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World War I

Act II – 1915-1918

U.S. Intervention

Don’t Worry.

Here we



Great Britain


Italy Romania








Europe circa



By 1917, the Allies and Central powers had fought for three years.

Ariel View of

“No Man’s Land”

One of the worst battles of World War I was the Battle of the Somme

The battle will rage on for over five months.

Total war makes no distinction between civilians or soldiers.

British blockaded Germany from importing food.

German u-boats sank ships delivering war materials to Allies.

President Wilson was reelected on the slogan “He kept us out of war.”

Many had only recently arrived from Europe. They felt personally involved.

A German u-boat sinks the British cruise liner the Lusitania.

The Zimmerman note was an offer of alliance between Germany and Mexico.

Russian Revolution removes Russia from the war.

Uncle Sam did what he could to recruit men for the draft.

This was the war to end all wars so it was time to do our part.

An American Doughboy

modeling before going to war.

The convoy system helped get our boys past the German unterseeboat.

The name Hellfighters came from the Germans.

Black Jack John Pershing led the American Expeditionary Force.

A Marine recruitment poster celebrating the American victory.

The Baron Manfred von Richthofen shot down over 80 planes.

The U.S. ace was Eddie Rickenbacker with 26 shot down.

The British were the first to build the tank. This is the Mark IV.

Here American doughboys are riding a French Renault tank.

This is the rail car in France where the Germans agree to the ceasefire.

Veteran’s Day commemorates the end of the Great War.

Twenty million die around the world from the Spanish flu in 1918.

Liberty bonds were sold by the boy scouts and girl scouts.

President Wilson’s Fourteen Points was a plan to form a lasting peace.

Remember these were the causes of World War I.




Alliance system

Open trade between nations would lessen the need for colonies.

Wilson called on all nations to reduce their armaments.

Self-determination for ethnic groups.

Above all, no more entangling alliances.

But at Versailles the Allies were more interested in the spoils of war.

Germany must accept all blame (B) for the war.

Germany must pay the Allies 33 million dollars in reparations (R).

Germany must restrict its army (A) to only 100,000 men.

Germany lost all of their colonies and more.

The League of Nations was one of Wilson’s only achievements.

The treaty of Versailles will be one of the main causes of World War II.

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