r^^rseaor - nys historic...

-,w^*^»a*s«wM9((pfWt£#ii PI ?'t«JKH»H 1 r^^JSEJi^SJfJ^^v^^SK^SSn sss^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Sn^nSSSCS3ISI3rF &S4; _^ S, ^— -4 , , IPJ L'S; ^MXtpfljfryg^4 m - Wizi PI ieSPI !»fil*!3* ico«e ?N»i -CttZffe ice. Set., ol the ""rotate ol! RiJring, SfiaVlng ;«nU Jointing .",.' . „, 0ifiIMB8ISIlf'»CtH. ^ f. .1 '.'Ct!—*.. iH!.v . I.J.- i •. iduw-Tfephorta.tljo greatest oopsfe!" . . . -the famets- daughters are soon tu u . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ m ,fte t*te liCe„,as w f i H ^ h e PjFi#$S>%sC oant t r . v ' '• Ci ^ d o f the American party oF all Sfe- a glo*iotS raee'Oi! ^ * f T f*(|^ s '^tpT her ^ r> 0 ctrine^Hafr-a!rte against the stose '' land can s^ow, f seek'nofctff>'faUeE4liem, of any port i o n © f ^ ^ e r j q p i Uniontod-L. ._ u .,„ . for b e f e J L r ' ia.U«B*ti^.«*y * i,! *• disuse of the name, influence and} W l l f ^ & ^ U ^ t & & & £ £ lor DejQre raej uui ^ «w ganization of the Atnetr&n party to, ad-SF^W^qlib^to^iwoAlttoS^oi hawtom*keean^*t3 of 9fre *f j_.J.^ nC8fafenieasi ^ asaktst lhe constitute? IsKfe^^T^fe^btK [; can be wprcedJa'l^t-wpodSrinTll, orefido, ^quaL , as' (t occupies only t«p bj eight factor-ground ,,, _ t/6o'm»byi)hOttUiyi)ntY-oigEHj)Aa8blmreqalresbM(ino '"Uuibn . ' pVtCahtoiitteMltjand^tolacljbat a ample, thougl '"""'' '£'; J^^aetarian'tnterfereiice in our —. is tvffr r\aii/*n. Titnnpp nR cjm ni> wnrn V „, ,„ r ..., t-nulf .... i.. ... ^lofof ftirisb aid beaab flrtt of Mio inarKet over aUsther nave » ^ S ^^25* , r&^^ikacBm&fmMaM against I kinds. ^hiera^taftfc 6 w!lp -»*J?J"iabfightB of the States, the intention ofef-f tHeir condition, ihdiofne who h i ^ ^ ^ l ffect 0 f w hi«h §hj " ' pride rh itj-Jbeeause Jihey ifc-oidtHf,. moreL perpetuity of tlie "U consideratiffl»TOan tbey merit. « n •' ** T1 ^" ""rr;"; f . n r 0 ^ . ,f •* nnl] subiects of-t»eday x 4iatiP33,andno; l pr>3scnpboiiolr persons o u t a * , ^ ^ ^ d irrtueb. style} - J - " '• **' Vr ' ' intelligence upon, all subjects u. j „i acc0 unt of religious opinions. ! gt«? tn««n the preference and nil ^-^fined education, is no more ex, ^ ^ ^ he J^pt^s of Pkpat (a*^- «^1^ in a country girt tharrra a town L ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ rfje BishopS) Prelates, •h«.a trirl in this age of many bookg and p riests or Ministers of ; the Rama.n Catho •• S ' ' ." j lie Church, as anti-Ttepublican in pruici newspapers. i -' - • •• p ->=- Iw^lfBllSlfrflnMt. stli OHErasrt.lMrDRUQGIST, No. 8, Eagl« Block, Jwi'*iS^Ste^» & L A 099 Stock QC!^" Many girls are discouraged'becaase they Cannot he sent away feohx honie-ita" ^qard- ing schools; but fnen of superior! nlincls. and knowledge of the world, wojdld, cather have for wives, women well anfl^jsroperly educated at home. Ajid tmg education can be had wherever : the desire is not wantiag. A tasteforreading does won- ders, and an'earnest thirst afW knowledge , is almost certaintoattain a sweet dtau^htof ;he ''Pierian.sgowg." There is a farmer's daughterVin tlas^very room in wiricrr I am writings a beautilul, refined-anj intellectual woman, in whose girlhood books were not as plentiful as now, and who i gained het fine education under diffifalties which would haVe disribTrrag&T'any' dftfe "Wtone true -a loveforstudy. tiou at the abovo nonloll place* wberu It will remain tinder tbosnporlntonchmceofE. P. yAUGIlAJSF, dnoor„th« Enr-> priotocs, wliinriU be most happy to gi*<> aay iliflinaatlOT oo. the auhlect reQtdied,ior-nogdttoto-wlth parties fdr coau- tirlabts. ami Macbltua ready lbrajie. •a?"ill communicationsoddrcsscd to Mr. T A06HAN, oti^.ilACaOgdensb'gh, bj. Y. ortoIfcF.VA0eUAH, BocU«8tet,_Ni S, atanjrtlm* thoroaftw, Mil be promft- ple'and dangerous to the ribe-ftiea of the people. ,.,.., ' '. 6. Thorough reform in the Naturabza-j tion Laws of the Fed'eM'Government. . 7- T h e fa n^me t toikW,forthepro^ ; *f-**^.„ tion of the annty of the Ballot Box by trie , ..... - J g . ' ** btate. , .•,„!,„na tnr' ihp ThoSIachinoIsalMut'^(tetlnlength,an^tnndaupon 8.- P r e © and ItbeTaf institutions ior, lue ^te&aEinttwalttct (nbotgtitj is vervcoSipaaiy and eAiu-jttian of all classes of the people, With ? t r t b # rtVrtdkeuior, and b»s nothing compHoatad erom- ^ft«C3llQa oj^u-tidssi^ w » l r wlbUly about it Tt can be drivon by two horac-Sawor.ot .__. „„ - _^_ - " T H B O ' s-dflthortobes" of winter andfibe- JSonlng to OKOJOO Jier attire so beaoU- ISftilly al&lStoatoftoganiat'eeasoni and g f (JooUejneJi |re d?sUmis til lmltati her "example, they will find all the requisites 6>t doing BOj at 86cFo*«-9.«*eti \sfLcie;the l*tojirto®lh»Tln(rJnSt rotnrn- ed frommarliet,lsnQW T opening the most •CHOICE AXD 10^84211'assortment of Ooods ' ro* Gontlpmewa tCtnr, adapted to th» M » l and aOjininB-eeasoo, t h a t has evei-been eSWbltoaTOOgaens- taS m*k* been early In marked be bad'&rora- bTeWPOrtunldes of maMng his .Bcleetinns ftoJ the j 5 t * ^ r W e t Importers, securing thereby E n t a s e s Vert oWotS as be can now SUQW np to hte friends, Sdop& that. In point of texture and 1 'styles," uro the POTSentlemen's foil dn-ss, b e o t f o r i ^ l a c k j t r a o d . C1OT118 fwrn the best Mnnn&ctnrert *r Girmany, Irance! and England; Fronclivairf fi«man n ^ i i c l i i i . , a n a fine C a s « l m e « « » 1" Blae^ J splen- ^»v eMIl f Cwsnadlne, Clorcuce Cord, and Satin VonWngfwjto-all colors, Slackness of Parkncss, to ttp-Whiteness of Uie nn T en ouAV* For ?EOUKiAM or BBSIMIBS Sorts, he S i K Brown. Dahlia, oWtfiflbony, Claret.Qroen, San^MU«lBroadcloU^ofa11maes. toUomen, If yon w a n t . pair of * W Fren,rfi Casd- » ™ P i i i i t s , stop Into No. 86, and If we cannot show SoT."moSbcantUnl a«ortment of Fancy i-rench Cwal- fflores, tbon yoahavc ever beforo seen In this "Bnaou, ^ ' noliask youtopurchase. feKQUSHaad ASlERICAN CAS3IJIEEE8, Black andVanoy, of all grades: Union Satlnets,Tweeda(Ca»h- teerets, and all kinds of Tlirx SOODS for StnqrjEE WXAE ; FORD ST., OGDEWSiBKIK^H, N. If".* |JAS CONSTANTLY ON HAHfC " "" eftr^0M > lmrge-'fn»*?j^P9»plcte as- Chemicals, Faints, Oils & Dyestttffs Also, Daguerreotype and Ambrotype STOCK AND iNSTRUMKNTS, Consisting of C a i n c r u s t , of all sizes, of the bestmana- lHctures; P lal e«, of all sizes comprising H. B. Patent liupn>\ ed Star, N. and W„ and Scale 1'lates; D a g u e n w type and Ambrotypo C'ases of every variety of style and. llnish. Glass Mats, Pro-sencrs, HyposulphateSoda,iodine. Bromine; XJJ« Qnitk,< C?11oqJon. Sutta 1'ercha Ca»ettcS and DdBpeCaalnatihtofi Iron, Sola of Gold. Chloride of Gold, Kooge, Plate Blocks, Head Rests, .fee, 4c, lus. In furnishing Pure Sperm Whale, and Linseed Oil, he has facilities whlch defy competl^- 1 tion. A LARGE STOCK OF Dental and Surgical Instruments Of TlUrr&BY BEST MAKE, constantly on hand. ALSO, GOLD FOIL, SPONUK GOLD, . { , TEKTH, AND VOX,. 2 ZZS-^-^——' the Bible as a Text Book in our Common Schools. .GENERA!. RKSOI-TVION'S. tbWy sfutl dm ifufl hand WnitoV Butt Figured, Striped and Checked'Marseilles Testings, of every quality. a - In addition to the above, wo have the »8JUUM of ME. W. W. LITTLE, which, in the hands of than- mat- ;• OiMEOiraEEa&^EALEE .. Irsj5raa?Y>4«saEiFB0H<w arit»ls*jCeW4an and ' - •*' iton"e*ica^p _ _ P.Ogaensburgl»» '«• *•* U=*V^*f»i'TSBVOr^>TffE liAST FTVE TEAB8 j,H^oA« perfecting of-pnt arrattearo'"— '"» «•« ™"- of every arUcleta.our Jinor.of b] as aSy Jobbing. chaso ., . w] , English,. American and O U „ . j^pBrtato^ll-ordersotttis favorable House In the Atlantic Cities. HEIIKIIVC'S SAFES! W HICH TOOK rrHE PEEMIUM AT THE World's Fair in London and Kew.York. For sale at manufacturer's prices. Ogdehsburgh, N. Yf A. 'WATEOCS, Agent strong head, lAen.^hc rriaae knife a-thtohgh srrontf nenu, wnen,inc nrsCrOr rjvlug intra , , , - • itandtaKes olf asbinKlojof anr.doslroktbtcknoso^ the ro- Tifinliml That the National Aftanms- turnrevolntfontakeathls rWUg back tojiaocond befl- 2iesoiveiit i..UM ii . -g^. p iate and i^nstaobthcr'head, and while the rtvingknife tration, by lt3 general course ot V 1 " 1 '"" 4'fj^tttg-off another, is shared with an evun taper, upon A„^ <^~af1>ar M-ilh liin a t t e m p t t o d e - the uppersUle) the nnxtbapb revpluaon take*thesliiu- condnct, together «1W1 p auiuj gtotoa third bed-plate amlagalnst another head, and *he strov the repose, harmonv ami iraienKii §,i„j roVotutlou, which cation* another from the bolt and -i - _• c.{.„ . ,_ fT _ ;„+l 1( . rpneal of the snaves the sccQnd,a!soslia?^» the Bret un tho under side, relations' of the country m tin. repeui ui ^ s M n g ] o p a g j ^ 1)<ltwpen two self.adjasting jointers 1vfi5<tnnri ComiiTomise a n d t h e encourage- that complete the shingle. .Thus there are four shingles jiiuauiui vy j , ar>»/»«rioTrtv'tothe machine atftIme, aid_onq,fln(s!ied at ment of aggressions .upon the * / * S » * W r i B » M r t W P « * < * * e r *u„ t'JSritorial inhabitants of, ^ r f ^ ^ 1 l e r W n n % . ana iiow1n|Jia average of the of the lemtonai lnnau . lr , mChes,lt^lrmleT2H)?0sV!ngle S lerda,v. deserves and should receive thfunitea con _^_z ^ho h a d a s true -a iove »r siuuj. i Q emHation 6 f t j , e American people, and [From tho Detroit Adverttanr.] 1,11 , „ , „ ! u , . , (• al | irill ,1 re . , Shingle Machines have long occupied the attenUan of Twill state why I think the countr) . t h a t the institution of biaven siiouia re hnventu^^d W e are giadi to be able to announce a real tU lw.np of thi« , ™«P no pxtention from SUeil repeal. J improvement Shingles cot ootwltbout retard to the ffirls are Vet tO prove the llOpe^.OJ u«- ceive no eiieniui '" -,„,(„„ _f 1 grain of the wood, ore hnmbng. This macSlne Is of a gins are v r ; Resr)lved That m thr orgamstation ot ^ t y n(1 . T b e Bll)ng , 0 ,/ riT(!(1 trom the UocK mi The Women in tOV,i»S ajW UU American Order the institution of I n - shaved wlU, j^ e p s t tapers No hand-made shingle can tu8 ABiencan, Utnci m c >» _ I compare with It In beallly and SraessBsrlts nun>o»e. and :ies ovury rovo- te rate of 60 staff to bo S wor qf the "Magician's Wand" in . _ __r _ y fit' PANTS of every atvle. Ur, seem to havo tho now. S S S a n a t S W ^ m V ^ and >ry style. Wo will also sell floods in purchasers; by the case, piece, yard, or lids of Tailors' Trlnuntnga, Whotesale or rtioularly invite those In Vvan< of TIN- FOIL. OF EVERY amount to auit . S ittern. All tlBds etail. We particularly RfiADY-MADE OLOTHING Tooillundexamlnoanrstocklnthlsrlne,aswo havobyiar a larger assortment to select from, thnn can bo found In anv otlior Clothing House In Ogdonsburgh, all of which, are of our own Mauulacture, cut in tho most approved ntvles. and warranted WBLL MAOR. This Stock consist* in part of FINE BR AB OVERCOAl-S, (br Spring wear. Dress, Frook, Hunting, and Sack Coats, niadefrum Broad- oloths or all colore; Casslraorcs, Unions, Cashmerets, Eifmlnota, Tweeds, Jeans, Duck, Drills, Marseilles, Lin- en, Cottonades, ic. etc Pauls and Vci»ts of j every description. Sailors, Laborers, and others, who wish for OHEAP CLOTHING, will 2ive us a call, as we have on band "STACKS AST) PILES" of tho very arUoles you want and will sell them to von at prices «o low as to defy coin- tltton. Wecansofl yon a WHOLE SHIT (br TWO country, xne ' T - ^ \ the American. Order the iiu.titi.tion of I n wllh 1Un ^-^ snd Swe83 f|!r ft , urp ^-^ becoming SO untVersaity umre^i ;, , vo . untarv S erv i tll J e wa s , a n J n o w IS,re-, Ke»l>ould think that a well laldtoofof tllose' shlng; and so almost universally tytrayagant, foolish andfeshionable,+hat men are almost in despair of.obtaining wives who are not invalids, and of providing them with what they demand after they have Wrried them. Unless the young man has the fortune.' (good or bad) to be the inheritor of wealth","' he must spend the best bloom of his youth in acquiring "enough to start upon," as people are expected to begin now»a-days. Men, even in high stations, wwuhj go tp the country for thiir choice if Waey met there equal intelligence and refinement— "Women are preparing to take a noble stand in history, and they cannot do it in ignorance. Town girls have the advantage of more highly polished mariners and greater ae- accomplishments; but country girts have infinitely more to recommend them as ri- vals of their fair city sisters. They have more truth, household knowledge and econ- omy, health, (and consequently beauty,) simplicity, affection, and fresum'ss -of im- I pulse and thought. When they ha we cul- tivated minds there are more chances in their favorer good sense and tpl ability, , ^ Coiwwt^^on'flkttbuB; because so much is not demanded by jjie-l Dfat No. i.—Brooks, smart Buiioct ftvolties of society. The added luster olj I I tl^^l J^i^vSuS*. foreign accomplishmeats eoajd easily be caught by such a mind fxoim & very- Jittle coutacE with the world. J would iio,S speak as thotigli oar far- mers' daughters were deficient iu education. I Many briEiant scholars and talented women may be fouod among them ; in New .Eng- land tins is espeeislly so. Bat 1 wouM seek to awakea the ambition- of all/to be^ come that admired^rjiiljS^dyalsm-iiich they ought to be, if thev^friii -biio unite a-efkied culture with trfeir most, excelleat graces, and j voluntary Servitude was, an garded as local and not national in its character, and is a subject for the tolsra tion of a difference of opinion by the<-oiti. zens off the Northern aud Southern States, and, as such, .has no rightful place in the Platform of the National American farty. .. ;, ; ,,:!-. "- As the (Somnxercial, the Common School and the Internal Improvenient sy&gms of the State are its greatest pride and glory, and have made her what she. emphatically is, the Etnpire State, therefore, Besolved, That the Arrrerrcaii party will always-regiwd it as its highest duty to fos- ter, protestsandiefesd'them. Resolved, That the interests of this great State imperatively derflaBd ?• pjiange of rulers; that if we would see her inter- nal improvements completed we should expel from office the partisans now in con- trol of it, who, instead of letting the Sec- tion* of the'Cahals to be kept in repair by contrast, si a saving of $800,00.0 a year, as they wav, eud by law are authorized to doy continue in place a iior.d,e of officials to absorb its revenues for private emolu- ment, fem electioneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession of power. The fpllowittg jj a list of members o! ALSO, MACHINE CARDS, DESCRIPTION, PEEFUMERY, llATR BRUSHES, AND COMBS, CLOiH HRCSHKS, TEETH ANI' NAIL RRCSHES, TOILET BOTTLES, ' DRESSING CASES, &c, &c, ic. A l.<(l, S o l e P r o p r i . - t o r o f t h e CELCUHATED 13 .A. J_, M ZAJjpOREA, wliicli, a."flchro for_ nLarrhra, Dysentery and t'holora. DOLLARS, and from" that, np to RESPECTABLE j «tand^norlyoil^L - Kt^l t*»« follo^agOertiflcates PBICE3. _ _ ,. . . ,_ _«.,._, . | C!e'rflt&t6frdtu<h»lflto MombA of OhngireM from th> could not leak. One of tfcese machine!), with a nortAblo stoarn engine, would be a fortune to a mnn In tho pii WlJOtlu. W4TEST0^'3, April 5,1356. . oc! l>ear Sir,—I am' hippy in say tbe tnachinc I purchased m Leotud Wy £. JR. Morrison,forinanrVcturing rived, shaved and jotpted ahtngfea, I nave now In opera- lit FurniBlUintr Uootls. U is sufficient to sny that In Variety and Hi.-hncss, Klegaucu and No?o!t- - Style, tills department very far exceeds any thing ' kind ever before o^hlbltod In aortburn Now Tort. Kubber a n d o i | li. F. VAIUIIAK, itu«(ies»6»*, jrf, Y : Hear Str,—One of tho 'Mormon I E. P. VAUOHAS, Esq., Roeho3t»iri l>ear Sir,—I am' happy in say tin from yon, patented try £; JR. Morrison,formanftwtaring ^tea, I bave now In opera- tion at my mlfl \a this toflra, and on trial, fully answera tho TV-commend. It will'work all timber that can bo worked by hand process, and much that cannot Wind- ing and eaty timber It wotfks to great perfectiaa, and ease, and can make twenty thousand per day without extra effort Truly Yonrs, &e^ M. BOOHAXL. •WATKRTOWN, April T.1S5C. tormon Shbiffiti Maobf 11 ^ ftQ 3 be«n ta operation- at my ptaite for some time pH»t atid 1 am happy to sny It is thtt only hna'chino ftrr maanfketur- las rived. Rhaved and jolnjed shingles tfaat I ever thought practicable, it works wihdiog and eaty timber to great E rfection and at a rapid Rate, on the saino principle of the nd-made ahingle, bat wlitb a perfection t hat machinerv only,can execute, and I can safely recommend It to nil sbingie manufacturers as •nfK Shingle Machine H. SLOAT. JgrmUAX, April S.1S56, - B. P. VAtroHAw, Koe1ie4^r, N. V,j Dear Sir,—We are happy to aay the Sbinglo Machine for mannfoctnrlni' rlvetf Jnd shaved Shingles, we have at work, and It fully answers the recommend. "Wo can readily make fnun two to three thoutmnil bhtngles per hour mm- anr timber tljat can be worked by hand, and some that cannot, worfcm<; winding and eaty timber to ^rreat perfection, always leaving the lento of uniform thickness without cttppfng the points, which is the case far exceed* any thing of tft* i Northern Now York, MnnufiioturoT? rticej. Trail Its, of all kinds, varying in price from Ten SmlHogs to Thirty Dollars; Cnrpet, Leather, and Rubber Bnga, umbrollaa. 4c &o, DBA-LBBS in CLOTHING throughout St Lawrence County, are assured that wo can sojl tiieui from TIN to TVKSTV per cent loss, tlian they can buy In N«w York *r Boston, and abw (jive them Clothing very much #u- perior tn point of workmansldp. ^f~ Recollect tho place, S6 Font-street, Mechanic's Row. Ogdenaburgh, April 24, 186a 9- tf ~T."~D7 SMOTHER. OgdowbqJsU, N. Y., Oot 26.1^5. | HEKBXfi.Jlywpair»T. ^<i : '.Yonr medicine for bjuwel complainG, called the Batlli oTZanthorea, has \HH-X\ exien~ s^vely utM-.I in this UUngoand vlcloityduringtbe past sea- son. I baveofteh heard It spuken or as a most fftectlve remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and other bowtsl com- plaints, and 1 have had occasion to uso It and found imme- diate relief from It, and believe the medicine generally ha* a high reputation amons those who have used 1L Ropectfullv yours, B'lSIiOP rKUKINS. Tho ZANTHOUKA l« a me-llclne valuable in numerous varieties of bowol affection*, a* I ntu well convinced from having prescribed it; and in tho>e obstinate cases, of a mlc form, I know of no ono thing In which I would J. S. GOULD Si CO., IVo. 32 Ford S t r e e t , O g d c n s b u r g U , IV. Y. Offers to their frj-euds arid patrons the following assortment from which to maRe a seleettoh : Ladles' Kid Bostlns of all kinds, Ladles' Satin Francois Gaiters, Ladles' Kid Kan-Round Slippers, Ladles' Toilet Velvet Slippers, Ladles' Embroldered"Silppers, ! Toadies* Satin Prancals Eld Foxed Qaltera, Ladles' Patent Foxed (stayed on side) Gaiters. Ladles' 811k Lasting Patent-Up Tiin Galtera, Ladies* Silk Lasting Patent-tip Congress Gaiters, Ladies Silk Lasting Hed-Up Tan Gaiters. Also, all kinds of Gaiters, Slippers, and Husking, for Misses and Children. Gents' Patent Leather French Ties, Gonts' Patent leather Walking Puin[», * Gents' Toilet Slippers, Congress Gaiters of all klndv Also, H o y s ' a t i d Youths Hoots, Shoes, Congress Gaiters and S l i p p e r s ! which we offer to the Public ot prices that defy competlllxm. 13B~ 33 mechanics' Bow. _*9 Offdousburgh, May 8, 1856. T-tf gntggists fc'OHjmisk PBOUTY~& CO. A. WATtfOUS, IMPORTER AND DEAXER * In Jlardware, Iron and Steel, Stoves E Tih and Sbeet-Iron, keep constant-' ii -"Jy employed the most experienced workmen fqr Roofing, making Eave Troughs, and every other description of Tin and Copper Work. Solo Agents in Northern 'Now York for the sale of S. O. Herring's Salamander Safes; for Rugglej, Nourso, Mason «fc CO.'B Boston Agrioultiuial IraplernentFactory; Ransom &, CVB Steam Foundry, the Pawtucket Belting Compa- ny ; the Collins Axe Company; Orannis A Co.'sTin-ware Machines and Hand-Tools; Davis & Co-V Horse-Powers. Parties purchasing quantities, are particularly invited to examine our "Wholesale department, as possessing equal facilities with New Yorji and Boston, for purchasing.— , The < We pledge* ourselves notto be undersold In tboso cities. Spragu* _j ——-— : ,—,— . does nil B0OKSELLiE'4jS ri0:sTER . AN» KlNUs^B^t ' ' '•Btirf8 I ''teiEinOTED hL*j Bookstore! one dcj.or west-. No. u-m«L!5 BtOCK, Ford- . 8treel^-'iri!erAe'a'ill b ?I , l easea to see his old a^d now enstomers J and friends. J ' .__ . r? % Irk' jm i^turnod froth "IS'ew York, wrai'a'"ffew#nol,Y»^"^Ie'i|ES^ttin:ent of BOOKS ABTD STATfO&EKY, Among which may be found the stanjdard works of the •4ay, including 1 - HKS'^OKY, FJCXIONI poETny, i. j and. several English Editions of I3ie most popular works VT- 1 These works are bound in every varietjy of style. 1 He -will alsoftirntsh any work in -thf catalogues of principal Publishing Houses, at publisUerV prices. STA-yiosr^jaY. In this department, be is prepared to meet the wants o the Public, His btock of Papers is not excelled in North orn New York. Portfolios, Drawing Papec-a Pencils^ Pens, Inkstands, Chessboards, Stainpti, Blank Bookk &c,and other articles pertaining to tho iStationery depart- ment, are kept in abundance, 1 Plctores and Mouldings, are kept tin great variety, and : Pictures framed to order. ' BOOK-BINDING. . The only Bindery north of Watert-bwn, is carried on by j ie, who employs none but tho best workmen, and'' •Tfflfi BOSTON jtfOBXt-KL. THE SEWj ENGLAND FAMILY NEWSPAPEE. Me^ Type anil &. W«w Press. CltEIBAT "BEB^OTION TO -CLUBSJ PA TSfKKT I&VA B1ABL Y TN AD VANCE. Encouraged by the very liberal patronage heretofore be- BtawotlTipon the JOCRXAL, and in accordance with the spirit of the present age, the proprietor has*decided tn re duce the price of the WEEKLY JOTILNAL to dubs, in Uie following rates: m 9 2 OO . 3 OO G OO ,10 00 One copy, one year Two copies, one year, to one address.. Five copies, one year,to one address. Ten copies, one year, to one address.. PAYMENT Tt) BE MADE IMVAjSIAiSJLY 2M AJBVASCE. At Vie e^pi^titioJi oftJte tun* for which advance ;<av- meTtifvan been received*. Ww paper trill in ail ra*** he By the adoption of this, cash system, the CID- ttirtvrttent of agents to collect Mibscriptions will b. SlrTETjF HAKDM'AHE. POTT OPETVINC—A FULL ASSOETMEUT does "his ^vork in superior style. Binding and Ruling done to ord^r, and on the lowest music j&cf. n e has also on hand, a large,and) choice assortment ol ' Z^i^or^^^t^^Z^K^uTu^ioi,: j Bh ^iMuir. AUo. an uy^tnx of Pianos, J.-lod^ . will sell or H?)it. of every description of SEaeW .Hardware* i direct from the English, German and Ajnerieaa-Facttories, ! consisting of Locks, Latches, Knobs, Door Handles, .Join- ers* Tools, and a variety of House Trimming and Carpen- i ^c, which he . tor's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, ifcc-, *tc Parties ta- \ Ogdeusburgh, April 26tlt,,lb55. voring us with a caU, cannot but be convinced of our SQ- ' perior fiicilitles for purchasing. A. WATROUS. . 1 Easle Block. 9-tf stopped. iSar^and S"ex i «nsSs'"^ U mved TO THsst.. scErBEn. T H E B O S T O N JOBESAL Insformany years confessedly Mood at the head ..f ILC Sli?^ to S f a s e th 7 e oireulauon by agenu,„r ,,„.. ,f ff rSalmeans, but because tt has pr^ed tob> -»., . . « «vSv tooral intelUgent man in the eoinn.i.. n> ''Ztt^Hh propriSy lnittoduce into h.» fam.lv om „. -.., ^elvDvhicSwren,andfrom ^'hieh he ml0.| •,,» ?S esttaattoin which H I hefd by the read!.,,; »,,, "'ft'is our p.irpose now tn greatly extend the arcuiauo, of tlie WEKIYJOWAI- Preparatory to doing Uu. » « have procured New and Beautiful Type, with which to print it, and heve .also ordered due ..f Sloe's Six Cylinder Fast Presses, „-ith which we can print FIFTKEX THOr'SANDO '!"• SiBHOlit This press wijl enable ns to hold Laos „;r.,rr,i< to -i VHT la"- hour for important news, and ;-'. r«ork off tbe«dtlion in season for the mails. With lh„ hnnroveinent in our prtaUng department, v,e bcheve we ™n Sre our readers as handsome a Pinedas h- prlnu-a ... Mm:! •Ma W J3H IS PUBLISHED i T OODESSBtrEGB, ST. L BV EIWVIW Editor i Of«ce?in Xeleg« a t pord ana '* TEEMS pV To MaU-and Office Sub always in advance 1c BATES OF OneSYJOSte. one week. p. pa •&>• two A " " Pt, do. three <\(h 1 00V da one montlu 1 Do. do. two do 1 •fifty, do. three do 2 pa. do. six do 4 po. do one year. * iJ column, one month. 2 One column, for three mc year Business Cards, of & lint priate bead, with privtle-, Advertising under contra Advertiser's own business, at the rates established by m MORSK UNION TEL r>r: ASD VERMf T E I. E « K OFFICE 41 GBAOT OGDEN.' Business for all parts of promptly despatched. ron£dential. OrWe hn 1-tf Tacks. 8ADDI.EBY. ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN Coach Hardware, and Coach Lamps and Bands, Springs, Axles, Stump Joints, Dashes, Cnrtain Frames, Pat- ent Leather, Cloths. I>aniask, Plush. Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloth Carpet, s. Seaming Cord, Tufting Nails, Pop * 'lead Nails, Screws. -"- CT- _ ! \ t is, and will te. emphatically _ LITERARY EMPORIUM 4 jri)^< IN Attorneys and Ogdensbur Office. S.. - l-t_- l Boscrrs w. j. i.--^ N it is, and I A fr-AUall-V NEWSPAi'ER.. We intend that it sl.ail be a complete record of the ofthongein which w Glv a.itl that the atteliti\ M reader oflts pages stall be abl.-to gath.-. fro,,, ,(,.,„ mi reau. | a b l t i u r„ rmll tkm of every event of in.rr-.-. accurate and re.iable iufon in potlU&s the arts and «c-lenc- Uice, Tufts, ._. . Peons, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory k... Ivorr Side-Handles, Ivorv and Bone Slides—together with | all other descripllonsof ba'ddlery. A llbei-nl dlseountmade . to tho trade when a quantity is required. u l ftr and New Books B0.tr A. WATEOUS. t OI1 n a n o emprises mauy nep I „,„„„„ which, we otTer the followihg ,„ p.,..„„ 1* and r.-lu,- this country ami in foreign lands; an d that thoy slwi * -rlier day . . . To collate this in'teHiseiic TTLLKY & BKpTnER . ; constant!j J -jeceiving fn>. id Boston, all tho .new and flons of tub day. Their uic . „ „ ^ „.,„, ... ining, at any early day, al theJ£V- I raiAi.r jaa c, pnbUsheo, are " n ««? a V" w^tkl ' wSrk requiring not only a i mauv new and valuable * orks, , « orl ; 1 J n \ (!lirs - llf „,«.*». r-r-^, A M constant!j J -receiving from, New- tWyn ^ m 'FublicationB fur obbiinln; separate the wheat from the chaff, sent It to the render in a conriMw. ' great espenditure of i We have tl. ' haff. and u, arrange a,,. .and intelligible ftf .1. M. Attornc), < -s hi- Citi-.- atvnt.'.n s" ; .--its p.-.tr'.nag^ rj^~ < >nV<., corner OGDENS Attorney and OFFIt'K IN" L 1 ,. I ..v.-r It .v T . NE-ss, to prepare the n . H. Drugs and He II dirt! place more confidence. Ogdenabnrgh, July IS, 18.VS. !>. N. S!li:UMAN, M. 1). RKAD THIS. CLOTHING! TH0SHAS D. SHINNER H AS HI.tEIX l.U A VERT I.AteGE stock of 1 Spring and Summer CLQJRglNG, GEOtcrrow^. Oaltfurnia. -Jan. 14, 1^6. MR. II. a- HiTUPHBET— Dear Sir- U b but Justice to vou that I stat* u f.-w facta relotfve to your Invaluable IlA^il OF ZANTHOUEA. (Jn leaving Ugderwbunrh 1 pro^ Ided mywlf with one small bottle, which, trilling as tt was, saved sev«*ral Individuals from death by cholera. ITiq cholera broke out on board the stcatia-r " Uncle Sam, after leaving San Juan del Sud. In Ita most mallg- nantibnn, and out of &5& passengers, *21fi died uf cholera. The disease was attended with Its usual symptoms, duir- rtiea,A^3. Tne phystehms on board s«emcd to Itavo no [mwor to check tho disease, I'tJnit trie! the Zanthorea up<m J. I* Rosa, of Martin, Otttrgia—whom the doctor comprising everytliing in that Jiue from | httd J' 1 ?^*^ 1 ,^* 1 ?^ r ^J^i".'L^^"^. 1 .^ 3 ,.^!!. 3 ^ - ". nd i"! 1 !?."/ tho finest ; ,, . . ! I continued ita UAC, and with the wunll quantity I had DRESS AND BUrilNKSS SUITS, grugrjist anir (tijmist GEORGE W. P1IILBR00K CHEMIST AND DRUG&IST, (jXTSTrlLL CAF.P.T ON THF. ArOTITECARr ^tg TT business, in all lnj bnmebes, at the old stand \B of L. B. MORRIS ic Ca, corner of E'ord and Qs>Ss>abella sxrcettu Ogdenshur^h f N. I ^ & ? ^ T ^ V ? S U , £ . 1 &* Seteft^;^ ?nnhe f ?'nIe7W b t^.r. n co C nn d Q>een, St wholesale or retail, and at prices '^ l «" Modioines and Prescriptions wdl lie d'^penscd In .. .. J - . ' | tlie n^ist carefuL neat, and accurate manner. Hoping by JOHN FitAJiKLaN," by Doctor Kape. , ^ ..^. ... ! " LIFli OF HORACE G REELY." bv rarti.n. amount of business in tl, I "AnTOBIOORAPIIY OF PJT. BARNUM," -written and tlie variation in prices: a separate art.ee I by hluiselt ' M.IXKV MAKXKT. or.fl;...! r. ports of th.- Rngi.l. ) "MY COirRTSHIP AND IDS OOK8EQU1CNCE8," I Cambridge CATTI.T: MAEKKT": the NEW V.TI, < I by Heury Wykoff. ' " " '"' '''' "- "'•• -'•• ••> •YIVA'MA'Y," bv MarvLangdbn. 'ROTH HALL." by Fanny Fern._ PR0UTY & RINDGE, HAVE ON H A N D White and Ben- nett Glue, Irish Slue, Uptou's Thin Glue, I ft \ "TOM CROSslSLB 'AN*D"H'is",FRrENDS." by Samuel • Lover, author of Ilandy Andy, .fee. This work is said tn ! excell any of Lover's previous productions. 11 . genuine wit and Immor. MABKET: SHIP N EVV S. AC Tl,e_-c report are a., pr. bv men of large experience, thoroughlv ..mv. rsa: the department under their charge, and the} are lied ll|«.u bv thotlsand.s of merchant- ana trnoers tl,: on" the cou'ntrv. to gu.de then, ,.. their PLr, has- Blue, dry and low. Marine ( that defy competition. Call aud sec riiOUTY it, RINDGE, Ford Street, Ogdeusburgh, N. Y. full of | sales. , ' Tho LITERARY DEPARTMENT wilt.i:!':, views of and extract* from advance copies of $>< i^ued by the h-itdimj pub.ishlng hout>ta> tUrou24i-. The country. 1 n ll.i- way the n-adoi> <>f tho ,I»>t RN A: . rilVies." 1 cream of the Literature of the oontitrv. and art- "THE VIRGIN QUEEN." 1 by J. Frederick Smith, au- , to MJ1«CI from the flood of new books i-su.-d M.. L n. tlior of " Woman and her Master,'' •* Fred Yemon," u Mln- \ may deMre lor rhoir cer.tre tabic-- or tbt- vhelve.-, y' nle Grav." &c. ' i libraries. "A VEAU OF T H E V A C by Adam G. Pc Gurow- In the MISC'F.LLAXEOrs DEPAKTMF.NT « 6ki. ' j mako provision for the enti-rtnipmetit :HI>'. iri-tru' *-— -" l-t^ct in-itni. Anv ! our young friends Ut* chiulr ?nmno wn mm uuww. "THE SEVEN POOP. TRAVELERS,* 5 a Christmas Story, bv Charles Dickens. "A VILLI ON," by the Author of "Olive," and Ogfl vies. M _ 1-tf with the liand-made' Ii*rom eaty or windy timber, this uvr v. - £ r»f Kr«.«l Gtnolu- ' loacM"* worts more like(a thing of life than any machine to absorb It3 revenues tor ptrvatS 6muiu^ ( wehavesee(L The rMr<g process works on a true prin. eipltf, giving the timber more ease in riving than the band power, and rivus tiittb'ortiml cannot (w riven by the old process, with the greatest case and perfection, always shaving from bntt to {>oitit with a true tap«r, and jointing each shingle a* It passes Salong, let tho width bo what it may, and will say that wo have never seen a piece of ma- chinery take a piece of though board and Mulsh It so com- pletely in one operation.' Yours truly. >Sp«ffl" 3®rn§B, Holbrook, Corey, Cnrtfa, CCOOJM, Peck, Kussolh. Leslie, Orannis, Hack us, By order of the rotate Council J. W. BARKER, President (Broaritt^.Sreblsions. 11a .SPEAB EALFin l^swjsfio, l C j t ^ SI, ;SM. E. F. VAnenAS. Eocliesier, N. Y.: » Sir,—I have vvorfced opo of your Morrison Shingle ifa- chines in this town since July last, and it has more than' answered your recommend as well as my exiwetafions.— It has been visited by utfudreda of men, and all pronounce It tiio Jjes't machine fur ip&nulactnrlng rived aud shaved shingles {hey a«ij£ saw- ' I have often mado tifte«n hun- dred In fifteen mlnntles,' and uui do ttany timo under tuvornble clrcumstancesi and many enquiries arc marfe, where they can be obtained, from Canada Lumbermen, as well as other parts. J have mado shingles from plmv dfifjjrr, hemlock, sprucCj.,asb and chesnut timber with equal socccsi In fact, aiiy timber that will split will work as wej} In this ptanblno. Trulv, to the lowest grade. His Ion" expemnre in the pnrchise and and sale of tho above kiwi of Goods, ena- bles him to offer them at tho LOWEST RATES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. BROADCLOTH, CASSLTflERES; &c. A LARO E A N D STBrTul4l>1 D assort- rrrentof - ' ' ••*"'* FINE BLACK , , : . -, AND COLORED BROALKLQTrlS AND 0ASSIMKRES,- mv astonishment, ^ heo, to an hour or two, tho diarrhea , was stopped, and the patient fast recovering. I continued Its UM', and with the Miinll quantity I h w-iU» mo. saved the lives Of S!T Individuals und had I been E ntvlded with aau(h>knt quantity. 1 l m w n.> »li»ubt or esitatlon In saying!I could bsv« saved the lives of a hun- dred persons. l I most v°nlbilly rpcoinmeod its ceneral u.w; fi>r with the Barm of Zanthotva, cbol.-ra aud diarrhea i^re cobbed of WHITE LEAD. 2 TONS PUIL. PUKE WHITF, LF.AD. 8 - PURE FRENCH ZINC IN OIL. By PKOUTY <fc EIJSDGE, 1-tf Bruggiats and Apothecaries, Ford Btreet OILS! OILS! -g d\ BARKELS B. WHALE OrL—5 BBLS M. \J> Solar Oil—5 Bbls. Machine! and for sale by :ry Oil. Just received PBOUTY i RINDOE. strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of pat- ronage. Just received direct from New York, a fres!.i supply of w liUPOBTED Drags, Medicines, and Cnemicals. LUBIN'8 QEN. TERFL'MEKY, HAIR. TOOTH, AND NAIL BRUSHES, SOAPS, POMADES, ' UAIR OILS, COLOGNE WATE.KS, ic A full and complete assortment of 1'a.lntH, Oils, I>ye-ytuffs, just recch ed andtorj sale cheap, by ~ ski. The above comprise a few of; our latest armaL Any j our young men as— ui* vu**v:r..- Book not on hand, procured at aweek's notice, at the pub- , latc.l to improve the inir.d ami 1 lisher's prices. A share of public patronage Is solicited. j entertainment for ,hc jiassing ho v.. an Ml<,/.i,fiTire's Tilock. | feature in thb UeparUnent. 1 ston - pro,. No 8d, Mechanic's Block. Ford-Stoet, Ogdeusburgh, N. Y. goots antr ^\m$. ill. I \THE BOSTON OA5S.V ,SO£H>AL. doming or Evening edition, as niay be desirrd. > ^ ' to subscribers by mai'. in any pan ->r the 1'i.u. •'. ~-L r ^ for Six DOLLARS a year. By m<-ans of our FA«T ['RK [ we are able to keep tlie forms for the DAILI .lo' K^, veral honr-^ later than any other dafl> p;i|» * a 1 Dy. -—iiff-. " ItentJ-t*" I'll' '''TV Drags and Sled ' Var.M-li. &,- . ».-• i, , : I'OKD • Door a!. \- A V-. V\ « t;»(K I:KI!> Fruits and Nuts ,'LHl.s T Aaron's >FM 1 t^ - ( ash pu GEO. W. PIIlLBEOOK. all tlieir lerrors. Yours trulv, 11. M. FAY. B RUSHES.—PAINT BRUSHES, Willi _ _ Wash Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Wall and Paste B^J, a.l'OJJ t »<<; CXTltAtTS, a superior ar- Brushes, ArtUt, Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly Jp tide for lees, Illai on hand and (br sale by PEOUTY 4 BlNDQE, prepared and auid bv F l llcle for lees, Illanc Mii.me, l'les. Puddings, tfcc- Uf.O. W. VHILBROOK. Druggists. W. McCLEAN. P s.-The Nicaragua sti^uuer K'neb Sum left San Juan del t^ud early In September, lai>6. ^r . _ _, \ ._. , VALUABLE SPRING MEDICINE! > RETFORD'S : comporivn ciiAnioiniLE CORDIAL. T kfe PE01itl'A.R MEnlcrSAS fROPERTUS . of UiU.preparatlQn ilumaud the attention of ail who labor under (Xtitlirjrestiofl, Dym>cp»ia, AVt'rtluicss, aud,-GeneTal Debility, dec. ^\» a tpniciiu4 restorative, .tt stands unrtvqtled—lnvlg. TO ARTISTS. A RTISTS' BRUSHES, ARTISTS' TUBE Paints, Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, «fcc_ a large and full assortment constantly on hand and for sale, by PEOUTY & RINDGE, 1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries. AND FLORENCE C OK!N ST A l t ( ' 1 1 , Manh£aotu.'-ed expressly for Culiuary and Dietetic purposes—a large lot just re- ceived andforsale by OEj». W. PIIlLBEOOK. C OX'S CIKLA T I M K,—Stronger than Isinglass,.! ftvr making Jeliy. ' ,F^ QRENCK WHITE _ Ynrnbja, Wblte French Zinc ground in oil. Parts S-feon, Paris "WhitE, VhiUng, Putty, &c Call and see us beforo purchasing elsewhere,,a» our stock: 13 large, and most be sold. PEOTTT AUlNDGE, l>ni^rUrta. most 1-tf 10 1-tf FLUID. BARRELS BURNING FLUID-JUST received, fresi aud good, at PBOUTY ic RINDGF/S. For sale bv OEO.W. PHILBROOK. CAHPHENE. B ; * .iiEAnr STOCK > O F ' « B « - A.OEBIES J0ST BECEIVED ST A sweet covjutry Lome, witli, fpsgs i ^Tftjavw-uffer ta the SOADE tho largest stock of Ever'^ronght to Notjhem gs» T*?^.- Q" l .U" largo^stock are prep lionevsucifies trained to cliral> o y e p i t ; 1 «t T E A wo purchased at Qio auction ajto la Boston . - . , . ^ vt ' I and New Sorb Our T O B A C C O S wora«)msnuS"> W ttll good taste, iateltlgejlCfi ltjt<l 'fieauty ' -> " - ' « «™ •« thn nast summer, and wo will sell within ; toil enough to ujsaafcftjhfi*^. aQ d ieisure enough to «jv^ajecpaSiitflnce with books and flowers, t and the lovliness W na* tore -, with r^aeej plenty and love, is^rrely one of die paradises which Heaven has left ioi- tbe attainment ol man. Fruit Stealing. tared expressly-fi)r ns tho past'rammer, and we wui sen them lower than liny house in ther cttjv Our stock ol STDOJIJCS were purchased bofbre.tbetost rise, and we spared tojpve our custom,era^bargains, Qor stock of , PROVISIOJ^S Llt^igB^^nsfegnjgofJppRKsi F4LQXJU, WLM,Xi ^•we'will sell tow. ,., ( T43WfcJ—Yonnfr Sysfe, 1 Ryabh Skin; rrwahtay, Gun- powder, toeriaX Op&ng, Souehpng, H t o u i g . , _ C^fdct-^MiGo^ruineni ^ ^ White Java, Elo, St Domingo. . ,. ' Suffjfcrs.-^^Tewi Grleani, Mascorado, Piirto Rico, Crushed, Powdered, Coffee Crushed, in, hogsheads and j barrels.- - ""•'• ""' ToI»acc«)»«~Honey Dew, Aromatic, Chewing and' Smoking. -•---,* ' ^' ' "-•—AJ~J»—>. Ttrin.h^fn.iuMknirs^Bsrd. ,te?srEajt'i „. ! Pale and'Browil,' lb SS^StSi^BSSSiSSUs^ Mould. fSS£r-iSS. Eta, Onrt Mse&BEal a a d ^ e r r i h g a . lurrants. and Hlghwlnes, Brandy, Gln,.t?ina^ »-tf [From the Country Qeiitletmu..] There is scarcely a cultivator, x>( fine fruit in tlie country, who has not Dten an- noyed by {hut-stealing/and the loss of some new and rare specimens' of 'kinds which he has procured, at ^e^t pains and expense, and ;wstched over for years, is s much greater loss than iftfoaeJ^feiS been stolen from his pocketbook. We haye not ^i^ATTdrderaDroiimu: seen any card on the subieet mere to the - V vErll'?©- & MORGAN point than the followina, -which, has just .^ ^ntei; street, OgdoralwghrJj -J- fallen mto our hands, and which wag printed ^- « ~±^L- &ai posted up, as we are info^iH^ Ivithe - deciiadly beneficial results. Dr, "W^hippo, its author, has long held several"'distin,-, guishea offices of. trust in PeTjnsylYani^ andamong the rest that of Chief Engineer- on the canals,.of that State i^-r "Men, wriirien imd-Dtiia^Jj^r^tp.sajLl, a^ordtoyon. I mean yote ^ljbicflfmB into my otckzid, especially on^.-p^naay^. and carry off my fruit. Of what? *neitt will jou rob,.^21ISK» BUTTER & CHEESE BOXES. 1 BrE.4C4^CJril»£R^^«ANKFDT. wt-r BL-TCEE AND <?IIEE8E DEALERS, -AND DA1KYMEN OF NCjRTHEEN N. Y. OJ CANADA, That wo can supply you with ROXES of the Qrst quality on reasonable tdrms. %3B~ All .orde*s.direc}ted to the subscribers will receive I our particular attention} I BARROWS & PACKARD. Canton, H, 7„ J/u[}8[]0, JSM. 17-4mp ' SPLBl^Qm LOT QF "ISTEAV": a O O J D S ! ATE.. T.i SWIFT & CO.'s New Store, 76 iFbrd-sit., corner State. W * A R B N & W BEC£IVINQ Ot'H • O o t ^ l f o m flue. B E S T l i i K D F A C T O E Y In tho Country. Thd irdori hro 'rjuxle and Cn«d» selpetad with great care as to styw atid jtorabBIty, .Our Stuclt is varisd frtrmtbo BEST TO ffliTcBEAPEST. VE HAVE LADIES' QAIEEE8 from $1 to »S£u; MISSES AND CHILDRENS' BH0E8 from 2a. to*1^0; LADIES' FtfTE BOOTS fron>»t to »S; LADIES' 8XIP8 from Is. to $1,60-: LADIES' BUSKINS from •64. to »J,76;! BOYS' AUD YOUTH'S SHOES from. Os. to ti<W; MEN'S SHOES AHD QAITEB&from , , JL2S to *o! MEN'S BOOTS * fro4 $2,00 to »9,oa of English, French and tfurmau mauufaeUl'bisSnefirorronrJSrbijiaie prosirat»4tate ! of tb'o wrastitu- l-t T O i ,e, ear. ' v-t»ri' " "—T^VJ*-. ^ aa —tmpartlnj. an ooergy to the gtomacli, which fortifies . -%„tl ~ LUTO, JtlSl rectnvua. the system against r4ie change of season and,clunato, and | should be In the possession of all whb travel. ?%OdH .Vlso a In r e p ns«r)rt Sn.K, MARSF-rLL/KS, ami other styles of VKS'rjNt.sj which will be made to order at short no- tice, MR. MURPHY still stands at the cm- ling-board, whicli ii< a sufhcicnl guatantv that all CUSTOBI WORE will be promptly and satisfactorily done. Dealers and the public are invited to call and examine the stock, THOMAS D. SKINNER. Oguensburgh, April 19th, ISM. 8-tf UIOUlu OU ill Cue |>vc»e(»iou >>• u» »uw u » . s - . ^ J.3b>X«»Uej) U^<t,os!nilOT.v'ifecnmt*tnS.iiMrtAltn-dl6Se " complaint, and exigencies peculiar to the female sex. lL.has Also-been ibtrod a «uro prQrentarl^&'Of A O UE. Prepared ahd kold, wholesale mid reririt by II. S. HUMPIIBEY, Chesiust and Druggist, No. 2, Eagle Block, Ogdensburgli, N. Y. 0-ly ALDEH VIL.AS. "BOOTS k SHOES, ALL SEAS0N8I No. l O F o Street. ALDEN~\*ILAS Is now prepared to offer to his customers and th.6 public, a vejj largo and oamprchenslvo StoA of^BOOtS nnd SHOES, direct from the best roanniac- turcrs, which, with his own ~w6lI-known manufitoture, constitutes the most varied and assortment to be found In city or country. ' " 1-7 H BARREL OR GALLON—AT- PBOUTY Ic RINDOE'S. NOTSDET w HAT'S T H E U S E IN BEING SICK? -r-" Kennedy's Medical Discovery " can be had of PROOTY i RINDOE, Druggists and Apothecaries, . p^r.1 ft*«„»> Ominnsbnnrh. N-Y. A L L O N S BOILED LINSEED'OIL— t,,ive,laudfor l5 a| ?) ^ Y & m y m ^ Dnuj^ists and A[>othecartea. B ARRT f S TKICOPHEltUS; Loret ! e "Wahpene; Lyon's Knthairon: Bogle's Eluld; Hurd's Gloss: Jayne's Tonic; McAlister's Oil; Rosemary and Ostor OU, for the Hair- For sale bv 22t£ GEO. "W. PHLLBEOOKU J UST RECEIVED, AT GEO. W. PHILllROOICS Apothecary Store, an entire new stoek of Drugs, i Medicine* and Chemicals, and Fancy Articles, which are warranted of the pure&t quality ; also, all the Puu-nt Med- icines of the day. 84-ti thus not unfrequently to publl-h important t:t-"'. !-.,•, TWELVE In TWENTi -KU'K It < H KS IS AllVANi E, Tt'-- a' erage circulation of the DAILV .IOCRNAL is tnor> i:m i double that of any subscription or two cent paper pL .ist- ; ed in Boston. ' THE S E » W I ; E K L Y JOIIOAI, containing ail the reading matter of the Daily—;- ;-.:- ( ilshed XujuaiiA'a iaid EKHJAI mornings, at rotTi v< tw a year. ? B O S T O N J O U R N A L . FOR CALIFOUMA i is printed on the 4th and 19th of each month. f.>: ;:• . •.; ! by the steamers»of the Sth and 20th. It i* made u; v ... j the greatest care for the information of New EngUun ' in CalffOrnia. Over TWELVE TTJOI'SA.VD COPIES a nu".: | are rtow petit there, which is a much larger eireula:"•:. than any other paper printed in tlie Atlantic States 1,^.- It i:- mailed at tbis office for six <"I:NTS a copy. A i- .-•-.'. dollar can have one each of sixteen nuinU-rs one they :iiay desire. w - Pr- .1.1 >^0. 76, FORD STREET, GUbert's Block,!-^^ Corner of Ford and State fStreeta, nearly opp^ite &-AQ'TOH mid Xetctmen supplied u*Wi nthtr the SL Lawrence Hotel, I zJiUon of the Jol QNAL, on th* most liberal t+rth* OGDEXSBCBGH, N. T. A : IARGE SCPPLV OF BRUSHES,SOAPS, Pomades, Farina, Cologne. Cold Cream, and Aman- dine for Chapped Hands And Lijis, Hair Oils, Bandoline. Toilet Vuiegafc'Shund's ,Uabaster Tablets, Chalk Balls, tat, etc., just received by GEO. "W. Pill LBKOOK, fti-tf , Apothecan- i Order* for either of the editions of the.Iorp.Nvi inn, I be i> VAUIAULV A. coui'ANiEn by tire CAbH. and ^o^,. 1 . tv having i- moved I mMrcwed to CSUBI.ES O. ROGERS. .peciflod,). where tliey wdl |-;'.;P con.- | ,0 STATE STREET. BUSIMS .... .. ,!„„, , h T.OW1-.ST 1 I.ICEs, I Bostoni Dccem> , S», O U U jiisttccolvcd andibr Sale by r PRQUTV 1-tf 4 BINDGE. cornplo; OgdeS sburgh, March 1, I860. SHIP CHANDLERY, ^ : B t A N l X L A AND.s3!AREEft ROPEy. y3akntD»PIt«A.Tar,Bo6iu, ondao-.asspct-- ' of small wnres pertalDtog^to *he T ^ ^nidiflse^^PWBsi' csB early 1, . -- tr f . In fact our Goods and prices * .W,o juallrocolvo-JIE'W' tfOODS •or to; hBTo tbo ttUeleS when cslMd^ MaySS.lSt^- , | , . Ill unitftbwants of aU. ~ ~ " ~^I/Tr »ndendeav- 14-tf " GAHGERs! CAJT,' BE GII^ED . WJXlf^ffT TBS KSIgB! JACOB AARON Has Just received a splendid Stock or READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of the Newest & Latest Fashions! F o r S p r i n g a n i l S f u i u m e t r Wear! -sucn AS- DRESS ANP FBOCK COATS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Made np from tlie best Cloths which the market affords, and in tho most approved styles, and warranted well inade,nn<lat prices so low as to defy competition. Ho has also a great variety of VESTS, of the newest Patterns, such as WHITE, BTJFF; FIGURED, STRIPED, GHBOKED, SILK and SATIN, rof all colors aud grades. TO THE TRADE. VILAS' ARRANGEMENTS WITH riutacturers ara..spxh as to enable B00T8 anrTSHOES to the Trade »ot tho smallest advance from tnamilhcturers' cost Mmxchd, 1856. •• 1-y 1 1 , . * ^ - CJOLJE L E A T H E R , OF PESIEABLE QUAL- S5- ITT, alio, Frem* Calf Skins, at 1-7 A. VHAS', No. 10 Ford street <jix l > 0:, ' s EAW LINSE&D OIL— nstrccclvcd and'Ihr Sale by _ I P^QUTY^* RUS D E 3 I A U A > ' » 1 ' L O U t K N C E VABS1SH A large supply lust received, and ready to be sold to the first man Uujt calk , PROUTT jt KINDGE. J APAN FIVE BARRELS JUS*T BECEIVED bv ' n-trl PBOUTY & RINDGE p-tf] JOCBZET CLUB, .Ten^SK GEO. V ¥ IBM'S __ JL4 Boso^orajrjurnfllxipncjreju^wcot ScenteA Bcbrul*^ PATCHOULY . Scented Bcfaru' PHILBEOOK. their Stock of Goods from So. S2. to No. 7<i Ford Street, (.as above specified,)- where thev will V. stantiy on hand andforsale at the LOWEST 1 a large iissortment of BOOTS & SHOES, Embracing every variety usually kept for sale. Mich as LAIDIKS 1 GAITERS, MENS CALK IIOOTP, N o. i MJRKIXI;RE VARNISH- ThredBarreUj just received by PKOUTY & KESDGE, 1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries. R^^rsEAor DUENO'S 1 A W A & & & "*< , .- ..., - ,. ,,utW r Sli&rbust i -fSesa} beJTii.7|^c*ris(iltea iff those affllctolwitfi Cancers, I would spare more ^eT&et«pi3j.ilian my feB«, »iaere is r®tMngj|bal?" ' " " ' ^ riiticS fe_^, ...***—— feglftp to^ctee#iB&ISi% r < ^iv%|Mt»Wr^8^ a ^ _ ten I y^effiiiSjrssaTcni.iish Ttn>.tf«irti, tmrlEDgash Bt| . hoi, Postdered, Coffee Crashed, i, and, 9s ha doc: wa vm*. SALE A CHOICE i 'Ice^'iasii ifirrWeakjtlf'DIseHsCjI.Eyca, aiift times, eiflier *• ,r#? 1 TO?W T,A ?HiL -1,1'llMm '••- ••Htfb«W*r s < * * N ^ » « » « ? » « to~tb(j euro of Can ^GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS^ "«»,W - p ^- .".«.-- wbleh: .. _n be.iij jffirUiby gay,* ^ ^ ^ K - j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ anTTarionTldnfcorW^^SK^fYt; ioOJi^tv|| sl Tho4psons t S6yrup»T-Ste'waH'« Emu and eonnnofj, Molasses HCTr^r^sKPjm^Kl^^mdpgii!!^ &orHr thrT ^ye Vitbout 'Ynjuring tbo •withont lujurlug tbo health- " ^bi^rylhgjto'hlin. , to m£m-WSCB, Dekalb, fertoBbcl8a6> 0HAPIN,if9RLBnT & CO., Prpduee, ^oMn^iiqft ^'FjOrwarding jilerclituitsi ic- General Agents. Pants of every Description isdtafltts. PEOP^UWOBSof pNIOBLrNEofCANAL BOATS. Made from the best goods, sucb as English, French, Gef: tnanf tjnd American Cloths and Casslmf res, &s Ho bas every vnrlety orsnrnrnej 01o,(Blhg yon, inay call for, which- be will soli at the lowest Cash pjturc, at his old stand, In King & Averell's CmifltiS Block. FoidBtreet Ogdensburgh, N . T . . A great variety of Puraisalng,Goods Of "Elclmessi Eleganco and t?§yeUJr of Stylo,, He hss a largo lot of Boys'and Youth's READV-MADF. CLOTHING, of all Styles and Pattoms TEBSKS and V A L I S E S , of alfkinds and Prices. The public are rospcelnUiy Invited tOr'caJVa'n'fl.esinilno the- laiga BtoeK ori hand, oral they -wBT flntf Gteoas-wblch chnllonge tlie world to u comparison for durobllir/, variety of style and tatcolldnco of wprlananshljj, ' ^ ^ O A i t EA^Y^AHI>E^iarJ5*J4jfla. p . Remember the place, J. AAEO^MlOthing^Emporlunv Ayeriir* Block, 4li FotU-st, Ogdensburgl),N..Yi April17th| lSSo,' ' • ' n "• 8-tf A. ^ATROUST A. WATROUS. , SUCCES39K TO ' "**i.'-*AT%fos-*fjb.r » I ' I •«'. ' ••• I I. < •' Ufyojijai yip UBAWm W Vnpcr D^currTiop of Sbelt 'an* Heavy ' - - ' iBiw 'ret ' HEItBlN/Oi'S SALAiUANBEIl SAFES, Ransom &<Go?a Albany Stove Works, ^..Mw^GKAkl) "s^yf^B co., rvonTH-i DinviQ'S.JjoiHts. A C0NT1NVA.KCB OF <TBS PJLTAVXAGE 6f\ THE OLD FIRM 18 QOLIGITJSp, ^ 'J. ^cAlitslfeESF^K. % FOB SOBX ITESj DEsni'ESS, PAIN IN TBB HEAII, AKD TBI TOUQ OF CA^&SBi. JPJ^ee Tweitiij-ii'iiie Cents. Sent by m»U, go»f^ia(d,;t0j iby'tddress, on '" receipt Of SI cents,, m Stamps or Specie, "From"'the $epptof,{ti» j:> 3 - v \AT'•Proprietor *. JTanuMctnrer. %]& s » ^ssEj^^^AIJ''«' ,, *. FROM m OTHER CATAKBH.;SipPP« tSr^Krerj Box hasihe abdTe cstrfw " Trado MaiV' to atmicricn With, b FELONY. BT- For sale by PBODTY & EINB&E, sieeessors^to Jennet &Pro^,'0^en8bmghf^.T. ' «"-'7 The Best Spring Medicine is PHILBROOR'S MEDICATED LOZENGE*! F OB siprc HEAB-ACBE, LOSS or Appetite, Drowsiness, wlch so ninny experience at this season of the year. Try them. Prepared only by O. W. PHILBROOK, Corner of Ford and lsabelln Streets. AGENTS—Ross & Co., Madrid; S, .1. DEvoty, Wad- dtngton; R. D. BUKHITT and L. E. B. WISSLOW. Canton ; HootCEBd5CHAi'MA!>,Morristown; H.U2«Tet LAWS, Pot..- datn : Jous PlCKEXS, IleuvolUm. v Qgdonsburgh, Feb. '2S, 1S66. 1-tf SLIPS. BUSKiy-! I VI STATE . 1506. toUaneuiis* the i FRENCH & STEVENS, ii I!" »<m w<*fo •<**>*• y^^ 008 " ®EH«^ \t (HI jQUANTI- ' -^nicj£lowj)ric«i.J; SiStttWS. »&>iMttmFaiS * ilttutto .on, ttu^.:., »,.-S S3§ :/r. •<ia,«:fe-gj<- T bis beeVoytattttijf&nsolil dissolved:-andj A iSSBBaHBBfflr** 1 Containing "about. 4fi.0:-a*c»*,' < aliout He»?*3W»/&if»li«ia^i,«4»i i Farm, •" ~ T ^ U t r f t e vsluaW* W » r ^ y W c r J r o » « r t r t o tb*;vuT»»>: -of:ofteau»Kt>»wnm*.tb*'r^e^ nous*," rftaw«ttb <)«d^bur^*«H«fm'«HPl»uk line oM^jp«w»!in awC WA^BW,simm. v a,' «^%ntei|iwS^I»BkBoi>a. -p™ . ^ rship. novs & co. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. SAVE YOTIB T I M E — S A V E YOIIB F U E L — S A V E TOCB HEALTH I CONLY'S 5 SUPERIOR FAMILY SOAPS, MAKUTACTTTRKD AT OoDKNSBrrBOIt, NEW YoEK. HESE FAMILY SOAJPS aroipresented to public as tlie greatest Labdr-Sarlng Article ever discovered, and every .way worthy of the fullest considera- tion. They do the work of the " Laundry" in cold water, either Soft, Hard or Salt, dispensing entirely with Boiling, Pounding, Jfccl, consequently a large amount of fuel antl wear and tear of iclothlng Is saved, and not one-half the, amount of labor Is required to do the washing of a fiunlly. The tendonoy of these Soaps Is to soften the clothes and. remove tho dirt; in their use the hands are-mode soft, the complexion clear and white. Washing Is done by simply rubbing the Soap on the parts of clothes most soiled, and placing tbent in, water.suuicient to cover them; let thera remain a lew hours; then with a Blighl band-rubbing and good rinsing, they will be perfectly clean and beautifully bleached, und without injury to the most delicate" fabric The cost of 4bo&e Soaps is no- more than -those ordina- rily used.'. Bcstdes-thUytbe great wear oudlearof cloth- ing consequent upon tbo old method of band-rubbtng upon a board machine, pounding barrel, Ac., &e^ is wholly avoided; rind Fuel being entirely dispensed with, au im- mense saving is thus made. 38yapplymg*itl to Carpets, it will remove all Greasa aud spots of dVt without in tho least injuring their color oV- texture. MERINQES, SILKS, SHAWLS, &c, may be washed •with perfect safety. Cotton Goods, Prints of any color that will tide $n- water alone, ,wbjen washod.wjth these Soaps according to the' directions, T wBl not change, but re- main firm rtndtuo coloHVondereff'more pormnnent. For removing Grease from Floors, or from any article of Clotoing, it is. invaluable; and for washing Gilding, Mirrors, Maps, P( lotnres,Eurulture, Dishes, Lamps, Silver- Ware, &i~, &c,'itiS6uperlort3tury other Soap, leaving the goodi'Wft aud; free from any odor. gate, attention of •Woolen MauuuMjlure'rs Is particularly called to these (acts. ' •• l .! .' - - ' ' ... Let«ve^! person give fw Soaps a. trlaV-stbls J s ^ l we ask.- " i_ ' . "^o ( UHlECTIONS F O J B - U S E . f \ FOE -WHITE CLOTHES^-EnbU)(fcSoap,freelyonAl- .. - . _.-_.„. - - ' - ' - ^ - H e f t f o * b o u t s , . soiled spots, andi put them to soak from diitflo fdin^bouts,. I or over night; tbon Alth ,-a common haud-rubbmg aM I good rinsing, they vriU bo perfectly clcatn, uslng.only cold " TDlI.r.T SI.ITS, "' FANCY SHOES JF.NXT I.IXD TIK.-', CONGUKSS GilTUUS, SONTAG TIKR, WATER PROOF It.v. ITS, WALKING SHOES, GOARSF. BOOTS, iC. Also a large variety of articles in tbo Trade for MISSES,' BOYS,' YOUTHS,' AND CHII.lJltEN'S WtfAK, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF MJ'BBERS, The whole assortment havliip been selected v, !th tlte greatest care, will challenge comparisoni with that of any New American Paper a.t AiBAM. THE ALBAWTT STATESMAN. DAH,V» SEraa-WEEKI/lf, WEEKLY. G -VITKK? 1 * IC A 5« Party and its candidates ov thv Alb»t\ ?uv ' ' ; llwcLsLer, lia.*. rt-mb-rod the i->tablishm«*iit at the fMuK r^ esffitohmont In St Lawrence County. The long experience of ope of the both in Ogdensburgh, and at the East, acquaintance wife eastern nmnuiocturors, giya Win sup« rlor facilities *- { , " K — » ^ - i - ••' "- ' prices, and e competition. rlor facilities for purchasing tlie best articles at Uu- lowest . --• r^cet and enablUmtoa&M hisstoctat prices Umt defy <"ly ac«>mp!,she<l 1 .J.I ThaKnTIMMlV itol of another journal.—which shall deserve and nv the confidence of the party—a matter of panum-iir.; ne- cessity. To supply snch an organ, arrange in <-nt> tu^e boon made. n:»l Uu- now paper, undor tho aU-\ t :::.• «- bt- firht published on Monday afternoon. Uie24th "f M:irch, instant The STATKSMAX will be L«wued jn obedionce to'th. i:er eral sense and demand of the American Party in tiitr "-U'-f and Its maruureinent lias neen confided to hand- <<f -:• doubted fidelii>. and whoso ability is belie veil to b. d2*- quale to tbo trust Politically, the STATESMAN will support with \rhait-rr abilitv it pon-ess-os. and with earnest zeaL the riomi:.:i;;-^ of MLLLAKI) FILLMOUE for President and of A>- DI1KW JACKSON DDNKLSON for Vico I'residei.t •• the Ctilted States, believing that betterf nam," fur ill* high offices could pot be prc^-nted to tlie part\ a;i> :1J people. Ardently atta^lu-d to tho princiiilpr- ami ;«'.:'•' « . » the American Party, the paper w«ll advochte thctu :••:>•• onsly, earnestly and continually, until theign-at an-- wta. reforms demanded by the American orgamzatiou stia.. Groceries and P DI:V i." VT..uM '"a" at:. -: Sl«tin_' "f a e'-nr-a a--"ru ct nt.y purcha.-O' 1 . F'rom tbt - v . ! . 1 - ...'n»n'- nf that CU*t'»Ili fiTlllr!'J bt^t- faci'.itio- in ti'.- n-w. :-m.ii' faction a- ('•'riu.'r'y ^r- \\\ kinrivof Pr(*l Ogdcnsl i.rcb. Mar* .. ". GEORGE j. i Groceries k Pro Meal, Pork, F Ware. NO J!. I'.r.ANITr' (XUiKN-i {^-Ca--N or K', ..... '-- Go.rf.de.iver..' 1 «': 1 .lanuarv 3-:. i<* w. w Groceries, Fori Fish, Salt, an of I No 2 Main S'."-> ' ' ,M PO'! - f^Ol.LK'I'T So 1- Mi General Coi For the Sale ..f li " " Pot and Pearls Apple. Wo..!, a S. FOULET. II. li 1'..' —AI,Sd-r SOLE LEATHER,. CA-LE) K.IP, AND TOP EEKJNS - BIS DINGS, LINTKGS, SHOE XIT, FLNDINGS, I ETC., .ETC. In great variety, abwtholesaije and retail, at the low est liv- ing prices. „., ., p ft^* Their Stoct is eulhjery new, and comprises the Newest Styles, aud from the best ilanutaotuT.-s in the country.- ' 'I ^~ Eemember ihe J?lade: Jio, MI» Ford Street, Gilbert's Block, corner of State Street. E. IT. -SWIFT & < p. .Ogdensburgh, April 1(^ ,1^66. S-1y SkAtt mm. HATSy T HE ATClifi'i direct? fronfr. v the 2 SOFT PtTE and WpOOIj the Case or Dozen, at tb;| •wishing to purchase hats on us, bare tbe la Boston or New York, am 1. Ogdensburgh, April HATS. !S ARE RECEIVING rsctarers, 5O0 «loz. of T8, which they will sell by ery .Lojves$ Figures. Those ell again, wit! do'well U, cai: it-Stock of:Hats this side oi e will sell them very low. IE. &-T.-C.-'ATfJKESON. .6. . ' 8-rJ" riTWHHS-sil-J«SGItIREKS HAVl 71 JL qSElBAX HORSE, 1 yeariold, . Sjuridjauu one'Double Harness, altnQs^J .. .new, also one large^double jaarro^'or'* 1 Dragg, one good Plow; ana: iDbUulo ,'TCagoJliiwJjlch tbey will sell cheap. Terms of payment made n Ogdjensbuxgh, April 7th, J858. ON.., - . T-tf FOR SALE, jraUnaHe,W|gRpB|i|«t^ps^T.ene«s,Ldia lr->«tatl>lloUttl, LIVIJT Cowjlaint, Heart m t|ce, . •-• wij0iEHN'n*V« F0EKEDA , _. a » I » to* »»ii«e»nd firm of ProftT , to oarry <* th* Pahrt arid Oil, andDmg anrfl *••"*-•" -*H»» '»nfaw twoneW-vOttas ol* 1 H.T. " HfwBJiihiii 1^ ' M&B&mi- the ^nUmsmmm 9g&*n*tmxgh, •ellOTsiitiing* (to i ^ « 5 ^ M S « » « r upon MfavofabW t«rm.ss"CTgS^,flrW.r'Flourlng Mill S t t e '• ; i^8f4-w «• rrii•&-uiJ*»\ 1 i | S f ,fe?i'.' g ,'WYtp^*fs : «i m^OTfrsma}.''- B d S | 2 p l N Q AND MAHOGAJSY-s^lSasfcia weak'suds K, ^|ufwttMiciotb^aTiitiw, « m. -,«' .—TTarnii w g e r can be nsed tfdetire$t> s ^_ ThajstttotiotLOf TOioTosale and Kefaul estabjlsu-' riientsIsriaraotu^rr^fiiiufeatoahoseBoBPs. (,'• K.F#^erby<5»ceraCTqej¥By.A<j .• " W-. f All orders promptly amended; toyby •-••-• .'-E. B ; A t t E S . ^ s o : " ' '" A&.K* ty&m™^^. -ITIBiMI fl*"" G|0OD M'iLcH COW, 1 M B %_W 3 yenrB Wd. Terms of payment made j " ' B- & T. C. ATCHESON. tJOgrren5btrrgirjA!i>rilTrti|I8a(lr ••••-•&:- ~-sj.it iwTork; hizih HOOTtiifc ?il**i^1|-*'*Ktl«g|^t*»i,*A»i', ] »»Slf-i5o^*'^S^tWK^. •»»*;-; i|M.*|whil.ja#kV«iil«M*P»t i **t«• •: **» . - < - y,', . - , -' l; Oanvm, 8t r**. CrvS. V." TrtfTS^^gr.'-aTi'.'VpWj.f ^fcl A tlLLAOi LOT rOR r^ IfhiA&B. r*Ai» *•««• «•»».« isjuai«»*-ji3jjKii •L^T^maJaokMiaCeuBrTimber; arsoforGakanaTifm-i •y»rMfc<b^lr«4^-S^<o*pSio^avMve|^ dimsbrjrgb'Morln? KaWDT Campmv'ti.mj^f^L 1mA Iiulbrmflon,»toJuATlfysnvtjI^Mi«%o'^^ iRICIK|3|^p#| BRI0K1ML Sraie?©ufcS^er*'»iia^6Tubltr^ I j o k v t l»M«K.'anaae--JA^: 1 »Mso<-*itiiTcstra eaS i2^^^^^iS2?'P««^^^iT^« * to 15 !!!* ...... aHANDELISR FOR •^tjirt'- v*~r*---V"-:?WL3>'~& "l*MI O^^.T^I.^,^' The STATESUAS will be published rigidly on the (.ASB SVBTEM, at the following rates: Daily paper, per annum, in advance $6 00 Semi-\\"eekly *• " 2 *»o Weekly M «' .. s. 10i» The STATESMAJJ will be of ample dimensions, and wii- have no superior among the papers published at Albau. in mechanical execution, or as a vehicle of general tisteifl- ii gence. It is the design of both publishers and oditors w ^ render the STATESMAN not only a worthy champion of tb* jp American Cause, Its principles and candidates, but al>" ai %_ acceptable Journal to the general reading public. Ail orders must be accompanied with the ruon*^. aDii J addressed to MUNSELL &*Co. 'f: Proprietors of the Albany Statttniaa ;.. 7S State Street, Albam £ ALBANY, March IS, 1S56. ' % The urrdersigned take pleasure in recommending the g; STATESMAN" to the conildenceaud support of the Americaa; ^ ofthv Stnt^;, and unite In expressing the hope that a.^ the | C-entral Journal of the Party, it wilt enjoy a wide circuia- F tion. J- T. HBADLEY. g L. BUEBOWd. STEPHEN CLARK, s. a WHAIXON. 6^m N. S. BENTON. inxmkxt Wkm-%m\$, i H. F. MILLARD'S FtTRHXTURE WARE-ROOMS, | No.,57, AyxEEii's BLOCK, FOKD-STEEKT, (np STAIBS.) T 55E Subscriber, who bas bean , long a resident of Ogdensb''.rgK, aud is familiar wrifii the tasb?s of its cit- 4-5-5--^ teens, worjia^ayBto^tiiem^diat'jcts no* ...recelyingpfjom Boston -and -New.Torlt,.ji (General AssortmetiUof Ilasriiorjabio F omiture ' among Tvbicn may be found . t ;OOTOip: & : €Oi its, of every varietr Soppgg raa^to-I%5ra>rf:''j,ogaay and "WuGiut Iforbte-top, Center,Janoy '^ side-fables. and Book-Shelves, of the latest styles. . Ifobogany jtnd.aS-jcE ^Walnut Genter,- and Card- tables.. QuartettetSoS", ana Sest \T»bIes. ' Mw^ogony e^d Black.'VfoJr^^arlOT.^lli^js of va- Mahop-iny Frepch. B s ^ M g a a a S J S p J b e a «od- com- mon ijedBteads: togeaSr \v«3f "a 'onolMSssbrtinent of L * o l t i n K G l a s s e s , i s i t b fiUtand-a&hoganEftames. &cnoice-Wof best EngUsb;mir ^asrSBfWdagood i supply of Cane-seat Eoctog,Dlr4rjg,Ma.r^arlrjri0halrs. ..b-. Jt^.-.M. irratfuiSc'tures and b:eeps SraySoalBiSd » .good supply of.IJasEea.asj Boofc^CaseafcaWmag lad •Pettmirt^, light and Wasb smimgme&st wttt, *Kft -n,v«>o««^vin«..e of artlolca ustiuuy^uitd|&2 tb» {-^-rart.e- c'l-i sale through -hern « advanw'N w„e . re-, husines.^- ar'l*' amount of tra ihey iss.u ^ ',' '•'"" the'produce M:.-l.'- which will be -."' '- ' CA1.V 'WQOLESALE Dl Woolens. Tall-ir'!- T Readv-made l.Li'11 Ford-sjxeet. Opiensl- J.'AI ,, Variety and MEC1IANI'"* I oOD WILL Whole Ready-Ha Cassimere«. Vestins Wrappers. Cravat Clothing. No. 86 MEC i-y ~ EM Man Hats, Ca Lsdles' and Gentler Children's Fancv sortment of tt- Cash paid f Pete, at the old sta Ogdensburgh. M » Hat, ( F0ED 6TKEE1 Alwavs on hand, Caps, of everyd. Muffs. Eur Gloves rtnes. ChUdrenSI than can be boggb -eW Store No. m Ma, Trtti the Wholeeatd.-,-. ~ best fln^.FrttiiStJrre Woie-reoms. iraspr, KSV»S stt,. {JQgKBS. .0*, S^TjfcSfraist-,. .OGPESSSjIlJr&tKHvflf., IE, - . ,- JSk, r«y,'»btTO-gaoaH^wGafrIagfts,ima<»reIulai,fl J^^t^ft^hjjrjijr. bq bbb^ir^-AVf^ftourMifUieday Betel, or at tboiOfflcoof; tbo Stablei tviU bs watterl upon m»Ua1ratt"li»lt5eppll*naTS^%Bpijl the St. Xawreuco Coaqbi-i-Faie, Twenty«fv< .passenger. - -^--»««aMs. ! ^rl«5Ai»r and tdmalea. .Orders ftoin. tk* Mrtntrysuppliea »t a mo- ] tt>®ses ^Ptlp^ A HBA'SSIS and pei^ral attendioce to frff-Wft: v.. ' :.-' p 5bgr^jHigehlst,lS55._ to t ^l !!y?a *^' 'IvlSVft^WMQEl ttt TO ;f..WTlmaa*t*lrffl : f Sfattioniftlfii J.«eefe»ny. MasKj. sprlrnc 'i%i ittoa.Itakfitblsi: BS-WflirSs'*' "*•* ' '"- Etmo& sfetatiietfTiiiitElriit'c Ipfitil Fife MG DEPARTMENT, Anas5ortnicnt;,ofFJsIc?js*ate] Bools, S' FOEBST HIUM SO - TA Taaae 1 Sboema' PATEN" Riitafil£ •oqldTespeci J TB,tU«tb6* |n Oentis aeWrSptUw of t sb^EarMc *B8: Lawrenrjei iOAl ^s»% ^v^ 4 b

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PI ?'t«JKH»H

1 r^^JSEJi^SJfJ^^v^^SK^SSn sss^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^Sn^nSSSCS3ISI3rF

&S4; _^ S, ^ — -4 , , —


^MXtpfljfryg^4m- Wizi P I i e S P I !»fil*!3*

i c o « e ?N»i -CttZffe

ice. Set., o l t h e " " r o t a t e o l ! RiJring, SfiaVlng ;«nU Jointing

.",.' . „ , 0 i f i I M B 8 I S I l f ' » C t H .

^ f. .1 '.'Ct!—*.. iH!.v . I.J.- i •.

iduw-Tfephorta.tljo greatest oopsfe!" . . .

- t h e famets- daughters are soon tu u . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ m , f te

t*te liCe„,as w f i H ^ h e PjFi#$S>%sCoanttr.v' '• C i ^ d o f the American party oF all Sfe-a glo*iotS raee'Oi! ^ * f T f * ( | ^ s ' ^ t p T h e r ^ r>0ctrine^Hafr-a!rte against the stose '' land can s^ow, f seek'nofctff>'faUeE4liem, o f a n y p o r t i o n © f ^ ^ e r j q p i Union tod -L. . _ „ u.,„ .

for b e f e J L r ' i a . U « B * t i ^ . « * y * i , ! * • disuse of the name, influence and} W l l f ^ & ^ U ^ t & & & £ £ lor DejQre raej uui ^ « w ganization of the Atnetr&n party to, a d - S F ^ W ^ q l i b ^ t o ^ i w o A l t t o S ^ o i h a w to m * k e e a n ^ * t 3 of 9fre *f j _ . J . ^ n C 8 f a f e n i e a s i ^ asaktst l h e constitute? I sKfe^^T^fe^btK

[; can be wprcedJa'l^t-wpodSrinTll, orefido, ^quaL , as' (t occupies only t « p b j eight factor-ground

, , , _ t/6o'm»byi)hOttUiyi)ntY-oigEHj)Aa8blmreqalresbM(ino ' " U u i b n . ' pVtCahtoi i t teMlt jand^tolac l jbat a ample, thougl '"""''

'£ ' ; J^^aetarian'tnterfereiice in our —. is tvffr r\aii/*n. Titnnpp nR cjm ni> w n r n V „ „ , ,„ r . . . , t-nu l f . . . . i . . . . .

^lofof ftirisb a i d b e a a b flrtt of Mio inarKet over aUs ther

nave » ^ S ^ ^ 2 5 * , r&^^ikacBm&fmMaM against I kinds. ^ h i e r a ^ t a f t f c 6 w ! l p - » * J ? J " i a b f i g h t B of the States, the intention ofef-f tHeir condition, ihdiofne who h i ^ ^ ^ l ffect 0f whi«h §hj " ' pride rh itj-Jbeeause Jihey ifc-oidtHf,. moreL perpetuity of tlie "U

consideratiffl»TOan tbey merit. « n •' ** T1^" " " r r ; " ; f . n r 0 ^ . ,f •* n n l ] subiects of-t»edayx4iatiP33,andno; lpr>3scnpboiiolr persons o u t a * , ^ ^ ^ d irrtueb. style} -J- " '• **'Vr' ' intelligence upon, all subjects u. j „i a c c 0 u n t of religious opinions. ! gt«? tn««n the preference and nil ^-^fined education, is no more e x , ^ ^ ^ h e J ^ p t ^ s of Pkpat ( a * ^ -« ^ 1 ^ in a country girt tharrra a town L ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ rfje B i s h o p S ) Prelates,

•h«.a trirl in this age of many bookg and p r i e s t s o r Ministers of ;the Rama.n Catho •• S ' ' ." j lie Church, as anti-Ttepublican in pruici newspapers. • i -' - • •• p - > = -


stli OHErasrt.lMrDRUQGIST, N o . 8 , E a g l « B l o c k ,

Jwi'*iS^Ste^» &L

A 099 Stock QC! "

Many girls are discouraged'becaase they Cannot he sent away feohx honie-ita" ^qard-ing schools; but fnen of superior! nlincls. and knowledge of the world, wojdld, cather have for wives, women well anfl^jsroperly educated at home. Ajid tmg education can be had wherever : the desire is not wantiag. A taste for reading does won­ders, and an'earnest thirst a fW knowledge

, is almost certain to attain a sweet dtau^htof ;he ' 'Pierian.sgowg." There is a farmer's daughterVin tlas very room in wiricrr I am writings a beautilul, refined-anj intellectual woman, in whose girlhood books were not as plentiful as now, and who i gained het fine education under diffifalties which would haVe disribTrrag&T'any' dftfe "Wtone

true -a love for study.

tiou at the abovo nonloll place* wberu It will remain tinder tbosnporlntonchmceofE. P. yAUGIlAJSF, dnoor„th« Enr-> priotocs, wliinriU be most happy to gi*<> aay iliflinaatlOT oo. the auhlect reQtdied,ior-nogdttoto-wlth parties fdr coau-t i r l a b t s . ami Macbltua ready lbrajie.

• a ? " i l l communicationsoddrcsscd to Mr. T A 0 6 H A N , o t i ^ . i l A C a O g d e n s b ' g h , bj. Y. o r to I f cF .VA0eUAH, BocU«8tet,_Ni S , a tan j r t lm* thoroaftw, Mil be promft-

ple'and dangerous to the ribe-ftiea of the people. , . , . . , ' '.

6. Thorough reform in the Naturabza-j tion Laws of the Fed'eM'Government. .

7- T h e f a n ^ m e t t o i k W , f o r t h e p r o ^ ; * f - * * ^ . „ tion of the ann ty of the Ballot Box by trie , . . . . . - J g . ' **

b t a t e . , . • , „ ! , „ n a tnr' ihp ThoSIach ino I sa lMut ' ^ ( t e t l n l eng th , an^ tnndaupon 8.- P r e © a n d I tbeTaf i n s t i t u t i o n s i o r , l u e ^ t e & a E i n t t w a l t t c t (nbotgtitj is vervcoSipaaiy and

eAiu-jttian o f a l l c l a s s e s o f t h e p e o p l e , W i t h ? t r t b # rtVrtdkeuior, and b»s nothing compHoatad erom-^ f t « C 3 l l Q a o j ^ u - t i d s s i ^ w » l r wlbUly about i t Tt can be drivon by two horac-Sawor.ot

. _ _ . „ „ - _ ^ _ - " T H B O ' s-dflthortobes" of winter and fi be-

JSonlng to OKOJOO J i e r attire so beaoU-ISftilly al&lStoa to fto ganiat'eeasoni and g f (JooUejneJi | r e d?sUmis til lmltat i her "example, they will find all the requisites

6>t doing BOj a t 8 6 c F o * « - 9 . « * e t i \sfLcie;the l*tojirto®lh»Tln(rJnSt rotnrn-ed frommarliet,lsnQWT opening the most •CHOICE AXD 1 0 ^ 8 4 2 1 1 ' a s s o r t m e n t of O o o d s ' r o * G o n t l p m e w a t C t n r , adapted to th» M » l and

aOjininB-eeasoo, that has evei-been eSWbltoa TO Ogaens-taS m*k* been early In marked be bad'&rora-bTeWPOrtunldes of maMng his .Bcleetinns ftoJ the j 5 t * ^ r W e t Importers, securing thereby E n t a s e s Vert o W o t S as be can now SUQW np to hte friends, Sdop& that. In point of texture and1 ' s tyles," uro the

POTSentlemen's foil dn-ss, be o t f o r i ^ l a c k j t r a o d . C1OT118 fwrn the best Mnnn&ctnrert * r Girmany, I rance! and England; F r o n c l i v a i r f fi«man n ^ i i c l i i i . , ana fine C a s « l m e « « » 1" Blae^ J splen-^ » v e M I l f C w s n a d l n e , C l o r c u c e C o r d ,

a n d S a t i n VonWngfwj to- all colors, Slackness of Parkncss, to ttp-Whiteness of Uie

nn T en ouAV* For ?EOUKiAM or BBSIMIBS Sorts, he S i K Brown. Dahlia, o W t f i f l b o n y , Claret.Qroen, S a n ^ M U « l B r o a d c l o U ^ o f a 1 1 m a e s .

toUomen, If yon w a n t . pair of * W Fren,rfi Casd-» ™ P i i i i t s , stop Into No. 86, and If we cannot show SoT."moSbcantUnl a«ortment of Fancy i-rench Cwal-fflores, tbon yoahavc ever beforo seen In this " B n a o u ,

^ ' noliask you to purchase. feKQUSHaad ASlERICAN CAS3IJIEEE8, Black andVanoy, of all grades: Union Satlnets,Tweeda(Ca»h-teerets, and all kinds of Tlirx SOODS for StnqrjEE W X A E ;

F O R D S T . , O G D E W S i B K I K ^ H , N . If".* •

| J A S CONSTANTLY ON HAHfC " "" e f t r ^ 0 M > l m r g e - ' f n » * ? j ^ P 9 » p l c t e a s -

Chemicals, Faints, Oils & Dyestttffs A l s o ,

Daguerreotype and Ambrotype STOCK AND iNSTRUMKNTS,

Consisting of C a i n c r u s t , of all sizes, of the bes tmana-lHctures; P l a l e « , of all sizes comprising H. B. Patent liupn>\ ed Star, N. and W„ and Scale 1'lates; D a g u e n w type and Ambrotypo C'ases of every variety of style and. llnish. Glass Mats, Pro-sencrs, HyposulphateSoda,iodine. Bromine; XJJ« Qnitk,< C?11oqJon. Sut ta 1'ercha Ca»ettcS and DdBpeCaalnatihtofi Iron, Sola of Gold. Chloride of Gold, Kooge, Plate Blocks, Head Rests, .fee, 4 c , lus.

In furnishing P u r e S p e r m W h a l e , a n d L i n s e e d O i l , he has facilities whlch defy competl^-1


Dental and Surgical Instruments Of TlUrr&BY BEST MAKE,

constantly on hand. A L S O ,


VOX,. 2 ZZS-^-^——' •

the Bible as a Text Book in our Common Schools.


tbWy sfutl dm ifufl


WnitoV Butt Figured, Striped and Checked'Marseilles Testings, of every quality. a

- In addition to the above, wo have the » 8 J U U M of M E . W. W. LITTLE, which, in the hands of than- mat-

;• O i M E O i r a E E a & ^ E A L E E .. Irsj5raa?Y>4«saEiFB0H<w a r i t » l s * j C e W 4 a n a n d ' - •*' i t o n " e * i c a ^ p

_ _ P . O g a e n s b u r g l » » ' « • * • *

U=*V^*f»i'TSBVOr^>TffE l iAST FTVE T E A B 8 j , H ^ o A « perfecting of-pnt arrattearo'"— '"» «•« ™"-

of every arUcle ta .our Jinor.of b]

as aSy Jobbing. chaso ., . w ]

, English,. American and O U „ . j^pBrtato^ll-ordersotttis favorable

House In the Atlantic Cities.

H E I I K I I V C ' S S A F E S !

WH I C H TOOK r rHE P E E M I U M A T T H E World's Fair in London and Kew.York. For

sale at manufacturer's prices.

Ogdehsburgh, N. Yf

A. 'WATEOCS, Agent

strong head, lAen.^hc rriaae knife a-thtohgh srrontf nenu, wnen,inc nrsCrOr rjvlug in t ra

, , , - • i tandtaKes olf asbinKlojof anr.doslroktbtcknoso^ the ro-Tifinliml T h a t t h e N a t i o n a l A f t a n m s - turnrevolntfontakeathls rWUg back tojiaocond befl-2iesoiveiit i..UM i i . - g ^ . p ia te and i ^ns t aob thc r ' head , and while the rtvingknife

t r a t i o n , b y l t 3 g e n e r a l c o u r s e o t V 1 " 1 ' " " 4 ' f j^ t t tg-off another, is shared with an evun taper, upon A„^ <^~af1>ar M-ilh liin a t t e m p t t o d e - the uppersUle) the nnxtbapb revpluaon take*thesliiu-

c o n d n c t , t o g e t h e r «1W1 p a u i u j gto to a third bed-plate amlagalnst another head, and *he s t r o v t h e r e p o s e , h a r m o n v a m i i r a i e n K i i §,i„j roVotutlou, which cation* another from the bolt and

• -i - _• c . { . „ . , _ f T _ ; „ + l 1 ( . r p n e a l o f t h e snaves the sccQnd,a!soslia?^» the Bret un tho under side, r e l a t i o n s ' o f t h e c o u n t r y m t i n . r e p e u i u i ^ s M n g ] o p a g j ^ 1 ) < l t w p e n t w oself.adjasting jointers 1vfi5<tnnri C o m i i T o m i s e a n d t h e e n c o u r a g e - that complete the shingle. .Thus there are four shingles j i i u a u i u i vy j , ar>»/»«rioTrtv ' to the machine at ft Ime, aid_onq,fln(s!ied a t m e n t o f a g g r e s s i o n s . u p o n t h e * / * S » * W r i B » M r t W P « * ™ < * * e

r *u„ t ' J S r i t o r i a l i n h a b i t a n t s of, ^ r f ^ ^ 1 l e r W n n % . ana i i o w 1 n | J i a average of the of t h e l e m t o n a i l n n a u . l r , mChes, l t^ l rmleT2H)?0sV!ngleS lerda,v . d e s e r v e s a n d s h o u l d r e c e i v e t h f u n i t e a c o n _^_z

^ h o h a d a s t r u e -a i o v e » r siuuj. i Q e m H a t i o n 6 f t j , e A m e r i c a n p e o p l e , a n d [From tho Detroit Adverttanr.] 1 , 1 1 , „ , „ ! u , . , (• a l | i r i l l ,1 r e . , Shingle Machines have long occupied the attenUan of

Twill state why I think the countr) . t h a t the institution of biaven siiouia re hnventu^^d We are giadi to be able to announce a real „ t U lw.np o f t h i « , ™ « P n o p x t e n t i o n f r o m SUeil r e p e a l . J improvement Shingles cot ootwltbout retard to the

ffirls a r e V e t tO p r o v e t h e l lOpe^.OJ u « - c e i v e n o e i i e n i u i ' " - , „ , ( „ „ _f 1 grain of the wood, ore hnmbng. This macSlne Is of a gins are v r ; Resr)lved T h a t m t h r orgamstation ot ^ t y n ( 1 . T b e Bll)ng,0 ,/riT(!(1 trom the UocK mi

T h e W o m e n i n tOV,i»S a j W UU A m e r i c a n O r d e r t h e i n s t i t u t i o n of I n - shaved wlU, j ^ e p s t tapers No hand-made shingle can t u 8 A B i e n c a n , U t n c i m c >» _ I compare with It In beallly and SraessBsrlts nun>o»e. and


ovury rovo-te rate of 60 staff to bo S

wor qf the "Magician's Wand" in

. _ __r _ y fit' PANTS of every atvle.

Ur, seem to havo tho now.

S S S a n a t S W ^ m V ^ and >ry style. Wo will also sell floods in

purchasers; by the case, piece, yard, or lids of Tailors' Trlnuntnga, Whotesale or rtioularly invite those In Vvan< of



amount to auit .

Sittern. All tlBds etail. We particularly

RfiADY-MADE OLOTHING Tooi l lundexamlnoanrs tocklnthlsr lne ,aswo havobyiar a larger assortment to select from, thnn can bo found In anv otlior Clothing House In Ogdonsburgh, all of which, are of our own Mauulacture, cut in tho most approved ntvles. and warranted W B L L MAOR. This Stock consist* in part of F I N E B R AB OVERCOAl-S, (br Spring wear. Dress, Frook, Hunting, and Sack Coats, niadefrum Broad-oloths or all colore; Casslraorcs, Unions, Cashmerets, Eifmlnota, Tweeds, Jeans, Duck, Drills, Marseilles, Lin­en, Cottonades, i c . etc P a u l s a n d V c i » t s of

j every description. Sailors, Laborers, and others, who wish for OHEAP

CLOTHING, will 2ive us a call, as we have on band "STACKS AST) PILES" of tho very arUoles you want and will sell them to von at prices «o low as to defy coin-

tltton. Wecansofl yon a WHOLE SHIT (br TWO

country, xne — ' T - ^ \ the American. Order the iiu.titi.tion of In w l l h 1Un ^ - ^ s n d Swe83 f|!r ft, u r p ^ - ^ b e c o m i n g SO u n t V e r s a i t y u m r e ^ i ; , , v o . u n t a r v S e r v i t l l J e w a s , a n J n o w IS, re- , Ke»l>ould think that a well laldtoofof tllose' shlng;

and so almost universally tytrayagant, foolish andfeshionable,+hat men are almost in despair of.obtaining wives who are not invalids, and of providing them with what they demand after they have Wrr i ed them. Unless the young man has the fortune.' (good or bad) to be the inheritor of wealth","' he must spend the best bloom of his youth in acquiring "enough to start upon," as people are expected to begin now»a-days. Men, even in high stations, wwuhj go tp the country for thiir choice if Waey met there equal intelligence and refinement— "Women are preparing to take a noble stand in history, and they cannot do it in

ignorance. Town girls have the advantage of more

highly polished mariners and greater ae-accomplishments; but country girts have infinitely more to recommend them as ri­vals of their fair city sisters. They have more truth, household knowledge and econ­omy, health, (and consequently beauty,) simplicity, affection, and fresum'ss -of im- I pulse and thought. When they ha we cul­tivated minds there are more chances in their f a v o r e r good sense and t p l ability, , Co iwwt^^on ' f l k t t buB; because so much is not demanded by jjie-l Dfat No. i.—Brooks, smart Buiioct ftvolties of society. The added luster olj I I t l ^ ^ l J ^ i ^ v S u S * . foreign accomplishmeats eoajd easily be caught by such a mind fxoim & very- Jittle coutacE with the world.

J would iio,S speak as thotigli oar far­mers' daughters were deficient iu education. I Many briEiant scholars and talented women may be fouod among them ; in New .Eng­land tins is espeeislly so. Bat 1 wouM seek to awakea the ambition- of a l l / to be^ come that admired^r j i i l jS^dyalsm-i i ich they ought to be, if thev^friii -biio unite a-efkied culture with trfeir most, excelleat


and j

voluntary Servitude was, an garded as local and not national in its character, and is a subject for the tolsra tion of a difference of opinion by the<-oiti. zens off the Northern aud Southern States, and, as such, .has no rightful place in the Platform of the National American f a r ty . .. ;, ; , , : ! - . " -

As the (Somnxercial, the Common School and the Internal Improvenient sy&gms of the State are its greatest pride and glory, and have made her what she. emphatically is, the Etnpire State, therefore,

Besolved, That the Arrrerrcaii party will always-regiwd it as its highest duty to fos­ter, protestsandiefesd'them.

Resolved, That the interests of this great State imperatively derflaBd ?• pjiange of rulers; that if we would see her inter­nal improvements completed we should expel from office the partisans now in con­trol of it, who, instead of letting the Sec­tion* of the'Cahals to be kept in repair by contras t ,s i a saving of $800,00.0 a year, as they wav, eud by law are authorized to doy continue in place a iior.d,e of officials to absorb its revenues for private emolu­ment, fem electioneering purposes, and to perpetuate their unholy psssession of power.

The fpllowittg jj a list of members o!



• P E E F U M E R Y , llATR B R U S H E S ,

A N D COMBS, C L O i H H R C S H K S ,


' DRESSING CASES, • &c, &c, i c .

A l .< ( l ,

S o l e P r o p r i . - t o r o f t h e C E L C U H A T E D

13 .A. J_, M

Z A J j p O R E A , wliicli, a." fl chro for_ nLarrhra, Dysentery and t'holora. DOLLARS, and from" that, np to RESPECTABLE j «tand^norlyoil^L - Kt^l t*»« follo^agOertiflcates

PBICE3. _ _ , . . . „ ,_ _ « . , . _ , . | C!e'rflt&t6frdtu<h»lflto MombA of OhngireM from th>

could not leak. One of tfcese machine!), with a nortAblo stoarn engine, would be a fortune to a mnn In tho pii WlJOtlu.

W4TEST0^'3, April 5,1356. . oc!

l>ear Sir,—I am' hippy in say tbe tnachinc I purchased m Leotud Wy £. JR. Morrison, for inanrVcturing

rived, shaved and jotpted ahtngfea, I nave now In opera-

lit F u r n i B l U i n t r U o o t l s . U is sufficient to sny that In Variety and Hi.-hncss, Klegaucu and No?o!t- -Style, tills department very far exceeds any thing ' kind ever before o^hlbltod In aortburn Now Tor t .

K u b b e r a n d o i |

li. F. VAIUI IAK, itu«(ies»6»*, jrf, Y : Hear Str,—One of tho 'Mormon I

E. P. VAUOHAS, Esq., Roeho3t»iri l>ear Sir,—I am' happy in say tin

from yon, patented try £ ;JR. Morrison, for manftwtaring ^tea, I bave now In opera­

tion at my mlfl \a this toflra, and on trial, fully answera tho TV-commend. It will'work all timber that can bo worked by hand process, and much that cannot Wind­ing and eaty timber It wotfks to great perfectiaa, and ease, and can make twenty thousand per day without extra effort Truly Yonrs, &e^



tormon Shbiffiti Maobf11^ ftQ3

be«n ta operation- a t my ptaite for some time pH»t atid 1 am happy to sny It is thtt only hna'chino ftrr maanfketur-las rived. Rhaved and jolnjed shingles tfaat I ever thought practicable, i t works wihdiog and eaty timber to great

Erfection and at a rapid Rate, on the saino principle of the nd-made ahingle, bat wlitb a perfection t hat machinerv

only,can execute, and I can safely recommend It to nil sbingie manufacturers as •nfK Shingle Machine


JgrmUAX, April S.1S56, -B. P. VAtroHAw, Koe1ie4^r, N. V,j

Dear Sir,—We are happy to aay the Sbinglo Machine for mannfoctnrlni' rlvetf Jnd shaved Shingles, we have a t work, and It fully answers the recommend. "Wo can readily make fnun two to three thoutmnil bhtngles per hour mm- a n r timber tljat can be worked by hand, and some that cannot, worfcm<; winding and eaty timber to ^rreat perfection, always leaving the lento of uniform thickness without cttppfng the points, which is the case

far exceed* any thing of tft* i Northern Now York,

MnnufiioturoT? r t ice j . T r a i l I t s , of all kinds, varying in price from Ten

SmlHogs to Thirty Dollars; Cnrpet, Leather, and Rubber Bnga, umbrollaa. 4 c &o,

DBA-LBBS in CLOTHING throughout S t Lawrence County, are assured that wo can sojl tiieui from T I N to T V K S T V per cent loss, tlian they can buy In N«w York *r Boston, and abw (jive them Clothing very much #u-perior tn point of workmansldp.

^f~ Recollect tho place, S6 Font-street, Mechanic's Row.

Ogdenaburgh, April 24, 186a 9- tf


OgdowbqJsU, N. Y., Oot 26.1^5. | HEKBXfi.Jlywpair»T. ^<i : '.Yonr medicine for bjuwel

complainG, called the Batlli oTZanthorea, has \HH-X\ exien~ s^vely utM-.I in this UUngoand vlcloityduringtbe past sea­son. I baveofteh heard It spuken or as a most fftectlve remedy for diarrhea, dysentery, and other bowtsl com­plaints, and 1 have had occasion to uso It and found imme­diate relief from It, and believe the medicine generally ha* a high reputation amons those who have used 1L

Ropectfullv yours, B'lSIiOP rKUKINS.

Tho ZANTHOUKA l« a me-llclne valuable in numerous varieties of bowol affection*, a* I ntu well convinced from having prescribed i t ; and in tho>e obstinate cases, of a

mlc form, I know of no ono thing In which I would

J. S. GOULD Si CO., IVo. 3 2 F o r d S t r e e t , O g d c n s b u r g U , IV. Y .

Offers to their frj-euds arid patrons the following assortment from which

to maRe a seleettoh : Ladles' Kid Bostlns of all kinds,

Ladles' Satin Francois Gaiters,

Ladles' Kid Kan-Round Slippers,

Ladles' Toilet Velvet Slippers,

Ladles' Embroldered"Silppers, !

Toadies* Satin Prancals Eld Foxed Qaltera,

Ladles' Patent Foxed (stayed on side) Gaiters.

Ladles' 811k Lasting Patent-Up Tiin Galtera,

Ladies* Silk Lasting Patent-tip Congress Gaiters,

Ladies Silk Lasting Hed-Up Tan Gaiters.

Also, all kinds of G a i t e r s , S l i p p e r s , a n d

H u s k i n g , for Misses and Children.

Gents' Patent Leather French Ties,

Gonts' Patent lea ther Walking Puin[», *

Gents' Toilet Slippers,

Congress Gaiters of all k lndv

Also, H o y s ' a t i d Y o u t h s H o o t s , S h o e s ,

C o n g r e s s G a i t e r s a n d S l i p p e r s ! which we

offer to the Public ot prices that defy competlllxm.

13B~ 3 3 m e c h a n i c s ' B o w . _ * 9

Offdousburgh, May 8, 1856. T-tf

gntggists fc'OHjmisk



* In Jlardware, Iron and Steel, Stoves E Tih and Sbeet-Iron, keep constant-'

ii -"Jy employed the most experienced workmen fqr Roofing, making Eave Troughs, and every other description of Tin and Copper Work.

Solo Agents in Northern 'Now York for the sale of S. O. Herring's Salamander Safes; for Rugglej, Nourso, Mason «fc CO.'B Boston Agrioultiuial IraplernentFactory; Ransom &, C V B Steam Foundry, the Pawtucket Belting Compa­ny ; the Collins Axe Company; Orannis A Co.'sTin-ware Machines and Hand-Tools; Davis & Co-V Horse-Powers.

Parties purchasing quantities, are particularly invited to examine our "Wholesale department , as possessing equal facilities with New Yorji and Boston, for purchasing.— , The < We pledge* ourselves no t to be undersold In tboso cities. Spragu* _j ——-— : ,—,— . does nil

B0OKSELLiE'4jS r i 0 : s T E R . A N » K l N U s ^ B ^ t '

' ' • B t i r f 8 I ' ' t e i E i n O T E D hL*j Bookstore! one dcj.or wes t - . No. u - m « L ! 5 B tOCK, Ford-

. 8 t ree l^- ' i r i !erAe 'a ' i l l b ?I , l e a s e a

to see his old a^d now enstomers J and friends. J '

.__ . r? % Irk' j m i^ turnod froth "IS'ew York, wrai'a'"ffew#nol,Y»^"^Ie'i|ES^ttin:ent of

BOOKS ABTD STATfO&EKY, Among which may be found the stanjdard works of the •4ay, including 1

- H K S ' ^ O K Y , F J C X I O N I p o E T n y , i. j and. several English Editions of I3ie most popular works

VT- 1 These works are bound in every varietjy of style. 1 He -will alsoftirntsh any work in -thf catalogues of

principal Publishing Houses, at publisUerV prices.

STA-yiosr^jaY. In this department, be is prepared to meet the wants o

the Public, His btock of Papers is not excelled in North orn New York.

Portfolios, Drawing Papec-a Pencils^ Pens, Inkstands, Chessboards, Stainpti, Blank Bookk &c,and other

articles pertaining to tho iStationery depart­ment, are kept in abundance,

1 Plctores and Mouldings, are kept tin great variety, and : Pictures framed to order. ' BOOK-BINDING.

. The only Bindery north of Watert-bwn, is carried on by j ie, who employs none but tho best workmen, and' '


M e ^ T y p e a n i l &. W « w P r e s s .

C l t E I B A T • " B E B ^ O T I O N T O - C L U B S J


Encouraged by the very liberal patronage heretofore be-BtawotlTipon the JOCRXAL, and in accordance with the spirit of the present age, the proprietor has*decided tn re duce the price of the WEEKLY JOTILNAL to dubs, in Uie following rates :


92 OO . 3 OO

G OO ,10 00

One copy, one year Two copies, one year, to one address.. Five copies, one year,to one address. Ten copies, one year, to one address..


I M V A j S I A i S J L Y 2M A J B V A S C E . At Vie e^pi^titioJi oftJte tun* for which advance ;<av-

meTtifvan been received*. Ww paper trill in ail ra*** he By the adoption of this, cash system, the CID-

ttirtvrttent of agents to collect Mibscriptions will b.

S l r T E T j F H A K D M ' A H E .


does "his ^vork in superior style. Binding and Ruling done to ord^r, and on the lowest

music j&cf. n e has also on hand, a large,and) choice assortment ol ' Z ^ i ^ o r ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ Z ^ K ^ u T u ^ i o i , : j B h ^ i M u i r . AUo. an uy^tnx of Pianos, J . - l o d ^

. will sell or H?)it.

of every description of S E a e W . H a r d w a r e * i direct from the English, German and Ajnerieaa-Facttories, ! consisting of Locks, Latches, Knobs, Door Handles, .Join­ers* Tools, and a variety of House Trimming and Carpen- i c , which he . tor's Tools, Saws, Hammers, Axes, ifcc-, *tc Parties ta- \ Ogdeusburgh, April 26tlt,,lb55. voring us with a caU, cannot but be convinced of our SQ- ' perior fiicilitles for purchasing.

A. WATROUS. . 1 Easle Block.



i S a r ^ a n d S " e x i « n s S s ' " ^ U mved TO THss t . .

scErBEn. T H E B O S T O N J O B E S A L

Ins for many years confessedly Mood at the head ..f ILC

S l i ? ^ to S f a s e th7e oireulauon by agenu,„r , , „ . . ,f ff r S a l m e a n s , but because tt has p r ^ e d tob> -»., .

. « « v S v tooral intelUgent man in the eoinn.i.. n> ' ' Z t t ^ H h propriSy lnittoduce into h.» fam.lv om „. -.., ^ e l v D v h i c S w r e n , a n d f r o m ^'hieh he ml0 . | •,,»

? S e s t t a a t t o i n which H I hefd by the read!.,,; » , , ,

" ' f t ' is our p.irpose now tn greatly extend the arcuiauo, of tlie W E K I Y J O W A I - Preparatory to doing Uu. » « have procured

N e w a n d B e a u t i f u l T y p e , with which to print it, and heve .also ordered due ..f

S l o e ' s S i x C y l i n d e r F a s t P r e s s e s , „-ith which we can print FIFTKEX T H O r ' S A N D O '!"• S i B H O l i t This press wijl enable ns to hold Laos

„;r.,rr,i< to -i V H T la"- hour for important news, and ;-'. r « o r k off tbe«dtlion in season for the mails. With lh„ hnnroveinent in our prtaUng department, v,e bcheve we ™n S r e our readers as handsome a Pinedas h- prlnu-a ...





B V E I W V I W Editor i

O f « c e ? i n X e l e g « a t p o r d a n a

'* T E E M S pV T o MaU-and Office Sub

always in advance 1 c

BATES OF OneSYJOSte. one week. p . p a •&>• t w o A" " Pt, do. three <\(h 1 00V d a one montlu 1 Do. do. two do 1 •fifty, do. three do 2 p a . do. six do 4 p o . do one year. * iJ column, one month. 2 One column, for three mc

year Business Cards, of & lint

priate bead, with privtle-, Advertising under contra Advertiser's own business, a t the rates established by



A S D VERMf T E I . E « K



Business for all parts of promptly despatched. ron£dential. OrWe hn



8 A D D I . E B Y . E N G L I S H , AND AMERICAN Coach Hardware, and Coach Lamps and Bands, Springs, Axles, Stump Joints, Dashes, Cnrtain Frames, Pat­ent Leather, Cloths. I>aniask, Plush. Brussels Carpets, Oil Cloth Carpet, s. Seaming Cord, Tufting Nails, Pop

* 'lead Nails, Screws.

-"- C T - _ ! \ t is, and will t e . emphatically _



j r i ) ^ < IN

Attorneys and O g d e n s b u r

Office. S.. - l - t_- li Boscrrs w. j . i.--^


i t is, and I A fr-AUall-V N E W S P A i ' E R . .

We intend that it sl.ail be a complete record of the of thongein which w

Glv a.itl

that the atteliti\ M reader oflts pages stall be abl.-to gath.-. fro,,, ,(,.,„ mi reau. | a b l t i u r„ r m l l tkm of every event of in.rr-.-. accurate and re.iable iufon in potlU&s the arts and «c-lenc-

Uice, Tufts, . _ . . Peons, fitted with plated Nuts, Ivory k... Ivorr Side-Handles, Ivorv and Bone Slides—together with | all other descripllonsof ba'ddlery. A llbei-nl dlseountmade . to tho trade when a quantity is required. u l f t r and New Books

B0.tr A. WATEOUS. t OI1 n a n o empr i ses mauy nep I „,„„„„ which, we otTer the followihg

,„ p., . .„„ 1* and r.-lu,-this country ami in foreign lands; an d that thoy slwi

* • -rlier day . . . To collate this in'teHiseiic

TTLLKY & B K p T n E R . ; constant!jJ-jeceiving fn>. id Boston, all tho .new and flons of tub day. Their u i c . „ „ ^ „.,„, ... ining, a t any early day, al theJ£V- I raiAi.r ja a c, pnbUsheo, are " n « « ? a V " w ^ t k l ' wSrk requiring not only a i mauv new and valuable * orks, , « o r l ; 1 J n \ ( ! l i r s - l l f „ , « . * » .

r - r - ^ , A M constant!jJ-receiving from, New- t W y n ^ m

'FublicationB fur obbiinln;

separate the wheat from the chaff, sent It to the render in a conriMw.

' great espenditure of i We have tl. ' —

haff. and u, arrange a,,. .and intelligible ftf

.1. M. A t t o r n c ) , <

-s hi- Citi-.- atvnt. ' .n s";.--its p.-.tr'.nag^

r j ^ ~ < >nV<., corner O G D E N S

Attorney and i OFFI t 'K IN" L1 , . I

..v.-r It .v T .

NE-ss, to prepare the n . H.

Drugs and He


dirt! place more confidence.

Ogdenabnrgh, July IS, 18.VS. !>. N. S!li:UMAN, M. 1).


C L O T H I N G ! T H 0 S H A S D. S H I N N E R

HA S H I . t E I X l . U A V E R T I . A t e G E stock of 1

Spring and Summer CLQJRglNG,

GEOtcrrow^. Oaltfurnia. -Jan. 14, 1^6. MR. II. a- HiTUPHBET—

Dear S i r - U b but Justice to vou that I stat* u f.-w facta relotfve to your Invaluable I lA^i l OF ZANTHOUEA. (Jn leaving Ugderwbunrh 1 pro^ Ided mywlf with one small bottle, which, trilling as tt was, saved sev«*ral Individuals from death by cholera.

ITiq cholera broke out on board the stcatia-r " Uncle Sam, after leaving San Juan del Sud. In Ita most mallg-nantibnn, and out of &5& passengers, *21fi died uf cholera. The disease was attended with Its usual symptoms, duir-rtiea,A^3. Tne phystehms on board s«emcd to Itavo no [mwor to check tho disease, I'tJnit tr ie! the Zanthorea up<m J. I* Rosa, of Martin, Otttrgia—whom the doctor

comprising everytliing in that Jiue from | httd J'1? * 1, *1 ?^r^J^i".'L^^"^.1.^3,.^!!.3^-".ndi"!1!?."/ tho finest ; , , . .

! I continued ita UAC, and with the wunll quantity I had D R E S S A N D BUr i lNKSS SUITS ,

grugrjist anir (tijmist


^tg T T business, in all lnj bnmebes, at the old stand \ B of L. B. MORRIS ic Ca , corner of E ' o r d a n d Q s > S s > a b e l l a s x r c e t t u O g d e n s h u r ^ h f N .

I ^ & ? ^ T ^ V ? S U , £ . 1 & * S e t e f t ^ ; ^ ? n n h e f ? ' n I e 7 W b t ^ . r . n c o C n n d

Q>een, St wholesale or retail, and at prices ' ^ l «" Modioines and Prescriptions wdl lie d'^penscd In — .. .. J - . ' | tlie n^ist carefuL neat, and accurate manner. Hoping by

JOHN FitAJiKLaN," by Doctor Kape. , . .^ . ... ! " L IF l i OF HORACE G REELY." bv rarti.n. amount of business in tl, I "AnTOBIOORAPI IY OF P J T . BARNUM," -written and tlie variation in prices: a separate art .ee I by hluiselt ' M.IXKV MAKXKT. or.fl;...! r. ports of th.- Rngi.l. ) "MY COirRTSHIP AND IDS OOK8EQU1CNCE8," I Cambridge CATTI.T: MAEKKT": the N E W V . T I , < I by Heury Wykoff. ' " " '"' '''' "- "'•• -'•• ••> • Y I V A ' M A ' Y , " bv MarvLangdbn.

' R O T H HALL." by Fanny Fern._

PR0UTY & RINDGE, H A V E ON H A N D White and Ben-

nett Glue, Irish Slue, Uptou's Thin Glue, I ft

\ "TOM CROSslSLB 'AN*D"H'is",FRrENDS." by Samuel • Lover, author of Ilandy Andy, .fee. This work is said tn ! excell any of Lover's previous productions. 11 . genuine wit and Immor.

M A B K E T : SHIP N EVV S. A C Tl,e_-c repor t are a., pr. bv men of large experience, thoroughlv ..mv. rsa: the department under their charge, and the} are lied ll|«.u bv thotlsand.s of merchant- ana trnoers tl,: on" the cou'ntrv. to gu.de then, ,.. their PLr, has-

Blue, dry and low. Marine ( that defy competition. Call aud sec

r i i O U T Y it, RINDGE, Ford Street, Ogdeusburgh, N. Y.

full of | sales. , ' Tho LITERARY DEPARTMENT w i l t . i : ! ' : ,

views of and extract* from advance copies of $>< i^ued by the h-itdimj pub.ishlng hout>ta> tUrou24i-.

The country. 1 n ll.i- way the n-adoi> <>f tho ,I»>t RN A: . rilVies." 1 cream of the Literature of the oontitrv. and art- • • " T H E VIRGIN QUEEN."1 by J . Frederick Smith, au- , to MJ1«CI from the flood of new books i-su.-d M.. L n.

tlior of " Woman and her Master,'' •* Fred Yemon," uMln- \ may deMre lor rhoir cer.tre tabic-- or tbt- vhelve.-, y' nle Grav." &c. ' i libraries.

"A VEAU OF T H E V A C by Adam G. Pc Gurow- In the MISC'F.LLAXEOrs DEPAKTMF.NT « 6ki. ' j mako provision for the enti-rtnipmetit :HI>'. iri-tru'

*-— -" l-t^ct in-itni. Anv ! our young f r i e n d s Ut* chiulr

?nmno wn mm uuww. " T H E SEVEN POOP. TRAVELERS,*5 a Christmas

Story, bv Charles Dickens. " A VILLI ON," by the Author of "Olive," and

Ogfl vies.M _


with the liand-made' Ii*rom eaty or windy timber, this u v r v . - £ r»f Kr«.«l G tno lu - ' loacM"* worts more like(a thing of life than any machine t o a b s o r b I t 3 r e v e n u e s t o r p t r v a t S 6 m u i u ^ ( w e h a v e s e e ( L The rMr<g process works on a true prin.

eipltf, giving the timber more ease in riving than the band power, and rivus tiittb'ortiml cannot (w riven by the old process, with the greatest case and perfection, always shaving from bntt to {>oitit with a true tap«r, and jointing each shingle a* It passes Salong, let tho width bo what it may, and will say that wo have never seen a piece of ma­chinery take a piece of though board and Mulsh It so com­pletely in one operation.' Yours truly.

>Sp«ffl" 3®rn§B,

Holbrook, Corey, Cnrtfa, CCOOJM, Peck,

Kussolh. Leslie, Orannis, Hack us,

By order of the rotate Council J. W. BARKER, President

(Broaritt .Sreblsions.


.SPEAB E A L F i n

l^swjsfio, l C j t ^ SI, ;SM. E. F. VAnenAS. Eocliesier, N. Y. : » Sir,—I have vvorfced opo of your Morrison Shingle ifa-chines in this town since July last, and it has more than' answered your recommend as well as my exiwetafions.— It has been visited by utfudreda of men, and all pronounce It tiio Jjes't machine fur ip&nulactnrlng rived aud shaved shingles {hey a«ij£ saw- ' I have often mado tifte«n hun­dred In fifteen mlnntles,' and uui do t tany timo under tuvornble clrcumstancesi and many enquiries arc marfe, where they can be obtained, from Canada Lumbermen, as well as other parts. J have mado shingles from plmv dfifjjrr, hemlock, sprucCj.,asb and chesnut timber with equal socccsi In fact, aiiy timber that will split will work

as wej} In this ptanblno. Trulv,

to the lowest grade.

His Ion" expemnre in the pnrchise and and sale of tho above kiwi of Goods, ena­bles him to offer them at tho L O W E S T R A T E S ,

W H O L E S A L E OR R E T A I L .


A L A R O E A N D STBrTul4l>1 D assort-rrrentof - ' ' ••*"'*

F I N E B L A C K , , : . -,


B R O A L K L Q T r l S

A N D 0 A S S I M K R E S , -

mv astonishment, ^ heo, to an hour or two, tho diarrhea , was stopped, and the patient fast recovering.

I continued Its UM', and with the Miinll quantity I h w-iU» mo. saved the lives Of S!T Individuals und had I been

Entvlded with aau(h>knt quantity. 1 lmw n.> »li»ubt or esitatlon In saying!I could bsv« saved the lives of a hun­

dred persons. l

I most v°nlbilly rpcoinmeod its ceneral u.w; fi>r with the Barm of Zanthotva, cbol.-ra aud diarrhea i re cobbed of


By PKOUTY <fc EIJSDGE, 1-tf Bruggiats and Apothecaries, Ford Btreet

O I L S ! O I L S ! -g d \ B A R K E L S B. W H A L E OrL—5 BBLS M. \J> Solar Oil—5 Bbls. Machine!

and for sale by :ry Oil. Just received


strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of pat­ronage.

Just received direct from New York, a fres!.i supply of w l i U P O B T E D

Drags, Medicines, and Cnemicals. LUBIN'8 QEN. TERFL'MEKY, HAIR. TOOTH,


A full and complete assortment of 1 ' a . l n t H , O i l s , I > y e - y t u f f s , just recch ed and tor j

sale cheap, by ~

ski. The above comprise a few of; our latest a rmaL Any j our young men as— ui* vu**v:r..-

Book not on hand, procured at aweek's notice, at the pub- , latc.l to improve the inir.d ami 1 lisher's prices. A share of public patronage Is solicited. j entertainment for ,hc jiassing ho

v . . an Ml<,/.i,fiTire's Tilock. | feature in thb UeparUnent.

1 ston -


No 8d, Mechanic's Block. Ford-Stoet , Ogdeusburgh, N. Y.

goots antr ^\m$.

i l l . I \ T H E BOSTON OA5S.V ,SO£H>AL. d o m i n g or Evening edition, as niay be desirrd. >

' to subscribers by mai'. in any pan ->r the 1'i.u. •'. ~-Lr^ for Six DOLLARS a year. By m<-ans of our FA«T ['RK

[ we are able to keep tlie forms for the D A I L I .lo' K^, veral honr-^ later than any other dafl> p;i|» * a1

Dy. -—iiff-. " ItentJ-t*"

I ' ll ' ' ' ' T V

Drags and Sled ' Var.M-li. &,- . » . - •

i, , : '.

I ' O K D

• Door a!. \- A V-.

V\ • «

t ; » ( K I : K I ! >

F r u i t s a n d N u t s , ' L H l . s T

A a r o n ' s > F M 11

t ^ - ( ash pu


all tlieir lerrors. Yours trulv,

11. M. FAY.

BR U S H E S . — P A I N T BRUSHES, W i l l i _ _

Wash Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Wall and Paste B ^ J , a . l ' O J J t »<<; C X T l t A t T S , a superior ar-Brushes, ArtUt, Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly J p tide for lees, Illai on hand and (br sale by PEOUTY 4 BlNDQE, prepared and auid bv

Fl llcle for lees, Illanc Mii.me, l'les. Puddings, tfcc-

Uf.O. W. VHILBROOK. Druggists.


P s . - T h e Nicaragua sti^uuer K'neb Sum left San Juan del t^ud early In September, lai>6.

^r . _ _, \ ._. , VALUABLE

S P R I N G M E D I C I N E !


c o m p o r i v n c i i A n i o i n i L E C O R D I A L .

Tkfe PE01itl 'A.R M E n l c r S A S f R O P E R T U S . of UiU.preparatlQn ilumaud the attention of ail who

labor under ( X t i t l i r j r e s t i o f l , D y m > c p » i a , A V t ' r t l u i c s s ,

a u d , - G e n e T a l D e b i l i t y , d e c . ^\» a tpniciiu4 restorative, .tt stands unrtvqtled—lnvlg.

T O A R T I S T S .

AR T I S T S ' B R U S H E S , ARTISTS' TUBE Paints, Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, «fcc_ a large

and full assortment constantly on hand and for sale, by PEOUTY & RINDGE,

1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries.


COK!N S T A l t ( ' 1 1 , Manh£aotu.'-ed expressly for Culiuary and Dietetic purposes—a large lot just re­

ceived and for sale by OEj». W. PII lLBEOOK.

CO X ' S C I K L A T I M K,—Stronger than Isinglass,.! ftvr making Jeliy. '

,F^ Q R E N C K W H I T E

_ Ynrnbja, Wblte French Zinc ground in oil. Parts S-feon, Paris "WhitE, VhiUng, Putty, &c Call and see us beforo purchasing elsewhere,,a» our stock: 13 large, and most be sold. P E O T T T A U l N D G E ,

l>ni^rUrta. most


10 1-tf


received, fresi aud good, at P B O U T Y ic RINDGF/S.

For sale bv O E O . W . PHILBROOK.

C A H P H E N E .


; * . i i E A n r S T O C K > O F ' « B « -A . O E B I E S J 0 S T B E C E I V E D ST

A sweet covjutry Lome, witli, fpsgs i

^Tftjavw-uffer ta the S O A D E tho largest stock of

Ever '^ronght to Not jhem gs» T*?^.- Q"l.U" largo^stock

are prep

l i o n e v s u c i f i e s t r a i n e d t o cl i ra l> o y e p i t ; 1 «t T E A wo purchased at Qio auction a j t o la Boston . - . , . ^ vt ' I and New S o r b Our T O B A C C O S wora«)msnuS">

W ttll g o o d t a s t e , i a t e l t lge j lCf i ltjt<l ' f i e a u t y ' • -> "- ' « «™ •« thn nast summer, and wo will sell

within ; toil enough to ujsaafcftjhfi*^. a Qd ieisure enough to «jv^ajecpaSiitflnce with books and flowers, tand the lovliness W na* tore -, with r^aeej plenty and love, is^rrely one of die paradises which Heaven has left ioi- tbe attainment ol man.

Fruit Stealing.

tared expressly-fi)r ns tho past ' rammer, and we wui sen them lower than liny house in ther cttjv Our stock ol STDOJIJCS were purchased bofbre.tbetost rise, and we

spared tojpve our custom,era^bargains, Qor stock of

, PROVISIOJ^S L l t ^ i g B ^ ^ n s f e g n j g o f J p p R K s i F 4 L Q X J U , WLM,Xi ^•we'will sell tow. , . , (

T43WfcJ—Yonnfr Sysfe,1 Ryabh Skin; rrwahtay, Gun­powder, toeriaX Op&ng, Souehpng, H t o u i g . , • _

C ^ f d c t - ^ M i G o ^ r u i n e n i ^ ^ White Java, Elo, S t Domingo. . , . ' Suffjfcrs.-^^Tewi Grleani, Mascorado, Piirto Rico,

Crushed, Powdered, Coffee Crushed, in, hogsheads and j barrels.- - ""•'• "" '

T o I » a c c « ) » « ~ H o n e y Dew, Aromatic, Chewing and' Smoking. - • - - - , * ' ^ ' '

" - • — A J ~ J » — > . T t r i n . h ^ f n . i u M k n i r s ^ B s r d . ,te?srEajt'i „ . „ ! Pale and'Browil, ' lbSS^StSi^BSSSiSSUs^ Mould.

f S S £ r - i S S . E t a , Onrt Mse&BEal aad^er r ihga .

lurrants. and Hlghwlnes, Brandy,



[From the Country Qeiitletmu..]

There is scarcely a cultivator, x>( fine fruit in tlie country, who has not Dten an­noyed by {hut-stealing/and the loss of some new and rare specimens' of 'kinds which he has procured, at ^ e ^ t pains and expense, and ;wstched over for years, is s

much greater loss than if tf oaeJ^feiS been stolen from his pocketbook. W e haye not ^i^ATTdrderaDroiimu:

seen any card on the subieet mere to the - V vErll '?©- & M O R G A N point than the followina, -which, has just .^ ^ntei; street, OgdoralwghrJj-J-

fallen mto our hands, and which wag printed ^- « ~±^L-

&ai posted up, as we are info^iH^ Ivithe -deciiadly beneficial results. Dr, "W^hippo, its author, has long held several"'distin,-,

guishea offices of. trust in PeTjnsylYani^

andamong the rest that of Chief Engineer-

on the canals,.of that State i^-r

"Men, wriirien imd-Dti ia^J j^r^tp .sa jLl ,

a ^ o r d t o y o n . I mean yote ^ljbicflfmB into my otckzid, especially on^.-p^naay^.

and carry off my fruit. Of what? *neitt

will j o u r o b , . ^ 2 1 I S K »

BUTTER & CHEESE BOXES. f » 1 B r E . 4 C 4 ^ C J r i l » £ R ^ ^ « A N K F D T . wt-r

BL-TCEE AND <?IIEE8E DEALERS, -AND DA1KYMEN OF NCjRTHEEN N. Y. OJ CANADA, That wo can supply you with R O X E S of the Qrst quality on reasonable tdrms.

%3B~ All .orde*s.direc}ted to the subscribers will receive I our particular attention}

I BARROWS & PACKARD. Canton, H, 7 „ J/u[}8[]0, JSM. 17-4mp


"ISTEAV": a O O J D S ! A T E . . T.i S W I F T & CO.'s

N e w S t o r e , 7 6 i F b r d - s i t . , c o r n e r S t a t e .

W* A R B N & W B E C £ I V I N Q O t ' H •Oot^ l fom flue. B E S T l i i K D F A C T O E Y In tho

Country. Thd i rdor i hro 'rjuxle and Cn«d» selpetad with great care as to styw atid jtorabBIty, .Our Stuclt is varisd frtrmtbo BEST TO f f l i T c B E A P E S T .



CHILDRENS ' BH0E8 from 2a. t o * 1 ^ 0 ; LADIES '

FtfTE BOOTS fron>»t t o »S; LADIES' 8XIP8

from Is. to $1,60-: LADIES ' BUSKINS from

•64. to »J,76;! BOYS' AUD YOUTH'S

SHOES from. Os. to ti<W; MEN'S


, , JL2S to *o! MEN'S BOOTS

* • fro4 $2,00 to »9,oa

of E n g l i s h , F r e n c h a n d t f u r m a u mauufaeUl'bisSnefirorronrJSrbij iaie prosirat»4tate!of tb'o wrastitu-l-t TO i , e , ear. ' v-t»ri' " " — T ^ V J * - . ^aa—tmpartlnj. an ooergy to the gtomacli, which fortifies . -%„tl ~ LUTO, Jt lSl r e c t n v u a . the system against r4ie change of season and,clunato, and

| should be In the possession of all whb travel. ? % O d H . V l s o a In r e p ns«r)r t S n . K , MARSF-rLL/KS,

ami other styles of

V K S ' r j N t . s j

which will be made to order at short no­

tice, MR. M U R P H Y still stands at the cm-

ling-board, whicli ii< a sufhcicnl guatantv that all

CUSTOBI W O R E will be promptly and satisfactorily done.

Dealers and the public are invited to call and examine the stock,


Oguensburgh, April 19th, ISM. 8-tf

UIOUlu OU ill Cue |>vc»e(»iou >>• u» »uw u » . s - . ^ J.3b>X«»Uej) U^<t,os!nilOT.v'ifecnmt*tnS.iiMrtAltn-dl6Se " complaint, and exigencies peculiar to the female sex.

lL.has Also-been ibtrod a «uro prQrentarl^&'Of A O UE. Prepared ahd kold, wholesale mid reririt by

II . S. HUMPIIBEY, Chesiust and Druggist, No. 2, Eagle Block, Ogdensburgli,

N. Y. 0-ly


ALL SEAS0N8I N o . l O F o S t r e e t .

A L D E N ~ \ * I L A S Is now prepared to offer to his customers and th.6 public, a v e j j largo and oamprchenslvo StoA of^BOOtS nnd SHOES, direct from the best roanniac-turcrs, which, with his own

~w6lI-known manufitoture, constitutes the most varied and assortment to be found In city or country.

' " 1-7



wH A T ' S T H E U S E IN BEING SICK? -r-" Kennedy's Medical Discovery " can be had of

PROOTY i RINDOE, Druggists and Apothecaries,

. p^r.1 ft*«„»> Ominnsbnnrh. N - Y . A L L O N S BOILED LINSEED'OIL—

t , , i v e , l a u d f o r l 5 a | ? ) ^ Y & m y m ^

Dnuj^ists and A[>othecartea.

BA R R T f S TKICOPHEl tUS; Loret!e "Wahpene; Lyon's Knthairon: Bogle's Eluld; Hurd's Gloss:

Jayne's Tonic; McAlister's Oil; Rosemary and O s t o r OU, for the Hair- For sale bv


JU S T RECEIVED, AT GEO. W. PHILllROOICS Apothecary Store, an entire new stoek of Drugs, i

Medicine* and Chemicals, and Fancy Articles, which are warranted of the pure&t quality ; also, all the Puu-nt Med­icines of the day. 84-ti

thus not unfrequently to publl-h important t:t-"'. !-.,•, TWELVE In TWENTi -KU'K It < H KS IS AllVANi E, Tt'-- a' erage circulation of the DAILV .IOCRNAL is tnor> i:m

i double that of any subscription or two cent paper pL .ist-; ed in Boston.

' T H E S E » W I ; E K L Y J O I I O A I ,

containing ail the reading matter of the Daily—;- ;-.:-( ilshed XujuaiiA'a iaid EKHJAI mornings, at rotTi v< — tw

a year.

? B O S T O N J O U R N A L . F O R C A L I F O U M A i is printed on the 4th and 19th of each month. f.>: ;:• . •.; ! by the steamers»of the Sth and 20th. It i* made u; v ... j the greatest care for the information of New EngUun ' in CalffOrnia. Over TWELVE TTJOI'SA.VD COPIES a nu". : | are rtow petit there, which is a much larger eireula:"•:.

than any other paper printed in tlie Atlantic States 1, .-It i:- mailed at tbis office for six <"I:NTS a copy. A i- .-•-.'.

dollar can have one each of sixteen nuinU-rs one they :iiay desire.


- P r -


>^0. 76, FORD STREET, GUbert's B l o c k , ! - ^ ^

Corner of Ford and State fStreeta, nearly opp^i te &-AQ'TOH mid Xetctmen supplied u*Wi nthtr the SL Lawrence Hotel, I zJiUon of the Jol QNAL, on th* most liberal t+rth*

O G D E X S B C B G H , N . T .

A: I A R G E S C P P L V OF BRUSHES,SOAPS, Pomades, Farina, Cologne. Cold Cream, and Aman­

dine for Chapped Hands And Lijis, Hair Oils, Bandoline. Toilet Vuiegafc'Shund's ,Uabaster Tablets, Chalk Balls, tat, etc., just received by GEO. "W. P i l l LBKOOK,

fti-tf , Apothecan-

i Order* for either of the editions of the.Iorp.Nvi inn, I be i> VAUIAULV A. coui'ANiEn by tire CAbH. and ^o^,.1. tv

having i- moved I mMrcwed to C S U B I . E S O . R O G E R S .

.peciflod,). where tliey wdl |-;'.;P con.- | ,0 STATE STREET. B U S I M S .... . . , !„„, , h „ T.OW1-.ST 1 I.ICEs, I B o s t o n i D c c e m > ,

S » ,

O U U jiisttccolvcd andibr Sale by r PRQUTV 1-tf 4 BINDGE.

cornplo; OgdeS sburgh, March 1, I860.


y3akntD»PIt«A.Tar,Bo6iu, ondao-.asspct--' of small wnres pertalDtog^to *he

T ^ ^ n i d i f l s e ^ ^ P W B s i ' csB early 1, . -- tr f

. In fact our Goods and prices * .W,o juallrocolvo-JIE'W' tfOODS •or to; hBTo tbo ttUeleS when cslMd^

M a y S S . l S t ^ - , | , . » .

Ill unit ftb wants of aU. ~ ~ " ~^I/T r»ndendeav-



JACOB AARON Has Just received a splendid Stock o r

READY-MADE CLOTHING, Of the Newest & Latest Fashions!

F o r S p r i n g a n i l S f u i u m e t r W e a r !



Made np from tlie best Cloths which the market affords, and in tho most approved styles, and warranted well

inade,nn<lat prices so low as to defy competition. Ho has also a great variety of V E S T S , of the newest


rof all colors aud grades.


riutacturers ara..spxh a s to enable B00T8 anrTSHOES to the Trade

»ot tho smallest advance from tnamilhcturers' cost Mmxchd, 1856. •• 1-y

1 1 , • . • * ^ -

C J O L J E L E A T H E R , OF P E S I E A B L E QUAL-S 5 - I T T , alio, F r e m * Calf Skins, a t

1-7 A. V H A S ' , No. 10 Ford s t reet

< j i x l > 0 : , ' s EAW LINSE&D OIL— nstrccclvcd and'Ihr Sale by _ I P^QUTY^* RUS

DE 3 I A U A > ' » 1 ' L O U t K N C E V A B S 1 S H A large supply lust received, and ready to be sold to

the first man Uujt calk , PROUTT j t KINDGE.

JA P A N F I V E BARRELS JUS*T BECEIVED bv ' n - t r l PBOUTY & R I N D G E p - t f ]



¥ I B M ' S _ _ J L 4 Boso^orajrjurnfllxipncjreju^wcot ScenteA Bcbrul*^


their Stock of Goods from So. S2. to No. 7<i Ford Street, (.as above specified,)- where thev will V. stantiy on hand and for sale at the LOWEST 1 a large iissortment of

BOOTS & SHOES, Embracing every variety usually kept for sale. Mich as


No . i M J R K I X I ; R E V A R N I S H -ThredBarreUj just received by

PKOUTY & KESDGE, 1-tf Druggists and Apothecaries.


1 A W A & & & "*<

, .- ..., - , . , , u tW r Sl i&rbus t i -fSesa} beJTii.7|^c*ris(iltea iff those affllctolwitfi Cancers,

I would spare more ^eT&et«pi3j.ilian m y

feB«, »iaere is r®tMngj|bal?" ' " " ' ^

riiticS fe_^, „ ...***——

feglftp to^ctee#iB&ISi%

r<^iv%|Mt»Wr^8^ a^ _ t e n Iy^eff i i iSjrssaTcni . i ish Ttn>.tf«irti, tmrlEDgash B t | . hoi, Postdered, Coffee Crashed,

i, and, 9s ha doc:

w a vm*. S A L E A C H O I C E i 'Ice^'iasii ifirrWeakjtlf'DIseHsCjI.Eyca, aiift times, eiflier

* • , r # ? 1 T O ? W T , A ? H i L - 1 , 1 ' l l M m '••- • • H t f b « W * r s < * * N ^ » « » « ? » « to~tb(j euro of Can

^GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS^ "«» ,W - p ^ - • . " . « . - -wbleh:

.. _ n be.iij j f f i r U i b y

g a y , * ^ ^ ^ K - j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ a n T T a r i o n T l d n f c o r W ^ ^ S K ^ f Y t ;

i oOJ i^ tv | | s l Tho4psons t

S6yrup»T-Ste 'waH'« E m u and eonnnofj, Molasses H C T r ^ r ^ s K P j m ^ K l ^ ^ m d p g i i ! ! ^

& o r H r

thrT ^ye Vitbout 'Ynjuring tbo •withont lujurlug tbo health-" ^ b i ^ r y l h g j t o ' h l i n . ,

to m£m-WSCB, Dekalb,


0HAPIN,if9RLBnT & CO., Prpduee, ^oMn^iiqft ^'FjOrwarding

jilerclituitsi ic- G e n e r a l Agen t s .

Pants of every Description


P E O P ^ U W O B S o f p N I O B L r N E o f C A N A L BOATS.

Made from the best goods, sucb as English, French, Gef: tnanf tjnd American Cloths and Casslmf res, & s

Ho bas every vnrlety orsnrnrnej 01o,(Blhg yon, inay call for, which- be will soli at the lowest Cash pjturc, a t his old stand, In King & Averell's CmifltiS Block. FoidBtreet Ogdensburgh, N . T . .

A great variety of Puraisalng,Goods Of "Elclmessi Eleganco and t?§yeUJr of Stylo,,

He hss a largo lot of Boys'and Youth's READV-MADF.

CLOTHING, of all Styles and Pa t toms

T E B S K S and V A L I S E S , of alfkinds and Prices. The public are rospcelnUiy Invited tOr'caJVa'n'fl.esinilno

the- laiga BtoeK ori hand, oral they -wBT flntf Gteoas-wblch chnllonge tlie world to u comparison for durobllir/, variety of style and tatcolldnco of wprlananshljj, '

^ ^ O A i t EA^Y^AHI>E^iarJ5*J4jfla. p . Remember the place, J . AAEO^MlOthing^Emporlunv

Ayeriir* Block, 4li FotU-st, Ogdensburgl),N..Yi Apri l17th | lSSo,' ' • ' n " • 8-tf



"**i.'-*AT%fos-*fjb.r • » I ' I • « ' . ' ••• I I . < •'

Ufyojijai y i p UBAWm W Vnpcr D^currTiop of S b e l t ' a n * H e a v y

' - - • ' i B i w ' r e t ' • •


Ransom &<Go?a Albany Stove Works,

..Mw^GKAkl) "s yf B co., r v o n T H - i DinviQ'S.J joiHts .






C A ^ & S B i . JPJ^ee Tweitiij-ii'iiie Cents. • Sent by m»U, go»f^ia(d,;t0j iby'tddress, on '"

receipt Of SI cents,, m Stamps or Specie,

"From"'the $epptof,{ti» j :> 3- v \AT '• Proprietor *. JTanuMctnrer. %]&

• s » ^ssEj^^^AIJ''«',, *.

FROM m OTHER CATAKBH.;SipPP« tSr^Krerj Box has ihe abdTe cstrfw " Trado M a i V '

to atmicr icn W i t h , b FELONY.

B T - For sale by PBODTY & EINB&E, sieeessors^to Jenne t & P r o ^ , ' 0 ^ e n 8 b m g h f ^ . T . ' « " - ' 7

The Best Spring Medicine is P H I L B R O O R ' S

M E D I C A T E D L O Z E N G E * !

FO B s i p r c H E A B - A C B E , L O S S o r Appetite, Drowsiness, wlch so ninny experience a t

this season of the year. Try them. Prepared only by O. W. PHILBROOK,

Corner of Ford and lsabelln Streets. AGENTS—Ross & Co., Madrid; S, .1. DEvoty, Wad-

dtngton; R. D. BUKHITT and L. E. B. W I S S L O W . Canton ; HootCEBd5CHAi'MA!>,Morristown; H.U2«Tet LAWS, Pot..-datn : J o u s PlCKEXS, IleuvolUm. v

Qgdonsburgh, Feb. '2S, 1S66. 1-tf



VI STATE . 1506.


the i


i i I ! "

»<m w<*fo •<**>*• y^^008"

® E H « ^ \t (HI jQUANTI-' -^nicj£lowj)ric«i.J;

S i S t t t W S .

»&>iMttmFaiS * il t tutto .on, ttu^.:., »,.-S


:/r. •<ia,«:fe-gj<-

T b i s beeVoy ta t t t t i j f&nso l i l dissolved:-andj A


C o n t a i n i n g "about. 4fi.0:-a*c»*,'< a l i ou t He»?*3W»/&if»li«ia^i,«4»i i

Farm, •" ~ •

T ^ U t r f t e vsluaW* W » r ^ y W c r J r o » « r t r t o tb*;vuT»»>: - o f : o f t e a u » K t > » w n m * . t b * ' r ^ e ^

nous*," rftaw«ttb < ) « d ^ b u r ^ * « H « f m ' « H P l » u k

a» line oM jp«w»!in awC WA^BW,simm.va,' «^%nte i | iwS^I»BkBoi>a . -p™ . ^

rship. novs & co.


F U E L — S A V E T O C B H E A L T H I

C O N L Y ' S 5


public as tlie greatest Labdr-Sarlng Article ever discovered, and every .way worthy of the fullest considera­tion. They do the work of the " Laundry" in cold water, either Soft, Hard or Salt, dispensing entirely with Boiling, Pounding, Jfccl, consequently a large amount of fuel antl wear and tear of iclothlng Is saved, and not one-half the, amount of labor Is required to do the washing of a fiunlly.

The tendonoy of these Soaps Is to soften the clothes and. remove tho dirt; in their use the hands are-mode soft, the complexion clear and white. Washing Is done by simply rubbing the Soap on the parts of clothes most soiled, and placing tbent in, water.suuicient to cover them; let thera remain a lew hours; then with a Blighl band-rubbing and good rinsing, they will be perfectly clean and beautifully bleached, und without injury to the most delicate" fabric

The cost of 4bo&e Soaps is no- more than -those ordina­rily used.'. Bcstdes-thUytbe great wear oud lea ro f cloth­ing consequent upon tbo old method of band-rubbtng upon a board machine, pounding barrel, Ac., &e^ is wholly avoided; rind Fuel being entirely dispensed with, au im­mense saving is thus made.

38yapplymg*itl to Carpets, it will remove all Greasa aud spots of dVt without in tho least injuring their color oV-texture.

MERINQES, SILKS, SHAWLS, & c , m a y be washed •with perfect safety. Cotton Goods, Prints of any color that will t ide $n- water alone, ,wbjen washod.wjth these Soaps according to the' directions, TwBl not change, but re­main firm rtndtuo coloHVondereff'more pormnnent.

For removing Grease from Floors, or from any article of Clotoing, i t is. invaluable; and for washing Gilding, Mirrors, Maps, P(lotnres,Eurulture, Dishes, Lamps, Silver-Ware, &i~, &c, ' i t iS6uperlort3tury other Soap, leaving the goodi'Wft aud; free from any odor. gate, attention of •Woolen MauuuMjlure'rs Is particularly called to these (acts. ' •• l . ! . ' - - ' ' ...

L e t « v e ^ ! person give fw Soaps a. trlaV-stbls J s ^ l we ask.- " i_ ' . "^o (

U H l E C T I O N S F O J B - U S E . f \ F O E -WHITE CLOTHES^-EnbU)(fcSoap,freelyonAl-.. - . _ . - _ . „ . - - ' - ' - ^ - H e f t f o * bouts,. soiled spots, andi put them to soak from diitflo fdin^bouts,.

I or over night; tbon Al th ,-a common haud-rubbmg a M I good rinsing, they vriU bo perfectly clcatn, uslng.only cold




Also a large variety of articles in tbo Trade for



MJ'BBERS, The whole assortment havliip been selected v, !th tlte

greatest care, will challenge comparisoni with that of any

N e w A m e r i c a n P a p e r a . t A i B A M .

THE ALBAWTT STATESMAN. D A H , V » S E r a a - W E E K I / l f , W E E K L Y .

G -VITKK? 1 * ICA5« Party and its candidates ov thv Alb»t\ ? u v ' ' ; llwcLsLer, lia.*. rt-mb-rod the i->tablishm«*iit at the fMuK r^

esffitohmont In S t Lawrence County. The long experience of ope of the

both in Ogdensburgh, and at the East, acquaintance wife eastern nmnuiocturors, giya Win sup« rlor facilities * - { , " K — » ^ - i - ••' " - ' prices, and e competition.

rlor facilities for purchasing tlie best articles at Uu- lowest . --• r ^ c e t and e n a b l U m t o a & M hiss tocta t prices Umt defy <"ly ac«>mp!,she<l 1 . J . I T h a K n T I M M l V

itol of another journal.—which shall deserve and nv the confidence of the party—a matter of panum-iir.; ne­cessity. To supply snch an organ, arrange in <-nt> tu^e boon made. n:»l Uu- now paper, undor tho aU-\ t :::.• « -bt- firht published on Monday afternoon. Uie24th "f M:irch, instant

The STATKSMAX will be L«wued jn obedionce to'th. i:er eral sense and demand of the American Party in tiitr "-U'-f and Its maruureinent lias neen confided to hand- <<f -:• doubted fidelii>. and whoso ability is belie veil to b. d2*-quale to tbo t rust

Politically, the STATESMAN will support with \rhait-rr abilitv it pon-ess-os. and with earnest zeaL the riomi:.:i;;-^ of MLLLAKI) FILLMOUE for President and of A>-DI1KW JACKSON DDNKLSON for Vico I'residei.t •• the Ctilted States, believing that betterf nam," fur ill* high offices could pot be prc^-nted to tlie part\ a;i> :1J people. Ardently atta^lu-d to tho princiiilpr- ami ;«'.:'•' «.» the American Party, the paper w«ll advochte thctu :••:>•• onsly, earnestly and continually, until theign-at an-- wta. reforms demanded by the American orgamzatiou stia.. I«

Grocer ies and P D I : V i . "

VT..uM '"a" at:. -: Sl«tin_' "f a e'-nr-a a--"ru ct nt.y purcha.-O'1.

F'rom tbt -v.!. 1-...'n»n'- nf

t h a t CU*t'»Ili fiTlllr! ' J bt^t-faci'.itio- in ti'.- n-w. :-m.ii' faction a- ('•'riu.'r'y

^r- \\\ kinrivof Pr(*l Ogdcnsl i.rcb. Mar* .. ".

G E O R G E j . i

Groceries k Pro Meal, Pork, Fi

Ware. NO J!. I'.r.ANITr'

( X U i K N - i

{^-Ca--N or K',.....'--Go.rf.de.iver..' 1 « ' : 1

.lanuarv 3-:. i < *

w. w Groce r i e s , Fo r i

F i s h , Sal t , an

of I No 2 Main S'."-> ' ' ,M

P O ' ! -

f ^ O l . L K ' I ' T S o 1- Mir

General Coi For the Sale ..f li " " Pot and Pearls Apple. Wo..!, a S. FOULET.




— A I , S d - r




In great variety, abwtholesaije and retail, at the low est liv­ing prices. „ . , ., p ft^* Their S toc t is eulhjery new, and comprises the

Newest Styles, aud from the best ilanutaotuT.-s in the country.- ' 'I

^ ~ Eemember ihe J?lade: Jio, MI» Ford Street, Gilbert's Block, corner of State S t r e e t .

E . I T . - S W I F T & < p . .Ogdensburgh, April 1(^ ,1^66. S-1y

SkAtt mm. HATSy

TH E A T C l i f i ' i direct? fronfr.vthe 2

SOFT PtTE and WpOOIj the Case or Dozen, a t tb;| •wishing to purchase hats on us, V « b a r e tbe la Boston or New York, am

1. Ogdensburgh, April

HATS. !S A R E RECEIVING rsctarers, 5 O 0 « l o z . of T8, which they will sell b y

ery .Lojves$ Figures. Those ell again, wit! do'well U, cai: it-Stock of:Hats this side oi e will sell them very low.

IE. &-T.-C.-'ATfJKESON. .6. . ' 8-rJ"

r i T W H H S - s i l - J « S G I t I R E K S H A V l 7 1

J L q S E l B A X HORSE, 1 yeariold, . Sjuridjauu one 'Double Harness, altnQs^J

.. .new, also one large^double jaarro^'or '*1

Dragg, one good Plow; ana: iDbUulo ,'TCagoJliiwJjlch tbey will sell cheap. Terms of payment made n

Ogdjensbuxgh, April 7th, J858. ON.., -. T-tf


j raUnaHe,W|gRpB|i |«t^ps^T.ene«s,Ldia lr->«tatl>lloUttl, LIVIJT C o w j l a i n t , H e a r t

m .«

t | c e , . •-• wij0iEHN'n*V« F0EKEDA

, _ . a » I » t o * »»ii«e»nd firm of ProftT , t o oarry <* t h* Pahrt arid Oil, a n d D m g anrfl *••"*-•" -*H»» '»nfaw twoneW-vOt t a s o l * 1

H.T. " HfwBJiihiii 1 ^ '

M&B&mi-the ^nUmsmmm 9g&*n*tmxgh,

•ell OT siit i ing* ( to i ^ « 5 ^ M S « » « r upon MfavofabW t « r m . s s " C T g S ^ , f l r W . r ' F l o u r l n g Mill S t t e

'•;i^8f4-w «• rrii•&-uiJ*»\ 1i|Sf,fe?i'.' g ,'WYtp^*fs :«i m^OTfrsma}.''-

B d S | 2 p l N Q AND MAHOGAJSY-s^lSasfcia weak'suds K, |ufwttMiciotb aTiitiw, « m. -,«'

.—TTarnii w g e r can be nsed tfdetire$t> s ^ _ ThajstttotiotLOf TOioTosale and Kefaul estabjlsu-'

riientsIsriaraotu^rr^fiiiufeatoahoseBoBPs. (,'• K . F # ^ e r b y < 5 » c e r a C T q e j ¥ B y . A < j .• " W-. f All orders promptly amended; toyby

• - • • - • .'-E. B ; A t t E S . ^ s o : " ' '"

A&.K* ty&m™^^.

- ITIBiMI f l * " " G | 0 O D M ' i L c H C O W , 1 M B %_W 3 yenrB Wd. Terms of payment made j

" ' B- & T. C. ATCHESON. tJOgrren5btrrgirjA!i>rilTrti|I8a(lr ••••-•&:- ~-sj.it

iwTork; hizih


?il**i^1|-*'*Ktl«g|^t*»i,*A»i',] » » S l f - i 5 o ^ * ' ^ S ^ t W K ^ . •»»*;-;

i |M.* |whi l . j a#kV«i i l«M*P»t i **t«• •:

„ **» . - <-y,', . - , - ' l; Oanvm, 8t r**. CrvS. V."


^ f c l



IfhiA&B. r *Ai» *•««• «•»».« isjuai«»*-ji3jjKii •L^T^maJaokMiaCeuBrTimber ; arsoforGakanaTifm-i

• y » r M f c < b ^ l r « 4 ^ - S ^ < o * p S i o ^ a v M v e | ^ dimsbrjrgb'Morln? KaWDT Campmv'ti.mj^f^L 1mA Iiulbrmflon,»toJuATlfysnvtjI^Mi«%o'^^

iRICIK|3|^p#| BRI0K1ML Sraie?©ufcS^er* '»i ia^6Tubltr^ I j o k v t l»M«K.'anaae--JA^:1»Mso<-*itiiTcstra eaS

i2^^^^^iS2?'P««^^^iT^« * to15!!!*


aHANDELISR FOR • ^ t j i r t ' -

v*~r*---V"-:?WL3>'~& "l*MI O^^.T^I.^,^'

The STATESUAS will be published rigidly on the (.ASB SVBTEM, at the following rates:

Daily paper, per annum, in advance $6 00 Semi-\\"eekly *• " 2 *»o Weekly M « ' . . s. 10i»

The STATESMAJJ will be of ample dimensions, and wii-have no superior among the papers published at Albau. in mechanical execution, or as a vehicle of general tisteifl- ii gence. It is the design of both publishers and oditors w render the STATESMAN not only a worthy champion of tb* jp American Cause, Its principles and candidates, but al>" ai %_ acceptable Journal to the general reading public.

Ail orders must be accompanied with the ruon*^. aDii J addressed to MUNSELL &*Co. 'f:

Proprietors of the Albany Statttniaa ;.. 7S State Street, Albam £

ALBANY, March IS, 1S56. ' % The urrdersigned take pleasure in recommending the g;

STATESMAN" to the conildenceaud support of the Americaa; ^ ofthv Stnt^;, and unite In expressing the hope that a. the | C-entral Journal of the Party, it wilt enjoy a wide circuia- F tion. J- T. HBADLEY. g


6 ^ m N. S. BENTON.

inxmkxt Wkm-%m\$, i H . F . M I L L A R D ' S


T5 5 E Subscriber, who bas bean , long a resident of Ogdensb''.rgK,

aud is familiar wrifii the tasb?s of its cit-4 - 5 - 5 - - ^ teens, worjia^ayBto^tiiem^diat'jcts no*

...recelyingpfjom Boston -and -New.Torlt, .ji ( G e n e r a l A s s o r t m e t i U o f I l a s r i i o r j a b i o F o m i t u r e ' among Tvbicn may be found .

t ;OOTOip : & :€Oi

i t s , of every varietr

S o p p g g raa^to-I%5ra>rf:''j,ogaay and "WuGiut Iforbte-top, Center ,Janoy ' ^ s i d e - f a b l e s .

and Book-Shelves, of the latest styles. . Ifobogany jtnd.aS-jcE ^Walnut Genter,- and C a r d -t a b l e s . .

QuartettetSoS", ana Sest \T»bIes. ' Mw^ogony e ^ d B l a c k . ' V f o J r ^ ^ a r l O T . ^ l l i ^ j s of va-

Mahop-iny Frepch. B s ^ M g a a a S J S p J b e a «od- com­mon ijedBteads: togeaSr \v«3f "a 'onolMSssbrtinent of L * o l t i n K G l a s s e s , i s i tb fiUtand-a&hoganEftames. &cnoice-Wof best E n g U s b ; m i r ^ a s r S B f W d a g o o d

i supply of Cane-seat Eoctog,Dlr4rjg,Ma.r^arlrjri0halrs. . . b - . J t ^ . - . M . irratfuiSc'tures and b:eeps S r a y S o a l B i S d »

.good supply o f . I J a s E e a . a s j B o o f c ^ C a s e a f c a W m a g l a d • P e t t m i r t ^ , l i g h t and Wasb smimgme&st wttt, *Kft -n,v«>o««^vin«..e of artlolca ustiuuy^uitd|&2 tb»

{-^-rar t .e- c ' l - i sale through -hern « advanw'N w„e . re-, husines.^- ar'l*' amount of tra ihey iss.u ^ ',' '•'"" the'produce M:.-l.'-which will be -."' '- '

C A 1 . V ' W Q O L E S A L E

Dl Woolens. Tall-ir'!- T Readv-made l.Li'11 Ford-sjxeet. Opiensl-


,, Variety and MEC1IANI'"* I


W I L L Whole

Ready-Ha Cassimere«. Vestins

Wrappers. Cravat Clothing.

No. 86 MEC i-y

~ E M Man

Hats, Ca Lsdles' and Gentler

Children's Fancv sortment of

tt- Cash paid f P e t e , at the old sta Ogdensburgh. M »

Hat, ( F 0 E D 6 T K E E 1

Alwavs on hand, Caps, of everyd.

Muffs. Eur Gloves rtnes. ChUdrenSI than can be boggb

-eW Store No.

i »

m Ma,

Trtti the Wholeeatd.-,-. ~ best fln^.FrttiiStJrre Woie-reoms.

iraspr, KSV»S stt,. {JQgKBS. .0*, S^TjfcSfraist-,.

.OGPESSSjIlJr&tKHvflf., IE, - . ,-

JSk, r«y, '»btTO-gaoaH^wGafrIagfts , ima<»reIulai , f l J ^ ^ t ^ f t ^ h j j r j i j r . bq bbb^ir^-AVf^ftourMifUieday

Betel, or a t tboiOfflcoof; tbo Stablei tviU b s watterl upon

m » U a 1 r a t t " l i » l t 5 e p p l l * n a T S ^ % B p i j l the St. Xawreuco Coaqbi-i-Faie, Twenty«fv< .passenger. - - ^ - - » « « a M s .

! ^ r l « 5 A i » r

and tdmalea. .Orders ftoin. tk* Mrtntrysuppliea »t a mo-] tt>®ses ^ P t l p ^ A HBA'SSIS and p e i ^ r a l attendioce to

frff-Wft: v.. ' :.-' ^ ° p 5 b g r ^ j H i g e h l s t , l S 5 5 . _

tot^l!!y?a*^' 'IvlSVft^WMQEl ttt TO

;f..WTlmaa*t*lrffl :f



M a s K j . sprlrnc ' i % i

i t toa.Itakfitblsi: BS-WflirSs'*' "*•* ' '"-Etmo& sfetati ietfTiii i tElri i t 'c




Bools, S' F O E B S T

H I U M SO - TA2


S b o e m a ' PATEN"

Riitafil£ •oqldTespeci

JTB,tU«tb6* | n O e n t i s aeWrSptUw of

ts b ^ E a r M c

* B 8 :



^ s » %

^ v ^ 4 b