dry fc s.^g, s, - nys historic newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-12-04… ·...

>mtmssk new featias vill allude only imean Comnsis^ and. The Re- complete. sen in consulta- day, The Se- e completed be- ts true ofSecre- I the Walker fias not arrived ^s: "Weleam ^Buchanari has silion of Secre e offer vras ae 3 «s in such a iold itfccHHthe arannah, bear- Cora. Mercer, Emmons, com! Jrt last evening irt she left Oct. ermantown re- .n English and Rio when the >ffice Seeker. itriot hundred thou- A gentleman quality j but a ie offices distri- ttraetiTeness in mts, whaSegin, :r that the toot neckcloth will er his left ear— culiarly sinister hich they were 1 that the poli- y have chanted r e fought, is so be easily shi- r the blows oF the diary of an he first flush of ents a very dif- is subsequently when he finds nment are not ^et us open a what we find vn—credentials possible recom- and D. Very —puzzled, what fora colleetar- class consulate IXDAY. Extraordinary lanan since we n cold and sel- —find him very nd. and of ster- pleased with a collectorship. ESDAY, truck with the t elect. Talked o—all a mistake, hfm—never ejc- light—moreover e, and signed it will. fact to PscychcP daily papers all i.VESDAY. uidn't edge in a 1 stood off and 3f the President its jemarkable g ocular defect, emish, but adds ression. Neck- e type of inno- i not, especially j; its from politics | 7 much animat- sbyteriana. by terian—must re. Anecdote of Springs—met a —liked him ex- ;thodist Protea- ilent. erian Methodist Refers to his ed to occupy a vention—went lunt's remarks, opalianism • ad- >f its marriage e a good Ep".s- terian Metho-! i. her to. enlight-" ' points* or .not. >t Archbishop —rather likes friend of his. id picturesque, ot say he be- tliai Church, .rticle of faith istance can be as experienced s Own person. ) the Cincinna' consideration, j about this in 3DAY. . with Mr. B. -application a Consulship—' power—was< fig his &tfMg* e tbfe|63BecoBi- ne^ons as tpj* ed such a MBI* and, therefor^, Jointed. Be- friend of hi*, ionsiy advised £a tos>$Bong* »ph ic patienfee Is*,'1857. got the Col- r Bnng^owtt. I : 1 •>,v. m i f vug. Metre* thought so. 5vea|afjf.idir^' # B^lpeat* oktiott 10 jp 'WMSi&Mt i^^^^^M^^mM^^M^iM^^^^' ^^^^pp^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^iP^^^^Pf Board of Trustee^rn^ipa|3uan^ to *<fe loarnment. Present—S- Gilbert, Esq^ ft Preadeiit, and Messrs. Millard, & Vilas,. &, Ray* m0 nd, Burt, Lankton, Aflendjrph and gyon. \ Minutes of last mee|a%»* !**? ap ' proved. ., . . .. - ; R Vilas took his seaf wdhilie Board. U. P. Jackson, Fire Warden* made a report. " •• J Hartnev, Fire Warden, made a re- The following accounts were allowed: 4 Watrous, nails » $9 00 OS-d Gas Co • • •« : - -85 00 John Allendorph, wood and m k . . . 5 50 5 Gilbert, stove ^ 6 00 John Male*, care of Engine No. 3 . 1 3 50 Samuel Bronner, settees &c, Engine y ' House ........ 23 50 Wm. Dutton, blacksmith .56 42 \ Bv-Uw was passed making it an offence'to injure street lamps, torn out lights, &c, of $10. Voted, That the following section of chapter No. V. ot the By-laws be. pub- lished : § 14. The following compensation shall be paid and allowed to cartmen for draw fog water to extinguish firfa: ' ; : ,, For thefirsthogshead of water deliver- ed at an engine, two dollars; for the sec ond, one dollar; and for the .third, fifty cents; and f° r every other load: delivered }>r the chief engineer, such compensation as maj be recommended by the chief en- gineer and approved by the trustees. Pro- vided every cartman clainjiftg such"- com- pensation produce the certificate of the chief, or acting chief engineer, that he con- tinued to draw water for such fire until dismissed by such engineer. The Street Commissioner was directed to procure pipe to let water in reservoir corner of Ford and Isabella streets. B. Vilas left the Board. The following accounts were allowed : Wm. Gordon, blacksmithing $9 60 do do 3 50 S.G. Pope applied for a lamp post in front of Engine House No 3. A committee of three were appointed' to examine and report the expense of put- ting gas in all the Engine Houses. Messrs. Ryon, Burt and Millard, Com- mittee. Voted, That Wm." Wheeler and E. A. Watrous be admitted members of Hook and Ladder Co. The committee of Third Ward, on side- walks, make a partial report of sidewalks built according to order, which was ac- cepted. A preamble and resolution relative to sidewalk of J . H. Crawford, on Pickering or Isabella street, was passed, and an order passed to have a copy served upon him. Board adjourned. thTS^^^¥asn^^tteto'<MlbI ! &to!tml dofi«. H&rfofifotf ••IT" 1 '>'"•*"*'' 3.?M - .On T^n??<ll(rd?!!entog^Bece?BW 4 ^ ^ o'tl&ij. 0p*"A<imIs»ion,Sl2& Q&.—33j*iBt§ L t» beftad ojt the •LiS thefeUowln^TbtqfteoftUBr^ mho, wUWodtMeli^fetto ABBoohtlctowidtlwpubllo dprfng 0»« ^Wfiit?r. Sbfrer«l othe»havebeea,lwrftea w li wa n»Jn^.wlll l?ftb9wd t6 1# "XSm&o&k' '<-.' l i i .i;M i u.;/ | »'.'.^Uii.'a'«JjMiM.it.;^;^,).?i^j;.'S fc the list Decemberll -Prot,A.J.C» A.J.UMON. "BestotoJEniiiklin asa BepreMntatlre man^v 18.—C OSOA}STA«,ESQ., (*Ore«kW«TuiItoy." „. „- (Wtt.l«ota»in Oo^uifl*.} . "T 25or2t—Prot EDWABD NORTH. »Th* Jtfeattt oftho.GraeJpj." ; Janntry&—Rp. StfuAAMB,laq,i(MM.fartJogton,) Poem—"The Street* 8v—St EOT. BISHOB HopiBira." ' 15.—Wn.LtAiiE.GciST,Esq. "Eecolleettona ofOgdensbnrcli and vlcinlh- priortoand during partofthe War ottata. ; 'lall)w.' , ^ 89.—Bxsxx OniM,E8q. , , ' February a^*Eev. JOBSWAUOH. "Coimtitnaona) EJ- boity—Its Origin and Progress." ,. , IS.—Wtetonu. PHILUPS, Esq. 1?.—Eh P. WHttPiE, Esq. "Joan d'Axa" ^a—HoaJoHNFmi, ^Washington." . ; .^97.—Rev. EOBIET HASWOOD. "Etjbert * Souther." March 6—'Ear. E. -H. CH*MH. - . KL-^Hon. JOSIAH Qnutor, Jr. ».—Eev. W. ORMBTON. The Leoturea will he delivered in Xyceum Hall, on! the evenings above designated astlkr as possible—any change win be duly advertised. ' h Members' and 8e*«on, Tlcketa can be ohtalned of X IL GUEST, Esq., Treasnrer. i Single UcfcetsYar sale at the door on the evenings of the Lectures. , : The Es*oufive Committee have ftsed !the following prices for Season Hckots, to those not members ; Admitting one person $i Sof Admitting a Sontlemsn and Lady 2 ' Family Ticket 4 L.M.MILXEB, 1 r _ RM. HOLBEOOK, l ^ ^ AUCTION SALE BTOATALOaUE, ,W*^nZMs% ? r month. InsteadofthelSth, at^rev^uab/ aunonnoed"in the Dry i P^:*fifi^$^r'asm& ,I«pktag-Qla?ae8, Erown and Pleached Cottons, nenima, Stripe Shlrtms Booto, Sloes and' Bub'taraTTabacco,, Boo]ca i !0an»l^el^p8»it&,-4jwt« » SIOOND HaHD ABTOWtB-Sucb. U Oooktogalld P»»l<» Stoves, Single *hd fDoubre ttataeliaes, caoeks, Double' PJcasnraSleighjOne Patent JPoree-Pmn] 1.1. • - -J ^atent.j.oree.Jrtnnp, toeetherwith 6Q, of hose, and couplingsfortb$ same Catalogues will bo" dl«trftuted4na.fcw4ay». .-Aroroyett endorse* aotea wffl betakehfor-alladmstjVertSfe T> /"«, ^ Ogdonsburgh, Dec. 2d, 1$B6. S. F, JUDD, Auotlijneer. 41-l\r and most varied aajWrtraenfeofiE outeed'lnftHli maTket.' The stobfc ; thatifldealrabl JEngllsh,.Pwni the way ojEOf .erioaitnitnU of ^vary'toifor'anorliu^^^^e^est Inip^afo the morrow oomtnon^raaeitoffiomemanuftotare. MB^^hnm%*o^;Ki^. make^of the latest styles; in J. H. ftDEST, •• I COrrm Lectures to. commence at 1}i o'clock. .{Atf] AVER'S CHERRY PECTOBALJ For, the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bpra- chitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption, is universally known asvtho best remedy ever yet discovered for every variety of Pulmonary disease. So wide is< tho field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored fj-om alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When onco tried its superiority over c v « y o(her medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape thcobsorva- Uon, and where its virtues are known, the public no lon- ger hesitate what a n t i c s to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of tho pulmonary organs -which are incident to our climate. By its timely use many, nay almost all attacks of disease upon the Lungs and throat, are arrested and thus are saved many thousands evpry year from a premature grave. No. family should be with- out it, and those who do neglect to provide themselves with a remedy which wards of this dangerous class of dis- eases will have cause to deplore it when it is'too late.— Proofe of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to the American people,—they h$ve living proofs in every neighborhood. But those who wjsh to read the statements of those whose whole health has been restored and whose lives have been saved by Its use, will find them in my American Almanac, which the agent below named has to furnish, gratis for every one. Prepared b^ DB. J. C. AYEB, Lowell, Mass, and sold by H. S. Humphrey, and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. 8T-8m VILLAGE BY-LAWS. A T A MEETING OF THE BOARD of Trujteei,:neld DecembesSna, 185<Hpreaent S. " ~ ft Gilbert. EA., Preiidant, and eight Trustees, ft was or- dained byjtheBaldBoard that the following be .added to the By-laws w d Ordinances of*e*illageof]^eMbnrglK Chapter I. '-'•*• * , $28. No person shall destroy or injure any of theXamp Posts or Lamps belonging to this village,* «r alt* or rec ; move the same..-No person shall hide, obacureor extin- guish the light of any Bneb lamps, or so espoae the burners" thereof that light may be extinguished. Any oraon vio- be liable lating any of the provisions of this section, shall to a penalty of TIN dollars for jBach offence. 1 By order of the Board. E. M. HOLBEOOK, Village Clerk. J. S. GOULD Sc. CO;, .—.^..flSauw be&und., soma very elegant Bilk pldek estmgSjSilk, Cashmere ^hd,Other styles, with vbage; stock of TrlmiaingB to match. ALSO, a large stock ofj3heep£.Greys, Sattinets, Pilots, Common BeMeis,,&(i n 411 .of which are-ready for exhibi- tion. . * •• i . " :•;:•*;• 3 , Gentiemen will flbdat thb establishmeut the largest and best assortment of GOODS ev«r offered in Northern New Torkysrlthiacilitiesfor getting up garments 1> good style, equal to any of tho larger cities. .The publlo are invited to call, examine and Judge for .themselves. BecoUectut-. r ' THOS. D. SKINNEB'S, . Septra Ferd-st,,Ogdensburgh. •AT •>}i <-} firoHEt LARGEST STOCK OF FCR- M. NISHING GOODS in Ogdensbmjgh may. be found at S K I N N E R ' S , consisting of Skirjs, KnU Wrappers, of silk and worsted, Drawers, Collars, Bosoms, Neck and iPoeket HMk'fe, Suspenders, Kid, Thread and Wool Gloves, Buckskin do. and Mit- tens, Half Hose of every description, Umbrellas, Stocks, Neck Ties, .Muffling Shawls, Comforters, &c-, &c, AT SKINNEB'S CLOTHING BTOBE. Sept 22. \ MO. ( i. - - - *s*^s2*jsi; $ i ' Sffjas* Injporter and dealerin every and -^|a^t r ^aMlKUt^:%oiti '•""'•.''.. d^rpW^^';* j*;-; . , ~ Sole^enfc&r Meneeb/% Church^ andijiptory' Bells, W ^^J Salamander: Safes, .Fairbanks «fc^Cft's Platform, Connteri.Hay and; other Scales,. ., union .Belting Company. American- Powder Company, Winsted - Scythe Company, AcijAe. To purobasers of Goods at wholesale, the subscriber wilt guarantee the same terms aid pi-lees as-obtained from New York .and Boston Jdbbing HdnseSj for cash or ap- proved credit fv^-ly] OHAELES A&B3CET. S.^g, : -Pffil i S, PIR3S - PROOF SAFES. ->> ! .m& ismUs, MmaterQs^lamta, &«., &e. Indeed, , ?e?y |ew,a|e J;h 4 e,ctis^ases.in wbiqbji purgative Medi- f esae far not more" or' les*s re^uiied/ahfl mneb; sick= -aea3isBEdssuffisring migafc'be-.prevented, if aiaurm- i^ s ,'Mf% s ^Catt^tiower e more .freely used. Woperstaeari feel well while a coltive Tilbit of budy^^elrailsVbe"6ides-ifcsoengenerates serious and Often fatal dlRAJ><!ao„ tuKi(,K.m{n.V.+ !.«„« 1.^ h .-.!.. 1 W HDEB'S WOELD^EENGWKED &ALAMAN- DEE SAFES, mattufeotnied by STEAEKS& MAR- VIN, UKW TOEK, have Btood the test of twenty years experience^iduring the most severe trials without the loss of a Book, Paper, or a single Dollar's worth of property. A full, assortment of sizes at the Ogdensburgh Agency. CHARLES ASHLEY. Young *•• Men's Association. By reference to the notice in another column of our paper, our readers will no- tice that the lectures will commence next Thursday evening, December 11th, at Lyceum Hall. Prof. Upson will deliver the opening lecture on that evening. He is a gentleman of high literary abilitv, and will give an interesting and instructive lecture. All who heard him two years since, will recollect how successful his ef- forts before the Association then was. We trust a large number will be in at- tendance. By examining the list the pub- he will see that some or the besf lecturers have been invited. W e trust the commit- tee will be liberally sustained by the com- munity. Call at J. H. Guest's for tickets. Now is the time. Remember the first lecture next Thursday evening;. n»n ,— Lecture This Evening* Our citizens will remember Dr. Tyler's lecture this evening i-af Lyceum Hall. His subject is an interesting one, and the Br. Will handle it in an able manner. Go one—go all. < , < » , » : - - Ayer's Cherr-y X>ecto»l. the expansive jg&i0rprig$> of Ms jcounfcry men, to find their commodities of com*' merce continually irriis path wbf revet he goes. ' I have not visited any considerable city of Turkey, where! did noijfind tKe Medicines of my country, represented by AVEB'S CHEBBY PECTORAL. ti»Smyrn|^|,' Alepo, JaSa, Jeruselam and Constantino* pie, we see in each,' on th,e door jjost of iome bazaar, the tjed^8a*il/ * AWeflcican looking Iron card of t)u. AYEB^ faying^ a language which--nobone Hia-thousaiidjof the passers by can read, "Ayer's Cherry^ PectoMfor Couglis, Com, tf«|fgoi^§S turn, Sold Here." On a shelf beninjd t | e ~ cross-legged mossulman, are sej|p|U boV ties with their English, Spanig^l'teiM* acd German faee^ ttitDedt.*#^%'iE| crowd, and on enquiring we ^ C l o i ^ | | | | foreigners are not the gn% _^ ^ ftefiraebelievers thetnsely^i i®welih|p trust in fate .tofaythis«prjadoe|^cAineri* ean ska% # 1 # & ^ , 3 ^ 3 . i j e l e W& otM rthe#>" I was i$j§, ZPsfeffW -^-Mhei Gh&fefi Pectorai lm•hmmm^tM'••1&&&B& «nd is oos^-i^MM»Birt^t;-'^^}^ h#' »BL, aad in ^-l$m$i$i •$$$&• %mmm. i *-" im,'i^.-.-h v-'.v M- .-•••' A CARD T O T H E LADIES. Br. J. Duponco's Periodical Pills, FOB FEMALES. Infallible in correctilig Trrtfftdairities, And removing obstructions of the monthly turns from whatever eause. ggjfp" These are nothing new, but have been used by the Doctor for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled successln every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladles who have used them, to make the pills public for the alleviation of those suffer- ing from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent pregnancy to those ladies whose health will not permit an increase of family. Pregnant females, and those supposing themselveaso, are.cautloned against using these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition, although their mildness will pre- vent any mischief to the health; otherwise these- Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany- ing each hoi. Price $1,00. See the ajgnatnre, J. Dupfln- co, npon each box. i ^ ^ GEO. A. FRENCH^ ; Wholesale and Betail Agentforthe village of Ogdens- burgh and vicinity, and who will send for Pills (confiden- tially) by mail, on receipt of $l,00*through Ogdensburgh Port Office. ) 84-1 y PERSIAN BAXIII. VOT t h e T o i l e t * t b e N u r s e r y , t i l e B a t h , I T I e d i c a l P u r p o s e s , a n d f o r c l e a n - ( i s i n g t h e T e e t h a n d m o u t h . It is acknowledged to be the .SBEATEST LtJXUBY a lady or gentleman could' deslr* for the improvement of tbe'Compiexton,forcomfort, its healthful properties, its gentle,;aoqtfalDg Jfirywtisin, and tho delightful softnessjlt gives to toest-inf* "WegYve DeloW afW ofthe prominent propertiesforwhich the PEBSIAN BALM % » justly celebrated, and which has been established by' actual ex- perience, wherever used. IT BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION, removing defects "anid^estabBsmng toste>d, Beauty, ana'Health^ht a time when both, byjthe changes of age, disease, freaflra of nature, or other causes, have been obscured amf under- mined. IT CLEANSES THE SKIN, and draws to the sur&ce all impurities. It removes every species of pimples, tan, blotches, insect bites, sunburns, sallowness, and freckles, imparting to the Bkin its youthful parity, producing an nnsnrpassed freshness, rendering it clear; smooth attd white, and reviving its elasticity where it had become IT PEOMOTES/THE. S k 6 ^ $ B ; O^? .THE < HAm giving vigor* health, and life' td tbe ^opls, reiewing 1 it wher»lt has become thin;; jwodnxea^ ?ofly fpky textmie,. restores'the color 1 where itTbas iiiecOJnS'd'eid, and faded, and effectually cleanses the head from Dandruff. IT IS A 8TJPEBIOB ABTICLE FOR SB^VIIN£. being superior to all descriptions of soaps, creams, pastes,- Ac-, Ac.. •. .<,->• 2J_" AS A DENTBIFICE for CLEANSING the TEETH, t t i s the most medicinal compounrf~%v«i*dIS^eredj>fle- sfro^a thffanj^ailcutojthat aurroundsthe tie$b#reUe|e3 Inflammation of ,the gJEms and sore, inoiath, prevents de- cay of theteeajf^emores pain, nlcer^, and canters, r0n* Extract from a letter by the Bev. MB. CHUBCHILL, of Boston, w^o.js now itravel-i mg for his heaKh ihliie East.'* * « _, . . ,,_.. ....... , , <T . __ . -j e ders the teeth wUte as alabaster, and imparts, to flie It gives one an ever present >dea of { ^ m B ^ Ue ^^ , ' . /" f For bathingforinfants or adufto, ^promotes a swe*t*f ness of body, cleanliness, health and strength, -and y to- Tents'elopaptis. &in»yb^idiel%;*oldor warm,h|rd tat soft water.,- .'•-.. i ' ,'*f j;f 8:tf Price 26 C e n t * p e r B o t t l e , f '"' forfiateby B>.W T PbBbrook^H. S, nmjthiej, Proifty & Binge, and French A Stevens.. Ogdeusburgh, N. T. 2KS r wfrmq&BixQrG -mom* SfSf 1 "*" 1 ,-. reepw^fuUy^liat *'<»hamiance of t St; tmmm?*- wa»yg^£ T7p[ Fsmi 7Fm T. •|«Mj;5 J'^•^}•:^W^^'it^m^'U 1866] . ASHES.^alesatfT.8T^"P^ , ''^&*^irls. to'chtiiV BOOTS & SHOES. WE WILL SELL BOOTS AND SHOES, FOB. BO DAYS, LOWEE THAN THEY CAN BE BOUGHT THIS SIDE OF NEW YOBK OB BOSTON. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. J. S. GOULD & Co. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 13, 1856. SOLE-LEATHER BY THE POUND, HUNDRED OR TON. J. S. GOULD & Co. Ogdensburgh, Nov. 13, '56. 40-tf READY-MADE CLOTHING. A M, THOSE IN WAN* OP GOOD Eeady-Made CLOTHING, and that which is mad* of Rood material, and warranted in every respect, will do well to make their purchases of THOS. D. SKINNER. Sept 22,185£. • ~ -' Tf AJDIES AND GENTLEMEN'S JLA Trunks, Hat Cases, Traveling Bags, Ac, varying' in price from one to twenty-flve dollars, the largest assort- ment in town, can be found at THOS. D. SKINNEB'S. Sept/22. GENTLEMEN'S SHAWLS, T HJE L A R G E S T STOCK IN TOWN, can be found at T. D. SKINNER'S. Sept 22. NEW GOODS AT BRONNER & KRAFT, No. 6, Kagle'Block, Ford-st £4 B. MAS JTJST tttETTJRNEB FROM J ^ » STEW TTOJWZ «»d BOSTQM with, his second p—- chase of DBY GOODS, adapted to the seasonTto which he would can the attention of the public.^ SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HOSIERY, DBESS GOODS, A (.'ARPKTING, OIL CLOTHS OF ALL WIDTHS, & LADIES 0BAY CLOTH, SATINETTS, CASSIATEHES, DOESKIN8, BBOAD CXOTH, . ' RIBBONS, LEATHERS, FLOWERS, AftpIendttHneof Needle Work. Rich French Embroidered Collars and Sleeves. Gloves Of all kinds. Tpximr GOODS,. ' ". • : . SKIRTS, > , # A c , A<x, Aa N. H—Partieular attention paidtothe HTLLINEBY DEPAETMENT. Always on banda.>gresfc Trariety of Bonnettrl Also Bonnets made to. or^er to suit the, most fastidious. Also a good assortment of Groceries, AH of which th,ey offer at their usual low rates. , Country Merchants,, &iUincra, ond Pcdlora, supplied at ? New, York and Boston Jobbing prices. 0f Bemember the Place, Poolers 'Exchange, No. 8 Kagle Block; Ford-street, Ogdensburgh, N.Y.- . t * -• i «)-tCiS THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION OP, - "-'• ;, -2K^N:G»S' LIFH OF WASHIN§$0N% ^A inSrillvf^W#or^W>« Muskrated. BJP^ooutM supepor.sngra.fug*^?^^^?!Jf"' traits and original Historical ueshste, by eminent Artists. ,. ;w;itl*nttme5omWo^e^ wffl J cd^aWal&8SiAgllM'6heeugra^n«o*steel; fevery other part will have two steelj^tes. y < ., | fif ntf- entire cork, beia edin '#fc L-EwUseinl-montflty^^ ipec*t; Ta?m sm^ribwam^tengageto ^ftf'^^Mrnfc'orlt. ' fc Th6«eis6Hdatd;«ubs555uentv<>lume ioiaisawoftwoiweu^ 'xaHAnjbnk' the^JBustiat- — .. T ^„ i^o^Iete6^a»:the-foHowiagPo«raitfCon=«*eel)J ! 'Cfen. BcbujrMr,"'-' *•*• • •' GBJU Gbint^Eee, - *.'> Gen. Putnam, Gen. Henry l e e , -" «enVAin$ia^ > »--•-£• Cob Moultrie, ^-G^mj«roen^»-^T»«w™^flen>^*ynep*^ 1 > . gati-mem ^ G6n< H*m#on, . GeAlaiaSteiteig,, VfieniSAte*;.-,, . ^Gen^ObuitB&wil y *• ®SB$Henrj"Clratol i, ^i'Geiiiaiel^^V.-dv '. :i^^Wsmfm > >, .»>'i lw*m*«saf<ai*?o^««! ! -prime. lQMltat*. ti'[f~ Shoes an; ,^0Jp| •atTTeft*! , OoralilSrniwaib, *4riffWift*^w«Slfe ^ - ........ ,^^«B^un]k«i -la^fe^-^ 1 - ' WaaW^Sqw^ '^ [f»m* cOUtnporvjj draw- HEADQUARTERS —FOB-— .-,,, GENTLEMENS', YOUTHS', AND LITTLE CHILDRENS' CLOTHING! of every desirable grade, -r—FOB—> 'FALL AND WINTER TRADE, Wholesale and Retail, at the well known and long established CLOTHING STOREr ! —AT— So. 49, Ford-Si., O^densbHrgli, JV. Y. JACOB AARON Has just Tnanufactured by far the most ex- tensive Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING ' ever before offered in this " Burgh." He calls the attention of the Trado to his Stock of OVERCOATS, UNDERCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGS, ETC.,- ETC. iHis Stock has been made up under his pwn care, in the most approved styles, calculated to suit every one, in quality, shape and fit. He mauufaotures to sell, *nd wiU sell, and can offer inducements second to none in Northern New irons.. Remember the.motto, Small Profits." Oct. 16, 1856. 24, FORD STREET Sept. 18th, Fairbanks & Go's Scales, O ff EVEBY VAEEETY-VAEBAN^JED ACCU- BATE 12$ EVEBY PABfaCDliAB-^fQr sale by the undersigned as agent for the maunfaoturers. , CHABLES ASHLEY. ~~~- HICKOK'S Patent Improved Portable Premium CIDER MILL. . is^i ( ;''^^^nn3sarTBra2s 4 --BEET« extensively used tbrohghout.the United States for \ PREMIUMS AWAEDED: A-Silver Medal was awarded to this Mill at th<$> 1'air 1859, J. H. GUEST NEW C.OODS! } ALWAYS TBE BEST GOODS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. CJTOVES.—A COMPLETE 1 ASSOBTMENT OF ^ ! 3 , 0 o o k and Parlor 8toveS for s^e by_ N 'Quick Sales, ai\d 34-tf PisreUaneoiui. n ATCHESONS\ TCB AIVD CEIVITIIVE FURS, AT twenty-flve per cent below present value, at AT0HES0N8', 84, Mechanics' Block. A N IMMENSE STOCK Of FIBS, purchased previous to the preeent'great advance on ATCHBSONS', 84, Mechanics' Block.. sale, si r T AD1ES BUyiTVG JFUBgl S H O u T S Mud first examine our stook, and compare prices. ATCHESONS', 84, Mechanics' B Block. R USSIAN SABLE CAPES, TIPPETS, Boas, andpnfis, at ATOHESONS', 84, Mechanics' Blopk^ E K M l f t E C A P E S , T 1 T P E T S , ArFFS andCufls.at . _ . >/>; : ^ ATCHE80NS', 34, Mechani^lBloek. H UPSON BAV SABLE C A P E S , TIP-> ; pets,'Muffs and Cun% at ATOHESONS', Si, Mechanics' Block. K ATOHESOSS', 84, Mechanics' Block. !isiriii6^iE--pl*c'JK^c*p-ES,' TIPPETS, Muffs andjCnnVat , (41 -j ^ATOHESOSS', i}4, Moohanies' Block. HrMui •j _ _WE.1HA«TrariCAI»E8» TIPPETS, MuflBandCuffisat ARJ ^ ^JATPHE^ONS,', §4, Meotignics' Blgck. AT6HESONS> STOCK OF PUBS, THE ^KrUrgat,,chenpCJt- r and by far the richest stock in the cityT' *"."" , ' rt ••", c-' ' ATCHESONS', 84, Moohanies' Block. O F E I T B S , FOB > ATOHESONS', 84, Mechanics* Bloc! TCWES,QjrSI f O T O F F P H S , GElT- L ume^'tfcn^ilflhlnu^hielVinanufaetured. ^^^ ^y^TpjpSffjKft a^MechfrnicB'Block. ! i> t*¥* . _ T _ _ _ - , - . » . ,§5TOCK.. ,|OF FUKS, CTUMe^yd{y i wor£then, , at^5 ! per cent helow pres- ^tanediaeBavViJllL '"" - faO tv ^ATOHEgOHSi,^ Mechanics' Block. _ g r ^^ A £t"'*A , Tjo^S t ; , T H E LAE- : gSfcDesta^chmTe«atock.ln>OgdeShhrchjat , >. ,.> .ATOHBSQIiS', 84. M^chalics' Block. SY DE80BIP- ^g- y t ^j^fpSSim, Mechanics' BIpcE ftee<Jtateof Samuel l T ^ e f j ) 8 ^ , Jntlia to the sohstiffibii ^••s•<*—"-•--—- — — ~ s «"« U<J«O«9<~, *at«Jier ^ l a & ^ r e M e n w ^ n . t h e e ^ ^ In said cflUnty/brforoeforethetwentyfMOT.day^fMaytiext-. L THEBraEA.PBlI<P8, Adihlnlstratrix.., ite^gfc 3J«g*«lfljtottn Br»dd*ok'» Battle J litetorVoftlio T'^^Sm^^mt^ lSuitratlo*rtntt^iflfK ^ f i H P t S L S ^ ^ i w i ^ i m JttDoHed on llieral t#m* JOT ffttbteribtrs. ^wllliMtiyti F«HtJu^eiou^frcm<ttena>ncjatth^qpurtvatt«nd theMid itom»dOonrt; arid thatffi«CUwdarxuM!*^ Calendar, »ttlw bottom ,t^3ar^ a^Wonal »o«on, "^it^^^ka ttoitiw Clerk «ftfbOburt pubU»htoeorterto^eC)ounQr'pAli(iM. A PAIQE. *Hm*. it. i. iii.,fl>T »' I ' i ' i ». M-. '8JT0TIC1!. t»NED> WILL Clerk. New and filch F a l l Goods. B LACK slWs £nn FAWCT SILKS in eveiy variety and of the cboloest styles, and War- ranted to wear well. "• t. PLAID DRESS GOODS,- v of all kinds and colors.' NEW, CLOTHS FOE LADIES' USE. MERWOES, AND TBIBETS, CASHMERES of all colors; PAEIS CLOAKS, CAPES, MANTILLAS, TALMAS, LONG & SQUARE SHAWLS, BEOCH, STELLAS, PLAIDS, EHIBETS, PRINTED CASHMERES, and M U S L I N DELAINES in great variety. ALL WOOL AND COMMON MOURNING GOODS, a large assortment in different fabrics. BLACK SILK- VELVET, for Shawls and Mantillas. , EMBROIDERIES. LACES AND EDGINGS, the largest and best selected stock ever offered. ' GENTS' SBTAWLSf SOAEFS, MANTILLAS, GLOVES, HOSIEEY &C. PRINTS O F A L L KINDS, SHEERING AND SHIRTING, all widths and qualities CARPETINGS, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrains, Venetian, and Druggets. Mattings and Oil ninths, an widths. REMEMBEB AT J. H. GUEST'S. . SEYMOURS'. ••«p '••••" •* G. D. & I. L. SEYMOUR A BE RECEIVING THEIR NEW FALL GOODS, Prints, Muslin Delaines, Plaid?, f ' and «' Plain Flannels, Ladies Cloths, a fine stock, Ladies Cloaks or Mantillas, in the latest , French Styles, Cloak and f Dress | i Uord and ; .- ) ! ; \ i i Progs;' Rich and desirable Plaids, Dress Go-ods of . ;.•:•. every description, 4^ French l ' M. • ^,,..-. % - . '.'wS , '••;- V English :^ '. -"- • r v » : -4- i: Merino^- ff| 4$ c _'-.*•' Ver^pheap. " «!|ine;^o^l^&|VMourning Goo^> , Em^§idere i 8*^-^-^ ::ia:i f 0 ... . Handkeoshiefe, - Collars, ". '- I r.'"ii &•?.<}'•: •- Mi^CEFBands; French and Scotch Wdr^ Plaito forCha, dren, Hosiery of every de^riptron, a' iVery;iaige^nd J d^|^ahfe^clio^ ,, Damasks*,. / -,, ? .; • « « * " ' and ' ,«." )•».«..•• of the: AmericanNfcstitute; a Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; First Premiu • - - — - State Pairj First Premium at the Westohester-and Eensseiear counties. The Proprietor is ready at any time, on fair notice be- ing given,fto test\this Mill with any other Portable Cider MCI made, and wtii warrant its snperiority. \ W. O. HICKOK, Manufecturer. OKAS. ASHLEY, Ogdensburgh, sole Ageutfor North- ern New York. \ 28-tf A PPLE PAREJ&S.—A LARGE STOCK OF these useful articles just received by \ CHARLES ASHLEY. M EAT CUTTEES.- superior to any in market. A NEW AETICLE, OHABLES AgHXEY. ' CHAELBS ABHLEY. B IRD Sale by CAGES.—A LARGE VAEIETY for CHARLES ASHLEY. P OWDEE&—BLASTING, COMMON, and Sport- ing Powder, by CHARLES ASHLEY. . _ ^ , , i .CJTEAM PACEING, HEMP, RUBBER, and COT- 3 TON PACKING, LACE LEATHER, RIVETS,* &&, ^jale by CHARLES ASHLEY. .85®' -7. NORTHERN (N. Y.) RAILROAD. NORTHERN E. E. OFFICE, 1 MALONE, N. Y., Oet 34,1S56. f Fall and Winter Arrangement. C OBIIttENCIWG TUES.DAY, OCTOBER 28, 1856. GOING EAST. 1st—ACCOMMODATION TEAIN—Leaves Ogdens- burgh at 8 A. M., stopping at all Wav Stations, and at Malone to dine, arriving at Rouse's Point at 4.15 P. M„ connecting at Potsdam Station with trains of P. and W/- tertown KR.—at Mooers Junction with M. & N. Y. KR. for Montreal and Quebec, and P. <fc M. RR. for Platts- bnrgh and Bonth—at Rouse's Point with C. & St. L. RE. for Montreal.and Qnebec, and V t C. RR. for Burlington, Bellows Falls, Concord, Kitchburgh, Nashua, Manchester, Lowell, Lawrence, Worcester. Boston, and New York, via C. E. RR.—'.also with Lake Champlain steamers, from Rouse's Point to Burlington, Troy. Albany, and New . York—also via Y t C. RR. or L. C. steamers to Burlington, '^thence via R. & B. RR. to Bellows Falls, Fitchburgh, Worcester, Boston and New York, via O. RR. or via Rut- land, Troy & H. R. RR. for Troy, Albany and New York. 2d.—MAIL TRAIN—Leaves Ogdensburgh at 5.45 P. M., on arrival of Grand Trunk Railway train from Toron- to, and also the trains of P. A Bytown Railway from Ot- tawa City, stopping at Way Stations and arrive at Rouse's Point at 10.50 P. M. to lodge, connecting at Potsdam Sta- tion with P. & W. RR. trains and at Rouse's Point with morning trains on V t C. RR. for Burlington, Boston, &e., &c, and Lake Champlain steamers for Burlindkm, Troy, Albany and New Ynrk. _ 1 GOING WEST. ' , 1st—MAIL TRAIN—Leaves Rouse'^Point at 6 A. M. arriving at Ogdensburgh at 11 A. M., connecting at Pots- dam Station with P. & W. BR. and at Ogdensburgh with G. Trunk Railway for Kingston and Toronto same eve- ning—and with P. & B. Railway for Ottawa City. 2d.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—Leaves Rouse's Point at 1 P. M., and arrives at Ogdensbureh at 6.30*P. M., connecting at Potsdam Station-with P. & W. BE. aid at Ogdensbnrgh with O. and St. Lawrence Steamers for Lewjkon. NinsSira Falls, Buffalo, and the West " ; GEORGE V. HOTLE,; Superintendent. 86-tf •A 'J ' Upholstery • / •- r SH J.* *• jp. Bieh-' ••;• --it >•-"' **-•». a-/ -V,ts'A -1AAE0N» ; ,'JJ®W BTJTLIUNe, (EQES.,gTEEET\ ; 1 * "^ (Oppoate EagTel'HIBlii •» f* Ogi)ENSBT3BG-H, ^ Y., "*' "^Ss.3g^^lCk:qa^icE* Infof FAIfiQjar? 1 - .' , '-^ s -' , | v* ,* GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, ay,, impels iM&t -*l Trem itement In Europe! |p.|^dBBA|.^*^ ^"olleWPi^d^Sl^^^pS^She 0m. o fhe^^m*aiI%mW1fOfiK^EANOHiT0] We®!., ciinafnu v „„„.„, -,.-,— ittontiyiafeain^yot- svrnpftthtosforthe TutUre prosperity of tho country, i tortIi»olo**'E< ,8t *»? : ? M « e 4teta lf •*,• ^^Qtoeal c wSen»t6As*ftt«rlear __ ^ th£ place, JTew Dry 0oods.isiar% in. thott*nd«J«ttwly o&npi*a.by'a> B* Jwnig, jmd,otueidoor fttowO A. Fr«nch>I^feSttr*,Jnd^^^OgdtoS^ ' v i « ' f * BEOCK,AgfeSA - 33?£W !aL "- , ' Jw ^ !: * 3*Wjr Days, fur WMfttoK B*4on,aud '" Wriks. I 4t4hr si If ' } * I. JU fh« Antnu* %fttag of -gj* Stoekholders in the aer»oU*Edw*^K^**>w*l^hy?ft*'<ue put- ^VaUa^*^Wd^iIMiwtp« Sf Jujpectws. of Stt^Belto^, ttjBBaSHV CaeW^f^jr B atacday, ^ ^ ^ B H B ^ ^ ^ ^ J A V ^ . p, -fc«fc t l^kfegrtm<w y I^%l«»f ' * i1fx <W-*w. l G ITOCjBBIE S. FLAGG & WHEELER, No. 4, Allen's Brick Block, Water-Si., .OGDENSBURGH. N. Y, A V E NOW IN 8T0EE AND OFFER to the trade of Northern New York and Canada, the following articles;— StJGABRS.—Porto -Rico, New' Orleans, Muscovado, Crushed, Powdered, Granulated Coffee Crushed, in hogsheads or barrels. SYK.tJP.S.—Stewart's Steam-Eefincd, New-York, Golden, ii hogsheads or barrels. Also Sugar-House and .New-Orleans Molasses. V- T E A S . - r O i a Hyson, Hyson Skui,Young Hyson, Twan- 'k&f, Imperial, Oolong, and Souchong. C O F F E E . — O l d Government; Java, Mocha, Eio, La- quary, and ajquantity of ground. TOBACCO;-Dabiiey HarriS\.Seldons, natural leaf, ' Keens, Stewartsj and John' Anderson's Solace and Am<- ' uelet > •'.".'• v SOAPS*-—Gohjato'B Toilet, Fay's No. l,-andPale,Uorth American, Stowe's Chomioal, and Thompson's Com- pound; -i ..... . ;•.-;'"! C A N B E E S . — M o l d * Patent Sperm, Adamantine, and • Hydraulic Pressed. OIKi.-—Winter Bleached Whale, Speptn, Olive, and Patent.. . , , . FlSBkr-^aunon, Cod, Mackerel, Wfflte-flsh,, 4 and Sal- mon Tront. ,,.,-, ". flttSCEtit,A»EOSJS."—Cocoa Sheas, Chocolate, KSagOi Farina, Bice, Sffleratus, Soda, Cteam Tartar, Eng- , lish MustajuV^inger, piokles,..Catsup, Peppersauce, Pi- . mentor-Pepper, Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Twme, ^c.,&c. , * Fldqr, Coni Mf>$\ ai4 0^.t ffl&al, constantly on iand, and.infac'tiataiost every thing in xhe Provision andr'XJrocery line. T^e are constantiy receiving - .from Market fresh additions to our>St»ck,.whioh' we, will sell ot a vary -small advance-for. CASH. ,;.<Our, Sugars, Syrups/and Molasses, werepurchased before the rise", and' ,v, T e»TO»owBffertag'4&enxafouarga}ns.: . t » K t , ( . .,. ;i -. JS^TJieTiradefa^respectfully-lnyitedJ^fee^.S'cifll, an'd examine our stock before pnrohajBingielsawB'eTie. g *-" « -•i ,-. J --r.<. Et^^&A^SnHEEjJSE, " . i*. v . -.^Nd.^AlIen^BriclsSJoo^W^tei^fee'et*" " . Ogdensburgh, JanuaiyiTth^l856e!t „-..*,.;»;.; ^-^itpL sled T"his is aUke" true ofC^ia^',Teve^M^yn^toms, and Bilious, de^ngenteirts. They all .tendtd become or produce the deep seated and formidable distemper's which load the hearses all over the tiiid. Hence a ^reliable family physic feiof -the first importances to the public; he4th,, and this Pill has been rjer^ecfed with consummate'slcill to meet that demand. An extensive trial'of its virtues by Physfcians, Profes- sors, and Patients j has shown results surpassing any thing hithprto knowarof any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond btelief, were they- not sub- stantiated-by persons oi Buch exalted- position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untrfth. Anions the" eminent gentlemen to whoni we are allowed to refer' for these facts, are 1 PEOF. VAiiE?raifE Mora, the distinguished Sur- geon of New York City. T>ogX. J4- A. HATES, Practical Chemist of the Port of Bo3ton, and Geologist for the State of Mas- sachusetts. IKA L.'MOOKE, M. D., an eminent Surgeon and Physician, of the City of Lowell, who has long used them in his extensive practice. H. C. SOUTHWICK, Esq., one of the first mer- chants in New York City. C. A. DAVIS,.M. D., Sup't and Surgeon of the United States Marine Hospital, at Chelsea, Mass. Did space permit, we could give many hundred such names, from all parts where the Pills have .been used, but evidence even more convinci ig than the certificates of these eminent public men in shown in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the -present state of medical science ean afford. .They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of. the medicinal virtues only of vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together Ui such a manner as to-insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines hasieeu found in the Cherry Pectoral and PQls both, to produce a. more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob- tained, by any process. The reason is perfectly ob- vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev- ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri- monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi- vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual- ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world, As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should he taken under the-counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy wfthout knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are madetto the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer- ican Provinces. If however there should be any- one who I has not. received: them, they will be promptly forwarded by r^ail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in theix mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and.all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsio merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em- inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will- ingto certify &a.t their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions <•( the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, nwi by correcting, whierever they exist, such derange- ments as are the first origin of disease. . Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any. quantity. For minute directions, see the wrapper on Die Box. PREPARED BY JAMEfS CUAYEK, Practical aad Analytical Clieinisi, •. LOWELL, MASS. Fri» S3 Osats per Bax. five Boxes for %1 80Ln BY H. S. HUMPHREY, Ogdensburgh, and by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere. (24-6m) I J. AIJLEM>ORPH v AUCTION. AND COMMISSION MEB0HANT, Has just Received at his GREAT VARIETY STORE, No. 28 FOBD STEEEE, OODEHSBUESH, S. Y., A Large Lot of Yankee Notions, .SUCH AS TOYS OP ALL BINDS, BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c, A t W h o l e s a l e aUd Retail. K ;E-EPS coivsTAwariiX' ON ILIND THK . largest Stock of Yankee Notions to be found north of the city of Boston or New York, and sold'for cash at New York credit, prices. Merchants and Pedlers wilt find it to their advantage to examine his Stock and Prices befaraipnrchasing elsewhere. ^gr-Eegular sales by Auction every Saturday evening. {Sjp^ Sales by Auction attended to in any part of St. Xaw'rehcd-Cbuntf'* by good and eiperfeBced Salesmen, on rea^mhble terms. Liberal - advances pn consignments when deafed, r ' Also, Agent for the sale of Lime's Eire and. Buiglarv Prosf Safes, Bank Locks, Vault Boors and Frames. A good assortment of Safes constantly on hand. ^~ Bemember«the- No. 28, Ford Street, Ogdens- burgh,. ', H> . -a . . . , . , ;.. d> ALLENDOEPH. [ll-tf] A T W H O L E S A L E AND BETAEL, ELISHA Waters &.Cp's.Celebrated,Black, Blue, Carmini, and'lndellible'Ink,'a good assortment, put up in neat style ofbottles .varying In steefrom 1 ounce to half a gal- lon, and afirstrate article for sale at the great Yankee Notion Store of J. ALLENDOEPH. " May'8, 18S6. . No. SSPord. Street; Ogdensbi _ _..,<©. C&,,QOTfHiq, .O.GTA<tPNS ANB FANCY .Clocks,ageod"assortmentatWhoIesale'and Betail •byiu. >•«,.." •« v .--*-•# "SaaaasuoEPH. Tr»s-:uiW; i h- No-^gofSfa-ee^Ogde)isburgh. m^ ^ M f f i t e ^ S j e r m , AdflnTaflfiuegS^tt^gp ^ej^ean^SteftBJr^^d^g^a^^ , 4 ?», - , ™™ 1 JK#WaMBBBaV^r , ' < Sucna&SMce^ 101 «" ands-^ouna amilwhoJ^;Mtisiai'd, Teast powde*, «!0caa4 Ohocpla|e, Broma, Sag4f"3Bea*J Bafiey^^#Siatct[ja , arhlai %rMceJii, MacatoA.Sdda, j m •.*Mi _ lt-r-i**-• ' " •i~t\-', -V -<>^Yn.-*- i-.i, -*V ivi^^i-..., -j^S._«. .,<fclat, n.-. ;en»6urp,March3,J8K J •" -t, . ' * I t f ~ " " -1 FoUett, ^handler St teaTnard C0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, ***'*" FOBS THE S A L E fjfr- v * " '"*' 3 V I » U*IPfO MX ASftKKCE'EEOM HOME; * ' { ' ll ' •v ^ s 5 * ~i ** \., 3 i Pojfki Jawty Haws, %tool, ^ a i % Motif, * *' ^nidetia, Bri0aA.^leB t ^;& c . , BWWO**0Kta5TT-J ^usutiaaafBists: v.- l it \ » -C-rJ. m Ogdeaibufik, Feb.,21, WS«, }t «(M1 ;A-CGO/&DEOWS OF ALL SEES AND-. QUAL- jcSL'itiesfoT sale cheap at Hie Yankee Notion Store by Owh fr\' F -i*r ?•>•#}•?•>,! - i ' 3ri»ALBE#DftEPH.' J!S,*A "LAEffE ST60K AND Variety *>f Styles-fersaleby' s "> * '. . , ,r w ;JWALLENIJOBEB:, -' No! 28 Ford Stje'et, •Ogdehlburgh. -i>. , * T A W K 1 E % ^ a n 0 K 8 t OF ALL ElrN>S SOLD Jt toMgrcha^tsandPedlersjat'Ne*To:®'dealtpri- oes i -atJ^jY^u^eegoJJpnfl l |oi^>y». < ,2 ^giL.'.r ' >;'. .'- Ml t»*«H&%stearSti " •<Bfift#Jff% :-.;•••-- •- 1 $Wfatfol&ESj-,Bm&B8&ms& AN© teTTEi *#^gdensblrgl| N. s.vsii rt%- "^-..-ttSFiis^a.». m •-•Mnvn y% f / ^ k e ^ p j | f J ^ r ^ ^ ^ S t r e e t ^i^B^Ss#ii>*fel^#B^%0^feLNl) A ms* « , for sale >BPH. ll-tf. Mim* ^aaBmEfa stijmmAiosr OFPEB Svef made in. Pe, "going." """-ivero. Sl>^» . .*• sAVAuxij Alfe-rfidyil^aw^antf^dTffit^m^in^Ic^ . aooey of Doatotaf New YgTk^ennsvlyanw. Ohio, In- dlan%An4%rylan_a,Nott.TWseonsjntSet,Mliwau- "•i-y *- Sl-Sm Ready - Made Clothing:^ and Gentle- 1 ' -- men's PurnkWnff-ftoOdt; Hats, Oap^-Trawlfag Bags, Trnnks, , ' ' T * *s& Valises: ~* * ^pji -0 t =.^ SHINGUB MA0HINES. Oirdtn^urgh, Oct. %JS«L J^ 01 HA ?•' '• \. #• ^u *I 7* 1 .1 fw^ "-^i ••-«•« i ' & ; *\ -*. ^VM&HrtM^gHbr ft r <',,' .' "*?* v, •'• ' -%;fr. :<MM mm ' i>- y *; 9t i /' '& .-•;w; -. xm m m ;*mt -.•,-•' t .\ -.„-*4r- ^ ^ mm u m S^SStvlffl v'^;'S?vw mMm? m Wi-k? !jfi& i*~-S!i m <pp -r*ri B 1 ^ •""** "^Tf"

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Page 1: Dry fc S.^g, S, - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88099995/1856-12-04… ·  · 2008-12-02the diary of an he first flush of ents a very dif- ... uidn't edge


new featias

vill allude only imean Comnsis^ and. The Re-complete.

sen in consulta-day, The Se-e completed be­ts true ofSecre-

I the Walker fias not arrived

^ s : " W e l e a m ^Buchanari has

silion of Secre e offer vras ae

3 «s in such a

iold it fccHH the

arannah, bear-Cora. Mercer, Emmons, com!

Jrt last evening irt she left Oct. ermantown re-.n English and Rio when the

>ffice Seeker. itriot

hundred thou-A gentleman

quality j but a ie offices distri-ttraetiTeness in mts, whaSegin, :r that the toot neckcloth will

er his left ear— culiarly sinister hich they were 1 that the poli-y have chanted re fought, is so be easily shi-

r the blows oF the diary of an he first flush of ents a very dif-is subsequently

when he finds nment are not ^et us open a

what we find

vn—credentials possible recom-and D. Very

—puzzled, what • for a colleetar-class consulate


Extraordinary lanan since we n cold and sel-—find him very nd. and of ster-

pleased with a collectorship. E S D A Y ,

truck with the t elect. Talked o—all a mistake, hfm—never ejc-light—moreover e, and signed it will. fact to PscychcP daily papers all


uidn't edge in a 1 stood off and 3f the President

its jemarkable g ocular defect, emish, but adds

ression. Neck-e type of inno-i not, especially j ; its from politics | 7 much an imat -sbyteriana. by terian—must re.

Anecdote of Springs—met a —liked him ex-;thodist Protea-ilent. erian Methodist

Refers to his ed to occupy a vention—went lunt's remarks, opalianism • ad->f its marriage e a good Ep".s-

terian Metho-! i.

her to. enlight-" ' points* or .not. >t Archbishop —rather likes friend of his.

id picturesque, ot say he be-

tliai Church, .rticle of faith istance can be as experienced s Own person. ) the Cincinna' consideration,

j about this in

3 D A Y . .

with Mr. B. -application a Consulship—' power—was<

fig his &tfMg* e tbfe|63BecoBi-

ne^ons as t p j * ed such a MBI*

and, therefor^, Jointed. B e ­friend of hi*,

ionsiy advised £a tos>$Bong* »ph ic patienfee

Is*,'1857. got the Col-

r Bnng^owtt.



•>,v. mi f

vug. Metre* thought so.


# B^lpeat*

oktiott 10 jp

'WMSi&Mt i^^^^^M^^mM^^M^iM^^^^'


Board of Trustee^ rn^i pa|3uan^ to *<fe


Present—S- Gilbert, Esq^ ftPreadeiit,

and Messrs. Millard, & Vilas , . &, Ray*

m0nd, Burt, Lankton, Aflendjrph and gyon. \

Minutes of last mee|a%»* !**? ap

' proved. ., . . .. „ -;

R Vilas took his seaf wdhi l i e Board. U. P. Jackson, Fire Warden* made a

report. " •• J Hartnev, Fire Warden, made a re-

The following accounts were allowed:

4 Watrous, nails » $9 00 OS-d Gas Co • • • « : - • • • -85 00 John Allendorph, wood and m k . . . 5 50 5 Gilbert, stove ^ 6 00 John Male*, care of Engine No. 3 . 1 3 50 Samuel Bronner, settees &c, Engine y' House . . . . . . . . 2 3 50 Wm. Dutton, blacksmith . 5 6 42

\ Bv-Uw was passed making it an

offence'to injure street lamps, torn out

lights, &c, of $10.

Voted, That the following section of

chapter No. V. ot the By-laws be. pub­

lished : § 14. The following compensation shall

be paid and allowed to cartmen for draw fog water to extinguish firfa: ' ;

: ,, For the first hogshead of water deliver­

ed at an engine, two dollars; for the sec ond, one dollar; and for the .third, fifty cents; and f°r every other load: delivered }>r the chief engineer, such compensation as maj be recommended by the chief en­gineer and approved by the trustees. Pro­vided every cartman clainjiftg such"- com­pensation produce the certificate of the chief, or acting chief engineer, that he con­tinued to draw water for such fire until dismissed by such engineer.

The Street Commissioner was directed to procure pipe to let water in reservoir corner of Ford and Isabella streets.

B. Vilas left the Board. The following accounts were allowed :

Wm. Gordon, blacksmithing $9 60 do do 3 50

S.G. Pope applied for a lamp post in front of Engine House No 3.

A committee of three were appointed' to examine and report the expense of put­ting gas in all the Engine Houses.

Messrs. Ryon, Burt and Millard, Com­mittee.

Voted, That Wm." Wheeler and E . A . Watrous be admitted members of Hook and Ladder Co.

The committee of Third Ward, on side­walks, make a partial report of sidewalks built according to order, which was ac­cepted.

A preamble and resolution relative to sidewalk of J . H . Crawford, on Pickering or Isabella street, was passed, and an order passed to have a copy served upon him.

Board adjourned.

thTS^^^¥asn^^tteto'<MlbI !&to!tml dofi«. H&rfofifotf ••IT"1 '>'"•*"*'' 3 . ? M -

.On T^n??<ll(rd?!!entog^Bece?BW 4 ^ ^ o'tl&ij. 0p*"A<imIs»ion,Sl2& Q&.—33j*iBt§Lt» beftad ojt the


the feUowln^Tbt qf teoftUBr^ mho, wUWodtMeli^fetto ABBoohtlctowidtlwpubllo dprfng 0»« ^Wfiit?r. Sbfrer«l othe»havebeea,lwrftea w l i w a n»Jn^.wlll l?ftb9wd t6

1 # "XSm&o&k' '<-.'lii.i;Miu.;/|»'.'.^Uii.'a'«JjMiM.it.;^;^,).?i^j;.'S

fc the list Decemberll -Prot,A.J.C» A.J.UMON. "BestotoJEniiiklin

asa BepreMntatlre man v 18.—C OSOA}STA«,ESQ., (*Ore«kW«TuiItoy."

„. „- (Wtt.l«ota»in Oo^uifl*.} . " T 25or2t—Prot EDWABD NORTH. »Th* Jtfeattt

oftho.GraeJpj." ; Janntry&—Rp. StfuAAMB,laq,i(MM.fartJogton,)

Poem—"The Street* 8v—St EOT. BISHOB HopiBira." '

15.—Wn.LtAiiE.GciST,Esq. "Eecolleettona of Ogdensbnrcli and vlcinlh- prior to and during partofthe War ottata. ;

• 'lall)w.',• ^ 89.—Bxsxx OniM,E8q. , , ' February a^*Eev. JOBSWAUOH. "Coimtitnaona) EJ-

boity—Its Origin and Progress." ,. , IS.—Wtetonu. PHILUPS, Esq. 1?.—Eh P. WHttPiE, Esq. "Joan d'Axa" ^a—HoaJoHNFmi, ^Washington." . ; . 97.—Rev. EOBIET HASWOOD. "Etjbert * Souther."

March 6—'Ear. E. -H. CH*MH. -. KL-^Hon. JOSIAH Qnutor, Jr. ».—Eev. W. ORMBTON.

The Leoturea will he delivered in Xy ceum Hall, on! the evenings above designated astlkr as possible—any change win be duly advertised. ' h

Members' and 8e*«on, Tlcketa can be ohtalned of X IL GUEST, Esq., Treasnrer. i

Single UcfcetsYar sale at the door on the evenings of the Lectures. , :

The Es*oufive Committee have ftsed !the following prices for Season Hckots, to those not members ;

Admitting one person $i Sof Admitting a Sontlemsn and Lady 2 ' Family Ticket 4

L.M.MILXEB, 1 r _ R M . HOLBEOOK, l ^ ^


month. InsteadofthelSth, a t^rev^uab/ aunonnoed"in the

D r y i P ^ : * f i f i ^ $ ^ r ' a s m &

,I«pktag-Qla?ae8, Erown and Pleached Cottons, nenima, Stripe Shlrtms Booto, Sloes and' Bub'taraTTabacco,, Boo]cai!0an»l^el^p8»it&,-4jwt« • »

SIOOND HaHD ABTOWtB-Sucb. U Oooktogalld P»»l<» Stoves, Single *hd fDoubre ttataeliaes, caoeks, Double' PJcasnraSleighjOne Patent JPoree-Pmn] 1.1. • - -J ^atent.j.oree.Jrtnnp, toeetherwith 6Q,

of hose, and couplings for tb$ same Catalogues will bo" dl«trftuted4na.fcw4ay». .-Aroroyett endorse* aotea wffl betakehfor-alladmstjVertSfe T > /"« , ^

Ogdonsburgh, Dec. 2d, 1$B6. S. F, JUDD, Auotlijneer.


and most varied aajWrtraenfeofiE outeed'lnftHli maTket.'' The stobfc ; thatifldealrabl JEngllsh,.Pwni

the way ojEOf .erioaitnitnU

of vary'toifor'anorliu^^^^e^est Inip^afo the morrow oomtnon raaeitof fiome manuftotare.

MB^^hnm%*o^;Ki^. make of the latest styles; in

J. H. ftDEST, •• I COrrm Lectures to. commence at 1}i o'clock. .{Atf]

A V E R ' S C H E R R Y P E C T O B A L J For, the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bpra-

chitis, Whooping Cough, Asthma and Consumption, is universally known asvtho best remedy ever yet discovered for every variety of Pulmonary disease. So wide is< tho field of its usefulness and so numerous the cases of its cures, that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored fj-om alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When onco tried its superiority over cv«y o(her medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape thcobsorva-Uon, and where its virtues are known, the public no lon­ger hesitate what a n t i c s to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of tho pulmonary organs -which are incident to our climate. By its timely use many, nay almost all attacks of disease upon the Lungs and throat, are arrested and thus are saved many thousands evpry year from a premature grave. No. family should be with­out it, and those who do neglect to provide themselves with a remedy which wards of this dangerous class of dis­eases will have cause to deplore it when it is'too late.— Proofe of the surprising efficacy of the Cherry Pectoral need not be given to the American people,—they h$ve living proofs in every neighborhood. But those who wjsh to read the statements of those whose whole health has been restored and whose lives have been saved by Its use, will find them in my American Almanac, which the agent below named has to furnish, gratis for every one.

Prepared b^ DB. J. C. AYEB, Lowell, Mass, and sold by H. S. Humphrey, and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. 8T-8m


of Trujteei,:neld DecembesSna, 185<Hpreaent S. " ~ ft Gilbert. EA., Preiidant, and eight Trustees, ft was or­

dained byjtheBaldBoard that the following be .added to the By-laws w d Ordinances of*e*illageof]^eMbnrglK

C h a p t e r I . '-'•*• * , $28. No person shall destroy or injure any of theXamp Posts or Lamps belonging to this village,* «r al t* or rec;

move the same..-No person shall hide, obacureor extin­guish the light of any Bneb lamps, or so espoae the burners" thereof that light may be extinguished. Any oraon vio-

be liable lating any of the provisions of this section, shall to a penalty of TIN dollars for jBach offence.

1 By order of the Board. E. M. HOLBEOOK,

Village Clerk.

J. S. GOULD Sc. CO;,

. — . ^ . . f l S a u w be&und., soma very elegant Bilk p l d e k estmgSjSilk, Cashmere ^hd,Other styles, with v b a g e ;

stock of TrlmiaingB to match. ALSO, a large stock of j3heep£.Greys, Sattinets, Pilots,

Common BeMeis, ,&(in 411 .of which are-ready for exhibi­tion. . * •• i . " : • ; : • * ; • 3 ,

Gentiemen will flbdat t h b establishmeut the l arges t and best assortment of GOODS ev«r offered in Northern N e w Torkysrlthiacilitiesfor getting up garments 1> good style, equal to any of tho larger cities.

. T h e publlo are invited to call, examine and Judge for .themselves. BecoUectut-. • r

' THOS. D. SKINNEB'S, . Septra Ferd-st,,Ogdensburgh.

•AT •>}i <-}

f i r o H E t L A R G E S T S T O C K O F F C R -M. NISHING GOODS in Ogdensbmjgh may. be found

at S K I N N E R ' S , consisting of

Skirjs, KnU Wrappers, of silk and worsted, Drawers, Collars, Bosoms, Neck and

iPoeket HMk'fe, Suspenders, Kid, Thread and Wool Gloves,

Buckskin do. and Mit­tens, Half Hose

of every description, Umbrellas, Stocks, Neck Ties, .Muffling Shawls,

Comforters, &c-, &c, AT SKINNEB'S CLOTHING BTOBE.

Sept 22.




i. - - - *s*^s2*jsi; $i' Sffjas* Injporter and dealerin every

and -^|a^tr^aMlKUt^:%oiti

' • " " ' • . ' ' . . d ^ r p W ^ ^ ' ; * j * ; - ; . , ~ S o l e ^ e n f c & r Meneeb/% Church^ andij iptory' Bells,

W^^J Salamander: Safes, .Fairbanks «fc^Cft's -« • Platform, Connteri.Hay and; other Scales , . .,

union .Belting Company. American-Powder Company, Winsted

• - Scythe Company, AcijAe. To purobasers of Goods at wholesale, the subscriber wilt

guarantee the same terms a i d pi-lees as-obtained from N e w York .and Boston Jdbbing HdnseSj for cash or ap­proved credit f v ^ - l y ] O H A E L E S A&B3CET.



->> ! .m& ismUs, MmaterQs^lamta, &«., &e. Indeed, , ?e?y |ew,a|e J;h4e,ctis^ases.in wbiqbji purgative Medi-

f esae far not more" or' les*s re^uiied/ahfl mneb; sick= -aea3isBEdssuffisring migafc'be-.prevented, if aiaurm-i ^ s , ' M f % s ^ C a t t ^ t i o w e r e more .freely used. Woperstaeari feel well while a coltive Tilbit of budy^^elrailsVbe"6ides-ifcsoengenerates serious and Often fa ta l dlRAJ><!ao„ tuKi(,K.m{n.V.+ ! . « „ « 1.^ h .-.!.. 1


VIN, UKW TOEK, have Btood the test of twenty years experience iduring the most severe trials without the loss of a Book, Paper, or a single Dollar's worth of property. A full, assortment of sizes at the Ogdensburgh Agency.


Y o u n g * • • Men's Association.

By reference to the notice in another column of our paper, our readers will no­tice that the lectures will commence next Thursday evening, December 11th, at Lyceum Hall. Prof. Upson will deliver the opening lecture on that evening. H e is a gentleman of high literary abilitv, and will give an interesting and instructive lecture. All who heard him two years since, will recollect how successful his ef­forts before the Association then was. W e trust a large number will be in at­tendance. By examining the list the pub-he will see that some or the besf lecturers have been invited. W e trust the commit­tee will be liberally sustained by the com­munity. Call at J . H. Guest's for tickets. Now is the time. Remember the first lecture next Thursday evening;.

n » n ,— L e c t u r e T h i s E v e n i n g *

Our citizens will remember Dr. Tyler's lecture this evening i-af Lyceum Hall. His subject is an interesting one, and the Br. Will handle it in an able manner. Go one—go all.

< , < » , » • : - - •

A y e r ' s C h e r r - y X > e c t o » l .

the expansive jg&i0rprig$> of Ms jcounfcry men, to find their commodities of com*' merce continually i r r i i s path wbf revet he goes. ' I have not visited any considerable city of Turkey, w h e r e ! did noijfind tKe Medicines of my country, represented by AVEB'S CHEBBY PECTORAL. ti»Smyrn|^|, ' Alepo, JaSa, Jeruselam and Constantino* pie, we see in each,' on th,e door jjost of iome bazaar, the tjed^8a*il/ * AWeflcican looking Iron card of t)u. A Y E B ^ f a y i n g ^ a language which--nobone Hia-thousaiidjof the passers by can read, "Ayer's Cherry^ PectoMfor Couglis, Com, tf«|fgoi^§S turn, Sold Here." On a shelf beninjd t | e~ cross-legged mossulman, are s e j | p | U boV ties with their English, S p a n i g ^ l ' t e i M * acd German faee^ t t i t D e d t . * # ^ % ' i E | crowd, and on enquiring we ^ C l o i ^ | | | | foreigners are not the gn% _ ^

fte firae believers thetnsely i i®welih|p trust in fate .to fay this«prjadoe|^cAineri* ean ska% # 1 # & ^ , 3 ^ 3 . i j e l e W & o t M

r the#>" I was i$j§, ZPsfeffW - ^ - M h e i Gh&fefi

Pectorai lm•hmmm^tM'••1&&&B& «nd is o o s ^ - i ^ M M » B i r t ^ t ; - ' ^ ^ } ^ h # ' »BL, aad i n ^ - l $ m $ i $ i •$$$&• %mmm.

i —*-"— im, ' i^ . - . -h v-'.v M- .-•••'

A C A R D T O T H E L A D I E S . B r . J . D u p o n c o ' s P e r i o d i c a l P i l l s ,

FOB FEMALES. Infallible in correctilig Trrtfftdairities,

And removing obstructions of the monthly turns from whatever eause.

ggjfp" These are nothing new, but have been used by the Doctor for many years, both in France and America, with unparalleled successln every case; and he is urged by many thousand ladles who have used them, to make the pills public for the alleviation of those suffer­ing from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent pregnancy to those ladies whose health will not permit an increase of family. Pregnant females, and those supposing themselveaso, are.cautloned against using these Pills while pregnant, as the proprietor assumes no responsibility after the above admonition, although their mildness will pre­vent any mischief to the health; otherwise these- Pills are recommended. Full and explicit directions accompany­ing each h o i . Price $1,00. See the ajgnatnre, J. Dupfln-co, npon each box. i

^ ^ GEO. A. FRENCH^ ; Wholesale and Betail Agent for the village of Ogdens­burgh and vicinity, and who will send for Pills (confiden­tially) by mail, on receipt of $l,00*through Ogdensburgh Port Office. ) 84-1 y

P E R S I A N B A X I I I . VOT t h e T o i l e t * t b e N u r s e r y , t i l e B a t h ,

ITIedica l P u r p o s e s , a n d f o r c l e a n - (

i s i n g t h e T e e t h a n d m o u t h . It is acknowledged to be the .SBEATEST LtJXUBY

a lady or gentleman could' deslr* for the improvement of tbe'Compiexton, for comfort, its healthful properties, its gentle,;aoqtfalDg Jfirywtisin, and tho delightful softnessjlt gives to toest-inf* "WegYve DeloW afW ofthe prominent properties for which the PEBSIAN BALM % » justly celebrated, and which has been established by' actual ex­perience, wherever used.

IT BEAUTIFIES THE COMPLEXION, removing defects "anid^estabBsmng toste>d, Beauty, ana'Health^ht a time when both, byjthe changes of age, disease, freaflra of nature, or other causes, have been obscured amf under­mined.

IT CLEANSES THE SKIN, and draws to the sur&ce all impurities. It removes every species of pimples, tan, blotches, insect bites, sunburns, sallowness, and freckles, imparting to the Bkin its youthful parity, producing an nnsnrpassed freshness, rendering it clear; smooth attd white, and reviving its elasticity where it had become

IT P E O M O T E S / T H E . S k 6 ^ $ B ; O ? .THE<HAm giving vigor* health, and life' td tbe ^opls, reiewing1 it wher»lt has become thin;; jwodnxea^ ?ofly fpky textmie,. restores'the color1 where itTbas iiiecOJnS'd'eid, and faded, and effectually cleanses the head from Dandruff.

IT IS A 8TJPEBIOB ABTICLE FOR SB^VIIN£. being superior to all descriptions of soaps, creams, pastes,- Ac-, Ac.. •. .<,->• • 2J_"

AS A DENTBIFICE for CLEANSING the TEETH, tt is the most medicinal compounrf~%v«i*dIS^eredj>fle-sfro^a thffanj^ailcutojthat aurroundsthe tie$b#reUe|e3 Inflammation of ,the gJEms and sore, inoiath, prevents de­cay of theteeajf^emores pain, nlcer , and canters, r0n*

Extract from a letter by the Bev. M B . CHUBCHILL, of Boston, w^o.js now itravel-i mg for his heaKh ih l i ie East.'* * « _ , . . ,,_.. . . . . . . . ,

, < T . • __ . - j e ders the teeth w U t e as alabaster, and imparts, to flie I t gives one an ever present >dea of { ^ m B ^ U e ^ ^ , • ' . / " f

For bathing for infants or adufto, ^promotes a swe*t*f ness of body, cleanliness, health and strength, -and y to-Tents'elopaptis. &in»yb^idiel%;*oldor warm,h|rd tat soft water.,- . ' • - . . i ' ,'*f j;f8:tf

P r i c e 2 6 C e n t * p e r B o t t l e , f '"' forfiateby B>.WT PbBbrook^H. S, nmjthiej, Proifty & Binge, and French A Stevens.. Ogdeusburgh, N. T.

2KS r wfrmq&BixQrG -mom* SfSf1"*"1,-.

reepw^fuUy^liat *'<»hamiance of t St;

tmmm?*- wa»yg^£ T7p[

Fsmi 7Fm T.

•|«Mj;5 J'^•^}•:^W^^'it^m^'U 1866] . A S H E S . ^ a l e s a t f T . 8 T ^ " P ^ , ' ' ^ & * ^ i r l s .








J . S. GOULD & Co.

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 13, 1856.



J. S. GOULD & Co.

Ogdensburgh, Nov. 13, '56. 40-tf


Eeady-Made CLOTHING, and that which is mad* of Rood material, and warranted in every respect, will do well to make their purchases of

THOS. D. SKINNER. Sept 22,185£. • ~ -' •

Tf AJDIES A N D G E N T L E M E N ' S JLA Trunks, Hat Cases, Traveling Bags, Ac, varying' in price from one to twenty-flve dollars, the largest assort­ment in town, can be found at

THOS. D. SKINNEB'S. Sept/22.


can be found at T. D. SKINNER'S. Sept 22.


BRONNER & KRAFT, No. 6, Kagle'Block, Ford-st

£ 4 B . M A S JTJST tttETTJRNEB F R O M J ^ » STEW TTOJWZ «»d BOSTQM with, his second p—-chase of DBY GOODS, adapted to the seasonTto which he would can the attention of the public.^











AftpIendttHneof Needle W o r k .

Rich French Embroidered Col lars a n d Sleeves.

Gloves Of all kinds.

Tpximr GOODS,. ' ". • : . S K I R T S ,

>, # A c , A<x, A a N . H—Partieular attention paid to the H T L L I N E B Y

D E P A E T M E N T . Always on banda.>gresfc Trariety of Bonnettrl

Also Bonnets made to. or^er to suit the, most fastidious. Also a good assortment of

G r o c e r i e s , AH of which th,ey offer at their usual low rates.

, Country Merchants,, &iUincra, ond Pcdlora, supplied at?New, York and Boston Jobbing prices.

0 f Bemember the Place, Poolers 'Exchange, No. 8 Kagle Block; Ford-street, Ogdensburgh, N.Y.- . t *

-• i «)-tCiS

THE ILLUSTRATED EDITION OP, - " - ' • ; , - 2 K ^ N : G » S '


i n S r i l l v f ^ W # o r ^ W > « Muskrated. BJP^ooutM s u p e p o r . s n g r a . f u g * ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ? ! J f " ' traits and original Historical ueshste, by eminent Artists.

,. ;w;itl*nttme5omWo^e^ wffl Jcd^aWal&8SiAgllM'6heeugra^n«o*steel; fevery other part will have two steelj^tes. y < ., | fif


entire cork, beia edin


*» L-EwUseinl-montflty^^ ipec*t;

Ta?m sm^ribwam^tengageto ^ftf'^^Mrnfc'orlt. ' fc Th6«eis6Hdatd;«ubs555uentv<>lume

ioiaisawoftwoiweu^ 'xaHAnjbnk' the^JBustiat- — .. T^„ i^o^Iete6^a»:the-foHowiagPo«raitfCon=«*eel)J •! 'Cfen. BcbujrMr,"'-' *•*• • •' GBJU Gbint^Eee,- *.'>

Gen. Putnam, Gen. Henry lee, • -" «enVAin$ia^>»--•-£• Cob Moultrie,

^-G^mj«roen^»-^T»«w™^flen>^*ynep*^1 >.

gati-mem ^ G6n< H*m#on, . GeAlaiaSteiteig,, VfieniSAte*;.-,, .

^Gen^ObuitB&wil y *• ®SB$Henrj"Clratol i,

^i'Geiiiaiel^^V.-dv '. :i^^Wsmfm > >,



lQMltat*. ti'[f~

Shoes an;


•atTTeft*! , OoralilSrniwaib, *4riffWift*^w«Slfe ^ - . . . . . . . .


-la^fe^-^1-' W a a W ^ S q w ^ ' ^ [f»m* cOUtnporvjj draw-



CLOTHING! of every desirable grade,

-r—FOB—> ' F A L L A N D W I N T E R TRADE,

Wholesale and Retail, at the well known and long established

C L O T H I N G STOREr ! — A T —

S o . 4 9 , F o r d - S i . , O ^ d e n s b H r g l i , JV. Y .

JACOB AARON Has just Tnanufactured by far the most ex­tensive Stock of

READY-MADE CLOTHING ' ever before offered in this " Burgh."

He calls the attention of the Trado to his Stock of





iHis Stock has been made up under his pwn care, in the most approved styles, calculated to suit every one, in quality, shape and fit. He mauufaotures to sell, *nd wiU sell, and can offer inducements second to none in Northern New irons.. Remember the.motto, Small Profits."

Oct. 16, 1856.



Sept . 18th,

Fairbanks & Go's Scales, Off E V E B Y V A E E E T Y - V A E B A N ^ J E D A C C U -

B A T E 12$ E V E B Y PABfaCDliAB-^fQr sale by the undersigned as agent for the maunfaoturers.


~~~- HICKOK'S P a t e n t Improved P o r t a b l e P r e m i u m

CIDER MILL. . is^i(;''^^^nn3sarTBra2s4--BEET«

extensively used tbrohghout.the United States for

\ PREMIUMS A W A E D E D : A-Silver Medal was awarded to this Mill at th<$> 1'air

1859, J. H. GUEST



CJTOVES.—A COMPLETE1 ASSOBTMENT OF ^!3,0ook and Parlor 8toveS for s^e by_N

'Quick Sales, ai\d




T C B AIVD CEIVITIIVE F U R S , AT twenty-flve per cent below present value, at

AT0HES0N8', 84, Mechanics' Block.

AN I M M E N S E S T O C K O f F I B S , purchased previous to the preeent'great advance on

ATCHBSONS', 84, Mechanics' Block.. sale, si r T AD1ES BUyiTVG JFUBgl S H O u T S Mud first examine our stook, and compare prices.

ATCHESONS', 84, Mechanics' B Block.

RUSSIAN SABLE CAPES, T I P P E T S , Boas, andpnfis, at

ATOHESONS', 84, Mechanics' Blopk^

EK M l f t E C A P E S , T 1 T P E T S , A r F F S andCufls.at . _

. > / > ; : ^ ATCHE80NS', 34, Mechani^lBloek.

H U P S O N B A V S A B L E C A P E S , TIP->; pets,'Muffs and Cun% at

ATOHESONS', Si, Mechanics' Block.

K ATOHESOSS', 84, Mechanics' Block.

!isiriii6^iE--pl*c'JK^c*p-ES,' TIPPETS, Muffs andjCnnVat

, ( 4 1 -j ^ATOHESOSS', i}4, Moohanies' Block.

HrMui •j

_ _ W E . 1 H A « T r a r i C A I » E 8 » T I P P E T S , MuflBandCuffisat ARJ ^ ^JATPHE^ONS,', §4, Meotignics' Blgck. •

A T 6 H E S O N S > S T O C K O F P U B S , T H E ^KrUrgat,,chenpCJt-rand by far the richest stock in the cityT' *"."" , 'rt ••",

c - ' ' ATCHESONS', 84, Moohanies' Block. O F E I T B S , FOB

> ATOHESONS', 84, Mechanics* Bloc!

TCWES,QjrSI f O T O F F P H S , GElT-L ume^'tfcn^ilflhlnu^hielVinanufaetured.

^ ^ ^ ^y^TpjpSffjKft a MechfrnicB'Block.



. _ T _ _ _ - , - . » . ,§5TOCK.. ,|OF • F U K S , CTUMe^yd{yiwor£then,,at^5!per cent helow pres-^tanediaeBavViJllL '"" -

faO tv ^ATOHEgOHSi,^ Mechanics' Block. _ g r ^ ^ A £ t " ' * A , T j o ^ S t ; , T H E LAE-:gSfcDesta^chmTe«atock.ln>OgdeShhrchjat ,

>. ,.> .ATOHBSQIiS', 84. M^chalics' Block.


^ g - y t j^fpSSim, Mechanics' BIpcE •

ftee<Jtateof Samuel l T ^ e f j ) 8 ^ , Jntlia to the sohstiffibii ^••s•<*—"-•--—- — — ~ s «"« U<J«O«9<~,

*at«Jier l a & ^ r e M e n w ^ n . t h e e ^ ^ In said cflUnty/brforoeforethetwentyfMOT.day^fMaytiext-.

LTHEBraEA.PBlI<P8, Adihlnlstratrix..,


3J«g*«lfljtottn Br»dd*ok'» Battle J


T ' ^ ^ S m ^ ^ m t ^ lSuitratlo*rtntt^iflfK

^ f iHPtSLS^^ iwi^ im JttDoHed on llieral t#m* JOT ffttbteribtrs.

^ w l l l i M t i y t i

F«HtJu^eiou^frcm<ttena>ncjatth^qpurtvatt«nd theMid itom»dOonrt; arid that ffi« CUwdarxuM!*^

Calendar, »ttlw bottom , t ^ 3 a r ^ a^Wonal »o«on, " ^ i t ^ ^ ^ k a ttoitiw Clerk «f tfb Oburt pubU»htoeorterto^eC)ounQr'pAli(iM.A PAIQE.

*Hm*. it. i. iii.,fl>T »' I ' i ' i ». M-. '8JT0TIC1!.

t»NED> W I L L


N e w and filch F a l l Goods.

BL A C K s l W s £nn F A W C T S I L K S in e v e i y variety and of the cboloest styles, and War­

ranted to wear well. "• t .


of all kinds and colors.' N E W , CLOTHS F O E L A D I E S ' USE.




P R I N T E D C A S H M E R E S , and M U S L I N D E L A I N E S

in great variety.


a large assortment in different fabrics.

B L A C K S I L K - V E L V E T , for Shawls and Mantillas.


the largest and best selected stock ever offered. '


P R I N T S O F A L L K I N D S ,

S H E E R I N G A N D SHIRTING, all widths and qualities

CARPETINGS, Tapestry, Brussels, Three-ply, Ingrains, Venetian, and


Mattings and Oil ninths, an widths.


. SEYMOURS'. ••«p ' • • • • " • *

G. D. & I. L. S E Y M O U R


Prints, Muslin

Delaines, Plaid?,

f ' and «' Plain

Flannels, Ladies Cloths, a fine stock, Ladies Cloaks

or Mantillas, in the latest , French Styles,

Cloak • and f

Dress |

i Uord and

• ; .- ) ! ; \ i i Progs; ' Rich and desirable Plaids, Dress Go-ods of . ;.•:•. every description, 4 ^ French l ' M . • ,,..-. % - . '.'wS

, '••;- V English : ^ ' . -"- • rv»

:-4- i: M e r i n o ^ - ff| 4$ c _'-.*•'' V e r ^ p h e a p .

" «!|ine;^o^l^&|VMourning Goo^> , Em^§idere i8*^-^-^ : : i a : i f 0 ... .

Handkeoshiefe, -Collars, ". '-

I r . ' " i i &•?.<}'•: •- M i ^ C E F B a n d s ; French and Scotch W d r ^ Plaito forCha,

dren, Hosiery of every de^riptron, a ' iVery;iaige^nd Jd^|^ahfe^clio^ ,,

Damasks*,. / -,, ? .; • « « * " ' a n d ' ,«." ) •» .« . . • •

of the: AmericanNfcstitute; a Diploma at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia; First Premiu • - - — -State Pairj First Premium at the Westohester-and Eensseiear counties.

The Proprietor is ready at any time, on fair notice be­ing given,fto test\this Mill with any other Portable Cider MCI made, and wtii warrant its snperiority.

\ W. O. HICKOK, Manufecturer. OKAS. ASHLEY, Ogdensburgh, sole Ageutfor North­

ern New York. \ 28-tf

AP P L E PAREJ&S.—A LARGE STOCK OF these useful articles just received by


ME A T C U T T E E S . -superior to any in market.




BI R D Sale by



. _ ^ , , i .—


.85®' -7. NORTHERN (N. Y.) RAILROAD.

N O R T H E R N E. E. OFFICE, 1 MALONE, N. Y., Oet 34,1S56. f

F a l l a n d W i n t e r A r r a n g e m e n t .

CO B I I t t E N C I W G TUES.DAY, OCTOBER 28, 1856.


burgh at 8 A. M., stopping at all Wav Stations, and at Malone to dine, arriving at Rouse's Point at 4.15 P. M„ connecting at Potsdam Station with trains of P. and W / -tertown KR.—at Mooers Junction with M. & N . Y. KR. for Montreal and Quebec, and P. <fc M. RR. for Platts-bnrgh and Bonth—at Rouse's Point with C. & St. L. RE. for Montreal.and Qnebec, and V t C. RR. for Burlington, Bellows Falls, Concord, Kitchburgh, Nashua, Manchester, Lowell, Lawrence, Worcester. Boston, and N e w York, via C. E. RR.—'.also with Lake Champlain steamers, from Rouse's Point to Burlington, Troy. Albany, and N e w

. York—also via Y t C. RR. or L. C. steamers to Burlington, '^thence via R. & B. RR. to Bellows Falls, Fitchburgh,

Worcester, Boston and N e w York, via O. RR. or via Rut­land, Troy & H. R. RR. for Troy, Albany and N e w York.

2d.—MAIL TRAIN—Leaves Ogdensburgh at 5.45 P. M., on arrival of Grand Trunk Railway train from Toron­to, and also the trains of P. A Bytown Railway from Ot­tawa City, stopping at Way Stations and arrive at Rouse's Point a t 10.50 P. M. to lodge, connecting at Potsdam Sta­tion with P. & W . RR. trains and at Rouse's Point with morning trains on V t C. RR. for Burlington, Boston, &e., & c , and Lake Champlain steamers for Burlindkm, Troy, Albany and New Ynrk. _ 1

GOING WEST. ' , 1s t—MAIL TRAIN—Leaves Rouse'^Point at 6 A. M.

arriving at Ogdensburgh at 11 A. M., connecting at Pots­dam Station with P. & W. BR. and at Ogdensburgh with G. Trunk Railway for Kingston and Toronto same eve­ning—and with P. & B. Railway for Ottawa City.

2d.—ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—Leaves Rouse's Point at 1 P. M., and arrives at Ogdensbureh at 6.30*P. M., connecting at Potsdam Station-with P. & W. B E . a id at Ogdensbnrgh with O. and St. Lawrence Steamers for Lewjkon. NinsSira Falls, Buffalo, and the W e s t

"; GEORGE V. HOTLE,; Superintendent. 86-tf


' J '

Upholstery • / •- r SH J.* *• jp.

B i e h - ' ••;• --it >•-"' **-•». • a-/


- 1 A A E 0 N » ; , ' J J ® W BTJTLIUNe, ( E Q E S . , g T E E E T \ ; 1 • * "^ (Oppoate EagTel'HIBlii •»

f* Ogi)ENSBT3BG-H, ^ Y., "*' " ^ S s . 3 g ^ ^ l C k : q a ^ i c E *

Infof FAIfiQjar?1- . ' , ' - ^ s - ' , | v* ,*


ay,, impels

iM&t -*l

Trem itement In Europe! |p. |^dBBA|.^*^

^ " o l l e W P i ^ d ^ S l ^ ^ ^ p S ^ S h e 0m. o f h e ^ ^ m * a i I % m W 1 f O f i K ^ E A N O H i T 0 ]

We®!., ciinafnu

v„„„.„, -,.-,— ittontiyiafeain^yot-svrnpftthtos for the TutUre prosperity of tho country, i tortIi»olo**'E<,8t*»?:?M«e 4tetalf •*,• ^Qtoeal c


_ _ ^ th£ place, JTew Dry 0oods.isiar% in. thott*nd«J«ttwly o&npi*a.by'a> B* Jwnig, jmd,otueidoor fttowO A. Fr«nch>I^feSt tr* ,Jnd^^^OgdtoS^

' v i « ' f * BEOCK,AgfeSA -

33?£W !aL"- ,'Jw^ ! :* 3*Wjr Days, fur WMfttoK B*4on,aud ' " Wriks.

I 4t4hr

si If ' } *


JU fh« Antnu* %fttag of -gj* Stoekholders in the aer»oU*Edw*^K^**>w*l^hy?ft*'<ue put-^VaUa^*^Wd^ i IMiwtp« S f Jujpectws. of

Stt^Belto^, ttjBBaSHV CaeW^f^jr B atacday, ^ ^ ^ B H B ^ ^ ^ ^ J A V ^ . p, -fc«fc t l^kfegrtm<wyI^%l«»f ' * i1fx <W-*w.


No. 4, Allen 's Br i ck Block, Water-Si. , .OGDENSBURGH. N. Y ,

A V E NOW IN 8T0EE AND OFFER to the trade of Northern New York and

Canada, the following articles;— •

StJGABRS.—Porto -Rico, New' Orleans, Muscovado, Crushed, Powdered, Granulated Coffee Crushed, in hogsheads or barrels.

SYK.tJP.S.—Stewart's Steam-Eefincd, New-York, Golden, i i hogsheads or barrels. Also Sugar-House and .New-Orleans Molasses. V-

T E A S . - r O i a Hyson, Hyson Skui,Young Hyson, Twan-'k&f, Imperial, Oolong, and Souchong.

C O F F E E . — O l d Government; Java, Mocha, Eio, La-quary, and ajquantity of ground.

T O B A C C O ; - D a b i i e y HarriS\.Seldons, natural leaf, ' Keens, Stewartsj and John' Anderson's Solace and Am<-' u e l e t • > • ' . " . ' • • v

SOAPS*-—Gohjato'B Toilet, Fay's No. l , -andPale,Uorth American, Stowe's Chomioal, and Thompson's Com­pound; -i ..... . ;•.-;'"!

C A N B E E S . — M o l d * Patent Sperm, Adamantine, and • Hydraulic Pressed.

OIKi.-—Winter Bleached Whale, Speptn, Olive, and Patent. . . , , .

F l S B k r - ^ a u n o n , Cod, Mackerel, Wfflte-flsh,,4and Sal­mon Tront. , , . , - , ".

flttSCEtit,A»EOSJS."—Cocoa Sheas, Chocolate, KSagOi Farina, Bice, Sffleratus, Soda, Cteam Tartar, Eng-, lish MustajuV inger, piokles,..Catsup, Peppersauce, Pi-. mentor-Pepper, Brooms, Pails, Tubs, Twme, c.,&c.

, * Fldqr, Coni Mf>$\ a i4 0 .t ffl&al, constantly on iand, and.infac'tiataiost every thing in xhe Provision andr'XJrocery line. T e are constantiy receiving -

.from Market fresh additions to our>St»ck,.whioh' we, will • sell ot a vary -small advance-for. CASH. ,;.<Our, Sugars, Syrups/and Molasses, werepurchased before the rise", and'

,v,Te»TO»owBffertag'4&enxafouarga}ns.: .t»K t,( . .,. ;i -. JS^TJieTiradefa^respectfully-lnyitedJ^fee^.S'cifll, an'd examine our stock before pnrohajBingielsawB'eTie. g *-" «

- • i ,-. J --r.<. Et^^&A^SnHEEjJSE, " . i*. v . -.^Nd.^AlIen^BriclsSJoo^W^tei^fee'et*" "

. Ogdensburgh, JanuaiyiTth^l856e!t „-..*,.;»;.; ^-^itpL •


T"his is aUke" true ofC^ia^',Teve^M^yn^toms, and Bilious, de^ngenteirts. They all .tendtd become or produce the deep seated and formidable distemper's which load the hearses all over the tiiid. Hence a

^reliable family physic feiof -the first importances to the public; he4th,, and this Pill has been rjer^ecfed with consummate'slcill to meet that demand. An extensive trial'of its virtues by Physfcians, Profes­sors, and Patients j has shown results surpassing any thing hithprto knowarof any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond btelief, were they- not sub­stantiated-by persons oi Buch exalted- position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untrfth.

Anions the" eminent gentlemen to whoni we are allowed to refer' for these facts, are 1

PEOF. VAiiE?raifE Mora, the distinguished Sur­geon of New York City.

T>ogX. J4- A. H A T E S , Practical Chemist of the Port of Bo3ton, and Geologist for the State of Mas­sachusetts.

IKA L.'MOOKE, M. D., an eminent Surgeon and Physician, of the City of Lowell, who has long used them in his extensive practice.

H. C. SOUTHWICK, Esq., one of the first mer­chants in New York City.

C. A. DAVIS,.M. D., Sup't and Surgeon of the United States Marine Hospital, at Chelsea, Mass.

Did space permit, we could give many hundred such names, from all parts where the Pills have .been used, but evidence even more convinci ig than the certificates of these eminent public men in shown in their effects upon trial.

These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the -present state of medical science ean afford. .They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of. the medicinal virtues only of vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process in a state of purity, and combined together Ui such a manner as to-insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines hasieeu found in the Cherry Pectoral and PQls both, to produce a. more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob­tained, by any process. The reason is perfectly ob­vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev­ery medicine is burdened with more or less of acri­monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi­vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual­ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the effects should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world,

As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should he taken under the-counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy wfthout knowing its composition, I have supplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are madetto the whole body of Practitioners in the United States and British Amer­ican Provinces. If however there should be any­one who I has not. received: them, they will be promptly forwarded by r^ail to his address.

Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known ! Their life consists in theix mystery. I have no mysteries.

The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and.all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsio merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific men to be a wonderful medicine before its effects were known. Many em­inent Physicians have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will-i n g t o certify &a.t their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial.

They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obstructions <•( the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, nwi by correcting, whierever they exist, such derange­ments as are the first origin of disease. . Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any. quantity.

For minute directions, see the wrapper on Die Box.


JAMEfS CUAYEK, P r a c t i c a l a a d A n a l y t i c a l Cl ie in is i ,

• •. LOWELL, MASS. F r i » S3 Osats per Bax. f i v e Boxes for %1

8 0 L n BY H. S. HUMPHREY, Ogdensburgh, and by all Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere. (24-6m)



H a s j u s t R e c e i v e d a t h i s G R E A T V A R I E T Y S T O R E ,


A Large Lot of Yankee Notions, .SUCH AS TOYS OP ALL B I N D S ,

BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c, A t W h o l e s a l e a U d R e t a i l .

K;E-EPS coivsTAwariiX' ON ILIND THK . largest Stock of Yankee Notions to be found north

of the city of Boston or New York, and sold'for cash at New York credit, prices. Merchants and Pedlers wilt find it to their advantage to examine his Stock and Prices befaraipnrchasing elsewhere.

^gr-Eegular sales by Auction every Saturday evening. {Sjp^ Sales by Auction attended to in any part of St.

Xaw'rehcd-Cbuntf'* by good and eiperfeBced Salesmen, on rea^mhble terms. Liberal - advances pn consignments when deaf ed, r '

Also, Agent for the sale of Lime's Eire and. Buiglarv Prosf Safes, Bank Locks, Vault Boors and Frames. A good assortment of Safes constantly on hand.

^ ~ Bemember«the- No. 2 8 , Ford Street, Ogdens-burgh,. ',H>. -a . . . , . , ;.. d> ALLENDOEPH.


AT W H O L E S A L E AND BETAEL, ELISHA Waters &.Cp's.Celebrated,Black, Blue, Carmini,

and'lndellible'Ink,'a good assortment, put up in neat style ofbottles .varying In steefrom 1 ounce to half a gal­lon, and a first rate article for sale at the great Yankee Notion Store of J. ALLENDOEPH.

" May'8, 18S6. . No. SSPord. Street; Ogdensbi

_ _..,<©. C&,,QOTfHiq, .O.GTA<tPNS ANB FANCY V « .Clocks,ageod"assortmentatWhoIesale'and Betail •byiu. >•«,.." •« v .--*-•# "SaaaasuoEPH. Tr»s- :u iW; i h- No-^gofSfa-ee^Ogde)isburgh.


^ M f f i t e ^ S j e r m , AdflnTaflfiuegS^tt^gp

^ e j ^ e a n ^ S t e f t B J r ^ ^ d ^ g ^ a ^ ^ ,4 ?», -

, ™™ 1JK#WaMBBBaV^r , '<

Sucna&SMce^ 1 0 1 «" a n d s - ^ o u n a amilwhoJ^;Mtisiai'd, Teast powde*, «!0caa4 Ohocpla|e, Broma, Sag4f"3Bea*J Bafiey^^#Siatct[ja,arhlai %rMceJii, MacatoA.Sdda,



•.*Mi _

l t - r - i** - • ' " •i~t\-', -V - < > ^ Y n . - * - i-.i, -*V ivi^^i-..., - j^S._«. . , < f c l a t , n . - .

; en»6urp ,March3 ,J8K J •" -t, . ' * I t f ~ " "

-1 FoUett, handler St teaTnard

C0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, * * * ' * " FOBS T H E S A L E fjfr- v * " '"*' 3



* ' { ' l l ' •v ^ s 5 * ~i ** \., 3 i

Pojfki Jawty Haws, %tool, a i % Motif, * *' ^ n i d e t i a , B r i 0 a A . ^ l e B t ^ ; & c . ,

BWWO**0Kta5TT-J ^usutiaaafBists: v.- l

it • \ » -C-rJ. m

Ogdeaibufik, Feb.,21, WS«, }t «(M1

;A-CGO/&DEOWS OF ALL SEES AND-. QUAL-jcSL'itiesfoT sale cheap at Hie Yankee Notion Store by Owh fr\'F-i*r ?•>•#}•?•>,! - i ' 3ri»ALBE#DftEPH.'

J!S,*A "LAEffE ST60K AND Variety *>f Styles-fersaleby' s "> * '.

. , ,r w ; J W A L L E N I J O B E B : , - ' No! 28 Ford Stje'et, •Ogdehlburgh. -i>.

, * T A W K 1 E % ^ a n 0 K 8 t OF ALL ElrN>S SOLD • J t toMgrcha^tsandPedlersjat'Ne*To:®'dealtpri-oesi-atJ^jY^u^eegoJJpnfll|oi^>y».<,2 ^giL.'.r '

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OFPEB Svef made in. Pe, "going." """-ivero.


. .*• s A V A u x i j Alfe-rfidyil^aw^antf^dTffit^m^in^Ic^ . aooey of Doatotaf New YgTk^ennsvlyanw. Ohio, In-

dlan%An4%rylan_a,No tt.TWseonsjntSet, Mliwau-"•i -y *- S l -Sm

Ready - Made Clothing: and Gentle-1' -- men's PurnkWnff-ftoOdt;

Hats, Oap^-Trawlfag Bags, Trnnks, , ' 'T* *s& Valises: ~* *

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