drugs (sedatives, solvents, stimulants)


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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 2: DRUGS (Sedatives, Solvents, Stimulants)
Page 3: DRUGS (Sedatives, Solvents, Stimulants)
Page 4: DRUGS (Sedatives, Solvents, Stimulants)
Page 5: DRUGS (Sedatives, Solvents, Stimulants)

Medicine.netA drug that calms a patient, easing agitation and

permitting sleep.

Wikipedia.orgA sedative or tranquilizer is a substance that

induces sedation by reducing irritability or excitement.

Psychology.comSedatives are central nervous system (CNS)

depressants, a category of drugs that slow normal brainfunction.

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At higher doses it may resultin slurred speech, staggering gait,poor judgment, and slow,uncertain reflexes.

Are misused or accidentallycombined, as in the case of combiningprescription sedatives with alcohol, they candangerously depress important signals thatare needed to maintain heart and lungfunction.

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• Sluggishness• Incoordination• Difficulty in thinking• Slowness of speech• Faulty judgment• Drowsiness• Shallow breathing• Staggering

and in severe cases,• Coma• Death.

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TYPES OF SEDATIVESare drugs that act as central nervous

system depressants and can therefore producea wide spectrum of effects, frommild sedation to total anesthesia.

They are also effectiveas anxiolytics, hypnotics, and anticonvulsants.

Benzodiazepines enhancethe effect ofthe neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) atthe GABAA receptor, resultingin sedative, hypnotic (sleep-inducing),anxiolytic (anti-anxiety), anticonvulsant, and musclerelaxant properties.

Benzodiazepines are useful in treating anxiety, insomnia, agitation, seizures, muscle spasms, alcohol withdrawal and as apremedication for medical or dental procedures

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Nonbenzodiazepine (Z-drug)

are very benzodiazepine-like in nature. Nonbenzodiazepinespharmacodynamics are almost entirely the sameas benzodiazepine drugs and therefore employ similar benefits,side-effects, and risks.

Antihistamines work wellto relieve symptoms of differenttypes of allergies, includingseasonal (hay fever), indoor, andfood allergies, but they can'trelieve every symptom.


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(fast drying glues and adhesives, assorted paint andpetroleum products, lighter fluid, dry-cleaning fluids,assorted aerosol sprays, surgical spirit, cleaners etc.)

Solvent abuse involves inhaling the fumes fromdomestic and industrial products creating a strongintoxication.

Traditionally referred to as 'glue sniffing',

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There is a real risk of vomiting, choking and possiblyunconsciousness. At the very least, expect a king size head ache,and a less than handsome red rash around the mouth.

• Dazed appearance• Unsteadiness• Slurred speech• Unpredictable behavior.

Under the influence of solvents, users can undertakedangerous and reckless acts and be at increased risk fromaccidents. Long term abuse can lead to a permanent 'sniffer'srash', conjunctivitis, liver, heart and kidney damage and inextreme cases, brain damage. Children are at the greatest riskand some have died after trying solvents for the first time

Health risks:

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• Suffocation if solvents are inhaled via a plastic bag over the head. This is also a risk if a gas product is squirted into the throat as it causes it to swell which impeded breathing.

• Indulging in impulsive or dangerous actions due to the intoxicating effects.

• Long term use can damage the brain, liver or kidneys.• Can cause heart problems which may be fatal - even the first

time it is used.• Rash around the nose and mouth• Tremors and a lack of co-ordination• Tiredness• Weight loss• Excessive thirst• Cognitive impairment e.g. unable to think clearly, focus or

remember something.


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Types of StimulantsLegal Stimulants

a potent central nervous system stimulant of thephenethylamine class that is used in the treatment ofattention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy

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sometimes called “uppers,”temporarily increase alertness andenergy. Medical uses

• To counteract lethargy and fatigue throughout the day while at work or while doing other activities

• To reduce sleepiness and to keep the person awake when necessary, as well as to treat narcolepsy

• To decrease appetite and promote weight loss, as well as to treat obesity

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EDEPHRINEMarketed as herbal supplement

and as an asthma reliever. It lowers bloodpressure and it is a nasal congestiontreatment. Even if it’s a natural stimulantor supplement, it has the same structureas methamphetamine, but it has lessereffect on the central nervous system.

Caffeine stimulates thebody’s central nervous system tomake the muscles relax. The urineflow will increase too.

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This stimulant is addictive. That’swhy lots of people can’t stop smokingcigarettes. The American Heart Associationstates that the body will immediately reactwith the nicotine through increase heartrate and blood pressure.

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Crack Cocaine

This crystallized cocaine comes from the leaves ofcocoa. Users heat this crystal before smoking it. The namecrack is derived from the sound the drug created when beingsmoked. People can really get addicted on crack and theymight probably suffer from psychological and physicaldamages

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MethamphetaminesThey are strong drug

stimulants and are manufacturedillegally. They are usually bought asOTC medications. They occur aspowders or crystals that aredissolved in alcohol or waterbefore being injected.

It is another powerfulstimulant that is illegallymanufactured. Some people snort thispowder to get high, while somedissolve the powder in water beforeinjecting it into the body.

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