dundas bi features - a single business intelligence (bi) platform - dashboards, reports, scorecards,...

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    Dundas BI 2.6

    For deeper, faster insightsTry it now for free >




    Dundas BI is an enterprise-level business intelligence, data analytics and dashboard software forbuilding and using interactive dashboards, reports, scorecards, and more.

    There are different types of views in Dundas BI that all display data using data visualizations whichare connected to metric sets.


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    Easy, smart drag and drop design toolsFully customizable visualizations to create personal and professional dashboard viewsWide range of visualizations, styles and themesResponsive design options

    Our enterprise-level, self-service dashboards in Dundas BI let you monitor and measureperformance and business metrics in real-time. You can visualize and analyze data from across theorganization on your dashboard, helping you gain valuable insight and drive accurate decisionmaking.

    With easy, smart and intuitive design tools using drag and drop you can quickly design dashboardsand reports.

    On the Dundas BI dashboard, you can add data visualizations, or components and arrange themanywhere on the canvas. Our dashboards allow you to filter, sort, group, re-visualize, drill-downand perform advanced calculations through an easy to use interface. Our Drag and Drop interface

    allows you to browse all of your measures and dimensions, and then plot them onto a chart, grid orother advanced visualizations for instant analysis. Dundas BI provides an array of predefined bestpractice data visualization configurations you can simply use to compose your dashboard.

    Our dashboards are web-based and mobile optimized, which enables users to access any data,anywhere with a web connection. You can build, share and view fully interactive dashboardsdirectly in your HTML5 browser without any additional desktop application. With many dashboardproperties, scripting options and a full open API, Dundas BI is the most customizable andextensible dashboard creation platform for data visualization.

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    Hover-over and click actions (custom mouse interactions)Navigation (drill-down to another dashboard or view, forward/back buttons)Data filters (dates, categories, etc.)

    Our built-in filtering and navigation make it easy for users to get to the data they need,while designers can define their own interactions using custom scripts. Some possibilitiesinclude:

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    Communication and Collaboration Tools

    Customizable buttonsCustomize how the dashboard responds to interactions (mouse-clicks, hovers, etc.)


    Change any property or attribute of your dashboardSave preferred styles to apply them to other data visualizationsShare saved styles available to other dashboards, projects and usersModify the attributes and layout of dashboardsBuild and save full dashboard templates to maintain consistent styling

    Just about any visual aspect of your dashboard can be modified to fit your own customdashboard designs. Dundas BI offers complete control over your visual design.

    You know that numbers don't always tell the full story. Sometimes there's a reason why yourbusiness metrics are distorted. Dundas offers dashboard solutions that allow you to tell the properstory with not only data, but also text notifications and notes.

    Dundas BI lets you annotate any metric with questions and comments, respond to another user'scomments, and view conversations so that your data is always presented in the proper context.


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    Storytelling – Slideshows can be used to present certain insights via a series of views forminga logical business story during a business meeting presentation or discussion. For example,you can start with the high-level view of the sales results and then show a second view withmore visualization and analysis about a certain region leading to a conclusion and set of required actions. The advantage of using the slideshow mode for this use case is that theslideshow is directly connected to the live view, allowing for answers to other questions thatmay come up during the discussion using the live views and latest data rather than having to"park" that question and answer it later if you were to use a static PowerPoint presentation.Large Screen Automated Displays - A slideshow lets you display a dashboard or other view

    for a configurable duration before it is swapped out with the next view in the sequence henceautomating the display loop. This provides an easy way to display important dashboards on aflat panel in a corporate hallway setting, operations centers, kiosks, etc. Large screen displaysare a good way to engage users and encourage a certain behavior by providing informativeviews and creating healthy competition.

    Post questions, comments and follow-ups directly on specific metrics or data pointsRequest follow-up or action to be taken on specific areas of concern or opportunityKeep comments organized in a conversation threadControl who sees your commentsCollapse and expand notes so they don't get in the way of the dataBe notified by email when someone replies to your note

    A note is a type of comment that users can make while viewing a dashboard. With notesyou can:


    Send reports on a schedule to a group of usersReceive email alerts when something goes wrong with your businessCustomize each message and specify recipients

    A notification is an automated email that's sent out in response to an event. Dundas BI canbe set up to send automatic notifications when data reaches certain conditions, or whensomeone responds to a comment you made on a dashboard. Dashboards can be emailed toa list of users on a recurring schedule, like a weekly sales report. With notifications you can:

    Similar to a PowerPoint presentation, slideshows allows users to define their own selection of dashboards or other views in sequence. There are two main use cases for slideshows:

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    Data VisualizationsWe're famous for our visualizationsOur customizable and powerful data visualizations are famous in the industry, and represent nearly20 years of technology leadership and innovation. You will be amazed by the power and flexibilityof our data visualizations.

    Our data visualizations help you to create best practice, interactive dashboards and rich reports forcomplete data insight.

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    Superb Interactivity

    Data Interactions - Drill down/up, changing aggregation level (instead of drilling down on aspecific year, view the entire chart at the month level), sorting, filtering, zoom in/out,grouping and expanding are easily available from the right click context menu and don'trequire any IT assistance for setup.Chart Animated Transitions - Dundas BI carefully separates out and smoothly transitionsdifferent kinds of changes: changes to data point positions and colors based on values, charttype changes, changes to axis reference points, and advanced interactions such as drill down,

    Dundas BI visualizations are extremely interactive, engaging the users and helping to understanddata better and faster. While custom interactivity can be easily added, the visualizations alreadyinclude a great deal of interactivity without requiring any setup, simply out of the box:

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    drill up, changing level, filtering, sorting, grouping, and zooming in or out to allow viewers tobetter and more visually understand changes to data points when doing any kind of analysis.Dundas BI also staggers changes to a series of data points to reduce the number of movements viewers see at any one time.Re-Visualizing - Changing any visualization into any other visualization of choice is a matterof a simple click and selection. Users can opt to view the data in a bar chart, re-visualize it toa map visualization and then to a table as they see fit for their data and needs.Data Brushing - Automatic brushing allows users to see where the same data is representedin another visualization instantly when moving the mouse over it or interacting with it on atablet. Identifying relationships and related performance points becomes an easier task whenyour data responds to your actions.

    Rich, Interactive Scorecards

    Scorecards display progress over time. They allow you to display state indicators and provide visualfeedback linked directly to your KPIs according to pre-determined business rules or thresholds.Having a fast and easy way to determine the status of a business metric makes it far easier to takeaction and make appropriate decisions more quickly and accurately.

    Our scorecard designer in Dundas BI builds a table of data and/or visualizations with a pixel-precisecustomizable layout, able to combine together any types of visualizations. Scorecards can then beviewed on their own or used as part of a dashboard.

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    Data and user notesMixed chart typesColor rules for highlighting values using colorsStates for conditional formatting or coloring rangesX & Y axes with smart axis labeling, major & minor tick marks, major & minor grid lines,customizable intervals, data point markers, secondary axes, multiple axes per chart sidefor multiple seriesAlignment for lining up axes and axis value ranges for multiple chartsSupport for plotting against numeric (including logarithmic), date/time and categorical

    scalesSettings for controlling the appearance of everything above, such as colors, gradients,borders and line dash stylesChart transitions (animations) to support easy data discovery including changing of levelsand scale when you drill down or sort

    Chart features include:

    Gauges visualize dynamic data on an ongoing basis.They are best used when displaying values against

    targets or historical values allowing for a quick view,so they offer a complementary function to charts thatare used for showing more details.

    Gauges are often used in dashboard applications forthe manufacturing and financial sectors, where KPIsand other critical data are monitored in real time.

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    Supports ESRI shape files that are built in or provided by the userVisualizes data via color-coded shapes ("choropleth") and in addition, predefined mapelement properties can bind to data (i.e. color, border, other visual properties)Visualizes data via bubbles or symbols of varying sizes centered above geographic areasPlot customizable symbols using geographic coordinates from a data source and use their

    Dundas BI's gauge supports linear, radial (circular) and pie gauge types, as well as a wide variety of appearances and styles such as bullet graphs. Circular gauges support semi-circle, quarter-circle, orcustom angle layouts, while users can also change visual-element properties like scales, pointersand ranges, which put context to pointer values and can also indicate a particular state.

    Our Dundas BI map provides a level of visualization and interactivity that goes far beyond what canbe achieved with a data table or graph. Use our mapping component to enhance your dashboardby displaying (and customizing) a wide variety of maps, making your geographic data far easier toread and interpret. Add custom actions to your maps to control or filter what data is displayed onthe dashboard/report by region, city or other map element.

    Maps are effective tools for sales or marketing reports, and can be used to show population details,density of material, office locations, etc. The Dundas BI Map visualization includes maps of continents, states, countries, regions and more:

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    values to vary their sizes and colorsVisualizes varying widths and colors of paths such as roads and waterways by their valuesProvides mouse/touch panning and mouse/touch zoomingOffers standard projections: Equirectangular and MercatorIncludes legend integrationAutomatic selection of maps and zoom level based on data


    Data Labels


    The treemap is a hierarchical visualization that shows a distribution of values using differently sizedand colored rectangles. Since there are two dimensions (size and color), the treemap can conveytwo pieces of information for each item. Treemaps are great for visually displaying the relative sizesand values of a large number of distinct items.

    The Data Label allows you to add a data-driven text labelto your data views. The Data Label can be easilycustomized to support different text states and displaystyles can be changed dynamically using colors, fonts,symbols and currency. Data labels also support animated highlighting of real-time data changes.

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    Sparklines are lightweight graphs designed to convey many data trends in a small space. Sparklinescan be placed in a report or a scorecard to give historical context to your metrics.


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    The state indicator represents the state of your data using an indicator that changes color orshape. The shape (such as an up or down arrow) indicates the direction of the metric,whereas the color indicates the current performance. State indicators can be placed in adashboard or within a table or scorecard to provide graphical indication of performance.


    One type of indicator is the Harvey Ball (also known as a Booz Ball or FAIZ ball), whichconveys a score such as a quality or safety rating.

    Customize your data views by easily adding a diagram (XAML or SVG) to your dashboard/reportproviding greater context and at-a-glance viewing for quick decision making. Diagram shapes arebound to your data and update dynamically based on your latest data values. Use diagrams tovisualize processes or complex parts views (i.e. body, airplane, manufacturing plant map) that are

    updating their parts color based on the latest values in your database.

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    ReportingIntuitive reporting in Dundas BIWith Dundas BI, you can create any business intelligence report your organization needs, whethermulti-page reports or ad-hoc reports. Our BI and dashboard reporting tool gives you an easy butstructured way to create complex views involving repeated visualizations, just by using drag-and-drop operations. All of the required details can be easily combined into a single report andgrouped as needed for maximum insight. The reporting tool functionality includes the same drag-and-drop design experience as our dashboards, metric sets, and analysis/data discovery.

    Reports are ideal for displaying a lot of data in a multi-page report with a fixed layout. Whether

    working with a handful of records or thousands, users can access and read the report easily in bothcases in Dundas BI. The BI and dashboard reporting tool in Dundas BI provides specific capabilitiesallowing for automation of the entire reports usage process including email delivery schedulingand printing.

    Reports can be interactive just like dashboards but they are often designed to be simply viewed orexported and printed. When using reports in conjunction with dashboards, you can create a farmore effective process, and save your organization the time spent preparing reports like routine

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    Ad Hoc Reporting Tools

    Dundas BI is web-based and provides easy-to-use reporting tools to help create ad hoc reportswhen you need to quickly drill deeper into your information. With the ad hoc reporting tools inDundas BI, you can create reports on-the-fly to display information that may be outside your

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    regular BI reporting.

    A good reporting tool can easily accommodate the creation of ad hoc reports for both businessand technical users. Flexible, ad hoc reporting allows the business user to access critical informationfor analysis and distribution quickly and with no assistance from IT required. The self-service, real-time analysis with scheduled distribution of reports in Dundas BI streamlines access to theinformation users need for quick decision making.

    Dundas BI offers a full immersive experience on both desktop and mobile. The entire platform isbuilt with mobile-first in mind using HTML5, and does not require any special apps or downloads.You can create, view and share your Dashboards, Reports and Scorecards on desktop and mobileseamlessly, or even do data analysis on mobile devices.


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    The client-side of the Dundas BI platform is based entirely on the latest web standardsincluding HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3. This means Dundas BI works and looks the same ona desktop as it does on a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone. Users getimmediate access to analyze and view their business data without having to use customapplications. The HTML5 interface will allow you to deploy at once to all mobile platformssupporting HTML5 browsing such as iOS, Android, Windows or BlackBerry without having todevelop and maintain a dedicated solution for each.

    The user interface of Dundas BI was designed to be touch friendly so you can even designdashboards, reports and perform data analysis directly on a tablet without having toreconnect to your desktop.


    Scale – zoom in to maximize the available screen size without compromising theaspect ratioResize – dynamically show more or less data points based on the device availablescreen size. The difference between scale and resize is that scale could produce a very"small view" of the charts and other visualization data points if the screen size is verysmall while resize will show less data points but they will be readable even on a

    Dundas BI offers Pinch to Zoom capabilities allowing users to focus on the differentvisualizations. Within a specific visualizations such as a bar chart, Dundas BI offers the abilityto select data points and zoom in to that selection or out of the selection to see all pointsagain. In addition, it supports tap actions to drill down/up into the different hierarchy levelsof the displayed data points or apply any other data interaction. Tap and hold can also beused to expose additional information such as custom tooltips.

    Aside from the touch gestures, there are also built in capabilities that support automatic

    resize based on the available screen size.

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    smaller screen

    AnalyticsGet a tailored experience by user type for self-served real-time visual access and analytics forall your data, information and results. Experience predictive and advanced data analytics,stunning data visualizations and on-the-fly data analysis in any format, on any device, withDundas BI. Our business intelligence and data analytics software enables you to quickly realizethe business value of your data.

    Business users can view, create, interact with, monitor and share key business metrics, withouthaving to involve their organization's technical team. With our data exploration process, userscan easily turn their data insights into their own powerful dashboards and reports and sharethose with others. Users can create data connectors, metric sets, hierarchies, dashboards andreports, and use established data cubes and cube perspectives for simplified data discovery.

    From the interactive designer screen in Dundas BI, you can easily explore available datasources and use intuitive operations to arrange dashboard, report or scorecard views of yourdata. For further analysis, you can easily apply period over period comparison or formulacalculations to data using a familiar expression interface. Smart defaults and automatic datapreparation are used throughout Dundas BI to provide a streamlined workflow, which meansthere are fewer steps needed to progress from your data to desired visuals.

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    Predictive and Advanced Data Analytics

    Use R language to uncover patterns in your data and predict trends. The R Language Analysistransform lets you write scripts using the R programming language to perform statistical andpredictive analysis on data. Using R language for advanced statistical computing and Dundas BI tovisualize and interact with the results gives you the best of both worlds. In addition to R, Dundas BIfeatures advanced interactivity and intuitive data discovery operations including drag and drop forre-ordering and re-grouping as well as superior data analysis with trend and forecasting, priorityranking and statistics for data manipulation.

    EXPLORE YOUR DATARight from the home screen, users can access a blank canvas where they can start creating adashboard. They can easily see which data and metric sets are available to them in theirproject. A Metric Set is like a slice of a multi-dimensional data cube. It specifies a set of measures as well as which dimensions are on which axis, and which filters are available. Bysimply dragging the Metric Set on the dashboard, the user will be presented with thedefault view (i.e. a table or a chart).

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    Users can also drag data directly from their PC right onto the dashboard (i.e. Excel file ordiagrams), and then perform various actions including copy, move and edit. They can alsoeasily see their data structures including database table fields and cube measures anddimensions, and then drag and drop them onto the dashboard for further data discovery,filtering, sorting, grouping and drill downs to learn more about their data. Explore, analyzeand visualize all your data, with Dundas BI business intelligence and data analytics software.


    Hierarchies – easily interact with multi-dimensional hierarchies including geographicand product hierarchies. Very intuitive process with enhanced filtering, sorting,grouping and drill downsTime Dimensions – automatically aggregate your date based data into years, half

    years, quarters, months, weeks and daysMetric Sets – easily refine the available data for quick development and ease of useData Tools – setup contextual metrics to support your data analysis including periodover period, states setup and formulasFormula Visualizations - generate new visualizations out of formula calculations orautomatically summarize your data distribution via one click box plots setup

    Dundas BI advanced data analytics auto-detects hierarchies and time dimensions thatenable powerful drill-down/up.

    Analyze your data faster and thoroughly, and improve performance in all areas of yourbusiness with Dundas BI, visual data analytics software.

    PlatformWith Dundas BI, you can connect to a variety of data sources including RDBMS, OLAP, Flat files,Big Data, Web services and more.

    Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) capability is built directly into Dundas BI via our data cube layer.Simply add transform nodes to a data cube and connect them together to perform datacleansing or join tables sourced from different databases. The output of a data cube can bestored within the Dundas BI data warehouse for improved performance. Users can also buildan in-memory analytical model of the data to enable even faster results for analytical queries.With data cubes, even non-technical users can easily discover and analyze data.

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    Dundas BI connects directly to any data sources in real-time. As soon as your data changes,your dashboards and reports will be updated automatically without needing to generate a newreport.


    Microsoft SQL Server 2005+MySQL 5.0.45 or higherOracle 10g or higherOracle XE 10g or higherTeradata Database 12.0+Microsoft AccessPostgreSQLODBC


    Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) 2005+SAP NetWeaver BW 7.0+Microsoft PowerPivotOracle Hyperion Essbase 11


    Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft AccessComma-delimited (CSV) and other delimited text

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    Data Connectors tell the software how to access your data.Data Cubes define how the data is broken up into measures and hierarchies (dimensions).Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process such as data unification, transformation and cleansingoperations can also be performed at this level.Metric Sets define the aspect of the data which will be viewed, including which dimensionsare going on which axis.

    dBase (.dbf) filesXML files


    Amazon Redshift

    Google BigQueryGoogle SheetsSQL AzureSharePoint ListsSharePoint Excel ServicesGoogle AnalyticsSalesforce CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRMOpen Data Protocol (Windows Azure DataMarket, SharePoint 2010, etc.)Custom Web Services


    DB2HiveInformixIngresPervasive PSQLQuickbooksReutersSASSPSSSQL AnywhereVertica

    Dundas BI uses an optional layered approach to bring the data from its original source to yourscreen. With this unified data layer approach, users can interact with and analyze data irrespective

    of the data source. At a high-level, the approach includes

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    Dashboards, Reports and Scorecards for presenting and analyzing the data in a user-friendlyway.

    Easily Integrates Into Existing Systems and Applications

    With an open, flexible platform and full API support and extended scripting, Dundas BI can be

    IntegrationEmbedded BI with seamless data integrationDundas BI is an open, fully programmable platform that was designed with customization,extensibility and ease of integration in mind. With an open and flexible platform, Dundas BIsupports many levels of customizations from simple end user configurations to CSS styling andfull scripting.

    For a consistent customer experience, Embedded BI software should easily integrate into yourexisting systems and look and work like your other applications. Dundas BI features one open,flexible BI platform that can consolidate data from any data source, providing seamless datadelivery and a consistent user experience.

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    easily integrated and embedded into existing systems, applications and administrationDundas BI can be seamlessly embedded into existing systems such as Client Portals, yourIntranet or your CRM systemAPIs also allow for easy integration and support for authentication, user management andadministration



    Authentication API – manage users, change security settings and log users in and out


    Better BI experience and increased user adoptionLower learning curve and less training required for usersEase of integration and customization with a single solutionBetter access control and managementIncreased security and governance

    With Dundas BI, you can build, share and view web-based dashboards and reports directlyin your business application. As Dundas BI is a server-based technology, it requires very littlework to install, manage, extend and upgrade.


    SharePointBasic HTML pagesMobile-friendly HTML5 pagesWeb applications

    Dundas BI can be embedded and integrated into existing websites adding powerfulinteractive dashboards and reports to your internal or public websites. Dundas BI easilyintegrates with all major web technologies, including:

    Dundas BI provides optional support for Windows authentication. This means that users can log into Dundas BI using a Single Sign On (SSO) with their Windows domain credentials. Businessesrunning non-Windows networks can either use our built-in account management system, orintegrate with a custom network using our public authentication API.

    For most organizations, Dundas BI provides all of the required functionality out-of-the-box. For therest, we provide public APIs so developers can customize and extend the platform to your specificneeds:

  • 8/15/2019 Dundas BI Features - A Single Business Intelligence (BI) Platform - Dashboards, Reports, Scorecards, Charts and An…


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    Visualization Controls API – add your own visualizationsData Providers API – connect to legacy or otherwise unsupported data sourceExport API – export data into new formatsFile System API – manage Dundas BI file system objectsFormulas API – create new mathematical formulas that users can add to their dashboardsAccounts Provider API – Sync users, groups and tenants with your existing applications


    Microsoft Technology Integration

    Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL)Microsoft Analysis Services (SSAS)SharePoint lists and Excel ServicesMicrosoft Office (Excel, Access)Windows Security (authentication and

    impersonation)Microsoft IISMicrosoft Dynamics CRMWindows AzurePowerPivotSharePoint and SharePoint Online integrationExport to Excel and PowerPoint

    Dundas BI has built-in support for multi-tenant deployment scenarios allowing you to easily createand manage tenants in a single instance which are isolated from each other, add accounts forspecific tenants and customize the license seats for each tenant individually.

    Dundas BI provides end-to-end support forthe full Microsoft BI (MSBI) stack andintegrates with your entire suite of MicrosoftBI technologies, including:

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