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Dr D Mabunda Chief Executive: SANParks

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Page 1: Dr D Mabunda Chief Executive: SANParkspmg-assets.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/docs/... · Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site SANParks had lodged an objection during

Dr D MabundaChief Executive: SANParks

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Page 3: Dr D Mabunda Chief Executive: SANParkspmg-assets.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/docs/... · Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage Site SANParks had lodged an objection during


Vision and Mission


Location of national parks

SANParks Strategy Map

2009/10 Annual ReportingFinancials


Rhino Population Dynamics

Jackal culling

KNP Fire

Tsitsikamma Fishing

Table Mountain National Park

Mapungubwe Mining

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National parks will be the pride and joy of all South Africans and of the world

MISSIONMISSION To develop and manage a system of national parks that represents the biodiversity, landscapes, and associated

cultural heritage assets of South Africa for the sustainable use and benefit of all


To ensure effective transformation both within SANParks and the broader society and economy through the implementation of broad-based black economic

empowerment as espoused by the sector BEE scorecard


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SANParks was established in terms of 

the National Environmental 

Management: Protected Areas Act 

57 of 2003;

Mandate: Conserve; Protect; Control; 

and Manage National Parks System 

and other defined protected areas, 

including their biological diversity 


Subject to Public Finance 

Management Act, Act 1 of 1999 (as 

amended by Act 29 of 1999), and 

listed as Schedule 3 Part A: 25 public 


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Other protected 

areas: 3,794,871 


(3.11% of SA 


SANParks : 4 019 

100 ha 

(3.3% of SA 


700 000 hectares 

added or 

consolidated since 


Circles = new, 

consolidated or 


national parks

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Revenue 31st March 2010R’000

31st March 2009R’000

Tourism, retails, concession and other 726,859 664,137

Operational grants received 157,010 153,129

Income from special projects grants 216,579 49,097

Other operating income 23,788 22,061

Land acquisition grant 33,623 54,550

Sales of fauna and flora 12,557 39,445

Donations 3,832 3,385

1,174,248 985,804

Expenses 1,117,724 953,135

Operating expenses 356,251 360,924

Administration expense 98,781 113,832

Compensation of employees 446,114 429,282

Expenses relating to special projects grants 216,579 49,097

Surplus from Operations 56,524 32,669

Net investment income 11,086 11,653

Investment income 22,226 26,167

Finance Costs (11,140) (14,514)

Surplus for the year 67,610 44,323

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The cost curtailment plan initiated in 2009/10 continues to yield satisfactory financial performance as follows:

Operating Expenses decreased by 1.3% year-on-year, event though there were unfavourable conditions such as increase in Eskom tariffs and fuel price.

Administration expenses decreased by 13.2% year-on-year.

Compensation of employees costs slightly increase by 4.3% year-on-year, though there has been saving made on overtime costs, and focus on key post for recruitment.

Presentation Notes
This positive performance can be attributed to sound financial management, monitoring and controls to containing its costs to essentials goods and services. Furthermore, continuous financial analysis and forecasts are being undertaken to mitigation any financial risks the organisation might have been exposed to due to the recent economic downturn.
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Black visitor growth:Total: 345559 to 406,085 (17,5% growth) 312264 to 669548 Day Visitors33295 to 36537 Overnight VisitorsUp from 23.2% to 24,7% of total SA visitors

Income:2008/9 2009/10

Conservation fees: R131,7M R169 MConcession fees: R58,2M R59,4 MTourism Income: R302,5M R385.5 M

Total SANParks: R532,459M R613,671M( USD 71,95M) (USD 82,92M)

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Co-operation & involvement:SAPS (Hawks, Crime Intelligence and all other units where appropriate – National and Provincial))SARS (National)Wildlife Investigators (EMI) Provinces (Official seconded - Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Free State, KZN, North West Parks)SANParks ECIInterpolSANDF

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128 suspects have been arrested and charged with poaching crimes

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Population declines

when poaching exceeds

>1000 rhino per year.

Estimated at current rate to occur in


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1970 1980 1990 2000 20100






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Exponential ram = 0.116±0.016

White rhino

historic removal rate of 1.6 ± 0.2 % per annum

Historic rate effect on population non-detectable

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Let’s count …

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2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 20106000







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1990 1995 2000 2005 20100











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Data provided by Sam Ferreira SANParks

© Sam Ferreira

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SANParks’ conservation management follows a new ecological paradigm that focuses on managing ecological processes rather than problem species

Where some ecological processes are missing (e.g. small parks), SANParks’ wishes to restore or mimic these processes

This generates functional heterogeneity over space and time, with its associated biodiversity, and the ability of ecosystems to recover after disturbances such as droughts

In several small parks, SANParks has embarked on restoring predation by large carnivores, mimicking the social processes that naturally limit their populations

This approach is necessarily management-intensive, and following SANParks adaptive management strategy must be exploratory and experimental

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2 parks earmarked for reintroduction of large carnivores (Karoo & Addo), sustained declines or very poor increases in certain ungulate species (notably springbok)Several considerations suggested the springbok were caught in a “predator trap” – where the absolute number of springbok lambs produced is not sufficient to overcome the effect of predationManaging this mechanism can take the form of supplementing the ungulate population (first

attempt unsuccessful in Karoo) or to reduce the predation pressure132 removed in Karoo, 73 from Darlington section (Addo) and 139 from Kuzuko (contractual section, Addo) – shot in accordance with SANParks Standard Operating Procedure for Lethal Population Management (no traps or poisons used) Darlington section – exploratory intervention undertaken to scientifically test hypotheses of how the mechanism of jackal predation as a key predator trap leads to sustained declines of antelope populationsPre-intervention densities of jackal and springbok have been surveyed, and jackal interventions ceasedFocus is now on post-intervention surveys of jackal and springbok populationsSamples from removed animals will be used to broaden understanding of jackal diets in constrained ecosystemsResults to be published in peer-reviewed literature

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The aim of this project was to to determine the desirability and feasibility of experimenting with very hot fires (fire storms) to address bush thickening in selected areas in KNP.


Managing the system with changing policies & climate change - decrease in fire frequency and intensity and an increase in CO2

This favor the woody tree layer and out competes grasses – reduction on savanna ecosystems and dominance of thickets and forests

This is documented in communal lands & privates lands, reserves and national parks

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In spite of many precautionary and safety measures put in place to minimize possible animal fatalities, the following are figures of animals affected by the recent KNP fire

Rhino = 7Tortoise = 3Impala = 46 (a single group of 40)Duiker = 1Snake =1Zebra = 1Hyena = 1Elephant = 1

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A Memorandum was received from the Tsitsikamma Angling Union, during a

protest march to the park on the 27th April 2004.

Main demand outlined in the memorandum was the “restoration” of “fishing

rights” in the Tsitsikamma MPA.

In October 2006 a ministerial task team was appointed by the Deputy Minister

of DEA to investigate and formulate a response to the memorandum and

fishing issues in general.

Task Team produced report in March 2007 in which it was proposed that 4

areas (10km) within the MPA be opened to controlled fishing by members of

the Forum on an experimental basis.

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In terms of Section 83 of the MLRA ( “The Minister may, notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, permit any scientific investigation or practical experiment”The proposal was submitted to the then DEAT, and processed to the Minister under signature of the DG.

Minister engaged in further stakeholder consultations, including a meeting with the Angling Forum.Proposal rejected by the Minister at the end of 2007.Issue sporadically raised through 2008 to 2010.On Friday 15 October, 2010 Deputy Minister convened a Marine Week function at Tsitsikamma and met with the community.The issue of fishing “rights” was strongly raised at the meeting and a memorandum delivered to the DM.DM indicated that this and other issues raised would be looked into and feedback given to the community by end of November.

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Relationship of SANParks to City of Cape Town soured over the last 6 monthsUnable to agree on a baboon management protocol for the management of baboons outside the boundary of TMNPCity insists on SANParks taking joint responsibility for management and for funding in the Cape Peninsula outside of TMNPThis is beyond SANParks legislative mandate and would create a precedent for the management of damage causing animals across the countryIssue politicized by the City through media statements and through City Council resolution in August calling for investigation on ‘taking back’ the Park.

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In 1999 SANParks was allocated by Dept. of Public Works a portion of “unregistered and unsurveyed land west of Hout Bay” which was proclaimed as part of TMNP in 2000.

The southern, lower portion of this property was already occupied by an informal settlement consented to by the City.

The ‘Sloot’ was the agreed upper edge of development and a 15m firebreak maintained above the Sloot.

City’s in-situ housing upgrade project was initiated in 2007 but to date very slow progress.

Erf 1510, the lower Sentinel property, purchased by SANParks with TMF funds and transferred in April 2010.

Initial discussions with the City for occupied portion of the unregistered land up to the ‘Sloot’ to be excised from Park through a boundary re-alignment for inclusion in the adjacent City land.

This excised area was later negotiated for the firebreak to be included in the City land portion as well as a buffer between developed and natural areas.

Land invasion above the Sloot commences in August 2009, first on City land, then to Park land, mainly on the unregistered portion.

Joint City and SANParks eviction proceedings commenced in Sept. 2010.

Meeting of Premier of the W Cape with Hangberg community followed by SAPS and Metro Police action to demolish 29 unoccupied dwellings. (Battle for Hangberg)

SANParks withdraws as applicant in court proceedings in order to allow for a climate conducive to negotiations.

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Erf 1510

TMNPProclaimed land

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The mine is immediately to the east of the Riedel 48/1 property


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Environmental Management Plan process led to the issuing of a coal mining permit to Vele Colliery adjacent to the eastern boundary of Mapungubwe National Park and World Heritage SiteSANParks had lodged an objection during the EMP process, but were prepared to engage the mine to discuss mitigation measures once the permit had been issuedDEA have, however, ordered the mine to cease operation in June/July of this year due to non compliance on a number of issuesThe mine has ceased operations but is in process of addressing the issues raisedUNESCO are sending a fact finding mission to Mapungubwe in the 3rd week of November to assess the impact of the mine on the World Heritage Site status of the ParkSANParks is not a regulatory or monitoring agency, but continues to engage with all parties to chart the best way forward.

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