) (PPA)05115.0 unid: station 20:50 F1B/200/500 encrypted ACF=0 probablyRussian (31 Jan) (PPA)05149 : Unid. CZE or SVK? 1010 USB 5LGs in Czech(?) spelling alphabet (24Jan06) (KB)05153 P: MX Beacon Kaliningrad 1953 CW // 4557.9 (14Feb06) (RGA)05153.7 D: MX Beacon Odessa 1953 CW (14Feb06) (RGA)05153.8 P: Kaliningrad RUS 2027 CW Cluster beacon (06Feb06) (piri)05153.9 C: Rus Navy beacon Moscow RUS, 2319, CW, (02Feb06) (MAL)05153.9 S: MX Beacon Severomorsk 1953 (14Feb06) (RGA)05154 C: Moscow RUS 2027 CW Cluster beacon (06Feb06) (piri)05154 P: MX Beacon Moscow 1953 CW (14Feb06) (RGA)05160.2 : Unid 1206 STANAG-4285/600L continuously encrypted - very strong signal (31Jan06) (piri)05160.2 Unid: 1206 Stanag 4285 600Bps Long continue encrypted very strong signal (31jan06) (piri)05170 VLBA: E10 Mossad 1547 USB VLBA3602051800B8285682051930C55. (05/feb/06) (AA)05184.5 WARSZAWA2: Polish MoI net 0733 ALE/USB snd (03Feb06) (KB)05184.5 WARSZAWA3: Polish MoI net 0732 ALE/USB snd (03Feb06) (KB)05195 DRA5: DARC Prop Station Kiel 2003 CW Repeating DRA5 0 Dashes. Then RTTY and PSK31. (14Feb06) (RGA)05195.0 DRA5: Scheggerott, D, germany solar Wx, 2254, CW, FSK, PSK31, (02Feb06) (MAL)05196 DJ01: Algerian Mil? 2323 ALE/USB clg DJ02 (01Feb06) (KB)05196 DJ02: Algerian Military? 2034 ALE/USB clg UM01. At 2039 2149 2233 2257 clg UM03 (01Feb06) (KB)

Pagina 140

WUN-v1205196 RB01: Algerian Mil? 1857 ALE/USB clg VQ01 (02Feb06) (KB)05196 UM03: Algerian Mil? 1916 ALE/USB clg RB01 (02Feb06) (KB)05196.0 No Call: unid 0315 Rtty 100Bd/250Hz "ZCZC QJH USDPRAYF RYRYRYRY. (03/FEB/06) (KK)05206.0 CONTROLL: unid 1614 USB clg KILO-CHARLIE (31/JAN/06) (KK)05206.0 KILO-ECHO: unid 1602 USB wkg CONTROLL unid sounds british (31/JAN/06) (KK)05223.0 RIR96: CISN UNID 2306 CW "RCV fm RIR96 qdw 6295 k" "rpt txt k" (16/Feb)(DW)05224 RCV: HQ Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol 2007 CW Calls warship RJT22 de RCV QAP K. RJT22 de RCV QSA? K. (14Feb06) (RGA)05230 MIW86: VMF ident 0036 USB (24Jan06) (bef)05231.5 nocall: unid 0740 CW 5fg msg eneded with "T 5 1 B 7 K"(05-feb-2006)(MSM)05238.5 UNID: French AF 1030 USB / Male voice in French repeating months and days of the week. (01/Feb/2006) (oldtimer)05247 284: Unid Illicit 2101 CW Repeating 284 callup. Then traffic: 284 = 257 22 = 46779 63487 01168 ... 30951 40265 = 284 284 284 ... (03Feb06) (RGA)05254.0 QC31: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0613 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng UM32 (17/Feb)(DW)05254.0 RM30: ALGERIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0617 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to UD30 (17/Feb)(DW)05254.0 UD30: ALGERIAN ARMY? ?LOC 0617 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RM30 (17/Feb)(DW)05263.0 HA40: ALG MOI unid ALE/USB 23:31 TO HA52 (15Jan06)(MAL)05263.0 HA48: ALG MOI unid ALE/USB 20:10 TO HA51 (15Jan06) (MAL)05263.0 HA48: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0557 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HA50. 0600 clng HA51. 0603 clng HA52 (17/Feb)(DW)05263.0 HA4: Alg-Mil/Moi 1659 ALE/USB clg HA40 (06/feb/06) (sw)05263.0 HA52: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0603 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to HA48 (17/Feb)(DW)05263.0 HA56: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 2320 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HA5? (16/Feb)(DW)05263.0 LZ50: ALGERIAN ARMY ?LOC 0646 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng LZ40 (17/Feb)(DW)05268.0 4015: TURKISH RED CRESCENT ?LOC 0244 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. (17/Feb)(DW)05286 TWVS2: Spanish Guardia Civil Salamanca 1737 ALE/USB "TO:TXX2/Valdemoro (24/Jan/06) (AA)05286 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 2018 ALE/USB Sounds. (08Feb06) (RGA)05286 TXX: Prob Spanish Guardia Civil Madrid 1737 ALE/USB "TO:TWVS2/Prob Spanish Guardia Civil Salamanca (24/Jan/06) (AA)05286.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 1524 ALE/USB clg TYVC2 Castellon (04/feb/06) (sw)05286.0 TXX2: GUARDIA CIVIL CENTRAL HQ 0009 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. 0719 responding to TYMC2. 0739 clng TWVB2 (17/Feb)(DW)05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1150 ALE/USB clg TWVA2 Leon (04/feb/06) (sw)05286.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1632 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)05286.0 TYMC2: GUARDIA CIVIL CACERES 0014 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXX2 variously thru 0719 before apparent response (17/Feb)(DW)05286.0 TYVC2: Spa-Pol Castellon 1524 ALE/USB clg TXX1 Madrid (04/feb/06) (sw)05290.0 GB3ORK: R/AM BEACON ORKNEY 1546 CW 1 min starting H+02/17/32/47 (17/Feb)(DW)05290.0 GB3RAL: R/AM BEACON DIDCOT 1545 CW 1 min starting H+00/15/30/45 (17/Feb)(DW)05290.0 GB3WES: R/AM BEACON CUMBRIA 1546 CW 1 min starting

Pagina 141

WUN-v12 H+01/16/31/46 (17/Feb)(DW)05290.9 Unid: 2145 FSK 100/250 50/250 T600?? (01Feb06) (MAL)05315.0 SAB: GW station Goeteborg SWE 2117 idle and dataplex (01Feb06) (MAL)05319 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1826 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 0955 ALE/USB clg TWVB2 Burgos (07/feb/06) (sw)05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1007 ALE/USB clg TYMB2 Badajoz (07/feb/06) (sw)05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1014 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres also noted on 05352.0 and 5286.0 (07/feb/06) (sw)05319.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1636 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)05319.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1636 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)05332.0 Unid: 2112 PSK 2400/3000 (01Feb06) (MAL)05352 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 2029 ALE/USB Sounds. (03Feb06) (RGA)05352.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1656 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)05352.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1655 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)05361.8 OUA15: DN Aarhus DNK? 1242 Stanag 4285 600Bps Long continue encrypted (31jan06) (piri)05361.8 OUA15: DN Aarhus DNK? 1242 STANAG-4285/600L continuously encrypted (31Jan06) (piri)05379.0 TXXX: Spa-Pol Madrid 1150 ALE/USB clg TWLV Viscaya (04/feb/06) (sw)05380 : Unid 1255 LINK-11/USB Doppler 605Hz, 14 data tones 935 - 2585 Hz, 2 sync tones on 2900 and 2950Hz (31Jan06) (piri)05380 S4S000OGBMRM1: 1940 ALE/USB "TO:V1S000OEKCOPER (18/Jan/06) (AA)05380.0 Unid: 1255 Link-11 system on USB. Doppler 605Hz, 14 data tones 935 - 2585 Hz, 2 sync tones on 2900 and 2950Hz (31jan06) (piri)05400.0 MAL:unid Albanian MOI 1920 USB/ALE clng DRI (Drini) (15-feb-2006)(MSM)05402 : UNID ARS? 2008-2300 ARQE/46.1/183 rc=4 msgs like this ZCZC KAA900 WKA900 88 18094. 46099KRM% GCY MANF@ 00 VFK- VMXOMY BWKCY 00 VMYBDINNNNNNNN ZCZC KAA800 WKA800 ~88 18094. 46099KRM% GCY MANF% 000000000 BWTBKY AKCK@ BDF= XLWO00 VMYBDINNNNNNNN. Think it's ATU-70 alphabet and give it a new try this evening. Receiver mode USB. (03Feb06) (piri)05402.0 UNID: ARS? 2008-2300 ARQE 46.1BD 183Hz rc=4 msgs like this ZCZC KAA900 WKA900 88 18094. 46099KRM% GCY MANF@ 00 VFK- VMXOM BWKCY 00 VMYBDINNNNNNNN (03feb06) (piri)05403.8 Unid: 2020 ARQ-E 46.1/170 "zczc (01Feb06) (MAL)05410.0 INAS30P: ALG Sonatrach In Amenas ALE/LSB 17:45 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05410.0 RNO: ALG Sonatrach Rhourde Nouss 2057 ALE/LSB (28Jan06) (MAL)05410.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Rhourde Nouss ALE/LSB 20:32 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05434 RCHNY: National Guard, Rochester, NY. 1741 ALE/USB Sounds. (04Feb06) (RB)05435.5 MBG: Unid 0702 ALE/USB Sounding. (24 Jan 06) (FC)05440 RW59?: Unid RUS 0759 RTTY/50/500 "ryry ruo -2 ruo -2 ruo -2 e rw-59 rw-59 zhc? zhc?" then back into unid 100/500 burst mode. On 30Dec05 id was RWD69 in similar tfc (25Jan06) (KB)05450.0 RAF volmet: (MVU) G 2207 (30Jan06) (MAL)05456 AAA: 1926 ALE/USB SND (18/Jan/06) (AA)05465.9 R: Unid SLB 2059 CW (03Feb06) (RGA)05465.9 r: 1647 cw beacon (21Jan06) (wp3)

Pagina 142

WUN-v1205465.9 R: Izhevsk RUS 2038 CW Channel marker (06Feb06) (piri)05470 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli Air Force Ben Gurion 1823 ALE/ USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)05473.5 Squeeky Wheel: 0800 USB(05-feb-2006)(MSM)05476 0000210001: Greek Gendarmerie 2011 ALE/USB Sounds. (08Feb06) (RGA)05476.0 0000210502 Grc-Moi 1621 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)05476.0 000021: Grc-Moi 1629 ALE/USB clg 0000210288 (16/feb/06) (sw)05476.0 000021: Grc-Moi 1631 ALE/USB clg 0000210001 (16/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 321: Unid 1619 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 520: Unid 1602 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 6DI: Ita-Af 2026 ALE/USB clg IGFIAFALE (13/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 700: Unid 1651 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 701: Unid 1643 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 9206: Unid 2113 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)05478.0 920:Unid 2130 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 923: Unid 1600 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AA1: I AF 103rt Sqd, Ben Gurion ALE/USB 19:38 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05478.0 AA1: Isr-Af 103 Sqdn Ben Gurion 2130 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AA1: Isr-Af 103 Sqn Ben Gurion 1627 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AA1: Isr-Af Ben Gurion 2153 ALE/USB sndg. (13/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2114 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2116 ALE/USB sndg. (13/feb/06) (sw)05478.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 2126 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)05478.0 BB3: I AF 16st Sqd, Palmachin ALE/USB 22:04 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)05478.0 DD1: I AF Unid Sqd, ALE/USB 18:18 SND (15Jan06)(MAL)05479.5 : Unid. Swiss Military? 1355 UNID 220/340. Two or more stns in QSO (31Jan06) (KB)05505 EIP: SHANNON VOLMET IRL 1700 USB GOOD (13Feb06) (FC)05505.0 Shannon volmet: (EIP) IRL 2203 USB voice (30Jan06) (MAL)05532 OKL: Praha Radio 0932 USB passing wx for Canary Islands to CSA flight (29Jan06) (KB)05544 B-6051: China Eastern A340 2114 HFDL Acks weather for FZFG/Bokada via Muharraq. (01Feb06) (RGA)05544 D-ALCO: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8189 1905 HFDL Position report via Muharraq: 5202N 01711W. (10Feb06) (RGA)05544 D-ALCP: Lufthansa Cargo MD11 1916 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (28Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VFOX: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Silver Lady' 2200 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (26Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VGOA: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Indian Princess' Flt VS0250 2217 HFDL Posn report 1622N 04726E. (26Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VNAP: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sleeping Beauty' 2207 HFDL Acks Weather data for N'Djamena Tunis Tamanrasset and Lagos. (26Jan06) (RGA)05544 G-VSSH: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Sweet Dreamer' 2006 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (01Feb06) (RGA)05544 HS-TNA: Thai International A340 1918 HFDL Logs on. (28Jan06) (RGA)05544 SU0108: Aeroflot Flt 1914 HFDL Passes posn report via Al Muharraq: 5317N 01816E. (28Jan06) (RGA)05544 VT-JWC: Jet Airways India A340 2210 HFDL Logs on. (26Jan06) (RGA)05555 244: Prob Georgian Border Guard 1753 ALE/USB "TO:571 TIS:244" (29/Jan/06) (AA)05559.0 nocall: or AEO 1926 USB/ALE wkng unid,encrypted? (15-feb-2006)(MSM)05565 288: Poss Chinese Military 1809 ALE/USB "TO:514

Pagina 143

WUN-v12 TIS:288" (29/Jan/06) (AA)05598 Aeromexico 5: MEX-CDG. B-767) ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Air France 33: IAH-CDG B-777) 2341 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Air France 489: SXM-CDG A-340) 2312 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Air France 656: ORY-CDG B-747) 0002 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Air France 95: MIA-CDG. B-747) 0135 Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Air France: ORY-FDF. B-747) 0053 ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Air Portugal 104: EWR-LIS. A-310) 0108 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Air Transat 432: YYZ-FAO. A-310) 0216 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 American 62: MIA-CDG. B-767) 0149 Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 American 68: MIA-MAD. B-767) 0156 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Britannia 508: 0214 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Britannia 531: 0107 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 British Airways 2036: 0154 USB (MCO-LGW. B-777) Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Corsair 938: 2348 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Delta 108: ATL-MAD. B-767) 0234 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Delta 132:(JFK-ATH B-767) 0019 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Delta 148: 0043 USB (JFK-FCO B-767) Selcal Check/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Delta 90: JFK-BCN. B-767) 0226 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Egyptian Air Force 1102: 0018 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Emery 4: 2350 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Iberia 6122: MIA-MAD. A-340) 1001 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Iberia 6250: JFK-MAD. A-340) 0035 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Iberia 6274: ORD-MAD. A-340) 0126 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 KLM 754: BON-AMS. MD-11) 2358 USB Position/w Santa Maria. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 LTU 443: LRM-DUS A-330) Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 LTU 8825: PUJ-SXF A-330) 2339 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Lufthansa 463: MIA-FRA B-747) 2321 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Lufthansa 535: CCS-FRA. A-340) 0253 USB Position/w Santa Maria. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Martinair 74: SJU-AMS. MD-11) 0059 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 N770BB: B-757) 0014 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Reach 214: 0027 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)05598 Reach 222: 0048 usb Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Reach 261: 0207 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Starway 71: 0208 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)05598 Virgin Atlantic: HAV-LGW. B-747) 0046 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)

Pagina 144

WUN-v1205598.0 Aeromexico 5: (MEX-CDG, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-2-06 @0130Z (MH)05598.0 Air France 95: (MIA-CDG, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @0135Z (MH)05598.0 Air France: (ORY-FDF, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-2-06 @0053Z (MH)05598.0 Air Portugal: 104 (EWR-LIS, A-310), Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @0108Z (MH)05598.0 Air Transat 432: (YYZ-FAO, A-310), Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @0216Z (MH)05598.0 American 62: (MIA-CDG, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0149Z (MH)05598.0 American 68: (MIA-MAD, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0156Z (MH)05598.0 Britannia 508: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0214Z (MH)05598.0 Britannia 531: Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0107Z (MH)05598.0 British Airways 2036: (MCO-LGW, B-777), Selcal Check/w New York,2-2-06 @ 0154Z (MH)05598.0 Delta 108: (ATL-MAD, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0234Z (MH)05598.0 Delta 90: (JFK-BCN, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0226Z (MH)05598.0 Iberia 6122: (MIA-MAD, A-340), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0110Z (MH)05598.0 Iberia 6250: (JFK-MAD, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0035Z(MH)05598.0 Iberia 6274: (ORD-MAD, A-340), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0126Z (MH)05598.0 KLM 754: (BON-AMS, MD-11), Position/w Santa Maria, 2-2-06 @ 2358Z(MH)05598.0 Lufthansa 535: (CCS-FRA, A-340), Position/w Santa Maria, 2-2-06 @0253Z (MH)05598.0 Martinair 74: (SJU-AMS, MD-11), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @0059Z (MH)05598.0 Reach 222: Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0048Z (MH)05598.0 Reach 261: Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0207Z (MH)05598.0 Starway 71: Position/w New York, 2-2-06 @ 0208Z (MH)05598.0 Virgin Atlantic: (HAV-LGW, B-747), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-2-06@ 0046Z (MH)05600 1107: Unid 1944 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 1912: Unid 1945 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 20101: Unid 1928 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 3002: Unid 2002 ALE/USB clg 4024 (11Feb06) (KB)05600 3213: Unid 1957 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 32205: Unid 1942 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 4040: Unid 2004 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 4100: Unid 1933 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 4920: Unid 1919 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 5500: Unid 1933 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 6041: Unid 1925 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600 8204: Unid 1932 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)05600.0 Mumbai ACC: 2127 USB/Voice wkng various aircrafts qsb (08-feb-2006)(MSM)05622 A7-CJB: Qatar Airways A319 Flt QR0058 2259 HFDL Logs on to Krasnoyarsk. (26Jan06) (RGA)05642 QF3K: M89 0100 CW Msg: nr tt5 t845 rmks 6194 to 6190 6694 6664 8735 = svc qrw 6194 qrw l18 0930 kp 6194 ar agn nr tt5 t845 rmks 6194 to 6190 6694 6664 8735 = svc qrw 6194 qrw l18 0930 kp 6194 ar hr nr 24 hr nr 24 qsl? Then usual tape: t3ap t3ap t3ap de qf3k qf3k v (rptd) (25Jan06) (IB)05680 KINLOSS RESCUE: ARCC Kinloss Scotland 1227 USB Calling RESCUE 122; has casualty on board (21Jan06) (JB)05687.0 gaf624: GAF flight 624 1233 usb gestartet eddt (Berlin-Tegel) 1225 (28Jan06)(wp3)05702.0 ADW: Andrews AFB US mil HG-GCS 2144 ALE/USB SND (29Jan06) (MAL)

Pagina 145

WUN-v1205702.0 CRO: Croughton AFB G US mil HG-GCS 2122, 2014 ALE/USB SND (29Jan06) (MAL)05702.0 CROSPR: Croughton AFB SIPRNET G acces node US mil HG-GCS 2123 ALE/USB SND (29Jan06) (MAL)05702.0 HAWSPR: Ascension Island AFB SIPRNET acces node US mil HG-GCS 2026 ALE/USBSND (29Jan06) (MAL)05702.0 ICZSPR: NAS Sigonella SIPRNET I acces node US mil HG-GCS 2133 ALE/USB SND (29Jan06) (MAL)05702.0 PLASPR: Lajes Air Base Azores SIPRNET acces node US mil HG-GCS 2044 ALE/USBSND (29Jan06) (MAL)05702.0 raf: 0800 USB airfields status 15fev06 ML05710 C35: Unid 1740 ALE/USB "TO:BB1 TIS:C35" (29/Jan/06) (AA)05711 KNY70: US NCS Herndon VA 1521 ALE/USB Sounding. (03Feb06) (RB)05720 : Unid 0700 UNID FSK 200/1000 Baudot? Repeating same string every 10 s. Off at approx. 0707 (26Jan06) (KB)05720.0 co0021: Continental Airlines Flight 1059 hfdl 10:59:36 UTC FlightID = CO0021 LAT 57 44 30 N LON 16 27 16 W (14Feb06) (wp3)05720.0 REYKJAVICK 1059: hfdl GND 11:00:33 UTC REYKJAVICK - ICELAND UTCLOCKED Active freqs (Hz) 11184 KHz 8977 KHz 5720 KHz (14Feb06)(wp3)05732 D45: CBP AEW&C P3 N145CS Jacksonville AMB 1454 ALE/USB Sounding. COTHEN. (03Feb06) (RB)05737.3 : Unid. ISR Navy? 0438 UNID FSK 75/50. Related unmod. carrier on 5737 . Similar signal seen before on 3873 (27Jan06) (KB)05760.1 KNY70A: National Telecommunications Coordinating Network: 1617 USB ALE (11/FEB/06) (JLM)05762.0 035: unid 1316 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 082 (21/JAN/06) (KK)05762.0 035: unid 1346 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 100 (21/JAN/06) (KK)05762.0 035: unid 1416 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 082 (21/JAN/06) (KK)05762.0 035: unid 1446 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 100 (21/JAN/06) (KK)05778.5 : German Airforce D 1330 FEC-100/MFSK/170/192 3 chnl. (31Jan06) (piri)05778.5 German Airforce: D 1330 MFSK FEC-100 3 chnl 192Bd 170Hz shift (31jan06) (piri)05792.0 2405: Mrc- Protection Civile Marocaine 1955 ALE/USB sndg. (14/feb/06) (sw)05805.3 : Unid. Serbian Mil? 0835 VISEL? FSK 121/300 in simplex QSO with weaker stn. 121+/-0.5 is quite sure (26Jan06) (KB)05807 ZKLF: Wellington Meteo 0901 FAX/120/576. Weak, large caption/logo "METSERVICE" just readable (05Feb06) (KB)05810.0 DW: DW, Juelich D 1915 DRM for Europe (29Jan06) (MAL)05812 ESQ: Unid 1302 ALE/USB clg ESF (31Jan06) (KB)05840 : Unid 0714 RTTY/50/500 blocks of 5FGs and 5LGs (10/line) after ryry. Ending 0720 with "QRU CFM QRU" (25Jan06) (KB)05850 OXT: Copenhagen Meteo 0946 FAX Kap Farvell ice chart 22/Jan. Slight degradation due to BC QRM (24Jan06) (KB)05853.4 : Unid 0814 FEC/100/170 ("POL-ARQ"?) encrypted (05Feb06) (KB)05865.0 TWBH2: Spa-Pol 1351 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (12/feb/06) (sw)05865.0 TWVE2: Spa-Pol 1156 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (04/feb/06) (sw)05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1156 ALE/USB clg TWVE2 (04/feb/06) (sw)05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1517 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 05352.0 (26/jan/06) (sw)05865.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 2243 ALE/USB sndg. (14/feb/06) (sw)05871.0 TXX1: Spa-Pol Madrid 0946 ALE/USB clg TWCC2 (07/feb/06) (sw)

Pagina 146

WUN-v1205873 : Russian Air Defence 2040 CW Plots in series 992335??8????? 992336?8????? (03Feb06) (RGA)05887.5 IMB2: Rome Meteo I 1107 RTTY 50Bd 850Hz TAF msgs (31jan06) (piri)05887.5 IMB2: Rome Meteo I 1107 RTTY/50/850 TAF msgs. (31Jan06) (piri)05887.5 IMB: Rome meteo I 1906 rtty 50/850 synop (29Jan06) (MAL)05892.0 TWBH2: Spa-Pol 1352 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (12/feb/06) (sw)05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1642 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)05892.0 TXX2: Spa-Pol Madrid 1651 ALE/USB clg TYMC2 Caceres (09/feb/06) (sw)05892.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1651 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)05901 HT?: Unid 0830 ALE/USB (13Feb06) (FC)05901.0 USDAEOC2: US Department of Agriculture: 2227 USB ALE (11/FEB/06) (JLM)05923 : Unid 1432 RTTY/50/500 endless string "298/298/298...". Off air 1435 (04Feb06) (KB)05990.0 RTL: RTL Junglinster LUX 1812 DRM for Europe (29Jan06) (MAL)06002 : Unid 0755 CW extremely fast 5LGs with Russian characters (04Feb06) (KB)06095.0 RTL: RTL Junglinster LUX 1758 DRM for Europe (29Jan06) (MAL)06140.0 DW: DW, Juelich D 1747 DRM for Europe (29Jan06)(MAL)06224 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 1335 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)06224 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 1659 ALE/USB SND sounding once per hour ? (22/Jan/06) (AA)06224 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 2056 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Jan06) (RGA)06224 AA1: 1559 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06224 AAA: Israeli AF 1549 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06224 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 1649 ALE/USB SND sounding once per hour ? (22/Jan/06) (AA)06243.0 XAS: Unid 1254 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)06243.0 XSS: Unid 1547 ALE/USB sndg. (04/feb/06) (sw)06262.5 iatd: IN ship VEGA P404 1020 usb/stanag4285 clg/tfc to idr this istango delta roger your 301 over (15Feb06) (wp3)06262.5 idr: Italian Navy Rome 1020 usb/stanag4285 tfc to tango delta (nostanag synch found) (15Feb06) (wp3)06262.5 igdd: IN ship GORGONA A5347 1036 usb clg idr short chat (between TFCiatd - idr) (15Feb06) (wp3)06277.0 urwm: IZMAIL 1050 cw clg Izmail Radio (15Feb06) (wp3)06277.0 uteq: ALEKSANDR ARJAVKIN 1118 cw clg Izmail Radio tfc to (15Feb06)(wp3)06288.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1950 ALE/USB sndg. (23/jan/06) (sw)06312 3FWE9: Ludvig Andersen (Panama Flag) 1801 DSC RQs Aldor Ingebrigsten/LAYF for USB telephone call but does not give any frequencies. (28Jan06) (RGA)06312 BPAB: Ship Da Quing (PRC) 1757 DSC RQs MRCC Shanghai/ MRCC China for safety test. (28Jan06) (RGA)06312 UICO: Odovesk (Russia) 1756 DSC RQs MurmanskRadio/UDK for telephone call to a 235..... number.(17Feb06) (RGA)06312 PCHY: Crownbreeze (Netherlands) 1733 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/ OXZ for safety test. (17Feb06) (RGA)06316.2 IGJ: IN Rome I 1535 Stanag 4285 IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ43/IDR4/IDR3/IGJ44 tape and procedure tfc (31jan06) (piri)06316.2 IGJ: IN Rome I 1535 STANAG-4285 IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ43/IDR4/IDR3/IGJ44 tape and procedure tfc (31Jan06) (piri)06316.5 VJS: : Perth radio AUS 14:14 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker (12Feb) (PPA)06316.5 VJS: Perth radio AUS 1414 GW-PACTOR/100/200 channel

Pagina 147

WUN-v12 free marker (12Feb06) (PPA)06326.5 rlk7: Archangelsk Radio 2205 sitor-a tfc to unid ship (19Jan06)(wp3)06327.5 UAT: Moscow Radio RUS 2252 CW+ARQ marker (28Jan06)(MAL)06331.7 IDR/IGJ: Roma/Augusta Radio Italy 2142 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 "IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ43/IDR8/IDR3/ IGJ41". (16Feb06) (RGA)06340.5 NMF: USCG BOSTON 2215 FAX (05-Feb-06) (FC)06348 FUE: FN Brest F 1550 STANAG-4285 Testing RY/SG (31Jan06) (piri)06348.0 fue: FN Brest 1158 stanag4285/600L/5n2 VZCZCABC001 ALL DE FUE (4Feb06) (wp3)06348.0 FUE: FN Brest F 1550 Stanag 4285 Testing RY/SG (31jan06) (piri)06358.5 PBB: RNethN Goree Is 1515 RTTY/75/850 CARBs. 02A 02B 04B 04C 06A 06B 08A 08B 12A 16X PBB. // 6483 8439. (29Jan06) (RGA)06363.7 MGJ: RN Faslane 1850 RTTY/75/850 CARBs. (16Jan06) (JB)06379.0 4XZ: Haifa ISR HQ Navy 2327 CW marker (28Jan06) (MAL)06379.0 4xz: IN Haifa 1616 cw fgzcl zadfj fdxe = = nr 542 1618z: vvv de 4xz4xz (17Feb06) (wp3)06379.7 8PO: GW Bridge Town BRB 2329 traffic and iddle (28Jan06) (MAL)06386.5 uso5: Izmail Radio 1100 cw 4ki 4ki 4ki de uso5 uso5 4277 6386.5 08586.0 12965 k 1105:qss/qsx 4277/4182.5 6386.5/6277 8586/8366.5 12965/12550.5 uso5 k (15Feb06) (wp3)06389.0 CTP: Portugal Navy 2156 RTTY 75/850 Naws de CTP (22/01/06) (AJP)06391.0 ---: UNID 1356 CW Rptd string "583 583 583 28333 28333" followed by rptd strings "583 583 583 27173 27173" then offair (01/Feb)(DW)06391.2 CTP: PN Lisbon 2220 rtty 85/850 brcs marker (28Jan06) (MAL)06392.0 ---: UNID 0712 CW Rptd strings "139 139 139 27512 27512" followed by rptd strings "139 139 139 27049 27049" ends "139 139 000" (02/Feb)(DW)06392.0 ---: UNID 0717 CW Rptd strings "139 139 139 27418 27418" followed by rptd strings "139 139 139 26740 26740" ends "000" (01/Feb)(DW)06398.0 CTP: PN Lisbon 2224 rtty 85/850 brcs marker (28Jan06) (MAL)06400 3Z4CP1: Unid 1924 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06400 4Z4CP1: Prob 4/4 Avn US Army CP1 1904 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)06410.5 P4Z101: Unid 1743 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06410.5 T4Z101: 4 Bn 101 Avn US Army Iraq 1758 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06410.5 T7Z101: Prob 7/101 Avn (GSAB) US Army Iraq 1741 ALE/USB "TO:R23445 TIS:T7Z101" (22/Jan/06) (AA)06410.5 T7Z101: Prob 7/101 Avn (GSAB) US Army Iraq 1749 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06425 XSS: 'XSS Net' 1512 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)06425.0 XSS: Unid 2213 ALE/USB Snd. (22/01/06) (AJP)06425.0 XSS: Unid 1316 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)06428 ABC: VMF ident 1415 USB (24Jan06) (bef )06428 E10: 1733 USB Calling ABC still calling at 1755. (24/Jan/06) (AA)06454 XSG: Shanghai Radio PRC 0005 CW Msg. (24Jan06) (bef)06456.2 : UNID 2008 STANAG 4285 600/L/ITA2/5N1 KG84 RYRYRYRYRY and long idle periods (20Jan06) (piri)06480 NYZ: Chinese Military? 0024 CW vvv q2m de nyz . (24Jan06) (bef)06483.0 PBB: Den Helder HOL Navy 2209 rtty 85/850 brcs marker (28Jan06) (MAL)06491.6 ---: Spanish Ny 2145 Stanag 4285 600L ACF=0 (22/01/06) (AJP)06491.6 Unid: Spanish Ny 2145 Stanag 4285 600L ACF=0 (22/01/06) (AJP)

Pagina 148

WUN-v1206501.0 UWY: yalta r ? 0826 USB ukr yl c unid ship15fev06 ML06507.0 Unid: 0335 UTC UNID 6507.0 USB - Female voice (21jan06)(MH)06523.4 VCS: GW station Halifax, Nova Scotia, CAN 2330 Dataplex traffic and iddle burts id 0x4E (27Jan06) (MAL)06529 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt RAM501 2306 HFDL Posn report 3322N 00735W via Las Palmas. (26Jan06) (RGA)06529 HS-TLA: Thai International A340 2309 HFDL Logs on. (26Jan06) (RGA)06529 LX-VCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Walferdange' Flt CLX743/CV0743 2308 HFDL Posn report 4705N 04104E via Las Palmas. (26Jan06) (RGA)06546 : Unid 0346 CW 3FGs: ... 187 t56 198 dzc 1t37. dno tt5 32t 336 193 735 747 833 195 dzc 1ttt. dno tt6 327 329 184 187 18t 738 573 198 dzc 1tt3. dno tt7 649 575 225 826 195 dzc 1t26 ... 49 746 549 dirir = <recipient>: t ok ok de de de qsa3 r aa? ni nil d <recipient>: ok d de qsa3 r 298 t47 kzcqc 986 4t9 d ar = o = 04 aa ns = <recipient>: = ar. (28-Jan-06) (IB)06565.0 288: Unid 2009 ALE/USB clg 587 (14/feb/06) (sw)06565.0 288: Unid 2142 ALE/USB clg 204 (09/feb/06) (sw)06577 American 619: JFK-SDQ A-300) 1235 USB Position/w New York. (24Jan06) (MH)06577 Delta 935: LGA-ATL B-737) 1248 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (24Jan06) (MH)06577.0 American 619: (JFK-SDQ, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1235Z(MH)06577.0 Delta 935: (LGA-ATL, B-737) Selcal Check/w New York, 1-24-06 @1248Z (MH)06600.0 0811: 0918 ALE/USB clg 1800 [AMD]DIAL48715085 (08/feb/06) (sw)06600.0 0811: 0923 ALE/USB clg 0801 (08/feb/06) (sw)06600.0 1800: Ita-Af/CG? (previously noted, called by 0811 patrol boat) 2115 ALE/USB sndg. (13/feb/06) (sw)06600.0 1800: Ita-Carabinieri 2056 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)06600.0 CHARLY46: 0936 ALE/USB clg 57 (08/feb/06) (sw)06600.0 Unid: 0931 ALE/USB clg 151 (08/feb/06) (sw)06607 The xx7 Oddity. Unid propagation logger, RUS or UKR 1007:38 FSK burst 100/125 0.32 s, then in 10 s/1 MHz steps to 19607 at 1009:48. Not heard before on xx007 + 600 (31Jan06) (KB)06617 : SANKT PETERSBURG VOLMET 2150 LSB (05-Feb-06) (FC)06668 762: Unid 1835 ALE/USB "TO:639 TIS:762" (22/Jan/06) (AA)06668.0 unid: Unid 2149 ALE/USB clg 205 (09/feb/06) (sw)06676 MUMBAI VOLMET: INDIA 1625 USB SUFF (13Feb06) (FC)06676.0 sydney vm: 1631 USB eng 10fev06 ML06700.0 gaf ab DHO: 23 0904 USB eng w DHM (91?) 15fev06ML06712.0 30: Danish Mil 1225 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg DK11: CC, answered by "28" and "68" (21/JAN/06) (KK)06712.0 AFA andrews: usaf 0829 USB eam 15fev06 ML06720.0 652222: USAF? [65-2222] 2138 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A snd (03/FEB/06) (KK)06724.0 ---: Unid 0039 Stanag 4285 1200L mostly ACF=16 ? Strong signal (03/02/06) (AJP)06724.0 Unid: 0039 Stanag 4285 1200L mostly ACF=16 ? Strong signal (03/02/06) (AJP)06724.0 unid: spanish SAR 1742 USB span wx d/x 10fev06ML06730.0 taschkent volmet: 1621 USB russ 10fev06 ML06739 ANDREWS: 60-char EAM Bcast 0159 USB KEIGQ2. (08 Feb 06) (JH)06739.0 CUW: lajes usaf 0824 USB eam 15fev06 ML06748.0 46: Ita-Af 2126 ALE/USB clg CHARLY 46 (13/feb/06) (sw)06748.0 CHARLY46: 0940 ALE/USB clg 57 (08/feb/06) (sw)06748.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af 2126 ALE/USB clg 46 (13/feb/06) (sw)06748.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af 2138 ALE/USB clg LY45 (13/feb/06) (sw)06748.0 LY45: Ita-Af 2138 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 (13/feb/06) (sw)

Pagina 149

WUN-v1206775.0 ANTARCTO: Tun-Mil 2015 ALE/USB clg ASSADCTO (09/feb/06) (sw)06776.5 No Call: unid AF-MARS 2150 P-I/100Bd <Calling:AFA1PF> (03/FEB/06) (KK)06790 GASSI30P: Sonatrach Pump Station Gassi Touil Algeria 1821 ALE/USB (or LSB) Sounding. RNOUSLR1/ Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline sounds at 1935. (25Jan06) (RGA)06790 OHT30P: Sonatrach Net Ohanet Algeria 1841 ALE/USB (or LSB) Sounds. (25Jan06) (RGA)06790 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline Algeria 1556 ALE/LSB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)06790.0 GASSI30P: ALG Sonatrach Gassi El Adem ALE/LSB 14:19 (15Jan06)(MAL)06790.0 OHT30P: Alg-Oil/Gas Ohanet 1617 ALE/LSB clg MEDER30P Medera (11/feb/06) (sw)06790.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach Rhourde Nouss 2127 ALE/LSB (28Jan06) (MAL)06792 0000210001: Greek Gendarmeria 0727 ALE/USB "TO:0000210503 TIS:0000210001" (29/Jan/06) (AA)06792 0000210401: Greek Police Net 2136 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)06792.0 0000210502: Grc-Moi 1743 ALE/USB sndg. (23/jan/06) (sw)06797 9Y5: Unid 1921 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)06813 : unid PTT station RUS 1851 OQPSK/1280/1400/USB nice sync, unid data stream ACF=32 (31Jan06) (PPA)06813.0 unid: PTT station RUS 18:51 USB/OQPSK/1280/1400 nice sync,unid data stream ACF=32 (31 Jan) (PPA)06835.0 B64: Pol-Mil (BRAWO Net) 1417 ALE/USB clg H40 (09/feb/06) (sw)06840 NYZ: Chinise Military 1623 CW Q2M de NYZ. Nothing heard 10640 kHz. // 4860. (25Jan06) (RGA)06849.5 C1GM: : unid military RUS 15:00 CW/A1A duplex tfc to XGLK (12 Feb)(PPA)06849.5 C1GM: unid military RUS 1500 CW duplex tfc to XGLK (12Feb06) (PPA)06874.0 TWLC: Spa-Pol Santander 1654 ALE/USB clg TXXX Madrid (19/jan/06) (sw)06874.0 TYVC1: GUARDIA CIVIL ?CASTELLON 1927 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TYVV1 (25/Jan)(DW)06874.0 TZSE: GUARDIA CIVIL MILILA 1929 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TXXX (25/Jan)(DW)06877 : unid Navy station RUS 1857 BEE 36-50/50/200 idling followed by encrypted msg (31Jan06) (PPA)06877.0 unid: Navy station RUS 18:57 BEE 36-50/50/200 idlingfollowed by encrypted msg (31 Jan) (PPA)06880.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0931 ALE/USB clg RS0016 (10/feb/06) (sw)06883 RGT77 : unid military RUS 1445 CW flash msg xxx xxx RGT 77 RGT 77 (12Feb06) (PPA)06883.0 RGT77: : unid military RUS 14:45 CW/A1A flash msg xxx xxx RGT 77 RGT77 (12 Feb) (PPA)06897.8 : UNID 2035 PACTOR2 HAM-mode. Mailbox menu, sending a compressed msg. no calls. (20Jan06) (piri)06902.4 10DIVIAFALE: 10 Div Italian AF 1859 ALE/USB "TO:2DIVIAFALE/2 Div Italian AF" (22/Jan/06) (AA)06902.4 2DIVIAFALE: 2 Division Italian AF 1855 ALE/USB "TO:10DIVIAFALE/10 Div Italian AF. AMD:0XOIVIAFALE@" (22/Jan/06) (AA)06902.4 7010: Unid 1857 ALE/USB SND (22/Jan/06) (AA)06904 IHT: Unid 1840 ALE/USB "TO:SBT TIS:IHT" (22/Jan/06) (AA)06912 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1630 CW calling RCV who response with qsa3 qrv. RMGB repeats message nr 413 (see 12464 kHz) (17Feb06) (piri)06912.0 rcv: RUS N Sevastopol 1630 cw ok (weak sig) qso rmgb: rcv ok (17Feb06) (wp3)06912.0 rmgb: 1630 cw (very strong sig) qso with rcv: qrv k rmgb 413 7717 1915 413 - for rtj22 - rmgb 431 77 17 1915 413 - for rtj22 - 11111 6873077570 37054 (cut 0=t) (17Feb06) (wp3)

Pagina 150

WUN-v1206912.0 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1630 MORSE calling RCV who response with qsa3 qrv. RMGB repeats message nr 413 (see 12464 kHz) (17FEB06) (piri)06914 VENI88: UNID 0934 ALE/USB TO VENI97, 1203 TO VENI99 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI89: UNID 1247 ALE/USB TO VENI94 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI89: Unid, NOR 1002 ALE/USB clg HUGIN (14Feb06) (KB)06914 VENI92: UNID 1516 ALE/USB TO VENI88 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI92: Unid, NOR 0957 ALE/USB clg VENI88 & VENI97. At 1015 clg VENI99 (14Feb06) (KB)06914 VENI94: UNID 1521 ALE/USB TO VENI88, 1322 TO VENI89, 1305 TO VENI96 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI95: UNID 1318 ALE/USB TO VENI94 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI96: Unid, NOR 1144 ALE/USB clg VENI99. At 1220 and 1436 clg VENI98, at 1502 clg VENI94 (14Feb06) (KB)06914 VENI97: UNID 0950 ALE/USB TO VENI88 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI97: Unid, NOR 0809 ALE/USB clg VENI99 (14Feb06) (KB)06914 VENI98: UNID 1419 ALE/USB TO VENI89, 1311 TO VENI94 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI98: Unid, NOR 1331 ALE/USB clg VENI94 (14Feb06) (KB)06914 VENI99: UNID 1311 ALE/USB TO VENI88, 0832 TO VENI92 (15Feb06) (piri)06914 VENI99: Unid, NOR 1634 ALE/USB clg VENI88 (14Feb06) (KB)06914.0 VEN 192: 1515 Unid with sounding to VEN 188 ALE 15feb06 (R)06914.0 VENI88: UNID 0934 USB/ALE TO VENI97, 1203 TO VENI99 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI88: UNID 1006 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI92. Also1008. 1108 clng VENI99 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI89: UNID 0727 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responds to VENI94. Aslo at 0729z (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI89: UNID 1247 USB/ALE TO VENI94 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI92: UNID 1516 USB/ALE TO VENI88 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI94: UNID 0723 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng HUGIN. Also clng VENI89 at 0727, 0729, 0731. 0926 clng VENI98, also 0928. 0928 responds to VENI96 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI94: UNID 1521 USB/ALE TO VENI88, 1322 TO VENI89,1305 TO VENI96 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI95: UNID 1318 USB/ALE TO VENI94 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI96: UNID 0928 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI94. 1054 clng VENI98 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI97: UNID 0855 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI88 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI97: UNID 0950 USB/ALE TO VENI88 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI98: UNID 0926 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to VENI94. 0955 clng VENI96 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI98: UNID 1419 USB/ALE TO VENI89, 1311 TO VENI94 (15FEB06) (piri)06914.0 VENI99: UNID 0909 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI97 followed by a number of bursts of Mil.std 188-110A serial tone (encrypted) (17/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI99: UNID 0943 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng VENI97 (16/Feb)(DW)06914.0 VENI99: UNID 1311 USB/ALE TO VENI88, 0832 TO VENI92 (15FEB06) (piri)06915 VCO: CG Sydney, NS, CAN 1747 FAX 120/576 end of unid chart. Noisy; label not readable (14Feb05) (KB)06915.1 VCO: CCG SYDNEY 1145 FAX 120/576/N/800 Ice analysis chart for SE Newfoundland (16/Feb)(DW)06918.1 1213: Prob Egyptian Border Guard 1920 ALE/USB SND (21/Jan/06) (AA)06924.0 RFI: WAFFA NET ?LOC 0204 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JCI. Also 0308 (09/Feb)(DW)06924.0 RFI: WAFFA NET ?LOC 0247 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JCI (08/Feb)(DW)06924.0 RFI: WAFFA NET ?LOC 2345 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng JCI (07/Feb)(DW)

Pagina 151

WUN-v1206925.1 G1X2: UNID 0836 CW Calls in slow hand. "vvv=S9N0 de G1XZ k". 1306z clng "vvv = OC6Q de G1X2 k" (08/Feb)(DW)06930 391: Unid 1817 ALE/USB "TO:862 TIS:391" (25/Jan/06) (AA)06932.0 ---: UNID 0713 CW String "139 139 139 26663 26663" rptd 11 times then "000" and offair (31/Jan)(DW)06934 TXX1: Spanish Guarda Civil prob Madrid 1729 ALE/USB "TO:TWCC2/Unid" (25/Jan/06) (AA)06935.0 RX1: Est-Mil 1529 ALE/USB clg VC6 (26/jan/06) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1529 ALE/USB clg RX1 also noted on 04930.0 (26/jan/06) (sw)06935.0 VC6: Est-Mil 1544 ALE/USB clg OV5 (26/jan/06) (sw)06955 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1916 ALE/USB Calls TYMG2/Guadalajara. (03Feb06) (RGA)06955 TYMC2: Unid Spanish Guardia Civil 2042 ALE/USB Calls TXX2/Valdemoro. (08Feb06) (RGA)06955.0 TYMC2: Spa-Pol Caceres 1641 ALE/USB clg TXX2 Madrid (09/feb/06) (sw)06957 WARSZAWA3: R&S/MOI Net Warsaw 1532 ALE/USB Sounds 6994 and 6957 kHz. (01Feb06) (RGA)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0836 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F11HYM> VB Malmöhus, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0837 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F34HUW> VB Nordvästra Götaland, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0838 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F15HIH> VB Blekinge, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0839 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F00HAA> unid VB (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0840 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F11HAA> VB Malmöhus, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0841 P-I/100Bd <Calling:UF34HUW>VB Nordvästra Götaland; S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0842 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F15HIH> VB Blekinge, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0909 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F33HOT> VB Älvsborg, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0910 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F32HGE> VB Västkusten, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0910 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F34HUW> VB Nordvästra Götaland (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0911 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F14HLB> unid VB (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0912 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F53HAA> VB Dalarna, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0932 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F33HHE> VB Älvsborg, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0946 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F47HAC> VB Uppland, S. (22/JAN/06) (KK)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 0947 P-I/100Bd <Calling:F42HAA> unid VB (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 1W1S: Naval Riverine ? 0359 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg T8R1 (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 BRIFFRI5: Riverine Brigade Franz Risquez Iribarren 0238 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 LMN: unid 0801 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg BRIFFRI5: Riverine Brigade Franz Risquez Iribarren (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta 0020 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta 0054 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta 0312 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro 0304 LSB

Pagina 152

WUN-v12 ALE/MIL-188-141A clg BRIFFRI5: Riverine Brigade Franz Risquez Iribarren (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro 0321 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta (22/JAN/06) (KK)06963.0 PNRN5: Naval Riverine Post #5, Rio Negro 0733 LSB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg PNME5: Naval River Post, Rio Meta (22/JAN/06) (KK)06965 : Unid 0721 USB 4-8 Voice male - in German. Qso like o.m. = Pirates? (15Feb06) (WC)06982 RFFXL: French Forces Naqoura Lebanon 1806 ARQ-E/ 184.6/340 Betas. (25Jan06) (RGA)06982 RFFXL: UNIFIL Beirut LBN 1900 ARQ-E/184.6/400 5L grouped msg on XZL circuit to Paris, didn't find a QSX frequency (31Jan06) (PPA)06982.0 RFFXL: F Forces Naqoura, Lebanon 2307 ARQ-E 184.5/400 betas (26Jan06) (MAL)06982.0 RFFXL: UNIFIL Beirut LBN 19:00 ARQ-E/184,6/400 5L grouped msg on XZL circuit to Paris ,didn't found a QSX frequency (31 Jan) (PPA)06983 GS2: Georgian Net 0734 ALE/USB "TO:NET1 TIS:GS2" (29/Jan/06) (AA)06983.0 1br: unid US? 1610 ale [RX][CH 00][TIS 1BR][E] (14Feb06) (wp3)06983.0 3bt: unid US? 1600 ale [RX][CH 00][TIS 3BT][E] (14Feb06) (wp3)06983.0 GS2: Geo-Mil 1851 ALE/USB clg SB3 (16/feb/06) (sw)06983.0 GV1: Geo-Mil 2230 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (14/feb/06) (sw)06983.0 RAINDI: Geo-Mil 2230 ALE/USB clg GV1 (14/feb/06) (sw)06983.0 rme: unid US? 1643 ale [16:43:15][CHN 00][TO ][SAI] [TWS][RME] to:RAI, GS2,LAZ, ZVI, SB3WB3, SAI, (14Feb06) (wp3)06983.0 ZVIGENI: Geo-Mil 2124 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (09/feb/06) (sw)06984.0 unid: 1436 unid 228,6/170 Alis/Merlin ?? (14Feb06) (wp3)06991.0 557: Geo-Mil? 1513 ALE/USB clg 306 (26/jan/06) (sw)06993 ANDREWS: Wkg Unid 2128 USB (Frequency is F117). Wkg maybe LUCKY HAT or ?; unheard here] with something about FLASH traffic (maybe voice) and quiet. Active again around 0145z with ANDREWS calling LUCKY HAT numerous times with no known response. (08 Feb 06) (JH)06994 WARSZAWA2: R&S/MOI Net Warsaw 1532 ALE/USB Sounds 6994 and 6957 kHz. (01Feb06) (RGA)06994 WARSZAWA3: Polish MOI/R&S Net Warsaw 1931 ALE/USB Sounds. (03Feb06) (RGA)07000.0 @E@: UNID 1031 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Valid?. Clng 080 (10/Feb)(DW)07000.0 CE: UNID 1105 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 081 (10/Feb)(DW)07010.0 GS2: Geo-Mil 2234 ALE/USB clg NET1 (14/feb/06) (sw)07010.0 GV1: Geo-Mil 1545 ALE/USB clg RAINDI (07/feb/06) (sw)07010.0 SAIRME: Geo-Mil 2101 ALE/USB clg GS2 (09/feb/06) (sw)07018 REA4: Air Force HQ Moscow 1450 MORSE/--/1000 5FGs to aircraft. (25Jan06) (RGA)07070.0 288: UNID 0430 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 686 (15/Feb)(DW)07088.8 SL0NRO: Morse Practice Bcast 1430 CW AS AS = LEKTION NR 15 TEXT 06151501.TXT TAKT 120 = OQZ DE GVP22145417 = DZRA XHNP UAJR PSVQ ZIPU ... AS AS ... CT LEKTION NR 17 TEXT 06151703 TXT TAKT 120 = -APZ ZD-C 35à? ... (29Jan06)(RGA)07325 ANDREWS: Clg OUTCROSS 2151 USB With no known respones and quiet. (07 Feb 06) (JH)07475.0 CS003: Mkd-Mil 0937 ALE/USB clg RS0016 (10/feb/06) (sw)07527 JULIET/6004: 1558 sw usb / Called Camslant Chesapeake but neither could hear the other. (02/Feb/2006) (John Gower)07535 VMW: Wiluna meteo AUS 1432 FAX/120/576 Pressure chart Australia and New Zealand (12Feb06) (PPA)07535.0 VMW: : Wiluna meteo AUS 14:32 F1C/120/576 Pressure chart Australia andNew Zealand (12 Feb) (PPA)

Pagina 153

WUN-v1207595.8 : Unid 1744 UNID/50.1/165 Not masked RTTY. ACFs in multiples of 4. .MP3 available. Freq 7595.85 kHz.(25Jan06) (RGA)07620 006666: unid national intelligence org. TUR 2007 ALE/USB calling 000002 (14Feb06) (PPA)07620.0 006666: : unid national intelligence org. TUR 20:07 USB/ALE calling000002 (14 Feb) (PPA)07622.0 RS002A: Mkd-Mil 1059 ALE/USB clg CS002A (20/jan/06) (sw)07646 DDK2 DWD Hamburg via Pinneberg 1559 RTTY/50/450 S9 Hear in York with some fading (26 Jan 06) (JB)07668.0 AMM: Fra-Mfa Amman Jor 1557 ALE?USB clg CER42 Paris (26/jan/06) (sw)07668.0 CER42: Fra-Mfa Paris Fra 1131 ALE/USB clg AMMAN Amman Jor (20/jan/06) (sw)07694.4 : unid navy AUS 1411 F1B/300/300 encrypted tfc (12Feb06) (PPA)07694.4 no call: :unid navy AUS 14:11 F1B/300/300 encrypted tfc (12 Feb) (PPA)07710.0 VFR: ou VFF iqalit ou resolute ??? 1045 ?? veryweak but fax characteristic noise 12fev06 ML07736 Y1E: Unid 0330 ALE/USB Sounding. (24Jan06) (FC)07739.0 OHT30P: Alg-Oil/Gas Ohanet 1618 ALE/LSB clg MEDER30P Medera (11/feb/06) (sw)07748 1JKW: Russian military RUS 0700 CW 5F msg to D9PF (12Feb06) (PPA)07748.0 1JKW: : Russian military RUS 07:00 CW/A1A 5F msg to D9PF (12 Feb)(PPA)07771.7 L2C: PNA Buenos Aires 0327 Sitor-Fec 100Bd "_PREFECTURA_NAVAL ARGENTINA GUARDACOSTA_ PNA ''MANTILLA''_MENSAJE NAVALO" (03/FEB/06) (KK)07785 HA48 : unid military ALG 1828 ALE/USB Calling HA50 (14Feb06) (PPA)07785 HA50 : unid military ALG 1710 ALE/USB answers HA60 (14Feb06) (PPA)07785 HA60 : unid military ALG 1708 ALE/USB Calling HA50 (14Feb06) (PPA)07785 UM42 : unid military ALG 1837 ALE/USB Calling HA60 (14Feb06) (PPA)07785.0 HA48: : unid military ALG 18:28 USB/ALE Calling HA50 (14 Feb) (PPA)07785.0 HA4: Alg-Mil/Moi 1700 ALE/USB clg HA40 (06/feb/06) (sw)07785.0 HA50: : unid military ALG 17:10 USB/ALE answers HA60 (14 Feb) (PPA)07785.0 HA60: : unid military ALG 17:08 USB/ALE Calling HA50 (14 Feb) (PPA)07785.0 LZ41: ALG MOI 2105 ALE/USB clng to UM42 (28Jan06)(MAL)07785.0 UM42: : unid military ALG 18:37 USB/ALE Calling HA60 (14 Feb) (PPA)07786 GADARA: UNJLC Gadaref SDN 1718 ALE/USB sounding (14Feb06) (PPA)07786 SHENDI: UNJLC Shendi SDN 1839 ALE/USB Calling WAU1 (14Feb06) (PPA)07786.0 GADARA: : UNJLC Gadaref SDN 17:18 USB/ALE sounding (14 Feb) (PPA)07786.0 SHENDI: : UNJLC Shendi SDN 18:39 USB/ALE Calling WAU1 (14 Feb) (PPA)07801 6701: unid station 2048 ALE/USB sounding This was 6701@@ (16Feb06) (PPA)07801 6869: unid station 2045 ALE/USB sounding This was 6869@@ (16Feb06) (PPA)07801 8301: unid station 2054 ALE/USB sounding This was 8301@@ (16Feb06) (PPA)07801 8401: unid station 2039 ALE/USB sounding This was 8401@@ (16Feb06) (PPA)07801 RIR96: unid navy warship 1947 CW working simplex with weaker RCV Sevastopol (14Feb06) (PPA)07801.0 6701: : unid station 20:48 USB/ALE sounding This was 6701@@ (16 Feb)(PPA)07801.0 6869: : unid station 20:45 USB/ALE sounding This was

Pagina 154

WUN-v12 6869@@ (16 Feb)(PPA)07801.0 8301: : unid station 20:54 USB/ALE sounding This was 8301@@ (16 Feb)(PPA)07801.0 8401: : unid station 20:39 USB/ALE sounding This was 8401@@ (16 Feb)(PPA)07801.0 RIR96: : unid navy warship 19:47 CW/A1A working simplex with weakerRCV Sevastopol (14 Feb) (PPA)07802.5 1210: : unid station 20:38 USB/ALE sounding This was 1210@@ (16 Feb)(PPA)07802.5 1210: unid station 2038 ALE/USB sounding This was 1210@@ (16Feb06) (PPA)07805 RO1CH: Emergency center Rochestor NH USA 1950 Sounding (14Feb06) (PPA)07805.0 RO1CH: : Emergency center Rochestor NH USA 19:50 Sounding (14 Feb)(PPA)07809 8QM: unid military ROU 0743 ALE/USB answers TAK followed by Mil-std 188-110 serial modem tfc transmitting encrypted msgs after countdown from 22 to 0 (12Feb06) (PPA)07809 TAK: unid military ROU 0743 ALE/USB Calling 8QM (12Feb06) (PPA)07809.0 8QM: : unid military ROU 07:43 USB/ALE answers TAK followed by Mil-std188-110 serial modem tfc transmitting encrypted msgs after countdown from 22to 0 (12 Feb) (PPA)07809.0 TAK: : unid military ROU 07:43 USB/ALE Calling 8QM (12 Feb) (PPA)07816.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1640 ARQ plain ATU tfc to EGYEMB Londen. (23Jan06) (piri)07816.7 : MFA CAIRO EGY 1907 ARQ s/c XBVY and 5HEX grps to EMB London (19Jan06) (piri)07816.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1923 ARQ Selcall XBVK and plain ATU tfc to EGYEMB Berne. Freq Berne not found. (23Jan06) (piri)07816.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1640 ARQ plain ATU tfc to EGYEMB Londen (23Jan06) (piri)07816.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1923 ARQ Selcall XBVK and plain ATU tfc to EGYEMB Berne. Freq Berne not found (23Jan06) (piri)07820 BUDOWA: UNID 1124 ALE/USB TO FALUM (15Feb06) (piri)07820.0 BUDOWA: UNID 1124 USB/ALE TO FALUM (15FEB06) (piri)07845 TEC: UNID 0627 ALE/USB TO NJK and VKM (15Feb06) (piri)07845.0 TEC: UNID 0627 USB/ALE TO NJK and VKM (15FEB06) (piri)07864 : unid Intel (Enigma designator E07) 1944 AM/R3E English O/M reading 5F grouped msg ending 000 000 (31Jan06) (PPA)07864.0 unid: Intel (Enigma designator E07) 19:44 AM/R3E English O/Mreading 5F grouped msg ending 000 000 (31 Jan) (PPA)07872 ABRYNA: POL-mil 0935 ALE/USB TO STYGMAT followed by Mil-std-188-110 serial tone modem. Opens with EQTEQTEQTEQT q/3 h6mmt* and ends with EQT string. (15Feb06) (piri)07872 CUKIERNIA: POL-mil 0516 ALE/USB TO STYGMAT (15Feb06) (piri)07872.0 ABRYNA: POL-mil 0935 USB/ALE TO STYGMAT followed by Mil-std-188-110 serial tone modem. Opens with EQTEQTEQTEQT q/3 h6mmt* and ends with EQT string. (15FEB06) (piri)07872.0 CUKIERNIA: POL-mil 0516 USB/ALE TO STYGMAT (15FEB06) (piri)07880.0 DDK3: Hamburg Meteo 1526 Fax 120/576 Ice Chart (14/feb/06) (sw)07887 : Cuban DGI CUB 2022 USB Spanish YL reading 5 figure grouped message (16Feb06) (PPA)07887.0 no call: : Cuban DGI CUB 20:22 USB/J3E Spanish YL reading 5 figuregrouped message (16 Feb) (PPA)07890 ABEL60: POL-mil 0948 ALE/USB TO DAKON55 (15Feb06) (piri)07890 ATENA66: POL-mil 0831 ALE/USB TO BERKEL57, 0847 TO DIAKON55 (15Feb06) (piri)07890 BERKEL57: POL-mil 0752 ALE/USB TO ATENA66, 1157 TO PLEBAN70 (15Feb06) (piri)07890 PLEBAN70: POL-mil 0753 ALE/USB TO ABEL60, 1157 TO

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WUN-v12 BERKEL57 (15Feb06) (piri)07890.0 ABEL60: POL-mil 0948 USB/ALE TO DAKON55 (15FEB06) (piri)07890.0 ATENA66: POL-mil 0831 USB/ALE TO BERKEL57, 0847 TO DIAKON55 (15FEB06) (piri)07890.0 BERKEL57: POL-mil 0752 USB/ALE TO ATENA66, 1157 TO PLEBAN70 (15FEB06) (piri)07890.0 PLEBAN70: POL-mil 0753 USB/ALE TO ABEL60, 1157 TO BERKEL5 (15FEB06) (piri)07890.0 PLEBAN70: POL-mil 0753 USB/ALE TO ABEL60, 1157 TO BERKEL57 (15FEB06) (piri)07905.4 T4Z101: 4 Bn 101 Avn US Army Iraq 1809 ALE/USB "TO:R26435/US Army helicopter" (24/Jan/06) (AA)07905.4 T4Z101: Usa-Mil 4/101st Avn 1658 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 05602.0(16/feb/06) (sw)07905.4 T7Z101: Usa-Mil 7/101st Avn 1650 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)07905.4 T7Z101: Usa-Mil 7/101st Avn 1843 ALE/USB clg R23608 (16/feb/06) (sw)07905.4 T86AA: Usa-Mil 86 Med Co (AA) US Army 1645 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)07908.5 IRA: : unid station 06:47 USB/ALE to SLO this is IRA (12 Feb) (PPA)07908.5 IRA: unid station 0647 ALE/USB to SLO this is IRA (12Feb06) (PPA)07909 TRIPOLI: FEMB Tripoli LBY 0624 ALE/USB TO BALTAZAR MFA Paris (17Feb06) (piri)07909.0 TRIPOLI: FEMB Tripoli LBY 0624 USB/ALE TO BALTAZAR MFA Paris (17FEB06) (piri)07926 AIOT: unid military RUS 1918 CW working duplex with 6LK4 requesting to send slower QRS later flash msg after xxx xxx (14Feb06) (PPA)07926.0 AIOT: : unid military RUS 19:18 CW/A1A working duplex with 6LK4requesting to send slower QRS later flash msg after xxx xxx (14 Feb) (PPA)07960 MOB2MSS: Czech or Romanian MOI/Police/Military 0545 ALE/USB TO OKROKANMSS (17Feb06) (piri)07960.0 MOB2MSS: Balkan mil? 0545 USB/ALE TO OKROKANMSS (17FEB06) (piri)07965.0 RS002A: Mkd-Mil 1058 ALE/USB clg CS002A (20/jan/06) (sw)07969.0 HR: ALG Sonatrach Hassi R'Mel ALE/USB 12:34 SND(15Jan06) (MAL)07972 : Unid UNID/24.5/500 Sounded like RTTY. Offair before decode attempt. (25Jan06) (RGA)07993.5 NNN0MDA: unid NyMARS 2218 P-I/100Bd connecting MB "DE NNN0MDA 10 MSGS >" (03/FEB/06) (KK)07997 WARSZAWA3: POL- mil 1630 ALE/USB TWS (16FEB06) (piri)07997 WARSZAWA3: R&S/MOI Net Poland 1635 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb06) (RGA)07997.0 WARSZAWA3: POL- mil 1630 USB/ALE TWS (16FEB06) (piri)08020.0 2525: Mrc- Protection Civile Marocaine 2152 ALE/USB sndg. (13/feb/06) (sw)08020.0 2528: Mrc- Protection Civile Marocaine 2153 ALE/USB sndg. (13/feb/06) (sw)08020.0 46: Ita-Af 2052 ALE/USB clg 61 (13/feb/06) (sw)08020.0 Unid: Unid 2032 ALE/USB clg NIK (13/feb/06) (sw)08020.0 Unid: unid 2110 clg 252 (16/feb/06) (sw)08023.7 : EGYEMB Londen G 1633 ARQ HEX-Code groups to MFA Cairo. (23Jan06) (piri)08023.7 EGYEMB Londen: G 1633 ARQ HEX-Code groups to MFA Cairo (23Jan06) (piri)08030 : Unid 1905 LINK-11 System (02Feb06) (piri)08030.0 : Unid 1905 LINK-11 System (02feb06) (piri)08034 BUDOWA: Unid Polish/Hungarian Net 1537 ALE/USB Calls FALUM. (15Feb06) (RGA)08083.0 288: UNID 0004 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 587, also at 0408z. Clng 514 at 0206 (16/Feb)(DW)08084 : unid intel (Enigma M12) 1900 CW callup 462 462 462 1 into 5F grouped msg transmitted with 29 wpm ends TTT TTT

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WUN-v12 (14Feb06) (PPA)08084.0 no call: : unid intel (Enigma M12) 19:00 CW/A1A callup 462 462 462 1into 5F grouped msg transmitted with 29 wpm ends TTT TTT (14 Feb) (PPA)08084.3 ISC7: UNID 0951 CW "DZK2 de ISC7 k" "qrj3 k" (16/Feb)(DW)08086.5 E02: Unid 1449 ALE/USB clg E08 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E02: Unid 1503 ALE/USB clg E12 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E08: Unid 1405 ALE/USB clg E12 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E08: Unid 1449 ALE/USB clg E02 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E08: Unid 1538 ALE/USB clg E12 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E12: Unid 1509 ALE/USB clg E02 (05/feb/06) (sw)08086.5 E12: Unid 1538 ALE/USB clg E08 (05/feb/06) (sw)08087.0 MEL: WLGP Mellitah Lby 1332 ALE/USB clg WAF Wafa Lby (05/feb/06) (sw)08087.0 SAB: WLGP Sabha? Lby 0930 ALE/USB clg WAF Wafa Lby (06/feb/06) (sw)08087.0 WAF: WLGP Wafa Lby 0926 ALE/USB clg SAB Sabha? Lby (06/feb/06) (sw)08105 B@@: Military Bucharest ROU 1912 ALE/USB sounding THIS WAS B@@ (31Jan06) (PPA)08105.0 B@@ : military Bucharest ROU 19:12 USB/ALE sounding THIS WAS B@@ (31Jan) (PPA)08126.4 XSS: Unid 1411 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)08130 RS0011D: Prob Macedonian Military 1833 ALE/USB Calls CS004A. (03Feb06) (RGA)08130.0 UM22: Alg- Mil 2019 ALE/USB clg XT2 (20/jan/06) (sw)08136.0 unid: 1030 cw weak sig, 5 lg, beginning with: + uugmd uugmd uugmd- - - mwmwa ... till 1038z (12Feb06) (wp3)08146.5 IMB55: Rome Meteo 0714 FAX/120/576 Unid 2-panel chart. Still unusable due to horiz. stretched black areas (21Jan06) (KB)08146.6 IMB55: Rome Meteo 1638 Fax 120/576 Wx map (04/feb/06) (sw)08151 TWC02: Spanish Guardia Civil 1835 ALE/USB Sounds. (03Feb06) (RGA)08151 TXX1: Spanish Guardia Civil 1825 ALE/USB Calls TWLC2/Cantabria(?) and TWCC2/Unid. (03Feb06) (RGA)08192 9MR5: Royal Malaysian Navy Johore Bahru 1506 RTTY/50/850 Calls and RYs. (29Jan06) (RGA)08234 AAA: Israeli AF 2110 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Feb06) (RGA)08234 AAA: Israeli AF Net NCS 1541 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)08234.0 M72: Unid Isr-Af 1008 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)08403 NPAGUA: Brazilian mil? 2030 PACTOR-1/ARQ and PACTOR-1/FEC ASCII messages in plain and crypto strings. Military procedures. Shuts off with "DE R" in morse. (24Jan06) (piri)08403.0 NPAGUA Brazilian mil? 2030 PACTOR-1 ARQ and PACTOR-1 FEC ASCII messages in plain and crypto strings. Military procedures. Shuts off with "DE R" in morse. (24jan06) (piri)08412.0 idr: I Navy Rom 1100 rtty 75/850 idr2 /igj42 /igj43)~idr4 /idr3/igj44 / (12Feb06) (wp3)08413.0 IGFIAFALE: Unid Isr-Af? 1547 ALE/USB clg 1DIVIAFALE (07/feb/06) (sw)08414.5 301805000: (Unid): with safety call to Lyngby Radio, Denmark. 17feb06 (MDM)08414.5 3ECG9: Vessel "Victoria Bridge" with TEST req to Naha (Naja), Japan.1845 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 3EPI9: Mass Wits (Panama Flag) 1708 DSC RQs JRCC Pireaus/ SVO safety check. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 9VDN3: Harriette N (Singapore) 1659 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/ OXZ safety check. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 210680000) 0620 DSC Relays alleged distress message apparently originating from Barawati allegedly in undesignated distress at 0118N 10410E. (28Jan06) (APB)

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WUN-v1208414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 564825000) 0112 DSC Relays apparent distress message allegedly from unidentified vessel (MMSI 636012696) undesignated distress at 1653N 05528E. (02Feb06) (APB)08414.5 : Unid Vessel (MMSI 636090912) 0650 DSC Sends undesignated type distress message apparently from 0556N 00315E. (28 Jan 06) (APB)08414.5 : Unlisted MMSI 636012292 2319 DSC Relays apparent unspecified distress message allegedly concerning vessel SELINDA/A8CG5, supposedly at 2735N 14233E. (26Jan06) (APB)08414.5 : Unspecified station 0802 DSC Relays spurious and illegal distress message from MMSI 000000000. (22Jan06) (APB)08414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to La Garde, France. 0738(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to Malaga Radio, Spain. 0740(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 C4BN2: Vessel "Baffin" with TEST req to Valencia Radio, Spain. 0749(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Callao, Peru: Various safety calls. 0703 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 CAMSPAC Point Reyes, CA, USA: safety call to TCOD4, "Ince Istanbul",freq change to 8291. 1622 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Charleville, Australia: ACKing TEST requests, including VRAQ3,"Brilliance". 1001 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Chilung-Kilung, Taiwan: ACKing TEST requests, including UVCS,"Amour". 1038 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 COMMSTA Honolulu: ACKing various TEST requests. 0839 (17-Feb-2006)(MDM)08414.5 COMMSTA, Boston: ACKing TEST requests. 0638 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 ELWE7: Vessel "Moscow River" with safety call to USCG Stations GroupCall. 0538 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 EQWY: Iran Amol (Iran) 1637 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio DNK security check. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 GDHY: Celtic Carrier (Wales) 1652 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio DNK security check. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 Hong Kong Marine Rescue: ACKing TEST request from V7IO3, "HellespontTrinity". 1130 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 HOQI: Hyundai Concorde (Panama-flagged) 1630 DSC RQs Uni-Prudent/3FZF9 (Panama Flag) for safety check. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 Istanbul, Turkey: ACKing several TEST reqs, including 4JDR, "UzeyirHajybeyov". 0545 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 JG5583: Vessel "Dejima" with safety call to Sasebo, Japan. 0839(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Mobile Radio/WLO, USA: routine call to C6LI6, "Victoria Sprit". 0606(13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 NMA: MRCC Miami/Norfolk USA 2357 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message from unid ship (MMSI 412433940) at 3056N 12226E. (20Jan06) (APB)08414.5 NMA: MRSC Miami/Norfolk USA 0637 DSC Relays undesignated alleged distress message seemingly from Rubin Echo/3FAK9 at 3813N 17818W/ (28 Jan 06) (APB)08414.5 NMC: CAMSPAC Point Reyes CA USA 1634 DSC Relays apparent distress message apparently from Bow Fraternity/S6BV7 in undesignated distress at 1452N 07303W. (04Feb06) (APB)08414.5 Olympia Radio, Greece: test ACK for 3EJY2, "Crystal Ace". 1515(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 1727 DSC Relays distress message from Panama-flagged Heng Da I/HPYH sinking at 2517N 11946E. Supported by co-lateral evidence - Boston (MA, USA) Globe, 18 Feb, "37 people missing after "a Panamanian ship" hit the rocks of "Ping Tan Island." (16Feb06) (APB)08414.5 P3KY8: Vessel "Delfinaki" with safety call to Madrid

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WUN-v12 Radio, Spain.0705 (9-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 S6AJ8: Vessel "Garden City River" with test request to Tokyo, Japan.1840 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Shanghai Radio, China: ACKing various ships' TEST requests, includingBPMQ, "Zhen Fen 17". 0947 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Taupo Radio, New Zealand: Area call South zero degrees to 90 degrees,East 155 degrees to 90 degrees. 2351 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 UIRN: Altair (Russia) 1711 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for a safety test. (17Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 Unid (636024005): with safety call to MRSC La Coruña, Spain. 0843(12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: MMSI Ship 311293000, with safety call to Semarang, Indonesia Change to 8291, USB (J3). 1123 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: test REQ to USCG Hampton Roads, USA. 0725 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: with safety call to COMMSTA Miami. 0631 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: with safety call to COMMSTA Portsmouth. 0631 (13-Feb-2006)(MDM)08414.5 Unid: with safety call to Horta, Azores. 0651 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: with safety call to Inchon Marine Police Radio, Indonesia. Freqchange to 8291 USB. 0949 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: with safety call to Paita, Peru. 0636 (13-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 VQFV3: British Hawthorn (UK) 1709 DSC RQs sister ship British Explorer/VQGB2 for simplex telephone conversation on 8291 kHz USB. (28Jan06) (JE)08414.5 VRVL3: Vessel "Great Bless" working Easter Island, Chile, with TESTrequest. 1137 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 VRXU8: Vessel "Heng Xin" working Guanzhou Radio, China, with TESTrequest. 1349 (16-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 VRYS7: Vessel "Sir Ivor" with test req to Valparaiso Playa Ancha,Chile. 0839 (12-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 VRZJ6 "Cemtext Sincerity": safety call to Merauke, Indonesia. 1337(10-Feb-2006) (MDM)08417 XSV: TIANJIN RADIO 1715 CW/SITOR CH. MARK. (18Feb06) (FC)08418.0 iar: Rome Radio 1108 cw/marker (12Feb06) (wp3)08419.5 PPR: Rio de Janeiro Radio B 2019 ARQ w/Morse call and torfree burst (31Jan06) (piri)08419.5 PPR: Rio de Janeiro Radio B 2019 MORSE call and torfree burst (31jan06) (piri)08423.7 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1111 arq tfc to uzna 1115z cw/marker uiwkld kdkdkd (12Feb06) (wp3)08424.0 svo4: Olympia Radio 1121 cw/marker de svo (12Feb06) (wp3)08424.0 SVO4: OLYMPIA RADIO 1306 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Shipress in Greek thru 1327z (18/Feb)(DW)08428 NMN: CG Portsmouth USA 2024 ARQ w/Morse call and torfree burst (31Jan06) (piri)08428.0 NMN: CG Portsmouth USA 2024 MORSE call and torfree Burst (31jan06) (piri)08428.0 nmn: USCG Portsmouth, VA 1123 cw/marker (12Feb06) (wp3)08431.0 tah: Istambul Radio 1124 cw/marker (12Feb06) (wp3)08431.5 UAT: Moscow 0221 ARQ w/CW marker (27/01/06) (RH2)08434.0 tah: Istambul Radio 1126 cw/marker (12Feb06) (wp3)08435 XSQ: ShanghaiRadio PRC 1531 ARQ w/Morse ID. (29Jan06) (RGA)08439.0 pbc: DN Goerree 1130 rtty 75/850 02a 02b 04b 04c 06wh sppy~ 08a 08b 12ar~h16x pbb (12Feb06) (wp3)08446 ZSC :Globewireless Capetown AFS 2015 GW- PACTOR/100/200 channel free marker (31Jan06) (PPA)08446.0 ZSC: Globewireless Capetown AFS 20:15 GW-

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WUN-v12 Pactor/100/200 channel free marker (31 Jan) (PPA)08451.0 fuo: FN La Regine 0925 stanag4285/300L/5N2 NAWS DE FUO.VV TESTING (29Jan06) (wp3)08453.0 fuo: F navy Toulon 0912 stanag4285/300L/5n2 FC FC FC DE FUO FUO FUO QSL O P 180908Z JAN 06 QSL O P 180908Z JAN 06 TIME 0914Z NNNN(18Jan06) (wp3)08453.0 fuo: FN Toulon 1232 stanag4285/300L/5N2 FAAA DE FUO.(4Feb06) (wp3)08453.0 FUO: FN TOULON 1715 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L Baudot 5N2. Marker FAAA de FUO testing RYs SG figs "voyez vous le brick..." int zbz" (15/Feb)(DW)08454 UIW2: Kaliningrad R 1019 RTTY/50/170 blind tfc (05Feb06) (KB)08454.0 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1005 rtty 50/170 zczc kaliningrad (29Jan06) (wp3)08454.0 uiw: Kaliningrad Radio 1020 cw cq cq cq de uiw uiw qss 8454/12877.5/16927 ans 8363.5/12422.5/12422.5/16677.5 k (29Jan06) (wp3)08461.7 9MR: Malay Navrad 0115 RTTY/50/850 5LG (27/01/06) (RH2)08462 9MR: Malay Navrad 1555 RTTY/50/850 5LG (20/01/01) (RH2)08478.5 FUF: FN FT DE FRANCE 2302 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L Baudot 5N2. Marker "oo FAAA de RFLIE znr uuuuu zui testing RYs SGs nnnn" (15/Feb)(DW)08495 C: Russian Beacon Moscow 1648 CW (18Jan06) (bef)08502: XSG: SHANGAI RADIO 1804 CW CQ CQ CQ DE XSG XSG PLS UP 353. (03-FEB-06) (FC)08521.7 No Call: unid pak Vessel 2205 P-I/100Bd <Calling:ARL4> Karachi Nav.Stat, answer in P-II fec s./I. (03/FEB/06) (KK)08549.6 : Unid 1850 RTTY/75/850 B FHZSQHGKZ SYYYZLQVHD. (16Jan06) (JB)08550 CTP: PN Lisbon 1810 RTTY/75/850 NAWS (19Jan06) (JB)08550 CTP: Portuguese Navy Oeiras/Palhais 1653 RTTY/75/850 naws de ctp ... (18Jan06) (bef)08600.0 3240: Unid 1626 ALE/USB sndg. (07/feb/06) (sw)08600.0 XSV: Chn-Mms Tianjin R 1509 A1a ch-mkr (cq de xsv up363) (14/feb/06) (sw)08604 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine AFS 1950 MFSK-32/54.3/2000 no decode, several messages off between them (16Feb06) (PPA)08604.0 ZSJ: : SAN Silvermine AFS 19:50 Mfsk-32/54,3/2000 no decode ,severalmessages off between them (16 Feb) (PPA)08634 VTG6 : Indian Navy Mumbai IND 2008 CW Weather bulletin (31Jan06) (PPA)08634.0 VTG6: Indian navy Mumbai IND 20:08 CW/A1A Weather bulletin (31 Jan)(PPA)08683.5 lfi: Rogaland Radio 1137 globe wireless marker08720.4 9MG: : Penang radio MLA 15:12 GW-Pactor/100/200 channel free marker(12 Feb) (PPA)08720.4 9MG: Penang radio MLA 1512 GW-PACTOR/100/200 channel free marker (12Feb06) (PPA)08734 SVO43: OLYMPIA RADIO GREECE 1610 USB GOOD (13Feb06) (FC)08740 B9S: unid military net 1701 USB + BR6028 radio check with Z2Y K9N GVO M6S using accented English followed by BR6028 modem tfc (12Feb06) (PPA)08740.0 B9S: : unid military net 17:01 J3E/USB + BR6028 radio check with Z2YK9N GVO M6S using accented English followed by BR6028 modem tfc (12 Feb)(PPA)08743 HSW: Bangkok meteo THA 1640 USB Thai male reading weather followed by a musical chime at 16:43 and weather in English (11Feb06) (PPA)08743.0 HSW: : Bangkok meteo THA 16:40 J3E/USB Thai male reading weatherfollowed by a musical chime at 16:43 and weather in English (11 Feb) (PPA)08828 ZKAK: Auckland volmet NZL 1623 USB computer male voice reading METAR observations (12Feb06) (PPA)

Pagina 160

WUN-v1208828.0 ZKAK: : Auckland volmet NZL 16:23 USB/J3E computer male voice readingMETAR observations (12 Feb) (PPA)08846.0 U.S. Air 295: (CLT-PUJ, A-319), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1534Z (MH)08861.0 UUO: Kirensk Volmet 0904 wx Magadan w/ YL in RR (09/FEB/2006) (IDS)08885 G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Atlantic Angel' 2202 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (26Jan06) (RGA)08891.8 Continental 712: (POP-EWR, B-737), ATC Clearance/w New York,1-31-06 @ 2045Z08894.2 1800: , YA : unid station 16:31 Pactor/200/200 calling 810 followed byencrypted msgs ending in CW transmitting DE YA followed by excited Arabicvoice conversations on 8892.0 USB (12 Feb) (PPA)08894.2 1800: unid station 1631 PACTOR/200/200 calling 810 followed by encrypted msgs ending in CW transmitting DE YA followed by excited Arabic voice conversations on 8892 USB (12Feb06) (PPA)08906.0 New York Radio: 2135 working 500 GOLF VICTOR Requesting FL470. Mach 8.0.(CJM)08912 "004": ARINC Riverhead NY USA 1943 HFDL Squitters (16Feb06) (PPA)08912 CO0600: Continental Flt 2139 HFDL Posn report via Riverhead 3318N 07803W. (01Feb06) (RGA)08912 N14102: Continental B757 Flt CO1434 2141 HFDL Posn 4140N 09118W via Riverhead. (01fév06) 08912 A7-AEA: Qatar Airways A330 2147 HFDL Logs on. (01Feb06) (RGA)08912 ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 2138 HFDL Signs on to Riverhead NY QSY'd from Muharraq. (01Feb06) (RGA)08912.0 "004": : ARINC Riverhead NY USA 19:43 USB/HFDL Squitters (16Feb) (PPA)08912.0 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater 1312 ALE/USB clg LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (30/jan/06) (sw)08912.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1312 ALE/USB clg 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater (30/jan/06) (sw)08918 Martinair 639: AMS-CUN B-767) 1915 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Aeroflot 333: SVO-HAV B-767) 1850 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Aeromexico 6: CDG-MEX B-767) 1815 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 1241: BGI-YYZ A-319) 2018 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 1276: YYZ-SJU A-320) 1337 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 1846: YYZ-PUJ A-319) 1315 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 7050: MCI-YYZ B-767) 1516 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 951: PAP-YUL. B-767) 2024 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Air France 474: CDG-HAV B-747) 2035 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1080: PLS-JFK. B-757) 1842 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1151: IAD-SJU B-757) 1317 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1501: BOS-PLS B-757) 1728 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1845: BWI-SJU B-757) 1316 USB Positon/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1889: JFK-STI A-300) 1409 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1892: STI-JFK A-300) 1912 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 1985: PHL-SJU. B-757) 1745 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 2146: SJU-ORD B-757) 1431 USB Position/w

Pagina 161

WUN-v12 New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 599: BWI-SJU B-757) 1455 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 618: SDQ-JFK A-300) 1725 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06)08918 American 635: JFK-SDQ. A-300) 2038 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 63: CDG-MIA B-767) 1903 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 660: SXM-JFK. B-757) 2040 Position/w New York. B-757 (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 674: SJU-EWR B-757) 2012 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 679: JFK-AUA. B-757) 1809 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 725: SJU-ORD. B-757) 2041 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 780: SDQ-JFK A-300) 1429 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 833: JFK-STI A-300) 1343 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 American 896: PAP-JFK A-300) 2020 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 American 896: PAP-JFK. A-300) 2108 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 896: PAP-JFK. A-306) 2039 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 American 9271: STI-JFK A-300) 1319 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 BWIA 701: IAD-BGI. B-737) 2032 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Continental 712: POP-EWR B-737) 1950 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Continental 712: POP-EWR. B-737) 2045 ATC Clearance/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Continental 737: STI-EWR B-737) 2037 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Delta 606: BDA-ATL B-757) 2024 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Delta 606: BDA-ATL. B-737) 2043 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Delta 766: ATL-BDA B-737) 1741 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Iberia 6403: MAD-MIA A-340) 1942 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Jet Blue 702: SJU-JFK. A-320) 1824 Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Jet Blue 703: JFK-SJU. A-320) 2018 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 Jet Blue 736: BQN-JFK. A-320) 1753 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 N164RJ: B-737) 2014 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 N88DD: PWK-SXM. Falcon) 1800 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 N909MM : Falcon) 1936 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Ryan 623: PUJ-MSP B-737) 1906 USB Postion/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 Titan 23: C-130 1752 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 1139: CLT-PLS A-320) 1350 USB Radio Check/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 1297: CLT-SJU B-767) 1410 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 134: STT-PHL. B-767) 2052 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 1427: SJU-PHL. B-767) 1908 USB Position/w

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WUN-v12 New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 1480: CLT-STT) B-757 Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 658: BOS-SJU) 1734 USB A-319 Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 877: CLT-SXM. B-757) 1811 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 905: CLT-SJU A-320) 1345 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 968: SJU-CLT B-767) 2023 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 U.S. Air 968: SJU-CLT. B-767) 2042 USB Position/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918 United 1267: IAD-SJU A-320) 1433 USBPosition/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 United 1267: IAD-SJU A-320) 1446 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 United 899: IAD-AUA A-320) 1504 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)08918 United 9809: SJU-IAD A-320) 1324 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 United 983: IAD-PUJ A-320) 1517 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 United 991: IAD-STT A-320) 1428 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)08918 United 998: SJU-IAD. A-320) 2109 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (31Jan06) (MH)08918.0 Aeroflot 333: (SVO-HAV, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1850Z(MH)08918.0 Aeromexico 6: (CDG-MEX, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1815Z(MH)08918.0 Air Canada 1241: (BGI-YYZ, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @2018Z(MH)08918.0 Air Canada 1272: (YYZ-PLS, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @2048Z (MH)08918.0 Air Canada 1276: (YYZ-SJU, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1337Z(MH)08918.0 Air Canada 1846: (YYZ-PUJ, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-22-06@1315Z 22jan06 (MH)08918.0 Air Canada 7050: (MCI-YYZ, B-767) Selcal Check/w New York, 1-23-06@ 1516Z(MH)08918.0 Air Canada 951: (PAP-YUL, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2024Z08918.0 Air France 474: (CDG-HAV, B-747) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @2035Z(MH)08918.0 American 1015: (JFK-PLS, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1521Z (MH)08918.0 American 1044: (AUA-BOS, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @2014Z (MH)08918.0 American 1080: (PLS-JFK, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1842Z08918.0 American 1151: (IAD-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1317Z(MH)08918.0 American 1278: (SJU-BWI, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @2059Z (MH)08918.0 American 1501: (BOS-PLS, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1728Z(MH)08918.0 American 1774: (STI-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1553Z (MH)08918.0 American 1845: (BWI-SJU, B-757) Positon/w New York, 1-22-06 @1316Z(MH)08918.0 American 1889: (JFK-STI, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1409Z(MH)08918.0 American 1892: (STI-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1912Z(MH)08918.0 American 1892: (STI-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1923Z (MH)08918.0 American 1985: (PHL-SJU, B-757), Position/w New

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WUN-v12 York, 1-31-06 @1745Z08918.0 American 2146: (SJU-ORD, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1431Z(MH)08918.0 American 599: (BWI-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1455Z(MH)08918.0 American 618: (SDQ-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1725Z(MH)08918.0 American 635: (JFK-SDQ, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2038Z08918.0 American 63: (CDG-MIA, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1903Z(MH)08918.0 American 660: (SXM-JFK, B-757), Position/w New York, B-757),1-31-06 @ 2040Z08918.0 American 674: (SJU-EWR, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 2012Z(MH)08918.0 American 674: (SJU-EWR, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 2049Z (MH)08918.0 American 679: (JFK-AUA, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1809Z08918.0 American 725: (SJU-ORD, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2041Z08918.0 American 780: (SDQ-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1429Z(MH)08918.0 American 780: (SDQ-JFK, A-330) ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-24-06 @1509Z (MH)08918.0 American 833: (JFK-STI, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1334Z(MH)08918.0 American 837: (JFK-PAP, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1540Z (MH)08918.0 American 896: (PAP-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 2020Z(MH)08918.0 American 896: (PAP-JFK, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2108Z08918.0 American 896: (PAP-JFK, A-306), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2039Z08918.0 American 9271: (STI-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1319Z(MH)08918.0 British Airways 253: (LHR-NAS, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-24-06@ 1944Z (MH)08918.0 BWIA 701: (IAD-BGI, B-737) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1946Z (MH)08918.0 BWIA 701: (IAD-BGI, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @2032Z08918.0 Continental 712: (POP-EWR, B-737) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1950Z(MH)08918.0 Continental 737: (STI-EWR, B-737) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @2037Z(MH)08918.0 Delta 606: (BDA-ATL, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 2043Z08918.0 Delta 606: (BDA-ATL, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 2024Z(MH)08918.0 Delta 606: (BDA-ATL, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 2041Z (MH)08918.0 Delta 766: (ATL-BDA, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1741Z08918.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 2101Z (MH)08918.0 Iberia 6403: (MAD-MEX, A-340) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 2036Z (MH)08918.0 Iberia 6403: (MAD-MIA, A-340) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1942Z(MH)08918.0 Jet Blue 702: (SJU-JFK, A-320), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1824Z08918.0 Jet Blue 703: (JFK-SJU, A-320), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2018Z08918.0 Jet Blue 736: (BQN-JFK, A-320), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1753Z08918.0 Martinair 639: (AMS-CUN, B-767) Position/w New York,

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WUN-v12 1-23-06 @1915Z(MH)08918.0 N164RJ: (B-737) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 2014Z(MH)08918.0 N88DD: (PWK-SXM, Falcon), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1800Z08918.0 N909MM: (Falcon) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1936Z(MH)08918.0 Reach 8809: Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1544Z (MH)08918.0 Ryan 5014: (BOS-PUJ, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1554Z (MH)08918.0 Ryan 623: (PUJ-MSP, B-737) Postion/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1906Z(MH)08918.0 Titan 23: (C-130), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1752Z08918.0 U.S. Air 1131: (CLT-BGI, A-319), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1601Z (MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 1139: (CLT-PLS, A-320) Radio Check/w New York, 1-22-06 @1350Z(MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 1297: (CLT-SJU, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1410Z(MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 1297: (CLT-SJU, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1547Z (MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 134: (STT-PHL, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2052Z08918.0 U.S. Air 1427: (SJU-PHL, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1908Z08918.0 U.S. Air 1480: (CLT-STT, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1735Z08918.0 U.S. Air 241: (CLT-UVF, A-319), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06 @1605Z (MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 658: (BOS-SJU, A-319) Selcal Check/w New York, 1-24-06 @1507Z (MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 658: (BOS-SJU, A-319), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1734Z08918.0 U.S. Air 877: (CLT-SXM, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1811Z08918.0 U.S. Air 905: (CLT-SJU, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1345Z(MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 968: (SJU-CLT, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 2023Z(MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 968: (SJU-CLT, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 2018Z (MH)08918.0 U.S. Air 968: (SJU-CLT, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2042Z08918.0 United 1267: (IAD-SJU, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1446Z(MH)08918.0 United 1267: (IAD-SJU, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1433Z(MH)08918.0 United 1267: (IAD-SJU, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1530Z (MH)08918.0 United 899: (IAD-AUA, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1504Z(MH)08918.0 United 9809: (SJU-IAD, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1324Z(MH)08918.0 United 983: (IAD-PUJ, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1517Z(MH)08918.0 United 991: (IAD-STT, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1428Z(MH)08918.0 United 991: (IAD-STT, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1523Z (MH)08918.0 United 998: (SJU-IAD, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @2109Z08921.0 Speedbird: London 1725 usb 757M PP to Thomas Cook operationsLiverpool ETA and comments on AC (12Feb06) (wp3)08942 : Manilla ACC PHL 1555 USB calling "Victor 42" incomplete call because of heavy QRM from ARINC Shannon

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WUN-v12 (11Feb06) (PPA)08942 ARINC07: SHANNON Ireland 1659 HFDL FLIGHTS SU0252LVG975MSR800CLX798. (09Feb06) (FC)08942 ARINC07: SHANNON Ireland: 1615 HFDL GND STATION. SOME FLIGHTS: SU0252QR0015AY1906SU0274. (06-Feb-06) (FC)08942 VP-BDN: Aeroflot A319 Flt SU0204 1916 HFDL Position report via Shannon: 5559N 03725E. (10Feb06) (RGA)08942.0 no call: : Manilla ACC PHL 15:55 J3E/USB calling "Victor 42"incomplete call because of heavy QRM from ARINC Shannon (11Feb) (PPA)08948 CN-RNX: Royal Air Maroc A321 1931 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (28Jan06) (RGA)08948 CN-RNY: Royal Air Maroc A321 Flt MSR970 1848 HFDL Posn 4024N 00328W. (08Feb06) (RGA)08948 G-VATL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Atlantic Angel' 1936 HFDL Signs on to Las Palmas. (08Feb06) (RGA)08948 HP-1371: Unid Asiana Flight 2156 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (01Feb06) (RGA)08948 I-LIVA: Livingstone A321 Flt LM0216/LVG216 1919 HFDL Posn report 4347N 01147E via Las Palmas. (08Feb06) (RGA)08948 MSR800: Egypt Air Flt 1846 HFDL Posn report to Las Palmas: 3048N 03114E. (08Feb06) (RGA)08948 N469UP: UPS Flt 2154 HFDL Signs on to Las Palmas. (01Feb06) (RGA)08948 N603FE: Federal Express MD11F 'Elizabeth' 1947 HFDL Logs on. (28Jan06) (RGA)08948 N616FE: Federal Express MD11F 'Shanita' 1944 HFDL Logs on. (28Jan06) (RGA)08948 ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 2156 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. QSY from Riverhead/8912. (01Feb06) (RGA)08948 ZS-SNH: S.African Airways A340 1851 HFDL Acks message from Johannesburg via Las Palmas: 'MSG FROM JNBCMSA SEQ13393 -1930 NXT'. (08Feb06) (RGA)08965 0LC: Unid 1944 ALE/USB Sounding. @V7 and LYJ also sounding. (24Jan06) (FC)08965 HI0: Unid 0807 ALE/USB (13Feb06) (FC)08965 KAJ: Unid 1430 ALE/USB Sounding. (31Jan06) (FC)08965 M5O: unid 1237 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Feb 06) (FC)08965 M79: UNID 0842 ALE/USB SOUNDING. (11Feb06) (FC)08965 NMJ: UNID 1630 ALE/USB SOUNDING. (12Feb06) (FC)08965 NX2: UNID 1120 ALE/USB SOUNDING (18Feb06) (FC)08965 V36: Unid 0900 ALE/USB (13Feb06) (FC)08965 YHL: UNID 2013 ALE/USB SOUNDING. (12Feb06) (FC)08971 :UNID 1456 US Clg TIGER23 on the BLUESTAR net (02Feb06) (CA)08977 G-VBLU: Virgin Atlantic A340-600 'Soul Sister' 1816 HFDL Acks weather for USRR/Surgut and UUYY/Syktyvkar. (10Feb06) (RGA)08988.0 mhq: MHQ Northwood probably via Inskip 1144 kg84/75/848 reversals,carrier off between msg´s (12Feb06) (wp3)08992 : Unid Wkg PUERTO RICO 0237 USB Passing a single 4-element group (5FEX). (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDRESS: 41-char EAM 1232 USB 5TMFH2. (02 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 159-char EAM Bcast 1205 USB SHCXFO and SHRIPZ at 1422. (11 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 18-char EAM 1334 USB 5TGNU2. (02 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 20-char EAM Bcast 1508 USB KEDRNB, "FOR GLOVER". (03 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 20-char EAM Bcast 1538 USB PBQ4BQ "FOR BENGAL TIGER". (14 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 27-char EAM Bcast 1303 USB 5TDWKQ, and again at 1330z. (03 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 28-char EAM Bcast 0500 USB (SAB?3M). Later in the post 0500z time period ANDREW bcst a longer NE... EAM. (09 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 33-char EAM 1132 USB 5TKK7Q. (02 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 41-char EAM 1259 USB 5TV2KB, but going

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WUN-v12 silent mid way through string for a lengthy period, finally disregading the string. Then restarted, but not disregarding the xmsn. Again restarted the transmission to completion. At items 19, 21, 28 and 29 ANDREWS stated "item ## garbled" instead of a character. I've not heard that before from any ground station, player or trigraph. (02 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 41-char EAM 1316 USB Same 5TV2KP (not B) as

at 1259z, this time with a complete "ungarbled" set of characters. (The garbled characters were 6, I, 2, 4.) (02 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 6-char EAM Bcast 1340 USB KEHMWN, "FOR GLOVER". (03 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 6-char EAM Bcast 1530 USB (Missed preamble) "FOR BENGAL TIGER". (14 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: Clg ANDREWS TRAINING 1319 USB No known response. At 1329z ANDREWS called DELTA 724. (09 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: Clg DOG LUCKY 2314 USB All frequency call for DOG LUCKY (or maybe sounding like GOT/DOT/DOC LUCKY) requesting that he meet ANDREWS on 11175. (15 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: Clg LUCKY HAT 0222 USB With no known response. (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: Clg STONE AGE 1341 USB Called a couple of times without response. (10 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: EAM Bcast 0130 PZT?CD and KEIGQ2. That PZT?CD string has been active for over 4 hours which is unusual. (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: EAM Bcast 1425 USB Rebroadcast of their earlier 5T... EAM strings. (03 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: EAM Bcast 2134 USB 24YHFP and 24OVYK at 2137z. (23 Jan 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: Wkg BLUE 01 1329 USB For a phone patch to OFFUTT weather. (09 Feb 06) (JH)08992 CANFORCE 2955 Clg MAINSAIL "on 8992" 2131 USB Called a couple of times with no known response. Did not sound like the earlier 3955. (23 Jan 06) (JH)08992 CHILL 82: Wkg an HGFGCS Stn 0226 USB For current traffic and given the active preambles. (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 CONSIDER: Clg ANDREWS & MAINSAIL 2246 USB Raised OFFUTT and requested HF data, 2-tone. A minute of so later ANDREWS popped up, called and raised CONSIDER (now unheard here) and moved him to 1115?.5 (coverd by qrn). (23 Jan 06) (JH)08992 COOL AIR: 28-char EAM Bcast 0046 USB (SATC76) preceding ANDREWS' 0050z HFGCS bcst of same. (10 Feb 06) (JH)08992 COTTER PIN: 28-char EAM Bcast 1514 USB (SAEOIV) slightly trailing the HFGCS's bcst of same, and simucasting same on at least 4724 and 15016 with nothing heard on 11175. (06 Feb 06) (JH)08992 COTTER PIN: Wkg ANDREWS 1619 USB For some chatter. ANDREWS wished him a good day and standing by. (06 Feb 06) (JH)08992 COTTER PIN: Wkg ANDREWS 1625 USB COTTER PIN was apparently trying to set up an HF data session at __30zulu (maybe 1830z) with ANDREWS and requested 4-tone. By 1629z ANDREWS (weak/often unreadable) was confirming 4-tone async, then "standing by in listening watch" and out. (06 Feb 06) (JH)08992 COTTER PIN: Wkg ANDREWS 1631 USB Confirming 4-tone async, then "standing by in listening watch" and out. At 1631z ANDREWS (now weak/readable) called and raised COTTER PIN (weak/mostly unreadable) and advised he would be using 4-tone sync. COTTER PIN confirmed and out. No HF data frequency heard. (06 Feb 06) (JH)08992 MCCLELLAN: 29-char EAM Bcast 1414 USB PZKVY7.

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WUN-v12 (14 Feb 06) (JH)08992 OVERDRAFT(?): Clg MAINSAIL 1448 USB Calling MAINSAIL a couple of times with no known response. (31 Jan 06) (JH)08992 POINT 12(?): Clg MAINSAIL 0224 USB Raising [unknown station; unheard here; believed to be a HFGCS station] and passed a single 4-element group (7NP6). (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 POINT 12: Clg MAINSAIL 0250 Raised PUERTO RICO and passing a message of one 4-element group: W7VO. (08 Feb 06) (JH)08992 SATURDAY: 28-char EAMs 2125 USB 24OVYK & 24YHFP (Female operator; excellent SCOPE command quality audio (sounded like a ground station)). Simulcasting same on at least 11175 with nothing heard on 4724 or 15016. (23 Jan 06) (JH)08992.0 Unid: data burst, approx .7s repeating every 20s not locally generated. 0100 31jan06 (TN)09017 CONSIDER: Wkg ANDREWS 2324 USB In 2-tone data transmissions. ANDREWS xmsn was received 5 by 5 but CONSIDER's messages were received by ANDREWS with errors during all attempts, the last with errors in the security header (mismatch in the classification field) of one message and line 4 in the other message. CONSIDER requested that ANDREWS correct the message to unclassified and "inject it into NOVA". After a few minutes CONSIDER advised ANDREWS to cancel the corrections and that the message was not to be injected into NOVA and gone at 0008z. (24 Jan 06) (JH)09022.0 ---: Argentine AF 1255 USB flight FAG172 to Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego) Next possition "MUBES" at 1307z (05/02/06) (AJP)09022.0 Unid: Argentine AF 1255 USB flight FAG172 to Rio Grande (Tierra del Fuego) Next possition "MUBES" at 1307z (05/02/06) (AJP)09024.0 st petersburg air: 1255 USB russ w unid flightreq wx 4fev06 ML09025 244131: USAF C-17A Globemaster 04-4131 1009 ALE/USB HF-GCS Scope Command. Sounding. (06Feb06) (RB)09025 M7W: UNID 1320 ALE/USB SOUNDING (18Feb06) (FC)09025 UKE307: E3D Sentry AEW1 ZH107 8/23 Sqn RAF Waddington 1511 ALE/USB Sounding. (17Feb06) (RGA)09025 UKE307: E3D Sentry ZH107 8/23 Sqn RAF Waddington1350 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)09031 ARCHITECT: RAF STCICS 1434 USB Wkg CWL88/RAF Dominie trainer aircraft. (11Jan06) (bef)09031 CWL88: RAF Dominie Comms Trainer 1436 USB Wkg ARCHITECT (11Jan06) (bef)09031.0 MQP: RAF Upavon 2230 USB Wx report (04/02/06) (AJP)09041 5YE: Nairobi Meteo KEN 1835 RTTY/100/850 CQ DE 5YE RY (02Feb06) (piri)09041.0 5YE: Nairobi Meteo KEN 1835 RTTY 100 CQ DE 5YE RY (02feb06) (piri)09043 055: UNID 1425 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09043.0 055: UNID 1425 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09044 T3Z126: 3/126 Avn US Army Iraq 0454 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09044.0 R23592: Usa-Mil 1649 ALE/USB clg T3Z126 (16/feb/06) (sw)09044.0 T3Z126: US ARMY? 0454 USB/ALE SOUNDS 903feb06) (piri)09044.0 T3Z126: Usa-Mil 1649 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)09044.0 Unid: unid 1655 ALE/USB clg UDA (16/feb/06) (sw)09046.7 : UNID EGYDIPLO 1529 ARQ Shuts off with shshshshshkra bay bay bay in ATU-80 4th shift latin (03Feb06) (piri)09046.7 UNID: EGYDIPLO 1529 ARQ Shuts off with shshshshshkra bay bay bay in ATU-80 4th shift latin (03feb06) (piri)09056.7 : EGYEMB N'Djamena TCD 1940 ARQ 5lettercode msg to MFA Cairo (02Feb06) (piri)09056.7 EGYEMB Djamena: TCD 1940 ARQ 5lettercode msg to MFA Cairo (02feb06) (piri)

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WUN-v1209056.7 MFA Kairo: 1400 sitor-a tfc aa to unid , 1416z: rq: oovs (Kuala Lumpur) short tfc aa (22Jan06) (wp3)09058.7 : UNID EGYDIPLO 1534 ARQ shuts off with bay bay in ATU-80 4th shift latin (03Feb06) (piri)09058.7 UNID: EGYDIPLO 1534 ARQ shuts off with bay bay in ATU-80 4th shift latin (03feb06) (piri)09066 2Z4CP2: 2/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 1607 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 2Z4CP2: US ARMY? 0511 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09066 3Z4CP2: 3/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 1605 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 3Z4CP2: US ARMY? 0424 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09066 4Z4CP1: 4/4 avn command post 1 IRQ 1631 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 4Z4CP1: US ARMY? 1357 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09066 4Z4CP2: 4/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 1603 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 FC2Z4: unid US army aviation batilion IRQ 1610 ALE/USB sounding (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 FC2Z4: US ARMY? 0018 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09066 R27007: US army helicopter IRQ 1604 ALE/USB calling 2Z4CP2 2/4 army aviation command post 2 (04Feb06) (PPA)09066 R27018: US army helicopter IRQ 1602 ALE/USB calling 2Z4CP1 2/4 army aviation command post 1 (04Feb06) (PPA)09066.0 2Z4CP2: : 2/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 16:07 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb)(PPA)09066.0 2Z4CP2: US ARMY? 0511 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09066.0 3Z4CP2: : 3/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 16:05 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb)(PPA)09066.0 3Z4CP2: US ARMY? 0424 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09066.0 4Z4CP1: : 4/4 avn command post 1 IRQ 16:31 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb)(PPA)09066.0 4Z4CP1: US ARMY? 1357 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09066.0 4Z4CP2: : 4/4 avn command post 2 IRQ 16:03 USB/ALE sounding (4 Feb)(PPA)09066.0 FC2Z4: : unid US army aviation batilion IRQ 16:10 USB/ALE sounding (4Feb) (PPA)09066.0 FC2Z4: US ARMY? 0018 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09066.0 R27007: : US army helicopter IRQ 16:04 USB/ALE calling 2Z4CP2 2/4 armyaviation command post 2 (4 Feb) (PPA)09066.0 R27018: : US army helicopter IRQ 16:02 USB/ALE calling 2Z4CP1 2/4 armyaviation command post 1 (4 Feb) (PPA)09070 055: UNID 1558 ALE/USB Sounds (03Feb06) (piri)09070.0 055: Unid 1248 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)09070.0 055: UNID 1558 USB/ALE SOUNDS (03feb06) (piri)09071 : unid 1406 F1B/75/850 encrypted tfc ,weak signal (04Feb06) (PPA)09071.0 unid: :14:06 F1B/75/850 encrypted tfc ,weak signal (4 Feb) (PPA)09079.7 RFQP: : FN Jibuti DJI 17:45 ARQ-E3/100/400 betas on DJI cct to Le PortREU QSX 10869.2 (4 Feb) (PPA)09079.7 RFQP: FN Jibuti DJI 1745 ARQ-E3/100/400 betas on DJI cct to Le Port REU QSX 10869.2 (04Feb06) (PPA)09080 MAE: MAE Algiers 1305 ALE/USB Calls TNS/Tunis embassy. (01Feb06) (RGA)09080 MAE: MFA Alger ALG 1302 ALE/USB TO TNS ALGEMB Tunis (03Feb06) (piri)09080 TNS: ALGEMB Tunis TUN 1317 ALE/USB TO MAE MFA ALGER (03Feb06) (piri)09080.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 1414 ALE/USB clg TNS Tunis (02/feb/06) (sw)09080.0 MAE: MFA Alger ALG 1302 USB/ALE TO TNS ALGEMB Tunis (03feb06) (piri)09080.0 TNS: ALGEMB Tunis TUN 1317 USB/ALE TO MAE MFA ALGER (03feb06) (piri)09084.8 RHN: : unid station middle east 14:20 ARQ-E/46,1/170

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WUN-v12 Arabic (notATU-80) msgs on KAA cct to AAN ,also establishing contact via LSB/ALE on 09086 every 15 minutes (4 Feb) (PPA)09084.8 RHN: unid station middle east 1420 ARQ-E/46,1/170 Arabic (not ATU-80) msgs on KAA cct to AAN ,also establishing contact via LSB/ALE on 9086 every 15 minutes (04Feb06) (PPA)09086 RHI: UNID 1350 ALE/USB TO AAI (03Feb06) (piri)09086 RHP: UNID 0610 ALE/USB TO AAP (03Feb06) (piri)09086.0 RHI: UNID 1350 USB/ALE TO AAI (03feb06) (piri)09086.0 RHP: UNID 0610 USB/ALE TO AAP (03feb06) (piri)09093.0 87: Sng-N 1559 ALE/USB clg TFD (24/jan/06) (sw)09093.0 87: Sng-N 1609 ALE/USB clg TFDL2 (24/jan/06) (sw)09106.0 KPS607: National Disaster Medical System, Sanford, FL: 2154 USB ALE (11/FEB/06) (JLM)09109.0 hsz: Thai PTT ? 1358 cw vvv vvv vvv de hsz hsz hsz as vvv vvv vvv de hsz hsz hsz as then 1402z long tfc (22Jan06) (wp3)09120 AZ01: TUN mil? 1857 ALE/USB TO UM03 (02Feb06) (piri)09120.0 AZ01: TUN mil? 1857 USB/ALE TO UM03 (02feb06) (piri)09120.0 DJ01: Alg- Mil 2019 ALE/USB clg UM03 (20/jan/06) (sw)09120.0 QM01: Alg-Mil/Moi 2024 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)09120.0 QM02: Alg-Mil/Moi 2024 ALE/USB clg QM01 (09/feb/06) (sw)09125 B1: UNID 1726 ALE/USB TO B8, 1737 TO B5 (06Feb06) (piri)09151.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1623 ARQ/FEC Selcall XBVF = EMB Madrid qsy 8123.7 ATU msg and shut down (24Jan06) (piri)09151.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1701 ARQ/100/170 Calling selcall XBVF Rome giving QSX as 8055 later as 8022 in FEC mode (13Feb06) (PPA)09151.7 : Unid Egyptian Diplo 1632 ARQ Long period of IRS then 'yks yks' and offair. (25Jan06) (RGA)09151.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1623 ARQ/FEC Selcall XBVF = EMB Madrid qsy 8123.7 ATU msg and shut down (24jan06) (piri)09151.7 no call: : MFA Cairo EGY 17:01 Sitor-A/100/170 Calling selcall XBVFRome giving QSX as 8055 later as 8022 in FEC mode (13 Feb) (PPA)09176 MEL: UNID 0804 ALE/USB TO SAB. [AMD] NNDKAGHJ. Over to voice - only counting "1 2 3 4 stand by" in good English . TWS MEL. (04Feb06) (piri)09176.0 MEL: UNID 0804 USB/ALE TO SAB. AMD NNDKAGHJ. Over to voice - only counting "1 2 3 4 stand by" in good English. TWS MEL (04feb06) (piri)09176.0 MEL: WLGP Mellitah Lby 0944 ALE/USB clg SAB Sabha? Lby [AMD]PACKBCNC (06/feb/06) (sw)09176.0 MEL: WLGP Mellitah Lby 1329 ALE/USB clg WAF Wafa Lby (05/feb/06) (sw)09176.0 SAB: WLGP Sabha? Lby 0944 ALE/USB clg MEL Mellitah Lby (06/feb/06) (sw)09176.0 WAF: WLGP Wafa Lby 1329 ALE/USB clg MEL Mellita Lby (05/feb/06) (sw)09190 QUAKE: UNID 2042 ALE/USB TWS QUAKE (06Feb06) (piri)09190 SABRE: UNID 0246 ALE/USB SOUNDS (07Feb06) (piri)09190 STORM: UNID 2012 ALE/USB TWS STORM (06Feb06) (piri)09190.0 SABRE: UNID 0246 USB/ALE SOUNDS (07FEB06) (piri)09198 CCC: UNID CHLNAVY 0216 ALE/USB TO PPZ (07Feb06) (piri)09198.0 CCC: UNID CHLNAVY 0216 USB/ALE TO PPZ (07FEB06) (piri)09200 210: SNGNA Ship Endeavour L210 2013 ALE/USB TO TF1 (07Feb06) (piri)09200.0 210: SNGNA Ship Endeavour L210 2013 USB/ALE TO TF1 (07FEB06) (piri)09200.0 2402: Mrc- Protection Civile Marocaine 2130 ALE/USB sndg. (16/feb/06) (sw)09202 : UNID 1538 two LINK-11 System on the same frequency (03Feb06) (piri)09202.0 UNID: 1538 two LINK-11 System on the same frequency (03feb06) (piri)09215.0 Unid: unid 1635 ALE/USB clg 721 (16/feb/06) (sw)09230.0 R26450: Usa-Mil 1633 ALE/USB clg T4Z101 4/101st Avn.

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WUN-v12 (16/feb/06) (sw)09245 : Unid 1222 CW Sends constant marker like: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv... (33 times letter "v" and 6 dotes + 5 sec. pause) - rptd. (23Jan06) (IB)09261 GT: Unid Brazilian mil. 1928 FEC sending msgs to MZ. Very weak. HEX string msgs using Taurus for Windows software. Military tactical net with procedures like INT ZEV, INT QRU (24Jan06) (piri)09261.0 GT: Unid Brazilian mil. 1928 FEC sending msgs to MZ. Very weak. HEX string msgs using Taurus for Windows software. Military tactical net with procedures like INT ZEV, INT QRU (24jan06) (piri)09270.0 USDAHQ1: US Department of Agriculture Headquarters, Washington D.C.: 2102 USB ALE (11/FEB/06) (JLM)09316.7 Egyptian embassy Madrid E 1645 ARQ/100/170 telegram to Cairo ATU-80 header jg jmfsm (13Feb06) (PPA)09316.7 no call: : Egyptian embassy Madrid E 16:45 Sitor- A/100/170 telegram toCairo ATU-80 header jg jmfsm (13 Feb) (PPA)09323 SKI SLOPE: Wkg ANDREWS 0120 USB In clear voice and ANDVT beginning at 0124z. At 0138z ANDREWS advised in the clear that he had no further traffic for SKI SLOPE and the freq went quiet. (26 Jan 06) (JH)09340.0 AFRTS/AFN: US Military HF feeder 2141 USB / very weak new frequency. // 7811.0 and 12133.5 kHz USB. (23Jan.2006) (Midwest USA)09350 : Russian Military 1648 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones. (25Jan06) (RGA)09575.0 NHK: Radio Japan 1942 AM (19Jan06) (MAL)09848 N270AV: Brendan Airways A340 'Cancun' 1938 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (28Jan06) (RGA)09848 N68159: Continental B767 1932 HFDL Logs on. (28Jan06) (RGA)09973 Unknown: 5F CW groups 1918 A1A / 5 Fig number letter groups sent twice before next group sent (15/Feb/2006) (Fred VE3DX1FAL)10027.0 csa: czech airlines ldoc 1301 USB cz wx w unidflight 4fev06 ML10051 WSY70: NEW YORK VOLMET USA 1600 USB SUFF. (13Feb06) (FC)10051.0 New York Radio volmet: 1958 weather BRCS (19Jan(MAL)10051.0 VFG: GANDER 1958 USB Volmet (15-feb-2006)(MSM)10066 "007": ARINC Hat Yai THA 1607 HFDL uplink to B-2289 (11Feb06) (PPA)10066.0 "007": : ARINC Hat Yai THA 16:07 USB/HFDL uplink to B-2289 (11 Feb)(PPA)10075.0 ---: Houston R 0255 USB Wkg AA1133 Flight N.Y to Bs. As. Then another stn from Argentina in comm w/ a/c in spanish (03/02/06) (AJP)10075.0 Houston R: 0255 USB Wkg AA1133 Flight N.Y to Bs. As Then another stn from Argentina in comm w/ a/c in spanish (03/02/06) (AJP)10084.0 7tvjw: Algerian Airlines dah406 1505 hfdl tfc to Auckland (12Feb06)(wp3)10084.0 arinc AUCKLAND: 1505 hfdl to DAH406 SLOT 8 300 BPS (12Feb06)(wp3)10084.0 n14240: Continental Airlines CO0903 1606 hfdl tfc to Auckland(12Feb06) (wp3)10100.0 DDK: D Hamburg Meteo 1954 rtty 50/450 (19Jan06) (MAL)10100.8 DDK9: DWD Hamburg via Pinneberg 1603 RTTY/50/450 Only S3 here in York with QRN (26 Jan 06) (JB)10125 MAE: MAE Algiers 1714 ALE/USB Calls TRP/Tripoli embassy. (15Feb06) (RGA)10125 TRP: Algerian Embassy Tripoli 1539 ALE/USB responding to MAE/Algiers (05Feb06) (KB)10144.0 DK0WCY: R/AM BEACON 1203 CW Marker "DK0WCY beacon" (20/Jan)(DW)10166.4 VCT: GW station, Tors Cove CAN 1930 Dataplex and

Pagina 171

WUN-v12 free marker (19Jan06) (MAL)10201 RCV: RUSNAVY Sebastopol 1617 CW qrl with RMGB and

RJT22 Ships on 12464 kHz. At 1626 RMGB DE RCV QDW 6912 K (17Feb06) (piri)10201.0 RCV: RUSNAVY Sebastopol 1617 MORSE qrl with RMGB and RJT22 Ships on 12464 kHz. At 1626 RMGB DE RCV QDW 6912 K (17FEB06) (piri)10211 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline Algeria 1613 ALE/USB or (LSB) Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)10211 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach's LR1 Pipeline Rhourde Nouss Algeria 1448 ALE/LSB Sounding. (28Jan06) (RGA)10211.0 GASSI30P: ALG Sonatrach Gassi El Adem ALE/LSB 9:34 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)10211.0 RNOUSLR1: Alg-Oil/Gas Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1620 ALE/LSB sndg. (11/feb/06) (sw)102427.0 712: USCG HC-130H 1712, CGAS Clearwater 1333 ALE/USB sndg. Also nnoted on 11494.0 13907.0 and 15867.0 (30/jan/06) (sw)10264.2 ---: French Mil 2225 Stanag 4285 1200L ACF=0 (05/02/06) (AJP)10264.2 Unid: French Mil 2225 Stanag 4285 1200L ACF=0 (05/02/06) (AJP)10275.0 INAS30P: ALG Sonatrach In Amenas ALE/LSB 11:48 SND (22Jan06) (MAL)10275.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach Ohanet ALE/LSB 11:58 SND (22Jan06) (MAL)10275.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Sonatrach Rhourde Nouss 2127 ALE/LSB (28Jan06) (MAL)10285.0 OHT30P: ALG Sonatrach Ohanet ALE/LSB 14:21 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)10285.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Rhourde Nouss ALE/LSB 11:06 SND (22Jan06) (MAL)10285.0 RNOUSLR1: ALG Rhourde Nouss ALE/LSB 15:14 SND (15Jan06) (MAL)10285.0 RNOUSLR1: Alg-Oil/Gas Rhourde Nouss LR1 pipeline 1619 ALE/LSB sndg. (11/feb/06) (sw)10340.0 nocall: unid 2000 LSB 2 OMs latino, (15-feb-2006)(MSM)10360 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 1718 ALE/USB Sounding. Also seen on 3161 3227.4 4166.3 and 4226.5 kHz. (15Feb06) (RGA)10360.0 XSS: UNID 1037 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also at 1052, 1053 (20/Jan)(DW)10360.0 XSS: Unid 1547 ALE/USB sndg. (04/feb/06) (sw)10375.0 BU1: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0807 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng CRA. Also at 0813 0821 0828 0928 0935. Also BOT at 0810 0924 0930 0937. Also PNM at 0823 0825 0927 0932. Also SMA at 0835 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 BU2: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0806 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng ZAL, also at 0813 0819 0826. Also CRA at 0808. Also CAL at 0830. Also SLO at 0840 0846 0853 0859. Also FOC at 0842 0846 0849. Also TMU at 0848 0857 0903 0908 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 BU3: ROMANIAN IPJ BUCHAREST 0814 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng TIM, also at 0820. Also PLS at 0922 0934. Also SLA at 0936 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 BUZ: ROMANIAN IPJ BUZAU 0957 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU4. Also at 1002 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 DEV: ROMANIAN IPJ DEVA 0838 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU3. Also at 0848 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 FOC: ROMANIAN IPJ FOCSANI 0848 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BAC. Also at 0949 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 MU3: ROMANIAN IPJ ?LOC 0848 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU3 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 PLS: ROMANIAN IPJ PLOIESTI 1030 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU3 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 PNM: ROMANIAN IPJ PIETRA NEAMT 0823 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU1 (13/Feb)(DW)

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WUN-v1210375.0 SUC: ROMANIAN IPJ SUCEAVA 0759 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BUZ. Also at 0806 0811 0817 (13/Feb)(DW)10375.0 TIM: ROMANIAN IPJ TIMIS 0806 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng BU3. Also at 0814 0820 (13/Feb)(DW)10377.0 -: UNID 1027 CW Brief msg "RGT397 = ppppp" followed by 5 ltr grps inc accentuated ltrs. (12/Feb)(DW)10377.0 RGT77: CIS AF? ?LOC 0832 CW Short msg rptd. In slow morse. "XXX XXX RGT77 RGT77 86770 6066" and further grps. Similar at 1053, 1124z (13/Feb)(DW)10390 1115: Protection Civile Marocaine 0854 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)10390 1119: Protection Civile Marocaine 0855 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)10390 2001: Protection Civile Marocaine 0851 ALE/USB "TO:2202 TIS:2001" (29/Jan/06) (AA)10458.0 XSS: Unid 1316 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)10458.0 XSS: Unid 1550 ALE/USB sndg. (04/feb/06) (sw)10478 570: Unid 1546 ALE/USB "TO:755 TIS:570" (21/Jan/06) (AA)10493 MR7: Unid 0430 ALE/USB CLG TO Z61 (13Feb06) (FC)10493 S1T: Unid 0800 ALE/USB (13Feb06) (FC)10493.0 KGA93: Federal Communications Commission HQ, Washington D.C.: 1528 USB ALE (11/FEB/06) (JLM)10536 CFH: CH Halifax 0109 FAX/120/576 Satpix (27/01/06) (RH2)10536.0 CFH: CANFORCE Halifax 1956 rtty 75/850 (19Jan06) (MAL)10536.0 CFH: CANFORCE Halifax 2001 (H+1) fax 120/576 (19Jan06) (MAL)10536.0 CHF: RTTY weather info 300 bd proceeded by fax @1700z 30jan06 (KR)10555.0 VMW: Wiluna meteo AUS 1910 fax 120/576 (19Jan06) (MAL)10618.0 055: Unid 1345 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)10618.0 055: Unid 1536 ALE/USB sndg. (04/feb/06) (sw)10627.0 055: Unid 1253 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)10853 RGA: FSB Moscow RUS 1308 CW/F1A/500 RGA RGA QSY 1217T 1217T nothing heard on 12170 (12Feb06) (PPA)10853.0 RGA: : FSB Moscow RUS 13:08 CW/F1A/500 RGA RGA QSY 1217T 1217Tnothing heard on 12170 (12 Feb) (PPA)10869.2 RFVI: : FN Le Port REU 17:50 ARQ-E3/100/400 betas on RUN cct toDjibouti QSX 9079.2 (4 Feb) (PPA)10869.2 RFVI: FN Le Port REU 1750 ARQ-E3/100/400 betas on RUN cct to Djibouti QSX 9079.2 (04Feb06) (PPA)10995 MAE: MFA Algiers 1043 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat (05Feb06) (KB)10998 031: Unid 1443 ALE/USB clg 7401 (11Feb06) (KB)10998 111583: Unid 1401 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)10998 194308: Unid 1408 ALE/USB clg 61071 (11Feb06) (KB)10998 194785: Unid 1549 ALE/USB clg 8101 who responds (11Feb06) (KB)10998 4101: Unid 1519 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)10998 61971: Unid 1338 ALE/USB clg 194308 (11Feb06) (KB)10998 6701: Unid 1403 ALE/USB snd, also at 1434 1504 (11Feb06) (KB)10998 8101: Unid 1350 ALE/USB snd, also at 1421 1522 (11Feb06) (KB)10998 8301: Unid 1538 ALE/USB sounding (11Feb06) (KB)11002 654: Unid Illicit 1150 CW ... 19255 19255 = = 48 48 30 30 = = 654 654 654 68 68 20 20 = = 38198 38198 81126 81126 ... Spike on 11003 kHz. (14Feb06) (RGA)11030 VMC: CHARLEVILLE METEO AUSTRALIA 1630 FAX INS. (13Feb06) (FC)11033 : unid military UKR 1213 RTTY/50/500e encrypted msg starting kriptogramma abrikos-652 and ending nr 1546 zamryga 1:13 adresa ZNN ZNN (12Feb06) (PPA)11033.0 no call: : unid military UKR 12:13 ITA2/50/500e encrypted msgstarting kriptogramma abrikos-652 and ending nr 1546 zamryga 1:13 adresa ZNNZNN (12 Feb) (PPA)11042.7 : UNID 1103 STANAG-4285/600/L/ASCII? encrypted (24Jan06) (piri)11042.7 UNID: 1103 Stanag 4285 600/L/ASCII? encrypted

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WUN-v12 (24jan06) (piri)11047.6 T57AA: 57 Med CO (AA) US Army 0937 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)11047.6 T82: 82 Abn Div Iraq 0938 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)11047.6 T86: Unid 0942 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)11047.6 T86AA: 86 Med CO (AA) US Army 0926 ALE/USB SND (29/Jan/06) (AA)11047.6 T86AA: Usa-Mil 1529 ALE/USB clg R23621 (07/feb/06) (sw)11086.5 GYA: NORTHWOOD METEO GB 1632 FAX GOOD (13Feb06) (FC)11153 ANDREWS(?): Wkg unid 2254 USB Some chatter and a request to move (too weak to follow.) (23 Jan 06) (JH)11165 RAIDER 01: Wkg ANDREWS 2059 USB For a phone patch to Rota, Spain. The link faded, so he made same request to Ascension but then original patch came up again. 2107Z passed his message to Matador Command; will require fuel, customs, agriculture and a powercart on arrival. (04Feb06) (AB)11175 AIR FORCE RESCUE 97: Wkg PUERTO RICO 1938 USB (AIR FORCE RESCUE 987?) Phone patch for ops normal and mention of search area, and gone. Maybe active a little earlier in the local afternoon too. (27 Jan 06) (JH)11175 AIR FORCE RESCUE 987: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2139 USB Phone patches to RCC, CAMSLANT DIST 7 and one other regarding extending their search to the south. Has 1 hour 15 minutes remaining on station before RTB. (27 Jan 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS(?): Wkg STONE AGE(?) 1343 USB Weak/often unreadable - other party unheard here) and maybe saying something involving 1118?.0). (10 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: 125-char EAM Bcast 2250 USB FA.... preamble, then to standard 28-char SA.... preamble at h+01 2302 - SKY KING 5YM 02 ZX passed by ANDREWS, then repeated with time hack of 03 by unknown player (weak here, suspect TACAMO LANT), then at 2304 another SKY KING passed BIO 04 PN, also passed by weak player with time hack of 05. Unusual to hear 2 SKY KING 'casts within 2 mins of each other... (09Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: 20-char EAM 2109 USB (PB2E5S).Paralells active. "FOR DRAM" (13Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: 20-char EAM Bcast 1700 USB For "ALGEBRA SIGN" (PBDQJW). (16Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: 28-char EAM Bcast 1823 USB (SAAIWJ) followed immediately with MCCLELLAN calling the player with no known response and quiet. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: 28-char EAM Bcast 2200 USB (PZT?CD) maybe at the h+00 HFGCS restoral time (so it may have been sent even earlier).(07 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: All-Frequency Transmission 0125 USB Transmission was to [sounded like LUCKY HAT or ___] using the code phrase MYSTIC STAR and requesting that he meet ANDREWS on "FOX CODE 117". (08 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Clg HEAVYARM 2321 USB ANDREWS weak here, player nil hrd. (09Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: Clg MAIL RUN 2001 USB Called again 2117z. (11 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Clg OUTCAST 2143 USB Saying "MYSTIC STAR", and repeating the call a number of times. [MYSTIC STAR seemed to be used as a code phrase.] At 2145z ANDREWS worked OUTCAST (unheard here; weak to ANDREWS) and sending him to "934". [There is no MYSTIC STAR listing for F934 in the WUN MLA, and nothing was heard in a quick search.] (07 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: EAM Bcast 1420 USB Bgan the broadcast of an unknown count EAM 5TIFBT but disregarded the string and gone. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: EAM Rebroadcast 1321 USB 5TO3WA. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: EAM Rebroadcasts 1300 USB 33-char 5TURVR (without using the character count statement) and the 27-character EAM 5T3RPI. (05 Feb 06) (JH)

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WUN-v1211175 ANDREWS: EAM Rebroadcasts 1330 USB 5TO3WA 5TURVR and 5T3RPI. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: EAM Rebroadcasts 1400 USB 5T3RPI and 5TO3WA. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Multi-call 2320 USB Puts out calls for the following players to QSY to 11175: FILLMORE & WELLMAN, HEAVYARM & WOODBURY. (09Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: Passed SKY KING Message 2302 USB 5YM 02 ZX, then repeated with time hack of 03 by unknown player (weak here, suspect TACAMO LANT), then at 2304 another SKY KING passed BIO 04 PN, also passed by weak player with time hack of 05. Unsual to hear 2 SKY KING 'casts within 2 mins of each other.... (09Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: Wkg BAD DADDY 1615 USB Advising that ANDREWS was standing by on FOXTROT 311 (MYSTIC STAR freq designator). BAD DADDY apparently could not heard ANDREWS on F311 so ANDREWS moved him to 11220. (31 Jan 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Wkg HEAVYARM 2323 USB ANDREWS will meet player HEAVYARM in 20m on 11175. (09Feb06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: Wkg MAIL RUN 1728 USB (or maybe MILL RUN; mostly unheard here) and sending him to F311. MAIL RUN apparently did not have a FOXTROT list and was directed to 11220. (11 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANDREWS: Wkg OUTCAST 2149 USB Said that due to OUTCAST's distance from ANDREWS he wanted to use a six megger and then gave "268". [Maybe F934 is in the 6-7 MHz range?] (07 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ANTHOLOGY: Wkg Unid 0110 USB Weak/buried in local qrn; maybe working OFFUTT or ?).(29 Jan 06) (JH)11175 AUTOCRASH(?): Wkg MCCLELLAN 1936 USB (Maybe AUTOCRAFT or AUTO___; unheard here) working MCCLELLAN (weak/mostly readable) for a phone patch to CURBSIDE (or sounds like; earlier sounded like BURNSIDE) for some GEP coordination and gone. (25 Jan 06) (JH)11175 BAG ___(?): Wkg MCCLELLAN 1812 USB Apparently requesting HF data. MCCLELLAN responded with something regarding being involved in a "real world exercise". The player (rising in strength to weak/mostly unreadable) said something lengthy about an "exercise" and MCCLELLAN acknowledged the comm and said she'd be back in "one." (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 BONE 53(?): Clg ANY MARS RADIO 1702 USB Called a couple of times with no response. (01 Feb 06) (JH)11175 CANFORCE 3955: Wkg MCCLELLAN 1603 USB Phone patch to a DSN 246 number to pass arrival information and requests and gone. (23 Jan 06) (JH)11175 CASINO 2: Clg MAINSAIL 2255 USB Raised ANDREWS for a phone patch to a DSN 781 number.11175 CHILL 2: Clg CHILL 21 1714 USB For a radio check a number of times, raising PUERTO RICO (unheard here) for a radio check and back to calling CHILL 21. At 1719z CHILL 21 (fair; muffled audio) finally responds to CHILL 22 and gone. (24 Jan 06) (JH)11175 COBRA 47: 1526 USB rc. PUERTO RICO answers lc. (25Jan06) (JG)11175 COBRA 47:1519 USB rc no joy. (25Jan06) (JG)11175 CORN HILL: Wkg OFFUTT 2338 USB OFFUTT sends CORN HILL to 11220. (26 Jan 06) (JH)11175 DOE: unid 18.53 ALE/USB Sounding (01 Feb 06) (FC)11175 DOG LUCKY: Wkg OFFUTT 2323 USB Requesting ANDREWS. "ANDREWS MYSTIC STAR" immediately came up on freq and worked DOG LUCKY and advised something about the datetime group 151950 (maybe injection into NOVA) and another datetimestamp was then passed (too weak to follow), and gone. (15 Feb 06) (JH)11175 DOOM 95: Clg MAINSAIL 1711 USB For ops normal 1712, negative relay and gone. (01 Feb 06) (JH)11175 JEWEL BOX: Clg ROUGH JET (?) 2148 USB With no

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WUN-v12 response but raising ASCENSION (weak/readable), but not responding to ASCENSION and quiet. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 JSTARS 33: Clg MAINSAIL 1811 USB (Female opr) Raised [ANDREWS maybe; missed it; weak/mostly unreadable] for a phone patch request for weather for KWRB at 2100z. (01 Feb 06) (JH)11175 LIFEBUOY: Wkg OFFUTT 1917 USB Phone patch to [sounded like BURNSIDE; GEP coordinator] for some GEP coordination. BURNSIDE had LIFEBOUY out of POLICEMAN with reception in FOOTHILL (GEP aliases). Short patch and out. (25 Jan 06) (JH)11175 MAIL RUN: Wkg ANDREWS 2119 USB Moved to 11220. (11 Feb 06) (JH)11175 MARLIN 77: 1557 USB Phone patch request with PUERTO RICO. (25Jan06) (JG)11175 MARLIN 79: 2239 USB rc McCullough (?) [McClellan? (Team Logs)]. (25Jan06) (JG)11175 MCCLELLAN: Clg ELMENDORF(?) 1451 USB Requesting a phone patch to a 301 981 number, with no known response. (01 Feb 06) (JH)11175 MCLELLAN: Clg NEIGHBOR 1652 USB Looking for relative position, NEIGHBOR replies "central stateside", then MCLELLAN moves NEIGHBOR to 11220 for data. (13Feb06) (BC)11175 OFFUTT: Wkg BLUE 01 1427 USB For a phone patch to LAJES COMMAND POST. (09 Feb 06) (JH)11175 OMNI 04: Clg MAINSAIL 1812 USB (Working over the JSTARS 33 comms). Raised MCCLELLAN for a phone patch to BLUESTAR, with OMNI 04 using ____ 24 (unable to understand the callword) during the patch. Something about heading back to homeplate and to contact BLUESTAR on HIGH FOX. Short patch and gone. (01 Feb 06) (JH)11175 OVERDRAFT(?): Wkg ANDREWS 1452 USB Phone patch to a common DSN 271 number for some orderwire coordiation with CAROLINE (or sounds like). OVERDRAFT requested RF17 7C and to look for him in station NOBLE (a stern "no" in his audio background), DOORBELL or INSURABLE (two GEP location aliases). Patch was terminated and gone. (31 Jan 06) (JH)11175 PAN BREAD: Wkg Unid 1645 USB In phone patch with unknown re: setting up comm link (with details which I don't have due to recording program crash, but they were dealing with ROMEO UNIFORM headers) for "one hour to 90 minutes in duration depending on mission length". (16Feb06) (BC)11175 RAM 25: Clg ANY STATION 1606 USB For a signal check with no known response. (03 Feb 06) (JH)11175 RKT: Unid 1241 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Jan06) (FC)11175 ROMEO XRAY 980: 1520 USB eta Keflavik with admin info. (25Jan06) (JG)11175 SLIP 18: Clg CONTROL 0035 USB Raises unknown HFGCS Station for unknown purpose. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 SNY: Unid 1430 ALE/USB Sounding. (21Jan06) (FC)11175 TUTONIC: Wkg OFFUTT 2126 USB Phone patch to a commercial 402 area code number for some GEP coordination with POCK MARK. POCK MARK could not use RF17 and suggested RF16 which was accepted by TUTONIC and gone. (27 Jan 06) (JH)11175 VAN BUREN: CLG MAINSAIL 2151 USB Raised ASCENSION (weak/readable) for a phone patch to a DSN 271 number. Patch was terminated because of problems communicating with the OFFUTT ground party. VAN BUREN up again at 2159z calling MAINSAIL, this time raising PUERTO RICO (fair/weak) and again spelling callsign. (04 Feb 06) (JH)11175 WALKOVER: Wkg MCLELLAN 1910 USB WALKOVER asked MCLELLAN for freq to pass HF DATA on, MCLELLAN replied "request not possible at this time, we are in the middle of a real world situation" at which point ANDREWS came up with a 6 char EAM "FOR VONDA" (KEFNC4). After that, WALKOVER & MCLELLAN resumed comms, player requested freq for HF DATA and MCLELLAN replied this time "...unable to comply, we are

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WUN-v12 in the middle of a real world exercise." (02 Feb 06) (BC2)11175.0 AFA3: USAF Andrews AFB 0930 J3e Usb EAM msg [KEIYQO] (10/feb/06) (sw)11175.0 AFA3: USAF Andrews AFB 0942 J3e Usb EAM msg [SAH6BV] (10/feb/06) (sw)11175.0 AFA3: USAF Andrews AFB 0951 J3e Usb EAM msg [SABML7] (10/feb/06) (sw)11175.0 AFA: andrews usaf 0820 USB eam 15fev06 ML11181 8TU: Unid 1207 ALE/USB Sounding. (24 Jan 06) (FC)11181 CROSPR: US SIPRNet Stn Croughton UK 1436 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan06) (RGA)11181 OFFSPR: US SIPRINet Stn Offutt AFB NE 1316 ALE/USB Sounding. Also PLASPR/Lajes and IKFSPR/Keflavik. (01Feb06) (RGA)11181 PLASPR: US SIPRNet Station Lajes Azores 1717 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)11184 7T-VJZ: Air Algérie A330 Flt DAH100 1204 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA)11184 F-OHGV: Royal Jordanian A320-232 Flt RJA152 1221 HFDL Posn report 5059N 00752E via Reykjavik. (17Feb06) (RGA)11184 G-VEIL: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Queen of the Skies' 1226 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA)11184 N14106: Continental B757 Flt CO0039 1157 HFDL Acks weather message from ground: "00Z 14015KT 3SM -SN OVC025 FM0000Z 14015KT 5SM -SN OVC020 FM0200Z 15015KT 3SM -SN -PL OVC012 FM0400Z 15020KT 2SM -RA BR OVC008 RMK NXT FCST BY 12Z". (17Feb06) (RGA)11184 N271AV: Brendan/USA3000 A320 1225 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA)11184 VT-JWA: Jet Air India A340 1208 HFDL Logs on. (17Feb06) (RGA)11220 ANDREWS: Clg MAIL RUN 1729 USB (11 Feb 06) (JH)11220 CORN HILL: Wkg ANDREWS 2347 USB Sends CORN HILL to13211. (26 Jan 06) (JH)11220 MAIL RUN: Wkg ANDREWS 2120 USB Ready for data. Then MAIL/MILL RUN was told something at 2058z , thanked ANDREWS for assisting and out. (11 Feb 06) (JH)11220 NEIGHBOR: Wkg ANDREWS 1654 USB NEIGHBOR says "tell your guys in the next room we're gonna set up 2-tone ALPHA-11" and then data co-ordination for KG-85 type encrypted TTY at 1706z. (13Feb06) (BC)112226 260006: USAF C-17 96-0006 1308 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)11226 291192: USAF C-17 89-1192 1548 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)11226 JDG: US GHFS Stn Diego Garcia 1546 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)11229 ANDREWS: Wkg BAD DADDY 1616 USB Telling him he was off frequency. ANDREWS then asked if BAD DADDY wanted data in 2-tone or (maybe 4-tone - faded), and mentioned ALPHA 11 675. Reply was apparently 2-tone because ANDREW sent 2-tone data 1621z. (31 Jan 06) (JH)11232.0 Trenton Military: 1910 USB w/Goliath Bravo (E-3B AWACS, Tinker AFB) in pp w/Oakgrove passing formatted report info then in pp w/Lineotype where they QSY to freq 0190 (not found). 15feb06 (RP3)11232.0 Trenton Military: 1921 USB w/Atlas 10 (CC-130E #130310, 413TH SQDN, CFB GREENWOOD) in pp w/RCC Trenton (not heard) informing RCC that Atlas 10 headed to Brandon Area for 2 hours of training then selcal check (FM-GH). 15Feb06 (RP3)11232.0 Trenton Military: 2030 USB w/Afghan 2 (sounds like) over Manitoba w/pp to unidentified location confirming reservations in Winnepeg and Thunder Bay. The gets wx for Winnepeg and Brandon. 15feb06 (RP3)11244 Unid: 20-char EAM Bcast 2320 USB Faded into noise floor just after "this is"; weak/often unreadable) bcsting

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WUN-v12 the 28-character EAM SASHDL, with nothing heard on 8992,11175, 6697 or 13155. From time of rebroadcast, suspected TACAMO PAC. (04Feb06) (JH)11250 244133: USAF C-17 04-4133 1400 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan06) (RGA)11250.0 2KB: Unid 1046 ALE/USB clg BG1 (28/jan/06) (sw)11253 MPL2: RAF VOLMET WEST DRAYTON GB 1650 USB GOOD (13Feb06) (FC)11291.0 ---: MWARA SAT-2 0110 USB Dakar ACC Wkg some a/c w/ selcall (03/02/06) (AJP)11291.0 MWARA SAT-2: 0110 USB Dakar ACC Wkg some a/c w/ selcall (03/02/06) (AJP)11309 Air Europa 89: 1949 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309 Air France 488:1943 USB (CDG-SXM A-340) Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309 Air France 624: ORY-PTP B-747) 1947 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309 British Airways 2153: LGW-BGI B-777) 2054 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309 Iberia 6635: MAD-UIO A-340) 1734 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)11309 Iberia 6741: MAD-BOG A-340) 1945 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309 KLM 713: AMS-?) 2031 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)11309.0 Air Europa 89: Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1949Z (MH)11309.0 Air France 488: (CDG-SXM, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1943Z (MH)11309.0 Air France 624: (ORY-PTP, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1947Z (MH)11309.0 Air France 652: (ORY-FDF, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06@ 1939Z (MH)11309.0 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1830Z (MH)11309.0 British Airways 2153: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,1-28-06 @ 2054Z (MH)11309.0 Iberia 6741: (MAD-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1945Z (MH)11309.0 KLM 713: (AMS-?) Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 2031Z (MH)11309.0 Martinair 663: (AMS-PMV, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06 @1914Z (MH)11318.0 Volmet Kol'tsovo: (Ekaterinburg) 0706 usb YL with Volmet in RR(11Feb06) (wp3)11318.0 Volmet Novosibirsk: 0710 usb YL with Volmet in RR (11Feb06) (wp3)11318.0 Volmet Samara: 0718 usb YL with Volmet in RR (11Feb06) (wp3)11318.0 Volmet Syktyvkar: 0704 usb YL with Volmet in RR hfdl weak in thebackground (11Feb06) (wp3)11318.0 Volmet Tumen: 0722 usb YL with Volmet in RR (11Feb06) (wp3)11330 Air Canada 960: YYZ-ANU A-319) 1809 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Air Canada 966: YYZ-BGI B-767) 1748 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 Air France 90: CDG-MIA B-747) 1728 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Air Transat 375: PAP-YUL A-310) 1936 USB Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)11330 American 1385: JFK-BGI B-757) 1805 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 American 1407: JFK-SJU B-757) 1530 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 American 1721: ORD-SJU B-757) 1632 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)

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WUN-v1211330 American 1764: PUJ-JFK B-757) 1908 USB Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)11330 American 1781: JFK-PUJ B-757) 1601 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 American 449: JFK-SXM B-757) 1933 USB Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)11330 American 618: SDQ-JFK A-300) 1743 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 American 660: SXM-JFK B-757) 1853 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 American 674: SJU-EWR B-757) 1922 Selcal Check/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)11330 American 69: MAD-MIA B-767) 1758 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 American 834: STI-JFK A-300) 1656 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 American 891: EWR-SJU B-757) 1618 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 British Airways 253: LHR-NAS B-767) 1829 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Continental 471: EWR-SJU B-757) 1759 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 Continental 512: EWR-POP B-737) 1558 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Continental 736: EWR-SJU B-737) 1552 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 Continental 870: SXM-EWR B-737) 1923 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)11330 Delta 307: JFK-STI B-767) 1742 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Iberia 6123: MAD-MIA A-340) 1850 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Iberia 6403: MAD-MEX A-340) 1834 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 Martinair 621: AMS-HAV B-767) 1815 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 N420QS: Gulfstream) 1532 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 N523WC: Falcon) 1545 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 U.S. Air 1131: CLT-BGI A-319) 1554 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 U.S. Air 241: CLT-LPL A-319) 1559 USB Position/w New York. (22Jan06) (MH)11330 U.S. Air 567: CLT-PUJ A-320) 1808 USB Position/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330 U.S. Air 979: CLT-ARU A-319) 1712 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (23Jan06) (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 1276: (YYZ-SJU, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1407Z (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 1882: (YUL-SJU, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1357Z (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 950: (YUL-PAP, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1749Z (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 960: (YYZ-ANU, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1809Z(MH)11330.0 Air Canada 966: (YYZ-BGI, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1748Z(MH)11330.0 Air Canada 966: (YYZ-BGI, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1632Z (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 974: (YUL-BGI, A-319), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1421Z (MH)11330.0 Air Transat 826: (YHZ-PUJ, A-310), ATC Clearance/w New York,1-31-06 @ 1634Z11330.0 American 1013: (BOS-AUA, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1351Z (MH)11330.0 American 1044: (AUA-BOS, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2019Z

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WUN-v1211330.0 American 1065: (BOS-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1718Z (MH)11330.0 American 1065: (BOS-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1637Z11330.0 American 1183: (BDL-SJU, A-300), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1401Z (MH)11330.0 American 1385: (JFK-BGI, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1805Z(MH)11330.0 American 1397: (PHL-SJU, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1412Z (MH)11330.0 American 1397: (PHL-SJU, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06@ 1420Z11330.0 American 1407: (JFK-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1530Z(MH)11330.0 American 1407: (JFK-SJU, B-757), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1449Z (MH)11330.0 American 1407: (JFK-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1529Z11330.0 American 1416: (SJU-JFK, A-300), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-31-06@ 1916Z11330.0 American 1567: (JFK-STT, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1800Z (MH)11330.0 American 1635: (JFK-SJU, A-300), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06@ 1454Z11330.0 American 1721: (ORD-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1632Z(MH)11330.0 American 1732: (SJU-JFK, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2017Z11330.0 American 1774: (STI-JFK, A-300), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-31-06@ 1542Z11330.0 American 1781: (JFK-PUJ, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1601Z(MH)11330.0 American 1781: (JFK-PUJ, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1441Z (MH)11330.0 American 1781: (JFK-PUJ, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1557Z11330.0 American 1857: (BOS-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1358Z (MH)11330.0 American 1857: (BOS-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1509Z11330.0 American 1889: (JFK-STI, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1455Z11330.0 American 1985: (PHL-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1711Z (MH)11330.0 American 401: (BOS-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2011Z11330.0 American 449: (JFK-SXM, B-757) ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-24-06 @1836Z (MH)11330.0 American 618: (SDQ-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1743Z(MH)11330.0 American 648: (SJU-JFK, A-300, Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1405Z (MH)11330.0 American 660: (SXM-JFK, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1853Z(MH)11330.0 American 667: (JFK-SXM, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1458Z (MH)11330.0 American 674: (SJU-EWR, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @1918Z11330.0 American 699: (JFK-SJU, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1449Z11330.0 American 69: (MAD-MIA, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1758Z(MH)11330.0 American 780: (SDQ-JFK, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1434Z11330.0 American 834: (STI-JFK, A-300) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1656Z(MH)11330.0 American 856: (STT-BOS, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1959Z

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WUN-v1211330.0 American 891: (EWR-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1618Z(MH)11330.0 American 891: (EWR-SJU, B-757), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1400Z (MH)11330.0 American 895: (BOS-STT, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1551Z11330.0 American 895: (BOS-STT, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06 @1515Z (MH)11330.0 American: 1183 (BDL-SJU, A-300), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1404Z11330.0 American: 891 (EWR-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1357Z11330.0 Avianca 43: (JFK-MDE, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06 @1329Z (MH)11330.0 Blue Panarama 1104: Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1440Z11330.0 Blue Panarama 1105: Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1920Z11330.0 BWIA 425: (JFK-?, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1440Z (MH)11330.0 BWIA 427: (JFK-BGI, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06 @1430Z (MH)11330.0 Canforce 1739: Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1759Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 1669: (CCS-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1456Z11330.0 Continental 1669: (CCS-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1604Z11330.0 Continental 1879: (POS-EWR, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1431Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 1883: (STT-EWR, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York,1-31-06 @ 2005Z11330.0 Continental 315: (BQN-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-27-06 @1502Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 315: (BQN-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1429Z11330.0 Continental 470: (EWR-SJU, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1513Z11330.0 Continental 470: (EWR-SJU, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1339Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 471: (EWR-SJU, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1759Z(MH)11330.0 Continental 471: (EWR-SJU, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York,1-31-06 @ 1644Z11330.0 Continental 475: (SJU-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1352Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 512: (EWR-POP, B-737) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1558Z(MH)11330.0 Continental 512: (EWR-POP, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1423Z (MH)11330.0 Continental 737: (STI-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1946Z11330.0 Continental 751: (SDQ-EWR, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2015Z11330.0 Continental 871: (EWR-SXM, B-737), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1623Z11330.0 Delta 2002: (SJU-JFK, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1419Z (MH)11330.0 Delta 2067: (JFK-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1429Z (MH)11330.0 Delta 2067: (JFK-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1445Z11330.0 Delta 2067: (SJU-JFK, B-757) Postion/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1729Z (MH)11330.0 Delta 307: (JFK-STI, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1742Z(MH)11330.0 Delta 766: (ATL-BDA, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1721Z (MH)

Pagina 181

WUN-v1211330.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1850Z(MH)11330.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @2006Z11330.0 Iberia 6403: (MAD-MEX, A-340) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1834Z(MH)11330.0 Jet Blue 701: (JFK-SJU, A-320), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1411Z (MH)11330.0 Jet Blue 718: (SJU-JFK, A-320), Postion/w New York, 1-31-06 @1956Z11330.0 Jet Blue: 701 (JFK-SJU, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @1353Z11330.0 Martinair 621: (AMS-HAV, B-767) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1815Z(MH)11330.0 Martinair 62: (SJU-AMS, MD-11) ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-24-06 @1838Z (MH)11330.0 Martinair 907: (AMS-PUJ, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @1522Z11330.0 N230QS: (Falcon) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1735Z (MH)11330.0 N296QS: (TEB-STT, Falcon), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1540Z11330.0 N345AA: (?-TEB, Gulfstream), Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1428Z11330.0 N420QS: (Gulfstream) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @ 1532Z(MH)11330.0 N523WC: (Falcon) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @ 1545Z(MH)11330.0 N551VB: (SXM-BED, ERJ-135), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @1611Z11330.0 N727M: (DTW-?, B-727), Radio Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1441Z11330.0 N729TA: (Hawker) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1816Z (MH)11330.0 N785DR: (Learjet), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1519Z (MH)11330.0 N900VP: Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1447Z (MH)11330.0 N956QS: (SXM-TEB, Citation), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-31-06 @1417Z11330.0 North American 92: (?-JFK, B-757) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @1737Z (MH)11330.0 North American 92: (?-JFK, B-757), Position/w New York,1-31-06 @1621Z11330.0 Sky Tours 508: Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1340Z (MH)11330.0 Tradewinds 302: Position/w New York, 1-31-06 @ 1427Z11330.0 U.S. 1470: (PHL-SJU, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-24-06 @ 1725Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 1131: (CLT-BGI, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 @1554Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 1268: (PHL-SJU, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1433Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 1424: (PHL-STT, B-767), Radio Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @1514Z11330.0 U.S. Air 1427: (SJU-PHL, B-767) Selcal Check/w New York, 1-24-06 @1834Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 1470: (PHL-SJU, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1504Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 221: (PHL-SJU, A-320), ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1403Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 241: (CLT-LPL, A-319) Position/w New York, 1-22-06 1559Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 467: (PHL-PUJ, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-29-06 @1524Z (MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 567: (CLT-PUJ, A-320) Position/w New York, 1-23-06 @1808Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 905: (CLT-SJU, A-320), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1344Z (MH)

Pagina 182

WUN-v1211330.0 U.S. Air 979: (CLT-ARU, A-319) Selcal Check/w New York, 1-23-06 @1712Z(MH)11330.0 United 991: (IAD-STT, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06 @1413Z11330.0: Air Canada 950: (YUL-PAP, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 1-31-06@ 1633Z11354 09541: Russ a/c 1150 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: Take off KALININGRAD 1141. Have fuel for 6 hours flight. ETA SEVEROMORSK-1 1615. (01 Feb 2006) (Old Crow)11354 09541: Russ a/c 1222 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: My Position 5700 1955 at 1220. FL 240. above the clouds. (01 Feb 2006) (Old Crow)11354 09541: Russ a/c 1255 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: My Position 5903 2110 at 1250. FL 240. In Clouds. (01 Feb 2006) (Old Crow)11354 09545: Russ a/c 1125 USB RU W/w NOVATOR/PRIBOJ 1125 Overflew VORONEZH at 1115. Altitude 6900 metres. Ground visual. Fuel for 4 hours 45 mins. flight...1213 Overflew ROSTOV at 1210. Altitude 5700 metres. ETA TAGANROG 1235. 1231 Landed TAGANROG at 1230. Closing down this circuit. (07Feb06) (Old Crow)11354 PRIBOJ: RUS ATC Auth 1418 USB RU W/w a/c 52533. Rpts back info. Landed OSTAF'EVO at 1416. Have fuel for two hours flight (31Jan06) (OldCrow)11354 PRIBOJ: Russ Air Tfc Control 1045 USB RU W/w a/c 52533.. Rpts back a/c report: Take off ANAPA 1033. ETA OSTAF'EVO 1400. Have fuel for 5 hours 30 mins flight - (31Jan06) (Old Crow)11354.0 09541: Russ a/c 1150 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: Take off KALININGRAD 1141. Have fuel for 6 hours flight.ETA SEVEROMORSK-1 1615.01feb06 (OC)11354.0 09541: Russ a/c 1222 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: My Position 5700 1955 at 1220. FL 240. above the Clouds. 01feb06 (OC)11354.0 09541: Russ a/c 1255 USB RU w/w PRIBOJ. Reports: My Position 5903 2110 at 1250. FL 240. In Clouds. (01 Feb 2006) (Old Crow)11354.0 09545: Russ a/c 1125 USB RU W/w NOVATOR/PRIBOJ 07 Feb 2006 (Old Crow)11387.0 sydney volmet: ID " australian vm out "1303USB wx 4fev06 ML11421.7 FJY5 : DTRE Alfred Faure CRO 1626 ARQ-E3/192/400 Request signals (13 Feb) (PPA)11421.7 FJY5: : DTRE Alfred Faure CRO 16:26 ARQ-E3/192/400 Request signals(13 Feb) (PPA)11427.5 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 0918 ALE/USB clg TRP Tripoli (07/feb/06) (sw)11427.5 TRP: ALG MFA emb Tripoli ALE/USB 12:56 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)11437.7 CNDT: Algerian customs Algiers ALG 1305 PACTOR/200/200 French operator chat with unid station on11438 (11Feb06) (PPA)11437.7 CNDT: Algerian customs Algiers ALG 13:05 Pactor/200/200 Frenchoperator chat with unid station on11438.0 (11 Feb) (PPA)11465.0 616: Unid 1140 ALE/USB Snd (01/02/06) (AJP)11475 055: Saudi MOI? 1415 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan06) (RGA)11475.0 LCR154: Pol-Mil 1621 ALE/USB clg ETD165 (28/jan/06) (sw)11475.0 MAE: Alg-Mfa Algiers 0913 ALE/USB clg TRP Tripoli (07/feb/06) (sw)11475.0 NKT: Alg-Mfa Nouakchott Mtn 1340 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat Mrc (02/feb/06) (sw)11490.0 0000210788: Grc-Moi 1953 ALE/USB sndg. (14/feb/06) (sw)11494.0 504: USCG HC-130H 1504, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va 1559 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (20/jan/06) (sw)11494.0 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater 1437 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)

Pagina 183

WUN-v1211494.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1521 ALE/USB clg J34 USCG MH-60J 6034 CGAS Clearwater Fl also noted on13907.0 and 15867.0 (20/jan/06) (sw)11494.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1559 ALE/USB clg 504 USCG HC-130H 1504, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va (20/jan/06) (sw)11500.0 2016: Tur-Net 2019 ALE/USB clg 2013 (20/jan/06) (sw)11565.0 E03: " Lincolnshire Poacher" still active on 11545 at 1715z.6feb06 (KR)11565.0 Unid: CW 5 lettter group and strong sig @ 1700z.30jan06 (KR)11582.6 FDG: FAF Bordeaux 1039 Rtty 50Bd/170Hz Marker: Test de FDG (22/JAN/06) (KK)12160.5 : Unid 1240 RTTY/50/170 5LGs with header "nr 710 gr 342 dtd 5-2-2006" after many times "zczc" (05Feb06) (KB)12163.5 : Unid 1150 RTTY/50/170 Looks like exercise traffic. 5LGs on 12160.5 in Baudot 50/170, at times replies on12163.5 in 50/340 like "pse repeat the last 4 lines of nr 710" etc. Logged before a week ago on 05Feb06. (12Feb06) (KB)12163.5 : Unid 1210 RTTY/50/340 op tfc like "pse keep yr power steady" or "pse rerun nr 709 and 710". At 1245 confirming msg sent on 12160.5, then off air (05Feb06) (KB)12170.0 AMMAN: Fra-Mfa Amman Jor 1405 ALE/USB clg CER42 (30/jan/06) (sw)12179 OLZ76: Czech embassy Tunis 0824 ALE/USB sounding appox. every hour until 1339 (07Feb06) (KB)12191.0 PCRC5: Venezuelan Mil 0035 ALE/USB to CLC51 (28/01/06) (AJP)12197 SPF219: Polish Army 1005 ALE/USB "TO:LCR155 TIS:SPF219" (29/Jan/06) (AA)12251.0 AAA: IDF TEL AVIV 1140 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng M72 multiple thru 1159z (23/Jan)(DW)12297.0 055: Unid (055 net) 1353 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)12362.0 VMW: wiluna meteo 0755 USB eng announc frq15fev06 ML12376.9 : Unid Brit. Mil 0710 UNID 4-FSK/195.3/3*195 (11Feb06) (KB)12390 GYA: FWOC NORTHWOOD 1640 FAX/120/576 SUR. PR. (08-Feb-06) (FC)12390.0 GYA: FWOC NORTHWOOD 1550 FAX120/576/N/800 Streamline analysis for Gulf. Grainy pix (23/Jan)(DW)12437.0 ERMSAL: BN Salvador 1530 ALE/USB to NDDRIO (18/01/06) (AJP)12458.5 UIDB?: SHIP RTMS ATLANTIS 1700 CW Hi-spd [40 wpm]. Clng URL(?) then tfc. S/off 1705z (23/Jan)(DW)12464 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1624 CW RCV DE RMGB 413 77 171915 413 = FOR RJT22 = 11111 68730 77570...... (17Feb06) (piri)12464.0 RMGB: Unid RUS Navy ship 1624 MORSE RCV DE RMGB 413 77 171915 413 = FOR RJT22 = 11111 68730 77570...... (17FEB06) (piri)12520 VRE4: Unid 1321 FEC/100/170 THIS TASMAN COMMAND CALL SIGN VRE4 TESTING MY UNIT PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE WHEN RECEIVED WAITING IN INTRO 16540 THANK YOU LUCKY 73. (16Jan06) (IB)12557.7 SSEM: SHIP AL MINUFIYAH 1127 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 622120411. Safety/test RQ to Lyngby. Rptd 1128z (27/Jan)(DW)12574.0 ---: SHIP ALEKSANDER KOSAREW 1110 RTTY 50/R/170 Figs/slashes and tfc in 3sc. Possibly to Murmansk (27/Jan)(DW)12577 4JGI: Gefer Jabarly (Azerbaijan) 1613 DSC RQs Gezenfer Musabeyov/4JDS for simplex telephone conversation on 8260 kHz. (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 9HXF4: Salerno Express (Maltese Flag) 1300 DSC RQs LyngbyRadio/OXZ for safety test. (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 C6NF8: Katja (Bahamas Flag) 1223 DSC RQs MRCC

Pagina 184

WUN-v12 Pireaus/SVO for safety check quoting 2182 kHz. (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 ELVW2: Anna (Liberian Flag) 1249 DSC RQs MRCC Barcelona for safety test. MRCC BQs. (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 HBLQ: Celerina (Switzerland) 1227 DSC RQs Lyngby Radio/OXZ for safety test. (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 NMA: MRCC Miami/Norfolk 1652 DSC USA BQs safety test RQ from Shan He/BOAZ (PRC). (28Jan06) (RGA)12577 SWBN: Pioneer (Greece) 1655 DSC RQs MRCC Brazil/PPR for safety test. (28Jan06) (RGA) 15043 100022: Unid 1320 ALE/USB Sounding. (28Jan06) (RGA)12577 OXZ: Lyngby Radio Denmark 1253 DSC BQs safety test from Cast Prosperity/DGGZ (Germany). (08Feb06) (RGA)12577 OXZ: LyngbyRadio Denmark 1648 DSC BQs safety test request from Provence/FNAT (France). (28Jan06) (RGA)12577 S6JO: Eagle Beaumont (Singapore) 1645 DSC RQs CAMSLANT/MRCC Portsmouth for safety check. (28Jan06) (RGA)12577 ZSC: CapeRadio S.Africa 1646 DSC BQs an RQ from Amy/H9MR (Panama). No freqs given. (28Jan06) (RGA)12577.0 VQEV7: SHIP SANDRA BLANCA 1128 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 235005020. Safety/test RQ to Olympia (27/Jan)(DW)12579 : AFRTS Diego Garcia 1435 USB music. Off @1450 (05Feb06) (KB)12579.0 NMF: USCG BOSTON 1636 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Wx fcst (18/Feb)(DW)12581.5 WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1140 CW Chan free marker "WLO" - brief Sitor/A - too weak to decode plus qrm fm XSV (27/Jan)(DW)12581.5 WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1255 arq 100/E/170 Msg to unid ship giving tks for AMVER/OBS msgs (30/Jan)(DW)12581.5 WLO: MobileRadio AL USA 1337 ARQ w/Morse ID (12Feb06) (RGA)12581.5 XSV: TIANJIN RADIO 1140 CW Chan free marker "XSV" (27/Jan)(DW)12581.5 XSV: TianjinRadio PRC 1338 ARQ w/Morse ID. (12Feb06) (RGA)12586 UDK2: MurmanskRadio Russia 1210 ARQ w/Morse ID. (12Feb06) (RGA)12586.0 UDK2: MURMANSK RADIO 1119 CW Chan free marker "de UDK2" (27/Jan)(DW)12587 LZW5: Varna Radio BUL 1602 FEC qrl Bulgarian nx (16FEB06) (piri)12587.0 LZW5: Varna Radio BUL 1602 FEC qrl Bulgarian nx (16FEB06) (piri)12587.0 LZW: VARNA RADIO 1146 CW Chan free marker "de LZW LZW" (27/Jan)(DW)12590.5 RRR 34: moscou 0831 FEC tfc list 15fev06 ML12590.5 RRR34: MOSCOW RADIO 1122 CW Chan free marker "3756" (27/Jan)(DW)12592.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1212 ARQ w/Morse ID. (12Feb06) (RGA)12592.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1153 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (27/Jan)(DW)12594.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1155 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (27/Jan)(DW)12599.5 UAT: moscou 0803 FEC traffic list 15fev06 ML12599.5 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1157 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (27/Jan)(DW)12603.5 SVO5: OLYMPIA RADIO 1158 CW Chan free marker "de SVO" (27/Jan)(DW)12603.5 SVO5: OLYMPIA RADIO 1304 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Shipress in Greek (18/Feb)(DW)12605.0 SVO: Olympia radio CW beacon/marker @ 1930z weak but readable. 30jan06 (KR)12606.0 UIW: kaliningrad 0806 ARQ 15fev06 ML12606.0 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1201 fec 100/E/170 End of msg or blind broadcast. Revert to chan fre marker (cw) "de UIW

Pagina 185

WUN-v12 KLD". Brief QSOs in Sitor/A in irs terminating "3745 UIW" (27/Jan)(DW)12613.0 XSQ: QUANGZHOU RADIO 1209 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (27/Jan)(DW)12626.0 055: Unid 1250 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)12629.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1216 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (27/Jan)(DW)12632.0 VMW: wiluna meteo 1305 USB wx 4fev06 ML12649.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1224 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (27/Jan)(DW)12654.0 TAH: istanbul 0812 FEC wx mediterran 15fev06 ML12654.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1225 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (27/Jan)(DW)12664.5 FUM?: French Navy Papeeté PLY 1217 STANAG-4285/300L/ 5N1. 80% synch. Idling. No traffic or calls seen. Faded sans ID. Propagationally possible. (12Feb06) (RGA)12664.5 FUO: RN TOULON 2030 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L 5n2 Baudot. Marker "NAWS de FUO testing RYs SGs figs quick brown fox int zbz k" (26/Jan)(DW)12666.5 FUO: FN Toulon 2212 Stanag 4285 300L ACF=8 5N2 ITA-2 Test tape (21/01/06) (AJP)12687.0 HEB23: GLN BERN 1105 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3 min "cq de HEB23" (28/Jan)(DW)12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1620 FAX/60/576 Nx/JJ (20/01/01) (RH2)12745.5 VTP13/14 IN shakhapatnam 1613 RTTY/50/850 RY/ID + 3LG (20/01/01) (RH2)12750.0 NMF: USCG Boston Ma 1431 Fax 120/576 (Atlantic Request for comments) (09/feb/06) (sw)12763.5 DAO12A: GLN KIEL 1150 CW Chan free marker. CW ID every 3 min "cq de DAO12A" (28/Jan)(DW)12790.0 NMG: USCG New Orleans 1311 Fax 120/576 surface analysis map by Tropical Prediction Center (07/feb/06) (sw)12808.5 VTG 7: mumbai navy 1354 CW 11fev06 ML12823.5 CTP: NATO Lisbon Por 1306 J2b 75/850 "naws naws de ctp ctp qsx 04 06 08 12 mhz ar" (07/feb/06) (sw)12823.5 CTP: PN LISBON 1159 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CTP qsx 04 06 08 12 mhz ar" (22/Jan)(DW)12854.0 Unid 1211 A1a [t 26 29 7 1451 t 26 k] (07/feb/06) (sw)12856 6WW: French Navy Dakar Senegal 1700 RTTY/75/850 faaa de 6ww testing. (18Jan06) (bef)12856.7 6WW: FF Dakar 1551 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID/Testing (20/01/01) (RH2)12857 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1641 RTTY/75/850 FAAA DE 6WW TESTING RY/SG 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT... (20Jan06) (piri)12857 6WW: French Navy Dakar Senegal 1723 RTTY/75/850 Bricks tests. (30Jan06) (RGA)12857.0 6WW Fra-N Senegal 1201 J2b 75/850 "faaa faaa de 6ww" (07/feb/06) (sw)12857.0 6WW: FN DAKAR 1210 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "FAAA de 6WW testing RYs SGs figs Voyez vous le brick int zbz k" (22/Jan)(DW)12883.6 ---: Italian Ny 2202 Stanag 4285 1200L ACF=0 (21/01/06) (AJP)12883.6 Unid: Italian Ny 2202 Stanag 4285 1200L ACF=0 (21/01/06) (AJP)12892.5 9HD: Globe Radio Malta 1726 GLOBEDATA Idling. (30Jan06) (RGA)12892.5 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1257 SCS-PACTOR Idling. (12Feb06) (RGA)12930.7 RETJ: SN Madrid? E 1644 STANAG-4285 600/L/ITA2/5N1 KG84 MSGS and long idle periods (20Jan06 (piri)12930.7 RFTJ: Madrid Naval Radio 1550 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1 Block messages in KG84. Bearing 190° good for Spain. (29Jan06) (RGA)12935 HLG: Seoul Radio Korea 1259 CW CQ de HLG QSX 12 MHz K. (12Feb06) (RGA)

Pagina 186

WUN-v1212965 USO5: IZMAIL RADIOUKR 1600 RTTY/50/170R WEATHERCHANGE. (10Feb06) (FC)13006 SAP: MARINECOM MALMOSweden 1615PACTOR-3 CH MARKER (10Feb06) (FC)13025.5 HEB33: Global Link/Marine Net Berne 1728 PACTOR-3 Idling. (30Jan06) (RGA)13031.2 FUF: FN FT DE FRANCE 1924 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L Baudot 5N2. Marker "oo FAAA de RFLIE znr uuuuu zui testing RYs SGs nnnn" (15/Feb)(DW)13033.5 VCS: Globe Radio Halifax NS Canada 1732 GLOBEDATA Idling. (30Jan06) (RGA)13035.5 HEB33: Bern R 1858 CW Channel free marker and CW ID (06/02/06) (AJP)13042.5 fuv: FN Djibouti 1335 stanag4285/300L/5n2 VZCZCJ OO FKAADE FUZNR(4Feb06) (wp3)13050 UDK: Murmansk Radio RUS 1515 RTTY/50/170 M2 alphabet 3rd shift Latin msg to unid ship (17Feb06) (piri)13050.0 UDK: Murmansk Radio RUS 1515 RTTY 50Bd M2 alphabet 3th shift Latin msg to unid ship (17FEB06) (piri)13174.5 KKL12B: KKL Radio, Vashon Is, Nr Seattle WA 1535 CW Calling CQ once every 5 minutes. (08Feb-6) (EE)13211 CORN HILL: Wkg ANDREWS 2359 USB For HF data. First attempt from ANDREWS was unsuccessful and at 0011z CORN HILL was back up under his "new day" alias (___UAL; too weak to understand) calling ANDREWS. (26 Jan 06) (JH)13211 SKI SLOPE: Wkg ANDREWS 0056 USB (Pre-0000z CORN HILL). After working ANDREWS in 4-tone data, requesting secure voice comms with ANDREWS. ANDREWS agreed and requested 10 minutes to "set up". At 0103z ANDREWS and SKI SLOPE attempted to work each other in ANDVT. ANDREWS advised of "operator error" and they retried the comms in the red at 0111z+ and conducted an apparently successful converstaion in ANDVT. At 0114z ANDREWS advised SKI SLOPE that ANDREWS wanted to check "other equipment", asked about using the "215" and then directed SKI SLOPE to 93230 (9323.0). (26 Jan 06) (JH)13242 ADWNPR: US NIPRNet Station Andrews AFB MD 1743 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)13242 ICZNPR: US NIPRNet Station Sigonella Italy 1612 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Feb06) (RGA)13303 N320UP: UPS B767 Flt UP0219 1742 HFDL Posn report via Las Palmas: 5348N 02706W. (10Feb06) (RGA)13303 N608FE: Federal Express MD11F 'Karen' Flt FX0038 1725 HFDL Posn report to Las Palmas: 5403N 03339W. (08Feb06) (RGA)13303 OH-LBS: Finnair B757 1731 HFDL Logs on to Las Palmas. (08Feb06) (RGA)13303 RJA101: Royal Jordanian Flt 1307 HFDL Posn report 4139N 01216E via Las Palmas. (17Feb06) (RGA)13306 Air France 422: CDG-BOG A-340) 1503 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 460: CDG-CCS B-747) 1457 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 474: CDG-HAV B-747) 1725 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 488: CDG-SXM A-340) 1455 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 490: CDG-PUJ B-747) 1729 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 620: ORY-PTP B-747) 1538 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 624: ORY-PTP B-747) 1832 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Air France 90: CDG-MIA. B-747) 1441 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Alitalia 666: MXP-CCS B-767) 1510 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 American 57: LHR-MIA. B-777) 1422 USB Selcal Check/w

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WUN-v12 New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 American 69: MAD-MIA B-767) 1432 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Atlas 8674: CHS-GLA B-747) 1319 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1106: 1459 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1339: 1441 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1612: 1421 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1901: 1502 USB ATC Clearance/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Boxer 43: 1421 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 Britannia 437: 1419 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 British Airways 178: JFK-LHR B-747) 1543 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH) 1543Z13306 British Airways 207: LHR-MIA. B-747) 1415 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 British Airways 2155: LGW-BGI B-777) 1523 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 British Airways 2157: LGW-? B-777) 1501 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 BWIA 901: LHR-BGI A-340) 1643 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 BWIA 991: MAN-BGI. A-340) 1423 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Condor 156: 1408 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Condor 172: 1413 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Corsair 866: 1629 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Corsair 932: Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)13306 Delta 109: MAD-ATL. B-767) 1451 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 El Al 07l: TLV-JFK B-747) 1723 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Iberia 6123: MAD-MIA A-340) 1653 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Iberia 6311: MAD-GUA A-340) 1631 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 Jet Set 34: 1450 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 KLM 733: AMS-AUA MD-11) 1753 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 KLM 735: AMS-CUR B-747) 1550 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 KLM 741: AMS-BON MD-11) 1413 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 KLM 741: AMS-BON. MD-11) 1438 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Livingston 105: 1804 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Livingston 108: 1423 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 LTU 566: FRA-POP A-333) 1415 USB Position/w New York. (27Jan06) (MH)13306 LTU 8824: SXF-PUJ. A-330) 1431 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Martinair 607: AMS-POP B-767) 1802 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Martinair 619: AMS-HAV. B-767) 1406 USB Position/w New York. (04Feb06) (MH)13306 Martinair 639: AMS-CUN B-767) 1500 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 Martinair 919: AMS-PMV B-767) 1736 USB Position/w New York (30Jan06) (MH)13306 N305CC: 1544 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)

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WUN-v1213306 N919SA: (Falcon) 1344 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 Reach 722 India: 1352 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 RX 980: 1354 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)13306 UPS 203: PHL-CGN MD-11) 1556 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)13306 UPS 213: SDF-CGN B-767) 1338 USB Position/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306 UPS 235: EWR-STN B-767) 1705 USB Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)13306 UPS 237: PHL-EMA B-767) 1601 USB Position/w New York. (25Jan06) (MH)13306 World 174: DAY-BRU DC-10) 1409 USB Radio Check/w New York. (21Jan06) (MH)13306.0 Aeromexico 2: (MAD-MEX, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1800Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 422: (CDG-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1503Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 460: (CDG-CCS, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1457Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 474: (CDG-HAV, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1725Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 474: (CDG-HAV, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1728Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 488: (CDG-SXM, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1521Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 490: (CDG-PUJ, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1729Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1538Z (MH)13306.0 Air France 624: (ORY-PTP, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1832Z (MH)13306.0 Air Portugal 103: (LIS-EWR), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1608Z (MH)13306.0 Air Portugal 103: (LIS-EWR, A-310), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @1641Z13306.0 Alitalia 636: (MSP-MIA, B-777), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1457Z (MH)13306.0 Alitalia 666: (MXP-CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1510Z (MH)13306.0 Alitalia: 666 (MXP--CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @1529Z13306.0 American 157: (MAN-MIA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1631Z (MH)13306.0 American 57 (LHR-MIA, B-777), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-4-06 @1422Z (MH)13306.0 American 63: (CDG-MIA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1519Z (MH)13306.0 American 69: (MAD-MIA, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-30-01 @1432Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama 1106: Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1459Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama 1202: Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1640Z13306.0 Blue Panarama 1602: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1817Z Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1907Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama 1612: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1421Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama 1616: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1542Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama 1901: ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1520Z (MH)13306.0 Blue Panarama: 1205, ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1323Z13306.0 Britannia 325: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1618Z (MH)13306.0 Britannia 372: Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1539Z

Pagina 189

WUN-v1213306.0 Britannia 437: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1419Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 178: (JFK-LHR, B-747), Position/w New York,1-30-06 @ 1543Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2037: (LGW-MCO, B-777), Position/w New York,2-4-06 @ 1609Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 207: (LHR-MIA, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1415Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2153: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,2-4-06 @ 1805Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2157: (LGW-?, B-777), Position/w New York, 1-30-06@ 1501Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2157: (LGW-ANU, B-777), Position/w New York,2-4-06 @ 1645Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2167: (LGW-TPA, B-777), Position/w New York,2-4-06 @ 1628Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways 2263: (LGW-?, B-777), Position/w New York, 2-1-06@ 1636Z13306.0 British Airways 253: (LHR-NAS, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1456Z (MH)13306.0 British Airways: 209 (LHR-MIA, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1737Z (MH)13306.0 BWIA 437: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1611Z (MH)13306.0 BWIA 991: (MAN-BGI, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1423Z (MH)13306.0 Condor 156: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1408Z (MH)13306.0 Condor 164: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1544Z (MH)13306.0 Condor 172: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1413Z (MH)13306.0 Corsair 866: Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1629Z (MH)13306.0 Corsair 932: Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1414Z13306.0 Corsair 972: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1740Z (MH)13306.0 Delta 109: (MAD-ATL, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1451Z (MH)13306.0 Delta 128: (DUB-ATL, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1641Z (MH)13306.0 El Al 07: (TLV-JFK, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1723Z (MH)13306.0 Five Star 308: Selcal Check/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1556Z13306.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1653Z (MH)13306.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1645Z13306.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1532Z (MH)13306.0 Jet Set 34: Selcal Check/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1450Z (MH)13306.0 Jet Set 56: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1647Z (MH)13306.0 JV 671: Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1514Z13306.0 KLM 713: (AMS-PBM, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1630Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 733: (AMS-AUA, MD-11), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1753Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 733: (AMS-AUA, MD-11), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1813Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 735: (AMS-CUR, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1550Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 735: (AMS-CUR, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1656Z13306.0 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11), Position/w New York, 1-30-01 @ 1413Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1438Z (MH)13306.0 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1538Z13306.0 KLM 785: (AMS-SXM, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1623Z (MH)13306.0 Lan Chile Cargo: 1500, Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1308Z

Pagina 190

WUN-v1213306.0 Livingston 105: Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @ 1804Z (MH)13306.0 Livingston 195: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1509Z (MH)13306.0 Livingston 211: Position/w New York, 2-04-06 @ 1555Z (MH)13306.0 LTU 400: (DUS-MBJ, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1539Z (MH)13306.0 LTU 446: (DUS-POP, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1453Z (MH)13306.0 LTU 446: (DUS-PUJ, A-330), Postion/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1534Z13306.0 LTU 8824: (SXF-PUJ, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1431Z (MH)13306.0 LTU 908: (DUS-RSW, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1616Z (MH)13306.0 LTU 920: (MUC-RSW, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1502Z13306.0 Martinair 607: (AMS-POP, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1802Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 607: (AMS-PUJ, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1736Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 631: (AMS-MCO, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1712Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 639: (AMS-CUN, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1500Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 645: (AMS-MIA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1802Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 903: (AMS-VRA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1648Z (MH)13306.0 Martinair 919: (AMS-PMV, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-30-06 @1736Z (MH)13306.0 Reach 414: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1646Z (MH)13306.0 Reach 722J: Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1446Z13306.0 Reach 8047: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1507Z (MH)13306.0 Snowbird 130: Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @ 1516Z (MH)13306.0 Starway 36, Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1303Z13306.0 Swiss Air 64: (ZRH-MIA, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1719Z (MH)13306.0 UPS 213: (SDF-CGN, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1329Z13306.0 UPS 235: (EWR-STN, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1559Z13306.0 UPS 237: (PHL-EMA, B-767), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1504Z13306.0 Viper 96: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-1-06 @ 1550Z13306.0 Virgin Atlantic 27: (LGW-MCO, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-4-06@ 1530Z (MH)13306.0 Virgin Atlantic 33: (LGW-?, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-1-06 @1418Z13306.0 Virgin Atlantic 5: (LHR-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1559Z (MH)13354 Air France 422 : CDG-BOG A-340) 1610 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Air France 422: CDG-BOG. A-340) 1520 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06)13354 Air France 460: CDG-CCS. B-747) Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 488: CDG-SXM. A-340) 1502 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 608: ORY-CAY A-340) 1606 USB Postion/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP, B-747) 1555 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 620: ORY-PTP B-747) 1636 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Air France 90: CDG-MIA. B-747) 1429 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Air Portugal 121 (LIS-CCS, A-310) 1613 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Air Portugal 121: LIS-CCJ A-310) 1630 USB Position/w

Pagina 191

WUN-v12 New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Air Portugal 121: LIS-CCS. A-310) 1530 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Alitalia 636: (MXP-MIA, B-777) 1542 ATC Clearance/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH) 1542Z13354 Alitalia 666: MXP-CCS. B-767) 1457 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 American 63: CDG-MIA. B-767) 1506 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 American 69: MAD-MIA. B-767) 1411 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG, B-767) 1834 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 15: (MAD-CLO, B-767) 1601 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 15: MAD-CLO B-767) 1604 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Britannia 463: MAN-PUJ. B-767) 1454 USB ATC Clearance/w New York (06Feb06)13354 Britannia 756-A: 1638 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 British Airways 2037: (LGW-MCO, B-777) 1630 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 British Airways 2153: (LGW-BGI, B-777) 1827 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH) 1827Z13354 British Airways 2155: (LGW-BGI, B-777) 1606 USB Position/w New York (16Feb06) (MH) 1606Z13354 British Airways 2157: LGW-ANU. B-777) 1459 Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 BWIA 901: (LHR-BGI) 1611 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH) 1611Z13354 BWIA 991: (MAN-BGI, A-340) 1621 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Condor 156: 1602 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Condor 164: 1716 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Condor 184: 1458 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Condor 50: 1510 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 Continental 65: (LIS-EWR, B-757) 1614 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Corsair 926:1644 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Expo 860: 1818 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6123: MAD-MIA A-340) 1633 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6311: (MAD-GUA, A-340) 1643 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6403: (MAD-MEX, A-340) 1651 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6501: (MAD-SDQ, A-340) 1628 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6635: (MAD-UIO, A-340) 1646 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6635: MAD-UIO A-340) 1613 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6650: 1627 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6703: MAD-CCS A-340) 1629 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 KLM 713: (AMS-PBM, B-747) 1810 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH) 1810Z13354 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11) 1544 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 KLM 785: (AMS-SXM, B-747) 1805 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 LTU 400: (DUS-MBJ, A-330) 1556 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 LTU 8822: LEJ-PUJ. A-330) 1522 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06) (MH)13354 LTU 908: (DUS-RSW, A-330) 1552 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)

Pagina 192

WUN-v1213354 Lufthansa 534: (FRA-CCS, A-340) 1714 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Martinair 903: (AMS-VRA, B-767) 1633 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Santa Barbara 1333: 1549 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Santa Barbara 33: 1516 USB Position/w New York. (28Jan06) (MH)13354 Starway 74: 1545 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354 Virgin Atlantic 29: (LGW-BGI, B-747) 1538 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH) 1538Z13354 Virgin Atlantic 29: LGW-BGI. B-747) 1435 USB Position/w New York. (06Feb06)13354 Virgin Atlantic 33: (LGW-ANU, B-747) 1626 USB Position/w New York. (16Feb06) (MH)13354.0 Air Finland 873: ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1733Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 422: (CDG-BOG, A-340), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-6-06@ 1520Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 422: (CDG-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1610Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 460: (CDG-CCS, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1840Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 460: (CDG-CCS, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @1444Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 488: (CDG-SXM, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1735Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 488: (CDG-SXM, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @1502Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 488: (CDG-SXM, B-747), Position/w New York, A-340),2-3-06 @ 1523Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 608: (ORY-?), Message Relay/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1751Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 608: (ORY-CAY, A-340), Postion/w New York, 1-28-06 @1606Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 608: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1654Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP, B-747), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06@ 1539Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 652: (ORY-FDF, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York,1-28-06 @ 1843Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 652: (ORY-FDF, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1727Z (MH)13354.0 Air France 90: (CDG-MIA, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @1429Z (MH)13354.0 Air Portugal 121: (LIS-CCJ, A-310), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1630Z (MH)13354.0 Air Portugal 121: (LIS-CCS, A-310), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @1530Z (MH)13354.0 Air Portugal: 121 (LIS-CCS, A-310), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1643Z (MH)13354.0 Alitalia 666: (MXP-CCS, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-6-06 @1457Z (MH)13354.0 Alitalia 666: (MXP-CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1708Z (MH)13354.0 Alitalia 666: (MXP-CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @1507Z (MH)13354.0 Alitalia 686: (FCO-CCS, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1813Z (MH)13354.0 American 63: (CDG-MIA, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-6-06 @1506Z (MH)13354.0 American 69: (MAD-MIA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @ 1411Z (MH)13354.0 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG, B-767), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1819Z (MH)13354.0 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1756Z (MH)13354.0 Avianca 15: (MAD-CLO, B-767), Position/w New York,

Pagina 193

WUN-v12 1-28-06 @ 1604Z (MH)13354.0 Britannia 463: (MAN-PUJ, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-6-06@ 1454Z (MH)13354.0 Britannia 720: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1513Z(MH)13354.0 Britannia 740: Selcal Check/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1555Z (MH)13354.0 Britannia 798: Postion/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1554Z(MH)13354.0 British Airways 2155: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,1-28-06 @ 1844Z (MH)13354.0 British Airways 2155: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,1-29-06 @ 1702Z (MH)13354.0 British Airways: 2157 (LGW-ANU, B-777), Position/w New York,2-6-06 @ 1459Z (MH)13354.0 BWIA 901: (LHR-ANU, A-340), Positon/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1603Z (MH)13354.0 BWIA 901: (LHR-BGI), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1645Z (MH)13354.0 BWIA 901: (LHR-UVF), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1619Z (MH)13354.0 BWIA 991: (MAN-BGI, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1708Z (MH)13354.0 Condor 110: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1848Z (MH)13354.0 Condor 184: Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @ 1458Z (MH)13354.0 Condor 50: Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @ 1510Z (MH)13354.0 Corsair 864: Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1654Z (MH)13354.0 Corsair 924: ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1803Z (MH)13354.0 Corsair 924: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1606Z (MH)13354.0 Corsair 926: ATC Clearance/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1847Z (MH)13354.0 Cubana 481: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1532Z (MH)13354.0 Europa 71:13306: Martinair 619 (AMS-HAV, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-4-06 @1406Z (MH)13354.0 Expo 852: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1641Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1633Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6301: (MAD-SJO, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1711Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6501: (MAD-SDQ, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1634Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6501: (MAD-SDQ, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1910Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6523: (MAD-SJU, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1642Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6523: (MAD-SJU, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1731Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6635: (MAD-UIO, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1613Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6635: (MAD-UIO, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1628Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6650: Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1627Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6651: (MAD-LIM), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1706Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6703: (MAD-CCS), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1704Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6703: (MAD-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1629Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6703: (MAD-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1635Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6741: (MAD-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1659Z (MH)13354.0 Iberia 6741: (MAD-BOG, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1630Z (MH)13354.0 Jet Set 92: ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1838Z(MH)13354.0 LTU 8822: (LEJ-PUJ, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-6-06 @ 1522Z (MH)

Pagina 194

WUN-v1213354.0 Lufthansa 534: (FRA-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @1709Z (MH)13354.0 Lufthansa 534: (FRA-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @1631Z (MH)13354.0 N104AR: (ILG-NHT, Gulfstream), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-3-06 @1536Z (MH)13354.0 N939QS: (?-MMU, Citation), Selcal Check, 2-3-06 @ 1651Z (MH)13354.0 N977CP: (Falcon), Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1759Z (MH)13354.0 Red Comet 901: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1530Z (MH)13354.0 Santa Barbara 1335: Position/w New York, 2-3-06 @ 1524Z (MH)13354.0 Santa Barbara 133: Position/w New York, 1-29-06 @ 1655Z (MH)13354.0 Santa Barbara 33: Position/w New York, 1-28-06 @ 1516Z (MH)13354.0 Virgin Atlantic 29: (LGW-BGI, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-6-06@ 1435Z (MH)13354.0 Virgin Atlantic 31: (LGW-UVF, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-3-06@ 1510Z (MH)13354.0 Virgin Atlantic 77: (MAN-BGI, B-747), Position/w New York, 1-29-06@ 1807Z (MH)13368 SPF219: Polish Army 1039 ALE/USB "TO:LCR154 TIS:SPF219" (29/Jan/06) (AA)13406.4 unid: 1209 sitor-b encrypted tfc ends with 0UTBTZHF UXSR+)./+=/4*719+++++ (similar tfc hrd before on 6.822,40/7746,40/9166,40)(15Feb06) (wp3)13444 RDQP: FF Jibouti 1515 ARQ-E3/100/400 Idling (20/01/01) (RH2)13503.6 KWP95: Unid US DoS 1524 ALE/USB Sounding. (25Jan06) (RGA)13528.1 A: Russian SLB Baku Azerbaijan 1333 CW Weak. (12Feb06) (RGA)13538 ZSJ: SAN Silvermine 1540 FAX/120/576 Sfc anal - not on 7508 unusually. (20/01/01) (RH2)13564.9 : UNID 1527 4-tone system 195.3/200 between the tones. Probably British military. (17Feb06) (piri)13564.9 : Unid Brit Mil? 0932 UNID 4-FSK/195.3/3*195 (31Jan06) (KB)13564.9 : Unid OMFSK/195.5/-300 -100 0 +100 +300 Bearing 120° which is reasonable for the suspected Cyprus/Middle East location. (29Jan06) (RGA)13564.9 UNID: 1527 4-tone system 195.3 Shift 200Hz between the tones. Probably English military(17FEB06) (piri)13886 : Moscow Meteo 1500 FAX/120/576 Chart available on (22Jan06) (FC)13907.0 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater 1502 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 717: USCG HC-130H 1717, CGAS Clearwater 1435 ALE/USB clg LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (30/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 720: USCG HC-130H 1720, CGAS Clearwater 1456 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 CRB: CBP Caribbean Regional Communications Node 1513 ALE/USB clg 717: USCG HC-130H 1717, CGAS Clearwater (30/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 CRB: CBP Caribbean Regional Communications Node 1513 ALE/USB clg D46 CBP P-3 AEW&C N146CS/BuNo 154605, Jacksonville AMB, Fl (20/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1435 ALE/USB clg 717: USCG HC-130H 1717, CGAS Clearwater (30/jan/06) (sw)13907.0 TSC: CBP Orlando, FL Customs National Law Enforcement Communications Center 1502 ALE/USB clg 705 USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater (20/jan/06) (sw)13927 KING 55: Wkg Special Ops Control 2013 USB Reporting position and mission status at 2031Z. This is on Air Force Net frequency. MARS stations on net from region 1 (AFA1---). (12Feb06) (BC)

Pagina 195

WUN-v1213927.1 AFA1WP: USAF MARS (AFA1WP) 1755z USB with Bandsaw Lima (AWACS, Tinker AFB.(2006/02/15) (ALS)13977.7 RFPTC: FF N'djamena TCD ARQ-E3 200BD 400Hz RC-8 RQ No tfc (03feb06) (piri)13977.7 RFPTC: FF N'djamena TCD ARQ-E3 200BD 400Hz RC-8 RQ No tfc (03Feb06) (piri)14100.3 : Unid 1358 RTTY/40.5/170 RTTY Station right on top of 14.100 propagation beacon frequency here in York. 170/50 Might even be two stations transmitting. (21Jan06) (JB)14422.0 TRP: Alg-Mfa Tripoli 0927 ALE/USB clg MAE Algiers (07/feb/06) (sw)14450 : UNID 1433 CW Sending in groups of 3, keying "555". Relatively strong signal 599. (02Feb06) (BC)14487 : UNID 1439 USB? Female reading 5 number groups. English accent. Signal strength 54. (02Feb06) (BC)14555.5 : Unid RUS? 1450 USB CROWD-36 calling and tfc. 10bd ops tlks - RYRYRYRY RPT CFM NIL TKS GB SK - (24jun06) (piri)14555.5 Unid: RUS? 1450 USB CROWD-36 calling and tfc. 10bd ops tlks RYRYRYRY RPT CFM NIL TKS GB SK - (24jun06) (piri)14631.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1327 ARQ S/C OOVK Egyemb Jakarta INS. Receiving Tfc and shut off with wfy aman bay bay (17Feb06) (piri)14631.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1327 ARQ S/C OOVK Egyemb Jakarta INS. ReceivingTfc and shut off with wfy aman bay bay (17FEB06) (piri)14682 2811: Unid 0240 CW Txt: ... 1: de 2811 ii qrk int k. = = aaa = = aaa. 2: 2811 de 6k34. = = aaa t. = = aaa. aaa. 2811 2811 de 6k34 6k34 i qrk i k k. 1: r r r. 6k34 6k34 de 2811 2811 ii qrk int int iii. qrk 2 2 ii qi as kk. qrk 2 2 ii qrk 2 2 k. 2: r r r 6k34 6k34 ii qrk 2 2 aaa. (15Feb06) (IB)14731.0 172: Unid 1347 ALE/USB sndg. (09/feb/06) (sw)14767 B02: US Army 1048 ALE/USB SND (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 D02: US Army 1200 ALE/USB "TO:B02 TIS:D02" (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 D02: US Army 1251 ALE/USB "TO:H02 TIS:D02" (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 D02: US Army 1303 ALE/USB "TO:F02 TIS:D02" (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 D120: US Army 0742 ALE/USB SND (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 H42: US Army 0854 ALE/USB SND (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 M02: US Army 1130 ALE/USB SND (21/Jan/06) (AA)14767 T02: US Arnt 0657 ALE/USB "TO:D120 TIS:T02" (21/Jan/06) (AA)14779.9 : UNID 1340 4-tone system 195.3/200 between the tones. Probably British military (17feb06) (piri)14779.9 UNID: 1340 4-tone system 195.3 Shift 200Hz between the tones. Probably English military (17feb06) (piri)14996 RWM: TIME SIGNAL STATION MOSCOW 1600 CW Beep beep cw id VVV CQ CQ CQ DE RWM RWM ... (11Feb06) (FC)15034 CHR: Trenton Volmet 1625 USB (03 Feb 06) (FC)15034 CHR: TRENTON VOLMET CANADA 1620 USB INS-SUFF. (13Feb06) (FC)15034 CHR: Trenton, ON, Canada 1454 USB Weather reports. Signals 59. (02Feb06) (BC)15034 TRENTON MILITARY: Trenton AFB Canada 1244 USB id air wx. (19Jan06) (bef)15043 ADW: Andrews AFB MD USA 1215 ALE/USB Sounding. (01Feb06) (RGA)15043.0 UKE307: Gbr-Af E-3D Boeing Sentry AEW1 ZH107 RAF 8 Sqn/No23 Sqn Waddington c/s MAGIC 60 1330 ALE/USB and J3e wkg Ops (Croughton) eta Waddington 1615z (26/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 502: USCG HC-130H 1502, CGAS Elizabeth City, Va 1659 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA

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WUN-v12 (03/feb/06) (sw)15867.0 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater 1307 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 13907.0 (30/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater 1443 ALE/USB clg LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (30/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 712: USCG HC-130H 1712, CGAS Clearwater 1456 ALE/USB sndg. (26/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 720: USCG HC-130H 1720, CGAS Clearwater 1458 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 D23: CBP P-3B "Slick" N423SK/BuNo 153423, Corpus Christi AMB, Tx 1558 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 EST: CBP Eastern Regional Communications Node 1436 ALE/USB clg D46 (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 J19: USCG MH-60J 6019 CGAS Clearwater Fl 1437 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1443 ALE/USB clg 705: USCG HC-130H 1705, CGAS Clearwater (30/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 LNT: USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA 1510 ALE/USB clg J34 USCG MH-60J 6034 CGAS Clearwater Fl (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 OPB: OPBAT (OPERATIONS BAHAMAS TURKS & CAICOS 1610 ALE/USB clg J13 USCG HH-60J 6013 CGAS Clearwater also noted on 20890.0 and 13907.0 (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 T91: CBP PIPER PA-42-720R #N9091J, Jacksonville, FL AMB 1452 ALE/USB sndg. Also noted on 13907.0 (20/jan/06) (sw)15867.0 TSC: CBP Orlando, FL Customs National Law Enforcement Communications Center 1324 ALE/USB clg VY1 (unid) (30/jan/06) (sw)15920 CFH: CF Halifax CAN 1529 RTTY/75/850 naws de cfh zkr fl 2822 3394 4155 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 (20Jan06) (piri)15987 DDK7: DWD Pinneberg Germany 1235 RTTY/50/450 Meteo. (19Jan06) (bef)16009.7 : UNID EGYDIPLO 1512 ARQ qrl plain Arab msg. shuts off with aman alle bay bay (16FEB06) (piri)16009.7 UNID: EGYDIPLO 1512 ARQ qrl plain Arab msg. shuts off with aman alle bay bay (16FEB06) (piri)16012.6 FDG: French Air Force Bordeaux 1616 RTTY/50/170 Bricks tests. (29Jan06) (RGA)16014.2 rfvi: FF Le Port 1339 arq-e3/100/386/8 vzczcrun491 oo rfqp de rfqp 8515 0351318 znr uuuuu controle de voie #8515 nnnn (4Feb06)(wp3)16150 : UNID CHN 1552 USB/VOICE Chinese conversation. Probable a Chinese Amba in Europa. No modems or ALE. (07Feb06) (piri)16150.0 UNID: CHN 1552 USB/VOICE Chinese conversation. Probable a Chinese Amba in Europa. No modems or ALE. (07FEB06) (piri)16178.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1456 COQ-8/13.33 Baud F msg to CQ (30Jan06) (piri)16178.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1456 Coquelet 8 13.33 baud F msg to CQ (30jan06) (piri)16260 P6Z: MFA Paris 0655 FEC-A/192/400 Call up string for N2g/Sana- "N2G de P6Z bjr de qtc31 sur la pile 134 int QRV gimi" - repeated for 20 mins! (21/01/01) (RH2)16260 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1405 FEC-A/192/400 ltrcde to N2G Femba Sana'a YEM (24Jan06) (piri)16260.0 P6Z: MFA Paris F 1405 FEC-A 192Bd 400Hz ltrcde to N2G Femba Sana'a YEM (24jan06) (piri)16278.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1217 COQ-8 plain F msg to 7RV60 emb Belgrade. (17Feb06) (piri)16278.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1217 COQUELET-8 plain F msg to 7RV60 emb Belgrade. (17FEB06) (piri)16285 TU4: Tunisian MOI/Military 1142 ALE/USB "TO:STAT151 TIS:TU4" (29/Jan/06) (AA)16301.7 MENGA: Unid Net. Wkg BALSA 1700 FEC "18546 74576 86758 71645 78684. snick de Mengs 20 QSL QRX imi K. mengs 20 de snick QRX 1700. balsa 15 de mengs 20 k. mengs 20 de

Pagina 197

WUN-v12 balsa 15 r k. de mengs 20 I see an aircraft approx. 152nm dead ahead k. de balsa 15 I see it on the radar also . lets? go check it out k. de mengs 20 k. Back up at 2123UTC. (08Feb06) (EE)16331.8 D: Rus-N Odessa 1041 A1a Ch-Mkr (07/feb/06) (sw)16331.9 S: CISN BEACON ARKHANGELSK 1413 CW Single letter [S] hf beacon (11/Feb)(DW)16332.0 C: CISN BEACON MOSCOW 1412 CW Single letter [C] hf beacon (11/Feb)(DW)16332.0 C: Rus-N Moscow 1042 A1a Ch-Mkr (07/feb/06) (sw)16335.0 NKT: ALG MFA emb Nouakchott ALE/USB 12:45 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)16336.5 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1126 Alcatel 8-tone modem var. speed working Unid amba. (17FEB06) (piri)16345.0 OCP: Rom-Mfa Embassy? 1135 ALE/USB clg CENTR6 Bucharest (20/jan/06) (sw)16345.0 RS1: Bra-Af SAR Area Belem 1143 ALE/USB clg PR1 (20/jan/06) (sw)16710.5 ---: SHIP UNID 1027 SITOR/A 100/E/170 Tfc (St Valentines greetings) via Kaliningrad (14/Feb)(DW)16804.5 ---: SHIP UNID 1246 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 247095600. Safety/test to Lyngby (12/Feb)(DW)16804.5 3ECE9: SHIP AMBER 1242 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI 355941000. Safety/test to Rio de Janeiro (12/Feb)(DW)16804.5 C6003: SHIP ATLANTIC PRESTIGE 1247 DSC 100/E/170 MMSI309775000. Safety/Test to Lyngby (12/Feb)(DW)16804.5 Sydney, Australia: ACKing test req from unid (416359000). 0212(13-Feb-2006) (MDM)16804.5 SZUX: Astro Corona (Greece) 1624 DSC RQs ECA6/MRCC Madrid for safety test. (28Jan06) (RGA)16804.5 V2OO4: Valparaiso Express (Antigua/Barbuda) 1623 DSC RQs NMA/MRCC Boston/Norfolk for safety check. Why do 304.. MMSIs never decode? (28Jan06) (RGA)16806.5 NMF: USCG BOSTON 1630 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Wx fcst (18/Feb)(DW)16806.5 NMF: USCG Boston, Ma. US 1731 Fax 120/576 Wx map (04/feb/06) (sw)16809.0 WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1445 CW Chan free marker "WLO" (12/Feb)(DW)16810.5 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1355 CW MARK. (11Feb06) (FC)16811 CBV: Valparaiso Radio CHL 1550 CW CBV and torfree burst (20Jan06) (piri)16811,5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1350 CW MARK. (11Feb06) (FC)16811.0 CBV: VALPARAISO RADIO 1241 CW Chan free marker "CBV" (12/Feb)(DW)16811.5 A9M: BAHRAIN RADIO 1238 CW Chan free marker "de A9M tlx" (12/Feb)(DW)16811.5 A9M: Hamala Radio BHR 1430 ARQ CW Call and sitor bursts. (17Feb06) (piri)16811.5 A9M: Hamala Radio BHR 1430 MORSE Call and sitor bursts. (17FEB06) (piri)16811.6 A9M: Hamala Radio Bahrain 1225 ARQ with cw id A9M tlx. (19Jan06) (bef)16812.5 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour GUM 1113 ARQ CW Call and torfree burst (17Feb06) (piri)16812.5 NRV: USCG Apra Harbour GUM 1113 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri)16812.5 NRV: USCG GUAM 0942 SITOR/A 100/E/170 In irs mod then "qsl AMV+ NMC 14-02-06 609" (NMC since remotely controlled from Pt Reyes). Reverts to chan free marker "NRV" in cw. (14/Feb)(DW)16813 UAT: Moscow Radio 1230 ARQ w/cw id de uat. (19Jan06) (bef)16813.0 UAT: MOSCOW RADIO 1446 CW Chan free marker "de UAT" (12/Feb)(DW)16816.5 NMC: CAMSPAC Pt Reyes CA USA 0411 ARQ w/Morse marker. (12Feb06) (GB)16816.5 NMC: USCG PT REYES 1736 CW Chan free marker "NMC" (14/Feb)(DW)

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WUN-v1216819.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake (Portsmouth) Va 1718 A1a ch-mkr (04/feb/06) (sw)16819.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1626 ARQ w/Morse ID. (29Jan06) (RGA)16819.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1324 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (14/Feb)(DW)16819.5 NMN: USCG PORTSMOUTH 1407 CW MARK. (11Feb06) (FC)16819.5 NMN: USCG Portsmouth USA 1232 ARQ CW Call and torfree burst (17Feb06) (piri)16819.5 NMN: USCG Portsmouth USA 1232 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri)16819.5 NMN: USCG Portsmouth VA USA 1336 ARQ w/Morse ID. (22Jan06) (FC)16820 IAR: ROME RADIO 1401 CW MARK. (11Feb06) (FC)16820.0 IAR: ROME RADIO 0947 CW Chan free marker "IAR" (14/Feb)(DW)16821.0 VRX: HONG KONG RADIO 0948 CW chan free marker "VRX" (14/Feb)(DW)16830.5 SVO6: OLYMPIA RADIO 1300 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Shipress in Greek (18/Feb)(DW)16833.5 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 1024 SITOR/A 100/E/170 Tfc to ship then into irs. Revert to Chan free marker "UIW" in cw (14/Feb)(DW)16879.9 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio CHN 1110 CW Call and torfree burst (17Feb06) (piri)16879.9 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio CHN 1110 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri)16880.0 XSQ: GUANGZHOU RADIO 1004 CW Chan free marker "XSQ" (14/Feb)(DW)16886.0 TAH: ISTANBUL RADIO 1343 CW Chan free marker "TAH" (14/Feb)(DW)16898.5 XSG: Shanghai Radio CHN 1106 CW Call and torfree burst (17Feb06) (piri)16898.5 XSG: Shanghai Radio CHN 1106 MORSE Call and torfree burst (17FEB06) (piri)16906.5 FUV: FF Jibouti 1541 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID/Le Brick (20/01/01) (RH2)16906.9 FUV: FN DJIBOUTI 1303 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker (poor copy) (14/Feb)(DW)16907.0 fuv: FN Djibouti 1255 rtty 75/760 nnnnvzczc eai mt faaa de fuv (4Feb06) (wp3)16910 HLJ: SEUL RADIO 0809 CW CQ CQ DE HLJ HLJ QSX 16MHZ. (05-Feb-06) (FC)16913.5 HEB27: GLN Bern radio 2020 CW + ARQ (19Jan06) (MAL)16922.1 VTH: IN Mumbai IND 1101 RTTY 50Baud VTG5/7/9 RBSL BNS RY/SG (17FEB06) (piri)16922.1 VTH: IN Mumbai IND 1101 RTTY/50/850 VTG5/7/9 RBSL BNS RY/SG (17Feb06) (piri)16927 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO 0804 CW CQ CQ DE UIW UIW QSS 8454/12877.5/16927 ANS 8363.5/12422.5/16677.5 K. (05-Feb-06) (FC)16951.5 6WW: FN DAKAR 1129 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "FAAA de 6WW testing RYs SGs figs "voyez vous le brick..." int zbz" (14/Feb)(DW)16951.5 6WW: FN Dakar SEN 1554 RTTY/75/850 FAAA DE 6WW TESTING RY/SG 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK GEANT... (20Jan06) (piri)16951.5 6WW: French Navy Dakar Senegal 1629 RTTY/75/850 Bricks tests. (29Jan06) (RGA)16961.5 FUF: FN FT DE FRANCE 1706 STANAG 4285 on usb. 300/L ASCII 8N2. Marker "oo FAAA de RFLIE znr uuuuu zui testing RYs SGs (15/Feb)(DW)16976.0 PWX33: BN RIO DE JANEIRO 1847 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker (poor copy) "PWZ33" "RYs SGs figs QBF". 1849z Switches to wx fcst in Portuguese (14/Feb)(DW)16986 CTP: NATO Lisbon POR 1601 RTTY/75/850 NAWS DE CTP QSX 04 06 08 12 MHZ AR (20Jan06) (piri)16986.0 CTP: PN LISBON 1141 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de

Pagina 199

WUN-v12 CTP qsx 04 06 08 12 mhz ar" (14/Feb)(DW)16989.5 XSG: SHANGHAI RADIO 1010 CW Chan free marker "XSG" (14/Feb)(DW)17069.6 JJC: KYODO NEWS 1555 FAX (03 Feb 06) (FC)17128.0 AAA: Isr-Af Tel Aviv 1328 ALE/USB sndg. (02/feb/06) (sw)17146.4 NMG: USCG NEW ORLEANS 1737 FAX 120/576/N/800 Satellite pix. Unscheduled transmission (15/Feb)(DW)17147.0 URL: Ukr-Mms Sevastopol R 1446 A1a cq cq de url url ans12458.5/16658.5/16669.5 pse k (14/feb/06) (sw)17164.4 Unid: 1331 Fax 120/576 surface analysis map (same map as tx'd on 12790.0) (07/feb/06) (sw)17198.0 055: Unid 1043 ALE/USB sndg. (06/feb/06) (sw)17224.4 A4M: Muscat Radio OMA 1047 CW DE A4M (17Feb06) (piri)17224.4 A4M: Muscat Radio OMA 1047 MORSE DE A4M (17FEB06) (piri)17299: UFN: NOVOROSSIISK RADIO 1515 USB PHONE TFC. (04-Feb-06) (FC)17650.0 China Radio International: CHN 2118 AM (19Jan06) (MAL)18183.4 ---: MFA Algeria 1630 Coquelet-8 at 26.6 bd radiograms to Emb. Tripoli, Addis Ababa, N'djamena, Abuja, Brazzaville, and Ouagadougou, (06/02/06) (AJP)18183.4 MFA Algeria: 1630 Coquelet-8 at 26.6 bd radiograms to Emb. Tripoli, Addis Ababa, N'djamena, Abuja, Brazzaville, and Ouagadougou, (06/02/06) (AJP)18238 ZSJ: HydroSAN Silvermine 0740 FAX/120/576 Sfc Anal - not on 7508/13538. (29/01/06) (RH2)18272.5 : UNID RUS 1033 CROWD-36/10 Baud Shuts off with TKS GB SK (17Feb06) (piri)18272.5 UNID: RUS 1033 CROWD-36 10Baud Shuts off with TKS GB SK (17FEB06) (piri)18307 TRIPOLI: UNID 1230 ALE/USB TO BALTAZAR (07Feb06) (piri)18307.0 TRIPOLI: UNID 1230 USB/ALE TO BALTAZAR (07FEB06) (piri)18308 RFGW: MOD Paris F 1332 FEC-A 192BD MSGS TO N2G Sana'a (07Feb06) (piri)18308.0 RFGW: MOD Paris F 1332 FEC-A 192BD MSGS TO N2G Sana'a (07FEB06) (piri)18326.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1502 ARQ S/C TVVX - EMB Alger - HEX- code groups (07Feb06) (piri)18326.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1502 ARQ S/C TVVX - EMB Alger - HEX- code groups (07FEB06) (piri)18336.0 055: Unid 1155 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)18336.0 586: Unid 1137 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)18513.9 OZU25: MFA Copenhagen DNK 1335 ARQ 200Hz shift selcalling TPES,DNKemb Nairobi? No qso. They are still there! (24jan06) (piri)18513.9 OZU25: MFA Copenhagen DNK 1335 ARQ/200 shift selcalling TPES, DNKemb Nairobi? No qso. They are still there! (24Jan06) (piri)18594.0 717: USCG HC-130H 1717, CGAS Clearwater 1448 ALE/USB clg CRB: CBP Caribbean Regional Communications Node (30/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 720: USCG HC-130H 1720, CGAS Clearwater 1634 ALE/USB clg LNT USCG CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA (20/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 EST: CBP Eastern Regional Communications Node 1429 ALE/USB clg D46 (20/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 J33: USCG HH-60J 6033 1516 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 PNR400: OPBAT Georgetown Bahamas 1316 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 X93: US Army UH-60L tail # 94-26593 2-3rd AVN 1645 ALE/USB clg OPB OPBAT (OPERATIONS BAHAMAS TURKS & CAICOS (23/jan/06) (sw)18594.0 X93: US Army UH-60L tail 94-26593 2-3rd AVN 1431 ALE/USB sndg. (30/jan/06) (sw)18788.9 : British mil CYP? 1038 4-TONE/200/195.3 (24Jan06) (piri)18788.9 : Unid Brit Mil? 0935 UNID 4-FSK/195.3/3*190 (31Jan06) (KB)18788.9 British mil CYP: 1038 4 tone 200Hz sep. 195.3Bd

Pagina 200

WUN-v12 (24jan06) (piri)19036.4 7R...: ALGEMB Kampala UGA 1048 COQ-8/13.3 bd msg to MFA Alger (24Jan06) (piri)19036.4 7R: ...: ALGEMB Kampala UGA 1048 Coquelet-8 13.3 bd msg to MFA Alger (24jan06) (piri)19043.0 055: Unid 1143 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)19311.7 : Unid 1102 UNID Like emission 19380.4 (19Jan06) (bef)19380.4 : Unid 1040 UNID Sending carrier and tone like EIA - what is this ? (19Jan06) (bef)19554.0 055: Unid 1250 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)19602.0 AA1: Isr-Af 0940 ALE/USB clg M72 (09/feb/06) (sw)19677.0 PE1: Brazilian Army 1825 ALE/USB to BR1 (03/02/06) (AJP)19843.9 : Unid. British Military CYP? 1230 UNID/4-FSK 195.3/3*190 (29Jan06) (KB)19945.0 BKO: ALG MFA emb Bamako, Mali ALE/USB 15:16 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)19945.0 GAO: ALG MFA emb Gao, Mali ALE/USB 15:50 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)19945.0 NKT: ALG MFA emb Nouakchott ALE/USB 15:24 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)20047.9 C: Russian Beacon Moscow 1024 CW (19Jan06) (bef)20047.9 C: Russian Navy Beacon Moscow 1057 CW (24Jan06) (bef)20048.0 05 C: 1009 Russian cluster beacon letter "C" Moscou 5feb06 (CVS)20048.0 05 D: 1009 Russian cluster beacon letter "D" Odessa 5feb06 (CVS)20107.0 055: Unid 1253 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)20304.7 No Call: MFA Cairo? 1208 Sitor-ARQ 100Bd/170Hz clg KKXB: EGY Emb.Kinshasa, answer in Fec-Mode:"WGZKPK HOKDS JG CFUW 00191 00191 00191 00191" (21/JAN/06) (KK)20340.0 EKO: ALG MFA unid emb ALE/USB 13:19 TO MAE (15Jan06) (MAL)20631.0 69000012: USAF 1046 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)20631.0 ICZNPR: US HFGCS SIGONELLA 1548 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (04/Feb)(DW)20890.0 720: USCG HC-130H 1720, CGAS Clearwater 1457 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)20890.0 D45: CBP P-3 AEW&C N145CS/BuNo 153299, Jacksonville AMB, Fl 1358 ALE/USB sndg. (02/feb/06) (sw)20890.0 I00: CBP CESSNA 550 N1200N 1558 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)20890.0 J13: USCG HH-60J 6013 CGAS Clearwater 1521 ALE/USB sndg. (20/jan/06) (sw)22387.5 SVO7: OLYMPIA RADIO 1303 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Shipress in Greek (18/Feb)(DW)22389.5 nmn: USCG Portsmouth, VA 1302 cw/marker (4Feb06) (wp3)22580.0 40307: Tur-Net? Unid 1102 ALE/USB clg 4040 (30/jan/06) (sw)22580.0 4923: Unid 1154 ALE/USB sndg. (28/jan/06) (sw)22580.0 8011: Tur-Net? Unid 1106 ALE/USB clg 8018 (30/jan/06) (sw)22580.0 8053: Tur-Net? Unid 1104 ALE/USB clg 8040 (30/jan/06) (sw)


======================================================================== \\\\\ WORLDWIDE UTE NEWS Club //// \\\\ An Electronic Club Dealing Exclusively in Utility Stations //// \\\\ WUNNEWS Vol 12: Issue 3, March 2006 ////


Pagina 201

WUN-v12Edited by Bill LawrieElectronic Editor. ([email protected])COPYRIGHT © 2006 WUN

This newsletter is from the first dedicated electronic utility club inthe world; the Worldwide UTE News (WUN). Portions of this newsletter maybe posted on electronic bulletin boards without prior approval so longas the WUN is credited as the source and so long as the file(s)remain intact. This newsletter may NOT be utilized, partly or wholly,in any other media format without the written permission of theElectronic Editor (E-mail address above). Any breach of this may resultin action under international copyright legislation.

To become a WUN member, visit the URL: and fill in your details inthe "Subscribing to WUN" section form.

If you have problems with any of this, or need further information,contact Jason Berri at: [email protected]

If you are reading this newsletter from another source, such as a BBS,please let us know!

Check out the WUN web site at:

>From your Electronic Editor:

* Welcome to another issue of the single largest source of utilitystation information and the most widely quoted utility stationpublication in the world...the WUN Newsletter.



o Ask Wun by Jim Dunnetto Digital Review by Day Watsono Nautical News by Sergey Kolesovo Numbers & Oddities by Ary Boendero Utility Round-up by Ary Boendero WUN Logs Column by Eddie Bellerby & TEAM LOGS



Jim Dunnett, Editor

[email protected]

March 2006


This section is here to deal with requests for help and informationto and from WUN members. The column is for you to ask questions; tolocate others with similar interests (even non-HF like SatCom or VHFaero); to locate or sell equipment; to ask about receiver problems, orjust to ask about anything. I will also include items of general

Pagina 202

WUN-v12interest relating to the hobby from time to time, not necessarilyarising out of questions. If you have a question to ask then ask themvia this section. Send your requests to:- [email protected].

If you want to reply to an item, note the sender's address and reply direct, or better still send the answer to this column. If you have found utility-related material which you think may be of interest to readers, then please let me know about them.


Please not that I cannot take queries by mail, only by EMail. Shouldthere be no queries by EMail before the deadline, I shall pick up anyqueries which may have been asked via the list-server or via theforums.

If it's related to anything having to do with the radio hobby,you need to ASK WUN. If it doesn't fit anywhere fits here.

This column is here to provide a service to all WUN members to ask"off topic" questions or offer radio related equipment for sale.If the column is not supported/needed, it will disappear.


John, NS5Z <[email protected]> asked:

There are several M-8000's on eBay. They are all low versionnumbers 1.02, 20. etc. Is the upgrade to 7.5 available?

Also, does anyone know if Universal will service them.

Thanks, John NS5Z

-- I think this one has been much more than adequately covered in thelist. However ...


J.D. Stephens, the editor of WUN's QSL Column asked:

Back some years ago, there was a coastal station located on one ofthe Kermadec Islands, a New Zealand dependency. Does anyone know ifit's still active? I cannot remember the callsign at the time, orwhether it was on Chatham Island, or Raoul Island.

If it's still active, does anyone have any frequency and scheduleinformation they can pass along?

-- This may have been done adequately on the list as well; if not letJohn know.


Robert Bennett, <[email protected]> asked:

Hello WUN

Does any WUN member have experience using the software RADIOREADER-PRO by Av-Soft? The description on the Av-Soft WEB site seems too goodto be true.

If so, please share your experiences about the usefulness of thesoftware for utility monitoring. You may respond to me off list.

Thanks; Robert

Pagina 203

WUN-v12-- The website is at: but hasanyWUN tried the demo versions of this software? May have a go myselfwhen I get the time.


David Pickard, <[email protected]> asks:

Dear Wunners,

I have a very capable Ham band only transceiver. It covers 3-4MHz,7-7.5MHz, 14-14.8MHz, 21-22MHz and the 10mtr band.

Is there a device that will give me general coverage receive?

The rig in question is a Kenwood/Trio TS120.

Regards, David.

-- I replied that I doubted it, but someWUN may know better.


Seth, <[email protected]> asked on 5 Mar 2006:

I stumbled across this whilst browsing,if you live US you might wantto take a look:

Anyone in UK looking to sell (or know where I can find) a good RX?Not really interested in Ebay (have already been stung there :-( )

Regards, Seth.


Item for Sale:-------------

William S. White, <[email protected]>

For Sale:

The standard in HF data decoding. Hoka CODE-3 v5 with all options(including Data Analysis Tools), LF 3 converter, and owners manual.I am the original owner. This unit is working but sold AS IS. Close to$800.00 invested asking for $300.00 OBO includes insured express USPSdelivery. CODE 3 review By Popular Communications at:

I also have the Hoka Code-3 GOLD with the shortwave option and theLF 4 converter. This is the small converter that draws its power fromthe PC, great for notebook computers. I am the second owner of thisunit. I did not get a manual and the original disk was damaged, thisis a working backup copy of the original disk. This unit is workingbut sold AS IS. Asking $200.00 OBO includes insured express USPSdelivery. Read more about it here:

Both units are no longer in production but are still supported byHoka and may be used for a trade up to newer versions.



Pagina 204


Kal White, <[email protected]> asked on 12 Mar 2006:

I was wondering if anyone was aware of soft ware for the Icom 71Areceiver.

Many years ago I did have a program to run this great receiver, butwith XP it will run no longer.

-- This brought in a few replies, but I'm not sure if there was asatisfactory outcome.


Keep the queries coming!

73 de Jim (RGA)


Items (which may be) of General Interest.----------------------------------------

Continuing with logging HFDL.

Last month I complained that I did not have a variety of HFDL messageson hand. Slightly more this month.


HACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .A6-ERFMessage label: RA Block id: H [Uplink]Message content:-00Z 14015KT 3SM -SN OVC025 FM0000Z 14015KT 5SM -SN OVC020 FM0200Z 15015KT 3SM -SN -PL OVC012 FM0400Z 15020KT 2SM -RA BR OVC008 RMK NXT FCST BY 12Z

Emirates A340, A6-ERF receives a weather report 00Z=timed 00Z(midnight); 3SM=? -SN=? OVC=overcast; 020=20% ?; FM0200Z=from 0200UTC;15015KT=wind direction 150 degrees at 15 knots; 3SM=cloud? ; withsimilar parameters for 0400UTC. RMK NXT FCAST BY 12Z=Remarks: Nextforecast by 1200UTC. Note that the message does not state to whatairfield the forecast applies. Hopefully the aircraft crew do knowwhich.


Operations messages:

[LPDU UNNUMBERED ACKED DATA FM AIR CES554 TO GND]HACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .B-6051Message label: 17 Block id: 7 Msg. no: M31A Flight id: MU0554Message content:-ETA REPORTDEP LFPG,DES ZSPD,ETA 0118,FOB 147120

Aircraft B-6051, an A340 of China Eastern sends an ops message via theground station: Reports leaving Paris/CdG bound for Shanghai/Pu Dong,arriving at 0118. Fuel aboard 147,120 (litres? pounds?)

[LPDU UNNUMBERED ACKED DATA FM AIR 14 TO GND]HACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .ZS-SNEMessage label: 45 Block id: 6 Msg. no: M07A Flight id: SA0210Message content:-OFAJS

Pagina 205


South African Airways A340 ZS-SNE sends an Ops Normal message to OpsJohannesburg (OFAJS): ZUR? Estimated time of arrival 2250UTC.Operations Normal. Next call (when?) TOD (?)

Simple position report:

[MPDU 21:57:59 AIR LOGON SLOT 10 300 BPS ][LPDU LOG ON RESUME]ICAO 020055[HFNPDU FREQUENCY DATA]21:58:40 UTC Flight ID = 751 LAT 33 22 25 N LON 7 35 42 W

This is a straightforward position report.The aircraft's callsign is not included, but we know from the liststhat ICAO 020055 is a Royal Air Maroc A321, CN-RNY, which is at3322N 00736W (rounding the seconds of lat/long to minutes whereappropriate).

A Puzzle:

[LPDU UNNUMBERED ACKED DATA FM AIR TG0051 TO GND]HACARS mode: 2 Aircraft reg: .HS-TNBMessage label: H1 Block id: 3 Msg. no: D13A Flight id: TG0051Message content:-#DFB*POS03151807N5417W04412370265056801M5660548

This one is a puzzle. Can the position be 5180.7N 05417W ? The figuresafter the W are probably performance data of some kind. The 031 at thebeginning?


Enough for this month. Next month a word or two on squitters.

73 and good listening,

Jim (RGA)



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- Editor: Day Watson E-mail: [email protected] - - Nickname on chat channels DayW

Pagina 206

WUN-v12Hi digi WUNners

The menu

Met Canadian Forces METOC frequency change Hamburg Met FAX on 15988 Military Stanag 4285 at Dakar


::: Canadian Forces METOC frequency change

It was noted this month that the Canadian Force METOC service radiatingthe FAX/RTTY broadcast from Halifax/CFH have effected a frequency changefrom 10536 kHz to 9892 kHz.

What is causing a mystery is why 9892 kHz in the middle of a BROADCASTband. ie 9500-9900 kHz [in the current 2004 Radio Regulations] isapparently allocated exclusively to Broadcasting. However it'sinteresting to note the sub note 5.147 which states:

"On condition that harmful interence is not caused to the broadcastingservice, frequencies in the bands 9775-9900 kHz, 11650-11700 kHz and1197-12050 kHz may be used by stations in the fixed service communicatingonly within the boundary of the country in which they are located, eachstation using a total radiated power not exceeding 24 dBW."

10536 kHz is within a Fixed band.

::: Hamburg Met FAX on 15988

Daily FAX transmissions turned up recently on 15988 covering NorthAtlantic, Scandanavia and Europe. Since this frequency has been usedpreviously by DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst) on DDK8 11638 DDK7 15988for RTTY broadcast to the Research Vessel PolarStern is seems likely thatthis FAX is from the same source.


::: Stanag 4285 at Dakar

After a long wait (for upgrades in the ship-shore circuits) Stanag 4285was eventually seen by Jim Dunnett (thanks Jim) coming from FN Dakar/6WWon 12855U kHz with the typical French Navy 300bps/Long ITA2 5N2characteristics. Having been noted a few times since then by WUNners itseemed to have disappeared and returned to the old 75bd/850Hz RTTYmarker.

However 4285 mode had returned on 23rd, and later in the afternoon foundto be working a French warship on 12367U. This equates to the old 12369kHz 75bd/850Hz F1b working channel. As before KG84 encryption was in useby the ship.

The marker stream by French Navy shore stations is continuous when idlingon the station marker. It stops on receipt of a call from a warshipand periodically sends it's acknowledgements etc in short bursts.

Typical burst giving (repeated) QSL:

[18:59:26 UTC] FG FG FG FG[18:59:26 UTC] DE DE DE DE

Pagina 207

WUN-v12[18:59:27 UTC] 6WW 6WW 6WW

[18:59:27 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06[18:59:28 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06[18:59:29 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06


[18:59:32 UTC] FG FG FG FG[18:59:32 UTC] DE DE DE DE[18:59:33 UTC] 6WW 6WW 6WW

[18:59:33 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06[18:59:34 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06[18:59:35 UTC] QSL O R 231609Z MAR 06

Typical (repeated) signoff burst:

[19:11:48 UTC] FG FG FG FG[19:11:48 UTC] DE DE DE DE[19:11:49 UTC] 6WW 6WW 6WW

[19:11:49 UTC] OK BIEN VU[19:11:49 UTC] SU ET A BIENTOT


[19:11:52 UTC] FG FG FG FG[19:11:53 UTC] DE DE DE DE[19:11:53 UTC] 6WW 6WW 6WW

[19:11:54 UTC] OK BIEN VU[19:11:54 UTC] SU ET A BIENTOT


6WW reverts to station idler:



With the time change - a change in monitoring outlooks. Regards Day



Pagina 208

WUN-v12 N A U T I C A L N E W S by Sergey Kolesov [email protected]========================================================================

Hello WUNers,

Let me start from correction to February edition of the Nautical News.Correction came from the USCG:

Official position of USCG CAMSLANT is that the NMM was not intended tobe used for reference to weather products from the Savannah transmitter.The identifier has been changed and in future publications will use theNME identifier to match the "E" used on NAVTEX broadcasts.

Below is information from recent Admirality Notices to Mariners.Information from this source is going to be published in the columnregularly since it accumulates changes in nautical trasnmissions done bynational administrations around the globe.


BAHIA FILDES (CHILE)Time Frequency Mode0150, 1350 2738 SSB1400, 2200 6439 Radio-telexNOTE: After prior announcement on 2182 kHz.Chilean Notice 108/2005 (HH080/026/08 - E30) 51/05


YANGON (XYR)Service Transmits Receives Time of WatchSSB 460, 500 500 H24ITU (HH080/018/12 - E13) 51/05


LAS PALMAS (CCR)Arecife 2182 2181 H24 1644 2069 2586 3231L. Palmas 2182 2181 H24 1689 2114 2820 3290Tenerife 2181 2182 H24Telefonica de Espana (HH080/008/09 - E34) 51/05

NAVTEXLas PalmasID Frequency TimesI 518 0120, 0520, 0920, 1320, 1720, 2120A 490 0000, 0400, 0800, 1200, 1600, 2000CNCS Madrid (HH080/008/09 - E37) 1 & 2/06

*** CHILE ***

MAGALLANES ZONAL RADIOTime Frequency Mode0035, 1235 2738 SSB0035, 1235 4146 SSBChilean Notice 108/2005 (HH 080/026/08 - E30) 51/05

*** FALKLANDS ISLANDS ***FALKLAND ISLANDS RESCUE ACO-ORDINATIONA CENTRE (FIRCC)SSB 2182 2182 H24SSB 4066.1 4066.1 On requestFalkland Islands Fishiries Department (HH080/027/10 - E35) 51/05

Pagina 209


*** IRELAND ***

Malin Head 1677 kHz SSBValentia 1752 kHz SSBMCA November 2005

*** ITALY ***

Roma (IAR)

SSB (HF) Transmits Receives Hours of Watch 4417 4125 H24 6516 6215 H24 8779 8255 H24 8809 8285 On request 13137 12290 H24 17281 16339 0500-2100 17287 16405 0500-1700 17302 16420 H24 19770 18795 H24 22699 22203 0500-2100 22756 22060 H24 26172 25097 H24Traffic list is transmitted at 0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 on 8809, 17281,17287 and 22699 kHz.Radiotelex 4210.5 4172.5 4216.5 4179 H24 8418 8378 H24 8426 8386 H24 12602.5 12500 H24 16820 16697 H24 22398 22306 0800-1700(Admiralty NTM 50-2005)

*** NAMIBIA ***

WALVIS BAYSSBWalvis Bay 1764 2108 2182 2182 H24 2606 2057 H24 2783 2923, 2045Luderitz 2182 2182 H24 2717, 2783 2045 2783 2033Traffic lists: 1764 kHz: 0935, 1235, 1635 4125 4125 H24 dist. & saf. tfc 4357 4125 H24 4357 4065 4384 4092 H24 4417 4125 H24 6501 6200 H24 6504 6203 8719 8195Traffic lists: 4357, 8719 kHz: 0935, 1235, 1635ITU Supplement No. 2 2005 (HH080/013/09 - E40) 3/06

*** NORWAY ***

BodoPublic Correspondance 1621.5 2156.5 H24 2177 2189.5 H24SSBAndenes 1659 2084 H24 1803 2406

Pagina 210

WUN-v12 2182 2182 H24 2660 3274Bjornoya 1722 2066 H24 2182 2182 H24Bodo 1770 2114 H24 2182 2182 H24Jan Mayen 1743 2087 H24 2182 2182 H24Sandnessjoen 1710 2135 H24 2182 2182 H24Svalbard (Isfjord) 1731 2075 H24 3645 2541 2182 2182 H24 4357 4065 H24Maritime Safety Info+traffic lists: 1659, 1722, 1770, 1743, 1710, 1731,4357 kHz: 0233, 0633, 1033, 1433, 1833, 2233.

FloroPublic Correspondance 1621.5 2156.5 H24 2177 2189.5 H24Floro Radio 1680 2105 H24 2182 2182 H24 2649 3217 3645 2466Orlandet Radio 1782 2126 H24 2182 2182 H24 2635 3200 3628 2463Traffic lists: 1680, 1782 kHz: 0233, 0633, 1033, 1433, 1833, 2233.

RogalandPublic Correspondance 1621.5 2156.5 H24 2177 2189.5 H24Bergen 1728 2072 H24 2182 2182 H24 2667 3277 3631 2449Farsund 1671 2096 1785 2129 H24 2182 2182 H24 2676 3214Vigre 1692 2117 H24 1725 2069 2182 2182 H24 2656 3219Maritime Safety Info + Traffic lists: 1728, 1785, 1692 kHz: 0233, 0633,1033, 1433, 1833, 2233

TjomePublic Correspondance 1621.5 2156.5 H24 2177 2189.5 H24Tjome 1665 2090 H24 2182 2182 H24Maritime Safety Info + traffic lists: 1665 kHz: 0233, 0633, 1033, 1433,1833, 2233

VardoPublic Correspondance 1621.5 2156.5 H24 2177 2189.5 H24Berlevag 1695 2120 H24 2182 2182 H24Hammerfest 1635 2060 H24 2182 2182 H24 2695 3168 3652 2442Tromso 2182 2182 H24Vardo 1713 2138 H24 2182 2182 H24

Pagina 211

WUN-v12 2642 3203 3631 2449Maritime Safety Info + traffic lists: 1695, 1635, 1713 kHz: 0233, 0633,1033, 1433, 1833, 2233Telenor Telecom Solutions AS (HH080/006/09 - E6) 3/06

*** SPAIN ***

MADRID (CCR)SSB 8728 8204 0700-2300 8746 8222 2100-2300 13077 12230 0700-2300 13104 12257 On request 13176 12329 2100-2300 17329 16447 1800-2200 17350 16468 0700-2200 17356 16474 On request 19755 18780 0700-1100 22780 22084 0600-2100Traffic lists: On working freq. in use at the time: 0603, 1003, 1403,1803, 2203.

BILBAO (CCR)SSBMachichaco 1707 2132 H24 2182 2182 H24Cabo Penas 1677 2102 H24 2182 2182 H24

CORUNA (CCR)SSBCoruna 1698 2123 H24 2182 2182 H24Finistere 1764 2108 H24 2182 2182 H24

MALAGA (CCR)SSBChipiona 1656 2081 H24 2182 2182 H24Tarifa 1704 2129 H24 2182 2182 H24

VALENCIA (CCR)SSBPalma 1755 2099 H24 2182 2182 H24Cabo Gata 1767 2111 H24 2182 2182 H24NOTE: DSC MF 2187.5 kHz locations: Bagur, Cabo Gata, Cabo La Nao, PalmaITU Supplement No. 3 2005 & Telefonica de Espana (HH080/008/09 - E3652/05

NAVTEXID Position Frequency TimesD Coruna 518 0030,0430,0830,1230,1630,2030G Tarifa 518 0100,0500,0900,1300,1700,2100X Cabo de la Nao 518 0350,0750,1150,1550,1950, 2350W Coruna 490 0340,0740,1140,1540,1940,2340T Tarifa 490 0310,0710,1110,1510,1910,2310M Cabo de la Nao 490 0200,0600,1000,1400,1800,2200CNCS Madrid (HH080/008/09 - E37) 1& 2/06

*** USA ***

Pagina 212

WUN-v12Right Whale Mandatory Ship Reporting System

All commercial ships of 300 gross tons or greater are requested toreport in when they enter either of two designated right whale reportingareas along the U.S. East Coast. For further information on reportingprocedures please consult web site at:

Message FormatParagraph Function Information RequiredSystem Name Area Identifier Reporting system area nameM INMARSAT No. 9-digit vessel's INMARSAT numberA Ship Vessel name and call signB Date, time and month of report 6-digit group giving day of month and time, single letter indicating time zone, monthE True course 3F group indicating true courseF Speed in knots 3-digit groupH Date, time, and point of entry Date and time as above, lat. and long.I Destination and ETA Name of port and arrival time as aboveL Route information and speed Route expressed by rhumbline (RL) or waypoimt (WP).

Example of reportWHALESOUTH//M/444444444//A/TRADEPOORT/PHAZ//B/270810Z MAR/E/250//F/13.0//H/270810ZMAR/3020N/08050W//I/JACKSONVILLE/271215Z MAR//L/RL/13.0//

There are two systems:1. WHALESOUTH (operates 15 Nov. to 16 Apr.)2. WHALESNORTH (operates year round)

Vessels unable to use satellite communications equipment should contactthe U.S. Coast Guard Communication Area Master Station, Chesapeake, VAvia SITOR/NBDP on 8426.3 kHz, 12590.8 kHz, 16817.8 kHz 24 hrs per day,or 6314.3 kHz from 2300 GMT until 1100 GMT and 22387.8 kHz from 1100 GMTuntil 2300 GMT. Vessels unable to use satellite communications or SITOR/NBDP should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Communication Area MasterStation Chesapeake VA via published radio voice frequencies 6200.0 or8240.0.


NUMBERS & ODDITIES the Spooks Newsletter edition #105, March 2006________________________________________________________________________

Editor: Ary Boender ([email protected])


ONLINE DATABASE: Chris Smolinski ([email protected])

Pagina 213


Hi and welcome to the 105th edition of N&O. Besides the usual sectionsthe newsletter edition will also include a Logs Section and anintelligence profile of Belarus.

Fritz, kpY2, Sferix, Mike, Bob, Francesco, Tony, Peter, Jim, Jochen,Markus, Al, Mark, Igor and Ian contributed to this edition of N&O.Thanks gents!

Our friend Fritz has launched his new website. You will find a lot ofinfo about Russian/CIS military stations and other interesting stuffthere.


Last month's ENIGMA crypto quiz was a bit too difficult, I guess. Onlyone good answer landed in my mailbox. Congrats Yer! You've won the book.


If you had used the following settings for the ENIGMA simulator, youwould have cracked the code.

1) Rotor settings: I have used the 3 standard rotors and did not change their settings.2) Reflector settings: C.3) Ring settings: I did not change the inner ring settings.4) Start position of the rotors (Grundstellung): WUN5) Plug settings: The 1st plug is the ENIGMA designator for one of the English speaking numbers stations: E5 The 2nd plug is the designator of a German speaking station: G7 The 3rd plug is the designator of a morse station: M13 The 4th plug is the designator of a Slavic station: S10 The 5th plug is the designator of a Chinese station: V22

The decoded text reads:THISI SANEN IGMAC HALLE NGEFO RWUNS SPOOK SCOLU MNNUM BERSA NDODD ITIESThis is an Enigma challenge for WUN's spooks column Numbers and Oddities



::: E03

Lincolnshire Poacher idents; compiled by Al.

1st half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 06040 06040 06040 06040 06040 06040 06040 12001300 92807 92807 92807 92807 92807 92807 92807 13001400 31234 50590 74440 86403 06040 54943 19624 14001500 19624 31234 50590 74440 86403 06040 90110 15001600 90110 19624 31234 50590 74440 86403 54943 16001700 54943 90110 19624 31234 50590 74440 06040 17001800 06040 54943 90110 19624 31234 50590 86403 18001900 86403 92807 54943 92807 19624 31234 92807 19002000 92807 06040 92807 90110 92807 19624 74440 20002100 74440 86403 06040 54943 90110 92807 50590 21002200 50590 74440 86403 06040 54943 90110 31234 2200

2nd half of the month.

UTC Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun UTC

Pagina 214

WUN-v12-------------------------------------------------------------------1200 13173 13173 13173 13173 13173 13173 13173 12001300 04768 04768 04768 04768 04768 04768 04768 13001400 64437 59190 75419 14147 13173 52149 68370 14001500 68370 64437 59190 75419 14147 13173 32232 15001600 32232 68370 64437 59190 75419 14147 52149 16001700 52149 32232 68370 64437 59190 75419 13173 17001800 13173 52149 32232 68370 64437 59190 14147 18001900 14147 04768 52149 04768 68370 64437 04768 19002000 04768 13173 04768 32232 04768 68370 75419 20002100 75419 14147 13173 52149 32232 04768 59190 21002200 59190 75419 14147 13173 52149 32232 64437 2200


::: E10

Several strings and oddities logged in March:

5230 kHz, 05-3, 2100 UTC: MIW A9B10C9 5230 kHz, 06-3, 1505 UTC: MIW A10B11C103270//5230 kHz, 10-3, 1630 UTC: MIW A85Z200930B23Z200900C43Z2009003273//5339 kHz, 15-3, 1810 UTC: KPA G1O2O3D4N5I6G7H8T3360//5170 kHz, 19-3, 1655 UTC: VLB A1Z2B8Z2 4418 kHz, 20-3, 1750 UTC: FDUM3640//4648 kHz, 20-3, 1800 UTC: SYN A1ZZ2B132 4461 kHz, 20-3, 2132 UTC: YHF2 and FTJ mixed transmission 5435 kHz, 22-3, 2005 UTC: JSR and ART mixed transmission

The strings were transmitted for hours, except for FDUM.


::: S13

I finally heard the Russian counting station again. Long time, no seeguys! Freq: 7000 kHz, 17-3 at 0600 UTC.


::: S21

Mike sent us a transcript of a S21 transmission sent on 14-3 at 1846UTC on 4454 kHz.

638 371/3022892 19044 17044 78399 79998 99931 94850 13766 32583 4384388638 47885 91444 58338 95466 60046 64353 26585 93988 4910883224 41854 39179 38568 92678 50920 19062 29801 35224 41941antioc 371 30 000


::: V13

Like last month, we several logs of New Star on 8300 kHz. No trace oftransmissions on the other frequencies.


::: V22

Beijing was calling on 8375 kHz. Copied on various days and times.



Pagina 215

WUN-v12::: MX

Cluster beacons:

D - 7038.7P - not heardS - 4557.9, 5153.9, 7038.9C - 4558, 5154, 7039, 8495, 10872, 13528, 16332A - 4558.1, 7039.1F - 7039.2K - 7029.3M - 7039.4

Channel markers:

L - 3203.8 kHzP - 3291, 3837 kHzR - 4325.9, 5465.9 kHz


::: M13

Mark sent us two transcripts of the M13 transmissions on 1 and 3 March.He writes: "Recovered new freq for M13 "474" at 2330z of 6383 kHz. Thefollowing is a copy of "474" message."

474 (R5) BT 258 19 BT55018 40416 42102 12868 5977163026 09166 57574 31568 1710811203 22294 63428 49769 5264359268 17759 30982 08288 BT474 (R1) BT 258 19 BT55018 40416 42102 12868 5977163026 09166 57574 31568 1710811203 22294 63428 49769 5264359268 17759 30982 08288 BT0 0 0

On 3 March Mike copied M13on 8183 kHz at 2245 UTC as follows:

757 (R5) BT 283 21 BT58870 00341 58921 40341 2306306197 05775 18957 57389 0489026709 19721 16243 46956 0947201382 40161 46260 12890 5492220574 BT757 (R1) BT 283 21 BT58870 00341 58921 40341 2306306197 05775 18957 57389 0489026709 19721 16243 46956 0947201382 40161 46260 12890 5492220574 BT0 0 0


::: M21

The Russian Air Defense stations were on 3259.5, 3289, 3314 and 4391 kHz.All with id "0". They sent the usual strings:= 992326??0?????= 992327??0?????= 992220??T?????


::: M31

Pagina 216


The French military were once very active with CW stations. Only a fewsurvived.

4015 kHz: FDG, French Air Force BordeauxVVV DE FDG FDG FDG AR

5023 kHz: FDI8, French Air Force NiceVVV DE FDI8 FDI8 FDI8 AR


::: M50

I haven't seen this one for a while. Thanks for the tip, Fritz.

7722 kHz, 10-3, 1510 UTC: 587 R4 642 642 50 50 = = 5FGs rptd


::: M76

Several nice M76 catches from Fritz. All logged on 3280 kHz.

12-3, 1750 UTC: i.p. .... de J2F9 QTC 519 29 = 26310 ... = 518 29 = 40545... = 517 29 = 40545... QSA 1 QRM

13-3, 1750 UTC: 5SNC de SJRP QTC ??1 17 = 26310 15114 90080 30163 .... QSA 0/1 QRM

17-3, 0500 UTC: MAKW de R5TÜ qtc 531 24 = 26310 .... 529 9 = 40545 .... 528 9 = 40545 .... 525 103 = .... ??

19-3, 1750 UTC: 5DY3 de 6MNO QTC 544 29 = 26310 ... = 541 36 = 40545 ... = 540 39 = 40545 ... = 539 31 = 40545 ... = 538 38 = 40545 ... = 535 27 = 40545 ... = 534 41 = 40545 ... = ??? 103= 40545 ... QSA0/1 ............Became very faint, hope QRAs are correct, stopped copying here.


::: M89

The Chinese military stations were not often reported in the past fewmonths. But, it is different this month. I received a number of logsof 4 different stations on 11 frequencies.

V CP17 CP17 CP17 DE L9CC L9CC on 7030, 7036, 7064, 7082 kHzV B7TZ B7TZ B7TZ DE 8PNX 8PNX on 3846, 4928, 8038 kHzV T3AP T3AP T3AP DE QF3K QF3K on 3399 kHzv GKVZ GKVZ GKVZ DE Q7NW Q7NW on 3298, 4670, 6667 kHz

Pseudo M89 station NYZ was active on its usual freqs 4860 and 6840 kHzwith VVV Q2M de NYZ.



Pagina 217

WUN-v12::: X06 / M42

10814 kHz, 01-3, 1356 UTC: Mazielka call (Jochen via E2K)11417 kHz, 11-3, 1323 UTC: Dept of State Comms. Mode: ITA2/200/500 Auto broadcast 17+5 grouped figures



Igor sent us a log of an unid station, probably Chinese. Freq 8391 kHz,sending the letter "O" for a while followed by a burst of Chinese MFSK-4(500 Hz spacing 100 Baud)




18.1 Russian mil hq Moscow. Strategic flash message to RDL. "u u xxx xxx rdl rdl 33245 98858 malena 9653 3881 k" "rdl rdl rdl tt559 235t6 tt559 235t6 tt559 235t6 k" 2011 CIS Mil: "K7CP de B9G3 ZJY ZLF ZWW QYT4 QSU6 K" 3348 Russian Mil: K9N5 3590 CIS Mil: "PB7O 776 60 22 2_00 776 = RFRFF OyUKQ UNQOL ..." 3614 Ukrainian Mil: "6FN7 = 050 63 14 2210 050 K" 3658 CIS Mil: "6SLU de 6MXF ZLS ZZJ ZHV ZGM ZZL ZGF QYT5 K" 3714 Russian Mil: flash msg ïn Russian (male op) "This is radio station <unreadable>-93 (2x) 31195 barbadocetc 4700 9210 31195 barbadocetc 4700 9210" 3832 QSX of 4051 kHz 4051 Ukranian Mil: QVK6 msg to GOKR who responds on 3832 kHz. 4379 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4 //5157 & 8646 kHz. 5085 Russian Mil: RIJ-78 clg UYG-45, RJR-99, RJV-21, UZJ-82, UZD-76. Callsigns sent as Roman Ivan Ivan Kratkij, Uliyana Ery Georgij, Uliyana Zinaida Dmitrij etc ... 5157 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4 //4379 & 8646 kHz. 6981 Russian Mil: "ZAV4 OK QRJ NO QYT6 K. ZAV4 OK ZQK ZBF ZBU QYT6 K. ZAV4 OK QTA ZQK ZBF ZBU QYT6 K. NL5O de LX1C K. 2GJC K. 7018 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4 7044 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4 7056 Russian Mil: 6EWJ, NDO4, ZL4Y, IVMO, NR9R, M8A4, D8DK, G6W9, MDBS, LNNO, 1DMR, OBSJ 7098 Russian Mil: "VVV de LBDO" 7696 Russian Air Force: RFJ94 clg RCH84 8646 Russian Air Force Moscow: REA4 //4379 & 5157 kHz.11102 Russian navy: RDL. "uuuuuuuuuu rdl rdl rdl 76074 51804 76074 51804 76074 51804 k", "uuuuuuuuuu rdl rdl rdl 00481 76702 00481 76702 00481 76702 k"



2806.5 Polish Mil: Rabarbar 33, Teatr 41. USB/Voice net with 5fg msgs18261.0 Polish Mil: LCR154.



All ships were working with DHJ59.

4152.5 DRFS: FGS Überherrn DRFJ: FGS Passau M1096 DRAQ: FGS Bremen F207

Pagina 218

WUN-v124356.5 DRDA: FGS U31 S181 DRFP: FGS Herten M1099

6777.2 DRAQ: FGS Bremen F207 DRDS: FGS U25 S174 DRAA: FGS Sachsen F219 DRMV: FGS Muehlhausen DRFP: FGS Herten M1099 DRDQ: FGS U23 S172



BBC News reports that three German ciphers are finally being crackedwith the help of thousands of home computers. The codes resisted the bestefforts of the celebrated Allied cryptographers based at Bletchley Parkduring the war.

The three unsolved Enigma intercepts were published in a cryptographyjournal in 1995 and have intrigued enthusiasts ever since. Althoughassumed to have little historical significance, they are thought to beamong just a handful of German naval ciphers in existence still to bedecoded.

The latest attempt to crack the codes was kick-started by Stefan Krah,a German-born violinist with an interest in cryptography and open-sourcesoftware. He wrote a code-breaking program and publicised his project oninternet newsgroups, attracting the interest of about 45 users, who allallowed their machines to be used for the project. Mr Krah named theproject M4, in honour of the M4 Enigma machine that originally encodedthe ciphers. In little over a month an apparently random combination ofletters had been decoded into a real wartime communication. In itsencrypted form the cipher makes no sense at all, reading as follows:


The decoded message reads:

"Forced to submerge during attack. Depth charges. Last enemy position 0830h AJ 9863, [course] 220 degrees, [speed] 8 knots. [I am] following [the enemy]. [barometer] falls 14 mb, [wind] nor-nor-east, [force] 4, visibility 10 [nautical miles]."

Get the complete story from BBC NEWS:



UTILITY ROUND-UP editor: Ary Boender e-mail: [email protected]________________________________________________________________________

Thanks to the following contributors I was able to edit yet anotheredition of the Utility Round-up. Thumbs up to Al, Jon, N2UHC, Horse2,

Pagina 219

WUN-v12IARUMS, Brad, Jason, Mike, Tony, Dallas for your input.

I have a very busy period coming up. Refurbishing my new house andmoving house, followed by my marriage and honeymoon will consume mostof my time in May and June. I don't know if I can edit this column inthese months. If you like to volunteer to edit the column during thisperiod, or write a couple of items to fill it, please let me know.


As usual, I have selected a number of interesting logs and items fromthe pile of info that was either sent to WUN via the mailing list ordirectly to me.

7045 kHz: Tanzania Electricity Supply Co. at various locations.

7050 kHz: Unid NGO in Rwanda and possibly also in Ethiopia and Uganda. Positions coded. Idents: A, AA, BB, J, K, D, DG, Kigali, GA, W, WA, 42, 54, 4A, 72, 691, 134, 128, PW, Bukavu. Languages on this net: French, English and Italian.

7070 kHz: Unid Somali net in Eritrea. Idents: Asmara, Afmadu, Dobleh, Baidoa, Merere, Garoe, Burhane, Mogadishu, Kismayu, Beletwein

14000 kHz: Unid medical NGO in Zaire, Sudan, Somalia and Uganda. Idents: BI, ML, FM, SL, OK, Zero, Quarante, 95, KE, CC, CE, CJ, CM, Goma, JM, JK, CN, KT, JA, DK, KM, MM, DJ, BC, NI3, YL, AL, K1, NI, Mai Mai, YL, SV, Kasungu, NBI, JT, AR (Arua), Mobile 3. Languages on this net: English, Amharic, other vernaculars, KiSwahili, possibly Dinka, Dholuo, the last predominating. Medical traffic. Also on 12000 KHz LSB and 14450 KHz LSB.

Fishing boats from Sri Lanka were heard on a number of frequencies:7002-7020 kHz, 7045, 7057, 7070, 7075, 7085, 7097, 18090 kHz.

Tony reports 3 drift net buoys heard in Argentina on: 2108 kHz: DO 31; ID every 4 min. 2117 kHz: DO 01; ID every 4 min. 2135 kHz: DY 69; ID every 4 min.

I received two logs of AFRTS Feeders. On 4319.0 kHz, the AFRTS Feederin Diego Garcia was heard and other feeders reportedly were active on5446.5 and 7811 kHz.


A pirate beacon from central Ireland was active on St. Patrick's day.It sent PAT on 499.3 kHz.

Hugh Stegman reports a pirate beacon sending "W" on 4103.3 kHz every 10seconds, with strings of 5 dits or sometimes 1 dah or sometimes nothing.

He also heard the pirate weather station that sends the temperature inmorse. Frequency: 4079.6 kHz.

01-3, 0711 UTC: "TMP53" 0715 UTC: "TMP52"02-3, 0228 UTC: "TMP56" 1719 UTC: "TMP59"



MARS stations; alas seldom heard in Europe these days, but still activein the USA and thus reported in the WUN newsletter. The stations wereheard on the following frequencies. Modes: PSK31, USB/LSB voice.

Pagina 220

WUN-v12Freqs. Stations------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 3308.1 AF MARS net 3349.0 NNN0WBF, NNN0AAG, 4000.0 AAM4TAL 4007.0 NNN0AWH 4015.0 NNN0ALK, NNN0HKP, NNN0PNF, NNN0ANE, NNN0IDU, NNN0OGQ 4017.8 AAA4TN, 4021.0 AAT6PC, AAR6PQ, AAT7WE, AAA6TX, AAR6TD, AAR6TN, AAR6UK 4027.0 AAM5TIN, AAR7HB 4036.0 AAR5AQ 4038.5 NNN0TAK, NNN0WAX, NNN0VDG, NNN0FAI, NNN0IBM, NNN0XAT, NNN0EAA 4041.0 NNN0FKW, NNN0BBZ 4464.5 AFA4FR, AFA4RA, AFT4JE 4500.0 AFA2KU, AFA2KF, AFA4BT, AFA2AJ 5202.0 AAM7TMO 6913.0 AAR9TB, AAA9EC, AAR9ZA, AAR9VR, AAA9CS, AAR0OI, AAR0AE, AAR0HK, AAR8PQ 7302.0 AFA4AG, AFA4GK, AFA4RD, AFA4MW, AFA4KJ, AFA4OY, AFA4FI, AFA4IL, AFA4GD, AFA4CG, AFA4JS 7371.0 MARS 4 XRAY 1 BROVO Region 4 net NNN0JQC 7632.0 NNN0KAG11407.0 SENTRY-50 calling -any MARS-13927.1 AFA1WP wkg with Sentry 60 (E-3 AWACS, Tinker AFB 552ACW), AFA1WP wkg with Dixie 43 (KC-135R, AL-ANG, Birmingham AL), AFA1HS wkg with King 15 (C-130, Moody AFB)13993.0 AFA4NV, AFA3KV14389.1 AFA1WP wkg with Ghost 0414405.0 AFA6TP, AAR6NB, AFA4BR


::: VNG

Former Australian time signal station VNG was mentioned on the WUNmailing list a couple of weeks ago. The question was "is the stationstill on the air, or not?"

Well, Dallas phoned the Australian Ministry of Industry who told himthat VNG is now run by group of people interested in preserving thestation since its demise. They have a special license to transmit butthere is no regular schedule available. The University of NSW (Dept ofPost-Graduate and Extension Studies) who transmitted a Forerunner in the60's is involved somehow, along with the Australian N.M.I. "The Personin Australia I talked to could provide no further information andreferred me to National Measurements Institute, but said that they don'thave current VNG info available to the public. I remember reading inAustralian Wireless about a group being formed to save VNG back in the70's whilst I was in the UK and since my return to NZ in the 90'shave heard the odd transmission over the last 6 years.", says Dallas.

Thanks for the info, OM.



WUN's webmaster, Jason Berri, has maintained a database of RussianMerchant Ships for about 20 years. The RMSD has been a very useful toolfor many maritime DXers. But.... all good things come to an end. InJason's own words: "It has been 20 years since I first started monitoringRussian ship RTTY traffic with an AEA MBA-RO mini-reader. Many thingshave changed in the past 20 years. I have decided that I no longer havetime or interest in maintaining the RMSD. Therefore, I am basicallyputting it in the public domain and it is now free for download fromthe RMSD web site:

Pagina 221


I want to thank the many people who have contributed to the RMSD overthe years. I met many nice people with a similar interests in shortwaveutilities, RTTY, and in monitoring maritime traffic. If anyone wouldlike to "officially" take over the maintenance of the RMSD, please sendan email to [email protected] and let me know. Otherwise enjoy yourfree copy and the best of DX to everyone! -Jason"



WUN LOGS COLUMN =============== Mar 2006 ============ Edited by Eddie Bellerby ([email protected]) ably assisted by the following logs collectors:- Jim Dunnett [email protected] Bob Yellen [email protected]

Total logs ==========Jan - 2109 individual logsFeb - 2558 " "Mar - 1652 " "

00017.2 SAQ: 0940 SAQ SWE vvv vvv de SAQ 19feb06 (CS)00017.2 SAQ: Grimeton Radio Varberg SWE 1257 VVV de SAQ. Weak. "This transmission from ... 17 2 kHz ...". (19Feb06) (RGA)00017.2 SAQ: Grimeton Radio, Varberg, Sweden 0906 A1A 15.7 wpm (19/Feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow, unid tx site, Russia 1115 F1B FSK morse 5FG msg to unid unit RDL;"rdl rdl 424t6 77113 424t6 77113 424t6 77113 k" (16/feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow, unid tx site, Russia 1126 F1B FSK morse 5FG msg to unid unit RDL;"rdl rdl 5t728 26t74 5t728 26t74 5t728 26t74 k" (16/feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow,unid tx site, Russia 0814 F1B FSK morse flash msg to unid unit RAC;" xxx xxx rac rac 57926 gross 8077 9657" msg rptd, and "k" (25/Feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow,unid tx site, Russia 1109 F1B FSK morse flash msg to unid unit RDL;" xxx xxx rdl rdl 68958 62990 øpuntina 3856 2147" msg rptd, and "k" (06/Feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow,unid tx site, Russia 1113 F1B FSK (06/Feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow,unid tx site, Russia 1355 F1B FSK morse flash msg to unid unit RDL;" xxx xxx rdl rdl 78766 01634 golakant 7119 7328" msg rptd, and "k" (02/Feb/2006)(TJ)00018.1 Unid: Russian MIL HQ Moscow,unid tx site, Russia 1440 F1B FSK (02/Feb/2006)(TJ)00081 GYN: RN Secure Bcast 1223 UNID/50/85 Bearing 358° from Crimond or Skelton. (24Feb06) (RGA)00082.8 MKL: MHQ Northwood Matelo Bcast 1243 NATO-75/75/70 KG84. // 4732 6759 8988 11213. LF via Crimond HF via Inskip.

Pagina 222

WUN-v12 (04Mar06) (RGA)00147.3 DDH47: DWD via Pinneberg Germany 1218 RTTY/50/80 RYs and calls. (24Feb06) (RGA)00285 URB: NDB URBE 0455 CW (28Feb06) (FC)00312 TEA: NDB TEANO 0452 CW (28Feb06) (FC)00371 FRS: NDB FROSINONE 1719 CW (21Feb06) (FC)00393 ITA: NDB LATINA 1735 CW (28Feb06) (FC)00412 CIA: NDB CIAMPINO 1748 CW (28Feb06) (FC)00421 FN: NDB Fiumicino 1321 CW (05Feb06) (FC)00490 7TF: Alger Radio (A) 2015 NAVTEX. New one? ZCZC AD46 TEST ALGER RADIO TEST NNNN. ZCZC AD45 SAIDA ORAN ALGER RADIO TES NNNN. ZCZC AD44 111 TEST ALGER RADIO ... (04Mar06) (ML)00490 EAV: CABO DE LA NAO RADIO (M) 0600 NAVTEX METEO (06-Mar-06) (FC)00490 FRL: LA GARDE RADIO (S) 0700 NAVTEX NAV WARN. (06-Mar-06) (FC)00490 GNI: NITON RADIO(I)NAVTEX 0520 METEO (06-Mar-06) (FC)00490.0 CROSS Corsen: 2200 navtex ZCZC EB99 262_40 UTC FEB 06 OR_GINE METEO-FRANCE BMS LARGE ATLANTIQUE NR 92 DU_DIMANCOE 26 (!_=4834 200 (26Feb06) (wp3)00490.0 CROSS La Garde: 2302 navtex ZCZC SA13 231105 UTC FEB 06 AZUR LE 28 FEV 06 DE 0300Z A 0700Z EXERCICE DE LANCEMENT DE TORPILLES DANS UNE ZONE (26Feb06) (wp3)00490.0 Cullercoats Radio: 0735 navtex ZCZC UB54 ISSUED BY MET OFFICE ABERDEEN ON MONDAY _WU FEBRUARY 2002, 03:13 _'549,& 28,$ 2-4,8,&. VALID (27Feb06) (wp3)00490.0 Istambul Radio: 0413 navtex ZCZC BA06 201548 UTC SUBAT 06 ISTANBUL TURK _ADIO NAVTEX DENIZCILERE 108/06 SAYLI BILDIRI 1-27 SUBAT 01 /0_6 (27Feb06) (wp3)00490.0 Niton Radio: 0313 navtex ZCZC TA43 AVURNAV CHERBOURG 016 CASQUETS -PLATEAU DES ROCHES DOUVRES LE SIGNAL SONORE DU PHARE DES ROCHES (27Feb06)(wp3)00490.0 Porto Santo: 2209 navtex ZCZC MA85 16 0001 UTC FEB 06 AVISO COSTERO NR0357/2006 IMPORTANTE ESPAA COSTA E LOS ALFAQUES.- VIVEROS FLOTANTES (26Feb06) (wp3)00499.2 PAT: Pirate Beacon 2102 CW 559 in SW England. (16Mar06) (RGA)00499.3 PAT: St. Patricks Day Beacon, Ireland 2231 CW Slow- CW. Freq 499.28 kHz. (17Mar06) (ZE)00518 4XO: Haifa, Israel (P) 0052 NAVTEX (04Mar06) (ML)00518 7TA: ALGIERS RADIO 0112 NAVTEX SPECIAL WEATHER FORECAST. (14Mar06) (FC)00518 9HD: MaltaRadio (O) 2218 NAVTEX Nav warning (20Feb06) (FC)00518 EAC: Tarifa Radio Spain (G) 0500 NAVTEX Cadiz Bay - divers exercises (22Feb06) (FC)00518 EAV: Cabo de la Nao Radio Spain (X) 0350 NAVTEX MIB - Tafira (26Feb06) (FC)00518 GNI: Nitonradio (E) 2213 NAVTEX Gale warning (20Feb06) (FC)00518 GNI: NitonRadio UK (E) 0040 NAVTEX MIB Bristol Channel (26Feb06) (FC)00518 GPK: PORTPATRICK RADIO SCO 0408 NAVTEX GALE WARNING.(08Mar06) (FC)00518 PBK: Netherlands CG Radio (P) 2230 NAVTEX Nav warnings Lost containers (20Feb06) (FC)00518 SUZ: Serapeum Egypt (X) 2351 NAVTEX (03Mar06) (ML)00518 SVK: Corfu, Greece (K) 0140 NAVTEX (04Mar06) (ML)00518 SVL: Lemnos, Greece (L) 0153 NAVTEX (05Mar06) (ML)00518 SVL: LimnosGreece (L) 2150 NAVTEX Nav warning - grounded vessel. (04Feb06) (FC)00518 TAH: IstanbulRadio Turkey (D) 0430 NAVTEX MIB - firing practice (26Feb06) (FC)00518 UGE: Arkhangelsk, Russia (F) 2054 NAVTEX (03Mar06) (ML))00518 ZSC: Capetown R 1630 NAVTEX (07/Feb/06) (RH2)00518.0 Algier Radio: 0256 navtex (11Mär06) (wp3)00518.0 Unid: Algerian navtex 0252z 03/10/06 (CS)01925 IPL: Livorno Radio Italy 2119 USB OM with MIBs in Italian.

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WUN-v12 (17Mar06) (RGA)02011 DHA9: CIS Military 1909 CW clg ..8V QTC 977 91 1 2101 977 = 154 = QNUSE ZWGIA ALXGG ... P„PIO = K (01Mar06) (piri)02097.2 M: [QTH?] 1244z Feb 16, 2006 CW “M” marker there was a 7 to 8 second delay between ID’s. At times the marker seemed to be “A” instead of “M”. Bad tape? [SN]02187.5 319991000: ZCNE2, M/V Stolt Hikawa 1123 DSC (Cayman Islands) to: 003669915 USCG Galveston, Tx. Test request. (07Mar06) (RB)02187.5 538001175: V7AW3, M/T Ania 1127 DSC (Marshall Islands) 53,341 GRT Oil Tanker. to: 003669914 USCG Mobile. Test request. (07Mar06) (RB)02187.5 : MRCC Valencia/Almeria Spain 1951 DSC Preliminary call for weather/safety bcast on 2182 kHz. (05Mar06) (RGA)02187.5 A8JD: Sedco-704 (Liberian Flag) 2008 RQs MRCC Shetland Scotland for safety test. MRCC BQs. (05Mar06) (RGA)02187.5 PBK: Netherlands Coastguard Radio Den Helder 1958 DSC BQs Golden Trust No 1/H9ZS (Panamanian flag) for safety test. (05Mar06) (RGA)02187.5 TAH: Istanbul Radio 1956 DSC BQs Mull/HOKF (Panama flag) for safety test. (05Mar06) (RGA)02187.5 UIW: MRSC Kaliningrad 1947 DSC BQs Nijnevolzhskii/UFFF for simplex telephone call on 4390 kHz (?). (05Mar06) (RGA)02217.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 2131 ALE/USB Sounding 2217.4 4166.3 and 3227.4 kHz. (15Mar06) (RGA)02217.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 2246 ALE/USB Sounds. (11Mar06) (RGA)02225 : Unid Fishfone 2342 CRY-2001/USB Analogue voice scrambler. Male voices. (28Feb06) (RGA)02226 : UK Coastguard Aberdeen G 1924 USB VOICE Weather forecast and navigational wanrnings (01Mar06) (piri)02226 GKZ: Humber Coastguard 2113 USB OM with sea area forecasts. (17Mar06) (RGA)02252 2UG: Royal Navy vessel 1947 USB wkg U2I [RN vessel] and B1E [GN vessel], AS(u)W circuit, operating near Plymouth. (13Mar06) (RRE)02252 W4F: Unid Military 0241 USB Other letter-number- letter stations active. US Navy? (06Mar06) (JK)02252.0 ALPHA: MIKE, ROMEO & others: 0231 USB voice net (18/FEB/06) (JLM)02273.5 : UNID German AF D 1933 ARQ-E/85.8/161 RC=4 Beta (01Mar06) (piri)02309.2 IDR: Italian Navy Roma 1921 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IHMW [ITN minehunter M5559 "Viareggio"], voice coord for data traffic. (15Mar06) (RRE)02418 : UNID German AF D 1940 ARQ-E/85.8/172 RC=4 Beta (01Mar06) (piri)02474 PBC: DN Goeree HOL 1943 RTTY/75/840 CARB (01Mar06) (piri)02560.4 : Unid 2100 UNID/150/400 ACF=0. (17Mar06) (RGA)02608.4 FUO: FN Toulon F 1946 RTTY/150/850 FAAA DE FUO VV TESTING RY/SG 0 ... 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK ... INT ZBZ K (01Mar06) (piri)02608.4 FUO: French Navy Toulon 2106 RTTY/150/850 Bricks tests. (17Mar06) (RGA)02632 IQH: Napoli Radio Italy 2059 USB OM Robot with MIBs in Italian. Not // 2719. (17Mar06) (RGA)02716 U8K: German Navy vessel 1819 USB/RATT wkg 6MT, 3RE, 7IE, C4I and 6SU [all GN vessels, possibly "2. Schnellbootgeschwader"], voice coord for data traffic, some talk about X21D [GN Glücksburg broadcast] messages. (13Mar06) (RRE)02719 IZN: Porto Torres Radio Italy 2054 USB OM Robot with MIBs in English then Italian. Prob relay from Rome/IAR. (17Mar06) (RGA)02753 NAVY 557: Royal Netherlands Navy SH-14D 1839 USB

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WUN-v12 wkg PFC [RNN De Kooij], reporting ops normal in position 5315N00428E. (15Mar06) (RRE)02755.5 : Unid 2049 CW Random length figure strings 5225467 2346 1906750 975324497769100 2246 00975 32440 721110 ... (17Mar06) (RGA)02780 FUC: FN Cherbourg F 1953 RTTY/75/840 AA DE FUC VV TESTING RY/SG 0 ... 1 VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK......... INT ZBZ K (01Mar06) (piri)02780 FUC: French Navy Cherbourg 1236 RTTY/75/850 Bricks tests. (28Feb06) (RGA)02789 FUE: FN Brest F 1957 RTTY/75BD 851Hz VCZCZC ABC001 ALL DE FUE TESTING RY/SG 0 ...1 0 ... 9 INT ZBZ NNNN (01Mar06) (piri)02793.5 FDI22: FAF Narbonne F 2001 CW VVV VVV VVV DE FDI22 FDI22 FDI22 AR (01Mar06) (piri)02794 DRYZ: Unid 2222 ALE/USB clg JENE (21Feb06) (KB)02794 JENE: Unid 1844 ALE/USB clg DRYZ. Also at 2356 (21Feb06) (KB)02806.5 RABARBAR 33: Pol Mil 1900 USB Net with 5FG msgs, other calls: TEATR 41,???? 25 - distorted, (14Mar06)(MSM)02845 PBB: DN Den Helder Hol 2006 RTTY/75/840Hz CARB (01Mar06) (piri)02899.0 REACH 0185: 0916Z USB 14mar06 (AS)03035 : Fishfone 2038 SAILORCRYPT-2001/USB Male and female voices. Analogue voice scrambler with digital synch. (17Mar06) (RGA)03120.0 Unid: spanish speech inversion on 2006-03-14 @ 06:23:06 UTC by (V)03187.5 WARSZAWA3: R&S/MOI Net Poland 2036 ALE/USB Sounds (22Feb06) (RGA)03203.6 L: MX Cluster Beacon "L" 2043 CW (22Feb06) (AB)03217 DHJ83: GAF station 1818 USB wkg DHJ67, 5BVE, IP51 and 07XW [all GAF units], collective c/sign 1AJI, practice security messages, at 1900z DHO78, DHO91, DHO98 and KM7N [all GAF units] entering Net-C, now changing collective c/sign into VV1M, at 1924z kicking to F17 = 03273.5. (07Mar06) (RRE)03245.0 #’s: [QTH?] 1104z Feb 17, 2006 USB SS/YL 5f traffic [SN]03273.5 DHJ67: GAF station 2035 USB wkg DHJ83, DHO78, DHO91, DHO98, IP51, 07XW and KM7N [all GAF stations], collective c/sign VV1M, practice security messages, at 2358 "VV1M change operating signal ZTA ZTB5 frequency F17", continuing in digital GAF FEC mode. (08Mar06) (RRE)03273.5 DHJ83: GAF station 1927 USB wkg DHJ67, DHO78, DHO91, DHO98, IP51, KM7N and 07XW [all GAF units], collective c/sign VV1M, practice security messages. (07Mar06) (RRE)03308.1 AFA3VP: dig USAF MARS AFA3VP and AFA3DT in voice comms and to MFSK16 comms re: setting up digital modes. No tfc passed, mostly chat. on 2006-03-09 @ 03:26:59 UTC (V)03310.0 ODESSA R.: Odessa R./UTT, UKR, 1833, USB, wx/nav warnings YL/RR, 17-Feb-2006. (CK)03314 : Russian Air Defence (PVO) 2026 CW = 992326??0? = 992327??0????? etc. (17Mar06) (RGA)03348 K9N5: Russian Military 1942 CW K9N5 QRV K. Unid station on QSX freq 3819 kHz sending msg: ... = PPPPP OEJKY EKHZE ... EKHZE PWPWW 469 K. K9NS R 088 K. (02Mar06) (RGA)03590 : Unid 2100 CW ... FM 347995 FOR 347669 K. AR. (02Mar06) (RGA)03593.4 DLVK: Kuewaz ZB Hiddensee 2106 ARQ Sends position report to DQZ28/Kuewaz Neustadt/Holstein. Poor copy '__06-03-02 22:04 POSITION __ZB HIDDENSEE 0205___+?'. (02Mar06) (RGA)03593.4 DQZ28: Kuewaz Nuestadt/Holstein, Germany 2105 ARQ SELCALs PUTP/ZB Priwall. Works DLVK/ZB Hiddensee, then back to SELCAL for Priwall. (02Mar06) (RGA)03594.7 : MX Cluster beacon "D" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)

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WUN-v1203594.8 : MX Cluster beacon "P" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)03594.8 P: MX Cluster Beacon "P" 2037 CW // 4557.8 & 5153.8 (22Feb06) (AB)03595 : MX Cluster beacon "C" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)03614 6FN7: Ukranian Military 2026 CW Ends 63-group 5LG message to unid ... JHNKY GVCAy AGKEK K. Repeats preamble: 6FN7 = 050 63 14 2210 050 K. (14Mar06) (RGA)03658 6MXF: CIS Military 2033 CW 6SLU de 6MXF ZLS ZZJ ZHV ZGM ZZL ZGF QYT5 K. (08Mar06) (RGA)03691 ^ID: Unid 1918 ALE/USB Sounding. All FROM: IDs garbled. Coded? (15Mar06) (MSM)0371.0 ITU: Great Falls, Montana 1157z Feb 17, 2006 CW “ITU” [100watts] [SN]03714 ???-93: Russian Military 0601 USB OM in RR with flash message 'This is radiostation <unreadable>-93 (2 times) 31195 barbadocetc 4700 9210. 31195 barbadocetc 4700 9210. (14Mar06) (IB)03756 : S30 Pip 2238 CW (21Feb06) (AB)03756 : S30 The Pip S30 2045 UNID 2045 (22Feb06) (AB)03764.4 PBB: RNeth Navy Den Helder 1144 RTTY/75/850 CARBs. (24Feb06) (RGA)03764.5 PBB: RNethN Den Helder 2040 RTTY/70/850 2/4/6/8/ 12/16 MHz CARBs. (14Mar06) (RGA)03782 CTP: Portuguese Navy Oerias/Palhais 2043 RTTY/75/850 QSXs to NAWS. (14Mar06) (RGA)03782.0 CTP: dig CTP, Oieras Naval, Portugal, in RTTY 75/850 w/ NAWS tape on 2006-03-10 @ 07:23:59 UTC (V)03809.5 : CIS Military 2045 81-81/81/220 Cipher. W/W 3892.5 (?) (14Mar06) (RGA)03828.9 : S32 Squeaky Wheel 2239 UNID (21Feb06) (AB)03828.9 : S32 The Squeaky Wheel 2044 UNID (22Feb06) (AB)03829.4 : Unid German Coastguard 2046 ARQ Weather fcast until Friday midnight in German Bight Fischer & den Helder in GG. Signed Seewetterdienst Hamburg. (02Mar06) (RGA)03831.5 MUSHROOM: FAF E-3F 2205 USB/RATT wkg Hélène [CCOA Taverny], TACON circuit, Link11 data on 03158 , later kicking HF data to RO901 = 03939. (exercise Poker 2006 1) (07Mar06) (RRE)03873.3 : Possibly ISR Intelligence 1712 UNID/75/50, carrier on 3873.0 as usual. Both off 1715 (26Feb06) (KB)03876 SNOOPER 1: French Navy Br.1150 1109 USB/RATT wkg FWV [FN Nimes], voice coord for data traffic. (14Mar06) (RRE)03890 UWS3: KievRadio Ukraine 2050 CW Telegrams to riverine traffic. (14Mar06) (RGA)03890 UWS3: KievRadio Ukraine 2055 CW Good fast hand-sent Morse traffic to riverine traffic. (02Mar06) (RGA)03896 H0S: unid 0710 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg S6G (09Mar06) (KK)03896 H0S: unid 0714 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg Q7J (09Mar06) (KK)03896 H0S: unid 0720 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg D3S (09Mar06) (KK)03896 H0S: unid 0723 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg M5Y (09Mar06) (KK)03896 H0S: unid 0727 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg M5Y (09Mar06) (KK)03896 H0S: unid 0729 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg D3S (09Mar06) (KK)03896 K9F: unid 0721 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg H0S (09Mar06) (KK)03900 BJ22: Unid ALG MOI 0600 ALE/ USB clng UM22 (11Mar06) (MAL)03900 JE21: Unid ALG MOI 0530 ALE/USB clng UM22 (10Mar06) (MAL)04015 : Fishfone 2053 SAILOR-CRYPT-2001/USB Male voices. Analogue voice scrambler with digital synch. (08Mar06) (RGA)04024.5 H5F: Norwegian Navy vessel 2335 USB wkg H3P, 8XD and G6S [all NATO vessels], Link11 coord circuit. (exercise Cold Response 06) (12Mar06) (RRE)04026.4 : Unid 2042 FEC No decode. Encrypted. (13Mar06) (RGA)04032.0 Unid: USB with c/s's HP00, PP00, QP00, VP00, SP00, VL00, VP10,QP10, QP30 and RAP. Also sounding on 4830.0 and 5201.0(sometime 5202.0).16mar06 (MR)04051 QVK6: Ukranian Military 2012 CW Message for GOKR: QVK6 709 87 8 2100 709 = 223 = AAAAA SÜTCQ ÖUDÖX ... KZKDD K. GOKR responds on QSX freq 3832 with GOKR R 709 K.

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WUN-v12 (08Mar06) (RGA)04053.2 : Unid 1938 UNID 4-FSK 125/300 (22Feb06) (KB)04067.1 : Tashkent Meteo 1730 FAX 120/576 analysis chart Europe to Siberia. end 1751 (19Feb06) (KB)04083.0 Hope Ling: usb motor vessel hope ling calling Iloilo Radio/DYV, Philippines - (thanks folks for help IDing) on 2006-03-10 @ 07:09:10 UTC by (V)04102.32 W: [QTH?] 1122z Mar 4, 2006 CW “W” followed by pips/data bursts [SN]04115.6 IDR: Italian Navy Roma 1903 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IHMW [ITN minehunter M5559 "Viareggio"], voice coord for data traffic. (08Mar06) (RRE)04125.0 KWL3H: at NOAA taking maritime status from various craft -dew frost -gulf garden -westeren mariner on 2006-03-14 @ 06:17:10 UTC (V)04125.0 Unid: usb boaters talking about picking up swells. scheduled a meeting for Sunday. CS of -rich is waw9c3 on 2006-03-10 @ 06:12:47 UTC (V)04125.0 USCG Kodiak usb: taking request from boaters for Alaskan waters forecast on 2006-03-14 @ 05:50:20 UTC (V)04149 UKG: Kertch Radio, UKR 1833 USB robot voice reading wx and nav wngs in EE (28Feb06) (KB)04149.0 J8az3: usb M/V Tropic Tide J8AZ3, M/V Tropic Jade, M/V Tropic Sun J8AZ2, Reg: St Vincent by Tropical Shipping, Riviera Beach, FL USA on 2006-03-16 @ 14:20:30 UTC (V)04166 XSS: 'XSS Net' 1946 ALE/USB Sounds. (05Mar06) (RGA)04180 : FishFone 2033 SAILORCRYPT-2001/USB Males in conversation. (13Mar06) (RGA)04181 : Unid 1629 CW repeating "287/00", offair 1635. Regularly active around 1630 (26Feb06) (KB)04207.5 003669997: USCG Miami, FL 0636 DSC to: All ships, Undesignated distress relay, 14-17S, 170-40W. (07Mar06) (RB)04207.5 233492000: MSDM7, M/V Maersk Delano 0831 DSC (UK) Container ship. to: 003669995 USCG CAMSLANT. Test request. (07Mar06) (RB)04207.5 538002462: V7IW9, M/T Chem Leo 0920 DSC (Marshall Islands) 6,332 GRT Oil Tanker. to: 003669995: USCG CAMSLANT. Test Request. (07Mar06) (RB)04210.5 UFL: Vladivostok, Russia 1300z Feb 19, 2006 CW “DE” and ARQ/100 idle [SN]04211 BR: Petrobras 0550 ARQ RY's & some PP (22/Feb/06) (RH2)04212 UGC: Sankt Peterburg Radio Russia 2141 ARQ w/Morse ID. (02Mar06) (RGA)04212 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio PRC 2143 ARQ w/Morse ID. (02Mar06) (RGA)04215 XSG: ShanghaiRadio PRC 2145 ARQ w/Morse ID. (02Mar06) (RGA)04216 UIW: KALININGRAD RADIO ARQ w/CW marker CH MARK (21Feb06) (FC)08417 XSV: TIANJIN RADIO 1715 ARQ w/CW ID CH MARK (18Feb06) (FC)04225.2 IDR/IGJ: Rome/Agusta Naval Radio 2022 STANAG-4285/600L/5N1-1 IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ43/IDR8/IDR3/IGJ41. (13Mar06) (RGA)04226.5 XSS: Unid 1053 ALE/USB sndg. (21/feb/06) (sw)04239 NELC: Unid 0113 CW Call repeat many times, at 0120 off air. (22Feb06) (IB)04247 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast System 2011 RTTY/100/850 CARBs. (13Mar06) (RGA)04247.0 MGJ: RNy Faslane 1009 Rtty 100Bd/850Hz Marker Channel-Status: "02HOO 03C 03F 04B 06A 06G 08A 12B 16A 22A MGJ 1ZYIX 2CCIX 2CDIX 3ZZIX 4CBIX 4CEIX" (19/FEB/06) (KK)04250.5 HEB24: Bern Radio Switzerland 2200 PACTOR-2 w/CW CQ de HEB24 (21Feb06) (FC)04268 VTG4: Mumbai Naval Radio India 2109 CW 4FGS bcast to warships. (08Mar06) (RGA)04270.0 E120: usb E10 .. in progress.. heavy rtty qrm on 2006-03-09 @ 04:27:07 UTC (V)04270.7 CFH: CF HALIFAX 0601 RTTY/75/850 Wx groups

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WUN-v12 (22/Feb/06) (RH2)04271.3 CFH: dig CFH Halifax, NS CANFOR METEO b-cast in RTTY 850/75 on 2006-03-09 @ 02:30:27 UTC (V)04294.7 FUE: FN Brest 0609 RTTY/75/850 RY/ID Testing (22/Feb/06) (RH2)04295 FUE: FRENCH NAVY: BREST 1635 RTTY/75/850 TESTING (21Feb06) (FC)04325.8 : MX Channel marker "R" 2237 CW (21Feb06) (AB)04325.8 R: MX Cluster Beacon "R" 2042 CW // 5465.8 (22Feb06) (AB)04331 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2032 CW VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ = (24Feb06) (piri)04331.0 4XZ: IN Haifa ISR 2032 MORSE VVV DE 4XZ 4XZ = (24FEB06) (piri)04363 3AC4: Monaco Radio 1834 USB wx in FF (24Feb06) (KB)04372 Q5X: USN Vessels 2133 USB Q5X, R3H, P9C in Link-11 coordination net. Mention they are conducting 5-inch gun target practice at Killer Tomato target. (15Feb06) (MJC)04379 REA4: AF HQ Moscow 2116 CW Idling on OOK revs between skeds/ // 5157 8646. (08Mar06) (RGA)04391 : Russian airdefence RUS 1920 CW =992220??T????? (04Mar06) (PPA)04405 TAH: Istanbul radio TUR 1809 USB Turkish and English weather bulletin (04Mar06) (PPA)04411 WARSZAWA2: R&S/MOI Net Poland 1936 ALE/USB Sounds 4411 and 4627 kHz. (22Feb06) (RGA)04414.0 Echo Fox: usb -Echo Fox- wking -kilo,- Link-11 coordination -alligator- net on 2006-03-10 @ 07:54:31 UTC (V)04431 Unid: 1437 FSK/300/300 ACF=108/324 Earlier I heard like station (always ACF=108) with other speeds 150 and 200 Bd. Known frequencies: 2632, 2946, 3877, 4201, 4433, 5252 kHz. (14Mar06) (IB)04438.5 IDR: Italian Navy Roma 1030 USB/STANAG4285 wkg IADV [ITN frigate F581 "Carabiniere"] and IHMO [ITN minehunter M5556 "Alghero"], voice coord for data traffic. (14Mar06) (RRE)04438.5 IDR: Rome/Augusta Naval Radio (Delta Romeo) 1840 STANAG-4285/600L working warship Mike Charlie (I?MC) with voice co-ord. Thanks to (RRE) for freq. (14Mar06) (RGA)04445 9U?: Unid 1502 ALE/USB (12Mar06) (MAL)04461.0 FTJ: [QTH?] 0300z Feb 10, 2006 USB Very weak [SN]04465 Unid Number stn 1933 USB repeating "690 690 690 00000" (male, EE) until 1934 (19Feb06) (KB)04467 DAF 080: Danish AF CL-604 1306 USB wkg Primrose [DAF Karup], req wx forecast and actuals for Aalborg and Karup. (13Mar06) (RRE)04476.0 Shadow09: usb SHADOW-09 reports climbing above 49. CS of wisperer? also heard. weak and bearly readable on 2006-03-10 @ 04:25:25 UTC (V)04476.0 Unid: usb informal data net control with CS of 31 and 63. talked about being up on 6256 on 2006-03-09 @ 07:50:53 UTC (V)04479.0 V2A: am V2a in prgress poor modulation depth on 2006-03-10 @ 04:05:10 UTC by (V)04503 : NATO Air Defence Data System 2151 LINK-11/2250/DSB Same data in both sidebands. (02Mar06) (RGA)04507 : unid German airforce D 1710 ARQ-E/85.7/170 Beta idling (04Mar06) (PPA)04516.5 DHJ83: GAF station 1231 USB wkg DHJ67, 5BVE, IP51, 00S1 and W949 [all GAF units], collective c/sign 1AJI, practice security messages, at 1815z kicking to F14 = 03217. (07Mar06) (RRE)04518 1800: unid 0631 ALE/USB Sounding (05Mar06) (PPA)04520 : Unid 1922 UNID/USB Starts with 7 tones approx (1.5s) 490-970-145-1930-2330-2810-3290 then data in 3300 Hz B/W. (14Mar06) (RGA)04550 Unid: Unid 1754 RTTY/50/850 Crypto - strong sigs. (31/Jan/06) (RH2)04553.2 A: Italian Navy station 1829 USB/STANAG4285 wkg G,

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WUN-v12 K and R [all ITN stations], voice coord for data traffic. (15Mar06) (RRE)04557.7 : MX Cluster beacon "D" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)04557.8 P: Russian Navy Kaliningrad 1930 CW marker (21Feb06) (KB)04558 : MX Cluster beacon "C" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)04558.1 : MX Cluster beacon "A" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)04558.1 A: RUS Navy, probably Astrakhan 1930 CW mkr (21Feb06) (KB)04572 : NATO Air Defence Data System 1948 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A single-channel. (13Mar06) (RGA)04593 : unid 1923 CW/F1A/250 fm 81539 for 846155782 = ZWK fm 423349 for 7586492T5 fm 423349 for 423249 K (04Mar06) (PPA)04595 ---: Prob. MRC Army 2001 ALE/USB 39 tones modem with DLP (17Mar06) (MAL)04600.0 Unid: unid 2010 ALE/USB clg 492 (20/feb/06) (sw)04616 BMF: Taipeh meteo TWN 2000 FAX/120/576 weak signal, very noisy picture , no details visible (04Mar06) (PPA)04625 : S28 Buzzer 2238 UNID (21Feb06) (AB)04625 UVB76: S28 The Buzzer 2046 DSB (22Feb06) (AB)04630 ANTARCTO: AntarNet. Poss Tunisian Military 1944 ALE/USB Calls ASSADCTO. (05Mar06) (RGA)04640.0 fdg: FAF Bordeaux 1716 rtty 50/170 (9Mär06)(wp3)04663 TASHKENT: VOLMET Service 1944 USB YL with wx in English. (14Mar06) (RGA)04686 : Unid station 2359 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)04704.5 B8U :Dutch military unit 1945 USB in contact with net control station 0FP in unid exercise. (13Mar06) (PPA)04706 RESCUE 125: RAF/RN Helicopter 1356 USB Wkg KINLOSS RESCUE/ARCC Kinloss. Aircraft registered as a civilian not military.(20Feb06) (JB)04718 ETOILE L: French Navy N-262 1405 USB wkg Nime Ecole, req landing wx for Nimes. (06Mar06) (RRE)04724 ANDREWS: EAM Bcast 0134 USB Q3FRDF which later sent by PARTS KIT (as reported by Brad). PARTS KIT TACAMO-PAC(?) (13Feb06) (JK)04724 PARTS KIT: EAM Bcast 0202 USB EAM Q3FRDF // 8992 with nil hrd on the other main GHFS freqs.(13Mar06) (BC)04724 V3F: RN vessel 0730 USB wkg Boulmer [RAF CRC], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell. Later pushing to XA 5403 but no jou here. (exercise Neptune Warrior 061) (07Mar06) (RRE)04739 FIGHTING TIGER 20: Unid 0815 USB With some MIL-STD 188-110/Serial in Whalesong QRM. (06Mar06) (BC)04742.0 Architect: in contact with NATO20 req WX for LIPA,LIPY,LIPZ,LIPX =time 20.30 UTC 26feb06 (R)04762 H0S: Unid 2204 ALE/USB Calls M5Y. (15Mar06) (RGA)04766 : CIS Military 1956 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Encrypted vocoder. (14Mar06) (RGA)04780.5 9HE: RN vessel 1400 USB wkg MAGIC 88 [RAF E-3D], Link11 coordination. (exercise Neptune Warrior 061) (06Mar06) (RRE)04780.5 V3F: RN vessel 0912 USB wkg MAGIC 88 [RAF E-3D], Link11 coordination. (exercise Neptune Warrior 061) (07Mar06) (RRE)04810.2 : Unid station 2355 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)04840 ROUNDUP: GAF CRC Brockzetel 1115 USB wkg B5D [GN vessel], Cross-Tell excersise, closing down circuit at 1145z. (14Mar06) (RRE)04850 1800: Unid. Italian Carabinieri? 2052 ALE/LSB sounding. Also at 2251 0050 0249 0448 (24/25Feb06) (KB)04850.9 : Unid station 2242 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB traffic (04Mar06) (MAL)04855 2001: Protection Civile Marocaine 2213 ALE/USB Calls 2203. 1001 & 1313 also seen. (11Mar06) (RGA)04855 1324: Protection Civile Marocaine 2158 ALE/USB Sounds. Also 2001. (15Mar06) (RGA)04857.0 fdi8: FAF Nice 1703 rtty 50/400 (9Mär06)(wp3)

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WUN-v1204860 NYZ: M89 Variant 2021 CW VVV Q2M de NYZ. // 6840. (17Mar06) (RGA)04866 WI1: Unid Swed. net 1526 ALE/USB clg WI (28Feb06) (KB)04866 WI: Unid Swed. net 1731 ALE/USB clg WI2 (28Feb06) (KB)04874 TXX2: Spanish Guarda Civil Valdemoro 2213 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar06) (RGA)04877.5 fdi8: FAF Nice 1544 rtty 50/400 (9Mär06)(wp3)04880 ULX: Enigma E10 Mossad 2004 USB YL with ULX callup. (05Mar06) (RGA)04887.0 Unid: dig unIDed Tadiran scrambled voice under broadcast QRM on 2006-03-14 @ 05:34:36 UTC by (V)04910 RFI: Unid 1939 ALE/USB clg JCI. Also at 2155 0055 0357 (26/27Feb06) (KB)04910 RFP: Poss W.Libyan Gas Project 2217 ALE/USB Calls JCP (11Mar06) (RGA)04910 RFP: Unid 2215 ALE/USB clg JCP. Also at 2245 2325 and then every half hour until 0338 (26/27Feb06) (KB)04910 RFU: Unid 1931 ALE/USB clg JCU (26Feb06) (KB)04910.0 Unid: unid 2047 ALE/USB clg JCP (20/feb/06) (sw)04910.5 : Unid station 12 + 2 tones + doppler tone LSB (04Mar06) (MAL)04917 X3Q: USN vessel 1330 USB wkg B5I, T1E [both USN], 7KB and O0M [both RN], Link11 coordination, kicking data to KJ23 = 04528 . (exercise Neptune Warrior 061) (06Mar06) (RRE)04925 0000210502: Greek Gendarmerie 2141 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar06) (RGA)04930.2 : Unid station 2345 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)04952 WARSZAWA3: Polish MoI/R&S net 1903 ALE/USB exchg many bursts and voice cmds with MOBILE2 (23Feb06) (KB)04954.5 No Call: unid Cadets 1115 Sitor-Fec/100Bd/170Hz Chat "MUST WATCH THE BLOOD_PRESSURE...THERE " (19/FEB/06) (KK)04957.5 fdi8: FAF Nice 1540 rtty 50/400 (9Mär06)(wp3)04965.2 : Unid station 2341 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)04971.8 43C: Unid Combined Cadet Corps BBS G 1830 PACTOR/200/200 calling and working 72C who gives log-in history on QSX 4972, other stations in the log-in history were MBX1CF, MON1TOR, 88C and MCC0URD (09Mar06) (PPA)04988 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1954 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Feb06) (RGA)05022 RWM: time signal Moscow 2326 at 2330 continous tone (04Mar06) (MAL)05023 FDI8: FAF NICE 1943 CW Marker. (04-Mar-2006) (FC)05036 GASSI30P: Sonatrach ALG Gassi Touil 0406 ALE/LSB (11Mar06) (MAL)05036 MEDER3: Sonatrach ALG Medera 2000 ALE/LSB (09Mar06) (MAL)05036 OHT30P: Sonatrach ALG Ohanet 2240 ALE/LSB (09Mar06) (MAL)05036 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde El Nouss 2121 ALE/USB (09Mar06) (MAL)05040 RAF VOLMET: 1253 USB broadcasting for several hours,05450 silent during that time. (06Mar06) (RRE)05066.7 : EGYEMB Berne (mn brn - swysra) SUI 1924 ARQ plain AA tfc to MFA Cairo (23Feb06) (piri)05066.7 EGYEMB Berne (mn brn - swysra) SUI 1924 ARQ plain AA tfc to MFA Cairo (23FEB06) (piri)05077.2 : UNID 2021 STANAG-4285/300bps/ITA2/5N1 in burst mode sending only RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY it's not KG84. Later short, not readable messages. (encrypted?). (23Feb06) (piri)05077.2 UNID: 2021 STANAG4285 300bps ITA2 5N1 in burst mode sending only RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY it's not KG84. Later short, not readable messages. (encrypted?). (23FEB) (piri)05077.5 WNO: Gw station Slidell 2330 dataplex (04Mar06) (MAL)05085 RIJ-78: Possible Russian Mil 0657 USB OM in RR calling UYG-45, RJR-99, RJV-21, UZJ-82, UZD-76. Callsigns send as Roman Ivan Ivan Kratkij, Uliyana Ery Georgij,

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WUN-v12 Uliyana Zinaida Dmitrij etc ...(15Mar06) (IB)05097 CFH: Halifax CAN 2248 "CFH ZKR F1 2822 3394 4161 6260 8303 12377 16576 22182 AR" (04Mar06) (MAL)05105.5 : Unid station 2242 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB traffic (04Mar06) (MAL)05115 : Unid station 2236 RTTY/200/500 (04Mar06) (MAL)05134.0 M8A: cw m8a .. in progress. on 2006-03-10 @ 13:18:15 UTC (V)05144 : Unid station 2321 USB voice bad signal (04Mar06) (MAL)05148.2 : Unid station 2331 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05153.7 : MX Cluster beacon "D" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)05153.7 D: MX Cluster Beacon "D" 2039 CW // 7038.7 8494.7 (22Feb06) (AB)05153.9 C: Moscow beacon 2316 CW (04Mar06) (MAL)05153.9 S: MX Cluster Beacon "S" 2040 CW (22Feb06) (AB)05154 : MX Cluster beacon "C" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)05154 C: MX Cluster Beacon "M" 2038 CW (22Feb06) (AB)05154 C: SLB Moscow 1711 CW (05Mar06) (RGA)05154 C: SLB Moscow 2029 CW (04Mar06) (RGA)05154.1 : MX Cluster beacon "A" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)05160.2 : Unid station 2317 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05209 : Unid 1900 CW beeps 0.25 sec every few sec and possibly related shorter and weaker beeps in between. Active at least since 1430 (21Feb05) (KB)05215.7 : Unid station 2204 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05230 MIW2: E10 station ISR 2312 CW (04Mar06) (MAL)05230.0 E10: am E10, SPECIAL STRING: MIWA85Z200930B23Z200900C43Z200900 on 2006-03-10 @ 05:59:37 UTC (V)05235.6 : Unid station 2145 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05246.2 : Unid station 2130 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05251.0 Diamanti: dig ALE call: DIAMANTI to DRINI (Albanian Military) on 2006-03-10 @ 05:53:51 UTC (V)05254 : Unid station 1750 ALCATEL-801H/USB ((12Mar06) (MAL)05254 : Unid station 1830 ALCATEL-801H/USB ((11Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 0007 ALE/USB clng HA59 (10Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 0011 ALE/USB clng HA57 (10Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 0104 ALE/USB clng HA53 (11Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 1858 ALE/USB clng HA59 HD5 (09Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 1922 ALE/USB clng HA50 (09Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA52: Unid ALG MOI 0634 ALE/USB (10Mar06) (MAL)05263 HA52: Unid ALG MOI 0653 ALE/USB clng HA48 (11Mar06) (MAL)05266.8 : Unid station 2115 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)05280 : NATO Air Defence Data System 1714 LINK-11/2250/USB TADIL-A single channel. (05Mar06) (RGA)05289 DHO91: German Military 1630 USB Prob exercise. With 1NM9, DHO78 and KM7N. DHO sent: 'Message No. 20. = DRILL BVA DRL X4A RF6 U6I ESC MYE JCF 7J4 URV MHN SBR UJQ DRILL = (08Mar06) (AG)05289 DHO98: Unid German (Air?) Forces unit 1850 USB Advising DHO91 to "QSY to frequency F3" later to F17. (08Mar06) (MB3)05290 GB3RAL: RSGB 5MHz Prop Beacon Didcot 1916 CW 589; GB3ORK Harray Orkney Scotland 599; GB3WES Sleagill Cumbria 599. (08Mar06) (RGA)05307 POLMAR 51: French Customs Cessna F406 1022 USB wkg Marpol [French Custom station], starting investigation mission. (07Mar06) (RRE)05319 TXX2: Spanish Guardia Civil Valdemoro 1828 ALE/USB Sounding. Also 5352 and 5865 kHz. (05Mar06) (RGA)05348 : Possibly CCOA Taverny 2005 USB giving orders to execute missions. (exercise Poker 2006 1) (07Mar06) (RRE)05393 1HG: MRC Army 1954 2025 ALE/USB clng 9RY 39 tones modem with DLP (17Mar06) (MAL)05403 9HE: RN vessel 1345 USB wkg Boulmer [RAF CRC], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell. (exercise Neptune Warrior 061)

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WUN-v12 (06Mar06) (RRE)05403 BOULMER: RAF CRC 1145 USB wkg 2HN [RN vessel], Cross-Tell exercise, all west coast activities. (14Mar06) (RRE)05410 INAS30P: Sonatrach ALG In Amenas 0535 ALE/LSB (10Mar06) (MAL)05410 OHT30P: Sonatrach ALG Ohanet 0255 ALE/LSB (11Mar06) (MAL)05410 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde El Nouss 0432 ALE/LSB (10Mar06) (MAL)05450 RAF VOLMET: London Military Swanwick 2041 USB YL robot with weather actuals. (04Mar06) (RGA)05451 0XA: UNID 2015 USB clg K1B radio check over. This is 0XA nothing heard out. (22Feb06) (piri)05451.0 0XA: UNID 2015 USB/VOICE clg K1B radiocheck over This is 0XA nothing heard out. (22FEB06) (piri)05461.5 unid: 1432 USB net in RR. probably 4 or 5 f and 2 or 3 m stns, formal sounding, all strong, 1 m sounding like from an aircraft. (21-Feb-06) (MB3)05465.5 MOBILE2: Polish MoI/R&S net 1852 ALE/USB clg WARSZAWA2 who responds (23Feb06) (KB)05465.8 : MX Channel marker "R" 2237 CW (21Feb06) (AB)05477 : Unid 1926 CW V(s) NW NW Ä Ä 03211 Ä Ä 18320 Ä Ä 73810 NW NW Ä Ä 03211 Ä Ä 18320 Ä Ä 73810 K. NW NW NW Ä Ä Ä 67731 Ä Ä 28179 ... (05Mar06) (RGA)05477.7 HQ9F: cw HQ9F 3rd harmonic of original freq of 1825.9Khz very loud here -tnks Bohemian on 2006-03-14 @ 06:52:56 UTC (V)05479 : UNID RUS? 2030 RTTY/20BD-Sync/50BD-Async/500. In 20bd mode idling and in 50bd mode sending the word/call LEGENDA shift 500 Hz. Later after WY KTO SLEDITE KRIPT SLEDITE KRIPTOGRAMMA BURAN = encrypted tfc. (22Feb06) (piri)05479.0 UNID: RUS? 2030 RTTY 20BD Sync / 50BD Async. In 20bd mode ideling and in 50bd mode sending the word/call LEGENDA shift 500 Hz. Later after WY KTO SLEDITE KRIPT SLEDITE KRIPTOGRAMMA BURAN = encrypted tfc. (22feb06) (piri)05529 : Oostende? Radio 0725 USB comms check with NRF and cfg next sked at noon. Heard on several days around 0720, always wkg "November Radio Foxtrott" (25Feb06) (KB)05529 NRF: Unid 0725 USB wkg Oostende? Radio (25Feb06) (KB)05532 Praha: 0838 USB CSA LDOC wkg unid CSA flt w/wx for Mlada Boleslav (LKMB). (01-Mar-06) (MB3)05544 A7-AEC: Qatar A330 Flt QR0002 2122 HFDL Logs on to ARINC Muharraq. (22Feb06) (RGA)05544 B-6053: China Eastern A340 2132 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (22Feb06) (RGA)05544 D-ALCD: Lufthansa Cargo MD11F Flt LH8281 2044 HFDL Posn report 5101N 01701W via Muharraq. (04Mar06) (RGA)05544 G-VBLU: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Soul Sister' 2132 HFDL Logs on to Muharraq. (22Feb06) (RGA)05544 SAUDIA 7579: Saudia Arabian Airlines Flt 1733 USB Working unknown LDOC station. Weather. (15Mar06) (RGA)05547 : Prob Israeli Navy 1631 ISR-MODEM Like Mil- STD-188-110a with short burst and preamble at start. (10Mar06) (IB)05550 1KZDJANKOVIC: POL Mil Jankovicz, Kosovo 0709 ALE/USB responding to OPERACYJNYPKW (24Feb06) (KB)05550.0 OPERACYJNYPKW: Polish Army HQ, POL, 2100, ALE, exchge w/ 1KZDJANKOVIC, (Polish Det. Kosovo), 17-Feb-2006. (CK)05598 Air France 489: (SXM-CDG) 0233 USB Position/w Santa Maria. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Air Portugal 104: (EWR-LIS, A-310) 0023 USB ATC Clearance/w New York, (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Alitalia 63-R: (MIA-MXP, B-777) 0026 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 American 68: (MIA-MAD, B-767) 0234 USB Position/w

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WUN-v12 New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 British Airways 24-M: (MIA-LHR, B-747) 0041 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Condor 157: 0246 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Condor 254: 0020 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Continental 84: (EWR-TLV, B-777) 0053 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Delta 108: (ATL-MAD, B-767) 0229 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Delta 148: (JFK-FCO, B-767) 0048 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Delta 72: (JFK-IST, B-767) 0013 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Iberia 6122: (MIA-MAD, A-340) 0243 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Iberia 6250: (JFK-MAD, A-340) 0028 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Livingston 193: Position/w New York. 0004 USB (22Feb06) (MH)05598 LTU 1551: (JFK-DUS, A-330) 0031 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Lufthansa 445: (ATL-FRA, A-340) 0016 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Lufthansa 463 (MIA-FRA, B-747) 2340 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)05598 Reach 044: 0029 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 Reach 720: 0005 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05598 United 930: (SFO-LHR, B-777) 0247 USB Position/w New York. (22Feb06) (MH)05600.0 HQ4: unid 2023 ALE/USB clg GHAT (20/feb/06) (sw)05616 Air Canada 872: (YYZ-FRA. A-330) 0048 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 American 174: (RDU-LGW. B-777) 0254 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 18: (EWR-LGW. B-777) 0227 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 40: (EWR-FCO, B-767) 0109 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 40: (EWR-FCO. B-767) 0109 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 44 (EWR-MXP. B-767) 0149 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 56: (EWR-CDG. B-777) 0224 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 60: (EWR-BRU. B-767) 0222 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 74: (EWR-HAM. B-757) 0159 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Continental 78: (EWR-ZRH, B-767) 0207 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 148: (JFK-FCO. B-767) 0151 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 150: (JFK-VCE, B-767 0037 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 42: (CVG-AMS, B-767) 0001 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 78: (JFK-TXL. B-767) 0200 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 84: (JFK-MXP. B-767) 0249 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Delta 90: (JFK-BCN. B-767) 0228 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Fed Ex 1: (CDG-MEM, MD-11) 0113 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Fed Ex 3: (CGN-MEM. MD-11) 0118 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Fed Ex 5: (STN-EWR. MD-11) 0100 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)

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WUN-v1205616 Fed Ex 5: (STN-MEM, MD-11) 0152 USB Position/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Fed Ex 9: (FRA-MEM, MD-11) 0145 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 LTU 567: (POP-FRA. A-330) 0105 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 N94LT: (Gulfstream) 0107 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Northwest 42: (MSP-AMS. DC-10) 0051 USB ATC Clearance/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Northwest 52: (DTW-FRA. A-330) 0055 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Northwest 57: (DTW-FRA, A-330) 0149 USB ATC Clearance/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Northwest 64: (EWR-AMS. DC-10) 0250 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Reach 6002l 0059 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 Reach 926: 0029 USB Position/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 Reach 956: Position/w Gander 0129 USB (04Mar06) (MH)05616 United 902: (IAD-MUC. B-767) 0144 Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 United 916: (IAD-FRA, B-747) 0201 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 United 950: (IAD-BRU, B-767) 0122 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 United 958: (ORD-LHR, B-777) 0151 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 US Air 26: (PHL-CDG. A-330) 0050 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 US Air 2: (PHL-FCO, A-330) 0158 USB Selcal Check/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05616 US Air 2: (PHL-FCO. A-330) 021Y USB ATC Clearance/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 World 173: (BRU-DAY. DC-10) 0135 USB Position/w Gander. (09Mar06) (MH)05616 World 920: (BRU-CHS, DC-10) 0028 USB Position/w Gander, (04Mar06) (MH)05680 RESCUE 125: Wkg KINLOSS RESCUE/ARCC Kinloss 1356 USB Enroute to investigate air crash. A/c went off radar nr Marham; last seen by Tornado aircraft. Crashed a/c had one POB. Injured. To hospital. (20Feb06) (JB)05684 V3F: RN vessel 0924 USB wkg Boulmer [RAF CRC], JAAWSC circuit, cross tell, all west coast activity. (exercise Neptune Warrior 061) (07Mar06) (RRE)05696 : Unid Poss Spanish Navy System 1906 RTTY/2-CHANNEL with 1000 Hz separation between channels. ACF=0. (06Mar06) (IB)05702 SNOOPER 1: French Navy Br.1150 1105 USB/RATT wkg FWV [FN Nimes], voice coord for data traffic, no joy on the RATT, qsy to secondary freq ANZ5 = 3876 . (14Mar06) (RRE)05704.5 B8U: Dutch Navy vessel HNLMS Willemstad 1945 USB in contact with net control station 0FP in exercise Cold response 06. (13Mar06) (PPA)05707.5 2CC: Norwegian Navy vessel 1955 USB wkg 0AT, F9O [both RNON], C6R [RNN] and 3JX [RN], Link11 coord circuit. (08Mar06) (RRE)05707.5 MAGIC 55: NATO E-3A 1459 USB wkg 0FP, B8U, 7UC, 3TJ, V3W, K2Z, 2BY, I1B, Q5H, Z9U, E7H and D9E [all NATO vessels], Link11 coord circuit. (exercise Cold Response 06) (13Mar06) (RRE)05732 J23: COTHEN HH-60J 2137 ALE/USB Calls LNT. Followed by JULIET 23, (ATC Mobile) position report to CAMSLANT. 30-27N 088-03W. (15Feb06) (MJC)05732 JULIETT 41: MH-60J, CGAS Elizabeth City 2212 USB Airborne with 3 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT. (15Feb06) (MJC)05748 : French Air Force? 1950 RTTY 50/85 test slip with

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WUN-v12 typos: "ceci est une mission de calorie destin au rglage de votre rcepteur lundi [...] dimanche 301 [...] 309 janvier [...] dcembre". Off air 2057 (22Feb06) (KB)05751.2 DRFC: German Navy minehunter M1058 "Fulda" 1918 USB calling DHJ58 several times, no joy. (13Mar06) (RRE)05759 : Turkish Navy network, TUR 0826 USB/600Bd FSK, KG-84 crypto tfc. (05Feb06) (LDO)05765 unid: 1338 USB a m with long xmission of 5FG in RR (live, not synthesized). (22-Feb-06) (MB3)05820.0 YHF: [QTH?] 0231z Feb 10, 2003 USB Very weak [SN]05871 TXXX: Spanish Guarda Civil Madrid 1910 ALE/USB Calls TZSM/Malaga. (05Mar06) (RGA)06224 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2054 ALE/USB Sounds. (11Mar06) (RGA)06250 : Japan Navy Slotmachine 1545 USB also audible on 6417. 6445, 8313, 8588 and 8703.5 (27Feb06) (piri)06250.5 LFI: GW station Rogaland 1830 Dataplex (12Mar06) (MAL)06271.5 UCTC: Vessel Mozdok (Russia) 1753 ARQ Telegrams via MurmanskRadio/UDK2 in autotelex. Followed by UCUD/Vasilyi Lozovskji who SELCALs KTMM (3744) followed by batch of telegrams. (05Mar06) (RGA)06308 S10: Unid 2233 ALE/USB Calls A20. (06Mar06) (RGA)06312 003669899: NOJ, USCG Kodiak, Alaska 0253 DSC (USA) To: 357948000: 3FYC9, M/T Spring Lyra (Panama) 9,549 GRT tanker. Test acknowledge. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 006010001: ZSC Capetown Radio/MRCC South Africa 0036 DSC to: 215667000: Unid. Test acknowledge. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 210175000: P3JQ9 M/V Nava Eliza 0237 DSC (Cyprus) 24,705 GRT Bulk Carrier. to: 210175000 (back to ship). Test with 6215 listed. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 212836000: P3LA8 M/V Isadora 0048 DSC (Cyprus) 34,948 DWT Bulk Carrier to: 002191000: Lyngby Radio Denmark. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 215018000: 9HZT6 M/V Stanislaw Kulczynski 0034 DSC (Malta) 33,627 DWT Bulk Carrier. To: 002191000: Lyngby Radio Denmark. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 224508000: EAVH, M/T Primo M 0331 DSC (Spain) 18,596 DWT Product tanker. To: 002191000: Lyngby Radio, Denmark. Test request. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 239416000: SZWV M/T Cap Jean 0920 DSC (Greece) 147,439 DWT Tanker. To: 002191000: Lyngby Radio Denmark. Test Request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 239738000: SVXX M/T Cosmic 1153 DSC (Greece) 78,918 GRT Tanker. To: 003669919: USCG Miami. Test Request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 244796000: PGBO M/V Music 1331 DSC (Netherlands) 5,103 GRT Freighter. To: 003669997 USCG Miami. Test Request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 247585000: Unid. 0321 DSC (Italy) To: 247456000 Unid. (Italy). J3E telephony request 6240 . (16Mar06) (RB)06312 248446000: 9HET6 M/V Michael S 0753 DSC (Malta) 20,252 GRT Bulk Carrier. to: 003669995: USCG CAMALANT. Test request. Ex-Lady Lory. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 248711000: 9HOX6, M/T Tsunami 0252 DSC (Malta) 5,685 GRT Oil tanker. To: 003669997: USCG Miami. Test request. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 249559000: 9HVD4 M/V Seminole 0031 DSC (Malta) 3,832 DWT Dry Cargo. To: 002191000: Lyngby Radio Denmark. Test request. Ex-Fortuna I. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 253202000: LXRC Royal Clipper 0658 DSC (Luxembourg) 5-Masted Cruise Ship (Star Clipper). To: 003669998: USCG New Orleans. Test Request. picture at: (26Feb06) (RB)06312 272021000: EMSB, M/V Uyzhny 0554 DSC (Ukraine) Unspecified Merch. to: 002191000 Lyngby Radio, Denmark. Test request. (07Mar06) (RB)06312 273112700: UEIS, TH Pioner Karelii 0242 DSC (Russia)

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WUN-v12 6,070 DWT Bulk Carrier. To: 002191000: Lyngby Radio, Denmark. Test request. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 308869000: C6MI6 M/V Toledo Carrier 0817 DSC (Bahamas) 5,994 GWT Container/Cargo. To: 232120000: VQUQ9: M/V Sevilla Carrier (UK) 5,994 GWT Refrigerated Cargo. J3E Telephony request 6224. Picture: tm (26Feb06) (RB)06312 311035000: Unid 1308 DSC (Bahamas) to: 003669995 USCG CAMALANT. J3E Telephony request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 311231000: Unid 0039 DSC (Bahamas) to: 002241022: Coruna Radio Spain. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 352899000: 3FXW3 M/T African Ruby 1340 DSC (Panama) 81,803 GRT Tanker. to: 003669995 USCG CAMALANT. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 470358000: Unid 1317 DSC (United Arab Emirate) to: 003669995 USCG CAMALANT Portsmouth Va. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 477845000: VRMV5 M/V Unique Alliance 0252 DSC (Hong Kong) 87,363 GRT Bulk Carrier. To: 006010001: Capetown Radio S. Africa. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 538001422: V7CB4 M/T Mercure 0718 DSC (Marshall Islands) 18,094 GRT Product Tanker. To: 003669998: USCG New Orleans. Test Request. Ex-Danila. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 538090056: V7DQ8 P&O Nedlloyd Portbury 0245 DSC (Marshall Islands) 16,901 GRT Container Ship. To: 002240995: Las Palmas Radio Spain. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06312 563080000: 9VEM, M/V Sealand Value 0311 DSC (Singapore) 47,667 GRT Container ship. To: 002191000 Lyngby Radio, Denmark. Test request. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 563817000: 9VAD9, M/T Bow Sky 0251 DSC (Singapore) tanker. To: 003669998 USCG New Orleans. Test request. (16Mar06) (RB)06312 636090937: A8HT9 M/T Hellespont Triumph 0016 DSC (Liberia) 157,406 DWT Product Tanker. To: 002240994 Tarifa Radio Spain. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)06348 FUE: French Navy Brest 1222 STANAG-4285/600L/5N2 VZCZCABC001 ALL de FUE TESTING RYs SGs etc. INT ZBZ K. (04Mar06) (RGA)06362.1 MGJ: RN Secure Bcast Control 1228 RTTY/75/340 CARBs. Channel in VFT. Freq 6362.065 kHz. (04Mar06) (RGA)06368.5 HEB26: Global Link Berne 1154 PACTOR-2 Idlers and Morse ID. (24Feb06) (RGA)06388.8 : Unid station 1800 STANAG-4285/USB ACF=32 (04Mar06) (MAL)06389.0 CTP: dig CTP Lisbon, Portugal (Portugese Naval) up with NAWS call tape rtty 850/75 on 2006-03-12 @ 04:57:48 UTC (V)06391 AQP4: Karachi Naval Radio Pakistan 2049 CW V(s) AQP2/4. (13Mar06) (RGA)06400 OPERACYJNYPKW: Polish Army Warsaw 2107 ALE/USB Calls 1KZDJANKOVIC/Polish Military Jankovicz Kosovo who responds. (11Mar06) (RGA)06462 9MR: Malay Navrad 1745 RTTY/50/850 5LG (31/Jan/06) (RH2)06470 UWS3: KievRadio 2101 CW Working Anatoliy Zheleznyakow/UREY and Leopard/USGO in fast Morse. (13Mar06) (RGA)06478 unid: 1542 USB a m stn (sounds like "Limal") keeps calling another (sounds like "Tarika") in a Scandinavian language but gets no reply. (27-Feb-06) (MB3)06496.4 CFH: CanForce Halifax NS Canada 2109 FAX/120/576 Poor chart. In STANAG-4285 QRM. (13Mar06) (RGA)06507 VTP13/14: IN Vishakhapatnam 1754 RTTY/50/850 RY/ID (31/Jan/06) (RH2)06510 FTEROI: Frigate F-40 Niteroi Brazillian Navy 2222 ALE/USB Calls ERMSAL/Brazillian Naval Radio Salvador. (06Mar06) (RGA)06523 unid: 0851 USB 2 m in FF chatting about eating, fishing and other 'pleasures of life'. (24-Feb-06) (MB3)

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WUN-v1206535.0 Dakar oca: usb Dakar OAC wkg various A/C on 2006-03-09 @ 06:49:57 UTC (V)06628 VDA374: Volga-Dneipr Flt 0240 USB Working NYC. Bound Rota, Spain. No SELCAL capability. maintaining listening watch on 6628 and 8874. (28Feb06) (BC)06640.0 AIRNC: usb AIRNC in comms with Continental 473 with MedLink physician regarding passenger with upper abdominal distress on 2006-03-10 @ 01:44:53 UTC (V)06688 MUSHROOM: FAF E-3F 2059 USB wkg Hélène [CCOA Taverny], kicking to RO945 = 03831.5 for TACON. (exercise Poker 2006 1) (07Mar06) (RRE)06697 B0X: NRN P-3C [German crew] 1310 USB wkg MKL, reporting ops normal, relay to PBV. (06Mar06) (RRE)06697 MKL: Royal Air Force 1546 USB wkg B0Y with rdo check, then both into slow RTTY-like sounding digi mode. (21-Feb-06) (MB3)06697 ONE PUNCH: EAM Bcast 0652 USB Q3XXXR... heard some laughing in the background... nil hrd on 8776. (10Mar06) (BC)06697.0 One Punch: usb ONE PUNCH (poss USAF TACAMO a/c) with 28 char EAM Q3XXXR, nil hrd on reported paralell of 8776 on 2006-03-10 @ 06:57:08 UTC (V)06721 : Unid 1520 LSB, 1 m shouting more than saying brief messages in unid language (poss. Albainan). Garbled high- pitched audio. No other stn hrd. (21-Feb-06) (MB3)06727 MAGIC 55: NATO E-3A 1401 USB/RATT wkg JWT [RDN Stavanger], voice coord for data traffic. (exercise Cold Response 06) (13Mar06) (RRE)06730 Almaty Volmet: 1518 USB av'n wx in RR for Samarkand & other airports. (21-Feb-06) (MB3)06730 DAF 080: Danish AF CL-604 1303 USB wkg Primrose [DAF Karup], req another freq to avoid interference with R3R and DHJ59, qsy 4467 . (13Mar06) (RRE)06730 R3R: German Navy Br.1150 1259 USB/RATT wkg DHJ59 [GN Wilhelmshaven], voice coord for data traffic, problems with the RATT, sorting things out. (13Mar06) (RRE)06730 R3R: German Navy Br.1150 1359 USB wkg DHJ59 [GN Wilhelmshaven], reporting ops normal in position 5458N01332E, on task at time 1320z in position 5410N01159E, reporting off task at 1405z. (13Mar06) (RRE)06733 XENON D: French Navy F-50M 1809 USB wkg IDR [ITN Roma], reporting ops normal. (15Mar06) (RRE)06754.0 CHR: usb CHR Trenton Military VOLMET but all the reports were -no report received- on 2006-03-15 @ 07:30:03 UTC (V)06770 MDN: ALG MDN 0840 ALE/USB clg UM52 (14Mar06) (KK)06770 STATIONA: R&S Station Loc? 1226 ALE/USB clg STATIONB (16Mar06) (KK)06770 STATIONA: R&S Station Loc? 1229 ALE/USB clg STATIONB (16Mar06) (KK)06771 DIAMANTI: ALB MOI 2130 ALE/USB clg DRINI (08Mar06) (KK)06775 ANTARCTO: TUN Mil 0650 ALE/USB clg HAMZACTO (08Mar06) (KK)06775 CENTR1: Rom MfA Bucuresti 0938 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg KPF: rom. Embassy (08Mar06) (KK)06775 HAMZACTO: TUN Mil 0635 ALE/USB clg HAMZACTO (08Mar06) (KK)06777.2 DRFJ: M 1096 "PASSAU" [3. MG Olpenitz] 0652 USB/Stanag-4285 wkg Five-Niner: GNy Wilhlmshaven (09Mar06) (KK)06790 B4J: Unid 2148 ALE/LSB (09Mar06) (MAL)06790 HR: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde Hassi R'Mel 0939 ALE/LSB (11Mar06) (MAL)06790 HR: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde Hassi R'Mel 1642 ALE/LSB (11Mar06) (MAL)06790 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde El Nouss 1930 ALE/LSB (09Mar06) (MAL)06796 TWBE2: Spanish Guarda Civil Teruel 2110 ALE/USB

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WUN-v12 Calls TXX2 Valdemoro. (11Mar06) (RGA)06807.0 CENTR3: MfA Bucuresti 0555 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg UMC: romanian Emb. (23/FEB/06) (KK)06840 NYZ: Enigma M89 2120 CW Q2M de NYZ VVV. // 4860 (22Feb06) (RGA)06840.5 FDY: FAF Orleans 1440 RTTY/50/360 Marker: "TEST DE FDY VOYEZ LE BRICK..." (15Mar06) (KK)06862 : UNID Chinese MIL or diplo, CHN? 1606 LSB/4+4/8 x 75Bd QPSK, idle+tfc., strong signal (05Feb06) (LDO)06865.2 No Call: unid 0535 Rtty 50Bd/1000Hz "MF30/ 95 NR-0554 W-0142 31,45,66,79," 5fGs "MF300/ 95 NR-0556 W-0182 31,45,66,79 5fGs.... (23/FEB/06) (KK)06870 CCM41: Prob Venezualan Military 2217 ALE/USB Calls CCM. (06Mar06) (RGA)06870 CCM83: Prob Venezualan Military 2212 ALE/USB Calls CGSE3. (06Mar06) (RGA)06876.0 M12: cw M12: 691 691 691 1 / 1926 135 1926 135 (0520/0530z) on 2006-03-13 @ 05:24:36 UTC (V)06881.6 No Call: unid Fronet Station 0955 P-I/Ham 100Bd <Calling:F61HAA>: VB Västerbotten, connect and P-III (19/FEB/06) (KK)06886.0 AFALMUIAFALE: unid IAF 1754 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg MODIAFALE (23/FEB/06) (KK)06911.5 R24427: dig R24427 clg T498MD both unID in USB ALE @ 0207 on 2006-03-15 @ 03:27:03 UTC (V)06918.1 1216: Prob Egyptian Border Guard 2004 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb06) (RGA)06957 MOBILE2: R&S/MOI Net Poland 2032 ALE/USB Sounds. (26Feb06) (RGA)06957 WARSAWA3: R&S/MOI Net Warsaw 2013 ALE/USB Sounds. MOBILE2 also. (11Mar06) (RGA)06958.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1053 P-I/Ham 100Bd <Calling:F48HLZ>: VB Västmanland, no connect (19/FEB/06) (KK)06960 : Unid Illicit 1730 USB In the noise, male not English, maybe S06 Russian. A search through the database only brings out E03 on 6959. (15Mar06) (DJ)06960.3 No Call: unid Fronet Station, S. 1048 P-I/Ham 100Bd <Calling:F34HUW>: Nordvästra Götaland, no connect (19/FEB/06) (KK)06980 unid: 1046 USB 2 m chatting casually in FF (02-Mar-06) (MB3)06981 ZAV4: Russian Military 1402 CW ZAV4 OK QRJ NO QYT6 K. ZAV4 OK ZQK ZBF ZBU QYT6 K. ZAV4 OK QTA ZQK ZBF ZBU QYT6 K. NL5O de LX1C K. 2GJC K. This is a QSX freq for NCS NL5O. DM9Z and 1ZMV also seen. (Tks Kristian). (05Mar06)(RGA)06983.0 3BT: Georgian Mil 1541 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg LAZERI2 (18/FEB/06) (KK)06983.0 GV1: Georgian Mil 1542 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg RAINDI (18/FEB/06) (KK)06985.0 877: Georgian Border Guards, SDPSF 1558 USB ALE/MIL-188-141A clg 765 (18/FEB/06) (KK)06990.5 OEY41: Austrian Mil 1404 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg OEY52, 39tone Modem (09Mar06) (KK)06991 BBT: Unid 1836 ALE/USB Sounds. (22Feb06) (RGA)06993.9 MFJ04: Sea Cadet Corps 1020 Sitor-Fec/100Bd/170Hz "MFM01 DE MFJ04 - RR YOUR RELAY DAT/99/318 DAT/99/317 ALL ZBZ5 ZRA1 - KK, back in Voice on 6992.5kHz (19/FEB/06) (KK)06993.9 MRF19: Sea Cadet Corps 1017 Sitor-Fec/100Bd/170Hz "MFJ04 DE MRF19 NR DAT/99/317 RR 190930Z FEB 06 UNCLASS SIC MET" (19/FEB/06) (KK)06994 WARSZAWA3: R&S/MOI Net Warsaw 2030 ALE/USB Sounds. (26Feb06) (RGA)07018 REA4: Air Force HQ Moscow 1410 MORSE/--/1000 Idling 50 Baud reversals. (23Feb06) (RGA)07038.7 : MX Cluster beacon "D" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)07039 S: ARKHANGELSK BEACON 1910 CW (06Mar06) (FC)

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WUN-v1207039.1 : MX Cluster beacon "A" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)07039.1 A: MX Cluster Beacon "A" 2041 CW (22Feb06) (AB)07313.6 AFA2CV: usb MARS net AFA2CV, AFA2AJ, and others. on 2006-03-10 @ 13:34:25 UTC (V)07335 CHU: TS Ottawa, CAN 2127 A2A/H3E/USB (08Mar06) (KK)07500 2603: Carabineri, I. 0834 ALE/USB clg 2009 (14Mar06) (KK)07500 2603: Carabineri, I. 0839 ALE/USB clg 0200 (14Mar06) (KK)07512 STATIONA: R&S Station Loc? 1229 ALE/USB clg STATIONB (16Mar06) (KK)07527 J18: COTHEN Clg LNT 1325 ALE/USB Followed by JULIET 18 (HH-60J, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 6 POB for training requests guard from CAMSLANT. (15Feb06) (MJC)07597 CLC24: VEN Mil 2241 ALE/USB clg SCLC212 (13Mar06) (KK)07597 CLC24: VEN Mil 2306 ALE/USB clg SCLC212 (13Mar06) (KK)07597 CLC25: VEN Mil 2321 ALE/USB clg SCLC251 (13Mar06) (KK)07597 SCLC251: VEN Mil 0009 ALE/USB clg CLC25 (13Mar06) (KK)07641 MJMD: Poss Serb Military 1735 ALE/USB Calls 4N7R. (22Feb06) (RGA)07645 : Unid 2005 LINK-11 Data transmission. (15Feb06) (MJC)07646 DDH7: Hamburg Meteo D 1639 MRTTY/50/450 WX reports (05Mar06) (piri)07650.0 No Call: unid 1133 R&S PSK/2400Bd (19/FEB/06) (KK)07671.5 : Unid FAF 1942 RTTY/50/170 with a strange testtape: Ceci est une mission de calorie destin au r‚glage de votre r‚cepteur lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche 301 202 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 janvier f‚vrier mars avril mai juin julliet ao–t septembre octobre novembre d‚cembre. (23Feb06) (piri)07671.5 FAF: F? 1942 RTTY 50BD 170Hz with a strange testtape (23FEB06) (piri)07671.5 No Call: unid FAF 1350 Rtty 50Bd/85Hz (19/FEB/06) (KK)07675.5 : unid spanish? Prirates 2030 LSB/SSTV Mode? changing SSTV-Pics, no Joy with MixW and MMsstv Ver.1 6 (08Mar06) (KK)07691 : Unid 2132 UNID/38.5/125 If it's Morse it's not Morse as we know it. (23Feb06) (RGA)07697 : Unid 2123 REVS/20/200 Intermittent. Jamming an (unreadable) CW signal. (23Feb06) (RGA)07697 : UNID RUS? 1635 RTTY/20/500 and RTTY/50/500 20Bd mode sync and 50bd Async tfc mode. Kriptograma tfc M2 - 3rd shift - Latin alphabet. See text below. (23Feb06) (piri)07697.0 UNID: RUS? 1635 RTTY 20/50 500HZ 20BD mode sync and 50bd Async tfc mode. Kriptograma tfc M2 - 3rd shift Latin alphabet. See text below. (23FEB06) (piri)07701 USN7: Chinese Militqary 0657 CW nr 36t ck 4t 26 t217 152t = 6tu4 u34t a437 u475 u6d5 4uat 3ud6 dt6a dn66 d3n5 a3dt 75t4 t5ut 4335 3ut3 unnt 543a d63a 5nt5 nd36 a73a t34t ua6a u66a 765a 4735 4643 ndt5 46nd nat4 duu4 37a3 ud45 t7du 6746 5n73 5673 5d45 7376 3343 ar de usn7 usb usb usb. <far opchat in chinese> (18FEB06) (IB)07739 OHT30P: Sonatrach ALG Ohanet 1931 ALE/LSB (09Mar06) (MAL)07739 OHT30P: Sonatrach Ohanet Algeria 1734 ALE/LSB Sounding. (05Mar06) (RGA)07739 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde El Nouss 0628 ALE/LSB (10Mar06) (MAL)07739 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach Net Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline 2111 ALE/LSB Sounding. (06Mar06) (RGA)07756 : presumed FN Paris F 2230 RTTY/100/850r msg from RFFLACG FN Paris Charles de gaulle to Riyadh about link status (10Mar06) (PPA)07763 : CIS Military 2148 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Enciphered vocoder. W/w 8396 kHz? (19Feb06) (RGA)07785 HA4 : Unid ALG MOI 0830 ALE/USB HA51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 1521 ALE/USB HA5 (12Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA40: Unid ALG MOI 1803 ALE/USB HA51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 0635 ALE/USB HA51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 0638 ALE/USB HA40 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 0828 ALE/USB HA50 (11Mar06) (MAL)

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WUN-v1207785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 0833 ALE/USB HA51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 1539 ALE/USB HA43 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 1546 ALE/USB HA43 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA48: Unid ALG MOI 1901 ALE/USB HA40 (09Mar06) (MAL)07785 HA52: Unid ALG MOI 2117 ALE/USB UM42 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 IVH : Unid ALG MOI 2116 ALE/USB UM4 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ45: Unid ALG MOI 0806 ALE/USB LZ43 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ5 : Unid ALG MOI 0614 ALE/USB LZ51 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Algerian Military/MOI 2106 ALE/USB Calls LZ40. (06Mar06) (RGA)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 0557 ALE/USB LZ51 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 0558 ALE/USB LZ51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 0600 ALE/USB LZ51 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 0601 ALE/USB LZ51 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 0607 ALE/USB LZ51 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ50: Unid ALG MOI 1145 ALE/USB UM42 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ51: Unid ALG MOI 0616 ALE/USB LZ50 (10Mar06) (MAL)07785 LZ51: Unid ALG MOI 0616 ALE/USB LZ50 (11Mar06) (MAL)07785 MDN: Ministère de la Défence Nationale Algiers 2139 ALE/USB Calls LZ54. (06Mar06) (RGA)07785 UM4 : Unid ALG MOI 1304 ALE/USB HA46 (12Mar06) (MAL)07785 UM42: Algerian MOI/Military 2141 ALE/USB Calls LZ43. (06Mar06) (RGA)07801.0 8401: Unid 2137 ALE/USB sndg. (20/feb/06) (sw)07848 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 2158 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Mar06) (RGA)07849 CCM21: VEN Mil 2358 ALE/USB clg CGSE3 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0004 ALE/USB clg CCM83 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0009 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0018 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0022 ALE/USB clg CCM83 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0027 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM23: VEN Mil 0031 ALE/USB clg CCM83 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0003 ALE/USB clg CGPR2 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0007 ALE/USB clg CCM13 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0012 ALE/USB clg CCM33 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0021 ALE/USB clg CCM33 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0025 ALE/USB clg CCM63 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0030 ALE/USB clg CCM33 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0034 ALE/USB clg CCM63 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0039 ALE/USB clg CCM33 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0043 ALE/USB clg CCM63 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0120 ALE/USB clg CCM23 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0129 ALE/USB clg CCM21 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0133 ALE/USB SND (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 0138 ALE/USB clg CCM21 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 2349 ALE/USB clg CCM13 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 2354 ALE/USB clg CGPR2 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM41: VEN Mil 2358 ALE/USB clg CCM13 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0002 ALE/USB clg CCM23 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0007 ALE/USB clg CGPR1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0020 ALE/USB clg CCM11 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0025 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0033 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0038 ALE/USB clg CCM11 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0042 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0047 ALE/USB clg CGSE2 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0051 ALE/USB clg CGSE1 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 0145 ALE/USB clg CCM71 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 2349 ALE/USB clg CGPR1 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CCM43: VEN Mil 2353 ALE/USB clg CCM23 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CGS: Prob Venezualan Military 2148 ALE/USB Calls CCM. (06Mar06) (RGA)07849 CGSE3: VEN Mil 0008 ALE/USB clg CCM71 (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CGSE3: VEN Mil 2347 ALE/USB clg CCM81 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CGSE3: VEN Mil 2351 ALE/USB clg CCM71 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CGSE3: VEN Mil 2356 ALE/USB clg CCM81 (06Mar06) (KK)07849 CRC2M: VEN Mil 0157 ALE/USB clg CLC25M (07Mar06) (KK)07849 CRC2M: VEN Mil 2356 ALE/USB clg CLC25M (06Mar06) (KK)

Pagina 240

WUN-v1207872 CUKIERNIA: Pol Mil "Camp Echo" IRQ 1932 ALE/USB/MIL-188-141A clg LCR152 (08Mar06) (KK)07872 STYGMAT: Polish Army 1716 ALE/USB Calls CUKIERNIA. (26Feb06) (RGA)07890.0 RS002: Mkd-Mil 1134 ALE/USB clg CS001 (21/feb/06) (sw)07900.0 Unid: unid 2030 ALE/USB clg MOB (20/feb/06) (sw)07900.0 Unid: unid 2048 ALE/USB clg MOBILE14 (20/feb/06) (sw)07909.0 TRIPOLI: Western Libyan Gas Project Tripoli LBY 0624 USB/ALE TO BALTAZAR (Unid) (17FEB06) (piri)07927.3 714: Unid Illicit 2102 CW Repeating 714 call then = = 257 257 20 20 = 11914 61714 ... 61615 13584 = = 714 etc. (23Feb06) (RGA)07938.0 CS0: Mkd-Mil 1129 ALE/USB clg RS005 (21/feb/06) (sw)07938.0 RS002: Mkd-Mil 1127 ALE/USB sndg. (21/feb/06) (sw)07938.0 RS0: Mkd-Mil 1134 ALE/USB clg CS001 (21/feb/06) (sw)07960 FDG: FAF Bordeaux F 1521 CW vvv de fdg ar (27Feb06) (piri)07960.0 MOB2MSS: Czech or Romanian MOI/Police/Military 0545 USB/ALE TO OKROKANMSS (17FEB06) (piri)07969 HR: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde Hassi R'Mel 0801 ALE/USB (10Mar06) (MAL)07969 NKT: ALG MFA emb Nouakchott 1430 ALE/USB (11Mar06) (MAL)07974 0QA: unid 1730 USB stops enemy tracking with station 2SO to continue further contacts on UHF (05Mar06) (PPA)07974 2SO: unid 1730 USB US accented military in contact with german accented 0QA (05Mar06) (PPA)07981.4 WDC6870: "TAPAKI" USA 2340 P-I/100Bd clg KZN508: SailMail Rockhill, SC "de wdc6870" 2x than P-III (06Mar06) (KK)07984 : Slavic? Numberstation 1040 USB fem. Voice, sounds like "Vossim, Pitjorka, Troika, Voica, Check, Sim, Sim, Sim... (09Mar06) (KK)07994 : Russian Air Defence Plot Stn 1359 CW 1117002__944656 = 991658??0????? = 991659??0????? (Tks Kristian). (05Mar06) (RGA)08000.0 2046: Ita-Carabinieri 1510 ALE/USB clg 2506 (21/feb/06) (sw)08000.0 2506: Ita-Carabinieri 1510 ALE/USB clg 2046 (21/feb/06) (sw)08000.0 2506: Ita-Carabinieri 1516 ALE/USB clg 0100 (21/feb/06) (sw)08000.0 2506: Ita-Carabinieri 1517 ALE/USB clg 2004 (21/feb/06) (sw)08010 JB12: Unid ALG MOI 1927 ALE/USB clng JB16 (11Mar06) (MAL)08010 JB20: Unid ALG MOI 2109 ALE/USB clng UM12 (11Mar06) (MAL)08010 UM12: Unid ALG MOI 0733 ALE/USB clng JB12 (10Mar06) (MAL)08010 UM12: Unid ALG MOI 0759 ALE/USB clng JB20 (10Mar06) (MAL)08010 UM12: Unid ALG MOI 1007 ALE/USB clng JB19 (11Mar06) (MAL)08023 043CDCS42: Probable US Center for Disease Control station 1705 ALE/LSB Also on Texas Public Health Net frequencies 4757 & 9414.5 USB ALE (08Mar06) (JLM)08025.0 Unid: usb ALE sounding 9999 .. roughly every 30 minutes. on 2006-03-09 @ 13:53:32 UTC (V)08060 DELTA: Prob Mexican Army 0512 ALE/USB Calls OMEGA. (06Mar06) (BC)08072.0 1800: Ita-Carabinieri 1533 ALE/LSB sndg. (21/feb/06) (sw)08072.0 Unid: Ita-Carabinieri 1521 ALE/LSB clg 080 (21/feb/06) (sw)08097.0 V2A:am V2a in prgress w/good levels on 2006-03-09 @ 06:45:12 UTC (V)08108.5 XJV: UNID 1332 ALE/USB TO XSS (21Feb06) (piri)08108.5 XSS: UNIF 1332 ALE/USB TO XJV (21Feb06) (piri)08126.4 XSS: Unid 'XSS' Net 1708 ALE/USB Sounding 8126.4 and 2199 kHz. (22Feb06) (RGA)081264 XJV: Unid 'XSS' Net 1953 ALE/USB Calls XSS. (11Mar06) (RGA)08129 GADARAF: UNJLC GEDAREF? SDN 2034 ALE/USB TWS (20Feb06) (piri)08130 BJ22: Unid ALG MOI 1545 ALE/USB clng UM22 (11Mar06) (MAL)

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WUN-v1208130 UM2 : Unid ALG MOI 1242 ALE/USB clng XT23 (12Mar06) (MAL)08130 UM2 : Unid ALG MOI 1246 ALE/USB clng JE23 (12Mar06) (MAL)08130 UM22: Unid ALG MOI 1044 ALE/USB clng BJ23 (11Mar06) (MAL)08132 CLC24: VEN Mil 2248 ALE/USB clg SCLC212 (13Mar06) (KK)08136 TNS: ALG Emb Tunis 1446 ALE/USB clg MAE Algers (25Feb06) (KB)08136.0 V2a: am V2a in progress w/good levels on 2006-03-15 @ 07:16:34 UTC (V)08140 BMP: Taipei Met 1745 FAX/120/576 Poor copy. (22/Jan/06) (RH2)08143 TSULTAN: PAKNAVY SHIP TIPPU SULTAN F186 1823 ALE/USB TO NRS (21Feb06) (piri)08149.2 IGJ :Italian navy Augusta I 1218 STANAG-4285/600L/RTTY/5N1 IDR2/IGJ42/IGJ49/IDR4/IDR3/IGJ44 (05Mar06) (PPA)08162 035: Prob Israeli AF 1847 ALE/USB Calls 100. (11Mar06) (RGA)08180.0 BABINA: Alb-Mil 1106 ALE/USB clg SHEBENIKU (21/feb/06) (sw)08188 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2005 RTTY/50/850E plain language messages in Malay. (23Feb06) (piri)08188.0 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2005 RTTY 50 850Hz ERECT plain Malayan Messages. (23FEB06) (piri)08192 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2005 RTTY/50/850INV plain language messages in Malay. (23Feb06) (piri)08192.0 9MR: MN Johor Baharu MLA 2005 RTTY 50 850Hz INVERT plain Malayan messages (23FEB06) (piri)08251.0 Unid: lsb unid: MIL-STD-188-110A serial tone bursts, 300/600/1200 BPS short interleaving, encrypted on 2006-03-12 @ 11:43:06 UTC (V)08251.0 Unid: lsb unid: MIL-STD-188-110B serial tone bursts, 2400/3200/4800/6400/8000 BPS encrypted, then change mode to 110A on 2006-03-12 @ 11:42:20 UTC (V)08275 PNME5: Venezuelan Naval River Post Rio Meta VEN 0315 ALE/LSB TO PNFA5 Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post No 5, Rio Orinoco-Apure (23Feb06) (piri)08275.0 PNME5: Venezuelan Naval River Post Rio Meta VEN 0315 LSB/ALE TO PNFA5 Venezuelan Naval Riverine Post #5 Rio Orinoco-Apure (23FEB06) (piri)08298 VTP: Indian Navy Vishakhapatnam 2017 RTTY/50/850 Calls VTP13/14 RBSL VNR. (04Mar06) (RGA)08301.5 6WW: dig 6WW French Naval, Dakar up with RY & -le brick geant- call tape rtty 850/75 on 2006-03-12 @ 04:48:33 UTC (V)08353 NRS: PAK NAVRADSTA? 0330 ALE/USB TO TIPPU SULTAN, F186 (24Feb06) (piri)08365 : UNID 1642 CW msg with shortened figures nr 1 ck 40 4/1730 = A4DT7 DA4NS 5N6U4....... All groups twice. (05Mar06) (piri)08365 AAA: UNID 2241 ALE/USB Sounding (22Feb06) (piri)08365.0 AAA: UNID 2241 USB/ALE Sounding (22FEB06) (piri)08375.0 :[QTH?] 1310z Feb 9, 2006 USB Spanish traffic net [SN]08375.0 V22: am V22: Beijing calling, no message on 2006-03-16 @ 14:31:31 UTC by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan08383 344: UNID 1852 ALE/USB TO 00 (22Feb06) (piri)08383 762: UNID 1753 ALE/USB TO 205 (22Feb06) (piri)08383.0 344: UNID 1852 USB/ALE TO 00 (22FEB06) (piri)08383.0 762: UNID 1753 USB/ALE TO 205 (22FEB06) (piri)08386 210: SNGNAVY SHIP L21 Endeavour 0225 ALE/USB TO TF1 (23Feb06) (piri)08386.0 210: SNGNAVY SHIP L21 Endeavour 0225 USB/ALE TO TF1 (23FEB06) (piri)08396 : CIS Military 2144 MS-5/4800/DPSK/USB Enciphered vocoder. (19Feb06) (RGA)08413 2DIVIAFALE: 2 Div Italian AF 1542 ALE TO IGFIAFALE /Unid. (23Feb06) (piri)08413 AFALMUIAFALE: Unid Italian AF 1756 ALE/USB TO MODIAFALE/Unid. (23Feb06) (piri)

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WUN-v1208413.0 2DIVIAFALE: Italian AF? 1542 USB/ALE TO IGFIAFALE (23FEB06) (piri)08413.0 AFALMUIAFALE: Italian AF? 1756 USB/ALE TO MODIAFALE (23FEB06) (piri)08414.5 002050480: Oostende Radio (safety) from 309674000 CEC CONWAY/C6OE7test REQ [06-03-10 11:45:16] (RW)08414.5 002275300: Corsen - CROSS (safety) from 354509000 IVS NIGHTJAR/H9MG-PNR test REQ [06-03-10 09:02:32] (RW)08414.5 002320001: Shetland CG (safety)from 477824000 DARYA TARA/VRWS5 test REQ [06-03-10 12:30:32] (RW)08414.5 002500300: Dublin CGR (safety) from 351750000 SEABAISEN/3FWU7 test REQ [06-03-10 12:09:09] (RW)08414.5 002640570: Constanta (safety) from 412320000 TAI BAI HAI/BONF test REQ [06-03-10 12:25:53] (RW)08414.5 003669990: NMC USCG CAMSPAC Point Reyes 1443 DSC (USA) to: 247102700: IBGQ M/V Grande Lagos (Italy) 44,410 GRT Freighter. Test acknowledge. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 003669990: NMC USCG CAMSPAC Point Reyes 2212 DSC (USA) to: 354132000: H9HA M/V Cape Heron (Panama) 88,494 GRT Freighter. Test acknowledge. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 211744000: HOUSTON EXPRESS/DCCR2 (safety) from 002191000 Lyngby test ACK [06-03-10 12:56:24] (RW)08414.5 239018000: SVQY M/V Olympic Miracle 2217 DSC (Greece) to: 002241078: Madrid Radio Spain. Test request. Also calls Olympia Radio. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 239961000: SYLP M/T Patris 2333 DSC (Greece) Tanker. To: 003669997 USCG Miami. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 240068000: SXWY M/T Parthenon 2201 DSC (Greece) Tanker. To: 003669997: USCG Miami. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 257642000: LAEZ6 M/T Torm Emlie 2109 DSC (Norway) 42,484 DWT Oil Tanker. To: 003669997: USCG Miami. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 277169000: LYMK M/V Seda 2203 DSC (Lithuania) Freighter. To: 003669997: USCG Miami. Test Request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 308156000: C6KR7 M/V Alcazar Carrier 2335 DSC (Bahamas) General Cargo. To: 003669995: USCG CAMALANT. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 308512000: C6LU4 M/V Hood Island 2304 DSC (Bahamas) To: 224251000 EBSQ: M/V Filippo Brunelleschi (Spain). J3E Telephony Request 12353 . (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 311916000: Unid 1448 DSC (Bahamas) to: 006010001 ZSC: Capetown Radio S.Africa. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 353939000: 3FMN4 M/V Navios Geminis 2308 DSC (Panama) 36,074 GRT Bulk Carrier. To: 002241078: Madrid Radio Spain. Test request. At 23:11 to ZSC Capetown. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 354147000: 3FVP5 M/V Nanhai 2338 DSC (Panama) 26,123 GRT Bulk Carrier. to: 003669998: USCG New Orleans. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 357657000: 3FPQ9 M/S Carnival Conquest 1444 DSC (Panama) 110,000 DWT Cruise ship (Carnival) to: 003660003: WLO Mobile Radio Mobile AL. Test request. 2,974 passenger. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 369223000: Unid 1513 DSC (USA) to: 003669999: Any USCG station. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 3EDP4: Nord Venus (Panamanian Flag) 1643 DSC RQs RCC Australia Charleville/Wiluna for a safety test. RCC BQs. (26Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 428002000: ZIM VIRGINIA/4XFV(safety)from 003669991 COMMSTA Boston test ACK [06-03-10 11:12:00] (RW)08414.5 477206000: VRUL7 M/V Ocean Preface 2058 DSC (Hong Kong) 37,550 DWT Bulk Carrier. To: 003660003 WLO: Mobile Radio Mobile AL. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 538002273: V7HO3 M/T Overseas Reinemar 2100 DSC (Marshall Islands) 42,304 GRT Oil Tanker. To: 003669997:

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WUN-v12 USCG Miami. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 636009872: ELPU9 M/T Pioneer 2321 DSC (Liberia) 53,848 DWT Tanker to 538001330 V7BP7: M/T Constitution (Marshall Islands) 58,288 GRT Tanker. J3E Telephony request 6224. Posn 18-38N/81-43W. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 636011290: ELYD2 M/T Navigator Neptune 1451 DSC (Liberia) 23,945 DWT Tanker. To: 002240995 Las Palmas Radio Spain. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 636012383: Unid 1439 DSC (Liberia) to: 003669997 USCG Miami. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)08414.5 8QDG: Vessel "Maldives Star" with test request to Capetown Radio,South Africa. 1847 (18-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 9VMU9: Bow Hunter (Singapore) 1336 DSC Distress call for undesignated distress at 4456N 02704W. (22Feb06) (APB)08414.5 : Chilung-Keelung, Taiwan: 1224 DSC ACKing DISTRESS call from vessel "Olympic Supplier" (MMSI: 309496000, callsign C6NR4). (15Mar06) (MDM)08414.5 : Unid (MMSI 548325000) 1340 DSC Relays apparent abandoning ship distress message allegedly from Hebei Express/VRXW7 purported to be at 0303N 00010E. (26Feb06) (APB)08414.5 BOKD: Tian Lin (PRC) 1642 RQs RCC 5BA/Larnaca for safety test. (26Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 H9NU: Vessel "Frontier Angel" with DSC test request to Otaru, Japan.1708 (17-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 H9TC: Vessel "Brilliant Star" with test request to Hai Phong,Vietnam. 1813 (18-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 HOZX: Vessel "Cosbright Lake" with test request to Inchon MarinePolice Radio, then Seoul Radio, Mokpo Marine Police Radio, Pusan MarinePolice Radio and Cheju Marine Police Radio (all in Korea). 1318(18-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 HPBA: Oralia (Panamanian Flag) 1727 DSC RQs XSX/ChilungRadio for safety test. (26Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 MSYG9: Saldanha (GB) 1722 DSC RQs MRCC Port Blair/VWP for safety test. (26Feb06) (RGA)08414.5 NMC: CAMSPAC Point Reyes CA USA 2140 DSC Relays apparent distress message allegedly from Sea Launch Commander/ELUH7 in undesignated distress at posn 0905N 14438W. (18Feb06) (APB)08414.5 OXZ: LyngbyRadio, Denmark 1929 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message allegedly from Panamanian- flagged Bang Xing 1/H8CB supposedly at 2713N 12532E. (12Mar06) (APB)08414.5 P3DN8: Vessel "Kohshinmaru" with routine request to Kagoshima, Japan.1639 (18-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 P3ME9: Turnberry Glory (Cyprus Flag) 1915 DSC Relays apparent undesignated distress message from unlisted vessel (MMSI 441304000) at 0759N 07414E. (05Mar06) (APB)08414.5 Shanghai Radio: ACKing test request from HPEL, "Hiryu". 0937(18-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Shanghai Radio: ACKing test request from unid MMSI 413093000. 1722(17-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 Unid: MMSI 227102000 with routine request to Taupo Radio, NewZealand. 2114 (18-Feb-2006)(MDM)08414.5 Unid: MMSI 304010976 with DSC test requests to Hong Kong Marine Rescue, Chilung-Keelung (Taiwan) whom sends ACK, Pusan Radio (Korea), Tokyo.1615 (17-Feb-2006) (MDM)08414.5 ZCGK6: Vessel "Equinox Dawn" (MMSI: 319677000) 1123 DSC With DISTRESS relay to Suva, Fiji, from unidentified vessel (MMSI: 270049320). Undesignated distress. N53° 00' E158° 38' (This location is on land, on the Sakhalin Peninsula?). 1123 (14Mar06) (MDM)08415 C3U: UNID 0708 ALE/USB TO X7M UNID (24Feb06) (piri)08419.5 PPR: cw PPR ID and GW-TOR beacon burst, unknown location on 2006-03-12 @ 04:42:43 UTC (V)08421.5 LZW4: VARNA RADIO 0820 ARQ MSG+CW MARKER. (05Mar06) (FC)08421.5 VRX: Hong Kong Radio PRC 1701 ARQ w/Morse ID. (13Mar06) (RGA)

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WUN-v1208424 SVO: OlympiaRadio Greece 2138 FEC Agean weather fcast in English. (19Feb06) (RGA)08428 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 2019 ARQ w/Morse ID. (23Feb06) (RGA)08428 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 2135 ARQ w/Morse ID Loud. (19Feb06) (RGA)08428.7 CAMSLANT: CW, SITOR MARKER on 2006-03-12 @ 16:04:04 UTC (V)08431 TAH: Istanbul Turk Radio 2011 FEC Wx fcast in EE and Turkish ... FM LTBG TO UMUMA 041600GMT ... (04Mar06) (RGA)08438.7 PBC: DN Goeree I 0559 RTTY/75/850 Carbs (22/Feb/06) (RH2)08453 TSULTAN: PAKNAV Ship TIPPU SULTAN, F186 0118 ALE/USB TO NRS (24Feb06) (piri)08468 8PO: Globe Wireless Bridgetown Barbados 2131 GLOBE- DATA Idling. (19Feb06) (RGA)08484.5 HEB38: Berne Radio Switzerland 2126 PACTOR-2 Traffic and call CQ de HEB38. (19Feb06) (RGA)08484.5 HEB38: BerneRadio 2023 PACTOR-2 Idler/Morse ID. (23Feb06) (RGA)08484.5 HEB38: GlobalLink Berne 1952 PACTOR? Idlers and calls. (04Mar06) (RGA)08493.7 : MX Cluster beacon "D" 2249 CW (21Feb06) (AB)08494 99: SNGNAV Ship ASPB DAUNTLESS 2212 ALE/USB TO TF2 (23Feb06) (piri)08514 XSQ: GuangzhouRadio: China 2215 CW de XSQ PLS UP 356 BK (26Feb06) (FC)08551.5 CTP: Portuguese Navy Palhais/Oeiras 2026 RTTY/75/850 Calls & QSXs. (23Feb06) (RGA)08575 ANTARCTO: TUNMIL? TUN 1005 ALE/USB TO ASSADCTO (25Feb06) (piri)08575.0 ANTARCTO: TUNMIL? TUN 1005 USB/ALE TO ASSADCTO (25FEB02) (piri)08576.5 Lima: usb navy gator net w/list of tracks players are LIMA and DELTA on 2006-03-16 @ 04:34:31 UTC (V)08600 1312: UNID 0010 - 0917 ALE/USB TWS also TWS 1113 - 1311 - 2212 (25Feb06) (piri)08600 1601: UNID 1721 ALE/USB TO 2211 (24Feb06) (piri)08600 5513: UNID 0449 ALE/USB TO 5000 (25Feb06) (piri)08600 6050: UNID 1712 - 2332 ALE/USB TWS also TWS 1070 - 1197- 1301 - 1306 - 1316 - 1325 - 1601 - 2203 - 2412 - 4040 - 4066 - 6041 - 8042 (24Feb06) (piri)08600.0 1312: UNID 0010 - 0917 USB/ALE TWS also TWS 1113 - 1311 - 2212 (25FEB06) (piri)08600.0 1601: UNID 1721 USB/ALE TO 2211 (24FEB06) (piri)08600.0 5513: UNID 0449 USB/ALE TO 5000 (25FEB06) (piri)08600.0 6050: UNID 1712 - 2332 USB/ALE TWS also TWS 1070 - 1197- 1301 - 1306 - 1316 - 1325 - 1601 - 2203 - 2412 - 4040 - 4066 - 6041 - 8042 (24FEB06) (piri)08614 URL: SewastopolRadio UKR 1939 CW Wkg UUFZ/Perekopskiy. 'R R UUFZ Q QSL QSL NIL TKS QSO WZM WAM ZDUROWXÄ' Then service bulletin. (04Mar06) (RGA)08634 VTG6: Indian Navy Mumbai 2150 CW 113 x 4FG message to warships. (03Mar06) (RGA)08645 GOLF: UNID 0944 ALE/USB TO TANGO (25Feb06) (piri)08645 OSKAR: UNID 0632 ALE/USB TO GOLF (25Feb06) (piri)08645.0 GOLF: UNID 0944 USB/ALE TO TANGO (25FEB06) (piri)08645.0 OSKAR: UNID 0632 USB/ALE TO GOLF (25FEB06) (piri)08672 NMC: USCG Boston 1750 FAX/120/576 sfc anal (22/Jan/06) (RH2)08682 NMC: USCG Pt Reyes 1539 FAX/120/576 Sfc Anal (28/Jan/06) (RH2)08714 T86AA: 86th Air Ambulance 1853 ALE/USB snd (14Mar06) (KK)

08734 SVO: Olympia Rdo 1348 USB tape in Greek & EE announcing "call live on ch 806 1232 1640 2217". (21-Feb-06) (MB3)08763.7 Camslant: usb CAMSLANT USB SYNTHESIZED VOICE WX on 2006-03-12 @ 16:02:13 UTC (V)

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WUN-v1208788.0 WLO: usb WLO w/ automated YL voice passing WX on 2006-03-10 @ 16:19:44 UTC (V)08805 unid: YL synth voice repeating "PCD" for some time then "message" (2x) "groups 19" (2x) and "text" (2x), then into 5LG. (Lincolnshire Poacher?). (24-Feb-06) (MB3)08806.0 WLO: usb WLO w/Atlantic advanced forcast on 2006-03-15 @ 07:09:34 UTC (V)08806.0 WLO: usb WLO w/Atlantic advanced forcast repeat of 8788 on 2006-03-15 @ 07:10:02 UTC by (V)08815.4 : Unid Bcast 1935 RTTY/75/850 Telecipher. Active sporadically for around 4 mins. PLXKPLXK and other leadins. Carrier off between bcasts. (19Feb06) (RGA)08834 A7-AED: QTR580 A330 0739 HFDL Air/JNB (27/Jan/06) (RH2)08834 ZS-SNE: SA210 A346 1410 HFDL Air/JNB (26/Jan/06) (RH2)08834 ZS-SNH: SA221 A346 0657 HFDL Gnd/Air Wx Nosig etc fm JNB (26/Jan/06) (RH2)08864 Coast Guard 1504: 1539 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Continental 29: (LGW-EWR, B-767) 154O USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Continental 47: (AMS-IAH, B-767) 1552 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Delta 151: (VCE-JFK, B-767) 1544 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Delta 9: (LGW-ATL, B-767) 1613 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 N711NK: (YYT-ORK, Citation) 1623 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Northwest 31: (LGW-DTW, A-330) 1631 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Northwest 37: (AMS-BOS, A-330) 1620 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Northwest 57: (AMS-MEM, A-330) 1608 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Reach 044: 1624 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 Reach 910: 1531 USB Position/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08864 United 941: (FRA-ORD, B-777) 1526 USB Selcal Check/w Gander. (24Feb06) (MH)08867.0 VP-BJD: Calling Tahiti with position report. FL450, Gulfstream V,selcal "CKGM". 0740 (23-Feb-2006) (MDM)08885 ZS-SNE: S.African Airways A340 Flt SA0201 Posn report 2057N 02907W and message to J'burg ops via Muharraq 'SA0201 OFAJS. HI ZUR ETA 2250Z OPS NML NEXT CALL TOD.' (22Feb06) (RGA)08912 720: COTHEN Calls LNT 2147 ALE/USB Followed by CG 1720 (HC-130, CGAS Clearwater) airborne with 7 POB en route SAR in position 26-02N 084-17W requests guard from CAMSLANT. (15Feb06) (MJC)08918 Air Canada 1276: (YYZ-SJU, A-320) 1355 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Air Canada 1834: (YUL-PUJ, A-320) 1350 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Air Transat 750: (YYZ-PUJ, A-330) 1359 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 American 1013: (BOS-AUA, B-757) 1348 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 American 1151: (IAD-SJU, B-757) 1352 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 American 1845: (BWI-SJU, B-757) 1349 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 American 1889: (JFK-STI, A-300) 1427 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 American 780: (SDQ-JFK, A-300) 1433 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Continental 1638: (EWR-AUA, B-757) 1428 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Jet Blue 740: (PSE-JFK, A-320) 1226 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)

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WUN-v1208918 N9500F: (Falcon) 1336 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Skyservice 200: (YYZ-POP, B-757) 1353 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Skyservice 5076: (YYZ-AUA, A-320) 1357 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 Skyservice 5082: (YYZ-CUR, A-320) 1347 USB position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 United 1267: (IAD-SJU, A-320) 1430 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 US Air 429: (PHL-PUJ, A-319) 1331 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 US Air 692: (IAD-SJU, A-319) 1309 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 US Air 817: (PIT-SJU, A-319) 1306 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918 US Air 905: (CLT-SJU, A-319) 1338 USB Position/w New York. (05Mar06) (MH)08918.0 Jet Blue 740: (PSE-JFK, A-320), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1226Z(MH)08930 SDJ: 1449 USB wkg flt. REK 4473 w/pp to a number in Gomel/Belarus (ops?), followed by pp for an Air China flt enrt to Frankfurt. (22-Feb-06) (MB3)08945 C: MOSCOW CW 2228 CW (27Feb06) (FC)08945 D: ODESSA CW 2228 CW (27Feb06) (FC)08977 B-6006: China Eastern A320 1327 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 B-6029: China Eastern A320 1439 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 D-ABBP: Air Berlin B737 Flt AB6247 1739 HFDL Position report 4749N 01120E. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 G-VBLU: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Soul Sister' Flt VS0901 1416 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 G-VOGE: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Cover Girl' 1500 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 G-VWIN: Virgin Atlantic A340 'Lady Luck' 1654 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 HL-7736: Korean A330 1700 HFDL Signs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 HS-TLA: Thai International A340 'Chiang Kham' 1438 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 HS-TND: Thai International A340 1350 HFDL Logs on to Reykjavik. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 JA-01KZ: Nippon Cargo B747 1519 HFDL Logs on. (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 LX-MCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Echternacht' Flt AZ9061 1806 HFDL Acks slot message from Reykjavik: "DDLIRXA 171805 AGM AN LX-MCV/MA 906A. -/C. SLOT FOR YOU. FF ELLXCLXO 171800 EBBDZMTA -TITLE SAM -ARCID CLX737 -IFPLID BB67832683 -ADEP LIMC -ADES ELLX -EOBD 060317 -EOBT 2000 -CTOT 2136 - REGUL LIUWN17 -TAXITIME 0020 -REGCAUSE TE 82". Why is this aircraft using an Alitalia flight no? It should be CV9061 according to other messages! (17Mar06) (RGA)08977 LX-UCV: CargoLux B747 'City of Bertrange' 1450 HFDL Logs on to Reykjavik. (17Mar06) (RGA)08992 ANDREWS MYSTIC STAR: Clg LOG ROLL 0210 USB An "all frequency call" to go to 11175.0 and contact any GLOBAL. (18 Feb 06) (JH)08992 ANDREWS: 175-char EAM Bcast 1552 USB (4Y7Y4O), attempting the string twice (disregarding for a FOXTROT bcst), finally beginning at 1552z. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 BOLT 01: Clg COLA NUT 2105 USB "With traffic" with no known response. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 BOLT 31: Clg ANY STATION 1330 USB For radio check. Female op. Raisies (too weak to understand; maybe the 06 player). BOLT 31 then raised BOLT 89 (good) and BOLT 83 (good) for brief radio checks and gone. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 BOLT 31: Wkg Maybe GHFS 2124 USB Signal check and out. (14 Mar 06) (JH)

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WUN-v1208992 BOLT 83: Clg SKYMASTER 2118 USB Passes OA(G maybe)5 "in the blind" and gone. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 COBRA 28: Wkg MCCLELAN 0111 For a phone patch to a DSN 271 number, RAYMOND 21/OFFUTT cp for 0155z arrival notification and requests. (23Feb06) (JH)08992 DEATH 06: Wkg ANDREWS 1342 USB Radio check, then states that he is maintaining listening watch "on 8992" and quiet. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 HATHAWAY: 175-char EAM Bcast 1552 USB (4Y7Y4O) on at least 8992.0 (weak/unreadable), 11175.0 (weak/unreadable) and 15016.0 (weak/fair - mostly readable), following his broadcast with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement and quiet. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 LOG ROLL: Clg ANDREWS 0218 USB Raised ANDREWS but responding to LAJES (unheard here). LOG ROLL also raises ANDREWS and requests DSN number for ANDREWS' location. (18 Feb 06) (JH)08992 PATHOLOGY: 28-char EAM 2106 USB Q3EEED and at the completion of his string he sent his STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. Also heard on 11175.0 but nothing heard on 4724.0 or 15016.0. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 Unid: Clg ____CONTROL 1529 USB Raised BOLT 83 but ignoring BOLT 83. The unk station again either called or worked ____ CONTROL (unheard here) and gone. (14 Mar 06) (JH)08992 Unid: Wkg BOLT 83 1500 USB Radio check and gone. (14 Mar 06) (JH)09031 Architect: 1501 USB wx info for RAF airfields. (25-Feb-06) (MB)09044 UDAIRI: US Army Udairi Range Kuwait 1638 ALE/USB Sounding TWS. (22Feb06) (RGA)09052.0 CCM73: usb Venezuelan Army. ALE CCM73 to CCM21, CCM to CCM63 CCM60B, CCM to CKA, S to CGS CDG CTK, CCM to CGS, CCM to CGSE1, GP5 sounding ~1350z on 2006-03-10 @ 14:15:32UTC (V)09056.7 : Egyptian Embassy Washington 2034 ARQ Messages in ATU80 to Cairo. (23Feb06) (RGA)09056.7 Unid: MFA Cairo 0555 ARQ Crypto with some AA (22/Feb/06) (RH2)09062.0 M8A: cw M8a in progress on 2006-03-09 @ 04:30:38 UTC (V)09062.0 M8a: cw M8a just starting the repeat good levels on 2006-03-16 @ 04:25:32 UTC USA (V)09080 TNS: Algerian Embassy Tunis 1646 ALE/USB Calls MAE/ MAE Algiers. (22Feb06) (RGA)09085.0 Unid: Ita-Carabinieri 1523 ALE/LSB clg 0808 (21/feb/06) (sw)09110 NMF: USCG Boston 2112 FAX/120/576 Good winds chart. (19Feb06) (RGA)09110 NMF: USCG Boston MA USA 2045 FAX/120/576 Good pressure chart showing two low-pressure storm-centres at 50 and 70W with hurricane force winds. (23Feb06) (RGA)09120 DJ02: Unid ALG MOI 0900 ALE/USB clng UM03 (11Mar06) (MAL)09120 MDN : Unid ALG MOI 0855 ALE/USB clng JE01 (11Mar06) (MAL)09120 MDN : Unid ALG MOI 0859 ALE/USB clng BJ01 (11Mar06) (MAL)09120 PE1 : B Navy Recife 2309 ALE/USB clng CE1 CN9 (09Mar06) (MAL)09120 QM02: Unid ALG MOI 0636 ALE/USB clng VQ01 (11Mar06) (MAL)09120 VR01: Unid ALG MOI 1809 ALE/USB clng UM03 (11Mar06) (MAL)09129.5 T12: US Army 12th Aviation Battalion 1644 ALE/USB Net frequencies: 6985, 7361.5, 8161.5 & 9129.5, all USB ALE (08Mar06) (JLM)09136.5 : Unid station 1644 CHP-200 ((12Mar06) (MAL)09148 : Unid. FAPSI? 1130 RTTY/50/500 In Morse OK. SLD K. Then 35x5FG msg in RTTY: 422 35 24 1130 3711 = 75642 098606 ... 53386 74903 = -1133 K. CFM NIL. OK ZVP SLV K. Marker every 50 groups =50= =100= Morse: QRV K. R 490 1136. SK (24Feb06) (RGA)

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WUN-v1209200.0 1116: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1519 ALE/USB sndg.(21/feb/06) (sw)09200.0 2522: Mrc-Protection Civile Marocaine 1559 ALE/USB sndg.(21/feb/06) (sw)09202 : NATO Tactical Data System 1128 LINK-11/2250/ ISB. TADIL-A. (24Feb06) (RGA)09202 : Unid NATO Data System 1636 LINK-11/2250/DSB Two independent data streams. (28Feb06) (RGA)09212 R3AU: R&S/Navy Dubai 2009 ALE/USB Calls R1AM/R&S

Mnchen. Again at 2022z. (04Mar06) (MM3)09228 LCR154: Polish Military 1112 ALE/USB Calls SOG933. Again at 1203z. (05Feb04) (MM3)09230 0000210188: Greek Gendarmerie 1933 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar06) (RGA)09230 0000210388: Greek Gendarmerie 1900 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Feb06) (MM3)09230 0000210688: Greek Gendarmerie 1737 ALE/USB Sounding. (04Feb06) (MM3)09230 0000210688: Greek Gendermerie 1608 ALE/USB Sounding. (26Feb06) (RGA)09251 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 2121 USB Old woman in 5FG traffic. (19Feb06) (RGA)09295 TWBA5: E MOI Guardia Civil Barcelona 1028 ALE/USB clg TZC (11Mar06) (MAL)09295 ZD6 : Unid ALG MOI 2338 ALE/USB (10Mar06) (MAL)09310.0 Unid: lsb unIDed spanish chat on 2006-03-10 @ 14:22:06 UTC (V)09323.0 V2A: am V2a in progress good levels on 2006-03-09 @ 04:26:24 UTC by (V)09323.0 V2a: am in progress fair levels on 2006-03-16 @ 04:09:33 UTC (V)09386.4 : Unid 1119 FEC No decode. Loud. Encrypted. Bearing 090/270°. Offair 1122. (24Feb06) (RGA)09848 N324UP: UPS B767 Flt UP0214 2109 HFDL Logs on tp ARINC Las Palmas. (22Feb06) (RGA)10051 : New York Volmet USA 1144 USB wxreports (03Mar06) (piri)10051 GANDER RADIO: VOLMET Service 1753 USB OM with Canadian METARs SIGMETs and TAFORSs. (28Feb06) (RGA)10070 : Unid 1748 USB 2 stations in Spanish. Mp3 available. (28Feb06) (RGA)10090 TASHKENT: VOLMET Service 1743 USB Weather actuals in English. (28Feb06) (RGA)10100.7 DDK9: Pinnenberg Met 0605 RTTY/50/460 Baltic Wx (22/Feb/06) (RH2)10100.8 DDK9: Hamburg Meteo D 1150 RTTY/50/450 WX-forecast (03Mar06) (piri)10108.5 unid: 1554 USB scrambled voice comms containing frequent bursts and beeps of varying frequencies. Several stns (at least 1 a YL) but all at the same (strong) level. Sounds as if it's a repeater?! (26-Feb-06 (MB3)10125 MAE: MFA Algiers, ALG 1147 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/RACAL RACE/MSM-1250, traffic to ALG-EMB Tripoli (19Feb06) (LDO)10125 TRP: ALG-EMB Tripoli, LBY 1147 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/RACAL RACE/MSM-1250, receiving tfc. from Algiers (19Feb06) (LDO)10125 TRP: Algerian Embassy Tripolis 0921 ALE/USB TO MAE TIS TRP - MFA Algiers (08Mar06) (MM3)10138 AA1: 103 Sqn Israeli AF Ben Gurion 1700 ALE/USB SND. (06Feb06) (MM3)10138 AAA: Israeli AF NCS 1651 ALE/USB SND. (06Feb06) (MM3)10138 M72: Israeli AF 1525 ALE/USB Sounds. (06Feb06) (MM3)10138 M72: Israeli AF 1843 ALE/USB TO AA1/103 Sqn Ben Gurion. (06Feb06) (MM3)10138 M72: Israeli AF 1853 ALE/USB SND. (06Feb06) (MM3)10139 BB3: Isr AF 1311 ALE/USB Sounding (08Mar06) (MM3)10144 DK0WCY: DARC Prop Beacon, Germany 0920 CW Marker.

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WUN-v12 (08Mar06) (FC)10154 JEFF: Unid 1446 ALE/USB TO JMICH (08Mar06) (MM3)10154 JMICH: Unid 1454 ALE/USB TO JEFFIMPAIR ??? (08Mar06) (MM3)10160 2017: Unid 1023 ALE/USB TWS 2017 - Sounding. (08Mar06) (MM3)10166.4 VCT: Tors Cove CAN 1155 GW-PACTOR burst (03Mar06) (piri)10180 ATTEND: UNID 1516 ALE/USB TO ABACUS (27Feb06) (piri)10180 CENTR6: MFA Bucharest 1509 ALE/USB Calls KNY25/ROU EMB Wash. (06Feb06) (MM3)10202 : Unid 0306 CW vvv. 1 k. vvv)(s) qsa1 k. vvv(s). nw nw 52892 82141 44698 kk. nw nw 52892 82141 44698 kk. nw nw 52892 82141 44698 k. (18Feb06) (IB)10238 056TB3: Unid 1215 ALE/USB Sounding. (08Feb06) (MM3)10250 HQ2: Unid Netcontrol Station LBY 1250 ALE/USBE Calling ZALLA, later on calling ALKHUMS (11Mar06) (PPA)10252 S1N: Unid 1212 CW text: c8t c8t de s1n s1n rv rrv. c8t c8t de s1n s1n rvr. c8t c8t de s1n s1n rvr. de s1n s1n rvr rvv rvr rrvv. de s1n s1n vvrvrvvvrr rvv. c8t c8t c8t de s1n s1n rvr rvv. c8t c8t c8t c8t de s1n s1n s1n rvr rvvv rvvrrr. c8t c8t c8t de s1n s1n de s1n vvr rv rv. (22Feb06) (IB)10285 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach ALG Rhorde El Nouss 1655 ALE/USB (11Mar06) (MAL)10285 RNOUSLR1: Sonatrach Net Rhourde Nouss LR1 Pipeline Algeria 1829 ALE/LSB. Sounding. 11184 ZS-SFH: S.African Airways A319 1742 HFDL Logs on to Reykjavik. (15Mar06) (RGA)10360 006666: Unid 1652 ALE/USB 000001. (10Mar03) (MM3)10370 SPI324: Polish Military 1803 ALE/USB Calls LCR154. (10Mar03) (MM3)10390 2528: Protection Civile Morocaine 2111 ALE/USB Calls 2527. (10Mar03) (MM3)10447 MOB: Prob Central European 1305 ALE/USB Calls MOG. (13Mar06) (MM3)10461 CENTR3: MFA Bucharest 1054 ALE/USB Calls YPM37/Unid embassy. (13Mar06) (MM3)10493 GFS: Unid 1235 ALE/USB Sounding (20Feb06) (FC)10555 THR: Unid 1331 ALE/USB Sounding. (14Mar06) (MM3)10562 NT1: Unid 1315 ALE/USB Calls BZ1. (14Mar06) (MM3)10566.0 #’s: [QTH?] 1204z Feb 10, 2006 USB SS/YL 5d [SN]10596.4 10DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 10th div HQ Basrah, IRQ 0550 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (26Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 1161: Unid 1548 ALE/USB sounding (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 1DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 1st div. HQ Taji, IRQ 0605 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (23Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 20101: Unid 1535 ALE/USB sounding. Also voice tfc with "roger beeps" in possibly Arabian language. Same net logged recently on 5600 kHz (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 2208: Unid 1537 ALE/USB sounding (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 2DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 2nd div. HQ Al Kindi, IRQ 0511 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (22Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 3DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 3rd division HQ Al Kasik,IRQ 0417 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (13Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 4024: Unid 1544 ALE/USB sounding (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 4922: Unid 1536 ALE/USB clg 4921 (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 4DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 4th division HQ Tikrit, IRQ 1530 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (24Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 5DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 5th division HQ Kirkush, IRQ 0417 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (15Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 6DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 6th division HQ Baghdad, IRQ 0415 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (13Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 7101: Unid 1547 ALE/USB sounding (17Feb06) (KB)10596.4 8DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 8th div HQ Ad Diwaniayh, IRQ

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WUN-v12 0650 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to IGFIAFALE (12Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 9DIVIAFALE: Iraqi Army 9th div. HQ Taji, IRQ 0635 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to MODIAFALE (22Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 AFALMUIAFALE: Iraqi Air Force Almuthanna AFB, IRQ 1150 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to MODIAFALE (15Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 IGFIAFALE: Iraqi Army Ground Forces HQ Baghdad, IRQ 0642 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, tfc to MODIAFALE (22Feb06) (LDO)10596.4 MODIAFALE: Iraqi Ministry of Def. Baghdad, IRQ 0400 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, traffic to IGFIAFALE (23Feb06) (LDO)10610.9 : Moscow Meteo 1451 FAX/120/576 Faint chart with Cyrillic notation. (23Feb06) (RGA)10618 055: Unid 1535 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Mar06) (RGA)10626 RFFXL: FF Naqoura LBN 1627 ARQE/184.5/400 RC=8 Sending continuous beta's (21Feb06) (piri)10720 : UNID RUS? 1241 MS5/USB 12-tone vocoder with tfc and idle periods (03Mar06) (piri)10730 KANCMD: US-MIL Kandahar, AFG 0501 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working TFPHX (28Feb06) (LDO)10730 TFPHX: US-MIL Kabul, AFG 1444 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, working HERAT (27Feb06) (LDO)10755.5 : UNID RUS 1634 USB CROWD36 in 40bd encrypted tfc mode no operator talking. (21Feb06) (piri)10810 : Unid digital mode 0501 PSK? (28-Feb-06) (IB)10872.0 A: Azberjain, Russia 1457z Feb 27, 2006 USB “A” marker [SN]10951 PAPA & KILO: USN Stations 2329 USB voice (16Mar06) (JLM)10995 MAE: MFA Algiers 1555 ALE/USB clg RBT Rabat (17Feb06) (KB)11034.7 : UNID EGYDiplo 1534 ARQ Shuts off with bay bay (22Feb06) (piri)11039 DDH9: Hamburg Meteo D 1255 RTTY/50450 Testing RY (03Mar06) (piri)11053 : Unid 0713 RTTY-system with unusual ACF=51. (02-Mar-06) (IB)11102 RDL: Rus NAVY 0215 CW uuuuuuuuuu rdl rdl rdl 76074 51804 76074 51804 76074 51804 k <pause> uuuuuuuuuu rdl rdl rdl 00481 76702 00481 76702 00481 76702 k. (02 Mar06) (IB)11175 9UD: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2043 USB With a phone patch to [missed it], passing ESTEEM HIGHLY ALPHA and receiving TOR from the ground party (too weak to follow - 0820??) and gone. At 2050z 9UD (very weak/unreadable) called and raised PUERTO RICO for a phone patch but interrupted for higher precedence traffic. (08 Mar 06) (JH)11175 9UD: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2059 USB Calling and raising PUERTO RICO for another phone patch (DSN 694 number) with the ground party again acknowledging an ESTEEM HIGHLY ALPHA with a TOR or 082101. The patch was terminated and freq went quiet. (08 Mar 06) (JH)11175 : Unid 28-char EAM Bcast 2127 USB (Q3PJJT) and simulcasting same on at least 8992.0 (weak/barely readable) with nothing heard here on 4724.0 and 15016.0. ANDREWS broadcast the string at 2131z on the HFGCS. (08 Mar 06) (JH)11175 : Unid EAM Bcast 0010 USB Q3CHQD. Also on 8992 with nil heard on 15016. (15Mar06) (BC)11175 : Unid Prob GHFS Station 1609 USB Keying with long (held) DTF tone, multiple times and quiet. (08Mar06) (JH)11175 ABOUT SHIP: Wkg BOLT 01 0007 USB Passes JXBC. (15Mar06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: 175-char EAM Bcast 1600 USB Sent on all GHFS frequencies. EAM 4Y7Y4O, repeated on freqs by possible player HATHAWAY then repeated by weak player on 15016.

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WUN-v12 (14Mar06) (BC)11175 ANDREWS: 28-char EAM Bcast 2052 USB (Q3XDKG). The broadcast was much stronger on 13200.0, with the 13200.0 audio containing crosstalk of an automated weather broadcast/forecast. The automated weather ended with ANDREWS keyed down the transmitters. (08 Mar 06) (JH)11175 AQELA 21: Wkg PUERTO RICO 1915 USB (Spelled callsign) Phone patch to a DSN 263 number id'd as AQELA OPS. AQELA 21 passed "SHADO 99 is RTB for [garbled]" and gone. (17 Mar 06) (JH)11175 BOLT 01: Clg PATHOLOGY 0006 USB "with message on triple one seven five" with no known response. PATHOLOGY would not be his new day id. At 150007z BOLT 01 again called PATHOLOGY and passed the 4-element group JXBC in the blind and out. (Sometime after 142130z the 4-element groups apparently no longer contained numerics.) (15 Mar 06) (JH)11175 BOLT 01: Wkg PATHOLOGY 2102 USB Passes BUM7. (14 Mar 06) (JH)11175 CANDLEWAX: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2324 USB With a phone patch to VQ3 SDO to pass an AKAC 274 message of 8 groups (??? ?RR ZIA RWO ?X3 TQV ?GN HRD). CANDLEWAX requested a readback and SQ3 VDO read the groups back as T22 RR IA WO X3 QV GN RD (the 3-element groups less the first letter except for the first group), and then repeated the readback again without the first letter of each group. CANDLEWAX then terminated the patch and gone.(21 Feb 06) (JH)11175 COLA NUT: 28-char EAM 2128 USB Q3BFWQ and simulcasting same on at least 15016.0(weak/unreadable) and 8992.0 (weak/unreadable). (14 Mar 06) (JH)11175 CORD 02: Wkg PATHOLOGY 2353 USB Passes 2YPC and confirms current EAMs as Q3BFWQ, Q3EEED, 4Y7Y4O and at least one other. (14Mar06) (BC)11175 CORD 92: Clg SKYMASTER 2030 USB Passes 5RHM blind and saying "(garbled) in five mikes" and quiet. There should be others active as well. (14 Mar 06) (JH)11175 CORD 92: Clg SKYMASTER 2317 USB Passes QXAP blind. However his comm raised PATHOLOGY (unheard here) and CORD 92 again passed QXAP to PATHOLOGY and gone. (14 Mar 06) (JH)11175 CORD 92: to SKYMASTER 2322 USB Then calls PATHOLOGY, who replies and reads back (and mis-IDs as DOOM-92 (oopsie)) then passed QXAP (14Mar06) (BC)11175 DAY FEAST: Clg MAINSAIL ANY STATION & ANDREWS 2124 USB No response. A moment later DAY FEAST calls MAINSAIL "on any freq" and lists 15016, 11175.0, 8992.0 and maybe 4724.0 (must've keyed all freqs.). DAY FEAST eventually raises LAJES (unheard here) and requests a DSN 884 number. When the patch was opened DAY FEAST passed an USKAC 274 message of 14 groups (I74 FTM DT2 IFF IFB UTP VUZ MLR RJO 5D7 AOG HNF UTP VUZ). DAY FEAST requests read back for validation and then terminates the patch at 192126z. (19 Feb 06) (JH)11175 DEBATE 12: Wkg ABOUT SHIP 0007 USB Passes ILBN. (15Mar06) (BC)11175 DEER HORN: 28-char EAM 0239 USB (Q35QHW) and simulcasting same on 4724, 8992 and 15016. (02 Mar 06) (JH)11175 DESK 06: Wkg PATHOLOGY 2357 USB Passes 60NT. (14Mar06) (BC)11175 DOOM 91: Wkg MCCLELLAN 2011 USB For a phone patch regarding 2100-2300z thunderstorm status at landing. (22 Feb 06) (JH)11175 HAPPY 64: Wkg MCCLELLAN 2307 USB For current message traffic. MCCLELLAN advised there was no current traffic but offered (faded but probably the last EAM sent). HAPPY 64 said he would take what ever she offered and MCCLELLAN eventually passed the complete 28-character string of WX??5?

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WUN-v12 (maybe, too weak to follow). HAPPY 64 said something about 2147z and gone. (23 Feb 06) (JH)11175 HATHAWAY: EAM Bcast 2324 USB Q3EEED. Also on 15016. Becomes SNOW FALL on new day. (14Mar06) (BC)11175 JE 15 DELTA: Wkg ANDREWS 1451 USB Phone patch to FIDDLE. Apparently passed an OPS NORMAL message and requested a QSL and gone. A little earlier JE 15 CHARLIE (good levels here) worked (maybe ANDREWS; unheard here) for a phone patch to FIDDLE to pass SPARE GROUP CHARLIE "COLD" for himself (matching his id) and SPARE GROUP FOXTROT for FIGHTING TIGER (missed the numeric) and gone. (15 Mar 06) (JH)11175 JSTARS 33(?): Wkg ANDREWS 1502 USB (Maybe__RS 33 ) Quick signal check and gone. (15 Mar 06) (JH)11175 OVER HANG: Wkg PUERTO RICO 0031 USB For a phone patch. Too weak to follow by end of comms. (07 Mar 06) (JH)11175 PATHOLOGY: EAM Bcast 2335 USB Q3CHQD. Also on 15016. Becomes ABOUT SHIP on new day. (14Mar06) (BC)11175 PUERTO RICO 2055 USB Calling and raising 9UD (weak/often unreadable) and asking if he still wanted the phone patch. Answer was yes and PUERTO RICO brought up the ground party (maybe id'ing as [garbled] ONE), and the ground party acknowledged an ESTEEM HIGHLY ALPHA with a TOR of 082057 Zulu and patch terminated. (08 Mar 06) (JH)11175 REACH 3769: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2109 USB p/p to 325-XXX- XXXX Texas. (15Feb06) (MJC)11175 RED TALON 71L: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2143 USB (P-3C) p/p via Puerto Rico HF-GCS to FIDDLE with ops normal report and ops normal report for 71K. (15Feb06) (MJC)11175 SHADO 99: Clg MAINSAIL 1910 USB Called a few times "with request". No response. (17 Mar 06) (JH)11175 Sigonella: 1407 USB USAF GHFS wkg unhrd stn w/rdo chk, then announcing "This is Sigonella, maintaining listening watch on triple one". (24-Feb-06) (MB3)11175 TALL CORN: 28-char EAN Bcast 0010 USB (Q3CHQD), the 28-character EAM Q3BFWQ (heard as early as 142128z) and the 28-character EAM Q3EEED (heard as early as 142106z) at his h+10/h+20 EAM restoral time. Suspected TACAMO LANT. Unheard here on 4724.0 and 15016.0. (15 Mar 06) (JH)11175 TALL CORN: EAM Bcast 0010 USB Q3BFWQ & Q3EEED, standing by for traffic (x2) and out. (15Mar06) (BC)11175 TUFF 13: Wkg PUERTO RICO 2311 USB For a phone patch to two DSN 781 numbers, the second being BARKSDALE METRO for landing weather for BARKSDALE at 0030z. (21 Feb 06) (JH)11175 ZAPPO 09: Passes L9KG 2353 USB (14Mar06) (BC)11175 ZAPPO 10: Clg SKYMASTER 2357 USB Works PATHOLOGY to pass IG5O. (14Mar06) (BC)11175.0 LAJES: usb calling unheard REACH aircraft (that had apparently called MAINSAIL), no joy on 2006-03-12 @ 21:40:48 UTC (V)11181 PLASPR: US SIPRNet Stn Lajes Azores 1251 ALE/USB Sounds. Also IKFSPR/Keflavik Iceland. (22Feb06) (RGA)11184 B-6051: China Eastern A340 Flt CES554 1744 HFDL Posn report 6136N 05002E via Reykjavik. (15Mar06) (RGA)11184 HS-TNB: Thai International A340 1800 HFDP Logs on to Reykjavik. (15Mar06) (RGA)11184 MSR879: EgyptAir Flt 1744 HFDL Posn report 1743N 01502E. (15Mar06) (RGA)11232 SENTRY 06: E-3 AWACS 2158 USB Wkg TRENTON MILITARY for WX. (15Feb06) (MJC)11240 N3M: Unid 0546 ALE/USB (11Mar06) (MAL)11247 Architect: 1203 USB wkg Ascot 5118 enrt EGDL - CYQX, selcall AK-B? (poss. H). (24-Feb-06) (MB3)11252 : Unid VOLMET 1525 USB With weather reports some mentioned for South America "rio" S-4. At 231600 mentioned Atlanta & Rio. S6. (22Feb06) (LF)11296 : Unid VOLMET 1606 USB Russian station sounded like a volmet type good copy here off Somalia's northern tip.

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WUN-v12 S-9. (23Feb06) (LF)11300 Khartoum: 0846 USB wkg a KLM flt w/posn report. (01-Mar-06) (MB3)11330 Air Canada 1240: (YYZ-BGI, A-319) 1405 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Air Canada 1834: (YUL-PUJ, A-320) 1511 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)11330 American 1397: (PHL-SJU, B-757) 1334 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH) 1334Z11330 American 1857: (BOS-SJU, B-757) 1429 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 American 1857: (BOS-SJU, B-757) 1431 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 American 2474: (SJU-BOS, B-757) 1325 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 American 2474: (SJU-BOS, B-757) 1407 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 American 648: (SJU-JFK, A-300) 1331 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 American 655: (JFK-STT, B-757) 1512 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)11330 American 699: (JFK-SJU, A-300) 1411 USB Position/w New York, A-300) (20Feb06) (MH)11330 American 699: (JFK-SJU, A-300) 1424 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 American 780: (SDQ-JFK, A-300) 1414 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 American 891 (EWR-SJU, B-757) 1409 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 BWIA 425: (JFK-POS, B-737) 1355 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 BWIA: 425 (JFK-POS, B-737) 1416 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 1879: (POS-EWR, B-737) 1500 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 315: (BQN-EWR, B-737) 1351 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 315: (BQN-EWR, B-737) 1413 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 470: (EWR-SJU, B-737) 1349 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH) 1349Z11330 Continental 470: (EWR-SJU, B-737) 1433 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 475 (SJU-EWR, B-737) Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Continental 475: (SJU-EWR, B-737) 1308 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 Delta 2002: (SJU-JFK, B-757) 1259 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 Delta 2002: (SJU-JFK, B-757) 1353 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Delta 2067: (JFK-SJU, B-757) 1419 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 Delta 2067: (JFK-SJU, B-757) 1428 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Iberia 6502: (SDQ-MAD, A-340) 1425 UTC ATC Clearance/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 Jet Blue 711: (JFK-SJU, A-320) 1427 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Jet Blue 735: (JFK-BQN, A-320) 1314 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 N42PP: (LEX-AXA, Gulfstream) 1404 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 N70NE: (Hawker) 1518 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)11330 Sky Tours 3008: 1358 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 U.S. Air 596: (SJU-PHL, B-757) 1258 USB Position/w

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WUN-v12 New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330 US Air 1267: (SJU-BOS, A-319) 1403 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 US Air 1268: (PHL-SJU, B-767) 1424 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 US Air 596: (SJU-PHL, B-757) 1401 USB Position/w New York. (20Feb06) (MH)11330 Varig 8992: (MAO-JFK, DC-10) 1301 USB Position/w New York. (19Feb06) (MH)11330.0 Air Canada 1276: (YYZ-SJU, A-320), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1442Z(MH)11330.0 Air Canada 1882: (YUL-SJU, A-319), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1449Z(MH)11330.0 Air Canada 974: (YUL-BGI, A-319), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1451Z(MH)11330.0 Air Transat 976: (YQB-PUJ, A-310), ATC Clearance/w New York,2-19-06 @ 1529Z(MH)11330.0 American 1397: (PHL-SJU, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-19-06@ 1334Z(MH)11330.0 American 1781: (JFK-PUJ, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1450Z(MH)11330.0 American 2474: (SJU-BOS, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1325Z(MH)11330.0 American 648: (SJU-JFK, A-300), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1331Z(MH)11330.0 American 891: (EWR-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1409Z(MH)11330.0 BWIA 425: (JFK-POS, B-737), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @ 1355Z(MH)11330.0 Continental 315: (BQN-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1351Z(MH)11330.0 Continental 470: (EWR-SJU, B-737), Selcal Check/w New York,2-19-06 @ 1349Z(MH)11330.0 Continental 475: (SJU-EWR, B-737), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1308Z(MH)11330.0 Delta 2002: (SJU-JFK, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @ 1259Z(MH)11330.0 Delta 2067: (JFK-SJU, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @ 1419Z(MH)11330.0 Iberia 6502: (SDQ-MAD, A-340), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-19-06 @1425Z(MH)11330.0 Jet Blue 701: (JFK-SJU, A-320), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1435Z(MH)11330.0 Jet Blue 735: (JFK-BQN, A-320), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1314Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 1465: (PHL-SXM, B-757), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-19-06@ 1517Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 221: (PHL-SJU, A-320), Selcal Check/w New York, 2-19-06 @1440Z(MH)11330.0 U.S. Air 596: (SJU-PHL, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @1258Z(MH)11330.0 Varig 8992: (MAO-JFK, DC-10), Position/w New York, 2-19-06 @ 1301Z(MH)11345 SDJ: Stockholm Rdo, 0848 USB wkg AEW 210 selcall chk FR-GP (01-Mar-06) (MB3)11350 LANT: Unid 1258 PACKET/1260 Baud! ?????????????LANT > SAHAR ..... Penerimaan Selesai: 18681 (waktu: 39 seconds, ..... 89 bit/s) ..... LANT > SAHAR ..... ??????. (20Feb06) (IB)11377.7 : UNID ALG customs 1545 PACTOR simplex empty packets. Shuts off at 1556. At 1558 s/c IILA no joy and off air. (22Feb06) (piri)11377.7 UNID: ALG customs 1545 PACTOR-1 simplex empty packets Shuts off at 1556. At 1558 s/c IILA no joy and off air (22FEB06) (piri)11387.0 Austrailia Volmet: usb Australia VOLMET on 2006-03-10 @ 14:35:05 UTC (V)11410 : Unid 2055 LINK-11 Data transmission, (15Feb06) (MJC)

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WUN-v1211417 : Russian intel RUS 1323 RTTY/200/500r auto broadcast 17+5 grouped figures (11Mar06) (PPA)11427.5 MAE: MFA Algiers, ALG 1628 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A/RACAL RACE/MSM-1250, 5LG offline crypto to Rabat (04Feb06) (LDO)11427.5 TNS: ALG MFA Tunnis 1942 ALE/USB (09Mar06) (MAL)11427.5 TRP: ALG MFA Tripoli 1102 ALE/USB MAE (11Mar06) (MAL)11437.7 : Customs ALG 1027 PACTOR-1 F and AA msgs (05Mar06) (piri)11437.9 OZU25: MFA Copenhagen DNK 1348 ARQ shift 400Hz opstalks with UNID Emb. (03Mar06) (piri)11445 : Unid Illicit 1728 CW Long fast 5FG msg ... 94112 24706 ... (ending) 71162 90146 0 0 0 0 0 0. (28Feb06) (RGA)11446 HR: Sonatrach Hassi R'Mel Algeria 1945 ALE/USB Sounding. (06Mar06) (RGA)11475 ADZ: Algerian consulate Agadez, NGR 1631 USB/MIL-STD 188-141A, clng Algiers (04Feb06) (LDO)11475 MAE: MAE Algiers 2038 ALE/USB Calls RBT/Rabat embassy. 11427 kHz taking many strong hits but no decode. Probably now using link protection. (06Mar06) (RGA)11475 NKT: ALG MFA Nouakchott 1421 ALE/USB RBT 1Mar06) (MAL)11475 TRP: ALG MFA Tripoli 1042 ALE/USB MAE (11Mar06) (MAL)11475.0 055: Unid (055 net) 1452 ALE/USB sndg. (21/feb/06) (sw)11483.5 : UNID N. Korean? 1305 ARQ-like signal shift abt 400Hz no decode with Code332 (03Mar06) (piri)11490 0000210001: Greek Gendarmerie 1503 ALE/USB Sounding. (05Mar06) (RGA)11490 0000210888: Greek Gendarmerie 1812 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar06) (RGA)11490.0 0000210001: Grc-Moi 1043 ALE/USB clg 0000210504 (21/feb/06) (sw)11500 2010: Turkish Red Crescent 1925 ALE/USB Calls 2012. (06Mar06) (RGA)11500 2012: Turkish Red Crescent 1457 ALE/USB Sounding. (11Mar06) (RGA)12060 : Unid. Possible S06C CW-sister Station 0102 CW Off air at 0104. (26Feb06) (IB)12160 DP2: MRC Army 0921 ALE/USB clg GLOBAL (14Mar06) (KK)12160 O2: Morocan Armee 0934 ALE/USB clg Y3 (16Mar06) (KK)12160 O2: Morocan Armee 1010 ALE/USB clg Q4 (16Mar06) (KK)12160 O2: Morocan Armee 1051 ALE/USB clg X5 (16Mar06) (KK)12160 P2: Morocan Armee 1030 ALE/USB clg O2 (15Mar06) (KK)12179 OLZ76: Czech embassy Tunis 0851 ALE/USB sounding, also at 0951 1252 (28Feb06) (KB)12390 GYA: Northwood Fleet WX FAX Service 2138 FAX/120/576 Excellent copy. (15Mar06) (EE)12460.3 : Unid 1921 CW Msgs in cut figs: R 705 E E = T4564TA ... UAT47 7N76NUTAT7 7S5U33 ... 56D5T ... (04Mar06) (RGA)12574 : M-0004 Admiral Starikow RUS 1420 RTTY/50 M2 3rd shift messages to Murmansk Radio (03Mar06) (piri)12577 636012341: Unid 1649 DSC (Cyprus) to: 002191000: Lyngby Radio Denmark. J3E Telephony request. (26Feb06) (RB)12577 9VBC2: Sichem Oslo (Singapore) 1556 DSC RQs RCC Australia/ Charleville/Wiluna for safety check. (26Feb06) (RGA)12577 EQXU: Iran Hormoz (Iran) 1530 DSC Sends self- addressed SSB setup for 2182/1507 kHz (!) (26Feb06) (RGA)12577 TCBT8: Karem KA (Turkey) 1619 DSC RQs IstanbulRadio/TAH for safety check. (26Feb06) (RGA)12577 UHBQ: Kraskino (Russia) 1609 DSC RQs Alexa-M/J8B3254 for simplex telephone conversation on 16540 kHz. (26Feb06) (RGA)12577 UWLS: Ruzhany (Ukraine) 1525 DSC RQs 5BA/RCC Larnaca Cyprus for safety check. (26Feb06) (RGA)12579 NRV: USCG Guam 1505 FEC Cyclone "Carina" Wngs (28/Jan/06) (RH2)

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WUN-v1212593.5 UDB2: KholmskRadio Russia 1141 ARQ w/Morse ID. (04Mar06) (RGA)12595.5 3576: RRR34/Moskwa-1 1117 ARQ w/Morse ID. (28Feb06) (RGA)12629 TAH: Ankara, Turkey 1439z Feb 2, 2006 CW “TAH” [SN}12650.0 Unid: Prob US MIL ALE/USB c/s's CENTUR, NTHAWK, QUAKE, TC159M. 03/06/06(MR)12666.5 : Unid 1152 STANAG-4285/300L/5N1 Repeating strings 'VX.1(...VX.1(...TDJPNOZ LSAPFBM in 5N1 and ._w}._w}._w}._w} in 8N1. (04Mar06) (RGA)12700 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio CHN 1600 CW CQ DE XSQ PLS UP 446 CLG K (24Feb06) (piri)12700.0 XSQ: Guangzhou Radio CHN 1600 MORSE CQ DE XSQ PLS UP 446 CLG K (24FEB06) (piri)12710.5 PWZ: Rio De Janiero, Brazil 2219z Jan 25, 2006 850/75n with traffic, text only, possibly encrypted, poor copy [SN]12721 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1908 GW-OFDM idlers. (04Mar06) (RGA)12723 : Russian Military 1156 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones. Working with 12872 kHz. (04Mar06) (RGA)12735 URL: Savastopol Radio UKR 1604 CW CQ CQ DE URL URL ANS 12458.5/16658.5 PSE QSO K (24Feb06) (piri)12735 URL: SewastopolRadio UKR 1900 CW Service bulletin: FM SEWASTOPOLX 11 4/3 1900=POWESTKA yRM=SRÖ MSG NIL QSS/QSX 12735/ 8358.5/12548.5 QSS/QSX FONE 6507/6206/12508.5/12317/8034/8270 RyRS STAMOWSKAÄ AR. (04Mar06) (RGA)12735.0 URL: Savastopol Radio UKR 1604 MORSE CQ CQ DE URL URL ANS 12458.5/16658.5 PSE QSO K (24FEB06) (piri)12741 : Russian Military 1428 36-50/50/180 At least 2 short messages. (23Feb06) (RGA)12745.5 JJC: Kyodo Tokio 1530 FAX/60/576 JJ Nx/paper - clear. (28/Jan/06) (H2)12840.5 PBB: dig PBB Netherland-s Navy. Den Helder, Netherlands. RTTY 75/850 -02A 02B 04B 04C 06AOO 06B 08A 08B 12A 16X PBB- repeating. on 2006-03-16 @ 17:20:58 UTC (V)12855 6WW: French Navy Dakar Senegal 1700 STANAG-4285/300L/ 5N2 FAAA de 6WW TESTING RYs SGs VOYEZ VOUS LE BRICK ... INT ZBZ. Thanks for the tip Day. (04Mar06) (RGA)12857 6WW: French Navy Dakar 1651 RTTY/75/850 Tests. Appears to be switching between RTTY and STANAG-4285 on12855.1 kHz several times (briefly) before returning to RTTY tests. (28Feb06) (RGA)12872 : Russian Military 1204 MS-5/4800/USB Setup tones. Working with 12723 kHz. (04Mar06) (RGA)12877.5 UIW: Kaliningrad Radio Russia 1200 CW CQ de UIW QSS 8454/12877.5/16927 ANS 8363.5/12422.5/16677.5 K. Audible also on 8454. (04Mar06) (RGA)12930.7 RETJ: SN Madrid E 1615 USB STANAG-4285/600/5/N/1/ITA2 idle and short KG84 msgs (24Feb06) (piri)12930.7 RETJ: SN Madrid E 1615 USB STANAG4285 600/5/N/1 ITA2 idle and short KG84 msgs (24FEB06) (piri)13050 UDK2: Murmansk Radio RUS 1435 RTTY/50/170 M2 3rd shift msg to Unid ship. shuts off in morse. (03Mar06) (piri)13170 SVO: Olympia Rdo 1348 USB tape in Greek & EE announcing "call live on ch 806 1232 1640 2217". (21-Feb-06) (MB3)13175.4 KKL12B: 1856z Mar 2, 2006 CW with ID, after digital modeweb site for station status is [SN]13188 Moskva: 1404 USB brief recorded announcement in RR every 40 sec. Sounds like ch. marker announcing stn & frq. (22-Feb-06) (MB3)13197 UDE: Odessa Radio 0838 USB YL test-counting 1 - 5 in RR repeatedly with a xmitter that keeps switching between

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WUN-v12 good audio and totally garbled. Noted still testing (and malfunctioning) several hours later (24-Feb-06) (MB3)13225 Alia Base: 1418 USB Alia Aws LDOC wkg Alia 147 eta Amman 1635, stand will be #14 (24-Feb-06) (MB3)13306 Air France 422: (CDG-BOG, A-340) 1711 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Air France 496: (CDG-SDQ, B-747) 1723 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP, B-747) 1716 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Air France 652: (ORY-FDF, B-747) 1704 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Airborne Express 1051: (NBW-NGU, DC-8) 1542 USB Request Phone Patch/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Alitalia 666: (MXP-CCS, B-767) 1654 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Austrian 9729: (FRA-BGI, B-777) 1717 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1119: 1501 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Blue Panarama 1523: 1523 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Britannia 212-A: (LGW-MBJ, B-767) 1503 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 British Airways 178: (JFK-LHR, B-747) 1554 USB ATC Clearance/w New York, (21Feb06) (MH)13306 British Airways 253: (LHR-NAS, B-767) 1507 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 British Airways 253: (LHR-NAS, B-767) 1621 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Cacti 11: 1548 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Condor 164: 1600 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Condor 254: 1656 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Expo 870: 1720 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Iberia 6123: (MAD-MIA, A-340) 1649 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Iberia 6501: (MAD-SDQ, A-340) 1659 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 JV 400: 1609 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Kestrel 19: 1519 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11) 1657 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 KLM 783: (AMS-AUA, B-747) 1657 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Livingston 125: 1737 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 LTU 400 (DUS-PUJ: A-330 1437 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 LTU 8242: (DUS-POP, A-330) 1613 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Lufthansa Cargo 8188: (ORD-FRA) 1655 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Reach 271: 1616 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Reach 320: 1740 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Reach 721: 1619 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH)13306 Titan 19: 1630 USB Position/w New York. (21Feb06) (MH)13306 Virgin Atlantic 18: (EWR-LHR, A-340) 1658 USB Position/w New York. (26Feb06) (MH) 1658Z13321 D-ALCG: LH8296 MD11F 1350 HFDL JNB/Air (26/Jan/06) (RH2)13321 G-VSHY: Virgin601 A346 1342 HFDL Posn to JNB (26/Jan/06) (RH2)13321 QR-581: Qatar A330 0930 HFDL Air/Gnd Msgs (23/Feb/06) (RH2)13321 Unid: LH8296 A340 1145 HFDL Air/GND msgs (23/Feb/06) (RH2)13321 ZS-SFE: SA 050 A319 0922 HFDL Posn to JNB (23/Feb/06) (RH2)

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WUN-v1213321 ZS-SFH: SA041 A319 0703 HFDL Posn to JNB (26/Jan/06) (RH2)13321 ZS-SNC: SA-323 A346 1009 HFDL Posn to JNB (23/Feb/06) (RH2)13321 ZS-SNF: SA-346 A346 1320 HFDL Posn to JNB (23/Feb/06) (RH2)13354 Air France 422: (CDG-BOG. A-340) 1626 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 460: (CDG-CCS. B-747) 1534 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06)13354 Air France 608: (ORY-CAY. A-340) 1556 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP. B-747) 1555 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP. B-747) 1629 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH) 1629Z13354 Air Portugal 121: (LIS-CCS. A-310) 1508 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Alitalia 686: (FCO-CCS. B-767) 1539 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG. B-767) 1834 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 15: (MAD-CLO. B-767) 1601 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Avianca 15: (MAD-CLO. B-767) 1610 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Belair 631: 1638 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 British Airways 2153: (LGW-BGI. B-777) 1827 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 British Airways 2155: (LGW-BGI. B-777) 1606 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 BWIA 901: (LHR-BGI) 1611 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Condor 156: 1602 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Corsair 924: 1603 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Expo 853: 1618 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Expo 860: 1818 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 French West 520: 1536 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Iberia 6703: (MAD-CCS. A-340) 1628 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 KLM 713: (AMS-PBM. B-747) 1810 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 KLM 741: (AMS-BON. MD-11) 1554 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 KLM 785: (AMS-SXM. B-747) 1805 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 LTU 400: (DUS-MBJ. A-330) 1556 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 LTU 908: (DUS-RSW. A-330) 1552 USB ATC Clearance/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Santa Barbara 1333: 1526 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Santa Barbara 1333: 1549 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 Starway 74: 1545 USB Position/w New York. (18Feb06) (MH)13354 UPS 235: (PHL-CGN. B-767) 1637 USB Selcal Check/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354 Virgin Atlantic 29: (LGW-BGI. B-747) 1559 USB Position/w New York. (25Feb06) (MH)13354.0 Air France 620: (ORY-PTP, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1555Z(MH)13354.0 Air Portugal 121: (LIS-CCS, A-310), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1613Z(MH)13354.0 Alitalia 636: (MXP-MIA, B-777), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-18-06@ 1542Z(MH)13354.0 Avianca 11: (MAD-BOG, B-767), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-18-06 @1834Z 04706.0 KINLOSS RESCUE: JRCC Kinloss,

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WUN-v12 G, 1800, USB, wkg"RESCUE-131" (RAF SAR helicopter), 04-Feb-2006. (CK)13354.0 Avianca 15: (MAD-CLO, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1601Z(MH)13354.0 Britannia 756-A: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1638Z(MH)13354.0 British Airways 2037: (LGW-MCO, B-777), Position/w New York,2-18-06 @ 1630Z(MH)13354.0 British Airways 2153: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,2-18-06 @ 1827Z(MH)13354.0 British Airways 2155: (LGW-BGI, B-777), Position/w New York,2-18-06 @ 1606Z(MH)13354.0 BWIA 901: (LHR-BGI), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1611Z(MH)13354.0 BWIA 991: (MAN-BGI, A-340), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-18-06 @1621Z(MH)13354.0 Condor 156: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1602Z(MH)13354.0 Condor 164: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1716Z(MH)13354.0 Continental 65: (LIS-EWR, B-757), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1614Z(MH)13354.0 Corsair 926: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1644Z(MH)13354.0 Expo 860: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1818Z(MH)13354.0 Iberia 6311: (MAD-GUA, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1643Z(MH)13354.0 Iberia 6403: (MAD-MEX, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1651Z(MH)13354.0 Iberia 6501: (MAD-SDQ, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1628Z(MH)13354.0 Iberia 6635: (MAD-UIO, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1646Z(MH)13354.0 KLM 713: (AMS-PBM, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1810Z(MH)13354.0 KLM 741: (AMS-BON, MD-11), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1544Z(MH)13354.0 KLM 785: (AMS-SXM, B-747), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-18-06 @1805Z(MH)13354.0 LTU 400: (DUS-MBJ, A-330), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1556Z(MH)13354.0 LTU 908: (DUS-RSW, A-330), ATC Clearance/w New York, 2-18-06 @1552Z(MH)13354.0 Lufthansa 534: (FRA-CCS, A-340), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1714Z(MH)13354.0 Martinair 903: (AMS-VRA, B-767), Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @1633Z(MH)13354.0 Santa Barbara 1333: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1549Z(MH)13354.0 Starway 74: Position/w New York, 2-18-06 @ 1545Z(MH)13354.0 Virgin Atlantic 29: (LGW-BGI, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-18-06@ 1538Z(MH)13354.0 Virgin Atlantic 33: (LGW-ANU, B-747), Position/w New York, 2-18-06@ 1626Z(MH)13528.0 C: cw - C - Beacon. Russian Navy? on 2006-03-16 @ 17:35:23 UTC (V)13550.5 : New Zealand Met Service Wellington 2138 FAX/120/560 (15Mar06) (EE)13564.9 : Unid 1158 OMFSK/195.5/600-4TONE Bearing 310° Greenland N.America or 130° Mediterranean Egypt E.Africa Diego Garcia. Could someone else take bearings on these unids? (18Mar06) (RGA)13597.0 JMH4: Tokyo Meteo, FAX, Surface Analysis. Very clear. 0840(20-Feb-2006) (MDM)13883 DDK6: Pinnenberg Met 1536 FAX/120/576 poor chart - looked Baltic area (28/Jan/06) (RH2)13886.2 : Moscow Met 1527 FAX/120/576 Sfc Anal - clear chart. (28/Jan/06) (RH2)13927.1 MARS (AFA1HS): 2036z USB w King 15 (C-130, Moody AFB) pp DSN 460-3501 (Moody Angel Ops) and 460-7112 (Moody

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WUN-v12 71RQS King Ops); inbound. (22/Feb/2006) (ALS).13951 : Swiss embassy Ankara, TUR 0805 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone modem, crypto tfc to Bern, net using ALE with linking protection (19Feb06) (LDO)13956.5 EXN: Unid Moroccan Net MRC 0924 ARQ/100/170 QSA and QRK to F07 and UIA (12Mar06) (PPA)13956.5 G7M: MFA Tunis TUN 1531 FEC to MYZ ryryryryry ami bsr votre qsa et qrk 55555555 qru b car (03Mar06) (piri)13968 : MFA Bern, SUI 0919 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, rcvng e-mail traffic from Tehran, net using ALE + linking protection (04Feb06) (LDO)13968 : Swiss embassy Tehran, IRN 0919 USB/MIL-STD 188-141B/MIL-STD 188-110A serial tone, crypto tfc. to Bern, network using ALE with linking protection (04Feb06) (LDO)13986.7 :Mod Paris F 0943 ARQ-E3/192/445 Idle/Sync mode.(07Mar02) (BC3)14008 : Russian Military 1132 36-50/50/160 At least one message. (05Mar06) (RGA)14389.1 MARS (AFA1WP): 2045z USB w GHOST 04, M & W phone patch.(22/Feb/2006) (ALS).14396.5 AAA9USA: Arizona 1557z Feb 1, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AAT3EN: Pennsylvania 1554z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA1YDF: New Jersey 1615z Feb 8, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA1YG: New Jersey 1706z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA2FY: Alabama 1625z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA4NV: [QTH?] 1639z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 AFA5SI: Colorado 1706z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KGA 908: [QTH ?] 1557z Feb 22, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KGA 911: [QTH ?] 1603z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KNY 56: Texas 1641z Feb 22, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 KNY 81: Everett, Washington 1703z Feb 1, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Mockingbird 11:[QTH?] 1626z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 011: [QTH?] 1627z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 014: Missouri 1531z Mar 3, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 023: Houston, Texas 1644z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 032: Massachusetts 1604z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NCS 036: [QTH?] 1601z Jan 18,2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0KAG: [QTH?] 1552z Feb 8, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0NUS: Washington 1645z Feb 22, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0OAR: Illinois 1638z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0QVU: South Carolina 1648z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0QWS: Washington 1600z Feb 8, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0UTO: Washington 1655z Feb 1, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 NNN0VGW: Alabama 1642z Feb 1, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]

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WUN-v1214396.5 NNN0VUV: [QTH?] 1651z Feb 1, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Red Robin 194: Michigan 1643z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Red Robin 8: {QTH?] 1648z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 Texas CAP 524: Texas 1640z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 912: Mount Weather, Maryland 1645z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 933: Pikesville, Maryland 1704z Jan 11, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 9438: [QTH?] 1651z Feb 22, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 943: Charleston, West Virginia 1709z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 974: Florida 1618z Jan 25, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WGY 9948: [QTH?] 1548z Jan 18, 2006 USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WUZ: Alabama 1613z Jan 25, 2006 USB trying to check in to net [SN] USB with net check-in [SN]14396.5 WWJ85O: Michigan 1628z Jan 18, 2006 USB “WWJ 85 Oscar” [SN] USB with net check-in [SN]14467.3 DDH8: dig DDH8 Hamburg Meteo, Germany. 50/450 RTTY. -CQ CQ CQ DE DDH47 DDH9 DDH8 FREQUENCIES 147.3 KHZ 11039 KHZ14467.3 KHZ- on 2006-03-16 @ 18:02:31 UTC (V)14513 R1AM: Rohde & Schwarz HQ Munich, D 1000 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, e-mail tfc to Abu Dhabi using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (28Feb06) (LDO)14513 R3AU: R&S/Navy Abu Dhabi, UAE 1000 USB/MIL-STD 188-110B Appendix C, rcvng e-mail tfc from Munich, using STANAG 5066 with DRC protocol (28Feb06) (LDO)14529.7 : MFA CAIRO EGY 1513 ARQ s/c TVVS and 5ltr codemsg to EGYEMB Alger (21Feb06) (piri)14550 DP2 Morocan Armee 1717 ALE/USB clg GLOBAL (15Mar06) (KK)14550 DP2: MRC Army 0918 ALE/USB clg GLOBAL (14Mar06) (KK)14550 GLOBAL: MRC Army 1717 ALE/USB clg GLOBAL (13Mar06) (KK)14556.7 : EGYDIPLO 1614 ARQ Working but too weak to identify. (23Feb06) (piri)14556.7 EGYDIPLO: 1614 ARQ Working but too weak to identify (23FEB06) (piri)14670 CHU: Ottawa TS CAN 1616 AM Spoken time and second pips. (05Mar06) (piri)14670 CHU: Time Station Ottawa, Canada 1535 CW S-2 to 3. (22Feb06) (LF)14670.0 CHU: am CHU Ottawa Canada. time signals. on 2006-03-10 @ 14:55:09 UTC (V)14670.0 CHU: Ottawa TS CAN 1616 AM Spoken time and second pips (05MAR06) (piri)14700 STAT154: Tunisian Net 1310 ALE/USB clg TU3 (09Mar06) (KK)14700 TUD: Tunisian 1214 ALE/USB clg STAT5 (09Mar06) (KK)14700 TUD: Tunisian Net 1320 ALE/USB clg TU1 (09Mar06) (KK)14700 TUD: Tunisian Net 1326 ALE/USB clg TU1 (09Mar06) (KK)14779.9 : Unid 1326 OMFSK/195.5/600/4-TONE Bearing 160° (France/ Spain/Africa) or 340° (Iceland/Greenland). (26Feb06) (RGA)14875 Unid: 0202 UNID/PSK or FSK/600 Baud Earlier on this frequency worked same station but precisely FSK 800 Hz shift. (10Mar06( (IB)14907.2 1701: unid Sudanese diplo 1345 PACTOR/200/200 encrypted data to "832" (05Mar06) (PPA)14913.0 055: Unid (055 net) 1508 ALE/USB sndg. (21/feb/06) (sw)14918 TVVX: EGYEMB Alger ALG 1505 CODAN/USB after qso on14919.7 with SSUB MFA Cairo. 1515 back to ARQ on 14919.7. Receiving and sending msgs on ARQ. (05Mar06) (piri)14918.0 TVVX: EGYEMB Alger ALG 1505 USB/CODAN after qso on14919.7 (05MAR06) (piri)

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WUN-v1214919.7 TVVX: EGYEMB Alger ALG 1503 ARQ Selcalls SSUB MFA Cairo 1505 over to CODAN and 1515 back on ARQ (05MAR06) (piri)14919.7 TVVX: EGYEMB Alger ALG 1503 ARQ Selcalls SSUB MFA Cairo. 1505 over to CODAN and 1515 back on ARQ. Receive and sending messages. 1554 shut off with bay bay. MFA Cairo not found (05Mar06) (piri)15016 ___MENT(?): EAM Bcast 2020 USB SHOR? or SHO??? and simulcasting same on at least 11175.0 (weak/unreadable) and 8992.0 (weak/unreadable) with nothing heard on 4724.0. (14 Mar 06) (JH)15016 ANDREWS: Andrews AFB MD USA 0900 USB "All stations this is the High Frequency Global Communications System Net Control, All request for Air to Ground phone patches tune 13.200. Andrews maintaining listening watch. Andrews out." (14Mar06) (RF)15016 COLA NUT: EAM Bcast 2110 USB Q3EEED simulcasting same on at least 11175.0 (weak/unreadable) and 8992.0 (weak/unreadable) with nothing heard on 4724.0. He ended his xmsn with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement. H+10 suggests TACAMO LANT. (14 Mar 06) (JH)15016 HATHAWAY: EAM Bcast 1620 USB 4Y7Y40 Followed the bcst with the STANDING BY FOR TRAFFIC statement (2x) and gone. At 1648z ANDREWS bcst a 20-character EAM (4YOVKV). During the bcst there was at least one player under ANDREWS with unknown 4Y string, followed by same player or maybe HATHAWAY with 4Y7Y4O. HATHAWAY may be TACAMO PAC with h+20/h+50 restorals. (14 Mar 06) (JH)15016 HATHAWAY: EAM Retransmission 1622 USB Two different stations re-transmitting same EAM (HATHAWAY and PATHOLOGY). Same on 8992 and 11175 (nil heard 13200, 6997, 13155 and 8776). (14Mar06) (BC)15016 SNOWFALL: EAM Bcast 0020 USB Q3CHQD. Also on 11175 and 8992. (15Mar06) (BC)15016 Unid: EAM Bcast 1607 USB 4Y7Y40. (14 Mar 06) (JH)15016 Unid: EAM Bcast/s 0020 USB At least Q3CHQD (faded into noise floor during xmsn). Suspected h+20/h+50 EAM restoral bcst. Suspected TACAMO PAC. (15 Mar 06) (JH)15034.0 Trenton Military VOLMET: usb ALL catagories and locations -no report received.- !! Not much of a aviation weather report was it.... and into a repeat..... -no report received.- on 2006-03-12 @ 20:36:56 UTC (V)15043.0 Sentry61: usb -Sentry 61- w/ phone patch to Raymond 24 passing multi-line msg on 2006-03-10 @ 16:45:26 UTC (V)15920 CFH: CanForce Halifax NS Canada 1423 RTTY/75/850 ZKRs to NAWS. (23Feb06) (RGA)15920.0 CFH: Halifax Canada RTTY 75/850 -NAWS DE CFH ZKR F1 2822 3394 4167 6254 8312 12377 16576 22182 AR- repeating. on 2006-03-08 @ 14:34:22 UTC (V)15959 : NATO Bcast System 1422 NATO-75/75/850 Enciphered in KG84. Long messages. Bearing 110°. Cyprus (?) (23Feb06) (RGA)15988 : Unid 1229 FAX/120/576 Very poor noisy pressure chart. Bearing 60° Russia SE Asia Australia or 240° Brazil Chile. (18Mar06) (RGA)15988 DDK7: Pinnenberg Met 1640 RTTY/50/400 BBXX Wx codes (27/Jan/06) (RH2)16017.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1444 ARQ S/C TVQX No joy and off air (22Feb06) (piri)16028.7 RCVB: EGYEMB Washington USA 1505 AA msgs to MFA Cairo (22FEB06) (piri)16028.7 RCVB: EGYEMB Washington USA 1505 ARQ AA msgs to MFA Cairo (22Feb06) (piri)16084 LINCOLNSHIRE POACHER: E03 Cyprus? 1310 USB Musicfemale voicenumbers. (04-Mar-06) (FC)16240 1100: Protection Civile Marocaine 1716 ALE/USB Sounding. (15Mar06) (RGA)16260 P6Z: MFA Paris 1230 FEC-A/192/400 Idling. Prob clg

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WUN-v12 N2G. (07/Feb/06) (RH2)16278.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1621 COQ-8 plain F msg to ALGEMB Sanaa YEM (25Feb06) (piri)16278.6 7RQ20: MFA Alger ALG 1621 Coquelet-8 plain F msg to ALGEMB Sanaa YEM (25FEB06) (piri)16331.7 D: Cluster Beacon Odessa 1420 CW (23Feb06) (RGA)16332 C: BEACON MOSCOW 0926 CW (05Mar06) (FC)16332 C: Cluster Beacon Moscow 1421 CW (23Feb06) (RGA)16332.1 A: Azberjain, Russia 1501z Feb 27, 2006 CW “A” marker [SN]16335 NKT: ALG MFA Nouakchott 1104 ALE/USB MAE (11Mar06) (MAL)16610.0 NMF: USCG Boston, MA HF-FAX 120/576 with chart labled -24-Hour Wind & Wave Forecast- on 2006-03-05 @ 08:25:36 UTC(V)16611.6 STANAG: 4285 300 BPS long interleaving, KG-84 encrypted on 2006-03-05 @ 07:51:19 UTC (V)16667.0 Unid: either Rohde&Schwarz 2400bd modem or FARCOS or MAHRS data burst on 2006-03-12 @ 04:10:52 UTC (V)16747.0 UNID: Ship station in Sitor-B broadcasting news of the Philippines in Sitor-B at 2200 and 2230.24feb06 (HS)16804 440710000: 6KUP F/V Oryong No. 752 1843 DSC (South Korea) 495 DWT Fishing Vessel. To: 003160016: Halifax CG Radio CAN. Test request. (26Feb06) (RB)16804.5 002091000: 622121425 WADI ALKARNAK/SSMM-EGY (safety) from 002091000 Cyprus Radio-CYP test ACK[2006-03-17 (RW)16806.5 NMF: USCG Boston 1544 FEC Wx Navarea4 (28/Jan/06) (RH2)16808 : Russian Military 1249 36-50/50/250 Idling on revs. (18Mar06) (RGA)16813 UAT: MoscowRadio 1253 ARQ Long Autotelex helpfile. (18Mar06) (RGA)16814.5 CBV: VALPARAISO RADIO 1425 CW Chan free marker "CBV" (09/Mar)(DW)16814.5 CBV: VALPARAISO RADIO 1430 SITOR/B 100/E/170 Nav wng bdcast. Vri poor copy (10/Mar)(DW)16819.5 NMN: CAMSLANT Chesapeake VA USA 1414 ARQ w/Morse ID. (23Feb06) (RGA)16906.7 FUV: FF Jibouti 1524 RTTY/75/850 Test tape (28/Jan/06) (RH2)16939 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1255 GW-OFDM Idling. Weak. Also on 16945 kHz equally weak. (18Mar06) (RGA)16945 9HD: Globe Wireless Malta 1413 GLOBEDATA Idling. (23Feb06) (RGA)16951.5 6WW: FN Dakar 1520 RTTY/75/850 Test tape (28/Jan/06) (RH2)16957.8 FUJ: STANAG 4285 300 BPS long interleaving 5N1 w/ test tape on 2006-03-05 @ 03:58:30 UTC (V)17020 UDK2: MurmanskRadio Russia 1326 RTTY/50/170 RYs then tgm to unid ship. Morse: NIL 73 de UDK2. UDYN (Maxim Starostin) PSE 16798. UDYN too weak to copy. (26Feb06) (RGA)17020 UDK: MurmanskRadio 1259 CW Urging UCTS/Pavel Koutakhov to GA. Then takes 2 telegrams and signs off QSL 2 NIL 73 de UDK2 SU EE. (18Mar06) (RGA) 17080 RDL: Rus Navy 0140 CW Text: uuuuuuu rdl rdl rdl 56403 27031 56403 27031 56403 27031 k xxx xxx. (26Feb06) (IB)17147 URL: SEWASTOPOL RADIO 1521 CW CH. MARKER. (07Mar06) (FC)17147 URL: SewastopolRadio Ukraine 1415 RTTY/50/170 Telegram to ship from Natasha & Katya in Sewastopol. (23Feb06) (RGA)18009 : UNID 1410 USB MIL-STD 188-110 Serial tone modem msgs beginning with "UUUUUUUyZ3" and ending with "*UUUR [EOM]" (01Mar06) (piri)18009.0 UNID: 1410 USB MIL-STD 188-110 Serial tone modem msgs (01MAR06) (piri)18238.0 ZSJ: SAN CAPETOWN 1535 FAX 120/576/N/800 Sfc analysis (24/Feb)(DW)18261.0 GYA: FWOC NORTHWOOD 1503 FAX 120/576/N/800 Directional Gulf svc, vri weak/noisy. Mid East coasts just

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WUN-v12 discernable (03/Mar)(DW)18336 055: Unid 1206 ALE/USB Sounding. (22Feb06) (RGA)18529.5 7RV50: ALGEMB Moscow RUS 1355 COQ-8 VISA request msg in F to 7RQ20 MFA Alger (01Mar06) (piri)18529.5 7RV50: ALGEMB Moscow RUS 1355 Coquelet-8 VISA request msg to 7RQ20 MFA Alger (01MAR06) (piri)18598.4 STANAG 4285: 600 BPS long interleaving on 2006-03-05 @ 03:52:17 UTC (V)18716.7 : MFA Cairo EGY 1402 ARQ S/C RCVB EGYEMB Washington who give no response (22Feb06) (piri)18716.7 MFA Cairo: EGY 1402 ARQ S/C RCVB EGYEMB Washington who give no response (22FEB06) (piri)18788.9 : Unid 1155 OMFSK/195.5/600-4TONE Bearing 065° Russia SE Asia Australia or 245° - Azores Central America Brazil. (18Mar06) (RGA)18864.0 E3A: usb E3a on 2006-03-09 @ 13:27:04 UTC by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan (V)18864.0 V3a: usb V3a, in progress on 2006-03-16 @ 13:37:25 UTC by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan (V)19705.0 CRUEX: & OBY: 1803 USB ALE (18/FEB/06) (JLM)19843.9 : Unid 1326 OMFSK/195.5/600/4-TONE W/w 14779.9? Bearing 085° (Central/S.Europe) or 265° (N.America). (26Feb06) (RGA)19945 GAO: ALG MFA Gao 1049 ALE/USB MAE (12Mar06) (MAL)19945 LZ51: Unid ALG MOI 0624 ALE/USB (10Mar06) (MAL)19945 NKT: ALG MFA Nouakchott 1722 ALE/USB MAE (11Mar06) (MAL)20340 NKT: ALG MFA Nouakchott 1107 ALE/USB MAE (11Mar06) (MAL)21866.0 E3A: usb E3a on 2006-03-09 @ 13:26:57 UTC by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan (V)21866.0 V3a: usb V3a, in progress on 2006-03-16 @ 13:37:17 UTC by Sferix in Taipei Taiwan (V)22383.5 WLO: MOBILE RADIO 1455 CW Chan free marker "WLO" (27/Feb)(DW)22389.5 NMN: USCG CAMSLANT 1506 CW Chan free marker "NMN" (after 1500z?) (27/Feb)(DW)22461.0 FUJ: STANAG 4285 300 BPS 5N1 w/ test tape on 2006-03-05 @ 03:29:29 UTC (V)


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