e. c. freyschlag cosh k -tr-mew -r tan ams wans apuvmed. g he nawedwme aamrts. magral sam houstomn...

sh k - -r tR-Mew tan Ams Wans apuvmed. g he NaWedwme Aamrts. magral Sam Houstomn was a handsosn f ixmeutl man," said Judge Thoas* !uMv . Ga ata. Hle was dbMeasUsing thee chem ls of celebrated Tremnee-n. - with whsm e had been Itintmatety eaeuahited. "bb was penod of hig One pereumal ap pmwae, tu" the aged speaker con- i d. "ad there Is toldd f him a story, whi• If tre. will serve to illustrate hi pouthful vauity. When a young ,sts re so rnes. Hors- t•a was in Nashville one day anm was posing on . pr•ainent stret ma whea two or tIbre gildy young l•les pLased by. They were attracted try the handsome man In his showy unifotrn• and after passdi him turned tinr i.-ads is" [ rwhwo that uan i.' one of th a tined to her rchmllmaninhms. **I aua ladlks. Lieutenant I•Houstonl ot the Unit..l State. artly,' said the yoln sandlar, uas h stepped forwarld aa. lifted is rcp as he addressed tl tem. "*deueral Houston told nc once• how he captured General Sanata Asm. Just after theb battle f San Jacinto twoof Hlwaston'u rmen, who were searching fur l.rumners. meamed up a deer. whkih ran through th., tall grass. The frightened animal passed wame to a Mexican. who was eoncoaled in th8e e•abr•,tag who Jedn up in evl- dent strn. Th two imnw atelty necumed the stranger, who asserted that he was a asnamot soldier. "*You are not.' said ola .of hli craptors; look at your emnlroidered rest. You alr an olfcer." Tlhe Mexica•l. In his emhnrras•nmant. ram his tingers into hi jabl ket sprket and drew out an elegant gold snuff-hbo. This more than cvercaused the American, to believe him an oftler. He. o•ofere bthem al ar e smn of money to reklease him, but thng refused, and started with bhmN to Houston's Sent. As they passed a large grup of Mexican prisoners, these meoo ried out that Santa Asna was cep- am msL TTbe Mexican genara, thusa exposed.a ured his captors to take lim at once to General Houston's tent. Hoe re•ranberetl th affair of the Anlmo. aand was afraid he would be usamnarily dealt with by tihe Texan soldiers who began to crowd around. Santa Ana warn, by General HIkouan's order, transferred to Washing- tio, and lom t•here, after he had nade al treaty acknowleding the Independence of Texas, was sent to Meko. Tbe action of General Houston in bringing on the battle of m•a Jacinto wwas darling. lie had the bridge acroan Buffalo ayou destroyed during the night. so that alD avenue of escape for the Mexicalu army was cut off. The mnornsing of thet battle General Houston saki that he. was awak ened by the sus shbining in his face,. and thuht he beheld theh nut, of Austerlith. The lexran. were erlcamied east of his t•iion. Houston waited until the sun ad crossed tlhe heavenas. ant was shining in the face of the Mexicunle before he made( a Ianv•rnemlnt to auIullt their I si- tinn. "'Tbe+ ca.s*loving ipeeple., alhtl time hour of 1 in the afterlumns. twgall (t take their usual sieutas,. in which uInfortunate pleanscre they wre t*r llaragi whel.I Htouint( attacked then,." HISTORY. A (eOnepoettleu by a mahie 5eny m on ts reat Mmot ect. Bill .t' Ti a t . aNftligs. WVIml.a *unm hlad-lacaded old r~olkhge pro- feesor writes a story of suauthilln thsat he dou't knu nuthin about so.lly n a1 t , ll- has read in m.on. okll aggrafy they call it blI.istner llnal ev'eryhouay lweliev eY it. ibut when sum femae womtan writer. ia ato y about ursnmthlin thatt shI does,. kilo nothlll about they don't call it her estory hut Il e eall It a lov.l lntct iveryillly says its a blamed li.. I doln't litletver in histry hint I have got to study for teacher says filat I have I•ot to git an elducation sir git a Iickin. There is..a gonl anaun kinds tof histry and each ,,nte is a little worse thlai tIe. rest of ela. Tienrt i* Ianahluntl istry und natrnal laistry and histry of united states and lhistkries an•mbunt llhitry tells itmut old maks d old old ufncl al old folk. tliat are titel llnd a good nuUany 1rn1n thsat oughlt to be dtd -hllstry of unitld stat'es tells about the countlry we live. I,, andl ti. capital at washington and the war uand a lot of other thingns: there is another hislry of unlted 4Lates which tealls about folks that hlun got married anl•-whell one dies the other nile is called a wiekkr. ,aNt when one runs awayr and leaven the other she il eualled ia grass wktderr merausw slahe don't f••el arr'- hut she feelas greaen. Natural hlistry tells alanot Ihaisl anled birds and '+reiapiU thiings. I have gut tia writ. a conslnosition IuItat lhitry annh I dkn'j cart n alarn which kind so I will rite. about Inaturul histry of tree's. 'It'e'eMs grow out of tote gruaett. masldy tile root. thlty grow Ini thle gro4unml. 1.lm)) tra.cm itlow out its the sp~ring.~ steul thae hlulqw, aar.' alleld blosaott'a ;itul ,soma-tares 1l04 ,att wilfu the' wand blows like - i lttrrrle-atl but whai thue wind Itlow..i & tree itut It statoys out. trees areh vlery usaeful for lot a to chlinh,. If there wasn't 11 tree' in tiale worl.I IMIy woulal litre to elms tel. gruaf ls~h w lurch ttontuhl I,'. a, Lr at' allalcaity. 'I'ha.ra i:. a WEPcwj manlylll Liuau. Iof tr. ee rail.ar caI1 lele taittl.. true,. &I.-utu Iama tree-. taeal 'ons. are t&xletn.su. .Apjtie trees grow'in l th." onllartl LanI ha&ve uLfe"' i.)flk4 on llto inth 11 Ksutntleur aitid tihe apleph's hlave. bchlyalke inI 'Sa -- "is'simtam., trees hae-c chestnuts andI burrs oni ens and they grow I,, tho' forest. A~lutnt.e grow in the waggon haouse a'uul a ln ot lir..v tany taut, on em only the lute thaBt Imold the whor -uq10 o. Maple tre'y'.' d',a't have. t .- V fruit otly stave w~ood hrnlu Ituiltl their nets.t in tre'e's and lay em gw In emi ao biatia- *lelw(- Ihpstiuus hIts. nI4't tIttier i sltonfe and liyta stlln egg over at oyrs eye thay way (11ut t (CI leav- inthe prin but they don't they slay all suttnw tr mes are very healthy to Ie. down tatlner whettt the sul mahinles hot hut wlsHen the sun don't shiniti they ain't gouod for nothing -- the. curlouwet tree I ever red ahastt it a juaita tree the one that hears valns Ieaf fans on it. It don't Brow itu the United States where they d oua't need tans only for Sun-. day afternoons in the sunnnaur but it grows in Africa wheat it Is o hot that bHltlelhld. bees have to earr fans to keep their honey from inciting and the natives are too awful oor to buy a fats so they puck eau romthetrees like apple.. I kio a kIt more about tree. but I won't tell It. inqSIt.s [or e Tec r Party. Vftms Life. He: "Let's go to thU theer to-night. and ask the Hragdou-lverr to go with us. Do you think I'd better get a box '. The bride: "Oh. son; don't got a hoa. Wbet's the use of it? The Llragdon-I-rw maw not very talkative.?rou know. &&nd I'max a ourse I ean't talk above a whipiqar inwuelf..9____ rap.isert.d. Cumaso: "I oe. that a Denver detectivo mgsewies1v dlsappeared." Fangle U' Ibmad the criuinal he was c1 wed t e shock killed bihn.' ONDOS AND STOCKS. Ups ad Dawas Ioa mNrss vales .a tam new Tewk WUubasSm. N1w YTom. Fetb. s. - Inck Itol d werequi• aad nrro with little cbame in quot•s oass outside of a few of the lead. Ing bhave., but bad a stron tone appar- eatly, and aotwwitbhsntdlin the rid upon sa•ae• in the tas hour mnesh of the stoeks weo fraetlnalyr hbtter to-nigl than last eveing. Goerasats were dull. Petrnaeun-Tbe asaret was dull, opn- ing ast Im anald e sians at )0lM. es; t lowest M; ng 1"7X. Cnaldtsel bhamse - Olng atl 306 shighest, 105i; lowest, 101%; clo-y Tlotal sales 7s.000 barrels. •a r-Notml nal. . l-Meadyy a dunestle.B.1. Tinr- ITnscltld ; straitn,. 0W.6. BIar silver-U-B%. losoinE stocks: ('. 3'. 4'0 rigtid*1i 1236 N. 1'. "refcrra-i. 7S' U. 3. 4's 4vMepuU... 12A4 N 4 thwciicru.. t IEST *. 3'. 4!'m rseu .. 241 N. V.rrCtral..... 11'.i I acs . l's...... l36 (hemgusl&Dn'Wt. . 44 American Kamrs' I33 (Irew'. *Sl1**. 00', t'an. PISC((kt...... 741 IOlnfNwu MI la m a Us ' Cma. ralutiwan .... 3 Irra am. Ou2ttlatl .. as Central Ira....... .tla4t*c ('w Mall. 37's Ilurlinglun...... L ". krudips ........ 40 Lackawana .1. Iud a.... .V hadk 1 ....... - Shver&s. i.... 1b-, u. Pian... ..... W% .AIus& IL. I. rext.d .acta.x.. . W. .. ....... .. ~c ... t~? lake xUbor a ....... brwt, 'rcrrsn..... ... . .y.awls.latrnsit... $4 "ciated lRatersE. kti rI t'acUM " 7t1 Y5I)rn r'IIab ... 33'. Nuitbera raactae.. 33 UAuaC ottMo On.. -96 Money on call easy. 417. Prime mercatt ile pa r. 4%46 Sterling Buchange- i e ; sixty- dlay hila, L4.l54 dematd, $L4& . Mining quotatinnat as follows: Alin....... I Eb Nltr. Noreros.. -To Amnalor...... .. Ito luaraake..... 7rai ... ... I... 7 0 a lilver . . Ik he ........ 1 itu lyokes . Ilea. Helchrr... 2 ~: I mdepe'aaeuc .. ot.tk. .. bid o 00 Irna Silver...... I 7 Cumnstoek t s cp JO 00 Ieuklan ...... 35 abkouLa. y. H. 13 7 Mutual..........I 0 (bhulas..........a, M00 a.Iao..... I . No ('rowu Pon 1 40 Sew C Coal.... 9a 'ashiet...r...........North Delle Isl' I alS Colnrsdo Ccs........Ontario.. ..... 39 00 Canada #a il........4 mtal......... Cuuounweasth. :a o Plymoutb....... 270 lIdIsanel........ Gal a545 1.aastianu... . Ikadwoud Tea.. I to (avage.......... 1S EurekaCaa... o ao MInerra Nevada.. 235 K) C(lan .. 1 cos Smal Ilopr.... 1I Fatther Lkepoa .. i8 Sutter ('reek.... I ' ar . .. .. utro Tunnl.... I l .(arty.... I 46L' ionCue....... 0o Boston: Closing: AthbTpkc. lot 7's .. Mex. CCn. Con.... I?74 toad get "" " boelsci... ..... - railroad...... 30', t r.t bts. 0e04 Burlington........73 Mtan I3MWo.... 15%. la!, Bourow. Feb. 'J6.-Wool steady; prices about the manne but sliglully weak. Pmowdtr Exphlos.i. IiAVAN.A, Feb. 2'5.-A harel of ipowder explodel yestearday at (renesa stations a suburb to Havana. dtleetmroyig holse and inljuring :U) worklan',.l 7 severely. She Kept Her Nlrkel. I'rnlsl th,.r Nw York Mlin. A rather unuslual inciden't fulrnishlled =etssiikralik* ;Ulllassu.ensent for thwe Impasla•i- gers of tonel. of timh roadway stree't earns tie other day. A youngsl h womlan Iboarrded nIl 'early snlorning car at :i7ths street. N1he was tall. with at tlagualltlcet figure. jet black e.yes. andul a profuuionl of curly. dlark browal hair. It was tihe con~,luctor's fires trill. atd lw rnsll•dl leis eyes .very otcee in awhile in the laudible eadtlcarar to shako off the inhelrt drow.iness of Isis kindtl. lie was musy c.illhctiig the fares. oft two IHatse('gers in ti.e f irw.arl eti of time car anld did not L5ianulrvntly inotice' tihet ecl- tia tlite of the youag woliman, whlo l•ad swunIIg ls.rslf on tIhe iar mi1a1I fashion. Without stolping tine car. Nhe took a •eat near the rear door, extractel a naickel Ifrsis a silk )purse wlhich lshe carried in her hltand. asd salted with a grrnat deal of lpatiellce foe the (coldut(,tor to coasse atrouuld ailitl relieve her of time IiOIIwc. Se did nhtiOt signal hlim to ctmte ald get her fan. i as most wo•snllil do wIhen time condlsctor hiappeou to Ien aI little backwarl its this isull•rtaut detail of Ihis work, illt smie held thel alickel soilm.ewhat Donsceait froum view t xtweenl til. firstr untd secolsd fiagers of her left thand, radtly fire the co~ndctor iif he shoul ask for it. Everytime the conductor col. lee(ted aI fare tie youngl woma•s's face assune il Il uneconscious, far-away and innsaietl look, ali she clung to the nickel with it olill grip. Two or three of the p assengsers were by this tines watching Ira iterest'ally, andtl they Inoted the var•"- lsa expsrasns s of the yaourg woman a euuasstetnsatce with a good deal oif atten tivensess. At land street she rose, gave a swee sling and seathigie look at mount of time male passengelra. aml walked e.dslly and sedately out of tme car. ()nace otu the street her face' was smcEucesd withl a bright ault gladsotloie slmitleof tratillled ambitios,. and Ishe still hold tle nickel tightly ct'helhi'del in her hantd. Nce... y For I a K.wIae-J CrCed. Bill dec Touiglh: "Say. Swiprey, what Siuaulay Mtlirkrl slid yer Jite la.' Christ- tilsu wi~ue): "I jilted ale' Helpitug hand sisji...ie tIsuL sjut left. l)Ldss't Isuave iso t'lsriwutetste tre" maosr aseallru. Ncxt year de Nel iwl&.e eathwlse take 'cunue thiy nuever sueiw cas ui' " Iret te is ig (1j outI. A fellouw o.+' ilesesti't eseaul'r"etansd cne'enl. get.' left Freunth e Iis* *:liadhelsad Thusi. An article gonlsg the rouads of the pres. s.seaks of "Sussereititiots About Bubsh s." This is wruusgf. Therre are iso .upeisati- tions aboest haluies. Of all the hlulr. pIra- tieal. easssuntissae ttal. ,ssechanltal. flatter- os-fact. artittleetl .es.atsreta ils the world{. cu seul us' to a& baby. It onsly lwlicvos Ilk Itself. Three. letst oaf bIlock It. Sltepistis & Bick- fon' additions foer wale eheap. W. H. lkssaenntt. EVANS OPERA HOUSE - Ok Nit;IIT 111T .-- I'huri-,day Evening, Feb. 27th. IThe BI4gInw Ylvo avrit. of tsw Camwy Ntawc. the t'mwruin v aid MthUtd (41urc.0rubc. IISS YBRNONA JARBEAU, In her Irilunt MuSkal (0'umdy. STARLIGHT Itr4'tt wit .a I THE LATEST OPERA GEMS! Pretty faea! Exliublnte boAls. A cwnfpu y of aIkflwbWh1t.I comedy ar e.. Ctachy macga! Ort)riaal mu-It! \t&w 4aot(teto' " Ma bwa l~u're gI r a. beautimfnly c Mtumncd. Wkly.y ti%! Funny aluatioo.. THAT'S ENOUGH._DON'T YOU THINK? deff U. 33a.abo$m. 3'v.pvr and mamg.... E. C. FREYWHRLAG CO Have Knocked the Bottom out of Prices on FURNISHING0GOODS, HATS, CAPS, Etc TO M7RK ROOM~ FOR OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF BOOTS 3 SHOES FOR SPRING g SUMMER Which Will Begin to Arrive in a Few Days, we Will SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK of Furnishing Goods. Consisting of Underwear. Overshirts, Hosiery, Hats. Caps, Etc.. at ACTUAL COST, and a Great Many Articles at Your Own Price to Close Out. Remember, WE HAVE NO SMALL JOB LOTS TO OFFER You at Reduced Prices, but Everything in the Fur- nishing Goods Line Goes Until Closed Out. We Have More Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods Than all the rest of Anaconda put together, and will MAKE PRICES WHERE NO ONE CAN COM- PETE. Call and see for yourself. E.C. FREYSCHLAG & CO Next Door to the Bank. BOOTS -AND- SHOES! For the next thirty days we shall close out all of our broken lots of Boots and Shoes and S:ippers at prices which cannot fail to suit the most economical purchaser. We do this to make room for our new spring stock, which we intend shall be the finest in the city in variety, style and durability. Shall make this a special department, with prices lower than elsewhere. Give us a call and be st- isfied that we do all we advertise. ESTES & CORNELL lercantile Company. * J. C. KEPPLER * Watcntker ad Jeweler, Dealer La DIR7VON DS. Al Grades or Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Op- tlcal Goods, Silverware, Eto. Join J. C. Kepp•er's watchb dub. MONTANA LUMBER AND PRODUCE COMPANY! -DEALEBRS IN- Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, and Mouldings WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLOUR. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed, and Hard and Soft Coal. Agents Continental OR Company. We carry in Stock a Full Line of M"7 ITCH LLS From QUARTZ GEARS to light SPRING WAGONS. Also CLARK. PERRY. STUDEBAKER and <o- -Standard Buggies and GCarriages-- •: And a full line of Road Carts of best makes. Garden City, Clipper and Chilled Plows. A full lime of Peters' and Morley Bros.' Concord Harness. Smith, Worthington & Co.'s Carriage, Buggy and Track Harness. Saddles, Whips. Robes and Dusters, and everything pertaining to this. I'Call and look through our stock. It is complete in all the different lines, and we defy esm- petition. J. T. CARROLL, Manager. LOSEE & MAXWELL Special Noitce. WHEN MERCURY RISES Winter Goods Come Down! We are offering many Bargains in every depart- ment; not at cost, but stacks of winter goods at less than manufacturers' cost. Ladies', Children's and Misses' Cloaks at half price, regardless of cost. We invite the attention of every lady in Anaconda and vicinity to our very large stock of domestic and im- ported Dress Goods, which we are now selling at prices lower thah ever before offtered in the city. Notethese L TN To close out eur prices on I LOI entire stock: $35.oo Suits for - - - $22.o0 $30.oo Suits for - - - $2o.oo $25.oo0 Suits for - - - $16.oo $22.oo Suits for - - - $14.50 $18.oo Suits for - - - $12.00 $x6.oo Suits for - - - $Ii.oo $io.oo Suits for - - - $ 7.50 75 Overcoats to Close AT MANUFACTURER'S COST. We carry the best makes in Men's, SH O ES Ladies' and Children's 1 . An inspection of goods and comparison of prices is earnestly solicited. LOSEE & MAXWELL. LLJOIZI Of VIIA W VV CLL. FRED W. PECKOIIER. Having.purehaued the usiness fomerldy conducted t1y Joseph F. Murray is now &we pared to furnish hie customer with tho finest brands of Domestic, Imported and Key West Cigars To be found in the city. PRL'ITS I ND CONIF BOTION ~ RY Fresh and choice. A well assorted stock of STATIONERY. FRED W. PECKOVER, - Main Street. Anaconda. F. L. ORTON. W. C. ORTON. ORTON BROTHERS. Pianos, Organs and Musical Mdse. Instruments sold on easy installments, Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed. + ORTON BROTHERS, + 305 North Main Street. - - - Butte. Mont

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Page 1: E. C. FREYSCHLAG COsh k -tR-Mew -r tan Ams Wans apuvmed. g he NaWedwme Aamrts. magral Sam Houstomn was a handsosn f ixmeutl man," said Judge Thoas*!uMv . Ga ata. Hle was dbMeasUsing

sh k - -r tR-Mew tan AmsWans apuvmed.

g he NaWedwme Aamrts.magral Sam Houstomn was a handsosnf ixmeutl man," said Judge Thoas*

!uMv . Ga ata. Hle was dbMeasUsing theechem ls of celebrated Tremnee-n.- with whsm e had been Itintmatetyeaeuahited.

"bb was penod of hig One pereumal appmwae, tu" the aged speaker con-

i d. "ad there Is toldd f him a story,whi• • If tre. will serve to illustratehi pouthful vauity. When a young

,sts re so rnes. Hors-t•a was in Nashville one dayanm was posing on . pr•ainent stretma whea two or tIbre gildy youngl•les pLased by. They were attracted trythe handsome man In his showy unifotrn•and after passdi him turned tinr i.-ads

is" [ rwhwo that • uan i.' one ofth a tined to her rchmllmaninhms.**I aua ladlks. Lieutenant I•Houstonl ot

the Unit..l State. artly,' said the yolnsandlar, uas h stepped forwarld aa. liftedis rcp as he addressed tl tem.

"*deueral Houston told nc once• how hecaptured General Sanata Asm. Just aftertheb battle f San Jacinto twoof Hlwaston'urmen, who were searching fur l.rumners.meamed up a deer. whkih ran through th.,tall grass. The frightened animal passedwame to a Mexican. who was eoncoaled in

th8e e•abr•,tag who Jedn up in evl-dent strn. Th two imnw atelty necumedthe stranger, who asserted that he was aasnamot soldier."*You are not.' said ola .of hli craptors;

look at your emnlroidered rest. You alran olfcer."

Tlhe Mexica•l. In his emhnrras•nmant.ram his tingers into hi jabl ket sprketand drew out an elegant gold snuff-hbo.This more than cvercaused the American,to believe him an oftler. He. o•oferebthem al ar e smn of money to reklease

him, but thng refused, and started withbhmN to Houston's Sent. As they passed alarge grup of Mexican prisoners, thesemeoo ried out that Santa Asna was cep-am msL

TTbe Mexican genara, thusa exposed.aured his captors to take lim at once toGeneral Houston's tent. Hoe re•ranberetlth affair of the Anlmo. aand was afraid hewould be usamnarily dealt with by tiheTexan soldiers who began to crowdaround. Santa Ana warn, by GeneralHIkouan's order, transferred to Washing-tio, and lom t•here, after he had nade altreaty acknowleding the Independenceof Texas, was sent to Meko.

Tbe action of General Houston inbringing on the battle of m•a Jacinto wwasdarling. lie had the bridge acroan Buffalo

ayou destroyed during the night. so thatalD avenue of escape for the Mexicalu armywas cut off. The mnornsing of thet battleGeneral Houston saki that he. was awakened by the sus shbining in his face,. andthuht he beheld theh nut, of Austerlith.The lexran. were erlcamied east of his

t•iion. Houston waited until the sunad crossed tlhe heavenas. ant was shining

in the face of the Mexicunle before hemade( a Ianv•rnemlnt to auIullt their I si-tinn.

"'Tbe+ ca.s*loving ipeeple., alhtl timehour of 1 in the afterlumns. twgall (t taketheir usual sieutas,. in which uInfortunatepleanscre they wre t*r llaragi whel.I Htouint(attacked then,."

HISTORY.A (eOnepoettleu by a mahie 5eny m on ts reat

Mmot ect.Bill .t' Ti a

t. aNftligs.

WVIml.a *unm hlad-lacaded old r~olkhge pro-feesor writes a story of suauthilln thsat hedou't knu nuthin about so.lly n a1 t , ll- hasread in m.on. okll aggrafy they call itblI.istner llnal ev'eryhouay lweliev eY it. ibutwhen sum femae womtan writer. ia ato yabout ursnmthlin thatt shI does,. kilo nothlllabout they don't call it her estory hut Il eeall It a lov.l lntct iveryillly says its ablamed li.. I doln't litletver in histry hintI have got to study for teacher says filat Ihave I•ot to git an elducation sir git aIickin.

There is..a gonl anaun kinds tof histryand each ,,nte is a little worse thlai tIe.rest of ela. Tienrt i* Ianahluntl istry undnatrnal laistry and histry of united statesand lhistkries an•mbunt llhitry tells itmutold maks d old old ufncl al old folk. tliatare titel llnd a good nuUany 1rn1n thsatoughlt to be dtd -hllstry of unitld stat'estells about the countlry we live. I,, andl ti.capital at washington and the war uand alot of other thingns: there is another hislryof unlted 4Lates which tealls about folksthat hlun got married anl•-whell one diesthe other nile is called a wiekkr. ,aNt whenone runs awayr and leaven the other she ileualled ia grass wktderr merausw slahe don'tf••el arr'- hut she feelas greaen.

Natural hlistry tells alanot Ihaisl anledbirds and '+reiapiU thiings. I have gut tiawrit. a conslnosition IuItat lhitry annh Idkn'j cart n alarn which kind so I will rite.about Inaturul histry of tree's.

'It'e'eMs grow out of tote gruaett. masldy tileroot. thlty grow Ini thle gro4unml. 1.lm)) tra.cmitlow out its the sp~ring.~ steul thae hlulqw, aar.'

alleld blosaott'a ;itul ,soma- tares 1l04 ,attwilfu the' wand blows like - i lttrrrle-atlbut whai thue wind Itlow..i & tree itut Itstatoys out. trees areh vlery usaeful for lot ato chlinh,. If there wasn't 11 tree' in tialeworl.I IMIy woulal litre to elms tel. gruafls~h w lurch ttontuhl I,'. a, Lr at' allalcaity.

'I'ha.ra i:. a WEPcwj manlylll Liuau. Iof tr. ee

rail.ar caI1 lele taittl.. true,. &I.-utu Iamatree-. taeal 'ons. are t&xletn.su. .Apjtietrees grow'in l th." onllartl LanI ha&ve uLfe"'i.)flk4 on llto inth 11 Ksutntleur aitid tiheapleph's hlave. bchlyalke inI 'Sa -- "is'simtam.,trees hae-c chestnuts andI burrs oni ensand they grow I,, tho' forest. A~lutnt.egrow in the waggon haouse a'uul a ln ot lir..vtany taut, on em only the lute thaBt Imold the

whor -uq10 o. Maple tre'y'.' d',a't have. t .- Vfruit otly stave w~ood hrnlu Ituiltl theirnets.t in tre'e's and lay em gw In emi ao biatia-*lelw(- Ihpstiuus hIts. nI4't tIttier i sltonfeand liyta stlln egg over at oyrs eye thayway (11ut t (CI leav- inthe prinbut they don't they slay all suttnw tr mesare very healthy to Ie. down tatlner whetttthe sul mahinles hot hut wlsHen the sun don'tshiniti they ain't gouod for nothing -- the.curlouwet tree I ever red ahastt it a juaitatree the one that hears valns Ieaf fans onit. It don't Brow itu the United Stateswhere they d oua't need tans only for Sun-.day afternoons in the sunnnaur but it growsin Africa wheat it Is o hot that bHltlelhld.bees have to earr fans to keep theirhoney from inciting and the natives aretoo awful oor to buy a fats so they puckeau romthetrees like apple.. I kio akIt more about tree. but I won't tell It.

inqSIt.s [or e Tec r Party.Vftms Life.

He: "Let's go to thU theer to-night.and ask the Hragdou-lverr to go with us.Do you think I'd better get a box '.

The bride: "Oh. son; don't got a hoa.Wbet's the use of it? The Llragdon-I-rwmaw not very talkative.?rou know. &&nd I'maxa ourse I ean't talk above a whipiqarinwuelf..9____


Cumaso: "I oe. that a Denver detectivomgsewies1v dlsappeared." FangleU' Ibmad the criuinal he was

c1 wed t e shock killed bihn.'


Ups ad Dawas Ioa mNrss vales .a tamnew Tewk WUubasSm.

N1w YTom. Fetb. s. - Inck Itol dwerequi• aad nrro with little cbamein quot•s oass outside of a few of the lead.Ing bhave., but bad a stron tone appar-eatly, and aotwwitbhsntdlin the rid uponsa•ae• in the tas hour mnesh of thestoeks weo fraetlnalyr hbtter to-niglthan last eveing.

Goerasats were dull.Petrnaeun-Tbe asaret was dull, opn-

ing ast Im anald e sians at )0lM.

es; t lowest M; ng 1"7X.Cnaldtsel bhamse - Olng atl

306 shighest, 105i; lowest, 101%; clo-y

Tlotal sales 7s.000 barrels.

•a r-Notml nal. .l-Meadyy a dunestle.B.1.

Tinr- ITnscltld ; straitn,. 0W.6.BIar silver-U-B%.

losoinE stocks:('. 3'. 4'0 rigtid*1i 1236 N. 1'. "refcrra-i. 7S'U. 3. 4's 4vMepuU... 12A4 N 4 thwciicru.. t IEST

*. 3'. 4!'m rseu . .241 N. V.rrCtral..... 11'.i

I acs . l's...... l36 (hemgusl&Dn'Wt. . 44American Kamrs' I33 (Irew'. *Sl1**. 00',t'an. PISC((kt...... 741 IOlnfNwu MI la m a Us 'Cma. ralutiwan .... 3 Irra am. Ou2ttlatl .. asCentral Ira....... .tla4t*c ('w Mall. 37'sIlurlinglun...... L ". krudips ........ 40Lackawana .1. Iud a.... .V hadk 1 ....... -

Shver&s. i.... 1b-, u. Pian... ..... W%.AIus& IL. I. rext.d .acta.x.. . W.

.. ....... .. ~c ... t~?

lake xUbor a ....... brwt, 'rcrrsn..... ... ..y.awls.latrnsit... $4 "ciated lRatersE.

kti rI t'acUM " 7t1 Y5I)rn r'IIab ... 33'.Nuitbera raactae.. 33 UAuaC ottMo On.. -96

Money on call easy. 417.Prime mercatt ile pa r. 4%46Sterling Buchange- i e ; sixty-

dlay hila, L4.l54 dematd, $L4& .Mining quotatinnat as follows:

Alin....... I Eb Nltr. Noreros.. -ToAmnalor...... .. Ito luaraake..... 7rai

... ... I... 7 0 a lilver . .Ik he ........ 1 itu lyokes .Ilea. Helchrr... 2 ~: I mdepe'aaeuc ..

ot.tk. .. bid o 00 Irna Silver...... I 7Cumnstoek t s cp JO 00 Ieuklan ...... 35

abkouLa. y. H. 13 7 Mutual..........I 0(bhulas..........a, M00 a.Iao..... I . No('rowu Pon 1 40 Sew C Coal.... 9a'ashiet...r...........North Delle Isl' I alSColnrsdo Ccs........Ontario.. ..... 39 00

Canada #a il........4 mtal.........Cuuounweasth. :a o Plymoutb....... 270lIdIsanel........ Gal a545 1.aastianu... .Ikadwoud Tea.. I to (avage.......... 1SEurekaCaa... o ao MInerra Nevada.. 235K) C(lan .. 1 cos Smal Ilopr.... 1IFatther Lkepoa .. i8 Sutter ('reek.... I '

ar . .. .. utro Tunnl.... Il .(arty.... I 46L' ionCue....... 0o

Boston: Closing:AthbTpkc. lot 7's .. Mex. CCn. Con.... I?74

toad get "" " boelsci... .....- railroad...... 30', t r.t bts. 0e04

Burlington........73 Mtan I3MWo.... 15%. la!,Bourow. Feb. 'J6.-Wool steady; prices

about the manne but sliglully weak.

Pmowdtr Exphlos.i.

IiAVAN.A, Feb. 2'5.-A harel of ipowderexplodel yestearday at (renesa stations asuburb to Havana. dtleetmroyig holse andinljuring :U) worklan',.l 7 severely.

She Kept Her Nlrkel.I'rnlsl th,.r Nw York Mlin.

A rather unuslual inciden't fulrnishlled=etssiikralik* ;Ulllassu.ensent for thwe Impasla•i-gers of tonel. of timh roadway stree't earns tieother day. A youngsl h womlan IboarrdednIl 'early snlorning car at :i7ths street. N1hewas tall. with at tlagualltlcet figure. jetblack e.yes. andul a profuuionl of curly. dlarkbrowal hair. It was tihe con~,luctor's firestrill. atd lw rnsll•dl leis eyes .very otcee inawhile in the laudible eadtlcarar to shakooff the inhelrt drow.iness of Isis kindtl.lie was musy c.illhctiig the fares. oft twoIHatse('gers in ti.e f irw.arl eti of time caranld did not L5ianulrvntly inotice' tihet ecl-tia tlite of the youag woliman, whlo l•adswunIIg ls.rslf on tIhe iar mi1a1I fashion.Without stolping tine car. Nhe took a•eat near the rear door, extractel a naickelIfrsis a silk )purse wlhich lshe carried in herhltand. asd salted with a grrnat deal oflpatiellce foe the (coldut(,tor to coasseatrouuld ailitl relieve her of timeIiOIIwc. Se did nhtiOt signal hlim toctmte ald get her fan. i as mostwo•snllil do wIhen time condlsctor hiappeouto Ien aI little backwarl its this isull•rtautdetail of Ihis work, illt smie held thel alickelsoilm.ewhat Donsceait froum view t xtweenltil. firstr untd secolsd fiagers of her leftthand, radtly fire the co~ndctor iif he shoulask for it. Everytime the conductor col.lee(ted aI fare tie youngl woma•s's faceassune il Il uneconscious, far-away andinnsaietl look, ali she clung to the nickelwith it olill grip. Two or three of thep assengsers were by this tines watchingIra iterest'ally, andtl they Inoted the var•"-lsa expsrasns s of the yaourg woman aeuuasstetnsatce with a good deal oif attentivensess. At land street she rose, gave aswee sling and seathigie look at mount oftime male passengelra. aml walked e.dsllyand sedately out of tme car. ()nace otu thestreet her face' was smcEucesd withl a brightault gladsotloie slmitleof tratillled ambitios,.and Ishe still hold tle nickel tightlyct'helhi'del in her hantd.

Nce... y For I a K.wIae-J CrCed.Bill dec Touiglh: "Say. Swiprey, what

Siuaulay Mtlirkrl slid yer Jite la.' Christ-tilsu

wi~ue): "I jilted ale' Helpitug handsisji...ie tIsuL sjut left. l)Ldss't Isuave isot'lsriwutetste tre" maosr aseallru. Ncxt year deNel iwl&.e eathwlse take 'cunue thiy nueversueiw cas ui' " Iret te is ig (1j outI. A fellouwo.+' ilesesti't eseaul'r"etansd cne'enl. get.' left

Freunth e Iis* *:liadhelsad Thusi.An article gonlsg the rouads of the pres.

s.seaks of "Sussereititiots About Bubsh s."This is wruusgf. Therre are iso .upeisati-tions aboest haluies. Of all the hlulr. pIra-tieal. easssuntissae ttal. ,ssechanltal. flatter-os-fact. artittleetl .es.atsreta ils the world{.cu seul us' to a& baby. It onsly lwlicvosIlk Itself.

Three. letst oaf bIlock It. Sltepistis & Bick-fon' additions foer wale eheap. W. H.lkssaenntt.


I'huri-,day Evening, Feb. 27th.IThe BI4gInw Ylvo avrit. of tsw Camwy Ntawc. the

t'mwruin v aid MthUtd (41urc.0rubc.

IISS YBRNONA JARBEAU,In her Irilunt MuSkal (0'umdy.

STARLIGHTItr4'tt wit .a I

THE LATEST OPERA GEMS!Pretty faea! Exliublnte boAls.

A cwnfpu y of aIkflwbWh1t.I comedy ar e..Ctachy macga! Ort)riaal mu-It!

\t&w 4aot(teto' " Ma bwa l~u're gI r a. beautimfnlyc Mtumncd. Wkly.y ti%! Funny aluatioo..

THAT'S ENOUGH._DON'T YOU THINK?deff U. 33a.abo$m. 3'v.pvr and mamg....

E. C. FREYWHRLAG COHave Knocked the Bottom out of



BOOTS 3 SHOES FOR SPRING g SUMMERWhich Will Begin to Arrive in a Few Days, we Will

SELL OUR ENTIRE STOCK of Furnishing Goods.Consisting of Underwear. Overshirts, Hosiery, Hats.

Caps, Etc.. at ACTUAL COST, and a Great Many

Articles at Your Own Priceto Close Out. Remember,

WE HAVE NO SMALL JOB LOTS TO OFFERYou at Reduced Prices, but Everything in the Fur-

nishing Goods Line Goes Until Closed Out. We

Have More

Boots, Shoes and Rubber GoodsThan all the rest of Anaconda put together, and will


PETE. Call and see for yourself.

E. C. FREYSCHLAG & CONext Door to the Bank.



For the next thirty dayswe shall close out all of

our broken lots of Boots

and Shoes and S:ippers at

prices which cannot fail tosuit the most economicalpurchaser.

We do this to makeroom for our new springstock, which we intend

shall be the finest in thecity in variety, style anddurability. Shall makethis a special department,with prices lower thanelsewhere.

Give us a call and be st-isfied that we do all we


ESTES & CORNELLlercantile Company.


Watcntker ad Jeweler,Dealer La

DIR7VON DS.Al Grades or

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Op-tlcal Goods, Silverware, Eto.Join J. C. Kepp•er's watchb dub.



Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, and MouldingsWHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLOUR.

Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Hay, Grain, Feed, and Hard and Soft Coal. Agents Continental OR

Company. We carry in Stock a Full Line of



<o- -Standard Buggies and GCarriages-- •:And a full line of Road Carts of best makes. Garden City, Clipper and Chilled Plows. A full lime

of Peters' and Morley Bros.' Concord Harness. Smith, Worthington & Co.'s Carriage, Buggy and TrackHarness. Saddles, Whips. Robes and Dusters, and everything pertaining to this.

I'Call and look through our stock. It is complete in all the different lines, and we defy esm-petition. J. T. CARROLL, Manager.

LOSEE & MAXWELLSpecial Noitce.


Winter Goods Come Down!We are offering many Bargains in every depart-

ment; not at cost, but stacks of winter goods at lessthan manufacturers' cost.

Ladies', Children's and Misses' Cloaks at halfprice, regardless of cost.

We invite the attention of every lady in Anacondaand vicinity to our very large stock of domestic and im-ported Dress Goods, which we are now selling at priceslower thah ever before offtered in the city.

Notethese L TN To close out eurprices on I LOI entire stock:

$35.oo Suits for - - - $22.o0$30.oo Suits for - - - $2o.oo$25.oo0 Suits for - - - $16.oo$22.oo Suits for - - - $14.50$18.oo Suits for - - - $12.00$x6.oo Suits for - - - $Ii.oo$io.oo Suits for - - - $ 7.50

75 Overcoats to CloseAT MANUFACTURER'S COST.

We carry the best makes in Men's, SH O ESLadies' and Children's 1 .

An inspection of goods and comparison of prices isearnestly solicited.


FRED W. PECKOIIER.Having.purehaued the usiness fomerldy conducted t1y Joseph F. Murray is now &we

pared to furnish hie customer with tho finest brands of

Domestic, Imported and Key West CigarsTo be found in the city.

PRL'ITS I ND CONIF BOTION ~ RYFresh and choice. A well assorted stock of STATIONERY.

FRED W. PECKOVER, - Main Street. Anaconda.


ORTON BROTHERS.Pianos, Organs and Musical Mdse.

Instruments sold on easy installments, Pianos and OrgansTuned and Repaired. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

+ ORTON BROTHERS, +305 North Main Street. - - - Butte. Mont