dusty dawn development inc. a.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/development_services/2009/05...dusty dawn...

April 17, 2009 City of Oshawa Members of the Development Serv~ces Comttee 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, Ontario L1I-I 327 Dear Members of the Council, RE: Dusty Dawn Development Inc. Future Development Block Phase 4 - Draft Plan of Subdivision S-0-2004-04 - Southwest Corner of Harmony Road North & Coldstream Drive For your information, we have enclosed a copy of our recent communications with Paul Ralph regardmg our application to amend the Taunton Part I1 Plan and Zoning By-Law No. 60-94 for Approval of a Revision to our Draft Plan of Sub&vision S-0-2004-04. Due to much public opposition to our previously proposed condominium townhouse development whch was heard at the Development Services Committee Public Meeting on September 8,2009, we have revised our application to address what we understand to be all of the concerns put forth by Committee members and the Stonecrest community. We are advised that your planning staff wdl hold a Public Meeting at your Development Services Committee meeting scheduled for May 25,2009. Should you have any questions or concerns regardmg ths revised proposal feel free to contact Beth Halpenny at 416-774-2190 or 416-449-1 340. Thank you, DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. Jessica A. Pompho, B.U.R. P1. Junior Planner, Land Development Encl. c.c: Paul Ralph, City of Oshawa Valerie Field, City of Oshawa 3751 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1 W 324 Tel: 416.449.1340 Fax: 416.449.6438; 416.449.1073

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Page 1: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323

April 17, 2009

City of Oshawa Members of the Development Serv~ces C o m t t e e 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, Ontario L1I-I 327

Dear Members of the Council,

RE: Dusty Dawn Development Inc. Future Development Block Phase 4 - Draft Plan of Subdivision S-0-2004-04 - Southwest Corner of Harmony Road North & Coldstream Drive

For your information, we have enclosed a copy of our recent communications with Paul Ralph regardmg our application to amend the Taunton Part I1 Plan and Zoning By-Law No. 60-94 for Approval of a Revision to our Draft Plan of Sub&vision S-0-2004-04. Due to much public opposition to our previously proposed condominium townhouse development whch was heard at the Development Services Committee Public Meeting on September 8,2009, we have revised our application to address what we understand to be all of the concerns put forth by Committee members and the Stonecrest community. We are advised that your planning staff wdl hold a Public Meeting at your Development Services Committee meeting scheduled for May 25,2009.

Should you have any questions or concerns regardmg ths revised proposal feel free to contact Beth Halpenny at 41 6-774-2190 or 41 6-449-1 340.


Jessica A. Pompho, B.U.R. P1. Junior Planner, Land Development


c.c: Paul Ralph, City of Oshawa Valerie Field, City of Oshawa

3751 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1 W 324 Tel: 41 6.449.1340 Fax: 41 6.449.6438; 41 6.449.1073

Page 2: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323

* ' SE;ZNAS ASSOCIATES 0 member OF The Sernas Group Inc

110 Scotia Court T.905.686.6402 Unit 41 F.905.432.7877

\-- Whitby, ON sernas.com L1 N 8Y7

April 8, 2009

City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street South Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 327

Attention: Mr. Paul Ralph

Dear Sir:

Re: Municipal Engineering Services

Land Development Planning

Development Management

Water Resources Management

Acoustical Engineering

Geomorphic & Environmental Sciences

Transportation Planning

Applications to Amend the Taunton Part II Plan and Zoning By-law No. 60-94 for Approval of a Revision to Draft Plan of Subdivision S-0-2004-04 Southwest Corner of Harmony Road North & Coldstream Drive Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323

We are writing further to the initial submission of the above noted subject applications on June 11, 2008 and the Public Meeting of the Development Services Committee held on September 8, 2008 in respect of same.

Subsequent to the public meeting and in response to the many comments of concern raised at that meeting and submissions made to the City of Oshawa from neighbouring property owners within and adjacent to the Stonecrest community, our Client has given consideration to a number of alternative development scenarios as suggested by some members of the Committee at the September 8, 2008 meeting. Most recently, our Client has had discussions with the Ward Councillor and Chair of the Development Services Committee which have led to this submission of a revised proposed Red-line Revision to the approved Dusty Dawn Draft Plan S-0-2004-04 for the purposes of introducing a new product to this development. Our Client hopes this revision will foster the support of residents within Great Gulf's Stonecrest Community. Accordingly, please find enclosed thirty (30) copies and one (1) reduction of a revised proposed red-line revision plan.

Specifically, Great Gulf heard at the public meeting, resident concerns surrounding the condominium tenure which was proposed, with the types of units contemplated by the previous application and understood there to be support for introducing more of the on street town house product already marketed within the development. Accordingly, this revised plan presents a fundamental change from stackedlblock townhouse units with condominium tenure to a plan comprised of units with freehold tenure.

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City of Oshawa Mr. Paul Ralph April 8, 2009 Page 2

Moreover, rather than introducing more on street townhouses, our Client is proposing semi-detached and linked semi units. These are a larger product than street townhouses which the community may see as being more compatible with existing single family homes. The proposal is for a mix of 18.4 metre and 13.6 metre semi-detached lots with 9.2 metre and 6.8 metre unit widths respectively. The 9.2 metre units are proposed to be detached above ground, thus having an appearance of a single family home.

It should be noted that the area of red-line revision has been expanded to include the street townhouses fronting the west side of Rennie Street which were previously draft approved and this plan proposes to convert these units to predominantly 13.6 metre semi detached lots. Units previously draft approved for 12 metre single family lots on the south side of Coldstream Drive which were to be revised for a stacked townhouse product, will now remain as approved.

The relevant statistics for the proposed red-line revision are:

Gross Area of Revision: 7.324 ha Public Roads: 2.10 ha Landscape Strip: 0.044 ha Net Residential Area: 5.18 ha

9.2 metre Semi-detached: 96 Units 6.8 metre Semi-detached: 92 Units Total Units 188 Units

Net Density 36.3 Units per hectare

Functional Servicing

It should be noted that the proposed local road pattern is similar to that which was proposed when the original Draft Plan of Subdivision was under consideration. The Functional Servicing Report dated November 2004 addressed municipal servicing and stormwater management requirements for the plan. Please find attached a letter from Mr. R.F. Tranquada, P.Eng, of Sernas Associates which concludes that the overall servicing and grading for the revised plan is in conformance with the approved Functional Servicing Study and that adequate storm, sanitary and water services are in place for this development.

Page 4: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323

City of Oshawa Mr. Paul Ralph April 8, 2009 Page 3

Official Plan Amendment

The proposed density of the area affected by the red-line revision is 36.3 units per hectare. Under the Taunton Part II Plan, this area is within the Medium Density I Residential category for which most of the site is already designated however, an amendment is required to replace the remnant Medium Density I1 designation with a Medium Density I designation. To ensure consistency with the City's intent per the Part I Official Plan and in accordance with the requirements of the Region of Durham, an Official Plan Amendment is still required to the Part II Plan to identify the eastlwest collector road through this block to ultimately connect with Harmony Road. Please find attached a revised Official Plan Amendment to put in place those amendments required to permit approval of the revised red-line plan of subdivision.

Requested Zoning Provisions

The proposed semi-detached units would typically be zoned R2 under By-law 60-94. However, the proposed lots would not conform to all of the definitions and performance standards of the parent comprehensive zoning by-law. Attached is a listing of the special zoning provisions required to implement the product proposed as part of the revised re-zoning request.

We trust that the above is satisfactory and self-explanatory. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,


Principal, ~ l a n 8 n g Manager


cc: ti Dusty Dawn Development Inc., Attn: Ms. E. Halpenny Goodmans, Attn: Ms. R. Houser

Page 5: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323
Page 6: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323

S E F Z N A S ASSOCIATES fi member OF The Sernss 5ruup lfic

Municipal Engliieering Seivlces

Larlcl Deuelopmer~t P l a n n t ~ g

Develuprlient M a n a g e m e n t

Water Resources M a n a g e m e n t

4couct icbi E n g ~ n e e r t n g

Geornarpkrt, & Envcronnlental Sclencus

Transportat)ari Pianirlrig

April 3, 2009

The Corporation of the City of Oshawa 50 Centre Street North Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 327

Attention: Mr. Paul Ralph Director of Planning Services

Dear Sir:

45 Vogell Road T.905.5083371 Suite 306 F ,905.508.2599 Richmond Hill, O N sernas.com L4B 3P6

Re: Revised Redline Revision Dusty Dawn - Phase IV Draft Plan of Subdivision - S-0-2004-04 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323.100

In reference to the revised draft plan set out on Sernas Associates Plan (04323) DP-2, dated April 2009, we have reviewed the development concept in relation to the original functional servicing study submitted at the time of the original draft plan approval.

The road layout is identical and the development density is reduced. The overall grading of the current revision would follow the concept established in the functional servicing report.

Therefore, we can conclude that the overall servicing and grading for the revised plan, dealing with Phase 4, is in conformance with the approved functional servicing study and, that adequate storm, sanitary and water services are in place with Phase 4.

We trust this letter meets your needs. Should you require anything further, please advise.

Yours truly,


Richard F. Tranquada, M.B.A., P. El Principal, Regional Manager (York)


cc: Dusty Dawn Development Inc., Attn: Ms. Beth Halpenny Sernas Associates, Attn: Mr. Bryce Jordan

Page 7: DUSTY DAWN DEVELOPMENT INC. A.app.oshawa.ca/agendas/Development_Services/2009/05...Dusty Dawn Developments Inc. Future Development Block - Phase 4 City of Oshawa Our Proiect No. 04323





The purpose of this Amendment is to amend the Part II Plan for the Taunton Planning Area to permit semi-detached development with an average density of 36.3 units per hectare on lands just north of Taunton Road and west of Harmony Road.

The lands to which this Amendment applies are within Lot 5, Concession 4 in the City of Oshawa. They are generally located just north of Taunton Road and extend northward to Coldstream Drive with some frontage on the west side of Harmony Road. The lands are shown on Exhibit 'A',

This Amendment is based upon an application by Dusty Dawn Development Inc. to develop lands that had previously been identified as lands for Future Development in Draft Plan S-0-2004-04. After a thorough review, City Council is satisfied that the proposed development can be properly integrated into the area and has due regard for the locational criteria for Medium Density I development set out in the Part I Official Plan.

ACTUAL AMENDMENT: This Amendment to the Taunton Part II Plan consists of the following text and the attached Exhibit 'A'.

The Taunton Part II Plan in the Oshawa Official Plan is hereby amended by amending Schedule 'A' Taunton Land Use and Road Plan as follows:

(i) Re-designating certain lands to the west of Harmony Road, north of Taunton Road from Medium Density II Residential to Medium Density I Residential as shown on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment.

(ii) Adding a collector road from Clearbrook Drive to Harmony Road as shown on Exhibit 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this Amendment.

IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Oshawa Official Plan, the Taunton Part II Plan as amended regarding the implementation of the plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment.

INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Oshawa Official Plan, the Taunton Part II Plan as amended regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment.

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PROPOSED ZONING: R2 Zone Category (Table 7.2) to permit semi-detached units.

There are two lot types proposed:

Special Provisions for 9.2m units

(a) Provision which allows the semi-detached units to be linked below grade

(b) Semi-Detached Building on a Corner Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 20.5m (ii) Minimum lot area - 575m2

(c) Semi-Detached Building on an lnterior Lot (i) Minimum lot area - 505m2

(d) Semi-Detached Building on Corner Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 11.3m (ii) Minimum lot area - 310m2

(e) Semi-Detached Dwelling on lnterior Lot (i) Minimum lot area - 250m2

Special Provisions for 6.8m units

(a) Semi-Detached Building on a Corner Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 16Am (ii) Minimum lot area - 560m2

(b) Semi-Detached Building on an lnterior Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 13.6m (ii) Minimum lot area - 41 Om2

(c) Semi-Detached Building on Corner Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 9.6m

(d) Semi-Detached Dwelling on lnterior Lot (i) Minimum lot frontage - 6.8m (ii) Minimum lot area - 205m2

(e) Exception for Lot 484 (i) Semi-detached Building on lnterior Lot

Minimum lot area - 400m2 Minimum rear yard depth - 6.0m

(ii) Semi-detached Dwelling on lnterior Lot Minimum lot area - 185m2 Minimum rear yard depth - 6.0m