dusty rose design book

1 PR Capstone December 2015

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Page 1: Dusty Rose Design Book


PR Capstone

December 2015

Page 2: Dusty Rose Design Book


Table of Contents

Contact................................................................................3Executive Summary.....................................................4SWOT Analysis..................................................5-6Website Facelift............................................................7The New and Improved Website......................8About Me Page.............................................................9Online Shopping..........................................................10Contact/Events.............................................................11Look Book.............................................................12-18Photo Shoot.......................................................,20-25Video Script..................................................................31Blog/Press...........................................................32-36Evolution of the New Logo.................................37

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Pamela Arbelaez

Hannah Sellers

Allie Dethmers

Lizzy Rosenberg

[email protected] (347) 753- 4170

[email protected] (845) 544- 5514

[email protected](440) 226-1571

[email protected](203) 644-6774

Page 4: Dusty Rose Design Book


Executive Summary It has been a pleasure to work with Dusty Rose throughout this semester. Our days have been infused with the bright colors of the brand’s tie-dye creations and en-riched by the deep history of the industry with which we have developed a great fondness for. Drawing inspiration, from the strong connections consumers feel with tie-dye, we have striven to help expand the Dusty Rose community and create greater accessibility to the company’s handcrafted clothing line.

2XU�ƓUVW�SULRULW\�ZDV�WKH�'XVW\�5RVH�ZHEVLWH��FRQVWUXFWLQJ�D�FRUH�SODWIRUP�IRU�WKH�business. Using other fashion forward lines as inspiration we designed and imple-mented a clean and easy to navigate website that comes up high on search results. The website provides a platform for consumers to familiarize themselves with the business’ tie-dye designs as well as the story behind the label and the high stan-dards it holds. The website also serves as a foundation for the brand’s image by providing access to the Dusty Rose social media sites and Etsy shop as well as con-tact information for business founder Sharon Aronowitz.

Website components such as the video on the history of tie-dye, the photo spread of Dusty Rose models and the copy written about the business and Sharon are all resources that can be used in future public relations print and online material. This ensures that a consistent brand image is generated across platforms. For instance, the social media calendar that guides the timing and content of posts across social platforms throughout the holiday season and beyond incorporates the photos tak-en for the website so as to connect back to the core brand image.

The website and its resources also act as references both for general consumers DQG�FXULRXV�EORJJHUV�WKDW�ZLOO�VHDUFK�LW�RXW��7R�HQFRXUDJH�VXFK�WUDIƓF��ZH�KDYH�ZULW-ten a press release and assembled a list of bloggers and publications that we feel Dusty Rose will resonate with. Along with forwarding the press release, we have in-dicated that certain bloggers could also receive Dusty Rose clothing to experience ƓUVW�KDQG�WKH�ƓQH�TXDOLW\�RI�WKH�FRPSDQ\ōV�SURGXFW��

Having personally seen the excited reactions Dusty Rose tie-dyes elicit, we have felt deeply connected to furthering the work of this brand. From the beginning, it was evident that the Dusty Rose designs are greatly admired within the music festival and craft market circuit that Sharon Aronowitz sells at. It was our goal to take that community online, extending its reach beyond California. We have not only suc-ceeded but exceeded in this endeavor as we have both built an online presence through rich media and offered ways to maintain it beyond our involvement.

We look forward to the continued growth of Dusty Rose and wish to thank Sharon Aronowitz for her support and encouragement during this project.

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SWOT Analysis



Dusty Rose had a number of strengths coming into this project. Each piece of cloth-ing is handmade, which is very popular among fashion enthusiasts, especially to WKRVH�ZKR�YDOXH�TXDOLW\��DQG�GLVDSSURYH�RI�ELJ�EXVLQHVVHV�DQG�PDVV�SURGXFWLRQ��Each piece is also made with non-toxic dyes, and different colors and styles can be UHTXHVWHG�ZKHQ�RUGHUHG��$GGLWLRQDOO\��WKH�EUDQG�FDWHUV�WR�DOO�VKDSHV�DQG�VL]HV��UDQJ-ing from size small in kids, to size XXL in adults. The clothes also strongly appeal to yogis and those attracted to tie dye and hippie culture, so the fact that Sharon has connections allowing her to attend festivals and FUDIWV�IDLUV�LV�YHU\�EHQHƓFLDO�WR�KHU�EXVLQHVV��6KDURQ�DQG�KHU�SDUWQHU�DOVR�KDYH�D�EDVLF�knowledge of social media, which was a good start towards further building her brand.

Dusty Rose had to work on a few things to improve the brand. First, the website was very basic and hard to navigate. None of the links to different pages worked, and none RI�6KDURQōV�FORWKLQJ�ZDV�VROG�RQ�WKH�ZHEVLWH��7KH�ZHEVLWH�IRUPDW�ZDV�GLIƓFXOW�IRU�WR�edit and update, and none of the events Sharon was attended were posted. Overall, it was very unattractive. The few photos on the website that actually featured Dusty Rose products were subpar, and not well integrated into the website. Those who visited the website were unable to get a good idea of the extent of the brand, and would have to navigate to the Dusty Rose Etsy account to buy and see most of Dusty Rose’s inventory. Dusty Rose’s social media was also rarely updated. The Dusty Rose Instagram had less than 10 posts, and the Facebook was only getting updated every few weeks. Sharon was also unsure of how to connect her personal Facebook to the Dusty Rose fan page, so many posts for Dusty Rose were going on her personal Facebook, which isn’t a pub-lic page.

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SWOT Analysis

'XVW\�5RVH�KDV�PDQ\�RSSRUWXQLWLHV�WR�IXUWKHU�EXLOG�LWV�EUDQG��6KDURQōV�TXDOLW\�clothing has provided for a very successful photo shoot, and we were able to compile a look book for the website, which features a variety of Dusty Rose’s bo-hemian-chic clothing, kids clothes and yoga wear. This also allowed us to poten-tially provide any interested bloggers with samples of clothing to feature on their blogs. Sharon and her partner’s basic knowledge of social media also provides for op-portunities to improve Dusty Rose’s social media activity. By providing them with a social media calendar, they will be able to post on a more consistent basis. The holidays are also an opportunity to sell products as gifts. We have provided a press release and a blog outreach for the holidays. We’ve sent these to a list of bloggers to feature on their websites, and to newspapers to feature in their publi-cations.

ThreatsOne of Dusty Rose’s threats includes bigger competition that sells tie-dye and yoga clothing. These bigger brand names, such as Free People and Lulu Lemon, have more advertising and more popularity on social media. Dusty Rose also isn’t sold in stores, and is exclusively sold online, unlike its competitors.

Additionally, San Francisco natives may know about Dusty Rose, as well as friends of Sharon and those who have attended the same events as Sharon, but Dusty Rose has minimum brand awareness compared to other companies of the like.

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Website Facelift

Implementation i}�����}�Ü�Ì��Ì�i�ÜiLÃ�Ìi�Ü>Ã�>��iÃÃi�Ì�>��wÀÃÌ�ÃÌi«����ÀiÛ>�«��}�Ì�i��ÕÃÌÞ�,�Ãi�LÀ>�`°�/�i�«ÀiÛ��ÕÃ�ÜiLÃ�Ìi�Ü>Ã�V�ÕÌÌiÀi`]��>V�i`���v�À�>Ì����>L�ÕÌ�-�>À���>�`�Ì�i�LÀ>�`]�Ü>Ã�`�vwVÕ�Ì�Ì���>Û�}>Ìi�>�`�`�`���Ì��>Ûi�>�V�i>À�«>Ì��Ì��«ÕÀV�>Ãi°�7i�Ü�À�i`�Ì��V��L>Ì�Ì�iÃi��ÃÃÕiÃ�LÞ�ÕÃ��}�ÛiÀÞ�Ã��«�i�ÃÕÀv>Vi�V���Àð�7i��>À�iÃÃi`����ÌÃ��v�«����Ì��ÀiÃi�L�i�Ì�i�`ÕÃÌÞ�À�Ãi�V���À�>�`�>�V��«�i�i�Ì>ÀÞ����>V�����À`iÀ�Ì����}���}�Ì�Ì�i�ÜiLÃ�Ìi�V��Ìi�Ì°�/��VÀi>Ìi�>�«>Ì��Ì��«ÕÀV�>Ãi]�Üi�V��ÃÌÀÕVÌi`�>�V��Ì���}�}>��iÀÞ�Ì�>Ì�>���ÜÃ�«i�«�i�Ì��LÕÞ�Ì�i�V��Ì�iÃ�`�ÀiVÌ�Þ�vÀ���Ì�i�Ã�Ìi�>Ã�Üi���>Ã�«À�Û�`��}�>������Ì���iÀ� ÌÃÞ�Ã��«����V>Ãi�Ì�iÞ�Ü>�Ìi`�ÕÃi�>�`�vviÀi�Ì�«�>Ìv�À�°�Ƃ��Ì�iÀ���«�ÀÌ>�Ì�vi>ÌÕÀi��v�Ì�i��iÜ�Ã�Ìi��Ã�Ì�i�����L���°�/�i�����L����Ã��ÜÃ�`�vviÀi�Ì���`i�Ã�Üi>À��}�Ì�i�«À�`ÕVÌÃ�>�`��Ã�`�Û�`i`�L>Ãi`����`�vviÀi�Ì�Ì�i�iÃ�>�`�ÃÌÞ�ið�/��Ã�}�ÛiÃ�VÕÃÌ��iÀÃ�>�Û�ÃÕ>��Ài«ÀiÃi�Ì>Ì�����v�Ì�i�Û>À��ÕÃ�Ü>ÞÃ�Ì�iÞ�V�Õ�`���V�À«�À>Ìi�Ì�i�LÀ>�`���Ì��Ì�i�À�«iÀÃ��>������°����V��«>À�Ã���Ì��Ì�i�«ÀiÛ��ÕÃ�ÜiLÃ�Ìi�Ì�>Ì����Þ�vi>ÌÕÀi`�Ì�i�V��Ì�iÃ�����>�}iÀÃ]���Ü�Ì�i��ÕÃÌÞ�,�Ãi�`iÃ�}�Ã�>Ài�vi>-ÌÕÀi`����Ì�À�Õ}��>���Ài�`Þ�>��V�«iÀëiVÌ�Ûi°�7i�>Ài��>��Ì>����}�Ì�i�iÛi�ÌÃ�«>}i�Ã��Ì�>Ì�«i�«�i����Ì�i�>Ài>�V>��Ãii�Ü�iÀi�-�>À��½Ã�Ü�À��Ü����Li�Ã��Ü-V>Ãi`°�Ƃ``�Ì���>��Þ]�V��Ì>VÌ�«>}i��>Ã�Lii��i��>�Vi`�Ã��Ì�>Ì�Ì�i�`Þi���ÛiÀÃ�V>��Ài>V���ÕÌ�Ì��-�>À���v�À���Ài���v�À�>Ì���.

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Page 8: Dusty Rose Design Book


The New and Imporved Website

Page 9: Dusty Rose Design Book


About Me Page


Page 10: Dusty Rose Design Book


Online Shopping! -��««��}������i�`�ÀiVÌ�Þ�vÀ���Ì�i�Ã�Ìi�Ã��«��wiÃ�Ì�i�LÕÞ��}�«À�ViÃÃ�v�À�V��ÃÕ�iÀð��Ì�VÀi>ÌiÃ�>�ÛiÀÞ����i>À�>««À�>V�]�Ü��V��«ÀiÛi�ÌÃ�V��ÃÕ�iÀÃ�vÀ���v�À}iÌÌ��}��À��ÛiÀÌ������}�>�«ÕÀV�>Ãi°� ��iÌ�i�iÃÃ]�Ì�i� ÌÃÞ�LÕÌÌ����Ã�ÃÌ������V�Õ`i`�Ã��Ì�>Ì�«ÀiÛ��ÕÃ�V��i�ÌÃ�Ü����>Ûi�ÕÃi`�Ì�>Ì�«�>Ìv�À�����Ì�i�«>ÃÌ�>�`�vii����Ài�V��v�ÀÌ>L�i�Ü�Ì���Ì�>Ài�>L�i�Ì��V��Ì��Õi�LÕÞ��}�vÀ���-�>À���Û�>��iÀ� ÌÃÞ�Ã��«°

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Look Book

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Photo Shoot

Our objective in assembling models for the photo shoots was to showcase

both men and women of different ages, races and body types in order to

show that tie-dye can truly be worn by anyone. Ultimately, our models

included three women in their early 20s, one woman in her 30s and one

woman in her 60s. Due to limited clothing availability, we only had one male

model in his 20s and one young girl that was 3 years old.

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Social Media Facebook

It’s important that Facebook is updated on a more regular basis than it has been in the past. It doesn’t need to be updated everyday, but maybe a few times per week. Recommended posts should include photos from the photoshoot as well as photos featuring customers, friends and family wearing Dusty Rose clothing in their every-day lives.

Captions for these photos, in addition to other posts, should include event updates, any possible sale items or promotions for the holidays, posts about her Etsy, posts about any bloggers who featured Dusty Rose on their blogs, as well as new cloth-ing arrivals. Each post should include related hashtags, including: #tiedye, #boho, #bohochic, #yoga, #nature, #festival, #hippie, #vintage, #handmade and #dustyrose. 7KLV�ZD\��WKRVH�LQWHUHVWHG�WKH�TXDOLWLHV�RI�'XVW\�5RVH�ZLOO�OLNHO\�ƓQG�WKH�'XVW\�5RVH�Facebook page.

The Dusty Rose fanpage should also follow related fan pages for yoga, fashion and bohemian styles. Dusty Rose should “promo for promo” with related these Facebook fan pages, to gain followers with similar interests.

Page 21: Dusty Rose Design Book


Instagram ,QVWDJUDP�VKRXOG�DOVR�EH�XSGDWHG�PRUH�IUHTXHQWO\��PD\EH�D�IHZ�WLPHV�per week. Instagram posts will include photos from the photoshoot, as well as customers wearing her clothes in everyday life, and related pho-tos involving yoga, nature, bohemian celebrities, festivals and crafts fairs.

Captions to these Instagram posts might advertise new pieces of cloth-ing, upcoming events and any possible promotions. Each post should also include a few of the related hashtags above.Some of the Instagram posts should be linked to the Dusty Rose Facebook page, which will ideally encourage Dusty Rose Facebook followers to follow Dusty Rose on Instagram.

Another way Dusty Rose could gain a bigger following would be to “like” and comment on photos from other related accounts. Sharon could message other companies to organize “promo for promo” posts, to gain followers who might be interested in Dusty Rose.

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Pinterest One of the boards that Sharon’s Pinterest should include is “Fashion.” It won’t feature her own clothing, but it will feature other clothes with captions that ad-vise Pinterest users to pair them with Dusty Rose pieces. She should also have a “Yoga” board which will include instructive yoga poses and online classes. It is also advisable to include a “Zen” board, which can feature peaceful places to do yoga, and a “Festival Inspiration” board to include posts about festivals around the world as well as festival fashion photos.

Sharon should also upload photos of her clothes on Pinterest, some of which she could post to her “Fashion” board. These posts will have captions including her website’s URL and all related hashtags.

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Social Media Calander

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Social Media Calander Images

Christmas Countdown

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Social Media Calander

ImagesInternational Women’s Day Mother’s Day

Valentine’s Day Cinco De Mayo

Back to School

National Yoga Day

New Years Columbus Day Fathers Day

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Video Script


TITLE: “Tie-Dye Video”


WRITER: Hannah Sellers & Lizzy Rosenberg


DRAFT: First

DATE: December 3, 2015

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“Formatted Script.doc” • 12/3/15 • 1



1. Various shots of images of tie-dye.

SFX: Up tempo music.

NARRATOR: Tie-dye. A method of producing

textile patterns by tying the fabric to shield parts

from the dye.

2. Shot of people strolling through The Commons

NARRATOR: In the U.S these colorful designs

can be found everywhere,

3. Pan to the The Commons playground

NARRATOR: from children at summer camp

4. Pan to the outdoor yoga practitioners

NARRATOR: to yoga practitioners

5. Fade to music festival images NARRATOR: to music festival goers

6. Pan over various celebrity magazine overs

NARRATOR: to stars walking the red carpet.

7. Fade to a spinning globe that starts at US�

NARRATOR: However, long before tie-dye was

popularized in the U.S. through the counter

culture hippie movement, the dying methods had

been used around the world as early as the 6th


8. �globe pauses at Asia NARRATOR: In fact, many of the world’s oldest

dying practices still exist today.

9. Fade to images of Bandhani textiles

NARRATOR: Bandhani, which originated in

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India, uses intricate dots to form elaborate


10. Cut to Shibori images NARRATOR: Equally stunning are the woven tie-

dyes known as shibori from Japan

11. In faded background globe spins to Africa and images of pits zoom forward.

NARRATOR: as well as the creations from indigo

dye pits found in Nigeria.

12. Fade to vintage footage of dancing and hula-hooping youth

SFX: 60s music

NARRATOR: The vibrant colors and bold

patterns of tie-dye were introduced into American

pop culture in the 1960s as part of the youth

generation’s free-spirited lifestyle

13. Fade to images of rockstars/woodstock

14. Fade to footage of picket signs protesting the war

NARRATOR: with stars such as Jimi Hendrix and

Janis Joplin popularizing the fashion.

NARRATOR: But long after the Vietnam protests

and sexual revolution have subsided,

15. Pan across image of tie-dye bears

SFX: Grateful Dead music

NARRATOR: tie-dye has stuck around with

bands like the Grateful Dead and Phish

maintaining its connection to rock music

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throughout the ’80s and ’90s.

16. Footage of people perusing Kohls/Target

NARRATOR: During the 2000s tie-dye has

experienced a resurgence in popularity, with it

being mass-produced and made nationally

available through big retailers.

17. Transition from hands in retail store to hands making tie-dye

NARRATOR: Yet, to this day, the fine art of tie-

dye and the vibrancy it breathes into fabrics is

still best captured by craftspeople like Sharon


18. Hands reach over and hang up a piece on a cloths line to dry

NARRATOR: Sharon Aronowitz has been an

established tie-dye guru for the last 30 years in

San Francisco.

19. Pan across Sharon’s pieces NARRATOR: After studying graphic design in

college and later going into freelance silk

screening for a few years, Sharon decided it was

time for her to start her own line of tie-dye


20. Zoom in on Dusty Rose tags NARRATOR: While coming up with a name,

Sharon chose “Dusty Rose,” not only after the

classic sultry shade of pink, but also after the

name of her grandmother.

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21. Footage of body putting on a shirt in front of a window framed by the light

NARRATOR: After seeing the immediate

success of the first shirt she designed and sold,

Sharon realized that tie dying was her true


22. Fade to photo of Sharon NARRATOR: She started her small crafts

business, Dusty Rose Designs in the 1980s,

23. Pan across market NARRATOR: mainly selling her products at crafts


SFX: Iron and Wine song begins

24. Cut to screenshot of Etsy shop NARRATOR: Since then, the business has

steadily gained traction distributing Sharon’s

work nationally via her online Etsy shop.

25. Return to market focusing in on customer/business interactions

NARRATOR: All the while, she has continued to

maintain and build upon the relationships formed

with many customers,

26. Fade to image of woman in tie-dye

NARRATOR: providing her bohemian-loving

yogis with colorful, fun and comfortable clothing

27. Fade to image of children in tunnel wearing tie-dye

NARRATOR: from the smallest of the small

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28. Fade to image of older woman wearing tie-dye

NARRATOR: to those who’ve cherished tie-dye

since its arrival in American pop culture.

29. End with page of all Dusty Rose social media sights that fades to shop site

NARRATOR: To see more of Sharon Aronowitz’s

creations visit her shop at:

SFX: Iron and Wine song cresendos

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Page 35: Dusty Rose Design Book


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Page 36: Dusty Rose Design Book



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Page 37: Dusty Rose Design Book


Evolution of The New Logo 6JG�ƂPCN�NQIQ�FGUKIP�KU�C�TGUWNV�QH�C�EQNNCDQTCVKQP�YKVJ�5JCTQP��9G�OCKPVCKPGF�the style of her old logo while adding subtle changes in order to harmonize

KV�YKVJ�VJG�PGY�YGDUKVG��9G�CFFGF�VJG�FWUV[�TQUG�JWGU��DGECWUG�VJG�QTKIKPCN�black-and-white logo felt disconnected with the colorful tie-dye designs the

brand represents.


Orginal Process work Process work 2

final logo