dr. krishnan's therapeutic touch

Therapeutic Touch – Part I Therapeutic Touch – Part I Dr. S. Krishnan MBBS, MD, DPM, DIP.NB Associate Professor of Psychiatry MO-in-Charge, Holistic and Stress Research Clinic, Department of Psychiatry Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram

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This is an introductory set of slides on Therapeutic Touch. It seems to be a good relaxation technique.


Page 1: Dr. Krishnan's Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch – Part ITherapeutic Touch – Part I

Dr. S. Krishnan MBBS, MD, DPM, DIP.NBAssociate Professor of Psychiatry

MO-in-Charge, Holistic and Stress Research Clinic, Department of Psychiatry

Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

A good relaxation techniqueJust like JPMRTime consumingCulture friendly

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The Field of MedicineThe Field of Medicine

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The iceberg Phenomenon…The iceberg Phenomenon…

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

A system of natural healing for body, mind and spirit (?).

An ancient natural healing technique involving the placement of hands onto the body to channel energy.

A technique for stress reduction and relaxation.

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

The wisdom of many cultures since ancient times.

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

The existence of this "life force energy" has been verified by Kirlian photography.

Kirlian photography is a technique that allows the etheric energy patterns around living things to be photographed.

It was pioneered by Semyon Kirlian, a Russian researcher in the1940's.

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Therapeutic Touch – Several FormsTherapeutic Touch – Several Forms


Master Mikao Usui

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Therapeutic Touch – Several FormsTherapeutic Touch – Several Forms

Therapeutic Touch

Dolores Krieger

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Therapeutic Touch – Several FormsTherapeutic Touch – Several Forms

Pranic Healing

Master Choa Kok Sui

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

All these systems work with universal life energy (?).

Energy flows through the hands to wherever it is needed in the body (?).

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

The energy is received in the same way that a plant takes up water. It is absorbed only where it is needed.

The receiver draws the energy in a completely natural and nourishing way.

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Therapeutic TouchTherapeutic Touch

Both the practitioner and the receiver of therapeutic touch are revitalized after treatment.

This presentation will deal with – The basic principles

– Hand positions used in therapeutic touch and

– Some of the symbols that will enhance the flow of energy.

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Therapeutic Touch - AdvantagesTherapeutic Touch - Advantages

Simple technique to learn.

It is simply passed on through a series of instructions or initiations.

No major side effects

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Therapeutic Touch - AdvantagesTherapeutic Touch - Advantages

The trainer increases the awareness of the individual's own abilities to channel universal life force energy much the same as turning a radio from am to fm.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

We are alive because life force is flowing through us.

Life force flows within the physical body through specific channels and radiates flows around us as an energy field called the aura.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

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Aura and WheelsAura and Wheels

Layers of Aura

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Aura and WheelsAura and Wheels

The various chakras or wheels

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Our aura representsOur aura represents

The food that we eat – annamaya kosha or physicl body

Our thoughts – manomaya koshaThe vital breaths or energy –

pranamaya koshaOur knowledge – vijnanamaya koshaThe supreme bliss – anandamaya


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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves.

These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Therapeutic touch heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy.

It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break up and fall away.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Therapeutic touch clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Therapeutic touch – Cleanses the body of built up toxins– Relieves pain– Soothes shock– Calms the mind and emotions– Relaxes– Reduces stress, and – Accelerates the body's natural ability to heal

itself at the same time promoting a state of total relaxation and well-being.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Once a person has been opened up to become a "channel" for therapeutic touch, concentrated universal life force energy will flow through their hands of its own accord and they will retain this ability for the rest of their life.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals

Therapeutic touch in no way conflicts with medical procedures and in fact supports and enhances all medical treatments.

Therapeutic touch can be incorporated effectively into the healing arts practiced by health professionals from traditional and alternative medicine.

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals


Deals with the relation between mind, brain an immune functions

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How Therapeutic Touch HealsHow Therapeutic Touch Heals


Deals with the relation between mind, brain and our endocrine system

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For your attentionFor your attention

Drink lots of water after a therapeutic touch session . Initiation rituals and treatments may cause physical detoxification, some people report a lot of emotional processing for up to 3 weeks or 21 days after an initial session.

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What healers believe…What healers believe…

In some cases the release of toxins or energetic or physical realignments will cause them to feel worse for a small time before they feel better.

Though any severe or continuing unusual discomfort should be referred to an appropriate medical professional .




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Hand PositionsHand Positions

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Hand PositionsHand Positions

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Symbols Symbols

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Various Symbols are used in several healing systems especially in Reiki

Amplifies and directs the life force energy through right channels

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Cho Ku ReiCho Ku Rei

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Cho Ku Rei - 1Cho Ku Rei - 1

The Power Symbol Drawn on the practitioners both palms and

on the recipient’s crown chakra before the session begins

Can be placed wherever the practitioner feels whether on him or herself or the recipient

Drawing it, imaginining it or chanting it three times can invoke Cho Ku Rei

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