
M ald on H ospital M aryb orou gh D istrict H e alth S e rvice , M a ryb o ro u g h R o b in vale D istrict H e alth S ervice C a stlem ain e H e alth M an an g atan g & D istrict H osp ital K yab ram & D istrict H ea lth S ervice B en dig o H e alth C a re G roup B o o rt D istrict H ea lth C oh u n a D istrict H osp ital E ch u ca R egion al H ealth In g lew oo d & D istrict H ea lth S ervice K eran g & D istrict H ealth K yn e to n D istrict H e alth S ervice M a lle e Tra ck H e alth & C om m u n ity S e rvice , O uyen M a ryb o ro u gh D istrict H e alth S e rvice , D unolly H eath co te H ea lth M ild u ra B ase H o sp ital R och e ste r & E lm o re D istrict H ea lth S ervice S w an H ill D istrict H ealth , Sw an Hill S w an H ill D istrict H ealth , N yah B end ig o H ea lth C are G rou p, A n n e C au dle E a st W im m e ra H ea lth S e rvice, B irchip E a st W im m e ra H ealth S e rvice , W ycheproof E a st W im m era H ealth S e rvice , C h arlton E a st W im m e ra H ea lth S e rvice, D on ald S a te llite h o s p ita l lo c a te d h e re b u t b e lo n g in g to a n o th e r re gio n H o s p ita l b e lo n g in g to a n d lo c a te d in th is re gio n M aryb orou gh D istrict H e alth S e rvice , A voca S a te llite h o s p ita l b e lo n g in g to th is re g io n b u t lo c a te d in a n o th e r p u b lic h o sp itals p u b lic h o sp itals (in clu d e s a ll h o sp ita ls in th is re g ion ) L o d d o n R egion B ou n d aries b a sed on Lo ca l G overn m en t A reas A u stralian S tan dard G eog rap h ical C la ssifica tio n 1 Ju ly 2 00 9 H o sp itals cu rren t a t 1 O cto b er 2 0 1 1

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M aldon HospitalM aryborough D istrict Health Service, M aryborough

Robinvale D istrict Health Service

Castlemaine Health

M anangatang & D istrict Hospital

Kyabram & D istrict Health Service

Bendigo Health Care Group

Boort D istrict Health

Cohuna D istrict Hospital

Echuca Regional Health

I nglew ood & D istrict Health Service

Kerang & D istrict Health

Kyneton D istrict Health Service

M allee Track Health & Community Service, O uyen

M aryborough D istrict Health Service, DunollyHeathcote Health

M ildura Base Hospital

Rochester & Elmore D istrict Health Service

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Sw an H ill

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Nyah

Bendigo Health Care Group, Anne Caudle

East W immera Health Service, Birchip

East W immera Health Service, W ycheproof

East W immera Health Service, CharltonEast W immera Health Service, Donald

Satellite hospital located here but belonging to another regionHospital belonging to and located in this region

M aryborough D istrict Health Service, Avoca

Satellite hospital belonging to this region but located in another

public hospitalspublic hospitals

(includes all hospitals in this region)Loddon Region

Boundaries based on Local Governm ent AreasAustralian Standard Geographical Classification 1 J u ly 2009

H ospitals current at 1 O ctober 2011

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M aldon HospitalM aryborough D istrict Health Service, M aryborough

Robinvale D istrict Health Service

Castlemaine Health

M anangatang & D istrict Hospital

Kyabram & D istrict Health Service

Bendigo Health Care Group

Boort D istrict Health

Cohuna D istrict Hospital

Echuca Regional Health

I nglew ood & D istrict Health Service

Kerang & D istrict Health

Kyneton D istrict Health Service

M allee Track Health & Community Service, O uyen

M aryborough D istrict Health Service, DunollyHeathcote Health

M ildura Base Hospital

Rochester & Elmore D istrict Health Service

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Sw an H ill

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Nyah

Bendigo Health Care Group, Anne Caudle

Hospital belonging to and located in this region

M aryborough D istrict Health Service, Avoca

Satellite hospital belonging to this region but located in another

public hospitals(includes all hospitals that belong to this region)Loddon Region

Boundaries based on Local Governm ent AreasAustralian Standard Geographical Classification 1 J u ly 2009

H ospitals current at 1 O ctober 2011

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M aldon HospitalM aryborough D istrict Health Service, M aryborough

Robinvale D istrict Health Service

Castlemaine Health

M anangatang & D istrict Hospital

Kyabram & D istrict Health Service

Bendigo Health Care Group

Boort D istrict Health

Cohuna D istrict Hospital

Echuca Regional Health

I nglew ood & D istrict Health Service

Kerang & D istrict Health

Kyneton D istrict Health Service

M allee Track Health & Community Service, O uyen

M aryborough D istrict Health Service, DunollyHeathcote Health

M ildura Base Hospital

Rochester & Elmore D istrict Health Service

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Sw an H ill

Sw an H ill D istrict Health, Nyah

Bendigo Health Care Group, Anne Caudle

East W immera Health Service, Birchip

East W immera Health Service, W ycheproof

East W immera Health Service, CharltonEast W immera Health Service, Donald

Satellite hospital located here but belonging to another regionHospital belonging to and located in this region

public hospitals(includes all hospitals that are located in this region)Loddon Region

Boundaries based on Local Governm ent AreasAustralian Standard Geographical Classification 1 J u ly 2009

H ospitals current at 1 O ctober 2011